Himachal Edition HE - 03 - September - 2020 Page 6

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Imran’s diplomatic fiasco

THE TRIBUNE established in 1881
One-point anti-India propaganda ruins Pakistan’s ties with the Arab world
Sushma Swaraj to a meeting of OIC
foreign ministers it hosted last year.
Recognising the implications of

Befitting reply Imran’s blunders, General Bajwa

rushed to Riyadh, with the expectation
that he would meet Crown Prince
India seizes initiative as it thwarts Chinese incursions Salman to sort out differences. There

was, however, no senior Saudi military
HE tactical gains achieved by Indian troops in eastern Ladakh in G PARTHASARATHY
official to receive him, and his ISI chief,
recent days demonstrate the high level of military preparedness CHANCELLOR, JAMMU CENTRAL UNIVERSITY Lt Gen Faiz Hamid, at the airport. Those
that is desirable at all times to confront a persistently hostile and & FORMER HIGH COMMISSIONER TO PAKISTAN who condescended to meet Bajwa later
provocative neighbour. India has managed to occupy several strategical- were the deputy minister for defence

ly important hilltops and other locations, thwarting the Chinese mili- NE of the main pillars of and ‘two star’ chief of defence staff
tary’s brazen attempts to unilaterally change the status quo. India has Pakistan’s worldwide anti- Major Gen Fayyad Hamad.
often been held guilty of adopting a reactive rather than a proactive India diplomacy has been Interestingly, the Pakistan media
approach to national security. But the firm handling of the current situ- its efforts to malign India in blacked out all news on the Riyadh
ation through aggressive posturing, pre-emptive action and military Islamic countries, especially in the visit. Bajwa’s predecessor, Gen
build-up shows that the winds of change are blowing. The Indian Army Gulf and across West Asia. It constant- AT IT: Pakistan must learn that its efforts to condemn India are a recipe Raheel Sharif, is based in Saudi Ara-
has been quick to ramp up its presence around the southern bank of ly sheds crocodile tears about a so- for economic disaster and political isolation. bia, commanding an ‘Islamic Mili-
Pangong Tso lake, which witnessed a Chinese incursion on the interven- called ‘India-Israel axis’ and an anti- tary Counter-Terrorism Coalition’
Islamic ‘Hindu-Jewish’ conspiracy that has no troops to command! This
ing night of August 29 and 30, by deploying additional troops and bring-
threatening the Islamic world. The 53-
India is seen by the Arabs as a diplomatically reliable and coalition is made up of 41 Islamic
ing in more weaponry such as tanks and anti-tank guided missiles.
Even though China had lost an unspecified number of soldiers in the
member Organisation of Islamic Con- economically useful partner, and regional power. countries, with the notable exception
ference (OIC), which is significantly of Iran. One could presume Raheel
Galwan valley violence in mid-June, its evasiveness over the incident and influenced by Saudi Arabia, is sought Sharif would soon be heading home.
the death toll has laid bare its embarrassment over being hoisted by its own to be used to promote anti-India prop- President Recep Erdogan to set up a army’s GHQ at Rawalpindi, when These are important developments,
petard. On August 31, the Chinese troops resorted to another misadventure aganda, particularly on J&K. This era new Islamic grouping. He was, howev- the Saudi sanctions were confirming that India has played its
even as the ground commanders of the two sides were holding discussions is now ending, as India’s relations er, forced to pull back after Saudi announced. The Saudi ambassador cards dexterously across its western
to defuse tensions. Such happenings underscore the gross mismatch with the Islamic world, particularly expressions of strong displeasure. headed to Rawalpindi for a meeting neighbourhood. It has calibrated its
between Chinese assurances and actions. No wonder, all the military and with the oil-rich Gulf countries, includ- Imran has little or no knowledge with army chief Qamar Jawed relations with Islamic countries. Rela-
diplomatic talks held in the past two-and-a-half months have failed to pro- ing Iraq, have significantly improved. about the warm ties between India and Bajwa, ignoring both Imran and tions with Iran also have been friend-
duce any tangible outcome as the situation on the ground remains sensitive. Like India, most Arab states favour a the Arab states. He has led his country Qureshi. He, thereafter, met opposi- ly, but marred by Tehran’s unpre-
China has been harping on the normalisation of ties, though it has ‘two-state solution’ to the Israel-Pales- into a diplomatic bog. He was rebuffed tion leaders in Lahore. dictable policy on J&K. Most
done precious little towards this end of late. Chinese Foreign Ministry tinian issue. Moreover, these countries on more than one occasion by Saudi Imran has not learnt anything from importantly, India has built a strong
view Pakistan as an economic basket Arabia on his pleas to convene a meet- the way PM Modi had visited and partnership with Israel, while sup-
spokesperson Hua Chunying has asked ‘both sides to stick to the facts
case, forever pleading for money. ing of the OIC to take action against befriended Arab monarchies. Saudi porting Palestinian aspirations for a
and have goodwill to maintain overall bilateral relations’, while con-
It is, however, the arrogance and India. His loquacious Foreign Minister Arabia and the UAE see India as a viable nation state. Hence India is
ceding that there are some communication issues. It’s imperative for ignorance of Imran Khan, obsessed Shah Mahmood Qureshi demanded diplomatically reliable and economi- seen as a reliable, regional power.
India to keep all channels of communication open so that China finds with denigrating India, that has ruined that Saudi Arabia should immediately cally useful partner. Their leading Imran could now be tempted to pur-
it increasingly difficult to hide behind the smokescreen of lies and Pakistan’s relations with the Arab convene a meeting of the OIC foreign national oil companies have decided to sue his earlier thoughts of joining an
cover-ups. If India keeps acting resolutely, it will continue to have the world. He has seriously upset Pak- ministers. He pompously proclaimed: invest $60 billion in a major petro- Islamic grouping, comprising initially
upper hand on the ground as well as at the negotiating table. istan’s benefactors like Saudi Arabia ‘If you cannot convene it, then I’ll be chemical project in Maharashtra’s Pakistan, Iran, Malaysia and Turkey.
and the UAE by seeking to strike deals compelled to ask PM Imran Khan to Raigad district. At the same time, the The Arabs have historically had less-
with their Islamic rivals like Turkey, call a meeting of the Islamic countries Arab countries could not have been too than-comfortable relations with
Iran and Malaysia. His efforts to make that are ready to stand with us on the pleased by the $400 billion economic Turks. Moreover, there will be no

