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Seeking Human




© Inked With MagicTM

Global Literary Community

Copyright © 2020 Inked With MagicTM

All rights of the authors to be identified as authors of the

individual work/poems has been reserved by Inked With
Magic global literary community in accordance with the
copyright laws.

This book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial

gain or profit. The use of contents and/or occasional page
copying for personal or group studying is permitted and

For more materials and information contact:


For Worldwide Distribution

Printed in Nigeria (Cross River State)

Compiler and Publisher: Charles David Ogbeche

Assistant Editor: Adeyemi Kehinde Oluwanishola
Forum Chief Editor: Santosh Kumar Beyia

ISBN: 978-978-982-569-1

Cover Design By:

David Charles Ogbeche



















Poetry is an exquisite art, for those who practice must have compassionate
hearts. Least little suffering of his fellow beings arouse sympathy in a
poet's tender heart and honeyed words of kindness begin to flow freely
from his pen giving birth to beautiful poems.

Famous German theologian, organist, writer, humanitarian, philosopher,

and physician Albert Schweitzer once said, "Constant kindness can
accomplish much. As the sun melts ice, kindness causes misunderstanding,
mistrust, and hostilities to evaporate" and he was truly right. Kindness costs
nothing, yet can win million hearts.

World would be a dreary desert sans kindness. But it's regretful to notice
that with the advancement of civilization men are becoming self-centered
day by day. Most modern men today hardly have time to enquire about the
well-being of their immediate neighbors even. Such words such as
sympathy, kindness, compassion etc. seem losing their value day by day.
But it's not that everybody has become heartless. There are people in the
world, at least those practice poetry, it's my conviction, have at least an iota
of kindness in their hearts and they wholeheartedly yearn for a peaceful
world where everyone will live with due dignity.

The world is full of people who need our help and kindness. But it's not
possible for a single person to render a helping hand to all of them. In this
respect the former president of USA Ronald Reagan rightly said, "We can't
help everyone, but everyone can help someone''. If we follow his words, we
can bring happiness at least to our immediate needy neighbors.

I'm immensely glad to know that David Charles, a young Nigerian and a
budding bard having substantial poetic insights along with a compassionate
heart, has taken the initiative to publish an Anthology of poetry entitled,
"Seeking Human Kindness" with a view to appealing the world community
to wake up and open the gates of their bolted hearts for the needy masses.


Let's recall what John Ruskin said once "A little thought and a little
kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money." Yes, money
isn't always the most essential thing that a person needs in life for a
dignified living. A few words of kindness or giving a sense of
belongingness to a neglected person by standing beside him, often worth
much more than what money can give him. 58 poems penned by 41
eminent bards all over the globe will find place in the Anthology which is
indeed a great information for us. My best wishes to all the contributing
poets. Hope readers will surely embrace the Anthology and enrich
themselves by the ideas ingrained in the poems.

Wishing all success of the Anthology,

Sahjahan Ali Ahmed

Assistant Professor
India, Assam


The need to cub hands and rid menace in our society today is
necessarily essential for writers to deliberate on, than writing stories and
farcical dreams. The lives of people are now like puffed feathers in the
skies. Sufferings and forbearance of inconvenient situations all over the
space. Writers should wake and allow the strips of their spilling words
locate people from the outside to in-depth distresses. Where there is pain,
let peace reign; where there is bloodshed, let justice prevail; where there is
hatred, let love lead; where there is disdain, let people be comforted with
hopes; where there is doom and distress in mind, let unending joy fill the
heart; where there is feelings of mental and physical pains, let the
disposition of a honest and Godly man draw all original moments of purity
and genuine happiness.

Everyone is crying out for justice and a little kindness, the world is
cold to the ground and everyone hide’s quiet. How about ourselves, the
prime of our motherland that’s raged with evil toll, those beautiful
butterflies on horizons and children left behind the war fields roaming
helplessly without shelter, arms to feel warmth nor place to go? The world
have rolled thousands of time, what does these one of an ancient number
have to offer humanity and existence?

Is it taking darkness as shadows of men and their inner conscience with

heresy against the true sculpture of human kindness, or shine over the stale
to furnish bare nature? Writers have made companions of which the little
left lights in their world may become brighter through the radiance their
hearts obliged to battle with tireless efforts promoting peaceful coexisting,
encouragements and consolation to the deflated by the words they spill in
this book (Seeking Human Kindness).

This anthology is compiled with awesome words, picked and placed in the
right position every reader would find happiness in reading. It contains well
analyzed winning poems from the weekly contest held by the poetic
platform as an opportunity to ignite Global Oneness from every shelter and
in every heart that breaths life, circulating all-round the existence of man. It
also include different styles of writings that also promotes peace like the
values of life and literature, war and crime, human kindness, youth and
truth, mirror of life and hope to the hopeless.

Let love lead us all, through our quality writings, awareness of peace, good
conduct, sincerity in appointments and jovial interactive manners with
fellow writers or readers in the community. Readers should find the need to

remain peaceful and live a worth life amidst our adversities and quivering
generation of today. These continual initiatives are the only arms of peace
the world needs to fight menace, and can be obtained just within our own
hearts. It is ambience, an inestimable model we must embrace without
questioning. Let these masterpiece dwell in the heart of every man that
thinks of the world as lost, his hopes as gone, his time as wasted, take the
book as a tool of light to find way into the joyride of genuine happiness.
Hope is the master key to every locked door, read and pass this masterpiece
from your way of integral dispositions to the heart of others and others
radiating over the universe until everyone is saved and justified.

The heart of men is like a room not necessarily considered beautiful or

disordered, whatever it takes as impute is what it exhibits. This masterpiece
is calling to mind, all the values that portrait kindness, with right to the
pursuit of peace and true happiness. At random, this virtues of
unconditional care and sympathy for a fellow in either state of welling or
circumstances of sufferings and accursedness, are affordable and simply
within everyone to express. Most people eagerly wished someone could
draw closer to them and brace them with peace of mind, but when there’s
none to knockout the feelings of loneliness and depression, there’s every
chance that the mind becomes polluted with saturated thoughts of
damnation and violence. This book (Seeking Human Kindness), is a tool
that gives a balance of life. It touches every area of tough and almost
impossible ways of showing kindness, especially the change of stereotype
people who believes in ideas that are wrong about humanity. The need is
required to cub and influence them in a significant way and by reacting
differently to their ideas. We can together fight against all sorts of
Revenge, malice, domestic violence, molestation and other obscene

In this book of light, writers have proven the essence of love and
kindness in our societies and households, regardless of colors, races,
religion, ethics and creeds.

Salutations to the tirelessly working Global Literary Community, Executive

President Chanda John and the Founding Forum Director, Departmental
Heads and Regional leaders, Analyst and Moderators, Conveners and
Supportive Individuals for these immense hard work, sacrifice and

wholehearted support for writers all over the world and especially for the
forum, all best wishes to the success of the anthology.

Charles David Ogbeche

Forum Director/Global Departments
Inked With MagicTM (GLC)


With the highest acknowledgement to God Almighty, the Global
Networking Literary Community of Inked With Magic, registers her
inundated gratitude to all members and cooperatives of the platform. Also,
special thanks to all contributors and peace-loving writers in constant
reactions and sincerity as authors in every style of writings. Sincere
gratitude to her tireless administrative board, regional directors and
advisors, moderators and Editing board led by Sir Charles David Ogbeche
(GDD), Adeyemi Kehinde Oluwanishola (GC) and Santosh Kumar, for
organizing such wonderful masterpiece that’s ingrained as one book.
Written out of love and kindness for the outreach of every reader, the
sponsoring global literary community of writers solemnly extends warm
wishes and regards.

Lunzi Mosa
Former Moderator
Inked With MagicTM


Come to think about it, one day you decided to call your house keeper,
gateman, cleaner and driver for a round table with the boss for lunch. What
did you think will strike their heart? Because this is what you’ve never
done and practice.

“Kindness is giving hope to those

who think they are all alone
in the world”. __ Raktivist.

This is different from paying their salary. Normally they would think
maybe you will deduct their salary from the food they eat, maybe it’s your
birthday, and all sorts of thought will arise and when they did come to eat
with you, know for sure that they can’t be free as taking the food to their
private chamber where the boss doesn’t see their mouth.

“The world is full of kind people…

if you can’t find one, be one”.

In that aspect, draw them closer, make them feel comfortable, tell them to
feel at home, and eat with them while you engage them in interactive

“Wherever there is a human in need,

there is an opportunity for
kindness and to make a difference”. __ Kevin Heath.

To be honest, you yourself will feel different, they themselves will be

surprise at your action and act of generosity showed towards them. In fact
that day will be the happiest day of their lives. That’s the simple definition
of kindness to humanity.

There’s someone at the street seeking for kindness and all you could do is
to give your penny, that’s good! Because that’s your widow’s might. No
one compel you to give before you give, that’s showing kindness to
humanity. But did you know that it’s not enough to just give your money to
the beggar off the street, there’re other ways you could give such as your
time, service and whatever. Not just for the beggar in the street but to
people around us.

“Kindness is the language which the deaf
can hear and the blind can see”. __ Mark Twain.

Showing kindness to the next person beside you is a reflection of giving to

humanity without being dragged or forced to show kindness. Kindness isn’t
what someone begged for or expects people to kneel before stretching his
helping hand towards them.

“Kindness is loving yourself enough

to love those around you”. __ Raktivist.

Kindness is having the love of sympathy towards everyone around you,

placing yourself in their shoes if you may but feel. Kindness does open
doors willingly with a tender heart.

There’s a driving force behind kindness that will propel the heart, mind,
body and soul without forcing you to show kindness to humanity. Kindness
doesn’t stop halfway but until it has fulfilled is purpose of accomplishment.

“Kindness is something anyone can give

without losing anything themselves”. __ Raktivist.

As a writer your support towards humanity and peaceful coexistence

should be of kindness and your contribution in promoting human kindness
across the globe with your pen is a legacy that will reflect on the upcoming

“Kindness is the ability to know what the right thing

to do is and having the courage to do it”. __ Raktivist.

Ask yourself: Have you been kind today? Make kindness your operating
system to change the world. How do we change the world? We can change
the world with one random act of kindness at a time.

In climax, this book is a collection of poems from different poets and

poetesses of the world with different ideas, views and opinions defining the
word kindness to humanity. This is the book you’ve been waiting for
because you will be inspired, touched, motivated and spirit filled with
astonishing poems from the legends of the legendary poetic platform
(INKED With Magic)

This book talks about seeking human kindness by being our fellow’s helper
with different ideologies from different writers.

“When we seek to discover the best

in others, we somehow bring out
the best in ourselves”. __ William Arthur Ward.

This book will benefit you and serve as an eye opener to the call of duty to
seeking human kindness. You just have to read through and compare with
your experience, for this is the book you wouldn’t want to miss a page or
section in it.

However, Seeking Human Kindness is a call to awaken every soul on this

planet earth. Showing peaceful coexistence among all without
discrimination, tribalism, nepotism and religious view or concept.

Adeyemi Kehinde Oluwanishola

Global Coordinator/Relations
Inked With MagicTM









































Tis writ’s the best matches upon mules into the desert,

Countries and homes infested with hostile and disdain,

Men marching forth on elegant hymns; caravans and pilgrims,

Let the cadence crunch by the vibes of the restless trampler,

Brothers with peace banner unfurled by the city outskirts,

Soldiers to defend and daises to lead with positive thoughts,

And Oh’ changing along the songs of peace in their amber,

The cloud may furnish blue rays of light leaping divine,

Then men who wholly around odious instincts that’s fanciest,

May turn their palms towards the mold of unfading tranquil,

Let the universe turn with a heavy noisy gait against vices,

Marching on tunes by regulated minuet, waltz and cotillion,

For those whose worth is recompense and unfailing help,

May rise with the breath of the oceans and limbs of the winds,

Singing along with the pained shield of their souls renewed,

The flapping breeze to blow all wistful and intense memories,

The heavenly downpour to refresh and wash the teary eyes,

All desires; a living life to live, and all pains; the thrill to peace,

Deeds fordone; a perfect future, songs of peace; all day’s joy,

And earth a haven for the sojourn and unborn facts of life.


Seeking Human Kindness


1. Munira Dalal
2. Sahjahan Ali Ahmed
3. Charles David Ogbeche
4. John King Ayanfe
5. Ganeswar Behera
6. Saroja Krishnamurthy
7. Ngam Emmanuel
8. Ven-Lyn A. Valdez
9. Milling Cruz Rivera
10. Joenee Trocino
11. Gideon Emmanuel
12. Albert Juniho Onwucheka
13. Yousef Gazbee Kara
14. Mir Samsul Haque
15. Dismas Mukupa
16. Adeyemi k. Oluwanishola
17. Dr. Sonia Gupta
18. Venus Asoka
19. Idowu Daniel
20. Antaryami Mishra
21. Esther Lungu
22. Kenneth Maswabi
23. Bonita Saikia
24. William Warigon

' HUMANLY KIND‘Father ‘said the child, this is
an earnest appealWhy don’t you mold toys , that
can touch and feelYour toys like puppets, dance
MUNIRA when pulled by stringsTheir false painted smiles ,
no more joy bringsCan you please make their eyes
DALAL shed a tearWhen in distress they see someone, not
their dearMake their hands ready to hug and
embrace Sad , depressed beings, they can comfort
and solaceCan their lips part to speak words of love
Munira Dalal is and careSooth and balm a wounded soul ; that lays
from Maharashtra, bareGive them ears they lend to a friend in sorrowA
Mumbai. She’s a little of your time, joy and laughter let them
noble writer and borrowLet their feet; not crush, destroy and
have gained trampleOthers freedom, honor and land; in
reputable battleAnd yes ! can you make place too for a small
recognitions in the heart‘You have to have one’ they say ; the most
field of literature. important partYour toys look attractive but are
hollow and empty Please fill them with kindness ,
compassion and empathy Father said hopelessly‘ I
created my toys to look like humans‘I hope and
pray when molded thus ; they ‘ become humane’©
Munira Dalal

virtue that oozes out of heartAnd falls on the
needy as rain on dry desert.It blesses both the
giver and the seeker, The former turns noble,
fortunate - the later.This world is full of myriad
needy people,A single man can't turn their lives
beautiful.Yet, can lend a helping hand to his
neighbors,Can stand by them in need with kind
words.Feeding some gaunt, infirm hungry
beggars,Gifting them clothes that you use no
more ,Or teaching the alphabet to illiterate
SAHJAHAN ALI children,Cost little, yet from their hearts lots you
gain.Loving others irrespective of color or
AHMED religionForgiving faults of foes sans any
condition, Accepting the world as home for all
creature,Are kindness we need to show every
hour .The state of world is deteriorating day by
Sahjahan Ali
day,Machines have made man heartless so to
Ahmed hails from say.Seeking kindness for human we need to pray
Assamese, India. "Oh Lord! Fill every soul with kindness today.Let
Assistant Professor men live on earth as brothers and sistersAs
in Barpeta Girls million bees live in a single Shive together."©
College Assam, Sahjahan Ali Ahmed
India. He has
earned reputation
as a writer,
translator and

Some days will never come; even by the littlest of
time,Neither in the tempest and conquest in life's
trackHad bring a definite chronology as man seek
smile,Everybody knows only what to know and aback,
When the sun will rise in every street and clack,The
kindness of man will flee in distant wind shellac,Now
the nascent terror of his beak and lightning eyes,See it
pour on the bald of the less privileged and incise,
The music for the sad man, saying 'everybody
knows',The world is baptized in her sins and now
reanimates,Believing in evil and blinded to good afloat
CHARLES DAVID the brows,Devil have found a den in the thoughts of
OGBECHE men; collate,
Everybody knows there's a morrow, but not
predictableThe biding strips of yester that remain
Profile tales forever,Those of loss and groove, love and
Charles David passions undeniable,Yet everybody knows only now,
Ogbeche Is a young until every 'now' exhausts,
noble Nigerian Everybody know life is a tempest raging like a wild
writer. His deep storm,Yet drink life rolling down, standing up as it
passion for social flows dangling,And give to rapture all the trembling
and environmental ponder in good turns,Sing a song everybody knows,
values, combined and seek its kindness again.
with demonstrative © Charles David Ogbeche
desire towards
changing the world
has reached many.
He is the co-founder
and forum director
at Inked With
MagicTM since (2019).
He believes in the
service of mankind.

self-esteem has becomeAmong folks seeking
human kindnessOriginality falters whilst eye-
service elevatesA bad omen in our
societyMediocrity is a virus to livelihoodShallow
thinkers betray their effulgent tomorrowSo they
rely on the kindness of humansNonetheless,
neglecting the plans of God for themSeeking
human kindness is seeking stars at noonThe
kindness of man is ephemeralBut God give life
and light to allHe alone can give eternal comfort
JOHN KING and peaceHe who seek the kindness of
humanAbode in a mansion without roofHis folly
AYANFE will bring him before rue and sorrowDon't beg
bread from the beggar
© John King Ayanfe
John king ayanfe a
Nigerian poet,
singer, dancer and
actor with

The world is a mysterious stageWe are the actors
from all ageIt holds both ravishing heaven and
painful hellQuantum of judgment, only our deeds
spellBestowed with massive intelligence we
swagger Yesterday's millionaire stands as a street
beggarCharity cultivated in the pristine land of
familyKindness germinated by imitating others
slowlyDivine traits are installed before, by
almighty To inject a congenial atmosphere our
foremost dutyPerson with kindness treated as a
GENESWAR living godDefeat with love better than the victory
by inhuman sword Am a ragged and ravenous
BEHERA heart with empty bowlYour helping hands would
fill my ravaged soulSprinkle nectarine showers of
virgin kindness Gap the vacuum of adversities by
your divine trace
Geneswar is a
science teacher in
profession, an
artist and
associated with
many social
organizations. He
believes in the
service of

Clasping handshe sat on the foot pathseeking
loveFor somelife swirls madlyand plunges into
piecesHe seeks cover from a wide palmwhich can
save himfrom humiliationat least for some
timeNo dreamsOnly whines of pastin low voice
withthousand waves of tyrannyrising within"Oh
God,Am I that big a sinner?"He questions looking
at the scorching skyBelly can be happywith food
given out of kindnessBut what about thelongings
of a heartthat craves for genuine feelings??©
SAROJA Saroja Krishnamurthy

Saroja is from
Karnakata, India.
She's a promising
writer with wide
knowledge on
poetry writing.

