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TAN641756285613478870Therapeutic Advances in Neurological DisordersJM Tillema and I Pirko

Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders Review

Neuroradiological evaluation of Ther Adv Neurol Disord

(2013) 6(4) 249­–268

demyelinating disease DOI: 10.1177/


© The Author(s), 2013.

Reprints and permissions:
Jan-Mendelt Tillema and Istvan Pirko

Abstract:  Central nervous system inflammatory demyelinating disease can affect patients
across the life span. Consensus definitions and criteria of all of the different acquired
demyelinating diseases that fall on this spectrum have magnetic resonance imaging criteria.
The advances of both neuroimaging techniques and important discoveries in immunology have
produced an improved understanding of these conditions and classification. Neuroimaging
plays a central role in the accurate diagnosis, prognosis, disease monitoring and research
efforts that are being undertaken in this disease. This review focuses on the imaging spectrum
of acquired demyelinating disease.

Keywords:  demyelinating disease, multiple sclerosis, MRI, neuroimaging

Background Also, there has been increasing recognition of Correspondence to:

Istvan Pirko, MD
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has become MRI patterns typical for MS, meeting imaging Department of Neurology,
a critically important tool in diagnosis and differ- criteria in the absence of any clinically related Mayo Clinic, 200 First
Street SW, Rochester,
entiation of different demyelinating disorders. symptoms, also known as radiologically isolated MN 55905, USA
Prognosis, disease monitoring and treatment syndrome (RIS), which over time has the poten-

changes are often based on the combination of tial to evolve into clinically definite MS [Lebrun Jan-Mendelt Tillema, MD
Department of Neurology,
clinical symptoms and neuroimaging findings. et al. 2009; Okuda et al. 2009; Siva et al. 2009]. In Mayo Clinic, Rochester,
MRI is the most commonly used imaging modal- other demyelinating or neuro-inflammatory dis- MN, USA

ity as it offers high-resolution images in a nonin- eases MRI has been incorporated as well into
vasive and safe method, without exposing patients diagnostic criteria, including neuromyelitis optica
to ionizing radiation. The multitude of available (NMO) [Wingerchuk et al. 1999, 2006], trans-
pulse sequences provides unparalleled structural verse myelitis [Transverse Myelitis Consortium
and even functional information that allows inves- Working Group, 2002], pediatric MS [Callen
tigation of different pathological tissue properties. et al. 2009b] and acute disseminated encephalo-
Since the introduction of MRI, this technique has myelitis (ADEM) [Tenembaum et al. 2007].
truly altered the approach to demyelinating dis-
eases, including that of multiple sclerosis (MS) However, there is a clear discrepancy between the
[Noseworthy et al. 2000]. The latter is the most clinical course of the disease and the ‘severity’ of
common demyelinating disease in adults and the appearance of the disease on MRI, also known
leads to significant morbidity and disability within as the clinicoradiological paradox [Barkhof,
the population. Neuroimaging has played an 2002]. This has become apparent even in recent
increasing role in the diagnosis of MS since its subanalyses of data from several clinical studies;
initial incorporation in the 2001 McDonald’s cri- the exclusive use of MRI derived surrogate mark-
teria [McDonald et al. 2001] and subsequent ers of disease activity in clinical trials in its cur-
revisions [Polman et al. 2005, 2011]. In predict- rent state was disputed based on its lack of
ing conversion risk from the presentation with correlation with clinical outcomes [Daumer et al.
clinically isolated (demyelinating) syndrome 2009]. Advances in the MRI acquisitions are
(CIS), MRI measures have been shown to play a revealing aspects of MS beyond visibility on
large role [Barkhof et al. 1997; Brex et al. 2002; conventional imaging techniques. The expecta-
Morrissey et al. 1993; O’Riordan et al. 1998]. tion is that once validated, such new sequences 249
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 6 (4)

specificity of detecting the underlying pathology

is poor. These lesions typically remain hyperin-
tense over time [Paty and Li, 1993]. It can be
difficult to make a clear distinction on T2WI
alone between demyelination and other patho-
logical features associated with demyelinating
disease (e.g. remyelination, inflammation, edema,
Wallerian degeneration, axonal loss) or with other
diseases (e.g. cell infiltration, neoplasm, infection,
etc.). All of these can have similar hyperintense
characteristics on T2WI. The most common
T2WI sequences used in clinical practice are fast
spin echo (FSE)-based techniques and fluid
attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR). In the
latter acquisition technique, an additional inver-
Figure 1.  Lesions in subject with relapsing remitting sion recovery pulse is used to suppress signal aris-
MS. Top images are sagittal images with corpus ing from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Owing to the
callosum lesions (black arrows) and juxtacortical increased tissue contrast in this sequence, it has
lesions on the T1 weighted image (A) and T2 improved detection of cerebral hemispheric
FLAIR weighted image (B). Bottom images clearly lesions, especially increased sensitivity to the
demonstrate the improved sensitivity of posterior
detection of juxtacortical lesions [Filippi et al.
fossa lesion detection (open arrow) on standard T2
weighted images (C) over T2 FLAIR (D). 1996] (Figure 1B and 2B). The improved tissue
contrast of FLAIR images makes it overall easier
to spot lesions at the first glance, probably one of
the reasons why this sequence is often preferred
gradually will be incorporated into future clinical over standard T2 weighted sequences by practic-
trials. ing neurologists. Often forgotten, they come with
a major shortcoming, which is the relative
In this review we discuss routinely available MRI decreased sensitivity to detect posterior fossa
sequences, their current role in diagnosis, man- lesions [Gawne-Cain et al. 1997; Stevenson et al.
agement and disease monitoring of MS and other 1997] (Figure 1C and D). Such infratentorial
acquired inflammatory demyelinating diseases, lesions are common in MS and CIS and one of
including NMO and ADEM. In addition, we will the main reasons to continue to include standard
briefly review some advanced MRI sequences, T2WI in the evaluation of possible demyelinating
currently mostly utilized in research studies. We disease. The location of T2 weighted hyperintense
will first review typical imaging features of CIS lesions is of great importance from the diagnostic
and MS. Subsequently we briefly review some of perspective in MS. It can help differentiate MS
the other acquired demyelinating diseases. from its numerous mimics and is one of the main
reasons why lesion location is prominently fea-
tured in the diagnostic criteria of MS [McDonald
Imaging appearance of typical lesions in MS et al. 2001; Polman et al. 2005, 2011]. These cri-
Although MS is a demyelinating disease that pre- teria will be reviewed in further detail later. The
dominantly affects the white matter, anywhere most frequently seen lesions are located periven-
within the central nervous system (CNS) differ- tricularly, which have a unique feature in MS
ent pathologies can be detected. where seemingly arising from the ventricle with
the main axis almost perpendicular to the main
axis of the lateral ventricle [Gean-Marton et al.
White matter lesions 1991; Offenbacher et al. 1993], also known as
T2 weighted imaging.  The hallmark lesions of Dawson’s fingers.
demyelinating disease are within the white matter
of the brain. The classical sequences that visualize There are multiple factors that contribute to what
MS plaques in vivo are T2 weighted imaging has been called the clinicoradiological or ‘MRI
(T2WI) acquisition techniques, where lesions are paradox’: there is a limited weak correlation
sensitively detected with a hyperintense signal between standard T2 lesion load and clinical dis-
change (Figures 1C and 2A). However, the ability. In early relapsing–remitting (RRMS) this

