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The Press

„.RTISI2«G ratss.

PV I '

Tenders or
WE Manufacture at our Factory in Christ-,
chnreh a Pure White Enamel whieh
dries with a beautiful hard gloss, and which
rP f(>rrins <o

ent?i C lines or
££*•. »• P er ,UCII-
under, 2a 6d each covers much better than most White Enamels.
X Gal. 18r, J-Gal. 8s Gd, J-Gal 4a Od, X
Pint 2s 6d, i-Pint (sufficient for a bath)
HftlATJO'J® 6d, and 6d

3 insertions 2b SLATTING WHITE for underneath,


additional six words or under. 2s per GaL Lesj>.

xittttt. UTIXE QUOD ETON HONESTUM. Buy Direct from Factory.
rOL'ND: JlsU'-inch or andor (With which 'is incorporated "Tho Telegraph." BRITISH PERM'NENT PAINT CO.,
l"jj esch and "The Evening News.") BRITISH PEBM'NENT PAINT CO.,

~WL, LXVII., NO. 20,284. PUBLISHED DAILY. Registered as a newspaper at the

Genera] Post Office in the United Kingdom,



: r<r«aardi)2.r;&gc«.
as»inst QJiJ imposition. To-morrow's The Last Day Of

I, a th»BtK-*tcJ
fiSW .
to *:iiJr» 01.' SECURING-
163 Hereford street.
. Sailings
'Phono 33-500.
Passenger Train
At The
PATIIER" s T.'-'.15 P.M.!
J A M E S' T HEAT R 13.
O'CLOCK and S P.M.!
Don't Hiss tlio Laughs •with




BIRTHS. Maori—Hon., Wed., Fri. 7.10 p.m. At The Edgar Wallace's Musical Thriller Will Be Opened At The Bristol
TitK' Hi)' A^lkJT AT Waliine—Tucs., Thurs., Sat. 7.10 p.m. /"I B Y S T A L l» A Ti A. C E. lidsar Wallace's Musical Thriller THIS MORNING AT 9 O'CLOCK.
WHERE 12 NOON I 2.30 P.M. 1 PLAZA.

No Second Express Mori., Wed., Fri. 8 P.M.!


K:..\wilo greatly reduced prices. LUXURIOUS COMFOK't'


gtV \' M BiU um»om.. ENSURES


Cblvcrt --



MODELS Reserves, Bristol or Regent, 34-616. YE J,LOW MASK

ja!y 4th, at s{akilia ' t0 il' Limited Quantity. Tamahine—From "Wellington, Mon., Wed.,

3 Sessions. 11 a.m. 2.30 p.m. 8 o'clock.
>JK?C H- "fc Tt l iri: 1
Fri., 3 p.m.; from Picton, Tuos., Thurs., SATURDAY NEXT SATURDAY MASK" H E 1 T K E R O Y A li

hl- ' ' Were ss.




!i - »* \Vai!»uri Ho>- EXAMEL EVERSHARP PENCILS (lied GOLF! GIRLS 1 GAIETY! Direction: J. 0. Williamson (N.Z.), Ltd.

FOR SYDNEY. and Starring

und Bhie).
Alonowai—From Auckland, July I-lth.
bu Wore 5i
Siilo lVlce 33 Ovi.
Marama—From Wellington, July 17th,
July 28tli.
Makura—From Wellington, July
Reserves, Bristol or St.'James', 35-820; CARROLL BUDDY ROGERS Commencing
Gents' .Modulo. Monowai —From Auckland, classes.)
3.lst. IT'S WONDERFUL! In the Gayest Comedy of Golf and Girls NEXT SATURDAY NIGHT
t;!ri,v V: 7l

ft Were 7s Cd.
Sale Price is. ISLAND TOURS
(Passengers in three

TO SUVA (Fiji), Nuku-

Uactic Hilarity iu a Beauty Parlour.
Reserves, Bristol or Theatre, "iMOS.
' -JCI2
that has reached'the Screen. It's the
"Worlufamous Musical Comedy,

**£« ft
»«U OTHEII COLOURED MODELS. Ladiea' alofa, Haapai, Vavau (Tonga), Apia Reserves, Bristol or Regont, 34-616.
and Gents' Models (0 Beautiful Colours). SCOTLAND YARD' BAFFLED JACK HOLT and DOROTHY REVIER r-O-L-L-Q-W T-11-R-U." J. C. WILLIAMSON, LTD.,
%W« Mr. (Samoa). ''
At The
Wore 15-s, 2'2a Cd, 27s Cd, 32s Cd. Tofua—From Auckland, July 13th, 11 a.m. TWO OUTSTANDING FEATURES A At Tlio Ideal Talkies

I'-Q-L-L-O-W T-11-R-U."
Present for the First Time in New Zealand
First Saloon Passengers Only. talkies J E STIC
DEATHS. Liberty3 P.U.I theatre T-11-R-U.''
- Salo Price Ilia, 36s £d, 22s 6d, 235. V E It Y BODY'S '' F-O-L-L-Q-W bt. John Ervine's Brilliant English
And every four weeks thereafter. And 7.30 P.M.I "

F-O-L-L-O-W T-H-li-U."
EYERSHARP CHECKING PENCILS. Red, Two Remarkable Sensations 13 NOON I 3.80 P.M.! S P.M.! Comedy Triumph
Creerr" ' u ow.


12N00X; 2.30 P.M.! 8 P.M.I
\\l - -
ENGLAND—- "TEN CENTS A DANCE" The Most Amazing Mystery Thriller
Tlio •' SV hi to Cargo" Of The Talkies.
You'll Thrill over the
Laugh at
Songs and Romance.
the Comedy and Situations
sr*j p- Kale Price 4a, 'with one box lcfills. (Via Suva, Honolulu, Victoria, S^ AKLtI: CHAN CARRIES ON"
. .



"CHARLIE "VKNGEANO E" Enjoy Every Bit of It.



Ohv'ia. Vlum, ,
7til "A'te

a, julv
LA.YK PAY-IX BOOKS. Don't rely on a Reserves. Bristol or "V B N G IS A N 0 E"
latu of fcouthbrids"; a^d Aoraugi—From Auckland, July 28. "A GENTLEMAN'S FATE" Majestic. 33-537. Reserves, Bristol, or Theatre, 36-021.
Reserves, Bristol or Theatre, 32-810. •

counterfoil, which yon generally lose. (Via Rarotonga, Tahiti, Sail Francisco.) Rpservt'B. Bristol or Liberty. 3iS-067.
«|y«n- , , ■, Get a Pay-In Cook and keep a trace of Maunr*nuiii—From Wellington, July lltli.
USED CAES FOB SALE, Which has been running continuously -i*
ymir depoaita. Sailings fortnightly thereafter.
. ~,

"We have one for your FOB SALE. TENDERS. HE AT RE ROYAL. for two years, and which, despite the
C Ut'.rv, t":-e dearly ban!: = London
yuaagut t,f B<*wm
a^'d j *<>»
The prices were Su <kl and 6a Cd. FOR CALCUTTA FROM NEW ZEALAND.
and xJJI&OV
Invincible Talbot, 5-seater saloon,
balloon tyres, 4-wheol barkes, latest
Direction, J. C. 'Williamson Films. financial depression, attracted record audi-
ences in Melbourne for over 10 weeks.
■lmbm. <i((Sn44«nly-)
174 Korlh road, 1
They now are 'Ja Dd and as 3d. Narbada (8088 tons) —January, May, OCf\-ST. charming
model. Perfect order Bargain. George Tench FARRIER, and WALKER, LIMITED.
gjpjf ACC'OUXT BOOKS. You olten want an iac- September. Limited passenger accommo- bungalow
—Oa Ju!. Sth '
W».y fipringston, Margaret bit/miier,
(" i l ' countv book a bir cheaper than the regu-
lar ones for special work. \.o have thorn
Carso at Bail.
KjTCHENETTE, just finiahod, aud con-
and England, Worcester street. 359 Cartage _ Contractors,
last day to-day
*• l»'e Alexander
Thompson; in FOR WELLINGTON —

tains everything of the latest. Electric ETHEL MORRISON

«ta yew-
—Day Book, Journal, and Minute Book.
They are good books and have years of
Ferry steamer daily II a.m.
range, 2 hot water sorvices, lovely bathroom. gABY AUSTIN SALOON. NANCY CARROLL IN "LAUGHTER." Thq brilliant New Zealand Actressy TV hp to-
life in them. "We are asking— A model kitchenette, with cupboards and NANCY CARROLL IN "LAUGHTER." turns to her own country after establishing
If,. NOW 3s Td. and 4b for them.
Kaliika (carf'o only)— July 9tb 0 a.m. bins. Sewer. Gargge. Section nicely laid
out, concrete paths." AN IDEAL HOME.
SEPARATE TENDERS are invited by
undersigned for tlio Purchase of: —
the NANCY CARROLL IN "LAUGHTER." herself as a great Actress in London, Neu
York, and Australia,
*Hirtf~!a I'j'iriff niemo'v ci hnc
Jaaius, DI'PLICA TING- PAPER, 13in x Sin. Just V 11.1'.. Metal Bod;'. d-Seater. (a) Bins, Elevators,
Electric Motors,

ob July 'Jtii, luyu. v.'hut, is needed for circularising mcmber3 FOR AUCKLAND. Pumps, etc., at White's Bridge
who love J : societies, lodges, etc. Specially stat- Waimarino (cargo only)—Aboiit July 1-3 til. AS PART PAYMENT. <h) Crusher REDUCED PRICES. •J- RXnVE. MARY MacGREGOR,
rea«ml>erc< l by ROGER BARRY

fcim. able fcr business circulars, as it can bo W. E. SIMES and CO. (c) Tractor REDUCED PRICES.
by hii lovinc mother and bruth«r.
signed in ink. Usuallyos 3d. Sale Price FOR SYDNEY, VIA TIMARU AND BLUFF.
Waikouuiti (cargo only)—About July 13th.
Very Small Mileage. (d) Motor Trucks
(e) Motor-cats HALL, TO-NIGHT (Thursday, Notable Artists.
■is Sd per ieam of -ISO sheots, or 10
ivam-s for 4ns.
OF 6 ROOMS and LARGE SUN BAL- (f) Stock of Shingle and Band JELLICOE
Bth), at 8 p.m., VOCAL RECITAL, Miss
Marian Woodhouse, L.R.A.M., and her Stu-
CASH RECEIPT BOOKS. A really good FOR NEW CONY, 80 x 9. Well built. A lot of' fit- (g) 2-Roomed House
•to a A J- . 'iTRIBUTE u j u u t t; S. s. line; if yau aro receiving; any payments Totura (cargo only)— July 10th. ments are built in. China cupboard®, side- Been Privatuly Owuod. Is in New Condition (h) Garage Accessories. dents. Admission by programme. Is each, "THE FIRST
L ?£<»BA you should have a book to give official board, and wardrobes Gas range, h. and o. and Perfect Moclianiual Order. at The Bristol and Webley's. Bookihg at
Tho Bristol. 454
In the meeting
Fraser's second
with Elsie {James
wife>, Janet (the
P'iSIQXS receipts. Were Is 6d. Sa'.a Price 6d each. servico, Doulton bath, and usual offices. Schedules supporting these assets may be first Mrs Fraser) is disgusted' at
*t Shortest Xoti

Oar SPECIAL PARCELS have had a won- Garage. Nice garden, over i-itcre. COM- Por full particulars— inspected and full information obtained upon the young woman's blatant boast of

from Esquitito Flower?. iRIEXT LINE TO LONDON. MANDS A MAGNIFICENT VIEW AND application 4u DANCES.
I dorlul reception. Have you secured yours her youth. "Everybody's mad about
32-900. GETS EVERY RAY OF SUNSHINE. Clona P. CLARKSON, the ypung," she says, "as if there'd

paox£ yet ? AUOIIA, -

2a IX TOE £ DISCOUNT OFF ALL GOODS to tmm stop. OWNER LEAVING CHRIST- SBI33PP Bos; 616, Christchurch. C/o. Hicks, Ainger, and Twyford, CLUB.
never been any young before.*' But!

T Ti AVE if
lfY Anunsb HO
TERMS. Would take smaller home on the
Professional Accountants,
162 Manchester street, M A L V E RANNUAL
Elsie insists that "there haven't
been any like us before. We're
ffcrUte. 123 ,tree^ l7gFp
WHITCOMBE ana TOMBSj LIMITED. Via Sydnev, Melbourne. Adelaide, Fremantle,
flit in exchange.
ltd.-s stocktaking sale Cliristcliurch,
With vhom Tenders elbse at 5 p.m. on
I a new sort of young."
Cashel street. Colombo, Suez, Port Said, Naples, Toulon, W. E. SIMES and CO., OP USED OARS AND
Gibraltar, and Plymouth. Auctioneers and Estate Agents, MOTORCYCLES. FRIDAY, JULY 17 th, 1931. DAK.FIELD MEMORIAL HALL.
The' Most Interesting of All Routes. 58035 Wo Publish Our Prices. or any Tender not necessarily
Thone 31-W4. accepted. SATURDAY, JULY 11th. A REAL LIVE PRODUCTION
ORAMA 20.000 H G. Staunton Julr 18 WHO WANTS A CHEAP OAK! Dancing 8 p.m. (sharp).
SHIPPING ORMONDE 14,853 L. .V. Jame3 Sept. 12 liere are Boraa snips we recommend: TO PROSPECTIVE MOTOR-OAU BUYERS. a! Real "Hot-dog" Supper. PRICES: Reserves 6s.
OtherPrices 4s, 2s 6d,'2s. All Flo* Taj.

tORSOVA 12.041 G. G. Thorne Oct. 10, ST. 3JARTINS. i?ORD Tourer ..

£ls Excellent Music. ,

FORD Van £ls
ORONTKS 20,000 FR. O'Sullevan Nov. Nov. 7
MAXWELL Tourer £2O TENDERS are invited by the undersigned, Admission 2s 6d. 4026 FLAN OPEN THIS MORNING.
OTRANTO 20,000 0 <3. Matheson '.l
BIUSOOE Tourer . .
. .
acting on behalf of the Trustees in
lakeu m
Qofl£g of Piotojr*i/li!>
, . . .
FAST PASS K.N GEIt VESSELS IN' TIIE CHAIN FRONTAGE, £2O an Assigned Estate for tlie purchase of
CHEVROLET Tourer—Economical, com-
fortable. Will carry 5 people ..
Ulilhtiifl in '"THE PEE SB" each Ist Saloon—From £lOl Single, £lB2
Class—From £39 Single, £7O Return.
I ~

STUDEBAKER Light Four Tourer; —

Body work in grey, upholstered in
Memorial Hall,
»ton Orchestra.
Manchester at. Bailey-Mar-
Tickets 6s Doable, 3s 6d
I Popular economy model .. £3O mohair _

Via Panama Canal ami Curacao. Tourist—From £4O Single, £72 Return. BUNGALOW, 0 Rooms nod Kitchenette, OAKLAND Tourer .. .. tapestry, 4-wheel brakes, balloon tyres, front Single. 480
iff, M» obtainable us application With Unsurpassed Accommodation. ' bathroom with porcelain bath and basin; all SCRIPPS-BOOTII-—ln quite good order,
and rear bumper bars, full equipment. Equal BANKRUPTCY.
All Fares subject to Exchange, which may i good-sized rooms. and economical to run. Comfortable £35
to ney,
having been driven only 7000 miles
Vessel. (Subject to Alteration.) be ascertained on enquiry. by an extremely careful private owner. PUBLIC NOTICES. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW' ZEA-
OVERLAND Tourer—A good ear for low
Sailing finally from
Return Tickets are interchangeable with LAND, HELD AT CHRISTCHURCH. ■

running costs .. £3O

gaKrv » 0 d HAH>. other lines upon adjustment ot faros. GRAY Tourer—Another economical car.
.. ..

Inspection can
ABSENTEE OWNEK. bo made at Messrs Adams,
t Photographers, *Raahine Wellington July 18th Write tor Illustrated Literature. E.L. and S.S. Tyres quito good, Limited, Garage, Tuam street, Christchurch. BRACKENFJELD HUNT. '
TT|ilK> tßbpgitata Wellington Aug. Xsth doing choap at • .. .. £SO tend to apply for an prder of Discharge
ooxnrcox chambers. tßangltane
Sept. 12th
Oct. 10th 9550 168 Hereford street. SOLDIER'S MORTGAGE OF ABOUT £675.
TALBOT DAKRACQ —Full-sized passen-
ger car, beautifully finished in red,
and only £SO
Tenders close on TUESDAY, the 14th
JULY, 1981, at 4 p.m. THEv
MEET advertised for Saturday, ■at
Ashley, is POSTPONED owing to the
wet weather. Hounds will meet at the
at the sitting of the above Court to be held
at Christchurch on Monday, the 17th day of
lis street,' Christchurcb. fßangitiki Wellington Nov. 7tb ..
gTUDEBAKER Light four Tourer
.. ..

Cross Roads, Fernaide-SwannanOa, on

August, 1931, at 10.15 a.m. •
•Ruahine AVellington Deo. sth The highest or any tender not necessarily i'ive 4633 J. H. ANDREWS.


1932 COOK and SON, PRICE Would make fine family car. Been SATURDAY, JULY 18th, and at AshWy on
•Mm «MM-
Wellington Jan. 2nd, rpHOS. well looked after during the time accepted.
SATURDAY, JULY 25th. Point-to-Point
tß'angitata we have had it in stock
WORLD-WIDE TRAVEL AGENTS. .. .. £SO at Fernside on AUGUST Ist.
•tNew- Motor-vessel, 17,000 tons. Not call- NOTHING CHEAPER OFFERING TO-DAY. BUIOK Pour Tourer .. £SO lIICKS, AINGER, and TWYFORD,

IIUPMOBILE Roadster—Smart-looking 162 Manchester street, *655 Secretary.

,-wd WILLIS ing at Curacao or Pitcairn Island.
H. W. HESLOP and CO. car. Newly finished, new hood, 46035'P Christchurch. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NSW ZEA-,
•Oil fuel. Calling off Pitcairn Island
'DBS Off, weather permitting. wire wheels, E.L. and S.S. Yours LANE'. HELD. AT CHRISTCHURCH.
[ON 6. tickets interchangeable with


.. ..

STEVENS Tourer—rA strong, reliable ha* been brought under my notice that a
Phone GJ-630, other lines on adjustment of fares. Those -who cannot spare the time car, well finished, iu good running or persons, in Bawarden have
person, ."M"OTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I in-
door imtnedi- for a lons holiday to Europe, etc., W"E REQUIRE PROPERTIES FOB SALE made certain slanderpus statements concern- tend to apply for an Order of Discharge
:ptred to pay
tCabiri class.
should apply for AS FOLLOWS:— order .. ..

STUDEBAKER Light Six Roadster—

.. £GO TENDERS, addressed to the General Mali-
nger, New Zealand Railways, feathers- ing me, without any foundation whatever. at the sitting of the above CQurt to' be held,
ia»d». For further particulars apply— these statements continue "I will jmme>
If at Christchurch on Monday, the 17th day of
R' Well finished, E.L. and S.S. Tyres tun street, Wellington, will be received up
"Sift' THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING WINTER HOLIDAY TOURS ICHirON'Jj NORTH, SHIRLEY, OR (food, sound engine £75 till noon on Friday, July 3i at, 1931,-:*<>£ the' lUatoly. taka,. Court--pxoceactin&a-asai&Bt the -August, at >


person or persons concerned.- ■

.. ..

COMPANY. LIMITED, WINTER HOLIDAY TOURS Tourer—rThis oar has been supply o! uniform caps and bate.'
.7.. - *624. M. B. ANDREWS.
*r» Theatre). >'
GOJ?.P,' Hereford street, Ghristchureh, WINTER HOLIDAY TOUKB pewly finished and has a very good Speciflcations, etc., *»»}• be obtained from JOHN JENKINS.
'Mr -'M7288 0 TO e-EOOMED BUNGALOWS. A real sporty model Hororata.
: '
WINTER "HOLIDAY TOURS appearance. the Railway District" Storekeepers at Otahuhu. .

and only .. ..
£75 Addington. and Hillside, and from the Comp-

troller of Stores, Railway Buildings, Feathers- APOLOGY TO MR T. MARKER.


a-STOREY BUNGALOW, C TQ 8 ROOMS, each. ton street, Wellington. T WISH it to be known that remarks made


COMP4NY. LIMITED. AT FKOM £2OOO TO £3OOO. FIAT Roadster—A (smart little model, . Samples of uniform cops may be inspected by me, which may be construed IN THE SUPREME COIJETDP" NEW ZEA-
(|?-633. AUSTRALIA, with plenty of economy. Engine at the above-mentioned offices.
to reflect
on the character of Mr Marker, are herewith LAND.

and Commercial Cases, HONOLULU, boon checked over. E.L. and S.S. £125 Envelopes containing tenders are to be unreservedly withdrawn, and I wish to apolo-
Gut* Timber for Sheds, *MATAROA July 28 From Wellington JAVA. 11. W. HESLOP and CO., marked on tlie outside "TENDER FOR UNI- gise for having made them. J. 0. SMITIt. "VrOTIOE IS HEREBY "GIVEN "that Frank
ijJ'ovifoimi, and Fencing, Also, TAINOI Sept. 1 From Wellipgton JAPAN". 778 Colombo street, Victoria square. MOTORISTS CAN SAVE MONEY FORM CAPS." Tho lowest or any tender 4- 1
A-v Otto Gilbert Mathjespp. ■ 181 Lin&n}(i,

20 Wellington
Building Materials kept in CORINTHIO Oot. From Telephone 31-180. H4IS7 AT ADAMS LTD. will not necessarily be accepted, and tele- road, Ohristchnrch, flOs day .

n are eat by onr np-to-date TAMAROA Nov. 17 From Wellington A NtOiNETO®'' iWf* adjudged Bankrupt; aim ,1 Hprefiy jjjußimtHi

graphic tenders will not be entertained.

mi promptly. 'Pbona 87-683. lONIC Dpc. 15 From Wellington WRITE OR CALL. Ist GRADE PETROL 11. H. STERLING. ■£*■ having '..toinformspr mapy patrons a Meeting-of Creditors'to be holden,-»V my
RBOSB MATAROA Jan. 12 From Wellington IS SELLING AT Is 9d PER GALLON, 4607 General Manager. that owing to every table having been re-, office, Government Departmental
TAINUI Feb 9 I.From Wellington. IHO 8. COOK and SON. served fey. supper to-night, our room will Worcester street, on i joe
150 HEREFORD STREET, TO PHOTOGRAPHEBS. MOTOR-CYCLES: not be open to the Philip. 22nd day of JULY, 1981, at 16.80"o'clock.-
MONDAY, JUNE 15th, We have a large selection of all popular
wi«»e Travel io England via Panama Canal,greatest whtca CHRISTOHURCH.
makes of Motor-cycles. Prices all down to
SO4FP . "ANTOINETTE.'* Pated at Christchurch thlssth',day of
July, 1931.

is 4esc»ibed as one of the world's Deverenx Wholemeal Bread now

. .

bedrock. Small deposits, easy terms. G.

procurable 'Wilkinson's, 564 Colombo
ÜBES ((all-frown). '"passengers TO DNJTBD STATES CAN HALF-PRICE FOB QUICK SALE. < street. • 4825 Official
OCT MATERIALLY INCREASING COST OR 154 High street and 219 Tuam street. TIIENDERS. closing 4 p.m. on date shown, City and Suburbs. Sing Campbell's
|#4 sojr, ltd., A QUANTITY OF BROMIDE PR CITING 01170 -*•
and returnable to the Secretary, Pub- Quality Bakery, tll-899. WRESTLING.
Mi Moorhouse avenue, TO CANAL ARE NOW rrUREWOOD BLOCKS (dry), 7 BAGS /V PAPER AND A NUMBER OF lic Works Tenders Board, Wellington, pre 480
Cbrifltchurch. FIRST-£sfs, CABIN £4O, THIRD £23 (PLUS .1? -10s 6d; HALF-CORDS, 21b. Delivered.
invited for the supply of—
No. 716.^—rlrpn Standards. 21.7.81. vertised OXitiiß
Devereux Wholemeal Depots ad-
later. Ring Campbell's Qual "

TEI AiTEE. XffrtstliiMr

YORK AND APPROXIMATE COST. IN- 3i Wftinxak road, Quotation forms may be obtained from Pub- ity Bakery, 'pheae 81?80?T ' 486 G I VIO



CLUDING HOTEL EXPENSES AT Uai'pwoodL lic Works Offices, Nelson, Christcl%ch,
ACCOUNTS Promptly and CANAL, supplied on application. Day or Night. M6537 15 x 12, Criterion, Hart} LOW PRICED. the Stores Manager's Office, Wellington. 4606 MONDAY NEXT,- Wrestling
'Phonte 23-Ot>7, At S p.m. ' WreetUttg
Handled by Experts. OUR All Steamers have Cinemas. 15 x 12, Criterion, Ordinary. LOW PRICED. MEETINGS.
10 PER CENT. AND For full particulars apply to: FOR SALE. (In Packets of I Doz. Each.) LOW PRICED. TENDERS. » ■ Wnsetling
I to oat charge a yearly DALGETY and COMPANY,
LTDm ynd JpiREWOOD 10 x 8, Rajah. Vigorous. PROFESSIONAL ' Wrestling
pCollecting. WE KELY

5/3 10 x 8, Rajalit Normal. that goes to mako a Motor- mENDERg are invited for the Erection of LEAGUE.
BESULTS. CO. OF N.Z. LTD. ' 3 Large Sacks Pino Blocks JM ear really worth while is embodied ia J. HOUSE at Ashburton. Tenders KABA PASHA Wrestling

m for Particulars. S Large S>acl{s Bluegum Blocks 6/8 10 s 8, Criterion. Ordinary. these Used Gars—new paint—clean uphol- The Rt. Hon. J. G. Coatee, "The Terrible Turk," Wrestling
10 x 8, Criterion, Hard. i>.m. FRIDAY, JULY 10th, at my

4/6 close 3
Ciftt' STEAMERS. 3 Large Backs Willow Blocks ..

stery—line running engines. The knid of cars office. Leader of the Reform Party, Yerau* Wrestling
p and O. ROYAL HAIL Delivery. (In Half-gross Packet*.) \

(COLLECTINGAGENCY. Prompt that assure lasting satisfaction.


'Phone 37-738. 1/1. Criterion. Ordinary. Will address STANLEY PINTO Wraeiling
SM»4 1P2»),
SFOBD STREET. Tq London, via Colombo, Egypt, Marseilles;
301 ST. ASAPH ST. *
J/l, Criterion. Hftrd. A Meeting of Party Supporters "The Nebraska Madeat." (
. Wrestling
1/1, Criterion, Soft. RUGBY Touring "Car, five-seator, with Duplex
C.A.A, Rooms, 151 Worcester street, ttt=- i Wi*etling
'Pbone 31-413.) alternately at Bombay, Aden, Port Sudan, Gib- SALE, roll-up sjde-cUTtains, good mechanical conr Preceded by Interesting "Wrestling
FIREWOOD, ETC., FOR (In Gross Packet!!.) .
raltar, Plymouth. Sailing as under:—
Pino, 3 bags 5s 3d; Dry Pipe. 6 bags
dition; tyres •

first-class, and fitted with SATURDAY, JULY 11th) 8 P.M. Amateur Boqte. .Wrpatling

From From
Sydney. Melbourne
10s; Dry Pine, 12
bftgs fl-

A very good car for £75

4659 All Tickets and Reserves at
Lange's, Tobqocoiiut, ■ : United
Tons. . 1931 model Touring Car, •jpirRESNOW" Service Bruldiiig.

Chitral 15,248 Aug. 7 Aug. 11 1036 4.22, Selwyn street, Spreydon. 1/1 Plate, Imperial S.S. good condition, recently painted cream; EDUCATIONAL. Admission; 7s 6d (Reserves),
' » Wttetling
pi COLLECTING AGENCY. LTD. Tifaloja 21,000 Aug. 21 Aug. 25 fj Plato. Imperial Eclipa«.
very economical, and smart appearance £SO PROTECT LIFE AND PROPERTY.

13,000 Sept. 4 Sept. 8 FIREWOOD FQR SALE. S.S.B. 5s and 2s foil pins tax). Wrestling
per i Plate, Imperial
*SO-tO6, 213 Manchester street. tComorm Sept. 18 Sept. 22 WOOD, 8-inch, bone dry, bag MAXWELL Roadster, with colonial-built ■ 1880
jMflli <■■»". No Charge. Mongolia
16,596 Oct. 2. Oct *

Is 6d; PINE W9OD, 8-inch, bone
dry, u/4 Plate, Imperial S.S.
(In Boxes of 1 Doz. Each.) three-seater body, engine and tyres good,
finished with first grade English leather
Best for Petrol. Oil, Tar, and *ll Fires.
NRt'lf flf tnU plus postages,
Calls Hobart. fCalls Bombay".
class 7
bags 10a 6d.
Carrying: 4s 6d an hour.
Apply upholstery; detachable* wire wheels. A N.Z. Agents:


*P, and 0- Branch Steamer (one bargain for £SO P. F. MANN, LTD., Resultft
Candidates Prßsantea-r-Sl Passed.
qnly) in Royal Mail Programme^ 'PHONE 32-803. Any Time.
Secretary. H 4167 STORES DEPARTMENT, 212 tyadrfrs street, ChristchurcK, Intermediate lixam. (Shorthand 130, Type, c\HRISTCHUKCH HUNT CLUB.
FARES FROM LYTTELTON— "The Press" Office, FORD COUPE, In first-class order, full bal- •Phone 35-386. • ' M6540
writing 50 words perminute)—lst Ihaci
Second Saloon. I B E W Q O D.
First Saloon.
Single from £lO4, Single from £BB
Return from £154
J! S-cord Delivered.
'65)6H Christchureh loon
finished in first grade velour
smart appearance. Don't
N.Z. prder of Merit list.
Senior Exam (Shorthand 110, Typewriting
WEeT.|iO*ES, AND WALLS Return from 4!182 Drr Sin Pine Blocks, 85s miss this at LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES. 40 words per minute) —10 Candidates To be held at WAKAfTfJI, ASHBUBTON,
•Hll BTANPAUP CREOSOTE presented, Successful, (2nd Place Can- JUL? 18tfi.

Single from £4O, peturn itoju £72. Delivered, Chopped kindlmg *oodreadjfor terbury Order of Merit list),
will ensure HEALTHY INSURANCE. CHALMERS TouHny Car, five-seater, good First Race' commencing 1.80 £ ; m. ~s
R.M.S. MONGOLIA »od MOLDAVIA exclus- use, 2s mechanical condition, good tyres, electric LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICE. junior Eiagi. (Shorthand 80, Typewriting SO Nominations elbso with
ively "TOURIST." 3 7
> are made in New Zealand All fares subject to exchange.

For Any Kind of
light and starter.
A sound car to go any-
EVIDENCE haying" been furnished of the
loss of Certificate of Title Volume 817
words per minute) —22 Candidates pre*
sentpd, 21 Successful, IS securing places llth.
J. COCHRANE, Secretary,
• ..,

I'Wfcter™ sow
DALGETY and CO., LTD., in the First Division.
Agents, Cathedral square. folio 198 (Canterbury Registry) for 4 acres The above represented more than ONE* 69 Havelock street, Ashbnrton. .

FIRE 'Phone 663. ASK


' , 06 FLOOR STAINS-rVarnishes

\ •
10 perches or. thereabouts situated in Blocks THIRD, the total number of Passes in the
L" ftWBtWMII? Low Prices K8036 VARNOLINE
and| Stains One Operation—dries over-
night; all colours, i
OF INTEREST TO COUNTRY STORE- 11. and 111., Southbridge Survey District,, Senior and Junior Exams.
being Lot 5 part Df Reserve 207 WHEREOF Thorough and Individual Tuition in all
KEEPEBS. NELLY MARTHA NIELSEN of _ Lakeside Commercial subjects at' the Day and Even- CHIROPRACTORS^
and High
INSURANCE,., apply to
Married Woman is registered proprietor, and
application having been made to me for this
ing Classes ■ .
Coaching for Matriculation,,etc, CHIROPRACTIC AND X-RAY.
TA3I E 8




READY I'OR THE issue of a new Certificate of Title in lieu street Terta commences atany time, 69 Worcester M.
Hairnets; Saddle Horses Hired,
ROAD thereof I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that it is plication.
my intention to issue such new Certificate of
West. Tel; 32-510. Prospectus tin Ap-
w (Momber N.Z. and At}B*. Chito-

practor Assn.. Inc,),


tAH, Teetbiug; Sporting and WELLINGTON, WAN&ANUI, PICTON. Reg*nt Theatre Bti|ldifigs (next 6.P.0.).
C»»b Buyer Ferrets. House
{Taking cargo for Blenhsim, Sedrlon, and RUGBY TRUCK, complete with Title accordingly at the expiration of four?
con- All Latest Methods.
Ltt. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Word.) saloon type body and cab. with squab back teen days from the date of the Gazette rpHE "IRIS EDMONDS'' SCHOOL OF Hours, 9 to 6. Friday Evenings,- 7 ,to 8.

W taining this Notice.

S.S. GALE—SATURDAY, 11th mat, and upholstered cushion. This truck is only A danciing.

PVXE, GOULD, GUINNESS, LTD., 15 months ol'd, has 4-wheel brakes, electrio DATED at the Laud Registry Office, Christ- 'Phpne 81-glO- O^S73fP
TKUBCOTT. Chief Agents, church, this 2nd day of July, 1931. Character. Operatic, Classical, Ballet,
(Taking cargo for Blenheim,
Seddon, and
light and starter; first-class body, with roll-
up canvas sidep and rear quarter; drop tail-
A. L. B. ROSS, Tap, etc,
Way to Health—Lateit Pain-

Ward.) ENTITLED TO Onr. Cash el and Manchester streets, door, mechanical condition excellent through- 4610 District Land Register. less Methods.
IfPIpIT merchants. "
Chrletchurch. out. All good tyros. A real bargain at—-
All the Latest English Dances, finder the
supervision of DEfilsON£> DAY :1931Qulck-
JAMES YOtJSg (Ohir<&r«<itor),
Cathedral Chambers, Square.
PERSONAL. step, Diagonal Wilts, Slow Fox-tret, Six- Honrs: Orl, 2-6, Friday,-7?8-nji|, 'FhoB«~
M »m,^ »E 88. piodel, with very smart platform body and Eight. French Tango, 1931 Blues. 31-919. Consultation Free. v

SHAREBROKEBS. cab, fixed sides, and drop-tail door, with ,' Y8096
Canterbury'* ACCOUNTANTS &
As I have nothing to hide, coma
World'# Finest Wines and
Spirits. Sole agents for
Telephone number: 36-301 (three lines).
leading 4aily. has
only the
canvas-covered top.
new tyres,
All practically
Engine transmission, etc., m FRANK— to Auntie Hilda's and I will explain
Private and Class Lessons by Appointment.
Ballroom Class every Wedneß ft p.«u
Adult Tap-Class every' Thursday, 7.80 pm.. CHEMISTS* ■
4m# Lines. Ohristchurch reallygoad condition, ready for the road. _

largest circulation in INCOME TAX RETURNS.

, s
W-542, Al) Departments, ONLY £ioo 503 ; bill,
' but in
surrounding districts,
Q9OS7 WELLINGTON, NEW PLYMOUTH, WAI- ana JL> LOSS ACCOUNTS prepared for FAR- F anxious or uncertain about health, your D. F. GLANVILLB, M.P.5.1.. Fh,C.,
KATO, AND DARGAVILLE. addition to this it is delivered to
thousands more people in the Country MERS, TftAfiERS, »nd COMPANIES. I
write Mailorder Druggists, Box 531,

Advice and listß free. Sup (trained and certificated by Mrs Wordsworth,
S.S. TEKS, Districts than the next paper. F. 11. fcABATT, F.P A. (N 25.}, WE HAVE A LARGE RANGE OF pHers of all reliable remedies and hygienic London),
has recently arrived from Engljjnti, YTQUR inspection is invited of tq JSzten-
not only Inglis Buildings, Corner Cfishel and High GARS TO CHOOSE FROM AT PRICES necessities,
and will hold Classes for Qhti(iren, lEcludißg ■ft sive Selection of Higk-clggs
*TJJ JJ n 2J PIPE It, TUESDAY', JULY 14tb. Advertisers, therefore,
streets, Ctiristeharch. IrROM £lO.
Call and let us show you our
reveals the Rut;; Gmner revived sygtyin if ftreea REQUISITES. Patrons are at all times
liINSEY and CO., LTD., roach the largest number of
through "THE PRESS." but what
•Phone 30-817. L 4063 plan.
and enquire about our easy purchase future.
for tree chart for yours.
Send stamp,
Dance, at SELWYN, 105 Pspanui. road, alscj
2414 at HICCARTOS TOWN HALL.froaaAprfl
assured of efficient Mrvice a&d
<H'BI AND FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS. Agents, Bos 518. Auckland. Prescriptienii aflourately dispensed from
K57.10 160 Hereford street. is gven more important Just AMUR I MOT OK, S*. LTD., 18th. "The Latest
purest drugs. : CITY PRICES.
they reach the people wjth the etp., as now danced in the West
a-a?* 47toMil Friday, 10 a.m. to 13 Nelson,
mapua,' motueka, west- pjir;
G EOROK G-. TOWNSEND, AMURI MOTORS, LTD., FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS. Rhythm, End Clubs and Ballrooms of London, will be 'Phono 33-663. G4092
f j>.». Or by appointment. PORT, AND GREYMOUTH chasigg power, and who have money F.1.A., N,Z., A.P.A. N.Z. AMURI MOTORS, LTD.,
by Miss Edgar intl her partner

(Taking Cargo for Waiotapp, Colljngwoad, advertised AMURI MOTORS, LTD., demonstrated
Tarakehe, and Holfitika). to spend on the articles ACCOUNTANT, AUDITOR, COMPANY SALE. before every Adult Class For prospectus LOST AND FOUND.
'">W Knox Church. in its columns. This great
Durham street, Christchurch Ilam road. Riccarton.
SATURDAY, JULY 11th. ol subscribers read "THE PRESS" COMMERCE BUILIiING,
M. GOSNEY, 274 Stamnore road, ■ . -.134184
T OST, Probably corner of Durham and
Latest Cargo, 4 p.m. Friday. because of its outstanding
appeal 187-9 HEREFORD ST.

Furniture Manufacturer and Upholstery •Li Tuam streets, Attache CASE, contain-


Repairer. 'Phone 33-665. G4071 dancing—miss t. simp-
Ballroom ■ ing Baby's Clothes, Camera, and Htuisbagv
BULT KINSEY and CO., LTD., T8144 son has resumed teaching the latest Finder rewarded on returning > to - Ford
«OC6TON M.I.S.cU. (by Agents, A Selling medium of unequalled WHO SELLS IT. 8675 Ballroom Dances, including Midway Rhythm, Motors. Twam qtreet. ' , : 478
£"»*t .W»«lon), M.N.A.C., also Lon- Hereford street. producer of sales and HOME FURNISHERS. etc. Private Lessons arranged, classes bow
J. t non a K from Eminent JGuS
' '
160 power—a
3 builder ot goodwill -"THL REMOVAL NOTICE. ' /"
forming. Interviews: At 277 Barbadoes
yesterday afternoon, by-a one-armed
unemployed man, -ONE £lO NOTE in
Moderate e£tt,oArai
Pees. ' Cathedral

Nelson, motueka, and Wel-


street from 11 a.m., or 'Phone.

59768 the yloipily if Railway Station,

"Phone -J7-253
a u
i. t
(Taking cargo lor Waiotapu, ColHugwaoc], 'and means of reaching easily tb? most
through one paper tu the
AND AUDITOR. rpilE approach of Spring brings withBuyit Estimated
> STEKJNG. Down Quilts
Free. Carpets
and Curtain jITULVANY GlteY School
i'J- Drama, and Mime. All branches of
of D#nce,
avonue, and Addington Saleya'rds,. Good re-
yard. Apply tor address this o<Bee. 500

Mapua.) buyers
Has Removed his Offices to ~X better values and greater demand. Hero Material at Wholesale Prices. Call at TWO £5 NOTES, Pqst OSloe, Simare,
Graduate AMcrieati Col.
Pj»., U.g.A., late of
wealthy Canterbury market at ode
| your Used'Car now, at winter's price,
Piscine and Speech Tra,imng. Friday Even?
Ballroom Cl«a|; fpgciaflj reduced fees
LOST, or westwards. Reward. T.8.P..
S.S. KUKU, minimum cost. EPWORTB CHAMBERS, 176 JBEREfORO are some values that we know p-re unbeat- BLIND FACTORY, ii?g "Press."
jWf Sydney, MONDAY, JULY ISUi. able 'Phone 33-01 S. 593 Colombo street. Girls' Natural Mbiremßnt, !3&turdfcys; Bob-
wieiALisT. W W To¥ a#4 QQ. "THE PRESS" is owned *nd
Goraer Manchester street. U2 HUP Tourer .. £2O 84160 blies <|*eek, Wednesday Afternoons, Boys' LOST, by working boy,
m *nd motor-cycle

Treatment. 'Phones. 52-600 Lyttelton: 35-483 Christr KBOSI

""" --- -- -

6UJCK Six Tourer -£35 and Girls' Ballroom, Friday, 5 o'clock. In- license. Applv
"**•#l W., Cbristcburch. controlled in Ohristchurch in the W.S.P., "Press." Yob

church. TBQ7Q FORD Ton Trucl? • • »» ' £45 terview any time. Studio, 98 Victoria street,
*#•B p.m. H4095 interests of Canterbury people, WOLSEY Roadster £6O
PAINTS 'Phone 83-717. . M656S



—Under the Postal Regulation* Cor FORD Coupe, wire wheels protect and beautify, anß defy
q. CL E An Y 0 Q., NOTE »11 XUPQUXfDEp.


reßpondcnce addressed to A Nom-de CHEv. Tourer, long spring .. £BS weather conditions.' N.Z. manufacture. iSANCING Deportment, Calisthenio Exer?
LYTTELTON. Plume, Initials, or Number tp oars o> an; RUOBY Sedan SIO6
.. -- 1/ cises Under Boyal and- Vice-Regal
TMPOUNPEP at Bafc&la Publia Pound, one
Post Office will NOT be forwarded from RUGBY Sedan, late model -ISO 867§D SMITH and SMITH, LIMITED. patronage. Mjss rgpijmgi aU fgl

office of pastiqp, Advertisers who dp QOt from June let- Fox Trot, Modern Haek GELDtNG, aged -about' 12,
GRAIN AND PRODUCE GRADERS. desire their carats arid addresses ROYDS MOTORS, MJftTED, Walts, and One Step taught in three private long
i tail *

If not claimed and expenses,

7/6 Silk Stockings for 200 I.X.L.
lUPSBIAL institute
U supplied Under Warrant Agents Lyttoltou Ferry Lauuebes may hove replies
addressed care "The
All such replies wilt bo forwarded
311 Csshel street,
87 Manchester trtoi. Washing .Powder Wrapper*. Superbus lessons. LOWE, FREE
At home Friday afternoon*; MISSS
41 Worcester L4J3O
lie sold :on July Sist, at
' •
. *"

«wily. QUILL, AIORaiS, BSOiO (]tfC Hriair,buT*€K-

' "--6 street. 50S
ffl>nitekt<»b. QO4SO TELEPHONE: 87 : 20tt. 05489 te> adTvrtimr* peorajit'y.
' * /

Why suffer the STAFF BALL.


anxiety of WOMEN'S CORNER At the firm's Becond annual ball held

at Dixieland last night, members of the
Falling Hair The Ladv Editor will be pleased to receive for publication
in the "Women's Corner" items of social, or personal news.
staff of Messrs Dray ton-Jones, Ltd.,
spent a happy evening dancing to the HEREFORD COURT
Such itemS should be fully authenticated, and engagement music of Margaret Mi(ldleton*s orches- P6769
A weakened, stifled scalp needs the
notices must bear tho signatures of both parties. Correspond- tra, their spirits undamped by heavy
special ingredients deluded in A maim

Silks 41
ence i« invited on any matters affecting, or of interest to, vain outside.
to fttd each hair root, tone the scalp, women.
burnish the hair and prevent exctst of The members of the .dance committee LADY BLEDISLOE'S
grease or dryness. were Miss W. Gilpin (hon. secretary).
Misses B. Wilkins, E. Oummings, and ADDRESS.
AMAMFS 47 E.iHornsby, Messrs D. Tapper, C. Shep-
herd, and W. H. Inkster, end Mr A. S.
Drayton was their guest of honour. Dur- A FARMER."
ingredients ensure Mrs Willcs .(•ISt.-jjiaiKl), who has beau ing the evening songs were sung by Mr
in Wellington with her brother, Sir It. S. Andrews.
a HEALTHY SCALP -Beaton Rhodes, has returned to
G'hristchureli, and is staying at War- The Green and Gold Ball, the annual
Others present were Mesdames E. E.
Drayton, T. Jordan, M. Fletcher, S. An-
I am very glad to be here to-day to
wick House. dance of the Christchurch Technical open your conference partly because 1
There are drews, W. D. Pearston, K. G. Archer. am myself the wife of a farmer, and
The Victoria Leaigue's quarterly "At College, was held last night at the S. Stewart, G. L. Bull, W. Sisson, Misses
special Ama- Eva Taylor, Lavinia Dixon, N. Whit- partly because I am most heartily in
mi Shampoos Home" will be held in Jellicoe Hall on Winter Garden, where a large gather-
for Blondes Wednesday, July 15th, when a play will ing of young people, undeterred by the tington, M. Austin, E. Eeed, I. Crysell, sympathy with your philanthropic ob-
and for be read by Professor J. Shelley. G. Thompson, E. English, Iris Horriott, jects—namely, the alleviation of the
wintry weather condition, spent a very
Brunettes. Mrs Algar Williams, who has been K. Adams, M. Bobbins, C. Bobbins, E. lot of women oil the farm lands of this
AnamiNo. x enjoyable evening dancing to the music Jackson, Mary Syme, Colleen Costello,
with henna visiting her brother in Timaru ana of the Baiiey-Marston Orchestra. Amelia Dasler, Maude Mather, Phyllis Dominion (especially those in the back-
for brown Mrs J. M. Barker at Woodbury, left Balloons of gay colours and novel- blocks), the broadening of their out-
for Wellington last night. Blackmore, Phyllis Gardiner, Ehona look, and the enrichment of their livos PIN SPOT MAROCAIN, the newest
hair. ties of all kinds were distributed Cummings, 11. and M. Salt, Bobbie
AmamiNo. 5 In the Jellicoe Hall, to-night, Miss amongst the guests* and an exhibition Schluter (Kangiora), JesSie Shepherd, A. with some interests outside the exact-
for fabric for Afternoon Frocks. In
with camo- Marian Woodhouse and* her students dance by Mr and Mrs Leo Bowden was Smith, Nellie Eeed, Lillian
ing humdrum duties of housewife and in new designs and colourings, Black ground with White pin spot.
Afternoon Frocks. 38in wide ■
mile for lair. will give a vocal recital. A particularly Ayling, mother in isolated rural surroundings.
enthusiastically encored. Thelma Grant, Carleen Cos, Joy Wes- Iti these words her Excellency Lady 38in wide—
Ask w see the new good programme has been arranged, and The members of the executive were ton, Madge Mallinson, Audrey Drury, Bkdieloe opened the conference of the Usually 12/6 yard j/f | Usually 9/11 yard AI %%
Amand Manicure the hall will be comfortably warmed. Miss I. V. Agassiz (president), Misses
SALE PRICE yard ■§/
* *
Barbara Pilgrim, Eita Bultitude, Sybil Women's Division of the New Zealand
Set, 1/- The Wellington Branch of the M. B. Eobertson, F. M. Haworth, and Tapper, Ethel Clark, Betty Tapper, R, Farmers' Union at Wellington on SALE PRICE yard Ǥ/ Aft
British Bailors' Society will complete Mr W. Hughes (vice-presidents), Misses Montgomery, Eileen' Mallouk, Dorcas El- Proceeding, her
its 21st year of work in Welling-
Tuesday morning.
Givt your ton to-day, and to celebrate this anni-
C. A. Powell, K. Clayton, M. Bailey, som, Doris Underwood, Doris Eawlings, Excellency said that just as the wel- CREPE FELIX, a heavyweight
fare of New Zealand was bound up
Georgette, in plain shades for
Messrs A. Haworth, F. T. J. French, R. Lynda Constable, Marie Wool ley, Nan
• lonic with versary a meeting will be held in the Longstaft", E. Turner, with Mr C. San- Wallace, M. Robertson, Eileen McCarthy, with the welfare of its farmers, so FIGURED CREPE SATIN, a purs
Evening wear. Coral, Sky, Peach,

Town Hall in the evening, at which derson as honorary secretary, Miss M. they, as women, could justly claim silk fabric for evening wear. In

then* Excellencies D. McLeod, Phyllis Fletcher, Alma
Creme, Jade, Pink, Navy, Ivory,
tho Governor-
General and Lady Bledisloe will be Christian, assistant honorary secretary, Stewart, D. Seymour. that the comfort, efficiency, and physi- pretty designs and colourings. 38uj
and Miss •A. Ilughcs, honorary cal well-being of the farmers depended Black, etc. 38in wide- 16/6 yard
present, and . liis Excellency will give
treasurer. largely, if not mainly, upon the health wide—Usually ••

«d. P«t udiet, from «0 ChwnttM

HiMOii SfaußpoMsod
an address.
The new post of H.M. Inspector ot
Physical Exercises has recently been
Miss Agassis* wore a becoming frock
of mignonftte green faille, convention-
ally patterned i» small design; Miss
WOMEN IMPRESARIOS. and happiness of their womenfolk. This
their organisation was out to provide
in full and increasing measure, with
Usually 9/11 yard
SALE PRICE yard 4/11 SALE PRICE yard

Royds 4 created by the Board of Education in Haworth wore a graceful frock of white MR projects of practical sympathy and
the British Civil Service. Miss M. G. HUGO LARSEN'S VIEWS. utility and —what was of such supreme
georgette and lace, the tiny yoke and FIGURED GEORGETTE AND
Grey is the first holder. There will be
more women than men in tho inspec- the long skirt being of lace, while the
importance— without loss of self-re-
spect or self-confidence on the part of MOUSSELINES, in pretty colour- 4 pieces only SILK MOIRE, in shades
torate, the proportion being eight to bodice, narrow belt with diamente "She must have charm, personality, those who benefited from them. As ings for day and-evening wear. 38in
of Green, Peach, Turquoise ant
MEW STOCK two. Women inspectors will receive buckle, and the coatee- with white fur brains, and a business capacity," said they truly said in appealing to women Nile. 36in wide—
ARRIVING TO-DAY £3OO rising to £SOO per annum, plus collar and cuft's, were of georgette; Miss who liveel 011 the land to join their
wide—Usually 12/6 to 16/6 yard
Mr Hugo Larsen, the impresario, now Usually 9/11 yard
bonus, and the men's scale will bo from
£SOO to £9OO, plus bonus.
The friends of Sister D. Herrick,
Christian wore a sunset crepe de chine
frock with bow at the waist and hem
of narrow lace; Miss M. Bailey wore a
in Wellington, to the "Dominion"
yesterday on being asked about the
many successful women impresarios
movement, "There is no limit to, the
good that can be achieved by co-opera-
tive effort." In these days of economic
4/11 SALE PRICE yard
late of Christchurch Hospital, and for- frock of heavy apple green lace with crisis, when it was so hard to wring
•PHONE 32-284. found in the United States of America. a living from the soil, it was especially
ir.erly matron of Chatham Islands Hos- spray of cherry-red velvet leaves on the ALLOWED, DURING THE
pital, will be interested to hear that skirt, and a coatee of apple green "If she enters into any concert com- true that they wore all dependent one
on the ntho.r. It was this community
she_ has spent 18 months in South nnro'ir velvet; Miss Clayton wore a pany management for her training she BY MISS WILLCOI
FOOT SPECIALIST. Africa, six months in Durban, six in dainty frock of ivory lace. will quickly become absorbed in the spirit which was so splendidlv charac- SALE PERIOD, ON DRESSMAKING CHARGES
Maritzburg, and the last six in The guests of honour were Br. and teristic of the best type of New Zoa-


MOVED PERMANENTLY BY NEW AND Johannesburg. During her stay in
work, and her capacity will soon re- land woman, and which was doing so
Mrs D. E. Hansen, Mr and Mrs H. A. voal itself," said Mr Larsen. much—by act 3 of tjuiet self-sacrifice
PAINLESS METHOD. Fcr Bunions, try A. Maritzburg she saw some very interest- Kirby, and the American debaters, "Of course, to launch out on a big
SC. EVANS. Foot Specialist. 'PHONE 41-017, ing native life in the back and thoughtful sympathy, to ease the
or call, Warden's Building, Casiiel street. coiintrv,Messrs David G. Wilson, Roger A. tour with a brilliant artist needs wide lot and brighten the life of many a
travelling many miles. On May 2oth Pfaff, and Robert T. Miller. vision, and, incidentally, monetary
" E4l-t0 hard-driven member of their sex and
Sister Herrick had a very interesting backing,, but to a woman with courage roP

Others present were Mesdames S. mother of those who would hereafter

flight to Cape Town, under perfect

and determination all things are pos-
Write to flying conditions, for a distance of
nearly 1000 miles, landing at Tvimbor-
Vine, Robert Venning, W. B. Grade, K
Howie, Leo Bowden, Misses -F. Vivian,
Dorothy Smith, Doris McLeod, Pearl
"Lucrezia Bori, the famous Spanish
bear the burden and enjoy the privi-
leges of the British Empire—strugg-
ling bravolv against world conditions
ley and Beaufort West aerodromes. She

operatic soprano, has Maud Winthrop for which she was in no way respon-

The Mail Order left Cape Town on June 28llr for Eng-
land. Sister Roper, who went with
Hegarty, Elsie Smith, Alice Fairthorn,
Florence Downing, Doris Swanston,
for her exclusive manageress. Bori has sible, and which she was powerless to e Green,
signed up with the Metropolitan, New overcome without assistance from
Sister Herrick to South Africa, is Hannah Johnson, May Britt, Ivy Weir,
Chemist, shortly to Northern Rhodesia, Lilian Hamer, Dorothy Williamson,
York, for life—truly a remarkable
others. Lady Bjedisloe emphasised the

C.F.O. Box 7.9.1, ;

and will follow later to England, to
join Sister Herrick.
Pearl Kelland, Mary McGinness, Emily
BJain. Ngaio Edgar-Hall, Rita Gram-
Mr Larsen is himself a very youug
impresario, being only 31 years old, and
fact that the activities of the Women's
Division were of great national benefit
in helning to stem the drift of coun-
St. Mary's Tennis Club is holding a raer, Flossie Fnntham, Daphne Labv, having under his managership at pro-
Christchurch <3ance in the Memorial Hal!. Manches- Emily TiUcysliort, Molly Williams,
ter street, on Monday night, when Kathleen Sullivan, Audrey Bvron, Mavis
sent Mark
flambouj'H and Peter
try-folk to the town, and she express'*]
the hope that there would be no hostile
rivalry and, as far as nossible. no over-
music will be supplied Iv the Bailev- Haylock, Olivo Booth, Doris O'Halloran,
Marston Orchestra, av;d a home made Grace Watt, Irene Grant, Lily Ryall, Unusual Intuition.
lapping between the Women's Division
and other Women's organisations.
suppeir will be served.
M. RITCHIE'S Thelma Burgess, Eileen Kidd. Gloria
The members of the Malvern Golf JuAkins, DeJsie Fisher, Catherine McAl-
"Another clever woman."
tinued, "is Antonia Sawyer, formerly
lie con-

(Tinting Specialists) Club are holding their annual danoe in pine, Lily Todd, Gwon Nolan, Venus. a successful concert artist. She has re- KNITTED EVENING FROCKS.
HAIR TINTING the Darfield Memorial Hall on Saturday Patten, Marvis Dick, Marjorie Mor-
eyening, July 11th. Excellent danco ris, Patricia Wall, Molly Alderslcy,
peatedly proved the fact that she pos-
sesses an intuitive flair for discovering
•with budding artists, later to prove famous
music will be provided, and a real "hot- Hazel Thompson, Alice Douglas, Yvonne Since the popularity of knitting has
Xnccto, Notoac, Neos Henna dog" supper will be served under the! Parry, Winifred Milton, Joan Christian, under her management. She has to

caused the sale of wools to soar bo high

•87 Colombo Street direction of Mrs William Deans. her credit the initial stages-of tho
.'Phone 86-456

Hilda Chapman, Grace Archbold, Flor- careers of such artists as Percy Grain- this year, says the Sydney "Sun," it NEW BRIGHTON HIGH

ence Wlriteley, Sally Howman, Byllee ger, Julia Culji Louis Graveure, the is not surprising that those 'who have
MBMBTXTCHINQ at shobibst notice. KNIT WITH HOSE FINGERING. . May, Dorothy Brien, Betty Harris,
Myrtle Bailey, Alice Gofton, Lois Fors-
London String Quartet, Misses Kath-
erine Goodson and Kathleen, Parlow, become more adept in. the art should SCHOOL.
cutt, Harvey, Joan Craig, Eileen all of whom made their American bo making evening dresses.
Large Orders at Contract) Prices. "ROSE FINGERING" for economy, Louise One seen in a Sydney ballroom re-
comfort, good wear, and washing. Pro- Shanks, Vera Muirson, Gladys Fitzsim- debuts under her management and
Order* Promptly Attended To. climbed under her guidance to 'the cently was greatly admired just as an
MISS MOON. 203 HIGH ST. (Upstajra). curable m all latest shades and mix- mons, Daisy Turton, Betty Barrell, Con- heights of fame and success. It is in- evening frock, before it was known that MEETING OF COMMITTEE.
- • M0530
tures. Sample fringes'free oil request. nie Lang, Edna Geo, Netta Dickson, Una
For booklet 211 giving instructions for Light, Irene Gillum, Jocelyn Webb, Edie teresting to note that in the offices of
both Maud Winthrop and Antonia
it was hand-knitted, proving that the
offect easily overcame the novelty of
TiADIESI eluJd*enV knitted outfits, send 9d in Gofton, Jessie Mayo, Jean Ross, Molly Sawyer only women are employed, both choice of material for a dance frock. Tho monthly meeting of the commit-
JUST ARRIVED. sjafepg toPatons &hil- Baldwins, 'Ltd., McAloon, Elsie Clark, Jean Jar'dine, for inside work and for travelling. An elaborate open-work pattern too of the New Brighton District High %
S UU£ of the Newest and Daintiest Ideas.
Brooches and Pendants for up-to-date
Box 1441R, Wellington. --1 Gladys Horniman, and Agnes Clark. ) "There are at least' twenty women used, "making a very lacy finish and tho School was held - last evening, when
engaged in this work in New York

A shilling frock was shaped to the most fashion- there were present: Messrs W. M. Sex-

advertisement in the at the present time—all successful." able design.

