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C 2016 Poultry Science Association Inc.

Formulation challenges of organic poultry diets with

readily available ingredients and limited synthetic
H. K. Burley,∗,1 K. E. Anderson,† P. H. Patterson,∗ and P. B. Tillman‡

Department of Animal Science, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park
16802; † Prestage Department of Poultry Science, North Carolina State University,
Raleigh; and ‡ Poultry Technical Nutrition Services LLC, Buford, GA

Primary Audience: Nutritionists, Organic Poultry Flock Supervisors, Researchers

Organic agriculture has increased greatly over the past several years as consumer demand
for these products has risen. Organic meat production, including poultry, has grown especially
quickly, resulting in increasingly stringent guidelines being put in place to ensure safe, uniform,
and ideal products for these consumers. Feed formulation and manufacturing for organic poultry
in the United States are strictly regulated by the United States Department of Agriculture
National Organic Program. Currently, no synthetic amino acids are allowed to be used in organic
poultry diets in the United States except for limited quantities of synthetic methionine since it
is typically considered the first or second limiting amino acid in corn and soybean meal based
poultry diets and it is a critical nutrient for maintaining bird growth and productive performance,
especially regarding egg size in laying hens. The aim of the review herein is to discuss the impacts
that current organic regulations on synthetic methionine have on diet formulation when using
readily available ingredients. High levels of crude protein must be used to meet bird methionine
requirements with this restriction in place, which both increases feed costs and can have negative
impacts on bird health and on air quality and the surrounding environment due to increased
ammonia emissions. Atypical feed formulation strategies have been explored to address this
issue, including such methods as feeding alternative ingredients and providing forage materials.
Another possibility would be to use an average lifetime maximum inclusion rate for synthetic
methionine, which may allow for better flexibility to provide sufficient methionine throughout
various phases of growth and production since the requirements of the bird change with age.

Key words: methionine, organic poultry, feed formulation

2016 J. Appl. Poult. Res. 25:443–454

METHIONINE AS AN ESSENTIAL nine (Met) is an essential AA for poultry since

AMINO ACID FOR POULTRY it cannot be synthesized in sufficient quantities
by the bird and therefore must be supplied by
Amino acids (AA), the building blocks of pro- the diet. Corn, soybean meal (SBM), and other
teins, are key nutrients in poultry diets. Methio- common plant based ingredients used in typical
poultry diets have low Met levels and so this
Corresponding author: AA is often considered the first limiting AA for
444 JAPR: Review Article

laying hens and the second for broilers, after ly- through the consumption of the homocystine in
sine (Lys), when these birds are provided corn the feathers [16]. Poorer feather coat increases
and soybean meal based diets. the likelihood of scratches from toenails and
Methionine plays a critical role in synthe- abrasions from equipment or other birds (leading
sizing proteins within the avian body, includ- to more carcass downgrades and greater levels of
ing those that make up muscles, organs, and fear displayed in the flock) [17]. Providing high
feathers [1]. In its active form, coenzyme S- levels of dietary crude protein (CP) can help
adenosylmethionine (SAMe), Met acts as a prevent Met deficiencies in poultry when syn-
labile methyl-group donor to numerous com- thetic AA use is restricted; however, this prac-
pounds, which then allows for creation of tice leads to bird health and environmental issues
choline, creatine, epinephrine, DNA, glutathio- from feeding many other AA in excess of their
nine, and many other important compounds in requirements.
the body [1, 2]. Additionally, Met and Cys- As of March 15, 2011, the United States De-
teine (Cys) (both sulfur-containing AA) are ma- partment of Agriculture (USDA) National Or-
jor providers of organic sulfur within the body, ganic Program (NOP) ruled that synthetic Met
which plays a significant role in the support of was to be limited for use in organic poultry di-
connective tissues [2, 3]. Due to the close rela- ets in the United States to 4, 5, and 6 lbs per
tionship of Met and Cys, these two AA are typi- ton for laying hens, broilers, and turkeys and
cally referred to as total sulfur AA (TSAA) and, other poultry, respectively [18]. Since that time,
in formulation of poultry diets, Met and TSAA synthetic Met was further restricted in use to 2,
levels must always be considered together since 2, and 3 lbs per ton for laying hens, broilers,
it has been found that excess Cys supplementa- and turkeys and other poultry, respectively, as of
tion (at or above 50% of the TSAA requirement) October 2, 2012 [19]. The European Union has
in TSAA deficient diets can cause reduced feed already banned all synthetic AA (including Met)
intake, growth, and feed conversion efficiency from organic poultry diets; however, the Euro-
[4, 5]. Methionine is also highly involved in im- pean Union still has a small allowance for non-
mune system responses. It is a precursor of glu- organic ingredients until 2017, whereas organic
tathione, which is a tripeptide that reduces re- poultry diets in the United States currently must
active oxygen species (ROS) and thus protects contain 100% organically approved ingredients,
cells from oxidative stress. It is also required for which considerably limits the potential of using
the synthesis of the polyamines spermine and many Met-rich ingredients not often available
spermidine, which take part in nucleus and cell in organic form (i.e., corn gluten meal, potato
division events. Rao et al. [6] showed that in- protein, etc.) [20]. There are no known negative
creased dietary Met improved antibody produc- health consequences of supplementing synthetic
tion in broilers. Maroufyan et al. [7] additionally Met at levels to meet bird requirements. How-
showed that the antibody response was highest ever, the provision of synthetic AA to organic
and bursa lesions lowest in broilers receiving di- livestock does not meet consumer expectations
ets supplemented with greater than the NRC rec- for an ideal organic product since it is a chem-
ommended levels of Met and Threonine (Thr). ically synthesized ingredient, thus alternatives
Broiler chickens that are not provided ade- are being investigated. Unfortunately, there are
quate dietary Met have been found to exhibit de- currently no organically approved alternatives
creased feed intake, feed conversion efficiency, that can effectively replace synthetic Met in or-
uniformity, gain, and breast yield, and increased ganic poultry diets. Since Met is such a critical
thigh, wing, and fat pad percentages [8–11]. AA for the health and productivity of poultry,
Poorer feed conversion, lower albumen wt, yolk especially for those fed corn and soybean meal
wt and egg solids, and reduced egg size also have based diets, synthetic Met is being reduced in or-
been found to result from an inadequate sup- ganic poultry diets in a stepwise process, rather
ply of dietary Met for laying hens [12–15]. Me- than being removed altogether before a practical
thionine deficiency also can result in increased and economical solution is realized. The aim of
feather pecking and subsequent feather eating as this review is to discuss the impacts of current re-
the birds attempt to meet their Met requirements strictions on synthetic Met supplementation for

