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System Configuration Exercises

System Configuration for Process Flow

After completing these exercises, you will be able to:

 Create an assigned loan with different sets of conditions in the system
 Make the system settings for the product types they require and the
corresponding conditions

1-1 You want to create a new product type for a new loan to be entered.

1-1-1 The product type is a specification of the product categories assigned by

the system. You cannot change the product categories.
Create a product type with the name 9XX (XX = Group ID) with the
following characteristics:
 Product category: 300
 Asset/liability: 0
 Condition group: 1
 Interest per disbursement: 
 Collateral active: 
 Objects active: 
1-1-2 Make the following company code-dependent settings for your product
 Number range: 01 (internal)
 Sample recNoRg: MU
 CM period: 4
 Dunning block: A
 FI Posting: 3 (Actual record in subledger, posting in FI with customer
 Ref. management: 2
 General Valuation Class: 3
 Dunning active: 
 Dec. active: 
 Currency: UNI
 Disb.Int. Vdate incl.: 
 Withhold. disb.: 
1-1-3 To simplify the procedure, only certain fields should be ready for input
dependent on the company code and product type. Set the field selection
(required entry or optional fields) for the following areas:
 Basic data classification basis
 Basic data applic./accept.basis:
 Basic data grouping basis
 Basic data inter.calcul. basis:
 Basic data evaluation information
 Conditions basic data:
 Conditions contract eff. inter.
 Correspondence
1-1-4 Create the status "60" (contract).
Enter the following criteria:
 Internal level 35
 Document group 3
 FI posting: 3
 Generate cash flow in contract status (CG)
 No alternative field selection (do not select)
1-1-5 Only permit "contract" status 60 for your product type 9XX. Permit
changes to the status.
1-2 The available conditions for your new product type 9XX should be different to
those of the existing product type 30A.

1-2-1 Create a new condition group 9XX (XX = group number) by copying the
existing condition group 1. Copy all dependent entries. Skip the messages.

1-2-2 Save the new condition group. Leave the transaction.

1-2-3 Call up the transaction Define Condition Groups.

1-2-4 Check the condition types for your condition group. Display the detail
information for the condition types. Go to the flows that are assigned to the
condition group.

1-2-5 Change the condition types for your condition group: Delete the conditions
263 Repayment on Maturity and 212 Processing Charge. Save the

1-2-6 Return to the product type settings. In the general settings for the product
type, connect your new condition group to your product type.

1-2-7 Go to the loan application. Create an application with the product type 9XX
in your company code.

1-2-8 Create a loan contract with conditions of your choice. Check whether you
can create a processing charge.

1-2-9 Save your loan.

1-3 As a result of a change to the loan contract you created, you want to set up special
charges in the amount of 50 UNI, due at the end of each quarter.
1-3-1 Define the flow type "SXX" (special charges XX). To do so copy flow type
3145 (processing charge).
1-3-2 Create a condition type 9XX with the description "Special charge XX",
assigning flow type SXX. Indicate the flow as a "Payment Transaction":
1-3-3 Set the field selection for the conditions such that all fields are optional
1-3-4 Assign this condition type to condition group 1 (mortgage loan assignment)
and to your condition group 9XX. Make sure that you select "hide" in the
field control.

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