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Competitive Enterprise Institute Volume 23, Number 6 November/December 2010

Liberate to Stimulate!
By Iain Murray All five of these
circumstances applied in the

W hen the financial industry imploded two years

ago, grandstanding politicians on both sides
of the Atlantic wasted no time in suggesting alleged
recent crisis. To these factors
we can add a vicious cycle
comprised of three pernicious
reforms to ensure that “history does not repeat itself.” phenomena: short-term incentive
Of course, these fixes—whether tax increases or structures, “rocket science” models,
new regulations—hinged upon the same misguided and mark-to-market accounting.
worldview that got us into this mess in the first place. Models were made to produce
The first thing to remember is that this was appropriate values that justified huge
not a crisis of capitalism. My good friend Martin bonuses, all without any basis in reality.
Hutchinson and his co-author Kevin Dowd, in their Bankers became mathematicians, proved
recent book Alchemists of Loss, surveyed all the with equations that black was white, and,
major financial crises from the South Sea Bubble as the late satirical science fiction writer
onwards and determined five factors that contributed Douglas Adams put it, got run over at the
to them. They are: next zebra crossing.
So the question is: Would any tax or
• Government involvement, which in many
regulation help to alleviate any of these
cases precipitated and in most cases deepened
problems? I think the answer is a very
problems they sought to alleviate;
clear no. If the problem is in large part
• Misguided monetary policy, the true driver
government-inspired, another tax or
of the Great Depression, causing price
regulation will very likely exacerbate the
instability and an orgy of speculation;
problem, not reduce it. If the problem is
• Rampant speculation, normally caused by
excessive speculation or too many transactions,
loose monetary policy but normally self-
then, yes, a tax could help reduce the volume
of speculation, but only up to a point. At some
• Misguided regulation or legislation, which
point all taxes intended to alter behavior create
played a key role in the S&L debacle and the
a paradox: Government revenue is dependent
Japanese crisis; and
on the behavior continuing.
• New financial technology, often imperfectly
We see this in situations as diverse as the
understood or misapplied.
(continued on page 3)

Featured Articles
Berlau: Free checking scribner: lahood- mcgraw: also inside:
restoration act winked by tiger II biofuel or bust?
A Better ‘Pledge’: Congress Shall Make
No Law, by Wayne Crews. . . . . . . . . . . . 2
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. . . . . 10
Media Mentions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
End Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
>>page 4 >>page 7 >>page 8

>>FROM THE Vice PRESIDENT for policy

A Better ‘Pledge’: CEI

Congress Shall Make No Law PLANET
By Wayne Crews

W hen I think of a
“pledge,” I am
reminded of my fraternity
those favoring a looser confederation of states. It was
a battle between the doctrine of discretionary power
and the doctrine of strict construction. There is not a
Fred L. Smith, Jr.

days and being hazed and mystery about intent—some favored control, others
Marc Scribner
lightly humiliated. House favored liberty. Unfortunately, in many respects, those
Republicans offered their “Pledge to America” in the favoring discretionary power won in the two decades Editorial Director
run-up to the 2010 midterm elections. The country has after the revolution. We are reaping the fruits of their Ivan G. Osorio
been hazed enough by politicians, so a pledge from the victories now.
political class to back off is welcome. We need to think well beyond this political Contributing Editor
Lee Doren
I am happy to see Republicans offer a “Pledge to pledge. What kind of society is sustainable over
America,” but we centuries— or even over
need to carefully millennia? Whatever
examine these the requirements, we The CEI Planet
promises. Every have to make sure that is produced by
the Competitive
program must be America is the kind
Enterprise Institute,
challenged. It’s that can survive. A few a pro-market public
not enough to cut centuries are enough interest group
“entitlements” back to wipe out precious dedicated to free
to 2008 levels; freedoms if government enterprise and
today’s situation is not restrained. So we limited government.
is too serious to want to see packages
CEI is a non-
warrant accepting a like this pledge, but also
partisan, non-
two-year-old status serious, fundamental profit organization
quo. extensions from it that incorporated in
Lawmakers need ask questions not driven the District of
to ask fundamental merely by responses to Columbia and is
questions about the opposing party. classified by the
everything the federal Our descendants must IRS as a 501 (c)(3)
government is doing.
Lawmakers need to ask wall off the future. They charity. CEI relies
The Pledge needs to fundamental questions must protect tomorrow’s upon contributions
from foundations,
go further and ask American citizens from the
about every program, about everything the federal opportunistic, transitory
corporations and
individuals for its
“How is this ‘necessary
and proper’ to carry
government is doing. The Pledge politicians of any given
era—such as the ones that
support. Articles
may be reprinted
out an enumerated needs to go further and ask further collectivized health provided they are
constitutional power?” care, bogged down the
Indeed, as CEI’s Fred
about every program, “How financial sector, and seek
attributed to CEI.

