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the New York “Arming Black Millennials

With Information"

“Arming Black Millennials with Information" 75 Cents
Vol. 27 No. 31 August 6 – August 12, 2020 website:


At the restart of the NBA season, the NBA makes a major statement
about social justice, racial equality and the right to peacefully protest, as
players, coach and staff all took a knee for the National Anthem, page 3
2 Calls grow for Republican Is the Postal Service slowing mail
Alabama State Rep to resign
after celebrating the birthday delivery?
By Stacy M. Brown,
of KKK leader NNPA Newswire Senior

labama State Rep. Will
Dismukes (R-Pratt-
ville) recently posted on
A lready frustrated with
late, delayed or lost
Residents who depend on
the U.S. Postal Service can
Facebook that he had a “great expect even more frustration.
BEACON, August 6 – August 12, 2020

time” celebrating the birthday As first reported by the As-

of Confederate General and sociated Press, mail deliveries
Ku Klux Klan leader Nathan could be delayed by a day or Rep. Val Demings (D-Fla.) told
Bedford Forrest. more under cost-cutting efforts BlackPressUSA that Congress
According to AL, the Al- being imposed by the new had approved new funding for
abama Democratic Party has postmaster general. the U.S. Postal Service and
called on Dismukes to resign “The plan eliminates over- hoped to do more.
from office. This is the second time for hundreds of thousands Congress authorized a $10
time the party has called on of postal workers and says em- billion loan to the postal ser-
Dismukes to resign, the first ployees must adopt a different vice as part of a coronavirus
being in late June when Dis- mindset to ensure the Postal relief package. Still, Treasury
mukes advocated for the state Service’s survival during the Secretary Steven Mnuchin
to continue funding the Con- coronavirus pandemic,” The steadfastly has refused to hand
federate Memorial Park. Dis- And a founder of the Klan. The Associated Press reported, over the money until the USPS
mukes is a chaplain for the Alabama Democratic Party citing a confidential memo cir- turns over much of its opera- opposition to mail-in voting.
Prattville Dragoons, a chapter renews our call for Dismukes culated throughout the postal tions to him. Additionally, many said the
of the Sons of the Confederacy, to resign. It’s 2020 and it’s time service. Reports of significant prob- slowdown impacts minorities
and gave the invocation for for racial extremists like Will Late trips will no longer be lems at the postal service under more than anyone else.
the event, held at Fort Dixie Dismukes to go away,” Perry authorized. If postal distribu- newly appointed postmaster “As a small business owner
in Selma, Ala. A picture post- said in a statement. tion centers are running late, general, Louis DeJoy, a major who utilizes USPS to ship many
ed by Dismukes shows him Alabama Republican Party “they will keep the mail for Trump donor, has exacerbated of our products to customers,
standing behind a podium with Chairwoman Terry Lathan the next day,” Postal Service claims that the slowdown is this will significantly affect us,”
a Confederate flag and portrait has said that it should be up leaders wrote in a document. intentional. Calvin Harris, the founder and
of Forrest behind him. to the voters to decide what “One aspect of these chang- “The Week,” an online pub- managing director of Reveille
  Alabama Democratic Par- happens to Dismukes while es that may be difficult for em- lication, called it “yet another Trading Company, a coffee
ty Executive Director Wade also condemning the post. “It ployees is that — temporarily example of how Trump’s au- importing operation that offers
Perry has labeled Dismukes is one thing to honor one’s — we may see mail left behind thoritarian rot is dissolving the specialty coffee and single-ori-
an “extremist” that is “unfit to Southern heritage, however, or mail on the workroom floor American state – and raising gin by partnering directly with
hold office” as a result of the it is completely another issue or docks,” another document the possibility of interference farms around the world.
incident, AL notes. “Will Dis- to specifically commemorate says, the AP reported. with the 2020 election.”
mukes has demonstrated yet the leader of an organization In a livestream interview, Trump has voiced strong Continued on page 4
again why he is unfit to hold with an indisputable history
public office. Americans don’t of unconscionable actions
celebrate racists or traitors. Na-
than Bedford Forrest was both.
and atrocities toward Afri-
can-Americans,” Lathan said. Obama unleashes on Trump
privately as he raises $24M for Biden keeps him up at night these

days. He cited fears of voter
t fund-raising events suppression and an effort by
where he has pulled in Mr. Trump to question the
more than $24 million election’s legitimacy.
for Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s cam- Mr. Obama, who has care-
paign in the past two months, fully calibrated his public
former President Barack statements since leaving office
Obama has privately unleashed to avoid being pulled into one-
on President Trump to party on-one combat with a current
donors, bringing up past ac- president looking for a foil,
cusations of Mr. Trump’s “as- is considerably more caustic
saulting women” and warning when the cameras are off,
of his efforts to push “nativist, according to people who have
Cedric Richmond to William racist, sexist” fears and resent-
With less than 100 days un- tickets that ranged from $250
been on the calls and notes
made from recordings.
During his conversation
Barr: Keep John Lewis’ til the presidential election, Mr.
Obama has laid out the stakes
to as much as $250,000. (The
biggest donors got access to a
with Mr. Pritzker, Mr. Obama
spoke about how Mr. Trump
name out of your mouth of 2020 in forceful fashion.
He has urged support for Mr.
Biden, his former vice presi-
small “virtual clutch” with Mr.
   Donors who have paid
has a core base that “filters
out any contradictory infor-
mation.” mood for flimsy shows of dent, while worrying about the six-figure sums to see Mr. “It’s just glued to Fox News

bipartisan niceties. During the state of American democracy Obama on Zoom — he held and Breitbart and Limbaugh
n behalf of the hearing, they hammered Barr itself, even making an oblique two other, more intimate, con- and just this conservative echo
Department of Jus- on issues of racial justice and reference to Nazi Germany, versations for donors with chamber — and so, they’re
tice, I want to pay his willingness to politicize the according to notes made from Reid Hoffman, the founder of going to turn out to vote,” Mr.
my respects to your colleague Department of Justice to ben- recordings of Mr. Obama’s re- LinkedIn and a major Demo- Obama said. “What he has un-
John Lewis, an indomitable efit President Donald Trump.  marks, donors and others who cratic donor, and J.B. Pritzker, leashed and what he continues
champion of civil rights and “When you all came here have been on the calls. the billionaire governor of to try to tap into is the fears and
the rule of law,” Barr said. and brought your top staff, you Even three years out of Illinois — have been privy to anger and resentment of people
Barr ― who later said that brought no Black people. That, office, Mr. Obama remains wide-ranging Q. and A. ses- who, in some cases, really
“violent rioters and anarchists” sir, is systematic racism,” Rep. one of the Democratic Par- sions about the state of politics are having a tough time and
had “hijacked” protests ― also Cedric Richmond (D-La.) said. ty’s biggest draws for giant and unvarnished analysis from have seen their prospects, or
emphasized Lewis’ “unwav- “You really should keep the contributors and small donors the former president. communities where they left,
ering commitment to nonvi- name of the Honorable John alike. A virtual conversation On Tuesday evening, during declining. And Trump tries
olence.” Lewis out of the Department on Tuesday with the actor the event with Mr. Clooney, to tap into that and redirect in
   Democrats were in no of Justice’s mouth.” George Clooney sold out of Mr. Obama was asked what nativist, racist, sexist ways.”

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LeBron James and other players kneel Obama calls filibuster ‘Jim 3

for National Anthem to make a statement Crow relic,’ backs new Voting
Rights Act
about racism as NBA season resumes


ormer President Barack
he NBA has official- Obama called the Sen-
ly started again af- ate filibuster rule a “Jim
ter being suspended in Crow Relic” and said it should
March as the COVID-19 pan- end, especially if that’s what’s
demic erupted, and it began with needed to pass legislation re-

BEACON, August 6 – August 12, 2020

a major statement about social storing a key provision of the
justice, racial equality and the Voting Rights Act.
right to peacefully protest. According to The Hill,
The Los Angeles Lakers Obama made the remarks election less than 100 days
faced the Los Angeles Clip- during his eulogy for civil away. If Democrats win the
pers on Thursday, July 30, in rights legend John Lewis (D- Senate and the White House,
Orlando’s Walt Disney World GA) who died at the age of they could get rid of the fil-
Resort, and all players, coach 80, earlier this month. The pro- ibuster to push high-priority
and staff knelt for the national (Photo: Mike Ehrmann / Getty Sports Images via Getty Images) vision, which is named after legislation into law.
anthem, which was performed Lewis, would make it harder Democratic Nominee Joe
by musician and activist Jon before tipoff. star LeBron James spoke for states to enact racially sus- Biden said he might support
Batiste. Some of the players Nationwide protests sparked about kneeling directly after pect voting restrictions. eliminating the filibuster if
locked arms, others put their after George Floyd died at the the game and said basketball “Once we pass the John Senate Republicans were to
hands around each other’s hands of a Minneapolis police is far more than just a sport or Lewis Voting Rights Act, adopt a hard-line stance on
soldiers and some raised a fist. officer in May. Some NBA form of entertainment. we should keep march- opposing proposals from a
LeBron James and other players joined those marches, “The game of basketball ing,” Obama said Thursday. Democratic majority.
NBA players protested racism while others have supported has always been bigger than “And if all this takes eliminat- The Lewis voting rights
by kneeling for the national them on social media. just a ball and a rim and 10 ing the filibuster—another Jim measure is a response to the
anthem before a game. When the NBA announced guys on the floor, four refer- Crow relic—in order to secure Supreme Court’s 2013 deci-
The kneeling, done to make in June that play would resume ees,” he explained. “We used the God-given rights of every sion in Shelby County v. Hold-
a statement about racial in- in Florida, some players voiced this platform to spread a lot of American, then that’s what we er. A 5-4 ruling struck down
equality, took place behind concern that playing would positive, a lot of love through- should do.” Section 5 of the 1965 Voting
large letters that read Black take away attention from the out the course of the whole   Obama’s support for elim- Rights Act. The provision
Lives Matter, and all players current fight for racial equality. world.” inating the Senate filibuster,  a required states with a recent
wore Black Lives Matter shirts. Perhaps starting both games on Kneeling for the national procedural tactic that requires history of racism at the ballot
In Thursday’s previous Thursday by kneeling was the anthem to protest racism and 60 votes for legislation to pro- box to get federal approval,
game featuring the Utah Jazz players’ way of showing that police brutality was started by ceed, could spark intense polit- known as pre-clearance, before
and New Orleans Pelicans, social justice comes before Colin Kaepernick, who began ical debate with the upcoming changing their voting laws.
both teams, their coaches and basketball. doing it in 2016 while playing
staff protested in the same way Los Angeles Lakers for the San Francisco 49ers.
With 150,000 dead, polls in free
Push back by republicans after Trump fall, Trump seeks a culture war
floats idea of delaying elections By Lauren Victoria
Burke, NNPA Newswire
ly-tinged campaign unlike any-
thing we have seen before, like
George Wallace,” said Stuart

Stevens of The Lincoln Project
By Lauren Victoria Burke, NNPA ith less than 100 on July 26 during a television
Newswire Contributor days left until Elec- appearance.

tion Day, President “He’s always over promised
ith polls tanking and prognosticators Donald Trump has increased and under-delivered. That’s
openly stating President Trump is like- his references to uncertainty what he’s done his entire life,”
ly to lose to former Vice President Joe around the election results. Stevens added on July 26.
Biden on November 3rd, the President floated Trump responded, “I have Trump’s poll numbers in-
the idea delaying the November 3rd election. to see” after journalist Chris dicate he will have an uphill
Trump’s suggestion lines up with several Wallace asked him if he would battle defeating Joe Biden. In
other comments he has made undermining the respect the results of the 2020 2016, Hillary Clinton lost the
legitimacy of mail-in ballots. Massive job less election. Trump has disparaged electoral college but won the
since March due to the COVID-19 pandemic, mail-in voting at a time when popular vote over Trump by
which the Trump White House has offered it looks as if in person voting 2.8 million votes. Trump’s poll
no sustained plan to confront, has led to a re- may not be possible because of numbers in vital battleground
cord-breaking 9 percent loss in gross national COVID-19. states are in freefall and he
product. “If Trump does try to hang continues to ratchet up conflict
Over 150,000 Americans have died during on to a presidency he’s lost. in the U.S. in what appears to
the COVID-19 pandemic. Infection numbers However, he can’t actually be an attempt to drive bring out
continue to spike in many states. No compre- do very much all by himself. Republican base voters.
hensive federal plan for testing, treatment and Senator Chuck Grassley Running the executive branch A Fox News poll from
funding has been put in place by the Trump requires help. Thankfully, July 23 showed Biden was
Administration. Trump’s suggestion regarding and other indicators leading many to believe there are laws that stop others ahead of Trump in Michigan
delaying the November 3 election arrives after Trump is staring into an electoral college and from using the authorities of 49% – 40%, in Pennsylvania
more evidence. massive popular vote loss. Many fear he may the executive branch on be- 50% to 39% and in Minnesota
“Never in the history of the country, through not recognize the legitimacy of the election half of anyone other than the 51% to 38%. On July 26, with
wars, depressions and the Civil War, have we but few have a specific answer regarding who legitimate president,” read an 100 days until the election,
ever not had a federally-scheduled election will enforce his departure if he loses which is article in the Minneapolis Star President Trump was behind in
on time. We’ll find a way to do that again this followed by a formal change of power at noon Tribune.
November 3rd,” Republican Senate Majority on January 20, 2001. “He’s gonna run a racial- Continued on page 4
Leader Mitch McConnell during an interview “It has become increasingly clear, at least to
with WNKY. me, that the majority of Republicans in Con-
“I think that’s probably a statement that gets gress and in the White House are an existential
some press attention, but I doubt it gets any se- threat to this Republic,” wrote Princeton pro-
rious traction. I think we’ve had elections every fessor Eddie Glaude on July 30.
November since about 1788, and I expect that “Over the past 20 years there’s been .00006%
will be the case again this year,” Thune said. cases of fraud in all mail-in ballots cast in pres-
Early on July 30, Trump tweeted, “With idential elections. Trump wants to delay the
Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, election because he knows he has a .00006%
which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCU- chance of winning,” wrote Ron Perlman on
RATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history. social media.
It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. “The inability to imagine Donald Trump has
Delay the Election until people can properly, always been one of Trump’s greatest strengths,”
securely and safely vote???” said Republican strategist Stuart Stevens who is
What has been less inaccurate are polls part of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project.
4 Ghislaine Maxwell trained underage
girls as sex slaves, documents allege

