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Managing Economies of Scale in a

Supply Chain: Cycle Inventory

Copyright: Pearson Education

Hasin Md. Muhtasim Taqi

Lecturer, Dept. of MPE

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Can you recall the EOQ model studied in the previous

A company makes bicycles. It produces 450 bicycles a month. It

buys the tires for bicycles from a supplier at a cost of $20 per tire.
The company’s inventory carrying cost is estimated to be 15% of
cost and the ordering is $50 per order. Find EOQ, Cycle inventory,
average flow time, number of orders per year, total cost related to
cycle inventory.

PowerPoint presentation to accompany

Chopra and Meindl Supply Chain Management, 5e
Global Edition
Copyright ©2013 Pearson Education.

Can you recall Little’s Law?

Little’s Law states that I = R * T

Where, I is Inventory, R is Flow Rate and
T is Flow Time.

Average flow time cycle inventory Q

resulting from = =
demand 2D
cycle inventory

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Can you recall the Quantity Discount

• Unit price depends upon the quantity ordered

How can you apply the EOQ model?

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An example application
• Annual Demand = 5000 units
• Ordering cost = $49
• Annual carrying charge = 20%
• Unit price schedule:
Quantity Unit Price
0 to 999 $5.00
1000 to 1999 $4.80
2000 and over $4.75
5,000 1000
TCQ =1000 =  49 +  0.2  4.80 + 4.80  5000 = $24,725
1000 2
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Economies of Scale
in a Supply Chain:
Cycle Inventory
PowerPoint presentation to accompany
Chopra and Meindl Supply Chain Management, 5e
Global Edition
Copyright ©2013 Pearson Education.

Learning Objectives
1. Balance the appropriate costs to choose the
optimal lot size and cycle inventory in a
supply chain.
2. Lot sizing with multiple products or
3. Understand the impact of quantity discounts
on lot size and cycle inventory.
4. Understand the impact of trade promotions
on lot size and cycle inventory.

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Role of Cycle Inventory
in a Supply Chain
• Lot or batch size is the quantity that a
stage of a supply chain either produces or
purchases at a time
• Cycle inventory is the average inventory in
a supply chain due to either production or
purchases in lot sizes that are larger than
those demanded by the customer
Q: Quantity in a lot or batch size
D: Demand per unit time

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Inventory Profile

Figure 11-1

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Role of Cycle Inventory
in a Supply Chain
lot size Q
Cycle inventory = =
2 2

average inventory
Average flow time =
average flow rate

Average flow time cycle inventory Q

resulting from = =
demand 2D
cycle inventory

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Role of Cycle Inventory
in a Supply Chain

• Lower cycle inventory has

– Shorter average flow time
– Lower working capital requirements
– Lower inventory holding costs
• Cycle inventory is held to
– Take advantage of economies of scale
– Reduce costs in the supply chain

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Role of Cycle Inventory
in a Supply Chain
• Average price paid per unit purchased is a key
cost in the lot-sizing decision
Material cost = C
• Fixed ordering cost includes all costs that do
not vary with the size of the order but are
incurred each time an order is placed
Fixed ordering cost = S
• Holding cost is the cost of carrying one unit in
inventory for a specified period of time
Holding cost = H = hC
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Role of Cycle Inventory
in a Supply Chain
• Primary role of cycle inventory is to allow
different stages to purchase product in lot
sizes that minimize the sum of material,
ordering, and holding costs
• Ideally, cycle inventory decisions should
consider costs across the entire supply chain
• In practice, each stage generally makes its
own supply chain decisions
• Increases total cycle inventory and total costs
in the supply chain
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Role of Cycle Inventory
in a Supply Chain
• Economies of scale exploited in three
typical situations
1. A fixed cost is incurred each time an order
is placed or produced
2. The supplier offers price discounts based
on the quantity purchased per lot
3. The supplier offers short-term price
discounts or holds trade promotions

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Estimating Cycle Inventory Related
Costs in Practice
• Inventory Holding Cost
– Obsolescence cost
– Handling cost
– Occupancy cost
– Miscellaneous costs
• Theft, security, damage, tax, insurance

