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Polymer Degradation and Stability 93 (2008) 800e810

The thermal degradation of poly(vinyl acetate) and

poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate), Part I: Experimental study
of the degradation mechanism
B. Rimez a, H. Rahier a,*, G. Van Assche a, T. Artoos a, M. Biesemans b, B. Van Mele a
Research Unit Physical Chemistry and Polymer Science (FYSC), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Research Unit High Resolution NMR Spectroscopy (H-NMR), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Received 9 September 2007; received in revised form 5 December 2007; accepted 14 January 2008
Available online 20 January 2008


The thermal degradation mechanism of poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc) and poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) (EVA) copolymers was investigated
with solid-state NMR, thermogravimetry coupled with mass spectrometry and differential thermal analysis. Between 300 and 400  C acetic acid
is eliminated (deacetylation), leaving a highly unsaturated residue or polyene. The deacetylation of PVAc is autocatalytic. Upon incorporation of
ethylene entities into the polymer backbone, autocatalysis disappears. Between 400 and 500  C, the polyene will degrade further by chain scis-
sion reactions in inert conditions or aromatise in an oxidative environment into a char, and oxidised eventually into CO2 beyond 500  C.
In inert conditions, the deacetylation step as well as the chain scission reaction shows endothermic effects. In an oxidative environment, large
exothermal effects are found for each degradation step. This indicates the occurrence of additional oxidation reactions during deacetylation, an
important reorganisation of the polyene during char formation and oxidation of the latter into CO2.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: PVAc; EVA; Thermogravimetric analysis; Mass spectrometry; Differential thermal analysis; Solid-state NMR

1. Introduction acetate side chain of PVAc is eliminated from the polymer

backbone in an autocatalytic reaction [8,9]. On the oxidative
The degradation path upon heating of semi-crystalline degradation no information was found.
poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) (EVA) copolymers with a vinyl The systematic study of the degradation mechanism of any
acetate content below 50% has already been well described material requires information on both volatiles and solids
and used in flame retarded systems [1e4]. Upon degradation, formed as a function of temperature during degradation. By
the acetate side groups are first eliminated from the polymer coupling thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) with mass spec-
backbone in the so-called deacetylation step, leaving an unsat- trometry (MS) information concerning produced volatiles
urated polymer backbone or polyene [1,2]. This polyene can be obtained [10e17]. The identification of solid material
undergoes allylic chain scission reactions to reach full degra- formed during degradation can be achieved by solid-state
dation [5,6]. In an oxidative environment, the degradation of NMR analysis of partially degraded residues [5,18]. Isother-
the formed polyene into an aromatised structure at elevated mal TGA measurements are used to quantify the kinetics of
temperatures is detected upon addition of flame retardants [7]. the chemical degradation reaction [9]. By coupling TGA
The thermal degradation of poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc) in with differential thermal analysis (TGAeDTA), qualitative in-
inert conditions has a similar degradation pathway [5]. The formation on the thermochemistry of certain degradation steps
can be obtained [16,18e20].
* Corresponding author. Fax: þ32 2629 32 78. In this experimental study, a mechanistic investigation is
E-mail address: (H. Rahier). performed on the thermal degradation of PVAc and both

0141-3910/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Rimez et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 93 (2008) 800e810 801

