PP Sample Assignment

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Grading Rubric

Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback

LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and

transferable communication skills to a target audience.

P1 Demonstrate, using different communication styles and

formats, that you can effectively design and deliver a training
event for a given target audience.

P2 Demonstrate that you have used effective time

management skills in planning an event.

M1 Design a professional schedule to support the planning

of an event, to include contingencies and justifications of
time allocated.

D1 Evaluate the effectiveness and application of

interpersonal skills during the design and delivery of a
training event.

LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of
problem-solving scenarios.

P3 Demonstrate the use of different problem-solving

techniques in the design and delivery of an event.

P4 Demonstrate that critical reasoning has been applied to a

given solution.

M2 Research the use of different problem-solving techniques

used in the design and delivery of an event.

M3 Justify the use and application of a range of solution


D2 Critique the process of applying critical reasoning to a

given task/activity or event.

LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working

within a team and the impact of team working in
different environments.

P5 Discuss the importance of team dynamics in the success
and/or failure of group work.

P6 Work within a team to achieve a defined goal.

M4 Analyse team dynamics, in terms of the roles group

members play in a team and the effectiveness in terms of
achieving shared goals.

D3 Provide a critical evaluation of your own role and

contribution to a group scenario.

LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional

Development (CPD) and its role within the workplace
and for higher-level learning.

P7 Discuss the importance of CPD and its contribution to

own learning.

P8 Produce a development plan that outlines
responsibilities, performance objectives and required skills,
knowledge and learning for own future goals.

M5 Compare and contrast different motivational theories

and the impact they can have on performance within the

D4 Evaluate a range of evidence criteria that is used as a

measure for effective CPD.


The first learning outcome is based on the interpersonal skills and the communication skills. In this the conducted training programme based on
the sessions are explained. Then the demonstrations of the professional schedules consisting of the Gantt chart and Project Proposal are shown.
Finally, the application of interpersonal skills is evaluated.

In the Second learning outcome is based on applying critical reasoning to various different problem-solving skills. For problem, solving the
demonstrations of critical path analysis and group brainstorming has been explained. Then about the use of different solution methodologies
and the importance of critical reasoning is analysed.

In the third learning outcome is based on the teamwork. Here the explanation on working within the team, analysing team dynamics and
evaluation on the role has been explained.

The fourth learning outcome is based on Continuing Professional Development. Firstly, the importance about the CPD is explained. Next, the
Motivational theories has been explained. Then, the personal development plan consisting of the responsibilities, Personal evaluation and the
skills audit is demonstrated and explained. Finally the evaluation about the CPD.

This also consists of a reference lists and a Gantt chart. Finally a list of annexures have been provided.


1.0 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................................................23
(LO 1) Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication skills to a target audience............................................................24
2.0 Task 1...............................................................................................................................................................................................................24
2.1 Training Programme “Fundamentals of Computing and Information Technology”...................................................................................24
2.1.1 First Day First Session...........................................................................................................................................................................25
2.1.2 First Day Second Session......................................................................................................................................................................27
2.1.3 Second Day Final Session.....................................................................................................................................................................29
2.2 Professional Schedules................................................................................................................................................................................32
2.2.1 Gantt Chart...........................................................................................................................................................................................32
2.2.2 Project Proposal...................................................................................................................................................................................35
2.3 Evaluation and Application of Interpersonal Skills......................................................................................................................................38
(LO2) Applying critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios related to training programme conducted.....................41
3.0 Task 2...............................................................................................................................................................................................................41
3.1 Application of Problem solving techniques.................................................................................................................................................41
3.1.1 Critical Path Analysis............................................................................................................................................................................41
3.1.2 Group Brainstorming............................................................................................................................................................................43
3.2 Applying critical reasoning and Different Solution Methodologies............................................................................................................44
3.3 Critique the Process of applying critical reasoning.....................................................................................................................................46

(LO3) Discussion on the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact of team working in different environments..........48
4.0 Task 3...............................................................................................................................................................................................................48
4.1 Working within a team................................................................................................................................................................................48
4.2 Analyzing team dynamics............................................................................................................................................................................52
4.3 Evaluating own role.....................................................................................................................................................................................56
(LO 4) Examining the need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and its role within the workplace and for higher-level learning......57
5.0 Task 4...............................................................................................................................................................................................................57
5.1 Continuing Professional Development Importance....................................................................................................................................57
5.2 Motivational theories and their impact on workplace environment..........................................................................................................58
5.3 Personal Development Plan........................................................................................................................................................................61
5.3.1 Responsibilities related to your Personal Development......................................................................................................................61
5.3.2 Personal Evaluation..............................................................................................................................................................................62
5.3.3 Skills Audit............................................................................................................................................................................................63
5.3.4 The Personal Development Action Plan...............................................................................................................................................66
5.4 Evaluation of continuing professional development..................................................................................................................................68
Gantt Chart.................................................................................................................................................................................................................72


Figure no. Figure Name Page no.

2.1.1 Training Event Group Photo …………………………………………………………………. 24 Training Event at the start ……………………………………………………………………..25 Training Event first part ……………………………………………………………………… 25 Training Event Second part …………………………………………………………………. 26 Training Event third part ……………………………………………………………………. 26 Training Event third part ……………………………………………………………………. 26 Training Event first part ……………………………………………………………………… 27 Training Event second part ………………………………………………………………….. 27 Training Event third part ……………………………………………………………………. 28 Training Event third part …………………………………………………………………….. 28 Training Event third part ……………………………………………………………………. 28 Training Event ……………………………………………………………………………...... 29 Training Event ………………………………………………………………………………. 29 Training event ……………………………………………………………………………….. 30 Training Event ……………………………………………………………………………… 30

Figure no. Figure Name Page no. Training Event ……………………………………………………………………………… 30 Training Event Awarding of Certificates …………………………………………………… 31
5.2.1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs Theory ……………………………………………………… 58
5.2.2 Alderfer’s ERG Theory ……………………………………………………………………. 59


Table no. Table Name and Name Cited Page no. Gantt Chart ………………………………………………………………………………….. 32 SWOT Analysis ……………………………………………………………………………….. 62 Skills Audit ……………………………………………………………………………………. 64

1.0 Introduction

This Report is based on the Main Training Programme designed and delivered by a training team.

