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Industrial Crops & Products 132 (2019) 1–11

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Plant growth, tuber yield formation and costs of three different propagation T
methods of yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius)

Larissa Kampa, , Jens Hartungb, Benjamin Masta, Simone Graeff-Hönningera
Institute of Crop Science, Cropping Systems and Modelling, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
Institute of Crop Science, Biostatistics, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany


Keywords: Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) ((Poepp. and Endl.) H. Robinson) is a perennial plant native to the Andean
Yacon region. Its tubers contain high amounts of fructooligosaccharide and inulin (up to 60% of DM) which are sup-
Propagation method posed to have positive effects on human health. One major aspect currently limiting yacon cultivation is the high
Tuber yield cost of propagation. The aim of the present study was to investigate three different propagation methods i)
Direct planting
divided seedling after budding from mother plants with pre-cultivation in the greenhouse (DSAB), ii) seedlings
Production costs
from rhizome pieces pre-cultivated in the greenhouse (RP1), and iii) rhizome pieces directly planted into the
field (RP2) in regard to plant growth, tuber yield formation and costs. The propagation methods DSAB (92 cm)
and RP2 (85 cm) produced significant bigger plants than RP1 (70 cm). Leaves and ramifications showed a similar
trend, additionally number of ramifications of DSAB (24) differed significantly to RP1 (16) but not to RP2 (18).
The average rhizome weight at harvest was highest for DSAB with 871 g and lowest for RP1 with 561 g. Contrary
to that, on a hectare basis RP1 achieved highest tuber yields (29.8 t FM ha−1). The tuber yields of DSAB and RP2
were considerably lower with 21.3 and 17.8 t FM ha−1 respectively. Mean fresh weight of tubers differed sig-
nificantly between RP1 (308 g) and RP2 (196 g), whereas DSAB (255 g) did not differ significantly from RP1 or
RP2. Furthermore, RP1 reached the highest number of tubers per plant (8.2) compared with DSAB (5.6) and RP2
Due to the highest tuber yield and low investment costs, RP1 turned out to be the cheapest propagation
method for the cultivation of yacon. The most important cost factors were the procurement of plant material and
pre-cultivation. A further mechanization of direct planting of yacon rhizomes (RP2) would offer the chance to
decrease the propagation costs within this method significantly.

1. Introduction Valentova et al. (2006)). Peel and flesh of tubers vary from white or
creamy to yellow, orange, red or purple (Manrique et al., 2004). The
Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) ((Poepp. and Endl.) H. Robinson) is eatable tuberous roots weigh typically between 200 and 500 g, but can
a tuberous root plant native to the Andean region and belongs to the achieve up to 2000 g and contain 10–14% dry matter (DM) (Fernández
family of Asteraceae. The name yacon is composed of the words et al., 2007; Graefe et al., 2003).
yakku = insipid and unu = water, meaning tasteless water in the lan- Unlike other tubers, yacon stores carbohydrates primarily as fructan
guage of Quechua. One of the major reasons for this name is that the in particular fructooligosaccharide (FOS) and inulin. FOS amount up to
tubers are rather tasteless directly after harvest and have a high water 60% of DM and may not be digested by the human intestinal tract nor
content (Zardini, 1991). Besides its origin, yacon is or was cultivated in cause an increase of the blood glucose level (Lachman et al., 2003; Goto
Japan, Brazil, Czech Republic, New Zealand, Italy and also Germany et al., 1995). Other crops like garlic, onion, asparagus, and artichoke
(Ojansivu et al., 2011; Bredemann, 1948). It is a perennial herbaceous also contain FOS, but not in such high concentrations like yacon
plant, with a plant height of up to 2–2.5 m and is not frost tolerant (Caetano et al., 2016; Santana and Cardoso, 2008). Furthermore, yacon
(Zardini, 1991). Leaves are dark green and mostly arrow shaped contains phenolic compounds and flavonoids, thus offering health
(Fernández et al., 2007). Each plant generates a tuber yield on average promoting benefits. Yacon tubers can be eaten raw or in processed
of 2–3 kg, up to 5 kg (Delgado et al., 2013; Douglas et al., 2007; forms like syrup or juice, dried as slices or chips, dried and ground as

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L. Kamp).
Received 6 November 2018; Received in revised form 4 February 2019; Accepted 4 February 2019
0926-6690/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L. Kamp et al. Industrial Crops & Products 132 (2019) 1–11