Opp. Bank N.Z. . classified section of The Pb«ss will sell On being asked if there were any ton (in the chair), D. Turner, F. 35V
Btnedellinc and Repairs a Speciality. your goods. Try it. 12 words VALEDICTORY. There are hints from overseas that
Finest Workmanship. three insertions 2a 6d.
lg. Danish women impresarios—Denmark wool and silk jersey fabrics are being Larcombe, E. A. Robinson, B. Dean,
—6 being Mr Larson's country—he spoke Meisdames J. Bellamy, 11. 0. Brooks,
used for evening wear, and an illustra-
of Henrietta Kjaebv. who is of Danish- tion shows a draped frock with a cowl and M. Moses.
A pleasant function look place when French extraction, and a great person-
present anti past pupils of the second- al friend of the Danish Royal Family, bodice and fluted skirt, which. falls Mr Sexton'was appointed to tho posi-
beautifully. It is stated that material tion of chairman, rendered vacant by
GREAT REDUCTION IN FURS. ary department of the Normal District one of the leading Continental
High School gathered together in the presarios of the present day.
with wool forming at least 50 per cent, the death of Mr H. A. Glasson.

Cbolca Pot Coats, Necklets, Stoles, etc., manufactured from genuine pelts "She was a brilliant pianist, and has of the cloth ean be successfully utilised A letter was received from the Can-
at less tnaa cost price. Benovationa, Sepaixs and Remodelling. We open-air rooms attached to the Normal a gift for picking eenius," said Mr with most satisfactory results. terbury Education Board stating that
can School in Kilmore street to say fare- Larsen. on account of financial stringency the

a* V
make your old fur garments look equal to new. "She has managed Cortot,
well to Miss M. E. Osborn, 8.A., on Tciko Kewa, Thibaud, Richard Crooks, Board was unable to grant the com-
TOSSMAN & CO. LTD., FURRIERS, tho occasion of her retirement from and Joseph Hislop." mittee's application for omaJnental

RETURNED SOLDIERS' CAFE. trees for Arbor Day. After discussion

Phcn 30 193
® *

m High Street
the teaching profession. X»ate for Appointment. Mrs Brooks and the secretary (Mr E.
In addition to the present pupils and In speaking of Henrietta Kjaeby, it A. Robinson) were authorised to inter-to
a large number of ex-pupils, there recalled to Mr Larson's mind an inci- A few months after the close of the view Mr J. Young with a view
were present also Mr and Mrs Coloe, dent which happened to him during his Great War the Blinded Soldiers' Cafe securing a supply of trees.

<7 Mr and Mrs Donnelly, Mr and Mrs last visit to Copenhangen. was opened in Pitt street, Sydney, to The visiting committee reported a
Hudson, Mr and Mrs Anderson, Mrs "I had an appointment with Miss assist the forty-three blinded men of
good attendance at the and good
O'Flyun, Mrs Harper, Mrs Pate, Mrs Kjaeby, and for the first time in my progress generally. The windows m
E- Donnelly,. Miss Jamieson, Miss life was rather dreadfully late. To New South Wales, says an exchange. the new 6chool building, howeveir, had

Blackmore, -and Miss G. Ferguson. my dismay she had to wait for me. In that year, 1919, the cafe was proved unsatisfactory and required
Apologies were received from Mr J. At that moment his Majesty King financed by the .Ilea Cross Society, attention.
"Wyn Irwin, at present an inspector of Christian X. drove past, and, seeing which continued its support for several The matter of renewing affiliation terbury College v. Technical, at
schools, arid, formerly assistant in her there, asked the reason why. Miss years. From the beginning all work with the Canterbury School Commit- HOCKEY. 1, jli 3 p.a. (Mr W. Davies);
"An alarming number of children charge of the secondary department of Kjaebv explained and the King waited
the Normal District High School, and with her, but. I being so late, didn't
was voluntary, arid for the last five
or six years the work has been entirely
tees' Association was held over until
next meeting.
lege v. Digbys, at Hagley 7, «IHHH
(Mr W. Stammer;
suffer from Goitre. To safe- also from ex-pupils who were unable to arrive untij his Majesty had departed
attend. All expressed their best wishes after remarking, 'l'm sorry not to
carried on by these voluntary sup-
porters. Mrs Eyles was the command-
The secretary read a statement show-
ing an amount of £33 Is lodged to CANTERBURY ASSOCIATION.
Senior B—Section A:
at Hagley. 8 p.m. (Mr
guard your family always use for a long and happy retirement. meet the young man, but I wish him
Mr T. Donnelly, on behalf of the success on his Australian venture.' As
ant in charge of the detachment which
first opened the cafe. When she left
the credit of the committee' at the
bank. Liabilities amounted to approxi-
Aranui v.
(&r J,
Waimairi, at TTsglMf
Almond}; Rangiora v.
at Southbrook. at-"'2.45
lodised Salt both for cooking present pupils, expressed their great you can imagine," "said Mr Larsen, for England a few months later, her mately £B9 18s 2d, leaving a- debit of MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. Section B: Technical v.
'regret at losing Miss Osborn's services. "I have not been late for an appoint- place was taken by Miss F. A. £6 17s 2d. The financial position was at Hagley 5, at 1.30 (Mr'J. HodUMHHH
Ho referred especially to the great in- ment since!" thoroughly discussed, and it was de-
and for the table. fluence for good which she had on the
Ellis, commandant of the central
detachment. Miss Ellis occupied this cided on the motion of Mr F. W. Lar- The SJanagement Committee of the Can-
Cld Girls �. Rawhiti, at HagbsnH|H
3 p m. (Mr G. J. Holmes).
lives of all her pupils, and to the ad- combe to make application to the Edur terbury Hockey Association met last even- Junior A—R<Sscli£Ea v.
office until early this year. Miss Violet
miration all had for the way in which TIMARU NEWS. cation Board for an immediate grant ing. Present: Messrs T. L. Smith, R. A, .8, at Sv'p.m. (Mr J. Alraond);WSSSKM

er s
Chandler is now the president of the 'Campbell, W. H. I>own, H. W. Rogers, R. Hornby, at Kaiapoi, at-
she had performed her many onerous cafe committee. of, £3O.
Wear, J. Squire, J. Sutherland, G. Graham, Lyttelton v. Rangiora, at
duties- during the twelve years that When the cafe first opened finances The matter of forming .an Old Pupils' li. W. Rogers, H. Snook, A. L. Graham, P-m. (]vtr E. "Withers);
she -was on the teaching staff of the were very low, and to help the work Association was brought up and Mrs at Hagley Park 4, 1.30 (Mr G.J|mHH
school. He then called on the senior SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. six of the early customers united to Moses, Mr Sexton, and the chairman
P. Berry, and F. Full wood.
A letter from the Boy Scouts' Association Training College v. Aranui, at 'BjMHSgH

lodised were appointed a sub-committee with McCracken);|jHNHßH

prefect, N. King, to present her with soliciting assistance, was received. at 8 p.m. (Mr J.

salt CIS*
a pair of handsome book-ends as a
memento of affection and esteem from Miss Paulino Anderson (Christehureh)
buy their own table, which they still
occupy daily.
Last week the doors of the cafe were
power to act to interview the head- The "VVaikato Association wrote intimating
master (Mr R. .S. Pearson) and the that their representative team would be ar-
riving in Chrietchurch on Friday morning,
Waimairi, at Hagley 8, at
Jones); IHgbys, a bye.
Junior B—Aza v. Kiwi, at

the present pupils. ,is the guest of Mrs Wilfrid White closed, tho business having been pur- headmistress (Miss Alexander) on the and stating that Mr G. Hunter had been 3 pjn. (Mr C. Ptagh); Digbys
On behalf of the past pupils, 31r A. (''Summerhill,' Levels'). matter. nominated as one referee for the Shield A, at Hagley Ptfrk, at 1.80

chased by one of the old customers.


Brown referred to the high ideals On Mr Laicombe's motion the secre- match on Saturday next. Mr Hunter bell); Lyttelton-v. Technical
Mrs H. S. Turner (Christehureh) will The proceeds of the sale and of a E> at 3 p.m. (Mr'7. Hocking);
which Miss Osborn had always placed forthcoming annual ball will be divided tary was appointed to interview the ex-Addington player and well known in hoc-
before them, ideals which they had arrive to-day to stay with Mrs A. J. among the forty-three blind bene- teachers of "the school with a view to key circles in Christchurch. Following ia Soutihbrook, at Bangiora (Mr
smmrn Redcliffs 7. Aranui, at Hagley BragHMH

striven to live up to after leaving Elinor (K.%r£ street)..

ficiaries. arranging a "bottle drive" by the the team :—G. Jack, L. Spiers, T. A. Ewan, (Mr J. McCracken).
school and entering the business world. Myb 11. Harper (Grassy Hills, I£urow) Although the cafe has closed, it is children. F_. Finch, B. L. Munro,. J. Hearfield,. C.
He asked her to accept, on behalf of is the guest of her Civil, A. J. Rogers, C. J. Spiers, J. Davies,
Mrs Peache the intention of the present workers Mrs Bellamy and Mr Turner were G. Finch;
her ex-pupils, a silver teapot and stand (Mount Somers). motker, to remain united and hold several appointed a visiting committee for the reserve, R. Hinton.
The Redcliffs Club forwarded a donation The King,- acting oil the
suitably inscribed and dated.
Miss Osborn thanked all present for
Miss Ethel Ford ("The Crossing," annual efforts for the r:ause they have month. of £1 3s towards the expenses of sending a
Mr Turner drew attention to the junior to Auckland.
C> H. Collins Baker, sorve|||j§HH
their good wishes, and for their beau- Woodbury), who has been the guest of so long supported. The nomination of Mr C. Bellamy as a
King's pictures',
has decided
danger to the health of the children of great series of paintings
tiful gifts. It gave her great pleasure Mrs A. S. Elworthy (Holme Station), the sand-pit in the playground. The mat- reteree in the Shield match,. Waikato v.-
to see there so many of her former has returned home. Canterbury, was approved. at ; Hampton Court, examined
VISITORS TO CHRISTCHURCH. ter should be attended to, he contended,
pupils, nnd she thanked them all, in- Miss* Tripp and Miss Bona Blakiston It was decided
and the pit filled in with screenings of the SydenhamtoClub approve of the actions Served. The decision has
cluding the headmaster, Mr Colee, and (Orari Gorge), who are the guests of in giving lectures on account of damage
and clay.' Mr Dean said that the site to th? Sydenham and Somerfield Bchoolboys.
fellow members of the staff, for their Mrs John Tripp (Kurow), will arrive which have worked their
loyalty nnd kindness to her in the to-day to stay with Mrs Howard Tripp
past. Although she was severing her (Wai-iti road).
Clarendon Hotel: Mr and Sirs G. Lindsay
Warner's Hotel: Mrs 11. J. Buck (Wel-
was a breeding place for mosquitoes.
for Health, the Education Board could Euller
Hie Buller Association wrote in apprecia-
If it were reported to the Minister tive terms
of the hospitality received-by tha
representative teaan whilst in
thj} back/ of the-pictures smHH|
through the pigment to
face. The work has been

connexion with the school, she assured Mrs Eric Rillstone (Grasmerc street) lington).
be made to fill it in. The chairman

them that she would always take a lias returned from a visit to Welling- Stonehurst Private Hotel: Mr and Mrs E. The location of the men's conveniences'at hands of Mr Kennedy

S. Lorking (Greymouth), Mr R. Marsden and secretary were appointed a snb-.j the Hagley Park hockey ground was dis-
keon interest in its future. ton. Mrs Haggitt (Dunedin) has re- (London), Mr D. Syme (Auckland), Mr A. committee with power to act to inter- cussed, and a resolution that the chairman examine the pictures by X-iinHH
During the evening Mr Coles men- turned home after being her guest for Shand (Culverden), Mr E. A. Collinson view the headmaster and inspect the of the Domains Bo&rd be interviewed discovering the damaged"
tioned the desirability of forming nn the week-end. (Dunedin), Mr G. Morris (Dunedin), Miss -rr was

sand-pit and report to the next carried.

North will conserve the
ex-pupils' association,' and it is hoped Julie Werryl (Wanganui). It was decided to postpone all competition'
Eecent arrivals at the Grosvenor Hotel Federal: Mr 0. H. Grounsell (Wel- meeting. special, treatment. The.
that such nn organisation will soon be Hotel include Mr P. 3. Cumming, Mr lington), Mr A. A. Kelly (Wellington), Mr games on Saturday. at least four years to
established. The following team was selected to repre-
J. W. Mason, Mr E. J. N. Lite, Mr S. 0. V. Gray (Wellington), Mr F. E. Parker as long as Mantegna
Musical items were contributed by Mr I<\ Eller (Christehureh), (Levin), Mr D. C. Cameron (Dunedin), Mr NORTH BRIGHTON SCHOOL sent .Canterbury against Waikato at Lan-
Misses C. Cooper. F. Moir. G. Fer- Ponder, John McNoo (Dunedin), Mr J. J. McNoe caster ' Park on Saturday;—H. Snook. E pictures, as he began in.
guson. and P. Kinniburgh, and Mas-
Miss Ostler, Mr H. W. Horrocks, Mr E. (Dunedin), Mr H. O. Hurst (Timaru), Mr
Dash, C. Rogers, C. Hore, H. Hore, B.
Rogers, F. Forman, D. McCormick. S. Bell
finished about 1491. - ioHH
E. Boucher, Mr H. Hugh Corbin, Mr A. R. Ormond (Culverden), .Mr and Mrs
ters V, Moir and S. Collins, and seve- L. C. Yicary (Leeston). (captain), T, Turbitt, and F. Fnllwood
ral amusing- competitions and gamAs James Fletcher (Auckland); Mr N.
were played. Garaett (Dunedin), Mr V. Cameron
Emergencies: R. SherriSs, G. Burko Tf*
The monthly meeting of the North Meynell, and A. Smith. Mr P. Berry'was FROZEN FEET,
lb is impossible to sleep
m (Dunedin), Mr E. E. Money (Hamilton), The lists of one prominent film com- Brighton School Committee was held Hresman managw and Mr A L Graham
you bare icy cold feet.

Mr Allan Cambridge (Dalrachney).

*> pany in Hollywood, which contain the in the school on Tuesday. Present t t0
Hs®. seven grounds at
were Messrs A. Florance (chairman), Hag-ley Park en Saturday next -vas granted
to keep w»rm is to put a
% names of 2460 girls, show that blondes Water Bottle in the bed.
AFTERNOON PARTY. are most popular, there being 1022 en- Bussell,

to the Ladies' Hockey Association. Hot Water Bag will not:Mg|HH

YEAST. rolled. At the other end of the scale son, Norrie, and Freeborn. Mr Roch- LADIES' MATCHES.
perish. If yon want the

Despite the vei-y wet weather thero

was a large gathering of members and
Dr. Alt red Brandweiner—Austrian
Skin 'Specialist—says: "Skin trouble
are caused by constipation. Fresh
come 20 red-haired belles. fort, the headmaster, was also present.
On June 26th Messrs Spencer,
Senior A-Rangiora v. West Old Girls at
Rangiora, at 3 p.m. (Mr L. S. Smith); Can-
money ask for a
Preen. Smith, members of the Educa-

Yeast keeps the intestines clean and tion Board, with Messrs Penlington
tlioir friends at the • Canterbury
Women's Club yesterday afternoon,
free of the poisons that cloud
skin." Take live Yeast in Ultima Cap-

(architect), Brown (chief agricultural

instructor), and Boyle paid a visit to
tw+i' Jhe to Mr Bradley
write a letter was asked
Permanent waving most artistically execu- pn §| when another of the club's fortnightly sules —twice as effective as tablets of the school, being met and shown round 6 lUnittee '
B thanks an d appre-
dead cells. 2s 3d packet, E. Cameron ciation
** ,

4 tea In oar wll-appointed. salons; Hair fUii 1163(1 I "At Homos" was held. The large re-
ception room was cosily heated, and Smith, the Big Pharmacy, Regent
by the chairman and the headmaster.
The headmaster's report HAND EMBROIDERED
number on the roll , as 268showed
They expressed themselves pleaded the
reconditionedbeforewaving if preferred. tfYP* / $: decorated with bowls of chrysanthe- Theatre Building, Cathedral square.
"YOU CANNOT DO BETTER vvitii the appearance of the school and average attendance for the with an 25 per cent. to 60
All work completed under the direct super- J / mum.?, white japonica, and green ice ground, and were favourably impressed
since last meeting
five weeks Usual Prices.
vision of the Principal,' plant, and on the tea tables with their
yellow cloths, were stylosis and yellow THAN GARGLE WITH 'CONDY'" by the work that is being earned out
m the new sports ground in Osborne
of 247.6. Owing to
the increased, attendance-
it had been COMMENCED
daisies in crystal vases.
Mrs J. W.
"Now John, fancy your coming to
.(Sir) Morel! Mackenzie, M.D., Terrace Reserve at the rear of the
to fitter
very pleasing falK
had arranged the school. new classroom,
a i Price.
programme, to which
Mrs Christine Rawlings, a recent ar-
the table with hands like thatl"
"Well, mother, you told me to work (The
Royal and Eminent
Street Throat Specialist./
In connexion with Arbor Day,
matters were left in the hands of the
i?U in
at the end of 'th© cor-'
new wing.- , WOOLS,. 10|4 to
rival from England, contributed piano- in ths*^garden."
"So I did, but if you rub a little CONDY'S FLUID headmaster to arrange for the plant- r;Ii out
w now being car-
forte solos, Mrs Palk and Miss Lilian
Hanham songs, and Miss Rhona Hill Sydal into your hands and then wash
S«M by CkemiiUand Sloraa.
ing of tiees as soon as they come to
A vote of thanks wae passed
s additional
include an extra shelter shed
space the fuel shed.
them they will come perfectly clean." a]l r®*?,
recitations. Miss Aileen Warren played
the accompaniments,; Sydal is a wonderful skin cleanser, —l, CONDVS FLUID Ce, MM, Ensiaai. to Mr Orton Bradley, of Charteris Bay, ;
io? his gift of native shrubs and
Florance and Mahson
a visiting.sommittee for the
107 a CASHEI
most enjoyable dance was held in
CANTERBURY. tlio Parish Mall under the auspices oi
the Aniberley Girls' Club. During the
It is Easy to Shop at Beath's
evening a presentation was made to
Miss Phyllis Mollison, who is about to

leave; tho district.
The first competition of the season,
during our Great 6d. Sale you
Because Pvices ave Juozver can buy any one of the following
conducted by the Ambei'ley Miniature
Rifle Club, was won by J. D. Boyce.
At the meeting of the Women's
j At the. invitation <jf life-saviug Division
of the Farmers' Uniou there
for 6d.
j guards, tlio Boy fcscouts and Kaiapoi were present Mrs I. F. (in the
Life-saving Guards met in the Salva- Croft
| lion Army iJall oil Monday evening, at
chair), Mesdames Parsons, Shaw,
McLean, Farquhar, Payne, Morrish,

The Calder Mackay

A social. There was an at- Briggs, Watt, Misses 13. Parsons and
tendance of about 71). Bristovv. It was agreed that Mrs
The Guards

Colin Mcintosh be written to and
V'ero in the charge of their leader, Miss asked if she would address tho next

6"- SALE
Geddis, and the Scouts under Scout- meeting. J t was decided that the last.
waster H. A. Johnstone. The visitors Tuesday in the month be meeting day.

ere welcomed by Ensign Grice. Tlie

j j
Mayor (Air \V. A. Jiotvse) was also pre-
!nost Profitably) is pointed out to
sent by invitation, and was accorded COST.
rcv'vc m n *n tfits

advertisement the Scout welcome, and at the re- A loot ball team will be selected from

/—/■ The costs have
Beath's serve the public by giving

quest of the Ensign gave a shore ad-

tho following to represent Cust against

them what dress tor which he \v;is accorded a
equire at they >
Lower Prices. yoto of thanks. The rest of the even- Kowai on Saturday;—M. Wood, L.
Cbvvens, E. Henderson, Allen, Gartery, THIS FULL-SIZE
WOOL ing was spent in games, a very happy LADIES' 9-CARAT GOLD
•I nil!;, I.A l>l KS COUBINA- LADIES' WOOL VESTS. French B. Early, Francis, M. Forbes, T.
TIuNS. ,j;iy finish; low ncclC short
neck, short sleeves—
time being spent by the young people.
On Saturday afternoon a team i'rom
O'Loughlin, A. Gartery, C. Harris, B.
O.S. size
I Nii.-illy l's (i Sale Price

15/6 Usually 5/6 Sale Price

4/9 the llangiora. troop of Scouts played a
mendly game of Rugby football with
the Kaiapoi troop. The game was won
Gather wood, .1. Pickering, C. Tom] hi-
son. R. Cathonvood, J. O'Loughlin,
f<. Walker, C. Brooker, S. Burrows, M.
filled with finest quality kapoc and covered
with hard-wearing ticking. Regular Cata- This fully-guaranteed 15-jewel Swiss Lever
Le.3lie, and W. Smith. movement and 9-Carat Gold Expanding
sii"!l;iinl Wool CAMISOLES, IS, a cosy striped designs; coat style, long by the liangiora troop. logue Price60/-. Yours for 6d with a £3O
irannent, I'or extra
warmth. h. Open sleeves—Usually W. 4.9/6 O.S. 55/- The fino weather prevailing during Order. Bracelet, Regular Catalogue Price £5/2/6.
frills: sleeves. Shades :: Sky. Sale Price the past few days again changed yes- Yours for 6d with a £3O Order.
l-'awn. (.'ream-
de.s Skv.
5/11 29/6 terday morning, when it turned very ASHLEY BANK. Yours for

c ,°. , with rain which continued all There was a good attendance at a
I >uaily 11 Sale Price XTIt A day. Yours for
ST B 01\ G CO UTIL Although cold, the change was a wel-

come one, and will do good. The frosts social hold in the school on Tuesday
4RS. good CORSELETTES, with firm boning auriug the past week have been very
evening. Competitions -were won by

11:11ity. Sizes S.W., W., O.S.— suitable for medium figures. Sizes severe. The rainfall recorded at the Misses AC. Yettic and N. Downing and

f- i
l 15/9 *1 /A

7 7> 11
4/6 5/6
liangiora High School for the 24 hours Messrs M. Newell and T. Ford. Supper

-'(> *%

Sale Prices Sale Price lulu ending at 4 o'clock yesterday after-

noon, was 1.39 inches.
was served by the ladies and concluded
an enjoyable evening.
i.a.lies' Shetland
Wool NIGHT- Gossard's STEP-IN ELASTIC There was an attendance of about 30 A sudden change of weather was ex- A FULLY RECONDITIONED
DRESSES. short .sleeves. In Cream, CORSETS, with four suspenders. persons at the Borough Council Cham- perienced during Tuesday night. There
Sky and Pink— -| tr* /»
Sizes 26, 27, 28— | £ /A
Usually 21/9 Sale Price 10/3
bers on Tuesday, in response to an
invitation to consider forming a terri-
was a sharp frost, with the ground
frozen hard up till about midnight,
Usually Hi/t> Sale Price lu/O
Waiver's WR A P AROUND association. Colonel Nicholls, when the sky became overcast and rain
commenced to fall from the south-west,
Ladies' WOOL aud COTTON CORSETS, with elastic insets on
Commanding the Southern Com-
continuing heavily throughout yester- covered with our well-known
Major Howe, and Captain
VESTS. winter weight. Short hips. Sizes 29, 30— 0/11 Murphy were also present. The Mayor, day.
guarantee and complete with Full size, 6ft x sft, is 62/6.
sleeves or no sleeves—- Usually 14/9 Sale Price 591 11
l'sually 4/11 Sale Price
!•> ' jSI " presided.
Colonel Xicholis addressed the meet-
ing m support of the movement. BURWOQD.
6 Records, for 6d with a £3O
Yours for 6d with a £3O Order
NIGHTDRESSES; .square-2 neck,
SETS, with medium top and long It was decided to form a territorial The committee of the Burwood -Lib-
Yours for Yours for
skirt; suitable for elderly ladies. association in liangiora. The follow- rary held its bi-monthly meeting last

6* 6d
long .sleeves. In Pink only—- Sizes 24 to 40— ing were appointed a committee.
Messrs A. P. Strang, W. A. Rowse, W. evening, when the following members
l'sually 52.'6 Sale Price
39/6 Usually 21/9 Sale Price
were present: Messrs H. Rowse (chair-
W'V-, W * C - Pl'osscr J J. F. Suther-
land, C. J. lyor, R. R. Gillanders, It.
Mcintosh, F. K. Martyn/S. G. Dalley,
man), Palmer, Small, and Ecroyd,
Mesdumes Rowse,- Freeman, Delaney,


•J. Cook, 11 , llevnolds, R. J. and King.
J. A. Ivory, C. A. Scott, F. The amended terms and conditions
Mc-Pliail, A. H. Palairefc, J. M. Fraser, of engagement of tho Burwood Hall,
unci E. D. It. Smith. INTi- G. Marsh put forward by the recently appointed
vwis appointed committee of management, lea to con-
chairman and Air J
M. Fraser .secretary. siderable discussion, and it "'as decided

Woven COITOX GOWNS, trimmed Others appointed were: Chairman-of to hold all future socials in the library
1 only LEG SET. Shade Rosewood, I ropaganda Committee, Mr J. M. as the terms wcro considered unfavour-
Lace. Fit ages G months to 2 years, -'!-pieee, fit age 18 months— able.
I'raser; chairman of Recruiting Com-
l 'sually 6/JI 7/11. Usually 15/9
JJ fy mittee, Mr W. A. Rowse; chairman of
.. ..

5/11 6/11

Special Special Sale Price finance Committee, Mr W. C. Prosser:

Sale Prices "lid chairman of Social Committee, Mr HALSWELL.
infants' liruhli Wool MATINEE Brush Wool CARDIGANS, fit ages L. I). R. Smith; treasurer, Mr A.
li. Pal a irot.
A most eujoyablo social was held in
tho hull to help the funds of St. Mary's
COATS, While, trimmed with con- 1 to 6 years. Shades Scarlet, :
rl .'o fortnightly meeting of the
trasting shades Sky and Shell— White, Rose, Fawn, Saxe, Tomato. Druids Lodge was held on Monday
Sunday School. The Rev. Mr Rankin
presided Items were contributed as 115 WORCESTER STREET
Usually Special £/I Ito Q/11 evening iti the Templars Hall, Bro, 11.


Sale Prices 0/ 11 follows:—Duet, D. and E. Rodgers,
0/ 11

Shepherd presiding. The Grand (Secre-

Special Sale Price tary forwarded a copy of the schemo song, T. Noble; duets, Miss Barrett
and Mr T. Wright; song, Mr T. (Right Behind the Cathedral)
i GllfLS' WOOLLEN VESTS, short
sleeves. Fit ages 1 .to 12 years-
winter weight, with animal designs.
brought forward by the Board of Man-
agement temporarily to assist unem- Wright; pianoforte eolo. Mr R. Roso-
ployed members of the order. Reports lor and R. Baker; recitation, Mr R.
Special o/O to Q /£ Shades Fawn, -Saxe, Red, Rose.

oi sick members were received and «ick Gardiner. Competitions wcro won by
Sale Prices O <3/0 Fit ages
4 to 7 years— pay amounting to £3 13s 4d was Miss Barrett and Jean Wilhelm.
A return ball to the bachelors will
I'TiEEC Y BLOOMERS, good quality.
Fit ages 1 to 13 years. Shades
Fawn, Rose, Beige, Navy, Saxe,
: Special Sale Price

9/11 passed tor payment.
At the quarterly meeting of the bo held this month
Rangiora Methodist
Circuit the Rev. S-
BLACK WOOLLEN SHAWLS, full Henderson presided. Mr H. Taylor SOUTH MALVERN. +

Almond, Cr on m size, suitable for elderly ladies— presented the balance-sheet, which was TKB FAMOUS
The fortnightly meeting of tho Loyal TRUCK-DRIVER FINED-
Special 1/11' adopted. During the quarter botli
Sale Prices 1/11
Special Sale Price
.. 19/6
14/9 kangiora and Southbrook had held Coleridge T/odge was held last week in
their church anniversaries, and one the lodge room, Glentunnel. Bro. R.
Sunday in each place had been de- H. Marsh presided over a good attend-
'•This is really the worst case of

9 voted to home mission services Tho

general meeting of the flower show had ance of members in
fixed tho date of the show for Scptcm-
her 20th. Mr" A. Lane, organist of,
weather conditions;
spite of the wintry

The district officer notified lodge

negligent driving that I have ever wit-
nessed. The driver showed neither care FREE30/«

the Rangiora Church, received the members of approaching examination

nor Bkill," declared Inspector Nappcr, The B I": 'Ocdffrlc&DMT-
. «iri« -Wandar Soot
thanks ot the meeting for the -splen- of N.G.'s.. of 'the Heatlicote County-Council, while IB-
Veen definitely seduced,
did service ho was rendering to the, Tho N.G. gaW notice that h© would prosecuting a truck-driver, Arthur in - price. 1 Now tt*
church. confer the minor degrees on the fol-

mightiest iiiw wet

Lancelot Cecil Watkins, in the Magis-


lowing lodge night. otfwed! BttWw Wd«

trate's Court yesterday. Mr H. P. soles, triple and double*
Tho monthly mooting of the. Glen- - stitched deersklntippera'
KAIAPOI. tiinnel School Committee was held on Lawry, S.M., was on the Bench. . A
. .........
» ...

'-i.«»ihrrM«wt*Selt \ —every man ahonldhaTe

Mr AY. G. Clark';, who lias been nn Monday night. There were present Mr R. Twyncham appeared for de- V''*.. / StitcHerf ltigt<t*eiM# •» 5,1 W a pair. Will outwear.
the staff of the Ivaiapoi Post • Office Messrs W G. Smith (chairman), S. and "who three ordinary pairs.
Cherry (secretary), and. G. -D.. Marsh. fendant, who pleaded guilty, *■•7%&£***/„ . **** Sen*ational, K«r Bctcy y;
since 1918, and who has been trans- was lined £5 and costs. His license was . 30/- Postage-ratEß ;

Advice was received that the , newly- > '

ferred to DarfieJd as postmaster, was appointed headmaster, Mr Marshall, cancelled for the rest of the year.
will commence his duties on August SOLE AGENT CASHELSTBEES
entertained in the Refectory of the
Masonic Lodge 011 Tuesday evening by let.
Inspector Napper stated that the Stewart Roliitisoti ai«o Colombo sr. <app. i^ndonto^).

Do ifour guests say cheap

accident from, which the charge arose
members of the various institutions occurred at about. .8 p.m. on Saturday,
with which ha has been connected for SOLICITOR SUSPENDED. April ISth. He was standing on the
W-V a number of years. There was a largo New Brighton bridge when he heard a'

tea" behindyour back? attendance, over which Mr W. H.

Stark presided.
The various speakers eulogised the
motor vehicle coming towards the bridge
at a high speed, which he estimated at
fifty miles per hour. When the truck
reached the corner of High street and
7 O U can buy tea for less good work done by Mr Clarke in the

town. Ho had been an exemplary Page's road it was attempting to pass a EXTENSION OF PAVING I-
per pound—but it
than 3/4 citizen, and a most obliging and effi-
motor-car, but in doing so the truck COFFEE(S™> CHICORY
cannot be the best. Bear in
cient officer. Ho was an original' mem- WELLINGTON, July S. struck the off side front mudguard, of

ber of the Kaiapoi Returned Soldiers'

The Court of Appeal delivered re- the car, swerved across the road,, turn- The Main Highways Board lias ac- .
Association, and did yeoman service served judgment in the case of the ing at a tangent, narrowly missed a cepted a tender for an extension of THE choice of the dis-
mind that the better the tea, the in the initial stages, being, secretary for lamp-post, turned.again sharply to the the paving of the North road. Mr F-

four years. Mr Clarke is u member New Zealand La-.v Society v. Joh'n- CIRMINATING HOSTESS

more economical it is. Raven of the Druids Order, and was auditor -sJerven Hobiu, solicitor, Whakatane,
left, and struck another post, which it Langbein, district-resident engineer
shifted four inches in the ground. There for the Public Works Department: has Viators da, indeed, appreciate fragrant
X Strap's Soluble Coffft.' It V «refre»h*
Tea, properly made, makes the of the local lodge for a number ol the order .of the Court being that tlio
years. He was treasurer of the Kaia- practitioner be suspended from prac- was a mark made by the front of the informed the . engineer, to the Wai-
b Z
a delightful change fror. the
The wearisome
most delicious cup of tea in the poi Pines Beach Association, and took tice for a period of three years.
a leading part in the association's
radiator 'eight feet up the post. . makariri River Trust /{Mr H. W. Har-
truck ended up on its side, and three ris) that the work will- commence in
of tea. Vour family
also will enjoy this
Costs fifteen guineas, together with
world. Raven Tea costs 3/4 per annual gala.
auditor's fee, were'allowed to the Law of! the four passengers who. had beeji about a month's " time, / reported Mr
riding'in the cabin had to receive treat- Harris to yesterday's meeting of the
made .'in
Mr C. Ward, postmaster, said Society. is the cup—add iftiDc
a* pound. Yet some cheaper teas gathering showed great evidence of [The case came before the Court on ment for injuries at -the Hospital. Tiust. .-• and sugar to tarte-
*OO to* Onter* tin tfom

Sir Clarke's popularity. He himself Monday. liobin was charged with "What annoyed me at the time "was • Apparently nothing , further had
are much dearer. accused's attitude after the accident," eventuated regarding thepallocation of
the Grocer to-dsyl
ft* had been stationed in Kaiapoi two failing to keep his trust account in

continued the Inspector, who stated that maintenance of- the- new -.bridge,- and
I#^ \&
years, but had not been many days in proper order.
the town before he found oui Mr for Mr Spratt, who appeared
the practitioner, said whilst Hobiu Watkins seemed to treat the wholeaffair he suggested expedite that an'endeavour should
Manufacturer!, ;
c>^ Clarkfe's general efficiency and his admitted the offence he had not Etit as a joke, while the injured people were be made to winter, the work} also ißTerenrglH.

6^ great help to the staff and* the general out wilfully to lying on the ground. "I had to tell him that; as the would be over be-
public. Ho would be greatly missed. defraud his clients. Tho fore the paving contract ' was com-
*o* very serious state of his books arose
He considered Mr Clarke would move from gross neglect, but not from
that for less than that I had seen better" pleted; the paving of the approaches
TEA /1 PER LB rapidly in the service, and he wished criminal intent. He submitted that
him the very best of luck in bis official although tho practitioner merited some
men than him placed against a wall and should bo carried out. Until the Trork
shot at dawn."
, .
was done the Trust, would be
previous traffic convictions sponsible for the xniaihtenance.
re- Wholesale Agents:
Tait, Carlisle,; Simpson,: litdL,

career. '
punishment, an order should not be
Presentations were made to the guest rnude against Watkins, whose whole life in It • was decided to _ request that the Bedford Sow. Cbristchnrcli.
striking him off the rolU of the motor business had been hectic, the. work should;be hurried on.
of. the evening b;y Wor. Bro. W. E. solicitors.] , -

Tinkler, on belmlf of the Lodges Inspector concluded.

Southern Cross of a case of pipes: by
Mr JVGordon (president)-on behalf oF
the Kaiapoi branch of the Returned
Misleading Statements.
'■My friend has become very heated;
—: «
Soldiers' Association of an inkstand,
suitably inscribed; by Bro. H. Thorn- (rftESS ASSOCIATION TELEGRAM.)
almost as heated as he was on -tlie
night of the accident," said.My Twyne- (PRESS ASSOCIATION TELKGR.Uf.)
of stress
ley. on behalf of the Driuds Lodge of ham. He had made several statements

W AIMAK ARTRI RIVER TRUST'S a pocket wallet, and bv Mr J. E. Monk WELLINGTON, July S. which were likely to mislead the Court. WELLINGTON, July 8 %

DECISION. (president) on behalf of the Kaiapoi The people who were injured had been A fairly verv- brief -earthr
A finding that deceased died from at 12.30 p.m.,. The
Pines Beach Association of a canteeji
exhaustion was returned by the Coro- treated in the outpatients' department quake occurred movement appeared to
of rutlerv. of the Hospital and discharged. Three nature of ihe is
Believing that it would pay to grow Mr Clarke, in acknowledging the ner, Mr I. Salek, at tho inquest on of the four continued to their evening's be up and down.
gifts, recounted a. number of incidents George Gustave Pederscn, age 4 sixty, The shock was too. slight-to cause,
entertainment. It was also a gross damage or alarm.
its own trees, the Waimakariri ltiver which had occurred during his stav in whose body was found in an unoccu-

Trust decided yesterday to establish a Kaiapoi. and thanked the

exaggeration to say that the defendant
speakers pied house in Taranaki street on Fri- had stood callously by while the injured
nursery. from the various institutions for their day.
remarks roncerning himself and The 'doctor was unable to sav were lying on the bank. It was abso-
It is estimated that one man, work- kind lutely unwarranted by the facts. It' is estimated that 43,000,000 to
ing for 12 months, can grow 1,000,000 Mr* Clarke. His work in the post whether exhaustion was a result of
office had been a pleasure to him. and starvation or disease. Watkins had been in charge of the 48,000,000 gallons of crude benzol, yield-
trees; GOlb of seed is required to plant he hnd enjoyed h'V thirteen years' stav truck during the time it had taken to ing about 32,000,000 gallons o;£ motor 34.
one acre in 16 inch drills, and one in the town. He was sorrv to be cover 10,000 miles, and had never had fuel, were produced in 1930 from British
pound should produce 80C0 trees, so leaving Kriinpni. but would take away it scratched.' In a statement he had coal in Great Britain.
that one acre would produce 480,000 pleasant
nr-mories of its associations. HARMLESS GARGLE ENDS pointed out that the accident was the
trees, reported the engineer (Mr 11. W.
During the evening items were con- result of a. skid caused by the bad state Efficiency counts
bv Messrs J. Mcintosh, A. SORE THROAT OR of the road. He had gone into the post
Harris). tributed
The cost of production would be as Hi'-st. J. C. fvinmson. V.. It. Warren, as the safest way to avert a more serious more than everbefore

follows: —
and J. E. Mon'-:. Mr J. S: mnson was TONSILITIS. accident. _ —Constipation is the .
the accompanist. Mr Twyneham pleaded that for de-

£ +

Wages -00
Throat Specialists Discover New Use fendant to lose his license would abso- thief of efficiency*

>OO Hems, seams, whippings, button iScfed, at 4s per lb ...

For Standard Household. Kemedy. lutely ruin his business. He had stated X7[ t'ORRY ' can .cause 1constipa-
00 that his speed before the accident had
Nearly Mad With
REELS Incidentals HANMER SPRINGS, VVlion.Constipation lea,d» 10
holes, are better sewn and more

B JJUclt. W'.i;- &

been between 25 and 30 miles an hour. ■ depnwioa and, fll-healthi
To-day,* both men and women
300 £230 The following are the meteorological Many people are learning that the
lasting" when Dewhurst's Sylko Total "It is a pretty bad case," said Mr have need to be particularly care-i
" "

records for .hitie taken at the State

Rheumatic Pains!
COLOURS. best and moat effective gargle in sore Lawry, in fining Watkins. He had con-

ful Nature's taws.
is used. This would be less than (is per thou- Forest Service Station, tlioso for the fcbroat or tonsilitis is to dissolve two sidered cancelling the license for a
FIGSEtf bin an added value tothe
sand, ground rent not being included iu Vusy maj» amjl wsmaa because,
same month last year being given in tablets of genuine Bayer Aspirin longer period had the previous convic- apart from its centle yet certain
It is the premier mercerised.thread as the Tnut had'plenty of land avail- four tablespoonfuls of water. They '

' action, it lias" -119 Unpleasant

parentheses:—Barometer, mean for tions been more -recent than they were."
able which at present was non-produc- gargle throat thoroughly and repeat effects. It causes no pain or
for every sewing purpose—durable, tive. . -
month 29.81 inches (29.85), maximum
In two hours, •if necessary. This ase
nausea, it quietly but surely
Allowing for losses it would be safe oil Bth 30.23 (31.1G), minimum on 26th assists Nature at such times by a*
silk-like and so verv reliable. • to assume that yearling - trees could
for the famous Bayer Aspirin was dis- general health is imperilled
irregularity or eoostioatioii. Yet'
29.23 (29.14); thermometer, tempera- covered by throat specialists and pre-
bo grown for .under 10s. per thousauu. it interferes with neither the. pal-
No. 40 No. 50 Should the Trust decide to pursue its
ture iu shade, ui9an maximum tem- scribed by them iu their own prac- J'upaa has now a population of nearly ate nor .general physical comfort.
perature 50.2deg Fahr (18.43), mean 66 millions. Yet the area of the group
for all licuus'al
sewing for lightest fabrics —sill;
art. silks, etc.
policy of tree-planting, it would cer-
tainly pav to grow its own trees. minimum temperature 29.51 (26.83),
The nest time you feel the approach of islands upon which the Japanese live
Nearly every day,
especially in damp weather, 1
v .. ,
extreme maximum temperature on 10th of a sore throat or tonsilitis, try this is only 148,000 square miles, and a very
r.y hand or machine. Super quality."
Extension of Scheme. 60.3. (C3;.3), extreme minimum on 20th simple gargle. Only be siire to insist cnlarge part of this is mountainous. There suffered terribly from shooting pains and
sharp twinges in my arms and legs. Nothing
bold by ,i!i the leading Deirartincritul Stoics. "
Mr A. Manhire stated that tie 18.8 (14); exposed thermometer, mean genuine Bayer Aspirin. Then you are safe,are few plains of any extent. The
terrestrial radiation 23.78 (19.68). islands are volcanic, situated as they gave rile any relief and at times I thought
understood that the Forestry Depart- because they do not affect the heart, 1 would go mad. When I tried St. Jacobs
ment had a million trees which would minimum on 20th .10 <10). Wind derange the stomach, or form a habit; aro on one of the weak lines of the DOES NOT PURGE
Oil it was with no hope. The very first
not be' planted this year owing to a average, daily velocity 42.4 miles
besides, relief is certain and without earth's crust. That *s why the Japanese application brought relief and I've had OR GRIPE.
cut in the Department's estimates. The
Trust Jiad land suitable for tree-plant-
ing'. and to save the trees, it could
(42.27), maximum on 10th, 333 miles
(299), Rainfall for month 2 77 inches
(1.9G). Number of days on which rain
any bad after-effects.
AD chemists sell genuine Bayer As-,
pirin in bandy bores of 12 tablets, also
build their houses lightly, so that they
suffer as little as possible when the
always expected earthquakes occur. The
perfect comfort since." St. Jacobs Qil
certainly does relieve the pains and aches
of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuritis, Lum-
at all Chemists Wi
extend its planting scheme and em- fell 13 (11).' maximum on 14th 0.7G .population of Japan is now growing at
bottles of *24 and 100 tablets —the tteigo and Neuralgial Th'is 'soothing oil
ploy 150 men for two months, pro- inches (0.82).. Bright, .sunshine, total
Bayer Cross trade mark appears onthe rate of nearly a million a year, let sinks right in through the pores.and draws' ,
paring the land and planting the trees, for month 10G hours (129), maximum
as recently as 1919 the growth

«&tu!rie» Kent Terrace. Te Aro. VTellinston.
out pain. And there is no burning of
th« retitrul Asencj-
every tablet. Bayer Aepirioi costs ' n&
at a cost of £IOOO. It. could establish on Bth, 7 hours (G| hours). Number
more than.the uncertain'imitations and than 000,000 a year. The.high _ birth- the skin. Get a l/9d. bottle of St,. Jacobs
,A shil'mg :?(lvertiscn)jcuit. ir- ilia
the camps and feed the men. of days without sunshine 6 (a). Frost- classified section''.of The PnES-rAtiH sell
It was decided to proceed with the on 26 niaiits (27), hardest frost on 24th loudly advertieed substitutes which phy- rate' is maintained, while increasing at- Oil from yimr chemist and use it" on any you'r floods. Tr.v it. I*J words
scheme: if the trees could be secured, i 22d<ig (22). Rainfall for six months sicians would not think of prescribing. tention to hygiene is rapidly lowering paiD, ache, sprain or swelling. three' insertions 2s Gil. . —(J
20.13 inches (16.13), > the death-rate.
the present time about nine-


The activities of the New Zealand

Forestry League during the past

"Builder" invites contributions tenths of the timber used in Great twelve months were reviewed at the
from readers on any matters of Britain is imported, and though annual meeting, which was held in the
measures of reafforestation may reduce
interest which they might like to this, proportion, it must always remain Dominion Farmers' Institute building.
propose. Correspondence on vari- verv high. The annual value of tiie Wellington, on Monday evening.
ous subjects pertaining to build- timber consumed runs, however, to In his presidential address, Mr
some £70.000,000 to £80,000.000 and
ing will also be accepted. ell measures that can either reduce tho James Deans (Christchurch) expressed
waste that is going on at present or regret at. the probable effect of the

favour the substitution of Empire tim-
ber for foreign must have a special the
importance by reason of the scale on
which timbers are used.
Government's economy campaign oa
operations of the Forest Service.
It is satis- In no other Government Department
EXTENDI D Ten building permits, of a total
value of £4OG3, were issued by the
factory to find that during the year was continuity of effort so essential,
the new Forest Products Uesearch and he stressed the necessity of giv-
Laboratory at Princes Uisborough con-
to July 31st Greymouth Borough Engineer (Mr A. tinued its comprehensive programme. ing tho Forest Service a definite period
of time in which to carry out its pro-
There's still time to furnish at J. Fairmaid) during the month or The Timber Industry Advisory Com-
June. decided gramme without any variation in the
Harris Bros, on their special mittee of Queensland hps to
terms of HALF OF THE AL- telegraph the Prime Minister (Air finances at its disposal. lie hoped
READY HALVED DEPOSITS. In the year ending March 31st, 1901, Seulliu) and the Minister for Customs that no restriction would be placed
considerably more houses were built isi (Mr Fordo) that it has been credibly upon the research work in connexion
Christchurch than were erected Inst infol-med tlmt a shipment of about with the native forest, which was
City 3,000,000 feet of timber left Vladi- only in its infancy, and which was per-
ytarj the permits issued by the
vostok in June by the steamer King haps the most important work at th 3
Council being 442 and 293 in the re- William, and that further shipment present time. Tho indications were

spective instances. is to leave there by the King John that the indigenous forests could be
earlv this month The telegram stated worked on a sustained timber-producing
Interest attaches to a proposal put that tho committee viewed with great but it would take many years
,f0» iflM forward to hold an exhibition in Mel- apprehension those importations, as it basis, of investigation to ascertain anything
would mean that the committee's ob-
{A 6
9/' bourne, in conjunction with the inter- jective-the rehabilitation of the of a definite nature.
Bo far as exotics
«3 state conF«rencf! of painters and decor- were concerned, the work could per-
t* „6/* #
Queensland timber : ndustry would be haps be curtailed to a large extent, as
I""' ators, to be held in Melbourne in May, null tied if shipments of Russian timber
St-'" were allowed to come into Australia. they had achieved their aim in estab-
c' 3
1932. So far, however, the proposition lishing a definite area in a specified
tIOO e has only been discussed in a prelimin- Mr H. E. Holland, M.P., has re- time, and at a cost which compared
o* SS» V»t^ ary fashion.
Very few building permits have been
ceived the following lettgr from the more tlmn favourably with that of
Minister for Education
"With reference to the erec-
H At- other countries with a similar climate
month by tho

issued so far this tion of the proposed new primary Unemployment Belief.
Christchurch City Council, garages, school at Westport, I have pleasure in On the question of unemployment
HALF OF HALF small additions, and a glasshouse being advising you that I have authorised Mr Deans considered there were many

Thousands have
the principal items. Mr F. L. Horne tho Nelson Education Board to pro-
took out a permit for a brick shop nt lie afforestation work would
ceed with the plan and estimate for a cases w re
153 Colombo street, and Messrs Ken- six-roomed school in wood." be much more healthy and suitable . • •

nel! Brothers one for alterations to than the work 011 which men were
Wwtfc the frontage at 402 Colombo street for The Anglican Maoris of Arowhenua, placed at present. The question of
£5 Messrs Jjrewery and Company. In in the parish of Temuka (nays the suitable land presented a difficulty, and
and are getting a
June the building of 12 new dwellings, "Church News"), have been working it might be wiser for the Government
£lO 10/-
value £7830, and two other structures, vigorously for some time past to raise to consider more carefully planting
£2O £1 3/21 £11,250, was authorised. Alterations
and additions to 27 dwellings account-
funds for the building of a new church smaller areas than hitherto nearer the
in the Kainga. I'iiey are, in fact, main towns. That had been the policy
£3O 6/4 j ed for a total of £1220, and to 12 ready to proceed, but hitherto thel'e of the Forestry Commission in England,
*l/10/- 9/6] other buildings, for £2166. has "been the difficulty that a satis- lie hoped that every assistance would

new thrill in driving

factory tenure of the site could not be be given to local bodies which were
£4O £2 During tbe discussion of the prices obtained, as the land under the
£SO 12/ai of bnilders' Supplies at the meeting of trying to absorb their unemployed in
Native Land Court. This body re- such a direction. Mr Deans mentioned
*2/10/- ls/ij the Canterbury Master builders' Asso-
ciation on Tuesday evening, Mr G. J.
cently granted a site and the Maori tho large areas of land in tho North
churchmen hope to begin building Island which had proved unprofitable *is
<5 31/. i Watson mentioned a number of lines soon. farms, and which were reverting to
which in his Opinion were due for a
reduction. Lirno, bricks, drain-pipes, The economic condition of Australia second growth, and expressed the
and some local timbers, such as Kauri, at the moment has been responsible lor opinion that they could," with the ser-
black pine, and totara, he said, were a considerable curtailment of building vices of a trained forester, be made
For tit* benefit of those vrho operations in every State. fortun-
still being sold nl the old prices, there into revenue-producing forests again by

wero unable to visit us during having been no move to sell at cheaper ately, however, the painting and decor- mixing exotic trees with tho natives,
June, *e have extended this rates. The prices for red pine had ating industry has teen affected pro- lie also referred to the work of the
special Economy offer to our as the result of
been lower latelvPointing bablv least of all, mainly because maiiy State Forest Service hik! the establish-
stocktaking day, July 31st. a timber war. out yester- people tealise that building costs are ment of a Dominion School of Fores-
day that it was really his contention at their very lowest ebb. and the pre- try in Canterbury, and suggested in tho

HARRIS that bnilders' costs should lie lowered

by a reduction in the prices of the
materials fie had mentioned, Mr Wat-
son said that in all probability he
sent is the most opportune time to latter connexion
undertake repairs and renovations, might
which are always necessary, no matter
what may be the economic condition see something
that some arrangement
be made for New Zealnnders to
of forestry methods

Bros. Ltd. might have included other lines also,

but if those he had listed were cheap-
of a country. Naturally, the trade- abroad. It would cost money, but the
most benefited by these renovation expenditure would be vcrj small in pro-
jobs is that of tho painter and decor- portion to tho return.