Team : Group B (13 Member Trainees)

Presenting Title Criteria : Fundamentals of Computing and Information Technology
Conducted Date : 14th to 15th of February 2018 (two days)
Scheduled Place : Linsay Ballika Vidyalaya, Kollupitiya (Girls school)
Scheduled Time : 8:00 am – 1:30 pm (1st day) & 8:30 am to 11:00 am (2nd day)
Target Audience : Grade 09 & 10 - 120 Sinhala & English Medium Students
Scheduled Teaching Criteria : First Session First Part - Introduction about Fundamentals in Computing.
Second Session Second Part – Hardware Components
Third Session - Microsoft Office Software Packages Practical on
MS Word
MS Excel
MS PowerPoint

The main intention of conducting this training programme was to train the schoolchildren on the basics of computing skills and to train on MS
Word, MS PowerPoint and MS Excel Microsoft Software Packages.

(LO 1) Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication skills to a target audience.

2.0 Task 1

2.1 Training Programme “Fundamentals of Computing and Information Technology”

“Fundamentals of Computing and Information Technology” training programme, conducted for two days at Linsay Ballika Vidyalaya. The
main reason for conducting this Programme for two days was, due to the large number of audience (120 students) and the limited computing
facilities at the school IT Laboratory (40 computers). Therefore as trainees, had to break down the audience into 40 by assigning each of them
an individual computer and carryout the training Programme for three sessions (3 sessions * 40 students each session = 120 students) within
two and a half hour each session for two days.

Figure: 2.1.1
Source: Training Event Group Photo

2.1.1 First Day First Session
The First Day First Session of the training programme commenced on 14 th of February 2018 at 8:00 am and ended at 10.30 am at the School IT
Laboratory with an audience of forty students. The first session based on three parts.
The First Session First Part was a 30 minutes introduction about the ‘Fundamentals in Computing” conducted by Vinul Wijeratne (Author) in
English medium and by Shaniya Fernando (trainee) in Sinhala medium. This session carried out in both mediums due to a request by the
The First Session Second Part was a 30 minutes introduction about the “Hardware Components” conducted by Vinul Wijeratne (Author) in
English medium, Shaniya Fernando (trainee) in Sinhala Medium and Isuru Demel (trainee). Here we explained about the Hardware parts with
the real hardware objects.
The First Session Third Part was a one and a half hour Software Practical regarding “MS Word, MS Excel, and MS PowerPoint” conducted by
Isuru Demel (trainee) accompanied by all the other 12 member trainees. The total forty students used the Computers.

Figure: Figure:

Source: Training Event at the start Source: Training Event first part (Learner at right)

Figure: Figure:

Source: Training Event Second part(Learner at right) Source: Training Event third part


Source: Training Event third part

2.1.2 First Day Second Session

The First Day Second Session of the training Programme commenced on 14 th of February 2018 at 11:00 am and ended at 1.30 pm at the School
IT Laboratory with another audience of forty students after a half an hour break in the end of the first session. This Second Session based on
three parts. The Second Session First Part was a 15 minutes introduction about the ‘Fundamentals in Computing” conducted by Nirasha
Isurika (trainee) accompanied by Laavanyas (trainee), only in Sinhala Medium.
The Second Session Second Part was a 15 minutes introduction about the “Hardware Components” conducted by Nirasha Isurika (trainee) in
Sinhala Medium and Isuru Demel (trainee) explained about the Hardware parts with the real hardware objects.
The Second Session Third Part was a two hour Software Practical regarding “MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint” conducted by Isuru
Demel (trainee) accompanied by all of the other 12 member trainees. Here the total forty students used the Computers.

Figure: Figure:
Source: Training Event first part Source: Training Event second part

Source: Training Event third part Source: Training Event third part


Source: Training Event third part

2.1.3 Second Day Final Session
The Second Day Final Session of the training programme commenced on 15th of February 2018 at 8:30 am and ended at 11.00 am at the School
IT Laboratory with rest of the audience of forty students. This Final Session mainly based on three parts.
The Final Session First Part was a 15 minutes introduction about the ‘Fundamentals in Computing” conducted by Nirasha Isurika (trainee) only
in Sinhala Medium.
The Final Session Second Part was a 15 minutes introduction about the “Hardware Components” conducted by Nirasha Isurika (trainee) in
Sinhala Medium and Isuru Demel (trainee) explained about the Hardware parts with the real hardware objects.
The Final Session Third Part was a two hour Software Practical regarding “MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint” conducted by Isuru
Demel (trainee) accompanied by all of the other 12 member trainees. Here total forty students used the Computers.

Figure: Figure:

Source: Training Event Source: Training Event

Figure: Figure:
Source: Training event Source: Training Event


Source: Training Event
All the three Parts conducted on each session on both the days were presentation based. The total audience of 120 students in both the grade 9
& 10 classes received a printed handbook each at the beginning every session. This handbook consists of all the necessary things shown in the
presentation and some broad explanations regarding the headings. During the practical part, each student received a practical sheet, which
consists of questions based on MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint to do it on their computers. At the end of each session, the audience
received a Feedback Form, to express their point of view regarding our training event. Finally, at the end of the second day the total 120
students in the audience received a certificate of participation.
Note: - The Screen Shots of the Presentation, printed Handbook, Practical sheet, Feedback Form and the issued Certificate provided in the
Annexures at the end.