Upholding civil rights Kashmir an issue for collective action

by the ‘Islamic ummah’ inevitably
failed. He did not realise that over the
issue of Kashmir, and support the
oppressed Kashmiris.’
Imran seemed to have forgotten
deal which Pakistan’s ‘all-weather
friend’ China had negotiated with
Shia-dominated Iran. They regard Iran
‘easy money’ available that these
countries can provide to Pakistan.
Imran, or whoever replaces him, will
Released from jail, UP doctor has a message for govt centuries, the ‘ummah’ has been that Pakistan’s economy survives as their principal security threat. More- be compelled to crawl back on bended
afflicted with Persian-Arab and Arab- on annual doles from Saudi Arabia over, for many Pakistanis, relations knees, seeking to renew Pakistan’s

N an affirmation of civil rights, the Allahabad High Court has ordered Turkish civilisational prejudices, apart and the West. The infuriated Saudis with Saudi Arabia are sacrosanct, as it partnership with Saudi Arabia.
the release of Dr Kafeel Khan, who was in jail under the National Secu- from age-old Shia-Sunni rivalries. responded immediately by freezing provides employment to millions of Riyadh will naturally set hard terms
rity Act for making an allegedly provocative speech at Aligarh Muslim Imran inexplicably walked into a diplo- a $3.2 billion oil credit facility, and Pakistani workers. Imran seems to for a renewed partnership. Pakistan
University on the Citizenship Amendment Bill that led to the charge of pro- matic quagmire by joining the efforts demanded that Pakistan commence have forgotten that overruling Pak- will hopefully learn that an anti-India
moting enmity between communities against him. The court, while hold- of 93-year-old Mahathir Mohammed of repaying a $3 billion loan. All hell istan’s objections, the UAE had invited foreign policy is a recipe for economic
ing his detention as illegal, said the incarceration was the result of ‘selec- Malaysia and the arrogant Turkey immediately broke loose in the India’s then External Affairs Minister disaster and political isolation.
tive reading and selective mention of phrases’ and that there was no
attempt in the speech to disturb peace and tranquility in the city of Aligarh.

