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the New York “Arming Black Millennials

With Information"

“Arming Black Millennials with Information" 75 Cents

Vol. 27 No. 34 August 27 – September 2, 2020 website:



Former Ohio Former Sec of State

Gov John Kasich Gen Colin Powell

Republicans and Democrats join in the battle

to ‘Save our Democracy’, pg 3
2 California hit by 10,000 lightning
strikes in 72 hours

W ildfires tore through

Northern California
overnight, spreading
quickly and engulfing homes
as firefighters battled to get
control of the blazes, which
have forced a growing number
Breonna Taylor poster
BEACON, August 27 – September 2, 2020

of evacuations and were likely

caused by lightning strikes in
vandalized with red paint recent days.
People were ordered to flee
neighborhoods in Vacaville, a was required “that the police city of about 100,000 residents
 By Viviane Faver involved in Breonna Taylor’s near Sacramento, as a combi-

death be arrested and charged.” nation of uncontrolled fires
acism remains strong They meant to represent all of northwest of the city began to
in words and deeds. Taylor’s years of life. They overtake homes. That group
Proof of this was the correspond to the magazine’s of fires, known together as
vandalization of a billboard September cover design Win- the LNU Lightning Complex,
in Louisville, Ky., asking for frey’s O, which marked the has destroyed more than 50
justice for Breonna Taylor. first time in the publication’s buildings or structures and is
  That fact, reported Tuesday history that someone other than threatening nearly 2,000 more,
morning, when the billboard Winfrey appeared alone. the authorities said.
– located near the Lexington   Fortunately, the billboard It grew more than 14,000 “I got out of the house in of fires, known as the CZU
Road and Spring Street area – was restored on Tuesday af- acres overnight and now cov- pretty much what I had on,” August Lightning Complex,
appeared with a splash of red ternoon, according to ABC ers 46,225 acres in Napa and he said. “I got my son and we has grown to 10,000 acres and
paint on Taylor’s forehead, Action News. Sonoma Counties — larger left.” forced evacuations in Santa
looking like a gunshot wound.   However, the case is in- than the size of Washington, The authorities have also Cruz County.
  The billboard, which was triguing because access to the D.C. — and is completely un- ordered residents to evacuate Firefighters had hoped for
courtesy of Oprah Winfrey, is mural was very difficult, which contained, the authorities said. in several other areas where calmer weather overnight,
one of 26 that were erected means that there was clearly a Four people have been injured groups of fires, also like- but gusty winds arrived in-
around the town where Taylor lot of effort by white suprema- in the fire. ly caused by lightning, are stead, pushing the fire to-
lived and was killed earlier cists to scale it, disfigure it, and Videos from Vacaville spreading quickly. The SCU ward vegetation and other
this month. vandalize it. An outrageous act showed flames leaping through Lightning Complex, a group fresh fuel, said Lynnette
Each of the 26 billboards of racism. one neighborhood, from trees of about 20 different fires, Round, a spokeswoman for
to homes to picket fences. more than doubled in size California Department of
Philip Galbraith, 52, said overnight, and is now burning Forestry and Fire Protection,
he and his 20-year-old son over 85,000 acres across five or Cal Fire.
received no warning of the ap- counties — largely in unpop- “Today they’re going to be
proaching fire until a neighbor ulated regions near the Bay in for another firefight,” she
began “desperately banging” Area — and is just 5 percent said, as the winds and dry, hot
on his door around 2:45 a.m. contained. A third combination weather continue.

Virginia state senator charged with

injuring confederate monument

Joe Biden: I was not

pressured to choose Kamala A Virginia state senator
has been charged with
damaging a Confeder-
ate monument in Portsmouth
during a protest that led to a
Harris demonstrator being seriously
Portsmouth Police Chief women,” Biden continued. “As Angela Greene said at a news

that old expression goes, wom- conference Tuesday that state
any prominent Black en hold up half the sky, and in senator Louise Lucas has been
voices urged Biden to order to be able to succeed, charged with conspiracy to
pick a Black woman you’ve got to be dealt in across commit a felony and injury to a
as his running mate. the board, and no matter what monument in excess of $1,000
In an interview with ABC you say, you cannot, I cannot according to ABC7.
News set to air on Sunday understand and fully appre- Lucas, a longtime Dem-
night, Democratic Presidential ciate what it means to walk ocratic legislator, has been a the local prosecutor’s office. result” and that is alarming.
nominee Joe Biden asserts that in her shoes, to be an African member of the state Senate   Claire G. Gastañaga, ex- The charges come during
his decision to pick Kama- American woman, with [an] since 1992. Lucas was charged ecutive director of the Virginia a summer when confederate
la Harris as his vice presiden- Indian American background, the same week Virginia law- ACLU, said the state is one of statues are being taken down,
tial nominee is genuine. child of immigrants.” makers are taking up dozens of the few states where a felony whether by demonstrators
“No, I didn’t feel pressure to The claim that Biden got criminal justice reforms during warrant can be filed with the opposed to racial injustice or
select a Black woman,” Biden pressured into picking Har- a special legislative session. approval of a prosecutor. by authorities seeking to dis-
told ABC’s Robin Roberts. ris may stem from the many Democrats and social jus- “These charges are polit- mantle them through official
“But I – what I do think and prominent Black voices, such tice organizations were quick ical, and I think they’re dis- channels.
I’ve said it before, and you’ve as Diddy and Charlamagne tha to condemn the charges. criminatory,” Gastañaga said. The monuments, which
heard me say it. I’ve probably God, that urged Biden to pick The American Civil Liber- “The police department have been long viewed by
said it on your show with you, a Black woman as his running ties Union of Virginia called for is making decisions about Black Americans as symbols
is that the government should mate. the charges against Lucas and who should be charged in a of White supremacy and rac-
look like the people, look like As the first Black and South several others to be dropped, circumstance in which the ism, however, they’ve drawn
the country.” Asian woman to accept a vice saying the charges are a stark elected (prosecutor) is being refocused attention following
   “Fifty-one percent of presidential nominee, Harris’ overreach by police since the bypassed,” Gastañaga added. the deaths of George Floyd
the people in this country are candidacy made history. charges were not approved by “The police want a different and Breonna Taylor.

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Battle for ‘Soul of America’ begins Kamala Harris is ready 3

with Bidens, Obamas, Colin Powell, for a fight

Kamala Harris at Democratic By Viviane Faver

National Convention
By Hazel Trice Edney
Senator Kamala
Harris is ready to face
lies and distractions from her
political opponents. She said

prepared to fight a racist con-
ormer Vice President spiracy theory that she is not

BEACON, August 27 – September 2, 2020

Joseph “Joe” Biden offi- eligible to be vice president.
cially became the Dem-   “They are going to get
ocratic Party’s candidate for involved in lies, they are going
president this week, receiving to get involved in deception,
the nomination on Tuesday they are going to get involved
night after a string of speak- in an attempt to divert attention
ers, led by former First Lady from the real issues that are im-
Michelle Obama, former Pres- pacting the American people,”
idents Bill Clinton and Jimmy the California-born senator
Carter, former Secretary of told The Grio in a published
State Colin Powell and former interview. on Sunday. “And I
Second Lady Jill Biden among hope they get involved in dirty
dozens of other political stars tactics, and this is going to be
and grassroots activists. a knockout, a drag, and we are
Wednesday’s line up was ready. We are ready.”
set to feature President Barack   Joe Biden nominated her
Obama and Vice Presidential Thursday at the Chase Center in enough time to prove that he as his running mate last week,
candidate, Sen. Kamala Harris. Wilmington, Delaware, likely can do the job, but he is clearly making her the first black and
The virtual convention, elaborating on his personal in over his head. He cannot South Asian woman nominated
televised around the nation theme, “This is a battle for the meet this moment. He simply as vice president of a major
and world, echoed the Biden soul of America.” cannot be who we need him political party.
campaign slogan, “Build Back The Republican Nation- to be for us. It is what it is.”      Last week, Kamala Har- discredit him.
Better.” In order to protect al Convention will follow She continued, “So if you take ris had her candidacy ques-   “I heard today that she
people from the Coronavirus, on Monday Aug. 24 through one thing from my words to- tioned by an article in News- doesn’t meet the require-
the DNC went virtual with the Thursday, starting in Charlotte, night, it is this: if you think things week addressing her parents’ ments,” he told reporters be-
convention, instead of meeting N.C. on the first day and then cannot possibly get worse, trust immigration status at the time fore praising the article’s au-
in Milwaukee, Wisconsin as held remotely. President Trump me, they can; and they will of her birth. However, their thor as “a highly qualified and
originally planned. Squares and Vice President Pence, hop- if we don’t make a change in citizenship and eligibility for talented lawyer.”
showing diverse people ap- ing to win a second term, will this election. If we have any the role under the United States   Trump pushed a similar
plauding in their living rooms have their say, but not without hope of ending this chaos, we Constitution are not in ques- conspiracy theory for years
and various places in states the sting of the blistering Dem- have got to vote for Joe Biden tion. against his predecessor, former
around the nation took the place ocratic speeches this week. like our lives depend on it.”   President Donald Trump President Barack Obama. And
of the live audience. “So let me be as honest Biden supporters are mostly called the “birther” allegation although she said she would
Surrounded by balloons, and clear as I possibly can. stressing his “good guy” image, against Harris “very serious” not investigate Harris’ eligibil-
Biden accepted the nomina- Donald Trump is the wrong stressing his reputation for de- when questioned by a report- ity, Jenna Ellis, a senior legal
tion as Kool & The Gang’s president for our country,” a cency and relatable to common er at a news conference on advisor for the Trump cam-
“Celebration” song blared in poised Michelle Obama said in people. Video images during Thursday. And he added that paign, retweeted the opinion
the background. He will de- a pre-recorded speech Monday it is nothing that he is chasing, piece and encouraged Harris
liver his acceptance speech on night. “He has had more than Continued on page 8 but he also said nothing to to approach it.

LEAP warns potential menthol ban would increase police

interaction with Black community
By Stacy M. Brown, NNPA Shipp recommends that NNPA member newspapers for
Newswire communities concerned about delivering this essential infor-

smoking continue to use ed- mation to those it has impacted
here is little question ucation, limited smoke-free the most speaks volumes about
that cigarette smoking areas, and tobacco cessation our organization’s reach, power
is harmful. campaigns, all of which he and influence on all matters re-
However, a growing number said has drastically decreased lating to Black people.” stated
of organizations led by Law En- smoking rates over the past Kenneth Miller, the publisher
forcement Action Partnership few decades. of Inglewood Today.
(LEAP) and the National Orga- Major Neill Franklin, exec- “There is truth to the fact
nization of Black Law Enforce- utive director of LEAP, noted that lives will be saved be-
ment Executives (NOBLE) that if convenience stores and cause of the number of African
believe a ban would further gas stations are prevented from Americans who smoke men- ity of Black Americans who who use drugs, are unlikely to
endanger Black lives because selling menthol, most people thol cigarettes, but that doesn’t smoke cigarettes prefer to respond to bans by suddenly
it could potentially increase will purchase the cigarettes address the black market it smoke menthol-flavored ciga- changing their preferences.
interaction with the police. from neighboring jurisdictions creates for menthol cigarettes, rettes,” Chavis wrote. Prohibiting the sale of these
Many within the African and sell them in the prohibited which brings police into the “For me, this is an issue that cigarettes could, therefore, fur-
American community have area for a higher price. situation and is what happened needs to be better understood ther criminalize communities
voiced concern over Califor- “We know that laws are in the Eric Garner case,” added by public policymakers who of color,” the website noted.
nia’s Senate Bill 793. enforced in a way that targets John Warren, the publisher of are contemplating passing leg- Opponents of the ban have
This measure would ban people of color. [Menthol The San Diego Voice & View- islation that will ultimately add noted that if the issue were about
menthol products, but critics bans] create more space for point. “People don’t need to to the often-fatal interactions American citizens’ health, the
said it would probably increase that to happen,” Major Frank- be killed by police because of between Black Americans and legislature would seek to ban
racial profiling by law enforce- lin declared. cigarettes. It’s not worth it.” law enforcement officers.” all forms of cigarettes, not just
ment, based on statistics sug- “We know [these bans] will In an op-ed published this According to the website, those preferred in the African
gesting that menthol cigarettes result in an illicit underground month, National Newspa-, menthol is a American community.
are overwhelmingly preferred market of menthol cigarettes in per Publishers Association mint-flavored compound that “We can’t criminalize our
by African Americans who the black community. If you (NNPA) President and CEO reduces the harsh taste of way out of social problems,”
chose to smoke. have a robust underground Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr., smoke inhalation. While men- said Jody Armour, the Roy P.
“Whether it is real or per- market for these products, your said while he doesn’t smoke, thols make up 35 percent of Crocker Professor of Law at
ceived, there is a distrust of lo- health problems will double, he supports any effort that will the overall cigarette market, the University of Southern Cal-
cal police,” said Commissioner triple within a matter of days.” improve the health and quality an entrenched racial disparity ifornia. “What lessons have we
Jiles Shipp, the president of LEAP has commissioned of life of Black Americans, as exists, at least partly due to tar- learned from the last 30 years
NOBLE. ads in several California news- well as the health of all people geted marketing by tobacco as we have evolved from Jim
“The ban will have a count- papers denouncing the pro- regardless of race. companies: 89 percent of black Crow to mass incarceration,
er effect and further damage posed ban. “But I am profoundly aware smokers prefer menthols. which has become the van-
community-police relations.” “That LEAP is trusting that the overwhelming major- “Smokers, like any people guard of civil rights issues?”
4 Virtual film festival In the midst of crisis, New Yorkers
focusing on the black show solidarity, creativity
experience begins By Viviane Faver 
Special to the New York

