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STORY: AMISOM Force Commander starts familiarization

tour with visit to Sector One in Mogadishu

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1. Wide shot of senior AMISOM sector One commanders waiting for the arrival of
the Force Commander Lieutenant General Diomede Ndegeya.
2. Med shot, guard of honour
3. Wide shot, AMISOM Force Commander Lt. Gen. Ndegeya arrives
4. Med shot, senior AMISOM sector One commanders
5. Med shot, Col. John Winston Mugarura, Deputy AMISOM sector One Commander
welcoming the AMISOM Force Commander Lt. Gen. Ndegeya.
6. Wide shot, salute of honour for the force commander
7. Close up shot, the AMISOM Force Commander Lt. Gen. Ndegeya saluting
8. Wide shot, the AMISOM Force Commander Lt. Gen. Ndegeya
9. Med shot, guard of honour
10. Wide shot, the AMISOM Force Commander Lt. Gen. Ndegeya inspecting a guard
of honour
11. Close up shot, senior AMISOM sector One commanders
12. Med shot, Lieutenant General Diomede Ndegeya, the AMISOM Force
Commander inspecting the guard of honour
13. Wide shot, guard of honour
14. Close up shot, guard of honour
15. Wide shot, the AMISOM Force Commander Lt. Gen. Ndegeya briefed by Col. John
Winston Mugarura, Deputy AMISOM sector One Commander
16. Med shot, Brig. Domitien Kabisa, AMISOM Chief of staff taking notes
17. Close up shot, Col. David Obonyo, AMISOM military Intelligence Officer taking
18. Close up shot, the AMISOM Force Commander Lt. Gen. Ndegeya
19. Wide shot, the AMISOM Force Commander Lt. Gen. Ndegeya speaking
20. SOUNDBITE: (English) Lt. Gen. Ndegeya, the AMISOM Force Commander
“As the first contingent to have deployed in Somalia, UPDF is praised for bringing
home the most significant victories for Somalia, AMISOM, Africa and the world.
Together with Burundi National Defense Forces who later joined you, you both
successfully liberated Mogadishu in 2011. This is a huge feat that will always be
remembered whenever AMISOM is mentioned. I must also recognize and applaud
UPDF for capturing the key bridge towns of Sabiid-Anole, Bariire, Awdheegle and
Ceel Salini, and more recently the victories of the current UPDF combined Sector 1
troops commanded by Brigadier General Richard Otto, in capturing the key
Bridgetown of Janaale.”
21. Med shot, Lt. Gen. Ndegeya, the AMISOM Force Commander speaking
22. Close up shot, Major Lillian Maela, AMISOM gender officer taking notes
23. SOUNDBITE: (English) Lt. Gen. Diomede Ndegeya, the AMISOM Force
“I have nothing new to tell you, except that victory is near. So, let us redouble our
efforts and tirelessly continue to work to liberate this great African country,

24. Med shot, Lt. Gen. Ndegeya, the AMISOM Force Commander and Col. John
Winston Mugarura, Deputy AMISOM sector One Commander
25. Close up shot, Col. John Winston Mugarura, Deputy AMISOM sector One
26. Close up shot, Lt. Gen. Ndegeya, the AMISOM Force Commander
27. Wide shot, Lt. Gen. Ndegeya, the AMISOM Force Commander and Col. John
Winston Mugarura, Deputy AMISOM sector One Commander

AMISOM Force Commander starts familiarization tour with visit to Sector One in

Mogadishu, September 9, 2020 – As part of his familiarization tour of all the six
sectors that form the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), Force
Commander Lieutenant General (Lt. Gen.) Diomede Ndegeya today visited the Sector
1 Headquarters in Mogadishu manned by Uganda Peoples Defence Forces (UPDF).

The Sector One, whose jurisdiction includes Mogadishu and Lower Shabelle region of
Somalia also houses the AMISOM Force Headquarters where the Force Commander
Lt. Gen. Ndegeya sits and together with his deputies and a host of other senior
AMISOM military commander offer administrative and strategic expertise that runs
the entire AMISOM military operations in Somalia.
Lt. Gen. Ndegeya and his entourage were received at the sector one headquarters by
the Deputy Uganda Contingent Commander, Colonel John Winston Mugarura, and
other senior military officers from the Force Headquarters.

As part of his welcome, Lt. Gen. Ndegeya inspected a guard of honor mounted by
Ugandan soldiers, and took part in a closed-door briefing by senior AMISOM officers
who included Chief Military Intelligence Officer Colonel David Obonyo, Public
Information Officer Lieutenant Colonel Charles Imbiakha, Chief of Staff Brigadier
General Domitien Kabisa, and Gender Officer Major Lillian Maela.

In his address to the sector leadership, Lt. Gen. Ndegeya said that it was befitting for
his familiarization tour to start at the home of the Uganda People’s Defense Forces
(UPDF), since they were the first to deploy troops to Somalia in March 2007, and
have since contributed immensely to a number of gains the mission has made
against the Al-Shabaab.

“As the first contingent to have deployed in Somalia, UPDF is praised for bringing
home the most significant victories for Somalia, AMISOM, Africa, and the world.
Together with the Burundian National Defense Forces who later joined, you both
successfully liberated Mogadishu in 2011. This is a huge feat that will always be
remembered whenever AMISOM is mentioned,” said Lt. Gen. Ndegeya.

The Force Commander said Ugandan troops have since the 2011 showdown brought
many more victories to Somalia, including the capture of Afgoye, Marka, Barawe,
Qoryoole, and other key bridge towns in the Lower Shabelle region liberated

“I must also recognize and applaud the UPDF for capturing the key bridge towns of
Sabiid-Anole, Bariire, Awdheegle and Ceel Salini, and more recently the victories of
the current UPDF combined Sector 1 troops commanded by Brigadier General
Richard Otto, in capturing the key bridge town of Janaale,” said Lt. Gen. Ndegeya.

He said the capture in March of Janaale in particular stands out as a recent

significant triumph because the bridge town was very strategic for the Al Shabaab,
and that their losing it weakened them.

The Force Commander however warned that these victories did not come on a silver
platter, and together with the AMISOM commander present he led a moment of
silence in honor of the fallen heroes and heroines whose sacrifice has made it
possible for the Federal Government of Somalia to function.
“I have nothing new to tell you, except that victory is near. So, let us redouble our
efforts and tirelessly continue to work to liberate this great African country,
Somalia,” Lt. Gen Ndegeya said.

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