"Pioneers of Famishing on Easy ened. an improvement in tbe building

trade might be expected. Mr J. W. ator. Work of. the Council.
Tim* Payntnth"

Graham, another builder, said yester- Although the number of building The report of the. Council stated that
198 HEREFORD STREET. day that in pre-war days cement had
j j

at one time been at as low a pries permits issued by the Auckland Clly a considerable amount of work had been
Council bas not decreased a great deal done, and while it was impossible to
sts 3s. 7d per bag, while tho present
price was 6s fid. for the first sis months of 1931. as tiibulate the actual result it was felt
compared with the same period last that the representations made in various
has decreased
TANSON After a special meeting the Pe- vear, the value
tone Borough Council granted/ a per* ably, and is about one-third
of last
total. For the first six months
quarters had been of considerable influ-
ence. In regard to the deer menace a
mit to Messrs W. O. and H. 0, Wills vear's present year, 1092 permits were
solulion had yet to be found, and it was
to build a large store in which to beep of tbe £118,610 hoped that the matter would -ugage
tobacco leaves. The building, which issued, the total value being tho active attention of the new Council.
ri»OOEIHOS, DADOES. •will front Bouverie street and stretch Last year, during the corresponding
issued, tho A conference had been held betwoeu
bbowbsb. ETC. back to near the Petone ana Hatt Gas period. 1123 permits were For the month various interested bodies 011 the subjeftt
f AVION SINK-BENCHES, Board's works in Udy street, will be value being £-106.350. issued tins of wild lifo control, at which it was de-
127 permits were
COVED BACK AMD GRADED 333ft long and 60ft wide. It will have of June, lhe cided to form -a Council with a view to
TOP, ALZ. ZN ONE PIECE. a steel frame, iron walls, steel hori- year, tho value beinj £13.010. June, evolving a scheme of unified control. XK VABIOUS COLOURS zontals between the stanchions, a con- value- of the permits issued in Committees were net up to deal with
June, 1930, was
crete floor, a steel roof tress and 1930 was £124.621 various aspects of the question, and
Office and factory: sarked and iron roof. The dividing the largest month of the first six
further meetings would be held to con-
71-79 MOOEHOUSE AVENUE. walls and the interior walls will be monthly period. big Tho large total was
works which wore sider tlio reports. In conjunction with a
Telejfcona 30-255. of concrete or brick. It is understood duo to'several
AS 637 being exten- delegation from Ilawhe's Bay, the Coun-
that the work of construction will be carried out, the biggest cil had submitted evidence before a
delay. to the Auckland Farmers' Freez-
Commenced without sion."
ing Company at King's Wharf, at a Committee of Parliament to urgo fho
cost of £62,000. preservation of tho unique forest at
Pukctitiri, practically tho only forest
left in Hawkc's Bay. The Committee

© Radio's Clearest
reported favourably, and tho Minister
intended to inspect tho forest person-
ally, after which Cabinot would con-
sider the matter. The beautifica,tion of
BODIES. JCgahauranga Gorge was under con-
"Colonial" Radio is a quality set that has been sideration, and when the iirst stage
specially designed to meet the needs of people v.-aa completed it. would show that, it
was possible to make the balance of
who want a high class radio—at a moderate BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED.
tho gorge a real beauty spot. A strong
price. Entirely new engineering principles give protest had been made against the pro-
it a tone, power and distance previously
In tlie first six months of this year
tho building construction authorised
posed amalgamation of the State Forest
Service with the Lands Department,
and it was scarcely likely that the pro-
by all of the six local bodies controlling posal would be .carried out. 11l conclu-
FULL RANGE OF MODELS. areas in the Christchurch suburbs and sion, tlio report said that while there
vicinity showed a big decline in value was a tendency on tho part of the pub-
lic to believe that tho League achieved
LET TJS ARRANGE A DEMONSTRATION compared with that for the correspond-
its solo purpose wl.en the State Forest Fill up to-day with the amazing NEW
ing period of 1930, the decrease for -the Service was established, there was
Waimairi County Council being tho still a most urgent need for a. strong
DMWors for Cmterbmy: greatest. The totals and number were
as follows:
public opinion to support the League in
its representations. PREMIUM FUEL, which gives super

1931. 1930.
BRISCOE & Value. No. Value. Ko. Tho result of the children's forestry
c.ompetition was announced as follows:
performance at regular price !
& &

Corner Madras V Casual Streets, Christchnrch Waimairi County CI. 9,110

Heathcote C.C. 9,313
—Senior: Helen Fletcher, M. Hunt, 1
(equal); Eileen Gallagher, 2. Junior:
Riccarton B.C. 4,687 21 8,424 23
John Tennent, 1; Nancy Parker, 2; high-
Lyttelton B.C. 1,615 C 7,120 1G
ly commended, M. Beale, David crray,
New Brighton B.C. 2,975 26 6,145 4t
Sumner Borough CI. 2,067 20 3,241 15 Albert Larson, Maire Parker.

{ PERMANENT REPAIRS Totals ■29,773 155 95,801

The largest single item in the above

234 Honorary Agents.
The financial position was outlined Probably you are among those quality in every essential—at no
FOR SAGGING FENCES totals was the permit of £IO,OOO for
the new store for the Atlantic Union
by the chairman of tho Council, Mr A.
Leigh Hunt, who mentioned that over
70 honorary agents connected with the who have up to now thronged the extra cost
No Trouble! No Hard Work with Oil Company in the Waimairi County. County Councils throughout New Zea-
the HUI Patent Concrete Peit Butt. land had been appointed, and that could
When that fence sags, don't wait for the wind
be regarded as some compensation for Union pumps for a tankful of
to blow it over—simply cot the posts where the PHARMACY BUILDING.
the falling-off of membership among
the branches. Mr Hunt also ppoke In the coldest of weather, it will
rot begins—at the wind and water line—then,
dig oat rotten butts—and repiac# with Bill's
strongly against the proposal to incor-
porate the State Forest Service in the
Patent Concrete Post Butts—and you Lands Department. start your engine instantly; warm
hare a rigid, everlasting job, utilising A CENTRAL ORGANISATION. The proposal was criticised by Mr H.
the amazing new premium spirit

the same posts withont laving to re- F. von Haast, who congratulated the
more either rails or palings. Council on the fine work it was doing. it up quickly.
The new Pharmacy Building, Cam- On the motion of the president, the
Householders and Contractors—this means
remarkable saving in both time and bridge terrace, Wellington, the New following resolution was carried: "That which sells at regular prices. 5
Zealand Pharmaceutical Society's head- the members o£ the New Zealand For-
money. Enquire right away.
quarters, which was formally opened by estry League in general meeting view
with alarm the suggestion that the State If not, be sure to go to-day. "UNION" WHITE FLASH
HUME PIPE COMPANY tho Minister for Health, is a hand-
some structure definitely modern in
Forest Service be amalgamated with the
Lands Department. Any such step
(AUSTRALIA) LIMITED style. The construction throughout is would be regarded as a retrograde one
do serious
will be the most popular fuel
of ferro-concrete in the monolithic and calculated to injury to
HORNBY method, tied and strutted in every forestry, so vital to the well-being of There's a real experience waiting
the Dominion." motorists have ever known.. The
a. Telephone 35*800 A
quarter. So far as human eiforfc can
make it, it is considered safe in any
earthquake. All the weight is placed
low, and the roof is as light a's possible.
Officers wero elected as follows:
President, Mr J. Deans; Council,
Messrs A. J. Seed, A. Leigh Hunt, F.
for you !
very first time you use it, you'll
S. Pope, S. Duncan, A. D. McGavock,
The new building will be the centre A. Atkinson, W. H. Denton, and D. G.
of the Dominion's pharmaceutical or-
HOUSE DECORATING ganisations. The main entrance vesti- B. Morison.
Mr E. Phillies Turner, formerly


WHITE FLASH is know why. Make that time

rubber on the
pavement, ''with
flooring of corridors, Director of Forestry, was elected a
A Stall of Skilled Tradesmen Always at Your Service. landings, staircase, etc. The walla life member in recognition of his ser-
vices to the League. a 1931 product. It has extra to-day.
POLSON'S nCNWHITER/ have a dado of Italian marble. The
staircase and landings have slate-grey
dado, enlivened with scarlet lines. The
An illustrated address on the
aesthetic and utilitarian value of trees
112 MANCHESTER STREET. "Phone 36-063 balustrade is of bronze and iron, with to New Zealand was given by Mr
the same colour scheme. ,
On the first flcor are the board-room
and offices, all in plaster, with relief in
colour, and handsome dark woodwork, TIMBER TRADE. EXTRA QUALITY IN EVERY ESSENTIAL
RED |T BRAND PAINTS the whole having a sunny outlook and
The front part of
Hon-Polsonous Boat Faint: fcpsclally intended for dm on Boofs
from wMch ra'a water la collected (or human consumption. Alto
perfect lighting.
this floor js a large hall now to be used
for letting for public functions, but
The State Forest Service reports im-
ports of timber for May as follows: NO EXTRA COST
Bed Sand Whits and Aluminium Paints and Lacvela Whito intended eventually for a lecture hall. Australia, £7118; Canada, £1072;
Bnamel Unequalled for Service- United States, £821; Japan, £570;
The decoration is exceedingjy good
and in the best taste. Above this is a Sweden, £1006; India, £362; United
& Agents, IC7 Hereford St., Ch.Ch. Kingdom, £76.
targe hall intended for a laboratory,
j i

fitted with special drainage for chemis- Exports of timber for May were as

try benches, gas and water supply.

Tho building has cost about £] 2,000.

Item. Super ft. Value WPS


Mr S. W. Feam, A.R.I 8.A.. was the

architect, and the Fletcher Construc- £

FOR 6000 PLUMBING tion Company were the builders. Kauri

White pine
1,421,336 12,242
Successor to T Osaka Plumbing Braufc. ...

Five sticks, plus one match, equals Beechtvood 39,559 437

Prompt and Satisfactory Bepairs.
one fire I That is the sum total of our Other kinds 442 5
"cut and dried" kindline. Bags of- full Sawn 800 5
CEO. STENINO* G* OmWMfe ttrraee end Caahel Street.
reduced from 3s 6d to 2s 9a- Batter boxes 714 15
•ySflfie 36-781 (Facias Oaabel Street Bridge) measure
'Phone 33-313. G. McClatchia and 00..
Ltd., 160 Hereford street. —1 Exports were mainly .for Australia,


accountancy. Q 0 k .

resslonal, Co st YESTERDAY'S MEETING.
\c c
n ipiom».


8 11
Mtt hPrtf certW- The Ch'ristchurch Presbytery met yes- (9SO Kilocycles.)
'reacheri gev
TROUSERS Bors' and Youths' Double

rates, J terday, the Moderator, the lie v. AN. R ; 3 jj.m: Gramophone rocital. 3.15: Lectti-
anc «.

rette —"Profit and Pleasure." prepared b?

vU e
Advcrustng. Sale®:.
Hutchison, presiding. the Home Science Extension Servifce, Otag<>

tli a n
sn i v pj
t nwn 5 University. 5.0: Children's hour. tj-O- DINE TROUSERS. All sizes—
GABAR- COATS, with all-round belt.
ngcncV. ,r
Rev. John Watt. Dinner music session (Parlophone). 7.0: Sizes 26,' 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38,
session. 7.30: Talk—Dr.
Usually T4/6 p ir 40—-


Presbytery agreed to the following Weston, Lincoln Agricultural College, "I1arm ■^ ow 11/6 pair BOYS' AND YOUTHS 4 SUITS Size 26—Usually SH/6
memorial minute: Accounting Associations." 8.0: Chimes- 21/6 each

Overture—Berlin State Opera Orchestra, MEN'S TJtOUSIiRS. in Dark Grev*. BOYS' ALL-WOOL SUITS in Dark Grey, Now
"The liev. John Watt came out to "Barber of Seville." rising 6d size
_ Quartets--
(a)8.4: ■Sizes (i nnd 7 only-- l/sunllv 37/6 pair Sizes 4, 5 and 9—Usually .. 49/6
■will increase Now Zealand from Scotland about 30 Melodious Quartet, Negro Spirituals, No,w 4 Boys' All-Wool

"Nobody Knows do Trouble": (b)

"Deep '•
10/6 pair Now 22/6

years ago, and was engaged for a time River" (traditional). Soprano —Miss Frances 2 YOUTHS' SPORTS SUITS in Grey Flannel—
llamerton, with orchestral accompaniment, in Pawn shade. Sues

Usually 45/- Npw 17/6
your earnings in the charge of Hunterville, ill the "Waltz Song" (from "Tom Jones") (Gor-
North Island. Soon afterwards, how- man). 8.11: Studio Octet, "Fidelio" Over- Boys'

and Youths' SAC and


4 and 5
"Usually SB/«
ture (Beothoven). 8.17: Bass-baritone
SHORTS, in heavy All-Wool Navy
and secure your ever, lie accepted a call to Morven, Mr T. D. Williams, "My Abode" (Scliu-A.
where he laboured for a number maim).
of K. '8.20: Flute with orehostra —Mr
Hutfon, "Aria" (John Lommone). B.2i> :
Worsted. Ballantynea own make.
Sizes 13 to 18—
Vow «. 17/6

years. Later he settled in the charges (a)

present position Me«o-contralto—Miss Millicent Jennings
"Caravan" (Shaw); (b) "Away Home
<>f Waiau and Sefton: and for the fif- (Liddle). 8.29: Quartet—Melodious Quartet

65/6 to 68/0
MEN'S TWEED OVERCOATS, single or double
own home—devoted to any teen yours immediately prioi' to his will) orchestral accompaniment, "To the 8.3-.: YOUTHS' SAC SUITS, in
„• study. night—in your pole" (Old English) (traditional). breasted, vent or plain backs, waisted or full fitting.
W i Navy and Grey All-Wool
't. 'bove Courses, will enable you to qualify rapidly for a more death was engaged -in church extension .Selections—Studio Octet, (a) "Spanish Shades: Fawns. Grevs, Browns and Navy. All sizes—
of the "Largo Apassion- Worsteds; long trousers, onr
Unly the trained man is certain to succeed
Serenade" (Bizet); (b)
work in Christchureh, and in relieving ata" (Laurian Beck). 8.89: Bass—-Mr 1. 105/- J l.j/- 126/- 147/- 168/- 3 89/- each
p o j!tion

own make. Sizes 16, 17, 18—


kigbly-P" { jj>li;>;es t jobs and earns the biggest pay. work under the Homo Missions Com- D. Williams, "1 Fear No Foo" (Pinsuti). Now .. 92/6 99/6 110/- 130/- 147/- 168/- each
8.42: Soprano and tenor—-Dolce Duo, "Swing
"Usually .. 126/- suit

Let Hemingway'* Train YOU! mittee. Mr Watt's work lay chiefly in Song" (Messager). 8.47: Violin with or-
.. ..

Irene Morris, "Con- lined —Usually 84/- 90/- each

wide oomH'W cliai'jan, where the bounds chestra—Soloist, Miss(Accolay).

.. ..

certo in A Minor" 8.37: Tenor Now 77/6 each

were very much wider than to-day, and —ilr

with orchestral
.. ..

Kussell Sumner
where the work necessitated long and accompaniment, (a) "Serenade" (Schubert); \
(b) "Pleading" (Elgar). 9.1 : V oatber
arduous journeys, not unmixed with ad- forecast and station noticos. £).•'!: I'lute Mr Men's Double Breasted TAN

venture, in days before travel was sim A. E. Hutfon, "Lion du Bal" (Fillet). 9.6:

rWA Y'S f?
plifi.'d bv motor-cars and good roads. Soprano—Miss Frances Jtamerton, with or-
-Mr Watt was of a quiet and retiring chestral
accompaniment, 'My Ilarp is on the
Tree" (from *" 11nSongs

disposition and his work was always un- Needham). Melodious Quartet —"Sweet and
Men's Double Breasted

fleecy lined body, Silk lined
chouldera and sleeves, storm
°'**RA6?AucKland. t RAINCOATS with

ar obtrusive, but with no little courage Ijow" (Barnby). Mezzo-contralto—Miss

ob iigaviou, f^ Y
_ .

CO #lB.
P.O. BO* Ol T
and perseverance ho carried out his Millicent Jennings, with orchestral accompani-
"The Peace of the Valley" (Bajte).
check lining and belt. Usually £9/9/- £lO/10/-
jf»il the Coupon riease =

vo ut
\ work in a manner most faithful and de- ment,
0.17 : Selection—Studio Octet, "Cavalleria
Usually: Now ..

£B/10/- £9 each
for Full P»r- \tcaiars oif
voted, and ho had the capacity for win- Rusticana" (Mascagni). 9..'J0: f.'unce music DO/- &
99/6 each

\ the
estoem and devotion of tiis programme (Brunswick). Now .. 82/6 ..each
Course ning
ticuUw ®f th« Brown Leatherette Double

Nani people. For the last few years of nis 3ZC, CUKISTCIXURCH. Breasted MOTOR-CYCLE
tfaat interests
you! life he was living in retirement in (£>

\ddf« s9
Christchureh, and at the time of his
(250 Metres.) COATS, warm lining and
Men's Cardigans. all-round belt—
10 a.m.: Women's session. 10 a.m.:
death was an active and loyal member "Molody in F," Edison Concert Orchestra. Usually
of St. Paul's Session. 10.5: Tested recipes. .10.23:
Usually 72/6 each
"The Presbytery expresses its sincere Caprice," Victor Young (piano): "The Last
of Summer," Elizabeth Spencer (so-
13/6 to 21/- Now .. ..
49/6 each
sympathy with Mrs "Watt and her fam- Ivoso
is the God of all consolation."
prano); "Serenade" (L'ierne), Albert Spald-
ily, and commends them to Iliin who ing (violin); "Saxophone Farctasie," l!udy
Wiedoeft (saxophone); "Tho World is Wait-
ing for the Sunrise," Edward Allen (bari-
1A //»

tone);. "Chicago Tribune March," Sodero's
World Disarmament. Band. 11. a.m.: "Berceuse do .locelyn," 3
A communication was received from Edison Concert Orchestra: "Fifth Nocturne,"
the World's Disarmament Petition Com- Victor Young (piano); "Last Night," Amy 1 SMOKING JACKET
Ktlcrman (contralto); "Drink to Me Only."
mittee, and also a circular letter in Albert Spalding size A -Csuallv MEN'S DINNER \
(violin); "Fantasia from 29/6 SUITS
When you say support. The petition is to be submit- Simon
ted to tho League of Rations Disarma- .Tames
Boecanei;ra." flute and
"Love Sends n Little Gift of Koses." Lewis
clarinet: Now \ .

(tenor); "Marclie Klave. Sodero's

ment Conference to be held at Geneva Baud. SPECIAL DINNER SUITS,

in February, 1932.
11.DO a.m.: Close down. 12 noon 1 Lined Velvet
to 'J p.m.: News and linu'lieon nuisir session, made in our own work-
The liev. J, A. Allan moved: "That 2TA, WELLINGTON SMOKING JACKET. rooms, with best quality
Merchant or Stock and the petition be approved and recom- T— 0 KiloeyrleO Size -Usually
120 Black Dress Coatings,
to jwff Hardware


mended to ministers and people for sig- facings and linings. Sizes
mittmi Agent nature." He said that the petition al-
Chimes. Soli-.'tod in<>|■In>iir.
10.-15: T.ecturette—"Cooking.''
Now .. '.. 63"/- VA of chest measurements

You mean CYCLONE

rare you get Genuine Cyclone
ready had been signed by over one
million persons in different parts of the
ll.:!7: Lecturette—"Storage of Fowl in the
Home," under the auspices of the Health
Department. 112 noon:
Lunch lession music
stocked: 35, 36, 37, 38, 38,
40, 41, 42
l*t fee
Mark.) who make this class
world. The object sought was mutual p.m.: Chimes. Selected items. Usually • £B/8/- -


and pari passu disarmament amongst all J.ecturetto—Miss I. I'. Meadows. "Profit and Now £7/7/- each
{Jftaetag only with knots, ties or twists

nations. If the conference failed it was Pleasure." Talk arranged by the Home
Science Extension Department of the Otugo
Jfiu «Whm». likely that Germany would get out of University. fi.3o and 1.30: Sporting results
Irrr only fence
* that lias one of them. the League; in which case: "Heaven to hand. "5.0: Children's fission, conducted
mmh y#n have true CYCLONE. help the League." by Uncle Georgo and Big Brother .lack. 0.0:
Dinner music session (Polvdor).
None other like them. Two or three speakers supported the 7.0: News
M 'J* —J* ■
Nj— —»
session, market reports and sports results. SPECIALS MEN'S BLUE DENIM
motion, which was agreed to.
MEN'S sum

7.-10: Lecturette—Miss Inez Coiinop, "Danc-
ing in Relation to Health." 8.0: Chimes. MEN'S PAWN SPORTS OVERALLS with bib. Size
The Orphanages. Studio concert by the Wellington Artillery
and 7—Usually 47/6 to 6</to MEN'S SAC SUITS of All-
Hand (Conductor, Capt. T. Herd) and 2YA
3—Usually 8/6

A deputation from the Presbyterian

.. ..

artists. March—Band, "The Jullv Copper- Now ■ ■ Wool Dominion made

• '' ''

Social Service Association, consisting of BLAZERS.

Men's Plain Navy ALL-WOOL
smith" (Peter) ; overture, "Ijustspicl." .. ..

Worsteds. Shades: laght,


H. 10: Ilasts—Mr It. J. 0. (n) to 45/-

Write for Messrs V. 11. French, G. Callendcr, C. Madig.m.
Sizes 3 and 4-Usually 3
HIKE and CATECaM "(Ichone, Bridget O'Flynn"; (h) "Katie MEN'S BLUE DRILL Mid and Dark Grejr. Amazes.

Catalogue and new Ogilvie, and A. 0. Wilkinson, waited on McGee" (Coventry). 8.1 : Vihriiphone Now
the Presbytery to place before it the

Miss Joyce Morgan, (a) "My Old Kentucky LEGGINGS, and KHAKI COATS— How 79/6 each
CHRISTCHURCH AUCKLAND Reduced Prices. financial position of the Association, Home"; (b) "Old Black Joe". (Foster).
Cornet duct—Sergts. Bowman and
2 pairs PIGSKIN
suitable for motoring or «<*ing—
Usually .. 10/6
.. ..

RALMERSTON NORTH Mr French said that* contributions

Johnston, "Two Comrades." 8.2-1: Con- Usually 37/0 Wow ..
last, year amounted to £730, which l did tralto—Miss Mabel Dyer, (a) "The Sweet-
est Flower that Blows" (Hnwley): (b> Now 12/6 SAC SUITS, made in our
not nearly meet expenditure. "That's All" (Brahe). 8.2'.): One-act Own workrooms. Fast dye.
Mr Wilkinson, the treasurer, said that mystery play—"The Keal Q" (Terrell and
for five or six years it had been impos- Steehhan). Characters: The Doctor, Mr
Sizes 36 to 40—
sible to capitalise one penny of legacies Kenneth Aitkcn; The Detective, Mr Hudley TJsnally .. ..
Aitkcn; The Thief, Mr Norman Ailken.
received by the Association. Last year Scene: Dr. Cornish's Ofliee, Now York. 8.48: Now «.
90/- each
there was a deficiency approximately of Selection—Band. "Gems from .Sullivan".' HATS AND CAPS
£ISOO, the largest in the history of the Operas" (arr. Hume). 0.0: Evening weather
Association. In order to reduce bank forecast and station notices. 9.2: Accordion SpecialSelection of ENGLISH; BALLANTYNES "SPECIAL"
—Jenn Vnissude, (n) "Couscous" (Tjutoire) : IUGH-GRADE FUR FELT lIATS.
overdraft, securities amounting to (b) "The Socret of a Night" (Vaissade). ENGLISH MADE HATS; all Fur.
£ISOO had been sold. There was an im- n.S: Vocal duet —Mis-B Mabel Dypr and Mr Usually . . 35/- to 47/G each Present season's colours and shapes.
B OILINC WATf fi4 pression that the Association had large Edgar Swain, "At Dawning." Contralto —

Now .. . • 29/6 each Usually

Miss Mobol Dyer, "Through the Sunrise" 2-5/- to 35/- each
assets of £16,000 or £17,000, but Hat—made ex-

(Nutting). 9.14: Vibraphone—Miss Joyce The "Lantyne" Now .. .. 21/- each

£IO,OOO represented homes and proper- "Carry 'Me Bf'k" (Bland); clusively for Ballantynes. PURE

Morgan, (a)
(b) "Old Folks at Homo" (Foster). 9.18:

ties which brought in no revenue. The PUR FELT, in newest shapes and
Basr.—Mr It. J. O. Mndigan. "The Bosun's MEN'S ENGLISH MADE CAPS,
only investment bringing in revenue Advice" (Coventry). 9.22: Waltz—The colours—Usually ..- 29/G each silk lined, leathers.and grease proof SPECIAL OFFER FROM
was debentures totalling £OOOO, which Band, "Red Poppies" (Rimmer). Cornet Now .. .. 25/- each

produced £3OO per annum; as /Stated, nolo—Sergt. W. H. Bowman, "Beyond the attachment in crown; —

\ Dawn" (Sanderson). 9 :!1; Tonop—Mr MEN'S BLACK HARD HATS—-

£ISOO worth of these debentures had

nnvoiT sxi
Kdiar Swain, (a) "Dolorosa" (Phillips); (b) "Scott" and "Lincoln Bennett"— Usually ..
4/6 & 6/6 ..

MEN'S SAC SUITS, made-to-measure

been sold. "The Fuchsia Tree" (Quiltcr). 9 rt7:
Usually .. .. .. 42/- Now 3/6 & 5/6 from All-Wool Tweeds and Worsteds ia.
Messrs Ogilvio and Callender spoke in March—Tho Band, "Naworth Castle <Oru
Npw 25/- fashionable weaves and colourings—
Hume); fantasin, "Hibernian Melodies
support. (arr. Greenwood). 9.50: Male voice choir-;-
aria MEN'S "TRESS"' and "HENIiY. BOYS' GOLF CAPS in Navy, Grey, Now ..

£6/10/6 .. ..

It was resolved to support any action Cossacks,- (a) "The Red Sarafan" ONCleg - Check and Donegal Tweed— Also a very large range of better qualities
decided upon by the Association to ob- moff-Jaroff) : (b) ' •March Prince
niluJ '
HEATH" CAPS, all sizes— —tailored in our own workrooms
Jaroff). 9.50: '
lnnC f T,u- Usually 11/6 to 13/6 Usually 6/6
— -

tain funds from the congregations, and (arr.

£B/8/- £9/9/- £lO/10/-


"Frisky Sambo" (Ord Hume). Usually'


to set up the following committee to

Now i/6 Now ... ..
v. 4/6

£l/7/- £B/8/- £9/9/-

co-operato with the'Association:-—Revs.
L. McMaster, T. Patcrson, J. Robert- BASKETBALL. Discount: i/~ in the
son, J. A. Allan, and Messrs D. C.
Burns and A. Wilson. £ for Cash or on
Presbyterian Girls' Hostel. CANTERBURY ASSOCIATION. Monthly Accounts.
GIVE A RICHER Mr G. Whitelaw wrote setting out
the facts connected with the raising of
funds by his wife (now dead) and Following is the draw fo? matches to
ne £ Free Postage as
others for the establishment in Christ- plcyed in South Hagley Park on
. v

church of a Presbyterian Girls' Hostel. at 2.30 p.m. :

A start was made with the collection of A GRADE.
funds about five years ago, and particu- Sacred Heart A v. Gantci'luny CoUege A
lars were giyen as to the amount raised. (M Kershaw), court Brewer), 1; Digby sA,
2; Umtel
All your soups, gravies and casserole
It was decided to incorporate the ing College A A (W.
Walter, court 3, bt-
letter with" the records of Presbytery Mary's v. Technical (J.
B f\V. M,
A v. Canterbury College
dishes will gain in richness when and to refer it to the committee set up i'enzie), court 4.
to deal with the matter. The Rev. J.
.you add a little Bovril.
Robertson was elected to the commit- (M«
Moireliau A v. Training CollegeA B
tee in place of the Rev. L. N. D. court 5; Beckenham
v. Hal
Webster, and Mr G. Whitelaw m place luntynes 6;
A (Miss Agassi*), court T'llyK court him, was
Bovril not only adds nourishment of his wife. A
!' TratniW
College C (M»
College D v. Digbj s B (Mi THE COURTS. KAIAPOI. LEVY DEFAULTERS. a constable interviewed
10s and costs. "


and flavour to meat and vegetable 7; Training

Other Matters. Holland), court 8; Technical B,
a b>e. (Before Mr E. D. Mosley, S.M.)

w Judgment for plaintiff by default was given

dishes, it brings/out the nourishing The resignation of the Rev. John JUNIOR B GRADE.
v. Sacred
in the following cases,: —T. S. West v. J. FINES IMPOSED.
Miller from the committee of the Pres- Section 1-Weat Old Girls A MAGISTERIAL. Ashworth, claim £6 15s; Blackwcll's, Ltd. v.

as Heart B (Mrs Dawber), court 9

and appetising qualities of the foods
P. J. O'Connor, claim £l6 Is Jld; same y.
byterian Social Service

A BC A (Li. DangedieM>. court

V 10, Maiewa P. Hunt, claim £3 Vs 6d; 0. Howard v. A.
accepted, and the appointment of his v.' court 11; bt. C. Woodthorpe, claim £3 3s lOd; C. W. R.
themselves. Ore™ Seniors (C WEDNESDAY. Further defaulters of payment of'
successor was held over. St. Davids v. Kaiapoi, at Kaiapoi. Ashby v, A. Chappell, claim £1 7s 6d; J. W.

for Andrew's A2—Hinemoa A v. Bockenhan, B

The application from (Before Mr H. P. Lawry, S.M.) A. McDougall v. L. Armstrong, claim £l. the. December and March instalments

CHARGE 01' DRUNKENNESS. In II Becks v. G. Kelly, claim £3 2s 6d,

further mortgage court 12; V of the unemployment levy were before

permission to raise a (Miss E. Bull),

court 1o; Ballan- defendant, who did not appear, was ordered

Merivale B (Mrs Grenfell), Leslie John Morrison, aged '35, living r.t Holland's! Star
j j

was re-
of £3OO, to meet liabilities, the Magistrate's Court yesterday, Mr

with a touch of
Kaha A (Miss B. Da vies), to pay the amount due forthwith, in default
Com- Bv. 'J'e the Salvation Army Homo at Aldington, was
ferred to the Property and Finance
tvre's (Miss I. three days' imprisonment.
ccurt M; Technical B1 v. Omuhia sentenced to one month's imprisonment on H. P. Lawry, S.M., imposing f arying Finest Brand
mittee to report to next meeting.

Mr- rsliall), court 15. . , a chnrgo of drunkenness. Accused had been (Before Messrs T. R. Leithead and A. S».

court 16;
On Is
previously convicted on similar charges.
Senior-Sergeant Fox stated that when ar-
Palmer, J.P.'s.)
Allen Andrew Lang, charged with breaking Mr R. T. Bailey prosecuted for the'

C.rec Juniors (G. Harper), court rested accused had in bis possession a bottle
j7, Men,,
court and entering the Royal Hotel, Woodend,~and Labour Department.
k ers v. Sacred Heart C(K Green

containing methylated spirits. stealing therefrom £l, in money and three
13, Matchless v. Digby s College
(K. 1(1
FRUITERER CHARGED. bottles of whisky, valued at 365, pleaded Conyers Ainsley feared that if his
C William James Masson (Mr D. W. Russell) guilty, and was committed to the Supreme name were published it Would affect a
4 v. Phillipstown
berlain), court 20: St. Marys B v. Gregf,
(C. Cham- pleadod guilty to a charge of failing to keep
a record of wages and time in connexion
Court for sentence.
A charge of receiving 1 Os and part of tifree new position which he had" obtained,
Co'Joge (Miss D Stuart), court 21 ; formal bottles of whisky from Allen Andrew Lang, and through Mr Bailey he applied for
with an assistant employed by him. suppression of his name. This, Mr
Old Girls B v. Hagley A (S. Tredennick , u. Thomas Pascoe,'was dismissed.
For the Labour Department, Mr K.
knowing the same to have been stolen, against

(PRESS ASSOCIATION TELEStt.YM.J court 22; Technical B2 v. West Old Gills Bailey stated that the defendant, who was a Lawry pointed out, ho had no power
B (S. B. Forscut't), court 20. complied with
fruiterer in Colombo street, hademployees with
to grant.
tho regulations with all his Ainsley stated that he was now re-
the exception of this man, whose namo
drown- Section I—Bockenham C v. Hagley B ceiving a regular allowance from Eng-
Three man were rescued from Brizley), court 24; Radley v. Sun-
not on the book. .
land. Thisi would enable him to pay
by the (Miss M. 31 r Russell stated that tlie assistant
ing in Haurald Gulf last night shine (Miss M. Wright), court 25; Kershaw), St An-
been employed as' a casual, on good wages, *
future levies. ,
Thomas Cunnell wliicn drew's Te Kana, B (M. and wfts being paid overtime. Mr Masson ';ad
. ,
"You should have paid out of youi;
steam trawlei, B' v.
sinking launch just 1; Mairehau B v. B.S.C. (W. Brewer), (PRESS ASSOCIATIOK TIUEGJIAM.)
CUP reached the men's
in time.
court 2.
Section 2—Kaiapoi B v. Nomads B (J.
befriended the man.
"Mr Masson must have known that he was
ovading tho law when he failed to enter

savings,'' said Mr Lawry in fining
Ainsley 30s and costs.
ter), court 3; Merivale C v. Brownies V W. Henry William Aker, a racing-stable

were J. Holt, jun., namo in the book," stated the Magistrate, again, while his first
'lhe rescued men Stanley. C Married twice
owner, for whom Mr Holmes appeared,
G Give your friends a cup D. Miller, and W. The aim en. McKenzie), court 4; A.B.C. B v.
(Mia Mckenzie), court 5; Technical C v.
Hagley who fined defendant £1 and costs.
legal vvii'e was alive, and previously pleaded that he was under the impres-
was returning to Auckland
of Symington's Coffee Ess- D I.C. (Miss Agassiz), court, G. Acelinmiua'aon convicted of bigamy with respect of sion that he had twelve months' grace.

Asthma! Free
Fitzroy, when the engine broke The North Canterbury
Section 3—Haglsy D v. Marshland A (Mrs Society, for whom Mi* A. A. G. Roei ap-
ence—the truest hospitality at 2.30 in. The launch began to his 'first illegal wife, George Gillies, a
Tillv), court 7; Ngaio v. Hagley I. (Mrs peared, proceeded against Leonarl Manning resident of Lower Hutt, was charged
He was fined £2 and costs.
' is to make them feel at home ship water. The men could dobutnotabout
, nig Holland), court 8; Addington v. Celtic (Mrs (Mr C. V. Quigley), Robert Roland Manning, at Pet-one When Gordon John Armstrong called
Dawber), court 9; Hinemoa B v. Woolworths to-day with bigamy with re- at the Labour Bureau in the early
but keep bailing the water, and William Prendoville, all of Hawnrden,
—and everybody uses itthere. midnight they became exhausted. A (L. H. Dangerfield), court 10; C.C.C., a who were charged with taking game without a spect trude
to his second illegal wife. Ger-
Helen Walter, whom he married
days of the unemployment relief To All Sufferers
a dtrigay bye. license, and were eacli fined £5 and costs. scheme, he was told that there was
To make their plight woise, aw^y. Section 4—Buclsetts v. Marshland I) (C. Leonard' Manning was allowed a month in at in 1922.

not much chance of employment for A free sample of Neil's
t I I1

thtit was towed astern broke they Wilson), court 11; Ballantynes C v. Whit- which to pay. Gillies pleaded guilty and was com-
single men, he told Mr Bailey; but READY
At two .o'clock this morning combes (Mrs Grenfell), court 13; Spreydon StIOT TOO MANY DUCKS. mitted for sentence. BELIEF
so lit flares. he had not registered as unemployed, Asthma Powder will be
(REGD.TRADE MARK) saw a masthead light andThomas Cun- v. Girl Citizens A (Mrs Kingsford), court The Acclimatisation Society also proceeded
and had therefore not secured exemp- free to any
the l(i; Hagley E v. Hagley G (C. Harper), ported
Half an hour later against James Quigley and Campbell Quig-
nell took the men oil..
It attempted
broke away
court 17.
Soction s—Cambridge Terrace v! Wool-
ley, of the Peaks, Hawar.deii,- for taking SYDENHAM SCHOOL COMMITTEE. tion:
"I am going down-to register now,"
address sent to
Co. Ltd..
Edinburgh Londo» and ' to tow the launch, which more than five Paradise ducks in one day. NEIL MANUFAOTUBING CO.,
That. Symington &
woiths B (It. Green), court 18; Sacred Heart Mr C. V. Quigley, who appeared for and de- Armstrong told the Court.
and disappeared. D v. Girl Citizens B (K. le Cren), court 19;
fendants, stated that they father The charge was withdrawn. P.O. Bos 580, JDunedin.
Oddfellows v. Hagley F (C. Chamberlain), son, and had been returning with a full bag At the July meeting; of the Sydenham School
court 20; Whitcombe and Tombs v. Hagley when they saw other ducks rise. They could
II (Miss D. Stuart), court 21. not resist a shot..
Committee there were present—Messrs J. Vt.
Brown (chairman), J. G. Pratt. T. Tveri*
The charge against John William
Archer had been adjourned to allow
No obligation. An entirely
free offer to enable sufferers

AKAROA. It was stated that between them defend- berth, A. Milne, G. 11. M. Thompson, \V. enquiries to be made, and Mr Bailey to try this splendid remedy.
ants had fourteen ducks. stated that defendant was earning £2
"They had had their sport and were not Lloyd, 11. H.
Cobb, 11. Robinson; T. W. X.
CUT THIS RECIPE OUT. 7s 6d a week and had a wife to keep.

eaves satisfied, but wantonly took

Wilson, and the headmaster
the other The headmaster reported that the number on (Mr Runibold).
association telegram.) ——� It appeared to be a ease of neglecting
AKAROA. (PSISS birds," said Mr Lawry in reply to Mr
the roll ut the end of June was 815. The HaKHNNMMNMMIMMM
THAMES, July 8. Reed's suggestion that the case was not average attendance was 779. or 92 per cent. obligations. m
pltit «
s|HTiri >i quiet hoi* SAVES YOUK MONEY AND DOES viewed as very serious. "There are a lot of people worse oft For Supplies
Correspondence from the Education Board

situated on sea front, EMULSION, Figures available for the supply of YOU GOOD—- Each defendant was fined £i2 and costs.
with reference to economy in the use of tlian you, are," said Mr Lawry. in and Repairs
high-class catering and .

stretch of "HEENZO SLOGAN.

butterfat from a two-mile THE FAMOUS CASES. reply to defendant's plea that a fine
TRAFFIC writing paper was referred to the headmaster.
•wommodation. with every In cases brought by Inspector S. F. Nap- It was reported that several old scholars of would add to his financial difficulties. AT CHEAPEST SATES
Lane s is easy to the Piako road, on the
road known as like
Direct Supply Co.
per, of the Heatheote County Council, the the school would to see tile stono step
ended ijYom your chemist or store buy a Archer was fined £1 and costs.
10s jkt day. L' 3 per week take and easy to Hauraki Plains, for the year that bottle of HEENZO (Hean's Essence).
following fines were imposed:—
No License—Robert Anderson. £5 Derek
and the door at the entrance from Brougham
and street of the old school incorporated in tile ' Frederick James Arnold, who stated
Jjfpnetresa. Miss Jenkins. digest—good
young June 30th, show, it is claimed,
Mix it with a large breakfastcupfull costs; Cornet Berwald, 10s and costs; new building. and the old bell retailed l>y ' 1 h;it' his average earnings were less •3 CASHEL ST. WEST. 'Phono 32-513
rhoa® J5132 (or

tho locality is the richest producing

,"1 48. Owing to the I'ublic Health j than £1 a .week, was tilled £1 and

the committee.
in. and old. and, therefore, or warm water and sweetening as per Russell 5s and costs.
extra expense ou the

and Department putting

areii in New Zealand,
| _
j i

Dangerous Spoed—Cornet Berwald, committee J costs.

ft; directions. Pour into a large bottle costs;


Twytie- Dental Clinic Committee. the

2/6 and 4/6 in the whole world. George K. Millies (Mr R.
The charge against Thomas Ash worth

all and label ready for use. agreed to the charge of -s Gd for each child

at ham), 10s and costs.

of fifteen

2*ooßß* AHD. GENTS'

I l Chemists
k and
ft Store*. ,
The road hab the frontage
farms, varying from 290 awes to 50
acres, which produced 361,151 pounds
This gives you a pint of the finest
family cough mixture you can obtain. 10s and costs.
Cycling without a light—William Caslimer\ treated
tee passed
extra charge.
In doing so the
motion protecting against the
Messrs Milne and
commit- was adjourned, pending enquiries as
il>on to Ernest
his being entitled to exemption,. \\
The Leading House for
Painting Decorating
•UJBOAI* so/- were appointed an Inspection Committee for -James A ft-wood, 'against &
a pound, It is a splendid remedy for coughs,
of butterfat . which, at Is MAINTENANCE CASE. A resolution was passed I whom there were two informations,
equals £18,057. The total acreage is colds, influenza, and sore throats, and the ensuing month.
Allan Jaraes Brown, a labourer, of Kaiapoi, than king the ladies who as.-i*led at the o.d month in which to pay I; Titos. Gapes B Co..

u'a-s i'iven one


at tht) same time saves you money. A admitted being in arrears of maintenance of I.q.vs' function last Saturday.
j i

average of 157

®LUE BEEGE SUITS TO 2296. thus giving an whole pint for 2s 6d. That means a his'wife to the extent of £1.12 los fid ii|j to two fines of 10s and costs and 20s and
pounds of butterfat or £7 17s per acre

■J costs;

£3 18s 6d
the locality did saving of at least 15s for you. June 2nd, and was convicted and sentenced .83 .Victoria. Street
**Mwaeat turns and patterns. In the previous ccason to six,months' imprisonment, the issue of the
Take home a bottle of HEENZO to- warrant to be suspended provided arrears arc j j hi: Mtrilloi liui:-!• in ;ili>l ; Cecil Vernon Austin, who stated that j \ Telephone 33119.
not product quite eo much, but the he bail paid Iris levy i be-day- b:Torc

IMALDS, price was much higher. day. > —0 paid off at the rale of L'7s 6d a week. Walci i» at. Conunv, Nutili \N a its. i

ttcoiisK ot.

Severe lacerations to the head and
scalp, necessitating his removal to the
In the' Magistrate's Court yesterday Public Hospital at Ashburton, where
Mr C. It. Orr Walker, S.M., entered
an operation was found to be neces-
judgment for plaintiffs by default in sary, were received by James Law, aged
the following civil cases:-—J. A. Taylor
29 years, while wood-cutting in the
v Tom Connolcy, £B, costs 19s; J. Lauriston district. He and another
O'Eourke v. W. Bell, 12s, costs lis; C. and
young man were engaged in felling
E. Pryco v. Thomas C. Cross, £lB 3s ,trimming trees in a plantation. Law
4d, costs £2 14s; A. B. Annand and was up one treo a distance of about 20
Co. v. James O'Connor, £4 15s 6d, costs
£1 2s 6d; J. McPherson and Son v. feet, and was endeavouring to top an-
Price Brothers, £3 ss, costs £1 3s 6d. other which had fallen against it, when
Judgment summons: Order wifs made he was struck on the head by an over-
in the case of Matthew Little v. Michael hanging portion. He was knocked to the
O'Shea, £8 17s 3d, by instalments of ground"by the force of the blow, which

Look for the Band with Final Clearance of

£2 monthly, in default six days' gaol; made an extensive wound in his head.
Timaru Herald Co., Ltd., v. John Crich-
ton, 6s, in default 24 hours' gaol.
Claiming £l2 was owing to him for Tho draw, with referees, for the

men's and women's Hockey Associa-

the "SWAN" Brand—-

wages, a stable-boy, Lawrence B.
D'Egannch, sued his former employer, tion 's competitions on Saturday, is as
J. W. Pankhurst, a horse-trainer, in follows: —

the Magistrate's Court yesterday. The Women—Senior A grade: Hinds v.

Tinwald, at Hinds (Mr H. B. Milli-

youthful plaintiff, who conducted hi?

your assurance that the own case, was nonsuited.

In evidence, D'Eganneh said that he
worked for defandant for nineteen
champ). Senior B grade: Lauriston v.
Ashburton, at Ashburton (Mt A.
McHardy); Methven v. Wakanui, at
Ashburton (Mr C. Bishop and Mr . E.
In winter's latest
weeks, and although his wages were

Sausages you buy are fixed at £1 weekly, he received only ap- Davidson); Rakaia v. Lowcliffe, at
colours and designs

proximately £7, his employer paying Ashburton (Mr C. Bishop and Mr E.

him in small sums, ranging from a Davidson). Junior grade: Baring
Square v. Hinds, at Ashburton (Mr H.
Greater .Redactions than ever serve to make
REAL Pork. Under cross-examination by Mr Ray- Hepburn and Mr M. Baker); High
mond, witness said that ho had given School B v. Springburn, at Springburn these bargains in Silks really sensational.
(Mr G. L. Button); Mayfield v. High
proper notice, and had remained on for
several days to enablo his successor to School A, at Maylield (Mr J. Cook). The Selections include a foil range, in newest de»
get used to the horses. Ho declared final of the recent Christchurch six-a- signs colours to serre_ every

side tournament will be decided at Ash-

that defendant told him when he left
that he would be ablo to get stable burton on Saturday between the Lauris- purpose. YonH find your choice most in-
MADE- By work when he returned, but ho had ton and Methven teams. teresting. Call in to-day.
sinco found it impossible to do so. Men—Ashburton v. Methven, at
ifttESWAN In the box, Pankhurst denied paying Methven (Mr H. E. Thompson and
33in. TUSSORE SILK, only a limited quantity |

the boy in small sums, declaring that Mr W. B. Thomas); St. Andrew's v. St. PRICE 1/

his wages had been paid in sums of Stephen's, at Ashburton (Mr M. Baker Usual Price 1/11 yard '
not less than £l. Ho said that the and Mr F. Wear).
PEOPLE, youth had not given notice until the 36in. HEAVY JAP SILK, for linings.underslips,lango
morning lie left, but witness denied W.C.T.U. Meeting,
Colours include Fawn. Brown, Beige, Green,
advising the Racing Conference that Tho monthly meeting of tho Ashbur- Red, Purple, Grey, Navy ■

m m/i

the lad had not given proper notice. ton Women's Christian Temperance FINAL PRICE «/
Usual Price 5/11 yard
* *

The Magistrate said that he could Union was held in Baring Square school-
not give judgment on the evidence be- room on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs W. designs and
fore him. The plaintiff did not knoAV Grigg presided over a good attendance 27in. PRINTED VELVETEEN, in new
definitely how much he had received, of members.
and in addition ho had a grievance Letters of sympathy were directed
against the defendant. lie, nonsuited to bo sent to sick members. The pro-
tho plaintiff with costs. ceeds of the recent cake and produce 38in. SILK MAROCAIN. in new Navy shades of Cocoa,
stall amounted to £lO. A hearty vote and Black-
High School Board. of thanks was accorded all who had Brown. Saxe, Naples, Bottle. Nut,
For the election of two members of assisted therewith. Usual Price 7/11 vard FINAL PRICE g/g
the Tiraaru High School Board, by The action of the executive in giving
parents of pupils, nominations for -which £1 to the local competitions prize fund
close on Saturday, tlio two sitting mem- was approved by the Union. The sum of 36in. WASHING SATIN, in a big *ange of shades—-
bers, Mrs "William C. Raymond and Mr
Searlo D. Mason, have been re-nomin-
10s Cd had also been given to the
Winter Show prize fund, and £l2 to the
/Usual Prices 5/11 6/11 yard 9
1 /1
ated. New Zealand headquarters scheme.
In response to a request received, it
TVve 36in CREPE DE CHINE, in newest evening
wa3 decided to arrange a tea on July
10th in connexion with the annual meet- aonnS

Usual Price 5/11 yard FINAL PRICE

ing of the local branch of the New
It is expected that tlio contractor s Zealand Alliance. M"rs H. A. Lloyd arid
work at the new Opihi railway bridge Sister Mildred were appointed joint 5 per cent Discount for Cash ot on Monthly Aecoonts.
jv ill commence on Monday, when conveners.

0 of the preliminary preparations will In connexion with the Religious In-

struction in Schools Enabling Bill now tt
* liavo been completed, and the men will
be set to the work of making piles.
The piers should take about nine write
months to complete, said Mr McLel- measure.
lan, the contractor. After they wero
before Parliament, it was decided to
to headquarters supporting the

Tea was served, and a paper on

built, ho understood that the Uaflway •'What the White Ribbonread Stands For,"
o* Department would undertake the re by Mrs Perryman, was by Miss
mainder of the work, which would con- Watson. On an appeal being made, new
sist of laying the girders and the per- subscribers were secured. One new mem-
Cashel Street Ghristchurch
manent way. The girders are being ber was admitted by transfer. It .was
made bv the Department at the Hill- arranged to hold a drawing-room after-
side railway workshops at Diinedin. noon at the residence o£ Mrs J. Thomp-
Speaking of labour for the under- son on Thursday, July 23rd.
taking, the contractor said that much
CARS UNDER £75 of the work would be accomplished by Magistrate's Court Eeturns.
HUPMOBILE. model B. Newly painted,\good £4O machinery, and those few men whom a cliarge of unlawful conversion of the AccHui agrii>a.tton;
The following arc the returns issued
hood, great running order . to would employ The
would be local.
by the Ashburton Magistrate's Court vehicle. They pleaded guilty.; and; were The
met last evening at Hokitika, imH
.. •• • •


fined xOs each and ordered to .pay'(25s)',
BTUDEBAKER ECONOMY SIX. Just repainted Wine whole undertaking should take about for the quarter ended June 30th, the
colour, mechanically 0.K., good tyres , £OO 15 months to complete. for the corresponding period last
the .damage to the velocipede E. Teiehelmanit f presided. fl
The bridge is to have 40 piers, with figuresboing given in parentheses:— taxi-hire ss, and'witness's; expenses-2s ■The secretary was authorisajjflH
year PERSONAL. Jay? were terview the Native Trustee hm|
OVERLAND 91. Very economical
new hood and curtains
£55 eight piles in each pier.
Arranged by the members of the Sittings presided over by Magistrate 6d, total £1 6s 3deach.
allowed in which to make paytffent; fishermen's rights in the
Teniuka Young Women's Basketball —Civil 4 (6), criminal 4 (6).
Justices was preferred . 'lt was resolved to apply to
Overhauled throughout
£SO Club, a dance held in tha St Joseph's of the Peace—Civil 8 (5), criminal
23 A further ' charge ' •
against Green, alleging theft of cftal, Ist Department for grants tonHH
liall on Tuesday evening proved "lost (30). Totals—Citil 12 (11), criminal (SPECIAL TO THE PRESS.)
the property of the railways. This was"
extras. Very smart appearance
£65 successful. Included >ti the prjgramme 27 (36).
GREYMOUTH, July 8. adjourned till next Monday, as he had
the track to Alec's Knob",
to Lake Mueller, to renew the||||M
OVERLAND 85. Tip top 'running order,
good tyres, paint, etc.
£65 At The Farmers* Garage were two competition dances; these Civil cases tried—Magistrate 4 (1).
were won by Miss E. Dale and Mr W. Justices of the Peace—2 (0). Totals Mr J. Fowler, who recently retired
not pleaded guilty. Gorge footbridge, and
the Waiho glacier.,ggj
access to
Seeler (lucky spot waltz) and Miss K. —6 (1). i from the position of railway station- Electric Light for Ktunara.
OAKLAND 6. Original paint, , nice running £4O It was decided to write

order, good tyres Here's a sale of Used Cars that definitely sets a new Lyon and Mr Ackroyd (Monte Carlo Amount sued, for, £1783 3s 6d | master at Greymouth, and who has been As Westland Powers, Ltd. has failed appreciation 'to Mi*' G.'"P.
one step). (£1523 4s); applications 10 (12) num-
standard for Used Car Value in Christchurch! We ;

holiday in Canterbury, To- to eiarry out its arrangement with' the retiring Under-Secretary
must have room, and to ensure a rapid clearance of ber of plaints entered, 86 (158); dis- spending a Borough of Kumara regarding lighting
CARS UNDER £IOO tress warrants issued, 5 (3); judgment turned yesterday. -.the streets with electricity, the Coun-
It was resolved to arrangftllMM
our stock oi Used Cars we have cut prices to levels FAIRLIE. summonses issued, 30 (45); warrants of | Miss Doreen 0 'Hallahaa, a former re-
MORRIS. Late model, wonderful .order, £BS cil has decided to- cancel the arrange-, vacation of the tonrist
original Duco, 4-wheel brakes, etc. unheard of. Good solid Used Car Value—that is what I
The weekly 6hoot of the Fairlie Riflo committal, 4 (4); writs of arrest, 0 (0); sident of Greymouth, arrived from Wel-
Club was held in the Aorangi Hall on summonses served by bailiff within one lington yesterday on a visit to her
ment. The Town Clerk has been direct- Bay, Lake Kanieri, to
beaotiful running order, new tyres, 2 spares
£95 we are offering during this huge Stocktaking Sale.
Monday, there being a good muster. mile, 53 (82); outside one mile, 765 (80); i ed to get into touch with the Grey .use by the public in .future.
Call in and make your inspection to-day! (4); I mother.
Power Board regarding the installation
OBOSBLEY. Good hood, rigid curtains, very £BO The final shoot for a cup presented by warrants executed by bailiffs, Mr L. S. Cumming, of Sydney, is
of street lighting at Kumara. '.'Progress lieagne.;i«j^H
economical running
Wreford was held, and resulted civil summonses served by registered At a meeting of the
HUPMOBILE, model B. Newly painted. New hood Mr W. post 36 (53). visiting the West Coast. Otira Tunnel.

in W. Whitehead, being" the winner. '

Westland Progress League
and curtains, overhauled throughout. £OO Criminal cases tried—Males 120 (1;>0), Jones, who has been visiting on Monday, Drk Teichelmanß|n|H|
Buy The same rifleman also won the silver
females 7 (9); total 127 (159). Civil Mr H.
returned yesterday to Ho-
The total amount of coal, timber, and-
other commodities railed last
rovß Oram
button for the week. Christehurch, week- an inyitation from the ,
HUPMOBILE BOADSTEB. In tip top mechanical 14s (£lO2 Is); crim-
condition, full Sweater, local %uilt body, new
The following are the scores:—W. fees paid £137
4s 6d (£SB 17s); fines kitika. through the Otira tunnel amounted to Winter Show Committee to ndgflH
Tyres Whitehead 79, W. Close 78, W. Cook inal fees £33 £273 Is 6d Mr H. F. Barber, who has been trans-
11,053 tons compared with 15,816 tons play at the Exhibition to ba'VnH
77, \V. Dorman 77, I>. Gardner 77, J. £lO2 3s (£219); total ■for the corresponding week in 1930, and month 'was received. After
.. ..