By Viviane Faver  and for raising awareness of racial issues.” hen the coronavirus

Nora Armani draws atten- pandemic began, and
he PRLog – SR Socially tion to the fact that we are people were forced to
Relevant Film Festival indeed in a delicate moment, stop working, many New York
2020 (SRFF 2020) hosts which is happening on many residents became unemployed
BEACON, August 27 – September 2, 2020

an online event focusing on the levels. On the racial prejudice and struggled to fill their re-
black experience with docu- and discrimination level, and frigerator.
mentaries from the previous the pandemic level. One is Aware of this,  a group of
seven editions of the festival. a social disease, the other a activists from the Org – In Our
LIVE, started yesterday, and physical one. Both threaten Hearts – created the project
continues daily until Thursday society and the human race. ‘The Friendly Fridge.’ The idea
and will introduce filmmakers “COVID-19 has taught us that is simple: a refrigerator set up
in a conversation with guest unless we all come together outside businesses or other
moderators, award-winning and be inclusive (not physi- heavily trafficked locations,
Chef Jeff Henderson, and New cally, of course right now), we stocked with food free for
York film critic Louis Proyect. will never be able to win the anyone who needs it.  
All cinema programs and lec- fight against this disease. We The New York Beacon talk-
tures are free and open to the are all in it together, and as ed to the creators of this proj-
public. humans, we have to learn to ect, Selma Raven and Sara Photo Credits: Viviane Faver
The festival’s idea came as be more than tolerant, we need Allen. “We were the 5th re-
a reaction to the proliferation to be mutually inclusive and frigerator in NYC, and now   So far, these outdoor fridg- that waste could feed so many
of violence on screen and off. supportive of each other. Is the there are over 32. Each Fridge es have been set up in The if we could divert it straight to
Specifically, commercial films only way out both on the racial is autonomous, but many are Bronx, Harlem, Bushwick, places that are accessible such
and Hollywood films dwell on and on the pandemic level.” connected via several Signal Bedford-Stuyvesant, Crown as these community fridges
violence not only in the story This is the seventh edition chat groups to share resourc- Heights, Brownsville, Prospect and pantries. We are always
and the filmmaking style but of the festival that was sched- es, Sara and Selma explain Lefferts Gardens, and now looking for ways to rescue
also on the marketing and uled to open in March, howev- this is a mutual aid initiative Kingsbridge. food.” 
promotional material. er, five days before the debut -not charity. “This is every- Sara Allen tells   The truth is anyone can
“The main point of the edi- at the Lincoln Center in New one helping each other, “she the New York Beacon that donate extra food at any given
tion this year is to highlight these York, the pandemic began, says. The main objective is many were wary and were time -every single item counts.
films again and, through them, and everything was canceled. “literally to share resources to not sure of what to expect. You can consider opening up
keep the flame of the protest They were then forced to hold give food to people. To make Nowadays, the neighborhood a refrigerator near you with
alive. We are grateful to the the virtual festival, now in the healthy foods accessible to loves and embraces it. “Many the help of a team. You can
filmmakers who have agreed to month of August. Nora Armani anyone who needs it “. They will be proud to tell you about help spread awareness of these
make their movies available in said that it is not the same, but both believe that together we this refrigerator and how it community refrigerators by
this retrospective so we can all with the virtual edition, they are much stronger. has helped so many. It is truly sharing information with your
celebrate the growing strength will be able to expand their Selma got the idea on May a community project. On the friends, family, neighbors,
of the Black Lives Matter move- audience by reaching people 18th, the same day as the an- block, there are barbers, cab and community. If you are not
ment”, says the Founding Artis- all over the world. niversary of her son Michael’s drivers, deli owners, and other comfortable directly donating
tic Director, Nora Armani, in an “In addition, almost all passing, a passionate food jus- small business owners that par- food or do not live near a fridge
exclusive interview for the New filmmakers were able to partic- tice activist. Selma Raven and ticipate in keeping this project and want to donate financially,
York Beacon. ipate in the live online broad- Sara Allen were perusing Insta- going”, said her with a smile you can do so by going to the
   “I was sick of seeing film casts” Meet the Filmmakers gram and stumbled upon a post on her face.   Instagram account @thefriend-
posters with guns, weapons, “that we did, and now we think from a friend in Harlem who had However, she reminds us of lyfridgebx of a community
horror, and other forms of vi- that the 2021 edition should be started up a refrigerator in her things we should be aware of: fridge and finding the relevant
olence depicted on them. And hybrid. It is not easy, but we are neighborhood. They were both “So much food is wasted, and links there. 
we have no choice, as they are all adapting and finding new instantly inspired and decided
there staring at us from bus ways to present our work,” this was something they could
stops, busses, billboards and says Nora. do to help others -especially in
everywhere. I wanted to offer The event features docu- this time of uncertainty. 
an alternative form of enter- mentaries made in Italy written They went on Craigslist and
tainment that told human inter- by Valentina Acava Mmaka, found a refrigerator for a low
est stories rather than depend London, Kenya, Portugal, Aus- price. Upon securing a fridge,
on sensationalism and special tralia, Los Angeles, Chicago, they walked a few blocks down
effects. The other reason was Louisville, Princeton and, of from their apartment near the
to commemorate the violent course, New York. last stop of the 1 train and went
murder of my cousin and un-  How to watch?  door to door asking business
cle, who fell victim to a hate There is a ticketing button owners if they would let them
crime. As the 10th anniversary (free) on the festival web- plug the refrigerator. 
of their death approached, site After trying three times
I wanted to do something First, you have to make a reg- without any luck – an owner
meaningful and commemorate istration and after that they will of a restaurant called “The
them. So I created SR Socially send the links and passwords Last Stop” said: “Yes! Let’s
Relevant™ Film Festival NY to the films. do this”. Suspicious of how
that focuses on a broad range   You can start watching quickly the business owner
of social issues. We have an the films 2 hours before the had accepted, they called back
award in my cousin’s name, scheduled time or start view- the next day to confirm. He as-
the Vanya Exerjian award ing at the scheduled time to be sured them that he was happy
for Empowering Women and present at the Q&A following to do it.  
Girls. It goes to all films in the screening. All this is on  “When the refrigerator
categories that raise awareness the website with links to the arrived, we plugged it in on
of women’s issues. Likewise, free “Meet the Filmmakers” the sidewalk in front of the
the SR for Black Voices event sessions that will be broadcast restaurant and filled it with
we are producing now is an- LIVE from the project channel fresh veggies, fruits, and other
ti-violence, for social justice, on YouTube channel. items.
It’s plugged in on the side-
walk with the help of an ex-
tension cord and is accessible
by anyone 24 hours a day,
seven days a week. At first, we
used financial donations from
friends, family, and neighbors
to fill up the Fridge ourselves
with produce from a local ven-
dor. Over time as awareness of
the Fridge and the movement
of other community fridges
grew, we began to see many
food donations from others.”
BEACON, August 27 – September 2, 2020

Get your ballot now

By Julianne Malveaux The 45th President is set- 3. If you prefer to vote in

ting up a situation where the person, or if you’ve neglected
hat would you do if November election can be to mail your absentee ballot,
somebody walked contested.  He’s doing it be- make sure you know where
BEACON, August 27 – September 2, 2020

by your house and cause he has already stacked your polling place is.  Because
promised to rob it the next day?  the Supreme Court in his of the coronavirus, some cities
Most of us would take every favor.  He has no interest in are reducing the number of
precaution, checking the locks, maximizing the number of available polling places, and
the door, and the windows.  people voting but minimiz- the site where you usually vote
Some of us might weapon up, ing that number.  He’s not may be closed.
making sure we could defend interested in democracy, but 4.  It is also possible to vote
our homestead.  Some might in dictatorship. early in person.  Check with
also reach out to law enforce- If someone told you they your Board of Elections about
ment, sharing the threat with were planning to rob you, when and where you might
them.  Almost all of us would you’d take precautions.  Trump vote early.
take the threat seriously and has declared that he intends to 5. .Be patient.  Conducting
make the appropriate precau- steal this election.  We can’t an election amidst a pandemic
tions to prevent our violation. let him do it.  Not only must is new for us, and some elec-
The 45th President of the the Biden-Harris ticket beat tion procedures have been
United States has warned us him, but they must beat him unnecessarily politicized.  You
that he plans to rob us.  First, like a drum, so decisively that may encounter obstacles if
he placed one of his crooked there is no doubt that he has you choose to vote in person. 
cronies in charge of the postal got to go. Document any hurdles you
service.  Then he said that Here’s what you must do. have to clear, get names of
he would not fund the postal 1. Voting procedures vary anyone who denied you the
service to facilitate the timely by city and state.  Make sure right to vote, and complain
processing of mail ballots.  you know the rules.  Some if the matter is not resolved. 
He has continuously associ- places send all registered vot- The Lawyer’s Committee for
ated mail voting with fraud, ers mail-in ballots, while oth- Civil Rights Under Law runs a
although nine states have had ers require you to request an hotline on election day.  Their
universal mail voting for years.  absentee ballot.  Find your number is 866-OURVOTE, or
And finally, he just put it out local Bureau online, or call 866-6878683.
there, plain and simple.  He your favorite local elected to 6. Spread the word.  Reach tions are holding.  Encourage a jar or translate a passage of
thinks mail voting favors Dem- get the information. out to your circle to share your church, your sorority, or the Constitution into Latin, as
ocrats, and he doesn’t want 2. Return your ballot in the information about voting and your local NCNW section to our foremothers did.  It is in
to do Democrats any favors.  envelope shortly after you get encourage your friends and consider virtual town halls. It their honor and the memory
So instead, his postal chief is it.  If you put your ballot in the colleagues to vote. is in some people’s interest to of Congressman John Lewis
removing mailboxes and shut- mail on election day November 7. Because of the corona- suppress the vote, and we’ve that we vote.
ting down sorting machines.  3, it may not be counted.  Some virus, which is not likely to be seen enough of it these past Dr. Julianne Malveaux is
And now the USPS has warned places will have drop boxes for gone by November, there will few years.  It is your absolute an economist and author. For
election officials in most states ballots, and others will allow be fewer gatherings to discuss right to exercise the right to more information please vis-
that ballots mailed before elec- you to drop off your ballot.  the vote.  Be on the lookout vote, even if some make it dif- it www.juliannemalveaux.
tion might not arrive in time to Just get your ballot back by for zoom town halls and other ficult.  We don’t have to guess com or email booking@juli-
be counted. whatever means necessary. meetings that civic organiza- the number of jelly beans in

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The new narrative: Will Black history 7

finally get to sit in the front of the bus?

Part 1 of a 2- part with a certain cultural dex- Ruggles’ parlor. Bailey, now
series terity. Johnson, would in fact marry
Today, as a Black man in a Anna Murray in this very
By Robert Louis Brandon professional field that is also same parlor. Ruggles gave the
Edwards  predominantly white and has couple five dollars and told
Special to the New York traditionally seen the relation- them to head to New Bedford,
Beacon ship between race and space Massachusetts, where Nathan