powder or as a vinegar (de Andrade et al., 2014; Lachman et al., 2003). The experimental soil of both years was a vertic cambisol (IUSS
Yacon leaves are also consumed traditionally and prepared as a tea due Working Group WRK (2007)). The trials were set up as a randomized
to their antioxidant and antifungal potential and may be beneficial for complete block design with three replicates. Each plot was 5 m × 8 m.
patients with diabetes or renal disorder (de Almeida Paula et al., 2015). Yacon was planted in ridges (60 × 45 cm; 44 cm between the ridges;
Diverse capabilities for further processing and use of yacon tubers as 114 cm between center of ridges), which were formed using a common
natural sweeteners indicate that yacon tubers are a sustainable raw asparagus ridge planting machine (Leofant, HMF-Hermeler Maschi-
material for the food processing industry (Delgado et al., 2013). Par- nenbau GmbH, Füchtorf, Germany). Each plot consisted of four ridges
ticularly this will be of major interest to the German food and health with a total of 28 plants (0.7 × 1.14 m). Ridges were oriented from east
industry, as Germany is the country with the highest number of dia- to west and were formed four weeks before planting. Nmin in the soil at
betics in Europe as of 2010 (CBI, 2016). a depth of 0–90 cm (0–30, 30–60 and 60–90 cm) was determined
Already at the beginning of the 20th century, yacon was cultivated shortly before planting (according to the rules of VDLUFA, 1991), and
in Europe as a raw material for the sugar industry (Fernández et al., amounted in sum to 28.8 kg NO3 ha−1 in 2016 and 119 kg NO3 ha−1 in
2007). Yacon is typically propagated vegetative by crown buds, because 2017. Content of Nmin was considered in fertilization. To ensure that no
of missing fertile seeds in the flower (Doo et al., 2002). The current water stress occurred, plots were irrigated by hand in 2016 two times
state of technology is to divide seedlings from crown buds after (27 May and 7June) and four times in 2017 (26 and 30 May, 20 and 22
sprouting or plant rhizome pieces and pre-cultivate them in the June) with 1.4 l distributed per plant. Mechanical weed control was
greenhouse for 6–8 weeks. Due to the low frost tolerance the planting done by hand once a week until plants were established and no weeds
date in Central Europe is normally in the second half of May (Fernández interfered with growth of yacon.
et al., 2006). Plants are then transferred to the field and planted
manually. Due to the costs related with greenhouse cultivation and 2.2. Treatments
manual labor, high costs up to 6 Euro per seedling arise, finally re-
sulting in high end-product prices. In order to increase the attractive- Three different propagation methods for yacon interrelated with
ness of yacon as raw material for the food industry and as valuable crop two different field transplanting dates were investigated over both ex-
for the farmers, cheaper propagation methods with the potential for perimental years (Table 1). All propagation methods were conducted
mechanization of the whole cultivation are needed. with the same genotype. The genotype was a brown-shelled genotype
By planting the crown buds directly into the field, pre-cultivation in which was obtained from a plant nursery (Helenion, Berlin, Germany).
greenhouse would not be needed and mechanical planting by e.g. a Tested propagation methods were i) divided seedlings after budding
potato planter could be possible (Douglas et al., 2005). Because yacon (DSAB) (Doo et al., 2002) from mother plants pre-cultivated for six to
rhizomes can withstand temperatures as low as −7 °C, the rhizome eight weeks in the greenhouse, ii) seedlings from rhizome pieces pre-
pieces can be planted into the field earlier than the plantlets of the cultivated for six to eight weeks in the greenhouse (RP1), and iii) rhi-
greenhouse (Ahl, 2009). Provided that rhizomes are in the soil, no frost zome pieces directly planted into the field (RP2). For DSAB, mother
damage is expectable. Germination rate of crown buds highly depends plants were needed. Cultivation of mother plants started on the 15 April
on temperature. Soil temperatures ranging between 10 and 15 °C are 2016 and 14 March 2017 in the greenhouse. All mother plants in both
sufficient, but only 10 to 60% of crown buds will germinate at these years were cultivated in round plant pots (37 cm height, Ø 32 cm
temperatures. Furthermore, almost no increase of biomass can be ex- ground, Ø 44 cm top, 0.035 m3) filled with 14 kg of a standard soil
pected at these low temperatures. In order to obtain a suitable germi- (classic, expert substrate, Einheitserde Werkverband e.V., Sinntal-Al-
nation rate up to 90%, temperatures between 20 and 25 °C are neces- tengronau, Germany) without further fertilization. To separate the
sary (Doo et al., 1998). Accordingly, the planting date of rhizome pieces shoots from the mother plant the whole rhizomes were dug out every
can be around 3–4 weeks earlier under the climatic conditions of second day within a period of eight days. All rooted shots were trans-
southwest Germany. The soil coverage will protect the rhizomes from planted as seedlings into separate square planters (9 × 9 × 9.5 cm,)
late frosts, while they can simultaneously germinate if climatic condi- and filled with a standard soil (classic, expert substrate, Einheitserde
tions are appropriate. Werkverband e.V., Sinntal-Altengronau, Germany) for further cultiva-
Doo et al. (1998, 2002) showed that different sprouting conditions tion. The second propagation method, RP1, consisted of single rhizome
and seedlings affect plant growth and tuber yield. Generally direct pieces with a weight of 20–40 g and two to three buds. Rhizome pieces
planting could lead to a similar yield potential like pre-cultivated were obtained by slicing the whole rhizomes with a sterile knife in
plantlets with high plant density of 28.500 plants ha−1 and the same smaller segments. Obtained rhizome pieces were planted in square
planting dates (Doo et al., 2002). Based on these results, the aim of this planters (9 × 9 × 9.5 cm,) filled with a standard soil (classic, expert
study was to investigate i) differences in plant growth and ii) tuber substrate, Einheitserde Werkverband e.V., Sinntal-Altengronau, Ger-
yield formation of three different propagation methods in Southwest many). DSAB and RP1 were cultivated in the greenhouse for a period of
Germany, as well as iii) associated costs of propagation methods. six to eight weeks at 21 °C during the day and 15 °C during the night,
humidity amounted to 65%. No artificial light was used. Pots were ir-
2. Materials and methods rigated every third day without further fertilization. For the third
propagation method (RP2) rhizomes pieces (20–40 g, two - three buds)
2.1. Field site and experimental design were used and directly transplanted into the field. Rhizome pieces were
obtained by slicing whole rhizomes with a sterile knife in smaller seg-
In 2016 and 2017, field experiments were carried out at the ex- ments, like for RP1. Rhizomes for mother plants and rhizome pieces
perimental station Ihinger Hof of the University of Hohenheim (48° 44′ were obtained from the field trials of 2015 and 2016. After harvest in
N, 8° 55′ E and 475 a.s.l.) in south-west Germany from May to October. 2015, rhizomes were stored in a lightproof box (100 × 120 × 75 cm) in
The mean annual rainfall was 646.5 mm in 2016 and 653.9 mm in a barn. In 2016, rhizomes were treated with ash (from biomass co-
2017. Average annual temperature was 9.1 °C in 2016 and 9.2 °C in generation), to prevent mold from building. Afterwards rhizomes were
2017. During the cultivation period of yacon the average temperature wrapped in perforated bags and stored in a lightproof box with a
was 13.7 °C in 2016 and 13.5 °C in 2017, respectively. The rainfall mixture of sand and sawdust of untreated wood (mixed hardwoods), to
amounted to 504.8 mm in 2016 and 464.7 mm in 2017 (Fig. 1A and B). absorb humidity. During storage the average outside temperature was
Noticeable differences in precipitation of both years were recorded in 5.7 °C in 2015/16 and 3.1 °C in 2016/17. During storage the average
July and August (64.8 and 29.3 mm 2016 and 109.9 and 69.3 mm in temperature and humidity in the box were 5.6 °C (min. 2.4, max. 9.1)
2017). and 82% in 2016/2017.

L. Kamp et al. Industrial Crops & Products 132 (2019) 1–11

Fig. 1. A: Temperature (●) and precipitation (bars) at the trial site

Ihinger Hof for the cultivation period of yacon in 2016. Plotted are
the average temperatures in degree Celsius and the total rainfall in
mm for each month. Temperature and precipitation in April and
October only include the days, which were within the cultivation
period. B: Temperature (●) and precipitation (bars) at the trial site
Ihinger Hof for the cultivation period of yacon in 2016. Plotted are
the average temperatures in degree Celsius and the total rainfall in
mm for each month. Temperature and precipitation in May and
November only include the days which were within the cultivation

