Chernoff Et Al 1999 Fishes of The Rios T

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T A H U A M A N U, M A N U R I P I A N D
N A R E U D A , D E P TO. P A N D O,

Barry Chernoff, Philip W. Willink, Jaime Sarmiento,

Soraya Barrera, Antonio Machado-Allison, Naércio
Menezes, and Hernán Ortega

ABSTRACT This work reports upon the ichthyological results of

the first AquaRAP survey carried out in a relatively small
Two teams of ichthyologists surveyed the freshwater fishes area of the upper Río Orthon. Two teams of ichthyologists
of the Río Tahuamanu, Río Manuripi and Río Nareuda, surveyed aquatic habitats in the Ríos Tahuamanu and
Pando, Bolivia at 85 collecting stations for 17 days. They Manuripi and their tributaries over 17 days in 1996.
captured 313 species of which 87 are new records for Amazingly, 313 species of fishes were recorded. This value
Bolivia. These records bring the total fish fauna of Bolivia includes a spectacular number of new records for Bolivia and
to 641 species and for the Bolivian Amazon to 501 species. several species new to science, including a remarkable new
This small region in northeastern Bolivia contains 63% and piranha in the genus Serrasalmus.
49% of all the species known to inhabit the Bolivian The purpose of this report is to: (i) make known the
Amazon and Bolivia, respectively. This region is potentially general ichthyological results, including a breakdown by sub-
a hotspot of fish biodiversity. The habitats on which these basin; (ii) compare the diversity with those of other regions
fishes depend is discussed, from which we recommend the and discuss any distributional aspects of the data; (iii)
preservation of key flooded areas, main river channels, and discuss the economic and conservation importance of the
small streams or tributaries passing through terra firme results; (iv) discuss specific threats to the biodiversity; and
habitats. A large percentage of the fauna have high (v) discuss recommendations for conservation and future
economic value as food or ornamental fishes. Stocks are in research. In a companion paper (Chapter 5) , specific
need of immediate evaluation, and the exportation of food analyses of distributions within the study region and among
fishes needs to be regulated as soon as possible. macrohabitats and water type will be presented along with
specific management recommendations.

The forested lowlands of most amazonian tributaries remain
poorly explored. Lists of freshwater fishes do not exist for
Two fish teams, each containing three to four members,
more than one or two of the major arms of the Amazon,
made collections from 4 - 21 September 1996. The two
though Welcomme (1990) lists 389 species for the Río
teams usually worked apart and were camped in different
Madeira. Goulding (1981) produced a remarkable work on
sections of the Upper Río Tahuamanu for the first five days.
the fishes and fisheries of the Río Madeira, but provided no
Eighty-five collection stations were made, each receiving a
list of species. In Bolivia there have been attempts to bring
unique, sequential field number (Appendix 8). The field
together information for amazonian streams (e.g., Lauzanne
stations were enumerated separately for each group,
et al., 1991). More recently, a well documented fauna from
identified as P1 and P2. At each station, longitude and
the Río Gaupore/Itenez was provided by Sarmiento (1998).
latitudes were obtained from hand-held GPS units that had
Lauzanne et al. (1991) recorded 389 species of freshwater
been calibrated and checked at the airstrip in Cobija, Pando,
fishes from the Bolivian Amazon to which Sarmiento (1998)
Bolivia for which we have accurate coordinates. Obtaining
added an additional 21 species, bringing the total to 410
geographic coordinates in the field was not always possible
because of forest cover and position of satellites.