JM Tillema and I Pirko

correlation is slightly stronger [Molyneux et al. them (even lower than in T1 isointense lesions)
1998; O’Riordan et al. 1998; Sailer et al. 1999; [Hiehle et al. 1995]. On MRS, the hallmark of
Zivadinov and Leist, 2005] and when the disabil- chronic black holes is severely decreased
ity scale is extended to include higher Expanded N-acetlyaspartate (NAA) [Brex et al. 2000]. These
Disability Status Scale (EDSS) scores, this cor- are additional indicators of more profound tissue
relation does not seem to plateau [Caramanos damage in these lesions. This seems to correlate
et al. 2012]. Part of this is discrepancy is the loca- better with clinical disability, as in contrast to
tion and biological features of lesion recovery that T2WI lesion load, T1 black hole load correlates
do not have great imaging differentiating factors better with chronic disability [Truyen et al. 1996;
as remyelinated lesions can have an indistinct van Walderveen et al. 1995, 2001; Zivadinov and
appearance on T2WI. In advanced MS the multi- Leist, 2005].
focal T2 lesions can ‘merge’ and become conflu-
ent and at the same time brain atrophy has been Gadolinium contrast enhancement. Gadolinium
shown to progress [Pirko et al. 2007]. Owing to enhancement (Figure 1D) is considered the hall-
the combination of these, the lesion load may mark of ‘active lesions’ as it represents the pres-
actually decrease in advanced cases, another ence of inflammatory infiltrates through leakage
potential reason of the paradox. of the blood–brain barrier (BBB). Where most
lesions noted on noncontrast T2WI and T1
T1 weighted imaging.  T1 weighted scans can be weighted imaging are chronically present, gado-
quite unimpressive compared with T2WI in many linium contrast-enhanced lesions (CELs) provide
patients. On first observation, these images may a ‘time-stamp’ for recent or ongoing inflamma-
almost appear entirely normal in MS in such tory activity. Gadolinium enhancement is typi-
patients. However, in some patients many of the cally observable in the first 4–6 weeks of lesion
typical T2 hyperintense signal change has a T1 formation [Cotton et al. 2003; Miller et al. 1988].
hypointense imaging characteristic [Uhlenbrock Very rarely, it is detectable beyond 2–3 months,
and Sehlen, 1989], the so-called ‘T1 black holes’. which should raise the concern for alternative
This phenomenon can be seen in two instances diagnoses (neoplasm, [neuro]sarcoidosis, etc.).
with largely independent mechanisms. Chelated gadolinium is the most commonly used
contrast material and is detected as a T1 hyperin-
(1) Acute T1 black holes are seen in an early tense signal change. Spontaneous T1 hyperinten-
transient stage in lesion formation sity on conventional spin-echo-based T1 weighted
[Bagnato et al. 2003; Levesque et al. studies have been reported [Janardhan et al. 2007;
2005]. Cellular infiltration in emerging Zhou et al. 2010], therefore correlation between
lesions and associated ‘focal edema’ are pre- and post-contrast administrated T1 weighted
thought to be the pathological correlate. images should be made. There are alternative iron
These often resolve [Brex et al. 2001; oxide nanoparticle-based contrast agents that can
Losseff et al. 2001a]. give hypointense signal changes on T2* weighted
(2) However, approximately 30% of T1 ‘black imaging, but most of these are experimental and
holes’ will persist, becoming a lifelong pre- with limited use in human studies [Dousset et al.
sent feature [Ciccarelli et al. 1999; van 2006; Pirko et al. 2004, 2005; Vellinga et al. 2008].
Waesberghe et al. 1999] (Figure 1A).When
persistent, these are thought to represent Important factors in the appearance of CELs
more severe tissue loss with areas of axonal (sensitivity) are the dose and delay between
injury [Bitsch et al. 2001; van Walderveen administration and scanning time in addition to
et al. 1998], the degree of hypointensity imaging parameters (e.g. slice thickness, field
correlated best with axonal density [Bitsch strength, use of ‘sensitizing’ magnetization trans-
et al. 2001]. The most hypointense black fer pulse [Silver et al. 1999]). Typical recom-
holes can have little to no remaining neu- mended doses are 0.1 mmol/kg, and a delay of
ronal tissue [van Waesberghe et al. 1999]. minimal 5 minutes. Between administration and
However, in most cases the signal intensity obtaining the T1 weighted post-contrast images,
is higher than CSF in these areas, indicat- often another noncontrast sensitive sequence is
ing persistence of (some) CNS tissue. obtained. With the increasing use of gadolinium a
linkage between nephrogenic systemic fibrosis
On advanced MRI, T1 black holes have low mag- and administration of gadolinium was made,
netization transfer ratios (MTRs) associated with most strongly correlated with poor kidney 251
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 6 (4)