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Estimating Cycle Inventory Related
Costs in Practice
• Ordering Cost
– Buyer time
– Transportation costs
– Receiving costs
– Other costs

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Economies of Scale
to Exploit Fixed Costs
• Lot sizing for a single product (EOQ)
D =
Annual demand of the product
S =
Fixed cost incurred per order
C =
Cost per unit
H =
Holding cost per year as a fraction of
product cost
• Basic assumptions
– Demand is steady at D units per unit time
– No shortages are allowed
– Replenishment lead time is fixed
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Economies of Scale
to Exploit Fixed Costs
• Minimize
– Annual material cost
– Annual ordering cost
– Annual holding cost

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Lot Sizing for a Single Product
Annual material cost = CD
Number of orders per year =
æ Dö
Annual ordering cost = ç ÷ S
æQ ö æQö
Annual holding cost = ç ÷ H = ç ÷ hC
è2ø è2ø
æ Dö æQ ö
Total annual cost, TC = CD + ç ÷ S + ç ÷ hC
èQø è2ø

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Lot Sizing for a Single Product

Figure 11-2

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Lot Sizing for a Single Product

• The economic order quantity (EOQ)

Optimal lot size, Q* =

• The optimal ordering frequency

n* = =
Q* 2S

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EOQ Example
Example 11-1

Best Buy Retail chain selling Deskpro computers

Annual demand, D = 1,000 x 12 = 12,000 units

Order cost per lot, S = $4,000
Unit cost per computer, C = $500
Holding cost per year as a fraction of unit cost, h = 0.2

2 ´12,000 ´ 4,000
Optimal order size = Q* = = 980
0.2 ´ 500

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EOQ Example

Q * 980
Cycle inventory = = = 490
2 2
Number of orders per year = = 12.24

D æQ *ö
Annual ordering and holding cost = S +ç ÷ hC = 97,980
Q* è 2 ø
Q* 490
Average flow time = = = 0.041= 0.49 month
2D 12,000

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EOQ Example

If Q=1100 is used instead of 980 (10% increase) annual

cost increase to $98,930, a 0.67% increase;
- We don’t have to use EOQ exactly, a convenient value
near the EOQ is ok.

If the demand in a month increases to 4000 unites

(an increase by a factor 4 (k=4) )

- EOQ figure doubles (increases by k )

- Number of orders per year doubles
- Average flow time decreases by a factor of 2 (decreases
by k )
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EOQ Example

• Lot size reduced to Q = 200 units

D æQ *ö
Annual inventory-related costs = S +ç ÷ hC = 250,000
Q* è 2 ø

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Lot Size and Ordering Cost
• In order to have Q* = 200, how much
should the ordering cost be reduced?
Desired lot size, Q* = 200
Annual demand, D = 1,000 × 12 = 12,000 units
Unit cost per computer, C = $500
Holding cost per year as a fraction of inventory value, h = 0.2

hC(Q*)2 0.2 ´ 500 ´ 2002

S= = = 166.7
2D 2 ´12,000

Copyright ©2013 Pearson Education. 11-26

Aggregating Multiple Products
in a Single Order

• Single delivery from multiple suppliers or

single truck delivering to multiple retailers
• Savings in transportation costs
– Reduces fixed cost for each product
– Lot size for each product can be reduced
– Cycle inventory is reduced
• Receiving and loading costs can be
reduced using ASP(advanced shipping
notice), RFID, badcode
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Lot Sizing with Multiple
Products or Customers
• Ordering, and receiving costs grow with the
variety of products
• Ttransportation cost is independent of the variety
of products, but it increases in pickup points
• Lot sizes and ordering policy that minimize total
Di: Annual demand for product i
S: Order cost incurred each time an order is placed,
independent of the variety of products in the order
si: Additional order cost incurred if product i is
included in the order
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Lot Sizing with Multiple
Products or Customers
• Three approaches
1. Each product manager orders his or her
model independently
2. The product managers jointly order every
product in each lot
3. Product managers order jointly but not
every order contains every product; that is,
each lot contains a selected subset of the

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Multiple Products Ordered and
Delivered Independently
-Case example
-Best buy selling three models of
- A fixed cost of transportation is incurred
each time an order is delivered
- For each model delivered an additional
fixed ordering cost of $1000 is also