At each field station a number of ecological variables were ambiguous or unknown in our list AND in published
describing the habitat were recorded. These included lists. So for example, if Hemigrammus sp. or
descriptions of the shore, substrate, type of habitat (e.g., Hemigrammus sp. 1 occurred in both lists, it was not
river, lake, flooded area, etc.) as well as the water type. The counted as a similarity or a difference because there is no
classification of water type (black, white, turbid) was way to ascertain that the taxonomic designations represent
checked with the results obtained by the limnology group. the same biological entity. However, Gephyrocharax sp.
Fishes were collected using a variety of nets and netting occurs in our list but only G. chapare is reported by either
techniques. Each group was equipped with seines (5m x 2m Lauzanne et al. (1991) or Sarmiento (1998). In this case we
x 1.25 cm, 5m x 2m x 0.63 cm, 1.3m x 0.7m x 0.37 cm), dip count the Gephyrocharax sp. as a new record because we
nets and experimental gill nets (40m x 2m, monofilament, compared our material to G. chapare, and it is different.
with five 8m panels, mesh size from 1.25 cm to 6.25 cm). The possible error in this latter case is identical to the
Team 2 pulled an otter trawl (mouth 3m wide) with two 15 possible errors in a list containing misidentified species
kg doors where the depth of the water was >2m over sandy bearing specific epithets or not.
or muddy stretches in a manner modified from that described
by López-Rojas et al. (1984). Additionally, one of the river Collecting Stations
pilots threw a 2m cast net in some deeper lakes or cochas.
Fishes were preserved in buffered 10% formalin Eighty-five collections were taken in the Tahuamanu and
solution. All specimens captured at the same place and time Manuripi river basins from the border with Peru down-
were maintained separately from all other collected speci- stream to Puerto Rico (Maps 1 - 3). The entire region was
mens. Larger specimens were tagged individually using fine divided into the following six subregions: Upper, Middle and
wire and punched cardboard tags and either placed in large Lower Tahuamanu; Upper and Lower Nareuda; and the
liquidpacks containing formalin with other specimens or Manuripi. The Río Nareuda is a major tributary of the Río
were skeletonized, soaked in 40% isopropanol and dried. Tahuamanu.
All material was wrapped and shipped to Chicago for The gear effort used to sample the 85 field stations
sorting, identification and enumeration in the Division of were as follows: seine –73; trawl – 6; gill net – 5; cast net –2.
Fishes, Department of Zoology, Field Museum (FMNH). This adds up to 86 because one station, P2-04, included
Fifty percent of the specimens are housed in the Museum of both gill net and seine collections. The gill nets were usually
Natural History, La Paz, Bolivia; the remaining specimens set for several days. Because no striking differences were
were shared among the participating institutions: FMNH; noted for day and night samples within the gill nets, they
Museu Zoologia do Universidade do São Paulo, Brazil; were recorded as single stations. Due to low water condi-
Museo de Historia Natural San Marcos, Perú, and Museo tions during the time of the field sampling, trawling was
Biologica de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. difficult because motors had only limited use in the Upper
The identifications were made in a careful but relatively Tahuamanu and could not be used in the Río Nareuda except
rapid fashion. General works such as Eigenmann and Myers for in the vicinity of its confluence with the Río Tahuamanu.
(1929) or Gery (1977) were used, but preference was During the first portion of the expedition, Team 1
always given to systematic revisions (e.g., Vari, 1992; Mago- worked in the Upper Tahuamanu and also in the lower end
Leccia, 1994) and recent species descriptions (Stewart, of the Río Muymanu, whereas Team 2 collected in the
1985) if available. In many cases specimens were compared Upper Nareuda as well as in a number of small streams
to types or historic material referenced in the literature and (garapes) that drained independently into the Tahuamanu.
housed at FMNH. However, identification to the level of The Upper Tahuamanu and the Upper Nareuda systems as
species or even genus was not always possible. To do so well as their tributaries were surrounded by terra firme.
would represent a less than scholarly approach to the For the middle portion of the expedition, Team 1
taxonomy. Instead we rely upon morphospecies – the focused upon the Lower Nareuda down to its mouth in the
number of distinguishable entities present in our samples. Río Tahuamanu. Team 2 collected upstream and down-
This bears the assumption that such discernable entities or stream from this confluence to just below the village of
morphospecies are putative taxonomic entities (i.e., species). Filadelfia; this region is referred to as Middle Tahuamanu.
We were careful to check for sexual and ontogenetic Conditions in the Middle Tahuamanu were such that
differences. All specimens were examined critically and trawling was accomplished successfully.
identified to their lowest taxonomic level (Appendix 6). For the last period both teams camped on the Río
Another issue inheres in the appropriate selection of Manuripi upstream from Puerto Rico. Though both groups
taxa across lists in order to judge new geographic records worked independently, they covered the same territory in
(Appendix 7). We chose a conservative approach and did the Río Manuripi as well as in the Lower Tahuamanu, just
not include all of the taxa that we had collected. We above its mouth in the Río Manuripi. River conditions
eliminated from comparison those taxa whose identifications permitted trawling.