Smith often jokes, is this ‘necessary and proper’ to push new destructive
“The Constitution isn’t regulation in energy
perfect, but it’s better to carry out an enumerated markets and frontier areas
(202) 331-1010
than what we have
now!” The doctrine of
constitutional power?” like telecommunications.
Most people have not Fax:
(202) 331-0640
separation of powers yet been born, and should
was supposed to have not be forced to draw their E-mail:
protected us, but it too often means is there is no first breaths in a stifling nanny/welfare state. I am
specific “tyrant” on which you can put your finger. glad to see this Pledge to America, but it is important
We know the original intent of the Framers. we recognize the full slate of challenges we currently ISSN#: 1086-3036
The development of the Constitution was a battle face—and those that future generations will be forced
between those favoring a central power to tax and to face.

Stimulate, continued from page 1 My legacy?
Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement, 4. End the closed shop in rating
whereby state funding is dependent on agencies in the U.S., where the
continued sales of cigarettes, and the SEC has delegated the rating
proposed cap-and-trade scheme for of securities to an accredited I need to provide for my
carbon emissions, for which the Obama duopoly—Moody’s and Standard
budget contains $800 billion in revenue & Poors—which regulators
loved ones. But like my
projections from auctioned permits—an have embedded into solvency family, I want CEI to carry
amount that will help pay for Obamacare. requirements. Without these
So a tax aimed at reducing speculation requirements, each of the rating
on for generations to come.
will lead to government encouraging agencies will become just one of What can I do?
speculation. And when you consider many competing ways to pursue
government’s past role in encouraging due diligence, instead of a crutch.
speculation in the housing market, this is 5. Abolish the World Bank and IMF,
not something to look forward to. which are, quite simply, in the It’s easy to do both. Talk to us
So how about a tax on bonuses? business of making excessively about your options, like…
That would be treating the symptom, risky loans, usually to fiscally
not the cause. Excessive bonuses were irresponsible governments.  Designating your
underpinned by modern financial theory. 6. End the revolving door between retirement plan
When Harry Markowitz defended his Wall Street and Washington.
 Leaving a life insurance policy
dissertation that laid the groundwork for 7. Lift the Obama administration’s
modern portfolio theory at the University moratorium on retailer-associated  Making a bequest
of Chicago, Milton Friedman correctly limited-purpose banks, which through your will
observed, “It’s not mathematics; it’s not would allow real, vibrant
economics; it’s not finance.” Without such competition for basic banking  Making a gift now, and
a theory, modern banking loses its short- services. Wal-Mart can already receiving income for life
termist nature. Bonuses will be reined in, supply most of America’s domestic
 And much more
not by a tax, but by a flight to quality. retail needs. Why shouldn’t it
So what should we do? I could go supply domestic banking?
on and on, and CEI will soon propose a Any of these
package of reforms we would like to see These are just a handful of the
options could
enacted, but here is a short list: reforms we should take. Above all, given
government’s role in the whole history of help you now and
1. No more bailouts—realign capital financial crises, we need to keep government provide for your
to the wise by allowing proper out of the banks as much as we can. family in the future.
bankruptcy. After the South Sea Bubble, a proposal Some you can
2. Return to historical cost was introduced in the British Parliament to even put into place
accounting, away from mark-to- have the financiers tied into sacks filled with
today without
market, which is the third leg of the snakes and thrown into the Thames. If similar
short-termist stool. sternness accompanied the punishment for losing any income.
3. Abolish deposit insurance that not misguided regulation, perhaps we would see
only perpetuates the fiction that some genuine progress.
investments in banks are deposits,
but encourages excessive risk- Iain Murray ( is Vice
Want to learn more?
taking. Consider an arrangement President for Strategy and Director of the Contact Al Canata at
like that proposed by Policy Center for Economic Freedom at CEI. This
Exchange for genuine deposit article is adapted from remarks Mr. Murray
accounts backed by low-risk
or (202) 331-1010
delivered at the September Transatlantic
investments. TaxPayers’ Conference in London.
This publication is intended to provide general
gift planning information. Our organization is
not qualified to provide specific legal, tax or
investment advice, and this publication should
not be looked to or relied upon as a source for
such advice. Consult with your own legal and
financial advisors before making any gift.


The Free Checking

Restoration Act
By John Berlau of low-income consumers with checking accounts
never incurred a fee for overdrawing those accounts.

