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Level 7: Unit 25

Leasson one


1. Do you share your apartment with a roommate? / Share: compartir

2. Or do you live by myself? / ¿ o vives solo?
3. No, I don’t live my self, I live with a roommate

Repeat 2.

1. People in Hollywood love stories like yours

2. Do you like to play sports!
3. Talk with friends?
4. I watch TV because Benny watches a lot of football


1. Can you pass me the salt?

2. Glen listens to a lot of music
3. I like a few song by the beatles / Me gustan algunas canciones de los Beatles.
4. I drink water when I’m very thirsty / Thirsty: sediento/a
5. Do you have time for a meeting at 3:00 pm?

Practice 2

1. You’re not tall or large enough to play a giant

2. You’re not short enough to play a jockey
3. You’re too young to play a millionaire
4. You’re attractive but not good-loocking enough to play a model

Too: muy ; enough: suficiente, bastante; care: preocuparse; good-looking: guapo/a, atractivo.

1. I work at a restaurant, but I worked in a office before and I just finished college
2. But I don’t have Hotel experience, either
3. This is Sonia, She studies Biology
4. Betty, this is my roommate Alan. He’s an actor
5. I often read book about famouse people
6. Do you have time to helpme?
7. Shen takes acting classes every week / every week: semanlmente, todas las semanas.
8. I saw empty apartment in this building / Ví un departamento vacío en este edificio
Leasson two


1. I’d prefer to work at a different company/ I’d prefer prefiero

2. Would you like to come to my apartment?
3. I would hate to know that you are sad and home alone / Odiaría saber que estás triste y
solo en casa.
4. I’d like to talk to you about work
5. Yes, I’d love to come over / Sí, me encantaría venir / I’d love: me encantaría / come over:
venirse pasarse.


1. Do you want to meet after work? ->I’m sorry, but I’d prefer to rest tonight. Can we
meet tomorrow / rest: descansar
2. Where do you study? -> I’d prefer to study in the library because it’s quiet / quiet:
silencio, tranquilo


Armchair: sillón; picture: foto; lamp: lampara; rug: alfombra; sofa: sofa; bookshelf: librero,
estante; curtains: Cortina; wall: pared; dresser: comoda; nightstands: velador; shades:oscuridad;
Pillow: almohada; stove: fogón, cocina


1. I don’t know what I’m doing with my life

2. I do the same thing every day
3. I get up in the morning
4. I take a shower and get dressed for work
5. I work all day on products that Idon’t like
6. Then, I come home and go to bed
7. Many people do the same things
8. I get up every morning, drink some tea and have a wash
9. Then I read or clean the apartment

Get dressed: vestirse; get up: levantarse; eat lunch: almorzar; clean: limpiar; come home: volver a
casa; go to bed: ir a dormer, ir a la cama; go out: salir; go in: entrar

By At On In
Phone Home Holiday Bed
Email Night Vacation New York
Mail Work Town
Leasson three


1. I think she’s shy / shy:tímido

2. She’s not shy after you get to know her / No es tímida después de que la conoces
3. She likes to talk and give her opinion all the time
4. He’s not mean, he’s unfriendly / unfriendly: antípatico, hostil
5. She was caring / caring: cariñoso


Plate: plato; bowl: plato hondo; glass: vaso; dishes: platos, vasos, vajillas; fork: tenedor; knife:
cuchillo, spoon: cuchara; bin: contenedor


1. I’m picking up all of the dirty dishes. / Estoy recogiendo todos los platos sucios.
2. You need to add more information / add: añadir
3. Did you go to school?
4. Add something about your family

1. Interesting: interesante
2. Unkind: desagradable
3. Horrible: horrible, trágico
4. Shy: timido
5. Talkative: hablador
6. Late: tarde
7. Messy: desordenado
8. Funny: divertido
9. Smart: ineligente.


1. Honest: honesto
2. Wooden: rígido, tieso
3. Sharp: afilado, agudo
4. Fantastic: fantastico
5. Boring: aburrido
6. Right-wing: de derecha
7. Clever: ingenioso
8. Depressed: depresivo
9. Graceful: elegante
10. Childish: infantil
11. Herself: se o ella misma (she feel and hurt herself / ella tropezo y se lastimo)
12. Gracefully: con elegancia
13. Lucky: afortunado, tener suerte

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