‘If God wills, I will’

Dr Kafeel Khan has quoted instances from the Ramayana to remind the
Uttar Pradesh Government that by insisting on punishing him, it was only
resorting to child-like obduracy or baal hath—a possible allusion to an elec-
toral fallout considering that he now wants to work for the flood-hit in Bihar
and Assam, states where Assembly elections are due in the months ahead. RK Saboo time she replied, ‘Son, if God wills, I everywhere. But she wanted to vis- lope saying, ‘Mother, I have finished
Not surprisingly, his release has been welcomed by the Opposition, will.’ Time was slipping and I was it the poorest slums in the city the toilets. I am director of the airline,

with the Samajwadi Party raising the demand for the release of its UGUST 26 was the birth getting nervous. I met her again in without the media. One young where you ordered tickets. I wanted to
leader Azam Khan, who is in jail on land-grab charges. Dr Khan has also anniversary of a very special Delhi, and again it was: ‘If God wills, journalist adamantly kept trailing bring them to you personally.’ That
told the government that it should perform ‘Raj Dharma’, a term the person in my life — Mother I will.’ Gathering courage, I said, her, until Mother confronted her airline director repeated the story
connotation of which has a familiar ring for the present BJP-led NDA Teresa. I first met her in 1976. She ‘Mother, you are the only one who sternly, ‘I do not want you to often, saying that the one hour he
government at the Centre for its use in another time, to underline the was the keynote speaker at a large communicates with God. Why don’t exploit poor people. If you insist on spent cleaning the toilets was the
need for social harmony and inclusive politics. The doctor has also con- conference that I was leading. There you ask Him?’ She smiled and said, following me, I will not go to my most important in his life.
veyed his apprehension of being implicated in another case in a refer- I heard her say what has stayed with ‘I will come.’ I persisted, ‘My inter- people. Is that your wish?’ In September 1997, I saw Mother for
ence to the prevailing law and order situation in the state. me: ‘Give until it hurts.’ She added, national president might not believe My Sri Lankan friend shared anoth- the last time, her body wrapped in a
‘What you give may be a drop in the me. Can I have something in writ- er episode. An elegantly dressed man blue-bordered sari and the Tricolour.
Dr Khan, a paediatrician at a hospital in Gorakhpur, the con-
ocean, but without that drop the ing?’ Amused, she tore a leaf from an came to the Missionaries of Charity to Thousands cutting across religions,
stituency of the UP Chief Minister, had landed in trouble when he
ocean is not complete.’ Mother was exercise book, wrote her confirma- meet Mother. He was told that she was castes and professions, stood patient-
accused the government of institutional failure after many children not internationally known then, tion and signed. Sensing my discom- at the back of the house, cleaning toi- ly to pay their last homage to a saint.
died there due to lack of oxygen cylinders. The state government but her simple words and work fort still, she put her rubber stamp lets. Seeing him, Mother thought that I was devastated. I felt she sensed my
also needs to dispel the charge of political vendetta and restore the would move the world. and said with a smile, ‘Are you hap- he was a volunteer and handed him a despair, and I thought I heard her
confidence of the people, shaken due to measures like the seizure of In 1981, I was assigned the task to py now?’ I was elated. brush and pail, explained how the whisper to me, ‘Child, I will be with
property of the anti-CAA protesters. The release of Dr Khan by the persuade her to be a key speaker at Like any good mother, she could lavatories were to be cleaned and left. you always. Look for me. And remem-
court could well provide a stepping stone. the Rotary International Convention be firm when required. When she An hour later, slightly dishevelled, his ber, the poor and the destitute are still
at Sao Paulo, Brazil. I met her sever- arrived at Sao Paulo, the media expensive jacket now off, he found here.’ These words, among her other
al times to get her acceptance; each thronged her, wanting to follow her Mother again. He gave her an enve- teachings, are my treasures.