Source: Training Event Awarding of Certificates

2.2 Professional Schedules
2.2.1 Gantt Chart
Managing time was a crucial factor for us at the beginning. Even though we planned the things, in certain occasions, putting the planned things
into practice, was time consuming for us. As time is scarce, we thought of following a Professional Schedule. This Professional Schedule is a
true document that updated us regarding the completion of the goals and time management of the entire training programme effectively.


Source: Gantt Chart
Below I have narrated the contingencies and justifications of the time allocation, by providing evidences of effective communication with other

Month of November

In the first week, the groups were divided for the main training programme. A group consists of thirteen members each. This took us only a day
to divide the groups. However, interactive communication sessions between the trainees took place during the week.

In the second week, the deep discussion regarding the content of the training programme took place. In this week, the Presenting title criteria
(topic) “Fundamentals in Computing and Information Technology” was finalized and a class of grade 9 & 10 students of a certain school were
selected as the target audience. This took us a whole week to finalize things because of the different suggestions made by every trainee.

In the third week, the roles were decided and assigned to the trainees. This took us two days to finalize the roles. It was easy to assign the roles
due to the identification of the content of the training programme and knowing the talents of every trainee after the first and second weeks.

In the fourth week, started to identify the schools that are close to our location. This took us four days as every trainee had the responsibility in
searching for a school. With that responsibility on hands, the making of the letter and project proposal took place. It took us four days to get the
letter prepared because getting the letterhead of Esoft had a long procedure to be followed. Meanwhile the project proposal was prepared and
within the fourth week, managed to complete successfully all the tasks in month of November.

Month of December

In the first week and in the second week, each team member provided a list of nearby schools. Then, after preparing the letters of request and
the project proposal, the hunt for a school began.

In the Third week, while the search for a school was going on, we decided to plan on our Course materials for the training programme. Here the
ideas such as making of a syllabus, Printing a Handbook, making a Practical sheet, making a Feedback Form and issuing a Certificate were
presented and then analyzed.

During the fourth week, we still did not get any message from any school. Therefore, in the month of December, the finding of a school was
not successful.

Month of January

In the first week, we continued to search for a school. Each member tried different schools and some members even tried their own school.
Finally, we got permission from Linsay Ballika Vidyalaya, Kollupitiya to conduct the training programme at their premises. It wasn’t our fault
that took so long in searching for a school. We were always active, but the schools management was not so active like us.

In the Second, third and fourth week, the preparation of the Course Materials began. However, the preparation of course materials were
unfinished during this month, as the completion of one material requires the completion of another material.

Month of February

In the first week, the preparation of the course materials were finished. In addition, the analysis of the work and other miscellaneous factors
prior to the training programme were finished during this week.

In the second week, we were able to conduct the training programme successfully.

We as a group used time effectively and efficiently. So that, we were productive enough to complete all the tasks on time and make our training
programme a reality and successful.

2.2.2 Project Proposal

As the Gantt chart was used for internal referencing, the Project Proposal was another Professional Schedule used for external referencing by
the external stakeholders. This gave the external stakeholders a brief idea about the training programme and time allocation for the training

2.3 Evaluation and Application of Interpersonal Skills

The “Fundamentals of Computing and Information Technology” training programme that conducted was not only a part of the assignment but
also a part of the soft skill development. This program gave us a good experience in improving the presenting skills. Through this the main
consideration on the mistakes like eradication of fear in presenting in front of a target audience, the audibility of an individual, presenting
things with examples, not rushing things while presenting were considered. When presenting as a trainee, giving some more examples
practically to the audience should have been more effective. Although we went there to teach the students, I personally thought that I was also
student learning with them.

When conducting the training programme as a trainee, the learner identified the common difficulties faced by each student. The main
difficulties that the students faced were how to delete a word, how to go to the next paragraph by entering, how many spaces to keep after a
word, how to change the font style and size, how to save a file and many other basic things. Therefore, as a trainee deviating from the main
teaching routine tried my maximum to teach them the basics by going beyond the scheduled time.

The main problem the trainees had was finding a school. The learner took steps to find a school as a solution. Learner tried the school “St
Peters College” which was close by to our target location. Therefore, learner went there, spoke with the secretary of St Peters College, and gave
her the requesting letter to be sent to the principal. The learner tried to get a positive feedback quickly, however did not receive any feedback
from that school.

Learner was always a part of the team. Learner communicated with the team effectively by putting forward new ideas. Learner spoke up with
the idea in ‘giving a cake for the conducting school principal and the IT teacher as a thank giving for them’. In addition, the learner respected
other member’s point of view by cooperating with them. In addition, I participated into the meetings held in every occasions.

Learner was a volunteer in taking the role in making the presentation slides on behalf of the team. Learner was confident about that role and
managed to complete the task on time. Learner was also a volunteer helper in helping the team members in completing their tasks.

Learner was a failure in identifying all the opportunities when it came to his assigned role. It is because there were few thinks that the learner
realized on the training programme day. The difficulty in connecting another laptop at their school IT Lab. However, the learner had a backup
in his pen drive to fix at their Desktops. This made the problem in not showing most of the transitions in the presentation as they had MS
PowerPoint 2010 version and I had the 2013 version.

