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IPE 4023

Marketing Management
Total Marks - 10

Name: Nazifa Anzum



i) Differentiate between Marketplace and Marketspace with a suitable example


Difference between Marketplace and Marketspace are given below with suitable example:

Marketplace Marketspace
1.It can be defined as physical store by 1.It can be defined as electronic or online
visual sharing infrmation of buyer and based exchange environment by virtual
seller. interaction transaction process of buyer and
Example: Bashundhara city complex, New seller.
market, Agora. Example: Amazon, Daraz,
2.Facility cost is high due to infrastructure. 2.Facility cost is low due to virtual
interaction and transaction.
3.Quick response time and quick delivery 3.Low response time and low delivery
service. service.
4.Customer can inspect and scrutinize 4.Cannot inspect product quality before
product quality. ordering.
5.Physical stores can be shut down in some 5.Online or digital stores still can take and
uncertain situations such as political process orders in uncertain situations.
unstable situation, Hartal, heavy rains, flood.
6.Product returnability is easy 6.Product returnability is crucial.
7.Time consuming. 7.Customers can visit web stores, compare
price and features and order from home on
their convenient time.
8. Customers need to visit the market place 8. Customers need not to visit stores and
physically and thus have to bear the expense thus can save their expense
of visit.
ii) Suppose, you are the manager of Unilever Bangladesh. The company is planning to launch a
new tooth paste in market. Design a Marketing mix based on Four P’s of marketing for this
product in context of Bangladesh.
(Hints: the Four P’s are: Product, Price, Place and Promotion. Choose a suitable brand name
and discuss every P (packaging, size, feature and others in Product, price, discounts and others
in Price, advertising, promotion, sales force and others in Promotion, channels, locations,
inventory, transport and others in Place) (Word limit: 1000) (6)

In Bangladesh, lots of people are habituated to take betel-nut and some are almost addicted to
this. Keeping this in mind, we have planned to launch a tooth paste that will give them the
flavor of betel-nut restraining them from consuming this staff itself. Previously, several kinds
of flavors like mint, lemon, meswak have seen their way in case of tooth paste and now this
betel-nut flavored tooth paste will add a variety in this category. This betel nut flavor tooth
paste will at one side give the betel nut taker a feeling of consuming it, on the other side will
keep them safe from the adverse effect of betel nut. Gradually, people who are addicted to
take betel nut will get rid of from this addiction.

Dentists say that, we should brush our teeth after having meal. And most of the betel nut taker
take betel nut after having meal. So, if they brush their teeth with this tooth paste then they
will have the feeling that they have eaten the betel nut without actually consuming it. Besides,
as they are brushing their teeth, their teeth will last longer.

We have selected the tooth paste brand name as “Betel leaf refreshing paste”. The reason
behind choosing this flavor is that the scientists showed from their research that betel leaf
tooth paste is effective in inhibiting the dental plaque formation on the fixed orthodontic
patients. There will be a mixed reaction among customers, but we can make good impact on
people by arranging free campaign, multi-media advertisement, different kinds of attractive
offers and so on. Here is a design of marketing mix based on 4P’s of marketing for this
product in the context of Bangladesh:
 Product:
 Packaging: The packet is made of original ‘Juton plastic’ which is eco-friendly and
 Size: We have designed three sizes 20 gram, 100 gram and 200 gram.
 Feature:
 No harming chemical ingredients.
 Including peppermint essence, betel leaf extraction, tea tree oil and so on
which helps to last long breath.
 Cleans teeth and reduce tooth surface wear.
 Low price
 Attractive packaging
 Free of fluoride
 Has antioxidant effect and antiseptic properties
 Provide highest protection against dental hygiene and oral care
 Tooth paste containing betel leaf consists of antiplaque (prevent the
formation of plaque on the teeth) and anticaries properties.
 Spicy aroma and taste can help to prevent mouth odor.
 Design:

Fig. Juton plastic cover

Fig. Packaging
 Price:
 Price: We have decided prices of three different sizes:
 20 gram:20 /-,100gram:50/-,200gram:60/-
 Discount: Buy 2 get 1 offer. If anyone buy two products of same gram then they
will get extra 1 tooth paste with same gram, that will save their cost.
 Promotion:
 Advertising:
 Television
 Search engine optimization
 Social media marketing
 Content marketing
 Social campaign

 Promotion: Sponsoring in different programs, giving reviews in different social

media by popular figures and brand ambassador promotion of this product can be
achieved effectively

 Sales force: Sales force are those who are responsible for business growth by
selling products and services. The major components of sales forces are:
 Adequate knowledge of the services and product
 Comprehensive information about the buyers
 Smart sales force management
 Improved sales performance

 Public relation: Betel leaf refreshing tooth paste is committed to prevent harmful
effects caused by betel nut addiction. It also ensures people to provide them safe
tooth paste made from natural ingredients. This paste is empathetic about people,
shareholders, customers and business partners. It is also committed with integrity,
compassion and high ethics in every situation and values with high preference
every feedback from its invaluable customers.
 Place
 Channels: Betel leaf refreshing toothpaste is well distributed through the supply
chain of company distributors to wholesalers to retailers to final customers.
Multiple distribution network is followed such as manufacturer storage with direct
shipping, distributor storage with customer pickup, retail storage with customer
pickup, distributor storage with last mile delivery.
 Location: We have selected locations where this tooth paste will be accessible at
every part of the country including rural, semi urban and urban market. Betel leaf
refreshing tooth paste is sold over almost all the retail outlets, supermarkets,
grocery shops, drug stores and so on.
 Inventory: Products can be stored in multiple locations such as manufacturer hub,
distribution center, retail stores
 Transport: To deliver this product we can use truck, van, bicycle.
Finally, it can be said that this product will help betel nut addicted people to get rid of from it.
The natural ingredients of this product will ensure fresh breathing and will remove malodor
coming from mouth. The success will face many challenges. However, the 4p’s marketing
strategy will help to confront the challenges effectively by its rationalized price, promotional
offer of this attractive product.

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