H aving sustained huge losses in the recent

midterm elections, President Obama and his
allies are now warning that opponents will repeal
The same was true for 74 percent of middle-income
account holders.
So overdraft charges were not so much a subsidy
new financial regulations, including those enacted from the poor to the rich as they were from the
this July in the Wall Street Reform and Consumer imprudent, who had overdrawn their accounts, to the
Protection Act—known as Dodd-Frank, after prudent account holders of all income levels. And
its sponsors, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and what is wrong with that? Compared to the penalties
Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.). for bounced checks—including possible jail time—in
“Top Republicans in Congress are now the days before debit cards, the typical $35 overdraft
beating the drum to repeal all of these reforms fee seems reasonable.
and consumer protections,” the president If the overdraft rule ill-serves the middle class,
thundered in his October 23 weekly address. the Durbin Amendment makes a mockery of
He said “the passage of Wall Street reform” Obama’s characterization of Dodd-Frank as a victory
was “one of the most important victories” in his for consumers over special interests. This provision
administration’s “battles to defend the interests of the middle class.” requires the Federal Reserve to limit debit card interchange fees
Yet over the past few months, the middle class has seen a that retailers are charged to what is “reasonable and proportional”
beneficial feature of modern banking—free checking—begin to to cost—basically outlawing profit for card-issuing banks and
vanish because of these “reforms” and the substantial loss of bank credit unions in their transactions with retailers.
revenues that they have caused. Major retail chains—including Home Depot and 7-Eleven—
There are two main culprits in free checking’s demise: the Federal fought hard for these price controls on financial institutions. Mr.
Reserve’s new rules, in effect since July, that restrict banks from Durbin even invoked lobbying efforts by the nation’s largest
charging overdraft fees when customers overdraw their checking drugstore chain—which happens to be based in his own state of
accounts, and the amendment from Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) in Illinois—when he introduced his amendment in May. “I had the
Dodd-Frank that puts price controls on the interchange fees that CEO of Walgreens contact me last week,” he said on the Senate
merchants pay to banks and credit unions to process debit cards. floor, “and he told me the fees that Walgreens pays to credit card
The decline of free checking is the first of many middle-class companies is the fourth largest item of cost for their business.”
perks likely to vanish in the rush to regulate. As one of its first Now, thanks to “financial reform,” these costs will be reduced
orders of business, the 112th Congress should introduce legislation for large retailers at the expense of middle-class checking account
to repeal these policies. I suggest they title the bill the Free holders paying new fees. If the experience of Australia is any
Checking Restoration Act of 2011. guide, very little of the retailers’ savings will be passed on in lower
Some have argued that free checking was never “free” because prices. In a November 2009 study looking at that country’s cap on
its costs were subsidized by account holders incurring overdraft credit-card interchange fees, the U.S. Government Accountability
charges and by merchant fees. In June, left-leaning Mother Jones Office found that Australian consumers faced “reduced rewards
magazine blogger Kevin Drum called both these fees “basically and raised annual fees,” and that there was no “conclusive
surreptitious ways for the poor to subsidize the rich.” evidence” that any of the retailers’ $1.1 billion in savings had been
Yet the data tell a different story. While it is true that overdraft passed on to consumers.
fees hit the poor disproportionately, the vast majority of even the Interchange and overdraft controls serve as impediments to free
lowest-income account holders have never been hit with these fees checking. Removing both would be one promise of a freebie that
because they have never made purchases with more funds than is good politics and good policy.
they had in their accounts.
Data from the 2008 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s John Berlau ( is Director of the Center for
(FDIC) Study of Bank Overdraft Programs, which surveyed Investors and Entrepreneurs at CEI. A version of this article
462 FDIC-supervised banks, show that more than 60 percent originally appeared in The Wall Street Journal.

Court Should Reject
Video Game Censorship
By Ryan Radia Deputy Attorney General
Zackery Morazzini

F ree expression in the digital age faces

a major test before the U.S. Supreme
Court. The Court recently heard oral
could name only a
single video game
that California’s law
arguments debating the constitutionality would cover, but
of a 2005 California law banning the sale he guessed it might
of violent video games to minors. If the apply to several
nation’s high court allows California’s law other games. Perhaps,
to stand, it would pave the way for future quipped Justice Antonin
laws curtailing all kinds of interactive Scalia, California might
expression. simply create an “office
In recent years, several states have of censorship” to decide
passed laws barring the sale of violent which games should be off-
video games to minors, but courts have limits to minors. How else
found all such laws to violate the First could a game publisher or
Amendment’s free speech guarantee. retailer determine in advance
As one federal judge put it, video games games and
whether a particular video
are “just as entitled to First Amendment provides detailed
game is too violent for kids?
protection as is the finest literature.” information about
Backers of California’s law
Indeed, the Framers enshrined freedom of their content. Nearly
claim that violent video games
speech in the Constitution because they 90 percent of parents
cause children to suffer harmful
believed that individuals, not government, whose kids play video
psychological effects. The evidence
should be responsible for deciding whether games are aware of these
suggests otherwise. A comprehensive
a form of expression has value. ratings.
survey of the major scientific literature by
California’s law covers violent Not long ago, video games were a niche
psychologist Jonathan Freedman found
video games that appeal to a “deviant” product. Today, the average American
no established link between exposure to
interest and are “patently offensive” household spends more on video games
media violence and aggressive feelings in
by the standards of what is commonly than on print media, movie rentals, and
children. According to research by cyber-
considered suitable for minors. But music purchases, according to The Nielsen
policy scholar Adam Thierer, juvenile
whenever government discriminates Company.
violent crime fell by 36 percent from 1995
against supposedly “deviant” speech, it Violent video games are today’s
to 2008, even as the popularity of video
chills expression that some people value. favorite bogeyman of pandering politicians
games skyrocketed.
Likewise, regulating violent video games who want to appear “strong on family
Even if some video games may
would harm the millions of American values.” In the 1950s, politicians targeted
be harmful to some kids, however,
adults who enjoy mature-themed games. comic books; in another generation, a new
the responsibility for making that
Making it illegal to sell violent video form of expression will likely face a similar
determination is an individual judgment
games to minors will cause many retailers assault. The U.S. Supreme Court now has a
that should rest with parents, not with
to avoid stocking such games altogether. rare opportunity to stand up for free speech
Some game developers, fearing a and voluntary institutions by striking down
Parents who wish to shield their
government-issued black mark, may stop California’s misguided legislation.
children from certain kinds of video games
creating violent video games entirely. already have many options to do so, from
How much violence causes a video parental controls to content ratings. In Ryan Radia ( is Associate
game to be considered “patently offensive” 1994, the video game industry established Director of Technology Studies at CEI. A
to minors? No one really knows. In arguing the Entertainment Software Rating Board, version of this article originally appeared
before the Supreme Court, California a voluntary organization that rates video on AOL News.