about 21% to 501 and increases the total for all of Bolivia
(using the previous total in Sarmiento, 1998) 16% to 641
Diversity and Distribution: General
The significance of the Tahuamanu and Manuripi rivers
for the Bolivian ichthyofauna is now clear. This limited
The biodiversity of fishes was unexpectedly spectacular. A
region contains 63% of all fish species known from the
total of 313 species were captured and identified. The fishes
Bolivian Amazon and 49% of all fishes known from Bolivia.
(Appendix 6) included members of all trophic or activity
Furthermore, the 87 species found in the Tahuamanu and
groups, ornamentals (e.g., Abramites hypselonotus), food
Manuripi rivers that are not yet known elsewhere in Bolivia
fishes (e.g., Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum), as well as
represent within-country “endemism” values of 18% and
miniatures (Scoloplax cf. dicra, <20 mm SL) and large fishes
14% relative to the ichthyofaunas for the Bolivian Amazon
(e.g., Prochilodus cf. nigricans, Doras cf. carinatus, >200
and Bolivia, respectively.
mm SL).
Based upon the relatively sparse information published
Together Lauzanne et al. (1991) and Sarmiento (1998)
for the ichthyofauna of Bolivia, of regions with more than 50
record 410 species from all rivers within the Bolivian
species, only Lake Titicaca has a higher within-country
Amazon. The 313 species of fishes, therefore, represents a
“endemism” percentage. No other region within Bolivia is
fauna greater than 76% of the number of species previously
currently known to contain as high a percent of the
reported from all other Amazonian tributaries within Bolivia
amazonian or total country fauna. The impressive values
(Appendix 7). The number of fishes discovered in a
reported for the Río Guapore/Itenez basin within the Parque
relatively small section of the Tahuamanu and Manuripi
Nacional Noel Kempff reported upon by Sarmiento (1998)
rivers is more than three times that reported for the entire
must now be adjusted downwards due to the new species
Beni-Madre de Dios basin (n=101, Lauzanne et al., 1991),
totals. The adjusted values are well below those of the
more than 1.3 times that reported for the Río Guapore/
Tahuamanu and Manuripi rivers.
Itenez (n=246, Sarmiento, 1998) and almost equal to (96%)
Potentially, the impressive nature of the Tahuamanu-
that found over the entire Río Mamore basin (n=327,
Manuripi ichthyofauna could be tempered if, in fact, it was
Lauzanne et al., 1991). Furthermore, Santos et al. (1984)
representative of a more widespread fauna within Bolivia.
reported 300 species from the lower Río Tocantins of Brazil;
The most obvious possibility is that we used trawls to
Stewart et al. (1987) reported 473 species in the Napo River
sample the bottom communities for the first time within
Basin of Ecuador; and Goulding et al. (1988) reported 450+
Bolivian freshwaters. If the 87 novel records were largely
species from the Río Negro basin of Brazil. In each of these
due to trawl samples, then the lists would not really be
latter cases, the areas surveyed exceed vastly that of the
comparable. That is, we might expect to find similar bottom
Tahuamanu-Manuripi region sampled in the rapid assess-
communities in other regions; the uniqueness of the
Tahuamanu-Manuripi region would diminish even though its
It is important to consider that the number of species
overall diversity would remain exceptional. However, this
reported for both the Guapore/Itenez and Mamore drainages
was not observed. The trawls captured 53 species (17% of
included headwater habitats that usually contain fishes with
the total), but only 15 species were captured in trawls
restricted distributions. Even in the Upper Tahuamanu and
exclusively. Of these, 10 were new records for Bolivia.
Upper Nareuda, there were few habitats, perhaps the two
Thus, 77 of the 87 species newly reported for Bolivia were
garapes, that could correspond to headwater-like conditions.
captured by traditional means used commonly in ichthyo-
Because of the paucity of knowledge concerning the
logical sampling.
distributions of the freshwater fishes of South America, it is
We have no doubt that more careful sampling as
difficult to state with any certainty the degree of endemism
exemplified in the Guapore/Itenez by Sarmiento (1998) and
represented in AquaRAP samples from the upper Río
in the Tahuamanu-Manuripi by the AquaRAP team will lead
Orthon. However, we have apparently uncovered not only
to increasing the number of taxa found within Bolivia and
a region with high biodiversity, but a region with an
will increase knowledge of the distribution patterns of the
exceptional number of new records for Bolivia (Appendix
fishes. Nonetheless, it seems unlikely that the distinctive
7). Using the conservative approach discussed above, we
character of the Tahuamanu-Manuripi fauna will lose its
document 87 species not previously recorded from Bolivia.
Of the 87 species, 45 are new to science (e.g., the new
In fact with continued sampling, the ichthyofauna of
characid, Chrysobrycon sp. 1) or species with some
the Tahuamanu-Manuripi region will continue to rise and the
questions associated with their exact name (e.g. Anchoviella
number of species new to Bolivia should also increase. We
cf. carrikeri). The newly documented fauna increases the
base this estimate upon the species accumulation curves
total number of species inhabiting the Bolivian Amazon by
(Fig. 3.1). After 15 days of sampling, the rate of accumula-
tion of species new to the expedition had not diminished; the