At first, RP2 were transplanted into the field on 29 April 2016 and 2 manually for destructive measurements with a sickle and a digging fork.
May 2017. Rhizome pieces were placed near the soil surface (5 cm). To The plants were separated into leaf, stem, tuber and rhizome. Tubers
accelerate emergence, a water permeable mulch fleece (HB 50, 50 g and rhizomes were washed over a sieve to remove soil residues. Fresh
m−2, Hartmann-Brockhaus, Pfaffenhofen, Germany) was placed on top weight and dry weight were determined for every part. The weight of
of the ridges. Mulch fleece was removed on 8 August 2016 and 6 July every single tuber was determined. In addition, the total tuber weight
2017. The two propagation methods DSAB and RP1 were planted on 6 per plant was determined. For determination of dry weights of leaf and
May 2016 and 11 May 2017. For all propagation methods plants and stem, a bulked sample for each fraction and each plot was dried at 60 °C
rhizomes were placed at an equal distance of 1.14 m between rows and until constant weight. Bulked samples of tubers and rhizomes were
0.7 m between plants in the rows. This resulted in a planting density of frozen with liquid nitrogen (−196 °C) in order to prevent any further
1.2531 plants per m2 and 12.531 plants per ha. enzymatic reactions and finally freeze-dried to determine dry weight.
In 2016, all treatments were fertilized with 40 kg N ha−1 (ENTEC Final harvest took place on 24 October 2016 and 6 November 2017.
26, EuroChem Agro GmbH, Mannheim, Germany) prior to planting. In Dates of harvest were scheduled depending on the outside temperature
2017, no fertilizer was applied due to an already high Nmin content. immediately after first frost. In each plot the six central plants, which
After planting, 6 kg ha−1 slug pellet (Arinex, ADAMA Deutschland were measured non-destructively during the cultivation period, were
GmbH, Cologne, Germany) was applied by hand. harvested to obtain final yield data. The fractions tubers and rhizomes
were washed and separated. As before in the destructive measurements
2.3. Field measurements and sample preparation fresh weight and single tuber yield were recorded. Subsequently a
mixed sample of each fraction was frozen with liquid nitrogen and
Six plants in the central part of each plot were measured non-de- freeze dried. All remaining plants were harvested and the total weight
structively every two weeks from transplanting until harvest. Data was for each plot was determined.
collected for plant height (from soil surface to youngest leaf, end of
stem), number of leaves on main stem, number of ramifications on main 2.4. Statistical analysis
stem and number of nodes on main stem. In addition, the growth stage
(Fernández et al., 2007) was determined. At the beginning of tuberous A mixed model approach was used and the following model was
root formation in DSAB and RP1, destructive measurements were car- fitted to all traits except germination rate and DM growth over time:
ried out approximately every four weeks (Table 1). In 2016, one ad- yijk = μ + aj + bjk + τi + (τa)ij + eijk (1)
ditional destructive measurement took place at harvest. In 2016, one
plant per plot and in 2017 three plants per plot were harvested where μ is the general effect, aj is the fixed effect of the jth year, bjk is

Table 1
Tested propagation methods DSAB, RP1, and RP2 with related dates of transplanting, number of measurements and harvests in both experimental years 2016 and
2017. Description includes the date and days after planting corresponding to the propagation method.
Propagation method Start of cultivation in greenhouse Transplanting date (days after planting) Number of Measurement (days after planting)

1. 2. 3. Harvest

DSABx 25.04.–03.05. 06.06. 02.08. 06.09. 06.10. 24.10.
(34–42) (91–99) (129–137) (159–167) (177–185)
RP1 27.04. 06.06. 02.08. 06.09. 06.10. 24.10.
(34) (93) (131) (161) (179)
RP2 29.04. 02.08. 06.09. 06.10. 24.10.
(95) (133) (163) (181)
DSABx 24.–31. 03 11.05. 22.08. 19.09. 17.10. 6.11.
(41–48) (114–151) (172–179) (200–207) (220–227)
RP1 29.03. 11.05. 22.08. 19.09. 17.10. 6.11.
(43) (146) (174) (202) (222)
RP2 02.05. 22.08. 19.09. 17.10. 6.11.
(111) (139) (167) (187)

= divided seedlings after budding; y= seedlings from rhizome pieces; z= rhizome pieces directly planted into the field.

L. Kamp et al. Industrial Crops & Products 132 (2019) 1–11

the fixed effect of the kth replicate in the jth year, τi is the fixed effect of two different scenarios of procurement of plant material were taken
the ith propagation method, (τa)ij is the random interaction effect of into account: i) rhizomes where bought from a producer and seedlings
propagation method i and year j and eijk is the error of yijk with were generated out of the rhizomes by the farmer himself to obtain the
homogeneous or year-specific variance. Models were fitted with both necessary seedlings for DSAB and RP1 in a greenhouse on-farm (DSAB
error structures and the model with the better model fit measured by Rhizome, RP1 Rhizome), ii) rhizomes where bought only for RP2; and
AIC (Wolfinger, 1993) was used. Note that year and replicate are as- for DSAB and RP1 seedlings were purchased (DSAB seedlings, RP1
sumed as random but taken as fixed in the analysis as there is no inter- seedlings). Therefore, for RP2 only one scenario exists, as in all cases
year and inter-replicate information to be gained. Residuals were rhizomes were bought. Price for one seedling amounted to 3.60 €, for
checked graphically for normal distribution and homogeneous var- one rhizome to 2.50 € (personal communication, gardening Helenion,
iance. If necessary, data was logarithmic transformed to fulfill the as- 2018). A plant density of 12.531 plants ha−1 was assumed. For scenario
sumptions regarding normal distribution and homogeneous variances. i) 627 rhizomes were needed (each rhizome revealed 20 seedlings) for
Estimates were back-transformed for presentation purpose only. In this DSAB and 836 rhizomes were needed for RP1 (each rhizome revealed
case, standard errors were back-transformed using the delta method. 15 rhizome pieces). For scenario ii) 836 rhizomes were needed for RP2
After finding significant differences via global F-test, significant dif- (each rhizome revealed 15 rhizome pieces), too, and all required
ferences between propagation methods on investigated parameters seedlings (12531) were bought.
were evaluated with a multiple t-test at significance level of 5%. In the case of greenhouse cultivation, the following assumptions
Germination rate was analyzed with a generalized linear mixed were made: a greenhouse is already available (or other place for cul-
model assuming binomial distribution, a logit link and a linear pre- tivation of plantlets) and does not have to be built. Hence, only the
dictor similar to the expected value in (1). Furthermore, the model consumption of electricity was calculated. It was assumed that a
allows for overdisperion. The variable tuber weights require a loga- greenhouse area of 12 × 12 m with an external surface of 141 m2 would
rithmical transformation of the data. Furthermore, the variances in be sufficient to produce seedlings for one ha. Heat demand was calcu-
tuber weight were different for the three propagation methods. lated by the following formula:
Applying model (1) to the data resulted in residuals showing no de-
viation from normal distribution. Therefore, least square means and a w
heat demand [w] = external surface [m2]*k − value ⎡ ⎤
separate variance for each propagation method was estimated. From ⎣ k * m2 ⎦
these estimates, a normal distribution for each propagation method was *Tdifference [C°]
calculated and used to draw the curve in Fig. 3. For presentation pur-
pose, values on the x-axis were back transformed. A continuous k-value of 2.4 (26 mm triple wall sheet) was con-
For calculated growth of aboveground biomass, repeated measures sidered and a gross electricity price for feed and food producers of
over time were taken. Furthermore, data shows an increasing variance 18.92 cent KWh−1 (BMWi, 2018) was assumed. Temperature difference
with both the mean and the time. As biomass growth of yacon tends to (Tdifference ) was calculated with the longtime average of the experimental
grow exponentially over time, data was logarithmically transformed. station (place of cultivation) during a corresponding period and the
For this data a regression for each year-by-propagation method-com- defined inside temperature in the greenhouse. For the second year all
bination was fitted. The model was: rhizomes were obtained out of the harvest of the previous year and no
additional purchase was necessary. For labor costs an average of 10.30
yijkh = μ + aj + τi + (τa)ij + φij d + bjkh + eijkh
€ per hour were estimated (KTBL, 2018). Costs for mulch fleece
where φij is the year-by-propagation method-specific slope for days after amounted to 0.62 € per m2. Estimated workload for work steps pre-
planting (d). As slopes of year-by-propagation method-combinations cultivation, cover with mulch fleece and planting are listed in the
were not significantly different from each other, the model reduced to a supplementary material in detail. In order to compare the five different
model with a single slope. All other variables are analogous to model methods related to tuber yield, overall costs of the two-year cultivation
(1), except that (τa)ij was taken as fixed here as the effect corresponds to were based on produced tuber yield, FM and DM (Table 4A).
the intercept of each regression. Note that the index h is added to
random replicate and error effects meaning that separate effects for
each date are assumed. Different variance-covariance structures were 3. Results and discussion
fitted to account for correlations between these effects (first order au-
toregressive with homogeneous and time-specific variances across or 3.1. Plant growth
per year), but a model assuming independent errors with homogeneous
variance shows the best model fit via AIC. For presentation the esti- 3.1.1. Germination
mated regression line was back transformed resulting in an exponential Germination rate was not significantly affected by year or propa-
biomass growth. gation method. For DSAB germination rate in the greenhouse was
Statistical analysis were performed using the software SAS Software, 90.5%, for RP1 similar germination rate of 89.2% was detected.
version 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). Figures were generated Germination rate of RP2 reached 90.6% (Table 2A and B). In a study of
using SigmaPlot, version 13.0 (Systat Software Inc., CA, USA) and Excel Doo et al. (1998) no rhizomes in an open field trial germinated, because
2013 (Microsoft Corporation, WA, USA). of lower average air temperatures (14 °C). In the present study, time of
germination of RP2 was more than twice as long as that of RP1. RP2
needed in average 22 d, RP1 9 d. Due to the use of mulch fleece and
2.5. Simplified cost assessment ridge planting, soil temperatures increased and accelerated the germi-
nation. A slow but constant seedling development was attained.
For a simplified cost consideration and evaluation of the tested Overall, final germination rates in RP2 were similar to the greenhouse
propagation methods some basic estimations were defined. The eva- treatments. Compared with germination capacities of 65–80% for ve-
luation was set up over two seasons on a hectare basis. Planting and getables (Verordnung über den Verkehr mit Saatgut land-
harvesting were assumed to be carried out for all propagation methods wirtschaftlicher Arten und von Gemüsearten (Saatgutverordnung),
manually. Anlage 3 SaatgutV – Anforderungen an die Beschaffenheit des Saat-
Cost items like fertilization, tillage, harvest, and storage of rhizomes gutes) the obtained germination rates of yacon rhizomes can be con-
between year one and two occurred in all propagation methods in the sidered as quite high.
same manner. Therefore, these costs were not considered. For year one