SEEKING FOR KINDNESSKindness is love in
actionReaching those battling adversityEmbracing
even their imperfectionIt's such an invaluable
inspiring qualityAs snow falls to cover all nature
in beautySpreading kindness every where’s a
noble dutyAll virtue sprouts and grows in
sunshineA kind heart radiates love like full
moonshine.Kindness is a great engine of
transformationHuge heroic acts aren’t signature of
kindnessBut little touchy acts that ripple this
passionThat'll change mankind blessing her with
NGAM gladness.Kindness is not being niceCode of ethics
EMMANUEL on it liesNiceness is genuine compassionGiving
without expectation of recognition.Kindness is
BEYIA reaching out to those in needIt is kinder denying
the lazy poor indeedSuch denial springing from
real compassionEmpathy is not adding to another
Ngam Emmanuel
more affliction.Inner joy and peace in kindness
hails from liveIn it is the most enticing way to enjoy life.©
Cameron. He is an Ngam Emmanuel Beyia
activist, writer and

SEEKING KINDNESSWhat separates me,If
tongue will never be tamed,I don't bark or howl
like a wolf,Either swim like fishes in the
gulf.What I do out there matters the most,The
way I reach the public by my post,Treat them well
no matter what it cost,If you seek love, rather not
to hate,My action defines me as a whole,Kindness
makes this world complete,If you seek love rather
not give hate,Not everyone is capable with such
treat.Only those who has a heartKnows the real
meaning of humility For everything here is
VEN-LYN A. temporaryLearn to be kind, even others are not.©
Ven-Lyn A. Valdez

Ven-Lyn Valdez is a
Philippine poetess
and Moderator in
Inked With
MagicTM (2020).
She believes in the
service of

divvy upto throw a sweet smileto a lonely
childmotherless and forlornPat his head. A hug is
a comfortan implication of compassionSmell a
flowerfrom a bed of blossomsTouch of
gentlenessGlance of care and loveA prayer of
thankfulnessthat we may go on loving natureA
penny or a cookieto fill a hungerTo share a
blessingwith your needy fellowsLend a hand and
hearty serviceto welfare and supportive
actionsNever be someone's breakerof a heart that
MILLING CRUZ loves youConvey the real youNever hang a
waiting soulPlease be kind, for a crushed
RIVERA spiritwill be drown in the sea of painJust your
little kindnessis a big world of humblenessIn this
universe, each creaturedepends from each
thoughtfulnessFaintly but exceptionally precious
Miling Cruz is a
caregives way to an amicable living
Philippine writer, © Milling Cruz Rivera
based in Dubai
where she lives
and retired in
teaching. She loves
reading and write

not almsof crumbs!Are they birds? And eventhese
fowls withinhave souls.Look
FORGIVENESSI'm sorry to sayback againto the
to you,dear
tattered raimentof I'vethis
been the hidden thornsamong
being,Touch his my
shriveledhands that in
secret assassinThathis
begging...Pat causes pain,
anguish and sorrow.I've
shouldersgently and iflaidyougovernment
mayEmbrace officials
under the grave,Beautiful girls are ugly identity to my
withoutquestion and hesitationof how his squalid
sight,I've harvested seeds of pregnant women,
and numbtimes,I've
thousands body smell madeout.You
childrenmay not hear
homeless andhis
hopeless,I've made joyful women widows,And their in
in utteranceof gratitude.His eyes blurred
tearsrecites the fortitudeHis
husbands, handicapped heartraped
warriorsI've with the country
yourspalpitatingHe learned to lovethis
so hard,Stealing away the pride that covers it
JOENEE pavement,the
beauty.I'm sorrywalking
to revealpeoplein their walking
my identity,For in ignorance
ways,The frowns and smilesreflecting who they
was my faced washed with fetishMillion
TROCINO coins,Strapped
are,Why would washemy be body with bombs,Loaded
disturbed?His faith is was
GIDEON my chest with weapons of death,I've been paid the
whimsical,Yes, You! I am part of "You"Let us
EMMANUEL coins of a thousand soul,My
share something,Anything clad with mission is to killTo
Profile destroyAnd to make blood flow like river.The bomb
kindness,Jubilant, the worldwill be.
Joenee is a blast at the Soldiers base,Was a Mastermind of my
© Joenee Trocino
ignorance,I know I deserve to drink theteardrops of the
Philippine writer
Gideon Emmanuel
who loves writing masses,I know I deserve a befitting death,I know I'm a
legal alien, causing havoc and painto the national
anda young writeron
performing soil.But in a contrite heart,filled with dampened regret
stage. in Lagos, of my actions,I seek for your forgiveness!Wrap me in
Nigeria. He writes your careDear government,Change my steps and
about daily life and millions footsteps will follow,Pardon my ignorant
his surroundings. heart,In thy hands have I seek to be redeemed,In thy
eyes have I sought to be saved.© Gideon Emmanuel

BENEVOLENCEMy heart buds glint of
irradianceUnfolding petals of benevolenceTo
wrap soul in blanket of hopeWhere melancholic
vibes elopeFor kindness whispers song of
loveAkin like the delight of soaring doveTo
cuddle heart of ailing soulAmidst in ambiance of
foeWhere fate rides in conquestAgainst tides of
sorrowful contestLove for humanity tames my
heartPassionately like thrust of cupid dart
© AJ Rhymes
Albert Juniho Onwuchekwa

Albert is a writer
basing in the
capital city of
Nigeria, Abuja..

NEEDYStretch your helping hands to the
needyWith a clean mind don't be greedyPlace a
bundle of joy in someone's sad heartBless them
with a beautiful new startI'm painting back some
rough facesWith the shining oil of happy
daysMaking them enjoy some of the good
lifeThey were wishing for, whilst watching
moviesIt really feels goodSharing foodIn the
neighborhoodI hope I am understoodBreak from
your daily breadShare with a hungry headNothing
YOUSEF GAZBEE is little in the eyes of the needyJust be kind with a
pure mind and be readyIn this world you're paid
as you workIf you can, don't watch another man's
life get stuckPlay a handsome roleFor an ugly life
to grow© Yousef Gazbee Kamara
Gazbee Yousef
Kara is a poet from
Sierra Leon. His
writings reflect his
hustle and love for
music and oral
story telling.

The abject poverty, the worst of
nemesisHumanity is in peril, a serious
crisisExtending our hearts to the severe painsA
nascent idea, be built and sacrificesInstances of
inequality, it's so eerie and bizarreThe poor face
atrocities, ill-fated they areMish-mash of poverty
stereotype, a curseHeart wrenching inequality
debilitating so farWe must share joys with them
in and aroundThe forgotten mass, of late can gain
groundIn all social sphere, let them be at par and
MIR SAMSUL equalA compassionate heart, it's divine, so
profoundBeating poverty needs ample
HAQUE courageThey bear the brunt of rues and
rageTumbling humanity, still has a last
sparkStreamline them with no intent of
disparage.© Mir Samsul Haque
Samsul hails from
Odisha, India. He is
a trilingual poet
and Analyst at
Also an Advisor to
the founder at
Inked With
MagicTM (2020).

that I chose this kind of lifestyle that I quote, I just
got stuck in the cobwebs of circumstances beyond
human control,Unexpectedly life did a U-turn
knocking me to the ground, having nobody to lift
me up even those who appeared to be kind
disappeared quicker than they came because their
mind's dairy was inked with tainted desires.It's
really hard to express your profound love, peace and
kindness toward society whose perception is that
you're illiterate and mentally disturbed, And that
you need some sort of mental health since it's you
DISMAS always by the road side asking for help.Life in the
MUKUPA valleys isn't that easy especially when you want to
speak your mind, and feed your mouth because not
A everyone is interested to hear about your
Profile vulnerability of not meeting their way of living,It
Dismas Mukupa is takes a tender heart to save one from depending on
nourishing crumbs to become a better and
from Zambia. He's
responsible person, if only two hands join
written ample of together.Now the blessed tend to denigrate beggars,
poems and still folding their arms forgetting that givers never go
writing as he finds neither broke nor run out of stock.© Dismas
it as a means of Mukupa
support to

He didn't!No! He didn't He didn't thought about
itBefore the flame of his characterCloud the eyes
of all And we saw the attitude of his characterToo
bad esteemed friendWhat else could be done? The
calabash is brokenWithout considering the
factThat some will get hurt And others buried
their grieveHe's left alone in the jungleNot
minding the affairs of humanityTrading his
thought by himselfAnd Alas! He's come to
realizationKnowing full well what he has doneBut
ADEYEMI it's late to amend the broken character He seek
KEHINDE and thirst now for humanityHe has weight the
gravity of his offenseHe now plead for kindness
OLUWANISHOLA and pardonWhat on earth will he do to himself?
Will he ever live to forgive himself? Because
none cares to blink their eyes of kindnessHe wept
Adeyemi K.
all day longRegretting the attitude of his
Oluwanishola hails characterKindness He seek from all But seems
from Ogun state they've shot the door of kindnessIn sobriety of
Ijebu Ishiwo. He’s heart he seek human kindnessHis shadow on is
multi-talented kneel if they will at least show kindness©
personnel and Adeyemi Kehinde Oluwanishola
blessed in writing
skills. He is a
Global Coordinator
and Public Relation
Officeholder at
Inked With

Blessed With This Wonderful Life,Beautiful
Heart And A Holy Soul Inside ,O’ We Are
Blessed With Many Jewels,‘Kindness’ Is One Of
The Precious Pearls!Alas! What Has Happened
To Today's World,All Around There Is Agony
And Hatred,O' Humanity Where Art Thou?O'
Kindness Has Vanished Why And How?O’ Dear,
Wake Up And Sow A Seed Of Kindness,Give
Your Helping Hands To Someone Helpless,Let
This Candle Of Kindness Be Lit In Your
DR. SONIA Heart,Let It Spread A Harmony To The World’s
Every Part!Fill Barren Lives Of Someone With
GUPTA Colors,Paint In Every Heart A Wonderful
Canvas,O’ Dear, Be Kind To Every Creation
Here,Whether It Is Bird, Animal Or Any
Creature!O’ Dear, Be A Reason For Someone’s
Dr, Sonia hails
Smile,Bloom As A Flower In Someone’s Life,Let
from India. She is a Peaceful Musings Be Arisen From Your Soul,To
published author Spread Kindness Must Be Your Goal!Let This
of Solo English and Kindness Flow In Each And Every Vein,Let It
HindI Anthologies. Drizzle Like Shower Of Rain,Let This Kindness
A dentist doctor Be Your Food Grain,Let It Eradicate All Miseries
and is known for And Pains!Let This Kindness Be Your Powerful
her singing, Weapon,Which Can Make This Murky World A
knitting, paintings, Heaven,O’ Dear, Listen, This Life Is Only
designing and Once,Let Us All Get Ornamented By This Boon!
writings. © Dr. Sonia Gupta


A TOUCH OF KINDNESSDwelling in the

slums,Laying beside refuse dumps,Hands
extended like a rift,A touch of kindness is all I
seek.A warm touch on my hand,To lift me from
the sand,Filter me from street dirt,And with love,
wear me a shirt.A soothing touch on my face,And
a loving smile to make my heart race,To pour
comfort on all my fears,And rain kisses on my
tears.A caring touch on my life,To be a blanket
over my weak heart,Like the spaces between
prison bars,Where the hope of my freedom lies.A
playful touch on my head,While I sleep on a
VENUS divine bed,Like a happy ice that refuses to
melt,I'll be folded in the arms of happiness.A
ASOKA gentle touch on my back,When I face new
challenges on my path,A firelighter when my
Profile hope becomes dim,A cheerleader when my
Venus is a young dreams become real.©
Nigerian poetess
of only 18 years
old, hail from the
Nigerian Igbo tribe.
She believes in the
service of
you,his four eyes gonethat booked his flight
to the world.-he sought you,but you back
faced him like an angry god.He sought you,
clad in robe of holes, hands clutched to a
bowl.School of sands on his head.-he sought
you,but he received the experience of your
goat.Cries cemented his cheeks,harsh cold
flamed his heart-Now, he sought you,as a boy
with an axeto split your flesh from your soul!
A sow of few notes,Planted by a palm of
IDOWU humanitygerminated would have been- a
DANIEL weary smilethat could melt an axe.When he
first sought you.© Idowu Daniel
Daniel Idowu is a
young Nigerian
writer from Ogun
state. He has the
vision to impact
life through his


A begging human -being am I,The practice going

since the creation ofKINDNESS
my raceThe ancestors sought
My life have been in the unbearable
for the mercy of nature:For food and drinks and
dungeon,Where no one seems
what not, running through unseen to givespace
me any ?It’s a
fact but natural,is nothing
gracefulmore in my heart
contract:Life than
is eternal
depression,Where my life is filled with
act of begging and giving equallyIn cyclic way, atotal
beggar becomes only deprivation
a giverAnd thebut alsogladly
giver total turns
desolation,My life needs human
a beggar.The wavy oceans of the world give
gallons of water my everyheart has no
yearTo theplace for sky and
antipathy,Not only antipathy but also
thirsty air, to get back all in sweet showerAllhostility,As
ANTARYAMI I have hope to
pervasive skyfind human
losing bluekindness I shall not
color becomes
MISHRA weary,But
poorTurns rich after each shower of remedy,My
something am expecting is down-
seeks a person who is
are happy sympathetic,A
with begging mercy surgeon
ESTHER of sunlight
my life so supersonic,Whom I will
water and soilHuman-beings known adhere as for
LUNGU his/her
begging everything, nothing made own, outuntil
walking stick,I will not drop my hope of
Antaryami was I become fantastic.© Esther Lungu
their toil.Kindness is no charity at all, needful
born in kapileswar lubricant for life's motion.Living-being is but an
Peru, Odisha. He’s oily cog in the machine of creation.Is there ever a
Esther is a young
been a writer since man on earth, being born and brought up, on his
Zambian writer. A
high school times. ownIs it possible to live a moment in unkind
pupil of a atmosphere with no oxygen?Kindness is a drink
He loves writing
government school of pure milk nourishing lives in all changing
and reading.
in her community. conditionEnkindles manhood making the whole
Her keen passion globe happy ground of endless game going on.©
for humanity drive Antaryami Mishra
her into writing
from her young

I have met so many peopleIn need of
human kindnessAnd now I am on a
charity driveTo ask for serious
donationsI want to buy human
kindnessAnd bring it back to
humanityIt has been a long timeSince
we departed from our heavenly
abodeAnd our kindness has all
KENNETH evaporatedLeaving our hearts stone
MASWABI coldEmpty of any kind thoughtsIt is
very urgentThat I get the correct
Profile amountIn order to meet the deadlineIt
Kenneth Maswabi is midnightAnd time is not on my sideI
hails from am only pleadingFor you to open your
Botswana. He heartsAnd be kind for once© Kenneth
writes quotes and

HUMAN KINDNESSKindness is a marked
behaviorBy human characteristicsAnd a pleasant
disposition and concernAnd consideration for
others or needy people!Kindness is fundamental
to human existenceBlossom of kindness grow up
in human soft heartOn the base of “Morality,
Humanity and Simplicity”Kindness affects both
the shower and receiver With the serene and
gleeful moments Amid the selfless love!Kindness
is real language of human heartWhich the deaf
can hear and blind can seeWhen the humanity
raise and its consciousnessTo sweep away any
BOBITA fear and hatred,But today kindness is dying day
by day from heartAnd human heart are going to
SAIKIA be like heartless stoneIf a person doesn't help
another personThen Who will help ?© Bobita
Profile Saikia
Bobita is a
wonderful writer
and motivator who
coordinates and
guide aspiring

narrow-minded street,I encountered the blindness
of a kindness.Mucked I was in the middle clayed
pit,I was a very definition of pure prurient Out of
the blue,From a grey hue,A heart of gold sprang
from an old cloak Grey beards and all, He had me
unlockedHe locked away that judgmental grinAnd
he sure smiled with eyes of kindness.He made my
blue greener than green,Transformed me into a
model of greatness.He took me just as I am
without any pleaMy filthy rags were sent to His
nose.On solid rock He placed me with my glee.In
WILLIAM Him I find unmerited glorious rose!
© William Warigon
William is a noble
Nigerian poet,
reader and good
contributor to
world literature.


1. Ngam Emmanuel
2. Sahjahan Ali Ahmed
3. Ven-Lyn A. Valdez
4. Saroja Krishnamurthy
5. DrSonia Gupta
6. Adeyemi Kehinde Oluwanishola
7. Shiv Raj Pradhan
8. Gigi Balita
9. Fagbuaro Julius Adedayo
10. John King Ayanfe
11. Endurance Rain-Maker
12. Bryan Atu
13. Ayaskanta Mohapatra
14. Joenee Trocino

GENOCIDEMy people wear yellow scarves as you
seeSigned like beasts for exterminationThey use
racial expletives to downgrade meSaying, "Kaffir' "
nigger"," good for extinction."Why do you deny us
of our humanity?Why tag us with disgusting animal
names?Why my people killed with impunity?See
how revenge killings crop to avert blame!You use
mob crime as impetus to slaughterYour squads
hysteria spreads armed to murderHaven't you heard
"ethnic cleansing" in Bosnia?Haven't you heard
"rotanade" in Algeria?Targeted killings and mass
graves in Ambazonia?My culture a bait you use to
NGAM murderYou kill but don't want it called murderRats
EMMANUEL we're so you prefer exterminationEuphemizing you
use purificationIs this our own beautiful fate in
creation?Downward killings breed whirlpool of
mass killingsVultures scramble over cadavers left
Profile by zombiesWhose power quest rip them of humane
Ngam Emmanuel feelingsSlaughtering moderates like in horror
hails from moviesEvery genocide always by denial
Cameroon. He is followedHistorical facts were all always
an activist, writer destroyedEvery report of evidence became
and teacher. "alleged"The guilty dismissed reports as propaganda
An aching repeat of the demise at
RuandaContinuous blood scene empty our
humanityinto underworld's seas replete with
depravity.Only mutual love and respect will restore
our dignity.© Ngam Emmanuel

WAR AND CRIMEWAR is a word inscribed in
bloody letters.Its history is smeared with tears and
fears.As a flood erodes both the banks of a river,a
war damages either party of warmongers.It's a
bloody game of thunder and plunder, but towards
the end it proves just a blunder.A game to grasp
power murdering humanity,putting one's own kith
and kin into atrocity .Every bullet they fire, burns
someone's heart,by each missile some dreams are
shattered.With bombs they create homeless
multitudes,streets full of beggars and sobbing
widows .Crimes move rampant all around as wild
SAHJAHAN fire,order of the day becomes plunder or
murder.Law of the land turns mockery for
ALI AHMED criminals,judiciary is controlled by mafias or
ruffians.Oh! War itself is a crime against humanity,
The hawks murder millions yet feel not guiltywith a
Profile view to establishing so called peace,they bathe in
Sahjahan Ali human blood, how absurd it is!The murderers of
Ahmed hails from humanity must know, when god summons they too
Assamese, India. can't but goleaving pelf and power as naked
Assistant Professor beggarsand for their evil deeds to him must
in Barpeta Girls answer.Criminals die as street dogs, none to
College Assam, condole,philanthropists live for ages in men's
India. He has souls.History is witness, war is utter madness,so,
earned reputation shunning violence let's live with kindness.©
Sahjahan Ali Ahmed
as a writer,
translator and

WAR AND CRIMEIf God is here, it would be a
shame,How we ruin the world as men,Tearing
each other for our gain,The greed of our selfish
regime.We let our children bear witness,The
cruelty of war is not a game,They will feed
among the dead,Their cry will no longer be
heard.Our women will be raped, The old will be
killed,And your men will be enslaved,Working
without being paid.Your thirst will be
unsatisfied,The clean water will turn red,Lights
will be out for years,And darkness will blot the
field.This is the time of great misery,No one will
VEN-LYN A. win, nothing will be saved,The law and order will
perish,And our mourn will be in silence.© Ven-
VALDEZ Lyn A. Valdez
Ven-Lyn Valdez is a
Philippine poetess
and Moderator in
Inked With MagicTM
(2020). She
believes in the
service of


From war what do we gain?