graph displays no asymptote (Fig. 3.1). During the last six curve, the number of species represented in this region is
days, even with both groups working the same region of the predictably larger than we can document at present.
Manuripi, we increased the known fauna by 63 species. Furthermore, because the number of new records comprises
Species were being added at an average rate of 10.5 species 29% of the fauna of this region, it is reasonable to expect
per day. new records as well.
The total capture and accumulation rates were All of this leads to the conclusion that within Bolivia,
remarkably similar for each of the two collecting teams (Fig. the upper Río Orthon basin must be considered as a
3.1). Each group captured more than 200 species. By the potential hot spot for the biodiversity of freshwater fishes.
end of the sampling period, the species collected by the Conservation efforts are needed to preserve the unique
groups differed as much as 50%, which maintained the steep character of this fish fauna. At a secondary level, more field
slope of the total accumulation curve. Analyses of these studies are needed to finish documenting the ichthyofauna of
data argue strongly that continued collecting will increase the this amazing region.
size of the fauna known from the Tahuamanu-Manuripi
region. Because the species that represent new records for 350
Bolivia comprise more than 29% of all species captured, we

Cumulative Number of Species

expect that additional collecting will continue to uncover 300
new records for the country as well. These data exemplify
that the Upper Orthon basin is extremely diverse and may
prove more diverse than even the Río Mamore basin, which 200
has received vastly more collecting effort.
The biogeographic relationships of the Tahuamanu- 150
Manuripi region is difficult to ascertain, again because of 100
how little we know in general. There does seem to be a mix
of taxa representing three distinct distributional elements. 50
The first comprises widespread amazonian lowland species
from the north and the east of the Madeira basin: e.g.,
Serrasalmus rhombeus, Schizodon fasciatum, Anodus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
elongatus, Microschemobrycon geisleri, Cetopsorhamdia Time (Days)
fantasia, Pimelodus cf. altipinnis, Tatia altae, Electrophorus
electricus, and Rhabdolichops caviceps. The second Figure 3.1. Species accumulation curves for fishes collected
incorporates species found in black waters of the Guapore/ in the Ríos Tahuamanu, Nareuda, and Manuripi, Pando,
Itenez system that derive from the Brazilian Shield: e.g., Bolivia, 4 - 21 September, 1996. Symbols: Group 1
Hypopygus lepturus, Carnegiella strigata, Aphyocharax (squares), Group 2 (triangles), and combined (X).
alburnus, Hemigrammus cf. unilineatus, Pyrrhulina
australe, Nannostomus trifasciatus, Potamorhina latior, Economic Importance
Tatia aulopygia, Corydoras hastatus, Cichla monoculus, and
Aequidens cf. tetramerus. The third describes those species Many of the fishes found in the Upper Río Orthon basin are
in the small garapes that are typical for headwater habitats: valuable as commercial resources for food and for the
e.g., Chrysobrycon spp., Brachychalcinus copei, ornamental fish industry. We present a short discussion in
Bryconamericus cf. caucanus, Creagrutus sp., Cyphocharax order to stimulate immediate research into the potential of
spiluropsis, Piabucus melanostomus, Tyttocharax these resources to provide an economic alternative to other
tambopatensis, Corydoras trilineatus, Imparfinis stictonotus, activities that damage the environmental character of the
and Otocinclus mariae. region.
The discussions above show the nature of the unique- During the AquaRAP we employed local fisherman
ness of the ichthyofauna of the Tahuamanu-Manuripi river who were subsistence fisherman throughout the year and
basins. A relatively small region contains 63% of all the who fished commercially during the seasonal migrations.
freshwater species known from the Bolivian Amazon. The We also witnessed truck-side fish sales in Cobija and in
fauna comprises 87 species that have never been recorded Filadelfia and saw the following species for sale:
from Bolivia – a feature which does not seem to be an Pygocentrus nattereri, Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum,
artifact of sampling or collecting methods. The region Prochilodus nigricans, Curimata spp., Hydrolycus pectora-
contains an assemblage of fishes that may uniquely combine lis, Plagioscion squamosissimus, Mylossoma duriventris,
widespread amazonian species, with blackwater Brazilian and Myleus sp. We were told by the fishermen that the
shield species in addition to headwater species. Because we fishes of highest commercial value were the surubí,
never reached the asymptote of the species accumulation Pseudoplatystoma, and the serrasalmines, including both the