Breen 77, A. Dale 76, R. Ferguson 75, (£359 18s); revenue payable to Main ferred to the Greymouth Post Office to 13,533 tons in 1929. it was resolved' to refer
CARS OVER £IOO £4O 10s (£3O ss); vacancy caused by the transfer
**om A. Kane 75, S. Smith 75, P. Neilson Highways Fund fill the to the Kokatahi-Koltei'angi Wi)ls|H|
f-HRT-v 6, 4 door Sedan. Original paint!
Looks and runs like new The F
74, S. Southby 72, A. Cuthill 70, P. Ashburton Borough Council £5 5s (£6); of Mr H. Bringezu to Christehurch, has
Davis 70, J. Mills 70, W Lake 68, Ashburton County Council
Committee and to endeavour

Gei»agea*m ers'
HUPMOBILE B 17. Latest 4 cylinder. Overhauled

J. McDonald 65. Ashburton Acclimatisation Society

£4 arrived and commenced his
duties. The amount subscribed to the Mayor for display. . •- '-4HBI
The Fairlie Women's Institute held (£5); total £.49 l£s (£39 ss).
Miss M. Cunliffe left to-day on a holi- of Greymouth's Unemployment Fund ■
St?|||a9| ■
throughout and re-Ducoed Beige colour
£125 All Gfades its monthly meeting in the Parish Hall. day visit to Christehurch. amounts to £209 15s 9d, in addition to *'
Mrs West presided over an attendance Bain. The engagement is announced of Miss which a considerable quantity of., coal
AUSTIN 12. Good hood, rigid curtains, £-JQK McKeowh, formerly of Te
my alee order and economical ..

at off Petrol ot 85. Six new members were elected. Dorothy

Following a raw, overcast .morning, Kahu, Westport, and Mr Fred Smith,
has been given and is being distributed
to needy families in the district. Further
**owest A tinfoil picture demonstration was
rain set in early in the after- of Buller 'Gorge. (PEE SB ASSOCIATION
HUPMOBILE 6 4' door Sedan, in almost
•tetloii Open ®ates given by Mrs Hall and Mrs Harper, heavy and
which was much appreciated by all. noon,
Mrs West gave a demonstration of evening.
continued throughout the The death is announced of Mr Arthur
Dennis, at Taumarunui, formerly a resi-
donations to the fund are forthcoming.
Considerable hardship will be alleviated
through the Mayor's establishment of William Stone, aged 18j:; jiHM
new condition, new car-guarantee...
PONTIAO 6, 4 door Sedan, done very
Price! ys till '•Hi. to xo m glove-making. dent of Reef ton and employed on tha this fund.
e'mployed by the Grey
AM m The hostesses for the afternoon were construction of the Inangahua Junction
few miles, latest model ■.. Austin, iSearle, Trotter, dticstion of forming a women s insti- railway. Bugby Football. at Dobson, was struck by. a jNHHH

AUSTIN 12, 4 door Sedan, latest model Application Whitehead, Bourne, and Miss Austin. tute at Winchester. Miss Stops, volun- An unpleasant situation has developed at the working face of
looks and runs like new : ~

A hearty vote of thanks was passed tary organiser for Women's Institutes
in Westport with the Buller Bugby o'clock this morning.
to Mrs Bead for her services as secre- throughout New Zealand» addressed The wedding was celebrated yesterday fracture of.the
Union, owing to some of its members compound
tary, and her resignation was accepted the meeting on the aims and ideals at Greymouth of Treve Gillis, young- who are concerned in tribute mining injuries and died,'from shgtnHH

fine est daughter of the late Mr and Mrs

with much regret. of the movement. She exhibited a being declared "black." The, position' reaching the ambulance ro9A|9H
collection of homecrafts, including George Walters, of Westport, and Harry was considered at a meeting on Sat-" been working at Dobson s3j|™HH|
smocking, gloveeiaking, slippers, em- Eglesfield (Jack) youngest son of Mr urday evening when it was decided to last. He had no relatives
broidery, etc., all made by mem- and Mrs G. R. Wylde, of Greymouth.
WOODBURY. bers of Institutes in New Zealand. It The bride wore a model frock of em-*
suspend further fixtures until a settle- and it is believed that both
in cm t of the coal trouble has been reach-
Madras Street Christchurch A well-attended social was held by was decided to form an Institute, and bossed chenille made on Victorian lines,
the Woodbury School Committee in the all present joined up as members. Mrs her pretty veil being fitted with a tiny
ed. A suggestion that the members
school. The winners of tho prizes were
as follows:—Miss R. Kelland 1 and Mrs
J. C. South was elected president and
turban composed of silver leaves. She
E. C. Crosse secretary, while tho carried a sheaf of white and purple
concerned in the trouble should be~sus-
pended meantime, did not find favour,
it being deemed against the laws of
following were appointed a committee,
Mrs P. McKenzio 2, and Mr 1). with power to add to their number: chrysanthemums, stock, and bouvardia.
liew 1 and Mr A. ' Webb 2. Mrs Mesdames G. Burborough, J. L. She was attended by
Miss Doris Turtill,
11. McDonald and Mr D. Bates wero White. W. R. Pearce, and Miss Opie. who wore a becoming frock of orange Fire Brigade.
the winners oi the Monto Carlo waltz. panne velvet made on long lines with
LAWN TENNIS. Mr F. Fifield carried out tho duties the skirt composed of silk net flounces. The annual meeting of the Greymoutb The local miniature rifle
Fire Brigade was held on, Monday even- a win on Tuesday evening, w»RSBM
of M.C. PEEL FOREST. With this she wore a small ruched pic-
ing, the Superintendent, Mr P. Deere, leated the New Brighton LadlestwjjlHH
" -.

i A meeting concerning the school's

On Tuesday night a good attendance ture hat finished on. the side with a presiding. The Superintendent con- of two points. The scores

golden jubilee was held in the school, a sheaf of au-

schoolroom large bow, and carried Heathcote—B. WlUiamß

WINTER COMPETITION Votes of of householders met in the
Mr J. Fifield presiding. tumn-tinted flowers and
sympathy were passed to tho families to discuss the proposed consolidation' fern. At the conclusion of the cere-
maidenhair, ■
gratulated the members on the loyal 69, A. Deavoll 68. H. AKhworta ,SB«Wg|
service they , had rendered in the past Grosse C7» A. Nicholi
of Mr Hammond and fill's Glanville, of country schools. Mr L. Heney pre- | mony a reception was hold at the resi- twelve months. Whilst only 20 strong, Read 66—total 542.
The following matches ih tho eighth round New. Brighton—-Corser 67,
both of whom wero old residents of sided nnd briefly explained the pro- dence of Mr and Mrs F. A. Kitching- the average at .practices had been'l9 Moses 68, Ragg 69, Turner

of thf* winter inter-club competition will be

played at Wilding Park on Saturday next, the district. Tho secretary reported
posed alterations. After a lengthy 'ham, at Marsden road, the host and and at fires 18. The election of officers Ball 67t

Clearance of FIRST GRADE commencing at 1.89 p.m. sharp: that the badges had como to hand.
These will bo issued to members on discussion
it was decided that the time i hostess being Mr and Mrs G. Walters resulted: —Senior Foreman, Mr T. Mc-

Section A—Avonside No. 1 v. St, Albans, was not opportune for any alterations of Waipawa. Mr and Mrs Wylde left intosh; Junior Foreman, Mr G. Nel-
Cushinere v. Canterbury College, Gatheidral receipt of subscriptions to the jubilee son; treasurer, Mr W. Pring; secretary.
fund. The sub-committees submitted in theForest is too far from the pro- by express'
educational system; also that for the North Island, tho

v. Linwood, Woolaton v. Feitdalton No. 1.
BEITS' Mr John Walton» Superintendent Deere

' Section B—Avonside No.' 2 v. Edgeware, Peel bride travelling in a prunella face-cloth
their roports, which were approved. posed centre to make any alteration coat and tweed frock and hat to .tone. and Deputy-Superintendent White were MOTOR CAW
North Beach v. Ascot, South Christchurch There was a fair attendance at the
weekly practice of the men's miniature desirable.
V. Avon side No. 3, Shirley v. Addington. appointed by the Fire Board. S1 1
FOOTWEAR L. Evans won Mr G. R. Wooding's

rifle club, and the following were the Obituary. It was resolved to hold a social on
trophy at the weekly shoot of the Min- Tuesday evening next when the service
best scores off the rifle: K Quaid 78,
fv. Loach 77, M. Wooding 76, -J. Rice iature
76. G. Cain 75, R. Gray 74, J. Harris
Rifle Club.
The death occurred at Blackball -on
Tuesday of Mr John Hay, a well-known
resident ,of the district. He was 76
honours will be presented..
years of age, and a native "of Leith, Basketball. LATEST
Pelt Slippers with Suede 73. W. Valentine 75 S. Stedman 72,
Soles, All sizes and colours V. Champion 72, D. Fergusson 71, H. Scotland. He came to New Zealand and At the .annutfl meeting of. the Grey-
Mr W. F. George (chairman) pre-
Price 1/11 pair (UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATION—BY BLECTBIC Mcintosh 71, D: Fifield 71. joined the gold rush at Kumara in 1876. mouth Basketball Association, Mrs Kit- Only Driven by
sided at the monthly meeting of the Later he was appointed manager of the
.. ..

Footholds. Sample stock. TELEGRAPH—COrYBIGHT ) chingham presided, and there were pre-
Size 5 only—Usually 5/11 Waimate School Committee. The head- Healey's Gully sluicing claim, and was sent delegates from the Technical Old M
Now 2/6 A message from Forest Hills states that WINCHESTER. master (Mr D. C. Brown) reported later overseer at the Roa Mines. He is Girls, Main School Old Girls, and Co-

Size 5

CONTINUOUS SUPPLIES tho professional tennis tournament was post- that the roll number was 602, while survived by one daughter, Mrs J. Don- lumba Clubs. Excellent Reasons for Sa
AVAILABLE poned on Tuesday until • Wednesday, owing A successful social under tho aus- the average attendance was 542. For aldson, of Ngabere, and one son. His The election of officers resulted as
Usually ...
■ ...
7/11 to rain. In order to speed up the tourna-
ment the first two rounds of the Bingles will pices of St John's Anglican Church the visiting committee. Mr Duckett wife predeceased him 30 years ago. •fellows: President, Mrs Kitchingham; COST £IOOO. 'WILIi A<
Now 2/6 that the garden plot bo 1
was held in the Sunday school room recommended semi-trenched ■
.. ..

be played the best two sets out- of three. . -

treasurer, Miss McSherryj

Ladies' aumboota, sizes 5.

& &
immediately The head- I Labourers Fined, secretary,
Miss McDonald; fixtures eommittee: £SOO.


15/6 Todd Motors Ltd. When the fair moon her lantern hangs
In the dark sky at nighty
on Tuesday evening when there was master had informed him
the usual large attendance. Competi- would never denv permission to a com- j
that he
tions were won by Mr J. C. South and mitteeman to go through the school (20)theand Charles
Two labourers named John Myles
Green (39) employed
Misses Bond, Fergusson, McSherry, Mc-
Kay, and McDonald, Terms can be arranged, or
small car as part paym?
Lovers lean blissfully over the gate.
: Oh, all is fair to them,* in their young
sight, , •
But there is chilliness, in the night air[
Miss Edna Scott, and Mr N South nnd when it was in session, though he on
Mr T. L. Pearce. The music for the maintained he had. thecright to, do so.
dancing Was supplied by Mr J. Looker On
hydro-electric works at Kaimata
took a velocipede belonging to the Rail-
the motion of. Canon Cocks,* it way Department, and valued at £SO to
It was proposed to hold a knock-out
tournament on August Ist, and to invite
clubs to send teams to" compete.
Insured for Considerably 5
For fall particulars apply
SYDENHAM. TSO43 But they will wisely, secure Between 20 and 30 women attended was decided that the chairman and go to Kokiri. They were arrested by iAn invitation to take part in the PUBLISHER,
Insurance 'gainst' the dampness and cold ai the .Winchester Library social room Mr Wright discuss the matter of a bail . a police constable and appeared to-day Wifetporfc tournament was referred to H668.
With Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. on Tuesday afternoon to consider rthe to raise funds with the school staff. | at. the Magistrate 'a Court to answer the Fixtures Committee.

DINNER IN LONDON. While the number of cases dealt
in the civil and criminal courts dur-
ing the April-June quarter remain I.PRE3S BAM.)
about the same as last year, the fees

guest. Ihave increased by over £BOO. Arrests

ashow a slight decrease, but there is an

The Appeal Court to-day continued
the hearing of the case of: Florence
increase in the summons cases. Kate Worth v. Charles Stanhope
At the Two Big Stores
Courts dealt with fewer juveniles.
LONDON, June 4. 1
'Altogether 1651 criminal cases were
Worth, in which a question relating
to the divorce law of New Zealand
Prince George'and many prominent dealt with, compared with 1577 last is being argued.
English sportsmen attended tlic Isew year, 14-92 being males and 159 females, Mr Wiren, for the respondent, sub-
Zealand Society's annual dinner on j
the corresponding figures being 1474 mitted that the Dominion statute must

Monday night at Savoy Hotel. This fjid 103 last year. bo construed so as to conform with

was especially in honour of tho visiting The revenue figures are as lollows: private international law. If it flouted
cricketers. Sir Thomas Wilford, as such international law it was ultra
Criminal Case's.
president ot' the Society, was in the Juno Qr. ( ,1 ii ne Qr., vires of the authority of the Dominion
chair. Ou his right was the Prince and i9a i. jyso. Legislature and therefore invalid. The

on his left Mr T. C. Lowry. Imperial statutes constituting Domin-
Civil fee? . . '-'Tufi
iou Parliaments could not be read so
What was called "Table A? was in Criminal fee* . .

At the table repre- Fines liiO--' '39 as to give those Parliaments power to
the form of a T. Licensing fees

.. 7"> legislate contrary to international law.

sented by the top of the T were the The position of a husband against
patrons arc benefiting by our reduced costs. chairman and official guests. At the Total . . i-141'J J.JST9
whom a divorce had been grauted
"Room Only" rates are lower—and so is the tariff other table were the New Zealand team
The criminal figures aro as follows:
June Qr., June Qr.,
under the 1930 legislation
that he would iiot be divorced under
would be
and Grill Room.
Room well-known sportsmen.
in the Dining But there is and numbers of
-Males arrested . .
1933. J930.
the law of England. It was "even

no reduction in the quality or the service—that is Among the latter were Sir Julian Calm, Females arrested . .fi doubtful if. being domiciled in Eng-
in New

Lieutenant-Colonel H. S. Ainslie, Total arrests ■ "5J land. he could marr.v again

maintained and always will be maintained at i

Zealand. Even if he were held to be

Males summoned.. -.UfiT
C.M.G., Mr H. D. Swan, the Hon W. P. 7'
the world-famed standards of the Hotel. Keith, Mr J'. S. Kcyulall,. Mr F. W.
Total summoned
summoned 1J:-!
1300 J 171
divorced by the New Zealand
he would not get rid of his wife in fact,
What Values: What a chance to save money «on the. better grade
Thrifty shoppers will revel in the economies we are

Grand total 'mates 1-115 '-'



ImtjsV Room only, from 12/- per day Maclean, Mr E. W. Sharman, Captain Grand total females Ji~>9 for sho could still.sue him in England
providing. Call and see these goods.

Double Room only, fiom 22/6 per chiy G. McLean Wilford, Mr Nigel liaig, Mr Juveniles . . 51 for restitution of conjugal rights, or

Breakfast, —-/- end 3/6; and a la carlt.
G. B, Lcggej Mr Ronald Aircl, Mr F. J. Criminal sittings numbei'ed I'--. agaiust prove against his estate as his widow.

JOli, and civil sittings 30, a;ainst -1-. It was important that a _ wife pro-



r'.rjrafUic Address: "Austraote!. Sydney.* Nathan, Lieu|;enaut-Colonel C. B. Bevis, ceeding under this legislation should

j j
.hk for Illustrated folder. 0. G. C. J. Civil Cases.
know her true position. Her position
0.8.E., Mr Porter, Mr Wray,
Tlie civil (inures are as follows:---
Mr W. W. Wakefield, Mr G. N. Goldie, was that if. after obtaining a divorce,

"The Australia" she married again and went to Eng-

June Qr., June Qr-,
Mr T. 11. Bankier, Mr E. M. Ilassoll, Mr 1931. 3330.
land she could be prosecuted there for 50in TAPESTRY, Art Silk Mixture, in shades OJd Gold and'Blu-

js.- W. Dillon, Major D. Lareombe, Eng. Cases tried 81

. . '

I Amount : sued forCourt i'j'J.l'tJ bigamy. Tn addition, her second SALE PRICE
. . £-15,0146

i iir. ok the commonwealth, Sydney.

Commander -S. F. Coopper, E.N.' || Applications in . husband could go abroad-and anywhere


, Those on either side of the chairman [ Plaints ..

19 obtain a declaration of the nullity of
entered 2 7SI. the proceedings.
50in ART SILK TAPESTRY, in lovely colourings and designs—

included the Lord Ma y°r of London, Distress warrants


v Mr A. Fair, &>licitor-General, ap-

Lord Decies, Admiral Sir James Fur- Judgment 'summonses l "'OO

.« SALE PRICE 8/11

gusson,. Sir Granville Eyrie, Sir James Warrants of com-

pearing for the Attorney-General, sub- Usually 17/6 .. .. ...

Mills, Viscount Bridgeman, Sir .Walter Bailiffs' mittal . . ' -

mitted that the legislation in question

Braitlnvaite, Air Vico-Marshal C. L. Warrants executed
processes . . 192:1
'.I "4 was intra vires and valid and that a,


' * *

divorce should lie granted. The legis-

Lambe, a'nd Mr A. 11. H. Gilligan. The
lation was indistinguishable in prin-

remainder of the i2S7 guests were at- j
showing any commodated at 24 other smaller tables, i
The menu included saddle 'of New 1 WAIMAKARIRI RIVER
ciple from the Divorce Amendment Act
of 1898. which the Full Court held to
be valid in the Poingdestre Case heard 50in ART SILK DAMASKS, in shades Black and Gold, Blue and Gold.

i J
Zealand lamb, New Zealand apples, and i TRUST. in 1909. The legislation of 1898 was

EARLY SYMPTOMS of "Moawlinngo sauce" served with ilie i Usually 14/11 SALE PRICE

as much an infringement of the rules .
—doubtless made with New ■
.. .

asparagus � of private international law as the


Zealand butter. fact

The Waimakariri Ttiver Trust met legislation before the Court. TheCourt
After proposing the loyal toasts the | 50in ART SILK DAMASKS, in shades Blue and Gold, Rose and Gold,
that any decree made by _ the
High Commissioner Tead the cabled yesterday. would have no effect outside of New Helio and Gold—Usually 6/11 SALE PRICE
message -from the Prime Minister, the Mr J. IT. Blackwell presided and Zealand was immaterial and no con-
.. ..

Rt. Hon. G. W. Forbes, as follows: ethers present were Messrs W. P. cern of the Court. In exercise of its
Here they are : "Persistent Cough, Increased B "Please express to all present' at New
Zealand annu'al"dinner, and especially
Spencerj George Gould, R. 0. Dixon, full control and authority the way
ion Parliament was in no
50in COTTON DAMASK. Blue and Gold only— -

Spitting, Lack of Energy, „

the guests of honour, our hearty greet- 11.13. Evans, J. Leslie, A. Manhiie, and
stricted by the fact that such exercise Usually 4/11 .. SALE PRICE
Professor It. Speight.
.. ..

Night Sweats, etc." ings. The Dominion ia watching with might incidentally affect the proprie-
great interest the performance of its The engineer (Mr 11. \V. IJarris) rights and status within New Zea-
Watch for them. In most cases the results of cricket team in England, and we are reported that the
portion of the bank tary of
neglected colds. delighted with the success which has
attended their opening matches. I sin- been
through Dobby's, on
completed, and the excavator
Coutts Island, had land persons without' it.
The Court reserved its decision-
The Lowest Prices
raise a por-
Will cure Coughs and cerely trust that this will be a happy had been moved down to
Colds, -will heal the
limg3 and prevent
augury i:or the remainder of the tour.
tion of the old bank where it was
The best wishes of all New Zealanders necessary to use the drays. The
was very wet and had to bo drained.
ground MUCH DISTRESS. in the City!
are with you.—Forbes."
! The report was adopted. Reversible Wool BEDROOM
(MA|)E Opportunities for Sportsmen.
COAL AND BLANKET FUND. RUGS, in pretty colourings—
Prince George, when he rose to re-
Is also a Splendid Tonic spond, was received with choers and Zealand gave a large sum for the Singa- 15/6
Usually 1.

the singing of "He's a Jolly Good Fel- pore Baso, and between them they have NEED FOR MORE MONEY. SALE PRICE
try a Bottle At A u Stores and Chemists. low," led by the chairman. He said: done their share in supporting the

"My father, the King, and two of my Naval position of the Empire."
brothers have had opportunities of visit- Lord Bridgenian said he had looked
ing the people of your line country/and through eight volumes of Captain Cook's An indication that distress amongst RUGS, gooddesigns.lnFawn
will over remember the genuine pleasure Voyages to find inspiration, for his the poor of Cliristchurch is much great- and Brown shades, fringed
of their visits. It is from them I have speech. His search had not been of er this year than of recent years, is
learned not only of its beauties and the very great help. However, he noted given in a letter to the chairman of the
ends—Usually 16/6 1
warm-hearted sympathy of its inhabi- that Captain Cook made three voyages Blanket Fund from
tants, but also of the loyal welcome they to New Zealand before the British Gov- Mayor's Goal and 56in x 27in A X MTN S T E R
received and the generous hospitality ernment would consent to the annexa- the lion, treasurer, Sir J. S. Neville. It
they experienced. But I must not for- tion of the country. The New Zealand showes that, compared with last year, RUGS, latest designs and colourings.
get also to pay a tribute to your Maori cricketers had made two voyages to the demands for both coal and blankets Usually 19 6
people, whose unswerving devotion, to England. He hoped that on their third SALE PRICE
have been double. Mr
the Crown, since the date of tho Treaty visit they would annexe the coveted, to date this year TAPESTRY SOFA RUGS, good' hard-wearing
of- Waitangi in.1840, has won the -ad- ashes if there wore any. left by that Neville's letter is as follows:
quality, ser\ iccable colours-—Usually, 19/6
I|e Portable miration of the peoples of the world. Wo time. Lord . Bridgeman amused . his
see in that devotion a tribute to fair audience by comparing the. . beaten position, of the Coal and Blanket Fund
"J regret to report that the financial



rule and fair play which I know, can M.C.C. team to eleven frozen lambs, is far from satisfactory, as the accounts

Gramophone alwayß be claimed for British adminis-


With the gradual increase in tempera- for coal and blankets up to the 30th
tration. The progressive legislation of ture the lambs would bo thawed out June exceed the revenue received to
New Zealand, copied by many countries, and would then show a better form. the 7th July, 1931, by £55 Is 7d.
House as htjs been a beacon for older lands where "The New Zealanders," he said, "have
tradition and customs cause advance, produced in this country exactly the year is £BOO 4s 3d, and "for the corres-
oven in social questions, to be of slow sort of cricket we want. Thoy have ponding period last year was £379 9s 3d,
"The expenditure on coat for this
RUBBER IVfATS, fancy colourings, everlasting wear-
growth. produced cricket which is a delight to showing that twice the quantity has Small Medium
, Large
.Remember when you buy "Since I have been hero to-niglit, your •the people who see them play, and it been .distributed. Usually.: / ;/ 5/11 %/ll 8/11
has invited to visit New has encouraged some of our own teams
your Portable from Home chairman me "The total amount spent for coal for a I c/
Sanations Ltd., you also
obtain the benefits and .
Zealand. I tan only hope that that to win matches occasionally at some {he whole of- the 1929-30 season was
visit will be very soon. (Loud cheers.) risk to themselves.''
In the recent trials of the earthquake
£BOO 12s Bd, but for the current year
there is still three months to go, and
sale frlce
- service of a House that specialises in selling the "World s New Zealanders showed themselves reso- A Power in the Cricket World.
the orders have been averaging £3OO
best Portables. lute and self-reliant; and I have no Mr Lowry, replying, said that after a month.
doubt that in a very short timo this the remarks that had been made the "The cost of purchasing blankets for


sad event will be forgotten in tho team would' certainly have their tails
the current year amounts to £162 2s TAPESTRY SQUARES, new Art de-
march of progress which is never- long in the air. Although they had had some 3d, signs, in Grey and Fawn grounds- , designs, in good* Fawn colourings—•
against £73 7s 3d for the same per-
delayed in their great little country. success they had not done well that iod- last year, showing that more than 9ft x ; 7ft 6ih—Usually 110/- QCT /
"I must, however, refer to-night io day against Middlesex. But when a twice the" number of blankets have been 9ft x 10ft 6in—Usually 77/6
JO/« WEEKLY tho opportunities offered by New Zea- Britisher got a blow in the jaw it was SALE PRICE /

DOWN given. The total amount spent in 9ft x 10ft 6in,—Usually 155/- fJP/
land to sportsmen. The fisherman, the a very good thing for him.
stalker, tho lover of winter sports, the
racehorse owner, all find in New Zea-
Taking his cue from the Prince's, the 1929-30 season was' Sill 15s Cd.
speech, Mr Lowry referred to the
purchase of blankets for the whole of
It is pleasing .to note that the income
9ft x 12ft—Usually 89/6
land an almost unrivalled field for their Maoris. "We have done our best," he amounts to £875 19s 3d,
QOLUMBIA YOUR OWN. activities. New Zealand bred a world's said, "to teach them cricket, but they against year
for this
tennis champion in Anthony Wilding; do not seem to take to. the game very £485 14s 3d for the corres-

Home Recreations
period last year .The total re-
Ltd. it sent to Aintree, Moifaa, the winner aptly." Referring to ,the Captain Cook ponding
of the Grand National, tho . greatest allusion, Mr Lowry said they hoped ceipts for last year
steeplechase in the world, which horse that in this,, their second trip to Eng-
were £996 9s 7d."
Deputy-Mayor's Appeal.
THE PORTABLE GRAMOPHONE HOUSE, it will bo remembered was purchased land, they would earn the reputation of
the late King Ed- being a power in- the cricket world. The Deputy-Mayor (Cr. J. K. Archer)
118 ARMAGH STREET, CHRISTCHUECH ■ bv my grandfather, an said yesterday that since Mr Neville's
Wardt* It has sent to this country the They sid not aspire to stand against HIGH STREET AND VICTORIA SQUARE

but he figures were prepared the committee had

finest teams the world has ever known, English or an Aust&lian team,
lIS one team having toured Britain with- felt the'y might likve a South Africa.
chance against received about one hundred fresh appli-
in the past, the majority of
out a single defeat. In the scientific the West Indies, India, or the toast of cations. As
world it has produced Lord Rutherford Lord Decies, proposing r
chairman, ilirst referred to the A serious element of the situation was
these were the result of unemployment.
of Nelson; ,and last, but not least, it the Sir Thomas Wilford as a that iii the City and. suburbs there were
has sent a cricket team to this country prowess of
THE RICH PLAY OF LIGHT ON which has had the unique distinction at they sportsman. As for the visiting team, a number of'old people and sick people
had played the game fast, and in n and widows .rrith families who were
SILVER pronounced when
is Very Lord's recently of dismissing a 'first-- way they - wanted to See' it played.
helped by the committee every year. It
with Goddard's Plate
produces a lasting polish
out any smear.
clasp team of the M.C.C. for 48 runs.
Cricket in this country had got into a
(Cheers.) I wonder what is in store for deplorable state of being played all day had been the committee's practice in
us in the Test match? Let ine gi\e. a without anything happening; but the former years to give the most necessi-
warning "to our selector^—do not-under- New Zealanders had altered all that. tous cases I a second quantity of coal,
There's Always a Welcome
estimate the good team New Zealand and sometimes even a third.

Plate Powder
.. .
has sent this vear, whom we delight to
honour to-nigh't. The High
Not Tourists.
"Now let me say- a word as to the Royal Highness for his attendance. "I have not been able to make any.
'' The time for the second grants

thanked his now due," Or. Archer added,

"but we
for WARD'S
great productive capacity of New Zea- think," he said, "the warmth of_ the really means that through unemploy-
Ju Olive-green wrappers. Manufactured only by land, which will in the future bear a welcome must be plain evidence of the ment quite a number of the normally
j. Goddard & Sons, Leicester, England.
WARD'S is known and appreciated
£ much greater population when huge fact that we appreciate his coming. I poor people are suffering. We realise and as a naturally conditioned Ale of ex-,
areas still- undeveloped are brought into am satisfied lid will go away from this appreciate the fact that subscriptions to ceptional quality. It is the product
cultivation. Some of us here wonder,
gathering feeling that New Zealanders the fund this year have been abnorm-
how a million and a half
people can have realised what a great part the ally large, but it is still true that_ un- of long- experience and constant ex-
with us 'in' and 'out' to pert supervision
to-dav do trade Royal Family is playing in Epipire mat- less further amounts are forthcoming • 5
of £100,000,000 a year We
the operations of the fund will have to
Get INSTANT RELIEF from terrible
the extent ters to-day.
may wonder, but this is an accomplished "Some of the newspapers which have be curtailed, if not suspended." Obtainable at all Wine and Spirit
fact, and when the 'economic-blizzard' written about the cricket team have Subscriptions to the fund should be Merchants and Hotel Bottle Stores,
repeated again. The called them tourists. They are not addressed

has passed, will be to the Town Clerk. . or delivered in lots of one dozen large
application of science ' to production tourists. Tliey are sons of the old stock
remember that 94 per the Old or two dozen small bottles upwards.
(and we must come home to look at Country
from the grass and incidentally to try their strength Eeceptacles' 'for litter at Dorking,
cent, of the exports come
For prompt delivery ring—-
euSi-rtr from Eczema, Ulcers, Sores, Itching
Rashes, or any form of skin disease, übo D.D.D. lands of New Zealand)
and will in future increase,
lias increased, against those who are the pioneers and England, bear the legend, "Put your
the volume wonder cricketers of the world." litter here." On more than one occa- -34-279 35-720
1 /
FJJWiptioii. Just a lew drops of this marvellous healing of the Dominion's exports; while t-lie Referring to a possible visit of sion letters, addressed and stamped,
"®®«d you have instant relief. Irritation and pain goes
*?***' «a a few
applications xrill usually effect a com-' goodwill her people show
as an example, by the preference
us, evidenced, Prince George
they High Commissioner said:
to New Zealand, the have been found in thenu 35-420 32-322
Itou't endure another day of torture or another c New Zealand a "I can assure him that ho will get the 34-347 34-148
give our exports, makes
SHjW night! Get a 4/6 bottle to-day at your
or Store, and start your cure now. country worthy of our admiration and same welcome as his brothers received
and the same welcome as his illustrious

SV regard. (Cheers.)
\ Touch—Sootte—Heal i: "Kiaora Tautau."
father. When 1 say 'illustrious father'
may I digress for one moment and say
that his reign is 'melodious and of just
"No wonder the character and repu-

tation of New Zealand and of New Zea- British
proportions, and our small part of the
When the Empire, with no lip. service, but
ST. SAVIOUR'S ORPHANAGES. CINEMA FILMS landers stand very lngh. people
Country sent its as with genuine feelings of regard and
Mother lands, less affection, pray that he may long be
pioneers to settle on your

MONOPOLY. at laid spared to receive that greatest of God's
ti aidoils, juiti vestry of St. Julm
Jlcroratii. recently made a
than one hundred years ago,
the foundation of a people Mao ha\e
blessings—good health."
Sir Thomas then diverted to a sub-
Rash Itched Terribly.
parent stock. Let
Healed by Cuticura.

honour to the


the parish, and u» « brought ject about which he has spoken on more
ine hope they
■.W Uiei'p, IJ tons of coal, and QUOTA SYSTEM ADOPTED. me wish them well, let
than one occasion ,in recent months.
will soon have the increased prosperity There is no confidence in this country,
: .v oi produce v. ere handed to Ni

they deserve, and let us always remem- "I suffered for eighteen months with

*fcr rtNeediest. ber that they are 'British
products' New he said. He wished he could take the a rash which was all over tny face. It Vjtfß

Jj.Fj* &itn were muse welcome, ana psrt


association'— ai electric i«
. press, financiers to New Zealand for three m# It*
l aG7. apH—cor yMG in'.) Zealandew, Kiaora Tautau (Good luck months. It would harden them up. was of a dry nature and itched terribly

tpprcciaied bv the orphanage

so that I could not keep from scratching

to all)." There were millions of frozen capital in Jl

■VICTORIA (8.C.), July 7. it. I was on and off work for two or
Following a' report that United States Search for Inspiration.
this country. Tt only
to direct it into industry and enter-
wanted confidence three years, and did not like to go out
YfA^s kJ
anywhere on account of it.
Committee of' the I'rivy i films constitute a monopoly in Canada, Lord Bridgfeman proposed the toust prise. In New Zealand they .believed I read an advertisement for Cuticura

g gj^™. rft!®l»t]y allowed the appeal of

Team." He
the British Columbia Government an- of "The New Zealand Cricket there were other places besides the Soap'and Ointment and sent for a free

rinceßs lfani Ohhntra that he had visited New Zea- a

cvi arising out. of her claim nouiicos .the adoption
» of a quota system, mentioned frying -pail and the fire, they had
ago. "There was not saying that it .was the . sour face that sample. I was pleased with the results. I


with tlic aim of popularising -British land forty years purchased more and after using three

nn 11////RESULTS

| ||fc™!s?**tee, valued at over ii 1.00U,- cricket going 011 then-, lie said. got stung by the bee, and that there tins of Cuticura Ointment and three tab-

of much
r ' a ,' c husband, the liujali of Jiliiib. The compulsory percentage aa I could not be a shadow unless there were
|- to be shown is not yet decided. "I can remember as vividly to-day lets of Cuticura Soap I was completely
// / \ \\

tlicsc the
h- appeal "'as against a could a year after my visit, beauty a bright light shining somewhere. He healed." (Signed) G.Holyoak, 156, Cur-
ft»'&*. SSR2r Courtß in India, which
decupled with the litigation
of tho country and the kindness and hoped all who had attended the dinner
hospitality I received from the people. would go away at least With the im-
son St., Leicester, Eng., Nov. 24, 1929.

Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment Mid
The princess is tho sole Primitive man lit? fires by rubbing "Another' thing which isattracts me pression that no matter what clouds
the support overshadowed, no matter what troubles
Talcum for daily toilet uses.
°tfour wives of the late rajah, two pieces of bone dry wood together. towards New Zealandors

For sample Soap, Ointment and Talcum

Uw royal house of Nepal, Tho modem way is to use 'Cut and I received from them in Naval matters had to be faced, there was something in

measure address: "R. Town* A Co., Sydney. N. S.

Mat at Benares, who died, in I)ried" Kindling.
He was the owner of the reduced from 3s (id to 2s 9d. ph
Brrp ot full at the time that I had the honour of the character of British people which gay Try (ha Cuticura Sharing Stick. V-DAILY -y
boing First Lord of the
G. McClatchie and Co., Ltd., tralia provided two cruisers and New withatanding.
Admiralty. Aus- gave them the power' to succeed not-
•jtate known as the Bamnagar 33-313.
properties in Benares. 160 Hereford etieet.

NEWS. social surveyor. Everywhere there is Loads of wood have been sent by the
The Press
TO-DAY'S evidence of continuous and progressive
Waimakariri River Trust to St. Anne's
Home, St. Saviour's Orphanage, Meth-
development. There is less over-
Page crowding, there is generally a higher
odist Orphanage, Salvation Ajmy, the
Coal and Blanket Fund Committee, the TO PORT. WHILE ILL.
The Transport Bill.
... 8
Thursday, July 9, 1931.
standard of social comfort, and, best
of all, there has been a marked better-
Central Relief Depot, and the Sumner
Relief Depot. I �
kain and snow. [FKOM OCP. PARLLUUQmj^^mEI

Greater London. ment of public health. The death rate


A silver medal to be awarded to the

The Ilurunui Seat. Accidents at Sea.
for the -whole population has fallen competitor gaining most points in the
English Leicester section at the Can- FULL INVESTIGATION j A JUDGE'S COMMENT.

NEWS BY PICTURES il The Transport Bill. within half-a-eentury by 40 per cent.,

terbury A. and P. Show, and a trophy

to ocean travellers
a while the infantile mortality rate has for the shepherd of the winning flock

PERSONAL ITEMS I Comment on the Transport Licensing

i Shipping and Seamen
been reduced in the same period from were received by the General Commit- BY GOVERNMENT. gflSHnl
« ...

Bill, which is to go before a Select 156 to only 68. The birth rate of Lon- tee of the Association yesterday from
the Leicester Sheepbreeders' Association TRAMWAY BOARD'S ACTION introduced in the House
tives by Mr H. Q. UrSgmM
y Committee of the House, can only be
i don, it is true, is declining steadily,
CABLE MESSAGES . ■ of England. It was decided to write
based on telegraphed summaries, since CRITICISED. TELEGRAPH LINES BROKEN. Auckland Suburbs). The
Courage: A Remarkable Star v.
! but. fewer children are born to un- warmly thanking the Association for

! the Bill was introduced too late for its gift. preserves the right of a
S*-tt!< inent or War Debts Offer. timely burial. Again, in 1891, the per-
Slump on Wall Street.
•f'tvejjilc Crime in America.
j copies to catch the mail; but enough centage of persons between 25 and 55 The request of the Mayor of Christ-
ROUTE BY CORSAIR BAY j sue for damages arising
gence of the servants or aaJEffiilM
• information is available to tlx some of

Constitutional Dispute in New
South Wales. f he points of danger. ■
The Committee
years of age who had received no edu-
cation at all was 48; to-day it is below
church, that a collection be taken up
i;i the Presbyterian churches, as well as CONSIDERED. Honor at the thought that a tram- The roughest weather since Die
owners of a vessel up to
withstanding the exculp»Jjsßpt
other churches, in aid of women and way motorman suffering from a heart- storm of Juno 3?rd and 24th was tions printed on the
Perioral Sales Tax Revenue. j will have to do its work very 5. It may be mentioned,, too, that experienced yesterday, when rain
NV,v Zealand Cricket Team: Two j thoroughly, Parliament will have to be fiirls who are unemployed, was before attack might have been compelled to A petition by P. J. o'lmJeSHk-.
London's taste in beer has been edu- the Christehurch fell throughout Canterbury, snow
More Tests. Presbyterv at its continue to drive his car because there

lingtan, deals with tha

exceptionally watchful and firm, if the cated, away from heavy and towards meeting yesterday. It was decided to following over a wide belt in the He says shipornierfSSfflife
10 Statute Book is not to be charged with VARIOUS TUNNEL SCHEMES. was nobody to relieve .him was ex- west of the province. Many tele-

j light, and towards quantitative modera-

ask the churches under the jurisdiction
of the Presbyterv to take up a retiring pressed by his Honour Mr Justice phone and telegraph lines were to passengers having printtff?BjH!i

Wool Conference.
The London A\ col Sales.
i a measure full of potential mischief;
for reasons which we have already
j and
tion as well. But one of the most
interesting passages in the survey de-
or. Sunday, August '2nd. Frazer at the Arbitration Court yester- broken. !No snow had fallen in
late hour last
precluding a passenger
damages in respect of
Trade Cycles. day, at the conclusion of the hearing Christchurch up to a dent during a voyage u
Motor Trade--. j-given the situation is not one in which scribes the disappearance of the visible No Olympia Motor Exhibition will
A complete investigation, of all of a compensation claim. His Honour night, but the rain was heavy, 7S
Ciiri.-t'-hnrcl! Stock Exchange. be held this year by the Canterbury the negligence o£ any ehipowSß*!
13 it
is very safe to expect Parliament ?igns of class distinction :
branch of the New Zealand Motor means of road access to Lyttelton, either also commented strongly on the Tram- points being registered by The vants or agents.
Aldington Market Report I'IiESS gauge at 1 a.m. to-day. Should
to trouble itself much over the eo- be fatally injured the re]|ri|raßJ

Chokers, Derby coat?, aud ostrich

Trade Association, according to a deci- by tunnel or over the Port Hills, is way Board's action in letting the A very heavy fall of snow at
i.ETJ'ERS TO THE EDITOR 11 | ordination of transport. The source sion made at the annual meeting of the be- Arthur's Pass and on the eastern wise are precluded from
feathers are rarely to be seen. now being carried out by the Public motorman, who had beers off duty

The blanch.
Titos in thu Square. i of all danger, of course, is the Gov- diess of the younger generation of "Golden Arrow'' exhibition in Novem-
It will be recalled that the
Works Department. Although the pur- cause of heart trouble, resume work slopes of the range disorganised action for damages.

Mr Poison's Reconstruction Plan. , ernment's anxiety to protect the rail-

The ■■Oioriuua Fourth."' working men and women, so far from ber JastManufacturers'
wns conducted by the British pose of the investigation is not sta'.cd, without a medical certificate that he tho train service, and also cut off that shipowners are evading uju^Sßpl
i ways. From that point of view the having any distinctive note of its own, U .K.) telephone and telegraph cotnmuu-

The Unemployment Bill. Association. it is believed that the Government may was fit to do so. He maintained Three similar petitions ht» SK
j problem is not how to get the cheapest exaggerate, tends merely to copy, sometimes to ieation.

An Interesting Bequest. be considering such a roading scheme this was necessaiy in the
man's own

any particular fashion cur- An unusually largo number of eels ously been presented to the

and best transport the country can interest and in the interests of the City dwellers found the sky covered

-PORTING 1- rent in the West End. In the same way as well as several troat were taken as a major unemployment relief work. i Slam
rili'ord, but how to prevent the develop-
... •••

Turr (iossi|i. paint and powder, once regarded in this channels from the water-races and storm-water At present the only two roads of ac- public. with heavy clouds in the, morning, after A Lively Interlude.
Trotting Nut'-. ment of road services from putting the class as the marks of the prostitute, arc at Isleworth settlement, near The motorman concerned was Albert a little rain during the night, and a Suggestions emanating
cess are by Evans Pass and by Dyer's Ernest Moorhouse, who died at the
railways out of business or at least at freely used by respectable working Ashburton, by the men engaged in the black frost made the air bitterly cold. bour benches that the Befojifaj&
new irrigation work. Well over Pass. These roads are considered both end of his day's duty on January 14th
-3 a hopeless disadvantage. Time and girls. "With men the pipe lias given way eels were thrown out on the banks of the case before the Court At mid-day a drizzle set in and by 1 had taken an active part in fqjra?
too long and too steep to permit easy last, and

The iW:.>U'rv
again Ministers have spoken as if they to the cigarette, and where it persists the streams within a few hours of the

it had changed to heavy rain. In Unemployment Bill now befojjjSE'l


Br>>;!<ica.-ti!i;4 concerned a claim for compensation by p.m.

it is no longer a clay, but a briar. transport to Lyttelton. The Evans Pass

The Courts would like to blow up the motor-roads, commencement of operations. his widow. Moorhouse had had to go
many of the country districts snow fell ment caused a few lively

Court Returns road is 12 miles in length, and has a off duty following heart trouble when
as if motor-cars, lorries, and buses And the cause of this early yesterday morning and it is ex- the House this afternoon, wkajjjjflE

iMvorce Law
According to In accordance with a notice of gradient, between Sumner and Evans he had been driving his tram-car on
were pirates raiding the legitimate Sir Hubert Llewellyn Smith, who motion, Mr W. Stewart, Commissioner G. Coates was givingjflHj
... ...

Much Distress '

December Bth, and had begun work
Pass, as steep as one in nine. The other again for the pected that the foothills and the front Hon. J. flat
. •••

8 business of the railways, as if the rail- first time on the day of denial.
than tions
R 'ad Access to Port a

directed the survey, it was travel. A of Crown Lands, moved, at yesterday's road is about 16 miles in length, while his death. His Honour heard evidence ranges will be covered more deeply
Motormai) Works While 111 meeting of the Springston South Do- "L have definite informs
ways had a moral and patriotic right critic's comment is more specific, and
terjected Mr H. E. Holland. L-sJ®j

that Gover- they have been so far thia winter.

Political Notes mains Board, the hor6e paddock the gradient from Dyer's Pass to ftom Moorhouse's fellow employees and
s to public support, instead of the com- shrewdly so: he suggests, travel in at Selwyn should be subdivided

Rouich Weather into

nor's Bay has a maximum of one in from several doctors. Mr Coates: I knew nothing
Telegraphs Interrupted.

Unemployment BilL 9 mercial right to earn it, and so on; the tubes, the sections, and he submitted Bill, nor were members of ts|S9

one-class vehicles, trams, proposed

Dental Clinic 3 ... I 1 plans. Two letters, one from the Hut- Public's Interests Concerned. Snow between Cass and Bealey caused
concerned in its drafting.
11 and even if they had been very much and the buses, on which, in forty years, owners' Association, protested against

R.jval Show The present investigation will cover a serious interruption, to telegraphic and
"The Tramway Board—the man's Mr P. Frascr: Will you

lj- more guarded and discreet, their lead- the number of journeys taken per such action, but after a discussion the

Golf every possible scheme for connecting employers—presumably knew th;t he


telephonic communication with, the .not see the Bill before it xgnMlm
Fanners I mou ing motive would still have been in caput has quadrupled. We are to motion was carried. Christehurch and Lyttelton by road. The had been away from work, and that #J|B|

Tramway Board to Pay £IOOO 1-1 view behind their sudden desire to think of West Coast. All toll circuits were lost, House,
them, then, as a levelling specially-desired features of the new- lie had had previous trouble," said

Parliament 1& Under the estimates adopted bv the Mr Coates: Yes, definitely;
unnecessary his Honour. "It does not seem right, leaving only one telegraph line. It was
eliminate waste and
... ...

Did you know Afpy

" " "

Dismissals at Westport 13 social influence of unsuspected power Waimakariri River Trust there "is no road are that it shall be short and have impossible to do anything last night to in it?
Mr Eraser:
in the man's own interests, and in that

Sustenance ... »-■ W competition," because the vested in- among,- the people of the world's money available for a further subsidy

an easy gradient. of the public, that they should have


Words Resented —• J-J terests of the State railways are too greatest city, and this is very pleasant; tion funds,Returned ftorn the Soldiers' Associa- taken him back without having him
repair the four broken wires, but at day- Mr Coates: I had a
1^-3 conspicuous to be overlooked. So, but am-one who prefers largeness to

Football •••

and the only way in which Route by Corsair Bay. break this morning linesmen will leave An outburst of LabourJiß|
examined. On December Bth. the

the subsidy may bo used will be on on remainder of

occasion of his earlier trouble, there Bealey to restore the service. Last drowned the

also, is their insecurity; but to say subtlety can think instead of the willow-planting (included in the esti- The first scheme which the Depart-
AMUSEMENTS seemed to be some doubt whether he evening communication with the West and cries of "Enough said" fflHHj
could be released from duty, even Coast was maintained via Kelson. The J. Howard, and "You need&?fa3ffij

that it is due to the attack of motor marvel of a city transport system mates). The engineer's suggestion that ment has investigated is the route by
HEARTH AND HOME -1 transport is only half the truth —it is which makes nothing oi: whirling to the Trust should take £75 and secure way of White's road, which ascends a though he was obviously in an ill more" from other Labour mauM|
men through the Association odd distance by this route being so great, vented Mr Coates from confidß||

due to the attack of motor transport and fro a sixth part of the British times as required, at spur of the hill from Opawa and crosses condition.
SHIPPING AND WEATHER H was agreed to at it was impossible to hear distinctly any a moment. .4HMW

on a system weakened by years of population. yesterday's meeting of the Trust. the saddle about 1200ft above sea- "One is horrified at the thought of
being required to carry out the conversations over the toll lines. Mr Coates said he first «w9H
MAIL NOTICES monopoly and political control. When level. From the summit it is possible a man
A deputation from the Forestry to form a road on the Lyttelton side responsible duties of a tramway motor- Between Waiau and Culverden a num- when it appeared in the haadiJSHj
2 Ministers began to preach the
beauty man in such a state. It would be ber of wires
The Hurunui Seat.
League waited on the Hon. E. A. Ran- were broken and the bers.
of "co-ordinated" transport services, som to oppose the amalgamation of the of a gradient of about ono in 11 far better to hold up the tram-car al- Mr Fraser: Certain points wBH
it would have been clear without their State Forest Service with the Lands for a distance of about two and a half together. It is a very risky thing for alternate route, via Kaikoura, was mitted to youf
It has been suggested that the sup- Department. Mr J. Deans, president a tramway authority to take (i man brought into use. Iso trouble was ex- Mr Coates: None.
curiously naive revelations that co- Corsair Bay. Such road would
said that forestry should miles to a

back to work after illness without, a

THE BEST GROCERIES ARE ordination," according to their design, porters of the Reform Party in of thebe league, a bo considerably shorter than the exist- certificate that he is fit to resume."
perienced with the lines to the south. Mr McCombs: Did you iuloßH|
in subsidiary posi- Mr Coates: We had no partfKfiM

not placed
AT KINCAIDS. Hurunui, when they meet to-night at tion. The service Mr J. C. Fairbairn, District Tele-
Our stocks of groceries are never so
threatened to be- a plan to bolster up
Hawarden to select a candidate for the deal of work for
could find a great ing route by Evans Pass (its length is
the unemployed. The
An explanation of the Tramway
Board's actions was given by Mr J. D. graph Engineer, who supplied this in- the Bill. ,m
road competi- only nine miles), but it Mr Fraser said he would *MS
as tliey are this this weakness, to make Minister said that nothing final had estimated at

varied «>nd General Election, should declare them- Hutchison, who appeared for the formation, anticipated last evening that been surprised if Mr
Almost daily large consign- tion such as the railways could meet, selves satisfied with Mr Forbes. been decided. Both Departments would have the disadvantage that the Board in the proceedings. As far as if snow
If worked the continued, further break- consulted, seeing lie £ad i«yj|HjJ|
ments of the choicest of Dominion instead of fitting the railways to meet they harmoniously, the officers in gradients on either side would be long. the rnedical certificate was concerned, ages would, occur
during the night. He most with contempt the PridHH
manufactures are supplemented with competition. There may be are satisfied, they should certainly many instances covering the same The summit would bo at a height of Moorhouse had told the traffic manager
-hipmcnts of famous brands, of grocer- say so; but if they are not, they have ground. The Government must ex- that ho had been suffering from expected complaints from telephone sub- ter's fusion offer, and Mr
ies from overseas. Kincaids bryig to «ful" or "unnecessary" competition, of course the traditional .light to ask amine every opportunity for economy.
about 1200 ft abovo sea-level, while stomach trouble. A day or two before scribers in the Darfield-Kirwee .district, doubt with a spirit of r i 1 laßr
you everything that is wholesome and 'either between motors and motors or and work for a change."*" The only —Press Association. Evans Pass is only G2sft above. he actually did start work again he whose lines had just been
repaired fol- comradeship, would be glad JoHB
nutritious. For example:— between motors and trains. If there had told the traffic manager that he lowing a political Lazarus, and ucmH

V- general rule in such cases is that Prime Hut-owners at Sehvyn liave been Tunnel Investigations. was going to see his doctor, and the the last fall of snow, if that ever crumbs fell from' the xuHH
IC. BUTTER, per lb is, and if the public has to pay for Ministers are entitled to more con- assured by the Springston South Do-
Consideration will also be given to manager had then told him that lie locality was in the area affected by yes- table. 'Mm
ALLENBURY'S FOOD, Nos. 1 and 2, tin 2/5 it, at least the cost is much less serious mains Board of a better supply of not
.ALLENBURY'S FOOD, No. 3, tin 1/0 sideration than private members but water in tho future. At yesterday's various schemes of tunnelling. It will be could start until he did 60. The terday's snowstorm.
3/4 than the risk of delaying or stifling manager had taken it
not to more than is a fair allowance meeting of the Board the Grounds recalled that in 1019 the Department he had obtained the for
HORLICK'S MALTED MILK, 2/1 and granted that
71b THISTLE OATMEAL, bag 2,- doctor's permis- Flooding at Hwarden.
1/11 altogether the development of the most for their enforced absences and dis- Committee was given power to act in planned a tunnel road to Lyttelton, one sion.


9d efficient transport, in which competi-
It must not be "forgotten and it was reported that a tender
down another one-inch main, mile and 30 chains in length, with a
At Hawarden rain began to fall at 3
a.m. yesterday and by 9 a.m. it had be- Personal Items.
Tia 1/• tion. and the experiment bred by compe- that a Prime Minister goes to the poll £27 had been received. The chairman rising gradient of. one in 50 from Lyt-
for Taking Things for Granted.
T'INE CUBES, tin V-v- tition are essential factors. The public telton Heathcote. Subsequently, in His Honour: That shows how risky it cpme torrential. There was no cessa-
6d, 1 Jd, and lOd with the prestige of his office, and that (Mr E. J. Harris) stated that tho to tion and floods occurred in the low

PISE SLICES, tin the Department investigated n, is to take things for granted. It would
half-gal. 1/10, sal. 3/- is entitled to the advantages both of
PIE PEACHES. 1/10, gal. 3/- the heavier his national responsibilities Health Officer had declared that the 1924, proposal for a tunnel road sub- havebeen wiser to insist on a certificate. country. The position did not become
1/4 the efficient result and of the means are the morq proudly his constituents supply must be augmented immedi-

J'lE APRICOTS half-gal. further


A rftinor point is that when a man is serious enough, however, to compel Messrs J. Kershaw,
Pkts. KEY PEACHES, pkt mitted by Mr 11. Hobday, in which suffering
KESSERT PRUNES. lb • d by which the result is won; and the

There is there-
ately. He tthe speaker) had endeav-
of the tunnel was reducsd from a disease which may farmers to move their stock. On the and H. Mayer'were among ttt|H
will rally round him. oured to have the work done by un- the
public will be at fault, equally with fore no case for preferential treatment employed labour, but none was avail- to 45 chains. This reduction was achieved cause his death the employer can, -where higher
length ground fairly heavy snow fell, from Wellington by the fenaHH
Parliament, if the Bill is allowed to for Mr at the in the the mouth of the tunnel a medical certificate has been obtained. at 2
an inch being recorded at Peaks yesterday morning.
Forbes on general grounds. If able time. Expedition by planning p.m. yesterday. In the Hawarden Messrs G. S. Gordon
'Phone 30-565. K4159 make_ an agreement with him giving ex-
pass with its mischievous possibilities the electors of Hurunui wish to express work was necessary. end
320 ft above sea-level at one and emption from
the other. The chief objection, the payment of compen- township the snow commenced to fall Pascoe, G. Gladding (AuflHßgS
unchallenged. It will be sufficient in their dissatisfaction with cither the 360 ft at 3 p.m. The ground was covered an Kershaw, H. tr. Mayer, S.
THE The amount of imported timber used however, was the steep and tortuous sation if death oceurs as a result of the at hour later and the fall continued into (Wellington), and A. J. SulliMHH
the meantime to draw attention to a Government or its Leader, as one group by the Canterbury Education Board approaches which this design necessi- disease and the work conjointlv.
SELECTION OF "As for the suggestion that'it might the night. edin) are guests at theClarenßH^
few of-them. All licensing authorities of electors certainly will, they are not in its schools was stated by Mr J. A.
Taylor to be "scandalous." at last tated. not have been possible to relieve Moor- Waiau had experienced a week of fine
A TRUSTEE are to be appointed by the Minister 'Hio proposal made by Cr. A. A. Mc- house,"
continued his Honour, "I hope and comparatively mild weather, during Herdman A motion of sympathy
debarred from doing so by custom or night's meeting of the Canterbury Lachlan, that the Christehurch City in his illness was
for Transport, who is at present also privilege, or by general considerations School Committees' Association He Council should take preliminary mea- that a man engaged in such responsible which much of the snow
disappeared the General Committee of tI|jHHN
Minister for Railways. The Govetfri- stated that he knew what he was talk- and dangerous duties as those of a from the lower slopes, of the
Decide of justice or fairness. They may, how- ing about, for he had worked for the sures for the construction of a high- motorman would always be relieved at up to the early hours of yesterdayranges, bury A. and P.

~ia a *ital matter.

wiaeiy—nine as your Trustee ment, loeal authorities, and public ever, feel themselves debarred by the Board. every builder way to Heathcote, to be connected once should he be ill." ing, when rain
morn- meeting yesterday. I9H
th« K»nr Zealand Insurance Com- bodies are to receive preference, when Where other heavy set in. By 9 Messrs F. Fitzgibbon, T. s|H
pany, Limited. Then you, may special consideration that the times are would use New Zealand red pine for either with a tunnel road or a highway On this-point Mr Hutchison explained a.m. a fall of 57 points had been
rest assured that the terms
licenses for services over new routes not normal, and that Mr Forbes is not the work, the Board used imported over the hill, has been held up pending that the news of Moorhouse's condition tered in the township, while at "Wan-
regis- W. K. Black, J. W. Brodie (WflnHH

voar Will will be executed

are applied for. The licensing author- timber, especially for door-frames, the completion of the Department's re- on December Sth had been given to the delholm," the residence of Mr- A. H. W. Wilkinson,
so much a Party leader just now as the doors, joists, and fillets. On his motion port, a copy of which will be supplied inspector by a conductor, and the in-
Baker, 9i points had fallen by 11 a.m. ing din), and J. Meehan (TimaniJjJHHH
ity may fix routes, time-tables, and to stave off spector JBH|
leader of the national effort it was decided that a protest should to the City Engineer. had not at the time seen him per- Snow then commenced to fall thickly at Warner's Hotel.

fares, and lay down any other condi- calamity. If that thought enables sup- be made to the Board against the ex- sonally. sympathy
Port and City League's Request. here and at the Whalesback. A motion of
'Write lor Free Booklet con- tions it thinks fit. Beyond that, per- "Since this happened the Tramway
porters of the Reform Party to forgo cessive use in schools of imported By midday the rain in the townshio do la Cour in his illnnsn

cerning our services to any Tn March of this year, the Port and Board has made it a definite rule that had given
Branch OMce or to the haps, it is unnecessary to go, because their Party rights and desires they will timber where New Zealand timber the if a man is off for way to snow, and the ground at yesterday's meeting of
could be used. City League approached Unemploy- duty through illness
rapidly became covered. By 8 p.m.- ston South Domain Board.

power to break a licensee's heart and only be treating Mr Forbes in the elec- ment Board with a request the tun- more than two davs he must bring a
COMPANY, that there were four inches of snow in the Oonr is member of the/JgUHBI
pocket could not be more liberally torate as their Leader is treating him Some musical people in Christchurcli nel road scheme, which it has for sev- medical certificate,*" said Mr W. J.

90 Hereford street, should be under- Hunter, who appeared for the widow. township, and five or six inches oh the Messrs J. Mc Arthur
offered. believe that the would sponsored,

present be an eral years

in the House. Damage was done McDonald (Auckland), B. GlfflflS]

OhrUtchureh.. opportune time to provide for com- "Without the certificate, I am informed road to Parnassus.