G hislaine Maxwell sex-
ually abused underage
girls and joined Jeffrey
Epstein in directing Virginia
Roberts Giuffre to be sexual-
ly abused by others, Giuffre
Hondurans demand safe claimed in a cache of docu-
ments that has been unsealed
return of four abducted
BEACON, August 6 – August 12, 2020

in the US.
She “trained me as a sex
slave”, Giuffre is quoted as
Afro-indigenous saying.
The documents were part
environmental activists of now-settled civil litigation
against the British socialite
and include claims about her munities. Local leaders said alleged involvement in the

the kidnappings illustrate the sex-trafficking scheme of Ep-
Honduran community government’s lack of concern stein, her longtime confidant
is outraged over the for the Garifuna community. and a convicted sex offender. Virginia Roberts Giuffre (centre) holds a press conference in
abduction of four Black According to The Bay State The documents stem from August 2019. Photograph: Bebeto Matthews/AP
Indigenous men who were Banner, for decades, large a 2015 civil action brought
taken from their homes by mining companies and other against Maxwell by Giuf- (centre) holds a press confer- answered.
gunmen in police uniforms. businesses have disrupted the fre, who has claimed Maxwell ence in August 2019. Photo- Shortly after saying Ep-
According to The Guardian, Garifuna community by in- lured her into Epstein’s orbit as graph: Bebeto Matthews/AP stein’s US Virgin Islands estate
witnesses say men with guns timidating, threatening and a teenager under the guise of Maxwell and all of the ac- was “a place where orgies
wearing face coverings arrived even killing activists who offering work as a masseuse. cused men have long denied were a constant thing that
in the town of Triunfo de la have tried to stop their land She said the couple sub- those allegations. took place”, Giuffre said she
Cruz in the early morning of projects. Since President Man- sequently pressured her into The files include personal “had to” perform oral sex on
July 19 in three different vehi- uel Zelaya was overthrown having sex with numerous emails between Epstein and Maxwell, in Epstein’s presence
cles. The gunmen went into the in 2009, activists say corpo- rich or notable men, including Maxwell, as well as informa- by the pool.
homes of the men and forced rations and drug cartels alike Prince Andrew, US politicians, tion from a discussion between When asked whom Max-
each of them out before fleeing have increased their activity wealthy entrepreneurs, a fa- Giuffre and her lawyer. well directed her to have sex
the scene. None of the vehicles and intimidation. mous scientist and a fashion “‘It is your contention that with, Giuffre said: “I’m going
carried license plates. On July 21, protesters were designer. ‘Ghislaine Maxwell had sex to continue to tell you that
The four men captured are seen gathering in Tegucigal- Maxwell and all of the ac- with underage girls virtually they both directed me to do
fishermen from the Afro-In- pa, Honduras, to demand the cused men have long denied every day when I was around it. It was part of my training.
digenous Garifuna communi- men’s safe return in video those allegations. her’, correct?” Giuffre was They both told me: ‘You’ve
ty. The Garifuna people, also captured by Al Jazeera. The files include personal asked during a May 2016 got tickets to go here. This is
called the Garinagu, are the “We have been demanding emails between Epstein and deposition contained in this who you’re meeting, and this
descendants of Afro-Indige- that the Honduran state respect Maxwell, as well as informa- document cache. is what you’re doing.’
nous people from the island of Black people in Honduras,” tion from a discussion between “Yes.” “I’m trying to tell you that
St. Vincent who were exiled in one protester said. Giuffre and her lawyer. “All right. With whom did they both did, Ghislaine and
the 18th century and migrated Local leaders believe “‘It is your contention that Ghislaine Maxwell have sex Jeffrey both directed me. They
to Belize, according to the the environmental activists ‘Ghislaine Maxwell had sex in your presence?” she was both paid me and they both di-
Minority Rights Group. were targeted by the gov- with underage girls virtually asked. rected me,” Giuffre said when
The abducted men have ernment. Al Jazeera pointed every day when I was around “Well, there’s a lot of girls pressed.
been described as “land de- out that in 2017, Honduras her’, correct?” Giuffre was that were involved. We weren’t “You have to understand
fenders” by Democracy Now, was named one of the most asked during a May 2016 on a first-name basis with each that Jeffrey and Ghislaine are
or a group of people who dangerous countries for envi- deposition contained in this other. I wouldn’t be able to joined hip by [the] hip, OK?
speak up on environmental ronmental activists by Global document cache. give you lists of names of girls. So they both trafficked me.
issues on behalf of their com- Witness. Virginia Roberts Giuffre It was continuous,” Giuffre Ghislaine brought me in for
the purpose of being trafficked.

Is the Postal Service slowing

Jeffrey was just as a part of it
as she was. She was just as a
part of it as he was,” Giuffre
mail delivery? said. “They trafficked me to
many people. And to be honest,
there is people I could name,
From page 2 Elizabeth Weatherby, who and then there’s people that are
works for the integrated mar- just a blur. There was so much
“It is my opinion that it will keting development company, happening.
disproportionately harm mi- Youtech, recanted a recent “Ghislaine Maxwell
nority businesses. Black-owned move across the country from brought me into the sex-traf-
businesses often have harder Massachusetts to Arizona. ficking industry. She’s the one
times securing financing, and She said she sent her secu- who abused me on a regular
we generally secure financing at rity deposit overnight via the basis. She’s the one that pro-
higher rates than white-owned post office and expected it to cured me, told me what to
companies,” Harris opined. arrive long before her week- do, trained me as a sex slave,
“This means that we run long journey. abused me physically, abused
on tighter margins, so many “By the time I had arrived me mentally,” Giuffre also
businesses will be forced to in Arizona, the check was still said.
either have slower shipping not delivered to my housing
or decrease our already small management company. What’s
margins if possible, to offer
faster shipping.”
Harris added that USPS pri-
even more strange is that when
I called USPS, no matter what
number, what office, what lo-
With 150,000 dead, polls in free fall,
ority mail had enabled his com-
pany to offer free shipping on
all orders. He noted that UPS
cation, I could not get through
to anyone,” Weatherby stated.
“I was waiting on hold
Trump seeks a culture war
and FedEx are more expensive forever and couldn’t even
options and are much slower. speak with a representative. From page 3 ly creating an environment of Lauren Victoria Burke is
“For many minority busi- In-person, I had to go to every hostility and suspicion around an independent journalist for
nesses, we have to compete single post office in my new CNN’s polls conducted in Ar- the coming election.  States NNPA and the host of the
with much larger companies, town to track down my check. izona, Florida and Michigan. are now grappling with the podcast BURKEFILE. She
and we need every advantage I am lucky my housing man- In a tumultuous year dom- question of in-person voting is also a political strategist
that we can get. If I can at least agement still let me move in. inated by a deadly pandemic vs. mail in ballots. Recent as Principal of Win Digi-
offer free shipping, then it’s I definitely think this could be that has taken the lives of over primary day controversies in tal Media LLC. She may be
one less customer objection due to the Trump Administra- 150,000 people and created Georgia and Kentucky have contacted at LBurke007@
that we have to overcome,” tion slowing down the ability massive job loss and econom- alarmed voting rights advo- and on twitter at @
Harris said. to vote by mail.” ic uncertainty, Trump is slow- cates. LVBurke
BEACON, August 6 – August 12, 2020

One more reason to vote

as an Associate Justice, Mitch Act.  In her dissent, she wrote:
McConnell would attempt to “The sad irony of today’s
push a Supreme Court nominee decision lies in its utter fail-
through Senate confirmation ure to grasp why the [Voting
with mercurial speed. Rights Act] has proven effec-
BEACON, August 6 – August 12, 2020

Justice Ginsberg has prov- tive Throwing out preclear-

en herself to be a woman of ance when it has worked and
character, strength, integrity is continuing to work to stop
and endurance.  Her judicial discriminatory changes is like
decisions have identified her throwing away your umbrella
as a champion of the people in a rainstorm because you are
and a staunch proponent of not getting wet.”
real justice.  “The Notorious With the 2020 election and
R.B.G.,” has been a force for the prospect of a new adminis- though we specifically vote for or as their chief.  In reflection,
equal rights and justice for tration in 2021, the health and president and vice-president we have generously paid three
decades – long before her well-being of Justice Gins- in a national election, our consecutive press secretaries to
confirmation to the Supreme berg looms large.  Notably, vote for them means so much lie to us whenever and how-
Court.  I can only assume that she is one-fourth of the Lib- more.  This is demonstrated ever ‘the boss’ determined it
her commitment to women’s eral Wing of the Supreme by the election of #45, and his necessary. And they aren’t the
By Dr. E. Faye rights, civil rights and rights Court.  She’s reliable in her supporting cast in the Senate. only ones!
Williams(TriceEdneyWire. for the LGBQT community is support for liberal positions Many, even his niece, Mary We should not need a rea-
com) —  based upon her experiences as of juris prudence.  Her deci- Trump, have labeled #45 a son to vote beyond our civ-

a victim of discrimination.  For sions have always been based virulent racist, but he’s not ic responsibility; but, with
y the time you read this, it all citizens of conscience, the upon protections and greater the only one in the White #45’s lies and self-promo-
will no longer be Break- news of the recidivism of her inclusiveness for individuals House.  Stephen Miller, the tion, his mis-management of
ing News that one of the cancer should be met with without regard to race, gender identified architect of the Mus- COVID-19, the growth and his
cancers which has plagued deep regret and, especially or gender identification.  Cur- lim Ban and Family Separa- promotion of racial injustice,
Supreme Court Justice, Ruth for political progressives, pro- rent administration and Senate tion/Border Detention has been and, now, the potential for
Bader Ginsberg, has returned. vides one more reason to vote dispositions guarantee that any identified as a racist in the ilk molding the Supreme Court in
Thankfully, she has declared against #45! replacement for her would hold of his president. his malignant image, we must
her intention to remain on The Justice Ginsberg’s deci- a judicial philosophy that was Over twenty-thousand vote.  Voting must be a person-
Court and, prayerfully, her sions and declarations from diametrically opposed to hers times, #45 has been a docu- al and collective imperative!
longevity will extend well-be- the bench have commonly and would work to reverse mented liar. I have watched (Dr. E. Faye Williams is
yond the January 2021 Pres- met the test of practicality and many of the hard-won civil innumerable cabinet members President of the National Con-
idential Inauguration.  I have good judgment.  For me, her rights gains of the past fif- and members of the executive gress of Black Women.  She’s
no doubt that if, before then, most notable quote referenced ty-years. staff, who serve on the inside also host of “Wake Up and Stay
she should no longer be able SCOTUS’ 2013 dissolution of Understanding this gives us of the administration’s revolv- Woke” on WPFW-FM-89.3
to fulfill her responsibilities Section 5 of the Voting Rights one more reason to vote.  Al- ing door, lie with the same vig- FM.) 