Figure 2.  Variety of contrast enhancing lesions in a patient with RRMS during a clinical relapse. (A) shows
numerous small, nodular contrast enhancing lesions (black arrow) and a small ring enhancing lesion (white
arrow) in a T1 weighted post contrast image (left image), correlating to the hyperintensities on T2 weighted images
(right image). Images in (B) show a larger ring enhancing lesion in the right frontal lobe on the T1 weighted post
gadolinium contrast images (left image) with multiple older lesions appearing on FLAIR imaging (right image).

function, the reason to screen for this prior to In progressive forms of MS, contrast enhancement
administration of gadolinium [Sadowski et al. can be present, albeit with much lower incidence. In
2007]. In cases of limited estimated glomerular secondary progressive MS (SPMS), CELs are rarely
filtration rate (eGFR), caution should be applied seen and often are not observed at all [Kidd et al.
in the use of gadolinium-based contrast agents 1996; Tubridy et al. 1998]. In primary progressive
[Colletti, 2008; Haemel et al. 2011]. MS (PPMS), CEL have been reported in as low as
approximately 5% of cases [Thompson et al. 1991].
It deserves mention that, similar to other lesion- This is thought to occur more frequently in the ear-
based clinicoradiological discordances, in many lier stages of the disease, in the first 5 years of PPMS
cases the presence of enhancement will not result as high as 40% of patients may have associated cer-
in an obvious new clinical relapse. As a matter of ebral CELs [Ingle et al. 2005].
fact, presence of gadolinium enhancement is 5–10
times more common than clinical observation The physical appearance of CELs can take many
alone [Thompson et al. 1992]. This increased different forms. The differential diagnosis of ring
sensitivity to recent disease activity is the main enhanced lesions is wide and includes gliomas,
reason that gadolinium-enhanced lesion-based metastases, abscesses, etc. Demyelinating CELs
quantitative metrics have been used as surrogate can appear as homogenously enhanced lesions,
markers of outcome measures in clinical trials of heterogeneous/nodular pattern or with (open)
MS therapies. While efficiently capturing recent ring enhanced patterns [Grossman et al. 1986,
inflammatory activity, these lesions also do not 1988; Miller et al. 1988; Thompson et al. 1992;
correlate well with disability on longitudinal stud- Thorpe et al. 1996] (Figure 2). In the case of the
ies. The mean number of CELs in the first 6 very specific open ring enhancement pattern, the
months after the diagnosis of MS showed only a opening is typically outward, towards the cortex
weak correlation with disability 1 and 2 years later [Masdeu et al. 1996, 2000]. Ring enhanced
[Kappos et al. 1999]. In biopsy-proven demyeli- lesions are often larger and can have specific
nating disease, also no such association was found imaging features, including shorter duration of
between ring CELs and disability [Lucchinetti enhancement [Minneboo et al. 2005], low signal
et al. 2008]. CELs are not single predictors of intensity on apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC)
subsequent relapses and many factors, including [Leist et al. 2001] and MTR [Morgen et al. 2001].
overall clinical course, imaging appearance and There are some reports on the evolution into T1
temporal changes in addition to most importantly black holes and the association with the develop-
patient preference is what should guide decision ment of brain atrophy [Bagnato et al. 2003].
making regarding treatment change. This is one
of the most important features for the practicing
neurologist, treatment changes are made based Tumefactive demyelinating white matter lesions
on disease activity overall and not the appearance A small subset of patients will initially present
of imaging features alone at this point. with unusually large or tumefactive solitary or

JM Tillema and I Pirko

Figure 4.  Post gadolinium fat saturated T1

weighted images showing contrast enhancement
and thickening of the optic nerve (white arrows) on
coronal (A) and axial image (B).

Figure 3.  Typical spinal cord lesions in a patient with tumefactive lesions include appearance on the
RRMS. On the sagittal STIR sequence (A) multiple ADC maps of diffusion weighted imaging [Abou
ovoid lesions (black arrows) are seen extending Zeid et al. 2012]. The behavior of peripheral ADC
across one vertebral segment. The images on
patterns at the lesion edge was found to have sig-
the right show axial cuts of the same individual,
showing the typical pattern of ovoid lesion in the right nificant peripheral diffusion restriction in demy-
dorsolateral aspect of the cervical spinal cord (white elination, compared with abscesses and tumors
arrow). (B) post gadolinium contrast T1 weighted (p = 0.006); whereas central restriction was only
image, (C) T2 weighted image. seen in abscesses.

multiple demyelinating lesion. These typically

have contrast enhancement patterns as described Spinal cord lesions
above and the differentiating between the poten- Spinal cord lesions (Figure 3) are prominently
tial diagnoses is even more pressing as entirely present in MS and are commonly not fully inves-
different treatment pathways and prognosis fol- tigated. As reviewed later, the significance of spi-
low. Other similar appearing lesions primarily nal cord involvement is also underlined in the
include primary brain neoplasms (e.g. high-grade newly revised diagnostic criteria of MS
gliomas), metastatic malignancies and abscess. [McDonald et al. 2001; Polman et al. 2005]. The
Biopsies are often obtained to complete the evalu- best way to detect spinal cord lesions are T2
ation of these atypical lesions as differentiation on weighted short tau inversion recovery (STIR) and
imaging presentation alone often is not sufficient. FSE sequences. On sagittal scans, smaller MS
Efforts to differentiate using magnetic resonance lesions can be missed and opposed to NMO,
spectroscopy (MRS) has not been proven helpful these rarely extend longitudinally beyond one spi-
thus far. MRS of tumefactive demyelinating nal cord segment. When imaging quality and
lesions may show elevated choline and decreased patient factors permit (e.g. movement, obesity),
NAA peak in addition to lactate and lipid peaks, axial cord images commonly show smaller lesions
similar findings have been seen in neoplastic with involvement of small sections anywhere
lesions [Saindane et al. 2002]. Changes in MRS within the spinal cord, commonly affecting the
patterns over time may be suggestive of demyeli- posterior or lateral aspects. This typically is
nating etiology [Butteriss et al. 2003]. Some had around a quarter to half of the axial cord slice sur-
reviewed specific diagnostic algorithms [Al-Okaili face area, with both white and gray matter involve-
et al. 2007] to incorporate perfusion MRI, diffu- ment. STIR imaging is often used to increase the
sion weighted imaging and conventional MRI. sensitivity of spinal cord lesion detection [Bot
Other subtle imaging findings can include the et al. 2000]. These images also provide fat sup-
presence of a similar T2 hypointense rim and a pression, which may be useful in optic nerve
pattern of open ring enhancement favoring demy- imaging as well [Campi et al. 2000; Moseley et al.
elination. The hypointense borders are thought to 1998]. Similar to T1 black holes that are most
correlate with the location of macrophages in commonly found in the cerebral white matter, T1
these lesions, but are not specific. However, a hypointense signal changes can be found in the
recent correlation study between histopathology spinal cord [Losseff et al. 2001b]. In progressive
and MRI findings of tumefactive demyelinating forms of MS, where the clinical picture is pre-
disease found that distinguishing appearance of dominated by myelopathic symptoms, subtle cord 253
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 6 (4)

