Jezle John P. Mejorada BS Chemistry 1B UTS

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Jezle John P.


BS Chemistry 1B


Mental Health in Time of Covid-19 Pandemic

Mental health is a state of good well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own
potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is
able to make a contribution in his or her community (RA 11036- Phil Mental Health Law). It
affects how we think, feel and act. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from
childhood and adolescence through adulthood.

This pandemic brought many problems and challenges to everyone. It affected our mental
health. According to (WHO, 2020), "The main impact is the elevated rate of stress and anxiety",
with a warning that as new measures are introduced- especially quarantin and its effects on
many peoples usual activity routine and livelihood. It also affected the students. They have
become more stress because of the new learning mode brought to us by this pandemic.
Whatever problems may arise, we need to care for our mental health because having a good
mental health has its advantages. It helps us to realize our full potential, cope with the stresses
of life, work productively and make meaningful contributions to our communities. There are
many ways to maintain a positive mental health. You need to get plenty of sleep. It is very
important for our physical and mental health. Eat healthy foods. Perform activities and
excercises and do something you enjoy. It will help you if you enjoy yourself from time to time.
Connect with others and be sociable. Having friends is important not just for your self-esteem,
but also for providing support when you are not feeling too great. These are just few of many
ways to have a good mental health.

Covid-19 pandemic gave us high level of stress and anxiety. In order to cope with this problems,
we need to care and maintain our good mental health. Having a good mental health helps us in
becoming a better person. We need to remember that our health is our wealth.

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