G. D. Mcllraith, taken by unemployed labour. The ad-

\\~ j_ ,
Manager. munity singing, and yesterday after- vantages then set out for such a pro- by tramway employees, he cannot re- to some of the telephone lines. son (Oamaru), A.
Tract OBScer. mouth), E. Jones and lan SmBH
noon representatives of 3YA broadcast- ject were these: that it would free the sume His
Much Snow at (Wellington) Are among tbegHH
TRUSTEE, EXECUTOR, ing station waited on Cr. J. W. Bean- Honour: I am glad to know that Oxford.
H.GENT, ATTORNEY, Greater London. people of Canterbury from
land and the Town Clerk (Mr. J. .8. all the present and immediate burden there is no danger to the men or to the
Heavy snow was falling at Oxford tions at the New City Hobq||H
imperially Empowered by Act of Parliament.)
Assets exceed £3,000,000.
According to a cable message yester- General News. Neville) with tho view of arranging of unemployment; that the money spent public on that ground.
for the use of the Civic Theatre. Cr.
I at 10 o'clock last night, with every ap- Messrs H. A. le Pine, E.
pearance of it continuing all night. At B. Ahl (Wellington), H. C.'BtoHl
Census on it would be circulated mainly in the
day, the latest British proves Boanland told a reporter that they felt district the hour mentioned it was already lying York), B. Sheil
inclined to give the free use of the money benefited; that the bulk ofpay- the
that London is still in population the
theatre for one night, to try .out the would be absorbed in the to a depth of three inches. On the (Dunedin), and L. S. CuraßrnHH
"THE PRESS." greatest city in the world. This is
not necessarily an enviable distinction, The Mayor of Christchurch has ar- idea, provided that a collection was ment of New Zealand labour and ma-
taken up for the Mayor's Coal and terial; .and that tha. scheme would bo
higher country, especially in the direc- ney) are staying at the
tion of "View Hill, snow fell almost un- UmHH|
interruptedly during the day, and there
CAXTERBTTOY'S LEADING DAILY. although New York .is sprawling ranged for the free transport of 500 Blanket Fund, and an offer on .these a definitely productive enterprise. The PUBLIC WORKS SURVEY.
A motion - of condolence
carcases of mutton from Wellington lines had been made. Unemployment Board was unable to an indication that the hills would tives of Mr James Maddrea/|ijSMB
(OWNED AND CONTROLLED IN rapidly in search of it, and it certainly support the proposal. receive their heaviest coating this win- , from the East Christchurch GdHHjlfl
CHKISTCHURCH IN THE under the Health Department's supply
INTERESTS OF would not be, if it were unsupported Unemployed relief workers are en- ter. For most of the day in the Ox- mittee, was passed at last jdmHH
CANTERBURY AND WESTLAND scheme for the relief of distress in gaged in clearing willftws from the Access to tti Sea Commission. In the charge of the Public Works ford township rain fell heavily.
PEOPLE.) by others; but it at'least
the political centre of the Empire re-
shows that
Christchurch. —Phess Service. island in the South branch of the Wai-
ntakariri on behalf of the
The question of improved access to Department, a sutvey of Lake Elles-
River Trust. the sea has been agitating the province mere is now being made with a view necessary lately, and the continued
Much: hand-feeding of stock has been
ing of the School
tains its strength and pride of place, Plans and proposals of projected The wood sales, it was reported to almost constantly since the early 'fifties. to investigating Mr Albert Bidgood, who i*g|jHjj|
CHURCH. in spite of unparalleled difficulties. works at the Waimakariri river-mouth yesterday's meeting of the Trust, Considerable controversy in 1929 on the all possible means oi rough weather will have an effect on manager of St. James* TfaetwßßßH
their condition.
LONDON OFFICE: have been forwarded to the Marine should more than cover the cost of part of two rival bodies, lowering the lake and improving the is to dose shortly, has beeftJgjHHH
Near Zealand Associated Press, Over 8,000,000 people in Greater Lon- Department of the Waimakariri Har- the Rain commenced at Darfield about
manager of the Crystal
85 Fleet street, London. square supervision, insurance, etc., and the Port and City League land about it. noon, at 7.30
don are concentrated on 693 bour Board for approval, stated the clearing would result in a further 85 Port Christchurch League, culmin-
and the and p.m. changed to snow.
Questions under consideration by the At a late hour last night the fall had , Congratulations on his
miles, within bounds only fifteen miles engineer's report to yesterday's meet- acres being available for leasing. Ow- ated in the appointment of the Department include the draining of the been only a light one,, but the glass was as the first South Island m|H|
from Charing Cross; and the fact that ing of the Trust. ing to trouble regarding awais rates Access to the Sea Commission, which
ADVERTISING RATES. of pay, the gang at the Harewood golf hoard evidence at the Provincial Coun- lake into Lake"Forsyth, the construc- very low, and the indications were that the Royal Agricultural SoniHjH
humanity huddles so close in no other extended to the president oC||jjjHH
Owners of unregistered dogs in the links had l>een put off. Mr A. Man-
Chamber, Christchurch, from May and the stop-banks
tion of to prevent overflow, more rough weather could be expected. terbury A. and P.
FOR CASH ONLY". place on earth suggests that London City recently have had the fact that hire said that there had been a mis- cil 2(itli until June 6th, 1930. While sub- provision of a permanent out- Heavy rain commenced to fall at ft. C.
the fee for registration is due brought understanding regarding the men at Little River early in the afternoon, but Macfarlane), by the
WANTEDS: When referring to Tenders or faces extraordinary problems of muni-
Amusements, 6 lines or under 2s 6d each cipal government. Few social studies, hefore them by the City Council's col- Harewood. They had been put on to of the tunnel road
stantially admitting tho practicability let to the sea. there was no snow, and so far as could General Committee at its
insertion; 5s per inch. lectors. Many requests for an exten- do carpentry work, and the difference scheme, the Com- A careful investigation is being made be seen none

was falling on the Inch


SITUATIONS VACANT OR WANTED: 12 in fact, are more fascinating than that sion of the date for payment have been its report, held that the ol the economic aspect of any change country.
words for I*. 8 insertions 2s 6d, and 6d between the relief rates and the award mission, in in thfe
Messrs H. Firman, T.
of. lake. It is C. E. Pope have been electe&liiMßß

under. of its immense,, intricate, overlapping, received, and in cases of hardship an rates had been paid by the club. The present means access were adequate proposed to obtain At Arthur's
for each additional six words- or from the Pass.
JjOVT AND FOUND: Half-inch or under
anomalous, but still (effective system of extension ofThe about one month has been engineer (Mr IT. W. Harris) stated until there had been a substantial Departments of Agriculture
Reports from Arthur's Pass were that sent the Institute of
2* 6d each insertion. registration fee is ten that the men had been absorbed into change in the conditions and volume ol! and Crown Lands reports of the im- over six inches of snow were lying the executive committee
BIRTH. MARRIAGE. DEATH, or FUN- administration, described jn Mr Percy granted. trade provement to the surrounding
ERAL NOTICES: Half-Inch or under
shillings. another gang. through Lyttelton. lands tional • Horticulture Week'''-tj|aHHj
•is &d. Death and Funeral Notices com- Harris's book, recently reviewed in Subsequently in October last Professor likely to result from the adoption of round about the railway station in the in. Christchurch in 1932.
any important scheme. It has been afternoon, and it was still falling later. McLeod, A.
i j

bined 5s each. Every additional 8 lines The Pre&. It has never been pre-
or fraction 2s Cd.
Thieves visited two small shops in The Christchureh City Council's offi- P. G. Hornell, the Swedish engineering estimated
that an area of 20,000 acres Lato last night the train-running de- H. Shrubshall; 4|gflHH
DOUBLE RATES will be charged for any tended, of course, that London is with- the City on Tuesday night. A panel cers' salaries are likely to be con- expert who came to New Zealand to is Bobinson have been
glass front sidered by the Council's Finance Com- conduct an investigation intb the Ara- affected by the difference in the partment reported that snow between sent
of the above when, cash is not sent with out faults and sordid blemishes, obvious was removed from the
door of the shop of Mr H. Phillips, mittee on Mondav afternoon, when puni hydro-electric scheme, stated his
svater level at high and low tides. Arthur's Pass and Springfield had dig- the Horticultural Tradfiujfl|H|
order. tion on the same conuaitt«||f9jH|
WANTEDS. FOR SALE, or TO LET: _l2 and, it might be said, unapologetic, at the corner of Tuam street and Dur- the estimates for 1931-32 will be under belief that Lyttelton as a port organised the goods train service. Dur-

trords la iter insertion: 3 insertions such as the traveller might have to ham street, the lock undone, and review. was The members of the ch(ttn|nH|
As indicated by the Mayor "out of fashion" and incapable of ex- ing the evening the department lost
2s 6d. and 64 tor each additional six
words or under. about £5 worth of books and tobacco
look out of the way for in Paris and taken. Nothing was stolen from the (Mr I>. G.meeting Sullivan. M.P.) shortly pansion, and that there was in the BULLER COAL MINES. all communication with the Pass, and Royal Christchurch Musical
after the of the Council on Sumner Estuary every facility for an later also lost touch with Springfield. several members of the
Berlin, which took a long start of shop of Mr H. A. Lyes at the corner June 29th, an endeavour will be made up-to-date harbour. It is presumed that the lines are Mr T. W. Bent, a member<
' London in bold engineering and re- of £3t. Asaph street and Montreal in drawing up the estimates to recti- broken. ehestra for some years pasfeiHflflffil
SUBSCRIPTION RATES. street. in- THE FOOTBALL BOYCOTT. day evening after the usual lW|H|
Additional Booked. construction; but no other city in the fy any hardships that would be The last message from the Pass
6s Per Year if joHHj
flicted if the Council's resolution were stated that there was two feet of snow Mr T. Andrews (chairman}
9d Per Week,
Half-Yearly, Yearly, world with similar antiquity has the Failing payment of 1930-31 rates in rigidlv followed. The estimates of SIR JOSEPH WARD. in the station yard, and up to four Mr Bent with a Kaiapoi rng JjHHj
feet in some of the cuttings between broidered .initials, refenmHHH

as 3d. IBs Cd. 30s. same record of effort toward improv- arrears, City ratepayers are being ad- the "Works Department and of the Re- (special to the press.) and
Paid in Advance.' ing the amenities of its inhabitants. vised by a final notice from the City serves Department hare been drawn � the Pass and Springfield. Bent's valuable services in
One train tra and on the committee,
Council that further action is likely up. and a draft of the estimates is WESTPORT, July 8.
A. M. BURNS, Three years ago the London School could not leave Arthur's Pass, so a gular
Manager. to be taken unless the individual rate- being prepared, and will be in the Much broken time in the mines is light engine attendance. He
of Economics undertook a new survey payer makes some arrangement with hands of members of the committee PILGRIMAGE MADE TO GRAVE. \
making the 2£ per cent, levy on behalf track. was sent to clear the and Mrs Dent happiness jb<JuggnH
of London's life and labour. The re- the municipal authorities regarding probably before the end of this week. of the Blackball men a considerable Communication was lost, how- home. Mr W. H. Dixon (OCnMH
LKT WARDELL'S ATTEND TO payment by regular instalments. This Provided the Council obtains the sanc- ever, before it was learned whether referred to Mr Dent's vala«wt|9Hj
YOUR NEXT GROCERY ORDER. sult was a book, published last year, method has been in vogue for some tion of the local Government
Loans burden to the miners, but it is still the engine had succeeded in getting nnce and regularity of atten<hffl|™|
showing the changes and reforms time, the City Council always having Board to raise the £39,500 unemploy- IrRESS ASSOCIATION TELEjSAM
) being paid without complaint. The through. °

Adley (secretary) also spoke* mSHI


As a fcou*ewife you can showthe your wisdom by

effected in Greater London since been willing, in cases of hardship, to ment loan; it is considered likely that Stockton mine, for instance, has been The department could not say last Dent responded thanking thfrffij|j|Mß
placing your order in hands of
assist ratepayers. Of the Council s the General rate, which in 1930-31 k INVERCARGILL, July 8. idle since Juno night if it The assentinflHH
Charles Booth began his classic survey 20th, and the Miller- would be possible t'o for their gift.

general rate. £10.748 was outstanding amounted to £138,892, will be reduced I'Jiis afternoon a pilgrimage was ton men are also r Un
WARDELL'S. of the City in 1886. Those who know on June 23rd, but including the rates by 10 per cent. losing many days of the express to the West Coast to-day 4 'For He's a Jolly Good FeUaMRHH
iiiado io the Bluff Cemetery for the work. musical items were given bv IJUHII
You will be delighted with the quality of London only as it is to-day must find collected for other local bodies, the purpose of placing a wreath on the -It is believed that the decision of
jour purchase and with- the low prices that A young lady had a startling experi- clair, Miss Gladys Brooke j'SHMj
are always the rale with it difficult to realise that forty odd total amount outstanding at present ence the
grave of Sir Joseph Ward. The cere- the Buller llugby Union, by 20 votes SEWING MACHINE BARGAINS. Miln and Wilson, Mrs
WARDELL'S £24.917. outside Railway Station on to 11, with
years ago it was compared with is club football,
f,o proceed as accompanist.
fiTKOXG ECONOMICAL TEA (Excellent Saturday. She was hailing a Gold Band mony was carried out at the requesi but to arrange no matches for wj° lc r f° r stocktaking

teams purposes-
* *

Flavour) i* now per lb 2/»

Darkest Africa, not merely because of people are on re- or the Prime Minister by the Mayor of
Tarri, but was compelled to take an- objecting 'lUst"L cloc-tno model, usually £2l

lb 2/6 "Whole streets to associating with the tri-


t/ix us £lO, it other cab against her wish. Are you Bluff, Mr T. I*\ Doyle. The inscription
.MATCHLESS TEA per lb 2/9 there was plenty of sin and misery lief works, and if you collections,"
" bute miners, will cause further an- Electric Table model,
the wreath read: "In affectionate tagonism
ORIENT TEA (Unexcelled) per lb 3/•
both, but because so little was will take two weeks' re-
going to allow this to happen to you? on from his in the mining camps, usually £l3 u
fH 10>, now £lO.
BOUmririM.B COCOA, per tin 9d, 1/6,^and "in marked the Rev. L. McMaster. of &t. Certainly not. Th.en please come across leagues."
memory Ministerial col- ngnkawau, the undefeated team at the Drophead Cabinet, usually £ls, now
"known about either." There still is Peter's Presbyterian Church, when the to our garage opposite! It will pay head of the senior competition, will be 8 guineas. Easy Terms.
«'OCOA (LOOSE) per lb lid to the In addition to Councillors,
a great deal of darkness, due prin- question of the you. Thank you. —3 . members among those standing.down.
of the public and -personal friends of MASON. STRUTHERS AND CO 1. Letters sent to the
UHWD NECTARINES per lb 1/1 cipally to
the fact that about forty funds was
of the Hospital Chaplain's Com-
The new by-law debarring the Gold the dead statesman were also presenn. Rugbv Meanwhile a number of prominent
MEAT EXTRACT. C.M.O. per jar lOd and 1/8 mittee under discussion at yester- players have transferred their LTD. —fi printing mtdst be written
fMUTANT rODTUM .. per tin 2/- and 3/3 thousand tons of soot and dirt are still day's meeting of the Christchurch Band Taxis from picking up passengers allegiance to hockey. one side of the paper only,
'•ON»ENl?ro MILK .. par tin 5Jd and lOd deposited every when within 200 yards means that they are
WOKCEOTS* SAUCE per bottle 7d and 1/- year on the surface of Presbytery. At a later stage, special hope? the sick man must send in their names an#'<lMßß|
1/10 the County of London —an atmospheric Presbvtery was discussing' a compelling railway passengers to take
t'W/remA, MEAL per 41b bag
for unemployed women and a taxi from outside the station, so
Preserver in full, whether they wish fiNffiaßH
problem for the City Corporation's 25 collection MINSONR.
girls. Mr McMaster said that the don't be foolish! Just como across to Minsons will this week present every

MWni'Ht COUPONS GIVEN ON ALL purchaser of £1 or over with a 3s lid \ water bags given aw.iv this printed or not. .

CASH PURCHASES. aldermen and 206 common councilmen. tragedv of present economic conditions the Gold Band Taxis Garage opposite, hot water bag. v/wk. ]f you spCT'] £1 in the shop vou
by many; they you will save doing so. Do New English bags; f-noose 3-; lit]
WA|U)ELL'S. In other respects, however, a new was hot realised fully choose it .vourself. Now you can do t'.nplish a ]>a« from our best Writers must say clearly *HHH|
crime and •women tualics.
presents itself to the exploring were driving men to you prefer to pay 2s 6d or 12s 4 with "ns <>f theso, o w:int vou not to Also 2s
Is 6d. Chemists and stores. or not their letters are bei*!f, WtKA

«9»J« London to rice.

Jtliss this.

JN«?w screw c?vp.
been, *snt fa «*her paper* |9H
AVIATION. TWO MORE TESTS supported the financial side of the un-
COURAGE. A CONSTITUTION A SETTLEMENT. dertaking. The Test is sure to
draw a good crowd, tollowing the suc-
� cess of the New Zealanders in their first


representative engagement. Kenning-
ton Oval, the scene of many an encoun-
NAVY'S DUTY OF GOVERNOR. WAR DEBTS RELIEF. ter between England and Australia, is,
of course, well fitted for the handling
of big crowds, as is the Old Trafford
ground at Manchester, where the third COMMITTEE STAGE. BOYS IN LEG-IRONS.
Test match is to bo played.' It is rather
unfortunate that the second game is to
MOTION. TERMS OF AGREEMENT, be played during the middle of the week,

(Received July 8 th, 7 p.m.) LONDON AND MANCHESTER. i'ule, for a Saturday's play will, as a general
7 draw more people than any other LABOUR AMENDMENTS. (Received July Bth, 8 p.m.)
two days together.
experts to examine minor
Interviewed, the aviator, lie lld
•J?- -X-
President Hoover has received the
Bth, 9.10 p.m.) Gatty (Tasmania) stated that
(Received July So great is tho difficulty, however, of
Wiley Post (America) had 110 immedi- ARRANGEMENT rearranging tho first-class fixtures as ATTACK ON THE LEVY. Wickersham Law Enforcement Com-

SYDNEY, July 8. differences. "We are has been done in this case, that it is mittee's report on a detailed study of
ate plans for the future.
tOOLNE* IN SUBMARINE j Another Lurried meeting of the
Sfcuto Executive Council was held this just waiting to see what develops.
He admitted, however, "I feel home-
suprising that the Board of Control for
Test matches was able to effect the
juvenile offenders in the

disaster. j afternoon, at which the Legislative

WIRELESS.) sick sometimes." He said he hopes Lo
necessary alterations.
No additional
travelling will be entailed, and prior to
The report asserted that Federal
i Assembly's motion complaining of the (BBITISH OFFICIAL
visit Australia in the near message
the third game tho New Zealanders will
(PBESd ASSOCIATION TELEGRAM.) juvenile offenders were placed nearly
Legislative Council's obstruction of (Received July Bth, 5.5 p.m.) Mr Gattv has received this (Received July Bth. have three days' rest. It Avill, no doubt, wholly in living quarters in ''poor re-
p.m.) WELLINGTON, July 8.
Government legislation and empha-
sising that it was the Governor's duty
V.'J3EI.tS& >
RUGBY, July 7.
from the lion. J. C.
of Tasmania: uOn behaliof tlio
O l'ron'i^ LONDON, July 7.
depend upon the visitors' showing in the
second Test as to how the final fixture A number of machinery amendments
pair, unsanitary, and not fire-proof.''
It also stated that "punishment in.
ISBIJIS JS The agreement reached last night eranient and people oi lasniania to the Unemployment Amendment Bill
to accept the advice of his Ministers The Cricket Board of Control has ar- will bo supported by the public. Un- dark cells is given for trivial offences,
congratulate you on an epic ui'inc
ißeceived July Sth.
RUGBY, July 7.
was placed before the Governor (Sir
Philip Game). The outcome was not
between tho United fetates and 1 ranee nicnt." ranged two additional Tests between less a further alteration is made to tho
programme, the New Zoalanders will
were introduced in the House of Eeprc-
sentatives by Governor-General's Mes-
and imprisonment in the guard house
such as six days for possession of a two-
regarding ifr lloover's proposal Wds England and the New Zealand team now play no match with Surrey and only

cent postage stamp.'

disaster to tho disclosed, but well-informed people de- expressed in the following terms:
sage. These were read into the Bill
nKTciH, to tho one at the Oval, starting on July 29th, one with Lancashire instead of two. Boys are shackled in various types
. JirinoI'oseido'.i. nearthe\\ ei-hai-«e., claro that there will be no appoint- (1) Payment of all war debts and re- AEROPLANE MYSTERY. and the other at Manchester, starting on -X- -A- tc-
after being considered by thd House in of leg-irons, and the flogging system is
»tory of behaviour ments to the Legislative Council for Committee, and explained ?by the Min- widely misused, "while overcrowding 33
parations will be suspended for one August loth. Tho Notts match, which should have
e the present. Tho whole matter prob- widclv reported.

tlie treu - wl '° ™'
been one of the most interesting of tho ister.
year. Medical aid at one prison for juven-
t off i»
the forepart of the ship, ably will be left with the Dominions
(2) The German Government shall WRECKAGE FOUND ON SWISS] tour, was completely spoilt by rain, A point made more explicit is that
iles is said to be "to stave off epidemics
tJL whom were
eventually saved, Office.
continue payment of the unconditional MOUNTAIN. A CONSIDERABLE
which fell on each of tho three days.
Little significance, therefore, attaches to
only those wholly exempt from the rather than to treat those obviousiy
There was a dramatic counter-move levy are to bo exempt from emergency seriously ill." Food supplies are al-
Mr V. V. Alexander,
annuities during this period, but the
"<'■» JW-taov- "» 1,1,1,30 made in the Legislative Council this COMPLIMENT.
the limited play, in which New Zealand
promised to have a moderate deficit on charge on income. Those whose emer- leged to be generally inadequate, and'

evening, when the Hon. F. S._ Boyce French Government agrees, in so far OHAMONIX (Switzerland). July 7.

gency unemployment charge is to ba the "hardest punishments are gener-

obtained leave to move a motion en- tho first innings. Of the individual ally found in institutions for reform
ii! dorsing the Council's rejection• of the as it is concerned, that the payments Ski-ers found, near the summit
of the
performances, Dempster again batted computed on two-thirds of last year's of the young."
thus made by Germany will be in\cst- of
hief ol the Emergency Income Tax Bill,, and pro- Aiguille de Gant, the wreckage MR ARTHUR DONNELLY'S splendidly to make the highest score, income will be brought into lino with The six months ending December
tecting the poople of Now South Wales ed by the Bank for International Set- two-seater, foreign, blood-stained aei o- and Pago and Lowfy played great fight- 31st, 1930, saw 2243 boys and girls

OPINION. those who are charged on present sal-

against an abuse of power by the re- tlement in tho guaranteed bonds of
There was jio trace <>l the
oc- ing innings to retrieve a poor start. under eighteen years of age incarce-
plane. ary and wages by making them pay on rated, of whom 960 were on prohibition
jection of this and other measures not
approved by the electors. German railways. cupants. The Averages. one-third of this year's income on May charges.
(3) The suspended payments shall was at first feared that the Bth, 9.15

Tho motion added that under the It tlteccived July p.m.) Following are the averages for all
Lng- Ist next, thus bringing both, types of
bi-cameral constitution it is tho right bear interest iu accordance with the machine was one piloted by an Croy- matches to date, exclusive of the prac-
and duty of tho Governor to exercise lishmau, Captain Bailey, who left spnro LONDON, July 8i tice game against the Maori Cricket contributors up to July 31st, 1932. At
his discretion when asked to make ap- conditions suggested by tho United don yesterday for Milan carrying Mr Arthur Donnelly (chairman of Club: present it is not clear that employers Mr H. S. S. Kyle (R., Riccarton)
States Government, and shall be repay- parts for Kaye Don's speedboat.safely, urged the Government to bring down a

pointments to tho Legislative Council, the Management Committee of the BATTING. may deduct the levy under the present
and that a message to this bo able in ten annuities from July Ist, tain Bailey arrived at Milan definite policy. He aeked that-a return
New Zealand Cricket Council) says In. N.O. H.S. Tl. Av. Act as well as the general levy under be brought down giving the number of
£££ in progriss tLc
5i..,. 1«W transmitted to tho Secretary of State
tor the Dominions.
1033. however, and the aeruplan'i mystery ' the New Zealand Council was origin- C. S. Dempster 20 4 212 1137 71.00
the Bill. Steps are being taken to those throughout the Dominion /who had
is unsolved. ally offered one Test, which was gladly R. 0. Blunt 20 1 120 640 33.68
(4) The same conditions shall apply

The "Sydney Morning Herald" says it


rectify thia. An important provision refused to pay the unemployment levy.

put on the appears that the Cabinet does not now 19 0 150 633 33.31
ankied his companions to to the bonds issued by German rail- accepted. After tho magnificent show- J. E.C.Mills Mr J. S. Fletcher (Ind., Grey Lynn)

101* 592 31.15 empowers local bodies to contribute to

and explained ia propose to press immediately for ap- ways. ing at Lord's tho offer, of two more T. Lowry 21 2 asked if the Minister could see any sign
qp.pß apparatus MR CHICHESTER. Tests was again readily accepted, it M. L. Page 22 2 113 609 30.45 the expenses of local Unemployment of improvement in the economic situa-
1110 compartment pointments to the Legislative Council.

going to Observations and Rights. Vivian 16 3 135

being regarded as a considerable com- H. G. Merritt 580 29.23 Committees. Provision is also made tion. If not, then he contended the 3ili

Constitutional authorities assert that W. E. 16 5 47 292 26.54 to enable large' employers who find it would not meet the situation. Mr
pliment to New Zealand cricket.
iTthU,. anil .old OH each „,a„to tho Dominions Office
is not likely to On three points-not directly concern-
controversy, but ing tlie American Government observa- THURSDAY ISLAND, July 8. G. L. Weir 24 2 100* 560 25.45 more convenient to pay in cash, and Clinkard claimed that even under the

imprisoned- men interfere in the Matheson 7 G 13* 25 25.00

sUtkn. The it as being of a domestic tions were made by the .French Gov- Mr F. C. Chi,Chester, who is flying to A. M. thereby save the cost of stamps. Power present enactment women were getting
occa- will regard NEW ZEALAND'S R. 0. Talbot 19 4 66 368 24.53 is also taken to pay tha considerable benefit because ot the
in darkness except for an character. ernment. It declares: Japan, has left lor Mcraukc, Dutch I. B. Cromb 17 2 52* 319 21.26 of the present remuneration
higher amounts given to married men

torth. (1) That common uction be taken Board up till, July. 31st.
jjesl light from an electric New Guinea. J. L. Kerr 22 1 88 425 20.23 than to single unemployed.
tpyje the compartment was
slowlj the principal central banks, through PROWESS. On the motion of the Prime Minister,

C. F. W. Allcott 10 1 34 137 15.22 the Rt. Mr H. E. Holland asked the Minister

GAME'S POWERS by SIR PHILIP the Bank for International Settlement, 49 184 14.15 Hon. G. W. Forbes, urgency was
m Willi.
mat heart, and Nagle luatructeu 'il to organise finance for those Luropean
countries who are particularly affected
lv. C. James 16 3
"Signifies not out.
accorded the measure, and the House
went into Committee on the Bill.
for more definite information regarding
the figures of women with incomes of
Seee btw saved

iu the use of tho appar- (Received Juty Bth, 10.50 p.m.) � AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT. BOWLING. The Rt. Hon. J. G. Coates, Leader of over £250. '

his life. by tho proposed suspension of pay- tho Opposition, speaking on the Short The Minister: I assure you they are
*hkb SYDNEY, July 8. ments. Wickets. Runs. Av. official figures.
two hours tho hatch waa (2) That there shall bo agree- 2000 CASUALTIES TO DATE. T. C. Lowry 11 93 8.45 Title, said he would like to reply to in-
After to It is now disclosed that the Governor
(Received July Bth, 7 p.m.) 18.04 sinuations by the Labour Party that The Westport Trouble.
t sufficiently for two men ment between Franco and the Bank A. M. Matheson 24 433
SSfoiJ, but the pressure of water told tlie Premier, Mr Lang, that he, Sir 20.73 the United and Reform Parties had

for International Settlement to the LONDON, July 8. W. E. Merritt 71 1472 Mr Holland said unemployed returned
21.78 been in collusion over the Bill. He

hatch. Of tho two the Philip Game, was exercising his dis- effect that France shall not bo called (VSITKD ASSOCIATION"— U7 EI.ECTUIC I. B. Cromb 42 915 refused work because

TBLEGRArit—COrSItIOHT.) Tho "Daily Telegraph" says: An ack- 585 24.37 wished to deny that entirely. He had
and BoU, who cscapeu.U1.C0.1- cretionary powers in refusing to make upon to complete the guarantee fund G. L. Weir 24 thSy were in receipt of war pensions.
JS™ nowledgment of New Zealand's prowess 31.61 not seen the Bill before it was intro-

££. to the .uriaco required by the Young Flan except by C. F. W. Allcott 13 411 He criticised the Government's action-in
more appointments to the Legislative CALCUTTA, July 7.

35.11 duced, although he admitted he had a

is implied in the new Tests and will It. C. Blunt 27 948

Council and would now await a reply equal monthly payments at the demand dismissing the Westport watersiders,
"&?fartte'r A Government communiquo relative

l"»r. by which timo be heartily applauded. The Tests will H. G, Vivian 8 321 40.12 rough idea of what was in it. Mem- thus throwing them into the of
from the Dominions Office. of the Bank for International Settle- 44.00 bers of the Reform Party had had 110
Legislative _ As- to tlio Burma round-up places the total be welcomed also because they help in M. L. Page 0 264 tho unemployed.
Concerning the ment and following the effective trans- 396 49.50 part whatever in drawing up the Bill,
rebel casualties to date at 2000, more

sembly's previous attitude, it_ is highly building up England's team against R. 0. Talbot S Mr Forbes said with regard to tha
fer of payments made by Germany. J. E. Mills 0 4 nor had any commitment been made to
likely that two eminent barristers will than half of which were killed or died v the redoubtable Australians, our Westport trouble tho watersidors re-

(3) That so far as concerns other the United Party on it.


all of bo sent from Australia to England to est foes." •Thero are problems to be fused to handle coal from two co-opera-
of wounds, owing to lack of rebel medi-
■ Clarke, Nagle, wad
■fats were picked up by
Ah Dai
boats. help argue the case for the retention of
Council when the ap-
technical adjustments made necessary
by the American proposal and the cal services. The rebellion l,as now
solved in batting as well as in bowling [A report from our London corres-
pondent concerning a New Zealand a
Mr P. Fraser (Lab., Wellington Cen-
tral) said he considered the present was
tive mines, but were willing to handle
coal from other mines. Such discrimina-
J?fc abundantly clear, the report the Legislative
tho courage and fortitude peal arises in tho
Privy Council, prob- French agreement, a committee of ex-
perts shall be appointed by the inter-
spread to Northern Shan, where terror-
ism and looting are prevalent. Forty KEEN PLEASURE.
dinner to the Dominion's cricket team good opportunity of making the Un-
employment Act a workable measure.
tion could not be allowed by any con-
stitutional Government, and the answer
darkness, ably in November. It is felt that their appears on page 7.]
Tomnm, ill practical of the whole circum- ested Powers .to reconcile their needs rebels were killod in this locality re- He failed to see why the Leader of the of the Government was, "If youwon't
the compartment and local knowledge with the terms of Mr Hoover's pro- cently. Opposition had been so keen to deny
handle that coal, yon won't handle*

Ufitr a situation more than
desperate) stances would be of great assistance. Bengali Hanged.
Franco reserved tlio right to call Dinesh Chandra Gupta, a young
YORKSHIRE MATCH that he had had any part in the pre-
paration of the Bill.
Mr H. T. Armstrong (Lab,, Chnst-

tmditioM of the British upon the Eeich for a trustworthy guar- Beiigali, was executed at dawn for the Mr Forbes said the statement by Mr church East) contended that when the
Tbd confidence, übilitv, and CABINET AND GOVERNOR. antee that tho savings thus effected in murder of Colonel N. S. Simpson, the (rnESS ASSOCIATION TOLEQAUI.) Coates was quite correct. No member previous Bill was being brought down
penrer of command shown by A\
SridL doubt, were the Gorman Budget will be deposited Benga'l Inspector-General of Prison ', on
GISBOENE, July 8. NEW ZEALAND BATTING. outside'the Government had seen the the Minister had said sustenance would

DISPUTE GOES TO DOWNING for the purpose of relieving her eco- December Bth. preliminary copy of the Bill. The Gov- be paid, but when Mr Forbes returned
iiiiiiitiln for .aviiiK so many ives '
Two of Gupta's accomplices in that Mr Dan Eeeso, in the course of an in- ernment had, however, received numer- from England this was cut out.
SwmtM WTT highest
for himself
Willis Skid prayers and STREET
ncc^s.British Statement. outrago committed suicide, and Gupta terview to-night, said ho considered two
also attempted to kill himself, but re- inoro Tests were a, distinct compliment
ONE WICKET DOWN FOR 63. ous suggestions from members of both
th 6 Labour and Reform Parties with re-
The Hon. S. G. Smith: All I said was,
sustenance would not be paid before
(mapaßioiH WW the submarine s
The Prime Minister, Mr Ramsay Mac- covered. gard to the Bill, and-these had received February 21st.
ligU, fa?** asd before tho compart-

LONDON, July 7 There were protest gatherings to New Zealand cricket, and particu- (Special to Phess Association.)
KMwrt va» foaAtd. Donald, explains that the British Gov- full consideration.
A Taxation Measure.
The conflict between Sir Philip Game, ernment is renewing its invitation to throughout the city. larly pleasing since they were not asked In answer to Labour assertions that
Sr Msmfar HUd tho question of (Received July 9th, 1.20. a.m.) Mr D. Jones (R., Mid-Canterbury)
aj&bh meeMbni of Willis and Governor of New South Wales, and Mr the Frqnch and United States Govern- for. Personally he was exceptionally people were starving, the Prime Min-
tOk—m ms safer'consideration. (l»eu- entered ments for a confcrcnc-c in London of re- with the performances of the ister contended tha,t this was ,an over- claimed that the Bill was not .an Un-
t»I dtcen)
cTiJ dki&n) J.. T. Lang (Premier), to-day
presentatives of the Powers chiefly con-
A CONSULAR APPOINTMENT pleased team which exceeded the most optimistic
LONDON, July 8. statement of the case. He had been as- employment Bill fit .all; it was purely
Downing Street. The New Zealand cricketers com- sured by charitable institutions that a taxation measure, and it should not

IJT» critearfna Poseidon was sunk British cerned. expectations. Only one Test was sought
Jaao 9th following collision with a As a result it may necessitate Under-Secretary Dr. Hugh Dalton, (BKITISH OFFICIAL WIBELESS.) by the New Zealand Council, since tho menced a match against Yorkshire, at this was not the case. have been brought down now.
Mr W.VE. Barnard (Lab., Napier)

Yuta. There was Cabinet action. view was held that should there be a Harrogate, in overcast weatlicr. The Mr D. G. Sullivan (Lab., Avon) said
Willis, Agent-General for for Foreign of
. „

Affairs, questioned as to under the old Bill work had not been agreed with Mr Jones .that
the time. Twenty men Mr A
on Mr Thomas, the. attitude the different countries (Received July Bth, 5.5 p.m.) great disparity in tbo strengths of the wicket was easy. a taxa-
vhom two died alter New South Wales, called provided fat, all who were entitled to the Bill was purely
Dominions, to the Hoover proposal, replied that the RUGBY, July 8.
two sides it was better there should be The teams were:—New Zealand: T. C. get it, and tion one. He was rather at a
wis escape apparatus

Secretary of State , for tho

tho United Kingdom, the only one disastrous game for New Zea- t&ese men were entitled to
Ir ft. J Davis, is aa with a long memorandum from Mr attitude of and the Indian Governments The King lins been pleased to ap- Lowry, K. C. James, E. C. Blunt, E. O. sustenance. Either work or sustenance loss to define the attitude of the Re-
Willis Dominions, land rather than three as was the case form Party, which' was demanding a
nbles a lifebelt with Lang. It is believed that Mr prove of tho appointment of Mr Rich- with the West Indies team, who were Talbot, S. G. Vivian, M. L. Page, G. h. should be provided for the unemployed.
lied. A breathing bag, asked the British Government to medi- was already known. Austria, Bulgaria, defeated in three Mr A. M. Samuel (E., Thames) re- statement - of"policy by; the Government
Germany, and Italy had, according to ard Nosworthy, British Consul at Los overwhelmingly Weir, C. S. Dempster, A. M. Matheson, ferred on the Bill, but, as Mr Jones had said,
I cylinder of compressed ate. information now available, accepted tho Angeles, to be Envoy Extraordinary Tests. \
W. E. Merritt, and C. F. W. Allcott.
to the question of the framing
might find themselves pushed into as-
its strapped on the chest, Belgium, Tho financial side in relation to tne of the Bill and said the Leader of the
lifebnoy It is twelve proposals unconditionally. find Minister Plenipotentiary at La Yorkshire: P. Holmes, A. Mitchell, Labour Party was apparently not pre- sisting in passing it., ; .

extra Tests was also very important,

lewas brst
jbmarine crews as part
SAVINGS BANK Czocho-Slovakia, Greece, Japan, Poland,
Portugal, itumania, and Jugoslavia had
Mr Reese said, for it meant that losses E. Oldroyd, M. Leyland, F. E. Green- pared to aecept the Leader of the Op- The Hon. E.' A. Ransom said any sug-
gestion which would lead to the pro-
caused by rain interference so far position's statement that he had had
accepted the proposals in principle, but wood, A. T. Barber, A. Wood, F. Dennis, nothing to do with it.

rot, and this was the

;hap calling for its use SUSPENSION. had in some eases, it was understood,
They fear that the decision may lead to should be wiped out and funds made
the ultimate destruction of tho Young available for the fuller development of
—.. Fisher, G. G. Macauley, and H. E. Parry (Lab., Mr W. Auckland Cen-
vision of work from any of the Jnein-
bers of the House would receive his
submarine so equipped, attached reservations to the acceptance. the Verity. tral) said that he was not concerned hearty support and co-operation.
nen who escaped by its plan. the game in the Dominion. All
Hungary had not replied. The negotia- benefit was not, however, on the side H. Sutcliffe is resting for forthcom- wHetlier the Leader of the Opposition
the surfac© 2J and 4J tions which had been in progress with labour Amendments.
>ly after the collision, COMMONWEALTH'S TERMS. France had resulted in an/ agreement
of the tourists, for the games would pro- ing important county matches. had been consulted or not., \

At the supper adjournment the House

mander B. Galpin. GERMAN RELIEF. vide the Old Country with oipportunities Dempster and Weir started slowly Mr Coates: X gave you an assurance
irtinl at Wei-hai wei,
• " I
with the United States. No negotiations to build up a side for the next series to the right hand "medium bowling of that I had nothing to do with the Bill had been dealing with the short title
piiltv of hazarding his SYDNEY, July 8. were in progress with other countries. of matches against Australia, which was Macauley and Dennis and against the and you accepted it. of the Bill for about five hours. Labour
the Mr Parry: It was the member for members had submitted 12 amendments,
snced to dismissal and The "Daily Telegraph" Bays that Not the Final Solution, AGAINST FRANCE. a very important consideration
indeed. left-handers, Verity and Fisher.
land. Evidence at the for Mr J. T. Lang's sudden lack BITTERNESS Dempster batted attractively iftitil Hamilton who B?id you had not been most of them dealing with Clause 4 of
■oved the extraordinary reasons Go- The news that an agreement had been he w&s caught behind in attempting a consulted. the Bill concerning the payment of the'
of interest in the reopening of the
e Davis escape appar-
«tf|t.jnnwttinK six of the Poseidon s vernment Savings Bankis unofficially
the terms
reached late last night in Paris between
tho French and American negotiators
BERLIN, July 7. ANOTHEE DEAW. 1 cut.
Unfounded Reports. -
unemployment relief tax.
Mr D. G. Sullivan (Lab., Avon) ex-
perform astonishing escapes, revealed. It is stated that was received in London
with satisfac- The decision, just in timo to prevent The Minister for Health, the Hon. A. pressed the opinion that the Minister

tffg will re-

upon which the Commonwealth NEW ZEALAND. would have to 'make a new provision

IWlBw in submarine history.] There was an immediate re- s J. Stallworthy, said any member who
submitted to tion. financial disaster, was received with
open the bank have been sponse on tho Stock Exchange. heartfelt relief in Germany, where un- RAIN ENDS NOTTS MATCH. I First Innings. said people were starving reflected on for women, or he would be defeated.
Mr Lang, with the following conditions, from Paris and Berlin show himself. If such cases were known He would either have to provide work—-
certainty as to the outcome of the Paris C. 8. Dempster, c Wood, b Verity 46
THE HOUSE OF for his acceptance:
(1) That he should rejoin the J^oan
a similar strengthening.
In both political and financial com- negotiations has been a lengthy night- NEW ZEALAND EIGHT FOR
G. L. Weir, not out
E, C. Blunt, not out
. 15•

• ■
they should be brought under the notice
of the relief organisations. Complaints
for them if they were to be taxed «r
he ■ Would have to withdraw .the tax
ments it is emphasised that debt sus- about people starving had been made to on them. He was sure it was possible



n 110

(2) That the money owed to tue

President Hoover 's far-seeing and him, but not one had proved to be true. to devise some system of relief for
pension alone cannot solve the world s Total for one wiek6t G3
Commonwealth by the State be repaid. economic problems. It only provides statesmanlike initiative has been He would admit that some people could unemployed women, and he assured the

held on short House such a measure was badly,
(3) That the money opportunity for working out a solu- crowned with success, declared a Gov- do with more to eat than they were 1

from the Sav- the (SPECIAL ASSOCIATION.) getting. The organisation of the hos-
call by the Government ernment manifesto, pointing out that
COAL MINERS' HOURS. ings Bank should be repaid.
tion in a hopeful atmosphere.
close of the nations was
co-operation COUNTY MATCHES. pital boards throughout the Dominion After the debate had been carried
additioii to these, it is re-
success. Gov-
LONDON, July 7. was so thorough that there Was no need on by the Hon. W. A. Veitch, Mr W.
But in essential to achieve real
imposed Rain stopped play again when the (
lieved that the Commonwealth operate ernment circles are grateful, believing for anyone to starve. J. Jordan (Lab., Manukau), and Mr

IV4WBTE0 drastie conditions, that would to de- that half a loaf is better than no bread, New Zealand cricket team had scored LONDON, July 7. Mr E. J. Howard (Lab., Christchurch. W. P. Endean (E., Parnell),
subsequently, as to the payments but the newspapers arc very bitter 250 for eight wickets in its first in- Rain interfered with county cricket.. South)- expressed the opinion that the The Hon. S. G. Smith outlined the

-albout, France's modifications to the nings against Nottinghamshire. The Results: 12s 6d per week provided to keep a work which had been done by the TJn-
J; 4kcttved July Btb, 7.30 p.m.)

Mr Lang's proposition was that WITHDRAWALS? FROM THE Hoover plan. match was then abandoned as a draw. Kent-vV. Sussex. family by the Unemployed Board was empoyment Board, which, he said, had
LONDON, July 8. Commonwealth should give him money The Berlin "Lokal-Anzeiger" says Kent: First innings 258, Tate five for literally a starvation rate. ' been consideraby hampered by lack of
that is now'in the REICHSBANK. Lowry and Page continued to bat well
urgency Coalmines Bill to reopen the bank that petty, narrow-minded French com- 77; second innings 326 (Ames 112). Mr A. Harris (E., Waitemata) asked finance. With regard to unemployed
Commonwealth Savings Ban • after lunch. the Government for a definite answer women the Minister gave his assur-
committee and report I Commissioner mercialism has riddled the plan, show- Sussex: First innings 271 (Duleep-
in Melbourne is cay g Lowry, who was playing fine strokes ance that the best possible would be

ing France as the real obstacle to_ peace. sinhji 91); second innings three for 316 to the question that if women were to
(Received July Bth. 7.30 p.m.) to the off, was caught at mid-on attempt- be taxed would the Board find work for done for them. £ll the different or-
The "Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (Duleepsinliji 127).
tary of State for the Ro- depositors ,re LONDON, July 7.the says: France wishes to bleed us white Sussex won by seven wickets. them when they were unemployed. ganisations dealing with the problem of
money. ing to force A. Staples tb the on. Page
r J. H. Thomas, in reply patiently waiting tor thoir 0»n express Mr C. Carr (Lab., Timaru) said some unemployed women would be co-ordin-
Financial authorities and to dictate to us on vital political batted steadily with sound defence,
people were too proud to apply for re-
H. Hannon (Conservative) opinion that the delay in
the accept-
questions. until he played outside an off-spin nor Hampshire v. Essex. ated, and be placed under the control
or the three years ended Hampshire: First innings 69; second lief and would rather starve. He in- of a committee. In this way thsy
ance of President Hoover's
plan and
Ist last, 238,025 persons mi- JAPANESE DESTROYER minimise
from Barratt.
Barratt dismissed Allcott and Talbot innings 150; Nicol five for 48. stanced cases where people were actu- would be getting in closer, touch with
qualifications tlieiem have Essex: First innings 69, nine allv without food. the actual position than had been pos-

Canada, Australia, New have fol- in rapid succession, breaking the ball
the full gains which would ON WALL
SLUMP for 26; second innings eight for 101. sible hitherto. '•

acceptance. back appreciably.

id South Africa, of whom lowed a prompt all-round Cromb and James batted attractively Essex Avon by two wickets. -Taxation of Women. The debate on the short title con-
assisted. During the Funds have left Germany winch STREET. until a thunderstorm at 3.45 p.m. caused The Hon. S. G. Smith, replying to the tinued until 12.45 a.m.
when it was

68,242 persons entered the (UNITED Tttir*Vi+ lmvn been retained. It is dif Lancashire v. Middlesex.
teleoiuvph —corvRiGHT.) the abandonment of the game. question relating to the tax on women's passed.
gdoiu from tho Dominions, Sit now to stop the exodus
of capi-
the task of the central banks Voce bowled much better than in the Lancashire: First innings 323 (Iddon incomes, said there were 35,000 females The House rose at 12.50 a.m. ■ j
joraiblo to say how many (Received July Bth, 10.15 p.m.) tal and Test, concentrating more on his away- 137).

bv the action in New Zealand earning salaries or

ting migrants. lias been made harder LOSS OF £400,000,000. swinger, and making paco off the Middlesex: First innings 164, Iddon wages of over £250 per annum, 65,000
ion asked: Would not re- TOKIO, July 8. f F four for 43.
that the pitch. in receipt of under £250, and 3000 with
ß eports'from Berlin state

ds help migration schemes ?

destroyer Lancashire won on the first innings. The poor display of the New Zealand
Although the stranded in the form ot Scores:— '

incomes other than salaries, of over Meat Board at the last Winter Show
us replied: For the first
lias Nadakase wirelessed
balance of migration Do-
that she yas flight of the
withdrawals from the Reichsbank to NEW YORK, July 7. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE.
• 332
Somerset v. Glamorganshire. £250. It, was not going to impose met wfth considerable criticism during
way owing to the breaking up, she was refl °
foreign currency reserves
lias continued Stocks, after a firm opening, broke First Innings .. • • •

Somerset: First innings 317.

a hardship on these women to tax them. the progress of the Show. It was,
He could day, tho storm having subsided.
ine dra ls There were in the - Government service again remarked at yesterday's meeting-'
wide open, and continued to drop

jnomic position.
damaged. unabated. NEW ZEALAND. Glamorganshire: First innings 225
future migration from the vessel, however, is heavily amounted to £3,500,000. ot throughout the session, with increasing women receiving £250 per year, while of the General Committee of the Can-
With a view to the restoration First Innings. (Dyson 77). .
alongside . them were men with wives terbury A- and P. Association, wßen
lormal situation.
German credit »tho,.sand business- downward momentum. No signs of
C. S. Dempster, e S. J. Staples, b
Somerset won on the first innings. and three children earning the same Mr D. W. Westenra suggested that the
LIKE THE COVEB OF «PUM!I£■ men? industrialists, and bankers have

recovery were, discernible. G. V. Gunn Gloucestershire v. Northants. amount. The Government was not in Meat Board should be awed to provide

TRADE to Herr Luther offering


Smokers begin to 13 a position to make a declaration that an, exhibit annually at the Associa-
WITH RUSSIA. undying popularity of Dill s
. To
o lntter

A total of over 2,000,000,000 dollars G. L. Weir, c Carr, b Barratt
of values was lost. All groups were RO. Blunt, b Barratt 7

Gloucestershire: First innings nine for they could-guarantee to find work for tion's spring show. The pork industry
Herr Luther, 453, declared (Dacre 165)..

open the Discount Bank.


bacco from the moment they affected, notably railway stock, which H. G. Vivian, c S. J. Staples, b unemployed women. No other Party in was one of coming importance to New
old-fashioned-looking tin. Liko tho _co\ er centfng
the offer, says that
necessary Northants: First innings 150, and fol- r

were Voce the House could give such a declaration Zealand, and h© thought that the
Bp'fECtgASBD new strong credit dropped over 20 points. Utilities lowed on, scoring 229 for four (Bake-
a ™asures to create a
••• •••

.. 61

of "Punch," a Dill's Best tin either because of the monetary diffi- Board might exhibit classes of lamb
GUARANTEES. will be taken most weak, and oils, coppers, and foods like- M. L. Page, b Barratt ..
well 134).
guarantee of the very best within, lb of tho institution show the woild T. 0. Lowrv, c Walker, b A. Staples 51 ' .
culty. Under the reconstructed Board, and pork which were spiecially suited
sneedilv in order to wise. Gloucestershire wuii on the first in-

c Wheat, b Barratt 8
The rush to take the profits on the C. F. W. Ailcott, Barratt
fragrance that rises to greet j however, a committee would tie set up, for export. If possible the oxhibit
you that Germany is making a great
in- nings.
10 its membership including two women, afc the Winter Show might be retained
July Bth. 11.0 p.m.) moment you open the lid promises re-establish lierseit news of the war debt agreement R. O. Talbot, b Surrey v. Yorkshire.

ternal effort to good

a smoke such as you've never know," gave the bears their opportunity. Tues-
I. B. Cromb, not out • .. •

1^ Surrey: First innings 165, Bowes six

who would go into the question of un- in addition. Mr Westenra's suggestion,
MS «_* LONDON, July 8. Mind you, we do not say that smolc-
uius financially-
day's market showed an initial upturn
K. 0. James, not out

J' for 93; second innings 61, Verity six

employed women. It would be unwise was adopted by the meeting.
Ki# "U*ily Telegraph" lobbyist says Best will suit the taste of evcry
indefinable CONFERENCE OF EXPERTS. of one to three points, which, however,
Extras ••

for 11. for the House to insist on definite

■£3**; «Wnuton. Under-Secretary for
HSKWfc (Scotland). informed a meeting
or. But good taste is that
something that tells you not to
wear were quickly lost, giving the market
one of the sharpest set-backs the Total for eight wickets 259 ..
Yorkshire: First innings four for üBl,
(Leyland 124).

promises in this - regard. Referring to

land developmental schemes, the Min- USED TRUCES.
jack' declared ister said a great deal had already been
BaKjfc lAboor Party that the Govern- plus fours with a dinner
Dil PARIS, July 7. year. Losses of from two to nearly Bowling: F. Barratt, five for 52; W. Yorkshire won by' au innings and oo
Ki<2T **d decided to increase tho prompts so many men to smoke Dill s Be British pro- 10 points were numerous at the finish. Voce, one for 39; S. J. Staples, none for runs.
done in this regard., W© hare several of these in good
for trade with Russia to the Best. Aslt. your dealer for Trance has accepted the

58; A. Staples, one for 40; G. "V. Gunn, Derbyshire v. Lancashire. order . which we can sell at quite
Labour Leader's Allegation.
for 2 k years. It
111151**.**.£6-000.CCO and experience for yourself the smokl "| for a Treasury exports'
one for CO. reasonable prices.
delight of a tobacco famous foi posal
Bonnington's Irish Moss Derbyshire: First innings 219; second Mr H. E. Holland, Leader of the
BCMjtJffPptood that credits -are being in London, beginning on
July 13th, to acis '»

innings seven for 59, declared.

■ mainly respect of heavy years. details. It tlirco ways. It relieves at once: Labour Party, said he had been waiting ANDREWS & BEAVEN. LIMITED,
arrange the Leicestershire: First innings 79,Sln:hc CHRISTCHTJRCH. -6
irou and steel contracts.
will be followed by a Ministers' Confer-
prevents tlin cold developing; protects
from new infection. Nothing like it
NOTES AND COMMENTS. five for 28; second innings five for 44.
to see what the Government proposed
regarding the finding of employment,
an entertaining hobby.I t once, when the experts' deliberations won on the first innings.
Times" Cable. for bronchitis, croup, coughs, 'flu, anu but nowhere in the Bill was there a
DIAMONDS. Many beautiful snaps, a nt
g A
are concluded.-" The al) Chest and Throat Troubles.

definite proposal for finding work. He


Warwickshire v. Worcestershire. SPEJCIAJj WINDOW DISPLAYS. .


/ewjvwi from Mr C. U. Jones,

•Jpt in Africa, a large
less trees, swollen rivers, and
with a very
hkj French Press Critical.
family bottle, 2s 6d. ' Medium sizes
ll The announcement that two additional
Warwickshire: First innings 218; sec- considered there was no justification for Drayton's invite lovere of Fine-China
can be taken m winter, but Is 6d. Test matches have been arranged for taxing women unless they were, to bene-

Diamonds, wonderful value. to see Exhibition of Tea Sets, Statuary,

inexpensive adapter splendid

The newspapers hail the debt settle- ond innings six for 166, declared. the Act, and contended that Crystal, and Art Brassware. Choosing
ENGAGEMENT RINGS with the New Zealanders will bo received Worcestershire: First innings 117, fit under
photon can be secured, especially

as a diplomatic achievement of notwithstanding the Prime Minister's presents is a pleasure at Drayton's,

about half-price. You can ob- ment great benefit to the world,
but llie ma- The international ca'Ble news with gratification by all interested in Paine six for 42; second innings four
Inspection invited. a Kodak or Voigtlander. easiest terms in this issue is published by arrangement the touring team, but particularly by i'or 155.
assertion, there were many people who 165 Colombo street, near Armagh
tain any model on the tn
express the that France with the Australian Press Association and
wore without sufficient food to-day. •treet. Dams,
JOKES ft SONS, town from Wallace and Co.,
Photo- jority
tor Geimany. those who are responsible for and have Warwickshire won on the first innings.
nog Jewellers, High street. has sacrificed too much iho Sun-Herald New Service. Limited,
J4045 graphic Dealers, High street.


V s d
LAMB. EXCHANGE. N.Z, Government 51 per
cent. Inscribed 3951 0£> .. 0 0
Commmercial Bank of Aus-
0 15 0
remarkable change.