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Multiple Products Ordered and
Delivered Independently
Example 11-3
DL = 12,000/yr, DM = 1,200/yr, DH = 120/yr
Common order cost
S = $4,000
Product-specific order cost
sL = $1,000, sM = $1,000, sH = $1,000
Holding cost
h = 0.2
Unit cost
CL = $500, CM = $500, CH = $500

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Multiple Products Ordered and
Delivered Independently
Litepro Medpro Heavypro
Demand per year 12,000 1,200 120
Fixed cost/order $5,000 $5,000 $5,000
Optimal order size 1,095 346 110
Cycle inventory 548 173 55
Annual holding cost $54,772 $17,321 $5,477
Order frequency 11.0/year 3.5/year 1.1/year
Annual ordering cost $54,772 $17,321 $5,477
Average flow time 2.4 weeks 7.5 weeks 23.7 weeks
Annual cost $109,544 $34,642 $10,954

Table 11-1
Total annual cost = $155,140

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Lots Ordered and Delivered Jointly
(Example 11-4)
S* = S + sL + sM + sH Annual order cost = S * n

Annual holding cost = + +
2n 2n 2n

Total annual cost = + + +S*n
2n 2n 2n

DL hC L + DM hCM + DH hC H Di hCi
n* = n* = i=1

2S * 2S *

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Products Ordered and Delivered

S* = S + sA + sB + sC = $7,000 per order

12,000 ´100 +1,200 ´100 +120 ´100

n* = = 9.75
2 ´ 7,000

Annual order cost = 9.75 x 7,000 = $68,250

Annual ordering
and holding cost = $61,512 + $6,151 + $615 + $68,250
= $136,528

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Products Ordered and Delivered

Litepro Medpro Heavypro

Demand per year (D) 12,000 1,200 120
Order frequency (n∗) 9.75/year 9.75/year 9.75/year
Optimal order size (D/n∗) 1,230 123 12.3
Cycle inventory 615 61.5 6.15
Annual holding cost $61,512 $6,151 $615
Average flow time 2.67 weeks 2.67 weeks 2.67 weeks

Table 11-2

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Lots Ordered and Delivered
Jointly for a Selected Subset
• It is not necessarily optimal to include every item in every
• We have found n=9.75 in joint ordering case.
• If we order Heavy-pro in every fourth order instead of
every order
– We save 9,750x1000x(3/4)=7312 $/year in ordering
– We increase the inventory holding cost by
(120/(9,75/4) -120/9,75)x500x0,2/2 = 1846,15 $/year
- The net saving is 7312-1846,15=5465,85 $/year
• What should be the order frequency for each item ?

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Lots Ordered and Delivered Jointly
for a Selected Subset
Step 1: Identify the most frequently ordered
product assuming each product is
ordered independently
hCi Di
ni =
2(S + si )
Step 2: For all products i ≠ i*, evaluate the
ordering frequency
hCi Di
ni =
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Lots Ordered and Delivered Jointly
for a Selected Subset
Step 3: For all i ≠ i*, evaluate the frequency of
product i relative to the most frequently
ordered product i* to be mi (round up)
é ù
mi = ên / ni ú

Step 4: Recalculate the ordering frequency of the

most frequently ordered product i* to be n

hCi mi D
n= i=1

2 S + å si / mi

i=1 )
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Lots Ordered and Delivered Jointly
for a Selected Subset
Step 5: Evaluate an order frequency of ni = n/mi
and the total cost of such an ordering
l l
 Di 
TC = nS +  ni si +   hCi
i =1 i =1  2ni 

Tailored aggregation – high demand or value

products ordered more frequently and low
demand/value products ordered less frequently

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Ordered and Delivered Jointly –
Frequency Varies by Order
• Applying Step 1
nL = = 11.0
2(S + sL )
n = 11.0
nM = = 3.5
2(S + sM )

nL = = 1.1
2(S + sH )

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Ordered and Delivered Jointly –
Frequency Varies by Order
• Applying Step 2
nM = = 7.7 and nH = = 2.4
2sM 2sH