May be we could learn.

War is nothing but crime protected by laws;

a battle against humanity;
a selfish ambition
that kills innumerable innocents
without any mercy

SAROJA no punishment
KRISHNAMURTHY to war crimes
which in turn encourages
people to commit worse offences
Profile so many silly reasons to fight;
Saroja is from defeats and victories
Bangalore, never make any difference.
Karnakata, India.
She's a promising War is nothing but losing humanity for the sake
writer with wide of power.
knowledge on
poetry writing. A retired soldier
howls quietly
in his last days
for the crimes he committed against his will;
just a duty whether he liked it or not

© B.S Saroja

WAR AND CRIMEAh! What is this? War, war,
war all around,Breeze breezing with miserable
sound,Alas! Innocent lives lying in death’s
lap,Everyone mourning on the mortal map!Terror,
torture and tricks of inhumanity,Engulfing peace,
joy and prosperity,Blowing baskets of bombs in
anguish,It’s easy to tune a guitar, but not a tuna
fish!Colors of life fading leaving lonely lanes, O’
hearts heaving heavily in pains,Dreams in eye
shattered and soul seems torn,Who will help them
cry their cry as they mourn?Tell me ‘O’ God,
What is this crime’ for?Our motherland is
DR. SONIA becoming blood river,What is the fault of those
innocent people?For own self, terrorists are
GUPTA putting them in trouble!Will this war provide any
solution to the problem?Will this war stop all
Profile injustice and corruption?O’ world, listen, ‘War’ is
Dr. Sonia hails not the perfect answer, Rather it will turn all
from India. She is a peace into ‘disaster’!O' when will these crime and
published author war finish offTill how long life will be cruel and
of Solo English and tough?Hey humanity where art thou?Can't you
HindI Anthologies. hear mournful vows?© Dr Sonia Gupta
A dentist doctor
and is known for
her singing,
knitting, paintings,
designing and

A gun shot of anarchy in between the ties of
borderfeet on motion as they set for marathon oh
Israel to your tent! All ran for their livesnot
looking back to hear the gun cracked being
captured and jailedfor the innocence of act a hole
to look into the futurenot a trace of change the
perpetrators mocked the calamity of their
peoplethe atrocities of their crime on the bench of
power the gravity of their offensereflect a
punishable actconflict of interest is war against
ADEYEMI crime.© Adeyemi Kehinde Oluwanishola

Adeyemi K.
Oluwanishola hails
from Ogun state
Ijebu Ishiwo. He’s
multi talented
personnel and
blessed in writing
skills. He is a
Global Coordinator
and Public Relation
Officeholder at
Inked With

WAR AND CRIMEFaces are painted with deep
miseries and griefBlotless and helpless plight
echoes in shriekHorror and fear reigns, casting
light grace bleak Poignant tale of woes are spelt
distinct in heave.The war hisses destructions
holocaust omenIt manifests in ugliest face, as that
of hell laneHorrible tone of Satan quote rules as
cruel insaneObviously the head of humanity
hangs in shame.Ever, war has raised its ugly head
in historyManifesting in devastation and ruin,
succinctly.Next, crime the package part of evil, of
human societyPertinently heaves hoarse shrieks
SHIV RAJ but wildlySpreading violence, terror and fear
randomlyStressing, carving haggard face of
PRADHAN bestiality.Crime ties track with the hiss rhyme of
daring etchSets show of nefariousness and
Profile notoriety in abstractSpeaks of insane fits, of
Shiv Raj Pradhan is violence-led-role in sketch Like unreasonable big
a Gandhian social blot in face, it casts ugly match.Crime is
worker. In same deterioration of moral bound in beings,
belt a poet and Debauched tilt that vilifies the serene rings.
writes in English © Shiv Raj Pradhan
and other local
languages. He have
gained honor from
English and Hindi
organizations for
some of his
excerpt writings.

called insanity, and in many ways a kind of
madnessFor why can there be so many lives omitted
when it happensWhy do innocent ones have to fall
victims in the hands of a more supreme powerWhy
do helpless creatures must pay to the consequences
of it all?To be alone in this distant place, where
there's only the cold wind I can embrace,Is it vain
that this crawling figure treads alongWhen fear
marks my far flight away from home?It's a
gruesome scene trying to look at the picture
surrounding meWith all the dead scattered around,
GIGI flood of bloods shed overThe continues sound of the
roaring guns is shattering my mind.Fear is taking a
BALITA hold of my heart and marring the strength I
possessEvery nook is filled with mud and foggy
clouds blind my sight.Will I ever welcome another
Profile day to see the clear morningWould there come a
Gigi Balita is from time the clouds could be blue again?Let me listen to
Tanza, Cavite, the humming birds flying along in the early touch of
Philippine. She is a the dawnFor I'm afraid that if I withdraw from the
graduate of silent solitude of sleep, No one would take note of
Bachelor in Arts my departure.Nobody,Just me and my shadow
major in English. record itAs my cold lips kisses the ground.© Gigi
She writes and Balita
promotes poetry in
organizations and
poetic platforms.

OUR RESTLESS LANDBigger fishes kill
smaller ones And take them as foods As fowls
feed themselves with cornsBelieving fishes eat
fishes to become fatThis sky is wide enough for
all birdsTo fly without touching one another with
their wingsIt's in this way- that's the work of God
He gives all and He never chidesThe Creator
gives some power to ruleThey misuse it- they
trouble town's peaceful poolOur country's bus
don't have competent driversWe're collided with
several nature's rivalsMany souls are killed for
FAGBUARO unwelcome ritualsMany children are turned
JULIUS ADEDAYO fatherless and motherless Echoes of bombshell
and gunshot's boozingAround towns' corners lure
many souls To death and unwanted heart's
attacksOur land is restless by much troublesWe
Profile have no faithful comfortersOur wounds are blown
Fagbuaro Julius with air By their causers to mitigate our painsWe
Adedayo hails only need God rescuing handTo deliver our land
from Ekiti state, and its peopleWife is now a traitor to his
Nigeria. A graduate husbandParents no longer have genuine for their
of English and childrenEven children as well to them.©
literary studies in Fagbuaro Julius Adedayo
Ekiti state
university of
Nigeria. Writing
and reading is his

WAR AND CRIMETend your ears to me and
listen, oh earthThat you may be potent to convey
my epithetThough the sons and daughters who
inhabit your sphereMy words are deep, sonorous
and fairTell the folks about war and crimeWhich
they purchase without a dimeTell them it is
unhealthy for the world they abodeThese are their
locks - peace is the codeWar and crime deface the
beauty of humanityTell them not to defile their
sanityAgainst no other do they commit this
evilBut against each other they act as the
devilWar and crime are the sons of destructionIt
JOHN KING is time for them to sleep in extinctionIf only folks
and nations can reasonThat love may sprout a
AYANFE peaceful seasonFill the threshold of the heart with
good thoughtsSo among folks there would be no
Profile faultsYes! War and crime cannot make humanity
John King Ayanfe is betterThe embrace of empathy will not make us
a Nigerian poet, falter
actor, dancer and © John King Ayanfe
singer with
exceptional literary

WAR AND CRIMESWhen we were EdenWe
ate peace for breakfastWhen our cups were filled
with serenityWe knew only the color of LoveAnd
our farms produced perfectionSecurity was not
even a wordOur cities needed no walls no
gatesCivilization brought swords and shield to
usBlood of men flooded the oceansFear has
become our daily breadEven the fetus knows the
sound of gunsNecks are not assured of the
shouldersNow if you don't have wallsYour gold
will be another man’s goldAnd if you stand for
ENDURANCE truthYour bowl shall be filled with hatredWar is
RAIN-MAKER now a language we speakSecurity is the only
word we adore Fire for fire This world is no
longer for the weak.© Endurance Rain-Maker
Endurance Rain-
Maker is a Nigerian
poet from Bayelsa
state. He loves
writing and

WAR AND CRIMECrime pollutes and war
destructs society.When human brain becomes
devil's workshop, it embraces all such
negativity.No love, no affection, no affinity to
society, give birth to this virus.We are now
undone, failed to control crime and war.Peace and
love are only in the imagination of bard.We are
pachyderms, careless alsoWe never care to save
humanity.War is now our ornament and crime is
lifestyle.Rape, murder all are our attributes.We
have no respect to elders and womenOur
AYASKANTA education has no effect on usIt's faulty.We have
MOHAPATRA created man power but have not seen quality
aspectSo what's the value of being man?Man is
not the robot.We are not using our heart and
brain.There is no coordination of various organs
Profile of our body-soul assemblyWe promote turmoil
Ayaskanta and separation.Loneliness makes us
Mohapatra is from criminals.Selfishness creates hatred and affinity to
Talcher, India. Has war is seen.Peaceful coexistence is now a
spent most of his nightmare!© Ayaskanta Mohapatra
time writing and at
the service of

WAR AND CRIME Rise of dust storm blare like
deadly hurricane, Drop of missile settles in blood
rain, race for survival men, women and children
alike employ , No time to glare in thoughts of
morrow, for the Morrow's breeze ruins of blood
and starvation, what started more like misty
mirage of misgovern flare stir in crimes, Now a
sudden curse oblige by war, infuriated by quest
for power and domination, war knows no man no
woman no child, Lamentation of a gray legged
hand staff, whose gaze captures A pregnant
woman torn in twain, skyscrapers made dust as
BRYAN ATU rivers mingle with blood flows carcass, what is it
good for? What is the essence? When in the eyes
of Mother Nature Race creed and tribes alike no
disparity, yet hunger for domination rides insanity
Profile in feeble minded folks, A cry of nature's posterity,
Bryan Atu hails peace that ends hostility she seeks.
from Nigeria as a © Bryan Atu
poet and

WAR AND CRIMEThe dust and blood
floodingDead bodies floatingSounds of
moaningAmbience all ablazeStenches of death
dazeAdults are screamingChildren are weeping
Animals runningUnknown is their
destinySurvival is anteriority.War and crime A
manmade quest for powerRuining
everythingObsequious of weapons Precarious
aspirations.Why mustn't war and crimebe thawed
and gnawedamong makers of suchchaos?Implant
and aflame peaceCould this be a favor?
© Joenee Trocino
Trocino Daacoco Jr
hails from
Philippine. He
loves writing
poems and
displaying on


1. Ratan Gosh
2. Ganeswar Behera
3. DrSonia Gupta
4. Ngam Emmanuel
5. Joenee Trocino
6. Gigi Mejri
7. Saroja Krishnamurthy
8. Sahjahan Ali Ahmed
9. Fagbuaro Julius Adedayo
10. Krishnasankar Acharjee
11. Bryan Atu
12. Kunja Devi Upadhyay
13. Adeleye Damilare
14. Matox Rayzor
15. Daniel Idowu
16. Antaryami Mishra
17. Adeyemi Kehinde Oluwalishola
18. Heera Nawaz
19. Nnedinso Gloria Somadina
20. Peter Spark
21. Monalisa Dash Dwebedy

of the dark sky kissing my eyesWhen the soft
sensibilities flying in the passionate sky When the
green leaves withering from highWhen the
western Sun beaconing to dieMy lean, thin, alien
and helpless heart sings The songs of heavenly
beings Where the heart and the head Finding
equal gate Forgetting the destined fate Seeing
stupidity engulfing all stupid mates Where the
burning flames ignoring the graceIn such enigma
of passion, sex, sense and trance I seek thy
\ graceful stanceWhere I can be shadowed by the
RATAN bubbles of love Receiving forever the blessings of
ethereal glanceWeaving the drops to drink nectar
GOSH in a sieve Uniting the heaven and hell without any
grief© Ratan Ghosh
Ratan Ghosh hails
from Alipurduar.
He’s an assistant
editor of “The
Mirror of Time”,
also a Freelancer,
author and reader.

Am an ambitious nomad I don't want to confine
my crazy hopesWithin the graceless four walls of
mundane fascinationsThe chirping sounds of
innocent birds hypnotizes my guileless soulThe
pampering breeze energizes my hazy juggernaut
What a lovely sanitation of the inspirational
nature!Still my heart mourns in the ground floor
of lifeLook! The bulldozed plight of common
peopleSuffering from acute poverty and teary
sicknessAm broken at their ravaged situations
Oh! the angelic children are deprived of a drop of
GANESWAR waterA morsel of food playing hide and seek
BEHERA game With their blooming childhood I have to
roam around the tough road of adversity To fetch
skilful smiles for the divine soulsTo tether eyeful
Profile of sugary dreams for the haven’t' I wouldn't let
Geneswar is a anyone whimper in life's scorching sand Let my
science teacher in throbbing murmur each moment for their
profession, an upliftment Am homeless in disguise but not
artist and hopelessThe whole world is my home
associated with Unconditional love would be the pillarNaked
many social blessings would be its brawny roof© Ganeswar
working Behera
organizations. He
believes in the
service of

word; yet deep meaning it beholds,Around which this
entire world revolves,O' it is an enlightening candle in
gloom of despair,Ah! Hope is being positive even if
everything is unfair!O' so what if storms enclose our
paths,So what if we become homeless lying on
footpath?We will still sail in the sail of hope hoping
for a new day,We will not break down whatever hurdle
comes on way!O' look, the sun rises crossing darkness
of gloomy night,Hoping for new morning to come with
day bright, A rose staying among thorns still hoping to
survive,A lotus blooms even in murk with hope and
smile!O’ leaves and petals bear autumn hoping for
DR. SONIA spring,A bird flies high with a hope spreading its
wings,Spider knits its web having hope even after
GUPTA falling again,Soldier fights till last breathe hoping for
win of nation!Hope is the key that open locks of
Profile success,Hope is an inspiration in failure and
distress,Hope for the best; you will perceive the
Dr. Sonia hails best,Most of the time life takes our test!O' let this
from India. She is a candle of hope be always enlightened,It is hope only
published author that lets live life till end,Hope is a fuel that keeps one
of Solo English and alive,Who knows when will death knock otherwise!!©
HindI Anthologies. Dr Sonia Gupta
A dentist doctor
and is known for
her singing,
knitting, paintings,
designing and

HOPELESSThat birdies don't die in
winterBraving chills fills me with wonderThe
homeless sans quilt hasn't a choiceFroze
because he hasn't a voiceNo place to go,
nowhere to hideMore drugs, more madness,
pain resideSleep on sideways, step above
jailLiving bare streets, worse than in
hell.Once bustling streets are
abandonedWintry chills with pitch night
NGAM connivedUrban nomads, bag ladies to
freezeMore torture, more anger, more
EMMANUEL violence, less peace.Blazing logs, fireplaces,
cozy havenThere squatted round rich like in
Profile heavenTheir hot dinners, soft beds, lighted
Ngam Emmanuel chamberAre blindfolds for the poor to
hails from remember.Homeless isn’t so hopelessSociety
Cameron. He is an can change their sadnessTreating them with
activist, writer and love and dignityEmpowering them to regain
teacher. their humanity.© Ngam Emmanuel

abode nowTitle piece of peaceabsolutely
yearningMayhapThis rebel heart
willtransmute agonyinto a junketwearing
diademin temporal morale.As a boonKeep
your portal ajarReaching your handshardly I
couldn'tTake me with your palms.Harbor me,
favor still!Despairingly lost my homeEnslave
me like a geniebut sometimestreat me like a
honey.Cobble me messingyour virtuous
JOENEE habitatMyself is only homelessShelf and
strengthflows within my bloodand
TROCINO veinsVigorousAnd I'm not helpless.
© Joenee Trocino
Trocino Daacoco Jr
hails from
Philippine. He
loves writing
poems and
displaying on

wonder about this wandererI tell you my
story ,it's a real wonderI am the SDF*, I am
the homelessBut in my bundle hope is
endlessEvery night, I might look for a new
shelterUnder bridges ,on the pavementI fall
asleep and relish a sweet slumberJust like
you, I dream, I pray for a better dayI am
homeless but not hopelessI adore the sky ,my
blanket with stars decoratedI love the earth
GIGI MEJRI ,my mat with roses ornamentedJust like you, I
appreciate the breeze caressing my cheekI am
on the move chasing despair and hope I
seekWhen hungry and my stomach starts
Profile rumblingI turn the noise into soft music and
Gigi Mejri is a carry on ramblingFor my steps stitch hope
Tunisian teacher while roamingI dream of a cozy dwelling, I
English. Graduated see winds of change approachingBecause I
in the Faculty of am strongly clinging to the straw of hope in
Arts and Human my being© Gigi Mejri
Sciences. She loves
reading and
writing, also
interest in peace
and social justice.

sky where I saw so many lamps hanging now
covered with dark clouds and a sort of gloom
in the ambience.The eyes which glowed like
stars once now filled with tears and a look of
desperationThe tennis court where people
played and had fun now filled with ghosts of
dead from the world warA haunted house that
was once a loving home for a family and the
pots that once held plants are now empty,
SAROJA broken and crumpled like discarded
KRISHNAMURTHY foetus.Seasons changesLife changesChanges
the generations,Some goes awaySome
remainsultimately making way for
Profile othersHomeless people wander round the
Saroja is from world with a ray of hope that who created
Bangalore, them will never leave their handsWhatever
Karnakata, India. may happen world moves on fomented in the
She's a promising womb of hopes.© B.S.Saroja
writer with wide
knowledge on
poetry writing.

