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9/21/2019 3.

Complete the Online Course Quiz: [2018] Animal Care: Introduction to Anesthesia of the Laboratory Rodent

3. Complete the Online Course Quiz

Due No due date Points 15 Questions 15 Time Limit None
Allowed Attempts 5

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LATEST Attempt 1 45 minutes 11 out of 15

Score for this attempt: 11 out of 15

Submitted Sep 21 at 12:37pm
This attempt took 45 minutes.

Question 1 1 / 1 pts

Your research partner is anesthetizing 30 CD-1 female mice using injectable

anesthetic. The mice he anesthetized in the morning all reached a surgical
plane of anesthetic. Some of the mice he anesthetized in the afternoon did
not even become immobile after receiving the same dosage of the same
anesthetic. What is the most likely explanation for this difference?

The mice in the afternoon have a higher basal metabolic rate due to their
circadian rhythm

The mice in the afternoon are more stressed than those in the morning

The drugs he is using have expired

Your research partner is not paying attention and miscalculated all the doses
in the afternoon 1/11
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The most likely answer is the mice in the afternoon have a higher
basal metabolic rate due to their circadian rhythm.The circadian
rhythm effects can be quite significant and change the basal
metabolic rate enough to affect response to anesthetic drugs.

Question 2 1 / 1 pts

You must have expensive monitoring equipment such as a pulse oximeter,

capnograph and electrocardiogram, specifically designed for rodents in order
to successfully monitor and support an anesthetized rodent.


Correct! False

The answer is False. Though these types of monitoring equipment is

very useful for monitoring these small rodents, your own eyes can tell
you a lot about the animal as long as you are looking and watching
carefully. A thermometer is, however, vital for monitoring the core
body temperature but these are not typically that expensive.

Question 3 1 / 1 pts

In addition to continued supportive care, such as easily accessible food and

water, what else should you do for each cage of post-anesthetic animals?

Turn off all the room lights so the animals will not be stressed

Withhold food or water from rats and mice since they will vomit 2/11
9/21/2019 3. Complete the Online Course Quiz: [2018] Animal Care: Introduction to Anesthesia of the Laboratory Rodent

Visibly identify the cage and maintain records of weight, clinical signs and
behaviour so that the animals can continue to be monitored and provided
appropriate supportive care.

Leave the animals alone for at least 2 days so they can recover in peace

It is important to identify or “flag” the cage so that these animals can

be closely monitored for signs of illness or complications. Animals
returned to their cages after anesthesia may not act normally for a
couple of hours so these animals can be mistaken for animals in
distress unless the animal care staff know that they have recently
been anesthetized. The other answers may actual harm the animals.

Question 4 1 / 1 pts

You have been successfully anesthetizing female Wistar rats using injectable
anesthetics for 2 years. Your supervisor would now like you to begin using
male Wistar rats. You give the same drugs at the same dose to the male rats
and two out of ten rats die during anesthesia. What is the most likely
explanation for this difference in response to the anesthetic?

Male Wistar rats are very difficult to anesthetize successfully

The male rats have a different basal metabolic rate than the females and this
will determine how they react to the same dose of anesthetic

The drugs you are using are toxic to male rats but not females

The two rats that died likely vomited and aspirated (inhaled the vomit into their
lungs) under anesthesia 3/11
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The most likely answer is that there is a sex/gender difference in how

the male and female rats respond to the anesthetic. The different
basal metabolic rate will affect how an animal responds to any drug,
including anesthetics. Male rats have a different metabolic rate than
females so the anesthetic dosage will have to be tailored in order to
prevent overdoses.

Question 5 1 / 1 pts

True or false? An animal that is stressed before being anesthetized is more

likely to have complications during anesthesia or recovery than a calm

Correct! True


Stress will change the metabolic rate as well as cause the release of
stress hormones (including catecholamines) which can affect the
cardiovascular system and cause complications during or after

Question 6 0 / 1 pts

You find that your animal is starting to lighten its plane of anesthesia during
surgery when using a gas anesthetic. Which of the following should you do?

orrect Answer Ensure there is adequate anesthetic in the precision vaporizer

orrect Answer Check for anesthetic leaks in the machine 4/11
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Turn up the scavenging flow so that the gas vapour reaches the animal faster

You Answered All of the above

Ensure there is adequate anesthetic in the precision vaporizer and

check for anesthetic leaks in the machine. Increasing the scavenging
flow will pull the anesthetic vapours past the animal and lighten its
plane of anesthesia.

Question 7 0 / 1 pts

Which one of the following statements is TRUE?

You Answered Ketamine protects the animals from seizures

Alpha 2-agonists (such as xylazine) have mild depressive effects on the

cardiovascular system

Barbiturates (e.g., pentobarbital) have good analgesic properties

Ketamine injections into the muscle are not painful.

orrect Answer

Alpha-2-agonists (such as xylazine) are potent diuretics (increases urination)

Alpha-agonists increase urination in anesthetized animals so it is

especially important to supplement these animals with fluids to
maintain hydration status. 5/11
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Question 8 1 / 1 pts

Which of the following drugs is NOT controlled and thus does not require a
Health Canada exemption?