However, Learner guaranteed that the team effort Training Programme was successful and effective. It is because the feedback form given to
every student had shown positive impacts and the school principal had posted a thanking letter to Esoft Metro Campus writing about the

Note: The screenshots of the feedback forms given by the students who participated into the training programme is shown in the annexures at

Below shows the Letter of Appreciation given by the Principal of Linsay Ballika Vidyalaya (Training Programme conducted school)

(LO2) Applying critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios related to training
programme conducted.

3.0 Task 2

3.1 Application of Problem solving techniques

3.1.1 Critical Path Analysis

For Problem Solving we used the Critical Path Analysis technique. This helped us to identify the main tasks and the parallel tasks that we should
face and undergo to make our training event a reality. Below shows the critical path analysis designed by the learner.

Research conducted on the use of problem solving skills.

1) Division of the groups for the main training Programme as team B with thirteen members. After the division, we interacted between each
other and got to know about ourselves. For this estimated two days.
2) Started to discuss about the main training Programme. Especially the topic and the target audience for the training programme was mainly
taken into consideration. Estimated another two days.
3) After this, we assigned the roles to every member. For this, assumed only one day.
4) As this training programme was decided to conduct at a school, with two days assumption we tried to identify the schools, which are
convenience for our location.

5) While identifying a school, the development of a request letter for the school was started. For this, we planned two days for completion.
6) Meanwhile, made a project proposal with all the necessary estimations and assumed four days to finish and finalize it.
7) Getting a school approved to conduct our training event. For this an estimation of ten days.
8) While getting a school, estimated our budget for our event. For this, decided two days.
9) Next, we tried to work on our resource work. This consists of making the Syllabus, Hand Book, Practical Sheet, Presentation, Feedback
Form, Certificate and on other necessities. For this, one month was assumed for the completion.
10) Then considered other miscellaneous factors needed for the training programme. Decided three days for this.
11) Finally, conducting the training programme in a day.

The Critical Path Analysis was an estimation-based assumption demonstrated. However, the Gantt Chart updated us the real practical scenario.

Note: - The screenshots of the Request Letter, Project Proposal, Budget Report, Handbook, Practical Sheet, Presentation, Feedback Form and
the Certificate provided in the annexures at the end.

3.1.2 Group Brainstorming

Group Brainstorming was another problem-solving tool that was used by us, when working within a team. Through the application of Group
Brainstorming, the group individuals got a chance to present their new creative ideas to the rest of the team members. Group Brainstorming was
advantageous as members actively participated into the group meetings to reveal their ideas. This helped us to generate many ideas, where some
of the new ideas were accepted and some were rejected (Anon, no date).

Accepted new ideas

Using the Esoft Metro Campus letterhead in the requesting letter to make it more official.
Giving a Feedback Form
Issuing a Certificate
Thank You cake
Making a Practical sheet for the practical work

Rejected new ideas

Having a questionnaire session for a third session

Giving a pen as a gift to all the students
Making a presentation for software
Making Leaflets
Making a Poster banner

3.2 Applying critical reasoning and Different Solution Methodologies

By the application of Critical Path Analysis as critical reasoning, we were able to identify our tasks prior to the main training event. Through
the tasks, we were able to identify many problems and various other things to be satisfied. Therefore, we used a range of different solution
methodologies in order to solve the problems.

 Problem: In order to carry out our training event at a school how are we going to request permission?
Solution: Requesting permission through a request letter with the Esoft letterhead.

 Problem: How to relate the summary of our training event to other stakeholders (especially to school principals)?
Solution: Making a Project Proposal. For this, the summary and the other estimations of the training event were included.

 Problem: When searching for a school, are we trying only one school or many different schools.
Solution: Trying all the schools that are close to our location and trying members own schools.

 Problem: How should we present our Syllabus and the Presentation course work to the target audience?
Solution: Designing a Handbook including the syllabus and some broad explanations about the topics in the presentation.

 Problem: How are we going to pay for our expenses?

Solution: Collecting a Subscription of Rs 1000 from each member.

Brainstorming was also an effective problem-solving tool used to solve the problems in a creative manner by generating new ideas. Following
shows, the different solution methodologies used to solve the problems.

 Problem: How to make the requesting letter more official?

Solution: Using the letterhead of Esoft Metro Campus.

 Problem: How to analyse the effectiveness of the conducted training event?

Solution: Providing a Feedback Form at the end of the training event to the audience.

 Problem: How are we going to present our Practical work

Solution: Designing a Practical Sheet including the Practical work.

 Problem: How to add more value to the training event?

Solution: Providing a Certificate of Participation for the participated audience.

 Problem: How to appreciate the granting of permission by the school principal?

Solution: Giving a cake to appreciate the granting of permission by the school principal.

3.3 Critique the Process of applying critical reasoning

The Problem solving tools used as Critical reasoning were helpful in identifying and solving problems with the effort of the team. The Critical
Path Analysis and Group Brainstorming were the main problem solving tools used by us in making different solution methodologies.

The Critical Path Analysis was an estimation-based tool that gave us an idea about the tasks that need to be fulfilled and about the time
allocation for each task completion. However, the Gantt chart updated us regarding the actual completion of the tasks.