• Applying Step 3
é ù é ù é ù é
ê n ú 11.0 ê n ú 11.0 ù
mM = =ê ú = 2 and mH = =ê ú=5
ê n ú ê 7.7 ú ê n ú ê 2.4 ú
ê Mú ê Hú

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Ordered and Delivered Jointly –
Frequency Varies by Order

Litepro Medpro Heavypro

Demand per year (D) 12,000 1,200 120
Order frequency (n∗) 11.47/year 5.74/year 2.29/year
Optimal order size (D/n∗) 1,046 209 52
Cycle inventory 523 104.5 26
Annual holding cost $52,307 $10,461 $2,615
Average flow time 2.27 weeks 4.53 weeks 11.35 weeks

Table 11-3

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Ordered and Delivered Jointly –
Frequency Varies by Order
• Applying Step 4 n = 11.47

• Applying Step 5
nL = 11.47 / yr nM = 11.47 / 2 = 5.74 / yr nH = 11.47 / 5 = 2.29 / yr

Annual order cost and inventory cost

nS + nL sL + nM sM + nH sH = $65,383.5
 DL  D  D 
 hCL +  M hCM +  H hCH = 65,383.5
 2nL   2 nM   2nH  Total annual cost
Copyright ©2013 Pearson Education. 11-43
Key points in lot sizing
• Reduce fixed cost in order to reduce the
cycle inventories in the system.
• In multi item case, a way to reduce fixed
costs and cycle inventory is joint
replenishment which effectively reduces
the fixed costs.

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Economies of Scale to
Exploit Quantity Discounts
• Lot size-based discount – discounts based
on quantity ordered in a single lot
• Volume based discount – discount is
based on total quantity purchased over a
given period (e.g. year)
• Two common schemes
– All-unit quantity discounts
– Marginal unit (incremental) quantity discount
or multi-block tariffs
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Quantity Discounts
• Two basic questions
1. What is the optimal purchasing decision for
a buyer seeking to maximize profits? How
does this decision affect the supply chain in
terms of cost, lot sizes, cycle inventories,
and flow times?
2. Under what conditions should a supplier
offer quantity discounts? What are
appropriate pricing schedules that a
supplier seeking to maximize profits should
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All-Unit Quantity Discounts
• Pricing schedule has specified quantity break
points q0, q1, …, qr, where q0 = 0
• If an order is placed that is at least as large as
qi but smaller than qi+1, then each unit has an
average unit cost of Ci
• Unit cost generally decreases as the quantity
increases, i.e., C0 > C1 > … > Cr
• Objective is to decide on a lot size that will
minimize the sum of material, order, and
holding costs

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All-Unit Quantity Discounts

Figure 11-3

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All-Unit Quantity Discounts

Step 1: Evaluate the optimal lot size for each

price Ci,0 ≤ i ≤ r as follows

Qi =

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All-Unit Quantity Discounts
Step 2: We next select the order quantity Q*i for
each price Ci
1. qi £ Qi < qi+1
2. Qi < qi
3. Qi ³ qi+1

• Case 3 can be ignored as it is considered for Qi+1

• For Case 1 if qi £ Qi < qi+1, then set Q*i = Qi
• If Qi < qi, then a discount is not possible. Set Q*i = qi
to qualify for the discounted price of Ci

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All-Unit Quantity Discounts

Step 3: Calculate the total annual cost of

ordering Q*i units
æDö æ Q* ö
Total annual cost, TCi = çç * ÷÷ S + çç i ÷÷ hCi + DCi
è Qi ø è 2ø

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All-Unit Quantity Discounts

Step 4: Select Q*i with the lowest total cost TCi

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All-Unit Quantity Discount
Example 11-7
DO –drugs on line sells drugs and help supplements on line
- Consider vitamins. The demand for vitamins is 10000 bottles
per month
- The manufacturer uses the following price schedule.