Without accountability, there is no true reform

Guest editorial ity. It would establish a com- non-existent. The need for in-
By Mark A. Wilson mission to monitor policing dependent commission boards
–opinion— and designate the commission is more prevalent than ever

to hire police commissioners if we are to truly reform the
olice reform legislation instead of the Mayor.  policing in this country.
has been passed in a num- While these are steps that NYPD commissioner, Der-
ber of states, but none get are worth examining, the board mot F. Shea, comments on the
to the heart of the issue. Bills would be worthless absent anti-police backlash but refuses
introduced in Houston and clear guidelines that enforce to acknowledge the existence of
New York City ban the use of accountability. A commission police misconduct, especially
chokeholds. Other proposals should have enough power to as it pertains to the NYPD.
would strip law enforcement administer true consequences President Donald Trump be-
agencies of qualified immunity, for police misconduct.  lieves the recent police legis-
and even going as far to defund Moreover, a civilian board lation will only weaken law
police departments.  Paige Pfleger/WOSU will only be effective based on enforcement nationwide. As
As a counterargument to its makeup. This means con- Congress looks to push federal
defunding the police, I would lice misconduct is directly any of the complaints levied structing a commission com- police reform legislation, the
suggest using designated police addressed and corrective ac- against Derek Chauvin?  prised of both law enforcement president accused Democrats of
budgets to settle any miscon- tion is taken. Since the world The answer to these ques- and civilians. Such a makeup wanting to “weaken our police”
duct or wrongful death suits. witnessed a police officer tions is resoundingly simple: will lend balance when examin- and “take away immunity.”
Instead of doubling down on tortuously press his knee into There is no accountability. And ing misconduct issues brought Mayor Bill De Blasio respond-
taxpayers, settlements should George Floyd’s neck, there has this holds true not only for Der- before the commission.  ed to Attorney General Letitia
come directly from police de- been a flood of stories about ek Chauvin but for many police Police departments are James commission proposal,
partment budgets. I would bet police misconduct. Unsurpris- officers throughout the country.  clearly not suited to police “when you create any kind of
this action would curve miscon- ingly, a fair amount of cases Police misconduct has been themselves. The NYPD, which commission, when you create
duct and inspire more efficient involve police officers with an issue in this country for is the nation’s largest police diffusion of responsibility,
and constitutional policing in prior records of mistreatment years. And as illustrated by the force, has faced little to no things don’t work.” 
this country. More efficient and excessive use of force. protests in recent weeks that consequences for police mis- Commissioner Dermot,
policing will benefit all Ameri- Derek Chauvin, a former Min- have gripped the nation, police conduct issues.  President Trump, and Mayor
cans, and in this sense, all lives neapolis police officer, had 18 misconduct disproportionately The widespread use of body De Blasio, represent the essence
will truly matter. prior complaints for miscon- impacts African Americans. cameras has reinforced the of why there is an ongoing
These legislation reform duct. Evidently, Mr. Chauvin’s However, police misconduct ineffectiveness of the cur- problem with police miscon-
bills only serve as a band aid. record of complaints didn’t goes beyond the African Amer- rent system. In many cases, duct…no accountability. Police
Banning chokeholds is all well alarm the Minneapolis police ican community as it affects the cameras have provided officers are able to hide behind
and good, but what happens department enough to take all races in this country. This clear evidence of inappropriate immunity, which diminishes
when police officers are found in action. Having faced no conse- is an issue where anyone’s police actions, and yet, that any effort to hold officers ac-
violation of using a chokehold? quence for any of the prior alle- civil liberties are at risk. There misconduct has resulted in no countable for misconduct. 
What are the consequences? gations, Mr. Chauvin remained will be no real police reform significant disciplinary action   Mark A. Wilson is cur-
More importantly, who will on active duty and eventually until police officers are held or termination.  rently a graduate student at
determine the outcomes? The re- took the life of George Floyd.  accountable for their actions.  Even when misconduct is the Columbia University SIPA
cent legislation reform bills fail Prior to this despicable New York Attorney General captured by civilians, as the program in New York. He lives
to answer any of these questions.  murder, where was the ac- Letitia James has proposed po- case with Eric Gardner, the in Harlem, is a NY resident,
  True police reform can countability? Was there a dis- lice reform legislation that sets wheels of justice as it relates and earned a BA degree from
only be achieved when po- ciplinary process to address a path for tackling accountabil- to the thin blue line culture, is Fairfield University. 
Florida’s youngest to die from 7

COVID-19 is a little Black girl

urinary tract infection and sent
home, according to the mom.
“We took her to the hospi-
tal, the children’s pediatric,”
Young-Holmes recalled, tell-
ing local new station WCJB
that Kimmie was not tested for
coronavirus while they were
at the hospital. “I thought they
would have jumped on that

BEACON, August 6 – August 12, 2020

when they saw her fever.”
   Young-Holmes said her
daughter was diagnosed with
coronavirus after her death. She
is the fifth minor in the state to
“Always Rejoice1”
die from COVID-19, accord-
ing to CNN. Local authorities
are still trying to determine
convention of Jehovah’s and funeral expenses, Kimmie
how the little girl may have
gotten infected and say she did Witnesses continues
was taken to hospital with a not have any underlying health
ealth officials in Florida
say that a 9-year-old
girl is the youngest
high fever about a week before
she died but was not tested for
COVID-19 at the time.
conditions that would make her
more susceptible.
Kimme’s death comes as
streaming platform
person in the state to die from From People: Florida’s Health Department By Stacy M. Brown, “Our worship is centered on
COVID-19. The young girl started feel- continues to record increases NNPA Newswire Senior our mutual love for our God
Kimora “Kimmie” Lynum ing ill on July 11 and was in the number of children Correspondent and for each other, irrespec-

from Gainesville died from brought to a local hospital there with COVID-19—at tive of where we are physi-
coronavirus complications days later, Young-Holmes last count, 31,000 have been or more than 100 years, cally,” said Robert Hendriks,
on July 17. According to a said. Though her daughter’s infected, and hospitalizations the annual convention U.S. spokesman for Jehovah’s
GoFundMe created by her temperature was 103 degrees, have increased by double digits of Jehovah’s Witnesses Witnesses. “This year’s con-
family to cover medical bills Kimmie was diagnosed with a in the past week. packed venues like the old Me- vention program underscores
morial Stadium in Baltimore, the unity of our international
Yankee Stadium in New York, family and the joy that people
and Qualcomm Stadium in San can have against a backdrop of
Reckoning with the feminist, Diego.
Because of the COVID-19
pandemic, the religious orga-
stress and despair.”
The conventions of Jeho-
vah’s Witnesses are usually
Eugenicist founder of Planned nization’s Governing Body
canceled the annual gatherings
and, for the first time, moved
held over three days – Friday
through Sunday, with a morn-
ing and afternoon session each
Parenthood the event to a virtual platform.
Congregations, families,
and guests can now view the
Witness officials said they
would release the program on convention titled, “Always their website in six install-

Rejoice!” during July and ments, each corresponding to a
argaret Sanger was August on the organization’s morning or afternoon session.
a walking contradic- website, Many congregations and fam-
tion. “The convention will con- ilies have already viewed the
The founder of the birth tinue to teach us that joy is first convention session, which
control movement spent her a quality of the heart. It is debuted July 11.
life arguing that women’s lib- something that we have inside The final weekend of the
eration was predicated on their even when things around us virtual event takes place Au-
ability to control their own maybe crumpling,” said Robert gust 29 and August 30.
reproduction. “No woman can Hendriks, U.S. spokesman for Hendriks noted that this
call herself free until she can Jehovah’s Witnesses. “This year’s program explores ques-
choose consciously whether she message for our community is tions that include, what con-
will or will not be a mother,” absolutely vital.” tributes to finding and sustain-
she wrote in 1919. At the same Hendriks added that the ing joy? How can you cultivate
time, she bought into the ide- two Christian principles that joy in the family? How can
ology of eugenics — the belief guided the Witnesses’ historic you remain joyful in difficult
that genetics could improve decision to cancel their annual times?
through selective breeding — convention are respect for the A key feature of the pro-
and supported sterilization of sanctity of life and love of gram is a Bible-based drama
those who were deemed unfit neighbor. that considers Nehemiah’s life
to reproduce. In other words, “As much as we long to and how he helped the ancient
she believed the choice to be a meet together, life is far too nation of Israel find joy in their
mother was reserved only for precious to put at risk,” Hen- worship of God.
those who were deemed worthy driks stated.  “Life trumps a Those interested in viewing
by society, a judgment inher- place, and a building. Life the convention can contact
ently shaped by her contempo- transcends our desire to meet their local congregation or
raries’ racism and prejudices together. Life is paramount access the program on www.
against people with disabilities. and we recognize that even if, available under the
   Sanger’s complicated leg- and advocacy for reproductive statues torn down, a football one life was taken because of “Library” tab.
acy and the long shadow it has health have been clearly doc- team change its racist name, a public meeting, that would There is no charge for view-
cast over Planned Parenthood, umented, but so too has her and NASCAR ban the Confed- be one life too many. We love ing the convention, sign-ups,
the organization she founded, racist legacy.” erate flag. Progressive heroes our brothers, and we love our or email addresses also aren’t
is now under the microscope. The national organization, with complicated pasts, like communities so when you required.
Last week, the greater New which supports PPGNY’s de- Sanger, have not been spared. think of carrying the virus, Each year many who are not
York chapter of Planned Par- cision, said it is also embarking Her groundbreaking work ulti- that is contrary to love of Jehovah’s Witnesses attend the
enthood (PPGNY) announced on a historical self-evaluation, mately ushered in reproductive neighbor. The principles that annual conventions, Hendriks
it was renaming a Manhattan examining Sanger’s place in its health for millions of women, move us to knock on doors said, adding that there are more
building that bears her name. origin story as part of a larger but her association with eu- and talk to our neighbors than 8.6 million active Jeho-
The removal of Sanger’s name reckoning around institutional genics has also shaped how about the gospel and to invite vah’s Witnesses worldwide.
“is both a necessary and over- racism at its health centers. Planned Parenthood serves people to our public gather- Yet, the 2019 conferences had
due step to reckon with our leg- The rejection of Sanger Black women today. ings, are the very principles a peak attendance of more than
acy and acknowledge Planned comes amid an electrified HuffPost spoke to scholars we used to stop the convention 14 million.
Parenthood’s contributions to movement for racial justice who have studied Sanger to and hold it virtually.” “With the program avail-
historical reproductive harm that has brought new scruti- understand how she went from In 2019, more than 14 mil- able online in hundreds of
within communities of color,” ny to once-revered historical promoting women’s reproduc- lion people in 240 lands attend- languages, this may be the
Karen Seltzer, board chair at figures, monuments and in- tive freedom to embracing an ed conventions of Jehovah’s most attended convention of
PPGNY, said in a statement. stitutions. In a short span, the ideology inextricably connect- Witnesses, including roughly Jehovah’s Witnesses to date,”
“Margaret Sanger’s concerns nation has witnessed scores of ed to racism. 2 million in the United States. Hendriks stated.

Should you volunteer for a

COVID-19 vaccine trial? Here’s
what you need to know.
BEACON, August 6 – August 12, 2020

W hat it’s like to be a

vaccine trial partic-
Before you get accepted as

Woman receives first

a volunteer for a vaccine trial,
you will get screened to ensure
you’re in good health. First up

known double-lung
is a brief phone screening, and
if you pass that, you’ll undergo
an in-person screening, which

transplant in the US
may include a physical. If you
get the green light (and some
will on the same day as the

after battling Covid-19

in-person screening, depend-
ing on the trial), you will have
blood drawn and receive the
first dose of the vaccine via an
(CNN) There was one option to injection, Kublin explained.

save her life: a double-lung Then, you go home and
ayra Ramirez says she transplant. record any symptoms or side
was careful about fol- “Without the transplant, effects (think: a rash, pain
lowing every health she would not have made it,” at the injection site, a slight
precaution she could before the Dr. Ankit Bharat, the chief of fever). This goes on for a few
day she was admitted to a Chi- Thoracic Surgery at North- weeks, at which point you go subsequent appointment was “We’re paying an immense
cago hospital with coronavirus western Medicine in Chicago, back to the trial site for a quick only a half-hour long. amount of attention and effort
symptoms. adding Ramirez had multiple health exam, have some more After both injections, Rubin to ensure that participants in
The 28-year-old arrived at complications linked to the blood drawn and receive the developed mild flu-like symp- these clinical trials who do
the Northwestern Memorial virus. second dose, which boosts the toms — a slight fever, some get infected are monitored as
Hospital’s emergency room on The fact that she was vaccine’s effect. You continue aches and pains. closely as possible,” Kublin
April 26 and within minutes young and had otherwise been tracking your symptoms for a “Prepare yourself to feel said.
— giving her barely enough healthy, he says, made her a few more weeks. not 100% for a day, for 24 But keep this in mind: The
time to call her family — her good candidate for the rare After that, unless you have hours,” said Rubin, adding that vaccines themselves cannot
harrowing experience began. procedure. symptoms or side effects that he didn’t know if that would give you COVID-19 as they
“All I remember was being “I looked at myself and I require further evaluation, all happen in other trials. don’t actually contain any of
put to sleep as I was being in- couldn’t recognize my own that’s required from you is a In any case, Rubin said he’d the coronavirus itself. A vac-
tubated and then six weeks of body,” Ramirez said, after quick blood draw every three do it all over again. He said cine is designed to turn on your
complete nightmares,” she told waking up in the hospital to six months for up to two he felt “totally safe, totally immune system and go after
CNN. “Some of the nightmares following her procedure. “I years to see if your immune monitored, and exceptionally the virus if you are exposed.
consisted a lot of drowning and couldn’t talk, I could barely response holds up or wanes, well cared for.” (Note that in Rubin said he got involved
I attribute that to not being able lift a finger, I couldn’t move. I according to Kublin. (Some Rubin’s trial, researchers were because he wanted to give back
to breathe.” was in a lot of pain, I was very trials may involve more fre- testing various dosage levels to all the health care workers
Coronavirus had taken a confused.” quent blood draws; it depends of the vaccine, so he may on the front lines who’ve
deadly toll on her body: her Ramirez is now the first on what the researchers are have received a higher dose been battling COVID-19 and
lungs had been irreversibly known American to have un- looking for.) than what participants in sub- putting their own lives at risk.
damaged and other organs dergone the procedure after Andrew Rubin, the senior sequent trials of that vaccine “I wanted to be able to say I
were beginning to fail, she a battle with coronavirus, ac- vice president for clinical af- would receive.) contributed to the effort to stop
said. After Ramirez spent cording to a news release from fairs and ambulatory care at If you happened to get in- this crisis,” he said.
more than a month on a ven- Northwestern Medicine. It’s NYU Langone, has been par- fected with the virus (say, from Volunteers do get compen-
tilator, her family flew from been now nearly two months ticipating in a Phase 1 clinical a family member or on the job) sated for their time. Kublin
North Carolina to say a final since the surgery and she’s trial. He said the process has while you were participating said most trials pay about $50
goodbye after she says doctors recovering at home. She says been relatively simple. Other in the vaccine trial, you would per appointment, which can
announced they were unsure if she’s still weak and struggling than the first appointment, either quarantine at home or amount to anywhere from $500
she’d survive. to breathe. which lasted three hours, each be treated in a health facility. to $1,200 for the full trial.

