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4-14 Mega Proveedores fae Dematerilesy serivios EL. Folias Importaciony Bxportacion Cel: 984-707538 Cusco, 09 de septiembre del 2020 COTIZACION: BALON AMERICANO DE 10IM3 MARCA NORRIS USA MAS KIT COMPLETO MEDICINAL. SENORES: CHUMBIVILCAS - SANTO TOMAS CANTIDAD | CODIGO | DESCRIPCION PLUNIT. | Total 37 BAL-USA | 1.- BALON DE OXIGENO MEDICINAL DE | S,/3,900.00 | S./144,300.00 kIT-usa | 10M3 PUESTO EN CHUMBIVILCAS MARCA: NORRIS (AMERICANO-USA) ESPECIFICACIONES TECNICAS: ‘+ VALVULA SHERWOOD CGAS4O FABRICACION: AGOSTO 2020 180 9809-1 180 9001:2015, 180 14001 P1290 CAPACIDAD DE SOLTS. PARED: 4.96MIM PESO 55KG ‘+ ADIUNTO FICHA TECNICA 2. REGULADOR DE OXIGENO MEDICINAL DE 02 RELOG. (ENTRADA A LA VALVULA) PROCEDENCIA AMERICANA WESTERN. + CONEXION DE ENTRADA CGAS4O ‘+ CUERPO DE BRONCE CROMADO CON CAMARAS DE ALTA, PRESION © VALVULA INTERNA DE ALUMINIO AJUSTABLE PROTEGE SOBRE PRECIONES ‘+ FILTRO SINTERIZADO PARA MAYOR SEGURIDAD DEL REGULADOR. ¢_ADJUNTO FICHA TECNICA 3.-FRASCO HUMIFICADOR DE OXIGENO CON ROSCA DE METAL © FRASCO DESCARTABLE DE 250ML.CON ROSCA DE METAL CON NIVEL MAXIMO Y MINIMO DE LLENADO 4 CANULA BI-NASAL DE OXIGENO ASEPTICA DESCARTABLE SubTotal__| s/122,288 14 IgV s/ 22,011.86 Total 5,/ 144,300.00 Plazo de Entrega: de 1.5 dias calendario. Confirmada la Compra de los balones con kit, deberd ir un representante a verificar los productos antes del viaje, que se coordinara con los representantes 6 personal de la Mega Proveedores De materiales y serivios E.LRL Importacion y Exportacion RUC: 20491150751 Cel: 984-707538 2-14 Municipalidad, para el transporte hacia Santo Tomas y asi CONFIRMAR LA COMPRA. Toda previa coordinacién. Si necesitan mas balones de oxigeno tenemos en stock en la ciudad del Cusco. Contamos con 50 Balones disponibles. Los Balones ya se encuentran en la ciudad del Cusco. ‘Adjunto Ficha técnica del Balén Americano Declaraciones Juradas Certificados de SO Fotos del Balén Fotos del Manémetro Comunicarse al 984707538 ee. Mega Proveedores EIRL. RUC: 20491150754 Rue sate 3-14 DECLARACION JURADA DE PLAZO DE ENTREGA Yo, Mega Proveedores de Materiales y Servicios E.I.R.L de Nacionalidad Peruana con RUC 20491150751, Direccion: Calle San Pedro N.648 Sucursal Cusco. Declaro bajo juramento que: - Realizaremos la entrega de los Balones Americanos y kit en un plazo de 1a 5 dias habiles en la Provincia de Santo Tomas. Despues de que nos comuniquen oficialmente como Proveedores de los Balones. Me afirmo y me ratifico en lo expresado, en sefial de lo cual firmo el presente documento en la ciudad de Cusco, a los 09 dias del mes de Septiembre, afio 2020. Atentamente NN irraecrenntae Mega Proveedores E.I,R.L RUC: 20491150751 4-14 DECLARACION JURADA DE CUMPLIMIENTOD DE LAS ESPECIFICACIONES TECNICAS Yo, Mega Proveedores de Materiales y Servicios E.I.R.L de Nacionalidad Peruana con RUC 20491150751, Direccion: Calle San Pedro N.648 Sucursal Cusco. Declaro bajo juramento que: - Cumplimos con las Especificaciones Tecnicas de los Balones Americanos. - Cumplimos con la ficha técnica de lo requerido. - Certificados de ISO Me afirmo y me ratifico en lo expresado, en sefial de lo cual firmo el presente documento en la ciudad de Cusco, a los 09 dias del mes de Septiembre, afio 2020. Atentamente Mega Proveedores E.1.R.L RUC: 20491150751 B-14 DECLARACION JURADA Yo, Mega Proveedores de Materiales y Servicios E.I.R.L de Nacionalidad Peruana con RUC 20491150751, Direccion: Calle San Pedro N.648 Sucursal Cusco. Declaro bajo juramento que: - Somos una Empresa Legalmente Constituida en RRPP cumpliendo con todos los vias legales, SUNAT, INSTITUCIONES BANCARIAS. - Hemos vendido Balones de Oxigeno