BEACON, August 27 – September 2, 2020

and the importance of material Johnson, another black aboli-
“The story of the Negro in culture from a white male’s tionist, would receive them.
America is the story of Ameri- spatial imaginary, I think it is Once they arrived in New
ca— or, more precisely, it is the time that architectural histori- Bedford, Frederick Johnson
story of Americans.”-James ans and historic preservation- would change his name one
Baldwin, 1955 ists take on a more culturally last time. He would become
Is it really a new narrative dexterous approach to the race Frederick Douglass.
or are some folks just now re- and space narrative and how Before he became a famous
alizing that a part of history has we preserve the structures photographer, Gordon Parks
been excluded from lectures, and spaces associated with it. was a musician. He played the
textbooks, conversations at It is time to deploy diversity trombone as the only Black
the dinner table, and at mu- within our respective fields member of Larry Funk and
seums and historical sites all and into the narratives that His Band of a Thousand Mel-
across America? I ask you— we tell. Let us include other odies. In March of 1933, the
what do you know about the spatial imaginaries in order to band went to New York City.
history of slavery? What do tell a more inclusive and more According to Parks, when
you know about the history of authentic story. I mean, aren’t they arrived at the Park Cen-
segregation? Think about how you tired of visiting museums tral Hotel on West 53rd Street
and why you know what you and historical sites and not and Seventh Avenue, “things
know. I know it is incredibly getting the full unedited ver- quickly went wrong— when I
annoying to some, to read an sion of events? I know I am. started through the front door,
essay with questions but this Because buildings and stories the doorman called me aside
is a time for reflection and to serve as chapters in history, and told me I would have to use
provoke thought— to maybe how they are preserved and the servants’ entrance— we
ruffle a few feathers even. So talked about is essential to ful- stood glaring at each other for
if you suffer from a bad case of ly understanding the history a moment and since I wasn’t
fragility please turn the page, of this country. If we include sure how Larry would take this
and the next, and maybe even other spatial imaginaries and kind of trouble, I backed down.
the page after that because this have a diverse collection of And even if I had won, the
may take a while. representation and ideas, we victory would have been slight,
As an architectural his- can start to see things through for the orchestra, I learned an
torian I am trained to see a a much clearer lens. While hour later, was disbanding
structure and a space and think they are just as important, I immediately.”
about when it was designed, its should acknowledge that I do Just like Douglass almost
architectural features, who de- not discuss other inter-sec- one hundred years earlier,
signed it, and for whom; as an tionalities such as class, sex, Parks was now stranded in
architect, I am trained to imag- gender, sexuality or even other an unfamiliar landscape. He
ine and reimagine structures races because I cannot speak knew this hotel, like many in
and spaces and to develop in- to those identities and this is the city would not accommo-
novative design concepts; but is why diversity and represen- date him so he headed Uptown
as a Black man, I am trained tation is so important. to Harlem. Harlem at the time
to question if some of these In today’s social climate, Harlem YMCA, 1931, was known as the “largest Ne-
structures, spaces, and even people are becoming more gro city in the United States.”
landscapes are designed for culturally aware and familiar museums, classrooms, and city’s streets. Not too long af- One of the few places that
me and how. How does a black with the one spatial imaginary preserved buildings and spaces ter that, a “warm-hearted and would accommodate him was
body experience the built envi- that has dominated this country a reflection of this? Why is generous fellow” by the name the Harlem YMCA on West
ronment or maneuver through (and the world) at every level. there such a disproportionate of Stuart took him to the home 135th Street. The Harlem
different landscapes? There is People are now hip to terms number of preserved buildings of David Ruggles at 36 Lispe- YMCA was known as “the
a certain level of “spatial con- such as police brutality and associated with Black history nard Street, not far from the living room of the Harlem
sciousness” that I encompass systemic racism— methods in this country? Why is there docks along the Hudson River. Renaissance” because this is
and for me, the relationship of oppression which have a disproportionate number of Ruggles was an abolitionist where all of the established
between race and space is not plagued black communities black people in architectural and the secretary of the New black artists, musicians, writ-
theoretical. It is ingrained in and black people since this history and historic preserva- York Committee of Vigilance, ers, and intellectuals stayed
the history of this country and country was founded. Fully tion? founded three years earlier between 1918 and 1939. Parks
cannot be fully understood understanding the relationship Let me try to wrangle this to challenge the institution stayed at the Harlem YMCA
from an article, podcast, doc- between race and space is es- back in with a story. Okay of slavery and to protect the that night and when he re-
umentary, or historical plaque sential to  understanding Amer- picture this— rights of both free and enslaved turned to the city ten years
or marker. It cannot be fully ica. One does not have to look It was September 4th, 1838 African Americans with legal later in 1943 as a photogra-
understood from a series of long and hard to see how some around two o’clock in the representation. The Committee pher, he stayed at the Harlem
webinars or from the news of stories overlap and sometimes morning when a Black man also protected free Black New YMCA again. He would re-
yet another police shooting of repeat themselves. I mean I can by the name of Frederick Yorkers from being kidnapped count, “I went to the YMCA in
an unarmed black person. This off the top of my head name Bailey had finally arrived in and auctioned off into slavery Harlem simply because it was
is something that can only be dozens of unarmed black men New York City. The young in the South. Solomon North- the cheapest and safest place
fully understood with years of who have been killed by white 20- year-old was excited but up, a free Black man from New for me to stay. You know, it
exposure, something that is felt law enforcement officers who exhausted because he had just York would draw attention was absolutely crazy man but
and seen on a regular basis. It swore to protect those very travelled over 200 miles North to this problem in his widely uh there were memorable days
is something that I experienced lives that they took. One does by every mode of transpor- read memoir “Twelve Years and uh, I never will forget
first hand growing up in New not have to have a PhD to see tation imaginable including a Slave.” the YMCA because it saved
York City during the 1990s. the similarities between slav- horse, train, boat and on foot. By 1838, Ruggles was the my life for several years.”
Not only would I get stopped ery and mass incarceration. When he arrived in the city, leader of a secret network with Throughout the years, Claude
and frisked in certain neigh- In fact, I wrote an essay on it dressed in nautical attire, in connections to antislavery ac- McKay, Langston Hughes,
borhoods by Giuliani’s police called New Slaves: From the the disguise of a free-sailor, tivists in Baltimore, Philadel- Richard Wright, Ralph El-
department, but I encountered Fields of the Angola Plantation Bailey was on a mission. That phia, New England, and Up- lison, Malcolm X, Jackie
the invisible lines of segrega- to the Fields of the Angola mission, to escape slavery. In state New York. He regularly Robinson, Joe Louis, Paul
tion, inequality, and racism Prison— check it out! We spite of his new freedom, Bai- searched the wharves, on the Robeson, Duke Ellington, and
that were strategically placed can go on and on about how ley had no one and nothing in lookout for fugitive slaves to Sidney Poitier were just some
throughout the city. I lived messed up things are but that’s this unfamiliar landscape. He help. Ruggles took Bailey into of the black men who stayed
in Harlem, which at the time not what this is about. Remem- had no real plan about what to his home and advised him to at the Harlem YMCA. Many
was a predominantly Black ber this is about reflection and do next. First, he encountered change his name to help avoid of these men knew about the
community in Manhattan, but provocation of thought. So, if Jake, another black man who recapture. Frederick Bailey Harlem YMCA through word
I attended schools in predom- systemic racism is so prevalent had escaped slavery and who became Frederick Johnson, of mouth. Others knew about
inantly white communities, so in this country, why are we had warned him that although and for the next couple of days it because it was listed in the
I learned to maneuver through just now having these types they were now in a free state, the two men would discuss 1941 edition of the The Negro
these different environments of conversations? Why aren’t slave catchers roamed the the abolitionist movement in Motorist Green Book.

Battle for ‘Soul of America’

begins with Bidens, Obamas,
Figuring out face masks
By Glenn Ellis
Colin Powell, Kamala Harris at
Democratic National Convention “W hat kind of face
mask should
BEACON, August 27 – September 2, 2020

I wear to pro-
tect myself from getting
From page 3 America’s leadership in the COVID-19?”
world and restore the alliances There is no longer any
the convention showed him rid- we need to address the dangers debate to be had on whether,
ing the train home everyday in that threaten our nation, from or not, face masks offer us
order to be there for his young climate change to nuclear pro- protection from the COVID-19
sons after his first wife and their liferation.” virus (by sensible people, any-
daughter were killed in a car   Former Ohio Gov. John way). The WHO, the CDC,
accident. They also referred to Kasich, also a Republican and and the NIH are all in agree-
his pain and resiliency amidst a former presidential candidate, ment, and the global data on
the death of his adult son, Beau, weathered criticism from fel- the transmission and resurgent
who succumbed to a brain tu- low Republicans for his open spikes in infection rates after
mor in 2015. support of Biden. “re-openings” all bear the
  Prospective First Lady Jill “I’m a lifelong Republican, stark reality of our collective
Biden was perhaps his best but that attachment holds sec- foreseeable future: wearing
witness in this regard. ond place to my responsibility face masks.
  “Four days after Beau’s to my country. That’s why There’s nothing to be
funeral, I watched Joe shave I’ve chosen to appear at this gained by questioning wheth-
and put on his suit. I saw him convention. In normal times, er it makes a difference or not.
steel himself in the mirror— something like this would prob- The science is sound, and the
take a breath—put his shoul- ably never happen, but these are research is indisputable. If 95
ders back—and walk out into not normal times,” Kasich said percent of people wear cloth
a world empty of our son. He in his speech. “Yes, there are masks when within 6 feet of mission is sinister and tricky. to fit the bridge of your nose
went back to work. That’s just areas where Joe and I absolutely other people in public, it will A “fitted” N95 face mask is and prevent your glasses from
who he is,” she said in her disagree. But that’s OK because reduce COVID-19 transmis- only as good as it is used under fogging. Professional masks
speech. “There are times when that’s America. Because what- sion by at least 30 percent. So, ideal circumstances and worn should be reserved for health
I couldn’t imagine how he did ever our differences, we respect if every infected person trans- in the proper manner. It is be- care workers on the front lines
it—how he put one foot in front one another as human beings, mits the virus to 30 percent cause the face seal is important caring for patients.
of the other and kept going. But each of us searching for justice fewer people, it improves the for protection, and fit testing is Now, with all of that said,
I’ve always understood why and for purpose.” chances of surviving the con- important for efficiency; they back in 2016, Canadian re-
he did it: For the daughter who   A video was shown high- tinual spread of COVID-19. are genrally recommended to searchers published study
convinces her mom to finally lighting Biden’s friendship with When it comes to choosing be made available for health results that concluded “our
get a breast cancer screening the late Republican Sen. John a face mask, The Journal of care, frontline, and other es- meta-analysis showed that
and misses work to drive her McCain. It was narrated by Science Advances found that sential workers as a priority. there were insufficient data to
to the clinic, for the community McCain’s wife, Cindy, ending the best protection from the Their workplaces typically will determine definitively whether
college student who has faced with his words to Biden, thank- COVID-19 virus is a fitted have in the place, systems and N95 respirators are superior to
homelessness and survived ing him for his friendship: “My N95 or three-layer surgical procedures to ensure that N95 surgical masks in protecting
abuse—but finds the grit to fin- life and the lives of many have mask. Let’s look at what it is masks are used properly to health care workers against
ish her degree and make a good been enriched by it.” about these two. protect from infection. transmissible acute respiratory
life for her kids, for the little   Millions anticipated All things considered Although those blue, dis- infections in clinical settings”.
boy whose mom is serving as Biden’s remarks at the close of equal, hands down, the fitted posable masks are not close fit- To sum up face masks, here
a marine in Iraq, who puts on a the DNC convention Thursday N95 mask is better, compared ting, like an N95, they are fluid is the “takeaway”. No face
brave face in his video call, and night. But, even more so, the to surgical masks. A 2013 resistant and do provide you mask of any kind is a silver
doesn’t complain when the only race between him and Trump. study in the Journal of Aerosol with some protection against bullet. Even an N95 won’t save
thing he wants for his birthday The issues at hand in the Black Science and Technology found the larger respiratory droplets you if you touch your face with
is to be with her, for all those community, including health surgical masks can filter about from coughs and sneezes. The contaminated hands right after
people Joe gives his personal care, criminal justice, police 60 percent of smaller, inhaled most effective protection that you take it off. Face masks
phone number to, at rope lines brutality and economic justice particles; an N95 would filter these disposable masks pro- must be used in combination
and events—the ones he talks to will be foremost as America 95 percent. vide is that they will prevent with physical distancing, hand
for hours after dinner—helping goes to the polls or mail in their Some N95 masks have you from spreading infectious hygiene, and other protective
them smile through their loss— ballots. valves that make them eas- droplets to others. Reminder… measures.
letting them know that they ar-   “Too many have lost their ier to breathe through. With they are DISPOSABLE. One- One last thing…Don’t for-
en’t alone. He does it for you.” health care; too many are strug- this type of mask, unfil- time use is it. Anything else, get, you can reduce your own
She concluded, “Joe’s pur- gling to take care of basic ne- tered air is released when and you’re doing yourself chances of catching the virus
pose has always driven him cessities like food and rent; too the wearer exhales. Have you more harm than good. by wearing one yourself, even
forward. His strength of will many communities have been seen people walking around Some folks are getting very if nobody else around you is.
is unstoppable. And his faith left in the lurch to grapple with with those face masks with creative…and practical. They Remember, I’m not a doctor. I
is unshakable—because it’s whether and how to open our those “valves” to breathe out are making face masks out of just sound like one! Take good
not in politicians or political schools safely. Internationally, of? Those masks make it eas- socks, and towels, and what- care of yourself and live the
parties—or even himself. It’s we’ve turned our back, not ier to for you to breathe out ever. They have limited effec- best life possible!
in the providence of God. His just on agreements forged by but, you’re also exhaling your tiveness. A face mask made out The information included
faith is in you—in us.” my husband, but on alliances germs into the air around of a towel? in this column is for educa-
  Among the most unusual championed by presidents like you. Even though they do a We are going to be wearing tional purposes only. I do
aspects of the convention – oth- Reagan and Eisenhower,” for- good job protecting the wear- them for a long, long time. We not dispense medical advice
er than it being held remotely – mer First Lady Michelle Obama er, but because of the one- might as well start looking for or prescribe the use of any
was the number of high profiled said. “And here at home, as way valves, they don’t offer ways to make the reality as technique as a replacement
Republicans who spoke on George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, much protection to the people comfortable as possible, while form of treatment for physical,
Biden’s behalf. and a never-ending list of inno- around the wearer. If the being as safe as possible. mental or medical problems by
“I support Joe Biden be- cent people of color continue to wearer is contagious, either Johns Hopkins offer some your doctor either directly or
cause on Day One he will be murdered, stating the simple knowingly or unknowingly, very good advice on face indirectly.
restore America’s leadership fact that a Black life matters they could still be spreading masks. They say that you Glenn Ellis, MPH is a
and our moral authority,” said is still met with derision from the virus to others around should look for face masks Visiting Scholar at The Na-
Powell, who served as secretary the nation’s highest office…If them. Since the main reason with at least 2 layers of fabric. tional Bioethics Center at
of state under President George we want to keep the possibility to wear a mask is to protect The mask should cover your Tuskegee University and a
W. Bush and chairman of the of progress alive in our time, others, a simpler mask with a nose and mouth without large Harvard Medical School Re-
Joint Chiefs of Staff under Bush if we want to be able to look filter may be a better choice. gaps, or lots of movement and search Bioethics Fellow. He
and Democratic President Bill our children in the eye after The N95 will give you bet- slipping. Try to get a face mask is author of Which Doctor?
Clinton. “He’ll be a president this election, we have got to ter filter penetration as a result that has adjustable ear loops. If and Information is the Best
who knows America is stron- reassert our place in American of the face-seal leaking when you’re like me, and wear glass- Medicine. Ellis is an active
gest when, as he has said, ‘We history. And we have got to do you inhale or exhale, when es, Johns Hopkins suggests a media contributor on Health
lead both by the power of our everything we can to elect my tested in the laboratory. But mask with a bendable border Equity and Medical Ethics.
example and the example of friend, Joe Biden, as the next we live in the real world, not at the top. This type allows For more good health informa-
our power.’ He will restore president of the United States.” a laboratory. This virus’ trans- you to mold the face mask tion visit:

Cameroon reconsiders
plan to strip last intact
forest in Central Africa

BEACON, August 27 – September 2, 2020

(GIN) – newspaper. “Much of our his-

tory can still be found [in the
ood news is rare for forest]. You can still find our
those toiling to save the cocoa plantations, even after
environment, but this 60 years. Our dead are buried
week environmentalists could there.”
finally share the excitement of   The clock to save Ebo
a hard-won success. began to tick in July, when
  The government of Cam- Cameroon Prime Minister
eroon just announced it was Joseph Dion Ngute signed
canceling plans to log some a decree that turned half of
170,000 acres of the Ebo For- the Ebo Forest into a “forest
est, home to hundreds of rare management unit,” allowing
plant and animal species, in- the government to sell logging
cluding the tool-using Nige- concessions.