in fact a homeless traveler,Searching address
of its home premier ,Through every alleys
and valleys of earth.Traversing lonesome
since its birthIt asks the sweet petals of every
flower,The clear water of every flowing river
And the passing breeze that whispers -If they
knew its address of home premier ?But none
gives a satisfactory answer.They say they too
seek the same answer.Homeless though
SAHJAHAN ALI hopeless is not my soulAnd vows to traverse
till reaching the goal.Amidst darkness it prays
AHMED seeking His glance.Finally an Angel comes in
dream and says,"Only they return home who
Profile lead noble pathThat too after leaving mortal
Sahjahan Ali vessel on earth"My homeless soul now
Ahmed hails from hopefully wanders Soliciting God's guidance
Assamese, India. in every prayer.
Assistant Professor © Sahjahan Ali Ahmed
in Barpeta Girls
College Assam,
India. He has
earned reputation
as a writer,
translator and

rain's beating on usAnd many nights we endure so
longWherein we're often troubled by mosquitoes'
fearful songsAnd of sun daily intense striking on us
In it, only the hope's songs of heaven we singWe are
often-daily looked with disdainNot all people even
know that we bear any painForgetting that we are
created by same god andThat slaves have fathers but
path may be too far to himWe sleep under bridge-
mosquitoes' houseWhere at nights our feet get licked
by cruel miceAnd dangerous blowing breeze scroll
us like motors' tiresAnd stinking from miry gutter
FAGBUARO trouble our nosesBy grace at times, we sleep and
JULIUS ADEDAYO dreamAnd enjoy ourselves in our unseen beautiful
mansionAll nights that twinkling stars and glowing
moon comeWe know, even nights they don'tThat'll
we pray that dawn should quickly come for tick
Profile DarknessFor our living daily we hope and trust on
Fagbuaro Julius God And only pray for our daily bread We stay at
Adedayo hails the road side in daylightBegging for alms from the
from Ekiti state, passersbyBelieving, one day our struggles shall
Nigeria. A graduate endWhen death shall come to take us awayFrom this
of English and world of sins and sorrows for eternal restHobos are
literary studies in we- the street's beggarsBelieving one day our
Ekiti state sufferings shall end.
university of © Fagbuaro Julius Adedayo
Nigeria. Writing
and reading is his

gusty winds blow on transient bed.Eager eyes and
wounded spirits above rosy red,Failure feelings
carelessly and solitarily to fulfill,The glided river
murmurs on the rock or the hill.A clear beam in the
sky but clouded in the dark.To ring a melancholy
tunes far-off of the skylarkInner assurance
uncovered on the other hill sides.Standing like a
restless trees and counting tides.At last centuries
summer's evening emaciated.Perished hopes and
dreams not to be delighted.Thence self-conceit
KRISHNASANKAR can't get beyond the range.Perhaps indifferent eyes
ACHARJEE find fire but not arrange.Sleep and cessation are the
imaginary pictures.Into the Venus' vast inner the
poet encinctures.Oh! Elegant entity thou art an
aristocratic maid.Rather pyramids' pain incessantly
Profile rang and said.Far away confirmed faith all the
Krishnasankar times undulating.According to rule conjugal love
Acharjee lives in deeply touching.On the extinguished valley thou
Kolkata. He’s a art merely smileSuch immortal entity on the earth
researcher, extremely rile.To return after a Long times with a
creative writer and full of energyOn the cosmos swallows are the same
reader. He spent passers-byEasy as an eye on the valley lines lie as a
most of his time mirageArtistically strewn heart attacks on every
promoting peace day’s' rage.
through his © Krishnasankar Acharjee

enchanted woodsLike banish cats With the eye of
a visionary,A product of wedlockStrangled in
antique Of polyandry,Caught underneathLife
numberless miseryResolved in faded
endeavors,My homeNow A warmth of market
stalls,My bedDrown in elicitOf kindled
starvations,Striving for hand to mouthIn vanish
lightOf dusk advancing,My stepsA bitter pilesOf
antithesis aback,My lifeA living hell,Like a caged
birdMy heart rhythmKnocking thoughts of
suicide,Then screamA voice In illusion of light
BRYAN ATU staring,Peace thy soulHope stillThe futureHolds
joy untold,
© Bryan Atu
Bryan Atu hails
from Nigeria as a
poet and

hopes,I carry on my heart,With no pain able
to touch,Though I am homeless,Hope
surround around me,Time lay me down to
sleepIn the fain lap of mother earthBig
blanket of the sky falling and covered meNo
summer or winter in my life's journeyI always
ready to accept the challengesAlthough I have
no big buildingsThousands are crying the
stomach painThey all my revolutionary
friendWho trying to change the worldThey
KUNJA DEVI are homeless but not orphansI carrying ton of
UPADYAY hopesThe world is my native home.© Kunja
Devi Upadhyay
Kunja Devi
Upadhyay is from
Assam, India.
Graduate in
political science.
She loves writing
and reading.

empty breast of their mothers Their milky mouths
drink from cholera cups And their thinking mind are
poisoned elementsOf scorpions ‘heads Which keep
their voices in silence tone.Their home is an arsenal
with b r o k e n roofs Which gives every apartment to
spiders for architectural And their cooking pots are the
graves of dead lizardsJunk of withered flowers are the
beauty of their cave And with tattered uniforms and
bare bootsThey keep marching towards hopeless shore
accustomed to them Under the cruelty and scorching of
the sun Their shining skins melt like shred of
snakeAnd agony couldn't gather them for moon light
ADEYEMI storiesDistress and tribulations rest below their resting
pillowsWhich help their nightmares to be violence
I.DAMILARE Although ,they're gallant as battalion ready to battleBut
their arms and ammunition seem with no bullet to fire
Profile Since their father is far on unreturned journeyIn their
foot , they wander like lost lamb with empty
Adeleye Damilare stomach.They are bleeding and pleading for our
is a Nigerian poet comfort hands to hug them Their heads are wailing for
and a student in peaceful bed to lie upon The icy bodies of theirs need
the department of warm coat against these stormLet be the keepers of our
English brothers in the wilderness They may be homeless to
strive Not hopeless to thrive.
© Adeleye I. Damilare

about the streets,for I have nowhere to
sleep.Though, I live on a slender diet and barely
have enough to eat.Though, my patience is slim
dying of malnutritionhope is the only air I
breath.Though my conscience stand exposed in the
coldto the ill-wind of life blowingaway the layers of
my boldness,but still I see a brighter future with this
torch of faith that I hold.With allot of hard hitting
principleslife has thought me endless lessons.I took
a pill of courage hoping the pains lessens,And still
hoping against all hope for the rain of blessingsthe
MATOX race is not for the swiftestjourneyed on bare feeton
the road to success which is narrow.Though some
RAYZOR paths were shallow, And some nights were full of
sorrow.I still waited to see the lights of a better
tomorrow.For I was fearful but not faithlesscheerful
Profile but not cluelessI might have failed but I did not
Matox Rayzor is a remain a failureI might have gone blank but I was
young Nigerian not brainless.Because I am potent but not
poet that loves perfect.For I am human, homeless but not
reading and hopeless.© Matox Rayzor

of waterWere the goodbye of father to me.A
sachet of water in handI watched, as what used to
be my homeDown went the throat of the glutton
smoke.I had no tears, hot coals wailed in my
eyesThe embrace of an uncle gave a touch of
ice"I will care for you" my ears receivedBut my
eyes couldn't view.For the care lies in a fiery
furnaceBut my Hebrew couldn't stand it.-Solace I
sought in the street.The tax less bridge pitied
meGave a room inhabited by some palsLittle
squeaky, croaky-croakyHum-hum that delights in
DANIEL blood andThe wind! Oh the crazy wind!That
forever chose to my bare skin hit.The mornings
IDOWU administered a dose to my noseMixture of many
thingsJust think of a hot cow dung!I refused to be
Profile a scavengerBut the tax less bridgeNo other side of
Daniel Idowu the coin had.Yet, as the days are opened and
Akorede is a closedI dream and sing of a dayWhen the clouds
Nigerian young shall sing farewellAs i kiss the tax less bridge
poet of only 19yrs goodbyeWhen the clouds shall sing farewellAs
hailing from Ogun goodbye I kiss the tax less bridge.© Idowu
state, Nigeria. He Daniel
has the vision too
impact life with his

Whenever I Chance To Meet You In Bustling CrowdA
Longing For ‘Meeting Alone' Lurks AroundThis
Meeting, Before The Magnifying Glasses Of Thousand
Eyes Is Quite UnfulfillingIsn't Undressing In A Market
Place So Embarrassing ?'Meeting You Alone' Has
Reasons Legion: A Lot To Tell And Ask-Lie
PendingAll Those Appropriate, Incomplete Questions
Get LostAt The Very Sight Of Your ArrivalThe
Bosom Vibrates Like The Rails Of A Speeding Train
Past Platform.As Always, You Seem To Be Inviting
Me CloserI've Never Tried To Draw You NearFor,
What Is There In An Invitation?A Formal Cushion To
Sit OnDrinks Of RefreshmentA Bed Or Even The
MISHRA ODISHA Floor Of A HomeFree From Worldly
ComplicationsAn Interaction Without Words, Silent
CommunionHours Of Togetherness Flying Like A
Profile Moment That’s Why I Manage, Sweating Though,
From DistanceManage With A Thin Smile Pinning To
Antaryami was My LipsRecollecting Your Sly -Look At The
born in kapileswar TurnCrossing All The Way To Destination,
Peru, Odisha. He’s Unconscious, Unknown.Hope, I Won't Be Hopeless:
been a writer since You Are Never TransferredBefore My Home Is
high school times. Completely BuiltIf Ever, The Situation ReversesCan't
We Forget And Forgive The Short Stay In A Rented
He loves writing
HouseTaking It Easy In Our Spirited Fluency©
and reading. Antaryami Mishra Odisha

Looking at today doesn't determine tomorrowEven
when the sky is pregnant doesn't say the rain will
fallLooking at the lame doesn't say he can't walk
with mind Looking at the judge doesn't say he won't
give his verdict looking at the weather in the
morningDoesn't say the sun will not shine Looking
at the old aged ones Doesn't say they can't walk
Hope not lost is an existence of courageTo gather
the strength that was once lostwhen there's life
there's hope Is the light that beam the path of
darknessThe shelter might not be there But my
ADEYEMI courage lies in the city of hope Hopefully the storm
KEHINDE will soon be overAnd we'll together laugh our past
OLUWANISHOLA Respect my being not because the way i lookTreat
me as your shadow as you want the sameSay good
about today because tomorrow you never can
Profile tellLife is turn by turn, you never can tell where you
Adeyemi K. belongDisability is not limitationHouse without roof
Oluwanishola hails doesn't mean i can't sleepIs just to pass a night and
from Ogun state In the morrow we're the same As Long as courage
Ijebu Ishiwo. He’s runs through my veinsHope shines is light on my
multi-talented path Day by day i'll take a stepBecause the road is
personnel and not far from the beginning© Adeyemi Kehinde
blessed in writing Oluwanishola
skills. He is a
Global Coordinator
and Public Relation
Officeholder at
Inked With

There was once a distraught, homeless man,and since
he was homeless, he slept at a construction site,he,
being poverty-stricken, illiterate and
unemployed,longing for a home, especially during the
long cold nightBeing homeless is definitely not an
enviable option,for man must face the on sights of sun,
snow and rain,as he is exposed to the vagaries of the
weather,while the climatic conditions continue to wax
and waveThis hapless, helpless and homeless
dwellerpleads with the affluent in their tall ivory
towersto give some genre of employment and shelterfor
which he is willing to give his work-filled hoursSoon
luck began favoring himas in every vicious circle there
HEERA is a modicum of hope,which is like sunlight after a long
dark tunnel,after which one must learn to arduously
NAWAZ copeA local politician co-ordinate with a reliable
NGOin order to get the homeless man a suitable job,so
Profile that he has enough of money for expenses,and would
Heera Nawaz is hence be disinclined to cheat or robDue to this drive,
from Bangalore, the man got a job as a Security Guard,and because of
India. She writes that, was given a quarters to stay,along with facilities,
and promotes like electricity and running waterthat kept ailments, due
to lack of hygiene, at bayYes, in everyone’s life there is
poetry in
a silver lining,which tells one to be strong and not to
organizations and ever give up,for the entire Universe ordains to help the
poetic platforms helplessso all can drink from God’s replenishing
cupThe motto is H.O.P.E. stands for `Hold On, Pain
Ends’,You being instrumental to receive blessings that
God sends

pest amongst humansThey're simply deprived of
HumanityUnjustly neglected and robbed off their
dignityExposed to many dangers and harmsDays
stroll into years and seasons unto seasonsUnder
the burning touch of the smiling sunWith the
whole of their being drenched to the skinBy the
merciless torture of heavy rainOh! Caged in their
world of no love but painThey reach out to every
new dayWith feelings of frustration and
forlornnessAh! Where lay the heart of men? And
what loss is it to give oneTo another who has
NNEDI none? Despite their woes and discomfortThey go
on with lifeWith flickering hope I should sayFor
GLORIA they still dream, perhaps beautiful dreams.
Profile © Nnedinso Gloria Somadina
Ezeja Gloria
Nnedinso hails
from Nsukka,
Nigeria, where she
school. She
promotes peaceful
through her
writings. She’s also
known for her
romantic love

A SPECK OF DUST I am nothing, But a speck of
dust, I breathe in time, Breath out life, Live in a
space, With no experience of the spaces. You call
me homeless,I want to tell you the story of my
misfortune, But will you listen ? Without a place to
return to I strive to hide myself every night.Do you
even know how it feels? I chase shadows in
dark,Under the flickering light of dawn,Stuttered
ceramic glances,Chasing wild thoughts,I scribble a
verse or two , They never rhyme.I listen to the still
night that hearsThe moon grows Shedding silvery
misted silky glow I see myself Still weaving a path
MONALISA long travelled.I love rainEchoes of droplets
Sweeping lemon petals I gather them up Invite the
DASH lonely dew that weeps on a blade of grass To be part
of my celebration.© Monalisa Dash Dwibedy
Monalisa Dash
Dwibedy is from
Canada. She is a
published poet, a
bilingual writer
and public activist.


1. Timothy Payton
2. Kunja Devi Upadhay
3. Rakesh Chandra
4. Kenneth Maswabi
5. Francis Otole
6. HB Roland
7. Sehma Heela
8. Venus Asoka
9. Bryan Atu
10. Timothy Payton
11. Omar Nassar
12. Bagawath Bhandari
13. Francis Otole

So many are walking around lost & full of hate &
envy,Engulfed within filled with blind
fury,Needing & wanting things in a
hurry,Needing reinsurance & certification to feel
So many will take but what are they serving?
Hands & sympathy out for an extent of your
earnings,So many teachers & teachings out here,
but what are we learning?Are we really building
or just burning?
Running in life as a privilege & right,True
TIMOTHY happiness is taken for granted & some hold it
with might,Are you on common grounds or in
PAYTON flight?Are you just standing or standing to be a
Profile Your past doesn't predict your future,You must
Timothy Payton is break comfort boxes to burst through,The idle
an American artist, mind is the devil's playground,Stay active &
poet and author of enlighten, oh so profound.
scattered colors. © Timothy Payton
He’s an award
winning author
and founder of Mr.
& Mrs. Poetry
poetic group.

EGOWhen you are under ego's spellYou have no
chance to see others' emotionsIt hides and ignores
our self-criticismSo always avoid it
When ego plays its roleThoughts soar high of
oneselfAnd often treats others to lower position
But mental shape of our selves is artificialSo
never think it as the summed bottom of
lifeWailing is not a dynamic part of our
"I am better than you" is the negative
thoughtWhich comes from insecurity and
KUNJA DEVI It assumes the ideasThat don't know any
UPADHYAY betterAnd takes the blame for someone.
© Kunja Devi Upadhyay
Kunja Devi
Upadhyay is from
Assam, India.
Graduate in
political science.
She loves writing
and reading.


In this fabricated reality

The truth is a victim of scams and misconceptions
Battered by the hands of unscrupulous fellas
The truth is hospitalized in the far corners of our
Barricaded in the darkest dungeons of our minds
The truth is suffocated in every corner of our life
Bludgeoned into a marshmallow of uncertainty
The truth is a victim of not one but all of us
Utterly disfigured in our search for our perfect
KENNETH prefabricated reality
MASWABI The truth lies in the trenches of our consciousness
Totally obliterated of any semblance of truth
The truth is a subject of our violent aggression
Profile We hide the truth in order to elevate our egos
Maswabi hails We have buried the truth in the house of culture
from Botswana. and religion
Born 14th We are now boasting and wallowing in our new
November, 1977. A found sense of reality
writer of poems
and quotes. His © Kenneth Maswabi
literary works have
reached blogs and


The world is on fire,Crime among men is

higher.The world is spinning round,Humanity is

diminishing on the wound.The world is globally

warming,Mankind would not heed the

warning.How the world became is a Wonder,Over

which mankind put themselves asunder.The world
has really gone bad,And mankind by everyday
Francis is a PRO- sad.Not with the world but man,Who with
EARTH poet and
themselves cannot be human.
graduate under
© Francis Otole
the University of
Benue, Nigeria. He
base at Abuja and
works at Angel
Crown College of

O heaven hamlet BethlehemHow still we see thee
lieAbove thy deep and dreamless sleepAs the
silent star go byYet in thy dark streets shinethThe
everlasting lampAnd the hope and fear of all the
yearsAre met in thee tonight
O Heaven Hamlet BethlehemFrom yonder bright
art thy infant lightBut O what sightAppears
within that lowly door!A manger, stall, and
swaddling clothesOf a child and mother poor
O Heaven hamlet BethlehemWithin thy sinful
HB ROLAND heartIs born the most holy child divineHe's
Christ! The son!The father's image brightAnd we
see him whose gracious armsUpholds Earth and
starry height
O Heaven hamlet BethlehemIn the bustle of main
Profile streetsThy noise and the concretesSounding the
HB Roland is a message of loveIn the turmoil of nationsOr a
prolific poet, heart's depressionHe makes us the missives of
medic, orator and love
lover of books. O heaven hamlet Bethlehem…

Beside thy holy stableThere our howls burns for
Smiles to boomOn thee we sweat down our
nightTo thy infant starAnd to scoop serenity from
thy merry song

You sheltered me and you need a shelteryou
know the plight of a homeless puppy, Love in a
child's heart is bound to prosper.You innocently
wanted me to be happy
You covered me with your rags you have no more
to share I could give you naught but my hugs My
immortal love and care
In a world devoid of pity You are my source of
glee you were born with the deity That has
covered you and me
SEHMA HELAA Exposed to fuel, exposed to fireSuch a little child
fighting for a loaf Hiding me from harm, what a
noble desireHow could I save you from such
Ah my little child worker I am as innocent as
Profile theeTomorrow, I will be your saver charity in
Sehma Heels is a your heart is a virtuous key
Tunisian poetess. We have but aspiring gleaming eyes Peeping from
She believes in the your bag shall we have brighter days?No more
service of smoke, no more fug
humanity as her © Sehma Helaa
writings are the
medium she
conveys her
passion for

I am that warriorIn the battlefield of life, Who
will boundlessly fightTo eventually emerge as a
I am that wild weedIn the dry lands,Which must
strive to surviveWhen others choose to give in.
I am that starIn the darkest nights.I must divinely
shineFor darkness shouldn't swallow my light.
I am that thunderstormIn the hands of the
creator.I must strike and break forthAnd defeat all
of life's storms.
VENUS ASOKA I am a conquerorFor I have won my battles
within,And with a flingI shall give my failures, a
Venus Asoka is a
young poetess of
only 18yrs, hailing
from the Igbo tribe
in Nigeria. She’s a
science student
that loves

Could it be the poet who Paint pictures with
words?Or the farmer whose grains Blossom into
bags?Or the homeless Street addict with fainting
To us all, Dreams Alight leads, She awakens all
Like the morningOf winters glide, And all that
Wills to strive She feeds optimism,
In illusion of light pester, Or shadows of night
climes, She brace peace That mind guise, And all
that race From grass, She grace great.
BRYAN ATU Only just but A will to persist, Only just but a
strive, Only just but a hope,Only just but a faith,
And all thy dreams, wilt shine like bottles In
bound of time,And Shall born so bright in
Morrow's cast.
Profile © Bryan Atu
Bryan Atu hails
from Nigeria as a
poet and

Sometimes it's hard to think when you're in pain,Yet
sometimes,You have to stand the storms, so you can
To be in a place of uncertainty, In a place of
wonderment, Knowing you have something, You just
don't know what it is yet,
Going through changes, Not really understanding what
it could be, Yet, you have this feeling of a
breakthrough, That's a blessed bliss of a seed,
This mental metamorphosis, Put you in a place, Where
you pick your words, Add your Colors...Into beautiful
TIMOTHY With cocoons of thoughts, Blooming &
PAYTON blossoming,Into butterflies of inspiration,
To take oneself & exhibit throughout, From just one
soul,Into states & into nations,
The mind is a very powerful tool, So use it
wisely...Don't abuse the gift of self, Use it!To build &
to prosper...For true self wealth.
© Timothy Payton

his folks are slaughtered like cattletears in his
angry eyeslike a kettlehis temper boilshad a score
to settleafter the spoilsagonized by myriad
criesreaching the skiesdeclares battlewith mettleto
unsettlehis foeshis woestough,
life is not easy the folks are choosysocially lousya
whole nation is lazyeatingwithout sweatingthe
future is so hazya despot is crazycitizens are
without carefew are ready to shareall fighting for
a throneviolence is proneand each had a bonetoo
OMAR NASSAR tough to chewand all they knewwas now newand
overdueBLUE! …

Omar Nassar hails
from Kisumu,
Kenya. His
profound writings
are the nibs of his
passion for

a tyrant rants
pees in his pants
so scared of the ants
places his men
drunk and insane
to kill and rape
for their ape
to escape
in shape
an ape!