L. Kamp et al. Industrial Crops & Products 132 (2019) 1–11

Table 2
A: Germination rate for the three different propagation methods (DSAB, RP1 and RP2) across both experimental years.
No significant differences between experimental years were determined. B: Results of statistical analyses (ANOVA) for
germination rates of three different propagation methods (DSAB, RP1 and RP2). The p-value corresponds to a global F
test for differences between the levels of the mentioned factor or factor combinations.

Propagation method Germination rate ( ± dSE, %)

DSABx 90.48 ± 2.2

RP1y 89.18 ± 2.4
RP2z 90.64 ± 2.1


Effect Denominator Degree of freedom p-Value

Germination rate

Year 1 0.7907
Year*Rep 4 0.7684
Propagation method 2 0.8879
= divided seedlings after budding; y= seedlings from rhizome pieces; z= rhizome pieces directly planted into the field
; d=SE: standard error of the mean.

3.1.2. Total aboveground biomass (DM) (Fernández et al., 2007). Because of a better and faster leaf develop-
Aboveground biomass (DM) was significantly affected by year-by- ment in 2016 total aboveground biomass was higher than in 2017.
propagation method interactions. Accordingly means of propagation In 2016, DSAB and RP1 reached ten leaves on the main stem 70
methods are described separately for each year (Fig. 2A and B). Mean DAP, while in RP2 ten leaves were already established at the main stem
aboveground biomass of DSAB amounted to 227.19 g DM plant−1 and 36 DAP. As a result of previous leaf development of RP2, maximum
RP2 to 249.04 g DM plant-1 130 days after planting (DAP). Propagation biomass of RP2 was highest in 2016. In 2017, RP1 and RP2 reached ten
method RP1 obtained the lowest aboveground biomass with a mean of leaves on the main stem 90 DAP, DSAB at 84 DAP (for values at other
169.24 g DM plant−1 (Fig. 2A). days please see the Table S1 in the supplemental material). The dif-
In 2017, the aboveground biomass of DSAB and RP1 (149.79 and ferences in biomass development can be explained by lower tempera-
124.65 g DM plant−1 in mean, respectively) differed significantly from tures and fewer vegetation days in 2017. Although there were in total
RP2 with the lowest aboveground biomass production of 83.35 g DM fewer days of rain in 2017, the temperature in the second half of the
plant−1. vegetation period was lower in 2016 than in 2017.
In both years, aboveground biomass followed an exponential re-
gression with DAP as the explanatory variable. This growth is caused by 3.1.3. Plant height, number of leaves and ramifications
a plant shock during the establishment phase in the field after trans- The traits of plant height, number of leaves and number of ramifi-
planting plants to the field. One important reason for a transplanting cations were significantly affected by propagation methods (Table 3A
shock is the injury of the root system, which is followed by a subsequent and B). Maximum height, number of leaves and ramifications were
water stress (Sharma et al., 2006). Furthermore, physical stress like reached in 2016, 177–181 DAP, and in 2017, 167–202 DAP. In the
wind, radiation and temperature fluctuation represent further possible absence of significant differences between experimental years, the
growth limitations for the plants (Leskovar, 1998; Close et al., 2005; means of DAP for the last destructive measurements across both ex-
Sharma et al., 2006). At the time of planting, seedlings possessed six to perimental years were 192, 191 and 174 for DSAB, RP1 and RP2, re-
eight leaves and almost all seedlings dropped the two oldest leaves due spectively. The treatment DSAB and RP2 reached a maximum height of
to the shock after transplanting. At the beginning of the vegetation 92.02 cm and 85.17 cm, respectively. Both differed significantly to RP1
period, the typical growth of yacon is quite slow. When reaching ten with a height of 69.64 cm. This is related to findings of Doo et al. (2002)
leaves on the main stem, growth is increased rapidly. This is caused by who reported that DSAB reached maximum plant heights (143.3 cm)
an enlarging leaf area and a concomitant higher assimilation rate and RP2 lower plant heights (136.7 cm). Generally, plants in this study

Fig. 2. A: Calculated exponential growth curves of three different

propagation methods (DSAB, RP1 and RP2) in the experimental
year 2016 related to days after planting (DAP). B: Calculated ex-
ponential growth curves of three different propagation methods
(DSAB, RP1 and RP2) in the experimental year 2017 related to
days after planting (DAP). Non-significant differences between the
propagation methods are characterized by identical lowercase
letters (α = 0.05).