piranhas and the pacus. In our samples, we caught many 1999). Even though it was the dry season and at relatively
other species that are either consumed for subsistence or low water, there were still many suitable habitats for these
caught for sales according to our guides. That list included species. The gill net samples did not yield the quantity of
the following: Anodus elongatus, Cichla cf. monoculus, individuals for the commercially important species that
Cochliodon cochliodon, Crenicichla spp., Duopalatinus sp., would indicate bountiful populations, even though our
Hemisorubim platyrhynchos, Hoplias malabaricus, fishermen guided us to their favorite areas (with monetary
Megalechis thoracatus, Hypostomus spp., Leiarius exchange for the catch). In our experience from similar
marmoratus, Leporinus spp., Myleus sp., Pimelodus spp., habitats in other regions of the Amazon and Orinoco river
Pristobrycon sp., Rhamdia sp., Schizodon fasciatum, basins where fish populations are apparently healthy, the
Sorubim lima, and Triportheus angulatus. In that list the commercially important species are reasonably well
“spp.” refers to a number of species within the genus that represented in gill net samples even in the dry seasons. We
are eaten. Interestingly, the following armored catfishes are only suggest caution. And we recommend that the stocks
consumed in the Río Madeira basin of Brazil (Goulding, be surveyed immediately both within the Upper Río
1981) but were rejected as a source of food by our fisher- Orthon as well as downstream toward the Río Madeira.
men: Doras cf. carinatus, Pseudodoras niger, and Statements such as that by Walters et al. (1982) advocating
Liposarcus disjunctivus. across - the - board increase in fisheries are premature in
Our discussions with local fisherman including others in advance of the data on native stocks.
Puerto Rico indicated that the commercial food fisheries are Economic potential also exists for the establishment of
burgeoning in the Tahuamanu and Manuripi rivers. It was a harvest-based ornamental fishery. The extreme number of
not possible to obtain from our fishermen or from the truck- species, the number of cochas and inundated flooded
side sellers the annual totals for weight or value of the catch. habitats makes the Tahuamanu-Manuripi regions especially
However, the notion of increasing annual landings would not attractive. These habitats are easily collected while serving
seem to make sense relative to the local populations that we as natural critical rearing habitats for ornamental fishes.
encountered and interviewed for two reasons: i) the The ornamental fishes ranged from the common (e.g.,
population of Pando, while increasing, is doing so slowly; Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae, Hemigrammus ocellifer) to
and ii) the Bolivian residents have largely settled the region ornamentals that are more highly prized, including the