© Omar Nassar

When the dust of fear was blowing,Indian
freedom fighters were cuddling, Amid the
murmur of bullets and gun, Devoid of any rest or
any fun.
They were wounded and cried for many times,
But love from Indians chiseled them to shine,
They were taken and beaten behind bars, But their
hopes sparkled akin to stars.
Without fear and anxiety they fought, And
Independence in India was brought,Their muscles
BAGAWATH were torn amid scary fight, In those dreadful and
teary days and nights.
BHANDARI Their blood oozed out of every vein,And in 1947
Indians reaped their gain, Every drop of blood
flooded in the drain, As happiness bounced all
Profile over again.
Bagawath is a © Bagawath Bhandari
teacher at Sherub
Reldri Higher
Secondary school,
Samdrup Jongkhar,
Bhutan. He loves
writing and

I am an African child;The one born in the wild,I
greet you with smilesI have ran many miles.
I am an African child;With no one on my
guide.On my way to find compassionAll I ever
know is corruption.
I am an African child;The one with no place to
hide,I'm schooled in the open classI'm not the
crop, but the grass.
I am an African child;The one with no hope to
bide.I have known povertyLong before I reached
FRANCIS puberty.
I am an African child;Caught between wars at
OTOLE every side.In my mother's blood I was
baptized,For my father's sins I was chastised.
I am an African child;The one with the colored
Profile hide.Don't you think me wayward,I have always
Francis is a PRO- been my own Ward.
EARTH poet and I am an African child;The one the world chide,I
graduate under am circumcised with rape,I bleed red like vintage
the university of grape….
Benue, Nigeria. He
base at Abuja and
works at Angel
Crown College of

I am a child of experience;
Well-schooled by pestilence,
My sins are resilience.
What an existence!

I have seen Savage,

I have seen carnage,
I have seen ravage,
I have seen damage,
I still find courage.

© Otole Francis


1. Sailabala Dash
2. John King Ayanfe
3. Abduljabbar Bn. Mukhtar
4. Shitta Faruq Ademola
5. Akinyemi Jelili Oyelere
6. Oluwole Oluwatobi Solomon
7. Mir Samsul Haque
8. Maffizuddin Chowdhury
9. Gigi Mejri
10. Shiv Raj Pradhan
11. Ayaskanta Mohapatra
12. Mohammed Erfun Amin
13. Ven – Lyn A. Valdez
14. R.N Padhy
15. Charles David Ogbeche
16. Saroja Krishnamurthy
17. Sahjahan Ali Ahmed
18. Dr. Sonia Gupta
19. Samuella Conteh

SAVE THE EARTHMother Earth plays the
greatest savior.Life breathes through air, lives on
water.Green means lives seen, unseen.Green
means life without and within.Civilization has
gone so crazy.Striving for life is not so easy.In
persuasion of easier life, Life has to hug all kinds
of hurdles for sure.A dying and mourning earth is

DR. SAILABALA today's latest picture.The live Earth is burning and

DASH heading to be a mound of ash.Cutting the trees,

against nature it's a pure sinful curse.Pollutions
Profile make the situation still more badly."Save the
Sailabala is from Earth" means to save the species of our own.To
Puri, Orissa. She’s
livomg in west save the gene and progeny, yet to born.Let's save
Bengal, where she the greens for a puff of clean breathing air.Let's
works and spend
time writing her have a clean green earth, shouldering
beautiful poems. responsibility, spreading awareness to share
© Dr. Sailabala Dash

SAVE THE EARTHOh poets, converge on
the mountain of poetryMix your creativity
and muse to mold wordsLet your inks bleed -
let your inks sparkThere is darkness in the
earthHate, corruption, killings and
immoralities dwell thereinIf every nation
slumber - the poets must notWe are
messengers of peace, comfort and
transformationSave the earth or else your
purpose perishOr else darkness will swallow
your museTeach both the young and old
JOHN KING moralsYour ink is an elixir to folks and
AYANFE nationsGive the earth medication - the time is
nowThe earth is suffering from too many
Profile miseriesYour quill will be valueless if she
John King Ayanfe is dies.
a Nigerian poet,
actor, dancer and © John King Ayanfe
singer with
exceptional literary

THE EARTH WAILS The earth is Great
Lord's creatureWhere we live with pure
pleasureFor it was created to render us aidTo
serve us eternally like our maid. Why only on
it we plants profanity While using the
fertilizer of insanityWhy did we let it ululate
and wail Like someone that travail and fail?
The earth wails yearning for saviorWho will
uproot the sapling of errorThat was slowed by
wicked wrightsJust to make it lose all its
ABDULJABBAR might’sWalk on the earth as true saint
soulLive not on earth with duties of foul Save
BN. MUKHTAR the earth from shedding tears And pull to it,
your hands of cares.Blossom Pen©
Profile Abduljabbar Bn. Mukhtar
Abduljabbar is a
Northern Nigerian
with exceptional
writings. His pen
name is ‘Blossom
Pen’. He loves
writers, reading
and writing.

CRIESThis thoraxes are the burnt offerings
our gods eat for survival. It is like a soft loaf
baked under the narcissism of its own flour.
Anarchy came to meas if there was no more
lies of deceit in his diary. He is now the pride
in the mouth of jobless mothers, His eyes is
the fluorescent hunters follow to prey on
buffalos, His gait is the secret why ladies
fetch stream waterEven the whispers of his
mouth is a science building unhappy
projects ... My responses were a scorn This
SHITTA gentle poetry would never find a home for his
FARUQ kinsmen not to talk of a world where lives are
golden ringsrefined for greatness.... and petals
Profile beautified for rainbows to end in the well of
Shitta Faruq is a elation My box is filled to the brim. I am
Nigerian youngster craving to find a home for sweetness and
in the field of justice
literature. His © Shitta Faruq Ademola
writings are
exceptional. He
lives in Abeokuta,
Lagos state of

environment we all seekNot the way we seek
honey and milkBecause health is wealth we
all knowWho is advocate of climate action
now.Let us engage in environmental
sanitationAnd achieve high standard of living
conditionLet vulnerable to treated and
drinkable waterOur environment should not
be a death altar.World should not be a hall of
sicknessMany had experienced terrible
illnessWe should tussle disease with
AKINYEMI cleannessThat's solution for environmental
JELILI fitness.Do away with factors of perilous
disasterWithout procrastinate, hesitate and
Profile fasterSafety of global environment is in your
Jelili is a writer and handWork for conducive environment in your
advocate of peace. land. © Akinyemi Jelili Oyelere
He’s from Oyo,
Nigeria. Writing
and developing
ideas are his

SAVE THE EARTHLet all hands be on
guard to save the earth,Our haven of serenity
to saturate in love,If we save the earth, it's for
our sake.Save the earth, save your life.Let our
hearts think heaven on earth,Let our eyes see
good visions on earth,Let our noses perceive
the aroma of healthy fragrance,Let our hands
hold together to uphold peace.Save the earth,
it's worth preserving.If our earth is doomed,
who shall bear the burdens?The stone thrown
to Palm tree is thrown back to the
OLUWOLE person,Let's save the earth, to make the
OLUWATOBI Maker of the universe happy.© Oluwole
SOLOMON Oluwatobi Solomon
Oluwatobi hails
from Osun,
Nigeria. He’s a
graduate at the
university of
Ibadan and his
writings are his
powerful tool of

SAVE THE EARTHAs we go through the
most revolting phaseSuperiority complex, a
brazen crazeMisplaced sympathy, an
overheard sniggeringFrom engraved
inscriptions, blood is drippingTrouble makers
come up with grandiose claimsPlaguing the
pristine peace, resorting to blamesHijacking
happiness, spreading shock wavesMisplaced
pride, oh! digging own gravesThe dolorous
proposition if in galoreCordiality runs into
rough weatherFettered and shattered by
MIR bizarre botch-upEverybody is crying here for
SAMSUL humane touch.The universal peace is the
ultimate solutionAbove caste, creed and color
Profile discriminationThe world besets with a set of
Mir Samsul Haque parametersHymns of equality resonating,
hails from Odisha, behoove peace lovers© Mir Samsul Haque
India. He is a
trilingual poet and
has gained repute
in the field of

SAVE THE EARTHThe world is the
tolerant mother of mankind,Environment
plays an active role from behind.Our survival
depends on its sole development,Danger
comes to our lives if it turns arrogant.Our
planet like human has metabolic
needs,Unfortunately, it's suffering for our
misdeeds.We have a habit of dominating
other things,Ignoring the natural values, as
we're kingForests sharply destroyed to
MAFIZUDDIN procure firewood,For eco-friendly
environment it does no good.Using of plastic
CHOWDHURY bags makes situation worse,Smokes and
sewages too deteriorate its force.We need a
Profile holistic view to save the ambience,A passport
Mafizuddin hails for future to keep up our existence.The earth
from India as a is not inherited from our forefathers,It is to
writer and lover of confer others, we're merely borrowers.©
culture and peace. Mafizuddin Chowdhury
He enjoy reading
and writing to
promote peace.

SAVE THE EARTHOnce Earth was a
bundle of beautyUniting well-tied elements in
harmony Land, water and air Then came
greed widely opening its mouth For more and
more and loosened the knotTrees were cut,,
mountains nibbled and factories setVomiting
their dirt everywhereAnd a blanket of
ugliness was laid here and thereHow can we
save the Earth and its green lungs on fire The
Amazon is burning! A curse on
GIGI MEJRI HumanityHeading towards our end, can we
save the land?Enough is enough! Man turned
insane! No more humane!Earth is nobody’s
property, it’s our ancestors'
Profile legacyUnfortunately we are destroying
Gigi Mejri is a ourselves pitilesslyWhat a shame! Man can
Tunisian teacher no longer use his brain If only we could act
English. Graduated wisely for the loss surpasses the gain!© Gigi
in the Faculty of Mejri
Arts and Human
Sciences. She loves
reading and
writing, also
interest in peace
and social justice.

SAVE THE EARTHEnigma hiss, stacked in
scene frameSets foraying dye, of pollution
tendThe impure mat, defiles clean rankThe
earth stifles in the malaise end.The
phenomenon of climate changeLead of
imbalance, to vicious blendSets the doom
spell by unfair rendDevastation devours
catchy sane.Ecological imbalance, the
curseGlobal warming burns the
earthManifestations of destructive pertAnd in
SHIV RAJ crucial stage, cries the earth.To save the earth
from doom stageWe've to contend for
PRADHAN discovery zestTo frame new theories by arty
craveTo rebuild earth, the wholesome lap.
Profile © Shiv Raj Pradhan
Shiv Raj Pradhan is
a Gandhian social
worker. In same
belt a poet and
writes in English
and other local
languages. He have
gained honor from
English and Hindi
organizations for
some of his
excerpt writings..

SAVE THE EARTHEarth is the cutest
planet of UniverseIt's the wonderful stanza of
this Universal Verse.Earth rotates around its
axis out of ecstasy.Be realistic in loving this
planet, I’m not in fantasy Lend me your
hands for quit War movementHatred, turmoil
all viruses will be erased, give some
interest.It's our abode.Be positive your chest
should be broad.Love will unite usWe are of
one family.From love emerges our beautiful
AYASKANTA planet.We must establish peace and harmony
graduallySave earth to save youNurture
MOHAPATRA natureScience will add vitamin for
creativity.Let's erase poverty, mist and
Profile humidity.© Ayaskanta Mohapatra
Mohapatra is from
Talcher, India. Has
spent most of his
time writing and at
the service of

SAVE THE EARTHThe earth is a place of
our birthThat is a greatest peerless
worth"Save the earth'', that is our trothWhere
we dwell and have to truthO' Lord, ''save the
earth'' and folkYou are just the one for all of
usFrom you, we have to beg &
seekEverything that necessitate for usO' God,
save the universe foreverHere, we don't want
no more warWe don't want no more
violence,And don't want any disturbanceWe
MOHAMMED can't see any bloodshed hereWe don't have
too much patienceWe are unfaithful things of
ERFUN AMIN planetSo, save both the earth and dwellings.©
Mohammad Erfun Amin
Mohammed Erfun
hails from Dagon,
Yangon. He lives
and works there.
He’s known for his
promising poems
and social

SAVE THE EARTHThe wind had torn at
the trees ,Doomed in our society and
families,The rain fell for days and froze,Child
abuse, molestation and incest,Everything, has
its own consequences.By quieting, our
capacity to take action,Evil exists in this
world without boundary ,Our lack of
morality, dignity and integrity ,Put our people
backward to insanity,What happened to us
was quite shameful!The earth didn't do this
VEN-LYN A. but can be perfect without us,Our uneducated
actions ruined us,Sometimes ,I think what's
VALDEZ worth saving,Mankind or our precious mother
earth?Perhaps, you, as human must do your
Profile part!© Ven-Lyn A. Valdez
Ven-Lyn Valdez is a
Philippine poetess
and Moderator in
Inked With MagicTM
(2020). She
believes in the
service of

SAVE THE EARTHThe earth turns a
garbage of dooms and anarchyLife is unsafe
here, here runs bloodshed monarchy.Chaos
rules there wherever the eyes goPut nose dear
friends! Stop the inhuman show.Let all live in
peace what is everyone's rightTo settle human
rights let's stand unitedly to fight.The whole
race suffers for a basket full of devilsLet's
sing rhymes of peace to end their chapter of
evils.Every child is God's gift, he/she is our
R.N PADHY futureIt is our sacred duty to bring them up
with proper nurture.Let's try with heart and
soul to turn the earth a paradiseTo save the
earth from the devils let's give emphasize.©
Profile R.N Padhy
Padhy is a
graduate of
University. He lives
and works in
Cuttack, Orissa.
He’s a noble
teacher with great
virtue in the field
of literature.

Mankind pray, tell the world; not flues in
chimney,The bewitch spell thrown like rigor
showers on menMelting like iceberg into the
canal mind running,Thurling veins thro cones
and brain to finger omen.
Our heart's now devil's den, where odds
igniteAnd poison the aspirant coeternal just
beam.The rising sojourn earth is a fielding
kind contestBut then an inferior world; the
CHARLES DAVID world under the earth
OGBECHE Will you live on your feet or die crawling for
ease?Hope knows time enough, when steps
persistTo mine the mind and uphold justice
Profile and peaceAs sacrifices burnt for the unborn
Charles David children.
Ogbeche Is a young Save the earth by pure ethereal steam
noble Nigerian valuesThe light's our delights; that holy
writer. His deep
heavens offspring Which right, is just at our
passion for social
and environmental circles, by heart virtue.Stand firm in it, even
values, combined when it seems standing alone.
with demonstrative © Charles David Ogbeche
desire towards
changing the world
has reached many.
He is the co-founder
and forum director
at Inked With
MagicTM since (2019).
He believes in the
service of mankind.

I see my future very gloomyfor Oh man you
have spoiled the whole ecosystemYour over
ambitious mindto show its supremacyhave
done unplanned developmental activitiesYou
have altered the catchment integrityby
threatening river water securityAgainst
episodes of draught and floodbuffer, the river
line forestsare lostexposing me to
environmental disasters.Less the forest
SAROJA arealesser the evapotranspirationaffecting
KRISHNAMURTHY water bearing cloudsDry rivers,Change of
seasonsErratic rainfalland endangering of
wild life has put my future in darkCan you
Profile pleaseat least now try your best to make me
Saroja is from smile?© B.S.Saroja
Karnakata, India.
She's a promising
writer with wide
knowledge on
i poetry writing.