Big Labor May Still Reap

Benefits Despite Election Losses
By Ivan Osorio and especially struggling businesses and In addition, the NLRB recently decided
F. Vincent Vernuccio workers who do not wish to join unions. to revisit its 2007 Dana Corp. decision,
Yet that does not mean that unions which affirmed employees’ right to call for
O rganized labor’s fears were realized
on November 2 when Republicans
won a decisive majority in the House of
are about to go quietly into the night.
Democrats can still pay back their union
a secret-ballot decertification election in
instances where a union has been certified
supporters, both through non-legislative through card check.
Representatives, almost eviscerated the means and last-ditch lame duck legislation. During the lame duck session, the main
Democrats’ majority in the Senate, and The deceptively named Employee Free Big Labor priority to watch out for is a
picked up 11 governorships. Was this a Choice Act (EFCA) remains at the top union pension bailout. Introduced in the
triumph of corporate interests, as some on of the union agenda. It failed to become House by Rep. Earl Pomeroy (D-N.D.)
the left might suggest? Hardly. law when Democrats controlled both and in the Senate by Sen. Robert Casey
Ironically, the same Democrats who houses of Congress and the White House, (D-Penn.), this legislation would create
railed against the Supreme Court’s Citizens so its chances of gaining any traction a new fund within the Pension Benefit
United decision—which struck down the in its current form are nil. Yet President Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), through
parts of the McCain-Feingold campaign Obama may still enact some of EFCA’s which it would direct taxpayer dollars to
finance legislation that limited how much key provisions through the National Labor shore up some underfunded union pension
unions and corporations could spend Relations Board (NLRB). Obama NLRB plans. The use of public funds to insure
on political campaigns—are the ones recess-appointee Craig Becker, a former private pension plans is a first for PBGC
receiving the greatest benefit. The biggest SEIU associate counsel, has written that and stark departure from the way it has
spenders this election cycle were public employers should have no say in the operated since its creation in 1974.
sector unions, giving almost exclusively to organizing process, so it’s very likely he Earl Pomeroy lost his reelection
Democrats. would support such changes. bid, which makes the prospects for his
The American Federation of State, One possibility is enacting EFCA’s legislation dim. However, just because
County and Municipal Employees card check provision through regulation. unions lost one champion of this legislation
(AFSCME) alone spent $91 million on Card check would in effect eliminate secret does not mean they cannot find another.
the 2010 midterm elections, making it the ballots in union organizing elections. The Pomeroy was an odd sponsor of such
largest single campaign donor this cycle. NLRB is now considering allowing remote legislation anyway; unions are not exactly
As The Wall Street Journal reported, electronic voting (E-Voting), which would political powerhouses in North Dakota,
“Freed to spend their own funds, allow voting in union organizing elections which is a right-to-work state.
AFSCME, the SEIU, and the National to be done via phone or the Internet. The Still, given enough support from the
Education Association have spent $171.5 NLRB says it wants to keep the voting national Big Labor establishment, another
million, compared to political outlays secret but it would not be hard for a unlikely lawmaker could take this up.
of $140 million by the U.S. Chamber of union organizer using a laptop or iPad to In addition, Pomeroy himself could try
Commerce, American Crossroads and pressure an individual worker to vote for to push this legislation during the lame
Crossroads GOP.” Big Labor helped the union. Allegations of mail fraud and duck session, which could gain him favor
Democrats narrowly hold on to the Senate voter intimidation were rampant in a recent with the Obama administration—and its
and bail out Senate Majority Leader Harry inter-union remote mail election fight in major labor supporters—and improve his
Reid. As Matt Patterson, senior editor at California last month. E-Voting could lead chances for an executive appointment. Like
the Capital Research Center notes, “SEIU to similar intimidation. Pomeroy, Big Labor may be down, but it is
alone … allocated $725,000 to help ensure The NLRB is also considering hardly out.
Reid’s return to the United States Senate.” expedited elections, which essentially
However, for Big Labor, the legislative would function as ambush elections. Ivan Osorio ( is a Labor
damage is done. The makeup of the new Employers would have very little time to Policy Fellow and F. Vincent Vernuccio
Congress will make it much more difficult respond to union organizing campaigns, ( is Labor Policy
for its agenda to make any headway. This which gives the union a significant Counsel at CEI. A version of this article
is good news for the American economy, advantage. originally appeared on