semi-crystalline and amorphous EVA with mass percentage vinyl TGA coupled with differential thermal analysis (TGAe
acetate in the polymer backbone ranging from 9 to 73 wt.% in inert DTA) measurements were performed on a TA Instruments
and oxidative conditions. A coherent mechanistic description for SDT Q600. The applied heating rate was 20  C min1. Sample
the full degradation path of all (co)polymers is aimed at. masses of 3  1 mg were used with nitrogen or dried air with
This descriptive thermal degradation mechanism will en- a base purge flow of 100 ml min1.
able a quantitative modelling of the kinetics of the different Samples for NMR analysis were degraded in a TA Instru-
degradation steps, i.e. deacetylation, polyene formation and ments 2950 TGA, with a heating at 20  C min1 to the desired
degradation, and char formation and degradation, as described temperature, at which the sample was held isothermally until
in a second paper [21]. For this reason, the proposed mecha- the sample weight remained constant (time interval ranging
nistic model describes the degradation of groups of molecules from 10 to 900 min). The amount of residue needed for the
rather than defining the degradation reaction of each individual NMR measurements was about 10 mg. Cross-polarized magic
molecule. Moreover, the degradation model in combination angle spinning 13C NMR (CP-MAS 13C NMR) spectra were re-
with the same experimental methodology will facilitate the in- corded on a Bruker Avance 250 spectrometer, operating at
terpretation of the activity and efficiency of flame retardants 62.90 MHz for the 13C nucleus. ZrO2 rotors (4 mm) were
for the chosen polymer systems. used at a spinning rate of 4000 Hz. The chemical shift reference
was set with adamantane. Spectra were acquired with typically
4 K data points over a spectral width of 25 000 Hz, a relaxation
2. Experimental delay of 4 s, a contact time of 1 ms and 4000 scans.

Poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc) with a molar mass of 3. Results and discussion

100 000 g mol1 from SigmaeAldrich was used as-received.
EVA emulsions Airflex EN 1035 and Airflex EAF 60 (55 3.1. The degradation steps of PVAc
and 60% solids in water, respectively) from Air Products con-
tain 73 and 60 wt.% of vinyl acetate and are denoted as EVA In Fig. 1, TGAeMS measurements performed on PVAc un-
73 and EVA 60, respectively. They were solution-casted and der inert and oxidative environments are shown. From an MS
dried at 100  C. EVA copolymers Escorene UL00309, measurement, the most significant m/e signals for the degrada-
UL00319 and UL00333 from Exxon contain 9, 19 and tion are chosen. For example, acetic acid evaporates as m/e 60
33 wt.% of vinyl acetate, respectively. Films of all polymers but also decomposes in the gas phase into smaller fragments
with a thickness of 100 mm were pressed. like m/e 15, 17, 18, 41, 42, 43, 44. Acetic acid is called the
Thermogravimetric analysis coupled with mass spectrome- ‘‘mother molecule’’; the smaller fractions, possessing the
try (TGAeMS) was performed on a TA Instruments Q5000IR same gas-evolving pattern, help to attribute m/e 60 to this
under nitrogen or dried air flow with a base purge flow of molecule.
25 ml min1, using sample masses of 1.0  0.2 mg in 50 ml The inert degradation of PVAc as measured by TGA con-
platinum crucibles, starting from 200  C (to eliminate water sists of two steps as can be seen in Fig. 1A I. The first and
and monomer) to 600  C (inert conditions) or 650  C (oxida- most intense degradation step, between 300 and 400  C, was
tive conditions). Mass spectrometry (MS) measurements identified as the deacetylation step, since both m/e 60 and
were performed on a Balzer Thermostar Mass Spectrometer smaller fragments corresponding to the acetic acid mother
using Quadstar 422 Software to analyse detected m/e values. molecule are detected in this temperature range (Fig. 1A II).
The produced gases were measured in the MS equipment by Note that during this step also (CH)n fragments evaporate
continuously scanning bargraph cycles at a sampling rate of from the polymeric material (Fig. 1A III). Molecules such as
0.1 s per m/e and a spectral width ranging from 10 to 200 m/e. CHeCHeCH (m/e 39), benzene (m/e 78), toluene derivates
Isothermal TGA experiments were performed on a TA (m/e 91) and naphthalene (m/e 128) arise during the deacety-
Q5000IR TGA with nitrogen or dried air with a purge flow lation process, with the largest fragments evaporating at the
of 25 ml min1. A sample of 1  0.2 mg in a 50 ml platinum end. This indicates the chain scission reactions occurring at
crucible was held isothermal at 230  C for 120 min to elimi- the end of the polymer main chain during deacetylation. The
nate emulsifier and residual monomer. Afterwards, the sample formation of the aromatic volatiles slows down at the end of
was heated at 20  C min1 to the desired isothermal tempera- the step. A stable product is formed after deacetylation.
ture of the measurement and maintained until the weight re- In order to identify the solid residue after deacetylation,
mained constant. Inertia of the TGA was checked with MS PVAc was partially degraded by holding it isothermally at
by the evolution of the m/e 32/28 (N2/O2) ratio. After 280  C for 900 min or at 400  C for 15 min to reach full com-
10 min spooling prior to the measurement, the m/e 32 signal pletion of the elimination of acetic acid in both samples. The
reached a baseline level below 0.1% of the m/e 28 signal. chemical structure of the resulting materials was analysed by
Note that TGAeMS and TGA measurements were per- performing solid-state 13C NMR. Non-degraded PVAc shows
formed on powdered samples or thin films (100 mm) with four resonances in its 13C NMR spectrum (Fig. 2). The poly-
a mass of 1  0.2 mg to avoid the occurrence of other interac- mer backbone has resonances at 40 and 70 ppm. The carboxyl
tions than the expected chemical degradation reactions (slow function has a resonance at 170 ppm and the ester function at
diffusion of gas trough the sample, gas trapping, etc.). 20 ppm. After isothermal degradation at 280  C, most of the
802 B. Rimez et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 93 (2008) 800e810