Feminism in spotlight
ria-Cameroon chimpanzee, the   But on August 11, Ngute,
western gorilla and giant frogs. at the direction of President
  The decision to save the Paul Biya, withdrew the de-
forests followed organized cree, suspending any logging

at South African
pressure from indigenous com- plans, according to the news
munities, conservation groups site Afrik21. President Biya
and scientists. also ordered a delay to reclassi-
  In addition to its rich bio- fy an additional 160,000 acres

Book Fair 2020

diversity, the Ebo Forest, locat- of the Ebo, which could have
ed in southwestern Cameroon, potentially opened up even
is culturally and societally more forest for logging.
important for the Banen Indig-   The government’s “inter-
enous people, who consider it vention to halt the imminent
(GIN) – front not Cower” – a collection shows. their sacred ancestral home. destruction of this unique for-

of 10 essays, will be led by   New this year is a Battle of   The Banen were ousted est is hugely welcome,” said
eminism: Our Bod- Candice Chirwa, the book’s the Bookclubs Literature Quiz from the forest in the 1960s, Bethan Morgan, head of the
ies, Our Truths” will editor and a thought leader which begins in August and but settled just a few miles San Diego Zoo’s Global Cen-
take center stage at with an interest in gender and a history-themed session that from its borders and still rely tral Africa Program who has
the upcoming South African youth issues. looks at the role of women in on it for food and medicine. worked to protect the forest’s
Book Fair taking place virtu-   “Black women will write struggles for liberation, with a The community has fought for great apes, in a statement.
ally from Sept. 11-13 at the ourselves into history’s ar- focus on how their stories are decades to return to their native   “We hope that the inter-
culmination of South Africa’s chives,” said Anelile Gibixego, not documented or, if they are, villages. national community will seize
National Book Week. contributor to Living While are frequently located in the   “We have always lived in this opportunity to work with
  Featured speakers in- Feminist: Our Bodies, Our domestic, not national, realm. harmony with this forest and the government of Cameroon
clude Mishumo Maduma, Truths with the essay “Fem-   Other topics to be cov- its diversity, but people just to make Ebo a showcase for
Terry-Ann Adams, Jen Thorpe inism in the church – The ered include Race & Identity want to make money,” Chief long-term conservation in
and Anelile Gibixego in dis- Teaching and the Unlearning”. (Black Lives Matter, White Victor Yetina, a ruler among harmony with very challenged
cussion with Dr. Alma-Nal- “When I write as a feminist, Privilege), Relationships & the Banen, told The Guardian communities.”
isha Cele on how women’s I write to empower, to ac- Erotica, Crime (Investigative
bodies filter their life expe- knowledge and to explore our Journalism; Villains of Past
riences and can be tools for diversities.” and Present), Food (Down
conformity or resistance.   The September virtual to earth: from farm to table),
  “Feminism was the portal event includes a mix of poetry Travel, Science Fiction and
through which I stepped into sessions, author-led panel dis- Poetry.
the highway version of my- cussions, small business skills   Over 23 expert and au-
self,” said Dr. Alma-Nalisha development workshops, an thor-led panels will present
Cele. “Black, womxn and alive industry marketplace as well as topical issues with the books
in this world. Feminism gave the National Book Week Mag- to match.
me the language to name my ic Tent offering children online   Additional information on
experiences.” storytelling, poetry sessions, the Virtual South African Book
  A discussion of the book: writing and illustration work- Fair 2020 can be found on the
“Perils of Patriarchy: Whenev- shops as well as motivational official website www.southaf-
er, Wherever, Everyday – Con- talks and puppet and theatre

Celebrate the diversity that makes America,

America. Add your photo to the true portrait of
America at
BEACON, August 27 – September 2, 2020

Mariah Carey channels Noted writer confronts UK for Its

Lauryn Hill for new failure to address reparations
single ‘Save the Day’ (GIN) – unrealistic by those who don’t starting with Mary Ruck of

want to pay them, Hirsch says Manchester, who wrote:
oted writer Afua Hirsch pointedly. And when Prince   “Afua Hirsch is right to According to Amazon Mu- doesn’t shy away from Charles, heir to the throne, challenge the shiftless re-

sic, Carey’s “Rarities”  album difficult questions and recently thanked members of sponse to the case for repara-
ariah Carey has will feature recordings from she recently posed one to a the Caribbean community in tions. Her argument is fortified
dropped new song her live shows at the Tokyo British cabinet minister. Britain for their contributions by the fact that within living
“Save the Day,” fea- Dome during her 1996 Day-   “Why,” she asked the to society, Hirsch rebuffed the memory Britain, as a colonial
turing Lauryn Hill (sort of), dream tour. minister, “has England never thanks, saying what Britain power, exploited the forced la-
which will appear on her up- The 32-track album is set to apologized for the transatlan- owes is, in fact, a straight-up bor of those in captivity to gain
coming album, “The Rarities”. be released days after the sing- tic slave trade?” Britain, she financial debt. economic advantage.” Ruck
Carey teamed with her er releases her memoir, “The reminded him, had trafficked   As the U.S. debate over was counsel for Kenyans de-
longtime collaborator Jer- Meaning of Mariah Carey.” more enslaved Africans than reparations gathers steam, sim- tained during the “Emergency”
maine Dupri on the track, To celebrate the 30th an- almost any other – at least 3 ilar debates have been taking (also known as the Mau Mau
which features Hill’s vocals niversary of her debut album, million on British ships.  Yet place on the European conti- Uprising) from 1952-1962.
from The Fugees 1996 track MiMi is serving up a memoir the most the European country nent since the 18th century, she (Reparations in 2018 were
“Killing Me Softly With His in print and via Audible on had to offer was “regret.” points out. Black people have denied because of the length of
Song.” September 29, through Andy   “It’s a strange choice of stated the case in petitions, time elapsed and a three year
Have a listen to the “Save Cohen Books, re- words for playing a leading correspondences, pamphlets, time limit on such claims)
the Day” via the YouTube clip ports. role in the greatest atrocity in public speeches, slave narra-   Hirsch, of Ghanaian her-
above. The album drops Oct. 2. Carey penned the memoir human history,” she said to tives and judicial claims – ad- itage, writes for the Guardian
On Wednesday, Carey with former ESSENCE Fash- herself. vocating in English, French, newspaper where her article:
dished about the new album ion Editor, Michaela Angela   He explained: The UK Spanish and Portuguese. “The case for British slavery
during an interview with Good Davis. cannot apologize because it   “As the French colo- reparations can no longer be
Morning America. “It took me a lifetime to might make England liable nial writer Prince Marc Kojo brushed aside” appeared this
“I found stuff in my vault have the courage and the clar- morally, ethically and legally. Tovalou Houénou wrote of month. An earlier article: “The
that I had either started to work ity to write my memoir. I want “In other words,” she con- Benin, Black people ‘cry ‘Rep- Racism that killed George
on a long time ago and never to tell the story of the mo- cluded, “Britain won’t use the arations!’ without ceasing’. Floyd was built in Britain”
released or that I wanted to fin- ments — the ups and downs, language of apology out of fear That this cry was deliberately was published in June. Her
ish mixing,” she said. “They’re the triumphs and traumas, the this might pave the way for ignored for so long in the past book, “On Race, Identity and
songs that have previously not debacles and the dreams, that reparations.” cannot logically form the basis Belonging” was published in
been released. It’s exciting and contribute to the person I am   And so the debate about of a denial in the present.” 2018.  
it’s a monumental occasion for today,” wrote Carey in a state- reparations has, conveniently,   The Guardian article A. Hirsch (left) at book
my career.” ment on Instagram. been branded extreme and sparked over 1,000 letters event

Nets Swept By Toronto Boston and Miami Sweep

From page 24Doncic Stuns Clippers
the game and Temple scored
a team high of 15 rebounds.
The Nets shared LeVert’s
the first 3-pointer of the night. comments after the game on
LaVert followed it up with an- Twitter: "Yeah I think mental- From page 24 City Thunder evened their series Thursday night. The best series
other 3-pointer. Brooklyn ended ly, I definitely need a break. against the Houston Rockets has been between the Los An-
the first quarter behind only Just for maybe a couple of shoulder injury and his health Monday afternoon with their geles Clippers and Dallas Mav-
39-32. Raptors’ Kyle Lowery days maybe a week or howev- could determine the outcome 117-114 win. 6 Thunder players ericks. Dallas tied the series
left the game in the first quarter er long. I don't think I've ever their next series. scored in double figures led by at 2 after Luka Doncic buried
because of a left ankle injury. gone through a season like this The Western Conference James Harden's 32 points. Game a 3-pointer in overtime in the
Yet the Nets' persistence before like you said that is so playoffs have been more com- 5 took place last night. The Utah 135-133 win. Doncic finished
could not withstand the de- long so I'll definitely take some petitive with the exception of Jazz took a commanding 3-1 the game with a triple-double
fense of the Raptors, even with time to myself and reflect, the Los Angeles Lakers and lead over the Utah Jazz with ( 43 points, 17 rebounds, 13
Lowery, a lead scorer, out of make sure my body is good Portland Trail Blazers. Portland their 129-127 over the Denver assist) as the team came back
the game. The Nets trailed 77- and gear up for next season.” stunned the Lakers in game 1. Nuggets. Donvan Mitchell of from a 21-point deficit. Game
68 at halftime and 116-87 by The Raptors face the Boston Los Angeles came back to win the Jazz scored 51 becoming 5 took place Tuesday night and
the end of the 3rd quarter. Both Celtics in the next round. The the next 3 games. They scored only the 4th player in NBA ex-Knicks Kristaps Porzingis,
coaches used their reserves in Nets anticipate next season 80 points (15-0 to start the game) history score 50 or more points who sat out the game with a sore
the 4th quarter as the game was with the addition of their other in the first half of game 4 lead- in two postseason games. Den- right knee, is expected to play. It
all but over. players and have to decide if ing to a 137-115 blowout. The ver's Jamal Murray ripped off would be a surprise if the series
LeVert led the Nets with 35 they want to bring back interim Lakers looked to close out the 50 points in the loss. The Jazz goes the full 7 games as many
points and 6 assists. Allen had head coach Jaque Vaughn. series last night. The Oklahoma looked to close out the series expect the Clippers to go to the
Wednesday's woman

New grassroots political advocacy group forms ‘Broadway for Biden’

future begins now by unifying
as a community, using our col-
lective talent to get Joe Biden
and Kamala Harris elected.”

BEACON, August 27 – September 2, 2020

Broadway for Biden’s
current initiatives include:
‘Broadway Phone Banking’
events featuring Broadway
star hosts held every Monday
from 7-9pm EST since July 27
(more details below).
DNC Watch Party, in
partnership with Women for
Biden-Harris. On Thursday,
August 20, Broadway for
Biden hosted a virtual DNC
Watch Party in partnership
with Women for Biden-Har-
ris. The event featured spe-
cial appearances and per-
Posted by Audrey J. Bernard directors, choreographers, stage formances by Broadway
managers, and marketing spe- s t a r s , i n c l u d i n g :  Tr a c i e