Subscribe to the New York Beacon 405

Lexington Avenue, 26th Floor, New York,
NY 10174. $35.00 per year 212-213-8585

French cathedral fire set by asylum

seeker, prosecutor says
(GIN) – of locking up when he lit three contain the Nantes blaze after

fires:  two on cathedral organs just two hours and save the
fire that consumed a and one on an electrical box. cathedral’s main structure.

BEACON, August 6 – August 12, 2020

famed church organ   He was taken in for ques- However priceless artefacts
which dated from 1621 tioning the day after the fire but and paintings were lost, includ-
and had survived the French released without charge, with ing a work by the 19th-centu-
Revolution and the bombard- the cathedral’s rector saying, ry artist Hippolyte Flandrin
ment in World War II was “I trust him like I trust all the and stained glass windows
set by an asylum seeker from helpers.” that contained remnants of
Rwanda, according to a lawyer
for the suspect.
  But Nantes prosecutor
Pierre Sennes said in a state-
16th-century glass.
 Work on the cathedral Crisis in the Zimbabwean
  “My client has cooperat-
ed,” lawyer Quentin Chabert
told the Presse-Ocean news-
ment that the suspect was
re-arrested after unspecified
new evidence had been ac-
began in 1434 and continued
over the following centuries
until 1891.
government endangers
paper on Sunday, without
elaborating on motives for
quired. He has been charged
with “destruction and damage
  It had already been dam-
aged by a more serious fire in
freedom of expression
attempting to burn down the by fire” and faces up to 10 1972, when officials added
Cathedral of Saint Peter and years in prison and 150,000 concrete reinforcements while By Viviane Faver   In a video shared on Twit-

Saint Paul. euros ($175,000) in fines. redoing the roof over the next ter, Chin’ono’s lawyer, Be-
  “He bitterly regrets his ac-   “He admitted during his 13 years. pecial to the New York atrice Mtetwa, said the police
tions ... My client is consumed first appearance for question-   The French government Beacon entered Chin’ono’s apartment
with remorse,” Chabert said. ing before the investigating said it will ensure the cathe- Investigative journalist by breaking a patio door and
  The 39 year old Rwandese judge that he set three fires dral’s restoration, though few Hopewell Chin’ono was arrest- kidnapping her client without
whose name was not made in the cathedral: at the main elements of the main organ ed this week by Zimbabwean a warrant.
public was a church volunteer organ, the smaller organ, and are likely to be saved, said officials. In his latest job, he    According to Amnesty
at the Gothic cathedral in the electrical panel,” Sennes Philippe Charron, head of the helped unravel a network of International and the United
Nantes, western France. He told Presse-Ocean on Sunday. regional DRAC state heritage corruption that led to the resig- Nations High Commissioner
had been tasked with the job   Firefighters were able to agency. nation of a government Health for Human Rights, the Zimba-
Minister Obadiah Moyo, for bwean government uses state
allegedly profiting from coro- security forces to silence and
navirus’s essential supplies intimidate its critics.
that overcharges cost the gov-   “The Hopewell Chin’ono
ernment $60 million.  and Jacob Ngarivhume pris-
  Minister Moyo was freed ons designed to intimidate
on bail and scheduled to appear and send a scary message to
in court this Friday, July 31.  journalists, whistleblowers,
The anti-graft commission and activists who call attention
concluded that he illegally to matters of public interest
awarded the contract to a in Zimbabwe,” said Deprose
company based in the United Muchena, director of Amnesty
Arab Emirates to provide per- for East and Southern Africa in
sonal protective equipment and a statement.
COVID-19 test kits.   Due to the economic crisis
     The journalist, Chin’ono, in recent months, there has
was also charged and arrested been an increase in govern-
last week with opposition ment critics’ repression and
leader Jacob Ngarivhume for kidnapping. Many detainees
encouraging citizens to “par- were beaten, humiliated, or
ticipate in public violence” threatened, and several were
during protests. Both denied instructed not to criticize the
the government’s accusations.  government.

Mass graves found in Sudan; army officers killed under

order of Al-Bashir among the dead
By Victor Trammell forensic procedures would be deposed president about the 28

undertaken regarding this case dead officers but no word has
he national public prose- in the near future. been heard from Al-Bashir’s
cutor who serves one of “The families of these of- attorneys. The public prosecu-
Africa’s most war-torn ficers who were executed will tor has also been tight-lipped
countries in world history re- see that such crimes will not about the details surrounding
cently announced a horrifying pass without a just trial,” the Al-Bashir’s questioning while
discovery. public prosecutor also said. in custody.
According to a Monday Al-Bashir, 76, made a court In June 2020, another
(July 27) report by the Irish appearance last Tuesday (July mass grave was previously
Times, Sudan’s public prose- 21) at a hearing where his trial discovered in Sudan, accord-
cutor confirmed last Thursday was scheduled to begin. The ing to its public prosecutor.
(July 23) that a mass grave was once-feared dictator faces These bodies were found just
discovered, which contained charges related to the force- east of Khartoum at a sepa-
the dead bodies of 28 Suda- ful 1989 coup that began his rate burial site. The public
nese army officers. The mass 30-year reign of terror in Su- prosecutor stated authorities
grave was uncovered not far Dabanga Sudan dan. Al-Bashir (the so-called believe that the bodies were
from Sudan’s capital city of “Butcher of Khartoum”) faces those of dead Sudanese stu-
Khartoum. site following a rapid military public prosecutor in an official the death penalty in a Sudanese dents who were presumed to
The Sudanese officers are trial, which took place after Al- statement. court if he is convicted of his be killed in 1998.
believed to have been killed Bashir seized power in a 1989 Twenty-three field experts crimes. Allegedly, the students were
in 1990 under the direct order military coup. worked for three weeks at the In April 2019, Al-Bashir brutally murdered after trying
of Omar Al-Bashir (pictured), likely the graveyard where site where the mass grave was was ejected from his throne of to abandon their military duty
Sudan’s ousted president. The the bodies of the officers who discovered. Sudan’s public bones after months of unrelent- at a Sudanese Army training
officers were executed and were killed and buried in a prosecutor also stated that ing protests. Sudan’s public camp, the public prosecutor
buried in a formerly top-secret brutal manner,” said Sudan’s additional investigative and prosecutor has questioned the said.

Congressional Black Caucus

Foundation appoints Tonya
When art represents life
By Viviane Faver
Veasey new CEO O ne of the most exten-
sive African Ameri-
can art galleries in the

BEACON, August 6 – August 12, 2020

United States, the ZuCot Gal-

arlier this month, the lery in Atlanta, announced
Congressional Black this week an exhibition by
Caucus Foundation Chukes, one of the most dy-
(CBCF), a non-partisan non- namic artists in the country
profit and educational insti- in mixed media, painting,
tute focused on advancing and sculpture. Using music
the global Black community, as inspiration, he creates his
announced Tonya Veasey as works combining his visions
its new president and CEO. with musical rhythms to
Her hope is to create a frame- sculpt what he hears through
work to guide the community creative influences like Earth,
through these tumultuous po- Wind and Fire, Miles Davis,
litical times. and George Clinton and the
After running her own busi- opportunity.” Funk Parliament.
nesses for over 14 years, Vea- In a time where public poli- In an exclusive interview
sey sees her appointment as a cy around Black issues is more with the New York Beacon,
natural progression given her critical than ever with the up- Chukes told us the majority
connections and work with coming elections, Veasey plans of the art pieces come from
the foundation. “My husband to use her leadership skills to the Identity Theft exhibit at
is actually a member of Con- shape new initiatives to move the beginning of 2016 and
gress, so for a while I was the foundation forward. some date earlier than that.
heavily involved in the spouses “I think we have an [unique] “Initially, I created this work
organization [and] served on opportunity…because people as a protest against television
the [CDCF] board,” Veasey are at home and we are starting brutality and the murders of artistic career was marked tion, Chukes favorites in-
said in an interview with Black to do more virtual programs. I black people. The work in this by self-determination and clude Statue of Limitations,
Enterprise. think we have an opportunity exhibition is my artistic rep- focus.  The first step was to Unarmed, Target Practice,
   “Our [current] board to connect with our community resentation of what happens find a place to create, then I Brotha and Sista, and Sublim-
chair, [Congressman Cedric in a much broader way,” she when people are stripped of built a relationship with his inal Man, and two new works
Richmond,] said, ‘You could explains. their indigenous identity and materials used for creation, titled Protector of the Next
you step in on an interim basis “[We believe] that what re-educate a dishonest story and when he felt comfortable Generation and The Answer.
and help us really assess what we know is best and then it’s with an incorrect version of enough with the work he was “I would not say the Por-
do we need to do to move the time for us to really listen and the past and present injus- creating, he looked for the trait of a Nigger is my fa-
foundation forward to build make sure that we are aligned tices”, says Chukes. right people to represent and vorite piece, but I do think it
a strong infrastructure.’ So, I [with] amazing energy with The story was used against commercialize his art. encompasses the entire body
did that for about four months our younger brothers and sis- the black community as a It was not easy, and this of the Identity Theft exhibit.
and really enjoyed the work…I ters that are out here…I am weapon of self-destruction, process took years to find. You see a wooden picture
knew the team, so I wasn’t a [currently launching] a nation- according to the artist. Be- “The reality of becoming an frame, lifeless with nothing
stranger coming in. I not only al racial equity initiative and cause of this, he changes artist is full of pitfalls, set- inside it. When you call an-
know the members, but I also I’m very excited about [it]. his creative work direction, backs, and disappointments. other Black person, Nigger,
know our internal team as well That was really in response to which no longer focuses on I had to fight for all the neg- you are truly saying that they
as a lot of our sponsors and what we are currently facing hatred and ignorance of kill- ativity that tried to confine don’t exist! As a Black man,
partners, [so] it was a great in society.” ing darker-skinned people. me or silence my creative I didn’t come from a planet,
“Our existence on this planet voice. Later on, I realized that continent, state, city, town,
depends on our perceptions everything I went through to or tribe called nigger! Did
Malik B, founding of each other. The art in this
exhibition is my truth, and
that truth must begin to be
become the artist that I am
today was a test of my con-
victions. The last and longest
you? For all those who want
to justify calling another
Black person Nigger as if
member of The Roots, re-taught”, explains the artist.
When the New York Bea-
con asked if this moment of
time was to finish my univer-
sity education. I felt that I
received extraordinary gifts
it is some loving title, why
not go all the way with it
and play your nigger-card by
has died at 47 crisis is influencing his work,
Chukes explained that the
and wanted to take the steps
that I considered necessary to
changing your name to Nig-
ger. To make sure you pass

racial tension that the world be a complete artist without down your God-given right
OS ANGELES (AP) — is facing today is not new to excuses.” to use Nigger as a represen-
Malik B, a rapper and him. He has seen and experi- The challenge for the artist tation of so many lost and
founding member of The enced it all his life. “I didn’t now is to reach the world with unknowing souls, try this:
Roots, has died. He was 47. become immune; I just took his art, sending a creative When your sons or daughters
The group announced the enough!” message that tells the truth. bring a newborn baby into
death of the Philadelphia-born   Since the beginning of He says he wants to heal the the world, demand an iron
emcee in a social media post his artistic career, which world from terrible wounds fist that they name their child
Wednesday. The cause of death spans more than 35 years, he and believes that art can do Nigger! See how far that will
was not released. has always included world that, and also wants to leave take that family’s and child’s
Malik B, whose real name events, negative or positive, a legacy that inspires others life! If the Black race is to
is Malik Abdul Basit, was in his creations. “My art feeds to express their creative voice be seen as part of the human
a major contributor to the the energies of the world as in search of positive change. race, the lifeless title of Nig-
group, which includes Ahmir they affect my emotions. If   For this future exhibition, ger must be erased from our
“Questlove” Thompson and I don’t create how I feel, my he hopes that people who see vocabulary.”
Tariq “Black Thought” Trotter. art will have no life! I use his work will share or connect     His work has appeared
He appeared on four albums music and nature as an influ- with his artistic creations to in many galleries around the
before departing the group in ter. “May he be remembered ence on my art because they find their own voice. world – from the Boribana
1999. The group won its first for his devotion to Islam and inform me of the beauty in “If we don’t speak now Museum in Senegal, West
Grammy the following year. innovation as one of the most it. Life is also the terror that and start telling the truth Africa, to the Hearne Fine
The Roots, who also per- gifted MCs of all time. We ask is destroying our planet. It about our history and the Art Gallery in Little Rock,
form as the house band on Jim- that you please respect his fam- is of great importance to me greatness that we, as blacks, Arkansas, to the Skirball
my Fallon’s “Tonight Show,” ily in our time of mourning.” that I create art that sends a have contributed to our Cultural Center in Los An-
paid homage to Malik B for his Malik B returned as a fea- positive message and warns world, our voices will never geles and Oprah Winfrey’s O
rap talents and faith. tured guest on the group’s 2006 of the destructive path that flock in the future. I create art Magazine. 
   “We regretfully inform album “Game Theory” and leads to nothing but a void of to teach, that has always been Collectors of his art in-
you of the passing of our be- “Rising Down” in 2008. As despair. Nobody wins in war, my philosophy. Start teaching clude the likes of Archbishop
loved brother and long- time a solo artist, he released two for can’t people see that?” the truth: we live a lie for a Desmond Tutu, advertising
Roots member Malik Abdul studio albums named “Street reflects Chukes. long time!” mogul Carol H. Williams, and
Basit,” the group said on Twit- Assault” and “Unpredictable.” The beginning of Chukes For this special exhibi- actress CCH Pounder
Wednesday's Woman