100 2 100 2
90 A I 90 B I

Der. Weight / %.°C-1

Der. Weight / %.°C-1
80 1.5 80 1.5
70 70
Weight / %

Weight / %
60 1 60 1
50 50
40 0.5 40 0.5
30 30
20 0 20 0
10 10
0 -0.5 0 -0.5
200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650
Temperature / °C Temperature / °C

1.E-09 1.E-09
1.E-10 1.E-10
Ion Current / A

Ion Current / A
1.E-11 1.E-11

m/e 60 m/e 44

1.E-12 1.E-12 m/e 60

m/e 44
m/e 15
1.E-09 1.E-09
m/e 78 III III
m/e 91
1.E-10 1.E-10 m/e 78
Ion Current / A

Ion Current / A

1.E-11 1.E-11 m/e 91

m/e 128

1.E-12 1.E-12

m/e 178
m/e 128
1.E-13 1.E-13
200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650
Temperature / °C Temperature / °C

Fig. 1. TGAeMS of PVAc in (A) inert and (B) oxidative conditions at 20  C min1. I e weight and derivative of weight versus temperature; II e evolving mass
fractions m/e 15, 44 and 60, representative for deacetylation; III e evaporation of aromatic residues. Mass fraction curves are shifted vertically to an ion current
base level of 5E  12 A.

resonances of the carboxyl function and ester group disappear degradation of PVAc, but also a third step is introduced. The
and a new very intense peak appears at 130 ppm, which is typ- first degradation step in oxidative conditions is identical to
ical for carbon double bonds. The resonance at 40 ppm re- the inert degradation: the deacetylation is similar in both envi-
mains. Spinning side bands of the intense C]C peak also ronments, as can be seen by the evaporation of acetic acid (m/e
arise at 200 and 60 ppm (overlapping with some residual 60) and its fragments (Fig. 1B II). To evaluate the deacetyla-
CeO resonance at 70 ppm). A similar spectrum is obtained tion step under oxidative conditions, solid-state 13C NMR mea-
for the sample scanned at 400  C. Both experiments indicate surements were also performed on polymer partially degraded
the decomposition of PVAc into a highly regular unsaturated at 280 and 400  C (Fig. 2B). Since no CeO bond resonances
material or polyene during deacetylation. are observed when the deacetylation is fully completed, a mix-
In an inert environment the formed polyene fully degrades ture of mostly aliphatic and unsaturated Cebonds is found and,
in a subsequent degradation step between 400 and 500  C like in the inert degradation, a polyene structure is retained.
through chain scission reactions. In this temperature range The next degradation step (between 400 and 500  C) can be
the only m/e intensities found with TGAeMS are the unsatu- characterised, besides evaporating aromatic residues (see
rated and aromatic residues (Fig. 1A III) with also large frag- Fig. 1B III) and some CO2 production (Fig. 1B II), by the evo-
ments like anthracene (m/e 178). lution of m/e 17 and 18. A comparison is made from their
Comparison of the inert thermal degradation and thermo- evaporation pattern under inert and oxidative conditions as
oxidative degradation of PVAc (Fig. 1A I and B I) reveals shown in Fig. 3. After deacetylation, of which OH (m/e 17)
two major differences: not only the temperature endset of and H2O (m/e 18) also are side products, the evaporation of
the thermo-oxidation is higher than that of the thermal inert m/e 17 and 18 reaches a new maximum under airflow,
B. Rimez et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 93 (2008) 800e810 803