❝ ❞
thought for the day letters to the editor
The measures of war ought ever to look forward State of economy bringing socio-economic transforma- has been stated that in case of the cases of those allegedly
to peace. — Alexander Hamilton Apropos of the editorial ‘Lock- tion, we need to propagate righteous non-payment of this fine, he will involved in corrupt practices while
down contraction’ (Sept 2), India’s income after paying taxes. undergo three months’ imprison- wielding immense judicial powers,
GDP contracted by 23.9% for the MM GOEL, KURUKSHETRA ment along with a ban on practis- and suggest ways and means to
first quarter of the current fiscal, ing law for three years. Keeping eliminate corruption in the high-
on this day...100 years ago but the government is trying to Vacant PG seats in view the hard facts of the case, er echelon of judiciary. This will
distract the public by calling for The report ‘12% PG seats vacant in people were expecting juristic restore the unstinted public faith
the boycott of Chinese goods etc. med colleges’ (Sept 1) was worry- consideration and magnanimity in our unbiased and incorruptible
An important point to be noted is ing. Recently, BFUHS announced from the Bench. Not to speak of judicial system.
as to how China’s GDP contracted that 86 PG seats couldn’t be filled the cogent reply by the accused COL KULDIP S GREWAL (RETD), PATIALA
only by 6.8%. Why is the govern- in seven medical colleges of Pun- and the forceful arguments of the
lahore, friday, september 3, 1920 Forced retirement
ment not discussing how China jab. A country like India that has an defence lawyer, who taking cogni-
has absorbed the blow, despite the acute shortage of specialist doctors, sance of the meritorious contribu- Reference to the notification
The “Gazette” and Ourselves. ban on major business companies letting PG seats (may be of non- tion of Bhushan to the delivery of issued by the Centre on the period-
REFERRING to our observation in a recent issue that in view of the fact that by the other nations? clinical subjects) go vacant is justice so far, had pleaded not to ic review of government employees
the alleged murderer of the Deputy Commissioner of Kheri had already been RITISH PANDIT, DEHRA GOPIPUR indeed criminal. This is a national penalise him. It has eroded the for strengthening administration.
convicted more than once of such an offence as burglary, it was obviously loss and that too in these challeng- esteem of the highest court. It has been mentioned that the gov-
premature to attach any excessive importance to his own statement that his LIC credo inspires ing times. It is the duty of the MCI YADWINDER DIRBA, SANGRUR ernment may, at any time after an
motive was political, the Gazette had the following in its issue:-- “Now that is a Refer to ‘Ramp up infrastructure to and the Ministry of Health to make employee has attained the age of
superficial and double-edged argument. Our friend must know that in 1919 a revive economy’ (Sept 2); the boost doctors aware of the importance of Probe would be in order 50/55 years or completed 30 years of
number of those composing the mobs and actually committing outrages was in demand needs review of certain non-clinical or basic subjects, and The contempt case against service, retire him prematurely in
simply the wastrels and scum of the towns and in themselves could hardly be decisions like freezing of the dear- in any case, if there are no aspirants Prashant Bhushan has been dis- public interest, based on broad cri-
described as politicians. Yet they were incited by—shall we say, politicians in ness allowance for employees which for these specialities, the cut-off posed of by the Supreme Court by teria to be followed by the review
the background—to excesses. Incidentally, we believe, many of them in their have to be withdrawn. DA is compen- condition should be waived for awarding him Re 1 as fine. Failing committee. One of the conditions is
affliction as convicted felons have been fortunate enough to secure, in some sation for inflation and cannot be these subjects. Some prestigious to comply with the verdict will doubtful integrity. Also, those
cases with success, the sympathy and advocacy of our contemporary as denied, and must be paid, the earlier private colleges charge heavily evoke three-month imprisonment. found to be ineffective shall be
political offenders.” The answer is obvious. We know the argument is a double- the best, for reviving demand. To even for non-clinical courses. Bhushan very respectfully agreed retired. This infers that those
edged one, but it will be time enough for the Gazette to remind us of this fact revive the economy, there is a strong SUNIL CHOPRA, LUDHIANA to pay the fine but would avail the below 50 years are not corrupt, or
when it and its friends are careful enough to avoid the edge on their side. Does case for adopting consumer-friendly option of filing a review petition have the licence to indulge in cor-
it not strike the journal that to represent ordinary criminals as being “political” ‘NAW’ (need, affordability and Juristic consideration against the punishment. Now, the ruption. It will be the easiest tool to
is the surest way to excite sympathy for them in the general public? Take last worth) approach of marketing of the The sentence awarded to whole episode has shifted to the get rid of any government servant
year’s case. If the Government had been careful not to spread its net wide so as goods and services. We should adopt Prashant Bhushan by the SC is main issue of prevailing corruption from service if one is not working
to catch every big fish in the Province, if it had scrupulously avoided the principle of ‘needonomics’, unfortunate. Imposing a fine of among judicial officials. It needs to according to the wish of his or her
confounding a lawful political agitation with the reprisals of a mob gone mad in based on the credo of LIC of India — Re 1 on him is not only ridiculous be proceeded with by appointing a bosses. The government should
anger, in excitement and in terror, and if it had treated the reprisals themselves ‘ Yogakshemam vahamyaham’ (your in itself, but also smacks of stub- commission armed with compre- reconsider the notification.
as having no special political significance, as they would have been treated in welfare is our responsibility). For bornness and vindictiveness, as it hensive terms of reference to probe BRIJ BHUSHAN, CHANDIGARH
such a country as England, the public sympathy for the authors of the excesses
would have been much less than it was. Letters to the Editor, typed in double space, should not exceed the 200-word limit. These should be cogently written and can be sent by e-mail to: Letters@tribunemail.com

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