organic poultry in the United States on diet for- limit of 4, 5, and 6 lbs per ton for laying hens,
mulation when using readily available ingredi- broilers, and turkeys and other poultry, respec-
ents. tively, is demonstrated in formulations in the far
left column of each table. These levels enabled
diets to still be formulated with typical synthetic
FORMULATING ORGANIC DIETS Met levels and led to no changes in standard
METHIONINE The new synthetic Met limit of 2, 2, and
3 lbs per ton for laying hens, broilers, and turkeys
Formulation Challenges
and other poultry, respectively, set on October 2,
Examples of organic broiler starter, brown 2012, by the NOP, is demonstrated in formula-
pullet starter, brown laying hen peaking, turkey tions in the center column of each table. These
starter, and duck starter diets are shown in new restrictions allow for only half (or less) of
Tables 1 through 5, respectively, to illustrate the the synthetic Met levels that were permitted in
challenges faced in formulating diets for these the previous guidelines. As demonstrated in the
birds utilizing readily available ingredients and tables below, the following impacts on dietary
various restricted levels of synthetic Met. Me- formulations can be observed when compared
thionine concentration was formulated to meet to the diet formulations that previously allowed
the specified requirements of the bird and to be the higher levels of synthetic Met inclusion: 1)
equal across all diets for each bird type. The im- increases in CP level (from 0.15% for duck
pact of the March 15, 2011, NOP synthetic Met starter diets up to 4.64% for broiler starter di-
ets), 2) increases in amounts of expeller SBM
needed in these formulations to meet Met re-
Table 1. Nutrient composition of broiler starter diets
quirements (from 0.70% for duck starter diets
formulated to meet requirements of the birds with up to 14.57% for broiler starter diets) (which
varying maximum levels of synthetic methionine could increase manure moisture, litter quality,
inclusion (as-is basis).1
and ammonia emission issues as well as breast
Broiler starter diet blisters and footpad lesions), and 3) increases in
5 lb/ton 2 lb/ton 0 lb/ton
diet costs (from $3.59/ton for duck starter diets
up to $94.13/ton for broiler starter diets). Inter-
Ingredient (%)
Corn 41.39 38.86 15.29
estingly, these newly implemented synthetic Met
Soybean meal (expeller) 41.69 56.26 78.32 limits impact duck diet formulations the least
Wheat middlings 10.00 – – compared to all other bird types (Table 5). This
Soybean oil 2.93 1.03 2.79 is likely due to the fact that 3 lb per ton syn-
Limestone 1.38 0.50 1.30 thetic Met may still be used in duck diets, unlike
Di-calcium phosphate 1.55 1.51 1.41
Salt 0.50 0.50 0.50
in broiler diets in which only 2 lb per ton is
Vit-TM premix 0.40 0.40 0.40 currently allowed, while the Met requirement of
DL-Methionine 0.166 0.100 – starting ducks is only slightly lower than that of
Calculated composition broilers (0.48 versus 0.51% total Met for duck
ME (kcal/kg) 3,025 3,025 3,025 versus broiler starter diets, respectively.
Crude protein 23.68 28.32 36.05
Ether extract 7.77 6.67 9.69
When no synthetic Met is allowed in organic
Total Lys 1.31 1.64 2.19 poultry diets, the difficulties faced in formulat-
Total Met 0.51 0.51 0.51 ing these diets with limited levels are only ex-
Total TSAA 0.90 0.96 1.08 acerbated, in many cases to the extremes. Un-
Total Trp 0.30 0.37 0.49 reasonably high levels of CP and exorbitant diet
Total Ile 1.00 1.23 1.61
Total Thr 0.90 1.10 1.42
costs would be incurred if no synthetic Met were
Total Val 1.11 1.34 1.73 allowed in organic poultry diets (when expeller
Calcium 1.00 1.00 1.00 SBM is used as the only major protein-based
Available Phosphorus 0.45 0.45 0.45 ingredient in these diets). In addition to higher
Cost ($/ton) 757.59 851.72 1,004.00 CP and diet costs compared to limited synthetic
Source of broiler starter diet nutrient specifications [3, 37]. Met diets, higher levels of dietary soybean oil
446 JAPR: Review Article

