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1. CBT Principles:
a. The training is based on curriculum developed from the competency standards – The
learning experiences given to the students are guided by the competency standards
which identifies specific knowledge, skills, attitude and values required to be competent
in a certain competency.
b. Training delivery is individualized and self-paced – The trainees are allowed to make
advancement in learning to advance his own without waiting for the other to finish.
That’s why trainers should provide activities, resources, facilities and materials that
would help the trainee.
c. The system allows Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) – Competencies that are already
acquired by the trainee should be recognized and considered for them to advance
themselves and provide them experiences that are important and needed.
2. Factors in Selecting training methods:
a. Learning outcomes/objectives
b. Trainers/instructors
c. Content
d. Participants
e. Training Techniques
f. Time
g. Cost
h. Space, equipment and materials
3. Basis in sequencing learning events:
My basis is Robert Gagne’s (1999) model in providing a structural approach of learning. Which
provide nine steps that can assist my plan.
a. Gain attention
b. Inform learner of objectives
c. Stimulate recall or prior learning
d. Present stimulus material
e. Provide learner guidance
f. Elicit performance
g. Provide feedback
h. Assess performance
i. Enhance retention and transfer
4. It is important to attain the application of knowledge, skills and attitude to a specific level of
5. To evaluate learners we give them activities such as self checks, Task sheets, operation sheets,
and job sheets that will measure each learner’s output. After we get the results it is
recommended to give feedbacks either positive or negative. Give constructive feedbacks that
will supplement the needs of the learners and do this privately or if done in a group do it
6. Instructional materials are provided for the advantage of the learners and the trainer to
facilitate a self-paced learning process. These materials will help the trainer to provide detailed
instructions to the learners that will serve as a guide to them through the whole learning
7. Training session should be evaluated to see it’s effectiveness if the training outline provided a
detail, clear and complete as possible so that important points will not be overlooked, to cover
the complexity of the curriculum for the benefits if the learners.
8. Learning Activities


1. Possible faults or problem areas you may experience when using LCD:
a. Chicken wire effect causing the image look more pixilated.
b. Bulky, there are more internal components
c. Dead Pixels- Pixels can be permanently on or permanently off, if there are many dead
pixels it can be an irritation.
d. LCD panels can fail and are very expensive to replace.
2. Advantages of LCD:
a. LCD is more light effect( brighter) than DLP.
b. With 3LCD projectors you will get beautiful colour in clear, define images, even in bright
room, and you get more than double the brightness on colour illuminace, compared to
non-3LCD projectors, 3LCD projectors can project bright, vivid images with a low output
c. Hence with a data signal, if you put a 1000 lumen LCD next to a 1200 lumen DLP and
showed a colour image people would probably prefer the LCD for brightness.
d. LCD tends to produce sharper images. This can actually be a bit disadvantage to video,
where it makes pixellation more obvious.
3. Safety precautions in using LCD:
a. Place the projector in a sturdy flat surface.
b. Do not block opening (ventilation) of the projector.
c. Do not drop object or liquid to the projectors
d. Do not install projectors near the source of heat.
e. Do not unplug projectors after turning it OFF.LCD projectors have cooling fans that
automatically OFF after meeting the projectors cooling temperature, this will prolong
the life of the expensive powerful lamp of the projector.
f. Do not look in the projectors lens when the lamp is on. The bright light may hurt or
damage your eyes.
g. Do not use lens caps when projector is in operation.
h. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.
4. How to clean the air filter of an LCD projector:
Vacuum the filter, both inside and out. If your air filter is particularly dirty, gently rinse it with soapy water. Let it dry

5. Airflow is important for cooling the lamp assembly and electronics, but dust inside your projector will make for a
poor image. Air filters that are not cleaned on a regular basis become clogged and prevent the cool air from
being drawn inside.  This can cause the projector to overheat and even shut down. You also want clean air
filters to prevent dust from  settling onto the  projector lens. When this happens, the projected image may
become distorted or the colors may dull and you’ll need to get the projector professionally cleaned.

6. The following is a list of preventative measures you can take to reduce the likelihood of your
projector lamp failing early:

a. Do not allow the projector to overheat; the number one cause of lamp failure is
excessive temperature stress.
b. Allow the projector lamp to cool for at least 10 minutes after powering down, and
never move the projector during this period or while the lamp is on. The lamp is much
more susceptible to damage while it is hot.
c. Operate your projector in a clean, relatively dust-free environment to prevent clogging
of fans and air filters. These filters should be cleaned regularly.
d. Allow plenty of space around the projector's fan or exhaust so excess heat can be
dispersed properly.
e. Utilize the "economy mode" if it is available with your projector model and is
appropriate for your situation. This mode decreases projector brightness but the lamp
will last longer.
f. Never leave a projector in very hot or very cold environments, for example in a car on
a summer or winter day.


1. We can ensure that the evidence we gathered are sufficient and valid if the evidences are:
a. Demonstrates relevant outcomes and performance requirement of the unit
b. Covers the relevant breadth and depth of a unit of competency(including knowledge
and skills, dimensions of competency, evidence guide, etc.)
c. Reflects current industry-standards
d. Allow the assessor to be confident that the candidate can perform the competency
2. Do Oral questioning or written test to confirm the candidates understanding to the question and
to probe for further information if the candidates response is not sufficient.
3. The assessor must ensure that the following must kept secured:
a. Assessment package
b. Candidates assessment result
c. Assessment procedure
This keep the integrity of the candidate, the assessor and the assessment procedure.
4. Do not conduct the assessment, because the conditions are not met.
5. Ff
6. Oral questioning, real-time/ real work observations and structure.
7. Assessment decisions are satisfied or supported by the evidences which shows validity,
authenticity, currency, sufficiency, consistency and recency or the rule of evidences.
8. Observation, Demonstration, Third party reporting, uestioning, written test and portfolio
9. Ways of communicating feedback:
a. Ask the candidate to judge how well he or she performed
b. Reinforce positive aspects of the assessment
c. Ask the candidate to suggest areas for improvement
d. Give feedback as soon as possible

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