By Audrey J. Bernard

Nona Hendryx to host global, multi-platform

virtual event for 'Radical Healing' with JASS
I n the spirit of powerful
political activists such as
dialogues focusing on Wom-
en Radically Transforming
Be Steadwell, Liza Jessie
Peterson, the group will be

BEACON, August 6 – August 12, 2020

singer/songwriters Nina a World in Crisis. “We were joined by Sophia Ramos for
Simone and Joni Mitchell, moved by a collaboration the August 14 performance.
Nona Hendryx tackles social with Nona Hendryx and the Q.U.E.E.N.X. is a multi-gen-
issues, love and politics with Nubian Q.U.E.E.N.X. to go erational, multi-disciplinary
a smoky vocal tessitura some- beyond words, to the core of blending of music, spoken
where between funk and the our work – the heart, body, and word, hip-hop, funk, rock,
end of the stratosphere. Noting soul – radical healing through traditional, and avant-garde.
that women’s role at the fore- music and spoken words that The group has been hailed for
front of many movements has both heal and sustain us for the its unique performances that
been powerful and consistent, work ahead, says Shereen Es- embrace a broad range of audi-
singer, songwriter and activist sof, JASS Executive Director. ences, particularly the African
Hendryx says that “some of Hendryx – a former mem- American, Latinx, Indigenous
the most amazing music ever ber of Grammy Hall of Fame Natives, and LGBTQI com-
created has been birthed from trio LaBelle – has long wanted munities.
struggle.” As a result, she is to collaborate politically on “In the face of crises and
an activist and vocal support- an event spotlighting wom- violence, feminist organizers
er for women’s rights, social, en’s often invisible role in believe that our collective heal-
political and criminal justice the ongoing fight to address ing is vital to building strong,
and helps to raise funds and unfinished struggles of our lib- agile movements for the future.
awareness of HIV/AIDS from eration – violence, inequality, Songs, music, dancing, and po-
the outbreak of the epidemic. racism, discrimination, stigma, etry are part of a long tradition
Her involvement knows no and more. “By radical healing, of activism and communities
end. Most recently, Hendryx, we’re acknowledging the pow- organizing for justice globally,”
in conjunction with Nubian er of music to lift our spirits adds Essof. “We are incredibly
Q.U.E.E.N.X. (Quantum, and connect us across all our excited to co-create this mo-
Unique, Evolving, Essence of differences,” says Hendryx. ment of radical healing with
Nubian Sistas), have partnered “We recognize that we can’t these extraordinary artists.”
with the international feminist build and sustain strong move- Also joining Nubian
group JASS (Just Associates) ments for the long haul with Q.U.E.E.N.X. for this special
to present a “Musical Med- broken people who bear the presentation in radical healing
itation and Celebration of brunt of crises and violence. will be noted women artists
Radical Healing” on Friday, We need moments of shared from around the globe, includ-
August 14, 2020. joy and connections as much ing South African actress and
This global, multi-artist vir- Nona Hendryx, Angela Davis (Photo by Dennis Manuel) as information and strategy.” poet Lebo Mashile; indige-
tual online event is designed to Hendryx will perform with nous Guatemalan singer Sara
share and affirm women’s con- platform beginning at 4:00 with women who day in and New York-based collective Curruchich; Zimbabwean
nections and power in a time p.m. EST/1:00 p.m. PST/2:00 day out lead transformative Nubian Q.U.E.E.N.X., a mu- singer and Mbira player, Hope
of uprising and crisis through p.m. MT and 7:00 p.m. UCT. change, who despite being on sical meditation on the affir- Masike; and Filipina theater
music, dance, poetry, and guid- JASS is a feminist move- the frontlines of every crisis mation of healing traumas actress and singer Monique
ed meditations. Featuring fe- ment support organization bring joy, healing, vision, and of the past and present while Wilson.
male performing entities from rooted in communities in 20 strategies to transform the answering questions and ex- For more information and
around the world, including countries working closely with world. ploring ways to move forward. reservations for this event,
noted activist, academic, and grassroots feminist organizers At a time of deepened crisis First presented at the Kennedy please go to https://nona-hend-
author Angela Davis, this one- to transform the beliefs, cul- and pandemic lockdowns that Center in Washington D.C.
of-a-kind event will be live- ture, and structures that break cut us off from one another, in September 2019 with spe- queenx and https://www.jus-
streamed on the StreamYard us and the planet.  JASS works JASS has organized a series of cial guests Divinity Roxx,

About Nona Hendryx

Today, Hendryx remains nology and Robotics for young cally and socially relevant
the Queen of Transformation: women of color. lyrics wrapped in neo-funk
writing music for theatre (the Hendryx added Ambas- grooves, other worldly and
Roundabout’s BLUE, written sador for Artistry in Music soulful vocals, and art-rock
and directed by Charles R. at Berklee College of Mu- charged rhythms. Performing
Wright and starring Phyli- sic in Boston to her career. in and writing a song ‘Grace’
cia Rashad); film (the Lee Working across three de- (Trust and Believe) for Car-
Daniels 2010 Oscar-nominat- partments; Music Ensemble, rie Mae Weems’ Grace Notes
ed Precious); producing and Music Theater and Berklee’s marks the beginning of an-
collaborating in the works of Electronic Production and other artistic collaboration.
a new generation of artists; Design Department with the Not slowing down, 2018
and co-writing songs and ap- guidance of the EPD Chair proved to be an even busier
pearing on the Terri Lyne Michael Bierylo. She recently year for Nona with the hon-
Nona Hendryx Carrington Grammy Award collaborated with Berklee’s or of being Joe’s Pub’s first
winning, Mosaic Project with Dr. Richard Boulanger and Vanguard Residency Artist
Nona Hendryx’s legendary group’s socially conscious and Esperanza Spalding, Cassan- Students and currently de- and curating a series of shows
career spans six decades of illuminating message songs. dra Wilson, Diane Reeves and veloping with Hank Shock- over the full year. Hendryx also
sound and style evolution. When LaBelle disbanded, Sheila E. lee (Public Enemy) a multi created a new multimedia work
Fans know her as a founding Hendryx embarked upon an Dreaming of being an ed- discipline performance with inspired by Carrie Mae Weems
member of the girl group, Patti impressive solo career emerging ucator because of her English the merged schools, Berklee ‘Kitchen Table and Ulysses
LaBelle & the Bluebelles (with as the revolutionary art-rock, Teacher and mentor Mrs. Lot- College and Boston Conser- Dove’s ‘Urban Folk Dance’,
Sarah Dash, Cindy Birdsong new-wave goddess. Her solo tie Dinkins, she worked with vatory which will include Bo- titled “Refrigerated Dreams,
and Patti LaBelle), and as “the career, which spanned eight education organizations sup- Co’s Hip Hop Dance Teacher which premiered at Joe’s Pub
Sweethearts of the Apollo The- studio albums and engaged her porting women in prison, a Duane Holland and will be developed in its
atre” who was inducted into with an impressive lineup of school in Chicago founded by Hendryx presented format to come to life more in
the R&B Hall of Fame in 1999. collaborators (Prince, Peter Ga- Monica Haslip, Little Black multimedia performances 2019 and 2020. Exploring an-
In the 70s, the group morphed briel, Talking Heads, Laurie An- Pearl, taught Stage Craft at at MoogFest and MASS other form of communication
into the Rock & Funk Glam derson, Bono, Cameo), resulted The Clive Davis Recording MOCA. Having made yet Hendryx has created a Siri-
Diva’s ‘Labelle’ with the #1 in top ten hits and a Grammy Academy and founded in 2016 another transformation into usXM Radio show ‘The Nexus
record Lady Marmalade with nomination (Rock This Houses her own Non Profit, SisterS- a multimedia ‘CyberDi- with Nona Hendryx’ featuring
Hendryx credited with being with The Rolling Stones’ Keith to bridge the gap va’, she still writes music her three passions — Music,
the chief songwriter of the Richards on guitar). in Science, Math, Art, Tech- across genres with politi- Art and Technology.


BEACON, August 6 – August 12, 2020

By law, all
responses are
BEACON, August 6 – August 12, 2020
Gospel Music

Dillard delivers "Let There be Peace on Earth"

BEACON, August 6 – August 12, 2020

Ricky Dillard and New Generation

Posted By Don Thomas Joined by his choir, New the new album “Let There Be back to the innovative sound made an immeasurable mark

Generation, the new project Peace On Earth.” that elevated his career and on the genre and inspired some
RAMMY Award nom- includes the radio single “Re- Recorded live to a sold-out established him as a pioneer of the most successful artists in
inated Choir Director lease” featuring Tiff Joy and audience in Chicago last Fall, choir force. the music industry.
Ricky Dillard brings the remake of “More Abun- Choirmaster returns to the Dillard has been sharing his In addition, he has shared
choir music back to the fore- dantly Medley.” As a prayer sound and style of choir music gift with the world for more the stage with the likes of
front with his Motown Gospel for the uncertain times the in 11 spirit-filled and soul-re- than three decades. Recently Patti LaBelle, Jennifer Hud-
album debut, Choirmaster, world is facing, Dillard also freshing tracks. The project is celebrated for his contribution son, Queen Latifah, Debbie
available for preorder across releases the fourth song and classic Dillard and New Gener- to choir music in Rolling Stone Allen, Bonnie Raitt and P.
all digital platforms. live performance video from ation in every way, harkening and TIME magazines, he has Diddy.

Jonathan Traylor makes major label debut

Posted By Don Thomas following a string of tour dates

and high-profile appearances,
otown Gospel/Capitol including the pre-show stage
CMG emerging Art- at Kirk Franklin’s Exodus
ist Jonathan Traylor Music and Arts Festival in
breathes new energy into the Traylor’s hometown of Dallas,
faith-based music scene with Texas.
his major label debut, The He has become known for
Unknown. The innovative his passionate lyrics, catchy
playlist-styled album that will hooks, and dynamic stage
continuously be updated with performances that infuse the
new songs and video content culture with the message of
over the course of the year. the Gospel. Follow Jonathan
Writing from a place of Traylor on Social Media: Face-
transparency and authenticity, book, Instagram, Twitter and
Traylor has been celebrated for YouTube.
music that is both compelling Motown Gospel is one
and relevant. Inspired by a of the most prominent gos-
personal season of blindfolded pel music companies in the
trust, the project celebrates the world, boasting more than
constant faithfulness of God two decades of chart-topping
in the midst of uncertainty. and award-winning artists,
Opening track “You Get the albums, and songs. A division
Glory” is a worship song that of Capitol CMG/Universal
serves as a heart cry of Tray- Music Group, the world’s lead-
lor’s faith journey. “I Trust ing Christian music company
You” reflects a commitment and market leader in recorded
to not lean on our own under- music, distribution, and music
standing, while “Purpose Over publishing, Motown Gospel’s
Pleasure (Live)” is an anthem artist roster has included Tasha
for unashamed believers to live Cobbs Leonard, Smokie Nor-
for God. ful, Tye Tribbett, Brian Court-
“I want to do something before. I want to help raise a and worship with an intense Songwriter/Producer/Musi- ney Wilson, Kierra Sheard,
different in music that peo- generation of wild worshippers passion and fire.” says Traylor. cian, and dancer rose to na- The Clark Sisters and many
ple have never seen or heard that don’t hold back anything The triple-threat Singer/ tional prominence last year, others.

By Audrey J. Bernard

During NYFW LaQuan Smith rocked New York City's runway!