H H 4
1 2

Room O
3 H n Room
Temperature 2
3C 1
4 CH
3 PVAc

at 280 °C Isothermal
at 280 °C


Scan to 400 °C Scan to 400 °C


240 200 160 120 80 40 0 ppm

Scan to 500 °C


240 200 160 120 80 40 0 ppm

Fig. 2. Solid-state 13C NMR of non-degraded (room temperature) and partially degraded PVAc under (A) inert and (B) oxidative conditions. Samples were heated
at 20  C min1 to reach the desired temperature.

indicating a dehydrogenation reaction. As seen in the 13C spinning side bands are detected, indicating a fully aromatised
NMR spectra, no oxygen is left in the polyene structure, structure or char. Note that in this case a ‘‘char’’ is defined as
thus the formation of H2O and OH can only be explained by a fully aromatised stable material formed during a thermo-
additional subtraction of hydrogen atoms from the polymer oxidative degradation.
chain by oxygen present in the gas phase. This second step The last degradation step, above 500  C, is fully character-
is assigned as the charring step in an oxidative environment ised by the evaporation of mass fraction 44 (CO2, see Fig. 1B II),
of PVAc. indicating the oxidation of the aromatic structures formed
Evaporation of aromatic residues (Fig. 1B III) occurs be- during the charring step. No water and OH formation is de-
tween 400 and 500  C, but not in the ultimate degradation tected in this last step, see Fig. 3. The TGA results show
step above 500  C. This is an indication for the formation of that, due to the aromatisation process, PVAc forms a more sta-
a thermally stable product during the second decomposition ble material during degradation under oxidative environments
step. Comparison of the product formed isothermally at than in inert conditions. Therefore, PVAc can be regarded as
500  C with the polyene structure retained after deacetylation a useful material for flame retardant composites.
by 13C NMR shows that all aliphatic C-bonds have disappeared With the combination of thermogravimetric and differential
(Fig. 2B). Only the unsaturated resonance at 200 ppm and its thermal analysis (TGAeDTA) qualitative information can be
804 B. Rimez et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 93 (2008) 800e810

m/e 18
3.2. Isothermal deacetylation of PVAc

2E-9 A To develop the degradation model, the deacetylation step of

PVAc was measured isothermally at 280  C in an oxidative
and inert environment. Note that this temperature is well be-
Ion Current / A

low the onset temperature of the deacetylation when measured

non-isothermally at a heating rate of 20  C min1. The weight
m/e 17 signal was rescaled from 0 to 100 wt.%, calculated by Eq. (1),
1E-9 A
with mb the initial mass, me the mass at the end of the deace-
tylation step, and mt the measured weight at time t. The rescal-
ing of the derivative of weight, d(weight)/dt, is calculated by
Eq. (2). Note that the data for the degradation step are repre-
sented in a normalized graph according to the relationship:
200 300 400 500 600
conversion ¼ 100  wt%.
Temperature / °C
ðmt  me Þ
Fig. 3. Selected MS signals m/e 17 and 18 of the degradation of PVAc at a heat-
Weight ð%Þ ¼  100% ð1Þ
ðmb  me Þ
ing rate of 20  C min1 under inert (d) and oxidative conditions ( ) as mea-
sured with TGAeMS at 20  C min1.
dðweight ð%ÞÞ 1 dðmt Þ
 ¼   100% ð2Þ
dt ðmb  me Þ dt
obtained on the heat released or absorbed by the polymer dur-
ing the degradation step. Under inert conditions the black Weight (%) and rescaled derivative of weight of the deace-
curve in Fig. 4, PVAc, shows a small endothermic effect dur- tylation process are plotted in Fig. 5. The deacetylation
ing deacetylation. In an oxidative environment, the grey curve process of PVAc has an autocatalytic behaviour, since the deg-
in Fig. 4 shows a large exothermal effect during each degrada- radation rate increases over time towards a maximum. The
tion step of PVAc. The degradation of the char by environmen- presence of environmental oxygen gives rise to a faster deace-
tal oxygen into CO2 is related to the most prominent tylation process since the maximum rate occurs earlier in the
exothermal signal in TGAeDTA. It means that in extreme isothermal segment.
conditions like fire, PVAc clearly adds extra heat to its sur- In literature, two different reactions are used to describe
roundings during degradation. the autocatalytic deacetylation of PVAc in inert conditions
[9]. First, virgin PVAc undergoes a non-catalytic deacetyla-
tion reaction. The elimination of any following vinyl acetate
(VAc) entity in the polymer main chain is catalysed by the
100 3 conjugation of the p-electrons of the first formed double
A 2.5
bond. This is illustrated in Scheme 1. The catalysing double
Der. Weight / %.°C-1