atrophy and increasing cord lesion load may be cortical gray matter pathology. The presence of
the only MRI manifestations. pathological abnormality within the cortex in MS
has been discussed since the early descriptions by
Charcot. A recent study investigating pathological
Optic nerve lesions samples obtained from biopsies of demyelinating
The optic nerve is frequently involved in demyeli- white matter lesions found that in 38% of the
nating disease and optic neuritis (ON) can be specimens cortical demyelination was present en
seen as CIS or as part of MS, ADEM or NMO. route to the biopsy core [Lucchinetti et al. 2011].
The diagnosis of ON is clinical with most fre- Lesions can be located in subpial, intracortical or
quently gradual worsening of visual acuity, color leukocortical areas and even meningeal inflam-
perception and associated eye pain. Imaging find- mation can be seen in early phases of the disease
ings can be supportive, best demonstrated with [Popescu and Lucchinetti, 2012]. Together with
dedicated orbital/optic nerve imaging (Figure 4). inflammatory demyelinating lesions in the cortex,
The most significant contribution of imaging at over time there has been substantial evidence for
initial presentation with isolated ON is evaluation advanced brain and cortical atrophy developing
with brain MRI. The overall conversion risk to MS over time with MRI-based studies. Interestingly,
in the optic neuritis treatment trial (ONTT) was these changes are more typically associated with
approximately 50% in 15 years after initial presen- clinical outcomes [Pirko et al. 2007; Zivadinov
tation with ON [Brodsky et al. 2008]. When brain and Leist, 2005].
MRI findings were incorporated, risk stratification
revealed that approximately 75% of patients con- The detection of cortical lesions is so far the most
verted when brain lesions were present, where only sensitive of the T2 weighted inversion recovery
25% of patients with a normal MRI developed techniques, including FLAIR and the recently
MS in that time frame. Advanced imaging meth- developed double inversion recovery (DIR) acqui-
ods such as diffusion tensor imaging have been sition techniques. DIR, which will be reviewed in
used to study ON as well and only have been further detail in the advanced imaging section, has
described to possibly predict outcome [Naismith an increased sensitivity of detecting cortical lesions
et al. 2009, 2010], without any clear diagnostic compared with FLAIR, although in a recent
advantage. pathology and MRI correlation study, this sensi-
tivity was only 18% compared with the gold stand-
ard, histopathology [Seewann et al. 2012]. Part of
Subcortical gray matter lesions this is that the greatest sensitivity is to detecting
On standard T2 weighted images, hypointensities leukocortical or juxtacortical lesions, where the
have been observed and described in the thala- vast majority of intracortical and subpial cortical
mus and deep gray nuclei [Bakshi et al. 2001, lesions remain undetected.
2002; Bermel et al. 2005; Grimaud et al. 1995;
Tjoa et al. 2005]. The presence of such lesions
seems to correlate with specific imaging outcomes Imaging findings of other
such as brain atrophy, and with clinical outcome demyelinating diseases
measures, including an increased likelihood for The differential diagnosis of typical imaging find-
cognitive dysfunction, fatigue and disability. In ings of MS is large. As reviewed above, one of the
addition, quantitative volumetric MRI metrics in most important features in detecting typical MS
these regions seem to correlate with similar clini- lesions is location. In contrast to MS lesions, non-
cal outcomes [Batista et al. 2012; Benedict et al. specific lesions due to small vessel ischemia and
2009]. Although not yet conclusively proven, migraines tend to spare the U-fibers (juxtacorti-
pathological iron deposition seems to play a role cal lesions) and the hallmark periventricular loca-
in this, further supported by imaging features tions of demyelinating disease. In addition, the
using susceptibility weighted imaging [Haacke nonspecific white matter lesions of such etiologies
et al. 2007; Hagemeier et al. 2012]. are typically absent in the infratentorial brain,
with the exception of rare pontine lesions that can
be seen in small vessel ischemic disease. Spinal
Cortical gray matter lesions cord lesions are typically not seen in small vessel
Whereas T2WI sequences are very sensitive in ischemic disease, underlining the importance of
detecting demyelinated white matter lesions, they diagnostic use of spinal cord imaging to assess
are relatively insensitive in the detection of demyelinating disease [Bot et al. 2002].

JM Tillema and I Pirko

Table 1.  Table summarizing important entities in the differential diagnosis of MS and potential ‘red flags’ in the misdiagnosis of MS.