Bank of New Zealand o

Union Bank 7 1L' 0.
SALES. A GLASGOW SCHEME. There was a good volume of business » LONDON, June -7.
on call yesterday, with dealings prin- AUCKLAND. Not for many years has there
cipally in bank shares and those of such a remarkable change in financial
Sales on 'Change-
owjr corsispokdemt.)
SLIGHT DROP IN PRICES. mining companies, which showed re- £ 8. d. and commercial conditions
aa that wi
Preai en
MARKETING. LONDON, June -1. newed activity. Transactions, ex- War Bonds, 1938, 4 J per nessed this week, following
Hoovers dramatic announcement o
The Meat Producers' Board, in eon- is
clusive of vestibule business, included: cent. 98 0 0
GENERAL COMPETITION. junction with, the other Boards aud the an
£SOO New Zealand Government, oj Inscribed
Stock, 1938, 4^ proposal regarding war debts
per cent." OS 0 0 Stock
High Commissioner's Publicity Depart- per cent.. Inscr. 1951. reparations. A week ago the

REGULATION OF SHIPMENTS Bank of Australasia a 12 0 commodity

ment, and under the auspices of the 100 Commercial Bank of Australia Bank 7- 10 0 Exchange and most, of the oom
Empire Marketing Board, has arranged -30 Bank of New Zealand. Union
Auckland Gas

1 3 3 markets were plunged in g^

; a section in the Glasgow Exhibition
100 Union Bank of Australia. New Zealand Breweries 1 14 y despondency, and everybodyThere
-30 New Zealand sible events in Germany.

| LONDON, July 7. j which opened on May Insurance (cuoi

Colonial Sugar 35 5 0
At tlio wool sales 10,020 bales were 20th, and con- div.V 0 5 complete reversal of the position
tinues until June 13th. Lamb and ut- 100 Goldsbrough. Mori, Farmers' Trading fj
Everywhere , .
offered, including 354S New Zealand, ton are
being shown in a refrigerated 164 New Zealand Breweries (odd King Solomon ... 0 '>
u Mondav.
Hoover's proposal was acclaimed witu
lot). _ mar
dcub: and approximately 018U were sold. cabinet, besides the wax carcases, and . enthusiasm, and practically

"*l»c:e - not ilie
ket rallied sharply. Almost every sec-

Withdrawals consisted almost entirely two scenic dioramas. A plentiful sup- COO Cornish Point.

::,n: tho ic.-ults or tiic Empire Wool
f.-.-nfcrcn'.-e will bo benolicial to all the of slipes. ply of advertising material is available 2500 King Solomon. WELLINGTON. tion of the Stock Exchange advanced.
represented," said Mr \V. H. There was a largo attendance, a good for local butchers, and a forceful ap-
800 Mahakipaiv.i.
250 Okarit-o. Sales Reported— Wheat, cotton, rubber, copper, tin, zinc,
peal is being made to the public to be and silver rose considerably. The only
Ni'.hvKcii.'.taiv oi tlio Canterbury representative and good gen- 300 Golden Point paid).
£. d.
commodities which failed to lespon
eral competition. sure to specify i 'New Zealand" when ii 33 0
!:'.>•••/ Union, who returned to 1000 Golden Point. (Is paid). Bank of Australasia were perishable goods, which are mos y
Compared with .May closing rates, they buy meat, and to look for the Commercial Bank of Aus- impos-
?m irtr-ljui-oli yesterday, to Tins PitKss Merino combing, Yorkshire sorts de- "star" which indicates the New o 14 so plentiful that an advance is
shops mak- Zealand Government, 5A per tralia (ord.) 11 sible. conditions continued
■i.-i evening- 'per cent., short Continental ing a special feature of New Zealand cent.. 190 l stock, remained unaltered Good
The »e-ity for co-operation in the clined^

Bank of New Zealand (o) •j 8

throughout the week, the markets clos-


sorts "J per cent., faulty carbonising lamb. Over 250 butchers in the at £99. Commercial Bank of Austra- N.Z. Breweries j. 35
•.••uf ketijjj; ci hali'brcd and crossbred short pieces 10 per cent., fine gow area Glas- (2) 0 ing firm yesterday.
> *>_■! u pa» i'vived rpoii unanimously.
and' have received the advertising staying lia shares were firm at los, sellers Staples and Co. i 12 !)
The official list issued by the fetocl:
crossbreds 5 per cent., medium 7£ to and in at that price, buyers at
display materials, and are selling
!£omii:c, Victoria, parts ot N«»- 10 per cent., coarse 10 to 15 per cent.;
'iitli N'jL's, ;>iid New Zealand, | slipos were erratic, from 7 b to lo per
the New Zealand produce. A supply of 14s 9d—sellers of the preference camo 5J Per cent. Stock, 193'i
down to £o 17s Gd. buyers firm at
Okarito Gold Mining 0 11
.. 0
Exchange shows many extraordinary
rises. The most marked have naturally IVE the others a dosel
p..: iic-'ii.-'.i lv interested in lambs is in store, been foreign stocks, with German
cahtic.-. tl.'j coiU'cj'eiic-e agreed that
two j cent. down.
I Prices for New Zealand greasy cross- being
and every facility
given to the family butcher" to shares moved
£3 13s Gd. Bank of New
up to 48s 9d, and move
issues leading. British funds, although
Bonnington's ritj

obtain his requirements.

iicce e«ity ior feeding the market j breds were :
wete offered at that price, buyers at DUNEDIN. firm, have been somewhat disappoint- Moss and the germ
■ \cn!\.vital out-. liie eei'.iing season. I d. d. An interesting experiment was start- 48s 7d. Union Bank of Australia ing. This is probably due- to the ap-
1 Tapanui, top price ed in Glasgow a few weeks ago. Two shnres had dealings at prices ranging Sales on 'Change— proaching end of the half-year, and mis-
attack them. Insist
;•.jl ...

Position of Argentine. I t -lonkeen Average

fj Glasgow butchers combined and took from £7 It's to £7 Bs. market closing

Union Bank
L s.
7 ID
tl. trust about the Labour Ministry's finan-
0- cial intentions. Dominion stocks have
5J over a large shop previously occupied by £7 8s .sellers, £7 2s (xl buyers.
their taking slowly. Te it
... ...

I although outside ilie i Eyebrow over eight G.J iig Messrs Lipton and Company, right iii
... Okarito 0 11 l made a fine recovery, materially as-
l.r>:piie, represented with the ob- | Waii-ire 7 (}} the heart of the city. Tho place has Miscellaneous. ■ 0 11 0 sisted by the announcement _of - the
let linger in the bai
... ...

.l ot obtaining tho views of the (
< .ei'-gatcs on the marketing of haltbrcii
llopa ... 7 eight display windows.

They named ' New

their business the Empire Lamb Shop. dividend of Is per share, advanced to
Zealand Insurance shares, cum Kiiif
British Government's concessions re-
01 garding war debt payments. A. satis- them to
of the throat before swallow-
j c!«!ir..'d wools, in which types 425, market closing 6d on either side. Sale Reported—
factory feature has been the improve-

They opened only on Wednesday, Thurs-

t jcjitiTi-j was about on a par with BROKERS' REPORTS. day, Friday, and Saturday, and they Goldsbrough, Morts realised 20s 7d, King Solomon 0 0 31 ment of the price of shares of several
Zealand. At a subsequent disciu- | and there were further sellers at 20s
ing. This is impoi
\< v.-
have been selling nothing else but first (3d. buyers at 20s Id. Buyers of United Australian banks, which have for some most
on. widi Se;;cr Bidone, Consul-Ge::- time been very depressed. Mining
■ <al 1 r tho Argentine in Australia. ! quality New Zealand lamb at very Building Society shares raised their INVERCARGILL.
Mr Nicholson, it was arranged DALGETY AND CO., LTD. leasonable prices. They opened just be- bids to 13s 6d, sellers at 14s. Sellers
fore Easter, and during the first week of Westport Coal Company shares cauie
Sales Reported-
shares also improved considerably on
the rise of metals. the throat is the
; ;
!at lie should communicate with hi.-:
| ' s. d.
infection. Bonningtoni

fjvernmons with the objecfc of endca- sold over 400 carcases. Now they are down to 2356d, buyers at 21s. Christ-
Commercial Bank {■/) 0 15 0 Seduction of Bank Bate. of
-1 ■i.iring lo secure co-operation in the Dalget-y and Company, Ltd., have ret soiling to cash customers well over n church Gas, 10s paid shares, were firm King Solomon
if allowed linger, will sprealj
| rj> 0 •J 3 Financial circles have been discussing
ol the two types.
j ceived tho following cablegram from
thousand carcases a week. They presented on buyers' offers lis lOd, sellers a,t
the probability of an early reduction of to
to the champion football team, 12s. An odd parcel of New Zealand the bank rate. Many people thought
Regulating Supplies. I their London office, dated July 7th:— and had photographs of the ceremony Breweries shares changed hands at 34s TRADE CYCLES. that it would probably be,- made last antiseptic film
an across
in new of. tho heavy increase in ■ Wool sales opened'with fair selection. published in the newspapers. The Meat lid, and more were wanted at 34s lOd,
Thursday owing to the growing strength'j exports from Australia expected Attendance of buyers - large. Competi-
Board has been assisting them with ad- sellers at 365. Woolworths
preference shares were stronger
(New Zea-
of the position of the Bank of England, throat through which g<
vertising material, and they have dis- land),
iij s icason, ilie desirability of co-oper-
tion" active at lower level as thanks largely to the heavy influx of
aiion between New Zealand aud with closing rates of last series.compared tributed about on buyers' offers 23s 6d, sellers at -6s TIME FOR CONDITIONS Bonningtonu
Australia with the object of regulating 50,000 pamphlets describ-
ing the New Zealand trade, and giving 3d.Cornish Point Gold Mining shares
TO gold from Germany. The reserve of cannot pass.
� applies to
London was urged upon Mr IMPROVE. notes in the banking department now
15. E. H Tripp, of South Canterbury, Greasy merino topmaking
Lower. a number of cooking recipes. There is hardened to dealings at and lid, amounts to £71,182,000,
sum ever, recorded, and the stock of
the highest tonic
acts as a well, and
: 'id himself, by prominent meat ex-1 par to 5 p.c. a staff of 2S. buyers .staving in at the higher price,

;oi tc-is in Sydney. Further, it was Greasy merino, other de-

shafty Their enterprise has driven other re- sellers at is Id. King Solomons had "Current Problems" publishes an in- gold to £162,894,416, the highest since
safely given
be the toa younj
■latcci that there was a ereat need for tailers to make an effort with New Zea- dealings at 2s 9d 2s Bd. and 2s BJ,d, teresting article on business forecast- May, 1930. But, although the position
scriptions, especially is Bank-authorities exer-
child. will relieve the

-■-•me body in Australia to function on land meat, and one-man who had previ- market closing 2s 8d buyers, 2s BJd so strong, the
Continental sorts 5 p.c. to 7i y.c. ously sellers. Okaritos appeared weaker, ing, says the "Sydney Morning cised discretion. Now that the French
ihe lines of the New Zealand Meat Good scoured merino 320 carcases a week now re-
None offered ports sold

with dealings at lis 2d and lis, and Herald," in which it reprints Tritch's Chamber of Deputies has accepted
'."cntrol Board. A heavy flush of feed Average ; to that he is selling 400 a week.
obstinate cough of a grot

inferior 2d, buyers at lis.. cycles of Australian business con- President Hoover's proposal, it is gen-
vas expected this year, and on account
further sellers at lis
i-. ' the low prices for wool the attention
of graasiers was being directed towards
scoured merino 10
Fine greasy crossbred 5 p.c. to 71 p.c.
p.c. ..

Better Prospects.
Beviewing the meat position, Mr It. with dealings
Golden, Point, Is paid, wore easier, ditions, which were circulated
at Is 9sd, Is 9d, and Is 1872. The doctrine of the business be reduce"" 2 per cent, next week.
first in erally expected that the bank rate will and man, asthma the
Greasy crossbred me- * further sellers at Is 9d, buy- was a
the breeding of halfbrecl lambs and fat-
tening them for export. This would dium and coarse 71 p.c. to 10 p.e. Board)
S. Forsyth (London manager of the ers at Is
said that the'price of New Zea-
Sid. and
Bid—the 10$ d paid closing
cycle is now fairly generally recognised
shares in the field of practical economics. In that would improve conditions is shown
How great the need for factor
bronchitis of the aged. K(
jttssibly inak'j marketing conditions in Slipe crossbred 10 p.c. to 15 p.c. were released at Is market r

land lamb reached in April was almost Is 5d buyers, Is BJd sellers. brief it may be described as the pass- by the monthly review of the "Econo- *>• bottle of Irish Moss alw&J
Great Britain next season somewhat on a pre-war level—sAd to G.}d per lb ing of world economics through up- mist," written before President Hoover
dilfieuli, unless some controlling au- ward perio.ds of prosperity to a peak, announced his proposal. This shows
thority acted in conjunction with the PYNE, GOULD, GUINNESS, LTD. whole sale. This, no doubt, was brought then the dropping, gradual at first, that most commodities in Great ~tO

W? A»V &Vready immediate for use.

sources of supply. about by, the general trade depression,
but more particularly by the extraord-
LATEST QUOTATIONS. but more rapid later, to a base, along Britain had declined in value. Unem-
scrape the
f"V K°*
Prominent Australian graziers, said Buyers. Sellers. which th»y'_ for a. time, then ployment returns were, discouraging, the
Mr Nicholson, expressed the opinion inarily heavy quantities of lamb that d. gradual rising again to culminate in a seasonal improvement in the buUding
Pyne,. Gould, Guinness, Ltd., have re- £ s. d. £ «.

that, unless there was co-ordination, ceived' the following cablegram from were landed from South America, aB ',
boom. Tritch's cycles extend from and • clothing trades being offset by
iher»> would be a grave risk of a well as from Australia and New Zea- N.Z. Government Debentures 1816 to the year 2035. The panic of more unemployment in the coalmining,
cropping c'f the Smithfield market, their 'London' brokers:-

land. The total landings of lamb from 1893 was predicted to commence with engineering, shipbuilding, and most of
ppr cent. Inscribed,
owing to duplication in shipments. It TheyJulyi.wool series- opened with a all Sources up to tho four months end- ' 1938 97 15 0 98 7 6 a downward trend in 1891, and the the textile . industries. Conditions
was apparent throughout the disens- good attendaiifco 'and been competition, ing April was over 6,000,000 carcases, 4\ rer ccat. Inscribed, recovery to begin in 1897 The, pre- abroad gavo equally little ground for
>-iou that the delegates were most Fine, cjosabted .wools" (50-58's) were which is considerably more than tho 1089 97 17 6 sent
_ depression,
■ according to the dia- optimism, and there was nothing to sug-
anxious to reach an agreement in cheaper. - Oitier wools '-weakened bv total landed annually in pre-war days. per cent. Bonds, gram, commenced in 1926, after a gest a recovery in the near future. The
off«'ring wool from the various centres id to Jd. ; 1938 97 17 6 96 '2 6 period of high prices, and it should "Economist"
•These heavy supplies were also landed in .'Si per cent. Inscribed, therefore asks: —"Will the

as evenly as possible during the year. reach its lowest depth this year, impetus toward more confident purchas-
winter when the consumption is not so ' 1932 99 56 0 after which there should be an up-

President Hoover's pro-


Becord Exports Expected. LOAlsf AND MERCANTILE. good as in the summer. 51 per cent. Icssribed, business until 1935, posals, ing given by
1933 9817 6 ward trend in always assuming tlrat the mora-
• Low prices, however, have stimulated . .. ..

which will be the peal? year of good torium goes through without a hitch,
Mr Tripp stated that while the in- 5i per cent. Inscribed,

dications were that Australia's wool the increase in-consumption, and New 93 10 0

times and high prices. The next de-

For Cougbs Coi
1933 and 193C ' —

lead quickly to a revival, arrest further

pression is due in 1942, and 1945_ will

Loan 'and- 'Jftefean,'' Zealand lamb has been particularly


ThCrNew 5 J per cent. Bo.ids, &

l-roduction would reach record figures or fail altogether ulti-
again be the height of the good times, deterioration,

99 5 0
ihia season—the anticipated 'total clip tile Co,, .Ltd., have ieceived benefited by tho low prices. The con- 1936 —•

to be a depression culmin- mately to reverse the downward curvet.


being about 3,000,000 bales—a record sumption of,- lamb during the last five SJ per cent. Inscribed,
f ,1351 9« 0 0 TO 3 0 ating in 1951. The cycles of "panic that can safely be said to-day is
v.*su also expected in the export of months has been so in spite periods, that there is a.&rea]£ iriiihe cloudg and.:

frozen meat. The production :of fat don office, under date July 7th: —• of the heavier landings, the present Other Debentures— .■wars" are IC, 18, apd 20 yearcycles that a greater chance is afforded of
j j

There was a full attendance at tlie stocks are normal and the market is the highest prosperity year are At All Ckunitt9
lambs, particularly, was expected to C'hristchurch Drainage, 8, 9, and 10 vears. and the depres- earlier recovery than could be looked and
tbovr an increase. A great deal of opening of the sales to-day, and competi- now making a remarkable recovery. oi cent., 1338- for week ago." 317 mnd Storms
i.itafc had bt-eri sent to the Eastern tion by Homo and Continental buyers New Zealand lamb increased in price
per sion cycles 9, 7, and 11 years in the a
73 99 10 0 order given. The "Australasian Busi-

markets but lately, with th® decline in was irregular. Tine greasy crossbred by lid per lb in a fortnight, and best C'hristchurch Tvarrs, Si an
ilie silver exchange rates, not so much wool medium greasy crossbred, coarse quality is being sold to-day at VJd, 97 5 0 ness
Conditions Bulletin," after
had been exported. When tho rates greasy crossbred Id; crossbred slipe, while second quality is sold at
6Jd. The
per oent., 19-14
Hanawatu County, 5J

examination of bank credit as disclosed EARTHQUAKE

vera stabilised a considerable exten- scoured crossbred Id to lsd lower. The market per cent., 1931 100 0 0 by the statistics of the Maroh quar-

promises to be very firm for the ter, says £hat superficially at least "it

sion of Australia's Eastern, trade opening catalogues were fairly represen- Glaxo, ui per ecu?.,
remainder of the year. lDJi SC 0 0 91 0 0 is very clear that there is a decided
Mould no doubt bo the result. tative. Unfortunately, most of the producers change for the better in the bankings
The New Zealand Meat Producers' in New Zealand ,have sold their mutton Banka— affairs of the Commonwealth." NEW CLAUSE FOR FROZEN-MEAT.
Boa.d. said Mr Tripp, should work and - lamb at. fairly low prices, but. the Aust. of Commerce ono 0 .14 6
more in conjunction with Australia, -FARMERS' CO-OP. Australasia. 9 ID 9 14 6
w it-li the object of so regulating ship- exporters, who have been losing consid- 0
ments to England that there would be erable sums' of money during the last
Comm. of Aust.
Comm. of Aust. (pref.) 5 13 6 G 17 C
0 14 9 0 13 0 MOTOR TRADES. That marine underwriters can help {hem-
t,o congestion. The' New Zealand .Farmers' Co-opera- year, are likely to recoup a proportion E., S., and A. 4 2 0 4 8 6 selves when tliey are convinced of the seed
tive Association of Canterbury, "Ltd., of their money.- National of Australasia, for action is illustrated by the new clause
(£10 paid) 10 0 0 ' CHRISTCHURCH BRANCH'S respecting the riik of logs ox damage by
have received ■ the following cablegram Piping hot water—in nnlimit
MARKETING PLANS. from their London office, under date July National of
land (cum div.)
New Zea-
4 9 0
earthquake which is to be added to the
quantities, at the mere torninff.
7th:—. • UNIONTHE BANK. New
New Zealand
South Wales 23 10 0
•2 8 7 2 8 9
26 0 0 Institute
Ist next.
Meat Clause as from August
new clause provides that,
a tap ensured for you by
' 'Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
Wool sales opened to-day, and prices, Ution of Aust. 7 2 6 7 5 0

SUPPLY AND DEMAND. herein this insurance is warranted free of

compared with last London eries, are: New Zealand (D Mort- A' request that the annual conference loss or damage on shore caused directly or

Good merinos, par to 5 per cent, down; gage shares) 1 8 9 of the New Zealand Motor Trades Asso-

indirectly by earthquake, volcanic eruption,

others, 7i per cent, to 10 per cent.-£own: Christchurcli and/or.Are resulting therefrom."
(rsou OUR ovat cosExaposDi-.ST.}
fine crossbreds,-5 per cent, down; me- PENCE, . TAX-FREE. Insurance— ciation should be held at Clearly, remarks the financial editor of
''The Times," the preparation of the new VACUUM CUCTRII
0 13 2 in 1932 was made at the annual meoting
SYDNEY, July 2. dium and coarse crossbreds,
to 10s per cent, "down; slipes 5 per cent,
7} per cent, National
New Zealand (cum div.)
0 12 10
2 16 2 2 6 of the Canterbury branch of Jthe New clause may be traced to the recent disas-
trous earthquake in Kow Zealand, in which
it is generally recognised that the to 10 per cent, cheapex*. (About 7000 (UXXien PRESS ABBOCUTIOK—BV ELECTKIO South British 2 11 0 —

Zealand Motor Trade Association. The marine underwriters, through insurances or>
Test* l>y electrical authorities hare proved tfce Mercer to
Jimpire Wool Conference, which con- bales.)
meat from the time that it passed into the
Good' attendance, buyers all Loan and Agency— request has been forwarded to the Coun- freezing chambers of the works in New snperior to all otter'electric water heaters in effectiveness,
cluded at Melbourne last •week, did no- sections trade, fair competition. Antici- LONDON, July 7. and lasting service.'' ■
Zealand, found
themselves closely interested.

Christchurch Building cil of the Association in Wellington. When ros install as Electric Cooker irtplace of the old coil
thing very revolutionary- There a,re pate following quantities will bo cata- Tito Union Bank of Australia has de- Society 11 12 6 12 2 6 Mr D. C. Crozier presided over a that The wording of the clause does not mean yon owe It to yourself to also Install a Uereer."
any lacfc «f _ insurance
some experts, however, who hold that logued throughout series:—
clared a final dividend of 4d tax free. DaJgety and Co. C 10 0 6 13' 0 good attendance.
the*e will be
against the risk of earthquake in future, Obtainable from . Electricians. Hardware Merchants, Plnafe
Hie conference was justified, for one Bales. This will be paid in London in stealing, Ooldsbrough, Mort 1 0 1 10 6 The annual report, recording a very but merely that it. is to be regarded as Builders, and tfce manufacturers,
.thing did—a decision not to attempt Australia 61,000 in Australia and New Zealand at the N.Z. Guarantee Corpn. o 4 n 0 5 1 a distinct risk for which' a premium would
United Building Society 0 13 6 0 11 0 satisfactory year, was adopted. J. MERCER & SONS LTD.

New Zealand specially quoted. Incidentally, the' treat-


to combat the law of supply and de- '64,600 rate of exchange for demand drafts on During the year a number of inter- bo

Others ment of-the hazard-in this way may have

mand in the marketing of wool. .. 20,000. ... London on 'July 31st. Shipping- esting addresses were given to mem- the effect of causing underwriters to pay 64 OXFORD TEfifiACE.
Reviewing the situation one expert special- attention to their total liabilities in
,' t Union (pref.) 0 19 U bers. A syllabus of addresses for 1931- any action only brings into
says: Had any effort been made to con- one area. The Near Montreal Street. Bridget


PRICE OF SILVER. 32 is. npw to be. drawn up. line tho practice of Inarine underwriters" in
trol prices artificially the natural eco- BANK OF NEW ZEALAND. Frozen Meat— Special votes of appreciation were the case, of frozen meat with that long fol-
nomic law would have eventually pre- lowed fire underwriters on industrial
0 11 3 passed to the work of the retiring pre-
N.Z. Tie frig. (£1 paid)
The wording til ordinary fire insur-
vailed. It has shown, its- inescapable (BRITISH OFFICIAL WIRELESS.) • N.Z. Refrig. (10s paid) 0 3 3 037 sident and of the secretary (Mr Thomas risks. ance policies expresslyi excludes the_ risk oif
action in the case pi many commodities ~3?he. Bank of New Zealand lia3 re- Newburgh). earthquake direct or indirect, which can
, with 'which price-fixing has been at- .ceived the following* advice from its , RUGBY, July 7. Woollens— always" be . covered . separately. Actually
tempted. The Melbourne decision, made London office, under date July 7th:— Election of Officers: underwriters often accept this risk for this
by the authorised representatives . of '
■ Silver is quoted as follows:—. Kaiapoi (17s paid) 0 5 6 -

benefit of their flitmt? rather than as- a

The saies.hiaye opened moderate SpOt and forward: 13|d an ounce. Coal—
.• Officers for the. ensuing year were matter «f.~choice, since-the risks ;of earth-
three countries which combined grow ; competition'

and large 1 attendance of Questioned iu the House of Com- elected as follows: —President, Mr V, .T. quake, like other additional risks which "they
4»J per cent, of the world's wool, should "Wcstport 110" 13 6 McKibbin; vice-president, *Mr E, i£. are sometimes asked to accept, is difficult
decisively prevent those with venture* buyers.' The demand; is moderate. Com- mons in
regard to calling an interna- . *>

to assess and to limit. '

Hill; executive, Messrs K. E. England.
pared with, the close of last scries, greasy conference on the stabilisation Gas—
fcome, but nnsonnd' ideas, from experi- is -Jd- per lb lower and greasy of the value of silver, Mr Philip SnOw- J. H. Cunningham, D. C. Crozier, H.
menting with schemes, thq outcome of crossbreds are merino
which would be chaos. id'to 2d per lb lower. tlen, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Chriatchureh .. 14 10 t 5 3 E. Kcnnett; apprenticeship committee:
Christchurch (10s paid) 0 11 10 0 12 0 Messrs G. W. Fairweather, G.'W. Tene'u,
said he had repeatedfy stated that he
At the conference an estimate was did not think tho Government was in Breweries— 1 K. E. England; Council representative.
made of the quantify of wool likely to
be produced in the Commonwealth dur- NATIONAL MORTGAGE.
a position to take the initiative on this
matter. Kew Zealand .. 1 14 10 1 16 0 M. Orr.
Mr G. W. Tench; hon. auditor, Mr D. | USEFUL LIFE POLICIES. FOREMOST FOR 53 .TEA)
ing the coming season nnd: the total In reply to a supplementary question
Staples 1 12 9 1 15 0 i
number of bales that will probably be
available for sale. The following figures
that if such a conference were held, he
The National Mortgage and Agency thought it likely that Great Britain
Timaru (5s paid)
O 5 U
0 16 9
0 17 9
! No statement of accounts was presented to Ring 'Phone 30-705
policyholders at the half-yearly, meeting of
mhow how the estimate compares with Co. of New Zealand, Ltd., advise having would attend. Miscellaneous— the National Mutual Life Association of Aus-
the total for previous seasons:— received the following cablegram -from Heath and Co. 110 13 0 tralasia, Ltd., in Melbourne last week. The
(british omciii,
Eecoipta for their London office, under 'date July Beath and Co. Cls xjaid) 0 19 0 2 10 Bimus.)
chairman (Sir John MacFarland) said that
wealth clip sale Australian 7th:— MINING. British Tobacco ISO 15 6 (Received July Bth, 5.5 p.m.) conditions throughout the world since the
Colonial Sugar 34 S 0 37 0 0 Association's last meeting had not been fav-

• -stores. The auctions opened here to-day, with Greater Crystal Palace 0 15 0 12 0 KUQBY, July 7. ourable to the development of life assurance
Tho following tlie of business, and the rate of progress of the

Bales. Bales. Mt. Lyell are current rates

a large attendance of buyers. Compared ZINC CORPORATION'S PROFIT. 0 Jrf 5 0 18 9
with tho3e of July Association, which had been
Most in-
N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. exchange compared continuously
1927-2S 2,073,000 2,446,780 with the closing rates of last sales:


(6i per cent. Stock, 2nd and par:— creasing, had been retarded. in-
3928-29.. 2,862,877 ' 2,690,486 Lower. 10401 53 0 0 Par. July 2. July 7. stitutions of a similar character were having (UNITED TRESS ASSOCIATION"—BY ELECTRIC
1929-30 2,867,000 2.583,000 Greasy merino— On its operations during 1930 tho Zinc N.Z. Fafmers' Co-op. I'aris, fr. to £1 124.21 124.241 124.18J the same experience. The present condi- TELEGBAPH—COPTBIGHT.)

Corporation, Ltd., cleared net profit of tions, however,-were not permanent or incur-
1930-31 2,728,000 Best Brussels, belgas to £1 as
2,439,166 .. £d £68,381. ..

The amount contrasts with (6J per cent. Stock,

£1 18.133
34.901 34.86 able, and when the world's markets and the LONDON, July 7.
1931-32 2,942,500 2,675,000 Average id to Jd £246,050 netted in 1929. 3945) 51. 0 0 Oslo, kr. to 18.8J 18.161 monetary position were re-established, the
■ 1

kr. to £1 18.159 18.161 18.164 company a


16 3 Copenhagen, Gold is quoted at 84s 10* d

Wo'olwoiths (N.Z.), prcf.


Halfbred—- As £60,129 was brought forward from 13 6 would bo able to take full advan- fine
The receipts for 1930-31 are to the -50-56 1929 account, there ivaß £128,610 for ap Stockholm, kr. to I'l 18.159 18.13J 18.14J tage of the prosperous times that they would ounce.
end of May and the figures for 1931- |d to id propriation,

in addition to £50,919, represent- Mining— Amsterdam, fl. to £1 1-2.107 12.09i 12.032 bring. The advantages of life assurance

"Our clients' in

•'52 are estimated. The Sydney alloca- Crossbred— ing unexpended allocation for new plant. Bpilin, reichmarken
had vtei-haps never been so well appreciated

48-50 Cornish Point

tions provide for the offering of 517,000 46-48
.. -Id
4{i is
For the fixed preferential dividend £49,138

required, tlio rate stipulated being 20 King Solomon

0 0 11
0 2 8
0 11
0 2 64 Xcw
to ±1
York, dol. to £1

4.866 4.86
18-32 4.86
20.3 as they were' in difficult times.
21-32 people had found that their_ policies
were BURNSIDE MARKET. "'at all' times
bales before Christmas, compared with 44-46

per cent, per annum. Participating dividends

Mahakipawa, 0 0 6§ 0 0 7 Montreal, dol. to £1 4.S6G 4.S8 5-16 4.88 7-3-2 most useful additions to their liquid assets.

hearted and close



., _

account for £33,706; for mine development, Mahakipawa (pref.) 0 0 8 0 0 10 Praguo, kr. to £1 164.25 161i But most of them were -concerned more with
464,000 bales during the same period 1644 "of our managi


40-44 id

new plant, etc., £70,000 has been ear- Ofcerito 0 11 0 0 11 2 Geneva, fr. to £1 25.220 25.1U 35.10* the needs of an assured income than with
this season. Sales are to start on August
"staff, and this feci

36-40 .

i i

marked, and £26,585 is to be carried to Waihi 0 15 7 0 16 3 Jiilanylire to JE1 93.43 92.90J 92.931 the building up of capital. To help those (PKKSS ASSOCIATION TII.Eai/.M.)
31st, two weeks' earlier than in 1930.
.. ..

credit of profit and loss account for 1981. Waihi Grand Junction 0 2 11 Vienna, schgs. to £1 34.565 Sl.COi 34.32i ypendents. who wished to make provision for "their de-
According to information received by Good general competition. Slipes, onHad production during 1930 been realised Golden Point (Is pd.) 0 1 gj 0 19 llelsingfors, marks to the directors had adopted a new DUNEDIN, July 8. ■' "find, appreciated;
the Graziers' Association the Chinese combing, Id.lower; slipes, clothings, -Jd the basis of 1929 prices, the directors Oc'den Point (10£d pd ) 0 15 0 18{ to £i 138.25 193i form of policy, which they termed an income
193i assurance, A short supply of fat cattle at Burnside "clientele. The
state their report, the revenue of the com-

tinder the policy a definite in-

National Government has made avail- lower; scoured merino, scoured cross- pany inlast year would have been increased Madrid, pesetas to come was payable for a term of years afteT to-day had the effect of increasing values "touch is a vital el
i i

able £2,000,000 for the purpose of de- bred, 7i per cent. 10 per cent, lower. by more than £400.000. £J 25.22-3 50.45 51.1
the death of the assured, and the generally, and at the close it was found
a business such as'
person at
YESTERDAY'S SALES. Lisbon, escudos to end of that term the capital amount was that priceV were firmer by fully


veloping the woollen manufacturing in- £1 4.50 HOi 1104 also payable. £2 per
dustry in that country. The Association Mhons, draoh to £1 875 375 "75
That form of policy was
head. Fat sheep met -with a good sale also, "we endeavour to
DAIRY AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND very attractive: it offered an easy means of
PRODUCE. Bucharest, lei to £1 617 relieving dependents from the anxiety of and were dearer by Is 6d per head, but "constant expressifflfc

i* giving every assistance, and may 817

INVESTMENTS, LTD. CHRISTCHURCH. I!io de Janeiro, pence finding satisfactory investments. lambs and pigs showed very ljttle change.'
stud representatives to China.
Sales on 'Change— to milreis 4.988 3 13-16 3J Only 112 head of fat cattle were forward, "our dealings." .
Buenos Ayres, penes comprising mostly medium cows
Notice has been forwarded that the Aus- Ji s. <J. .to dol 47.577 352 352 Competition was very keen, and and heifers
prices were
[Extract from our

CANADIAN WHEAT. tralian and New Zealand Investments, Ltd., Union Bank of Australia 7 10 0 Montevideo, pence to bonus certificates. higher by £2 per head. Best, extra heavy address at the Com


have bondholders
dispatched to the 7 per 7 8 <3 dol. 51 2S1 28-2 prime bulocks-made
£ls 17s 6d, prime
to Animal Meeting.]
Bombay, pence to heavy to £l4, medium to £ll, inferior to

cent, interest on Hempland Bonds, due and 7 8 0

payable at June 30th, 1931. £9, extra prime cows and heifers to £ll

rupee 16
(PRESS New Zealand Insurance 171- 172
Perpetual Ti

Shanghai, pence to The Australian Jiutual Provident- Society is 6d, and prime heavy cows to £lO 10e.

(cum div.) 2 2 0 recently issued its annual bonus certificates Inferior and medmm sorts made from £A to

teal 24 A holiday log

SAVE POUNDS Goldsbrougli, Mort. 1 0 7 Hong-Kong, pence to showing reversionary bonuses or, in other
YOU WILL words, additional sums assured, granted to CO. LTD.

The Dairy Division's grading figures A small yarding of-fat sheep

Xevr Zealand Breweries ... 1 14 11 dol. 21 128 participating policies in the ordinary depart-
12g few pens of extra prime
_ included a
'.ante rr.Eis association—by electric
for the eleven moiitlis ended Juiie If you visit Cornish Point 0 0 10| Yokohama, pence 4o ment, in, respect of the year 1930.' There was
(Managing £6,528

The a good healthy demand


Ti: EGEiI'H—OOrVatGUT.) . throughout, and


30th, 1981. show an increase for but- 0 0 llr I yon 2-U 24 5-16 cash surplus now* divided amongst the par-
34.5t». prices may be quoted higher by
OTTAWA, July /.
King Solomon 0 2 9' i ticipating policies amounts to nearly £3,000,- head. Is 6d per
Extra Prime wethers made to 235, Established
tor of J.40 per cent, at 95,022 tons (as WATSONS GREAT WAREHOUSE
The Uureau of Statistics reports that (•J) . 0 2 $$;
000, and provides reversionary® additions
the generally rainy and. cool weather SALE OF PROPERTIES. nearly £5,000,000. The reversionary bon-
against 04,590 tons), and an increase PURCHASE SALE. H Extra prime ewes were,
of tlie past week on the prairies lias
(3) 0 2 8 i uses. in force at December 31st, 1980
B '.
for. cheese of 2.51
8?to l". m6diUm t 14s

per cent, at 88,840 Mahikipawa (2) 0 0 6i amounted to over £42,000,000, which, with fcom
' °

More Big Bargains in Clocks, Watches, Okarito Christchurch


teen extremely helpful to Into grain tons (as against 86,662 tons).
and General Novelties brought 1 (8) 0 11 2 the 1930 additions, represents over 25 per
Jonee, McCrostie Co., Ltd., report that, cent, of the sums assured under policy
The quality of the fat lamb yarding was
pastures, bay and garden crops, but Reduced to terms of the butterfat .145 Worcester St r

0 11 0 following eon- values

the wheat prospects remain the poor* equivalent there was an increase in forward.
Golden Point (Is paid) (2) 0 1
on tho auction on Monday night tracts. Prime heavies were worthremained unchanged.
up to 18s, medium
est in the records of the bureau at this production of 2.51 per cent, for the 94 last, they have sold the block of 11 sections Txwusm are a little "less than those to 14s, and unfinished from 7s
0 1 9 situated in Kandolph street, Woolston, to- allotted at last year's distribution. This is A small
6d to 9s. Offices at. Timaru,
eleven months, as compared with 1929- WATSONS
Wheat, however, has improved entry of fat "with

tteflmn. pigs
' i
0 i si gether with the two cottages the'veon, to 2£r caused by farther large additions being mad© fan- enquiry, and pricos showed amet

slight im-
Dunedin, .Inv<
slightly during the week. 1980. Golden Point (lOJd paid) 0 1 7* Carter, at a> satiefactoiy —t;
to the Society's special reserves, now
amount- provement on those ruling,
last week; Values
ln£ ~1i580,000, and to additional tasatioa. lor stare* were firm at late rates.


tit r[l
in the last
us from noticing
comply with
who do notcolumn of our
Modern Buildings. Floods in Australia. Golf Champion.
■»»ler p»S° »U1 excuse

SSr lei'"'4 *

i »:»«■• and "Woolbton Ratopayer."—-
baa bad sufficient publicity.
. and W. S. Bussell.—Wo do
M liters that havo appeared ia
ccwgpaP er> '
®tber Active preparations for the Boyal
Show which is to be held at Addingtoa
TREES IN THE SQUARE. in November this year were reported by
epiTOE oj thb pees3
.to ra* several committees of the Canterbury
Unfortunately thoro seem to
gjr —
A. and P. Association at the meeting of

circulation certain misconcep- the General Committee yesterday. There

iL, concerning the proposed War was considerable discussion on the ques-
11,0 Like your
lleßJarwd in E Square. tion of charges for the admission of
Respondent. Townsend, I am a
nil schemes in motor-cars to the Show Grounds, and

cf trees, and in the decision that they should remain aa

| bare been or may in the
at present was reached only by 13
jLtore be concerned, the preservation most votes to 12. 1
good trees will always hare

ngmfttbetic consideration, The president (Mr L. 35. C. Macfar-

tl nlacinc theof WarG(xJ,eMemorial on
y lot
lane) was in the chair. There was aa
tU west sideinterferedtho
with, with the
attendance .of 25 members.
vij] be Tho secretary (Mr M. E. Lyons) re-
"*Z,uo n of two verv straggly and
ported a recommendation, by the
fSmggjed cabbage trees, which even
TTmoit enthusiastic treeThe lover would Finance Committee that the charge of
S difficult to admire.reproduced birds-eye
three 2s made for members' motor-cars
Be which you
showed clearly that should be cancelled and that the charge
ITfotir weeks ago been left unharmed. of 5s for non-members' cars should be
«II the trees had
this or any otner reduced from 5s to 2s 6d.
H'itboat the trees, would bo rob-
uirnori* 1 or monument "The change is proposed as a tem«
UAol pleasant surroundings—to say porary measure for this- year in con-
nodus?of such
l 0 desolate sideration of the prevailing conditions,"
said Mr Lyons.
Cnwflfg ss a whole.
contradiction. I would nko
In direct Concession Under £IOO.
Jnoint out
Jto to the
that in
subscribers to this War
descrip- a. To a questioner he said that the total
tZLtria] at their meeting last month. concession would be under £IOO.
ffiSgLrted that the sides of tho The president (Mr L. B. C. Macfar*
ramp of the Godlev Plot should DA NGEROUS FLOODS IN A USTR ALIA .—The recent floods in southern New South lane) said the committee thought that
Lbuilt UP in turf so as to mako tho A NETWORK OF STEEL GIRDERS.—The structural steel framework of the new Post what the Association lost by these re-
ma* level arid
k> apparently increase Wales and northern Victoria were the worst experienced for forty years. Many Persons were ductions it would gain in the increased
aTjjase of the plot. Moreover, I ex- Office hi High street has now reached four-storey height. A photograph taken yesterday after- rescued from their house-tops when the Murrumbidgee River overflowed its banks at Wagga number of cars entered and by other
a hope that it would be pos- noon from one of the lower floors, showing a workman standing on the top storey. Wagga (New South Wales). means.
gXto plant at least ono extra treP Mr J. P. Coop said he doubted
e whether the present was the time for a
M each *'^
. . .
reduction of prices. The Association
feel that tho raisinz of questions

A, us t},i s. ba>ed on no foundation needed all the mor<ey it could get to
the carry it through the year. Once the
Tfart (though T can
trpwHt»fnion regarding
the trees) be- charges were reduced it would be diffi-
-5e thetheproposed memorial has been
Council, merely tend to
cult to reimpose them.
A member said that since the Trot-
{be main issue and make it dif- ting Club was now going to charge for
fenlt for those who will be asked to the entrance of cars probably a greater
this scheme to eive an un-
after all. it is
number Tyould now come into the Show
ited reasonable to expect Yours, etc.. Mr H. E. Peryman understood that
: \

It. S. D. HARMAN, many , members parked their cars in
Chartered Architect. sections in Lincoln road.

July Btb, 1931. Mr D. W. Westenra held that the
Association should not reduce the
charges. Motorists— had iree super-
vision of their cars, and;, were able, to
eat lunches in them.
PLAN. He moved that the. present charges
of 5s for non-members and 2s for mem-
bers should be retained. .
Sir,— finding almost a whole page The president declared the motion
of Tfl» P*MB devoteil to Mr Poison carried, on a show of hands, by 13
co reconstruction, I was led to study votes to 12. ~

tto rim there expressed with what Eenewed Discission,

tare I could. As I read thcro came Mr B. T. McMillan suggested that the
More m the picture of a committee Association should go half-way and
fur round-bellied" business men, make reductions to 3s and Is in the re-
]«ttided orer by a benevolent Govern- spective charges.
putting the country right Mr Coop: I object to that. The
motion has been carried. v
ec this, that, and the other. But this Mr McMillan explained that he had
£»tWfng of commercial genii was soon misunderstood the position.
edEpidJty the appearance of an even
of experts. By Mr B. \V„ Lochhead agre- that the
acta notable collection flowing 5s charge should bo reduced.
tieir robesthemsadto'longbe
beards I
prophets. It Mr Coop again protested that this
}*>&SP& question had been disposed of.
mow that their function was the
Mr Macfarlane: It is not disposed of,
planing of long distance manufactur-
ing prannnnes, beside which the because I still have my vote.
Sonet Plan would look like Mr Coop: The matter was discussed.
a pink luupatU,' As a side-line thf>y You gave your ruling, and the motion
forecasted tio , trend of markets was passed. Nothing more can be done
and the arriral of periods of depres- without a notice of motion. . - .

sion. A* I l«ad on, this vision faded,i Mr Macfarlane said that the division
had been-very close. He wished to
pod eren*,iao» splendid collection

'■A soperaei* appeared conferring, it give members a fair hearing.

staged to we ntb inspired wisdom, It was pointed out that lie had already
og aU the n»si fundamental ills which declared the motion carried and thd
BOW MSm mt lady politic." matter there rested.
_ Axid t&isis by no means the tale of
% ttsuunitteep, GOLFER'S PUTTING STANCE AND GRIP.—The SUB-UNIONS' ANNUAL RUGBY MATCH.—The two TRACING MISSING BOOKS.—Fewer than SO books were Committees* Plans.
organisations, and
jgwa parties that Mr Poison; would wide putting stance adopted by J. Ferrier, the sixteen-year* line umpires, Messrs R. Masters (centre) and A. Burke found to be missing as a result of the annual stock-taking Slight alterations in the schedule
apet o» ns in tht/ name of Recon- (left), were well protected against the heavy rain at Lan- just completed in the circulating department of the Canter*
were reported by the Cattle' Commit-
jdtffietiop and its attendant spirit Pros- old. amateur golf champion of New South Wales. In the caster Park yesterday afternoon. On the right is Mr J. O. tee. In the dairy breeds classes had
More business in government, bury Public Library. been added for pairs of yearling heif-
declares, "is a very different

final he defeated E. L. Apperly by one hole. McGillivray, secretary of the Canterbury Rugby Union. ers. It was; agreed to make every at-
more government in btisi- tempt to keep the cattle pavilion as cool
This remark seems vaguely
as possible with the facilities available,
ujMiarJ But I for one would sooner
wfffwnied or misgoverned by any set
although it was impossible toadvise any
structural " alterations this year. The \

men. be they tinkers, tailors, Boyal Show classes for 1927 were adopt-
IgVpKlfc Moors. fanners, or business ed for Aberdeen Angus and Hereford
rijjP" Tm essential is that they should
. ■ fy|Mtt of experience and understand-
cattle. :■ •; .
A recommendation was adopted from
■ JSfMuttipes to serve their country and
| jptoflLtalents that have brought
the Draught Horse Committee that no
parade should be held this year, since
f .flPnkeeer and success in their dif- last year the parade was given such poor ■■

of life. But from all ex- support. The committee approved the

■ tgfr »*»"«"• schemers, professional
V, JWiawß, may the good
'Jjßjyjf- merchants, and hard-boiled
suggestion of the Light .Horse Commit-
tee that all draught horses available
Lord deliver should be paraded on the .second day
of the. Show at 1 p.m.
■Jl* amplify the criticism contained
Oy purpose in writing this is The Dairy Produce Committee report-
{J™ 1 -*®

gjwr leading articfe. Mr Poison at ed haying revised the schedule for dairy
produce and allied sections. Minor alter-

Hr**8 courage.
"255?® an
His great and a11"255?®
forward in all
ations were -made in the cookery sec-
merits fair comment and the tion, and since entries have been so ffew
it was decided to recommend the elimi-
«SSS/ n a lternatives by those
Two points involving
nation of the classes- for timber and
of the broadest principles re- gates, The committee recommended
that- the prize money in the photo-,

2#e to me again and again as I
"jJtJKr Poison mentions two great graphy section should be increased from,
rightly, held up as models 7s 6d and 2s 6d to 'lOs and ss.
ijift" iudusitrial success: Cadbnrys The three reports were adopted.
g MKB. To these I would add a Unloading of Sheep.
ffl. finally
well-known —Imperial
The Canterbury. Society for the Pre-
Industries. What do these
business governments and vention of Cruelty to Animals 4sked the
"kHMpw «f prying experts? In all Association to pass a resolution support-
individual leader has stood ing its efforts, to have improved facili-

Whether his back- ties for unloading sheep installed at thd

lhe unselfishness and in- Addington Saleyards. Correspondence
Ws&j"h of the Quaker faith, stiriing between the Society and the Saleyards
SBJ*•#lf-«nfifciency and common-
e le Jewish genius for finance,
Company was enclosed.
»"». Ifess well advertised racial
The letter was received.
Mr HenryOverton, an ex-president of
jflßP** kindliness and compassion, ii>
the man stands alone.
the Association,' wrote opposing a sag"
If gestion made ait the last meeting of the
wishes for their views on committee that New Zealand lambs
jjfSWWWBcntB, business or otherwise, have deteriorated; ' v
jfflm** *tudy any recent annual re- A NEW SYSTEM OF'MUSIC INSTRUCTION The president said that Mr Overton

Metf' a IDOSt any groat company. '

printed on a large white board are illuminated electrically as the teacher strikes Merchandise Mart is one of the largest buildings in Chicago, it, is not a skyscraper in the had apparently- misunderstood the As-'
BQii second point is this. tf we white notes accepted sense of the word. The section on .which the building ts erected is an unusually large sociation, thinking that they were run-
our salvage Government and each key. The system, which is a Christchurch invention, enables the children to visualise
any composition of notes played on the piano.
one for an American city. ning dpwn their own stock;
heights of prosperity and ®?ht our way to yet un- It was. decided to write ia letter thank-
IffiSjJJj ,°f ing Mr Overton" for his advice.
|BpS& nave we not then the further
when the cycle of depression defaulters would be so few that a small much,.- and he could not see what the
Si w have acclimatised

bean and thus still more de-

test time of the year in America and, to be paid by the Government
from the proceeds of the tax and levy,
done by the unemployed, besides being
non-productive, is of little use to those DENTAL CLINICS. func'ion like a concert would cover it. £3O charge was for. >
Bailage of Stud <3ows.
The Minister -for Agriculture (the
in consequence, all the beaches are Mr H. Ford (Sumner) said that a A member remarked that he under-

and to be two-thirds of til© existing who pay for it, this scheme would Murdoch)
jH'wfl the starvation level of the crowded, one hundred drowning fatali- assist those who can make profitable similar course was being followed at stood that the principle was to be "no Hon. A. J. chairman forwarded .the
jr®M» cultivator, taken his living rates of pay): reply of the of the Bailways.
ties is, one may venture to say, a very Sumner, ■where a payment of 5s per pay, no treatment."

use of labour. The men would not Board (Colonel J. J. Esson) to the As-
Russian fur-trapper. by means small percentage of the number bath- (1) To all classes of farm and work in groups and would not have PROVIDING THE FUNDS. family per year was asked. sociation's enquiry
expert* and long-headed ing. garden work: One to every hand em- the same opportunity to manifest dis- Mr \V. Lloyd (Sydenham) said that - Suggestions for Protest. about the railage on
stud cows. Colonel Esson pointed out .
c led a little from* this
'e from
"f. 11 *
®' '
Prom what I saw of a number ol ployed This group might well include content. when the clinics were provided it was
Mr S. E. Evison said that .the diffi- that in the case of cows railed for sttid
"*H &n that one. will not
American watering places on both the also timber and flaxrnilling. Many farmers through lack of capi- COMMITTEES' DISCUSSION. understood that they were to he free.
jj®°w who have culty was that some committees' were purposes the period which must not b8
dispossessed one day Pacific and Atlantic coasts, every pre- (2) To factories: One to every three tal to employ labour are unable to The only things that were going up in
better placed than others. Those well- exceeded between the outward and
against us? Then who will caution is taken to safeguard life. The hands employed. work their land to the best advantage. price were the services the Government
placed had just set out to provide homeward journey to entitle the ani-
TS? to buy our exports? manner in which traffic is handled re- (3) To Councils and local bodies: This scheme Would enable them to got Tho action to be taken by school had to sell. He was sorry to see the
DJC * arc
I have drawn is fanciful quires to be seen to be appreciated. I One to every two hands employed. their maximum production.—Yours, committees in delegates taking the Government's ac- means of getting the money, without mals to be returned free of charge had
dealing with the difficul- any real protest, but the others were in been altered from three to five months
iarll! rue *' at f,ere i* i-00 * , ™ consider you have quite the wftong idea
1 would make the suggestion that etc., ties in 'which school dental clinics are
tion lying down, and he would like to
a difficult position. lie had.: thought in November, 1929.
aT|*~*i Jo
trade and compete in the if you think that Americans get killed and moneys collected on PRACTICAL POLITICS. see a strong protest made.
just because it is the 4tli July, and it all' donations
«- .

let the comnetition be be- that a committee like Sydenham, with . Mr M. D. Bya:n, of Springston South,
behalf of< the unemployed should be Iticcarton, July Bth, 1931. placed by the Education Department's its very large dental service, could was elected to the
-111811 man. If it is between be- Work for the Department.
nd nation there is only one
id ridiculous to make comparisons
handed in to the Government fund. demand that tho committees should pro- have made an effective protest, and
. aaSi tween New Zealand and the United That the Department* and not the

y *Dd that is war.—Yours, etc., If this measure were drafted ill the vide something toward their support practically forced the Department to
States. it is quite likely that committees should take stejm to go
If one put our entire population form of a Bill AN INTERESTING BEQUEST. was discussed at last night's meeting of "round and collect the money was the
collect its own money.
r Tckapo,R July . R. BRATTOFf AMP
into about thirty square miles, prob- unscrupulous business men would their dis-
the Canterbury School Committees' As- contention of Mr R. J. Parker (South- A member remarked that from the Advice from America- indicates that
correspondence received about the mat- preparations are already well in hand
i>; 7th. 1931. ably one would find that one of our big pense with a to large portion of TO THE EDITOR Of TEE PRESS.

staffs in-order build them up again Sir, —In your Monday's issue an ac- sociation. Mr J. Gr. Brown presided. bridge). ter it appeared that a' threat was held for the Olympic Games, which are to
holidays falling on a really hot sum- To Mr E. J. Kitching (Opawa) said that The position at Sydenham was out- be held at Los Angeles, California, lb
at the expenso of the taxpayer. count is given of the generous bequests out that unless a committee fell into
THE "GLORIOUS FOURTH." mer's day would produce quite a num-
ber of accidents in spite of our un- check thiswho no labour should be granted of the late Mr John Gray, late of it-had been decided to raise the
£22 lined by Mr H. J. Pratt. The cost for
cleaning and incidentals there was £46 line the clinic would be taken away. . the middle of next year. Since Johnny s
emotional temperament—Ymirs. etc until all have been, dismissed since
Masterton. Amongst his various be- required from his district by sending a yearly. A meeting of the committee for Mr H. Ford (Sumner) said that if Hayes won the' marathon in London
leading article of July the presentation of the Bill had been thero was a strong protest against the in 1908, this event has not been won
NORMAN BARLOW. reinstated. quests. a unique and serviceable one is circular to the parents asking for funds. the clinic—for the Waltham, Syden- by an American. One coach, howevdr,
.■ 1
wadfid "The Fourth July," is, July Bth, 1931 For who, under normal condi- left in the form of £4OOO for the bene- There were 300 children at the school ham, and Addington Schools—had : de- payments from all the committees in- has hopes
dividually it might have more effect that next year the. Marathon
most misleading and quite cided to make a charge of 2s 6d per
than any other action. He moved that will be won
tions, are unemployable,farms I would sug- fit of swaggers, to be administered b$ eligible for treatment, and a payment by a North American
of your paper. [We do not know why our corres- head per year, or 5s family. That of them are rated 'as
To say that gest that several large be estab- the Salvation Army. This at the pre- of Is 6d per head would cover the cost. a meeting of all delegates from commit-, Indian. Fifteen
onßilrfid and pondent put brackets round "seri- lished with cottages for families. It sent time is doubly useful, seeing that He did not think that there would be was the only way to coyer the cost, for tees of dental clinics should be called. good prospects. It is. stated that they
x. fifty-four Americans the children could not he turned away.
in giving expression to ously."—Ed., The Press.] would bo .necessary to havemanagers strong, the resources of many of the station- any difficulty in securing the money. The motion was carried. run ten miles every morning, and an-
kindly men as owners are not what they were in Even at 10s per head per year the In 1930 the children treated from the other ten miles every evening, for exer-

of the 4th July is the capable, and

to run tluj farms on the same plan as three schools numbered 1351. There cise alone. They have never used track
parents would be getting very good

former years.
feritt+Zi statement 1 have ever seen those of the asylums and prisons. The Now that this gentleman has. broken dental service for their children. The might be between 60 and 80 unable to shoes, but run in their native moc-
,tW (seriously). THE UNEMPLOYMENT BILL. pay, but the trouble would be that it
1G 4th July is concerned,
proceeds of the farms, after making the ice. I trust that the Returned casins. To raise funds for sending a

due provision for reserve and develop- Soldiers may bo remembered in the would seem unfair for the majority to DRY YOUR SKIN PROPERLY. strong representative New Zealand
Sir,—l beg to suggest the following ment funds. could be distributed future by many. If your files since pay while some went free. All the team, the New Zealand Olympic Games
summer vacation s workers on them The the War were searched it would sur- to do our part. There are many men trouble of collecting the money fell on Careless drying of the skin after Council has organised the "Big Wind-
scheme to eliminate unemployment amongst the washing in cold weather is the cause
Wart«nity of getting away

cities to enjoy some based on the present Bill before Par- present
time "offers an' excellent oppor-
tunity for securing snd stocking such
prise many the few bequests that have qualified for pensions, but by reason of
been made, to soldiers in Canterbury. technicalities they are debarred from
the committee, for the dental officers—-
according to a letter they had received of chaps, particularly with children.
fall" Art Union, which doses next
Saturday. ,
t',e coiintr y an< * liament: That all .male workers over Tho Canterbury Patriotic Funds are receiving them. —were not allowed by the Department Prevent and cure chapped skin and
Traffic on every highway farms. chilblains with Q-tol, a penetrative,
w and from all the large cities 20 years shall pay a levy of 20s annu- The result-would be that the un- vcrv low. The writer was present at Solicitors might like to draw the at- to have anything whatever to do with soothing skin emollient.
ally and that there be , a tax on all employed themselves would pay both soldiers' when they were told tention of their clients to the soldiers the money. The only way was to pro- Q-tol will A shilling advertisement in the
■stop, the itch and irritation at once.