LaHood-winked by TIGER II
Mobility Grants Push Anti-Car Agenda

By Marc Scribner the total investment.

In New Haven, Connecticut, $16

O n October 28, President Obama’s

Transportation Secretary, Ray
LaHood, announced the grant recipients
million went to a project to convert a
portion of urban limited-access highway
to a normal city street. Project backers
of his department’s $600-million claim that restoring this portion of Route
Transportation Investments Generating 34 to the New Haven street grid will
Economic Recovery (TIGER) II make for a more livable, pedestrian-
program. friendly downtown.
Skeptics of the Obama-LaHood Of course, it will increase congestion
transportation agenda had known a transportation planning has been dominated in an area already suffering from some of
week earlier that things were going to be by the smart-growth set. They claim they the worst driving conditions in the country.
bad, thanks to some members of Congress just want to level the playing field for The State of Connecticut estimates that
leaking project details to the press—but we pedestrians, cyclists, and transit riders. chronic congestion costs the New Haven
didn’t think it would be this bad. However, they face one major problem: area $117 million a year.
While much of the funding went to Most Americans prefer to drive. In essence, As wasteful as these projects are, the
traditional pork projects like infrastructure smart-growth advocates are attacking a award for dumbest TIGER II grant goes
repair in low-traffic rural counties, a problem that is greatly overstated—a lack to the Razorback Regional Greenway in
significant portion went to smart-growth of non-auto infrastructure and access—and northwest Arkansas. The others are at
“livability” projects. Sounds great—who making the far more serious congestion least somewhat related to Department of
doesn’t want their community to be more problem significantly worse. Transportation’s core mission of enhancing
livable? Proponents of smart growth have much American mobility. The Razorback, in
The problem is that, for smart-growth to be thankful for, as less than a third of contrast, is a proposed 36-mile bicycle
advocates, “livability” doesn’t mean TIGER II’s $585 million in grants went to and pedestrian corridor stretching from
infrastructure investments that can increase road projects. In fact, more money went to Bentonville to Fayetteville.
Americans’ mobility and broaden their livability-enhancing projects such as rail According to the Census Bureau’s 2009
opportunities. They mean separating people transit and bicycle trails than to roads. But American Community Survey, only 0.3
from their cars. grants were not evenly distributed. Five of percent of commuters bicycled to work
Smart-growth “livability” projects the least cost effective projects received in the Bentonville-Fayetteville metro
generally make auto travel more difficult. one-fifth of total funding. area. Since when is the Transportation
These include converting highways Across the United States, smart-growth Department in the business of providing
to boulevards, closing city streets to advocates have been attempting to bring recreational opportunities to a small but
cars, opening one-way urban streets to back city streetcars. The proposed streetcar vocal segment of the public?
bidirectional traffic, narrowing roads, and lines in Atlanta and Salt Lake City received TIGER II is likely just a taste of what
installing speed bumps. $73.6 million from TIGER II—12 percent will follow. With reauthorization of the
Congestion is by far the most serious of the disbursed grant money. One of the multi-year highway bill around the corner,
issue facing our transportation system. few silver linings in the recent spate of Americans should be wary of more anti-
Livability measures not only fail to address crippling state budget deficits is that many mobility transportation spending which
congestion, they make it worse. More of these expensive and controversial transit congressional Democrats and the Obama
congestion means that people spend more projects were put on hold or drastically administration are very likely to support.
time stuck in traffic, which means a lot of scaled back.
wasted time and fuel. As vehicular mobility However, with the federal government Marc Scribner ( is
declines, so does real livability. providing targeted funds that must be a Land-use and Transportation Policy
A debate between smart growth and spent, these boondoggles may be able to Analyst at CEI. A version of this article
traffic efficiency advocates has raged limp back into operation. In the case of originally appeared in The Washington
for decades in the transportation policy Atlanta’s downtown streetcar line, the Examiner.
community. Since the early 1990s, federal TIGER II grant accounts for two-thirds of