L. Kamp et al. Industrial Crops & Products 132 (2019) 1–11

Fig. 3. Distribution of single tuber weights for the three different propagation methods (DSAB, RP1 and RP2) across years. A normal distribution was estimated for
logarithmic transformed values. For presentation purpose, values on the x-axis were back-transformed resulting in skewed curves.

indicated a lower plant height than reported plant heights in studies of period in the Andean region is longer, thus enabling higher vegetative
Doo et al. (2001) with a range between 131.4 and 165.4 cm. Similar growth rates. Besides the climatic conditions, apparently the genotype
plant heights were reported by Bredemann (1948). In their study yacon also influences plant height.
plants achieved plant heights of 100–120 cm on an experimental station Similar to the findings in plant height, the number of leaves from
in north Germany. Milella et al. (2005) cultivated yacon landraces se- treatment DSAB (17.33) and RP2 (16.67) were very similar, which is in
lected in different countries in Czech Republic. Landraces selected in line with findings of Doo et al. (2002). The treatment RP1 reached the
Germany achieved a maximum plant height of 105 cm. Other cultivated lowest number of leaves (15.33) and differed significantly from the
landraces (selected in Bolivia) reached maximum plant heights of other two propagation methods. Doo et al. (2001) reported less total
150 cm. Koike et al. (2009) reported plant heights from cultivation in leaves between 12.7 and 13.5, and an increasing number of leaves with
Japan that ranged from 91.1 to 136.9 cm A plant height of up to 3 m decreasing plant density. Therefore, greater number of leaves in the
was reported by Maldonado et al. (2008) and Grau and Rea (1997). This present study were probable due to a lower plant density. Distance
can only be reached under the climatic conditions of the Andean region between the rows was quite wide wherefore plants could reach a higher
(Fernández et al., 2007). Solar radiation and precipitation during warm total canopy coverage.
summer months are considerably higher in such regions than in south- The ramifications showed the same trend as plant height and
west Germany (The World Bank Group, 2018; Kadereit et al., 2014). number of leaves, also showed significant differences between the
The Andean region, the origin of Yacon, is characterized by mild tem- propagation methods. DSAB reached the highest number of ramifica-
peratures of 22–26 °C (Peru and Bolivia) and 19–22 °C (North Argen- tions (23.6) and differed significantly to RP1 which achieved 15.9 ra-
tina) on average and generally abundant rainfall (Leemans and Cramer, mifications but did not differ significantly to RP2, which reached 18.0
1991). For optimal growth yacon needs a temperature range of ramifications. RP1 and RP2 however did not differed significantly. In
18–25 °C (Grau and Rea, 1997). Consequently, the given growing general, number of ramifications ranged between 10.5 and 12.7 per

Table 3
A: Plant height, number of leaves and number of ramifications at last destructive measurements for three different propagation methods (DSAB, RP1 and RP2 across
both experimental years. No significant differences between experimental years were determined. Non-significant differences between the propagation methods are
characterized by identical lowercase letters (α = 0.05). B: Results of statistical analyses (ANOVA) for plant height, leaf number and ramifications of three different
propagation methods (DSAB, RP1 and RP2). The p-value corresponds to a global F test for differences between the levels of the mentioned factor or factor com-

Propagation method Plant height ( ± SEd, cm) Leaf number ( ± SEd, no. shoot−1) Ramifications ( ± SEd, no. shoot−1)

DSABx 92.02a ± 4.6 17.33a ± 0.33 23.6a ± 0.9

RP1y 69.64b ± 4.6 15.33b ± 0.33 15.9b ± 0.6
RP2z 85.17a ± 4.6 16.67a ± 0.33 18.0ab ± 0.7


Effect Denominator Degree of freedom p-Value

Plant height Leaf number Ramifications

Year 1 0.6051 1.0000 0.5393

Year*Rep 4 < 0.2242 0.0016 0.2832
Propagation method 2 0.0237 0.0075 < 0.0001
= divided seedlings after budding; y= seedlings from rhizome pieces; z= rhizome pieces directly planted into the field ; d=SE: standard error of the mean.

L. Kamp et al. Industrial Crops & Products 132 (2019) 1–11

Table 4
A: Tuber yield, number of tubers per plant, dry matter content of tubers, mean fresh weight of tubers and rhizome weight at harvest of three different propagation
methods (DSAB, RP1 and RP2) across both experimental years. No significant differences between experimental years were determined. Non-significant differences
between the propagation methods are characterized by identical lowercase letters (α = 0.05). B: Results of statistical analyses (ANOVA) for tuber yield, number of
tubers per plant, dry matter, mean fresh weight of tubers and rhizome weight (of three different propagation methods (DSAB, RP1 and RP2). The p-values correspond
to global F tests for differences between the levels of the mentioned factor or factor combinations.
Propagation Tuber yield FM Tuber yield FM Dry matter (%) Tuber yield DM (kg Number of tubers Mean fresh weight of Rhizome weight FM
method (t ha−1) (kg plant−1 ha−1, ± SEd) per plant tubers (gram ± SEd) (gram ± SEd)
± SE*) ( ± SEd)

DSABx 21.3 ± 5.4 1.70 ± 0.4 12.9 ± 0.93 2744.1 ± 893.2 6.2 ± 1.5 254.98ab ± 20.3 870.96 ± 176.3
RP1y 29.8 ± 7.5 2.38 ± 0.6 11.6 ± 0.93 3426.9 ± 1112.4 8.2 ± 1.5 308.09a ± 21.3 560.98 ± 113.8
RP2z 17.8 ± 4.5 1.42 ± 0.4 11.7 ± 0.93 2066.1 ± 672.5 6.9 ± 1.5 196.49b ± 14.0 658.84 ± 133.4


Effect Denominator Degree of p-Value


Tuber yield Tuber yield FM Dry matter Tuber yield DM Number of tubers Mean fresh weight Rhizome weight
FM (t ha−1) (kg plant−1) (%) (kg ha−1) per plant of tubers (gram) FM (gram)