B roadway for Biden is a

newly formed, inclusive
online community dedi-
cated to bringing together profes-
sional theater makers, students,
cialists from within the Broad-
way community.
 The Broadway for
Biden leadership team is com-
prised of Halle Morse, Jeff
Thoms (Rent, Broadway and
film), Nikki M. James (The
Book of Mormon, Les Miser-
ables), Kerry Butler (Bee-
tlejuice, Mean Girls, Hair-
and Broadway fans around the Metzler, Julie Boardman, spray, Xanadu), Krystal
country to raise awareness on key and Nolan Doran. Its field Joy Brown (Eliza in Ham-
issues in the 2020 presidential team was created by Dimitri ilton),  Lilli Cooper (Toot-
election, increase voter turnout, Moise and is led by Flora Sta- sie,  SpongeBob SquareP-
and raise funds to elect Joe Biden matiades, Josh Daniel, Matt ants, Spring Awakening, Wick-
and Kamala Harris to the White DiCarlo, Stephanie Israel- ed), Kristolyn Lloyd (Dear
House this November. The grass- son, and Roxanne Quilty. Ty- Evan Hansen),  Kathryn
roots volunteer organization has a ler Mount is Head of Digital G a l l a g h e r  ( J a g g e d L i t -
quickly growing online presence Strategy. tle Pill,  Spring Awaken-
and is activating the national “Broadway for Biden pri- ing), Sharone Sayegh (The
theater community and the fans oritizes intersectionality and Band’s Visit), Vasthy Mom-
who love it by hosting events, inclusivity to build deeper em- point (The Prom, SpongeBob
disseminating key information, pathy and understanding across SquarePants), and Alysha Halle Morse
and amplifying the unique stories identities, geography, and po- Deslorieux (Hamilton, Once
of individuals within the theater litical affiliations,” said Exec- on This Island, Beautiful).
world’s diverse population to utive Director Halle Morse. Other upcoming events in-
build connections and humanize “When founding Broadway clude: virtual Town Hall events
the issues at stake in this year’s for Biden with Jeff and Dimi- highlighting issues affecting the
election. tri, in partnership with Julie and theater community; ‘Uni for
Broadway for Biden’s top Nolan, our aim was to establish Biden’ college campus initiative,
priority is getting the Biden/ a community that is uniquely connecting Broadway alumni
Harris ticket elected this No- Broadway, future-looking, with their schools’ current stu-
vember, and in every action it accessible, and deeply inclu- dent body to increase issues
takes to accomplish that goal, sive at every level. While our awareness and encourage voter
the organization takes inspira- theaters remain dark due to turnout; Social media activa-
tion from the campaign’s motto: the ongoing pandemic, we are tions and testimonials across
“Build back better.” Since its rallying our community and Instagram, Facebook, Twitter,
first event held at the end of July, its immense talent and passion and TikTok, featuring Broadway
the organization has united more to not only build back a better stars creating unique content in
than 50 volunteers, made up of Broadway, but to continue to support of the campaign; and
current and former Broadway inspire dreams, and to work for a Series of performance-based
performers, producers, writers, a better tomorrow. That better fundraisers, from cabaret to
large-scale virtual shows, fea-
turing top-tier Broadway talent Adrienne Warren from “TINA”
to be announced soon.
Broadway for Biden’s most calls. Participants receive tine Bruno. The subsequent
‘Broadway Phone Banking’ instructions from Broadway three events featured former
campaign, now in its fourth for Biden’s Stephanie Israel- cast members from the Broad-
consecutive week, has already son and establish a virtual way shows Mean Girls (Ash-
gained steady momentum, with sense of community activism ley Park, Kate Rockwell,
the last event bringing together as each caller makes their and Grey Henson) and Bee-
more than 70 volunteers. The ini- rounds while staying connect- tlejuice (Alex Brightman, Jill
tiative has made a total of 8,000 ed to the rest of the (muted) Abramovitz, Rob McClure,
calls over the past four weeks. group via Zoom. and Dana Steingold) on August
  Every Monday, the theater   In a uniquely Broadway 3; Wicked (Shoshana Bean)
community’s typical ‘dark’ for Biden touch, the volun- and Jagged Little Pill (Eliza-
day, from 7-9pm EST, Broad- teer callers are treated to an beth Stanley and Kathryn Gal-
way for Biden connects Broad- exclusive live performance lagher) on August 10; and Adri-
way stars with the Broadway from that night’s guest stars enne Warren and Dr. Dawnn
for Biden community for vir- and a brief discussion of their Lewis from Tina: The Tina
tual phone banking, making personal stakes in the election. Turner Musical; and Ephraim
calls to voters in swing states to Participation is free. Sykes, Jelani Remy, and Nik
discuss their registration status   The inaugural ‘Broadway Walker from Ain’t Too Proud on
and engage in conversations Phone Banking’ event was August 17.
about topical campaign is- held on Monday, July 27, and, To learn more, get in-
sues. Callers are distributed on in celebration of National Dis- volved, or make a dona-
teams aligned with the Broad- ability Independence Day, fea- tion, visit www.Broadway-
way shows represented by that tured 2019 Tony Award win-, and connect
night’s guest hosts, and there is ner Ali Stroker, “The Poli- with us on Instagram, Face-
a light-hearted competition to tician’s” Ryan J. Haddad, book, Twitter, and TikTok:
Krystal Joy Brown from “Hamilton” see which team can make the and artist and activist Chris- @broadway4biden.

This is your city. Beacon on the scene

Do you know your zone? Hip Hop legend Mary J. Blige
is Ambassador for 2020 ABFF
By Audrey J. Bernard

BEACON, August 27 – September 2, 2020

conic Grammy Award-winning and

Academy Award-nominated singer,
songwriter, actress, producer and
philanthropist Mary J. Blige is the am-
bassador for the 2020 American Black
Film Festival (ABFF), which will be
held online from August 19 through
August 30, 2020. Blige is a figure of
inspiration, transformation and empow-
erment making her one of the defining
voices of the contemporary music era.
As ambassador, Blige will help bring
media awareness to the ABFF’s mission
and its 24-year legacy, as well as head-
line a one-on-one conversation during
the Center Stage Talk series. “So many
incredibly talented Black filmmakers
have come out of the American Black Ambassador Mary J. Blige
Film Festival, many of whom I’ve had
the pleasure to work with and many transcended into the film and TV indus-
I can’t wait to collaborate with,” said tries. Her body of work personifies the
Blige. “As an actress and producer, ABFF mission, which is to celebrate and
there couldn’t be a more important uplift the African American community
event to be a part of. I am a longtime through entertainment,” said Nicole
supporter and admirer of ABFF and I Friday, General Manager of ABFF
Visit or call 311 am honored to be an ambassador and Ventures LLC. For more information on
continue to help foster new talent.” ABFF and up-to-date news, go to abff.
to find out what to do to prepare for Previous ambassadors include Idris com and follow @ABFF on Twitter
Elba, Tracee Ellis Ross, Regina Hall, and @AmericanBlackFilmFestival on
hurricanes in NYC. #knowyourzone La La Anthony, Jay Ellis, Morris Instagram and Facebook. Join in on the
Chestnut, Omari Hardwick, Common conversation by using #ABFF20 and
and Taraji P. Henson. “Mary J. Blige #WeAreABFF. (See page 21 for more
is a hip hop legend whose artistry has information)
KYZ2020_5x7_revised.indd 1 5/29/2020 12:56:50 PM

BEACON, August 27 – September 2, 2020

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Ponder this

2020 Mix of hot mess the first.

September is just a step
BEACON, August 27 – September 2, 2020

away and parents shiver at

the thought of their children
returning to unsafe school
buildings and teachers fear
what the children will spread to
them and their families if they
return. The struggle is real.
If the need to clear the
white house of this ineffective
governing body is as urgent as
it is obvious, we must take a
stance to trust team BIDEN/
HARRIS to be the best they
can be under great duress in the
By Hazel Rosetta Smith mess they will step into come
Contributing Scribe January 2021.

Yes, Joe Biden’s choice of
know you have heard it Senator Kamala Harris as his
said, “We are all in the VP nominee was a proud day
same boat.” I say, “We are for African American women
all in the same mess.” Some and the country. As Harris ac-
folks have a yacht, while others cepted the nomination, I could
do not have a raft to hold them hear Marvin Gaye singing
afloat. I believe; nobody wants “Let’s Get it On.” I say, hold
to be impoverished and nobody up, the White House has an
is foolish enough to think they occupant who could be shadyto
can run on empty. Surviving the end.
and thriving are not the same Nothing must hold us back
across the board. from climbing out of the pit of
We agree COVID-19 hit Joe Biden and Kamala Harris wearing masks are stepping into the mess discontentment, disorder and
everybody hard in health, various degrees of disgust that
housing, employment, busi- under the leadership of a pres- time for the Census, now rush- by mail from social security, is exhibited for the world to see
ness, psychologically and ident who comes up out of ing to an early end in the count pensions, and other forms of from the current resident of the
emotionally, but certainly not an imaginary tunnel when he that could hinder the numbers assistance. house the slaves built.
in the same way. The haves chooses, rambling on with triv- needed in communities for From good help, to no help, As we sift our way through
and the have nots may share ial nonsense, boosting his ego budgets and fair political rep- to a little bit of something, all the messiness of what we
the same trauma of unexpected by way of arrogance and insult, resentation. the unemployed are jockeyed heard and saw this week from
deaths due to the virus, but not barely offering any assistance The wishy washy of what is back and forth with threats of the TRUMP family caravan
the same drama of trying to when we need it the most. going on with USPS is a part of evictions from landlords as the and others who refuse to see
make it on a dime. If anyone is thinking the the chaos TRUMP validates. It rules seemingly change from clearly the reality show they
January 2020 seemed like 2020 mess is subsiding, stay does not take a wizard to know week to week. Are evictions helped to create and continue
just another entry into a new ready for what is yet to come. a slowdown in postal opera- legal during this time or is it to support, we the people must
year. Out of the blue, shock Do not deceive yourself, the tions will delay mail in ballots up to the individual landlord be about getting everybody’s
waves catapulted our new year TRUMP will be taking advan- and curtail the count. This is according to their personal vote, young and old, to the
resolutions into how to handle tage of every moment of every warranting damage control to needs, which can be valid. polls or the post office. God
an invasion of an unseen ene- day leading to the election to assure what is the law, every Unemployment across this bless America, please!
my. We started out bumping flaunt his form of patriotism citizen has the right to expect nation is flying over the roof, [Hazel Rosetta Smith is a
elbows and minimizing hugs to his platform and to those their vote to get counted. while the bartering continues. journalist, playwright, and
and kisses, hoping that would who still cannot see the forest There is no shame in ac- $600, no; $400, maybe, could director for Help Somebody
win the battle. The infectious for the trees that are standing cepting the fact that a stagnant be merely $300. How long will Theatrical Ministries, retired
COVID war took hold, we before their eyes. postal service creates danger- it take to resolve that insensi- former Managing Editor and
were ordered to stay home and Confusion and distraction ously late delivery of medical tivity? You will not know until Woman’s Editor of The New
shut down. have been the name of his supplies, which has already the check is in your hand. A York Beacon News and current
We have moved from con- game from early on in this ad- been reported. And there is second stimulus check is far- columnist of Harlem Com-
fusion to crisis to chaos and ministration. There is more to still a large majority of citizens fetched, when some are still munity News, Inc. Contact:
then head on into calamity come. First, they wanted more who receive monthly checks reporting they did not receive]
On the tube

Bounce features bold new originals in 2020-21 line up

Posted by Audrey J. Bernard mentor and falls for a pa- long-kept secret that threat-

rishioner. When out of the ens to take the entire town
T L A N TA , G A — blue she asks him, “Will you down. Bounce will also pro-
Bounce, the first and marry me?” Pastor Daniel is duce a first-ever Saints &

BEACON, August 27 – September 2, 2020

only broadcast and thrilled-until he realizes she Sinners movie, with the two-
multi-platform entertainment is asking him to officiate her hour stand-alone event airing
network serving African Amer- wedding with someone else. in the first quarter of 2021.
icans, today unveiled its 2020- Just how far will the Pastor go Set against the backdrop of a
21 original programming slate for true love? World premieres large southern church, Saints
during the 2020 summer press December 2020. & Sinners centers around the
tour. Faith Heist - When a pursuit of power, intertwined
The wide-ranging array of preacher finds his church in with greed, deception, cor-
originals includes: Two new financial ruin after being swin- ruption, compromising sexual
comedy series-one produced dled by a shady businessman, affairs and murder. The series
by Cedric The Entertainer-three he moves heaven and earth to stars Calloway, Clifton Pow-
new movies, a limited-run true- save his flock. When every- ell, Tray Chaney, Keith Rob-
crime murder mystery, the U.S. thing fails, he turns in desper- inson, J.D. Williams, Donna
premiere of a new documenta- ation to an old friend who’s a Biscoe, Jasmine Burke, Dawn
ry special about the death of former convict from the neigh- Halfkenny and Karon Joseph
Michael Jackson, the renewal borhood who, in turn, recruits Riley.  
of the mega-hit drama Saints an ensemble of assorted misfits
& Sinners plus a first-ever to run a scam on the scam artist Returning Series,
stand-alone movie based on “A Chance in the World” “Family Time” who robbed the church. This cont.
the franchise, new seasons of family comedy/action movie In The Cut - Bounce’s
popular network sitcoms In exclusive United States pre- endures the abuse of his fos- World premieres in the second popular comedy In The Cut is
The Cut and Family Time, the miere of Killing Michael Jack- ter parents (Kelly Owens, quarter of 2021. back in the barbershop for an
29th annual Bounce Trumpet son on Mon. Sept. 7 at 8:00 pm Lawrence-Hilton Jacobs) and all-new seventh season starting
Awards and more. (ET). This ground-breaking siblings. While searching Returning Series August 26at 9:00 pm (ET).
New Scripted Series - documentary special, featuring for his biological family, he Saints & Sinners Re- Series stars Dorien Wilson and
Bounce will debut two new never-before-seen images of meets a caring teacher (Tom newed + Stand-Alone Mov- Kellita Smith will be joined
original comedies looking–and that fateful day, is told through Sizemore) who will change ie - Bounce has renewed the by TV veterans Mark Curry
laughing–at single life from both the eyes of detectives Orlando the course of his life. World mega-hit drama series Saints (Hanging With Mr. Cooper)
the male and female perspective. Martinez, Dan Myers, and Premieres Sat. Sept. 5 at 7:00 & Sinners for an all-new fifth and Kim Coles (Living Single)
Both series, debuting in the sec- Scott Smith, all three of whom pm (ET). season coming in the spring in the hilarious cast.
ond quarter of 2021, will include were involved in the investiga- Will You Merry Me? - This of 2021. Mayor Ella Johnson Family Time - The new sea-
guest appearances and cameos tion that ultimately leads to the holiday movie is the story of (Vanessa Bell Calloway) will son of Family Time, Bounce’s
from top names in entertainment, arrest and conviction of Jack- Daniel English, a bigheart- be bracing for the ride of her longest-running original series,
music, sports, and more. son’s doctor Conrad Murray. ed, energetic, buoyant pastor life when a father comes to will bow this October and will
Johnson - Executive Pro- Dying To Be Famous: The who returns to his hometown town seeking revenge for see Tony (Omar Gooding, Jr.)
ducer Cedric The Entertainer, Ryan Singleton Mystery is an church to take over for his his son’s murder-revealing a and Lisa (Angell Conwell)
iconic comedian D.L. Hugh- intriguing six-episode, true- dealing with all the good and
ley and a stellar cast of fresh crime docuseries–Bounce’s the bad that comes with being
new faces are part of this first–following the extraor- empty nesters.
single-camera dramedy about dinary story and mysterious
life-long best friends navigat- death of Ryan Singleton, a About Bounce
ing the world while Black. Pro- 24-year old aspiring model Bounce (@bouncetv) is the
duced by Cedric’s A Bird & A and film producer, who sets first and only broadcast and
Bear Entertainment. Premieres out to pursue fame and fortune multi-platform entertainment
second quarter of 2021. in Hollywood with two of his network serving African
Secrets of the Salon comed- friends. His dreams of stardom Americans, with program-
ically chronicles the lives, loves, turn into a tragic nightmare ming seen over-the-air, on
relationships, and daily web of when he is found dead in Cal- cable, on DISH channel 359,
gossip that finds its way into an ifornia’s Mojave Desert, his over-the-top on Roku ®, on
Atlanta hair salon. Vivica A. Fox body dumped, mutilated and mobile devices via the Bounce
stars along with Reginae Carter missing all vital organs. World and Brown Sugar apps and
and Monique Coleman. Pro- Premieres Sun. Nov.1 at 9:00 on the web via BounceTV.
duced by Swirl Films. Premieres pm (ET) with two back-to- com. Bounce features a pro-
third-quarter of 2021. back episodes. gramming mix of original
series, docuseries and movies,
True Crime Docuseries Original Movies off-network series, theatrical
& Documentary A Chance in the World - motion pictures, specials, live
Specials The true, inspiring and un- sports and events and more.
believable story of Steve Bounce is part of The E.W.
Killing Michael Jack- Pemberton (Terrell Ransom, Scripps Company (NASDAQ:
son - Bounce will present the Jr.), an orphaned boy who “In The Cut” “Killing Michael Jackson” SSP). 