SAVE THE EARTHHere on the death bed she
lies - wounded and infirm, Recalling those days
when she was healthy and firm.Used to wear
green sari after bathing in Holy River, And slept
amidst flora and fauna breathing pure air.But
Alas! In power game, daily dropping dreadful
bomb, They have now wounded her once
vigorous bosom .Her green sari has lost its color,
no more pure is air.Garbage and sewage have
contaminated the water.Now she urgently needs
nursery, love and care, To heal her sore bare
SAJAHAN ALI bosom, needs vegetation to cover.To breathe
wants air - free from gases of fossil fuel, And
AHMED unpolluted water as vitamins for her quick
revival.When mother is ill, a grateful son can't
sleep in peace, From pillar to post he runs seeking
Profile some remedies.The earth too is like an ailing
Sahjahan Ali mother needing urgent care.And as grateful
Ahmed hails from children let's join hands to save her.© Sahjahan
Assamese, India. Ali Ahmed
Assistant Professor
in Barpeta Girls
College Assam,
India. He has
earned reputation
as a writer,
translator and

SAVE MOTHER EARTHO’ dear world we all
are blessed with our Mother Earth, In the lap of
whom we all roll and play after birth!Aha! She is
a rare example of sacrifices and kindness, Who
selflessly provides us with all comforts!Alas! She
has become a witness of wars, for years, Bathed
in cruel blood she has become a dreadful river!
Deforestation, pollution and haunting of animals,
Disasters like earthquakes and Tsunami bring her
tears!Her children only are giving her pain for
own selves, But, she keeps on bearing every
DR. SONIA wound on her chest!O' dear all wake up and hold
hands together, O' let us love and care our earth
GUPTA mother!Let us enrich her laps with peace and
rejoice, Let us hear her pains and silent voice!Let
us all pledge to save our Mother Earth, Losing her
Profile existence will not make anything worth!© Dr.
Dr, Sonia hails Sonia Gupta
from India. She is a
published author
of Solo English and
HindI Anthologies.
A dentist doctor
and is known for
her singing,
knitting, paintings,
designing and

Wallowing in the pit end of anxietyClad in
nakedness of dying hopesThe moon seems to
lose its gaietyWhen my gazes shower its
faceOh earth, save me now or I perish
Gloom veils me like a second skinPulled so
thin it shows their scornClinging to my body
like nodulesCursed to live like an
untouchableCome earth, rise up and save me
Burning hate has scalded me rawMy friends
SAMUELLA have left with the windLeaving me in the grip
of adversityWith only my voice to echo my
CONTEH painOh earth, rise up and embrace me
© Samuella Conteh
Samuella Conteh is
a renowned
poetess, motherly
and social with all
writers. She bases
in Sierra Leone
where all her
intriguing writes
are spilled out
from. She holds
different offices in
literary platforms
and well


1. Dr. Sonia Gupta
2. Nidhi Kunvarani
3. Antaryami Mishra
4. Shiv Raj Pradhan
5. Akinyemi Jelili Oyelere
6. Rakesh Chandra
7. Dismas Mukupa
8. Edem Okon
9. John King Ayanfe
10. Matox Rayzor
11. Abduljabbar Bn. Muktar
12. Gigi Mejri
13. Vincent Solomon
14. Oluwole Oluwatobi Solomon
15. Ngam Emmanuel

wonderful is the beauty of freedom,Singing
and playing rhythmic ding dong!O' have you
noticed little birds flying so freely?No fear,
no binding, cherishing nature's beauty!
Fluttering and dancing butterfly on petals of
flowers all around, Cuckoo and nightingale
sing rhymes of freedom in melodious sound!
Pitter pat of drizzling raindrops and tiny dew
drops,Painting a beautiful canvas on sand and
DR. SONIA crops!Waves and tides of ocean waving so
freely, Ripples of water smiling in own tune
GUPTA flowing silently!Leaves of trees smile with
miles of smile abound, Breeze breezes with
Profile melodious sound!Cosmic rays illuminating
whole world without any binding, In the joy
Dr. Sonia hails
from India. She is a
of freedom the sun, moon and stars keep on
published author smiling!
of Solo English and
HindI Anthologies.
A dentist doctor
and is known for
her singing,
knitting, paintings,
designing and

Aha! What a magical wand holding this FREEDOM,
Every particle and creation wish to cherish its songs!

© Dr. Sonia Gupta

SONGS OF FREEDOMEach heart wish to
come out from the domeDome of the slavery
and pains rooted beneath the heartsHeart
which want to get the fresh air in the open
skySky of the freedom, where there is
everyone's free!O freedom! carry my
melodies to those Those who do want to
crack the shackles of the slaverySlavery
against can raise voice with braveryBravery
to not break the peace but to make everyone
NIDHI freeIndependence for the freedom of heart,
brain and soulSoul which free to sing their
KUNVRANI own melodyMelody of the pleasure instead of
the painPain of the tyranny, fear and the teary
Profile eyes!Let's our melodies may heal the those
Nidhi is a lecturer hurting heartsHearts which can again see and
and graduate of feel the open skySky in which there is no
Bhavnagar Country, continent and no bars of the color!
University – © Nidhi Kunvrani
Department of
English. She’s from
Botab and she
loves quotes and
short poems.

sweet but reminding withinThe song of
heart of freedom eternalNot yet
scripted nor sung so wellThe musical
number to harness hearts
For faces to beam from humble
hamletTo flats sky – kissingRinging in
ears, lips murmuringNodding heads
with eyes sparklingIn parlor of faith
ANTARYAMI fondling spree.The songs, so far, seem
MISHRA not sonorousFlags fluttering from zone
to zoneAttract, caution meant for
Profile boundary's concernNeeds calibrating
Antaryami was for a global man.Let me sing my
born in kapileswar wordless songThe heart does dance to
Peru, Odisha. He’s its tuneWith radiating eyes and mind
been a writer since
high school times.
swimmingIn borderless map of wavy
He loves writing ocean.© Antaryami Mishra
and reading.

SONGS OF FREEDOMIn tacit tilt, the
breeze blows elegantlyRiveting on course of
mirth, invariablyComposes free notes of
craze, amplyChants the bliss of freedom,
cheerfully Flower coo in dreamy blare's frame
Bees buzz in soul part, in season tent The
creepers dance in rhythmic blendMat of calm
seas, spells fable trend.The tone of aroma in
sweetie's smileEnchants but from distance of
mileRising to fit part, at aside, sans
SHIV RAJ guileSongs of freedom carves noble
isle.Bootless face carved from free kissExalts
PRADHAN turn of sublimity in plus etchIgnites foul less
bound in every seizeCreates neat sway of
Profile supreme bliss.
Shiv Raj Pradhan is © Shiv Raj Pradhan
a Gandhian social
worker. In same
belt a poet and
writes in English
and other local
languages. He have
gained honor from
English and Hindi
organizations for
some of his
excerpt writings.

SONG OF FREEDOMWho can croon
emancipation song?Like an avian that is in
cage for longAnd just experience his
manumissionFor him to see the joy of life
after prison.Song of freedom sweet in the
mouthOf those that conquers doubt
battle,Man sing agony songs in the prisonBut
freedom songs is for a reason.Song of
freedom; a tear of libertyWhich gathers
wealth and propertySong sweet in the mouth
ADEYEMI JELILI of fightersLike legible handwriting of
writers.Freedom song flowing in the heartOf
OYELERE prowess and dexterity fighters,Calligraphy
twist on the white pageFor true freedom
Profile songs of the sage.© Akinyemi Jelili Oyelere
Jelili is a writer and
advocate of peace.
He’s from Oyo,
Nigeria. Writing
and developing
ideas are his

Struggle for freedom is tough and long,Those
who fight are ready to bear,A tortuous course
of life ahead,And yearn for freedom songs to
hear ;Songs that infuse the patriotic
fervor,And inspire the people to fight for
nation ;Songs that call for uprooting
enemy,Brings back warriors from hibernation
;Freedom songs are sung by heroes,Who dare
to challenge the foreign yoke ;They smilingly
RAKESH face the threats of death,And sing such songs
while kissing the Rope ;Freedom fighters
CHANDRA recite such songs,To forget their own tears of
sorrow ;Freedom songs are the love
Profile potion,Which time and again, they want to
Rakesh Chanda is a borrow.
government © Rakesh Chandra
worker from India.
He studied at
University. His
poems have place
in international
and local

SONGS OF FREEDOMThere are songs that
depicts our emotions, Bringing joy and peace
to our hearts. Songs of uplifting and
encouraging, Speaking our minds with
lamentations Legendries fault a good fight of
faith, fighting for freedom and risked their
lives for that season Like an anthem to our
mother land, a song sung with enthusiasm and
dignity. Songs that touches a team spirit to
yearn for freedom Reminding us of the
DISMAS enslavement endured, the sufferings
experienced, and souls lost in those dungeons
MUKUPA Songs of praise & songs of strength, results to
freedom. Through faith and focus we're
Profile victorious and conquerors in our hearts.©
Dismas Mukupa is Dismas Mukupa
from Zambia. He
have written
ample of poems
and still writing as
he finds it as a
medium of support
to humanity.

From the shackles and pangs of bondage, Our
souls cry out; like women in labor.We yearn
for freedom, And our basic human rights.We
want to enjoy freedom, Like the acrobatic
eagles in the sky.The banality of bondage and
captivity, Is a bad omen to
humanity.Perpetrated by agents of
darkness.Freedom is like honey -Though
sweet; but you need fire to get it.We must be
EDEM OKON united as a people, If we want to be free.This
is my desire and song of freedom!©️Edem

Edem Okon hails
from Uyo, Nigeria.
He is a social,
guardian and
intelligent young
man that believes
in the service of

SONGS OF FREEDOMThe cacophonous
echoes of bondageHas found the death of
their rageUnto the folks is born their
salvageShackles have lost the strength of their
gripsThey've been dethroned; thrown to the
deepsThe songs of dirge have extricated on
our lipsAnd the songs of freedom overwhelm
our lipsThere'll be no more lamentationIt'll
only be remembered in our celebrationThere's
a new dawn of resolutionOur flesh will regain
JOHN KING its true colorOur heart will be filled with new
flavorOnly those alive experience this
AYANFE favorNow peace will reign from the Savior
© John King Ayanfe
John King Ayanfe is
a Nigerian poet,
actor, dancer and
singer with
exceptional literary

SONGS OF FREEDOMSongs of freedom,
rhythm of peace from above. Melodies that
ought to play on the strings of our
souls.Sailing on the Feathers of a flying
dove.Symphonies that our hearts will forever
hold.Songs of a bird set free from its
cage.Pure sounds of emancipation.Playing on
a high frequency breaking chains.And setting
free the captives of mental frustration.Songs
of triumph, songs of victory.The best songs I
MATOX have heard in history.When shall we sing in
RAYZOR resonance and harmony, the songs that heals
war of her wounds relieving her of her pains
and agony?© Matox Rayzor
Matox Rayzor is a
young Nigerian
poet that loves
reading and

SONGS OF FREEDOMWe were chained
down like slavesWith acrimony inside a deep
caveWe were deprived from our rightsWe
were tied in darkness sans lightsA scorching
sun blistered our joysOur affairs are played
with like toysOnly pain flowed through our
veinsFor our sky rained sorrowful rainsWe
are craving to sing song of freedomFor we
want joy to roam in our kingdomWho will
beat the drum of libertyAnd let its sounds
ABDULJABBAR drench our vicinity?When will freedom come
our way?When will we wallow in abode of
BN. MUHTAR ray?For we yearns to dance to beat of blissSo
that harmony will give us a deep kiss.©
Profile Abduljabbar Bn Mukhtar
Abduljabbar is a
Northern Nigerian
with exceptional
writings. His pen
name is ‘Blossom
Pen’. He loves
writers, reading
and writing.

SONGS OF FREEDOMSongs of freedom
sprout from the aching heartDifferent tunes
but to one aim they all dart Have you ever
analyzed songs of Jazz and the BluesOr dug
in the history of Flamenco?Have you grasped
the message That songs are tales on the
History pages?Songs of freedom are the
outcome of deprivationPeoples' sighs for
reuniting a scattered nationHands in cuffs
yearning to be raised highFeet in shackles
GIGI MEJRI longing for steps with no tieSongs of freedom
are the sufferers' voiceThe echo of those with
no choice Similar to an encaged chirping bird
Imprisoned to please our ego ,how absurd !
Profile Songs of freedom have stories dressed in
Gigi Mejri is a melodyIf only we could decipher their
Tunisian teacher moaning for liberty!© Gigi Mejri
English. Graduated
in the Faculty of
Arts and Human
Sciences. She loves
reading and
writing, also
interest in peace
and social justice.

SONGS OF FREEDOM Freedom Is all we
need To elude the viper, Extricate from the
greed, Take back our power.Come along with
your sword, Dismantle the wickedYour peace
is reassured Oh! Freedom come alive, Our
COUNTRY is sad,You were gone, come to
life,Problems here are so bad.Oh! Freedom
here I comeWe are craving for youSet up
what must be done.© Vincent Solomon


Vincent Solomon is
a chorister and
writer. He is the
executive founder
of a literary
platform named
Home Of United

SONGS OF FREEDOMListen to the simple
sonorous song of sageLike a Nightingale
singing on a tree for freedomListen to the
remigration of the rhythmic rhymes of the
songsA voice which surpasses million
choristers' voicesSongs of freedom sung with
unity of heartsThe crescendo of the songs
subsume under the ears of grey hairsBlack
hairs dance to the euphonic sound of the
songsChildren of the gigantic nations
OLUWOLE welcome the beat It soothes every heart at all-
OLUWATOBI timeSongs of freedom are rendered for the
SOLOMON hearts in bondage.Inhumanity songs are
around the globeHow can the songs of
Profile freedom subdue them all?Songs of freedom?
Oluwatobi hails Rejigger our societyCleanse and purge the
from Osun, rotten hearts to do rightsThis world is waxing
Nigeria. He’s a oldSongs of freedom, let your sounds fill our
graduate at the atmosphere.© Oluwole Oluwatobi Solomon
university of
Ibadan and his
writings are his
powerful tool of

SONGS OF FREEDOMMental fetters are
now dislodgedHeartstrings can now Strum a
melodySweet verses must ooze out in
rhapsodyexuberantly pleased we're at last
freedLet your mellifluous voices rise in
rhymesTyranny's head like a serpent's been
crushedLet melodious chords strike, fear's
been squashedSinging education has
unlocked prison doors in hymnsInner
freedom means the renewal of the whole
NGAM landFor its fragrance infects other freedoms
to freely flowWhy then not get your bugles
EMMANUEL and horns in joy to blow whetting our dry lips
with the heartfelt songs for motherland?
Profile Brethren come join me this happy chorus to
Ngam Emmanuel repeatOur hearts dancing unhindered like
hails from bonfire in the windStriding like an eagle in
Cameron. He is an the cloud spreading it's wingSinging, hail for
activist, writer and liberty resists till comes tyrant's defeat©
teacher. Ngam Emmanuel


1. Fagbuaro Julius Adedayo
2. Omar Nassar
3. Dr. Sonia Gupta
4. Samuella Conteh
5. Šolkotović Snežana
6. Mbarga Jean Marie
7. Ivan Garcina
8. Adam Oluwaseun Qamardeen
9. Valkyrie Kerry
10. Vincente A. Valdez
11. Khen Sabala
12. Mohan Lal Verma
13. Abduuljabbar Bn. Muhktar
14. Saroja Krishnamurthy

that the glory of youths are their
strengthsThat they're strong in wisdom and
understanding is a pure truthBut they're to be
well oriented about life by old onesThat they
won't be the way they're now foreverYouths
may still be jumping and running nowBut
time is coming they'll find it difficult to do
anyhowFor its expected of youths to walk in
right ways So that later in life, they can have
ends sweet like good talesEggs of today are
FAGBUARO what turn to great cocks of tomorrowSurely
JULIUS little ones of today will surely become leaders
ADEDAYO of tomorrowBut youths are to be gently and
Profile respectfully dealing with the eldersFor
Fagbuaro Julius gentleness is required of the balloon's
Adedayo hails drummersSo, let elderly ones train and show
from Ekiti state, little ones paths And take them along in their
Nigeria. A graduate leadingsAnd be good examples to them in all
of English and thingsAnd let all youths choose be well
literary studies in acquainted with all truths© Fagbuaro Julius
Ekiti state Adedayo
university of
Nigeria. Writing
and reading is his

YOUTH AND TRUTHYouth is the beauty
of life freshas morning dewWhere every truth
never decaysforever newWhen truthful youth
will alwaysshun the uncouthHopefully as the
value of both in life remains moot.Truth is
innocence that defies allnonsenseWhere
commonsense molds ayouth with senseThe
youth in truth is as valuableas goldEver bold
with vigor to assure the welfare of the
old.....And together both make a surefuture
OMAR NASSAR human beingLike youth who speak the truth
toassist others singThe symphony of life to
pacify atroubled worldKeeping away from
where uglinessis curled...To learn and live the
Profile truth in youthIs supremeTo swim with the
Omar Nassar hails tides of life happyand hale
from Kisumu,
Kenya. His
profound writings
are nibs of his
passion for

Are all beautiful flowers blossoming
in morning sunshine
As agile as the early birds that catch
the worms!

© Omar Nassar


O' it is the crucial time of life,Where they

have to struggle to survive,Facing the
bitterness of truth about everything,Youth
have to move ahead for achieving something!
Life is too hard and it's a truth,Nothing is
easily gained, again a truth,A mixture of joy
and sorrows,This truth all the youth must
know!Corruption and injustice enclose the
DR. SONIA way,Not always same is each and every
day,They have to write their own story,This
GUPTA truth must be known by everybody!It's a
period of making love and fun,Enjoyment,
Profile liberty and entertainment,It's the time that
Dr, Sonia hails never turns back ever,Youth must be aware of
from India. She is a this truth forever!© Dr Sonia Gupta
published author
of Solo English and
HindI Anthologies.
A dentist doctor
and is known for
her singing,
knitting, paintings,
designing and

JUST LIKE A TREEJust like a tree...The
human life evolves in stagesEach step with its
pains and gainsTruth is, there's no skipping
stagesFarce is, growth is all about gainsJust
like a tree...Youth's neither sapling nor
maturedSo, there's no need to stall or
rushYouthful gaiety makes not
maturedCounsel is mulching, skip not in
rushJust like a tree...Youthfulness is nature's
divine giftTo be cherished and wisely savored
SAMUELLA Responsible living makes life a giftOnce lost,
can no longer be savored© Samuella Conteh

Samuella Conteh is
a renowned
poetess, motherly
and social with all
writers. She bases
in sierra Leone
where all her
intriguing writes
are borne out
from. She holds
different offices in
literary platforms
and well

little to have a happy childhood,Great love of
the parents, a place under the blue sky…A
consolation hug, the impulse to fulfill your
desires,An ear for the secrets and support
from friends.A fireplace warmth that
selflessly comforts the soul,A pet and the
family in whole.Children's happiness is like a
butterfly,And a family is a place where you
can enjoy and dream the most...It takes a little
Šolkotović to have a happy childhood,And that little
would fit into two words only. "I love you." -
Snežana pleases everyone equally,Hugs and
tenderness is what everybody crave,Parental
Profile love means a lot to a child, with support and
security,One becomes safer and stronger ...It's
Šolkotović is a true!
prolific writer and
keen reader. She
© Šolkotović Snežana
spends most of her
time writing
passionate poems.