The dividing of the groups was done within a day and the discussion between members, regarding the topic to be presented and selecting the
target audience was started. Even though we estimated two days to finalize this, it went for a week due to the various suggestions of different

members. Assigning the role within a day to the members was easy, for we identified each other talents through effective communication
between each other during the previous week. The estimation for finding schools and getting an approval was for twelve days, but it took one
month, for us to get the confirmation from a school. While finding a school we had parallel sessions in between like making a requesting letter,
making the project proposal, collecting the budget and working on the course materials. The making of the letter went beyond the estimated time
due to the usage of the letterhead of Esoft Metro Campus and the finishing of the course work was done within the estimated time. This shows
the effectiveness of using Critical Path Analysis for we identified parallel sessions to be done and complete without waiting until one-task

Brainstorming was another effective tool used for critical reasoning as a part of problem solving. It showed the creativity of generating new
ideas where some ideas were accepted and some ideas were rejected. The rejected ideas was not a failure of somebody but the ideas that they
suggested were difficult to be implemented with the limited time. The using of the Esoft letterhead was very much useful to us when we were
searching for a school. To know the effectiveness of our conducted training programme providing a feedback form to the target audience was a
brilliant idea. This helped us to improve things and to have a self-satisfaction. The ideas of giving thank giving cake and a certificate, added
more value to the training programme.

There were few thinks that we did not identify through the application of different problem solving methodologies. For which we realized
things on the training programme day where we were not ready. I think we could have gone to their school prior to the scheduled date and
observe their IT lab. It is because the problems like difficulty in connecting a laptop, the PowerPoint version that they had was 2010 but the
presentation I made was in 2013 version as I was in charge of that, where most of the transitions did not work and two of the computers did not
work where one student had to share with another student. In addition, the awarding of the certificates on the training programme day was
postponed to the next day, due to the delay in getting the signatures. However, these problems did not make a huge impact to our training

The application of Critical Reasoning was very much important when solving problems. Through the application of critical reasoning
practically, able to identify, evaluate, analyze and make solutions to the problems faced by the team.

(LO3) Discussion on the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact of team working in
different environments.

4.0 Task 3

4.1 Working within a team

The training programme designed and delivered was a collaborative effort of the team. Working as a team was an effective approach taken in
achieving the goals and gaining success.
Following are the reasons behind the success gained by the team.

 Positive Leadership: Our team leader (Anuja Madushanka) was a strong and an active team leader who accompanied the other team
members in the right way to achieve the goals.

 Flexibility: The leader also interfered us all the time and managed to get the work done on time. Even the rest of the team members were
flexible and helped each other at all times.

 Division of Roles: A team is a group of

different members, working together to
achieve a set of goals. Therefore, in our Team B,
we had 13 members assigned to perform
different roles.

 Responsibility: Every member is responsible for

his or her assigned work.

Below table shows the names of the trainees and

their assigned roles.

 Active Members: The members were actively participating and present to the meetings and in the other urgent occasions.

Note: The screenshots of the Attendance Sheets are in the annexures at the last page.

 Effective Communication: When working within the team, we had official team meetings on every Wednesdays each week, to discuss and
update about the progress and achievement of our goals. Our goals were mostly the roles played by each of the members. This was a right of
each member in getting information, as we were working within the team and a good team dynamic in terms of communication.

 Ease of Decision-making: Even though we had some problems in decision making in solving the problems, the effective communication of
each of the members together eradicated all of them.

Note: The screenshots of the minutes of the meetings are in the annexures at the end.

 Innovative ideas: The innovative ideas such as awarding a certificate, handbook, practical sheet and a feedback form to the trainees, giving a
souvenir to the Principal of conducted training program school, giving a thank you cake for the IT teachers of that school.

Note: The screenshots of the Certificate, Handbook, Practical sheet and Feedback Form are in the annexures at the end.

With the gained success, there were only a few failing factors that affected us, when working within the team. However, these failures did not
make a huge impact in achieving our goals.

 The team did not pay much attention in finding a school from the beginning. As a result, we conducted the training event very much closer
to the deadline.

 Lack of volunteers in the team, when it came to assigning roles and performing some tasks, where the team leader had to point each of the
members to assign and perform the work.

 Negligence of the team members in bringing the subscription fee on time, which resulted in delaying a few targets.

 Delay in issuing the Certificates after the end of the training event to the audience because of a signing problem, which lead in giving them
the Certificate on the next day.

 We did not go to the training event hosting school before the conducting date. Due to this, on the conducting day we faced difficulties in
connecting a laptop, showing transitions in powerpoint 2013 where they had different version 2010 and two computers did not work so one
student had to share one computer with another.

4.2 Analyzing team dynamics

Team Dynamics shows the direction of the behavior and performance of a team. Team dynamics mainly consists of the characteristics like
goals, roles, rules and participation.

When working within the team there were certain team dynamics that were mainly concern.


We had short-term targets in achieving. They were

 Finding a school to conduct the training event

 Making of the syllabus
 Making and designing the presentation
 Printing of Handbooks
 Making the Practical Sheets
 Designing a Feedback Form
 Issuing a Certificate
 Delivering the Training Event
 Managing the time and deadlines


Anuja Madushanka: - (Team Leader) he was responsible for the in and out of conducting the training event. He was a strong and an active
leader who motivated and helped us in achieving targets.

Naaish Adam: - (Vice Leader, Syllabus Maker) he was mainly responsible for double-checking the tasks achieved and management of time. He
was also responsible in making the syllabus for our topic “Fundamentals in Computing and Information Technology”.

Isuru De Mel: - (Treasurer, Handbook Maker) he was responsible for the cash inflow and outflow of the team. He also prepared the budgets
and the Handbook consisting of the syllabus.

Laavanya Sivagnanasingham :- (Secretary) her main role was to update the members regarding the teamwork that was carried out by each of
the members in all possible ways. She was also responsible for arranging meetings, maintaining the attendance, keeping short notes and
safeguarding evidences.

Nirasha Isurika: - (Vice Secretary, Letter Maker and Project Proposal Maker) She worked and helped the secretary and meanwhile prepared
the Letter and the Project Proposal. She also managed to find the school to conduct the training event.

Ashani Dilshara: - (Event Planner and coordinator) she was responsible for coordinating the overall training event.