also were needed to meet the energy needs of Table 2. Nutrient composition of brown pullet starter
diets formulated to meet requirements of the birds
the birds, since protein and Met rich expeller with varying maximum levels of synthetic methionine
SBM are needed in large quantities, replacing inclusion (as-is basis).1
corn that would otherwise have provided en- Brown pullet starter diet
ergy to these diets. This results in diets high
in fat content (ranging from 6.85 to 9.69% ether 4 lb/ton 2 lb/ton 0 lb/ton
extract). Ingredient (%)
Organic turkey starter diet formulation is the Corn 46.54 40.33 22.87
most challenging in this scenario. It is not pos- Soybean meal (expeller) 39.90 48.40 70.47
Wheat middlings 10.00 7.80 3.10
sible to meet required Met levels for these birds Soybean oil – – 0.33
when using corn and expeller SBM based diets Limestone 1.39 1.37 1.32
and no synthetic Met. Diets can be formulated to Di-calcium phosphate 1.53 1.50 1.41
reach 0.58% total Met, which is still short of the Salt 0.30 0.30 0.30
0.62% requirement, and this is even considering Vit-TM premix 0.20 0.20 0.20
DL-Methionine 0.138 0.100 –
that this theoretical diet would contain 93.42% Calculated composition
SBM, no corn, and cost $1,099.40/ton ($242.57 ME (kcal/kg) 2,900 2,900 2,900
more per ton than diets with 6 lb/ton synthetic Crude protein 23.33 26.21 33.72
Met) and still be Met deficient (Table 4). Starter Ether extract 4.82 5.30 6.87
diets for organic broilers without synthetic Met Total Lys 1.28 1.48 2.01
Total Met 0.48 0.48 0.48
are theoretically possible to formulate while Total TSAA 0.87 0.91 1.02
meeting total Met requirement of the birds; how- Total Trp 0.29 0.34 0.45
ever, these diets are still completely impractical, Total Ile 0.98 1.12 1.49
requiring 78.32% SBM, 15.29% corn, and cost- Total Thr 0.88 1.00 1.32
ing $1,004.00/ton ($246.41 more per ton than di- Total Val 1.09 1.24 1.61
Calcium 1.00 1.00 1.00
ets with 5 lb/ton synthetic Met) to reach the Met Available phosphorus 0.45 0.45 0.45
requirement of these birds. Brown pullet starter Cost ($/ton) 729.42 786.68 936.05
and layer peaking diets are slightly simpler to for- 1
Source of brown pullet starter diet nutrient specifi
mulate under these restrictions due to lower Met cations [38].
requirements than turkey and broiler starter di-
ets. Pullet starter and peaking layer diets with no
synthetic Met would still need to contain 70.47 Alternative Ingredients
and 67.35% SBM, consist of 33.72 and 31.51%
CP, and cost $894.20/ton and $947.99/ton, re- There is currently no known natural organic
spectively, to meet Met requirements (Tables 2 ingredient with levels of Met high enough to
and 3). Even duck starter diets, which did not compensate for the Met needed in the diet of
change much in formulation when only 3 lb/ton present day organic poultry. There is a search
instead of 6 lb/ton synthetic Met could be used, for feed components that would be readily avail-
would require dramatically increased dietary in- able to allow producers to compensate for the
clusion of SBM and CP 70.66% and 33.62%, re- increased Met needs of the birds, but this in-
spectively, and elevate diet price to $940.46/ton vestigation is ongoing. Burley et al. [21] pro-
(Table 5). vides an extensive review of promising alter-
With limited to no synthetic Met allowed in native ingredients that could be used for this
organic poultry diets, numerous challenges are purpose.
faced both to meet the requirement of the birds
for normal growth and production and to keep Nutrient Provision through Foraging
feed prices economical for producers to afford.
Implementing these stringent regulations prior As demonstrated in Tables 1 through 5, the
to identifying a viable, cost-effective natural al- current limitations on DL-Met inclusion in or-
ternative to synthetic Met will put a great strain ganic poultry diets will unquestionably lead to
on the entire organic poultry industry, regardless increases in CP level in order to meet Met needs
of species of bird or size of the operation. of the birds (which could lead to subsequent