Brain white matter Disease Cortical gray matter Disease

Normal NMO (absent or few lesions), Cortical/subcortical lesions crossing MELAS
ATM vascular territories
Large lesions AMS (can be confluent with Infiltrating lesions that do not remain in Abscess
perilesional edema), BCS, gray or white matter boundaries
PACNS (with mass effect)
Symmetrically ADEM, AFL Prevalent involvement versus white Encephalitis
distributed lesions matter
Poorly defined lesion ADEM, pattern III MS Deep gray matter  
Absent MRI activity at ADEM Bilateral lesions ADEM (GM-WM junction),
follow-up CADASIL
Involvement temporal CADASIL Lacunar infarcts CADASIL, SVD
pole, vertex U-fibers,
external capsule, insula.
Bilateral CADASIL, SVD, AHEM/AHLE, T1-hyperintensity of the pulvinar FD
microhemorrhagic foci PACNS
Frequent sparing of CC CADASIL, SVD Multiple discrete lesions in the basal Susac’s syndrome
and cerebellum ganglia and thalamus
Predominant CC Susac’s syndrome Large and infiltrating basal ganglia NBD
involvement lesions
Enhancement of all ADEM, PACNS, sarcoidosis Infiltrating lesions without respecting Abscesses
lesions gray-matter or white-matter
Infarcts SID, PACNS, SVD T2-hyperintense lesions in the dentate AFL (CTX)
Punctate parenchyma PACNS, sarcoidosis, NBD Spinal cord  
Predominance of SID Large and swelling lesions NMO, ADEM, ATM,
lesions at the cortical/ Sjögren’s syndrome
subcortical junction
Diffuse white matter NBD, encephalitis, SVD, Diffuse posterior column abnormalities B12D, ACD
involvement CADASIL
Cerebral venous sinus NBD Other  
Infiltrating (large) NBD No ‘occult’ changes in the NAWM NMO, Lyme disease, SID
brainstem lesions (except in NSLE)
Anterior temporal and Encephalitis (HSE) Pontine lacunar infarcts CADASIL, SVD
inferior frontal lobe
involvement, associated
with enhancement or
mass effect
Isolated lesions with Abscess Dilation of Virchow–Robin spaces HHC, PACNS
ring enhancement (often
Mass effect Abscess, metastasis, Diffuse lactate increase on brain MRS MELAS
malignancy, tumefactive MS
Progressively enlarging PML Meningeal enhancement Susac’s syndrome,
lesions, asymmetric PACNS, NBD, meningitis,
lesions (juxtacortical Lyme disease, sarcoidosis
Large lesions, absent or PML Hydrocephalus Sarcoidosis
rare mass effect

(Continued) 255
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 6 (4)

Table 1. (Continued)

Brain white matter Disease Cortical gray matter Disease

Extensive and bilateral B12D, ACD Absence of optic-nerve lesions PML

abnormalities in isolation
  Regional atrophy HHC (hippocampus
and amygdala), NBD
ACD, acquired copper deficiency; ADEM, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis; AFL, adult forms of leukoencephalopathies; AMS, acute multiple scle-
rosis (Marburg type); ATM, acute transverse myelitis; B12D, vitamin B12 deficiency; BCS, Balo’s concentric sclerosis; CNS, central nervous system;
CTX, cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis; FD, Fabry’s disease; HHC, hyper homocystinemia; HIVE, HIV encephalitis; HSE, herpes simplex encephalitis;
MELAS, mitochondrial encephalopathy with lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes; MRS, magnetic resonance spectroscopy; MS, multiple sclerosis;
NAWM, normal-appearing white matter; NBD, Behçet’s disease with CNS involvement; NMO, neuromyelitis optica; NSLE, neuropsychiatric systemic
lupus erythematosus; PACNS, primary angiitis of the CNS; PML, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy; SID, systemic immune-mediated dis-
ease; SSP, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis; SVD, small-vessel disease.

A workshop of the European MAGNIMS

(Magnetic Resonance Network in Multiple
Sclerosis) defined ‘MRI red flags’ derived from
evidence-based findings and expert opinion
[Charil et al. 2006]. Table 1 summarizes some of
the identified MRI features that are suggestive of
specific other pathologies and in the appropriate
clinical setting should trigger consideration of
work up targeted to other etiologies.

Neuromyelitis optica
The diagnostic criteria of NMO have been estab-
lished after recognition that this was more than a Figure 5.  Spinal cord lesions in a patient with
variant of MS and now is recognized as a separate neuromyelitis optica (NMO). These images very nicely
disease entity with an entirely different epidemi- demonstrate the longitudinally extensive involvement
ology, pathology and radiographic appearance. of the spinal cord in this disease. In this patient this
The breakthrough has been the discovery of a extended over a region of 5 vertebral segments as
seen on the sagittal STIR image (A), with in affected
serum marker (NMO-IgG) against aquaporin 4
area a faint, heterogeneous hyperintense signal
(AQP-4) [Lennon et al. 2004, 2005]. Although change after gadolinium contrast administration on
highly specific (>99%) [McKeon et al. 2009; sagittal T1 image (B).
Waters et al. 2012], sensitivity of the serological
disease marker remains around 70% and depends
on the performed laboratory method [Waters neoplastic or ischemic disease. The lesions are
et al. 2012]. This is reflected in the revised diag- longitudinally extensive (defined as stretching
nostic criteria; it remains a clinical diagnosis with over >3 vertebral segments) and in most typical
ancillary support of radiographic and serological circumstances involve over half of the area on
features. These criteria [Wingerchuk et al. 2006] axial cuts (Figure 5A and B). This often distin-
include the presence of (1) clinical history of both guishes readily from MS-like lesions, which are
ON and transverse myelitis, with (2) two out of smaller lesions as reviewed earlier. NMO lesions
the three supporting criteria (MRI evidence of more often have central cord involvement and can
longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis in >3 affect both gray and white matter within the spi-
vertebral segments, brain MRI is nondiagnostic nal cord. In addition, optic nerve lesions also have
for MS at onset, or positive NMO-IgG testing). a tendency to be more extensive in length, often
crossing the optic chiasm, a feature not com-
NMO spinal cord lesions demonstrate a ‘swollen monly seen in MS-related ON. MS and NMO
cord’ appearance with mass effect. Not uncom- both have the presence of demyelination on histo-
monly initially this would raise the question of pathology. However, in NMO lesions there is

