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original article

Antivenom for Critically Ill Children

with Neurotoxicity from Scorpion Stings
Leslie V. Boyer, M.D., Andreas A. Theodorou, M.D., Robert A. Berg, M.D.,
and Joanne Mallie, R.N., for the Arizona Envenomation Investigators,*
Ariana Chávez-Méndez, B.S., Walter García-Ubbelohde, M.D.,
Stephen Hardiman, Ph.D., and Alejandro Alagón, M.D., Ph.D.

A bs t r ac t

From the University of Arizona Health Clinically significant scorpion envenomation by Centruroides sculpturatus produces a
Sciences Center, Tucson (L.V.B., A.A.T., dramatic neuromotor syndrome and respiratory insufficiency that often necessitate
J.M.); Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia,
Philadelphia (R.A.B.); Instituto de Biotec- intensive supportive care. We hypothesized that a scorpion-specific F(ab′)2 anti-
nología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma venom would promptly resolve clinical symptoms in children with this syndrome.
de México, Cuernavaca, Morelos (A.C.-M.,
A.A.); Instituto Bioclon, México Distrito
Federal, Mexico (W.G.-U.); and Stephen
Hardiman Statistics, Hackettstown, NJ In a randomized, double-blind study, the efficacy of scorpion-specific F(ab′)2 anti-
(S.H.). Address reprint requests to Dr. venom, as compared with placebo, was assessed in 15 children 6 months to 18 years
Boyer at the VIPER Institute, University of
Arizona Health Sciences Center, 1295 N. of age who were admitted to a pediatric intensive care unit with clinically signifi-
Martin Ave., Tucson, AZ 85721-0202, or at cant signs of scorpion envenomation. The primary end point was the resolution of the clinical syndrome within 4 hours after administration of the study drug. Sec-
*The investigators who participated in this ondary end points included the total dose of concomitant midazolam for sedation
clinical study as members of the Arizona and quantitative plasma venom levels, before and after treatment.
Envenomation Investigators are listed
in the Appendix.
N Engl J Med 2009;360:2090-8. The clinical syndrome resolved more rapidly among recipients of the antivenom
Copyright © 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society. than among recipients of placebo, with a resolution of symptoms in all eight anti-
venom recipients versus one of seven placebo recipients within 4 hours after treat-
ment (P = 0.001). More midazolam was administered in the placebo recipients than
in the antivenom recipients (mean cumulative dose, 4.61 vs. 0.07 mg per kilogram
of body weight; P = 0.01). Plasma venom concentrations were undetectable in all
eight antivenom recipients but in only one placebo recipient 1 hour after treatment
(P = 0.001).

Among critically ill children with neurotoxic effects of scorpion envenomation, intra-
venous administration of scorpion-specific F(ab′)2 antivenom resolved the clinical
syndrome within 4 hours, reduced the need for concomitant sedation with midazo-
lam, and reduced the levels of circulating unbound venom. ( num-
ber, NCT00685230.)

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Antivenom for Neurotoxicity from Scorpion Stings