Year 1 0.2482 0.7068 0.3685 0.1923 0.6384 0.2499

Year*Rep 4 0.5383 0.2658 0.7059 0.9842 0.4220 0.7123
Propagation method 2 0.4866 0.6353 0.6218 0.6876 < 0.001 0.4548
= divided seedling after budding; y= seedlings from rhizome pieces; z= rhizome pieces directly planted into the field ; d=SE: standard error of the mean.

plant and showed negative correlations with plant density (Doo et al., per single plant, followed by DSAB with 1.7 kg per plant. Even RP2 with
2001, 2002). Therefore, a higher number of leaves and ramifications the lowest yield per single plant of 1.42 kg was in the upper range of
are explainable with lower plant densities in the present study (12531 given yields in the study of Fernández et al. (2006), where a higher
plants ha-1) in comparison to plant densities of 20000–30000 plants intraspecific competition induced by higher plant density might have
ha−1 found in other studies (Sumiyanto et al., 2009; Douglas et al., led to lower single plant yields. Mauromicale et al. (2003) reported
2007; Fernández et al., 2006). similar findings for potatoes. With increasing plant density, the tuber
The above-mentioned data also sustains the differences in total yield per single plant decreases due to a lower number of tubers per
biomass dry weight. While no significant difference between the ex- plant. Oliveira (2000) reported decreasing tuber dry weights with in-
perimental years related to plant height, number of leaves and number creasing plant density for potatoes as well. In addition, higher single
of ramifications, and total dry weight of aboveground biomass differed plant yields in the present study can also be attributed to a longer
significantly between the experimental years. Significant differences in growing season and higher precipitation rates. On average for both
biomass are therefore mainly attributed to an increased plant height, experimental years the growing season of DSAB was 39, for RP1 38 and
number of leaves and ramifications and therefore a higher stem weight for RP2 21 days longer than in the study of Fernández et al. (2006).
due to more ramifications. In combination with different dry matter, Precipitation was slightly higher in Germany than in the Czech Re-
significant differences between experimental years and propagation public (484.75 mm and 325.22 mm, respectively).
methods in total aboveground biomass are explainable. The amount of tubers per plant and the mean fresh weight of tubers
finally make up total tuber yield formation. Number of tubers was not
3.2. Tuber yield significantly affected by propagation method, but even though not
significant, the number did seem to be affected by year. On average RP1
In both experimental years, tuber yields at harvest did not differ formed 8.2 tubers per plant. RP2 reached with 6.9 tubers per plant
significantly between propagation methods and years (Table 4A and B). slightly lower numbers, while DSAB only reached 6.2 tubers per plant.
The highest yield of 3426.86 kg DM ha−1 was achieved by RP1. Even Overall the number of tubers in the present study was lower than the
though not significant, DSAB and RP2 reached lower yields, with reported common average. Bredemann (1948) reached 4–26 tubers per
2744.1 and 2066.1 kg DM ha−1, respectively. This is equivalent to fresh plant with an average of 14.4. Douglas et al. (2002) achieved up to
tuber yields of 29.8, 21.3 and 17.8 t ha−1 (RP1, DSAB and RP2, re- 27 tubers per plant. Merely Koike et al. (2009) and Doo et al. (2001)
spectively). Obtained yields were similar to Doo et al. (2002) who obtained similar results with 6–11.1 and 8.5–12.5 tubers per plant, re-
achieved slightly higher tuber yields in DSAB (36.5 t ha−1) than with spectively. Findings of Doo et al. (2001) indicated that with increasing
directly planted rhizomes (34.7 t ha−1). Higher yields in the study of plant density, number of tubers per plant also increases. Therefore, the
Doo et al. (2002) might be attributed to a higher plant density (28500 low amount of tubers in the present study could be related to the chosen
plants ha−1). Overall tuber yields were in the lower to middle range of plant density.
expected yields, ranging from 1.2 to 6.36 t DM ha−1 (plant density Mean fresh weight of tubers was significantly influenced by pro-
26667 plants ha−1) (Douglas et al., 2007). Fernández et al. (2006) pagation method. RP1 reached the highest mean fresh weight of tubers
obtained tuber yields of up to 29.18 t FM ha−1, with a plant density of of 308.09 g. This was significantly higher than the mean fresh weight of
20,408 plants ha−1 in Czech Republic, under comparable climatic tubers of 196.49 g reached by RP2. The mean fresh weight of tubers of
conditions (Leemans and Cramer, 1991). Unlike in the mentioned stu- DSAB (254.98 g) did not differ significantly to RP1 or to RP2.
dies, in the present study, a lower plant density of 12531 plants ha−1 Commonly a mean tuber weight in yacon ranges between 115 and 184 g
was implemented. Considering this, tuber yields in the range of 21.3 (Koike et al., 2009; Douglas et al., 2002). These findings are not in line
(DSAB), 29.8 (RP1) and 17.8 (RP2) t FM ha−1 (Table 4A) seem to be with Bredemann (1948), who achieved mean tuber weights of 51.5 g in
reasonable. Fernández et al. (2006) indicated yields per plant between North Germany. Both studies indicated lower single tuber weights than
1.05 to 1.43 kg. This is noticeably lower then achieved yields per single those obtained in the present study. However, Polreich (2003) showed
plant in the present study. RP1 reached with 2.38 kg the highest yield that there is a positive correlation between yield and single tuber