YOUTH AND TRUTHYouths yelling yah
boo around - but why?The truth embedded in
the greying minorityWealth and favors
engrossed to their interestVociferations of
lack of clarity and balance in
formerSubjecting them to ills of the streets
for survival.Life's flowers are bitter, that's a
pure truthThough indented in this corrupted
world Never let thyself seduced by easy the
pathFear not trying always - beyond skies
MBARGA JEAN shall u reach The apple tastes good when
sweat drains the soil.Nurture in mind, youth's
MARIE a sack of exuberant energyMagnificent
weapon that help realize dreamsRefute not
Profile this clarion call of future knockingSleep not
Mbarga is a behind reading history- act to write
Cameroonian yoursYou’ll be the cornerstone of morrow's
writer and studied generations© Mbarga_Jean_Marie
Geography at the
University of
Bamenda. He lives
in Duala,
Cameroon. He
writes wonderful
poems about his

ENLIGHTENMENTOnce during winter I
had an astral dreamin which three life paths
branched off in several directions,and as I
couldn't make my mind which one to take,the
old man Sadhguru commended me for my
extreme patience.Each of these paths was
difficult in its own way,but as I was very
young,the old man advised me to take the
path of truth,the only one leading to spiritual
enlightenment.Only then did I notice a side
Ivan Gaćina forest pathendlessly intertwining with three
mysterious roads,actually meaning that each
of them hides a part of truth, the fact being
Profile that the whole truth lies beyond the side
Ivan hails from road.As a truth seeker, I gathered enough
Zadar, Croatia. courageto choose the side road instead of
Where he works. those seemingly more important,and when
He writes in my dream became reality,I realized that the
English and his truth is really hidden in small things.© Ivan
native language. Gaćina

YOUTH AND TRUTHThe aged are like
preserved food, Kept in the microwave, To
avoid spoilage. Not like that of youths.
Youths are like fresh food, Served
immediately after preparation. The
enjoyments are everlasting. Some aged are
like fresh food While some youths are like
preserved foodThat got spoilt easily.Use your
youth judiciously, For you to become the
food People can't do without. © Adam
ADAM Oluwaseun Qamardeen

Adams lives in
Lagos, Nigeria. He
writes and love
reading poems.

YOUTH AND TRUTHWillow’s leaves drop
low,Scattering onto soil,As life ends they
sink,Finding solace in Earth’s
grave,Decaying, mulching, in
dirt.Individual,Minerals climb up,
reaching,Rejoining tree’s womb,Old leaves,
youthful nutrients,New leaves, old
nutrients.Old willow’s aspects,One tree,
many leaves, timeless,Defying reason,In
life’s everlasting circle,And being;
VALKYRIE misunderstood!
KERRY © Valkyrie Kerry

Valkyrie is a lover
of poems and
Media Artist at
Publishing from
Ballinrobe, County

YOUTH FOR TRUTHWe have figured out
the lives of our precious youthRegardless of
what the day brings about the truthWe stand
united and talk plans of rightful deedsGive
them the consolation and right place to
live.When the youth were taught the pillars of
truthfulnessHow splendid they're to learn and
mold their wishesTo build the dream of life,
the height that they might reach;Are envision
of prosperity where one called a success.The
VINCENTE A. youth are for the truth to accept that they
must learnTo bear the responsibility to
VALDEZ discern;Reflected to abide the by-laws of
mankindA model citizen and patriotic
Profile mind.We knew the best to discipline and
Vince Valdez is a guide the youthPledging assurance that
Philippine writer education takes by oathWith their right
and quick profession, they will soar highThe truth
knowledge reveals that youth's standard will justify.©
developer in Vicente A. Valdez Jr
Toronto. He
studied BS Civil
Engineering at
Manila National
University. He
loves exceptional

YOUTH AND TRUTHWe are the youth,We
are the hope of our motherland,Born to be
impressive and socially gerund,We care for
voiceless chirps of birds,We enlighten the
world with courage.We strongly believe that
youth is not a fool,But as ice bergs melted we
stumbled,Our voice turns into a destructive
one,Our wings are slayed by liars and
sun,The hope is already imprisoned and Oh!
the youth is blinded.Books were invaded by
KHEN SABALA gadgets and social medias,Dictionaries are
neglected by having new evil words,Where
are the youth now? There posting nonsense in
Facebook and Instagram.Selling their spirits
Profile to a dungeon of scam.But we are the pillar of
Khen Sabala is a society, isn't it?We still have time to change
young writer from and that is the undeniable truth.© Khen
Philippine with Sabala
exceptional writing
intelligence. He
studies and love

YOUTH AND TRUTHO youth! You are the
breath and spinal cord of the universe.You are
the bridge between past and future, You are
the base of moral values and rich culture.You
are the limitless treasure of energy and
passion.O youth! You can transform the
worldInto the blissful heaven, by adopting the
way of truth.Avoid speaking guileful, violent
and impure words, Be creative, not
destructive, without insulting, improve the
MOHAN LAL universe.O youth! Truth will make you
disciplined, It will give you satisfaction,
VERMA strength and peace.It will make you stoical
and fearless friend, Truth will make you
Profile austere and everyone will love you without
Mohan Lal is from end.If the youth is with truth, then truth will
Hanumangah, be youth.There will not be any gullies, the
India. He’s a way will be smooth.The way to love, faith
graduate at and humanityAll the world will be full of
Maharaja Ganga prosperity.© Mohan Lal Verma
Singh University.
He writes and
promotes poetry
on his own way.
He translates
poems to voice
notes and video on

YOUTH AND TRUTHYouth stage is the
autumn of lifeWhere weights begin to set
their goalsWhere they'll be wet with water of
strife And spilled in spacious struggle's holes.
The truth is like an artist or painterWho paint
some youths in a cute frameWhile some view
it as a success's fainterWho will let them sink
in sea of shame.Youths and truth are veteran
foesFor they see truth as road to their
woesYet, a youth will be tagged a great
ABDULJABBAR youthIf he ties himself with thick rope of
truth.Truth is precious but at first bitter
BN. MUKHTAR Because its terminuses are always
titterImprison yourself in dark prison of
Profile truthTo create a wonderful stories, dear
Fagbuaro Julius youth.© Blossom penAbduljabbar bn
Adedayo hails Mukhtar.
from Ekiti state,
Nigeria. A graduate
of English and
literary studies in
Ekiti state
university of
Nigeria. Writing
and reading is his

dayscolorful dreamsfill the eyes.Fire of
passions get kindledby the touch if spring!No
fear of blazing sun downpour or heavy
storms.Only beauty and lovein all its rainbow
colors.Mind sings like a Nightingaleduring
moonlit nights.Ecstasy in the whole
beingOnly sparks of love permeates in the
ambience.Youth knows only one truth!It sees
pleasant truth in the ethereal beauty and its
SAROJA hypnotic pull, nothing more than that.

Saroja is from
Karnakata, India.
She's a promising
writer with wide
knowledge on
poetry writing .


Philippine writer who based in Hong Kong, she
is a member of different global literary
platforms and have won local and international
recognitions in the field of literature. She have
about three books to her name.


The finest part of a good person's life is a little unknown act of

kindness and love. We obtain happiness not because we do great things but
because we do small things with great love.

When nice people touch our lives because of their kindness, we see
how beautiful and wonderful our world can be. We are truly blessed
showing kindness to those who need it.

Helping and sharing what we have during crisis like what we are
encountering on this pandemic, (coronavirus disease) which makes the
world panic and some big companies collapse is the best time to discover
and meet real friends. Through this heartbreaking moments of time, we
find, we meet kind and good - hearted people.

Being kind makes us happy and it can measure how deep and how
strong the bond we create towards friends and acquaintances. We can
discover each other's weaknesses and can make a difference by developing
a more affectionate and closer relationship.

Being kind, we must be vigilant to whatever is happening around us.

Be observant and notice other's struggles and be compassionate. Be brave
to open up a conversation and discover what chemistry is possible to win
their trust.

For those we are neglected, try to give positive compliments and set
the best example. Show them courtesy and politeness. That is human

To our love ones especially our partners, be honest and show

kindness in a polite way. Be open to each other for a happy and successful
bonding. That is kindness with love.

Above all else, be kind to ourselves. Treat yourself well as you treat
others kindly. Take good care of yourself as you do to others.

Kindness is not just the ability to be friendly or being generous but to

keep a good attitude. To be kind; it gives us a happy and easy life. It can
make us look younger like the way I am now.

© Ven-Lyn A. Valdez

ABOUT THE WRITER: He is a Nigerian,
play writer and a promising writer. He is a
lecturer serving at Kaduna Polytechnic in Mass
Communication Department. He a writer of
opinions on different Nigeria National Dailies
like Daily Trust, Blueprint, People's Daily, The
Herald, New Nigeria Newspaper and many.


The true behavior that every man on earth should possess in the
contribution of making lives better for everyone is for us - all of us to be
people of kindness.

Kindness is being benevolent in every act of live to make other people

smile with confidence and assurance. It is a life of assistance and
generosity to help not only to the people in need, to give not only to the
people that asked and to smile not to the people that gave.

Kindness is very important in building a peaceful life for all because it

changes the world for better, for happiness to reign and prosperity to yield.
Kindness change the people mindset and motivate the naive, shed the tears
of the hopeless and encourage the visionary people to climb to their ladder
of successes to realize their destinies. Kindness give power to the hopeless
and give warm blanket to the naked one that lacked shelter and place to call
home. Kindness is an embodiment of all good virtues!

Kindness is needed from every human to contribute in the spare of building

the vast world and decorate it with gold, smile, happiness, liberty and
equality but very pathetic not all people have the mind to help and the
courage to give. Kindness is the act of giving material or non -material
things to please the heart. Kindness can be in a form of smile but some
people see it as unaffordable gift that they can't give to everyone.

We need to emulate good virtues, give respect to all and be passionate to all
not because of priority, color of skin and dichotomy. We are one and we
should see all as us as that when it comes to kindness for peace and
happiness to exist and reign among us.

© Auwal Ahmed Ibrahim

ABOUT THE WRITER: Slavka Bozovic was
born in Niksic - Montenegro. She has been
writing poetry since early childhood, and her
works have been presented in more than 80
regional and world anthologies and joint
collections, and have been translated into
several world languages. As a dedicated
humanitarian activist who participates in
contributing to the spread of love for peace and
tolerance of humanity, Slavka was inaugurated as an ambassador of peace
in Montenegro and the winner of the prestigious award "Icon of Peace".


Kindness and generosity are the most valuable human qualities, they are
noble deeds and a reflection of the human image.

A kind man looks with the eyes of the heart, Kiss us with the lips of the
sun. His goodness heals all wounds, and the hand caresses gently like a
mother's. Quiet as the wind, noble raises the sails, empathy nests deep in
the chest. While the stars shine, the mind is with you, he is a faithful friend
who lasts forever. It's always available whenever needed, his affection is a
gift from heaven. As an angel, He is your salvation, wealth is to gain his

© Slavka Bozovic, Montenegro

ABOUT THE WRITER: John King Ayanfe
was Born and raised in Lagos, Nigeria. Started
writing poetry as a teenager and now an
international award winning poet whose
poemsare featured in international anthologies
worldwide. Also an actor, dancer, motivational
speaker and a teacher by profession. He aspires
to make the world a better place through his
divine gifts.


Humanity is a tree growing on our palms as humans who make up the

humanity. Earth is daily watered by that which we do. Earth will not be this
beautiful if we don't live therein. And now, earth is careworn; she needs our
kindness. This puissance will make life habitable.

We are not supposed to make kindness hammy in our lives. Kindness

should be a replica of humankind. Exhaling it into the heart of all as
breathe. Thus, we rephrase it in everyone lifestyle.

A priceless jewel for us all to possess. An umbrella which shades against

shame. A trait which shows care and generosity to others. Bearing their feel
upon our own feel. Kindness! A prescription for predicaments. Just like air
should be part of human. Surest path to impact life with transformation. For
humanity is a tree growing on our palms.

© John King Ayanfe

ABOUT THE WRITER: Amb. Prof. Dijana
Uherek Stevanović was born 1968 in
Garesnica, Croatia. She writes book reviews,
and her poems have been severally translated.


Life has kindly opened the door for me. I let it enter me and together we
build dream houses with lots of windows and doors.

Wondering why?

The answer is simple.

The light of the people enters through the window, and I let the children
through the door, for they are a medal of goodness.

I teach them how good it is to carry a star in your eye, and in your hand a
piece of bay leaf, in your hair an olive branch.

Thus you become protected from all those who call darkness the sun and
who do not see a finger over the nose.

I am not afraid, because with my smile I melt the cold in people and I love
that I am still an innocent child who sees in people only kindness and
humanity. I greet the sun with gratitude because I believe in happiness,
health and love.

© Dijana Uherek Stevanović, Serbia

ABOUT THE WRITER: Šolkotović Snežana
is a professor in elementary school. She has
published poems and stories for children and
adults in seventeen books. Some of her poems
are translated into Bulgarian, English, Arabic
and Macedonian language.


It takes little to be happy, It is important that there is good will, It is

kindness that is missing to make reality better. It's not hard to be cultured
and say, please, sorry, thank you. It's just words which make interpersonal
relationships better. It's not hard to be kind, to accept a man without
prejudice, help when you can, goodness and understanding work wonders.
Little things mean a lot in life. Kind words, smiling face, a hand of
friendship when needed, as in the book on the pages printed sentences...

© Šolkotović Snežana

SANTIAGO finished his bachelor's degree in
Secondary Education in 2003 where he
graduated Cum Laude and the recipient of the
Most Outstanding Student (2003). His
fascination in language has become his driving
force to pursue various courses in linguistics.
He also loved writing excellent poems and
views about peace and humanity.


Have you ever looked yourself into the mirror? What do you see?
Needless to say, you’re seeing the aesthetic beauty of your physical body,
but not the magnificent splendor of your human soul. The positive
emotions that exude from our human nature through great virtues will
eventually turn into human actions.

I believe that all human beings were blessed with abundant blessings from
the High Above. These blessings are waiting to be transmitted to other
souls in every corner of the earth. They’re not just referring to the material
possessions that we may acquire in life but more so on the values, ethics
and principles we already possessed as human beings. One of these, is the
virtue of KINDNESS which is intertwined with positive notions such as
sympathy, compassion, concern, empathy, understanding, kindheartedness,
thoughtfulness and LOVE to name a few. Likewise, humankind is
entangled with a variety of life’s hindrances, burdens, difficulties,
hardships and adversities. This is the very reason why kindness exists in
every human's heart and soul. Sympathize with each other. Love each
other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude.
-1 Peter 3:8. Thus, we are indeed connected with one another and because
of kindness we’re united.

As we walk along the way, we would be meeting people from

various walks of life. Some may leave a mark that we’ll never forget. Not
because of the physical beauty that impressed us but more so of the
positive, bright and optimistic characteristics that being shared towards us.
This may simply reflect to us as universal kindness. Moreover, the main
reason why God has given us heart to feel the thousands of feelings and
emotions generate within us, humans. In real sense, this allows us to act
generously to our fellowmen without any expectations. As a matter of fact,
it is also reflected in Luke 6:35, “Be jovial, lend and expect nothing in
return and your reward will be great.” This may basically teach us to open
our heart to those who are in need, reach out and show them our sense of
compassion without asking something in return. We may call this as
genuine kindness. Bear in mind that, “A man who is kind benefits himself,
but a cruel man hurts himself.” Proverbs11:17. Along with this is the
message of truth that, “Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will
find life, righteousness and honor.” as stated in Proverbs 21:21.

Nevertheless, the questions still lingered in my mind, Is kindness

only pertinent within human entities? Definitely NO, because kindness
coexists even with animals and other living creatures equally created by the
Almighty one. For instance, when we showed care and compassion to
animals, we made them feel comfy and grateful. In return, they remained to
be tamed and disciplined. On the other hand, kindness is also applicable in
our environment. When we contemplate that it is not about you, it’s about
us and the environment we have. It is our home and we should always
remember the welfare they’re providing us, mankind. Treat our mother
nature as human, show her love and affection she rightfully deserves.
Generally, we called this kindness without limitations.

How difficult is it to show kindness with strangers? Does it pay to be kind

to strangers?

Along the way we may be meeting someone who is totally a stranger to us.
We may feel uncomfortable once he/she surpasses to the boundary we
created. We tend to judge people based on their physical appearance
without knowing first what’s inside beneath the surface. However, not all
of us treated people that way. Some may even show great kind-heartedness
regardless of the person’s personal attribute. That is what we need, genuine

care and compassion. We may simply call it indulgent kindness.

Undeniably, we couldn’t measure kindness just by the good deeds that

someone has done for us. We citizens of the world may live with peaceful
life and achieve tranquil environment, if we keep on spreading act of
kindness to everyone we may encounter along the way. Whether, they may
have unscrupulous motives or unpretentious acts, kindness will be your
greatest antidote. In this regard, kindness and gentleness are being a breath
of fresh air to someone else when they feel like they are suffocating and
thinking that the world has turned its back to them.

We may have experienced various circumstances in life, either good or bad.

These situations really tested our faith to God so as our kindness and
compassion to humanity. But above all these, the most important lesson we
should learn is how to spread love, happiness and KINDNESS to uplift
others. Likewise, Amelia Earhart once said, “A single act of kindness
throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new

So, what are we waiting for? Act now before it’s too late. Let us start
scattering and dispersing seeds of kindness everywhere so that it may
continue to grow and become sturdy trees in the future.

© Marlon I. Santiago

ABOUT THE WRITER: Mr. Rakesh Chandra
is a retired civil servant. Currently pursuing his
Ph.D in Law from Lucknow University. He has
got one collection of poems Titled "Moon is
Black" and also one collection of Hindi Poems.
His English poems have found place in different Poetry Journals and News
Papers’ literary supplements. He also has authored two books on Law.


Human beings are supposed to be armed with certain humane qualities

which classify them as a class apart from other creatures existing in the
planetary ecosystem. Kindness is one such quality which is highly
appreciated amongst the denizens of this world. Kindness simply implies
that one should be empathetic towards others' pains and miseries instead of
mocking at their misfortunes. Not only this, one should try to help such
persons in order to ameliorate their present condition. Undoubtedly,
kindness requires a big heart.

Many great men and saintly persons who lived on this earth not only
believed and preached this quality but also practiced themselves. The love
for fellow human beings has been a mainstay of their whole philosophy.
Lord Buddha, Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King are
some of the shining examples which still enlighten the path of humanity.
The world is full of Good Samaritans all the time.

It is, indeed, horrifying to imagine a world bereft of kindness towards

each-other. World would become a veritable hell in that situation.

The practitioners of this godly quality are not always happy with their
good deeds. It does not happen always that the person helped recognize the
good job done by the person who helped him in hard times. Sometimes this
pinches the man showing kindness towards others. However, such persons
are not deterred by such acts of ingratitude. This is simply because the

quality of kindness stems from the heart which never betrays the man.
Kindness is a divine quality with which not everybody is gifted.

Here it is pertinent to note that one should be cautious of the charlatans

who try to exploit the kindness of such good persons. The world is full of
such black sheep.

