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Earth Song and its impact on United Kingdom

1. Las fuentes utilizadas (esta sección intenta recoger información sobre la

A. How about the sources you compiled for your EE, How did you get them?
B. In the process of compiled sources for my Extended Essay about the impact of
Earth Song in United Kingdom, I had a hard time at first but then I found a lot of
sources. I got them through a research process about the impact of Earth Song
in the United Kingdom.

Can you repeat the question?

C. What kind of problems have you found in the process of compiling your sources
and/or the researching resources.
Well, I consider that a problem situation is that the sources that I needed to do
my Extended Essay regarding London were few, so it took me a long time to find
a source for that I decided to change the palce to United Kingdom SINS there
were more sources and it would be easier for me
D. How do you overcome those problems
I solved the problems in this process SINS I only need to change the place
where Earth Song generate an impact. In addition to organize my time in order
to finish my extended essay

E. Have you presented enough evidences that support your reasoned arguments?
I believe that the sources present in my Extended Essay are appropriate and
enough to support my ideas as well as my reasoned arguments.

Can you repeat the question?

F. What strategies did you use to face the researching and be able to get the
expecting results
The strategies that I used in the research process was to find out about Earth
Song because I had to make sure that it had at LIEST had an impact on
Anglophone culture.

2. Las conclusiones finales del trabajo (esta sección recoge información sobre
la estructura interna de la monografía)
A. ¿ What do you want to demonstrate with your researching?
What I wanted to demonstrate with my research is that Earth Song had a
meaningful impact on the people of United Kingdom, therefore it would change
their bad culture since they pollute the air a lot of.

B. ¿What is the result you got from your researching work?

The first results I got from my research were not what I expected because there
were not many sources so I had to switch to United Kingdom and the sources
were too many as well as relevant to my extended essay.
C. ¿what are the final conclusions that you reach in your EE?
Earth Song did not have any significant impact in the United Kingdom.

D. ¿Could you explain in details each of those conclusions?

I come to this conclusion is because people in the United Kingdom were made
aware of their actions before the song was released, so pollution in the United
Kingdom began to decrease because people contributed to their life style.

E. Can you repeat the question?

¿What situations or questions you coudn’t solve or answer after you finished
your reseaching?
I consider that a question that I coud not solve is about the impact of Earth Song
in the city of London, due to the few sources that I found regarding the impact of
the song in London.

3. El desarrollo de habilidades (esta sección recoge información sobre el

desarrollo de habilidades)
A. What skills have you developed during the process of your EE?
The skills that I have managed to develop during the development of my
extended essay are self-management, critical thinking and inquirers.

B. How can you show the development of the skills mentioned before during the
process of your EE?
The self-management for the development of my extended essay, inquirers will
be reflected with the sources that I found in the research process to support my
ideas and finally the critical thinking in the development of each one of my
reasoned arguments as well as my conclusions in my extended essay.

C. What have you learnt in the process of your researching?

What I learned in the research process is that it is not good to forcé in something
SINS most of the time I would just be wasting my time and therefore delaying
the development of the work. However, this is very important for the
development of any job as well as for my life.

Can you repeat the question?

D. ¿Can we say that this researching is important for your personal and academic
life? Why?
Because through research I can appreciate the different points of view that the
authors have regarding certain topics, so it would be very easy for me to
understand the topic and master it since I would have a lot of knowledge on the
subject. It is important to note that sometimes in this process one can tell if
something is wrong with one's perspective or research topic.

E. What was the most grateful experience you got from the investigation?
I consider the most rewarding part of my research experience to be the fact that
I was unable to find the necessary sources at the beginning because this made
me realize that I was misdirecting my extended trial.

4. El crecimiento que han logrado como parte de la comunidad educativa

(esta sección recoge información sobre el crecimiento personal del
A. How has your life changed, as an IB student?
It has changed my way of thinking since before I was only looking for my own
but now being part of the IB community I realized that teamwork is something
very satisfying as beneficial.
B. How does this researching contribute in your life?
I consider that research contributes to the development of my life by showing us
that sometimes we are the ones who are wrong, because sometimes several
authors would have a perspective contrary to ours or when we need to
investigate something we will not always find what we want and this is because
one is not always right and we must always be willing to improve.
C. In what ways, being part of this IB comunity has impacted on your life?
The fact that my family is part of the educational community has impacted them
too much since before they did not support me much but by being part of the
educational community they realized that I was a teenager who should be
helped in certain aspects such as emotional support to continue with my work.
D. how do you assess your personal growth during the permanency of the IB
I consider that my personal development during my stay in the IB program was
adequate since I mostly tried to be positive in the face of the difficulties that
arose in the development of my extended essay, but I must also admit that
sometimes I was a bit confident because things were going well for me and I
trusted myself since I thought that everything would always go well for me
E. What is the best thing you take from this permanency?
The best thing that I take away from my stay in the IB diploma program is the
benefits that it brings about doing something with a partner collaboratively and at
the same time that we always have to be willing to improve since we are not
perfect since we also make mistakes. from which one can learn a lot of things,
this only if one is reflexive.

Lic. Florentino Arpa Calachua

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