Table 3. Nutrient composition of brown layer peaking Table 4. Nutrient composition of organic turkey starter
diets formulated to meet requirements of the birds diets formulated to meet requirements of the birds
with varying levels of synthetic methionine inclusion with varying levels of synthetic methionine inclusion
(as-is basis).1 (as-is basis).1
Brown layer peaking diet Organic turkey starter diet

4 lb/ton 2 lb/ton 0 lb/ton 6 lb/ton 3 lb/ton 0 lb/ton

Ingredient (%) Ingredient (%)
Corn 37.52 42.63 19.05 Organic corn 32.55 24.18 –
Soybean meal (expeller) 37.86 45.29 67.35 Organic soybean meal (expeller) 57.97 69.46 93.42
Wheat middlings 10.00 – – Organic wheat middlings 4.05 1.05 –
Soybean oil 3.12 0.64 2.41 Organic soybean oil – – 1.57
Limestone 9.30 9.27 9.23 Limestone 1.51 1.49 1.44
Di-calcium phosphate 1.56 1.57 1.46 Di-calcium phosphate 3.12 3.08 2.97
Salt 0.30 0.30 0.30 Salt 0.40 0.40 0.40
Vit-TM premix 0.20 0.20 0.20 Vit-TM premix 0.20 0.20 0.20
DL-Methionine 0.134 0.100 – DL-Methionine 0.202 0.150 –
Calculated composition Calculated composition
ME (kcal/kg) 2,800 2,800 2,800 ME (kcal/kg) 2,850 2,850 2,850
Crude protein 21.64 23.78 31.51 Crude protein 29.17 33.06 41.41
Ether extract 7.54 5.51 8.50 Ether extract 5.78 6.43 9.33
Total Lys 1.20 1.35 1.90 Total Lys 1.70 1.98 2.57
Total Met 0.45 0.45 0.45 Total Met 0.62 0.62 0.58
Total TSAA 0.81 0.83 0.95 Total TSAA 1.09 1.14 1.22
Total Trp 0.27 0.30 0.42 Total Trp 0.38 0.44 0.57
Total Ile 0.91 1.02 1.40 Total Ile 1.27 1.46 1.87
Total Thr 0.82 0.92 1.24 Total Thr 1.13 1.30 1.64
Total Val 1.02 1.12 1.51 Total Val 1.39 1.58 2.00
Calcium 4.00 4.00 4.00 Calcium 1.40 1.40 1.40
Available phosphorus 0.44 0.44 0.44 Available phosphorus 0.75 0.75 0.75
Cost ($/ton) 697.08 741.85 894.20 Cost ($/ton) 856.83 936.64 1,099.40
1 1
Source of brown layer peaking diet nutrient specifi Source of turkey starter diet nutrient specifications [39].
cations [38].

contribution to the overall nutrition is limited,

negative consequences for the environment) and especially in high producing strains of poultry
also to increases in dietary costs, both of which [23]. Primary sources of protein from foraging
will be detrimental to organic poultry producers would be derived from seeds produced and in-
(regardless of the size of the operation). The 2 sects inhabiting the paddocks [23]. Research has
lb/ton synthetic Met limit for broilers and laying shown that the feed conversion for poultry on
hens and 3 lb/ton limit for turkey and other poul- range is the same or worse than that of hens in
try will affect all producers equally regardless of cages or cage-free systems [24, 25]. The added
the size or the extent of pasture space or forage nutrients hens get off of the range (paddock) sup-
cover. port the added activity levels of the hens and the
There is a fallacy that the foraging of poultry body heat production needed in cooler climates
on the paddock or pasture would overcome po- and seasons.
tential Met deficiencies. Foraging has only been
shown to make up for an extremely marginal Lifetime Limit for Synthetic Methionine Use
0.02% Met deficiency in starting broiler diets
[22], which is of very limited use considering The issue with the 2 lb/ton synthetic Met limit
the current synthetic Met restrictions. Chick- for broilers, pullets, and laying hens is that bal-
ens do not have the digestive system to utilize ancing the diet for Met requires that the CP
great amounts of the fiber contained in the for- level increase by 2.14 to 2.88%, as shown in
ages, and the Met concentration on a fresh, as- Tables 1 through 3. One proposed alternative
is basis is very low. They do derive vitamins solution would be to allow a 2 lb/ton limit av-
and carotenes from the forages, but the forage eraged over the life of the flock. In a young,
448 JAPR: Review Article