L. Kamp et al. Industrial Crops & Products 132 (2019) 1–11

weight. This goes along with findings in the present study as the pro- smaller, but reached from 100 to more than 900 g also. In contrast to
pagation method RP1 with the highest yield had also the highest single that, RP2 had the smallest amount of variation. Most of the tubers
tuber weights of 308.09 g. Combined with the fact, that RP1 had the weighed between 50 and 300 g.
highest number of tubers per plant (8.2) the overall tuber yield is When comparing the distribution of single tuber weights from dif-
verifiable. Considering number of tubers and mean fresh weight of tu- ferent propagation methods RP1 and RP2 showed a considerably lower
bers, the results for both parameters are contrary to previous studies. variation in tuber weight then DSAB. As seedlings in DSAB were gen-
Overall a lower number of tubers and a higher mean fresh weight of erated over a period of 7 days from different mother plants, these
tubers was obtained. This indicates that, as reported by Doo et al. seedlings showed a higher inhomogeneity compared with seedlings of
(2001), plant density has a determining influence on tuber yield for- other propagation methods. Due to inhomogeneous plant material of
mation. DSAB, variation of tuber size was noticeably higher. As RP1 and DSAB
Mean fresh weight of tubers differed significantly between RP1 and did not differ in length of growing season or duration of pre-cultivation
RP2. This can be attributed to the different pre-cultivations in the in the greenhouse, the propagation method could be identified as the
greenhouse. In the case of potatoes, pre-sprouting ensured a higher major reason that influenced the distribution of single tuber weights.
single tuber weight (Hagman, 2012a,b; Eremeev et al., 2008). This in- Distribution of tuber weights of RP2 showed the smallest variation
dicates that with a longer growing season all tubers of RP2 get heavier. compared with DSAB and RP1. In addition, it had the lowest single
This leads to an overall increase in tuber yield. Comparing RP2 and tuber weight. This difference can be explained by the direct planting.
DSAB, RP2 had more, but lighter tubers then DSAB. The fact that RP2 Pre-sprouting of potatoes for example leads to higher single tuber
produced more, but smaller tubers then DSAB, is mainly due to the weight, respectively bigger tubers in length and higher total tuber yield
propagation method, and not in pre-cultivation because this difference (Hagman, 2012a,b; Eremeev et al., 2008). Therefore, it can be expected,
was not obvious when comparing RP2 and RP1. that with a longer growing season the tubers of RP2 and RP1 increased
weight. Advantages of pre-cultivation were not regained by RP2 under
3.3. Rhizome weight given field conditions.
Overall pre-cultivation in the greenhouse affected tuber yield, single
The fresh weight of rhizomes was not significantly influenced by tuber weight and finally distribution of single tuber weight. However,
year or propagation method. RP1 showed the lowest rhizome weight variation in single tuber weight was mostly caused by the propagation
(561 g), while DSAB had the largest rhizomes, with an average of 871 g method.
(Table 4A and B). RP2 had an average rhizome weight of 659 g. Dif-
ferences between rhizomes of DSAB and RP1 were about 300 g, al- 3.5. Simplified cost assessment
though not significantly different. It should be noted, that DSAB had the
highest rhizome weight at harvest which goes along with the highest The simplified cost assessment showed noticeable differences be-
aboveground biomass (in 2017) and nearly the highest aboveground tween the propagation methods and the scenarios regarding procure-
biomass in 2016. Contrary to that, RP1 and not DSAB showed the ment of plant material (Table 5A). All the following mentioned costs are
highest tuber yields. Douglas et al. (2007) determined a negative cor- related to one kg produced tuber yield DM. Costs for one kg produced
relation between tuber yield and rhizome weight. Findings in the pre- tuber yield DM are based on the dry matter yields shown in Table 4A.
sent study are similar to the results of Douglas et al. (2007), in which Costs for one kg produced tuber yield FM are shown in Table 5 as well.
RP1 reached the lowest rhizome weights but highest tuber yields. The After one year of cultivation costs for DSAB seedlings and RP1 seedlings
same trend was observed for the distribution of the aboveground bio- amounted to 16.55 and 13.26 €, respectively. Lowest costs per kg tuber
mass. RP1 had the lowest amount of aboveground biomass, achieved yield were achieved with 1.22 € in RP1. Costs of RP2 amounted to 4.41
the shortest plants and smallest amounts of leaves and ramifications. € due to the costs associated with the mulch fleece.
DSAB was the propagation method with highest total aboveground Production costs per kg tuber yield after the second season were
biomass. RP2 was in the middle range of both rhizome weight and lowest for RP2 (0.41 €). Costs of RP1 (rhizome and seedling) were
aboveground biomass. This confirms the assumption, that there is a calculated with 0.61 €, which was approximately half of the costs of
positive correlation between aboveground biomass and rhizome DSAB (rhizome and seedling) with 1.16 € per kg tuber yield.
weight. Both parameters can finally be influenced by the propagation On a two year basis, costs were lowest for RP1 rhizome (0.91 €) and
method. highest for DSAB seedlings (8.85 €). There are considerable differences
For several reasons, the weight of the rhizome is decisive. The most between the two procurement scenarios. Scenarios in which seedlings
important aspect is the requirement of rhizomes for the farmer of fur- were purchased (DSAB seedling and RP1 seedling) caused the highest
ther propagation in the next vegetation period. A rhizome with a weight costs of 8.85 € and 6.93 € while scenarios which used rhizomes (DSAB
of around 600 g should be sufficient. The ratio of surface to total mass rhizome, RP1 rhizome and RP2) caused noticeably lower costs per
of rhizome tends to be smaller the heavier the rhizome is. Therefore, a produced kg tuber yield. RP1 rhizome (0.91 €) and DSAB rhizome (1.14
heavier rhizome does not necessarily have more shoot tips. €) were the cheapest propagation methods. RP2 showed costs of 2.41 €,
Furthermore, heavier and larger rhizomes are inferior in storage be- the highest production costs of the three scenarios which purchased
cause of higher water content. Another aspect could be, that the weight rhizomes. This is due to the lowest tuber yields and high investment
of rhizomes and tuber yield is negatively correlated (Douglas et al., costs for mulch fleece.
2007). Therefore, smaller rhizomes are preferable. Considering the overall cost distribution, a long-term cultivation of
yacon would be rewarding, because the highest costs are caused by the
3.4. Distribution of single tuber weight one-time costs of procurement of plant material. This expense factor is
particularly high in scenarios which obtained seedlings as plant mate-
The distribution of tuber weights at harvest differed between the rial.
propagation methods DSAB, RP1 and RP2 (Fig. 3). Illustrated is the The costs of procurement of plant material are a decisive factor for
estimated normal distribution for the mean fresh weight of tubers. Note production costs. This was also shown in other cost assessments which
that values on the x-axis are back-transformed but presented on a linear analyzed the production cost of Jerusalem artichoke, a crop closely
scale. This results in skewed curves. related to yacon (Fang et al., 2018). One possible solution for the
DSAB had the largest variation in single tuber weight ranging from farmer would be to store some of the harvest after the first season in
50 to more than 850 g per single tuber. Single tuber weight under 50 g order to use it as propagation material in the coming years. Therefore, a
did not occur. Variation of single tuber weight of RP1 is noticeably cultivation over a longer period would significantly reduce the

L. Kamp et al. Industrial Crops & Products 132 (2019) 1–11

Table 5
A: Simplified scheme of calculated overall costs and costs per produced kg tubers of two different scenarios of procurement of plant material (get rhizomes or
seedlings) over two seasons of three different propagation methods (DSAB, RP1 and RP2) calculated based on an area of one hectare. B: Simplified scheme of
calculated overall costs and costs per produced kg tubers of two different scenarios of procurement of plant material (get rhizomes or seedlings) of two different
propagation methods (RP1 and RP2) over two seasons of cultivation. In season one, an area of 1000 plants was taken as baseline, for season two the calculations were
based on one hectare. Total costs are given as sum of the two-year cultivation (for Table 5A and B).
(A) (B)

Process step DSABx DSABx RP1y RP1 RP2z 1000 1000 1000
Rhizome Seedlings Rhizome Seedlings RP1y Rhizome RP1y Seedlings RP2z