bond is denoted as an active unsaturation in the polymer

50 2 main chain, Uact. After the elimination of acetic acid in a cat-
Weight / %

alytic deacetylation reaction, a new active double bond Uact

25 1.5
is formed and the former catalysing double bond is
0 1

-25 0.5 100

Difference Temperature / °

-50 0 80
-d(weight)/dt / %.min-1

B 60
Weight / %

20 1

0.35 0
exo 0.5

-0.15 0
200 300 400 500 600 700 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Temperature / °C Time / min

Fig. 4. Combined TGAeDTA of PVAc in an inert ( ) and oxidative environ- Fig. 5. Rescaled weight and derivative of weight to time of the isothermal de-
ment ( ) at 20  C min1. (A) Weight loss and derivative weight loss signal; acetylation at 280  C of PVAc in inert (black curve) and oxidative conditions
(B) difference temperature curve. (grey curve). Both samples were heated at 20  C min1 to reach 280  C.
B. Rimez et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 93 (2008) 800e810 805


H O H O H 1O Uact

. ..

. ..

. ..
. ..

acetic acid acetic acid

. ..

. ..

. ..
. ..

H 3 O Uact Uact UB

CH 3
catalytic process

Scheme 1. Proposal for the non-catalytic deacetylation and its catalytic propagation in the polymer chain of PVAc, Uact stands for the double bond catalysing the
deacetylation of the neighbouring VAc entity, UB for an inactive double bond.

simultaneously deactivated and therefore denoted as UB (see vinyl acetate contents this is the case, as demonstrated by
Scheme 1). TGAeMS and 13C NMR in Figs. 6e8. TGAeMS measure-
The deactivation process from Uact into UB also occurs by ments of EVA 9, EVA 19, EVA 33, EVA 60, EVA 73, and
reaching the chain ends or an already deacetylated entity [8], PVAc are shown for inert and oxidative conditions in Figs. 6
and is added in this work as a third step to describe the auto- and 7, respectively. The most significant mass fractions are de-
catalytic deacetylation process (see further for Section 3.4). A picted. Deacetylation occurs for all (co)polymers in the tem-
representation of the non-catalytic, catalytic, and deactivation perature region between 300 and 400  C, as is seen by the
processes occurring during deacetylation of PVAc is shown in m/e 60 trace. After an inert or oxidative deacetylation of
Scheme 2. Note that the catalytic reactions are assumed to EVA 60 and EVA 73, respectively, a polyene is formed, as
occur unidirectional [8], indicated by horizontal arrows in shown by 13C NMR in Fig. 8.
Scheme 2. When the deacetylation is completed the remaining The inert degradation of the polyene of all EVA copolymers
polyene consists only of UB entities. is characterised by the balance between the formation of aro-
matic and aliphatic volatiles, CO2 and H2O. The aromatic vol-
3.3. The degradation steps of poly atiles (represented by m/e 78) originate from deacetylated VAc
(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) entities; aliphatic volatiles are formed by chain scission reac-
tions of ethylene entities and are represented by m/e 70
As mentioned in Section 1, EVA copolymers with vinyl ac- (C5H10). When the amount of VAc increases in the (co)poly-
etate content below 50 wt.% (semi-crystalline EVA) and PVAc mers, the aromatic traces become more important than the
degrade according to a similar pattern [1e7]. Also for higher aliphatic ones.