n North America, envenomation by plasma venom levels. To test this hypothesis, we
neurotoxic scorpions affects more than a quar- conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
ter of a million people annually, mostly in Mex­ of an F(ab′)2 scorpion antivenom in children ad-
ico.1,2 The sting produces a syndrome that ranges mitted to a pediatric ICU because of systemic
in severity from a simple sting mark to a life- scorpion envenomation.
threatening illness. Mild envenomation, which is
more common in adults than in children and con- Me thods
sists mainly of local pain, resolves without specific
treatment over the course of hours or days. Severe Patients
envenomation, which is more common in small Eligible patients were children 6 months to 18
children, affects approximately 200 patients an- years of age in whom systemic neurotoxic symp-
nually in Arizona, on the basis of our consulta- toms developed as a result of scorpion enveno-
tion records. The clinical syndrome includes un- mation and who were admitted to a pediatric ICU
coordinated neuromotor hyperactivity, oculomotor within 5 hours after being stung by a scorpion.
and visual abnormalities (see video), and respira- The systemic toxic effects included one or more A video showing
tory compromise due to abundant respiratory se- of the following: characteristic neuromotor agi- oculomotor ab-
normalities after
cretions, airway obstruction, aberrant ventilatory tation with wild flailing of extremities, oculomo- scorpion sting
effort, and occasional noncardiogenic pulmo- tor manifestations, and respiratory compromise. is available at
nary edema.3-5 The clinical pattern is a conse- Patients were not included in the study if they had
quence of specific ion-channel toxins in the scor- a baseline medical condition involving neuromo-
pion venom, which stimulate or potentiate action tor hyperactivity or if they were allergic to horse
potentials throughout the peripheral nervous sys- serum. Recruitment took place from May 2004
tem.6 All North American scorpions whose venom through October 2005, and patients were followed
has medical consequences fall within one genus, for 2 weeks after enrollment. Race or ethnic group
centruroides, which is represented in the United was determined by the study nurse in consultation
States by several varieties that do not have medi- with the patients’ parents.
cal consequences and a single neurotoxic species,
Centruroides sculpturatus,7 formerly synonymous with Study Design
C. exilicauda.8 This was a prospective, randomized, double-blind
In severe cases that are treated without anti- study, conducted at two hospitals in Arizona, in
venom, intensive supportive care is necessary for which we compared scorpion-specific F(ab′)2 an-
the management of violent neuromotor hyperac- tivenom (Anascorp, Centruroides [scorpion] immune
tivity and respiratory compromise. During hospi- F(ab)2 intravenous [equine], Instituto Bioclon) with
talization, patients commonly receive extremely placebo. The institutional review board at each site
high doses of benzodiazepines for sedation.4 The approved the study protocol. Written informed con-
mean duration of the stay in the intensive care unit sent was obtained from the parents or guardians
(ICU) with this approach is 16 hours, but inten- of the children.
sive care may be required for up to several days. Patients who met eligibility requirements were
Intubation and ventilation are occasionally nec- randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive intra-
essary.4,5,9 venous antivenom (3 vials) or placebo (inactive
Although there is no federally approved thera- excipient, 3 vials) dissolved in 50 ml of saline and
py in the United States for the treatment of scor- administered immediately after the baseline as-
pion envenomation, uncontrolled observations in sessment. This antivenom is commercially avail-
Mexico and in Arizona suggest that scorpion an- able in Mexico but is available in the United States
tivenoms can successfully resolve the systemic only through an investigational new drug (IND)
toxicity of scorpion envenomation within 1 to 4 application. It is produced with the use of scor-
hours after treatment.3,9-11 We hypothesized that, pions from several southern Mexican species in
as compared with patients treated with support- the same genus as the Arizona variety (C. limpidus
ive care only, a greater proportion of patients who limpidus, C.l. tecomanus, C. noxius, and C. suffusus
received the antivenom would have resolution of suffusus). The binding affinity of the antivenom
the clinical syndrome within 4 hours, with de- to C. sculpturatus venom is similar to that for the
creased use of benzodiazepine sedation and lower venoms used as immunogens.12 For this study,

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Copyright © 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