Q uintessential designer
LaQuan Smith’s Fall/
Winter 2020 collection
during New York Fashion Week
-- paid tribute to his hometown
Queens, New York where he’s
treated like a rock star. “Ev-
erybody from New York wears
of who I am and that’s just
creating beautiful things for
women who want to feel truly
beautiful and sexy,” he says.
and this collection did not
disappoint as eyes popped!
As each of his models hit the
runway they were met with
for women and how they look
and his models showed him
uppermost respect when they
stepped on the runway and
at Gallery Ii at Spring Stu- black. And I just wanted to do Smith’s choice of textures and riotous applause. Smith’s dra- strutted like this was the great-
dios was a strong & powerful something super, super rele- fabrics included silky smooth matic approach to fashion is a est show of all! (Photos by

BEACON, August 6 – August 12, 2020

statement! The sexy all-black vant in today’s time, but also nylon, velvet, leather and furs. testament to his showmanship Getty Images for NYFW: The
collection – with a hint of white still a level of representation Fashion is a visual sensation as a designer who has respect Shows)

LaQuan Smith walks the runway

during New York Fashion Week
at Gallery II at Spring Studios on
Feb. 8, 2020 in New York City. Model Alva Claire Model Blanca Padilla Model Brandon Harris Model Danielle Herrington

Model Daphne Groeneveld Model Dipti Sharma Model Elizabeth Ayodele Model Hilary Rhoda Model Kareem

Model Katlin Aas Model Lameka Fox Model Lameka Fox2 Model Lia Pavlova Model Mason McKenrick

Models Nya Gatbel,

Models Alanna Arrington, Nyarach Abouch Ayuel,
Model Mayara Moreno Model Myrthe Bolt Model Tara Falla Model Yun Xie Herieth Paul Sabah Koj
On the Tube

By Audrey J. Bernard

Television’s biggest night will be a virtual reality for many Blacks

BEACON, August 6 – August 12, 2020

T he 72nd Emmy Awards

nominations were an-
nounced on Tuesday,
July 28, 2020 and reimagined
as a virtual event due to pro-
duction restrictions resulting Emmy hosts Leslie Jones, Laverne Cox, Josh Gad, Tatiana Emmy nominees “Watchman,” “The Mandalorian,” “Schitts
from the COVID-19 pan- Maslany (Getty Images) Creek,” “Little Rires Everywhere”
demic. Television’s biggest
night will broadcast Sunday,
September 20, 2020, 8:00-
11:00 p.m. EDT/5:00-8:00
p.m. PDT on ABC, and host-
ed by Jimmy Kimmel, who
will serve as an executive
producer along with Guy
Carrington, David Jammy,
Ian Stewart and for the first
time award-winning producer
Reginald Hudlin, who will
be the first-ever Black Emmy
executive producer!
“I’m excited to collaborate
with this outstanding team as
we produce a show that cele-
brates the best of what we do Host Nick Cannon and the Frog on the season finale of “The Eddie Murphy scored a nomination for outstanding guest actor in a
and reflects this moment in Masked Singer” (Getty Images/FOX) comedy series after he hosted Saturday Night Live (Getty Images)
history,” said Hudlin.  There
is still no confirmation if the
show will be held completely
virtual or where some in-per-
son elements as the industry
is still navigating around so-
cial distancing rules amid the
COVID-19 pandemic.
The nomination ceremony
was hosted by “Supermarket
Sweep” star and Saturday
Night Live alumnus Les-
lie Jones with presenters
Laverne Cox (“Inventing
Anna”), Josh Gad (“Central
Park”), and Tatiana Maslany
(“Perry Mason”).
The Emmy Awards will
recognize a distinct number of
groundbreaking new programs A scene from “The Mandalorian” on Disney+ (Disney+/via Reuters) RuPaul (VH1)
and up-and-coming talent,
along with beloved performers which begins August 21 and Son,” Dime Davis earned a The Mandalorian (15), Schitt’s ment industry, it has been an
and hit shows that have been runs through August 31, leading directing nod for her work Creek (15), Saturday Night extraordinary year for televi-
integral in helping television into the Creative Arts ceremony on “A Black Lady Sketch Live (15) and The Crown (13). sion,” said Television Acade-
viewers navigate a changing which will be in some virtual Show” and first lady Michelle Netflix lead the nominations my Chairman and CEO Frank
world. The event will break form this year. The 2020 Cre- Obama’s documentary Be- in totals by platform with 160, Scherma. “Television has
another record with the nomi- ative Arts Awards will air on coming earned nods for out- setting a record previously inspired, united and comforted
nation of 37 Black actors in a FXX on Saturday, September standing director and cinema- held by HBO with 137 nomi- a global audience this season.
record 767 diverse programs 19 at 8:00 p.m. EDT/PDT. tography for Nadia Hallgren, nations in 2019. HBO had the We are honored to be recog-
in the running for Emmys in Making history will be the Outstanding documentary. second-most nominations with nizing so many of the talented
more than 100 categories this nominations of many Black HBO’s Watchmen took the 107, and rounding out the top programs, producers, directors
season, with overall submis- actors from the drama catego- top spot for program nomina- five were NBC with 47, ABC and craftspeople behind the
sions increasing 15% over the ries to the comedy categories tions with 26 followed by The with 36 and FX with 33. remarkable storytelling that
previous competition year. including “Insecure,” Kerry Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (20), “Despite the unprecedented has brought us together while
Final-round Emmy voting Washington’s “American Ozark (18), Succession (18), challenges facing the entertain- we remain apart.”

Host Eddie Murphy as Buckwheat

Dave Chappelle in “Sticks & during the “Masked Singer” sketch on
Mahershala Ali in “Ramy” (Hulu) Reginald Hudlin Host Jimmy Kimmel Stones” (WireImage) “Saturday Night Live” (Will Heath/NBC)
What's going on
By Victoria Horsford


America today is akin to formula” are spot-on about numbers in the 3 month old SOUL! the PBS-TV news
being wide awake in an un- the magnitude of our crisis, Democratic Stimulus plan. and entertainment show,
ending nightmare. There is which could be manageable. They see no room for nego- was Black America’s “60
a plague, coronavirus which NYU Economics Professor tiation. What happens if all Minutes,” which aired on
has claimed the lives of more Nouriel Roubini, aka Dr. the President’s men, Treasury Wednesdays, from 1968 to

BEACON, August 6 – August 12, 2020

than 150,000 Americans. At Doom, because of his accu- Secretary Steve Mnuchin and 1973, is back. The brainchild
least 41 million Americans rate call of the 2008 economic Chief of Staff Mark Mead- of Black culture curator El-
are unemployed. The GOP crash, laments, “The govern- ows come to an agreement lis Haizlip, SOUL! was the
US Senators are tone deaf ment is playing with fire by with the Democrats? Will the only prime time TV platform
to the nation’s myriad eco- not acting on an agreement on GOP Senators fail to sign on for Black artists, entertain-
nomic/public health realities. the fourth round of stimulus or will the invisible hand of ers and newsmakers, at that
Headlines like “Families talks. Intransigence will lead POTUS 45 scare them into an time. Haizlip was show’s
across the country cannot to a recession.” Senate Re- agreement midway between host/producer who had his
afford wipes, diapers and publicans are impervious to $1-3 trillion. fingers on the pulse of Black
Americana. SOUL! guests Ellis Haizlip
included Muhammad Ali,
POLITICS 101 Gladys Knight and the Pips,
Rev Jesse Jackson, Ruby and
versity; Morehouse College;
Spelman College; Hampton
Ozzie, Lee Morgan, Miriam University, Xavier Universi-
When Biden appeared on Mayor Lance Bottoms? Makeba, Harry Belafonte, ty and Tuskegee University.
REIDOUT with Joy Reid, Abrams’ name has mysteri- Sidney Poitier, Stevie Won- Howard’s President calls the
he said that there are four ously disappeared routine TV der, James Baldwin in France/ gift “transformative.” Other
Black women on his VEEP pundit talks. Biden continues Nikki Giovanni talk, and recipients of the MacKen-
short list. We know of Sta- to push back the VEEP an- Alvin Ailey. SOUL! has been zie Scott cash gifts include
cey Abrams, Georgia; Su- nouncement. To be sure, he the subject of a book and a the NAACP Legal Defense
san Rice; Rep.Val Dem- will announce by August 17, documentary. Amazon Prime Fund, the Thurgood Marshall
ings, Florida; Rep. Cynthia the Democratic Convention has licensed the rights to 24 College Fund, the UNCF, the
Bass, California; US Senator opener. episodes of SOUL!, which is National Urban League and
Kamala Harris, California. a wonderful indulgence down Harlem’s Children’s Zone.
What happened to Georgia President Barack Obama memory lane and the origins After 20 years, Oprah
is aggressively engaged in of Black TV. Winfrey and Hearst, the O
the 2020 elections. He raised American billionaire Magazine publisher will retire
$24 million for the Biden MacKenzie Scott, former the O Magazine print edition
candidacy and recently an- Maya Wiley Mrs. Jeff Bezos, was gen- effective with December is-
nounced his endorsement of erous to a fault recently as sue. For 20 years, Oprah has
118 candidates in 17 states, and chair of the NYC Civilian she cut $1.7 billion checks been the exclusive O cover
including candidates for state Complaint Review Board, an for 116 organizations. Six girl. The September issue on
legislators and five Demo- independent agency which HBCUs, historically Black newsstands next week dons
cratic US Senate challengers monitors complaints about colleges and universities, the image of Breoona Taylor,
in Colorado, Iowa, Maine, NYPD. A New School Uni- were key beneficiaries, who 26, the Black EMT techni-
NC and SC. versity Professor, she earned will each receive checks cian, fatally shot in her home
a BA at Dartmouth and a Juris between $20 to $40 million. by Louisville, Kentucky po-
Maya Wiley begins a leave Doctor from the Columbia The schools are Howard Uni- lice on March 13.
of absence from her MSNBC University Law School.
legal chores to explore op- There are three Blacks eyeing NEWSMAKERS
portunities for a 2021 NYC a NYC mayoral run, Brook-
Mayoral run. New to elected lyn Boro Prexy Eric Adams RIP: Annette Averette, 75,
politics, Ms Wiley was gener- and Ray McGuire, Citigroup died in New York on July 26.
Val Demings al counsel to Mayor de Blasio vice chairman. A proactive grandmother, she
was woman who mixed busi-
ness with community service.
INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. A vegan and health connois-
seur, she founded the Organic
Soul Café. A She touched the
INDEPENDENCE: The rican development and policy Shore campus. A Friends of lives of many as an outspoken
Commonwealth of LIBERIA issue, working in concert with PANAFRICARE office will political and community ad-
celebrated its 173 year of In- African people to build sus- open soon in the U.S. vocate for civil and housing Annette Averette
dependence on July 26. The tainable, healthy and produc- MALI, a Francophone justice; as a former Commu-
West African country declared tive communities, is going nation, is in political cri- nity Board 7 member and as Cain, 74, died on July 31 after
its independence from the into retirement. A new Afri- sis as President Ibrahim a Bellevue Hospital Commu- a month long hospitalization
American Colonization Soci- ca-based organization is born, Keita attempts to appease nity Advisory Board member battling COVID19, which
ety on July 26, 1847. …….. this year, PANAFRICARE, local opposition calling for and her work with the Six was diagnosed a few days af-
JAMAICA, Caribbean nation, which will replicate the Af- his resignation because of Street Community Center ter his return from the Trump
celebrates its independence ricare model, and which will perceived government cor- and she was Director of the campaign rally in Tulsa Okla-
from the United Kingdom be headquartered in Dakar, ruption. Regional heads of Les Anti-Displacement Proj- homa, an indoor event. Born
which occurred on August 6, Senegal with satellite offices state, ECOWAS, Economic ect. She will be funeralized in Jim Crow Georgia, Cain
1962….. The twin island Ca- in Nigeria, Angola, Chad, Community of West African and interred in Columbus, was a Morehouse man, a busi-
ribbean nation of TRINIDAD Kenya, Burkina Faso and States) have intervened on Georgia. She is survived by ness executive, former CEO
and TOBAGO celebrates its Zimbabwe. The organiza- behalf of President Keita, children, Liza Averette and of Godfather’s Pizza, Board
independence from the United tion’s assets, including its who recommended that he Katwy Heru, granddaughter Chair of the Federal Reserve
Kingdom which occurred on building was sold and its art form a unity government and Anakhu Heru and her daugh- Bank in Kansas City, an au-
August 31, 1962. collection was donated to share power, an idea rejected ter in-law Athena Moore. thor, a syndicated columnist,
US based AFRICARE, a the Smithsonian Museum of by the opposition. Crisis must RIP: GOP Presidential talk radio host and frequent
non-profit 50 year old NGO African Art and to the Uni- be resolved without war or a 2012 contender, Herman contributor to Fox News.
committed to addressing Af- versity of Maryland,_Eastern coup.
Subscribe to the New York Beacon 405 Lexington August 15 is National
Reparations Day in the Unit-
59th Street, Manhattan. Event
commemorates the first NRD
Avenue, 26th Floor, New York, NY 10174. $35.00 ed States. In New York the
December 12 th Movement
rally in the USA on August
17, 2002. The flyer reads.
hosts a National Reparations “They Stole Us, They Sold
per year 212-213-8585 Day rally in NYC, assembling
at 2 pm, at Trump Internation-
Us, They Owe Us.” For more
info visit or call al Hotel at Columbus Circle at 718.398.1766
A Harlem-based management consultant, Victoria Horsford can be reached at

By Don Thomas

Film Director Hezues R focuses on mental health

N ot many filmmakers
have been honored by
one President of the
claimed film, “April Showers.”
With suicide rates rapidly
increasing and almost half of
of the world yelling enough is
enough and rallying around
Black Lives Matter.
BEACON, August 6 – August 12, 2020