Table 5. Nutrient composition of duck starter diets support optimal performance. This would al-
formulated to meet requirements of the birds with
varying levels of synthetic methionine inclusion (as-is
low the DL-Met level to fluctuate higher when
basis).1 the bird eats less feed and requires more Met
Duck Starter Diet (young or high production) and then, as the birds
age, feed intake increases, and the Met require-
6 lb/ton 3 lb/ton 0 lb/ton ment declines; the supplemental DL-Met needed
would be much lower, ultimately satisfying the
Ingredient (%)
Corn 49.39 51.13 25.72 average 2 lb/ton lifetime limit. The aim of this
Soybean meal (expeller) 36.80 37.50 70.66 strategy would be to offer a more flexible so-
Wheat middlings 10.00 8.10 0.40 lution and allow for formulation of diets with
Soybean oil 0.53 0.00 0.30 restricted synthetic Met use as birds increase in
Limestone 1.15 1.14 1.07
Di-calcium phosphate 1.28 1.28 1.15
Salt 0.40 0.40 0.40 An example of this formulation method for
Vit-TM premix 0.30 0.30 0.30 broilers is given in Table 6. It is demonstrated
DL-Methionine 0.153 0.150 – herein that it is possible to use the strategy to
Calculated composition meet a specific weighted average limit of DL-
ME (kcal/kg) 2,950 2,950 2,950
Met that may be used (2.02 lb/ton in this case
Crude protein 22.21 22.36 33.62
Ether extract 5.17 4.68 6.85 instead of 2.00 lb/ton since DL-Met has only a
Total Lys 1.20 1.21 2.01 99% equivalency to pure 100% Met). This was
Total Met 0.48 0.48 0.48 done by providing the greatest DL-Met concen-
Total TSAA 0.85 0.85 1.01 tration (3.00 lb/ton) in the starter diet (where only
Total Trp 0.27 0.28 0.45
13.6% of total feed for grow-out is consumed)
Total Ile 0.92 0.93 1.48
Total Thr 0.84 0.84 1.32 and then providing progressively lower DL-Met
Total Val 1.04 1.04 1.61 concentrations in later phases (2.50, 2.00, and
Calcium 0.85 0.85 0.85 1.37 lb/ton for the grower, finisher 1, and fin-
Available phosphorus 0.40 0.40 0.40 isher 2 phases, respectively, where 22.7, 27.3,
Cost ($/ton) 712.82 716.41 940.46
and 36.4% of total grow-out feed are consumed,
Source of duck starter diet nutrient specifications. [39]. respectively).
However, there are several issues with this
rapidly growing bird, the Met requirement in formulation strategy. Regarding this example
the feed is highest and it then declines as the specifically, broiler diets would typically use
bird ages. The age of the bird therefore im- more than 2.02 lb/ton of added DL-Met in ev-
pacts the level of Met needed in the diet to ery phase if allowed to meet Met requirements

Table 6. Methionine lifetime limit example for broiler chickens.1

Diet Feed required Percent of total DL-Met to meet DL-Met to meet
phase (lb/bird) feed (%) needs (g) needs (lb/ton)
Starter 1.50 13.6 0.687 3.00
Grower 2.50 22.7 1.145 2.50
Finisher 1 3.00 27.3 1.374 2.00
Finisher 2 4.00 36.4 1.833 1.37
Total 11.00 100 5.039 –
Weighted average2 – – – 2.02
Limit of 2 lb of 100% (pure) Met is equivalent to 2.02 lb DL Met (99% Met equivalency), 2.27 lb
Met hydroxyl analog, (88% Met equivalency), and 2.38 lb Met hydroxy analog calcium (84% Met
Weighted Average = (“Starter” Percent of Total Feed/100 x “Starter” lb/ton DL-Met to Meet Needs)
+ (“Grower” Percent of Total Feed/100 x “Grower” lb/ton DL-Met to Meet Needs) + (“Finisher 1”
Percent of Total Feed/100 x “Finisher 1” lb/ton DL-Met to Meet Needs) + (“Finisher 2” Percent of
Total Feed/100 x “Finisher 2” lb/ton DL-Met to Meet Needs).