The antivenom and placebo were provided by

Instituto Bioclon, the sponsor of the IND appli-
34 Patients were screened
cation for the scorpion antivenom. The study was
monitored by the sponsor. The academic authors
19 Were excluded designed the study, collected and analyzed the
4 Had received prior medication data, wrote the manuscript, and vouch for the ac-
6 Had stings without systemic
signs curacy and completeness of the reported analyses.
8 Had a late presentation
1 Did not have parental consent
provided Study Assessments
Patients were evaluated at baseline and 1, 2, and
4 hours after infusion of the study drug. The pri-
15 Underwent randomization
mary end point was the resolution of the clinical
syndrome within 4 hours after infusion of the study
drug. Secondary end points included the cumula-
tive dose of midazolam for control of agitation and
plasma venom levels at 1 and 4 hours.
8 Were assigned to receive 7 Were assigned to receive
antivenom placebo In the absence of a previously validated grading
scale for measuring the severity of envenomation,
we established a descriptive definition of the neu-
rotoxic effects of scorpion envenomation. The
0 Had detectable plasma venom 6 Had detectable plasma venom
at 1 hr at 1 hr primary end point was the resolution of the clini-
0 Were symptomatic at 4 hr 6 Were symptomatic at 4 hr cal syndrome within 4 hours after administration
of the study drug. The clinical syndrome included
Figure 1. Randomization, Treatment, and Outcomes. pathologic agitation and respiratory compromise.
Thirty-four patients who were stung by a scorpion were screened. All 15 Pathologic agitation was defined by abnormal eye
patients randomly
ICM assigned to the antivenom group or the placebo group
FIGURE: 1 of 4 2nd movements, thrashing of limbs, loss of ability to
were includedREG F intention-to-treat, efficacy, and safety analyses.
in the
3rd ambulate, or the presence of muscle fasciculations.
EMail Line 4-C SIZE Respiratory compromise was defined by pulmo-
H/T H/T nary edema, abnormal ventilatory effort, upper-
Combo 22p3
the manufacturer produced coded study kits, airway compromise, hypoxemia (less than 90%
Figure inactive excipient
been redrawn and type placebo that was visually
has been reset. oxygen saturation while breathing enriched oxygen
Please check carefully.
indistinguishable from the active product. Ran- mixtures), or any other sign of respiratory com-
domization between the two
JOB: 36020
products was per-
ISSUE: 05-14-09
formed in permuted blocks of 4. A master list A trained study coordinator recorded physical
containing unblinded identifiers was sealed and observations, which were confirmed by a physi-
retained in the pharmacy for emergency use only. cian-investigator who had clinical experience in
After informed consent had been obtained, pa- the assessment of scorpion envenomation. The
tients received the product contained in the next study coordinator and physician-investigator were
available sequentially coded kit. The partici- unaware of the group assignments of the patients.
pants, the investigators, the pharmacists, the For assessments that were made during infusion
IND sponsor, and the study monitors were un- of the sedative, study personnel noted whether
aware of the specific group assignments until agitation indicative of neurotoxicity was evident
completion of the study. at any point within 15 minutes after the recorded
Concomitant sedation in all cases was provided observations, to minimize misleading results due
with the use of intravenous midazolam, admin- to transient suppression of the clinical syndrome.
istered in bolus doses of 0.05 to 0.2 mg per kilo- Concomitant sedation was recorded at each time
gram of body weight, with frequent increases in point and at discharge from the hospital. A phy-
the dose of the infusion in increments of 0.05 mg sician-investigator determined at each time point
per kilogram per hour, in order to minimize the whether there was resolution of the syndrome.
patient’s physical agitation while avoiding exces- Data collected for the calculation of the cumu-
sive sedation. Other than midazolam, no seda- lative dose of midazolam required for sedation,
tive drugs were administered to patients in ei- one of the secondary end points, included the bo-
ther group during the observation period. lus doses and the rate (or rates) and duration of

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Antivenom for Neurotoxicity from Scorpion Stings

infusion. The total dose of midazolam was cal-

Table 1. Demographic and Baseline Characteristics of the Patients.*
culated separately during the pre-enrollment
period (to establish comparability of groups) and Antivenom Placebo
thereafter (as a secondary end point). Variable (N = 8) (N = 7)
Adverse events were recorded and categorized Age — yr
according to severity and apparent cause. Because Mean 2±2 4±3
a type I immune reaction (acute hypersensitivity) Median 1.0 4.3
and a type III immune reaction (serum sickness)
Range 1–6 1–10
are potential adverse events associated with the
Weight — kg
intravenous administration of serum derivatives,
we specifically looked for signs of these events, Mean 11.9±4.0 16.0±11.7
using a predefined checklist. Patients were fol- Median 10.3 18.8
lowed for 2 weeks after their enrollment in the Range 8.7–20.0 8.2–42.0
study. Female sex — no. (%) 4 (50) 3 (43)
Race or ethnic group — no. (%)†
Measurement of Antigens of C. sculpturatus
Venom White 3 (38) 4 (57)

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the Hispanic 3 (38) 1 (14)