Shania Fernando: - (Practical Sheet Maker) she was responsible for making the practical sheets for the practical sessions in the training event.

Awanthika Lakshani :- ( Printing) all the printing work of the course materials was done by her.

Vinul Wijeratne: - (Presentation Slide Designer) I designed the Presentation slides by summarizing the handbook syllabus.
Note: The Presentation slides are available in the annexures at the end.

Rumaizan Faiz : - (Course Worker & Certificate Designer) He was responsible for the designing the certificate of participation, to be given for
the audience.

Ramesh Tharshan: - (Feedback Form maker) for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the training programme he prepared a Feedback Form.

Paramanandarajah Kuruparan: - (Course Worker) he was responsible for proof reading all the resource materials that were prepared without

Manoranjan Kokiladharshan: - (Resource Handler) he was responsible for making changes in the Course materials and handling the printed


From the beginning, we as a team had agreed to follow a common set of rules. They are:

 Working honestly and actively to satisfy our assigned responsibilities.
 Maintaining the unity between the team members.
 Suggesting new ideas and opinions at all times.
 Participating into weekly meetings.
 Contributing positively to all the matters of the team.


We had weekly interactive meetings to keep the targets running on all the occasions. Through meetings, we were able to update the weekly
progress and the difficulties in achieving the goals. Following shows a screenshot of an attendance sheet of a meeting.

Note: the minutes of the meeting and the other attendance sheet screenshots provided in the annexures at the end

4.3 Evaluating own role

The role that the learner was assigned to do was “designing the Presentation Slides”. Learner was a volunteer in choosing this role. Learner had
the ability to summarize the entire syllabus “Fundamentals in Computing and Information Technology” into meaningful short sentences and
present the work on presentation slides with colourful pictures. The learner managed to get the work done on time, by leading to the completion
of an important task. The learner’s presentation was useful during the training programme day where all the presenters were able to present the
things on the slides without any difficulty.

The learner was not only sticking into his work only. Learner always tried to help the other members whenever help needed. For an example
when a member needed a place for printing the course materials, learner bought a quotation from a printing press as a help. When the course
materials needed proof reading and changes, the learner without any hesitation did them on behalf of other team members. Learner always tried
to motivate the other team members when they face problems and encouraged them to build confidence within them.

The learner always communicated his own ideas with the rest of the team members. The ideas such as using the letterhead of Esoft for the
“requesting letter of a school” was a valuable idea given as it made it more official and giving a thank you cake for the school as an appreciation
for giving us a chance in conducting the training programme at their school premises.

When the team was in a difficult situation in finding a school, the learner took steps to find a school. Learner tried “St Peters College” by going
to their school and requesting them to conduct the training programme at their school. Nevertheless, there was no positive response from that
particular school. However, everyone appreciated my effort.

Learner was adaptable in any environment. A good example for this situation was when the training programme commenced, there was a request
by the IT teacher of the conducting school to have a presenting session in English medium. Without any practice learner did the presenting part
with good confidence.

(LO 4) Examining the need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and its role within the workplace and
for higher-level learning.
5.0 Task 4

5.1 Continuing Professional Development Importance

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a process that is followed by professionals to improve their skills, knowledge, attitudes and
experience needed for their personal life and professional careers. Through a person’s working life, the application of CPD can develop the
professional knowledge and professional competencies of a person, leading to many career opportunities both in the present and in the future.
CPD has become a dominating factor nowadays for it had changed the behavior and the practices of people in their workplaces by enhancing
their performance. Therefore as a young professional, following CPD is essential to survive in this competitive world (Khan, 2010).

Below points shows the importance of Continuing Professional Development

 CPD builds the confidence of people to handle responsibilities.

 Ability to generate new creative ideas and positively solve the problems that come across life.
 CPD ensures bridging of the gap between knowledge and experience.
 CPD ensures that you are up to date in your skills, knowledge, attitudes and experiences.
 CPD ensures new career opportunities that will lead to the improving of the quality of life of an individual.
 CPD encourages people to have a positive impact in working at their workplace.
 CPD can help an individual to identify his/ her inborn talents
 CPD makes our present and future goals come true. (Khan, 2010)

5.2 Motivational theories and their impact on workplace environment

Motivational Theories are used to build motivation on individuals. Through motivation, an individual will work hard to achieve his/her goals.
This would lead to the improvement of professional development in an individual. For this purpose, various Professionals have built certain
theories with the intention of strengthening motivation (Ball, no date).

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory

Figure: 5.2.1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs Theory

Source: Stack Exchange, 2018

Maslow’s theory emphasizes the satisfying of the basic needs of an individual. It is a bottom to top process consisting of Physiological needs,
Safety needs, Social needs, Self Esteem needs and Self Actualization needs. Those needs are the strongest primary desires of an individual. He
further stated that if an individual could not satisfy a need from bottom, that person would be unable to fulfil the next stage needs at the top.

The impact of this theory for the workplace environment is that a manager should provide the basic needs of an employee. Therefore an
employee to be satisfied he/she should work in a safe place, get proper wages on time, giving promotions, appreciation of work and ensure job
satisfaction and job security. If a manger fulfils those needs of an employee, the employees would motivate and work positively in that working
place (Ball, no date).

Alderfer’s ERG Theory

Figure: 5.2.2 Alderfer’s ERG Theory

Source: Cynthia, no date

Alderfer’s ERG theory explains about the Existence, Relatedness and the Growth. This theory has a close relationship with the Maslow’s
theory where Existence relates to the Physiological needs and Safety needs, Relatedness relates to the Social and self-esteem and Growth
relates to the self-esteem and self-actualization.
The impact of this theory for the workplace environment is that managers should identify multiple needs of employees rather than recognizing
only one need. If the Growth needs, Relatedness needs and Existence needs are not identified, it will lead to frustration and regression of the
employees. Therefore, when all needs of an employee is identified, it would motivate the employee to work positively in the workplace (Ball,
no date).