Bounce partners with NAACP to stream 2020 Virtual March on Washington

Additionally, Bounce will Brenda Lawrence, Mayor discrimination but with an on Washington and ensur- to the ongoing violence
partner with the NAACP to Steve Benjamin, Yusef Sa- urgent call-to-action to vote,” ing that programming from against Black people around
live stream the 2020 Virtual laam and Tamika Mallory commented Bounce General the event reaches a larger the country, the NAACP
March on Washington.  The with performances by B.B. Manager Cheryle Harrison. audience within the African (National Association for
two-day event will take place Winans, Lisa Ramey, Al- “Bounce is committed to fight- American community,” said the Advancement of Col-
on August 27-28, the 57th vin Ailey Dance Company, ing systemic racism and racial Aba Blankson, Senior Vice ored People) is the largest
anniversary of the first March H.E.R. and Macy Gray. injustice and the launch of President of Marketing and and most pre-eminent civil
on Washington which was “Bounce was founded to our Your Vote, Your Voice Communications for NAACP. rights organization in the
highlighted by Dr. Martin serve the African-American campaign provides actionable “We are in a critical moment in nation. We have over 2,200
Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a community with a focus on ed- information for our viewers, our nation’s history, and now units and branches across the
Dream” speech. The 2020 ucating our viewers on issues from registering to volun- more than ever we must show nation, along with well over
Virtual March on Washing- that matter most to them. Our teering. Black voices need to our collective power in putting 2M activists. Our mission is
ton will feature speakers and partnership with the NAACP be heard and counted in this forth a bold new Black agenda to secure the political, educa-
performances that prioritize and live streaming of the 2020 upcoming election; this is not that promotes equity, justice, tional, social, and economic
equity, justice, and opportunity Virtual March on Washington the time to be silent.” and equal opportunity for all.” equality of rights in order to
for all, with speakers including will bring awareness to the “The NAACP is incredibly eliminate race-based discrim-
Rev. William Barber II, Stac- policy changes needed to end grateful to Bounce for live About the NAACP ination and ensure the health
ey Abrams, Congresswoman police brutality and racial streaming the Virtual March Founded in 1909 in response and well-being of all persons.
By Dedra N. Tate

DDBS Goes Virtual with Pivot Champ Summit

will be feature Bain, Kourtney
Moody, Director of Retail at
PepsiCo. and Dr. Karme-
tria Burton, CEO of PYLR.
BEACON, August 27 – September 2, 2020

Additional panels include

Strength in Sisterhood: How
Women Owned Businesses are
Making a Difference, The Dark
Side of Diversity in Academia,
Leveraging Supplier Diversity,
Straight White Dudes, Get Out
The Vote with DDBS Young
Executives and The Oppression
I See Looks Like Me.
PCS will also feature a Black
Jockey’s & Bourbon Virtual
Tasting, comedy sets with Tara
Dedra N. Tate DDBS Pivot Champs Summit Logo Cooley and Kendra Dorsey,

a DDBS Youth Jam Fest and
raditionally, the Derby al fabric and textiles and has a virtual exhibition booths.
Diversity & Business strong mission to help women Breakout sessions will take
Summit (DDBS) brings lift themselves out of poverty. place in major cities across
together the world’s top suppli- The highly anticipated PIV- the country, with a select host
ers, executives and businesses OT Champs Challenge com- from each who will create
to network, develop relation- petition takes place on opening conversations around relevant
ships and enjoy the Kentucky night. Online submissions have topics including Forming Al-
Derby. Participants are lead- been narrowed down to nine fi- lies Around Racism, Diversity
ers representing all diverse nalists–three per category–rep- in Sports, Young Executives in
groups, including minorities, resenting businesses with gross the Workplace, Oppression,
women, LGBTQ, veterans and revenues of Under $1 Million, and more.
the disabled. This year, due $1-5 Million and $5 Million+. Sonia Jackson Myles,
to the unprecedented effects The three finalists selected, Founder & CEO of The Sis-
stemming from the COVID-19 in each revenue category, are ter Accord and DDBS Host
pandemic, entrepreneurs, small those who have created a new Committee Chair in Detroit
businesses and corporations selling strategy that assisted says “Now, more than ever, it is
have been forced to re-think with maintaining or exceeding critically important to engage
their strategies and “pivot” the sales for their business during businesses and people of all
direction of their companies, in Covid-19. During the competi- backgrounds to understand
order to achieve success during tion, each will do a “live” pitch how we can make progress
the quarantine. and answer questions from together. The DDBS Summit
DDBS has also pivoted by DDBS’ distinguished panel of is designed to do just that by
hosting their first ever DDBS judges. The three winners will bringing everyone to the table
Virtual Pivot Champ Sum- be announced on September 2nd to drive success for our cities,
mit (PCS). This three-day at 10AM EST, and each will communities and country.” For
virtual event, taking place from receive a priceless 12-month more information www.pivot-
Monday, August 31st through mentorship package and a cash (Photos courtesy
Wednesday, September 2 nd, prize. Tawana Bain, DDBS Founder & CEO of DDBS)
will include panel discussions, DDBS Founder & CEO,
breakouts and keynotes from Tawana Bain says, “Bringing mistress of ceremony with Diversity. Edmonds, known
highly sought-after speakers, all groups together intentional- opening remarks being de- as a cultural evangelist, is the
and attendees will also have ly enables our members, com- livered by Neeli Bendapudi, co-Founder/CEO of UPOP.
the opportunity to participate munity and corporate allies to President of the University of He’s also a UOL faculty mem-
in virtual one-on-one network- have honest dialogues and con- Louisville (UOL). The virtual ber, where he leads the Center
ing opportunities. Guests can versations about our differenc- main stage will host a diverse for Creative Placehealing – a
attend the conference by pur- es, as well as our similarities, group of keynote speakers in- 21st Century entrepreneurship
chasing a 3-day summit pass to strengthen solidarity across cluding The Sales Pivot with program at the intersection of
or daily passes. The first five race, gender, age, and ability. Demetrius Gray, Founder public health and the creative
hundred people to register will We seek to grow economically & CEO of WeatherCheck, industries. Shelton is an inter-
receive a DDBS Pivot Champs and bring an understanding of the only company making national speaker, author, coach
swag bag filled with feel-good culture and inclusion to the premise-specific damage as- and consultant committed to
items, courtesy of HJI Supply forefront, while also tearing sessments and sending pre building inclusive commu-
Chain Solutions. Fifty lucky down the stereotypes and prej- and post event weather alerts nities in the workplace and
recipients will receive a hand- udices held against different to trigger specific actions. beyond.
made VIP African bag courtesy groups. Recent events have Theo Edmonds and Michele The span of summit topics,
of Bosisi Designs, a fashion shown us once again that these Shelton will present Exec- as well as the panelists, are
company that produces quality conversations are a necessity.” utive Debrief – The State of diverse. Uncovering Black City Host Committee Chair
handmade products with cultur- Bain will serve as PCS’s Innovation and Belonging in Girl Magic in the Workplace Sonia Jackson Myles

UOL President Neeli Keynote Speaker Demetrius Keynote Speaker Theo Ed- Keynote Speaker Michele
PepsiCo’s Kourtney Moody Bendapudi Gray monds Shelton
What's going on
By Victoria Horsford


The presidential conven- and/or the economy PO- On August 18, a group intervened holding summits
tion seasons ends immi- TUS 45 does not get high of Colonels headed Assimi aimed at détente. Coup leader
nently. President Donald marks in either category. The Goita, staged a peaceful coup “pledged to restore stability
Trump was renominated President has no platform in Mali, ousting President and oversee a transition to

BEACON, August 27 – September 2, 2020

by the Republican Party in nor record which merits a Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, who elections within a reasonable
Charlotte, NC on Monday. second term. The GOP Con- resigned and dissolved Parlia- period.” ECOWAS members
Vice President Mike Pence vention opening night was ment. For weeks, tens of thou- have closed their borders
said that the economy is on peopled by a confederacy of sands of Malian protesters hit with Mali which has some of
the ballot. Didn’t President liars. It is imperative that all the streets venting their dis- the largest gold deposits in
Barack Obama say at the Americans who still love the content re: government cor- Africa. Three West African
Democratic Convention that country and its promise must ruption. The 15-nation Eco- countries–Ivory Coast, Burki-
democracy was on the US get out and vote before or by nomic Community of West no Faso and Ghana–hold
ballot this year. Democracy November 3. Barack Obama African States, ECOWAS, national elections this year.
Angie Hancock and Black-
EDUCATION: The NYC de Blasio moves forward with owned restaurants for SIP.
Department of Education has the Sale of Tax Liens on Real EAT.HARLEM on restaurant
a few problems with brief Property by the City Of New row, whose participants are
classroom encounters this York on September 3 like he Chocolat, Cove Lounge, Lo-
school year. The United Fed- is impervious to the disrup- lo’s Seafood Shack, Londel’s
eration of Teachers and the tions to the economy since Supper Club, Ponty Bistro,
Principals unions vow not to the advent of COVID19 this Renaissance Harlem, Ruby’s
return to schools until all par- year. Many of the houses on Vintage + Sexy Taco Pop
ties to school environment are the list are based in Harlem, Up, Settepani, and Vinateria,
COVID tested, which sounds Brooklyn, Queens and the on Wednesday, August 26,
like a plan considering the Bronx, disproportionately from 5 pm-9 pm. SIP.EAT.
experiences at schools of affecting Black homeowners. HARLEM tickets are $25
higher learning since the fall Fortunately, NYS Senator Le- which includes one appetizer
semester began. Failure to do roy Comrie is urging Albany and a cocktail and must be
so will result in teacher ab- legislators to defer NYC tax purchased in advance. Some Angie Hancock
sence, boycott, despite state lien date. Hizzoner needs event proceeds will be benefit
laws banning those actions. money…..but at the expense the Boys and Girls Club of celebrates African American
Last week the Department of of the city’s homeowners. Harlem. Contact www.expe- culture. Four trailblazing
Homeland Security classified A NYC initiative with Leroy Comrie About 41 business leaders are honored
teachers as essential workers. Ernst & Young, Goldman % of Black businesses have as Parade Grand Marshals.
On Monday the NYC Schools Sachs and Mastercard will creating virtual storefront. closed permanently since They are Elbert Shamsid
Chancellor referenced the aid Black Entrepreneurs an- This initiative should be COVID-19s arrival. Deen, Thruway Builders;
possibility of outdoor class- chored at the Brookyn Navy duplicated throughout NYC. The 51st African Ameri- Cheryl McKissack Daniels,
es. Some NYC K-12 private Yard. The aid consists of one- This should be duplicated can Day Parade will be held McKissack & McKissack;
schools open this week. on-one consulting, access throughout the city, custom- virtually on Sunday Septem- Dapper Dan, Dapper Dan
BUSINESS: NYC Mayor to affordable financing, and ized to community needs. ber 20 at 12 pm. The Harlem Harlem; and Michael Garner,
parade is the largest and oldest Metropolitan Transportation
procession in America which Authority.
COVID19/August 24: total global infections is 23.7 tions with 177,000 deaths. The NFL Washington team
The following are the latest million with 815,000 since The first documented corona- named Jason Wright, 28, as its
figures reported by 214 coun- December 2019. In the US virus reinfection was reported team president, a first for an
tries for the coronavirus. The there are 5,755, 002 infec- in Hong Kong a few days ago. African American in Nantional
Football League history. For-
mer NFL running back, Wright
BLACK ENTERPRISE played with the SF 49ers,
Atlanta Falcons, Cleveland
Browns, Arizona Cardinals.
America’s richest Black trillion in annual disposable in- He retired in 2010, earned an
billionaire/philanthropist Rob- come. It is a collective of Black MBA at the University of Chi-
ert Smith, founder of Vista business owners, community cago, before joining McKinsey
Equity Partners, who paid full and religious groups whose & Company, a management
four-year tuition costs for the purpose is to devise a plan for consulting firm, as a partner. Jason Wright
Morehouse College Class of Black economic empower- Wedding Anniversaries:
2019, is the subject of a four- ment via business growth and Congratulations to New CEO/Chair; Misty Copeland;
year tax inquiry. Did Smith workforce development, which York based African Ameri- Edris Elba; Geoffrey Eaton,
failed to pay US taxes on $200 should be a priority for all can scholars Linda and Edgar Jon Haggins, travel maven;
million in assets that moved elected officials. Some of the Robert Smith Ridley who celebrate their Tamron Hall; Linda Haynes;
from Vista’s first private equity key BBEC organizers include 49 th wedding anniversary Julian Alexander Arriola-Hem-
fund through offshore entities. the Harlem Business Alliance, For more info and to register in September. Congrats to mings, Morehouse Class of
The problem: Was Smith the; WEG, a group of for Town Hall meetings #2 and New Yorkers Nerissa Rivers 2020; Ruth Hunt; Fern Khan,
beneficial owner of the off- Harlem entrepreneurs, we- 3, visit and Steve Lawrence who Dean Emerita Bank Street
shore structures that received; the National Black There is a C-Suite opportu- celebrated their 12th wedding College; Justin Khan; Debi
subject proceeds or were funds United Front, Dallas Texas; nity for Director of the World anniversary on August 9. Jackson, WBLS; Errol Louis,
directed to a charity. The Jus- and DMG Global Media, um- Trade Center and Campus Happy Birthday Anniver- NY1; Gerald Peart photogra-
tice Department has not filed brella for HarlemBusiness- Complex in NYC for the Port sary greetings to Virgoans… pher/videographer; fashioni-
any charges against Smith and Bmorenews. Authority of NY & NJ. Direc- Dr. Thelma Adair; Geoffrey sta Elsie Rodriguez; Shirley
whose net worth is $5.2 billion. com, which established the tor is responsible for oversight Atkins, entrepreneur; Bishop Scott; Ashley Sharpton; Alisha
The Black Business Em- National Black Wall Street of WTC facility, its safe and William Barber II; Dr. Janet Sidberry; Charles Dion Spring-
powerment Commission, Foundation in 2019. BBEC effective operations which in- Dewert Bell; Beyonce; Sani- field, lifestyle author; Twins
BBEC, is a national organiza- which will host three virtual cludes management of a $200M yya Brannon; Deneane Brown Skylar and Daniel Torruella;
tion focused on the Economic Town Hall Meetings focused annual budget. Contact Billbur- Blackmon, Manhattan CB10 Torie Stewart; Odis Von Blas-
Health of the Black communi- on political accountability and exec and Harlem Communi- ingame; Coanne Wilshire, real
ty, a group which boasts $1.5 the November US elections. or call 212.406.2400 ty doyenne; Carlton Brown; estate broker; and Rev. Jeremi-
Ursula Burns, former Xerox ah Wright