measurement of antigens to centruroides scorpion Black 1 (12) 1 (14)
venom in human plasma samples has been devel- Native American 1 (12) 1 (14)
oped and validated.13 A detailed description of the Midazolam dose before enrollment — mg/kg
immunoassay method can be found in the Sup- Mean 0.20±0.1 0.27±0.7
plementary Appendix (available with the full text
Median 0.25 0.5
of this article at
Range 0.1–0.4 0.1–2.0
Statistical Analysis
* Plus–minus values are means ±SD.
A preliminary chart review at the participating cen- † Race or ethnic group was determined by the study nurse in consultation with
ters showed that approximately 10 patients per year the patients’ parents.
would be eligible for enrollment. We estimated
that with a minimum sample size of 14 patients,
the study would have 80% power to show a success and 7 to the placebo group (Fig. 1). The charac-
rate of 95% for the antivenom group as compared teristics of the patients are summarized in Table 1.
with 20% for the placebo group, based on Fisher’s Although the patients in the placebo group tend-
exact test and a two-sided type I error of 5%. ed to be slightly older and to weigh correspond-
For the primary clinical efficacy end point ingly more than the patients in the antivenom
(resolution of medically important signs of scor- group, these differences were primarily due to out-
pion envenomation), significance was determined liers for one patient, who, at 10 years of age and
with the use of a two-tailed Fisher’s exact test. 42 kg, was 4 years older and 17 kg heavier than
For the midazolam dose, the study groups were any other child in the study. No patients had re-
compared with the use of the Wilcoxon rank-sum ceived antivenom previously.
test. Average venom levels were compared with the The median dose of midazolam that was ad-
use of the Wilcoxon rank-sum test, and the pres- ministered for sedation before study enrollment
ence or absence of detectable venom with the use was similar in the two groups. Other sedatives
of a two-tailed Fisher’s exact test, at baseline, administered during the period before enrollment
1 hour, and 4 hours. All reported P values are included lorazepam and codeine in two patients
two-sided and have not been adjusted for multi- who received antivenom and diazepam, loraze-
ple testing. pam, and meperidine in three patients who re-
ceived placebo. Use of midazolam in the hour
R e sult s immediately before infusion of the study drug was
similar in the two groups, and the dose in all
Patients cases was 0.3 mg per kilogram or less. All pa-
A total of 15 patients were enrolled in the study; tients were discharged between 4 and 48 hours
8 patients were assigned to the antivenom group after enrollment in the study, when the effects of

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

envenomation and sedation had resolved. None all, within 4 hours after the infusion, the clinical
required readmission for recurrent effects. syndrome had resolved in 100% (all eight) of the
antivenom recipients, as compared with only 14%
Efficacy (one of seven) of the placebo recipients (P = 0.001)
Neuromotor abnormalities were present in all pa- (Table 2 and Fig. 2). The one placebo recipient in
tients at baseline, and respiratory distress was whom there was spontaneous resolution of the
present in 20%. Beginning 2 hours after treatment, syndrome was the oldest and heaviest child in
resolution of the clinical syndrome differed sig- the study.
nificantly in patients treated with antivenom as The use of midazolam was significantly greater
compared with those who received placebo. Over- among placebo recipients than among antivenom

Table 2. Clinical Signs of Neurotoxic Effects, Cumulative Midazolam Dose, Venom Levels, and Adverse Events.*

Antivenom Placebo
Variable (N = 8) (N = 7) P Value
Any sign of neurotoxic effects — no. (%)†
At baseline 8 (100) 7 (100)
At 1 hour 4 (50) 7 (100) 0.08
At 2 hours 1 (12) 6 (86) 0.01
At 4 hours 0 (0) 6 (86) 0.001
Abnormal eye movements — no. (%)‡
At baseline 8 (100) 7 (100)
At 1 hour 2 (25) 6 (86)
At 2 hours 1 (12) 5 (71)
At 4 hours 0 (0) 4 (57)
Limb thrashing — no. (%)§
At baseline 8 (100) 7 (100)
At 1 hour 3 (38) 5 (71)
At 2 hours 2 (25) 6 (86)
At 4 hours 0 (0) 4 (57)
Respiratory compromise — no. (%)
At baseline 2 (25) 1 (14)
At 1 hour 1 (12) 1 (14)
At 2 hours 0 (0) 0 (0)
At 4 hours 0 (0) 0 (0)
Cumulative midazolam dose — mg/kg¶
At 1 hour
Mean 0.07±0.10 0.32±0.44 0.27
Range 0.0–0.2 0.0–1.1
At 2 hours
Mean 0.07±0.10 0.66±0.74 0.02
Range 0.0–0.2 0.1–2.1
At 4 hours
Mean 0.07±0.10 1.77±1.58 0.01
Range 0.0–0.2 0.1–4.4
At discharge
Mean 0.07±0.10 4.61±5.76 0.01
Range 0.0–0.2 0.1–16.7

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Antivenom for Neurotoxicity from Scorpion Stings

Table 2. (Continued.)