United States, let alone two. adults experiencing mental ill- Resistance towards change
Then again Hezues R isn’t your ness, Hezues R says “Rome is at the hands of those who
average filmmaker, as none burning and as a society we’re operate out of hate and fear
other share the combination of not giving enough concern to resulting in rioting and de-
his adversity and accolades, all the media we create–which in- struction, while those who are
the more reason why the en- fluences how we see ourselves peaceful are maintaining their
tertainment industry is taking and each other.” non-violent stance through it
notice of this film protégé’s Hezues R mission is to all. And let’s not get started
next project, which he claims save lives by making the film about the dysfunction in Wash-
will be his masterpiece, titled “Suicide Saint” and in the ington, DC.
“Suicide Saint.” process, change the protocol Through all of this madness
If you haven’t heard of of Hollywood. He believes in is one issue that has plagued
Hezues R, it’s because he’s art over algorithms and that people of color with very few
been making an intentional films shouldn’t just be made having the courage to address
effort to stay low. In every for profit but the added value – mental health. The World
artistic endeavor, he’s always of social good and the sake of Health Organization (WHO)
committed himself to serving creating something beautiful states more than 800,000 peo-
and elevating the brand (and and inspiring. He is gaining ple commit suicide every year
not himself). followers, including the United – that’s one person every forty
If you know Hezues R, then Nations, as they’ve selected seconds.
you’ve likely been inspired, his upcoming film as the sole Also, the National Council
as his own life is bigger than movie they’re endorsing in the for Behavioral Health notes
a movie. At 22, he survived a International 40 Days Safer that 46% of adults in the USA
barrage of bullets fired at him Cities initiative- with “Suicide experience mental illness. In
point blank 22 times by three Saint” being day #20 which communities of color, accord-
would-be assailants. also falls on Oct 10th–World ing to the non-profit com-
His survival is nothing Mental Health Day. munity organization, Mental
short of a miracle but still not The year of 2020 has en- Health America, out of 13%
as miraculous as his meteoric dured several months of tur- of Black Americans in the
rise in entertainment–from moil in the world, almost USA (according to the Census
high school dropout and drug resembling seasons in hell. Bureau), 16% reported having
dealer to self-made creative The COVID-19 pandemic has mental illness – that’s over 7
titan. No college, mentor, taken hundreds of thousands million people (more than the
backers or connections–just a of lives, with social distancing overall populations of Chica-
relentless work ethic and pure and wearing protective gear go, Philadelphia and Houston
undeniable talent. such as face masks and latex combined).
From creating the official gloves being the new normal. Finally, the Center for Dis-
fragrance for the royal wed- Then, the issue of police ease Control published that
ding of Prince William and brutality with the murders of suicides and attempted sui-
Kate Middleton to running Hezues R George Floyd and Breonna cides cost the nation almost
Sean P. Diddy Combs’ adver- Taylor, among others, at the $70 billion per year in lifetime
tising campaigns (Ciroc, Sean utive producer, while finding interject social impact in his hands of bad cops being the medical and work-loss costs
John, and Deleon) as an exec- creative ways to give back and content, like the critically ac- final straws – with the majority alone.
The Reel

By Audrey J. Bernard

John Ridley's Nō Studios offers a

variety of virtual events in August

BEACON, August 6 – August 12, 2020

Tube. RSVP encouraged. Ryan
Alexander is an artist that pro-
duces and writes his own music
as well as a musician that plays
the piano and drums. He’s been
playing the piano for 16 years,
and the drums for 17 years.
Ryan also has been producing
for 11 years. He produces a
mixture of Hip-Hop, R&B, and
Soul, creating his own genre
called, New Wave Soul! He
believes in making music for Debbie Allen Steve Burks Rashad Richardson
the future. Quality over quan-
tity. Getting better than before, son, Mariah Carey, James Earl of Blues Music Forward Foun- work of music licensing. Rashad
working harder than the next Jones, Phylicia Rashad, Janet dation in Dallas, and 8 years as currently resides in Los Angeles
John Ridley person, and not just creating, Jackson, Whitney Houston, a solo performer with the cruise and helps operate an Indie Music

but innovating. Gwen Verdon, Lena Horne, industry. He’s a proud graduate Licensing agency that represents
he month of August is and Sammy Davis, Jr. Ms. Al- of the Indiana University Jacobs music from a diverse range of
filled with fabulous cul- len received the Golden Globe School of Music. talented creators from around
tural events! Academy for her role as Lydia Grant in the world. He studied at Berklee
Award winner and Wisconsin the 1980’s hit series Fame and College of Music in Boston,
native John Ridley and the is a three-time Emmy Award MA. On a daily basis, Rashad
exclusive Nō Studios cultural winner in Choreography for the does creative music searches,
phenomenon he founded for series Fame and The Motown licensing and clearance. 
art aficionados. Nō Studios is 25th. She has ten Image Awards
both a member-driven physi- as director, actress, choreogra-
cal space based in Milwaukee pher, and producer for Fame,
as well as a digital platform A Different World, Motown
geared toward artists and art 25th, The Academy Awards,
lovers. Nō Studios is dedicated The Debbie Allen Special, and
to supporting talent, elevating Amistad. Her directing credits
artists, and most importantly to include Scandal, How To Get
bridging communities through Beverly Jenkins Away With Murder, Jane The SistaStrings
the shared appreciation of Virgin, and Empire. She is
interpersonal expression.  Nō MONDAY AUGUST 10 @ 4 currently Executive Producer FRIDAY, AUGUST 21 @ 6
Studios believes that the cur- PM CDT  on Grey’s Anatomy where she PM CDT 
rent business interruption of- Nō Backstage: Stage Manage- also holds a recurring role as Nō Studios Unplugged with
fers a chance to connect, enjoy ment with Beverly Jenkins.  Catherine Avery. SistaStrings
and appreciate the value that Are you interested in the busi- This Nō Unplugged is open to the
artistic expression delivers in ness of stage management? Do public. LIVE viewing will take David Henry Hwang
times of need. Nō Studios has you want to understand those place on the Nō Studios website
begun hosting a slate of virtu- behind-the-scenes jobs? Skill and YouTube. RSVP encour- THURSDAY, AUGUST 27 @
al events to highlight people shares are all about connecting aged. The sound of SistaStrings 4 PM CDT
working in the arts/creative with folks that do the work can’t be described in one word. Nō Studios Wine Down with
industries, both established to create content. These may The Milwaukee based sister duo David Henry Hwang
and up-and-coming.  These be jobs that are unfamiliar to combines their classical back- Nō Studios Members + Ten-
select events are exclusive to most of us but they are vital ground with R&B with a touch ants only
members. Membership is $5 a in ensuring a quality product. of gospel influence that culmi- David Henry Hwang’s theatri-
month and available at RSVP This session will feature the nates in a vibey, lush sound. cal works include the plays M.
online. For additional infor- very important work of stage With thick string harmonies Butterfly, Yellow Face, Chin-
mation please visit:  https:// management. between violin and cello and glish, Golden Child, The Dance Beverly Jenkins has been a soulful voices, SistaStrings takes and the Railroad, and FOB, as
Nō Studios Members + Ten- Broadway stage manager for Denim Richards you on a journey.  Outreach and well as the Broadway musicals
ants only. RSVP (Become a over 25 years. Currently, she representation are important to Aida (co-author), Flower Drum
member HERE. (Photos cour- is the production stage man- THURSDAY, AUGUST 13 @ these two young ladies as Af- Song (2002 revival) and Dis-
tesy Nō Studios) ager for the TONY Award 4 PM CDT  rican American string players. ney’s Tarzan. He is America’s
winning Best Musical “Hade- Nō Studios Backstage: Skill They can be found performing in most-produced living opera
stone”. Some previous shows Share with Denim Richards  schools and youth centers teach- librettist, whose works have
include “A Bronx Tale”, “Miss Nō Studios Members + Ten- ing, performing, and encourag- been honored with two Grammy
Saigon”, “The Lion King”, ants only. ing educators and students alike. Awards, and co-wrote the song
“Shrek: The Musical”, “In The Denim Richards is an upcom- The ladies are advocates for Solo with the late pop legend
Heights”, and “Avenue Q”. ing actor who was recently diversity in the arts and promote Prince. From 2014-2019, he was
Jenkins has a BFA in Theatre casted in a  modern-day West- social justice in all that they do a writer/Consulting Producer for
from Howard University. A ern drama “Yellowstone,” musically. the Golden Globe-winning TV
native New Yorker, Beverly starring Kevin Costner. show, The Affair. His feature
was born in Queens and now films include M. Butterfly, and
lives in upstate NY. MONDAY, AUGUST 24 @ 4 he’s currently penning the live
FRIDAY, AUGUST 14 @ 6 PM CDT action musical film adaptation of
PM CDT  Nō Backstage: Music Licenc- The Hunchback of Notre Dame
TUESDAY, AUGUST 11 @ Nō Studios Unplugged x Wis- ing with Rashad Richardson for Disney Studios. Hwang is a
4 PM CDT consin Music Ventures with Nō Studios Members + Tenants Tony Award winner and three-
Ryan Alexander Debbie Allen: In Conversation Steve Burks only. Are you interested in the time nominee, a three-time OBIE
with John Ridley. This Nō Unplugged is open to the business of Music Licencing? Award winner, a three-time Fi-
FRIDAY, AUGUST 7 @ 6 Nō Studios Members + Ten- public. LIVE viewing will take Do you want to understand those nalist for the Pulitzer Prize,
PM CDT  ants only.  place on the Nō Studios website behind-the-scenes jobs? Skill and has been inducted into the
Nō Studios Unplugged x Next Debbie Allen is an award-win- and YouTube. RSVP encour- shares are all about connecting Theatre Hall of Fame. His latest
Showcase with Ryan Alex- ning director/choreographer aged.  Steve Burks is a vocalist, with folks that do the work to musical, Soft Power, written with
ander. who has choreographed the emcee, keyboardist, songwriter, create content. These may be composer Jeanine Tesori, was
This Nō Unplugged is open Academy Awards a record ten composer, producer, and remixer jobs that are unfamiliar to most a Finalist for the 2020 Pulitzer
to the public. LIVE view- times. She has directed and from Gary, Indiana, now residing of us but they are vital in ensuring Prize in Drama. Born in Los
ing will take place on the Nō choreographed for legendary in MKE. Performance highlights a quality product. This session Angeles, he has lived most of his
Studios website and You- artists such as Michael Jack- include 3 seasons with the House will feature the very important adult life in New York City.

Lunay is a Latin artist on the rise

Posted By Don Thomas “It’s obviously been such a

challenging year with every-
long with the recent thing that has been happenings
surge in global success around the world, but I am very
BEACON, August 6 – August 12, 2020

of Reggaeton, Latin excited that I’ve been able to get

Trap and other Rhythmic music back to creating music again
in Spanish, it was natural to see and release my first new song
a similar surge in new artists in- since my debut album EPICO.
fluenced by the genre. But even “I hope that new music can
amidst an astounding number help us all reconnect and stay
of young new artists looking to connected no matter all the
make a name for themselves, it changes we are facing. That’s
was evident that Puerto Rico’s why I’ve been working hard
dynamic, Lunay19, was the these last months, and I have
genre’s undisputed 2019 new lots of new music to share. I
generation superstar. can wait for the world to hear
After bursting into the play- all of it,” said Lunay.
lists and video streams fans “Lunay is Urbano’s Next
with “Soltera” and it’s fol- Superstar! When a new artist
low-up, “Song of Summer” does manage to cut through the
remix with Daddy Yankee and fray, we really should pay atten-
Bad Bunny, Lunay’s credits tion, [and Lunay is] one of the
were quickly boasting two freshest upcoming Latin trap
Latin Airplay #1 singles, a rare stars in the game. Every single
#1 full album debut with the he’s released thus far has been a
14-track ÉPICO, with more hit. The 19-year-old from Puer-
than a Billion views collected to Rico is on a rapid ascent, and
on YouTube, and a trophy case ÉPICO was a 14-track wonder
full of breakthrough artist rec- of Reggaeton, Dancehall and
ognition awards. Trap influences that mark a
Beginning 2020 with a young artist who is already well
focus on his first sold-out con- on his way to mainstay status,”
certs, and then the adjustment states Remezcla.
of making follow-up music in a “Lunay’s ‘Soltera’ was the
drastically changed world due summer soundtrack of 2019,
to the COVID-19 crisis, Lunay and he got a boost from Daddy
is now returning with his first Yankee and Bad Bunny on the
new (made in quarantine) track “Soltera (Remix). The Wun-
“Relaciones.” derkind won New Artist of
Lunay is currently working the Year at the Latin AMA’s”-
with his go-to production team Rolling Stone.
of Chris Jeday and Gaby Mu- “A Latin Artist On The Rise,
sic, with the continued label Lunay became a household
support of Star Island, and name with his 2019 hit ‘Soltera’
new support from Latin music and its remix featuring Daddy
powerhouse management team Yankee and Bad Bunny.”–Bill-
Lionfish Entertainment, with a board. “Watch out, because he’s
video helmed by Stillz. on his way. Lunay has all eyes
Lunay and his team have on him. The Puerto Rican Reg-
promised fans that this will be ggaeton artist is following in the
just the first of an wealth of footsteps of those who came be-
upcoming new music releases fore him and is receiving their
consisting of both individual seal of approval.” Connect with
singles and high-profile col- Lunay@Instagram/Twitter/
laborations. Facebook/Tiktok.