Order Quantity Unit Price

0–4,999 $3.00
5,000–9,999 $2.96
10,000 or more $2.92
q0 = 0, q1 = 5,000, q2 = 10,000
C0 = $3.00, C1 = $2.96, C2 = $2.92
D = 120,000/year, S = $100/lot, h = 0.2
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All-Unit Quantity Discount Example
Step 1
Q0 = = 6,324; Q1 = = 6,367; Q2 = = 6,410
hC0 hC1 hC2

Step 2
Ignore i = 0 because Q0 = 6,324 > q1 = 5,000
For i = 1, 2
Q1* = Q1 = 6,367; Q2* = q2 = 10,000

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All-Unit Quantity Discount Example
Step 3
 D   Q1* 
TC1 =  *  S +  hC1 + DC1 = $358,969;
 Q1   2 
 D   Q2* 
TC 2 =  *  S +  hC2 + DC2 = $354,520
 Q2   2 

Lowest total cost is for i = 2

Order Q2* = 10,000 bottles per lot at $2.92 per bottle

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Marginal Unit Quantity Discounts
• Multi-block tariffs – the marginal cost of
a unit that decreases at a breakpoint

For each value of i, 0 ≤ i ≤ r, let Vi be the cost of

ordering qi units

Vi = C0 (q1 – q0 ) + C1(q2 – q1) +...+ Ci–1(qi – qi–1)

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Marginal Unit Quantity Discounts


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Marginal Unit Quantity Discounts
Material cost of each order Q is Vi + (Q – qi)Ci

æ Dö
Annual order cost = ç ÷ S
Annual holding cost = éëVi + (Q – qi )C i ùû h / 2

Annual materials cost = ëVi + (Q – qi )Ci ùû
æ Dö
Total annual cost = ç ÷ S + éëVi + (Q – qi )C i ùû h / 2

+ ëVi + (Q – qi )Ci ùû
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Marginal Unit Quantity Discounts

Step 1: Evaluate the optimal lot size for each

price Ci

2D(S +Vi – qiCi )

Optimal lot size for Ci is Qi =

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Marginal Unit Quantity Discounts

Step 2: Select the order quantity Qi* for each

price Ci
1. If qi £ Qi £ qi+1 then set Qi* = Qi
2. If Qi < qi then set Qi* = qi
3. If Qi > qi+1 then set Qi* = qi+1

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Marginal Unit Quantity Discounts

Step 3: Calculate the total annual cost of

ordering Qi*

æDö D
TCi = çç * ÷÷ S + éëVi + (Qi* – qi )C i ùû h / 2 + * éëVi + (Qi* – qi )Ci ùû
è Qi ø Qi

Step 4: Select the order size Qi* with the

lowest total cost TCi

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Marginal Unit Quantity Discount
• Original data now a marginal discount
Order Quantity Unit Price
0–4,999 $3.00
5,000–9,999 $2.96
10,000 or more $2.92

q0 = 0, q1 = 5,000, q2 = 10,000
C0 = $3.00, C1 = $2.96, C2 = $2.92
D = 120,000/year, S = $100/lot, h = 0.2

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Marginal Unit Quantity Discount
V0 = 0; V1 = 3(5,000 – 0) = $15,000
V2 = 3(5,000 – 0) + 2.96(10,000 – 5,000) = $29,800
Step 1
2D(S +V0 – q0C0 )
Q0 = = 6,325

2D(S +V1 – q1C1)

Q1 = = 11,028

2D(S +V2 – q2C2 )

Q2 = = 16,961
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Marginal Unit Quantity Discount
Step 2
Q0* = q1 = 5,000 because Q0 = 6,324 > 5,000
Q1* = q2 = 10,000; Q2 = Q2 = 16,961
Step 3
æDö D
TC0 = çç * ÷÷ S + éëV0 + (Q0* – q0 )C 0 ùû h / 2 + * éëV0 + (Q0* – q0 )C0 ùû = $363,900
è Q0 ø Q0
æDö D
TC1 = çç * ÷÷ S + éëV1 + (Q1* – q1)C 1ùû h / 2 + * éëV1 + (Q1* – q1)C1ùû = $361,780
è Q1 ø Q1
æDö D
TC2 = çç * ÷÷ S + éëV2 + (Q2* – q2 )C 2 ùû h / 2 + * éëV2 + (Q2* – q2 )C2 ùû = $360,365
è Q2 ø Q2

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• Observe that the lowest cost is for i = 2.
Thus, it is optimal for DO to order in lots of
Q*2 = 16,961 bottles. This is much larger
than the optimal lot size of 6,325 when the
manufacturer does not offer any discount.

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