a la Municipalidad Distrital de Ccapacmarea direccién Plaza de Armas S/N. RUC:20224796014 Me afirmo y me ratifico en lo expresado, en sefial de lo cual firmo el presente documento en la ciudad de Cusco, a los 09 dias del mes de Septiembre, afio 2020 Atentamente Mega Proveedores E.1.R.L RUC: 20491150751 “WYN REPORT OF INSPECTION OF GAS CYLINDERS Report # 50962NC CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE Order # a ‘ARROWHEAD INDUSTRIAL SERVICES, USA, Line tem # —--3NC1°10?7 COMPRESSED GAS CYLINDER SPECIALISTS 13537 A SOUTH N.C. 119 P.0. BOX 1000 GRAHAM, N.C, 27253 Customer Order # —-RCT-2020-19 Manufactured by: Norris Cylinder Company Located at: 4818 W. Loop 281, Longview, Texas 75603 USA Manufactured fr: MEGA PROVEEDORES DE MATERIALES Y SERVICIOS EIRL Located at: UUR®. JARDINES DE VIRU JR. VIRU 534 INT. 1 LIMA LIMA RIMAC. CConsigned to: Lima, Located ati MEGA PROVEEDORES DE MATERIALES Y SERVICIOS EIRL Quantiy:250 Sze: 9.016 inches outside diameter by 61.00 Inches long. Product: 8BC370 Volume: 3058.00 cxin(min) Marks stamped int the shoulder ofthe cylinder are: Lot Numbers: 1158 H62 166 Specticaton(s: 3AA2900 TC3AAM222 fee Seriol Number(s): 6625485Y to: 6625734Y incusve, Inspectors: ae a “Test Date(s) A 2» 06 ote Exceptions: Soe attached page “Tare Weights(ves or no): No * ther Macks any) REE 271 mL MADEINUSA + “These Cylinders were made of hot forging from bilet and drawing with open end necked by spinning then driled and tapped. The material used was identied by the folowing heat cace(s) marked on the material: M53 P58 Q02 26 930 ‘The materiel used (A.LS.14130 Chrome-moly) was verified as to chemical analysis and record thereof s attached hereto. Al billet material was inspected and each cylinder was inspected bath before and ater closing ofthe ends al that was ‘accepted was found fee from seams, cracks, laminations and other defects which might prove imtrious tothe sirength of the cylinder. The process of manufacture and heat treatment ofthe cyinders was supervised and found to be efficent and satisfactory. ‘The ender walls were measured and minimum thickness nated was 267 tn. The outside diameter was determined by a dose appreximation to be 9.016 inches, ‘The wall stress was calculated to be 70,000 PSI under and internal pressure of 4843 PSL Hydrostatic tests, flattering tests, tensile tests of material and other tests as preserved ln specication DOT-3AA ‘were made inthe presence ofthe inspector and all material and cyincers accepted were found tobe in compliance withthe requirements ofthese specications. Records thereof are attached hereto. Wey | hereby certify that al ofthese cylinders proved satisfactory In every way and comply withthe reauirements of Department of Transportation DOT-3AA and Transport Canada specication TC3AAM. Excegt As Follons: INCHES 254» MRLIMETERS PSI) HRS? @MEGAMSEAS “age Pst x004ess = eat lg Tapa Weea Ge CAX16306 © MILLIMETERS (mt) SOAR, LBS x 0.45359 = KILOGRAM (kg) et cating Ieper ae ne 29,2020 fepat # ——S0062NC Order # 1 tne tem # Date Exceptions: 730 (dW 212) ISd T66'eor = ¥Z9"69 vaysuay unuUW paunbay dN y08r > isd ¥z9'69 = § =P Oce3a8 I30dOW “AS0NINAD syv9 — WAALS SSFWVAS FIV TIWAIS Isd ‘ounssaud 38a = 4 a. sraeeeent! [rane ais casor GQ) eRe aon Sem me (26n06 42 uo x02 z rBuora - HOVER 2 (dW 22) 15d o00’SOT ZNsUeL - 40q ZTE2) ISOOSEE sanssaad 45) - wopuedaig [wormoqooR prUpUS BLLION s| ra Fee F[(49 68D (OH LIS) SO) #1] suBian pMK> xouddy — PGI iaunssaud ansas 24 — Isfogeunssaud a>asas 100 — biaguadicat aan SEv) dl OF9e saUNIOA 4Bz0K UW — 441 panoyeg a>aed sone 30H "Gy Sepp ay Zee Maipedes verom “uM ~ amjoenaen a syuouiers rediourta ze0es "TaCOR| A'INO 39N3u3434 