JM Tillema and I Pirko

Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis

ADEM is an immune-mediated inflammatory
demyelinating disorder that often is preceded by
infection or vaccination and usually behaves as a
monophasic disease [Leake et al. 2004; Torisu et al.
2010]. The diagnosis of ADEM has not been as rig-
idly reviewed and revised as those of MS and NMO.
Part of this is the low incidence of the disease and its
variable clinical presentation and course. While
ADEM can occur at any age it is most commonly
encountered in the pediatric age group. An interna-
tional pediatric study group proposed clinical crite-
ria [Krupp et al. 2007]. Part of one of the main
distinguishing clinical features of ADEM that was
included most commonly in clinical criteria [Krupp
Figure 6.  Images of acute disseminated
et al. 2007] is the presence of encephalopathy. In
encephalomyelitis (ADEM) in a pediatric patient.
The T2 FLAIR axial images were acquired during the addition to a variable degree of encephalopathy,
symptomatic phase of the disease (A) with typical both clinical and imaging findings need to be con-
poorly demarcated lesions with white matter and sistent with polyfocal demyelinating disease. Around
grey matter involvement. There was no contrast the same time another study group that focused
enhancement of any of these lesions (not shown). On more on presentation at older age (>15 years) pro-
follow up imaging three months later (B) no residual posed similar diagnostic criteria that could differen-
signal change is noted.
tiate from MS: clinical symptoms atypical for MS,
absence of oligoclonal bands (OCBs), and gray
generally more tissue destruction than what is matter involvement [de Seze et al. 2007].
seen in MS lesions, resulting in some features of
the characteristic imaging appearance. Related to Neuroimaging of ADEM has multiple character-
that is the finding that on average it seems that istic features. Brain parenchymal abnormalities
NMO attacks can be associated with more signifi- are typically large, multiple, bilateral but asym-
cant disability after a single attack. It is critical to metric, poorly demarcated, areas of increased sig-
differentiate NMO from MS as commonly used nal on T2-weighted and FLAIR sequences which
therapies for MS (interferon β) have been reported can affect both white and gray matter (Figure 6).
to possibly worsen the clinical course of NMO Gray matter involvement can be neocortical or
[Kim et al. 2012; Shimizu et al. 2010]. deep gray matter (thalamus, basal ganglia).
Brainstem and cerebellum are commonly involved
One of the most important revisions was to no [Callen et al. 2009a; Ketelslegers et al. 2010;
longer exclude the presence of brain lesions as Tenembaum et al. 2007]. Associated edema, swell-
these were described to be frequently present in ing and localized mass effect can be seen in larger
NMO [Pittock et al. 2006a, 2006b]. Cerebral lesions. Enhancement is not commonly encoun-
white matter findings could even meet imaging tered (10–30%), can be marginal and/or nodular
criteria for MS, but more often are fairly nonspe- in distribution. Four imaging patterns have been
cific in imaging characteristics and confined to proposed based on evaluation of pediatric patients
regions known to be rich in AQP-4 [Pittock et al. with ADEM [Tenembaum et al. 2002,2007]
2006b]. These typically include periventricular These categories included ADEM with (1) multi-
regions of the third (diencephalic) and fourth focal numerous small (<5 mm) lesions, (2) large,
ventricle (brainstem). In comparison with MS, confluent white matter lesions with frequent
where abnormalities are found in the unaffected edema and mass effect, (3) bithalamic involve-
white and gray matter (normal-appearing white ment, and (4) acute hemorrhagic encephalomyeli-
matter [NAWM] and normal-appearing gray tis (AHEM) [Tenembaum et al. 2002]. The latter
matter [NAGM]), such abnormalities are not is with T2* hypointensity within areas of T2 hyper-
commonly found in NMO and if present seem to intense signal change. In pediatric patients, spinal
be in areas involved in connection to the active cord involvement has been reported to potentially
disease, e.g. corticospinal tract or optic radiation include long segments (>3 vertebral segments)
[Filippi et al. 1999b; Pichiecchio et al. 2012; Yu [Tenembaum et al. 2007; Yiu et al. 2009] that are
et al. 2007]. NMO-IgG negative [Banwell et al. 2008]. 257
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 6 (4)

Follow-up imaging often documents resolution of The criterion for dissemination in time was sim-
the signal change abnormalities and the develop- plified in most recent 2010 revision of the
ment of additional lesions are not compatible McDonald criteria. Where previously either new
with a monophasic course of ADEM. Complete enhanced or nonenhanced new lesions needed to
resolution of lesions can occur in up to half of develop between two defined time points, now the
patients with ADEM, however residual hyperin- diagnosis can be made within one single scan.
tensities on T2WI likely represent gliosis and Simply, the presence of asymptomatic CELs and
demyelination [Dale et al. 2000]. nonenhanced T2 hyperintense lesions fulfill the
prior requirement of lesions developing over a
Pathologically, ADEM is different from MS and minimum of 3 months. Thus, one single MRI is
shows a striking perivenular inflammatory demyeli- sufficient to establish dissemination in time. The
nation [Wingerchuk and Lucchinetti, 2007; Young importance of imaging findings in the different
et al. 2010]. The risk of development of MS has stages of lesion formation come from prior stud-
varied significantly in the last few decades, partly ies showing that these findings hold up in early
due to variable inclusion criteria that were applied. stages of MS and conversion of CIS [Montalban
Initially, this risk was estimated to be as high as et al. 2010; Rovira et al. 2009]. The only caveat to
20–30% [Mikaeloff et al. 2004, 2007;Tenembaum such measures of increasing sensitivity (capturing
et al. 2002, 2007]. Using MRI to refine diagnostic disease earlier) is that it can be at the cost of spec-
criteria better to distinguish between pediatric MS ificity. Special care should be maintained in inter-
and ADEM suggested the presence of two out of preting scans: the prior mentioned persisting
the following three criteria to distinguish MS from gadolinium-enhanced ‘lesions’ can include other
ADEM: (1) absence of a diffuse bilateral lesion dis- inflammatory pathologies (e.g. sarcoidosis) or
tribution pattern; (2) presence of T1 hypointense occasionally observed structural anomalies (e.g.
lesions; (3) presence of two or more periventricular venous angiomas) could erroneously conclude
lesions. On imaging appearance alone, this was that dissemination in time could be present or
found to be 81% sensitive and 95% specific[Callen only related to MS. MS remains a clinical diagno-
et al. 2009a], later confirmed by others sis with data derived from clinical history, neuro-
[Ketelslegers et al. 2010]. Using these and the logical examination supplemented by ancillary
more stringent clinical criteria, a recent prospective support from both laboratory and MRI. It can
population based study in Canada revealed conver- and will not fully be replaced by any one of these
sion rates of MS in ADEM in pediatric patients as components alone.
low as 3.3% [Banwell et al. 2011].

