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Second Conditional1.
You are going to read a text about an 85 year-old
woman talking about her life.
a. Circle the words you might find in the text.

relax Trips dareregretpastime

earlier safety healthy
car climb
trouble thermometer
dance exercises

endocrinologist death cry

b. Choose 4 words and make up sentences .

2. Read the text and try to find definitions for the

following words.

limber up

3. Discuss
a. Why do you think the author would dare make
more mistakes next time? Find evidences on the text.
b. How does the author describe herself?
c. Do you think you would regret so many things if you
were her age? Why? Why not?

4. I would do it differently if…

1. What would I do if I were the president of the

2. What would I do if I could go back in any part of the


3. What would I ask for if I had three wishes?

4. What would I do if I could become invisible for a day?

5. What powers would I like to have if I were a super

If I had to live my life all over again, I’d Desarrollo
dare make more mistakes next time. I 1. Punto b
would relax. I would limber up. I 1. If I had a fever, I would need a
would be sillier than I have been this thermometer
trip. I would take fewer things 2. If we were on vacation, we would go on
seriously. I would take more chances. Trips
3. If you were close to work, you would arrive
I would take more trips. I would climb earlier
more mountains, swim more rivers. I 4. If you had a problem with someone, I would
would eat more ice cream and fewer tell you
beans. I would perhaps have more
2. dare= It is a challenge, usually to test how
actual troubles, but I would have fewer
willing one is
imaginary ones.
limber up= It is with what we prepare ourselves
to start doing exercise
You see – I’m one of those people perhaps= is to give a chance if something is to
who live seriously and sanely hour after be done
hour, day after day. Oh, I have my sanely= It is a way of saying that one is in good
moments. And if I had to do it over health
again, I’d have more of them. In fact, barefoot= it is a way of saying when one has no
I’d try to have nothing else, just shoes and nothing on the feet
moments one after another, instead of 3. a. Why do you think the author would dare
living so many years ahead of each make more mistakes next time?
day. R/ to be able to learn from every mistake I had
in life
I’ve been one of those persons who b. How does the author describe herself?
never goes anywhere without a R/ the author describes one of those people
who live
thermometer, a hot water bottle, a
serious and sane hour after hour
raincoat and a parachute. If I had to
c. Do you think you would regret so many
things if you were her age? Why? Why not?
it over again, I would
R/ There are moments when one after a while
travel lighter than I regrets something they did in life but in these
have. If I had to live moments I don't regret anything
my life over, I would 4.
start barefoot earlier 1. What would I do if I were the president of
in the spring and stay the country?
that way later in R/ Well, if I were president, I would help
autumn. people in need a lot and campaign against
the environment.
I would go to more dances. I would 2. What would I do if I could go back in any
ride more merry-go-rounds. I would part of the history?
pick more daisies. R/ I would travel more and enjoy the best
moments of life
Attributed to Nadine Stair, 85 years 3. What would I ask for if I had three wishes?
R/ first that my family was happy, second R / Bueno, si yo fuera presidente,
that I could travel around the world and ayudaría mucho a la gente que lo
third that I could fulfill my dreams necesita y haría campaña contra el
4. What would I do if I could become invisible medio ambiente
for a day? 2. What would I do if I could go back in
R/ go to concerts and football games for any part of the history?
free and play some pranks on people R / Viajaría más y disfrutaría de los
mejores momentos de la vida
5. What powers would I like to have if I were
3. What would I ask for if I had three
a super hero?
R/ read people's minds R/ primero que mi familia sea feliz,
segundo que podía viajar por el mundo
Traduccion de cada respuesta y tercero que podía cumplir mis sueños
1. Punto b 4. What would I do if I could become
invisible for a day?
1. Si tuviera fiebre, necesitaría un
R/ ir a conciertos y partidos de fútbol
gratis y hacerle bromas a la gente
2. Si estuviéramos de vacaciones, 5. What powers would I like to have if I
iríamos de viaje were a super hero?
3. Si estuviera cerca del trabajo, llegaría R/ leer la mente de la gente
4. Si tuvieras un problema con alguien,
te diría
2. dare=Es un desafío, generalmente
probar qué tan dispuesto está uno Rafael cassiani
limber up = Es con lo que nos
preparamos para empezar a hacer
perhaps = es dar una oportunidad si se
va a hacer algo
sanely = Es una forma de decir que uno
está bien de salud
barefoot = es una forma de decir
cuando uno no tiene zapatos y nada en
los pies
3. a. Why do you think the author would
dare make more mistakes next time?
R / poder aprender de cada error que
tuve en la vida
b. How does the author describe
R/ el autor describe a una de esas
personas que viven
serio y sano hora tras hora
c. Do you think you would regret so
many things if you were her age? Why?
Why not?
R/ hay momentos en el que uno
después de un tiempo se arepiente de
algo que hizo en la vidad pero en estos
monentos no me arepiento de nada
4. 1. What would I do if I were the
president of the country?

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