1historia Del Pollo A La Brasa - Lectura

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*jistori of gril chiken
2.-Grilled chicken, one of the typical dishes of Peruvian cuisine and the
* Gril chicken, guan of da tipical dishes of peruvian cuisin an da mas
consumed in Peru, its origin more than sixty years ago, in the Santa Clara
Ate area.
*cansun in peru,its oriyin mor dan sixty years agou,in da santa claraate,erria.
The origin of the dish is attributed to Roger Schuler, who devised the particular
*Di oriyin of da dish,is attributed to Roger Chuler ,ju divais da partikiular.
cooking of chicken observing the preparation carried out by his cook, and
*cukin of chicken abservin da prepareishon Kerry aut by jis cuk an
progressively, together with her and another partner, Franz Ulrich, made production

*pragrebsivil tugeder with her an anoder parner,Franz Ulrich ,meid producshion

more technical and created the Granja Azul restaurant.
*mor tecnicul an crieit da Granja Azul restaurant
3. Roger Schuler started by raising chickens, but not doing well in the business, he
* Roger Chuler estard by reysing chicken,but not doing wel in da bisne hi
chose to sell them cooked and grilled, seasoned with Peruvian products.
*chus tu sell dem cook an gril ,sisen wit peruvian products
With the success of the Granja azul, the first restaurant for grilled chicken, the
*wit da sukses of da Granja Azul da ferst restaurant for gril chicken da
typical brazier oven was created, which gives a special taste to this popular dish.
*tipical breyshur ovin was crieit,wich gif a espeshial teis tu dis popular dish
The dish consists of gutted chicken meat, and cooked on the grill.
*Da dish consis of gadid chicken mit ,an cuk on da gril
4-The macerated meat is baked under the heat of the embers in a special oven
*da masereid mit is beik ander da hit of da di embers in a espeshoal oven
called a "rotombo", which rotates the animal on its own axis, receiving the heat of
*col a rotobom which routeis da animal on its on axis ,rrisiving da hit of
the embers evenly.
*de embers ivenli
The oven works with charcoal or firewood, it comes from the carob tree.
*di oven works with charcoal or fairwud it com from da kerrub tri.
The dressing includes two ingredients, salt and pepper.
*de dressing includes tu ingredients, salt an peper.
Pollo a la Brasa is eaten with French fries and fresh salad, consisting of lettuce,
*pollo a la brasa is iten wiht french frais an fresh salad ,consistin of ledis,
tomato, as well as mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard.
*tomeito, as wel as meanez,ketchup an masterd

Chicken- chicken
Salt- solk
Tomato- tomeito
Lemon- leman
Mayonnaise- meanez
Mustard- master
6.Preparation-( prepareishon)

1. In a large bowl pour all the ingredients of the dressing: salt, pepper
*in a larg bol por all da ingredients of da dressing sal, peper

2. Let the chicken marinate for at least one night

*let da chicken merineit for at list uan nait

3. After that time, put the chicken in the brazier oven for 30 to 40 minutes.

*after dat taim ,put da chicken in da breyshur ovin for their tu farti minets

4. Remove from the oven and serve the chicken cut into quarters or prey, and

*Rimuf from da ovin an sirf da chicken cut into cuarteis or prey,an

serve with French fries and salad.

*sirf witn French frais an salad.

1.- Where did the grilled chicken originate?
*wer did da gril chicken oriyineit.
In Santa Clara -Ate.

2.- What is the name of the first grilled chicken restaurant?

* wat is da neim of da ferst gril chicken restaurant

Granja Azul.
3.- What are the main ingredients of grilled chicken?
*wat ar de mein ingredients of gril chicken

Salt and pepper. ( salt an peper.

4.-What is the name of the inventor of grilled chicken?

* wat is da neim of di inventor of gril chicken.
Roger schuler
Historia del pollo a la brasa
El pollo a la brasa, uno de los platos típicos de la gastronomía peruana y de
mayor consumo en el Perú, tiene su origen hace más de sesenta años, en la zona
de Santa Clara Ate.
El origen del plato se atribuye a Roger Schuler, quien ideó la particular cocción del
pollo observando la preparación que realizaba su cocinera, y progresivamente,
junto a ella y otro socio, Franz Ulrich, tecnificó la producción y creó el
restaurante La Granja Azul.

Roger Schuler comenzó criando pollos, pero al no irle bien en el negocio, optó por
venderlos cocidos y a la parrilla, aderezado con productos peruanos.

Con el éxito de la Granja Azul, primer restaurante de pollos a la Brasa, se creó

el típico horno brasero, que le da un gusto especial a este popular plato.

El plato consiste en carne de pollo eviscerada, y cocida a las brasas. La

carne macerada se hornea al calor de las brasas en un horno especial
denominado «rotombo», que hace girar el animal sobre su propio eje, recibiendo
uniformemente el calor de las brasas.
El horno funciona a base de carbón o leña, proviene del algarrobo.

El aderezo incluye dos ingredientes, sal y pimienta.

El Pollo a la Brasa se come con papas fritas y ensalada fresca, consistente
en lechuga, tomate, además de mayonesa, kétchup y mostaza.


1. En un bol grande verter todos los ingredientes del aderezo: sal, pimienta.
2. Dejar macerar el pollo por lo menos durante una noche.
3. Transcurrido ese tiempo, poner el pollo al horno brasero por lapso de 30 a
40 minutos
4. Retirar del horno y servir el pollo trozado en cuartos o presas, y
acompañar con papas fritas y ensalada


1.- ¿Dónde se dio origen el pollo a la brasa?

En Santa Clara -Ate.

2.- ¿Cuál es el nombre del primer restaurante de pollos a la Brasa?

Granja Azul.
3.- ¿Cuáles son los ingredientes principales del pollo a la brasa?

Salt y pepper.

4.-¿Cuál es el nombre del inventor del pollo a la brasa?

Roger Schuler

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