Primary progressive multiple sclerosis

The role of MRI in diagnostic criteria of MS PPMS typically presents as a slowly progressive
myelopathy. As reviewed earlier, MRI features of
Relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis PPMS include a cord predominant lesion pat-
Since the first international consensus criteria for tern with minimal to no CELs in comparison
MS that incorporated MRI criteria (also known as with RRMS. The current (in 2010 revised) MS
McDonald criteria) [McDonald et al. 2001], two criteria were further simplified and require 1
subsequent revisions [Polman et al. 2005, 2011] year of slow clinical progression, and two out of
have reflected the increased role of MRI in the the following three findings: (1) limited evidence
diagnostic process. These criteria are based on the of DIS in the brain (with one or more periven-
‘dissemination in space’ and ‘dissemination of tricular, juxtacortical and infratentorial lesion);
time’ in MS. Although MS-related pathology and (2) evidence of DIS in the cord with two or more
MRI change can be seen anywhere in the CNS, the characteristic T2 weighted lesions; (3) positive
most commonly encountered location remains the CSF (OCB elevation and/or IgG Index
periventricular white matter, where ovoid lesions elevation).
are often observed (Dawson’s fingers). In addition
to periventricular (1) lesions, juxtacortical (2),
infratentorial (3) and spinal cord lesions (4) are Clinically isolated syndrome
specifically included in the 2010 dissemination in The initial presentations of MS include well-char-
space criteria. With these current criteria, the pres- acterized subacute onset demyelinating syndromes
ence of lesions in any of two of these four locations that can include either ON, transverse myelitis, or
meets the ‘dissemination in space’ criteria. isolated brainstem/cerebellar syndromes, but the

JM Tillema and I Pirko

Figure 7.  (A) Sample image of double inversion recovery imaging (DIR) demonstratting the presence of
leukocortical lesion (white arrow) and typical white matter lesions (black arrows). Image (B) shows a sample of
cortical thickness measurements using Freesurfer (software available on
showing a sample of a healthy control (left image) and a patient with RRMS. The color bar representing the
cortical thickness goes from thin (red) to thicker cortex (yellow) measurements.

differential diagnosis can be broad. CIS is when of lesion growth over the duration of the study was
there is a single clinical event that is demyelinating 0.80 cm3/year in those patients who continued in
in nature, where the clinical and MRI criteria for a relapsing–remitting course, and 2.89 cm3/year in
dissemination in time are not met. The clinical those who developed SPMS.
presentation of CIS immediately raises the ques-
tion whether this represents a first episode of MS
and what to expect in terms of prognosis and risk Radiologically isolated syndrome
of relapse. The question of evaluation of the risk of RIS is an entity when the typical MRI findings of
conversion to MS has been studied extensively MS can be seen in entirely asymptomatic patients.
and these studies have contributed to the revision These MRIs are often obtained in the work up of
of some of the MRI criteria to allow earlier diag- unrelated diseases, e.g. headache, head injury,
nosis of MS. The most sensitive measure has been etc. When upon further historical or and/or labo-
the presence of typical MS lesions on MRI at time ratory investigations, no other evidence can be
of presentation. Most of this knowledge comes found for demyelinating disease or other explan-
through the series of longitudinal studies from the atory diagnoses, this finding is commonly labeled
National Hospital in London, UK and were con- as the RIS. This is somewhat of a misnomer as
firmed in (usually smaller) studies [Brex et al. patients by definition do not have any ‘syn-
2002; Chard et al. 2003; Fisniku et al. 2008; drome’, there is no constellation of symptoms
Morrissey et al. 1993; O’Riordan et al. 1998]. This that would fit with CIS or MS. Thorough eval-
has established that at different time points in fol- uation investigating other etiologies is often war-
low up, the conversion risk of developing MS was ranted. There is evidence that a subgroup of
significantly higher when other CNS lesions were these patients will develop clinically definite MS,
present. It has become evident that most of the over as long as 10 years [Lebrun et al. 2009;
conversion takes place in the first few years after Okuda et al. 2009; Siva et al. 2009]. In one of
the initial demyelinating event. These time points these series (n = 44), radiological evidence for
were 1 year (30% versus 0%), 5 year (65% versus 3%), new lesion formation was seen in 59%, only
10 year (83% versus 11%), 14 year (88% versus 19%) 22.8% had clinical symptoms and ‘converted’ to
and 20 years (82% versus 21%). Part of some of CIS or MS [Okuda et al. 2009]. The presence on
this fluctuation is the availability of follow up initial imaging of CELs [Okuda et al. 2009] or
[Fisniku et al. 2008]. Those that converted with an asymptomatic spinal cord lesions [Okuda et al.
unremarkable MRI at presentation typically had a 2011] have been reported to be predictors of
milder course of the disease. The follow up at the clinical conversion to either CIS or MS.
last time point (20-year follow up) [Fisniku et al. Extensive cognitive testing demonstrated simi-
2008] addressed the disability rate and in those lar cognitive abnormalities in the patients with
that had converted to MS, there was a significant RIS as compared with patients with MS [Lebrun
correlation between T2 lesion volume and EDSS, et al. 2010]. Cases of RIS need radiological and
most evident in the first 5 years. This study estab- clinical follow up and treatment decisions should
lished that change in lesion volume at earlier time be dependent on radiological or clinical conver-
points are correlated with disability at 20 years. sion. Further efforts to improve the understand-
There statistical significant difference in the rate ing of this entity are ongoing. 259
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 6 (4)