in an economically effective way. As a result, scenario could easily occur if feed intakes were
cost savings would occur in phases in which the not as designed.
diet contained more than 2.02 lb/ton (starter and A second example of this method in pullets
grower in this example), but then for the diets and laying hens is provided in Table 7 using
in which less had to be used to meet the maxi- the feed consumption from the 39th NCLP&MT
mum weighted average constraint (finisher 1 and [26, 27]. This also provides an example of how
finisher 2 in this example), the cost would go it is possible to use a specific weighted aver-
up. Therefore, using an average lifetime lb/ton age limit of DL-Met (2.02 lb/ton in this case of
synthetic Met limitation (if the average lifetime DL-Met since it has only a 99% equivalency to
limit remains at 2 lb/ton synthetic Met) would pure 100% Met). This was done by providing
be largely the same as having a maximum lb/ton the greatest DL-Met concentration (4.6 lb/ton)
limitation across all phases and would offer lit- in the pullet starter diet (in which only 2.0%
tle to no advantage economically or for provid- of total feed is consumed) and then providing
ing more Met to the birds. There would also progressively lower DL-Met concentrations in
be no particular advantage from a performance later growing phases (3.23 and 2.39 lb/ton for
or nutrient deficiency standpoint. An advantage the grower and finisher pullet phases, respec-
would only potentially come if the average max- tively, in which 10.6% of the remaining grow-out
imum Met inclusion rate were increased under feed is consumed). Once into the laying phases
the lifetime approach. Using an average lifetime of feeding, even lower levels of DL-Met than the
lb/ton synthetic Met limitation also makes it con- finisher pullet phase can be fed to meet the needs
siderably more difficult to implement and mon- of the hens for production and egg size.
itor with changing feed intakes for each flock However, there are several issues with this
since the maximum inclusions allowed for each formulation strategy. Regarding this example
phase would have to be adjusted accordingly. As specifically, layer diets would typically use more
a result, an out of tolerance synthetic Met intake than 2.0 lb/ton of added DL-Met in every phase

Table 7. Methionine1 lifetime limit example for pullet and a single cycle laying hens flock.1
Diet Feed required Percent of total DL-Met to meet DL-Met to meet
phase (wks) (lb./bird) feed (%) needs (g) needs (lb/ton)
0 to 6 “Starter” 2.68 2.0 1.972 4.06
7 to 12 “Grower” 7.61 5.8 5.644 3.23
13 to 17 “Finisher” 6.29 4.8 4.738 2.39
17 to 20 “Pre-Lay” 4.98 3.8 1.829 1.62
21 to 28 “Pre-Peak” 12.74 9.7 6.904 2.38
29 to 34 “Peak” 10.16 7.8 4.383 1.90
35 to 56 “Post-Peak” 34.86 26.6 13.925 1.76
57 to 69 “Mid-Cycle” 21.38 16.3 8.443 1.74
70 to 88 “Late-Cycle” 30.26 23.1 13.131 1.91
Lifetime total 130.97 100.00 60.970 –
Weighted average2 – – – 2.02
Limit of 2 lb of 100% (pure) Met is equivalent to 2.02 lb DL Met (99% Met equivalency), 2.27 lb
Met hydroxyl analog, (88% Met equivalency), and 2.38 lb Met hydroxy analog calcium (84% Met
Weighted Average = (“Starter” Percent of Total Feed/100 x “Starter” lb/ton DL-Met to Meet Needs)
+ (“Grower” Percent of Total Feed/100 x “Grower” lb/ton DL-Met to Meet Needs) + (“Finisher
1” Percent of Total Feed/100 x “Finisher” lb/ton DL-Met to Meet Needs) + (“Pre-Lay” Percent of
Total Feed/100 x “Pre-Lay” lb/ton DL-Met to Meet Needs) + (“Pre-Peak” Percent of Total Feed/100
x “Pre-Peak” lb/ton DL-Met to Meet Needs) + (“Peak” Percent of Total Feed/100 x “Peak” lb/ton
DL-Met to Meet Needs) + (“Post-Peak” Percent of Total Feed/100 x “Post-peak” lb/ton DL-Met to
Meet Needs) + (“Mid-Cycle” Percent of Total Feed/100 x “Mid-Cycle” lb/ton DL-Met to Meet Needs)
+ (“Late-Cycle” Percent of Total Feed/100 x “Late-Cycle” lb/ton DL-Met to Meet Needs).
450 JAPR: Review Article