from cattle rearing areas or from La Paz and do not have following: Astronotus crassipinnis, Apistogramma spp.,
strong traditions of fish consumption. Most of their Aequidens spp., Satanoperca cf. acuticeps, Eigenmannia
demand is for premium species, tiger catfishes and pacus, spp., Apteronotus albifrons, Gymnotus carapo, Hypopygus
species that are delicate in flavor. Apparently, much of the lepturus, Heptapterus longior, Imparfinis stictonotus,
catch is exported across the border to Brazil, and this Microglanis sp., Brachyrhamdia marthae, Cheirocerus
exportation appears to be unregulated. Sarmiento (1998) eques, Scoloplax cf. dicra, Peckoltia arenaria,
also noted a similar pattern of unregulated exportation of Parotocinclus sp., Otocinclus mariae, Hypostomus spp.,
several tons of fish per month with a slightly increasing Ancistrus spp., Agamyxis pectinifrons, Acanthodoras
demand from populations living along the Río Itenez. The cataphractus, Brochis splendens, Corydoras spp.,
mere fact that catches are not being monitored is reason for Bunocephalus spp., Dysichthys spp., Nannostomus
concern. trifasciatus, Pyrrhulina spp., Carnegiella spp., Tyttocharax
Peres and Terbourgh (1995) , Goulding (1980, 1981) spp., Poptella compressa, Phenacogaster spp.,
and Goulding et al. (1988) document not only the impor- Prionobrama filigera, Metynnis luna, Paragoniates
tance of rivers in structuring human settlements throughout alburnus, Iguanodectes spilurus, Hemigrammus spp.,
Amazonia but also the increasing dependence of humans on Hyphessobrycon spp. Chrysobrycon spp., Aphyocharax
aquatic resources for sustenance. At this time we cannot spp., Leporinus spp., Cynolebias spp., and Pterolebias
document the size of species-specific harvests that are spp.
sustainable for the future. There are no accurate data on the The most important areas within the region surveyed
nature of fish migration into the Tahuamanu-Manuripi for the ornamental fishes are the Upper Río Nareuda and
region. Many of the commercially important species such the Río Manuripi (Appendix 6). In some cases, trapped
as the curimatids and prochilodontids move out of tributar- interior flooded forest lakes (e.g., Appendix 8: B96-P2-42,
ies and forest habitats into the main rivers to spawn at the B96-P2-44) can be harvested entirely because these
beginning of the flooding cycle (Goulding, 1981). Many of ephemeral environments either dry completely or become
the larger catfishes migrate upstream to spawn and appar- anoxic. However, in the more permanent habitats the
ently ascend the cataracts in the upper Madeira into reproductive and population biologies of the ornamental
Bolivian waters (Goulding, 1981). The only relevant data fishes must be studied in order to support a sustainable
that we collected was that the abundance of the most enterprise.
favored species was relatively low (Machado-Allison et al.,