A Harlem-based management consultant, Victoria Horsford can be reached at


By Don Thomas

Black Heroes kids should know by name

son Bates Day, and in 1999 she Rights movement in Alabama. der, she was the first Black
was Posthumously awarded Nine months before Rosa woman elected to Congress
BEACON, August 27 – September 2, 2020

the Medal Of Freedom. Parks refused to give up her representing NY’s 12th Dis-
In 1877 Henry Ossian bus seat to a white woman, trict. In 1972, she was also
Flipper became the first Afri- Claudette Colvin did the same. the first woman to run for the
can American to graduate from At the young age of 15, Colvin Democratic Party’s presiden-
West Point. Upon his comple- was later arrested; violating the tial nomination. During her
tion, Flipper was also the first city’s segregation laws were time in Congress, Chisholm
Black man to be commissioned among the many charges lev- fought for improved education,
in the Army (or any branch of eled against her. Colvin later health and human services and
the military for that matter). told Newsweek, “I felt like women’s rights. She famously
Alice Allison Dunnigan, was Sojourner Truth was pushing said, “If they don’t give you a
the first Black female White down on one shoulder, and seat at the table, bring a folding
House Correspondent. She was Harriet Tubman was pushing chair.”
also chief of the Associated down on the other—saying, In 1938, Fred Jones de-
Negro Press, and in 1948 she ‘Sit down girl!’ I was glued to signed and patented a porta-
became the first Black woman my seat.” ble air-conditioning unit for
to follow a Presidential cam- Ron Finley, a young man trucks, which was largely
paign (Harry Truman’s) on the growing up in South Central used to transport perish-
road. Years later, she served LA, was all too familiar with able foods. Jones’ invention
as an education consultant on the lack of fresh produce. De- became invaluable during
JFK’s Committee on Equal termined to change that, Finley WWII when the refrigeration
Employment Opportunity. started a garden on a dirt patch units were used to preserve
Arturo Schomburg, was in the sidewalk outside of his and transport food, blood
a writer, historian and activ- home. When the city cited and medicine to hospitals and
ist. As a leader of the Harlem him for gardening without a soldiers on the battlefield.
renaissance, he collected art permit, he rallied other “green Dr. Rebecca Lee Crumpler,
literature and other artifacts activists” and petitioned for the was the first female African
belonging to people of African right to grow food in his neigh- American physician. She
descent. In 1926 his collection borhood. Finley won, and to- also wrote “Book of Medical
was purchased by the New day he is affectionately known Discourses in Two Parts” in
York Public Library, and to- as “The Gangsta Gardener.” 1883, which is considered
day the Schomburg Center is Now a community leader, he one of the first medical texts
a research division of the NY is determined to help urban written by an African Amer-
public library. With more than communities break out of ican author. After the Civil
11 million items in the collec- their “food prisons.” Ron has War, she also worked for the
tion, the Schomburg center is traveled extensively, speaking Freedman’s Bureau for the
devoted to the preservation and publicly on the topic, and he State of Virginia, the federal
exhibition of Black history, has even done a TEDTalk that agency that helped more than
and the arts and culture of the has been watched by more than 4,000,000 slaves make the
Maya Angelou African diaspora. 3 million people. transition from slavery to

Claudette Colvin, was Shirley Chisholm, a true freedom. [See more Heroes
here are a handful of African American to win the an early activist in the Civil pioneer in both race and gen- pictures on page 19]
important people kids Pulitzer Prize.
learn about in school and Charles Drew, is consid-
during Black History Month: ered a pioneer in blood plasma
Martin Luther King Jr., research, and the modern blood
Harriet Tubman and George bank. While in attendance at
Washington Carver, just to Columbia University, Charles
name a few. But while these Drew discovered the “shelf
Black history figures have cer- life” of blood could be ex-
tainly made significant cultural tended by as much as seven
contributions, there are many days by separating and stor-
more that have fallen under ing whole blood and plasma
the radar. In order to give your separately. Before that, blood
kids an ever-widening view of could only be stored for up to
the world, we’ve found Black two days. Charles Drew also
History Heroes that have left a wrote a dissertation “Banked
legacy for generations to come. Blood: A Study in Blood Pres-
(Photos: Wikimedia Com- ervation,” where he described
mons) the technique he developed
With more than 30 best- and the logistics involved for
selling titles, Maya Angelou the long-term preservation of
wrote 36 books, not the least blood plasma. Today Charles
of which was her first book “I Drew is revered as the Father
Know Why The Caged Bird of Blood Banking.
Sings.” Although she died in Daisy Bates, When the
2014, Ms. Angelou is remem- Supreme Court ruled that seg-
bered as a brilliant writer, regated schools were unconsti-
poet and Civil Rights activist. tutional, Daisy Bates stepped
Oprah Winfrey said of her up to help a group of Black
friend, “Maya Angelou is not students integrate into an all-
what she has done or written or white high school—that group
spoken, it’s how she did it all. is known as The Little Rock
She moved through the world Nine. In the face of constant
with unshakeable calm, confi- fear and intimidation, Bates
dence, and a fiery, fierce grace worked tirelessly to escort
and abounding love.” those young men and women
Gwendolyn Brooks, was to school every day and protect
an American teacher, poet them from violent crowds.
and author. During her life, Daisy Bates was a lifelong
Brooks authored over 20 books Civil Rights activist, and her
of poetry and one novel. In work is still recognized and
1968, Brooks was named poet today. In the state of Arkansas,
laureate for the state of Illinois, every third Monday in Febru-
and In 1950 she was the first ary is observed as Daisy Gat- Gwendolyn Brooks
Black Heroes photographs kids should see 19

BEACON, August 27 – September 2, 2020

Charles Drew Daisy Bates Henry Ossian Flipper Alice Allison Dunnigan Arturo Schomburg

Claudette Colvin Ron Finley Shirley Chisholm Fred Jones Dr. Rebecca Lee Crumpler

Subscribe to the New York Beacon 405

Lexington Avenue, 26th Floor, New York,
NY 10174. $35.00 per year 212-213-8585
Gospel Music

Tauren Wells drops awesome single “Trenches”

Posted By Don Thomas

I was watching the virtual

BEACON, August 27 – September 2, 2020

production of the 35th An-

nual Stellar Gospel Awards
on BET, Sun., Aug., 23, 2020
as Platinum-selling Tauren
Wells, a six-time Grammy
Award-nominee delivered an
awesome single, “Trenches”
w/Donald Lawrence and Com-
pany, now available via digital
music providers to Gospel
Produced by Donald Law-
rence, Wells’ new version
creates a soaring anthem
with his vocals and the fea-
tured voices of Lawrence
and his Company. Wells says
of performing on the Stellar
Awards, “It’s an incredible
honor to be among so many
artists that I have admired
as heroes and peers over the
years! To contribute to a night
celebrating a musical expres-
sion that shaped so much of
who I am is surreal for me.
I can’t wait to see all of the
performances and honor the
nominees and winners!”
Celebrating God’s love
and covering in times of
need when we feel defense-
less, “Trenches” is written
by Wells, Chuck Butler and
Ethan Hulse.
Besides releasing “Trench-
es,” Wells also celebrates his
latest Dove Award nomina-
tions, garnering three for the
2020 show airing October
30th with noms for Contem-
porary Christian Artist of
the Year, Pop/Contemporary
Album of the Year for his lat-
est album Citizen of Heaven,
and Short Form Video of the
Year for the song “Citizen of

Le’ Andria
Johnson debuts
“Hold On” single
Posted By Don Thomas kins’ “Come Together,” a song

which benefited COVID-19
rammy and Stellar relief efforts.
Award-winning Sing- Johnson who has been very
er/Songwriter, Le’An- open about some of her own
dria Johnson, unveiled her personal challenges, wields her
single, “Hold On.” The song powerful contralto to inspire
is the first new music from listeners to “hold onto God’s
Johnson since her last album, unchanging hand” throughout
Bigger Than Me (2017), life’s trials. In addition to the
and her 2018 hit, “Better release of “Hold On,” Le’An-
Days,” which was featured dria is nominated for two 2020
on TV’s Greenleaf’s Season Stellar Awards for
2 Soundtrack. Albertina Walker Female
Since then, Johnson has Vocalist of the Year (Goshen)
been showcased on other mu- and Traditional Female Vo-
sic including Donald Law- calist of the Year (Goshen).
rence and the Tri-City Singers’ “Hold On” is available now. To
#1 “Deliver Me,” from the connect with Le’Andria, visit:
Goshen album, PJ Morton’s Facebook: https://www.face-
“All In His Plan,” from The
Gospel According to PJ, and Instagram: @LeAndria-
earlier this year, Rodney Jer- JTwitter: @LeAndriaJ
The reel

By Audrey J. Bernard

Highlights of American Black Film

Festival Online & Opening Night

BEACON, August 27 – September 2, 2020

Olabisi; Black Boy Joy, Di-
rector: Martina Mossell Lee,
Writer: Michelle Sam; Dolapo
Is Fine, Director: Ethosheia
Hylton, Writers: Joan Iyiola,
Chibundu Onuzo; and The
Cypher, Director: Letia Solo-
mon, Writer: Wes Akwuobi.
The winner will be announced
at the end of the festival.
ABFF remains committed
to introducing emerging con-
tent creators of African descent