First season
Procurement of plant material [€] 1566.38 45111.6 2088.5 45111.6 2088.5 167.5 3600 167.5
Pre cultivation [€] 2194.3 1096.41 548.21 87.5 87.5 43.68
Heating costs [€] 664.1 664.1 52.99 52.99
Mulch fleece [€] 6259.19 499.5
Planting [€] 314.97 314.97 314.97 314.97 209.61 25.14 25.14 16.73
Costs year one [€] 4739.75 45426.57 4163.89 45426.57 9105.59 333.13 3765.63 727.41
Cost per kg tuber FM [€] 0.22 2.13 0.14 1.52 0.51 0.14 1.58 0.51
Cost per kg tuber DM [€] 1.73 16.55 1.22 13.26 4.41 1.22 13.77 4.41
Second season
Pre cultivation [€] 2194.3 2194.3 1096.41 1096.41 548.21 1096.41 1096.1 548.20
Heating costs [€] 664.1 664.1 664.1 664.1 664.1 664.1
Mulch fleece [€] 90.23 5765.67
Planting [€] 314.97 314.97 314.97 314.97 209.61 314.97 314.97 209.61
Costs year two [€] 3173.37 3173.37 2075.48 2075.48 848.05 2075.48 2075.48 6523.48
Cost per kg tuber FM [€] 0.15 0.15 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.07 0.37
Cost per kg tuber DM [€] 1.16 1.16 0.61 0.61 0.41 0.61 0.61 3.16
Total costs over two seasons [€] 7913.12 48599.94 6239.37 47502.05 9953.64 2408.61 5841.11 7250.89
Total cost per kg tuber FM [€] 0.19 1.14 0.10 0.79 0.28 0.07 0.18 0.38
Total cost per kg tuber DM [€] 1.44 8.85 0.91 6.93 2.41 0.65 1.58 3.25

= divided seedlings after budding; y= seedlings from rhizome pieces; z= rhizome pieces directly planted into the field.

production costs of yacon. The scenarios DSAB seedlings and RP1 smaller area of 1000 plants, to produce rhizomes for the next season
seedlings were particularly affected by high costs of the planting ma- and simultaneously minimize the investment costs. In this case in the
terial. In contrast, RP2 had the lowest costs for procurement of plant first year 1000 plants will be cultivated, in order to produce enough
material. rhizomes for one ha cultivation in the second year. This calculation is
Another important cost factor is pre-cultivation of the seedlings. based on the assumption that one rhizome will produce 15 small rhi-
These costs include the potting of mother plants, dividing seedlings zome pieces. In this scenario, the propagation method DSAB will not be
from mother plants and potting, slicing of rhizomes and potting of further considered, because the production costs of this method are
rhizome pieces. The propagation method DSAB is quite expensive when significantly higher than RP1. DSAB and RP1 are both propagation
compared with the other methods due to the considerable effort of methods with pre-cultivation in the greenhouse. If the farmer would
dividing the seedlings. Hereby at least every second day seedlings have choose a pre-cultivation in the greenhouse, the use of propagation
to be divided from mother plants over a time period of several weeks. In method RP1 was preferable due to the lower costs. Because of this, only
addition, this propagation method leads to inhomogeneous plant ma- the two propagation methods RP1 and RP2 are considered. For RP1 two
terial as a further drawback. different scenarios of procurement of plant material were calculated, i)
In the case of RP2, the application of mulch fleece induced the buy only rhizomes and pre-cultivated seedlings yourself or ii) buy
highest costs. In the present study these costs are calculated based on seedlings.
the price of used mulch fleece. If a farmer would buy larger amounts of Just as in calculation one, scenario RP1 seedlings is calculated as
mulch fleece, the price could be decreased. Furthermore, it is possible 13.77 € per kg tubers; the most expensive. RP2 is significantly cheaper
to use the mulch fleece over several years. This could lead to a sig- (4.41 €). The scenario RP1 rhizomes is the cheapest with production
nificant decrease of the annual costs. Another possibility to reduce these costs of 1.22 € per kg tuber after one-year cultivation. After the second
input costs would be the use of plastic film instead of mulch fleece season of cultivation, RP1 rhizomes and seedlings induced the lowest
(Fang et al., 2018). costs with 0.61 € per kg tuber. RP2 indicated the highest costs (3.16 €
The planting costs are based on the assumption that yacon is planted per kg tuber). This is due to the high investment costs for mulch fleece.
manually. By means of mechanization, costs for planting could be sig- Therefore, the costs were higher for RP2 in this calculation compared
nificantly decreased. Especially in RP2, the planting costs could be with calculation one, whereas the cost distribution was similar.
considerably reduced in case the planting would be realized with a On a two-year basis RP1 rhizomes induced the lowest costs with
modified potato planter (Douglas et al., 2005). This is already done 0.65 € per produced kg tuber. RP1 seedlings induced costs of 1.58 € per
with other crops which are propagated via rhizomes, such as mis- kg tuber, which is slightly higher than costs produced in calculation
canthus (Vyn et al., 2012). one. RP2 had with 3.25 € the highest costs.
Based on the estimated tuber yield costs, RP1 rhizome was the most Like in the first calculation, the important cost factors are pro-
promising cultivation option. DSAB seedlings and RP1 seedlings are not curement of plant material and investment costs for mulch fleece. In the
recommendable to the farmer due to the high investment costs for plant second season the pre-cultivation and heating costs are the main cost
material and the associate financial risk. The propagation method DSAB factors. Overall, scenario RP1 Rhizome of calculation two is the
provides no advantage in comparison to the other propagation methods cheapest option to produce yacon tubers.
with pre-cultivation in greenhouse. For this reason, RP1 and RP2 will be The price for yacon is complex to determine because there is not yet
compared in another calculation. a global market for it. Relevant prices for yacon imported to Germany
A further possibility for the farmer would be to begin first with a for the processing industry are based on information of CBI, Ministry of

L. Kamp et al. Industrial Crops & Products 132 (2019) 1–11

Foreign Affairs (2016). For 1 kg dried yacon powder the price ranged Funding
between 37.75 and 99.33 €, the price for yacon syrup ranged between
51.16 and 105.06 € per liter. Nearly 50% of these prices were composed This work was supported by the German Federal Ministry for
of costs for distribution and shipment of raw material. Therefore, profit Economic Affairs and Energy within the Central Innovation Program for
due to regional production would be considerably higher. In all sce- SMEs [16KN050526].
narios, cultivation of yacon would be worthwhile.
An important reason for the high revenues of yacon tubers and Acknowledgement
derived products is their high content of fructan, primarily FOS and
Inulin, which have health promoting benefits (Schaafsma and Slavin, The authors would like to thank the technical staff of the
2015). The demand for sugar substitutes rises continuously, due to in- Experimental Station Ihinger Hof of the University of Hohenheim.
creasing number of diabetics, and such demand could be satisfied
through the use of yacon as raw material in several ways (CBI, 2016). Appendix A. Supplementary data
As seen in Table 4A and Fig. 3 the propagation methods differ in
mean weight of single tubers and therefore in the distribution and Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the
variation of single tuber weight. For fresh market certain restrictions online version, at doi:
regarding the tuber size exist. Tubers get categorized in three weight
classes and three quality levels. The quality levels deal primary with References
shape and integrity of surface of the tubers. Of more importance is the
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