Critical Habitats channels also contain a diverse fauna with a number of
unique or rare elements (e.g., Cetopsorhamdia phantasia).
We identified a number of critical habitats that are required The Río Tahuamanu above Filadelfia contains a number of
for continued survival of freshwater fishes and maintenance rocky outcrops, including some small rapids and shallow
of the spectacular biodiversity. These are the same habitats regions with many downed logs. In the dry season the area
that support the growth and reproduction of economically near Aserradero was almost un-navigable because of the tree
valuable species. trunks and rapids. Such regions are prime candidates for
The habitats are described in detail in the companion spawning areas of the commercially important, large,
paper (Machado Allison et al., 1999). However, they fall pimelodid catfishes (e.g., Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum,
into three main classes: i) flooded areas; ii) small tributaries; Leiarius marmoratus) (Barthem and Goulding, 1997). As
and iii) main channels. The flooded areas comprise the most development continues towards the Peruvian border,
critical and highly endangered areas, including the varzea pressure may be exerted to channelize the river to permit
(flooded forest), cochas, swamps, forest lakes, etc. These shipment of supplies or equipment up river.
areas provide nursery grounds for perhaps 66% of the
species that we captured (Goulding, 1980, 1981; Lowe-
McConnell, 1987). Furthermore, many species, including
the pacus, feed on the fruits and nuts, including the Brazil
The following are the major conclusions and recommen-
nuts, dropped by the plants into the water (see Goulding,
dations that derive from our studies:
1980, 1981). Goulding (1981) characterizes the Brazilian
portion of the Río Madeira as having a relatively narrow
1. The region of the Río Tahuamanu-Río Manuripi,
flood plain and margin. This is certainly true for the Ríos
Upper Río Orthon basin, Pando, Bolivia is a potential
Tahuamanu, Muymanu, Nareuda and Manuripi in the areas
hotspot for the biodiversity of freshwater fishes. We
that we surveyed. Given such a narrow flood plain, there is
discovered 313 species in the region, of which 87 species
little buffer between logging and ranching activities and these
represent new records for Bolivia. This region contains 63%
critical flood zones. Extended development from Puerto
of the fishes found in the Bolivian Amazon and 49% of the
Rico, Filadelfia and Aserradero threaten this flood plain
species found in the entire country.
In the Upper Tahuamanu and Upper Nareuda there
2. The diversity within the Río Tahuamanu-Río Manuripi
were many smaller streams (garapes) and tributaries with
region will increase with increased sampling. The collecting
both black and white water conditions. These smaller
efforts at the end of the expedition were still increasing the
habitats are highly threatened by deforestation and cattle
species known from the area at a rate of 10.5 species per
ranching. A number of the garapes crossing the main road
day. An asymptote was not reached.
and on cattle ranches are completely denuded of riparian
vegetation. Furthermore, one team walked through dense
3. The ichthyofauna is a unique assemblage of species. It
forests into a number of forest streams and neither captured
appears to contain three distinct biogeographical elements as
nor saw any fishes, crustaceans or aquatic insects in crystal
follows: i) widespread lowland Amazonian elements from
clear water with sand bottoms. These streams were
the north and east; ii) Brazilian Shield elements from the Río
downstream from a ranch that was recently cleared and
Guapore/Itenez; and iii) headwater elements.
burned. We could only speculate that ashes, which are toxic
to aquatic organisms (N. Menezes, pers. comm.), or
4. The freshwater fishes are economically valuable. Many
pesticides poisoned these streams.
of the species are currently used for subsistence or commer-
These upper areas are highly diverse. We captured 168
cial fishery and have a high value. The food fishery may
species in the Upper Tahuamanu and the Upper Nareuda,
largely be for exportation. The ornamental fishes have a
slightly more than half of all the species we discovered
very high value.
(Appendix 6). Seventy-one species were found to inhabit
both the Upper Tahuamanu and Upper Nareuda, but 30
5. Populations and stocks of commercially exploited
species were found only in these upper regions. These
fishes need to be studied immediately across the Río
upper regions contain habitats that are similar to headwater
Madeira basin in Bolivia and coordinated with Brazil. The
areas with a unique and diverse fauna. These are among the
exploitation of local fishes for exportation may be putting
most threatened habitats due to logging, deforestation and
undo pressure on stocks. Catch data from the expedition do
not support viable populations living in the region.
The main river channels are not habitats that are usually
focused upon. However, as pointed out above, the principal


6. We recommend the development of fisheries for local Lauzanne, L., G. Loubens, and B. Le Guennec. 1991. Liste
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