a"d it is surprising to most vide a collecting box , into which the classified section of 'The Press will sell
incomes of one penny, in every 6s Bd. levy and tax and thus to a small ex- that their wives, children, and them- .needs.—Yours,, etc.,
Price 2s, double size 3s 6d., Made in
'to ere are not more acci- money could be placed. The cost of the your goods. Try it.; 12 words Is

My u|ea is that the unemployed tent provide, work for ofthemselves. selves would bo well cared for. The LEST WE FORGET.

mknO!* oue into considera- service apart from salaries could not be 'New Zealand. —lO three insertions 2s 6d."
should be distributed as follows (the Whereas at present-much the work men did their part, and it is up to us Ashburton, July Bth, 1931. «

.•" 4th July is usually the hot-

GOLF. J G. Poison, E. J. Ross and H. A. Penn
with T. W. Reese and J. F. Tipping, "VV.
M. Tyers and H. A. Jarden with E. A.
Summers and Dr. Fenwick.
12.30 p.m.—Lindsay Russell and H. D.
X ,

.Andrews with P. E. Bean and P. C. Browne,

R. A. Cuthbert and H. E. Edgar with i*'. HEALTH AND MONEY. DOMINION
A. Ellis and J. Earl, J. F. Fitzgerald and
W. Faircloug'h with C.. H. Johnstone and
R. V. Kennedy, W. McNamara and A. Net- MR JOHN D. ROCKFELLER'S YESTERDAY'S
tlHon with T. H. Foster and H. P. Bcnnie,
I>. E. Hutton and S. Steele with F. J.
Shanks and J. H. Schroder, G. W. Stephens
preference for
and E. Spitz with R. H. Webb
end C. H.
White, D. ;E. Wood and J. Barnett with
C. Buchanan and D. Buddo, W. G. Brass TELEGRAPH—COPTISIOHT.)
Even if Black, the New Zealand re-
11, IS.18—Wellington R.C.
J3—Uscavatu R.C.
Reminders. presentative in the fight for the New
Nominations for the Metropolitan South Wales amateur golf
nnc? M. S. Brown with W. Beadel and N. S.
bowe, E. S. Bowie ard A. Cottrell with
E. \v. Cuddon and E. Delahunty:
zier and
D. Cro-
11. T. Francis with V. R. Hean
(Received July Bth, 11 p.m.)
At the Farmers' Union. Coniorettco
to-day, a SouthTaranaki remit, sug-
gesting that farmers' lorries slioul
"D.C.L." is WlmwS*l
,'jly C3. Zu—Gisb'irne K.C.
Jul* 25—South Canterbury Hunt.
.1 :!y 30—Gisbome R.C.
Trotting Club's August Meeting clo3e had reached the final, he would have had
on July 16th at noon.' no chance against the new champion,
and H. Baydock, W. T. Leete
and E. E.
nest with W. A. Purdie and L. S. Avers,
C. E. Purchase and L. A. Rowley with D.
NEW YOKE, July 8.
"1 claim that I am making a great
exempt from heavy traffic
it>g they were used for carting
well justified
by its purity,
August I—Poverty Bay Hun:. of living in-
There is a forfeit of £1 due on Mon- W. Kussell ard G.. S. Strack, F. E.
Morris success of this business own produce to the nearest raiu.'J.
A-jgntt 11, 13, 15—Canterbury J.O.
Jim Ferrier, who is only 16 years of
ar.d Wilkinson. definitely," said Mr John D. Rockefeller,
A-igiut '."J—Pakuranja Hunt. day, July 13th, for the Sapling Stakes age. It is said of Ferrier that he has was discussed.
—Hawte's Bay Hunt.
AV'ONDALE LADIES' CLUB. on his ninety-second birthday. He ex- Opposition was raised on \Vi'.'in
fine flavour
Ayjait -o—Taranalci Hual. of 1932. played only two games in bis life
grounds, and on a vote being

blocks and golf. Almost as soon as he All championship rounds have been post- pressed as much pride in his ability to
Good Nominations. tho remit was lost.
poned in the meantime.
maintain health as in making the
. ,
was able, to stand he was told how to
remit that enquiries should be

and uniform
In the second round of the
The Washdyke Trot Handicap at the hold a golf club. He must have been an Members' Cup
Mrs W. J. Owens defeated Miss J. Matlieson world's greatest fortune. "I have spent
TROTTING FIXTURES. South Canterbury Hunt Club's Meeting apt pupil. He played a wonderful game 7 and C, Miss M. Johnston defeated Mrs Rey-
made as to whether it was not possible
used lor
nolds 1 up. Miss K. L. Sapsford defeated 20 years in contentment
and improving lor British material to bo
ijlled well when entries wero called. against E. L. Apperly, who two days frozen meat carcase covers led to tir
i-n»; I, 12. li-~S.Z. M?;ropoiitan 7.C. Twenty-two nominations were received,
v-yhich equalled the largest entry on the
previously had defeated Black in an
easy fashion. Apperly had been three
Mrs J. Mnrtin by default, Mrs J. M. Pres-
ton defeated Mrs R. Atkinson 1 up.
health," he added. "I just want my
The next round is to be placed on or friends to call me Neighbour Jolm."
before July 19th.
secretary stating that the extra cost
would be £IO,OOO to £12.000 a year,
times champion of the State, and al-
The following is the draw for the third [Mr John D. Rockefeller was born in and that the Meat Committee had
programme. though Black showed fine form, the New round of the two-life competition for New York on July Bth, 1840. He re- come to the conclusion that the extra
Zealander had no chance in the semi-
final against such a seasoned player.
juniors, to be played at the week-end—
Two-lifo Section—Miss M. Todd a bye, Mrs
ceived a public school education and
n forwarding and
cost would not lie justified. He bad
been further informed that a nunibci
Peter Lin has been leased by D. A, Black is regarded by experts as easily Hibbert and Miss Taylor, Miss F. Oborn and became a clerk in of works used English stockinette be-
the Petereta trot- Miss Knowles, Miss Craytliorne and Mrs De- commission house. At nineteen years
Withers, who has the best golfer New Zealand has sent larsey.
of age he was appointed as partner in cause the extra cost was rather less
<Au Interesting Change. ter moving along satisfactorily at Up- across the Tasman. One-life Section—Miss L. Ijohr a bye, Miss than usual, and it was hoped the
'Die Canterbury Jockey Club lias de- per Eiecarton. Peter Lin lias not raced The closing stages of the final be- P. Barton and Miss R. Pedder, Miss .S. a mercantile firm which dealt in the position would resolve itself into pre-
Britton and Miss N. Smith, Miss O'Carroll oil business. In 18G7 the firm's oil re-
cided to waive the conditions governing with any success since winning at the tween Apperly and Ferrier were and Mrs Taylor, Miss Bohan and Miss llopo, ference for British material.
Metropolitan Spring Meeting last sea- exciting, and many an experienced
highly finery was incorporated in the Standard The matter then lapsed.
' tiie Grand National Meeting, by which
,Miss 0. I'rnncb and Miss V. Baxter. Other interests were
son, but he is in his prime as a trotter, golfer has wilted under the strain of a Oil Company. Approval was given to a remit -hat
a!l flat events, excepting the Cashmere and he has yet time to prove himself severe 36-hole match, especially when HAREWOOD LADIES' CLUB. acquired and Mr Rockefeller's income Power Boards be compelled to accept
. Plate and Longbeach Handicap, were a useful stake-earner. Withers met his rival wins rapidly grew to a fortune.
Because of the weather, the match which been estimated that since his retire-
It has liability for loss of life and damage of
open only to four-year-olds and upwards, with a great deal of success with an- two holes in succession was to have been played to-day has been stock on propertv due to the existence?
near the end of the match, but Ferrier, postponed. ment in 1911 he has given to philan- of power lines during and after
other Petereta trotter, Peter Swift, a in
an 1 it will now bo possible for three- spite of his age, seems to have no thropic and charitable causes a sum erection; and to another remit that
few seasons ago, when most people nerves. With three holes to go Ferrier CHRISTCHURCH LADIES' CLUB. exceeding £100,000,000. He created the Power Boards Act bo amended to
year-olds to compete in all races, at the thought the gelding past his best.
forthcoming fixture, except in tho was three up, and then his opponent A Canadian foursome bogey match was the Rockefeller Foundation, the General provide that on questions of loans the
Winter Cup. for which nominations have Promising Young Trotter. won the next two holes. As matters played nt Shirley yesterday. Because of the Education Board, the
bad weather very few cards were returned, Laura. Spelmau franchise be the same as is provided
turned out, Ferrier had to sink an tho best of which were those of Mrs M. A. Rockefeller Memorial, and the Rocke-
in the Counties Act.
closed. Under the old rule which has Of T. G. Fox's team, the one show-

divi- eight-foot putt in order to win the Johnston and Miss White-Parsons, and Mrs feller Institute for Medical Research.)
ing most promise in the Unemployment.
■ been ir existence for some years, own- sion is a three-year-old trotter by Nel-
match. Surrounded by a great crowd, ii. H. Clark and Mrs 11. H. Wauchop.
Tiiking the view that the present
ers of young horses were not disposed to son Bingen from Carbinea. This young rier brimming over with excitement, Fer-
seemed quite unperturbed. He AMBERLEY CLUB. MOTOR-CYCLIST INJURED. economic conditions in New Zealand
race them under the nine stone mini- trotter has a very nice way of doing were- extraordinary, the conference ar-
not crouched on his haunches in order to
The following is the draw for tho third
mum, but as there is every possibility his work, and although he lias round of the Campbell rose bowl, to be rived at the conclusion that an Unem-
\ of that scale being abolished and a much shown speed above tho ordinary, he study better the lie of the ground, and played on Saturday:—J. McNaughton plays C. ployment Act was necessary as an
; lower winter minimum adopted, the steps along very solidly for a green
with great deliberation gauged the
direction and pace that would be neces-
Adams, W. Anderson plays R. Harris, H.
Parr plays \V. Fossey, E. Fossey plays scorer.
When the motor-cycle he
collided' with
a. dray in Riccarton road
emergency measure. Age and Purity Guaranteed.
; nomination list for next month's Meet-
sary. Then amid silence he stood up L. Bunch plays J. G. Grierson, X. England Several remits having relation to
plays S. Prow, A. Holland plays W. Pur- las! evening, C. J. Borgfeldt, a young unemployment were on the order
; ing. closing on July 24th, should be
materially strengthened by the inclus-
One from Brighton. and prepared for the fateful stroke. A
Ruby Silverstream, whose name ap- gentle tap, and the ball sped away to
sons, A. Wilkinson plays C. Wornnll,
Rhodes plays R. Burney, J. Schofield plays
L. married man, who lives at 77 LinwooU
,-acinic, received abrasions to his faeo.
paper, but the conference first disposed
of the question whether or not there
Bottled m Scotland

ion or' many of the new season's three- pears amongst the nominations for the the hole and went down. Ho had halved Tho following is the draw for a foursome He was admitted to the Christchurch .should be an Act of some description.

year-olds. Provision
. has also been South Canterbury Hunt Meeting, is by the hole, and the championship was his
Harold Direct from Lady Reta, and is —one up.
match to be played on Saturday: Mrs Mc-
Donald and Miss Koss piny Mrs McNaughton
Delegates severely criticised the pre-
sent Act, particularly in so far as its
J made by the club to give fillies a sex
It was not until the stroke had been and Miss George, Miss Boon and Mrs 1.. provisions affect the farming com-
allowance of 3ib from the set weights
trained at New Brighton by G. Caddy. Rhodes plays Miss Whiteombe and Mrs S. An instaiH-e of the rapid disappear-
|in the Cashmere Plate. This has been She had her only previous start *t completed that the vast crowd gave Frew, K. Payne nnd .Mary munity, but all recognised the need
South play ance of the Maoii tribes was evident re- for some measure to provide relief for
in case the Conference disap- Rangiora on Labour Day. vent to its pent-up enthusiasm. It E. Thompson and 11. Thomson, Monica South
i* adopted roared with delight. A mass of human- and Miss Cameron play Mrs Holland and cently in the death in llawke's Bay of the present large number of unem-
prove of the new minimum -rule. If,
ity, sweeping away guard ropes, officials, scorer. Hamiiera Waiterc, who was prominently ployed.
Promising Colt.

however, the rule is passed, the Cash- The following will represent the Amberley associated in founding the Ratana re-
and tradition, swarmed over the green, Club in a match to be played at Rungiora The'next business of the conference
't mere Plate will then be run at weight-
forage, which will automatically pro-
The rising three-year-old colt by Nel-
and in a twinkling young Ferrier was during the week-end:—W. Parsons, X.
ligious fnovement. Waitere is believed is to consider what form the Act
son Derby from Rarebell Direct con- Rhodes, S. Frew, I. Grierson, A. Wilkinson, to have been the last full-blooilcd mem- should take.
vide for the usual sex allowance. tinues to please his trainer, A. Hen- "chaired" and carried off triumphant- A. Holland, h. Busch, 0. Wornall. R. Bur- ber of the once-powerful Ngati Apa
drikeeu, in his work. A patient pol- ly. Never before had the stately Royal ney, and N. England.
tribe, which possessed considerable areas
Promising Eides. WOMEN'S DIVISION.
icy has been adopted with this young- Sydney club hpuse looked down upon
* *

KAIAI'OI CLUB. of land in the Rangitikei district, lie

; A. K. Ellis's mounts at Trentham on ster, and he was not rushed so as to such a scene. But never before had was well-known in the Auckland pro-
? Saturday will be Lord Val, Prince Yal, race early, but in all probability he will youth been so gloriously triumphant, The following are tho teams for the vince as an organiser on behalf of the telegram:.)
The .Smuggler, CJaremore, and Topere. take his place in three-year-old classic Bousing cheers wero given for "the match, President v. Captain, on Saturday, jssociatio*

commencing at 1.15 p.m.:—E. J. Corcoran Katana faction-

events. boy," and Ferrier himself led the cheers Plays L. J. Parnham, L. B. Evans plays 11. WELLINGTON, July 8.
; For Trentham. for his sporting rival who was among It. Aspinnll, R, I). Evaus plays A. W. Leithead, In the past year or two there lias

Troilus is not likely to be taken to the first to acknowledge the great golt' 11. H. Blaokwell, plays G. Hammer, H. Wil- been an organised war against goats on The' Women's Division of the -Far-
No Races at Present.

the Wellington Meeting, as apart from J. Davidson has Spartan Chief look- that had been played by the Manly
son plays T. C. Butcher. Dr. M. Ramsay
plays l\ Jj. Parnham. J. H. Blackwell plays the slopes of Mount Egmont, and the mers' Union Conference to-day decided
that a wool campaign should be car-

buffering from slight soreness, lie would 'He has not boy. chief ranger states in his latent report
not be favoured by the soft going which I ing in capital condition.
been indulged in any solid work as there Ferrier's win crowns his father's
T. It. Leithead. H. BottrolJ plavs G. Hirst
H. Pea roe plays E. X. T. lioese, P. Gurnsey
plays W. Clarke, J. G. Yellowlees plavs H.
that he is convinced the goat problem ried out throughout tho Dominion.
I'lans were accordingly made.
{seems certain to be in evidence at mo no races suitable until next season, coaching and perseverance. When he is now ftell in hand. Ji' the killings
The sixpenny levy for the travelling

Miller, J. Penlington plays T. Capslic'k, J.


»Trentham. S. Barr's team will thus com-1 hut he is ready to go on with when was ten years of age young FeJrier I.eithcad plays T. K. Papprill, A. N. Mackay were continued for another two years,
expenses of executive members was
J prise Hascal, lioval Mint, and Fresh! there is a race in view. injured an ankle, and he was unable plays S. Papprill, G. Aitknn plays R. 11.
Reid, A. Gordon plays E. E. Papprill, Alan
he believes there would be very few
Breeze, lloval Mint was sent over three to take part in any strenuous sport such goats left on Mount Egraont. The total A remit that moneys given to
hurdles yesterday, giving a clean and
fast display. In his earlier career, he
An Attractive Youngster. as football. So he was given
and he was allowed to play about
Gordon plays H. Petrie, T. Shoehy plays G.
Belcher. Dr. Bradshaw plays A. Wells New-
ton. C. Ward plays D. Whyte, R. Fisher plays
number destroyed is 4581. There has
bfcen a wonderful regeneration of the
branches for community work, where
for local
Bat Hut Mmr
Many trainers are at present devoting clubs, J. McDougall, C. Gordon plavs Inn Yellow- first not special!*' specified
ran his best races on heavy ground, but
as he will be making his'first aittempt a lot of time to the breaking and hand-
ling of their young stock, and the lat- coach
with these until he was 14. On his
birthday his father started seriously to
14th lees. forest on the country that was
cleared of goats, and a thick mat of
branches, sh'oult} be passed into the
funds of the Dominion executive, was Cnrt Tiblett—K, Hi
in a hurdlo race on Saturday, he can- him. At first it seemed that he CHEVIOT CLUB. undergrowth is developing. It is two carried,
est to attract attention is a yearling

not be expected successfully to com- never make a golfer, as he could feet high in places, and the Astelea, of Mrs C. C. Jackson was elected Do-
pete against the seasoned horses he will gc-lding by Rey do Oro' from Becky would ball. Then,- after many lor
In the inonthly medal match Miss It. Tay-
which the goats were particularly fond, minion president. Other officers are;
Logan in F. G. Holmes's care. He has not lift a
and Miss M. Hiatt each roturned a net
meet, but his prospects will not need to changes in style, he adopted his pres- 78. Four players have qnalifled for the and had eaten to tho roots, has thrown Vice-presidents, Walker.
be overlooked later in the programme. been in only a very short period, but cup presented by Dr. M. E. Irwin,'ond will
up healthy new growth. Baro places Island), and
Wilson, Wickhnm (North,Hall
fl'Owb that he possesses all the quali- ent method, anil since then he has not play off as folows:—Mrs W. Owen v. (South
Fresh Breeze was also schooled yester-
day, negotiating three brush fences fications for making a good pacer.
looked back. Ho has fulfilled his father's
expectations and the expectations of
Bremner, Mrs Hughes v. Miss Fitzsimmons.Mrs
The senior ringer competition, for Mrs
that have been tramped hard by tho
goats are still to be seen, but even these
Drpke, Niederer, and
Island): Dotainion treasurer, Mrs CHOCOLi
satisfactorily. He is the makings of a Geeson's trophy, was won by Miss llughcß. have plants shooting up here and there. Simpson.
Improving, many others who had been watching his .On Saturday next an extra medal round
useful steeplechaser, but lack of cjqperi- progress. He will try to win the Austra- will be played, tho following being the draw:
cnce may. trouble him over the Trentham G. S. Smith has Erin's Lynn striding lian open 'championship in August. Mrs Childs v. Mrs McLaren, Miss O'Boyl© �.

along in fine, fashion at Addington, and


country, which will prove more formid- Miss Paton, Mrs Denton v. Mrs Slocker, Mrs
mare is likely to show improved Geeson v. Mies Hiatt, Mrs Gordon v. Miss
able than any he has, yet tackled. Hughes, Mrs Gillander* v. Miss Taylor, Dr.
form when next produced to race.


Irwin v. Miss Childs, Mrs Marshall v. Mrs |

C.J.C. District Committee. ITughes, Miss Bosomworth v. Mrs Tonkin, '
At tho monthly meeting of the Can- A Good Winner. Mrs Fleming: v. Mrs Bremnor, Miss Fitisim-
mons v. Mrs Archer.
terbury District Committee, jockeys' Festival is ' again doing satisfactory HAWARDEN LADIES' CLUB.
licenses were granted io N. C. Trillo, K. ta?ks at Addington. The Sonoma Har-
Hawkins, and if. Woods, and an amateur vtfter mare performed well, during tho FUNDING FLOATING
rider's license to Mr James Cochrane. Reason, and is likely to take a highsr The liawarden Ladies' Golf Club's open
The following programmes were' ap- rank next term. *

tournament begun yesterday.

■was The first
proved:—Ashburton branch of the round of the championship and the first
played is a torrential
Christchurch Hunt, point-to-point Meet- Team for New Zealand. medal round were
ing, July 18th; Brackenfield Hunt point- downpour ?f rain. Miss Beadel retained the „

W. McKay, who has had such phenom- bait groes score, 88, which was
to-point, August Ist; Geraldine Racing enal success in Victoria recently, is moat *

Club, April 24th and 26th; Chatham having for New Zealand in the course meritorious performance under the circum-
stances. Miss Polhill returned the best card
Islands Jockey Club, December 28th. of n few weeks, says tlftj Melbourne in tho medal match, a net 81. The two-
"Record." His team will consist of Au- ball bogey, to be played in the afternoon, (VKITED i'HESS ASSOCIATION—T.S ELECTRIC
Another from the North. had to be abandoned, and will be played in TELBORAMI—COPYRIGHT.)
burn Lad, Warinda Derby, Toora Lass. conjunction with the four-ball bogey. The
In addition to taking Topere and Gold. second day's play has been postponed until
Tcreena (pacers); "Ond Drifting Home (Received July Bth, 11,5 p.m.)
Pit to the Wellington Meeting, E. J. and Gay Style (trotters) -The champ- •
Friday. ,

Ellis will have Awamutu to represent ions, Direct Home and Walla Walla, were Tho best cards returned are as follows: —

Ms stable on the second and third days. at one stage likely' to make the trip, CHAMPIONSHIP. The Federal Government is hopeful
Awamutu is a gelding by but neitfypr at present is quite right, and Miss Bosdel 88
King Lupin from Queen Bipple and was may be sent over later. Toreena, an -en- Miss B. Rutherford 99 that success of the conversion loan in
formerly trained, by F. E. Loomb. In tire by Dixie Derby, fcaled in 1925, Miss Polhill 100 Australia will facilitate the funding of
Mrs D. C. Macfarlane ..

103 the floating debt in London. If so,

September last, ridden by A. E. Ellis, has only one win to his credit, when JIrs OeoEon 100 the Commonwealth Bank funds in
and in heavy going, he figured, as the he averaged a -rate of 2min 33Jsec at Miss H. Loughnan 107
Miss G. Baxter 107
London 6ould be released to meet re-
winner of the Mount Albert Handicap, Bendigo, just two years ago.. Drifting curring expenditure there in the shape
Mrs A. D. -Allan 109
six furlongs, at the Avondale Spring Home (First Voyage—Charlotte Bronte) Mrs Gillanders • 110 of interest payments.
Meeting, beating Tetrarchate by a comes of trotting parents, and this ris- Mra Hunter ..
110 The Federal Treasurer, Mr E. G. Theo-
length, with Karapoti three-quarters of ing eight-year-old has one race to his Dr. Irwin 111 dore, will probably introduce liis Budget
Mrs G. Reid 112
a length away. Since then he has con- credit in the country, his rate being

on Friday. He will Tequirc to be relieved


Miss S. Rntherford 110

tested thirteen races, for one third under 2min 31 sec. He is a half-brother Miss N. Ho3re 114 from his duty a fortnight hence to
placing behind Chromadyne and Awa- to Direct Home, tlie holder of the Mrs Bethell 11G
visit Brisbane to defena the
Mrs L. Cooke 117 action
rere in the 'Shorts Handicap at the milo .record at Richmond in 2min 12J Mrs R. Cracroft Wilson 119 brought by the Queensland Government
Auckland Spring Meeting. Awamutu epc, and which*was incidentally her last arising out of the findings of ' the
will race in the same interests as Paki- win. MEDAL MATCH. Mungana Commission. The action is
Scratched. -
South Wairarapa T.O.
Miss Polhill,
Miss Beadel
First Division.
likely to commence toward the end of
the month. K
At a recent meeting of the stewards Mrs Goeson 106 22 84


True Blood was scratched at 1/1.30 of the South Wairarapa Trotting Club Airs D. C. Macfarlano 103 3.8 85

a.m. yesterday for nil engagements at 5: was reported that December 26th and Mr$ Hunter 110 ' 22 88
tho Wellington Meeting.—Press Asso- 28th Mrs A. D. Allan 109 10 90
ciation. had been applied for as tho dates Mrs Gillanders 310 20 90
for the next meeting. The Club will Mrs L. Cooke ..
117 .. 25 92
f Miss G. Baxter 107 15 92
Thoroughbred Sale. support the candidature of Messrs S. Miss B. Rutherford 99 .. 6 93
At the annual winter s. of thorough- W. Kelly and B. McCarthy (North Is- I)r. Irwin ..
111 .. 18 ' 93
Miss 8. Rutherford 112 18 94
breds to be held at Trentham on Tues-. land),
and W. Hayward, H. W. Kit- MR LANG'S SIGNATURE.
Mrs- Bethell 116 21 95
My next, Wright, Stephenson and Co., chingham, and J. £. Thompson (South Mrs G. Reid .. 112 16 90
at the New Zealand Trotting
Ltd., will submit a catalogue including Island) It was decided to sup-
Miss N'. Hoare 314
Mrs R. Cracroft 'Wilson . 119
,. 16
the whole of Mr S. J. Gibbons's select Conference. CANBERRA, July 7. FOUR PRIZES

Miss H. Loufchnan 107 8 99

stud descended from the great Advance port
the Eeefton Club's remit
mare Equitas, who was a very high- standard colours bo all races,
Second Division.
It is learned that Mr J. T. Lang,
Premier of New South Wales, actually
Miss Hughes 109 32 77 FOUR PRIZES
elass performer herself and produced the same colour to be allocated to the 80 signed, on behalf of his State, the agree- fen
Oratress, who won the New Zealand mit same number in each race. Also the re-,
Miss Chillis
Mrs D. G. Wilson .
28 88 ment reached at the conference of Com-
Cop and dead-heated in the Wellington usualproviding for a departure from the Mrs Dearden .. .. 123 27 96
monwealth State Ministers in Melbourne FOUR PRIZES

Mrs M. P. Macfarlane
Cup. Oratress in turn produced Ora- practice of paying out 75 per
trix and Concentrate, and since the cent, on the first horse and 25 per cent,
Miss Ovetton
Mrs Denton
135 .
101 in May. This agreement is embodied
106 in the Debt Conversion Bill which has
National sales were established her on the second to a system of paying out been introduced into the House of Re-

50 per cent, on the first horse, 30 per PRIZES OF

progeny have realised about 4500k cent, presentatives.
guineas. In addition to Oratress, two on the second horse, and 20 per
cent, on the third horse. NEW ZEALAND ASSOCIA SEVENTY
other daughters of Equitas will be sub- FT
mitted, these being Martianette and TION. FEDERAL SALES TAX.
Kquitant, and also a son, the two-year- ALL PRIZES IN ALLUVIAL GOLD
old Interlocutor by Nigger Minstrel.
Younger stock will also be included in POINT-TO-POINT. The monthly maoting o£ the Council of the REVENUE BELOAV ESTIMATE.
the offering. New Zealand Golf Association was held at
Wellington on Monday, when there were pre-
WAIMATE HUNT MEETING sent: Sir Alexander Roberts (chairman), (Received July Bth. 9.15 p.m.)
Messrs A. D. S. Duncan, W.'E. A. Gil), Jj.
TO-DAY. O H. Tripp, M. J. Crombie, W, A. Kiely,
TROTTING ENTHUSIASTS Colonel R. O. Chesney,' and Mr G. O. Sutton CANBERRA, July 8.
Receipts from the sales tax for
Metrop. Easter Meeting. Of the 14
The Waimate District Hunt will The committee appointed in Hawke's Bay twelve months fell short of the esti-
harness events 12 of th* winners drew to jeport to the Council with regurd to mate by £1,527.146, the actual collec-
hold a point-to-point steeplechase damage suffered by clubs in the earthquake tions being £3,472,854.
Bryant Sulkies or Sulkiettes meeting on Mr E. C. Studholme's area wrote to the effect that they had had
including the two big prizes. their first meeting, and the secretary having
7 Papanui Bo ad, Christchurch.
"Te Waimate" estate to-day, with
the first event commencing at 2 p.m.
auewered certain questions raised by the
committee it was hoped that very shortly
The following are the entries: —Heavy they wonld be able to send in their recom-
'Phone 22-279. weights—Mr J. Morriss' Tim Balboa, mendations The secretary was instructed to
all clubs which propose to send in
R. J. AValdie's Bandana, H. N. MedJi- subscription lists to forward them as early TWELVE INCHES OF RAIN.
cot's Red Muscat, R. C. Harper's completed. as possible, in order that the .ist may be

J. L. VERGETTE Hackthorne, W. H. Orbell's Composer, Mr F. W. Hobbs (Christchurch) indicated

H. H. Elworthy's Schweppe, A. Medli- that he would bo willing to act as chair- SYDNEY, July 8.

The cyclone is rapidly diminishing.
TAILOR cottsTKilvera, R. ,J. Morphy's Time man of the proposed Green-keeping Research

| Committee, and it was also resolved to ask The fact that nearly 12iii of rain have D. McCormick, 1'46 Manchester Strett
Light weight*—T. V. Cooney's Wil- Mr L Seifert (Piflmejston North) to join the been registered in the city in 48 hours

226 HEBEFOED STREET Oiiristcliarch.

low Glen, Coehrane's Fiorn, A. S. committee, which will then consist of the stamps the disturbance as one of the
(Opp. United Service Hotel) ■ Llworthv's H. Night Club, Mrs S. Boul- two gentlemen mentioned above and Messrs moist remarkable of recent years. Please scad me Tickets in the Big
ton s Gay Rona. B.
£B/8/- M 11. Godby (Cliristcliurch), Eric M. Russell
N. Thomas's (lisvercargill), and W. A. Kie!y (Wellington).'
Richaid, C. C. Douglas's Waikari, J.
Seven hundred and eight points fell
yesterday, the heaviest fall since 1889.
Windfall Art Union. I enclose remittance of Closing Date: nth July, 1931. Drawn: Ist August, 1931
• Bonnv Buff Another death occurred when a man £ Tickets 2J6 each, book 6f 9 for £l. By permission of the Minister of Internal Affairs
Farmers' race—E. Cooney's Trixio, HAG LEY CLUB. walked into a fallen electric- light wire. I enclose a stamped addressed envelope for reply.
Miss J. Studholme's Tip Toes, C. C. With one exception all the vessels The objects of the Art Union are for the general purposes of
Your Own Douglas's Patience. N. A. Rattray's
Following is the draw for the first qualify?
The Joker, and D. McCarron's Joker. ing round of the club and junior champion- standing enter
off the heads were able to
yesterday. The inter-State ship Name . ™
Olympic Association. The Trustees are
Thos. Forsyth, Esq., T, Coltman, Esq.
Interests—- Noon—C. T. Aachman and H Baverstock Corrimal, with just sufficient coal in
with A. J. Campbell and \V. J. Cartwright. her bunkers, reached her berth.
Fyfa with C. J. Gold- She Address_
The Treasurer ts B. L. Hammond, P.O. Box 110, Wellington,
ana the Secretary is N. McArthar, P.O. Box no, Wellington.
There are now no fewer than 29,300 M. Foley and J. A. Greenwood. H. Henderson had received a terrific pounding, and
tnay be deeply affected by events stone and P. G.
miles of air services in the British Em- J. Wyn-Irwin with C. N. Haslam and her steering gear was smashed ip. The
in Netv Zealand Therefore, when pire, as against 24,650 for France, and J. C. Sheldon, J. A. Johnstone and Lawry, L. J. freighter Kowarra also had her steer-
you hare decided to make a trio' 17,900 for Germany, and 16,700 for Hol- Keys with T. W. Lerfia and H. P. ing gear placed out of action.
abroad arrange for Tot Press to America has F C. Malpas and M. McLeod with J. R. More heavy rain is forecast for to-
land. 49,550 miles of air Montgomery and W. A. Mansell, R- Malcolm
—8 day, with snow oil the highlands.
b» posted to you regularly. service. lied J. A. Mastertoa with H. W. Nixon and
Refuse to Pay More!
intentions of act. TIVES.

reference in house.
Shop at H.B.'s

SPIRITED The death from heart failure of a WELLINGTON", July S.
MINISTER. tramway motorman, Albert Ernest Moor- The House of Representatives met rt (r.y CUR COKMEECIAL, ZBIT6A.)
housc, during the course of his employ- 2.30 p.m.
Entries in all, sections of the wpekly
I.I'KOM Ouit pAKLJAMJENTAttV IIEroitTEK.J ment and allegedly arising out ol: his Notice of intention to move the
employment, was tho basis of a claim Christcliurch Tramway Amendment Act metropolitan, market at Addington yes-

|FkoM OcrT.uu.z.uilmarv K
Parliament intend when the Un-
Act was passed last yoar
under tho Workers' Compensation Act
in the Arbitration Court yosterdtiy. (LytteJton), and tlio Judicial Proceed-
terday were smaller than for months,
was given by Mr J. McCombs (Lab., and there was a
general improvement
in values in all tho major sections. This
Special Bargains for
WELLINGTON. July 8. Elizabeth Jane Knight Moorhouse,
ings Regulation of Reports Bill by Mr was duo to tho scarcity of
that sustenance payments
fa-jjjis i 5 cltnlli'iiK" to constitutional granted
whb-h no self-respecting
should be
the unemployed if work were
widow of tho dead man, claimed from P. Fraser
the Christchurcli Tramway Board sncli
(Lab., Wellington Central).
supplies. Tho
store sheep entry was small, and it was
In answer to an urgent question by
istcrflment will allnw to pass mi- not available? This question caused the compensation under tho Act as the Mr J. A. Nash (11., Palmerston), the a dull sale, with a great many passings.
government lit. lion. G. Tho export season for lamb ended with
.\Y. Forbes a few embar- Court might direct for tho death of her Rt. Hon. G. W. Forbes said the matter MEN'S BOYS' JERSEYS 4/6
W., in a
rassing moments in the House
to-day husband on January 14th, 1931. of making somo provision for those who last week's sale, bo that tho entry of
the Ut.
when a heated discussion took place on wore meet payments of inter- OVERCOATS 35/- Special purchase of Boys' Fancy
(peech in tho House tliirf rven- the On the Bench wore Mr Justice Frazer, est unable to fat lambs was merely a i'c\V hundred
Jerseys with tie to liiateh. Good
and principal to the State Advances hond. The salo was a very keen one,
subject of women and children who Mr W. Cecil Prime (employers' repre- Friday's_

allegations l>v .Mr 11. L. considera-

jag In reply to were said to be on tho verge of Department was receiving and values advanced by Is Gil a head. Men's Tweed Overcoats.
gelltud, Leader of ihe Labour Party, tion. starva- sentative), and Mr A. Ij. Monteitli (em- tion from the Government at the x>ro- Usually 6/(?
The Primo Minister said thero Tho entry of fat cattle was much Smart patterns.
liacl adopted a ployees' representative. Mr W. J. sent time.
that the Government was Tho Hon. A. J. Stallworthy, answer- smaller than for some time, and except Usually 69/6
no need for anyono to starve, Hunter appeared for tho plaintiff and
Ipitcfnl nnd uneconomic policy in
though it was nevor intended that
jusxioa with the dismissal of DO harbour should bo there Mr J. D. Hutchison for tho defendant ing a question said by Mv W. E. Barnard for ono outstanding line of North
tho Health Depart-
sustenance payments. Board.
(Lab., Napier) Island steers was below the average for MEN'S SAC SUITS 69/6 Best quality Fur Felt Hats, Snap
employees nt Westport. Mr Forbes ment were co-operating with the local Worsted or bound brims. In the very newest
Mr p. Fraser Plaintiff alleged in tho statcmont of authorities at Napier in an inspection quality. There was a general advance Specially selected
100k. A firm stand against anything sug- tral), who raised(Lab., Wellington Cen-
of £1 to ill 10s a head for all classes. Materials Good patterns ! Sizes
! shapes. Sec Window Display.
•ejtive of trade union dictatorship.
The waterside workers recently re-
House in passing
the point, said the
tho Bill last year at
least pledged itself to provido in wages
claim that on January 14th last Moor-
house was employed by tho defendant
of tho dminago system of that town,
nnd a statement, thereon would be made
in the near future.
A very small entry of fat sheep sold to
keen competition, with a sharp advance
6d """H or
FREE 3, 4, 5 only—
Usually 126/-
Worth 25/-
Board as a motorman, his avorage earn- with every
fiwed to handle coal from two mines tho amount ings being £5 13s 2d a Week. In the
in valuos. Butchers' heavy owes and
Ladies' Black Pateiit 1-Bar
rerkiftg under the tribute system, but mentioned in the sustenance wetliors sold at an advance in some Men's Flannel Trousers 17/6
provisions. courso of his employment, when stoop- casos of over 3s a head, but the average Shoes 19/6
HiSgreed to handle all other coal. Tho LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. rise for the salo was 2s Gd a head. A SKY RAIDER KITE. Excellent quality material. Good
Air Forbes: Wo cannot write any ing over to sweep tho floor of a trailer, cut. Greys, Silver and Blue Grey. Spanish and low heels. English
(fcreriuuent, which controls the West- .pro- IT FLIES ! ! manufacture. Great value.
harbour, dismissed 50 of the men. visions into a Bill, nor can we stipulate his arteries were so affected that lie Usually 24/6
Jfr Holland attacked this action and
any amounts to be paid. It was always died of heart failure or apoplexy. (iT.ESS ASSOCIATION* TBI.EORAJ:.) The Rage Everywhere. Usually 32/6
There was Benin a moderate entry of storo
gtdgfed it was a tactical move as well intended that this Bill was passed to Tho defence was a formal denial of
the claim, and furthor allegations that WELLINGTON, July S.
sheep, and it was mixed in appearance.
included a fair proportion of lambs, with one
one to hold up the provide work. Best quality Mosgiel Ex- Tweed.
H ga uneconomic Mr 11. E. Holland, Leader of on December Btli, 1930, Moorhouse suf- sThe Legislative Council met at 2.30 or two fairly good pens among them, and
cellent patterns. Fit boys 4 to 16
Ladies' Coloured Kid Court
of the Buller mines and send the tho fered a serious heart attack, as a result p.m.
a good many ewes, tho bulk of them old and
unattrnctivo. Tho attendaneo ol farmers Shoes 12/6 .
Labour Party: And if there 5 Carß "
gjaifl on to relief works. Tho Govcrn- wero no of riding a bicycle, which incapacitated
Itoplying to the Hon. Sir James Al- was not big, and tho buying power was con- Usually 37/6 Smart designs. Spanish heels. Can be
teeat, he said, had acted like spiteful work,
then sustenance. him for work until January 14th, and lined to a low only. i'or good sheep quite SKI-ING BREECHES dyed any shade. Outstanding price.
tliat knew ho was suffering len, the Leader of the Council, the lion. fair prices wore obtained, but it was au
Mr Forb. : It was never
intended. from Moorhouse a diseased heart and that he was Sir Thomas Sidey, said the enquiry be-
irregular market, and the demand was vory Usually 21/- MEN'S SHIRTS 6/11 Usually 35/-
Mr Holland sat down Mr Mr Holland: Then why were tho sus- liablo to havo a further attack if he critical. Inferior sorts sold cheaply. Any- or 3 for 20/-
ing made into tlio superannuation funds thing useful among tho wetliors sold quite NOW
frfbti was on his feet. "I will tell the tenance provisions inserted in the Bill? went on working. satisfactorily. Passings were fairly fre- Spccially selected English Zephyr
position at Westport was not limited in any way. Jt was Men's Chrome Derby Boots
yiaterial. 1 long pointed collar to
What the quent throughout tho sale.

fltftfS Mr Forbes: Well, I take it to mean Elizabeth Jano Knight MoorliousO,

U* he said. The watersiders had re- that if we man, said that before the intention to investigate the whole Values wore:—
wero up against a position widow of tbo (load Good six and eight-tooth match.
Srf* handle coal from two mines
f" on tho tribute system and dis- in which work could not be
the illness in December, 1930, her hus- position, and it was impossible to give
a progress report.
to 13s.
Plain halfbred wethers, to 7s lOd.
halfbred wetherß,
Specially so -e d. Corded Usually 9/6 • Leather lined. Sewit soles. A good,
Weftil* then band's he'alth had been excellent. Ho material. Idem for hard wear. light work boot.
ylaiaeted when tho coal reached tho wo would Lave to face Jin alternative was 59 years old at tho time of his
No self-respecting Gov-
Resuming the debate on tho Address- 13!! 3d.
Sledium s.m. halfbred ewes, 12s 9d to "DOCTOR" UNION Usually 22/6
yard. position like that. death. She described tho heart attack in-Reply motion, the Hon. W. Earnshaw Medium s.m. crossbred owes, to 12s 6(1. UNDERFLANNELS shade.
tttUVtat Coald allow an ultimatum of that overtook her husband on December said ho was proud to be one of the Aged and inferior ewes, 3s to Gd.
Tho waterside work- Mr Holland: That is everytiling. Splendid quality. Shetland
ifeil loft pats. to Stli, and tho treatment he had received, Councillors who voted against the ori- Good ewe lambs, to 15s.
Good roomy cut.
-jju who were involved in no dispute tenance
Mr I'orbes: Wo could not mako sus-
ginal Unemployment Bill. When tho
Ordinary ewe lambs, 9s to lis. Boys', Stout Chrome School
provisions. Parliament did and his apparent recovery from it. On UiK-kward owo lambs, 5a to Os. 6/6
rtltleeref, picked out certain coal and intend that men not December 122nd he had had another Bill was before the Council last year Plain and email wether lambs, 5s to 7s.
Usually Boots
treild not handle it because it was un- who could not get "work he predicted that soup-kitchens would The principal sales were:—
lino up and draw sustenanco slight attack, and had gono back to Ewes—33 aged halfbred at 8s 9d, 83 at Usually Marl Twist Shirts 3/11 11 &12 12/3 10 & 1 13/3
&ittiif eoa!. money. The funds would quickly liavo bed for a day or two. On January 14th bo necessary in Zealand, and that, os, 38 aged Komney at Oh 9d, 90 s.m. half- 12/6 Extra quality Marl Twist Working 4& 5 14/11
lit Holland There is lion, : a dispute,
gentleman been exhausted. Wc havo by no means ho had started work again, and had died unfortunately, had como true, lie ven- bred at 12s 9d, .108 f.m. Bomney at Cs 3d,
NOW 2& 3 13/11
jfcrbes: I£ the that evening. Witness had boon, with tured tho opinion that in another six (J4 s.m. Romnoy at 12s Cd, 84 aged Komney Shirts. Collar attached. Heel and toe plates. Solid leather
{Mill the Hallway Department Is going reached such a state in this country.
months they would have 70,000 unem- at sk, 57 s.m. halfbred at 13s 3d, GO at
4/11 linings. A great wearer..
Mr Holland: Women and children aro her youngest daughter, entirely depend-
7/11 Usually . ,
n ttMd by unions in this way lie starving in tho meantime. ent upon her husband. ployed in New Zealand.
12s lid.
Wethers—6B four, six, and eight-tooth
I*Biter made a greater mistake. It Tbo Hon. It. Moore dwelt on tho halfbred at 13s, la halfbred at 7s lOd. MEN'S TIES 1/6 &
It i dutlleftgo to constitutional goyern- Mr Forbes: Oh, that statement has Ijambe—l4o halfbred owo at 15a Id, 80 A special purchase! Splendid
Huge' stocks 'of Fancy Wid6 End.
-sup!* been made by deputations, but when 1 Medical Evidence.
Dr. J. It. Thomas gave evidence of
necessity for encouraging and protec-
ting tho wheat industry. Under the in.Bj halfbrod at 9s 2d, 49 m.s. halfbred at
Gs !!d, -.14 m.s. tliroe-quarterbred at 8s 9d. 4G
quality Winceyettc or Cotton
stripe. Heavily redueed. See Window. ZEAIANb
Jtf Holland: So you hold up the havo asked workers from Hospital amended sliding scale tho grower wag at 5s 2d, 8(i halfbred wether at ss, 87 at material with Silk
after his Display.
tfldfe indttitry and put . the minors on Boards and other organisations for in- having attended Moorhouse Wonderful value.
ftt Jfo. 8 Siheme. formation of specific cases they havo first heart attack. Tho-heart was ir-
cannot go told mo thero afo none known to be regular and dilated and witness con-,
guaranteed 4s (id per bushel, but that
was hardly enough to warrant him re-
7s, 43 hnlfbred owo at 9s lOd, 74 m.s. half-
brod at sj> Id, 90 halfbred ewo at lis Bd.
Usually 3/6 to 6/6
Mf Tutbei: The ofposition tinued to attend Moorhouse regularly maining in business. If the duty wer.i FAT LAMBS.
•basinets the country can- starving. Food iB being provided. taken off altogether no wheat would
ill 1# held ttp in this ivay. Mr D. G. Sullivan (Lab., Avon) said until December 24th, by which date he Tho export season having ended, tho fat
the Primo Minister found himself in a had considerably recovered. bo grown in tho South Island.
IfcS&Siiad:WeYounreare holding it up. lamb entry dropped so that only a few pons THING
not holding it up. eleft Witness told tho Court that ho had Tho Hon. G. Witty said tho trouble wero filled. Tho entry was 345, compared
aslced why the susten- in New Zealand was that people had with 2220 last week. Tho smallness of tho BBIS
TM» qnwtion lias to be settled, and ance provisions were placed in the Bill. never given Moorhousework definite instruc-
obtained money too easily. However,
ontry made competition keen. Tho quality
in Westport, as to whether the Tho Hon. S. G. Smith: There arc no tions not to return to without see- of tho entry was good, some of the lambs
worked ing him again. To Mr Hutchison he ho thought the darkest hour had passed forward being exceptionally good.
jut Si going to bo or not. We statutory rights in the Bill.
and before long things would be bright
Top price
was 23s lOd, secured for a Rfln of four sold
gurnet allow this in a free country. Mr Sullivan: Well, tho.whole country said that Moorhouse had suffered from again. It was a pity so much money
on account of L. W-. E. Giles (Clarkville),
Mt Bolted) The Government should has been misled. Will any member say art-eric seolerosis for a number of years and for two sold on account of J. Steele (Kim-
had been spent cfn non-produetivo work.
bm algotiated for a settlement. ho believed when tho Unemployment and was physically older than liis ago.
Mr Forbes: It is unthinkable. There Act was passed that anyone was Archibald Richardson, a conductor Single relief workers should be sent to, Values wero: —-

to fotra primo lambs, to 23s lOd.

an bo wage* involved or a dispute oc- without cither work or sustenance? go employed by the Tramway Board, said camps in the country nnd pat on to Primo lambs. 19s to 21b Cd.
caaflahut a strike. clearifig land. The Civil Servieo was
Mr 0. H. Clinkard (U., Rotorua): Yes, ho had known Moorhouso for 2$ years. overcrowded, and the waste going on
Medium lambs, lGs 6d to ISs^Gd.

Mr Holland; There are wages in- I He had, in witness's opinion, been a Light lambs, 13s to 16s.
will. '
was absolutely shameful. Store lambs. 10s to 12s Oil.
tolywL strong, healthy man, and very active Tho principal sales were:—■
3tt Ptthea: This is regarded as a Mr Sullivan: Well, I want to know Sir Thomas Sidey said it might be
the Government brought the blessed for liis weight. On December Bth (Kimberfty),

he On account of J. Steele 2 at
dtaStogt to 1&8 Government

by the wjiy bicycled to work with Moorhouse. justifiable to make use of the accumu- 23s W. B. Giles
(Clarkvillo), 4 at
down and voted for it if neither had
10(1; Tj.
oatou. TMs coal is going to be loaded Bill nor sustenance is tb bo provided. They had been riding against tho wind, lated reserves in tho Savings Bank in 23s 10d: V. 0. Frizzell (Springbank), 4 at
stttrt&ißg io the'Way it is sent down to work and when they reached the sheds Moor- times of difficulty, but it had to oc 18s 3d to 22s 4d; l' 1 Fyvo (Templeton), 3

The Hon. A. J. Stallworthy: State- nt 20s 10d to 22s Id; W. Mowat (Cheviot),
the railway yards. houso had been considerably winded. remembered that the Government was 7 nt 10a 4d to Zln lOd; R. H. Johnston (Don-
ments have been made that women and. trip in their tram ho had faced with the necessity of making a snndcl), 22 at 10s 4d to 20s lOd: H. Oliver
children are starving, but in no caso After the first number of renewals in tho next (Horor.ita), 8 at 10s 7d; W. 11. Barnes
asked witness, who was conductor of ten
(Cheviot), 6 at 19s 7d; J. Morris (Ayles-
have.they been proved true. years, and if the reserves were dissi-
DISPUTE UNSETTLED. Mr 11. E. Holland said provision had "the tram, to And tho inspector and get bury), 30 nt 14s 7d to 19a 4d; Mrs M.
feeling ill. pated it would havo to be done out Cogan (Darfield). 10 at 13s lOd to 18s lOd;
been made under the Act .for tho pay- a new driver, as ho was of borrowed money. He was also op- A. E. Witliell (Brookside), 3 at 17s Id; A.
of The new driver had been procurod, J. Slinafc (Dunsnndel), 7 at 10s 4d to 16s
ment sustenance after a certain date posed to the suggestion that New Zea- 4il; Mrs 13. Hunt (Glentunnel), 26 at 14s
if work was not found, and members of home and Moorhouso had been taken to his
in the tram. When they had reached land should postpone her payments 4d to IBs Id; J. Payne (Yaldhurst), 130
' WESTPOKT, July S. Hjo llouso understood that when work the stop near his home, witness had had client, 63 at lis lOd;
under tho I)obt Extinction Act for one at 14s 4d to 15s lOd; Knolls), 8 at 10s lOd.
Tine is still no sign of a settlement was found the wages should be) suffici- to carry him out of the tram, as ho was year, on the ground that it would dam-
G. M. Watson (Sandy

«t tie waterfront dispute. Rakes of ent to cover adequate sustenance. The

Minister had gone one better by stat- unable to stand. His arm and one side
age New Zealand's credit. FAT SHEEP.

Ample Supplies at Record Low Prices

After the lion. Sir E. Mitchclson had
«#1 from the Cascade and Charming ing if work was not found there would had seemed to be partly paralysed. briefly replied, tho motion was agreed with The fat slioep entry wis 2800. compared
Later on the same day witness had 0350 last' week. The small entry
Creek mines line the wharf frontage, be no sustenance. Would the Minis- visited Mporliouse at nis and had to and tho Council adjourned at 5 p.m. stimulated very brisk competition, and values
Ist tia watersiders decline to transfer ter give an assurance that in every case found him fctill slightly home, paralysed and until to-morrow. rose all tover the sale by 2s Gd a head.
entry caino mainly from within the province,
He <nl ttt the Komata, and no other where it was proved insufficient food speaking a little thickly. As the days .Lack of green feed

ire being brought forward until was being received, there would be no passed, however, ho seemed to recover
but thore wore lines forward from Dunedin
innl North' Otaito. Tho competition for Cheap bran supplies answer present food
ifcese «s handled. shortage }
quite satisfactorily. On the day of OBITUARY. heavy owes and wethers was exceptionally
keen, and values for these classes rose from
makes the use of bran highly desirable. Bran mixed with chaff greatly
H» Westport- Coal Company's Cane The Hon. A. J. Stallworthy: The Gov- Moorhouso's death witness had spoken There was not a largo increases the feeding value of the latter.

lias every caso oh to 4s a hoad.

f »
llao held up pending a settle-, crnment met represented to him in the evening, and he had said proportion of good wethers penned, but
of the trouble. to it. that he was feeling well, but a little tliero were many pens of first-class awes.
Mr Holland: The Minister cannot get shaky. MR J. V. TILLETT. wethers was 23b lOd, secured
away with it like that.- In hundreds of Witness described the opera-
cars with a
Top prico for
for 13 of a splendid liue of 33 from G. H.
made from 22s 7d
Enquire from your
homes in New Zealand to-day there is hand-brush at the end oftho'
tion of sweeping out Judd (Darfield), which
the day's work. to tho top prico. Top prico for ewes was
storekeeper, stock
i j

insufficient food. If the Minister will Another conductor, Robert Smith, bad
(UKITED PRESS ASSOCIATION"—BY ELECTRIC 20s 4d, secured for six sold on

and station agent

TELEQEAPII—COI'IItIQItT.) J. Campbell (Methvcn).
give me this assurance I will have cases known Moorhouso on the trams for Values were:—
brought before nie and give them to about four years. "'lie had seen Moor- (Received July Bth, 9.15 p.m.) Kxtra prime heavy wethors to .»s 10d.
Prime heavy wethers 18s Od to 21s. or merchant*

liim. looking very ill on December

CHBISTCHL'UCH PRESBYTERY'S house Medium wetliors 14s OS to 17s 6d.

Mr B. Semple (Lab., Wellington Bth and had eventually taken Moor- SYDNEY, July 8. Light wethers 10s Cd to 14s.

ACTION. East): And we would keep him busy, house's placo as driver. He corrobo- Tho death has occurred of Mr J. Kxtra prime ewes to 20s 4d.
Note the Digestible Nutrients
j j

Mr Holland: Yes, he would be busier V. Tillett, Crown Solicitor of New- Primo ewes'l4s 6d to 17s.
rated the evidence of the previous wit- Medium ewes 10s 6d to 14s.
of Bran

than lie ever has been in his life. ness. South Wales, aged 63 years. Light ewes 8s to 10s. .


George Gray Miller, a motorniau, said Aged ewes Cs to 7s 6d.