to the industry at large and is
he American Black Film recognized as one of the lead-
Festival (ABFF) is an ing film festivals in the world.
annual event dedicated Festival passes are on sale now
to recognizing Black talent and at, and offer
showcasing quality film and three different levels of access to
television content by and about the Festival. Questions regard-
people of African descent. Ded- ing registration, sponsorship
icated to the belief that diverse and programming, should be
artists deserve the same op- directed to info@abffventures.
portunities as their mainstream com. The 2020 Festival will con- MC Lyte
counterparts, ABFF founder Jeff tinue the annual celebration of
Friday conceived the festival in highlighting Black filmmakers. er The culminating event of
1997 as a vehicle to strengthen Attendees will enjoy celebrity the festival where the com-
the Black entertainment com- conversations, panels, master petitive film award winners
munity by fostering resource classes, spotlight screenings and are announced. Presenters
sharing, education and artistic independent films and more. include Lee Daniels, Director
collaboration. This year the festival hosted (The United States vs. Billie
This year’s festival kicked its Legendary All-White Party Holliday); La La Anthony,
off Friday, August 21 and will on opening night co-sponsored Actor (The Chi); Spike Lee,
run through Sunday, August 30, by UMC and Moet Hennessy Director (Da 5 Bloods);  Boris
2020 and, in keeping with its from 10:30 p.m. to Midnight Kodjoe & Nicole Ari Parker;
celebrated reputation, will be as with music by DJ Kiss & and Logan Browning, Actor
spectacular and star-studded as M.O.S. The live event included (Dear White People).
ever! ABFF’s Online Festival celebrity drop-ins and conclud- Films are available to
will feature the best of indepen- ed with MC Lyte announcing stream throughout the festi-
dent Black cinema, studio pre- the winner of the Partners in val.  Some of the highlights
mieres, conversations and panels, Rhyme National Casting Call. include Award-winning di-
along with virtual networking Presenting sponsors include rector Jamal Hill who has
events.  “At the heart of the HBO (Founding), Greater two official selections, The
American Black Film Festival, is Miami Convention & Visi- Available Wife and True to
our commitment to community, tors Bureau, and WarnerMe- Nicole Ari Parker & Boris Kodjoe the Game 2:  Gena’s Story,
bringing together Black artists dia. For more information on starring Vivica A. Fox. Chris
to share their work – challeng- ABFF and up-to-date news, go to  Bowles and Michele Pretty- Chalk, currently starring in
ing, encouraging, appreciating go to and follow @ Friday, August 28, In man Ph.D., Media Consul- HBO’s Perry Mason, directs,
and uplifting one another,” says ABFF on Twitter and @Amer- Control: Black Female Per- tants, Daughters of Eve. produces and stars in his Nar-
Jeff & Nicole Friday, ABFF icanBlackFilmFestival on Ins- spectives on Directing and Friday, August  28, STARZ rative Features entry Fare-
Producers. tagram and Facebook. Join in Storytelling Daughters of presents Power Book II: Ghost well; while Nick Cannon’s se-
This year’s festival opened on the conversation by using Eve presents a conversation Join the cast and creators to dis- lection She Ball stars Brian
with UMC and Partners in #ABFF20 and #WeAreABFF. with three dynamic Black cuss the newest chapter in the “Birdman” Williams, Ced-
Rhyme (MC Lyte & Bentley For additional information female directors on feature POWER universe.  Panelists in- ric the Entertainer, Chris
Kyle Evans) teamed up for please contact press repre- and documentary filmmaking clude Curtis “50 Cent” Jack- Brown, Marla Gibbs and Big
a national casting call for a sentative MPRM Commu- offering a window into their son, Michael Rainey Jr., Na- Boy.  Death of a Telemar-
leading role in the new UMC nications,, creative journeys and process- turi Naughton, Mary J. Blige, keter, which is produced
series. The panel was moder- 323-933-3399. (See Page 12 es.  Panelists include Gina Monet Stewart Tejada, Cliff by  Megan Good and stars
ated by Leah Daniels-Butler, for more information) Prince-Bythewood, Director, “Method Man” Smith with Oscar Nominees Jacky Earle
Casting Director, and panelists # # # The Old Guard; Christine Moderator Yohana Desta the Haley and Haley Joel Os-
included: Brett Dismuke, Below, please find a list of Swanson, Director, The Clark Editor of Vanity Fair. ment. Dutch, starring Macy
Chief Content Officer; Nikki films and panel highlights that Sisters: First Ladies of Gos- Sunday, August 30, Best of Gray, Lance Gross, as well
Love, VP, Production & De- are FREE to screen and watch pel; Jacqueline Olive, Direc- the American Black Film Fes- as  The Killing of Kenneth
velopment; MC Lyte, Co-cre- through  ABFF Play. For a tor, Always in Season.  Mod- tival Awards Hosted by Boris Chamberlain, starring Anika
ator of Partners in Rhyme; complete list of programming, erator is Terri Prettyman Kodjoe & Nicole Ari Park- Noni Rose among others. 
Bentley Kyle Evans, Co-cre-
ator of Partners in Rhyme;
and Jeff Friday, Founder &
CEO, ABFF Ventures. This
panel was followed by IG Live
Takeover with MC Lyte.
The main attraction of open-
ing night was the 23rd annual
HBO Short Film Competition,
the most prestigious of its kind
for emerging writers and direc-
tors. Hosted by Bevy Smith,
Bevelations, SiriusXM, the
five films competing for the
2020 HBO Short Film Award:
A Rodeo Film, Director/Writer:
Darius Dawson; A Storybook
Ending, Director/Writer: Lanre Legendary White Partygoers ABFF Producers Nicole & Jeff Friday
Theater talk

By Audrey J. Bernard

MCC Theater adds more performers

and presenters to Miscast20 showcase
BEACON, August 27 – September 2, 2020

M CC Theater (Bob
LuPone, Ber-
n i e Te l s e y, Wi l l
Cantler, Artistic Directors;
Blake West, Executive Direc-
partnerships that serve New
York City public high school
students, as well as MCC’s lit-
erary development work with
emerging playwrights.
driven by a mission to provoke
conversations that have never
happened and otherwise never
would. Founded in 1986 as
a collective of artists leading
tor) recently announced addi- This year Miscast20 will peer-based classes to support
tional performers and present- also support The Mental their own development as
ers for their annual gala, Mis- Health Coalition (MHC), actors, writers and directors,
cast20, which will take place who will receive 10% of the tenets of collaboration,
on MCC Theater’s YouTube funds raised during the broad- education, and community are
Channel on Sunday, Septem- cast. MHC is a new initiative at the core of MCC Theater’s
ber 13, 2020, at 8PM ET. focused on destigmatizing programming. One of the
Will Van Dyke (Little Shop of mental health experiences that only theaters in the country
Horrors, Pretty Woman) serves was founded by social activist led continuously by its found-
as Musical Supervisor. and fashion designer Kenneth ers, Artistic Directors Bob
  Added to the stellar list of Cole. For more information LuPone, Bernie Telsey, and
performers for Miscast20 are visit The Will Cantler, MCC fulfills its
Tony Award winner Norbert press representative is Liz mission through the produc-
Leo Butz (MCC’s Fifty Words, Lombardi, Publicist, Matt tion of world, American, and
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels), Ross Public Relations. (Photos New York premiere plays and
Tony Award nominee Robert courtesy MRPR) musicals that challenge artists
Fairchild (An American in and audiences to confront con-
Paris, Cats), Emmy Award About The Mental temporary personal and social
nominee  Ingrid Michael- Health Coalition issues, and robust playwright
son (The Great Comet), Tony The Coalition is comprised of development and education
Award winner Leslie Odom the most respected mental initiatives that foster the next
Jr. (Hamilton, Harriet), Isaac health service providers in the generation of theater artists
Powell (West Side Story, Once country along with leading and students.
on This Island), and Tony Leslie Odom Jr. academics as well as influ- MCC Theater’s celebrat-
Award nominee Lauren Rid- ential creative and media or- ed productions include Azi-
loff (Children of a Lesser God, Award winner Heather Head- never be cast. This year, for the ganizations.  The launch was za Barnes’ BLKS;  Jocelyn
“The Walking Dead”). ley (Aida, The Lion King), first time ever, Miscast will introduced with an innovative Bioh’s School Girls; Or, the
Additional presenters for Tony Award nominee Josh- go entirely digital, inviting in and digital storytelling plat- African Mean Girls Play; Pe-
the evening will include so- u a H e n r y   ( M C C ’s   T h e theater fans everywhere. The form called, “How Are You, nelope Skinner’s The Village
cial activist and fashion de- Wrong Man, Carousel), two- free, 90-minute broadcast will Really?” (www.howareyoure- Bike; Robert Askins’ Hand to
signer Kenneth Cole, Emmy time Emmy and two-time be captioned, and will feature, a safe space to share God (Broadway transfer; five
Award winner Julianna Mar- Tony Award winner Judith all new performances, special uplifting stories that embraces 2015 Tony Award nominations
gulies (“The Good Wife”), Pip- Light (MCC’s All The Ways guests, and more. all mental health experiences. including Best Play); John Pol-
er Perabo (MCC’s Lost Girls, To Say I Love You, “The Pol- Miscast20 will feature a Through storytelling ‘How lono’s Small Engine Repair;
“Covert Affairs”), and Tony itician”), Tony Award nom- free raffle to win a table for Are You, Really?’ is able to Paul Downs Colaizzo’s Real-
Award nominee Thomas Sa- inee  Rob McClure (Mrs. 10 front and center at Mis- teach and inspire others and ly Really; Sharr White’s The
doski (“Tommy,” “Life in Doubtfire, Beetlejuice), Ni- cast 21 and a toast with the open-up conversations around Other Place (Broadway trans-
Pieces”). A final casting an- colette Robinson (Waitress, performers onstage after the mental health. MHC believes fer); Jeff Talbott’s The Sub-
nouncement will be made in Invisible Thread), Tony Award show. Auction items available that together they can help in- mission (Laurents/Hatcher
the coming weeks. nominee Phillipa Soo (Hamil- for online bidding this year crease the conversation around Award); Neil LaBute’s reasons
They join the previously ton, Amélie), and Tony Award include an hour-long Mentor mental health, end silence, re- to be pretty (Broadway trans-
announced roster including nominee  Adrienne War- Session with multi-platinum duce stigma, and engage their fer, three 2009 Tony Award
Lucille Lortel and Outer Crit- ren (Tina: The Tina Turner songwriter Ross Golan, cre- community to inspire hope nominations, including Best
ics Circle Award winner Joc- Musical, Shuffle Along). ator of MCC’s The Wrong at this essential moment. For Play), Some Girl(s), Fat Pig,
elyn Bioh (MCC’s  School Miscast, MCC Theater’s Man. Raffle entry and bids more information, visit www. The Mercy Seat, and All The
Girls; Or, the African Mean annual gala celebration, is one can be placed here: https://one. TheMentalHealthCoalition. Ways To Say I Love You; Mi-
Girls Play),  Tony Award of the most anticipated and org.  chael Weller’s Fifty Words;
nominee  Raúl Espar- exciting theater events in New Funds raised from Mis- Alexi Kaye Campbell’s The
za (MCC’s Seared, Com- York each year, where the big- cast20 help MCC Theater About MCC Theater Pride; Bryony Lavery’s Fro-
pany), Golden Globe nomi- gest stars of stage and screen produce exciting new work MCC Theater is one of New zen (Broadway transfer; four
nee Beanie Feldstein (Hel- take the stage to sing songs Off-Broadway and support its York’s leading nonprofit 2004 Tony Award nominations
lo, Dolly!, Booksmart), Tony from roles in which they would Youth Company and in-school Off-Broadway companies, including Best Play, Tony
Award for Best Featured Actor);
Tim Blake Nelson’s The Grey
Zone; Rebecca Gilman’s The
Glory of Living (2002 Pulitzer
Prize finalist); Margaret Ed-
son’s Wit (1999 Pulitzer Prize);
and the musicals Coraline,
Carrie, and Ride the Cyclone. 
Many plays developed and
produced by MCC have gone
on to productions throughout
the country and around the
Blake West joined the com-
pany in 2006 as Executive Di-
rector. MCC opened the doors
to its new home in Manhattan’s
Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood,
The Robert W. Wilson MCC
Theater Space, on January 9,
2019, unifying the company’s
activities under one roof for
the first time and expanding its
producing, artist development,
Norbert Leo Butz Lauren Ridloff Isaac Powell and education programming.

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Nets swept by Toronto Boston and Miami sweep

Doncic Stuns Clippers
By Shara Taylor

A n untraditional and ex-

tended basketball year
BEACON, August 27 – September 2, 2020

came to an end for the By Andrew Rosario

Brooklyn Nets last Sunday
evening in Orlando. he Brooklyn Nets were
Despite challenges the Nets not the only team to get
made a successful run to the swept in the first round
playoffs, but were stopped and of the Eastern Conference
swept by the 2019 NBA Cham- playoffs. They were joined by
pions. The Nets culminated a the Philadelphia 76ers who
season unlike any other with were swept by the Boston
a 150-122 loss to the Toronto Celtics and the Indiana Pacers
Raptor in game 4 round 1 of Vaughn's Future up in the Air who were swept by the Miami
the NBA playoffs. Photo: Special to the NY Heat. It cost Sixers head coach
Brooklyn finished their de- Beacon Brett Brown his job as he was
layed regular season strong in fired the day after they were
Orlando Florida as a result of playing in Orlando due to the sent home ending his seven
COVID-19. The NBA season pandemic. Yet players like years running the team. Un-
was suspended March 11th due Caris LeVert, Joe Harris, and der his tutelage, Brown had
to the pandemic and resumed Jarrett Allen stepped up to lead Luka Star is Rising
in an eight seeding game series the team. Photo: Special to the NY Beacon
July 30th. The Nets successful- Caris LeVert, Tyler John-
ly pushed passed leading teams son, Timothe Luwawu, Garrett guided them to the playoffs Jay Wright and ex-Cleveland
like the Los Angeles Clippers Temple, and Jarrett Allen start- the last three years. Last year Cavalier head coach Tyron
and Milwaukee Bucks and ed Sunday’s game. The Nets in the Eastern Conference Lue will be considered for the
secured the 7th spot in the announced last week that Har- semifinals, they would lose job. Miami took out Indiana
Eastern Conference without ris left the NBA campus due game 7 as Kawhi Leonard hit Monday night 99-87 and are
the help of key players. Kev- to a personal matter. LeVert the game winning shot at the waiting for the outcome of the
in Durant, recovered from scored 26 points in the first buzzer as Toronto went on to Milwaukee/Orlando series.
Achilles tendon surgery this half of the game on Sunday. It win the NBA Championship. The Bucks took a 3-1 series
season and Kyrie Irving, who was a career-high for first-half Coming into the playoffs this lead and could have ended the
had shoulder surgery in March points for him. year, they were without Ben series yesterday. Miami's Jim-
sat out, while key players Allen won the tip to start Brown Fired After Sweep Simmons who underwent knee my Butler has been battling a
like Spencer Dinwiddie and Photo: Special to the NY surgery. A big blow to the
DeAndre Jordan opted out of Continued on page 10 Beacon team. College basketball coach Continued on page 10

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