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SAP Business One vs.

SAP S/4HANA Comparison

SAP HANA acts as a hub for all SAP's products strategy and it serves as the base for recent
technology SAP S/4HANA that is set to serve as a cornerstone for all SAP technologies.
SAP S/4HANA offers improved performance. It allows you to plan, execute, and generate
reports & analytics based on live data. In addition, you can trigger period closings and provide
improved predictions. Moreover, SAP S/4HANA enables your organization to provide better
service for customer-centric applications.

users can fetch data from various external data sources due to the source-
agnostic capabilities of SAP HANA. Also, it makes the SAP HANA compatible
with different DBMS used across the organization. Thus, enabling easy data

  Without interrupting the ongoing business operations, you can perform data

integration and aggregation from various applications and data sources in SAP
HANA. You can also integrate it with SAP Business Object BI solutions.

users can store the business insights in a Persistent Data Repository and recover

it from here in case of a system break down.

By the real-time data replication service, you can replicate the data from SAP
ERP into SAP HANA  without it’s interjecting with the other operations of the
business suite.

For third-party application access, you can use applications of SQL and MDX.

Using data modeling and designing tools, data models are made very flexible and
are completely virtual. It also makes the process of modeling and re-modeling very

Business Warehouse Admin Cockpit efficiently manages and monitors the SAP HANA.

Comparison Report details the most important differentiating characteristics between the
solutions. The given below comparison enables you to quickly evaluate the support for
functions and characteristics of two or more suites.
comparison report might include such evaluation components as:


Human Resources

Manufacturing Management

Inventory Management

Purchasing Management

Quality Management

Sales Management

Product Technology.

Out of a total of 3,539 decision criteria spread across the eight sub-modules that form the
comparison matrix, SAP S/4HANA offers noticeably better coverage of ERP software
characteristics compared to its direct competitor SAP Business One, regardless of how those
functions are offered (e.g. "out of the box", via an integrated partner solution, through add-ons,
and so on). Let's take a closer look at how each software package fares in regard to the eight

1. Financials

By analyzing the two software systems, we notice that SAP S/4HANA scores considerably
higher than SAP Business One in terms of functions and features related to Financials. In this
area, SAP S/4HANA excels in functionalities that are supported out of the box.

2. Human Resources

SAP S/4HANA has a significant upper hand over SAP Business One in regard to Human
Resources features and functionalities.

3. Manufacturing Management

Between the two options, SAP S/4HANA scores massively higher than SAP Business One in
capabilities related to Manufacturing Management. In this area, SAP S/4HANA leads in terms of
functionalities which are supported innately.
4. Inventory Management

In this domain, SAP S/4HANA has a formidable lead over SAP Business One. Here SAP
S/4HANA excels in regard to Inventory Management capabilities provided out of the box.

5. Purchasing Management

When looking at Purchasing Management features and functions, SAP S/4HANA vigorously
outperforms its competitor, leading in functionalities that are delivered off the shelf.

6. Quality Management

Again, SAP S/4HANA bests SAP Business One in this domain, with an astounding lead over
SAP's software. In this module, SAP S/4HANA excels in terms of out-of-the-box Quality
Management functions and features.

7. Sales Management

When looking at the Sales Management module, SAP S/4HANA is a considerably more capable
challenger than SAP Business One.

8. Product Technology

SAP S/4HANA receives a significantly higher score than SAP Business One in this module.
Here, SAP S/4HANA leads in terms of functionalities that are available off the shelf.

With SAP Business One, you do not have a choice of selectively picking the
modules or functions you want, while leaving the rest. So you have to take it as it
is. The only exception that you can opt is to drop the CRM function if you so

No Payroll - Payroll is not a part of the SAP Business One solution and hence
you need to purchase this from a third party. The worst thing being, you need to
continually maintain the ongoing business process integration between the two

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