Hertzberg Theory

Hertzberg Theory says that the factors that lead to satisfy motivating factors are different from the factors that lead to demotivating. The factors
that lead to motivation is called Motivator factors and factors that lead to demotivation is Hygienic factors. The five motivator factors are
Achievement, Recognition, work itself, Responsibility and Advancement. The five Hygienic factors are Company policy, Supervision, Salary,
Interpersonal relationships and working conditions (Esoft, 2017).

McClelland’s achievement theory

McClelland’s theory explains the three motivations that can improve the performance of individuals in a workplace. They are Achievement,
Power/ Authority and Affiliation. An employee who gets motivated by increasing the ability to achieve goals, increasing the ability of Power/
Authority to manage others and higher degree of affiliation will lead to performance enhancing outcomes within the workplace environment
(Ball, no date).

5.3 Personal Development Plan

5.3.1 Responsibilities related to your Personal Development

In my personal career, becoming a Network Engineer is my future goal. To achieve this target, identification and fulfillment of many
responsibilities should be undergone. Below points shows the responsibilities, which I have recognized so far in becoming a Network Engineer.

 Having a basic knowledge in Cisco devices and CCNA security is necessary.

 Knowing about designing, implementing and maintaining a network is important.
 Having a basic and strong computing knowledge is important.
 Participating into many training programs to get many experiences.
 Adapting to the changes in the new trends in networking.
 Working productively but quickly on time.
 Been ready to work on shifts and in late hours.
 Working to meet the requirements of the company.
 Been collaborative with the work force.
 Adapting to the competitive field in networking.
 Ability to manage projects.
 Troubleshooting errors in network.
 Investigating on the network types.

5.3.2 Personal Evaluation

I have explained this SWOT analysis by considering my future goal in becoming a network engineer.

Strengths Weaknesses

Coordinating with people Problem solving need to be improved

Ability to work with other people Achieving goals in the last moment
Communicating with others Not discovering interpersonal skills
Acting patiently Does not like too much pressure
Working with determination, discipline and dedication Being stressed out

Opportunities Threats

Been aware about the changes in new trends Competition level in the field
New job enrollments Lack of job opportunities
The need, want and demand for networking Expectations of the other people
Future advancements of the network Unstable political and legal systems
Maintaining and monitoring the network. Changes in social and cultural factors

Table: SWOT Analysis

Source: Author Developed

5.3.3 Skills Audit

Score Scale:
1 – Excellent 2 – Good 3 – Satisfactory 4 – Floor 5 – Very Poor

Here I have shown my own Skills Audit as Personal Development Plan

Skills Score Evidence of where, when and how you have those skill /
(1 - 5) quality
Learner is not a person who works individually, when it comes to a
Teamwork 1
teamwork situation. Learner always share my thoughts openly with
others and tries to be a part of the team whenever they needed me.
This is one of a special skill in me. Learner always corporate with
Corporation 1
people patiently and often respects other people’s point of views.
This skill often helps me in making decisions effectively.
Learner felt as if a bit of a silent character when it comes to
Communication 2
communicating. The main reason for me to feel like that is that I do
not meddle in the social medias very much.
Learner think I have to improve my problem solving skills, for I
Problem Solving 3
spend too much time in solving them.
Learner did not manage achieving aims properly. Learner always

Skills How the skill /quality might enable me to Area for development?
Achieving Aims 3 achieved my targets in theYes
last/ moment.
No – WHY?
perform the role
Teamwork LearnerInterpersonal
was an active team member As interpersonal skills affects many more factors, learner think I
working both
Skills 2
directly and indirectly as a part ofhave to discover
the team some of my other factors interpersonally.
to achieve
No, I a good team
Non Verbal
the goals. Directly I performed my assigned role on time worker
Communication 1
Learner used the Nonverbal Communication very effectively.
and indirectly learner helped the other members in
certain other occasions. Table: Skills Audit
Corporation I corporated with the team members by giving my point Source: Author Developed
of opinion regarding the making of the presentation and
No, I can corporate
I also adhered to others opinions, where it helped me in with other people
making changes and improving my presentation.
Communication I communicated well with each member during the Here I have analyzed and evaluated my
weekly meetings. Through this, I updated my progress skills, knowledge and learning against
No, communication
and got to know about their progress in achieving goals. was easier performing my own role in the team.
Problem Solving As we were working in a team, problem solving was not
a difficult task for me. In making the presentation, I had
No, as we were in a Chosen Role: Presentation Slide Maker
to tell my problem to someone and he/she would clear team
me regarding the problem.
Achieving Aims In making the presentation, I took a little bit time to
Yes, as I made few
release it. It is because I did some changes into the
booklet that another person prepared.
Interpersonal When learner was presenting my presentation to the
Skills Yes, some more
target audience, learner felt like to the addition of charts
improvements in the
and some more pictures into the presentation would presentation would
have been better
have been more productive. 54
Non Verbal Learner used the Nonverbal Communication very No, need of an
Communication effectively. unnecessary
5.3.4 The Personal Development Action Plan

Name Current Position Date Started

Nawagamuwage Vinul Ronaka Wijeratne HND in Networking Student 11th of November 2017

Career Mission Statement

To be an honest, committed network engineer in the working company

Major Career Goals

Goal: Gaining knowledge in Cisco Target Goal: Obtaining a Degree in the field of Target
devices and CCNA security is Date: in the year 2020 networking Date: in the year 2019