if allowed to meet Met requirements in an eco- easily occur if feed intakes were higher than
nomically effective way. As a result, cost savings anticipated.
would occur in phases in which the diet con-
tained more than 2.0 lb/ton (during laying phases
of high production early in the laying phase in
this example). Using an average lifetime 2 lb/ton
of synthetic Met limitation in this example, the
average Met consumption does not exceed the Ideal Protein Ratio Concept
2 lb/ton limit, which gives the impression that
the average lifetime limit could remain at 2 lb/ton In poultry and other animals an ideal protein
synthetic Met without issue. Based upon the cal- is one that has a complete balance of AA that
culations, there would be no particular disadvan- meets the requirements of the bird for its spe-
tage from a performance or nutrient deficiency cific stage of life or level of production, without
prevention standpoint. Since we are meeting the under-feeding or over-feeding any AA. Under-
basic needs, there may be an advantage, but this feeding a single AA would result in a defi-
would only likely be possible if the average max- ciency of that limiting AA, which would result
imum Met inclusion rate were increased under in reduced growth in young birds. Over-feeding
the lifetime approach in low consumption laying one or multiple AA beyond bird requirements
hens. The second issue is related to the varia- is wasting nutrients, adding unnecessary cost to
tion across laying hen strains, which was not ac- diets, and can be an environmental, health, and
counted for in this example. Differences in feed welfare issue for the birds. An ideal protein is
intake can be ±5 g between white egg strains one that just meets bird AA requirements with-
over a lifetime. As a result, low feed consump- out deficiency or excess.
tion hens would end up being in a deficient state Figure 1 presents an example of the AA lev-
in this scenario due to the limitation on AA bal- els provided by a 23% CP corn and soybean
ancing in the diets. meal based diet compared to the NRC [3] AA re-
As with broilers, using an average lifetime quirements of broilers. In this example, only Thr
lb/ton synthetic Met limitation also makes it level is ideal (i.e., the Thr concentration in the
more challenging to make nutrient adjustments diet just matches the requirement established by
as feed intakes change from flock to flock, the NRC [3]). However, at the same time, there
especially with maximum inclusions needing are excesses of arginine, histidine, isoleucine,
to be changed for each phase. Out of tol- valine, and tryptophan beyond the requirement,
erance synthetic Met intakes could therefore with glycine + serine, phenylalanine + tyrosine,

Figure 1. Amino acid balance of a 23% CP corn and soybean meal diet vs. the amino acid requirements of broiler
chickens (NRC [3]).

and leucine at levels from 25 to 35% more than cess nitrogen is a burden on the kidneys and
is necessary. Additionally, Met and Lys are de- can result in urolithiasis, since the osmotic draw
ficient in this diet, with Met much more so than of greater fecal nitrogen pulls water from the
Lys, making Met the first limiting AA. Broiler bird. This creates feces with greater moisture and
growth would be stunted if a diet like the one therefore wetter litter. Finally, greater litter uric
presented in this example were fed without sup- acid, nitrogen, and moisture encourage microbial
plementing additional synthetic Met and Lys or growth and ammonia volatilization in the birds’
providing more dietary CP to raise the Met and environment. Over-feeding CP by 3% increased
Lys levels. However, providing greater levels of nitrogen excretion by ∼2 g/bird/d [32]. Similar
CP would only exacerbate the excess of the re- results were found in a number of studies in the
maining AA above. review by Powers and Angel [33]. This combi-
Dean and Scott [28] were the first to begin nation of bedding contaminants (moisture, uric
testing the ideal protein concept with poultry. acid, nitrogen, ammonia, and microorganisms)
This later evolved into development of the ideal are cumulative factors in the etiology of breast
protein ratio, first evaluated with pigs [29] and blisters, infectious process, eye burning, footpad
later with chicks [30]. The difficulty and reality lesions, respiratory distress, and an impaired im-
in formulation of poultry diets is that no sin- mune system and disease tolerance. These same
gle set of AA requirements applies in all sit- litter and air contaminates are an issue for poul-
uations; for example, in broilers there are dif- try caretakers as well. The ammonia exhausted
ferences for males vs. females, final body wt from the poultry house also can be dry deposited
desired, body composition, environmental con- on the ground and in surface water leading to
ditions, and available dietary ingredients. How- contamination and eutrophication. Furthermore,
ever, it is possible to benchmark the AA require- while the EPA does not regulate ammonia per
ments of the bird relative to the Lys requirement. se, it does regulate particulate matter, and atmo-
Lysine was chosen to develop ratios to the other spheric ammonia is a precursor of fine particu-
essential AA because if the Lys requirements of lates (PM2.5, particulate matter 2.5 microns).
birds change because of genetics or another rea-
son, the ratio of other AA to Lys will remain Health Impacts
the same for protein accretion. Other reasons to
benchmark on Lys are: 1) there is a large body In addition to high CP diets (to compensate
of literature on digestible Lys, 2) Lys analysis in for limited synthetic Met allowance) increas-
feedstuffs is relatively simple compared to other ing diet price and consequently higher N excre-
AA, and 3) absorbed Lys is used only for protein tion/ammonia gas release into the environment,
accretion [30]. Effectively, the digestible Lys re- diets with CP levels that greatly exceed require-
quirement can be determined through research ments (e.g., if synthetic Met were banned from
for the variety of conditions mentioned above use entirely – see CP levels in Tables 1 to 5) also
(e.g., male vs. female), then diets can be formu- could be detrimental to the health of the birds.
lated based on the established ideal ratios of the Chandra et al. [34] followed renal and biochemi-
remaining essential AA. cal changes in 18-day-old broiler chickens when
these birds were fed diets containing 42.28% CP
Environmental Impacts over a period of 15 wks. It was found that this
type of diet induced greater blood serum lev-
Excesses of AA beyond bird requirements can els of glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase and
be excreted by the bird, but this process is phys- glutamate pyruvate transaminase activity, uric
iologically taxing to the bird and harmful to the acid, and non-protein nitrogen (NPN) in these
environment. If AA are overfed to the animal birds, with concentrations progressively increas-
they have to be detoxified and then the nitrogen ing with the amount of time the diets were fed.
excretion takes place via uric acid in the case Both macro- and microscopic kidney lesions also
of poultry [31]. Hydrolyzing the AA in prepara- were observed in these birds after 6 wk on the
tion for excretion also requires metabolic energy, high CP diets (e.g., presence of various amounts
which is thus wasted in the conversion. The ex- of urates in the kidneys and ureters, enteritis
452 JAPR: Review Article