Biofuel or Bust?
Ethanol Subsidies Should be Dropped
By Brian McGraw

T he long struggle to make ethanol a viable and relevant auto fuel in America
got a boost recently from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
However, allowing the tax measures that artificially prop demand for ethanol to
expire would have a far greater impact.
The EPA’s recent ruling that motor vehicle fuel blends of 15 percent ethanol
(E15) can now be sold for automobiles built after 2006—an increase from the
10-percent blend currently used in most vehicles—should help farm belt corn
growers. But the decision came amid considerable controversy.
Gas stations are wondering how they will afford costly new tanks and pumps
for fuels with higher ethanol contents. Automobile manufacturers are concerned
that they might be held liable if consumers accidentally use E15 in engines that
cannot handle it. (An EPA ruling for E15 use in vehicles made after 2000 is
expected later this year.)
The EPA decision will help the ethanol industry, though it isn’t game-
changing. What the industry is really fighting for is the extension of two
significant protections: the ethanol blender tax credit, known as the Volumetric
Ethanol Excise Tax Credit, and a tariff on imported ethanol. Both measures are
set to expire at the end of 2010. They should be allowed to.
The tax credit is not given directly to ethanol producers, but to the much
maligned oil companies that blend the ethanol into fuel. Just who exactly
benefits from this tax credit is highly debated. ExxonMobil, a large blender,
stated this fall that it believed the benefits flowed primarily to consumers
through lower gas prices, and would be fine with its expiration. If you believe
that only consumers benefit, the tax credit is frivolous at best, as the government
is writing checks to subsidize gasoline consumption paid for by taxpayers.
(continued on the next page)

Yet it is also possible that ethanol and grocery industries, and anti-poverty The second is that ethanol is an
producers benefit from the tax credit— groups have all come out against ethanol immediately viable alternative to gasoline
either directly or indirectly—which subsidies. And despite the industry’s and can compete only if given equal access
would explain the millions of dollars claims of bipartisan support for ethanol to the market. Given the recent spike in corn
spent pushing for its renewal. Indirectly, legislation, few members of Congress prices, ethanol is again more expensive than
a rationale for the tax credit might be part outside of the Farm Belt favor continued gasoline when you account for the fewer
of a strategic plan to extend the tariff on taxpayer support. miles per gallon ethanol provides.
sugarcane ethanol, a competitor to Moreover, what the biofuel lobby
corn ethanol, from expiring at the is advocating for is anything but a
end of the year. The existence of level playing field. It has suggested
the tax credit provides support for What the biofuel lobby is that the government mandate all new
this otherwise senseless tariff, since vehicles be made flex-fuel compatible
without the tariff, the tax credit could advocating for is anything and requested billions of dollars in
potentially subsidize foreign biofuel government infrastructure support.
but a level playing field. Finally, it is irresponsible to
The road to a biofuel future has It has suggested that the advocate keeping imported ethanol
not been a smooth one. The two out of the United States. Brazilian
largest ethanol trade associations, government mandate all sugarcane ethanol is a much cleaner
Growth Energy and the Renewable fuel and has been produced historically
Fuels Association, parted ways this
new vehicles be made at a much lower cost. Brazil has a
summer over government support flex-fuel compatible and competitive advantage—sugar grows
for the industry. Growth Energy much easier in warmer climates and
abandoned the tax credit in favor requested billions of yields more fuel per acre. Banning
of government investments in foreign imports of ethanol does little
ethanol infrastructure and mandates
dollars in government more than keep the domestic price of
that new vehicles be made flex- infrastructure support. ethanol artificially high.
fuel compatible, meaning they can Ethanol may one day prove itself as a
run on higher blends of ethanol. useful fuel. Producers continue to make
The Renewable Fuels Association significant productivity improvements
continued to support an extension of the So what arguments are put forward in and are finding new ways to use the
tax credit. support of ethanol? The domestic ethanol residuals from production. But they should
Fearing that their division might cause industry has made a number of claims, few do this without the support of government
the industry to lose much of its government of which stand up to closer scrutiny. subsidies and tariffs on foreign competitors.
support, the two groups recently came The first is that the expiration of the No government mandate, no matter how
to a compromise: They would just ask tax credit will cause massive job losses. stringent, can will more efficient energy
for everything—an extension of the tax At a time of low economic growth and sources into existence. Using taxpayer
support and government funding for high unemployment, the prospect of even money to gamble with new technology is
infrastructure investments. Another point thinner payrolls is terrifying to voters. not any government’s strength. Innovative
of agreement for both groups is that neither The ethanol industry has capitalized on technologies are best left to investors who,
seems willing to admit that the industry this, claiming that job losses could exceed aside from being uninfluenced by lobbyists,
has matured and can survive without 100,000. However, Iowa State University face the loss of their own money if they fail.
the taxpayer support from which it has agricultural economist Bruce Babcock
benefited for over 30 years. recently completed a study concluding Brian McGraw ( is a
Outside the ethanol industry, support for that potential job losses resulting from an Research Associate at CEI. A version of
ethanol subsidies is essentially nonexistent. expiration of the tax credit and tariff would this article originally appeared in The
Environmental organizations, the meat be fewer than 500. Detroit News.
Empowering people to Dispelling the myths
take back their liberty of global warming