Correct! Xylazine




Xylazine is not a controlled drug.

Question 9 0 / 1 pts

You are performing a recovery surgery and have given your animal an
intraperitoneal injection of ketamine and xylazine. After waiting 7 minutes,
your patient is almost in a surgical plane of anesthesia but not quite; it still
has a sluggish pedal reflex. To take it into a surgical plane, which of the
following would NOT be recommended?

You Answered Giving it more ketamine

orrect Answer Giving it more xylazine

Wait another 5 minutes to see if it is becoming closer to surgical plane of

anesthesia 6/11
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Use an inhalant anesthetic

All of the above are acceptable

Xylazine has a narrow therapeutic index and its effects are long
lasting and potent; therefore, giving more xylazine when your patient
is almost in a surgical plane of anesthesia can risk an overdose and

Question 10 0 / 1 pts

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

orrect Answer
If the anesthetic effects of xylazine are reversed, the analgesic effects of
xylazine is also reversed

You Answered
Avertin is now an acceptable injectable anesthetic to use for survival

You can use halothane in a precision vaporizer calibrated for isoflurane, but
not the other way around

As long as your anesthetic machine is working well, there is no need for

regular servicing 7/11
9/21/2019 3. Complete the Online Course Quiz: [2018] Animal Care: Introduction to Anesthesia of the Laboratory Rodent

Reversing the effects of xylazine will also reverse its analgesic effect.
Avertin is only approved for non-recovery procedures and a vaporizer
must use the specific anesthetic it is calibrated for. Anesthetic
machines should be serviced on a regular basis, at least once a year.

Question 11 1 / 1 pts

You are observing the behaviour of a mouse one day after surgery. The
mouse has been housed in a new, unfamiliar cage in a very brightly lit room.
The mouse is obviously quiet and hunched with its fur ruffled. This mouse is
likely experiencing:

Moderate to severe pain

Mild to moderate pain

No pain

A reaction to the anesthetic injected the day before

If a rodent, a prey species, is showing signs of pain while you are

watching it, it is likely in severe pain.

Question 12 1 / 1 pts

You are switching from injectable anesthesia (ketamine and xylazine) to the
use of a gas anesthetic (isoflurane) for rodent surgeries. You know that
(check all that apply):

Isoflurane does not provide any analgesia during or after the anesthesia. 8/11
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Isoflurane will control pain better than ketamine/xylazine post-operatively

The time to recover from isoflurane anesthesia will likely be shorter than
recovery from the injectable anesthesia.

Isoflurane will not provide any analgesia during or after the surgical
procedure so additional analgesia will be needed. Isoflurane will,
however, allow the animal to recover from its anesthetic effects faster
than injectable anesthesia.

Question 13 1 / 1 pts

The best way to treat pain is:

Pre-emptively (before the pain has started)

With a multi-modal approach (i.e., more than one type of analgesic)

Based on the animal’s clinical signs

All of the above

All of the above is true. Pain should be treated pre-emptively, with a

multi-modal approach, and based on the animal’s signs of pain.

Question 14 1 / 1 pts 9/11
9/21/2019 3. Complete the Online Course Quiz: [2018] Animal Care: Introduction to Anesthesia of the Laboratory Rodent

After 10 years of surgical experience, you do all of the surgeries in your lab.
You normally treat your rodents with an analgesic at the low end of the dose
range (for example., 0.1 mg/kg vs. 0.5 mg/kg) and the animals show little to
no signs of pain after surger. There is now a new individual in your lab that
will do the surgeries but this person is less experienced than you. You know

The rodents may require less analgesic when the surgery is done by someone
with less experience

The rodents may require more analgesic when the surgery is done by
someone with less experience

The rodents likely will not experience any more pain, even though the new
surgeon takes twice as long to complete the surgeries

Rodents do not feel pain anyway, so there is nothing to worry about

The correct answer is that the rodents may require more analgesic
when the surgery is done by someone with less experience. It is
important that anyone doing surgery is adequately trained before
starting as prolonged procedures and damage to tissues can cause
more pain.

Question 15 1 / 1 pts

True or False? You use gas anesthesia for your recovery surgeries in
rodents. Because the animal is unconscious for the procedure, analgesics
are not necessary since the animal will not feel any pain. 10/11
9/21/2019 3. Complete the Online Course Quiz: [2018] Animal Care: Introduction to Anesthesia of the Laboratory Rodent


Correct! False

The answer is False. Anesthesia, especially gas anesthesia, will not

provide for adequate pain control during and after surgery.

Quiz Score: 11 out of 15 11/11

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