Antivenom Placebo
Variable (N = 8) (N = 7) P Value
Plasma venom‖
At baseline
Patients with detectable venom — no./total no. 7/8 5/6 1.00
Venom level — ng/ml
Mean 7.1±4.6 6.6±10.2 0.38
Range 0.0–12.9 0.0–26.8
At 1 hour
Patients with detectable venom — no./total no. 0/8 6/7 0.001
Venom level — ng/ml
Mean 0.0±0.0 2.7±3.0 0.005
Range 0–0 0.0–8.6
At 4 hours
Patients with detectable venom — no./total no. 0/7 4/6 0.02
Venom level — ng/ml
Mean 0.0±0.0 1.8±1.9 0.03
Range 0–0 0.0–5.0
Adverse events — no. (%)**
Anaphylaxis or serum sickness 0 0
Any adverse event 2 (25) 1 (14)
Serious adverse event 0 0

* Plus–minus values are means ±SD.

† Any sign of neurotoxic effects refers to the composite primary study end point, defined as the presence or absence of
pathologic agitation (including abnormal eye movements, thrashing of limbs, loss of ability to ambulate, or presence
of muscle fasciculations) and respiratory compromise (pulmonary edema, abnormal ventilatory effort, upper airway
compromise, hypoxemia [less than 90% oxygen saturation], or any other respiratory compromise).
‡ Erratic, but nearly conjugate, rotatory and saccadic eye movements are characteristic of the clinical syndrome of en-
§ Limb thrashing was judged to be present if purposeless, sudden movements were observed by investigators.
¶ Midazolam was administered with the use of a standardized dosing regimen. Specimens were unavailable for analysis
in the case of one patient at baseline and one patient at 4 hours in the placebo group and in the case of one patient at
4 hours in the antivenom group.
‖ Plasma venom levels were measured with the use of a scorpion-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Speci­
mens were unavailable for analysis in the case of one patient at baseline and one patient at 4 hours in the placebo
group and in the case of one patient at 4 hours in the antivenom group.
** Safety measures were assessed for 2 weeks after administration of the study drug and included predefined questions
related to symptoms of serum sickness.

recipients (P = 0.01) (Table 2 and Fig. 3). Although ilar at presentation in the two groups (Table 2
all patients received at least some midazolam be- and Fig. 4). By 1 hour after infusion of the study
fore enrollment or during the first hour, no an- drug, none of the eight patients receiving antiven-
tivenom recipient received midazolam after the om had detectable levels of venom in plasma; in
first hour of treatment. The mean cumulative dose contrast, six of the seven patients in the placebo
from enrollment to discharge was increased by a group had detectable venom levels (P = 0.001).
factor of 65 in the placebo group as compared with
the dose in the antivenom group (4.61 vs. 0.07 mg Adverse Events
per kilogram). No patient in either group received There was a similar number of adverse events in
sedating agents other than midazolam after en- the two groups, and all adverse events were mild.
rollment in the study. One placebo recipient was lost to follow-up, but all
Mean plasma venom concentrations were sim- the other children were followed up at 2 weeks.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