CEI Takes on NASA over FDA Targets Alcohol- TSA Unveils Invasive New
Public Access Energy Drinks “Security” Measures
NASA continues to block the Earlier this year, CEI published When the Transportation Security
right of American citizens a study, “Extreme Refreshment Administration (TSA) began
to gain access to tax-funded Crackdown,” highlighting the rolling out backscatter imaging
global warming research and FDA’s unwarranted assault on machines—“naked scanners”—it
communications. On November alcohol-energy drinks (AEDs)— claimed that going through the
3, in a lawsuit initiated by the beverages that contain caffeine machines was not mandatory.
Competitive Enterprise Institute and alcohol. In November, Passengers, TSA officials said,
in May 2010, CEI filed its media scare stories on a specific would be free to opt out.
opposition to NASA’s motion for AED called Four Loko began Unsurprisingly, the airport
summary judgment. The lawsuit appearing across the country. security agency has made this
seeks documents and emails Soon, states began banning the as painful as possible, purposely
relating to NASA’s temperature beverage. It didn’t take long embarrassing those who
record, which NASA was for FDA bureaucrats to move wish not to have their private
forced to correct in response to in for the kill. After moving parts viewed by government
criticism from a leading climate forward with a proposal to ban employees. A national backlash
watchdog, Steve McIntrye. AEDs nationally, Four Loko’s quickly ensued, with horror
Those corrections destroyed the parent company pulled the stories of men, women, children—
position that temperatures have product. But FDA ignores the and even nuns—being accosted
been steadily rising in recent fact that many popular drinks, and molested by TSA screeners.
years and revealed 1934, not such as the classic Rum and Of course, these measures will
1998, to be the warmest year Coke, contain both caffeine do little in terms of enhancing
on record. NASA refuses to and alcohol. “Most people who security. After all, security
give CEI the computer file they drink caffeine and alcohol mix theater has always taken priority
used to make these changes. the two substances themselves over actual security for the TSA
The lawsuit also seeks electronic at home or at a bar, and all the monopoly. “TSA’s monolithic
records of NASA scientists who research into alleged abuses approach to passenger screening
contribute to—a of the combination examine obfuscates the crucial role of
third-party climate alarmist those self-mixed drinks,” said experimentation and competition
website—on official time, using Greg Conko, CEI’s director in spurring security innovation,”
official resources. of food and drug policy. “The said CEI Associate Director of
FDA is making an unwarranted Technology Studies Ryan Radia.
extrapolation to pre-mixed “Re-privatizing security would
commercial products in order to also give airlines the flexibility to
justify its regulatory overreach.” adopt screening procedures that
accommodate the diverse needs
of passengers.”

MediaMENTIONS Compiled by Lee Doren
trains in the 1940s regularly met or
exceeded these speeds. Only California’s
proposed high-speed rail corridor would
resemble anything close to a “modern”
European or Asian passenger rail line.
Senior Fellow Ben Lieberman argues pro-business –November 14, The Pittsburgh
that the ecological impact of the Gulf policies. Tribune-Review
oil spill was intentionally overstated by Texas has no
the Obama administration to push its state income Vice President for Policy Wayne Crews
environmental agenda: tax, a light praises the proposed REINS Act as a
Just as the drumbeat of doom-and- regulatory burden, and relatively relaxed good way to strengthen the economy:
gloom predictions about global warming zoning and land-use laws. Moreover, Whether Congress delegates excessive
didn’t generate public support for “cap- Texas relies heavily on state sales tax and power or whether agencies simply assume
and-trade,” neither did overblown claims property taxes, so even undocumented it, blaming or scolding agencies for
of oil-spill-induced ecological devastation immigrants pay their “fair” share for public emphasizing the very regulating they were
create a backlash against offshore drilling. services. set up to do by Congress in the first place
And given the still-struggling economy HB 17 will harm businesses and blot won’t help. If Congress is the ultimate
and stubbornly high unemployment, the Texas’ otherwise wise policy choices. It source of overregulation, then regulatory
electorate is not going to accept costly would cast a wide net that will punish reform must be seen as congressional
solutions to overstated threats. undocumented immigrants, legal reform, just as Congress has been the
The drilling ban, like cap-and-trade, immigrants, and hardworking American target of other popular reforms aimed at
threatens to raise energy costs and destroy entrepreneurs trying to survive in reining in government overreach, such
jobs. The public might support the precarious economic times. Conservatives as term limits, committee reform and
imposition of new safety measures in order were elected last week to roll back state subjecting Congress to its own laws. Policy
to reduce the likelihood of a repeat spill, control over our lives, not increase it forgets that we aren’t immortal; most
but only within the context of a policy through laws like HB 17. people aren’t born yet, and needn’t draw
that allows domestic drilling. Any attempt –November 15, The Houston their first breath in a nanny/political state.
to parlay the spill into a drilling ban is a Chronicle’s “Texas on the Potomac” blog I’m glad to see this Pledge to America
clear non-starter with the American people. and look forward to absorbing details
Recent revelations that Obama officials Vice President for Strategy Iain Murray and participating in where debate carries
doctored the first official spill report and Land-use and Transportation Policy us. But we do have to wall off the future
to claim falsely that a team of experts Analyst Marc Scriber discuss the folly of from the policy fevers of today; that’s vital.
endorsed its moratorium demonstrates that high-speed rail in America: A proposed, fundamental solution is
the public’s opposition is justified. [I]n all of their cheerleading, high- the REINS Act (“Regulations from the
–November 18, The Washington Times speed passenger rail proponents never Executive In Need of Scrutiny”), from
mention what is perhaps the most damning Rep. Geoff Davis (R-Ky.) and Sen. Jim
Policy Analyst Alex Nowrasteh warns fact about these projects: Most are not even DeMint (R-S.C.). REINS would require
Texas against following Arizona in considered high-speed by international congressional approval of “major” ($100
enacting misguided anti-immigration standards. million-plus) rules and regulations before
law: In Western Europe, for instance, high- they are binding.
The Arizona law significantly speed rail lines must reach a minimum of This requirement, that elected
expands penalties for employers who hire 125 miles per hour on upgraded track and representatives affirm significantly
undocumented immigrants—including 160 miles per hour for new track. China costly new agency rules, would change
those who do unknowingly. For a second currently has trains that can reach speeds rulemaking dynamics entirely, creating
such offense, the business owner’s licenses in excess of 260 miles per hour for limited incentives that would drive agencies to
are permanently revoked. Closing small stretches. ensure that their rules meet plausible cost-
businesses is never a good strategy in a In contrast, only three of the United benefit benchmarks before sending them
struggling economy and should not be States’ eight new high-speed rail corridors back to a newly answerable Congress.
emulated by Texas. that received funding will feature trains –November 11,
Texas has weathered the economic capable of reaching speeds in excess of 110
downturn surprisingly well because of its miles per hour. Embarrassingly, passenger


