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Date 2020-06-27

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A director can be a manager and a leader simultaneously. Since both managers are clearly capable and directly manage all of the department
staff, Laura must focus on being a leader. Laura must delegate the managerial responsibilities to the two managers. Thus, building up the
managers’ confidence and use their problem-solving skills to help their staff. It will also enable Laura to focus on building a greater sense of
staff commitment to the company’s mission statement.

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Title: Leadership and Management Case Study – Theory Y
a director can be a manager and a leader simultaneously. since both managers are clearly capable and directly manage all of the
department staff, laura must focus on being a leader. laura must delegate the managerial responsibilities to the two managers. thus,
building up the managers’...

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Title: Laura must delegate the managerial responsibilities to the two...
capable and directly manage all of the department staff, laura must focus on being a leader. laura must delegate the managerial
responsibilities tothe following steps are necessary for building the staff’s confidence in laura which is giving managers greater
independence and the necessary...

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