VAc VAc Uact VAc VAc VAc VAc VAc VAc VAc VAc VAc
Catalytic Non-catalytic
deacetylation deacetylation

VAc Uact UB VAc VAc VAc VAc Uact VAc VAc VAc VAc

Catalytic Non-catalytic Catalytic

deacetylation deacetylation deacetylation

Uact UB UB VAc Uact VAc VAc UB Uact VAc VAc VAc

Deactivation at Catalytic Catalyitc

chain ends deacetylation deacetylation


Deactivation at Catalytic
deacetylated sequence deacetylation



Scheme 2. Schematic representation of the deacetylation of PVAc. VAc stands for vinyl acetate entities, Uact for the double bonds catalysing a following deace-
tylation reaction, and UB for formed inactive double bonds. The horizontal arrows indicate the direction of the unidirectional catalytic process.
806 B. Rimez et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 93 (2008) 800e810

100 6 100 4

75 5 75

Der. Weight / %.°C-1

Der. Weight / %.°C-1
50 4 50

Weight / %
Weight / %


25 3 25 2

EVA 9 1.5
0 2 0 EVA 60
EVA 19 EVA 73 1
EVA 33 1 -25 PVAc

0 -50 0
200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650
Temperature / °C Temperature / °C

1.E-09 1.0E-08
II: m/e 60 II: m/e 60
Ion Current / A

Ion Current / A


1.E-13 1.0E-13
III: m/e 70 III: m/e 70
Ion Current / A

Ion Current / A



1.E-13 1.E-13
IV: m/e 78 IV: m/e 78
Ion Current / A

Ion Current / A



1.E-13 1.E-13
200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650
Temperature / °C Temperature / °C

Fig. 6. TGAeMS at 20  C min1 under inert conditions of (A) (semi-crystalline): EVA 9, EVA 19, and EVA 33; (B) (amorphous): EVA 60, EVA 73 and PVAc.
Weight loss and derivative weight loss signal in I, selected m/e traces: 60 (II), 70 (III), and 78 (IV).

In oxidative conditions after deacetylation semi-crystalline the same temperature regions (Fig. 7B). Moreover, the chem-
EVA degrades in a single degradation step between 400 and ical structure of the residue after charring, as determined by
550  C (Fig. 7A). The peak value of the degradation rate of C NMR (Fig. 8B for EVA 73), is assigned to a fully aroma-
this step shifts to higher temperatures with increasing amount tised residue or char, as for PVAc.
of VAc (Fig. 7A I). These copolymers do not form a stabilised In Fig. 9, isothermal TGA measurements at 300  C of EVA
aromatic structure or char as was observed for PVAc. The ox- 33, EVA 60 and EVA 73 are compared to PVAc. By the intro-
idative degradation of the polyene formed after deacetylation duction of ethylene entities in the polymer backbone, the auto-
of EVA 60 and EVA 73 on the other hand is similar to the deg- catalytic effect becomes less pronounced and even disappears:
radation of PVAc, with typical mass fractions evaporating in the derivative of weight of EVA 73 still shows some increase
B. Rimez et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 93 (2008) 800e810 807

A 100 8 B 100 3
75 75 2.5

Der. Weight / %.°C-1

Der. Weight / %.°C-1

EVA 60
EVA 73
50 50 2
Weight / %

Weight / %
5 PVAc

25 4 25 1.5
EVA 9 3
0 EVA 19 0 1
EVA 33 2
-25 -25 0.5

-50 0 -50 0
200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650
Temperature / °C Temperature / °C
2.E-11 1.0E-08
Current / A