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Bending the Cost Curve… Up Zimbabwe’s Hyperinflation by the

The American Association of
Retired Persons (AARP), the nation’s
largest seniors’ lobby, was a key
...END Numbers
While Americans typically go into
panic mode whenever inflation drops
player in the coalition supporting
President Obama’s health care
overhaul. The group—which stands
NOTES below 2 percent or reaches above
6 percent annually, Zimbabweans
would likely consider 100 percent
to gain billions of dollars as a result annual inflation a blessing. In
of Obamacare—is the primary force December 2008, Zimbabwe’s
electrifying the political third-rails annual inflation was estimated at
that are Social Security and Medicare. 6.5 quindecillion novemdecillion
In November 2009, AARP peddled percent or 6 quinquatrigintillion 500
the Democratic line that Obamacare quattuortrigintillion percent or one
would bend the cost curve. According googol 65 million percent. That’s 65
to CEO Barry Rand, “We started followed by 107 zeros. In the face of the
this debate more than two years ago worthlessness of its currency—which,
with the twin goals of making coverage affordable to our younger defying the odds, seems to continue to lose value—the Reserve
members and protecting Medicare for seniors.” One year later, Bank of Zimbabwe ceased printing Zimbabwe dollars. The South
the group announced it would be raising its employees’ health African rand and U.S. dollar were then adopted as the standard
insurance premiums partly as a result of the law and that it will currencies of exchange. The country’s central bank economists
“make similar changes, as necessary, in the future to avoid the hoped to reintroduce the Zimbabwe dollar in late 2010, but it is
[Obamacare] tax.” appearing increasingly likely that Zimbabwe will lack a national
currency for the indefinite future.
Nanny State Follies: Neapolitan Edition
The sleepy Italian seaside town Castellammare di Stabia A Model for Single-Payer Coverage?
is perhaps best known by Americans as the ancestral home of In all of their bellyaching for a “single-payer solution” to
Prohibition-era gangster Al Capone. Perhaps this association our health-care woes, American progressives seem to have
with vice criminals drove the mayor, Luigi Bobbio, to ban a forgotten that we already have what is essentially single-payer
looming licentious menace: miniskirts. On October 25, the city coverage in the United States—for kidney dialysis patients. The
council passed Bobbio’s proposed ordinance banning “very program, which was enacted during the Nixon administration, has
skimpy clothes.” No hemline minimum was defined, so enforcing functionally been the United States’ longest-running foray into
the law, which carries a $700 fine, is at the discretion of the non-old-age, non-means-tested universal health care coverage.
local police. Women’s rights advocates demonstrated outside How are things working out for those on dialysis? In a December
the Castellammare di Stabia city hall, but were unable to get the article for The Atlantic magazine, author Robin Fields reveals the
votes needed to defeat the measure. In addition to short skirts, startling truth: “One in four of them will die within 12 months—a
the city council also passed bans on playing soccer in parks, loud fatality rate that is one of the worst in the industrialized world. Oh,
cursing, and blasphemy in public. and dialysis arguably costs more here than anywhere else.”


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