SI~8800INS-91 YO SI HWE 91 / SiOz WE Lod ‘NOWLVoLsTOaas| 404 ONIMVUG cou se2ty «uu 61220) . m1 .seza0 oe z1avuvanoo uo “(8B001NS-O1 40} a~ozzDK8) 8'az LZ¥ NIC “(@8001NS-91 YO4 3S7-0zZz9a8) 3Sz OZZ0EB) LON Z/1 bi- 1 “(@-022968) 19N ¥1-¥/¢ wer [eorie7e 3682 OU EEE Ee eee ee eee rete ee Perec a Su_| s0rst ees2 30 uu Sepp te 3a. ‘sa_[roreor osre $0 ‘PUL sun t-aore = ‘(NIM «STO su] sa ‘su_[orive wee +0 PUL SNM £-8/1 € - cau Tn ve_| se sa eos ‘6622 eo ‘PUL SNM 1-8/1 € - UW. BEPO Cia ‘Sa__[e0/se7e Tee. 20 BPROIYL UY OSH Jo SoyoyD va] sa GH_[267¥1/et | Sao aFOT 10 a] HO | WAST] SIV Ae B-14 DNV-GL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATE Cenincate Ne: |) | tnsiotesriscaupn dates de: 136004 2018 KE USA-AN ouiay 2012 G4 May 2014-086 ay2023 This is to certify that the management system of Norris Cylinder Company 4818 West Loop 281, Longview, TX, 75603, USA and the sites as mentioned in the appendix accompanying this certificate has been found to conform to the Environmental Management System standard: ISO 14001:2015 This certificate is valid for the following scope: Design, Manufacture and Supply of Low and High Pressure Gas Containment Vessels t ‘SAREE EE hug mann Place andate Forthe issuing ofice Katy apa 208 DW G~ Busnes Assuarce eooRavlo deve ay 7D 16, ACCREDITED a Wiauacewenr svete A ‘ConTIMEATION BOY ‘Gander Tonge Mangement Representative Lek outta of conditions as stout nthe Certain agement may rener tis Cetfiate avo 10-14 DNV-GL Certificate No: 1 16084-2012-RE-USA-ANAB Place and date: Kety,7%,27 Apnl2018, Appendixto Certificate ” Norris Cylinder Company Locetions included in the certification are as follows: Siehame Siehders Seka Norris Cylinder Company (HQ) | 4816 West Loop 281, Longview, TX, | Design, Manufacture and Supply of Low 75603, USA and High Pressure Gas Containment Wessels ores Cynder Company | SET Green Cove Reed, Hants, AL, | Design, Harafocure ond Suppy at Lo 35803, USA and High Pressure Gas Containment vessels Dulla C. Tapia Here a mami ru Rue 20uerioo7aT ¢, 4 fi Rese f SS CED SPE ae Steen arenes yard: Coat a Wty DNV'GL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATE ~ Bie iMPOR T Norris Cylinder Company 4818 West Loop 281, Longview, TX, 75603, USA and the sites as mentioned in the appendix accompanying this certificate has been found to conform to the Quality Management System standard: ISO 9001:2015 This certificate is valid for the following scope: Design, Manufacture and Supply of Low and High Pressure Gas Containment « BIZ IMPORT Place and dat atyiTk 27 Apt 20 « Bi {2c tamer of conditions ast eu nthe CecteatonAereeret may render this Cerca Il RESTS Ue! Sw ee bates iswnee Uae he Forthe issuing ofice: DRY GL Business Assurance 1 ecoRavets one Foden Management Representative \2-14 DNV-GL Certifcate No: 1 16080-2012-AG-USA-ANAB Place and date: Katy, TX,27 April 2018 wom BIZ IMPORT Norris Cylinder Company Locations included in the certification are as follows: SiteNeme Site Address Siescope North Cylinder Company (HQ)_| 4818 West Loop ZBI, Longview, TX, | Design, Manufacture and Supply oF Low] 75603, USA, and High Pressure Gas Containment Vessels Norris Cyinder Company ‘S21 Green Cove Road, Huntsvile, AL, | Design, Manufacture and Supply of low 35803, USA, and High Pressure Gas Containment Vessels «* BIZ IMPORT ‘QERENTE GENERAL RUG aodotts0rst ¢° BIZ IMPORT DullaC, Tapia Herrera SOCAL, {Bek thie ofconiens ac stout m the Cenienton Agreement ray render the Coca val [ACEAESHTES Uni: Sv Gt ouess Assurance USA, nee Page 202 Say CGE ce cs GSV & GSHV Series Global Industrial Gas Valves 3.9 (00m csvset pole rae ca"? Up! ims ememtene iia Ru manne!

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