The fragrance of kindness is all encompassing. It is one of the greatest

gifts of God to mankind. Kind persons are the living images of the
Almighty. The quality of kindness is unperishable asset. Everybody should
take resolve to emulate and practice it with pure conscience.

© Rakesh Chandra

ABOUT THE WRITER: She's Ria Dela Cruz
Flores known as Ate Mamu from the Pearl of
the Orient Seas, Philippines. She's currently an
Overseas Filipino Worker in United Arab
Emirates. A single mom of two amazing
children. An undergraduate of Bachelor of
Science in Biology, Microbiology major,
professional Catechist and a former campus
journalism writer. She loves writing poems, singing, dancing and a little bit
of painting.


"Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return
but because of who you are", this is what Harold S. Kushner said.

This world nowadays had lots of conflicts, misunderstandings and crisis,

there is a hidden, an invisible wall that separates people based on their
thoughts and acts. People are tend to show what they are, who they are,
without any inhibitions and without any limits just to satisfy their needs
and wants. Some are being good but mostly are not.

Where there is goodness, there is kindness. Kindness is the quality

of being friendly, being generous, to care and to give warmth, to be
considerate and affectionate, to have concern and care to others. While the
world is facing different kinds of crisis and misunderstandings, kindness is
missing. People usually forget how to be kind and how to be considerate to
others. They think most on how to save and build their own without
looking at the people besides them or without trying to help others in
building themselves. In most cases, in order to sustain his and her needs,
some people are being harsh, pushing others to fall down and some goes far
like stepping on to someone, in the end, they hurt others just to succeed.

But kindness is still a magic! That something extraordinary to happen. But

let us all know the kindness is not being weak or being idiot as what others

say. Kindness is an action word that can explain to the deaf even without
words and can show to the blind even they can't see. In short, kindness is
what you did and what you do for others.

Though kindness sometimes seems weakness to other people, the

person that gives kindness show more courageous and braver than others.
For they extend efforts and tough deeds without asking and expecting
something in return. Thus, it includes love and humanity, forgiveness and
understanding. Giving something, sharing and extending hand without
expecting anything in return is the most difficult thing to do. That is why,
being kind is tough and some will just speak as you are an idiot and
weakest one. Also, it's the reason why we need courage to extend help, a
courageous heart.

Kindness is free. It can't be repay nor compared to any amount of money.

Where there is goodness, there is kindness, yes indeed! Doing kind deeds
help you make yourself good and feel good. Helping others, sharing things
to others and giving them warm caress and comfort is something to be
applaud as accomplishment of yourself. For in every kindness you sow,
you'll reap respect. And for sure, it will create happiness to ourselves and
improve our relationship to others. Aside from that, kindness can prevent
the conflict and misunderstandings of every person. It will enhance sharing
and giving, thus creating harmony and unity into human nature and lifting
each other to survive. Selfless versus selfishness. Selfless is what not
thinking himself or herself, not loving only me and not just "me" but
"everyone". Striking away selfishness is what kindness is all about.

They say kindness can change the world, and I do believe it's true.
Kindness can really change the world in an instant, real quick! It's seems
too simple but actually very difficult. For kindness is not that simple act if
it’s not coming from the heart. But if it's happen, simple act of kindness can
possibly improve our life style, our health as it is decreasing our stresses
and anxieties, it can uplift our belongingness and self-worth, it can help us
to grow in a friendlier and happier surroundings and it can lead us the way
to have a clear connection to other people and to the world. This things
can't just happen to the giver but also it inspire some people who witnesses
the kindness and somehow the receiver will have an appreciation and

gratitude that in some ways he or she can do the same in every little way he
or she can. It is also noticeable that upon giving or showing kindness, we
always paint a smile on our faces, exchanging smiles, making us the most
beautiful person to the eyes of the people we'd share with. Kindness is a
magic that can change the world, indeed!

Money is not important when you are being kind, though some things may
come with amount but the things that you put your effort and your heart to
what you share and give to others, it is always priceless. As for the
receiver, it would be some kind of rewards that can't be measure by any

Wherever and whenever, there’s human who are in need, there is always a
place and opportunity to be kind and to show kindness. It can never be
settled just by looking, it is much better if you have to stand and give a
hand, start doing some kind of good deeds. Just like Mr. Kushner said,
kindness is not about the people who are in need, it is not how we look at
them and what do we asked to them, but how do "I" and "You" have
showed them. It is all about our hearts desire to be kind to other and that
kindness will surely change the world just like a magic.

© Ate Mamu, Aka Ria Flores

ABOUT THE WRITER: Prakash Nagarajan
is an upcoming author from India. Though
reticent by nature, he is a keen observer of Life,
and coupled with his penchant for writing, he
often puts to paper his thoughts, views and
observations in an easy and flowing manner. He
has till date to his credit self-published a
novelette, a novella, and scores of short-stories.


When I came across this beautiful theme, it made me wonder and think
deeply over it.

What is Kindness? Is it a quality which only humans possess? Is it

something we can learn? Are kindness and compassion one and the same?

Let me share my thoughts with you:

I live in a place which is just a simple town, surrounded by very many

villages. Beyond those villages lie rolling hills and lovely green meadows.
It is a habit with me to go there for long walks. Once over there, I like to sit
quietly and observe the beauty of nature all around.

I happened to witness once, a cow allowing a calf, which had lost its
mother, to suckle it. And the gentle cow, kept nursing the calf, nourishing it
further with licks and nose-rubs. To me, the very act epitomized the highest
form of love and affection. Many a times I look with amazement at the
trees and plants. In that wilderness, for whom do they bloom? Yet season
after season, without fail, they offer their gifts. Flowers so lovely, sure to
gladden the hearts of every passerby going by that way. And those trees,
every season, I see them ripe with fruits. At times, I even see children
pelting stones to fell those fruits. Many a times, I have observed men
breaking twigs, and even hacking off branches. It pains me so, to watch all
that. I couldn't have known of a greater act of kindness than what I have
learned, observing those trees. So selfless, so giving, even to those who
harm and hurt them. If this isn't the highest form of love and compassion,
then what is?

If we need to learn Compassion, Love, Kindness and Fraternity we don't
need go far. I would suggest we learn it from the birds, animals, the trees
and plants. They display a very natural and intuitive kind of love and
kindness, which is so rare to find among the human kind.

Verily, if only we happen to pay attention, Nature in itself is an

embodiment of kindness. The Water with which we quench our thirst, the
Sunshine that gives us life and energy, and the very Air that we breathe,
without these, would our life be even possible?

Look at the true nature of the above gifts; they are selfless offerings.

Only among us humans, we are yet to learn the true meaning of Giving.

Kindness and compassion are virtues of being selfless. It comes from deep
within, along-with where springs joy and peace. Unfortunately, we live in a
world, which places the highest importance to me, mine and myself. Quid
Pro Quo seems to be the order of the day. And if you happen to be one of
those rare givers, it is more likely, people would count you for a fool rather
than value that incredible merit of yours.

God has given us eyes, yet we don't seem to view with pity. He has given
us ears to listen, but we are deaf to earnest pleas. Our tongues are sweet,
but our words mean little. Riches, greed, envy and pride seems to have
become our way. A pathway sure to lead one day, to our inevitable
destruction. If we don't learn it now, we never ever will.

Kindness to others can be learnt: by only practicing gratitude for what we

have received. It is simple. A single expression of gratitude takes us to the
path of goodness and love.

Expressing gratefulness to Nature for nourishing our very existence,

express gratitude to our parents for giving us birth, to our teachers for the
high moral values they inculcate within us.

The day we begin to count our blessings, we would have learnt to be

grateful, and the day won't be far when we would all turn to be kinder
human beings. And in that moment of existence, we would surely
experience God.

© Prakash Nagarajan

ABOUT THE WRITER: Gigi Mejri, Chédlia
is a Tunisian teacher of English, graduated from
The Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences of
Tunis. Gigi Mejri is fond of reading & poetry
writing. She published her first collection of
poetry titled "The Beautiful Silence” in 2018,
She writes for young kids, plays and poems
.Her main interest is whatever may add a plus
for Humanity: love, peace and social justice .She believes in the power of
the word.


We all agree that kindness is a quality and expect to be treated with

kindness. But I do believe that when talking about kindness, each one of us
should focus on himself, for the simple reason that kindness comes from
within, it originates from the inner self and once it is released, it spreads
and multiplies. You can't imagine how kindness travels, it has the speed of
light and the effect of the most efficient, the quickest remedy that eases
pain, soothes aches and cures ailments.

Kindness is the best make up, it is the sweetest smile your face can ever
wear to invite the fearful, the hesitant and the reluctant in order to feel

Wherever kindness sets foot, it conquers the place, the space and the
surrounding, it acts exactly as a little stone which you throw in water then
starts forming circles which expand in diameter and get bigger and bigger,
it's exactly similar to that scent you spray starting from yourself to invade a
larger sphere.

Be kind and spread kindness with what you have and the way you can.
Smile, wave, lift your hand for approval, take off your hat, whistle,
applaud, say a nice word, uplift spirits, encourage and praise without
expecting anything in return!

Use verbal and non-verbal language to show kindness. Remember that "No

one has become poor by giving" on the contrary, the real richness lies in
kindness as being kind means polishing one's language, yes, it means you
are in the middle of heaps of words, all serving for communication and you
are selecting all that is beautiful because kindness begets kindness, it can't
engender harshness or brutality.

With kindness, we build bridges, we pave ways, and we weave bonds of

fraternity and stitch positive segments to come out with beauty and peace.

It is not impossible to be kind, to lend a hand and spread love, just be an

eraser to negativity and turn a blind eye to escalation.

Let us all sign contracts with kindness because "The earth would die if the
sun stopped kissing her” – quote by Hafiz Shiraz, Persian poet.

© Gigi Mejri

graduate of Ahmadu Bello
University, Zaria-Nigeria. He's a
fast progressing writer from


The word kindness is a derivative from the root word "kind”. The
dictionary (Oxford advanced learner's dictionary, 8the edition) conceived
the word "kind" as an adjective to denote being caring, gentle, friendly and
generous. While "kindness" as a noun is defined as an act of being kind.
The former gives birth to the latter.

But in as much as the application and dimensions of this word are

concerned, we can only give a clue to what it entails, but in reality cannot
fathom it meaning. This is because kindness is the whole essence of
goodness--and goodness entails every positive attribute we can think of.

There are various cliché which reinforce that kindness entails a broad
spectrum of positive attributes. E.g. we hear of contribution to be both in
cash and in kind; and that kindness begets kindness. Thus, kindness can
also be equated with love and care. This is because kindness can only come
from a loving heart. In this case we can say that 'KINDNESS IS A
MOTHER'. It's also a lubricant that lubricates the joints of a society in

We can still envisage kindness as a benevolent act done out of freewill. It's
the positive side of humans which is benign in malignancy.

Kindness is like mother's milk, gently soft and refreshing. It nourishes the
marrow of social coexistence. Kindness is a dew that descends and
moistens the dryness of folks, giving life to weak limbs.

Kindness has a human face, because it’s only gotten from cultured people.

Kindness comes from a humble heart. It's a child of civilization

Kindness is at arm length with callousness. It cannot be equated with
ruthlessness. Kindness is a balm that heals wounds and a wool that bandage
injuries. It counts no fault and harbors no ego. It's seen in courtesy and
manifested in sympathy, tolerance and forgiveness... If we pursue kindness
with all vigor and sincerity, then there will be an ambient atmosphere of
love, peace and unity.

© Kolongs Victor

(Obradovic) was born in Novi Sad, Serbia. She
spent her childhood and youth in Ruma. She's
an Economist and have published six books of
poetry. Her texts have been published in
appropriate places in numerous collections in
Arabic, Japanese, Italian, English, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania etc.


Be kind to everyone, my child. All living beings have emotions like you:
good and bad people, plants, animals.

Kindness requires Love.

Because, you cultivate Love with the drink and food of the gods - with
nectar and ambrosia. Breathe with Love day and night, tell everyone
something nice, honest.

Be sincere, compassionate and considerate with words and with view. With
a friendly touch, help the old man, the sick, and powerless and don’t judge
anyone by their deeds, my child. Be kind and dear to those who don’t let
you in! Approach them with kindness, my child. Let your mouth be a
fragrant garden rose, let your eyes shine like a lodestar, and hug with warm
and soft hands the lion and the pigeon and embrace the sinner and the
angel. We are all children of the same powder. Be merciful and humble; it
is the quality of mercy and the value of Man.

© Ljiljana Dobra

ABOUT THE WRITER: Suk Raj Darjee is
studying at Damphu Central School, Tsirang
taking commerce stream. He’s an 18 years old
promising writer. He practices in various
platform to improve and contribute to world


Kindness has come to mean so many things to so many people but to me

it's means working with true and pure heart whoever needs at the specific
time or whoever calls for. Actually it's a powerful eight letter word which
enlightens the heart of others. No one will become poor by giving so don't
be selfish, just learn the art of kindness. Random act of kindness will not
get you anything but it's more than what you think.

It can change the others person’s point of view and you never know how
much it means to others. We believe whatever we give to other will come
back to us some day or other. So give kindness and receive it back.

Giving clothes to the needy, distributing masks to prevent the global spread
of Covid 19 pandemic, giving food to beggars etc. is a big act of kindness.
But not everyone can effort to do like that.

Is that means only rich people are kind?

To be kind it's not of being poor or being rich. Have you thought you can
be Kind?

Well, kindness is pleased by smile. Where ever you move on, remember to
carry smile with you. It will not only make you feel positive but also adds
smile in others. Second thing you can try is by giving honest compliment to
everyone you meet with.

And the third point speaks out to appreciate the work of others. It's a great
thing to motivate others if you are Kind. They will not only be happy with
your warming words but also tried to put extra effort to success. That's the
power of kindness.

This is a simple trick which I apply every day. Isn't it easier than you are

What are your waiting for?

Start up your mind to be kind from now. Let us invoke the act of kindness
and increase the happiness of others.

© Suk Raj Darjee

ABOUT THE WRITER: Rose George is from
Kerala, India. She completed her post-
graduation from Mumbai University. She is
teaching in the Junior College for the last 25
years. She developed the passion for writing,
reading and music for life joy.


We all love to see kindness in others. So why don't we start little acts of
kindness which will not only make us happy but also the world in which
we live. Showing acts of kindness such sharing, caring showing
compassion and gratitude. When you meet someone a smile, a thank you
are sweet gestures of kindness. In today's materialistic world, kindness is
the most important virtue. Do not always be kind to others with the
expectation to get in return. Show kindness even if someone cannot repay
you back. A kind hearted person is always positive and optimistic, radiating
peace and happiness wherever he goes.

We all love to be treated with kindness, so why don't we start by showing

small acts of kindness starting from our home and then spread it to the
society. The best example of kindness is Nature. So selfless and always
giving. Nature never expects anything in return. Why do we attach so much
importance to material possessions, name and fame? These are all
transitory and in the end of our life, we will be remembered by all for our
kind deeds. Don't wait for somebody else to set an example, you must be
the best example of a kind hearted person. Small acts of kindness will be
ray of hope and sunshine to one who receives it and making the givers even

Mother Teresa was exemplary when it came to kindness. She showed so

much love and compassion to orphans, needy and the downtrodden. In
today's world where there is so much pain, sorrow, anxiety, brokenness in
mankind, kindness would uplift them and bring them some ray of hope.
Show kindness to all human beings and animals. Show love and
compassion, concern and care wherever you go. It will uplift the souls of
the receiver.

Don't be egoistic only thinking of yourself and your loved ones. Make a
difference in the lives of all by your acts of kindness. The young need an
example to be followed and you be the best example of kindness. Don't

show your acts of kindness to be known by all. God loves a silent giver and
your acts of kindness can touch the hearts of all. Be ready to help, show
compassion whenever anybody is in need if it. Don't wait to show your act
of kindness show it immediately. Kindness is like the shinning diamond,
radiating its glitter all around. You can be an inspiration to all with your
sweet acts of kindness and make this world a happy place to live in.

© Rose George

Vicente A. Valdez Jr.
ABOUT THE WRITER: Vicente A. Valdez
Jr. graduated Civil Engineering at National
University Philippines in the year 1978-1979.
He started writing when he was in Saudi Arabia
as a contributor to a News Paper Magazine.
Writing poems in a column of Absolutely
Filipino in Vancouver and Taliba of Tironto, Canada.


Kindness cordially comes from the bottom of our heart. It's a wisdom
from where we are to give a considerate attitude from the basic manner and
inner core of being. Sympathy and kindness are cognitively in cahoots
with. Kindness justify the feeling of individual to grant an affordable help
which is definitely the bastion of unity and peace to one another.

In the eyes of God kindness is love. Thy loving kindness of God is

pure. We are purely saved by HIS kindness and love.

Kindness is sacrifice. We can give our all just for the sake of others. In
times of trouble, we offer our help just to save life. From poor to ordinary
individuals who ask for guidance whether monetary or on manual labor.

Kindness signifies heroism. It is a reason that we sometimes sacrifice

to gain and attain our goal. Giving good deeds makes us to be proud of
what we are doing and in return is happiness that is worth remembering
throughout our lives. It had a boomerang effect that what you plant is what
you reap. It deals with heavenly pursuit of happiness. A little kindness is
enough to inspire others to begin with and makes a lot of difference. It is
the language of the soul. We can see lots of problems and sufferings but the
help is seldom given but if we have conscience that works, then we deliver
the real meaning of it. Furthermore, people have brain and heart that
delivers this faith. Overall it's our true self that matters most. Kindness
begets kindness. If we help, others help too there's a symbiosis effect to the
good performance that you had. The love and passion exactly are the
summary of you and me.

© Vicente A. Valdez Jr.


The heart of men is like a room not necessarily considered beautiful or
disorganized, whatsoever it absorbs as impute is what it exhibits. This gripping
masterpiece calls humanity to mind, all the values that portray sincere kindness,
with right to the pursuit of peace and true happiness. At random, this virtues of
unconditional care and sympathy for a fellow in either state of wellbeing or
circumstances of suffering and accursedness, are simply affordable and within
everyone to express. Most people eagerly wish someone could draw closer to
them in situations by any way, brace them with peace and true health of mind.
But when it turns unfortunate with none to knockout the feelings of loneliness
and depression, there’s every chance that the mind becomes polluted and
saturated with thoughts of damnation and violence.

This book (SEEKING HUMAN KINDNESS) is a tool that gives a balance of

life. It touches every angle of tough and almost impossible ways of showing
kindness, especially the change of stereotype people who believes in the circular
ideas that are wrong about humanity. The need is required to cub and influence
them in a significant way and by reacting differently to their set of ideas. We can
stand together and fight against all sorts of Revenge, malice, domestic violence,
molestation and other obscene inclinations.

In this book of sparkling light, writers have shone the rays that prove true
essence of love and kindness in our societies and households, regardless of
Colors, Races, Religion, Ethics and Creeds.


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