Current / A
II: m/e 60 1.0E-09 II: m/e 60

5.E-12 1.0E-11
Current / A

III: m/e 18 III: m/e 18

Current / A
7.E-09 Ion 1.8E-08

IV: m/e 44 1.0E-08 IV: m/e 44
Current / A

Current / A




5.E-09 1.0E-10
V: m/e 70 V: m/e 70
Current / A

Current / A


VI: m/e 78 VI: m/e 78
Current / A

Current / A

8.10E-12 1.E-11


4.10E-12 1.E-12

1.00E-13 1.E-13
200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650
Temperature / °C Temperature / °C

Fig. 7. TGAeMS at 20  C min1 under oxidative conditions of (A) (semi-crystalline): EVA 9, EVA 19, and EVA 33; (B) (amorphous): EVA 60, EVA 73, and
PVAc. I e weight loss and derivative weight loss signal; representative m/e traces 60 (II), 18 (III), 44 (IV), 70 (V), and 78 (VI).

over time, while EVA 60 and EVA 33 do not show any auto- ethylene entity can be regarded as such a deficiency. A sche-
catalytic behaviour. matic representation of the deacetylation reaction in an EVA
The autocatalytic deacetylation reaction can only occur copolymer is shown in Scheme 3.
when sequences of two or more VAc monomer units undergo
deacetylation. EVA 33 has a reported number-average chain 3.4. Mechanistic description of the degradation steps
length of VAc entities between 1.14 and 1.21 [22]. This indi-
cates that almost all VAc entities occur in an EeVAceE se- A mechanistic description valid for the full degradation
quence, with E standing for an ethylene entity. Therefore no path of PVAc and EVA copolymers is summarized in Scheme 4.
catalytic reactions are expected in this case. With an increas- It incorporates the three major degradation steps: deacety-
ing amount of VAc in the copolymers, the number-average lation with formation of a polyene (A), degradation of the
VAc sequence length increases and as such the autocatalytic polyene under inert conditions (B), and formation and degra-
nature of the deacetylation. The influence of the amount of dation of a char under oxidative conditions (C).
ethylene entities on the rate of the deacetylation process can The autocatalytic process of the deacetylation is described
be expressed by a similar deactivation process as for PVAc, by a non-catalytic reaction step producing acetic acid (Ac) and
i.e. the encounter of a deficiency in the VAc sequence. Any an active double bond (Uact), in combination with a catalytic
808 B. Rimez et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 93 (2008) 800e810

A Inert (EVA 60) B Oxidative (EVA 73)

Isothermal at 280 °C Isothermal at 280 °C


Scan to 400 °C Scan to 400 °C


240 200 160 120 80 40 0 ppm 240 200 160 120 80 40 0 ppm

Scan to 500 °C


280 240 200 160 120 80 40 0 ppm

Fig. 8. Solid-state 13C NMR of partially degraded residues of EVA 60 (inert deacetylation) and EVA 73 (oxidative deacetylation followed by charring). The
samples were heated at 20  C min1 to reach the desired temperature.

one producing Ac and an inactive double bond (UB), Scheme

100 4A. To describe any interruption in the autocatalytic process,
90 i.e. the encounter of a deficiency in the VAc sequences by
80 EVA 73 reaching a chain end or an already deacetylated entity, a (third)
70 EVA 60 deactivation process is added. This step converts Uact into UB
Weight / %

60 EVA 33 without consumption of VAc units. The rate of deactivation

50 against catalytic reaction increases rapidly if more ethylene
40 units (E) are present in the EVA copolymer.
30 The polyene formed after deacetylation of PVAc and EVA
copolymers consists of a combination of deacetylated VAc or
10 unsaturated entities UB and ethylene entities (E), depending
0 on the initial (co)polymer composition. The inert degradation
3.5 PVAc of this polyene by chain scission processes is described mech-
anistically by two parallel reaction steps (Scheme 4B). The
-d(weight)/dt / %.min-1