Goal: Gaining a strong computing Target Goal: Getting a job in a reputed Date: in the year 2023
knowledge Date: in the year 2019 company

Goal: Participating into many training Target Goal: Doing my Master’s degree. Date: in the year 2026
programs to gain experiences Date: in the year 2022

Skills Audit

A – Fully Satisfied C – Average E – Very Poor

B – Satisfied D – Poor

Skill / Competency Rank Skill / Competency Rank

Now 6m 2yr 4yr Now 6m 2yr 4yr

Problem solving skills 4yr Nonverbal communication skills Now

Interpersonal skills 2yr Time management skills 6m

Effective Communication skills 6m

I am committed to these goals and I will achieve them within the time mentioned above,

Signature: Vinul Ronaka Wijeratne

Date: 11/11/2017

5.4 Evaluation of continuing professional development

Below shows the evidence criteria’s that is used to measure the effectiveness of Continuing Professional Development.

Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal is used to evaluate the individual performance of an employee. This provides a critical feedback to the employee where
the employee can improve his/her performance. Performance Appraisal consists of;

Salary levels: the increase of salary depends according to the job done.
Promotions: this is based on the experience of an individual.
Training and Development: it identifies the strengths and weaknesses of an employee.
Feedback: provides the necessary ups and downs of an employee.

Ranking Methods

Rankings are based on the performance levels of the employees. In this method, one employee is compared to another employee. Then, the
percentages of the best and worst employees are calculated according to their performance. Rather than a judgement, an overall assessment is
done on each employee. However, this is not a best way of rating employees.


The Checklist identifies the presence and absence of the skills, knowledge and attitudes of an employee. Through a Checklist, a set of different
questions are given to an employee where the employee has to provide an answer to it. A Checklist highlights the critical tasks of an individual.

Management by Objectives

This method has a coordination between both of the manager and the employee. Both of them sets specific objectives to be achieved in the
future. After some time both of them reveal their progress whether the objectives have been achieved or not. This method would lead to an open
communication between both of the two individuals.



Anon, (no date). Brainstorming: Module 2. [PDF] Brainstorming [Online]. Available at < https://www.yourcoach.be/blog/wp.../2012/.../A-
summary-of-motivation-theories1.pd... > [Accessed on 01 December 2017].

Ball, B (no date). A summary of motivation theories. [PDF]A summary of motivation theories by Benjamin Ball - YourCoach [Online].
Available at < https://www.yourcoach.be/blog/wp.../2012/.../A-summary-of-motivation-theories1.pd... > [Accessed on 09 March 2018].

Esoft (2017) HND in Computing Professional Practice text book : Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development: Chapter4. 1st
ed. Colombo 4, Esoft Metro Campus.

Khan, M.A.W (2010) Continuing Professional Development (CPD); what should we do? Bangladesh Journal of Medical Education, 1(1), pp.
37 - 43 [online]. Available at < https://www.banglajol.info/bd/index.php/BJME/article/download/12857/9243> . [Accessed on 08 March 2017].


Stack Exchange (2018). Does evidence support Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? cognitive psychology - Does evidence support Maslow's
Hierarchy of ... [Online]. Available at < https://psychology.stackexchange.com/questions/169/does-evidence-support-maslows-hierarchy-of-
needs > [Accessed on 09 March 2018].

Cynthia (no date). Motivation Theories you should know for the PMP certification exam. Motivation Theories You Should Know for the PMP
Certification Exam ... [Online]. Available at <http://www.dummies.com/careers/project-management/pmp-certification/motivation-theories-
you-should-know-for-the-pmp-certification-exam/ > [Accessed on 09 March 2018].

Gantt Chart

The following Gantt chart shows the timelines in making the assignment. It is shown according to the order of the tasks in the assignment brief.

No Task Duration Start Date End Date Month

November December January February March

1 Training 5 days 20/02/2018 24/02/2018


2 Professional 2 days 03/12/2017 04/12/2018


3 Interpersonal 2 days 25/02/2018 26/02/2018


4 Critical Path 2 days 27/11/2017 29/11/2017


5 Group 2 days 01/12/2017 02/12/2017


6 Critical 4 days 05/12/2018 08/12/2018


7 Working 3 days 27/02/2018 01/03/2018
within a team

8 Team 4 days 02/03/2018 05/03/2018


9 Own role 2 days 06/03/2018 08/03/2018

10 Importance of 1 day 08/03/2018 08/03/2018


11 Motivational 1 day 09/03/2018 09/03/2018


12 Personal 5 days 27/12/2017 31/12/2017


13 Continuing 1 day 09/03/2018 09/03/2018



Annexure 1 – Presentation Slides

Slide 1 Slide 2

Slide 3 Slide 4

Slide 5 Slide 6

Slide 7 Slide 8

Slide 9 Slide 10

Slide 11 Slide 12

Slide 13 Slide 14

Slide 15 Slide 16

Slide 17 Slide 18

Slide 19 Slide 20

Slide 21 Slide 22

Slide 23 Slide 24

Slide 25 Slide 26

Slide 27 Slide 28

Slide 29 Slide 30

Slide 31 Slide 32

Slide 33 Slide 34

Slide 35 Slide 36

Slide 37 Slide 38

Annexure 2 – Printed Handbook Screenshots

Annexure 3 – Practical Sheet

Annexure 4 – Feedback Form

Best Feedback Form

Best Feedback Form

Worst Feedback Form

Annexure 5 – Certificates


Annexure 6 – Sample Requesting letter

Annexure 7 – Project Proposal

Annexure 8 – Budget Report

Annexure 9 – Attendance Sheets

Annexure 10 – Minutes of the Meetings


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