Grace Garland
is definitely still
a triple threat
Posted By Don Thomas they can. for her. Last year at the Big Red

This has long been her mis- and The Boys Christmas show
ctress/Composer/Sing- sion as a performer singing in at the popular Feinstein’s/54
er Grace Garland is cabaret rooms, nightclubs, jazz Below supperclub in Man-
definitely a triple threat joints, theaters, and high-rise hattan Jazzy Singer Meghan
who has spent her life giving lobbies in every borough of Murphy (left) invited Grace
of herself, on the stage and New York City and beyond Garland a/k/a Lady G. (right),
off but there is something bringing her sass, style and the writer of the holiday tune
significant about that which sexiness, to audiences looking “Single Jingle Mingle” to join
she gives from her place in the for a little light in their lives. her and the boys on stage.
spotlight. Garland entertains The audience was buzzing The ladies rocked the holiday
the audience as an entity, en- with anticipation because they crowd down. Together they
gages the audience members knew what was coming next. gave the best they had from the
as individuals, and emboldens They knew who was coming to moment they appeared center
all to live in the light as best the stage, and they were ready stage.
Theater talk

Playwright Nambi E. Kelley joins Phenomenal Woman: Maya Angelou

Posted by Audrey J. Bernard relevance. The play is a lyrical

memory-play, combining Dr.
roducers David Mi- Angelou’s poetry and autobi-
chael Rich & J. Todd ographical writings, previously
Harris, in collaboration unreleased anecdotes from
with Jackie Alexander and the those who knew her well,
original material, and music, to

BEACON, August 6 – August 12, 2020

North Carolina Black Reperto-
ry Company are proud to an- explore fundamental yet timely
nounce that playwright Nam- questions about human nature,
bi E. Kelley (Native Son, “The giving the gift of Dr. Angelou’s
Chi”) has signed on as the brilliance and inspiration to the
playwright of Phenomenal next generation.
Woman: Maya Angelou, a Phenomenal Maya was
world premiere play with mu- set to premiere during the
sic in development for Broad- 2020 North Carolina Black
way about the life of the late Repertory Company season,
poet, author, civil rights activ- but was postponed due to
ist, and Presidential Medal of the coronavirus. The North
Freedom recipient, Dr. Maya Carolina Black Repertory
Angelou. Phenomenal Wom- Company (NC Black Rep)
an: Maya Angelou is executive was founded in 1979 and is
produced by Guy Johnson, the state’s first professional
Dr. Angelou’s son, for Caged Black theatre company. It
Bird Legacy. Cast, additional exposes diverse audiences to
creative team, and dates will classics and new works of Af-
be announced at a future date. rican-American drama through
Phenomenal Woman: Maya seasonal productions, while
Angelou will have its world nurturing the talents of future
premiere in the spring of 2021 performers through its Teen
at the North Carolina Black Theatre Ensemble program.
Repertory Company before NC Black Rep is universally
playing Hattiloo Theatre recognized for its world-re-
(Memphis) and The Ensemble nowned outreach program,
Theatre (Houston). Phenom- The National Black Theatre
enal Woman: Maya Angelou, Festival ® (NBTF). Presented
formerly known as Phenom- every odd numbered year the
enal Maya, was the recipient first week in August, NBTF
of the Sylvia Sprinkle-Hamlin attracts upwards of 65,000
Rolling World Premiere Award visitors to Winston-Salem
at North Carolina Black Rep- and has contributed over $235
ertory Company’s 2019 Na- million dollars to the Win-
tional Black Theatre Festival, ston-Salem economy since its
which guarantees at least three inception in 1989. NC Black
regional productions over a Rep is also involved in a broad
two-year period. range of community outreach
“It is a dream come true programs and partnerships,
to work directly with people and is committed to sustaining
who knew and loved Dr. An- Black theatre on a global scale.
gelou, including her son Guy, The company received the
her sister friend Ms. Lydia Black Theatre Festival (NBTF) and signals a much-needed re- year-long search, the brilliant 2019 George A. Parides Pro-
Stuckey, and the good peo- in 1989 and an international turn to Black Theatres having a playwright Nambi E. Kelley. fessional Theatre Award from
ple at Corstoria and Branded champion of Black Theatre,” voice in defining future classics These talented collaborators the North Carolina Theatre
Pictures Entertainment,” said said Jackie Alexander, Artistic of the genre.” bring us further forward in the Conference, the 2020 Distin-
playwright Nambi E. Kelley. Director of the North Carolina   “We are so excited to be promise we’ve made to Guy guished History Award from
“It is especially poignant to Black Repertory Company. “To collaborating with the theater Johnson, of approaching this the Southeastern Theatre Con-
present the world premiere have Black institutions, NC that meant so much to Maya project as careful stewards of ference, and was one of two
of our collaboration in Dr. Black Rep, Hattiloo Theatre, Angelou, the North Carolina our beloved heroine’s legacy of Lifetime Achievement Hon-
Angelou’s chosen home city and The Ensemble Theatre, be Black Repertory Company,” heart, wisdom, and the fight for orees at the 2020 Theater
of Winston-Salem at North the birthplaces in developing a said producers David Michael justice. We all feel her spurring Communications Group Gala.
Carolina Black Repertory play inspired by her life for the Rich and J. Todd Harris. “It us on in our quest.” NC Black Rep’s mission is to
Company. This collaboration Broadway stage, beautifully seems the planets have per- Phenomenal Woman: Maya engage, enrich, and entertain
has truly been orchestrated by pays homage to her memory. fectly aligned bringing us Angelou, is an inspiring jour- with innovative programming
the heavens.” It’s the reason the NBTF Sylvia together with the theater’s ney of memory, song, poetry, that resonates across the com-
“Dr. Angelou was chairper- Sprinkle-Hamlin Rolling World gifted artistic director Jackie dance, and wisdom that will munity and challenges social
son of the inaugural National Premiere Award was created, Alexander, and after a careful bring Maya’s work into present perceptions.

About Nambi E. Kelley

Playwright Nambi E. Kelley Premiere at The Duke on Dramatists Guild Foundation
was chosen by literary legend 42nd Street (Acting Company), Fellow. She’s been recognized
Toni Morrison to adapt her Yale Repertory, and the world with several awards, most no-
novel, Jazz, for the stage (Bal- premiere at Court Theatre in tably The AUDELCO Award
timore Center Stage, Marin Chicago where it is the highest for Best Production and a
Theatre Company). Several grossing non-musical produc- Drama League nomination
of Nambi’s plays have had tion in the theatre’s 65-year for Best Revival for Native
multiple productions across history. Nambi has also au- Son; the Prince Prize 2019,
the country including Xti- thored plays for Steppenwolf, Writers Alliance Grant 2018-
gone (African-American Goodman Theatre, Lincoln 19, the Francesca Primus
Shakespeare Co.), Hands Up: Center (Director’s Fest), and Award 2015 and 2019 (final-
Seven Playwrights Seven Tes- internationally. Nambi is a ist). Nambi is a season three
taments: Dead of Night... (Al- former playwright in residence writer on Showtime’s “The
liance Theatre 2020) and Nam- at the National Black Theatre Chi.” Nambi earned a BFA
bi’s adaptation of Richard in New York and the Goodman from The Theatre School at
Wright’s Native Son. Nota- Theatre in Chicago. She most DePaul University, and an
ble Native Son productions recently served in residence at MFA in interdisciplinary arts
include the Off-Broadway New Victory Theatre and as a from Goddard College.
Playlist honors Icons John
Lewis and Rev. C.T. Vivian
BEACON, August 6 – August 12, 2020

(L-R) Rev. C.T.Vivian, Congressman John Lewis and Congressman Andrew Young

Posted By Don Thomas well-received playlist for be heard on YouTube, Apple

June, Williams programmed and Spotify.
lobal Communicator, the YouTube list with live Global Communicator is
the e-publication for performance videos where a monthly e-publication for
communications pro- possible. people of color that features
fessionals, has once again Gwendolyn Quinn, the in-depth profiles of publicists,
teamed with Music Producer Chief Content Officer of Glob- public relations and com-
Brennan Williams, founder al Communicator, says she munications professionals,
of Coloan Records, to create wanted to honor the late Rev. journalists, marketing and
a specially curated playlist C.T. Vivian and the Hon. John advertising executives, and
highlighting the theme for Lewis who both died on July content creators. The magazine
the July 2020 issue: Social 17, 2020 with this collection. is published on the Medium.
Justice. Dedicated to the lega- “Two of Black America’s com platform.
cies of recently departed Civil leading heroes changed the Founded by Brennan Wil-
Rights Icons, Congressman direction of this country with liams in 2008, Coloan Re-
John Lewis and the Rev. C.T. their bravery, courage, and cords creates theme mixes that
Vivian this month’s special lifelong commitment to Civil combine original and remixed
30-track collection available Rights and social justice. Their tracks to deliver eclectic and
on Apple Music, Spotify, and leadership has inspired gener- complex music programming.
YouTube. ations,” she notes. With unparalleled expertise in
Included on the playlist are The July 2020 Global sensory branding and cultural
inspiring and time-honored Communicator: Social Jus- programming, Coloan Re-
recordings by artists who paint tice Issue features long-form cords delivers unique viewing
musical portraits of a nation profiles of communications and listening experiences that
in dire need of change and professionals on the front- captivate and move audiences
healing. Such tunes as Marvin lines of the nation’s cur- across the globe.
Gaye’s “What’s Going On,” rent struggle for justice and Coloan Records has cre-
The Isley Brothers’ “Fight equality: Civil Rights Attor- ated musical experiences for
The Power,” James Brown’s ney/TV Commentator Areva such clients as The Recording
“Say It Loud, I’m Black and Martin, PR Expert/Media Academy, Harvard Univer-
I’m Proud,” Kendrick Lamar’s Activist Rachel Noerdlinger, sity, Toyota, McDonald’s,
“Alright,” Gil-Scott Heron’s and PR Professional Dreena Black Portraiture Conferences
“The Revolution Will Not Be Whitfield, who represented (presented in New York, Ita-
Televised,” and Public Ene- a founder of the Black Lives ly, and South Africa), Misty
my’s “Fight The Power” from Matter movement. Martin, Copeland’s Dance Tribute
this year’s BET Awards are all Noerdlinger, Whitfield, and to Wynton Marsalis, and the
on the list. Quinn selected the songs for African American Museum
Also heard are handpicked the July Playlist. of Philadelphia’s 40th Anni-
tunes by Aretha Franklin, Williams’ playlist for the versary Gala honoring media
Childish Gambino, War, Don- June premiere relaunched trailblazers Cathy Hughes and
ny Hathaway, Beyoncé, Queen Global Communicator remains Alfred Liggins. For the current
Latifah, Curtis Mayfield, Bob available to listeners as well. and past issues of Global Com-
Marley and The Wailers, Nina Handpicked by the commu- municator magazine, please
Simone, the Impressions, and nications professionals and visit
others. As with last month’s Quinn, the collection can still al-communicator. Gwendolyn Quinn, CCO of Global Communicator

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24 Andrew

Bad Sprain Sidelines

Scorching Judge Solid
By Leila Tai Brown Cole Leads Yankees
BEACON, August 6 – August 12, 2020

ew York Liberty’s new- By Andrew Rosario

est edition and first
round draft here have not been many
pick, guard Sabrina Ionescu positive stories as the
sustained an ankle injury in last Pandemic has cost the
Friday night’s matchup against lives of more than 155,000
the Atlanta Dream when she Americans. Professional and
collided with forward Betnijah college athletes have tested
Laney of the positive impacting their partic-
Dream. Ionescu fell to the ular sport. The delay to the start
court in obvious pain and had of the baseball season gave
to be helped off the court by Yankees Aaron Judge time to
teammates. Ionescu’s injury recover from a rib injury and
was classified as a Grade 3 bruised lung that carried over
ankle sprain. Said New York Liberty Loses Sabrina For from the previous September.
Liberty head coach Walt Hop- Weeks If the season would have start-
kins, "it's a massive loss." The Photo: Special to the New ed on schedule, Judge would
injury comes just three games York Beacon have been on the injured list.
into an already COVID19 In the team's first 9 games in
shortened WNBA season. of her 3-point attempts. She this 60-game season, Judge has
Ionescu is expected to miss at followed that up by scoring 33 been as hot as the weather. The
least three weeks. points in 34 minutes showing Bronx Bombers upped their
In addition to the injury, the why she was the #1 pick in record to 8-1 after defeating
Liberty suffered their third loss the WNBA draft. It was bit- the Philadelphia Phillies this
of the season, 84-78. It was tersweet as the Liberty fell to past Monday night 6-3. Newly
followed by a disappointing Dallas Wings 93-80. acquired free agent Geritt Cole
fourth straight loss The Liberty continued the won again going 6 innings,
(96-67) in their August 2nd hunt for their first victory of striking out 4 and only giving
meeting against the Phoenix the season when they faced the up one run.
Mercury. Ionescu season debut Minnesota Lynx led by former The night before, Judge
was not memorable as she only Liberty Head Coach Katie blasted 2 home runs (5 rbi's)
scored 12 points missing all 8 Smith this last night. in the 9-7 win over the divi-
sion rival Boston Red Sox
sweeping the series. It was the Healthy Judge is Hot
5th straight game that Judge Photo: Special to the NY Beacon
reached the seats. It earned
him American League Player travel down I95 to play a member of the Houston Astros.
of the Week honors. He leads doubleheader Wednesday. His next win would put him in
the team with 6th homers this Both games will be only 7 a 4-way tie for third place on
short season. The last Yankee innings. the all-time winning streak for
to hit home runs in 5 consec- Getting back to Cole. He a starting pitcher.
utive games was Alex Rodri- has been everything the Yan- The way some teams and
guez in 2007. "I really think kees thought he would be when players have tested positive,
he's on a mission now," said they signed him to a 9-year, the next game could be the last
manager Aaron Boone. "When $324 million dollar contract. ending the 60 games season.
he got that clean bill of health Cole has thrown 17.2 innings It would be a shame as Judge
in summer camp, he started with 16 strikeouts against just could put up numbers no other
ramping up." 1o hits, 4 walks, and 5 ER player has in the abbreviated
Because of the impending against 16 strikeouts in 2020. season. Let's hope things get
storm scheduled to hit New Cole has not lost a game since under control. It would be a
York Tuesday, the game was last May as his streak is now shame to not finish what was
postponed. The Yankees will at 19 games which began as a started.

WWE Superstar
Roman Reigns and
daughter Joelle

Take time to
be a dad today.
877-4DAD411 Cole Earning His Pinstripes
Photo: Special to the New York Beacon

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