UB entities degrade into aromatic volatiles and ethylene enti-
2.5 EVA 73 ties into aliphatic volatiles. The balance between aromatic and
2 EVA 60 aliphatic volatiles evolved in this step thus depends on the ini-
tial amount of VAc in the (co)polymers; a polyene resulting
EVA 33 from the deacetylation of PVAc consists only of UB entities
and therefore only aromatic residues are formed.
0.5 The oxidative degradation of the polyene formed out of
PVAc, EVA 73 and EVA 60 occurs in two consecutive steps.
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 During the charring step an aromatised solid residue or char
Time / min is formed from the UB entities (designated as AB), with the
Fig. 9. Rescaled weight and derivative of weight to time of the isothermal de- production of OH, H2O, and aromatic volatiles (Scheme 4C).
acetylation at 300  C of PVAc, EVA 73, EVA 60, and EVA 33; time zero was During charring the ethylene entities undergo chain scission
chosen at the start of the isothermal segment. reactions into aliphatic volatiles. The solid residue AB
B. Rimez et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 93 (2008) 800e810 809



VAc E VAc Uact VAc E VAc

Catalytic Non-catalytic
deacetylation deacetylation

VAc E Uact UB VAc E Uact E VAc VAc E VAc

Deactivation at Deactivation at
ethylene entity ethylene entity



Scheme 3. Schematic representation of the deacetylation of EVA copolymer. Uact stands for active double bonds catalysing the deacetylation of the neighbouring
vinyl acetate entity (VAc). E stands for ethylene entities and UB for formed inactive double bonds. The horizontal arrows indicate the unidirectional catalytic

remaining after charring degrades into CO2 in a consecutive TGAeDTA and solid-state analysis of partially degraded sam-
step. Again, the balance between the amount residue AB ples (13C NMR), a complete degradation model of poly(vinyl
and the production of aliphatic volatiles depends on the initial acetate) and poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) copolymers with
amount of VAc in the (co)polymer. In the case of PVAc no a vinyl acetate weight% ranging from 9 to 73% is obtained.
chain scission reactions of ethylene sequences occur and the Regardless of the environment, these (co)polymers undergo
maximum amount of AB residue is left after charring. EVA a deacetylation reaction, which is autocatalytic for sufficient
copolymers with low weight% VAc have no charring step, amounts of vinyl acetate in the polymer backbone. The auto-
the reaction E / aliphatic volatiles and the oxidation reaction catalytic reaction is described in the model by three processes.
occur simultaneously, as observed in Fig. 7. A deactivation process is introduced enabling the quantifica-
Scheme 4 will be used for the quantitative modelling of the tion of deacetylation. Under inert conditions, the polyene
degradation kinetics of PVAc and EVA copolymers in a follow- structure formed by the deacetylation undergoes chain scission
ing paper [21]. reactions to reach full degradation. The polyene formed out of
PVAc, EVA 73 and EVA 60 forms a char in an oxidative en-
4. Conclusions vironment, which is oxidised into CO2 above 500  C. The
model takes the experimental considerations into account, en-
By combining information on both volatiles and solids abling quantification of the degradation of all (co)polymers.
formed as a function of temperature by means of TGAeMS, Moreover, an analogous model will be extended to describe

A Deacetylation and formation of polyene

VAc (s) Uact (s) + Ac (g) Non-catalytic deacetylation
VAc (s) + Uact (s) → Uact (s) + UB (s) + Ac (g) Catalytic deacetylation
Uact (s) UB (s) Deactivation

B Inert degradation of polyene

Chain scission reactions
UB (s) aromatic volatiles
E (s) aliphatic volatiles

C Oxidative degradation of polyene

UB (s) AB (s) + OH (g), H2O (g), aromatic volatiles
E (s) aliphatic volatiles
Oxidation of the char
AB (s) CO2 (g)

Scheme 4. Proposed mechanistic model for deacetylation (A), inert polyene degradation (B) and oxidative polyene degradation (C) of PVAc and EVA. VAc: vinyl
acetate entities; Uact: double bonds catalysing a following deacetylation reaction; UB: deacetylated vinyl acetate entities or inactive double bonds; Ac: acetic acid; E:
ethylene entities; AB: aromatised solid residue or char; (s): solid state; (g): gas phase. Note: (C) is only valid for EVA copolymers with high weight% VAc and PVAc.
810 B. Rimez et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 93 (2008) 800e810

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