therapy in the United States for the treatment of

100 scorpion envenomation. Nevertheless, our results
Placebo are consistent with previous case reports and un-
controlled studies describing an apparent clinical
Clinical Abnormalities (%)
response to several antivenoms for this indica-
60 tion.3,11,14
The only previously available scorpion antiven-
40 om in the United States, a goat-derived whole-IgG
preparation that was introduced in 1965 by Ari-
20 Antivenom zona State University,14 has not been produced
since 1999. Use of this product was the source of
0 1 2 3 4 controversy for decades15; some physicians report-
Hours after Enrollment ed satisfaction with its efficacy,16 whereas others
preferred to provide intensive supportive care4,5
Figure 2. Clinically Important Signs of Envenomation rather than risk serum reactions with an unregu-
(Primary AUTHOR: Boyer
ICM Efficacy End Point).
FIGURE: 2 of 4 2nd lated product. Given these circumstances, ethical
REG F within 4 hours after treatment, clinically im-
CASE signs of scorpion envenomation hadRevised
3rd study design proved to be an unusual challenge:
portant resolved
in allEMail
eight ARTIST: Line
patients tstreated with 4-C
antivenom butSIZE
in only
physicians in rural Arizona and in Mexico, where
oneEnonof seven patients who were
given a placebo.16p6
I bars the use of antivenom was firmly established as the
indicate 95% confidence intervals. standard of care, would not administer a placebo
Figure has been redrawn and type has been reset. to children for whom respiratory failure and death
Please check carefully.
were seen as potential consequences. Physicians at
cases of acute serum reactions ISSUE:
or delayed se-
the two sites whose institutional review boards ac-
rum sickness were observed. Minor vomiting and cepted our protocol argued that antivenom was
diarrhea were reported in one antivenom recipi- unnecessary in the intensive care setting and was
ent several days after treatment, and a second an- potentially harmful owing to the risk of serum
tivenom recipient had an episode of emesis 6 days reactions.
after treatment (Table 2). During the years 2004 and 2005, while this
study was ongoing, hospital pharmacies in the
Discussion United States used up their remaining stores of
whole-IgG scorpion antivenom, and public demand
Our randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled for a safe alternative to intubation and transport
study shows that treatment with a specific F(ab′)2 of critically ill children resulted in a legislative ap-
antivenom can effectively resolve the clinical neu- propriation in Arizona mandating the distribution
rotoxic syndrome associated with envenomation of the antivenom used in our study to rural Ari-
by the centruroides scorpion. The primary end zona hospitals. Our simple binary primary end
point — cessation of the syndrome within 4 hours point — the presence or absence of the neuro-
— occurred in 100% of antivenom recipients, sug- toxic syndrome 4 hours after administration of
gesting that administration of antivenom in the the study drug, which was chosen to distinguish as
emergency room might obviate the need for in- completely as possible between the findings in the
tensive care altogether. This outcome is particu- two study groups — reflected the need to prove,
larly important with respect to small children who with the smallest possible number of critically ill
are stung in rural settings, where long-distance children as subjects, whether the antivenom was,
transport to urban ICUs is associated with addi- in fact, effective and to accomplish this goal quick-
tional costs and risks. In addition, plasma venom ly enough to respond to the unusual legislative
concentrations were not detectable in any of the mandate.
antivenom recipients within 1 hour after admin- The secondary end point of the total midazo-
istration of the antivenom, and the patients treated lam dose also had important clinical implications:
with antivenom received substantially less mida- all antivenom recipients received total doses that
zolam than the patients treated with placebo. were low enough that the children could be safely
There has never been an approved, marketed discharged from the hospital soon after treatment

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Copyright © 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Antivenom for Neurotoxicity from Scorpion Stings

with the antivenom. In contrast, the control pa-

tients received total midazolam doses as high as Placebo Antivenom
16.7 mg per kilogram, and they therefore needed
a longer period of observation in the ICU before

Cumulative Midazolam Dose

it was deemed safe to discharge them from the
hospital. 8

Plasma venom levels have not been used rou- 6
tinely as end points in studies of envenomation in
humans, but controversy regarding the clinical 4
significance of a pharmacokinetic–toxicokinetic 2
mismatch between antivenom and venom suggests
that better markers of disease severity and persis- 0
1 2 4 Discharge
tence may be useful both for a basic understand-
Hours after Enrollment
ing of the disease process and for the development
of antivenom.15 The findings in this study sug- Figure 3. Sedation with Midazolam.
gest that measurement of venom levels may be Recipients of antivenom
received an average of 0.07 mg of midazolam
valuable for monitoring the suppression of ven- kilogram of body
FIGURE: 3 of 4
REG Fweight during the first hour after administration 3rd of the
om antigenemia and for developing correlations study drug, but in no case was sedation continued beyond
CASE Revisedthe first hour of
Line 4-C
with ongoing venom toxicity. In addition, the pres- observation. InEMail
contrast, placebo
ARTIST: ts recipients received an average
SIZE of 0.32 mg
per kilogram during theH/T
of midazolam Enon first hourH/T
and 22p3 to receive
ence of detectable venom at baseline served as a Combo
up to 1.8 mg per kilogram (median, 1.2 mg per kilogram) during the 4-hour
confirmation of the validity of the clinical diagno- observation period, for has
a mean
Figure been total dose
redrawn andof 4.61
type hasmg per
been kilogram (median,
sis of the syndrome, and its disappearance after 3.44 mg per kilogram) between enrollment
Please in the study and discharge from
check carefully.
treatment with the antivenom supports the expec- the hospital. The average time from baseline until the last dose of midazo-
tation that antivenom works by binding venom, lam was 22.5 minutes
JOB: 36020 for patients who received antivenom and 534 min-
ISSUE: 05-14-09
utes (8.9 hours) for patients who received placebo. T bars indicate standard
eliminating its ability to interact with biologic
In the past, administration of whole-immuno-
globulin antivenoms was associated with both
acute hypersensitivity reactions and delayed se- 20
rum sickness, affecting 61% of the recipients of 18
scorpion antivenom in Arizona.16 In theory, F(ab′)2 16
Plasma Venom (ng/ml)