and congested/swollen kidneys, edemous fluid 10%, if not more, depending on their location in
in the thoracic cavity and hydropericardium, di- the country. If the cost for the feed is prohibitive,
latation of the ureters and plugging of the cloaca then producers may need to consider leaving out
with urates and urate deposition on the surface the added protein to meet the Met requirements.
of kidneys and other organs, atrophy of kidney In this case, productivity and egg size, quality,
lobes, and uric acid peritonitis), which increased and welfare could be compromised. Economi-
in severity over the time that birds were fed these cally, producers would have to weigh the cost
diets. All of these lesions are indicative of the benefit to each approach.
experimentally induced nephritis caused by ex- Diet costs increased for broilers, turkeys, pul-
cessive N load in these birds. Ward et al. [35] lets, layers, and ducks, as shown in the example
additionally found that when roosters were fed a formulations in Tables 1 through 5, because of
33% CP diet, water consumption, urine flow, and the move to the new 2012 synthetic Met lim-
uric acid/ammonia excretion rates all increased its. The cost to the medium and large producers
(compared to those fed an 11% CP diet), which would be similar in nature to the impact on the
could lead to wet litter and corresponding foot- small producers, except that their feed cost in-
pad lesions and air quality issues. creases may be slightly less due to their capacity
to purchase feed in bulk quantities. Allowing for
Economics for Small, Medium, and Large changes in formulations are essential to meet
Scale Producers the minimum Met requirements under the cur-
rent Met limits, if producers do not want to face
There have not been any complete economic production losses. This will mean increases in
impact studies relating to the removal of Met protein levels in the feed, making them more
from organic feeds or placing a maximum limit expensive, and resulting in greater N excretion,
on the Met diet content. The economics related ammonia, and health and welfare issues.
to Met limits is not a simple model due to the
interactions between Met and the other AA in
the diet, as well as the changes in bird per- CONCLUSIONS AND
formance and growth, and the environmental APPLICATIONS
impact of increased N excretion. In a review,
Sundrum et al. [36] indicated a potential in- 1. Methionine is an essential amino acid for
crease in costs for organic producers in the 20 to protein synthesis, methyl group donation,
40% range for broilers and 50% for egg produc- connective tissue composition, and immune
ers with a synthetic Met restriction. Production function. Birds lacking adequate Met in
cost increases for organic producers would likely their diet exhibit reduced feed intake and
be significantly greater than if this policy were growth rate, poorer feed conversion, greater
implemented in a conventional system due to body fat, impaired plumage, and increased
already higher production costs. This would be feather pecking.
composed of the drop in feed efficiency, reduced 2. Diet formulation for broilers, pullets, layers,
growth, lower production of diminished quality, turkeys, and ducks with no synthetic Met, or
and higher feed costs. limited levels, results in the need for greater
In all cases, diet costs will be higher for all dietary protein, excessive quantities of soy-
feeds if the intent is to meet the Met requirements bean meal in corn/soybean meal based diets,
with limited use of synthetic Met (see Tables 1 and high diet prices to meet the minimum
to 5). However, small producers (with fewer Met requirement.
than 3,000 birds) may be subjected to a greater 3. The impact of bird diets with limited or
penalty since their bulk purchases would be lim- no synthetic Met is multifaceted, including
ited or they will be purchasing feed in bags. In negative health impacts on the urogenital
some regions of the country—for example, in system, environmental issues that are also
the southeast region—organic feed sold in bags detrimental to bird welfare, and greater fi-
costs $1.00/lb. If a 2 lb/ton limit is implemented, nancial burdens, particularly for small flock
their feed has the potential to increase at least owners.

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