Advances in MRI in demyelinating disease High field strength MRI has become increasingly
Both MRI acquisition and post-processing of MRI available. These have become more widely availa-
data have gone through tremendous improvements ble. Many institutions have 3 T scanners, with up
in the recent years. It is beyond the scope of this to 7 T or higher becoming available in a smaller
paper to review all research MRI sequences and number of centers. Current FDA approval for
processing techniques in a comprehensive matter, clinical use goes up to 4 T, making the others cur-
as currently many of these are not yet available for rently only useful for research purposes with local
routine clinical practice. Despite the advances that IRB approval. The energy absorption in tissue is
have been made, not many have made it into clini- higher and sequences need to be specifically
cal practice. The validation of such improved designed to allow the desired acquisition tech-
acquisitions or analysis tools in the solution to the niques without crossing the specific absorption
discrepancy between clinical outcome and imaging rate (SAR). These sequences have been generally
findings will greatly advance diagnostic and thera- without described adverse events. Higher field
peutic decision points. Some of the main hurdles strength results in higher signal-to-noise ratio,
to implementation in clinical practice are that enabling higher-resolution acquisitions in shorter
many of these methods require pulse sequences time. Along with that comes the potential of
and post-processing software that is often not improved contrast-to-noise ratio. In MS, research
installed in the standard package of MRIs. In addi- studies applying higher field strength MRIs have
tion, the post-processing steps are often time and resulted in some interesting studies, although val-
labor intensive, requiring significant computational idation of many will have to come with time.
power and interpretation and can be clouded by There has been the potential for improved lesion
fairly easily introduced artifacts. We will briefly detection in white and cortical gray matter [de
highlight some of the potential advances in evalua- Graaf et al. 2012; Mistry et al. 2011; Nielsen et al.
tion with the most commonly used techniques. 2012], deep gray matter pathology [Lebel et al.
2012] and unusual imaging features of white mat-
Volumetric studies of the brain and spinal cord ter lesions with persistent ring phase white matter
have been important in detecting ongoing and lesions [Bian et al. 2012] all potentially provide
early presence of atrophy in MS. Atrophic changes additional insight in the pathology of MS, where
are most pronounced in progressive stages of clinical application may be still far out.
advanced MS, but are detectable even in the earli-
est stages of the disease [Sastre-Garriga et al. 2004, Magnetization transfer imaging (MTI) was first
2005; Tiberio et al. 2005] (Figure 7B). In addi- performed in MS patients in 1992 [Dousset et al.
tion, atrophy keeps progressing even when new 1992]. An additional saturation pulse is directed at
lesion formation or gadolinium enhancement are macromolecules such as myelin and subsequent
no longer detectable in progressive MS, and is transfer of magnetization to the mobile proton pool
overall at least partially independent of lesion is measured. It allows the influence of these macro-
load in most studies [Anderson et al. 2007; Fox molecules on the local environment to be studied,
et al. 2000; Jasperse et al. 2007; Losseff et al. thus providing a sensitive marker for tissue integrity.
1996; Miller et al. 2002]. Studies have shown that In lesions, the MTR is decreased proportional to
this is strongly correlated with clinical disability the degree of tissue abnormality. In NAWM and
[Bermel and Bakshi, 2006; De Stefano et al. 2007; NAGM it has been shown that the MT ratio is
Kutzelnigg and Lassmann, 2005; Simon, 2006; altered, reflecting nonlesional pathology [Chen
Zivadinov and Bakshi, 2004]. Improvements in et al. 2005; Filippi et al. 1999a; Laule et al. 2003;
automated methods to generate volumetric Rovaris et al. 2003; Santos et al. 2002]. Changes in
assessments have resulted in different software NAWM and NAGM are often detectable very early
applications to study this in an organized method. in MS, and correlate at least moderately with future
In clinical practice the application is still some- disability according to most [Rovaris et al. 2003;
what limited despite the ready availability of this Santos et al. 2002; Traboulsee et al. 2002] but not
software, there have been no great studies where all studies [Rocca et al. 2008]. MTR signal intensity
this is implemented in outcome measures of clini- may normalize as part of normal lesion evolution
cal therapeutic intervention trials. MS-related [Filippi and Rocca, 2004; Inglese et al. 2005] or
atrophy includes both gray and white matter loss, may remain decreased [Dousset et al. 1998; Inglese
with the potential predominance of gray matter et al. 2005; Oreja-Guevara et al. 2006]. The poten-
atrophy emerging in more recent studies [Pirko tial normalization is thought to reflect underlying
et al. 2007; Zivadinov and Cox, 2007]. tissue repair (remyelination) [Barkhof et al. 2003]

JM Tillema and I Pirko

and could be used potentially in studies investi- Conclusions and future directions
gating therapeutics addressing remyelination and MRI has become the single most important para-
regeneration. clinical biomarker of demyelinating diseases and
these are routinely used in the diagnostic process,
Diffusion tensor imaging has found similar changes prognosis, disease and treatment monitoring of
within the NAWM and NAGM. By measuring inflammatory and demyelinating diseases. A grow-
the relative displacement of free water it provides ing body of imaging research, using advanced
information on the directional migration of water acquisition and post-processing techniques, has
along and perpendicular to nerve fibers. This pro- revolutionized the understanding of these diseases.
vides a marker of white matter integrity as this is Despite these enormous advances, the relative lack
altered in injured nerve fibers. This is often meas- of specificity of standard MRI techniques and lack
ured in fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean dif- of clear correlation between these measures and
fusivity measures along the nerve fibers (axial clinical outcome stress the need for further research
diffusivity), perpendicular to the nerve fibers in this field. No paraclinical diagnostic modality
(radial diffusivity) or mean diffusivity measures. can replace solid clinical judgment using all avail-
This method is similar to measuring changes of able sources, but MRI has been and will continue
restricted diffusion commonly used in other to represent an important supplement to the deci-
pathologies (such as ischemic strokes), but in dif- sion-making process. Validation of newer imaging
fusion tensor imaging more gradient directions acquisitions will continually result in gradual
are applied, which allows for more accurate vector changes in the implementation of MRI in clinical
measurement, which is used to calculate diffusiv- practice.
ity measures and FA. The latter is a mathematical
value that describes whether the overall direction Funding
of the diffusion is linear. When the direction of Part of this research received funding from the
movement is uniformly in the same direction NIH (R01 NS 58698), from Mayo Clinic
(highly organized tissue in one direction) the FA Intramural Funds and by CTSA Grant Number
is larger. When movement in all directions is UL1 TR000135 from the National Center for
equal, e.g. free water), the FA approaches zero. Advancing Translational Science (NCATS).
Therefore, white matter has higher FA values
than gray matter and is highest in areas of organ- Conflict of interest statement
ized parallel fiber bundles. In MS, FA values have The authors declare no conflicts of interest in
been reported to be lower. This goes for lesional preparing this article.
areas, NAWM and NAGM [Ciccarelli et al. 2001,
2003, 2005; Griffin et al. 2001; Werring et al.
1999]. These subtle changes can be present in the
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SAGE journals AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, in press. 10S–21S.


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