CSD Report Adithiya PDF

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▪ I understood the skills that are required to enter a corporate world and how to
sustain in it.
▪ Had a self realisation about my skills.
▪ Understood what the companies actually want and what are they looking for in each
▪ Listed the skills and had rated them on a scale of one to ten.
▪ Under those skills had identified the skills that are high and low and those are under
developed to engage more on it.

Skills and rating:

▪ Academic skills: 8/10

▪ Computer skills: 8/10

1. MS Office suite

2. MS Excel

3. Tally ERP 9

4. Cloud Computing

5. Google analytics

▪ Soft Skills: 9/10

1. Effective leadership
2. Leadership
3. Adaptability
4. Team player
5. Dependability
▪ Documentation and Reporting: 8/10
Have some experience in documenting and reporting and will try to focus more on
these skills.
▪ Communication Skills: 9/10
I have good communication skills and I have excellent oral and writer skills like in the
form of mail.
▪ Analytical and Intelligence: 7/10
Critical Thinking

▪ Team work and leadership: (9/10)

Have been a very good team player and can lead the team effectively.

▪ Non listed skills:

1. Presentation skills
2. People skills
3. Management skills

▪ We should define our own success and should be clear of what it actually means. A
lot of people don’t know the actual meaning of success.

▪ We should be planned and prepared to achieve something in our life.

▪ We should know to add the right amount of smart work and hard work.

▪ Whatever we do we should do it with passion and desire. You should love what you
are doing.

▪ Passion isn’t just about what we love but also comes with two more factors.

▪ There are two more P’s attached to passion.

▪ Purpose and Practicality are the two more things that are attached and to be
considered while working towards our passion.



▪ Never ever waste your time and energy on people who are being so negative to you.

▪ Energy is not quantified.

▪ Time is constant.

▪ Nobody can do everything at the same time. And you can’t do something else if you
already working on something.

▪ You have to choose where you want to waste your time and energy.

▪ Any kind of discussion that does not give you any productive outcome should be
dropped then and there.

▪ Family and health should always be your first preference.

▪ Don’t waste your time and energy and try to utilize it at the right moment.

▪ You need energy to think straight too. Only when you think straight you can get a
clear cut idea of what to do.


▪ The dependence of one factor over the other is known as sensitivity.

▪ We should not only be concentrating on our academic skills but we should be
concentrating on sensitivity analysis too.

▪ There are three types of sensitivity analysis:

1. Theoretical sensitivity

2. Practical sensitivity

3. Personal sensitivity

▪ Theoretical analysis means when there is an issue, analyzing what are the factors
that caused them and this can be measured with the sensitivity and how much it
affects the output.

▪ Practical sensitivity is basically to understand which in case of selecting anything

that really matters a lot is to be considered. Practicality of doing something should
be considered on top of all.
▪ Personal sensitivity comes down to our personal factors. Marks, intelligence,
communication and language are few such factors that don’t matter the most.
These factors and ideas are important and these are considered only while decision
making. Portraying personal sensitivity is not always a better option as people will
use often that to change our decisions.

▪ In order to sustain, the first thing that we have to focus is building and developing
our career oriented skills and soft skills.
▪ We have to identify which all skills we lack and we should work towards building up
those skills.
▪ We need start infusing these skills into life and should start practicing good habits.
▪ We should remove all the negativity from our life. We should remove those people
who pull you down and not allow you to grow. They are reasons why you fail in life.
▪ Stop wasting energy and time on things that are not worth pursuing.
▪ We should always be a rational thinker.
▪ Have a clear cut goal and vision before doing any task.
▪ Have a practical way of understanding things which will provide you much deeper
▪ I will follow all those above mentioned steps to lead a happy and successful life.
▪ I will never waste my time and energy on useless things.
▪ I will develop all the necessary skills that required for my future.

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