products should be associated with a much lower 14

risk of these adverse events, but there are few 12
published clinical data on these relatively new
agents. The most important limitation of this
study is that the small sample size precludes an
adequate demonstration of safety. In addition, the 2
risk of immune reactions increases the second 0

time an antivenom is administered — a risk that 0 1 2 3 4

we did not test in this study. The lack of serum Hours after Enrollment
reactions in this study tends to support the con-
Figure 4. Plasma Venom Levels.
tention that the F(ab′)2 product has a better AUTHOR: Boyer RETAKE 1st
ICM was detected in plasma in all patients except
safety profile than the whole-immunoglobulin for one FIGURE:
REG Fplacebo 4 of 4 and one antivenom recipient.
antivenoms, but larger studies are needed to con- Levels
CASEin the seven other antivenom recipients became
firm this. undetectable
EMail within an hourLine 4-C
after treatment, a finding
ARTIST: ts H/Tby antivenom.
Generalizability of these results is limited by thatEnon
is consistent with binding
16p6 in
the age distribution of the study subjects, the use the six other placebo recipients dropped more slowly
and were still detectable at the end NOTE:
of the 4-hour ob-
of inactive placebo rather than nonspecific F(ab′)2 Figure has been redrawn and type has been reset.
servation period, a Please
finding that is consistent with the
check carefully.
as a control, and the potential for geographic ongoing clinical effects of envenomation in this group.
variation in scorpion venom. However, our find- I JOB:
bars 36020
indicate standard deviations. ISSUE: 05-14-09
ings are consistent with findings from uncon-

n engl j med 360;20  may 14, 2009 2097

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Copyright © 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Antivenom for Neurotoxicity from Scorpion Stings

trolled studies that showed the efficacy of anti- Supported by grants from the Food and Drug Administration
(FD-R-002385-01) and the Arizona Biomedical Research Com-
venom in adults and children in Mexico.2 mission (0001).
Development of new pharmaceutical agents for Dr. Boyer reports receiving grant support for other studies
rare conditions, particularly those that present as from Instituto Bioclon and Rare Disease Therapeutics and serv-
ing as an expert witness for Wyeth; Ms. Mallie, receiving salary
emergencies, and most particularly those that in- support through grants from Instituto Bioclon and Rare Disease
volve intensive care of young children, is a daunt- Therapeutics; Dr. Garcia, being a full-time employee of Instituto
ing task in the regulatory and economic envi- Bioclon, which is the holder of the investigational new drug ap-
plication for the study drug; and Dr. Alagon, receiving grant
ronment in the United States. With a carefully support from Instituto Bioclon and Laboratorios Silanes, hold-
designed study performed in the only two hospi- ing patents on and receiving royalties for two other antivenom
tals in the disease’s natural range in which a agents, through contracts between Instituto Bioclon and Univer-
sidad Nacional Autónoma de México, and serving as a scientific
double-blind, placebo-controlled study was per- adviser to Instituto Bioclon on antivenom development. No
mitted, and despite the extremely low incidence other potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
of the disease, we found that a novel antivenom reported.
We thank Felipe Olvera for his technical skills in the prepara-
was effective. Our findings suggest that this F(ab′)2 tion of specific F(ab′)2 fragments to scorpion venom, Judi Car-
antivenom effectively resolved the toxic effects of rington for her management of the international team, and John
scorpion venom within 4 hours after administra- Hall for his work in the development of the video.
tion of the antivenom.

In addition to the authors, the following members of the Arizona Envenomation Investigators participated in this study: M.D. Berg, P.B.
Chase, L. Esparza, J. Gutierrez, R.J. Meyer, M. Karadsheh, and J.T. McNally — all from the University of Arizona, Tucson.

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