A cofflßnieation regarding the Bible- Tho principal sales wero: —■ Protein
he saw Moorliouse on December Bth at
w-Scbools Bill was received from the BILL. 2.6%

"Wethers —On account of Or. 11. ■J««;1

Gflfferal Assembly at yesterday's mect-
TRANSPORT his home. He described his condition LIEUT.-GENERAL J. PARNELL.
(Darfield), 33 nt 22s 7d to 23s 10d; B. W.
Oil ..

then and his progress towards recovery Shipley (Aylesbury), 03 at 18s to —s Id,
14s Solubls Carbohydrates 37.4%
Sftof the Christchurch Presbytery. Blackler (Pleasant Point), 119 at (Ht.
It was moved: "That the members
Id to 21s lOd; C. L. C. Richards Crude Fibre ..
TELEGRAPH—COPVrtIGHT.) Hutt), 10 at 18s Id to 18s lOd; client, 14 Carbohydrate
Preßbytery bo recommended to VIEWS OP MR A. E. ANSELL. Moorhouse's Death. uf 13s»4d to 18s lOd; A. K. Withell (Brook-
»the attention of the congrega- Thomas John Armon, a conductor, said (Received July Bth, II p.m.) side). 03 at 16s lOd to 18s 4d; J. Kelso Equivalent 45J>%
(Brookside), 33 at 18s Id; V. O. Frixaell
to the nature of the proposal he had worked as conductor to Moor-
MELBOURNE, July 8. (Springbank), 7 at 17s lOd; J. H. Williams Starch Value ... 44%
house for 13£ years. IJe had been con- (lillesmere), 59 at 14s 7d to 17s lOd,
|*P*3'ag the Biblc-in-sehools 'and that Ouil PARLIAMENTARY REPORTER.] (Dunsandol), 64 at lot. J.a
be encouraged to sup- [FltOlI ductor in his car on January 14th, Tlio death is announced of Lieuten- U. Chatterton
Wtt the matter as far as possible." WELLINGTON, July 8. when Moorhouse had told him that his ant-General John Paniell, former
to 17s 7d; !-». W. Westenra (Dunsandel),
7d to .17s 4d; J. H. K ld se
roa< J."
at 14s Hassall
health was excellent. When they had field), 20 at. 10s 7d to 17s Id: T.
to a question, the Moder- Members of Parliament were*. to-day arrived back at the sheds that night wit- Administrator of Norfolk Island, aged (Wuikari), 04 at 14s 4d to 10s
lOd, J.
- Hutchison) said that 71. Payne (Yaldhurst), 17 at 15s
lOd, A. J.
eject of the motion, 'if agreed to, in receipt of telegrams from various ness suggested that ho should sweep 101, VV. 11.
[Lieutenant-General Joint Parnoll, Tutton (Rangiora), 6at 15s_ Extra prAno cows, to £l2 12s Cd. FAT PIGS.
to bring the piatter interests seeking information and ask- out the car, and Moorhouse the trailers, IoS 1 C.P.B.
*Jfia be Turner (Waikßri), 04 at 13s id to
, ,
10d1 Prime cows, £l» to £B.
j?* congregatlon.s. ing for certain representations during reversing the ho usual procedure, as wit- C.M.G., 0.8.E., was educated at Wislcy D. G. Macdonald (Cheviot),
7J at
liti Medium cows, £1 to £5 10s. There was a small entry of fat pigs, and
demand about

(Pleasant Point) S3 a Result there was a better

was not looking well. College, Melbourne, and Melbourne Uni- 15s 7d; J. Cunningham Light cows, to £3 10s.
' !iuZ!T*
yywe. it on anyArmour:
" It does not
oersou who is not the passage of the Transport Licensing ness thought
After Moorhouse had been working versity. In 1884 he joined the 4th
58 at 13s lOd to 15s 7d;
(Amborley), 29 at Us lOd to "s ld »
i. J. st»"'° n

lapa-a Tho principal sales wore: —Oil account o£

stoera at £ll 12s
Battalion (University Company), Vic- (}. Steel (Port Levy), 7Beaveu
JH*W»ied about it ? with J. M. lOd,

Bill, which is not expected to meet for about five minutes witness saw him rua Prison Parm, 11
at 14s
6d to £l3 2s 6d; O. (Hinds), -

Choppers, £3 to £4 17s Gd. ' to Lake Louise, Banff,

Moderator: It is not an iujunc- any serious opposition in its course staggering in tho trailer. "I'm not torian Rifles. Later he held a c6minis- Watson (Sandy Knolls), -3 at Us 4d steers at £6 7s 6d, 1 cow at
<>d; Baeoners, 47s 6d to 52s Cd. and other Bock; Moun-
sion in tho Ist Battalion, Victorian client, O cows at £3 17s 6d to -to *s Od; Heavy baeoners, 56s to £3 4s.
,w£i it w.a recommendation. feeling too good," he had told witness 10
Kwos—On account of -J. Ounpbell fMetlp Extra heavy baeoners to £3 18s Oil.
. tain resorts;

MB notion was agreed to. through Parliament. insisted on making an- Rifles, and the Pield Engineers. He was 4d; Marr It. Bethell (Pahau 2sPastures), 7 ot steers SUMMER TOURS; . - *

Some County Councils feel that tho otherthen.had

and von), 131 at 13s 4.1 to 20s 6tt; Glens Tekoa, Average price per pound, 5d to 5Jd. to Eastern Canada and

£l2 2s 6d to £lB
O.C. Permanent Engineers from 1889 to (Methven), 58 at 16s 4'd to ,10b
10i4, • 6 heifers at £6 2s 6d to £8 7s fid, 5 cows Porkers, 83« to 37s 6d.

attack to do the work. A few

laUgtous Education Council. go, sufficiently far in minutes 15)05. After a long military career in at los 7d t U.S. A.

Bill does not later witness saw him collapse. J. Ilavtnell (Ashburton), 5a at £4 12s 6d to £3 7s Cd; L. 1. 11. Heavy porkers, 38s 6d to 45s 6d.
different administrative positions he re- 7,1. Mrs M. Cogun (Darfield), 38 at
bury (Sherwood), 7 heifers at £4 to Average price per pound, 5Jd to tild. SUMMER CRUISES ' ,
it eliminating . competing motor services He went to him again and found him
.®« 51- Ityburn said that to Alaska, Y«ion, West
a le?h:
10d; J. C B d e U
which competing tired in 1920. From that year to 1924 12s lOd'to.lß. V H. Mono

ne (Mottt ]L fto 17s 6d, 3 cows at £4 7s Cd to £.>;

Coast Vancouver Island,
; t* a branch of the Iteli- and those motors are unconscious and a little lator, despite all G9 at 14s 7d to 18s 7d; J. N.A a:nu 15 steers at £ll ,17s
(id to £l6 £
STORE PIGS. Arctic Ocean, Newfound-
Council should be with the railways. It is pointed out by witness's efforts to bring him to, he he was Administrator and Chief Magis- von), 59 at 16s 10d" to 18s 4d, clients, 10 cows at £3 Ls 6d to 1-s ba.
land, and Labrador.

SSy? n . Christchurch to look members, however,'that the extent to trate of Norfolk Islands] North Island client, 48 steers at il3 7s M There was a very small entry of store
died. 1-s

Cd; client, 8 cows at £4 pigs, and the sale was a keen one. TRAVEI;
■'■'ipto s
re u>remeiits. The Council which the transport system is co- As witness left the box his Honour
to £ls 17a
6d to £8 7s Cd; W. Mcllraith (Russell» Values were: — to the United Kingdom*

chief authorities ordinated will depend largely upon tho congratulated him on the clarity with Flat), 2 steers at £9 7s 6d, 1 cow at AVeaners, 15s to 17s. and Europe.
17s 6d; Peninsula client. 11 steers
at £lO
r. ISii"" 1 was the '" Dominion, and personnel of tho transport licensing which hp had given his' evidence. have lived more than a month or so in MoUoy "(Lyndhurlt).'*Bs at 13s 7d to lbs
7s 6d to £l2 12s Cd; clients, C heifers ~9
Slips, 14s to 18s. TRAVEL■ •
to Japan, China, and the

Small stores, 19s to 21s.


asked to appoint authority and upon the policy enun-

Dr. Malcolm Kennedy Gray consid- any .easo. Cd £9 17s Cd, 1 steer _ at
Medium stores, 22s to 2 ss. Philippines.
il?, members to the Christchnrch ciated by it. ered that Moorhouse died from acute
£6 12s to
7s Cd, 13 cows at £4 2s
Od to J<s » Large stores to 30s.

■ 2*"
Council had before it "So far as I can judge the motor dilatation of the loft side of the heart. Coincidence no Explanation. 03 at las id to 10s id, T S. Duxbury (Pigeon Bay), t> cows at
R Sows in pig to £4 4s.

j Round-theAYorld (138 ,
1G at 13s 4d (Pigeon
S?n £7 l°s 6d'to £0 17s Gd; D. McKay

religious teaching in organisations will have no quarrel with (fruusaudel),


mu n .

or not the Bible-in- In his opinion, Moorhouse died from a

the provisions of the Bill," said Mr combination of the disease from which
Dr. A. B. Pearson said that he thought 11. Johnston (Dunsandel), o
it would be relying too much on coin 10s 7d; Timaru' client, 8 at

lJs 7d to l«s
tU; 1 c£vit at;
£4 12s Cd: s
£4 1-s ~7
days), Mediterranean
(73 day*). West Indies
22?* passed did not matter, as 39 at Ids i (Glenroy). 2 steers (30 days).

for Chalmers, and (Annat) Od, 3 heifers at £3 17b Cd to

the question of religious A E. Ansell, member he was suffering and his day's Tie eidence to think that the death took 7d; E A. Palmer 4 cows at ~7 1-s bd
Have you anything to sell—Do you
president of the South Island Motor thought that if Moorhouse had not gone placo independent of the work. Speak J. Doherty (Flaxton), (Ladbrooks) 1 cow For fares, travel suggestions,- and illus-
Qumb* 10 #c^lO °' B to be attended to. to £l2 12s Cd; J. Bell wish to buy? If so, a small advertise-
this trated literature apply to U.S.S. Co., Thos.
jS?? be arranged under the Union, this evening. "It is hoped back to work that day> and had rested
be the beginning of a movement for a longer period, he would probably
ing generally he would say that death
had resulted frdm the disease plus tho
*jm£ at £l2 2s Cd; V. Crawford
heifers at £4 17s 6d to .17 1-s C< , 11- "alley ment in tlio classified section of The Cook and Son, or A. W. Essex, Canadian'
jg"*tt«vstem and thev needed an will

10s id 49 at &d, U. l. Vov. will be all you need. 12 words Pacific Raihvav, 32-34 Quay street, Auck-
(Eiffelton), 1 cow at £s ~s

lg «
wiinational liody to cope with to co-ordinate our various. methods of- have lived for another year or'two, and work. (Itangiora), ?d;
Is. threo insertions 2s Gd H 4145-4
Ss (Spotstood),
. —U land.
transport. Because of the duplication might even have been able to work for In giving his judgment his Honour Tu (
01 at 98
Macdonald (Cheviot),
U to
31 •

were appointed to re- of services the country is now said that the original heart-strain had
1). G.
? a time. 13s Ul- d) 44 At
7d'. A. Burnes (SpoUwon ,

Presbytery on the Christ- volved in heavy unnecessary cxpendi- Dr. R. H. Baxter said that there wa3 occurred outside of Moorhouso's em- 1 1».
m. =i Cd*to
cows at £3 17* 18 Cd.
Sj® "Nncli:—Hevs A. McNeur. L. ture which it cannot afford, and if tho a good deal of doubt in his mind con-
1 j

ployment, and his working: lii'e, if at 7s lOd; chont',


T.'W. Armour, and It. Wnr- policy is carefully designed and the cerning tho condition Moorhouse suffered not actually ended by that strain, had at 5s 4d; client, 32 at 3s 10J- VEALEHS-
lE2i 3
"Mi, and G. Jf. PiIking
Messrs G. Whitelaw, T- personnel of the licensing authority from. It was hard to reconcile tho

been shortened by it. When a man was
FAT CATTLE. Thf? entry of voulers was tbe smallest
the quality through-
carefully chosen, this duplication may heart condition with the stroke condi- in such a condition exertion was far ed for many weeks, and
Last Month's Winners

be substantially corrected. At present tion. He thought that it was clear that more likely to bring on the final col- "

Once again the K°irth -0.,f ,„.

s very poor.
of thecntry,
The shortness
lino ot
f rcl an a
f, T was responsible fo£
r °

the Highways Board and local bodies the work, light though it was, in somo lapse of the heart. most ouUtanding however, Ji
suffering heavily, and a restriction way contributed to his death.
The law on the matter was in a pecu-
market, there being
on account ot a
head N
» f6
ff S 4s to a head for all classes.
6s I"e 0p

BV WELLINGTON are He Biack Poll steers sold tho sale v.'as -G Is.

con for

of "Crown" Cash Prizes

penned S'«' price
of services will undoubtedly be bene- thought it obvious that the man would liar position. It meant that if a man They
Island client. size ha
of such
have died probably within a few month?, was suffering from a Useaso, and died dition, and a better line
not been seen in Addmgton "\
> . TEACHERS. # Goods traffic, Mr Ansell added, was possibly within a few weeks, even if when doing somo trifling little job in very long period. The total entry 269
head—much, below (he entry of 4-tO
nioro difficult to control than passenger he had not worked. the course ,of his employment, oven
services, because tho latter followed Mr Hutchison addressed his Honour
definite routes, but commercial lorries on the legal aspect of the claim. He
though he would die in any case within
a month, he was entitled to full com
entered at the last market.
of the entry and tho minor PMPO
The smalluesa
really well-finished' sorts forward-
fe; SSS isrs ISC nn
<fl VW £>f A
ItKl&ilm ft*W
Celia Street, Redcliffi.
" <

went anywhere and everywhere.
Some criticism of the Bill will prob-
submitted that the heart 'disease itself
would have caused Moorhouse's death.
pensation. It did seem absurd that the
same compensation should be payable
a very keeu salo throughout, and
was brisk. The North Island
sold very well, ' the line averaging -1

6d, Shorthorn _cross heifer

calves to lJs, and
2nd PRIZE £5 FoVufsSs,. '

ably coine from cities whero the powers Dr. G. M. L. Lester said that his for a man almost on the point of 9d a head. The top price for heifers bulls to 15s.
- _

branch of the New of death as .for a strong, healthy man kill- 162 Westminster Street, St. Albans
City Councils on the licensing opinion was that Moorhouse had boon J' w«
£9 17s Gd, and for cows £l2
3 '
/ Institute this even- authorities will be restricted, and in- the victitn of various conditions. Al- ed by ail accident in tho course of his for one sold on account of J. Dohcrty ,

head of dairy
Buy your own and the boys' clothing at the "Crown"
work. That was the !a\v, however, and There was an entry of -13
fefUL^* lno^on °Pl' t)S ' l, g the Bible- dieatioi. is likely to be given in tho though he had no definite symptoms
of his. heart had de- the Court had to administer it. Best* ual ity beof made_ 'J<3s to aCM per mixed. The
cattle, and tho quality was veryMere sli„htlj
Enabling Bill shortly to House that the measure is regarded the reserveOnpower andto>rougli during the Winter months, and win Big Cash Prizes.
1001b, good prime beef Irom *-s
salo was a dull one, and values

Judgment was given for the. plaintiff beef to Lis,

before the House of Reprcscnta- merely as the beginning, rather than creased. December Bth the exertion
in the sum of £IOOO with costs.
per 1001b. secondary
down to 13s.
£l7 in Cash Prizes, paid each month to customers
the solution, of tho transport problem. of getting up early and riding a bicycle A'nlues" were: i and third calvers spending the most at the Crown."
, to "

clause in the motion saM against the wind had exhausted it com-

_ ,

Kxtru prime heavy steers, to 1,8 l *

was to bo taken to pletely. After this attack he was more Prime heavy steers, £lO to &lu.
calvers. £S
Prime medium-weight steers, 10s to -a. second and thirdthird-culvers,
or *'ie c ll ductiug of The bulb industry lias increased so liable to a second and final attack than "Washbasins with hot and cold water, £.

Medium second and


exercises by teachers, it greatly, in Lincolnshire that one town before. The total exertion for his work- comfortable beds, table,.seat, and hang- Ordinary quality, steers, £6 to ~i os.
Light steers, to £5 10s.
that this was no more their alone, Spalding, now sends out 32,000 ing day would have been greater than ing accommodation for clothes are pro- Kxtra prime heifers, to £9 l<s 6d.
and inferior, £2 10s to £4 15s.
Good heifers, £8 to £9-
fVtfij vided in every cell in a new women's
thsa it was that of any other boxes of cut blooms every week during the exertion required had ho not work- Prime heifers, £7 to £8 10s. J" Medium heifers, £6 to -i.
ed. It was possible that he might not prison in New York. Medium heifers, £4 10s to £6 10a. Other Borte, £3 to £5.
the height of the season. Light heifers, to £4.
Keadings by self-recording instruments•
at "The Press" Office, Ohristchurcli,
up to 1 a.m. on Thursday, July 9tli.
�— —

(eupplied. by the Postal Department.)

Mails close as under:—

Timuru, Oamaru, Duncdin, UnvercargiiJ, NEW ZEALAND MADE AND CAN BE BOU<
and intermediate offices (night expresses),
Sunday (letter* only), 5.30 p.m.; Dunedin
and offices south thereof only, guard's van
11 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday, 7 p.m.
ArtcraSt Shirts and Pyjamas HOSIERY
Arthur's Pass, Otira, Greymouth, West-
port, Hokitika, and other offices (expresses), CLOTHING
Made in our own Factory. BOYS' GOLF HOSE, all-wool. Black with i
Monday, 7.80 a.m., guard's van 8.20 a.m.;
Made in our own Factory, hence the low prices.
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 9 a.m.; Red, White, Blue or Gold tops-
BOYS* SCHOOL SUITS, in Mosgiel Worsted-
Mwl's Winter Weight
4/J J
guard's van 10 a.m., daily 3.30 p.m.
Asbburton, Geraldine, Tcmuka, Tiruam, PYJAMAS— Sizes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, r
Sizes 4to 6 7to 12 13 to 16

Waimate, Oamaru, and Dunedin, express

goods train daily 7 p.m.; late feo 7.45 p.m. Prices 2/1, 2/2, 2/3, 2/4, 2/5, 2/6, 2/7,
25/- 31/6 35/6

Picton and Nelson, (letters only), Blenheim, Black Italian WORKING SHIRTS.
Kaikoura,-Clarence Bridge,
Seddon (via Parnassus),
Kekerangu, ami
daily 6 a.m., MEN'S MOSGIEL UNDERWEAR. Pants
guard's van 7.55 a.m.
Rakaia, Ashburton, Timaru, Oamaru, Dun-
edin, Invercargill, and intermediate offices
3/9 5/6 &
Men's Mosgiel Striped WORSTED
/A 1j)
and Shirts—From*


Boys' Grey Union SHIRTS.

.. ..

(expresses), Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, CANOE

and Saturday, 7.30 a.m., mail van 8.35 n.m.,
Wednesday and Friday, 11.10 a.m.; late fee
11.45 a.m.; mail van, 12.25 p.m.
Sizes 11 to 14£ Men's Mosgiel WORSTED SUITS
65/- Single—Frojm .. ..

Thursday, July 9th.
For northern ports at
letters, 5.55 p.m.;
train. Parcels 4 p.m.
5.25 p.m.: late fee
guard's van, 7.10 p.m.
coloured Shetland, Navy, Grey, Natural. Sizes,
MEN'S FELT HATS, made in N.Z. Assorted
shapes and colours—


Mails for Great Britain, Ireland, and Con-
tinent of Europe (specially addressed corre-
spondence only), also Central America and
South American Western States, via Panama,
per Huntingdon, from Wellington, close at
Men's and O.S.—
V/ W From 16/15
5.25 p.m.; late fee letters, 5.55 p.m.: guard's
van, 7.10 p.m. train. Parcels at noon.
Due London August lGth.

Friday, July 10th.

For northern ports at 5.25 p.m.: luto lea
letters, 5.55 p.m.; guard's van, 7.10 p.m.


train. Parcels 4 p.m.
Parcel mail for Australian States, South
Africa, and the East, per Monowai from Auck-
land, closes at 4 p.m.
Outgoing Overseas Mails.
Address: so LICHFIELD ST. Rofvpun Colombo and Manchester Str<
backing gradually to southerly; elsewhere Mails for Fiji, Tonga, Apia, I'ago
THE WEATHER south-easterly to southerly. per Tot'ua from Auckland, close at 5.25 p.m.,
(Xew Zealand waters)—Bough to Saturday, July 13 th.
Seas Mails for Australian States, also Norfolk
observation* l»lscn
-•'.atnetio Observatoiy, Cbr'iV. c 1:
at the Tasman Sea —Strong south-east to
galcß. with heavy seoß.
south-west winds tomisty,
Island, Egypt, Japan, China, Straits Settle-
ments, and South Africa, per Aluuowai from LYTTELTON NEWS.

Jluisebrook'sCocoanut Gems
, at li Auckland, closo at 5.25 p.m., Saturday, July
and squally, with
and 5 p.m. on July Sth: Weather—Dull, many heavy falls, con- 11th. Correspondence will also he accepted for
.t "i:.
9 a.m. 5 p.m. further general rain,
dispatch by air-mail services in Australia.
'%.~02 -'9.720 siderable flooding in tho central provinces,
Urometer snow'in parts of the South Island, an d later Mail 6 for Great Britain. Irclaud, and Con-

hcrwomete: on tho ranges in the North Island; cola tem- tinent of Europe, United States of America,

J>ry bulb
Wet bulb

■• 40.1
peratures. Canada, West Indies, Mexico, ArgentV>e, Brazil,
Paraguay, Uruguay, and Falkland' Islands,
"lax. prev. £4 hours 43.S via San Francisco, ako Cook Islands and

:Jin. 24 hours
prev. 2' KEPORTS. Tahiti, per Maunganui, at Wellington, close Messrs T. A. Mahar and \Y. D. Gower

DOMINION on Monday, July loth, at 5.25 p.m. Due

liar, in sun ?7 i 3 ' were sworn-in as Justifies of the Peace i
A subtle, of pleasing harmony

Min. on prass 25.3 London August 13th. Correspondence will

also be accepted for dispatch by air-mail ser- yesterday by Mr 11. A. SToung, B.M.
.. .

Max. during clay .- 41.9 |

iKrcw readings-taken at 4 p.n.'.) vices in Canada and the United States of
Humidity per ccni. 91 97
America. They afterwards sat on the Bench with :
delightful flavours these

Wlthl S.W., S.W., Weather. Bar. Tlier.


mod. light. Station. Wind. Mails for Great Britain. Ireland, and Con-
tinent of Europe (spociaily addressed cor- the .Magistrate at a siUrn:; of the Court, j . . .

<,!• ud


Norfolk .Island,

Capo Maria, X.W.. fresh, misty

•• -•
respondence only), also Central America and
South American Western States, via Panama,
per Port Iluon, from Auckland, close at 5.2.5
Bank Premises Sold. choice biscuits of melting smooth-
I.'iinfai' to u'aie .. ~
9.22in 10.G2in rain, rough sea
Auckland, K„ breesc, shower?

p.m. Wednesday,
August 22nd.
July 15th. Due London sale lias been completed of fclio
old Union Bank building and section
ness are made with fresh Cocoanut

East Cape, K.F.., gale, misty Mails for Apia, Pago I'ago,
Auckland—Showery weather during the day rain, con. sea 29.74 C
3 Tsland, per Maui Pomare, from
and N'iuc
at tlie corner of .Norwich Quay and
and rich Cream fillings.

Dublin street, The property has beeu
•• -•

followed by continuous I;eary rain this Cape ligmont, strong, over- close at 5.25 p.m.. Monday. July 27th.

.vening. The wind a light north-east cast, rough sea. .. -•
29.46 purchased by a local engineering com- !
uuring tho morninj, but nfter midday it Eiipinr,. N/N.15-, breeze, overcast, Incoming Overseas Mails. panv and will be used as a garage am]
hanged to north. Tha barometer con- 61 Australian mail, ex Kaikorai,
rough bea ..
•• •• 29.50
ney, due July lUth.
from Syd- service station.
iuuud failing until early this afternoon, and i'arer.-ell Spit, .12.;: breeze,.
hasbeen etaady at '29.55.
since showery, hcrvy. 29.45 51 Knglish mail, ex liangitata, from London, Your guests will


Stephen Island, S.S K,, strong,


due July ltth. Magistrate's Court. ,

Wellington—Heavy rain from the south
<rt in at an early hour and continued fog and, rough sea 29.33 H ..
English aiiU American mail, ex Monowai,
from Vancouver, via Auckland. due Jul;-
.Mr 11. A. Young,-S.M., presided a'; i appreciate
v.ith varying intensity throughout the day. Wellington, S.S.E., fresh, show- the Magistrate's Court yesterday. B.
Harly in the evening the rain eased consider- cry, roagh eea 29.60 40 .. ..
Australian trail, c.v Maunganui, from Sid- Tlaruill, a .judgment debtor, was orderc-d
ably. Capo Campbell, S.AV., strong,
Duaedin—The weather today was cold- showery, oon. sea .. .. 29.G1 S8
ney, due Julv 11th.
F. ,1. SHANKS. to pay W. T. Glasgow (Mr A. W. €. ■
Cocoanut Gems
Smilhsoin the sum of £(5 4s 6d. with

Greymouth, IC.E., gale, raining,

•jdshowery. ' I>uring tho afternoon there
light fall of snow, but not sufficient con swoll ..
29.45 41
solicitor's fee los (3d, forthwith, in de- at your next
o covtr the ground. The. barometer is Al.aroa Lighthouse, S.K., light, fault seven days' imprisonment. Afternoon Tea
j'.e.idy, tho reading to-night being 29.90. raining, com sea .. .. 29.G9 42
Nugget Point., S.S.E., high, show- WAIK.WVA AT PAPEETE.
rough 20.82 37 Recruits Wanted. j

ery, Ben .. ..
Forecast. Puvsogur Point, . 5.12., strong, .Former members of the Lyttclton Ter- i
Situation—An intense and cs- rain squalls, heavy sea 20.87 40
ritorials have been circularised inviting I


-engiv® cyclone is centred west of Cook Str3it Chatham Islands, N.W., fre3h, The Union Company's Waikawn, from Los
Angeles, was due ,at Papeoto 011 Tuesday. them to enlist in the tame company

»od is moving eastwards..jale shower,- mod. sea .. .. 59.54 51

Wind*—Strong to force, generallj-

Sydney, S.S.W., strong, overcast 29.94 Sho is due at Auckland on July J£th, ami of the Ist Canterbury Regiment as
northerly, north ef Hobart, S., light; overcast will later proceed to New Plymouth, Wel-
p Wanganui and Jsapior, 30.23 ..

lington, Napier, Lyttelton, and Sydney 10 formerly, under the new voluntary
complete discharge.of her Pacific Coast cargo. scheme. A public meeting of those in- "
t(."rested in the volunteer movement and WORDS RESENTED. AMERICAN CULTURE.
SHIPPING NOTES. of intending recruits will be held in tho j
SHIPPING. Council Chambers on Mondav evening. : _



The Kuku is now: to bo dispatched to-day for Oolf -

Nelson, Motuuka,and "Wellington. The Union Company's Wairuua was tj
Sydney on Tuesday for Vancouver, via Following is' tho draw for the first . CR. BEANLAND. » j THEIR COUNTRY.
The Opihi is to complete loadipg here to- leave
day for Nelson, New Plymouth, and Westport, Fiji. She isi Axed to load at Pacific Coast round o?. the senior and junior cham- -

ports during the latter part of August and

PORT OF LYTTELTON. and is to eail via Wellington. pionships of the Lyttclton Golf Club:— j
Tho John is to complete loading nt Lyttel-
ton to-day lor Wellington, New Plymouth,
and Waikato.
first half of September for Papeete, Auck-
land, Napier, Wellington, Dunedin, Mel-
bourne, and Sydney. Tho vessel is to clear
Senitfr: L. Barnard plays 11. Fletcher, :
<_'. Pascoe plays 11. G. Banfleld, L. R.
"That Foreign Indictment of Ameri-
can Culture is Unjustified" was the sub- i must try it-

Los Angolea on September 12th, and is due

The Kahika |s <Jue here this morning from Scott plays H. Derbidge, L. Gower | ject' for the return debate of the team
ARRIVALS. ' Timaru to '"load fyr Kapler "and Glsbdrne.- at Auckland on October Ittli.
plays D. E. L. Collet, ft. Wilson plays i A suggestion lliat Cr. BcaijrtanJ ought froril Oregon University. A large audi-

The motor-ship-Opawa arrifed yesterday

Wednesday, Jnly 8 th'. 11.I . Knights. Byes: J. Shanley, M. Ms- • to apologise for his statements at the
morning from Wellington to continue dis- ence, over which Professor L. G.Pocock

Miwri, s.B. (6.50 e.m.), 3488 tons, Irwin, charge of her Liverpool cargo. She is to sail MATAROA'S LOADING PORTS. Gilligan, and C. Collins. meeting of the Unemployment Commit-

presided, listened to the debate last

from Wellington.
Union Steam Ship Co.,
Breeze, s.s. (7.10 a.m.). 553 tons, O'Neil,
to-day for Duiiedin to continue discharge,
and will return to Lyttelton later to load.
.The Waikouaiti '■will not arrive at Lyttel-
Juniors: R. N. Thomas plays D. Wal- , tee was made by Cr. C. E.( Cross, and
lace. Byes: C. Plimmcr, J. Crawford, j supported by other councillors, at :i
night at the Radiant Hall. The visitors,
Mr Roger A. Pfaff, Mr RobertT. Miller,
a- : i.,
from Timaru. A. 11. TurnbuU and Co., ton from Dunedin before, to-morrow. .She will Tho Shaw, Savill liner Mataroa le/t Auck- K. Reynolds, K. Gower, F. Morris, X. j meeting of the Waimairi Council l;:st
land on Tuesday for Oisborne, Timaru, Lyt-.
j night. and Mr' David 6. Wilson, took the nega-
agents. . discharge and load, and is at present timed
telton, and Wellington to. complete her home- Derbidge, and R. Crawford.

Opawa, ta.s. <7.30 a.m.), 9277 tons, Robin- to sail on Tuesday for Sydney, via southern
ward loading. Sho is dno hero on Thursday � The statements of Cr. Beanland to tive, and criticised their own country,
Liverpool, via Auckland and Wel- ports. ■which exception was laken were those while Mr A. G. A. Baigent, Miss Alison
i ; '

teg, ttofu next, and is scheduled to clear Wellington Oddfellows' Lodge.

lington. Kinsey and Co.; Ltd., agents.
John, a.s. "(7.40 a.m.), SJ42 tons, Cope-
The Totftra . is. to arrive hero to-morrow
from Timaru to load for New Plymouth, She finally at: daybreak on July 29th for South-
ampton and-London, via Panama. The fortnightly meeting of the Loyal
■which referred to Cr. Cross, then chair- West-Watson, and Mr K. J. T-^
land, from Timaru. Kinsey and Co., Ltd.,
sails, via Wetlingkiiu -.

The Alejundo?-ia expected. here to-morrow

City of Norwich Lodge- was held on man of the Waimairi County Council, min, for Canterbury College, took 'the
•gents. '
Tuesday when X.G. Bro. L. li. Scott, and the Council. Cr. Beanland said affirmative.
from Tarakohe. She will. later load for Nel-

•Opihi,; (12.30 P.m.), 1116 tons, In- son, Mapua, and Motueto, taking cargo also presided. Sick pay amounting to in effect that Cr. Cross had proposed A decision was given by three judges,
man, from Tixnayu. < Union Steam Ship Co., CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAM- that the unemployed sh-buld bo given Professor J. Shelley, Mr Denys
for Waiotapu, Collingwood, and Tarakohe. Jos-, was passed for payment. The Lyt-

Expensive 1 Instant ;• Postum ? Quite the"

agents. ,
The Tees is now expected at Lyttelton on SHIPS. \ tclton district half-yearly balance- work on the Rawhiti Domain, and that Hoare, and Mr W. J. .Hunter. contrary. It costs less-than halfpenny a cup
Saturday from the south. She loads for Wei-,
tho County Council had afterwards re- Tho speakers for Canterbury College
DEPARTURES. lington, New-Plymouth, Waikato, and Darga- sheet was received', showing the district
jected the proposal, being unwilling to were generous in their praises of to prepare.
ville, to be steadily advancing. The funeral Only a child's drink ? Now, where did you
American achievement in almost all

Wednesday, July Bth. Gale should arrive here on Saturday

The The appointment is announced as vice- expenses had been exceptionally light pay its share of the cost. Cr. Bean-
s." tanker 0311 president of tho Canadian National Steam- branches of human activity, generally ever hearthat?" Postum is healthful —yes—
New Zealand, (8 a.m.), from the south to take in. cargo for Wel- land also stated that anything said by hut it's an everyday drink for everybody. ■
ions, Amundsen, for Los Angeles. Texaß lington. Picton, and AVanganui. ships of Mr R. B. Teakle, in place ot' Mr during the past six months, only £7O making the point or offering the argu-
Oil Co., agents. The Storm is timed to load at Lyttelton D. K. Galloway, who has now taken charge having been paid out for the seven Jhe Waimairi County Council after this ment, that America had striven with;
' 4
Flavour ? Try this cup isn't it deU-

Breeze, s.s. (12.55 p.m.), 553 tons, O'Neil, of the Canadian National Telegraphs. Mr lodges,, and the fund now exceeded would not be worth a snap of the
. .

on Wednesday next for Wellington, Picton, a measure of success to spread culture cious and. different 1 Can you imagine a
"A. H. Turnbull and Co., Teakle has for some time beeu general £3OOO. The District

lor Wellington. and Wangailui. Combined Lodges fingers. widely over its huge population, and more delightful drink-at sapper?"
.* ageats. The Union' Co.'s Kaikorai is to arrive here manager, of the., line, and prior to that
p.m.), 554 tons, Alc- manager of the Canadian Government Mer- Investment Fund exceeded £6OOO re- Cr. Cross explained that his sugges- it was argued that this was better Instant Postiimis made of pure, ripe grainy
Parera»-s.«. to-morrow from Newcastle with a full cargo
JjieWaa, for Waikokopij.* Kipsey And Co., of coal. ' cantile Marine. The announcement is made turning to the Lodges concerned just tion was that instead of doing uselesa for the nation than a very high degree skilfully blended and roasted to bring out the
by Sir Henry W. Thornton, chairman and
Ltd., agent*.. Y
i■ ;:
The Waimarino sailed yesterday for Dune-
din and Timaru. Sho is due back on Sun- president of the Canadian. National, Rail- about 7 per cent, interest. work, such as chipping grass off tho of culture eonfined to a relative few. full, rich flavour.. It contains no drugs, no arti-
Waimarino, a.s. (1.15 p.m.),
day, and will load cargo here on Monday ways, which operate the Canadian National It was resolved that the Past Grands roadside, work on the Eawliiti Domain The American speakers were merciless ficial stimulant, nothing to impede sleep nor im-
Gray, lor Dunedin. Union Steam Ship Co.,
aseats. ' '
for Auckland. Steamships. of the Lodge should occupy the officers' should be done. Mr Cross moved
.. in their attack upon the institutions pair digestion. Its tremendous popularity is due
__The 'Union Company advises that the situations next Lodge night, to carry that a letter be sent to th 6 Unemploy- and tendencies of their own country. to its distinctive taste as well as its whole-

<7.55 . p.m.), 3488 tons, Irwm,


Maori, ».».

for Wellington. ; Cnioif Steam Shipr Co.,' •Kirii, from Grafton, was to leave Newcastle oat the business of the Lodge. ment Committee asking for an apology One speaker declared that the machine •omeness.
yesterday for Auckland, Tauranga,
agents. "
Lyttelton, and-Greymouth,
Wellington, THE NEW OPAWA. for the remarks made. age, standardisation, and other, thing? Made in a few seconds. Simply pour boiling
The Union Company's KurOw reached . "Mr Beanland has rnado tho Council that have followed upon them were water or hot milk over a, teaspoonful in a cup—-
VESSELS IN PORT. Napier l»te on Monday afternoon
from New- FISHERMEN'S REQUIREMENTS. ridiculous, and I feel that the letter causing in the people physical and more Or less Postum, as you prefer—and sweeten
castle. She will later proceed
to 'Auckland to Zealand
new motor-ship Opawa, which arrived at JT'KOCKS,
Tlio New Shipping Company's Sou'-Westers, Abb. Mittens, cannot be too strong," ho said.. mental stagnation. Ariother-said that to taste. Try it to-night.
Ship. Berth. To. complete discharge. .Finger Mittens. Cable Guernseys, and
In seconding the motion, , Cr. Chap- America had been aptly described qs
The Ulimaroa, which- arrived at Welling. Lyttelton yester4ay morning from . Liverpool Fearnoughts. "the best half-educated country in the
man said that not only should Mr THEE—A sample tin, good for-
Cygnet—No.g Bstwk, Laid up. t° n on Tuesday morning from Sydney, in- after towing tho disabled steamer City of Dhan Buoy Bladders and. Lamp's. of Postum, will be sent un
J- aim—No. 5 ■East, Laid up. cluded in her cargo transhipments Kimberiey to Auckland, Is fhe last of tho Ne*; Needles and Twines. world." He also described the _.

>elson from the Beanland apologise, but also Mr Lead- American universities as "degree of Id. to "cover Bailing,
Jvnku—No. 5 West Wgtn. threo motor-shfps, all of the samo type,

following vessels:—Moreton Bay, Goulburn, Coir, Manila.' .and Wire RoiJes,. ley and tho Mayor of New Brighton. •ddresslne *"*

Dunedin machines."

Oimwa—No. 3 West Liverpool Westralia, Orama, Mildura, Barrabool, Yimin- which have been built for the company. Tho

*' Oplhl-i-No. 7 West Timaru . Nelson ale, and Canberra, first vessel was the Otaio, and the second ENQUIRIES INVITED. Statements such as had been made by On behalf of the judges,- Professor A. SMITH & CO. LTD..
John—No. 6 East Timaru Wgtn. Steady rain which set in at Lyttelton early was tho Orari, both of which have already
Phono 31-Gla. Mr Beanland in regard to the word of J. Shelley gave the decision to Canter- Department
yesterday afternoon stopped all work visited New Zealand. D,
on FORBES, LTDi, the Council not being worth a snap of P.O. Box 843, Auckland.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS; the waterfront from 2.30 p.m. Cho departure The Opawa was built by Messrs Alexander bury, but pointed out that the two '
Stephen and Sons, Glasgow, and was launched •F4136 Lyttelton.

of some of the vessels in port was delayed the fingers should be withdrawn. Also, best speakers were . considered to be
Wahina, Wellington, this day. until to-day. on January 20tli. The vessel is 490 ft in Mr Leadley had said the Council had
Kahika, Timaru. this day (7 East), length: overall, and is of 0750 tons gross on the American side.; He then gave
register. «She is of the two-deck type, with backed out, when neither the Council a more detailed criticism of the speeches.
ilaori, Wellington., July 10th.
Waikouaiti. Dunedin, July 10th.. poop and long bridge. Six holds offer largo PORT OF TIMARU. nor a councillor had promised a shilling. Professor
Totara. Timaru,-July
Alexander, Tarakohe, July 10th.
Kaikorai. Newcastle. July 10 th..
10th. .
space for the carriage of bulk, general, and
refrigerated cargo, the dead-weight capacity
being about 12,300 tons.
Another Point of View.
Cr. Gardiner thought the best idea
Pocock . expressed
thanks of the audience to the visitors,
and wished them a; pleasant trip; in
'fees, Timaru. July llth.
Vi ellington, July H. most modern description, ami all the deck
The cargo-handling appliances aro of the i. ' ' Arrivals.
would bo to ignore tho whole the North Island and on the rest" of
Canadian Wednesday, July Stli.
their tour.
Kahika, 1819 tons, from Oamaru. Union Ho was of the opinion that if money

Aotiope, Nauru, July" llth. auxiliaries are electrically /operated. Tho

Gale, Timaru, July• llth. Thefollowing
vessels' aro within
of propellingof machinery for the twin screws was to be spent on unemployment it For the Americans, Mr Wilson-" said ,

range r Steam Ship Co., agents. . .

tiie stations n a tried;- two sets of single-acting Sulzer-
Kukn, Wellington, Joly 32th. consists Golden "West, from Lyttelton. Turnbull should bo spent inside the county. that their visit -to New Zealand had
Waimarino. Timaru, July. 12th. J;U kl nd
f 7~^
nt iopo
? ity Rayville, Diesel engines. It is claimed the accommo-

12 th. Golden ?
roM Bod, Matai, ;, her sistor ships
and Co.. agents. The chairman (Cr. W. J. Walter) said been so pleasant that they would- do
Ruahioe. Timaru, July July mantie, v er»mca.
Maui Pomare, Port Pre-

dation on the Opawa and that ... Costs, less tlian halfpenny ft -
Waipiata, Wellington. 14th- favourably with of any other that. Mr Beanland had been too hard all they could on their return to en- to prepare.
Maui Pomare. Dunedin, July July 14th. ■ Wellington—Wahine, Maori, Tamahine, Mono- compares
carro vessels-afloat.
-wai,. Niagara, Bangitiki, Rangitane, Bangitata. Wednesday, July Stli. on Mr Cross. Mr Cross had : come to courage a friendly feeling between the

Uaiigitata, Wellington, 14th. The towing of the City of Kimberiey, in

two countries. He considered that each

Waipahi. Wellington, July 14th. Laburnum, Diomede, Athelqueen, Otokia, ' which
Omana, Kaikorai, Mataroa, Ruahine,' Coptic
a speed was attained at times of Kahika, for .Lyttelton. the Waimairi Council and supported the
Storm. Timaru, July 15th. Kahngo, lonic, Port Dunedin. eight knots, is considered to have been a resolution that help should be given up country ought to appreciate the other
Port Waikato, Timaru. July loth. remarkable test of the Opawa's efficiency. Vessel in Port. to the hilt. Mr Walter said the ques- more, and would do so with, further-
Wainui, Dunedin. July 15th. V akUta W#,ot^u ' Waitonaiti,

Xew |™^ •No. 1 Wharf—Golden West. tion had come before a conference last acquaintance. Friendliness between

Mataroa, Timaru. July 16th.

Port Dunedin. Oamaru, July . G£h.
Opawa. Timaru. Jnly lOtlv
Chathams—Otaio. ■

THE MALI POMARE. Expected Arrivals. Friday. He had personally favoured

the proposal to clean up, the Domain,
the four white nations of the Pacific,
Australia, New" Zealand, Canada, and
Otaio. Wellington, July 30th. !
Totara, New Plymouth, tp-day.
but could not speak for the Council. the: United* States, would be of incal-
Laurel. San Francisco, July SOtb. i'ERSONAL. Alexander, Tarakohe, July 10th.
Its agitata. Auckland. August Ist. The Government motor-ship Maui Pomai'c
Waimarino, Dunedin, July 11th. The employment of a hundred men culable benefit in the future.
Poriri, Wellington, August 2nd. is due at Duneilin next Monday with fruit
lluahine, via ports, July 10th. ,
would be a fine thing, but the Wai-
Waikawa. Napier. August 2nd. from Apia and Niue Island. She will latex* Gale, Lyttelton, July 10th.
During the hour before- the- debate-
Oolden Coast. Wellington, August 4th.
Cap ai.'i s>. Hewut, who,was
muster of
Storm, Lyttelton, July 13th. mairi Council had felt that there was
August 6th. proceed to Lyttelton, Wellington, and Auck- M.itaroa, via ports, July liitli. Mr Roger A. Pfaff gave a lecture, il-
Temeraire. Wellington, Wellington, Aug. J.
the.Kaponga, is taking holidays at
Captain W. Whitelield, master Auckland. land to -omplete discharge, and is due hero plenty of work to be ■ clone in. the A very enjoyable concert was
Canadian Constructor.August - of the Holmdale, Dunedin. July 14th. county, and had' turned the proposal lustrated by lantern slides, on Oregon in the Heathcote
Tainui. Wellington, 9th. Katoo, has been appointed tb'the Wingatui, on Tuesday. Waikouaiti. Dunedin, July 14th. .State. Club Hall on Tuesday
Karamea. London, August 17th. relieving Captain Pish, • Opawa, via ports, July 17th. down. Mr Cross had done his best, evening in aid of the school funds.
City of Christianla, Wellington,
August 18.5
to the Poolta.
who has transferred Port Fremantlc, Bluff, July 28tli. and he was sure he had the confidence The programme was contributed bv without first
llerminius. Wellington, August Captain J. Bruce, who was master
of the STEAMER SERVICES. of tho Council. VISITORS ENTERTAINED. the 3YA concert party and
the concert was arranged byfriends,

Waihemo, Nelson, August 21st. Poolta, is awaiting instructions at Welling- Projected Departures.
September 6th.
Port Alma. Wellington.September Mr Walter suggested that the motion Mrs CmapV

ton. Totara, Lyttelton, July 10th. Singer

Orari, Port Chalmers, lotli. Captain R. L. Davies, late master
of the Alexander, Lyttelton, July • 10th. should be withdrawn. The matter and Mr Knapp. Each item was enthu Junior 4-door.
September 28tH.
Zealandic. London, Wellington, Kaitoke, is taking time off at Newcastle. Willys Knight Sedan
City of Kimberlcy, indefinite.
Mr A. T. Adam,: late chief officer of the PACIFIC AND TASMAN. Waimarino, Lyttelton, July 11th. could well drop. sxastically received, and.the appreciation
The three members of the Oregon of the large Ersktne
Wingatui,' Dunedin, July 14th.
The chairman's suggestion was agreed audience was 4-door
Maheno, has been appointed to the Marama Waikouaiti, Lyttelton, July 14tji. University debating . team, Messrs that every artist receivedwell shown in (1930)
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. a similar capacity.
■in to> and the discussion ended. Robert T. Miller, David G. Wilson, and During the evening the
an encore.
Austin 12 Tourer (1929J
Mr D. Luckett, late second officer of tho There •will be a readjustment of the Union Notes. '
Roger. A. Pfaff, yesterday morning were School. Committee, chairman of tlie
Kuku, Nelson. thU day. Ivatoa, has been appointed to the Kaimjro us
Company's in the trans-Pacific and The Buahinc is due hero to load meat and Mr N. G. Collins Whippet Tourer,
Opihi, Wellington, this day. second officer, relieving Mr N. H.- Pearson shown various places of interest - in took the opportunity of tip control
John. Wellington, this day. for . holiday leave. intercolonial services this month, when tho jceueral cargo for London about July 10th. A suburban garden not far from the welcoming to' ...

The Waikouaiti has left Sydney for Bluff, railway lino is hardly the place where Christehurch. Mr Meyer' conducted the district Mr Silcoek, the newly-'ap- Chevrolet long spr i J

Wahine, Wellington, this day. Mr W. Cole has joinod tho Kahika as lloyal Mail liner Aorangi resumes in the Van- Dunedin. Tiinaru, Lyttelton, Sydney, and

afterlindergoing an extensive them round the Provincial" Council pointed headmaster. Tourer
Kahika, Naoier, this day. chief officer, relieving Mr J. S. JJeatin for couver service one would expect a wild pheasant to

overhaul at Sydney. She is being relieved Newcastle. Due hero on July 14th. , Mr Collins also
Opawa, Dunedin, this day. holidays.
Chambers, while they were shown over paid a. tribute to the work of Mx Knapp Cadillac "8" Tourer

Maori. Wellington, July 10th. Mr E. It. Pata has relieved Mr E. J. 11. by the Royal Mail liner
Monowai,, which is The Waimarino has left Auckland for Wel-
lington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and
make its home, but a Mount Eden resi- Dodge 5-seater
Auckland from Vancouver on Monday, Timaru. dent has recently had one of these beau- the Supreme Court buildings 'by »the as relieving master, and wished .
Totara, Wellington, July 10th. Taylor as third 'officer on due at
t.ho Karetu. Mr and leaves for Sydney the following day. Due hero on July lltli. him- :•

Alexander. Nelson, July J Oth. Taylor is- taking holidays at Sydney.

The Kahika loaded Here last night for Lyt- tiful birds added to the attractions of Registrar, Mr Wallace. every success in his future work.
150 privately-owned Ca
Tees, Wellington, July llth. On arrival at Sydney, tho Monowai will be feltouy Napier, aud Gisborne. a charming old garden (says the Auck- After visiting Canterbury College . After. the concert .a dance was .held,
withdrawn from the service and will bo-re- List. All makes
Gale, Wellington, July llth. placed by the Aorangi, which is to leave
Tire Mataroa is expected to arrive about
land "Herald"). The bird, a fine speci- v
again, they were entertained at lunch the music being supplied by Mr Wolls.

Kuku, Nelson, July . 13th. Sydney for Vancouver, via Auckland, Suva,
July 13lh from Gisborne, to- load general
by Dr. H. G. Denham, the acting- Mr H. Coombes was M.C. Easy terms.
Waimarino. Wellington, July 13th. cargo,, dairy produce, and frozen meat for men of cock pheasant, mado its appear-
Dunedin, July 13th.
Canadian Transporter,July SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. and Honolulu, on July 23rd. Tho Monowai London, finally sailing from Wellington on ance there about a month ago, and may Rector of Canterbury College. Mr C. The programme was as follows: In-
14th. will be transferred to.the intercolonial ser-
Waipiata.. Dunedin.
vice. Bnd will-leave Sydney for Wellington on
July 29th. frequently be seen feeding on the lawn T. Aschman represented the Board of tri0 Misses Ottey, Cusack,
Waikouaiti, Timaru, July 14th.

July 24th, in place of the Marama, which The Tecs is scheduled to arrive here on and Chapman;
Maui Pomare, Wellington, July 14th. Friday from Dunedin, to. load for Xew Ply- or about the shrubberies. It has gradu- Governors, and Mr H. M.- Thomson and Joan solo, Mips
Uaahine, Wellington, Jnly 14th.
" ■
' . -LONDON, 3uly 7.
Arrived; -i»t ..San Francisco, Makura.
will be withdrawn at Sydney on July 21st,
Port Chalmers month arid Wdikato. ally overcome its that now it Mr J. D. Sargent, president and secre- Cusack; humorous item, iMr C?\E«
Antiope, Kavensbourne, July 14th. and will afterwards proceed to when The Totara, from Xew Plymouth, is due will come to be fed from the tary, represented the Students' . Asso- Palmers- novelty piario solo, Miss M.
Wainui, Wellington, July 15th.
Sailed, Waihemo, from Vancouver; Mata- to be laid up until November, slie will verandah,
Storm. Wellington," July 15th.
kana, from Balboa. '

resume in the service.

Monowai will
continue m the inter-
at Timaru to-day, and sails on Friday for
Lyttelton Wellington, ind Jvcw Plymouth. and at times will follow the lady of ciation. There were also present the nto^ e solo, Mr E. Douds; solo
members ef the Canterbury College snift lr' trij 6l w McLachlan; soprano
Waipahi, Auckland, July 15tli. The
Arrived, Wahine (7 a.m.), from Lyttelton; colonial service until the Maunganui. returns The Alexander, from Tarakohe. is due here the house at a discreet distance down
Part Waikato, Wellington, July 15th. teams, and the judges of'last night's Thelma Hut t; violirl solo, Miss

on Friday, morning to load for Lyttelton. Kel- the path: M


Huntingdon (7.30 a.m.), from Wanganui; to Sydney from San Francisco on Auguot
Rang!tats, Napier, July 16th. son. Westport, and Greymouth. Cusack; instrumental trio.

Holmdale (9.30 a.m.), from Lyttelton.. 29tb The Monowai will then resume run- debate, Professor J. Shelley, Mr W. J. Jtisses

Mataroa, Wellington, July 17th. ,S*Hed. Coptic (7 a.m.), for ; Tokomarn ning in the Pacific mail service, leaving Syd- Tbo Wftipiata'leaves • Auckland at the end "The passengers always see these Ottey, Cusack, and Chapman:
Port Dunedin, Wellington, Jnly 17th. oC this week for Wellington, Lyttelton, Dun- things through the eyes of-the Hunter, and Mr Denys Hoare, who also
Opawa, Wancanui, July 31st.
Bay; Wahine (7.50 ,p.m.l. for Lyttelton. ney for San Trancisco. via Wellington, Rnro-
-Mlin. Bluff, Oamanr, and Timaru. driver. represented the Rotary Club.
mezzo-soprano Miss Joan Cusack; polo

tonga, and Papeete, on September 3rd. The


DUNEDIN, July 8.
The Opawa is due'here from Bluff about The
Courts are coming to regard this
utaio, Dunedin, August 2nd. McLacll'auj baritoiic

, .This evening

Arrived, Newton Elm (9.30 a.m.), m the S

from Maunganui-will replace thewillMonowai

•iv!y 17th to load meat and creneral cargo as the psychology, of the passenger,"
the Americans will
Waikawa, Sydney,. August 3rd. tt

Auckland. intercolonial service, and leave Sydney

travel to Wellington,

Poriri,- Dunedin, Aucust 3rd. on, they will reel-

September for London and W.C.U.K. She . proceeds said Mr H. Salmon, S.M., at the

.Wellington- for Auckland and

Golden' Coast, Dunedin, August 4th. honcp to Lyttelton. take part in a return debate before, Cusa ck; soprano
i i

■ Magistrate's Court, in Wanganui the

Itangitata. Port Chalmers, August sth.
Temoraire, Napier, August 6th.:- DAILY MEMORANDA-Thursday, July 9th.
other day, in delivering judgment in a proceeding further north. solo,, Mxss_Hilda Hutt; .humorous
Mr G. E. Palmer; baritone.solo, Mr E. item, COAL!.

case in which two defendants' were



cioidian' Dunedin, Aifgust ;10. AUCTIONS. "Cat and Dried" Kindling saves, FOR YOUR COAL AITD,

Flying is growing so rapid! 3' that fined for breaches .of the motor regula-

• The amount, paid in coal. mining


Tainui. Port Chalmers,. August 12th. ' Evan? and Bull, at H.- G. Livingstone and money arid.trouble;:ft fits yonr crate, aerodromes arc already in use at'.Man- tions relative to speed at intersections.-' RING 34r410.
City "of Chriatiania, Dunedin, August 18th. sale royalties and vraylcaves The cash earnings' of
is bopo dry, and Heeds only in England

Co.'s land • 'roomn, at 2.50 p.m.— one for Any quantity^—a ljag to"®
chester, Bristol, Liverpool, Hull, Black- Mr Salmon took the evidence, of two in-
Karamea. Port Chalmers, August 20th.
Waihemo, Dunedin, August 22nd. . ,
Alma, Dunedin,'September 7th;
li.'B. Sorejisen. at his yards,' at- jl a.m. match to get a good blaze. FullPhonq
from 3s 6d to 2s 9d.
pool, Jpswieh, and Nottingham, Avhilo dependent witnesses in preference to
the year ended September 30th, 3930
was approximately £5,650,000. Sr ve^. emplpJ ' ring'intbcc
ed oa]winc S
the nine months
kinds—lor all purposes. I
Port Usual weekly sale. reduced over 20 other authorities have similar that of two passengers in one of the works out at a little more than
This b

Orari, Napier, September 17th. 33-313. G. McClatchie and Co., Ltd., l?*rt °P tc*ter< ,1920, were £4 (is

/«iaodtc, Port Chalmers, September SOtb. W, b. Simoa ond Co ; , jLt Kaiapoi, »t 7 5d per
p.m.—Land and btrilding*. 160 Hereford street, —« schemes in hand. vehicles involved. ton. of saleable coal raised* *'
J?v 11 months ended I\o- ROBT. JOHNS!
o*7 of KiaSniex* JDuaedin, indellßit*,'
806 Waltham BoaV
TwelT* Words, On* Shilling pes Inwrtlon;
Three Insertion! a/0.
XwtlT* Words, Out Shilling per Innrtion;

rpHE Funeral of the late Helen Mary Boyd

3. C. WILLIAMSON COMEDY Thr«e Insertions 2/6. J- trill leave her late residence, Sarsfield
The following team liae been chosen AIj lor Sale, i'ii etreet, Southbridge, for the Elieaniere Ceme-
ton; iiau-ton ill ds.
to represent Country on COMPANY. Cash delivered. 187 tery, Thin Day (Thursday), July 9th, at 2
gUfiUNIONS' MATCH. next:— LIBERTY THEATRE.' i eterboroujb street. CASHMERE ESTATE.
p.m. JOHN RHIND. 4651

full-back: J. Lee (Hurunui). LETTER TO RIVER TRUST. THEATRE ROYAL, SATURDAY. D ON'T Forget your Devonshire
JosepUine's. 368
Cream at
Funeral of the late Annie Hanan wilt
leave the residence of Mrs McClelland,
Three-quarters: ADJACENT BOWENVILLE. For Privals
L. Hayinan (Elles- Louis "U'ollieim plays a powerful part as This morning the box plans •will be'opened
Sale, jfig Potatoes, any quantity. E.
-McCarthy -, l'rebbleton. t4566 Sale.
31 Dominion avenue, Spreydon, for the Syd-
mere), C. Hoskins (Hurunui) (captain), the prince racketeer in "A Gentleman 3 Fats, (it The Bristol for the representation Easy Terms. Full Particulars. enham Cemetery, This Day (Thursday), July
A letter of appreciation of the treat- by the
R. Ormond (Hurunui).
sent on® o£ the pictures showing at tho
Liberty 0. Williamson,-Ltd., Knglish Comedy Com- CIARHOTS
—Shorthorn, 40s ton delivered. H. G. LIVINGSTONE and CO., Stb, at 2 p.m. JOHN RHIND. 4652
WIN" FOR SOUTH. received has been 3v s tiU. 'Phone Z'ii-OQI, Day or
B. Sherwin (Ellesmere). ment they had Theatre th) 3 week. John Gilbert, as the Estate Agent?,
P. McMillan (Hurunui).

to the Waimakariri River Trust by gentleman brother, who, after becoming in-
pany, on Saturday evening nest, of St. John
Ervine'a record-breaking Engli&h comedy
night. 458 LSO-iO 109 Hereford street. THE
Funeral of the late Margaret Bremner
Thompson will leave her Tate residence,
Half-back: I]. Hoskins (Ellesmere).
Hookers: E. Bailey (Peninsula), T. ing
the men employed under its tree-plant- volvedchavge
in the underworld life, is persuaded to
of the "Canadian end" of the
triumph, "Tho Mrs Fraser," and for WANTED
Sell, Hut, good order,
biove; xlo.
A.8., "j.'reßs." Sprinjston, for the Springston Public Ceme-
tery, on Friday, July 10th, at 2 p.m. JOHN
scheme. the production of New York's brilliantly 4588
Hansen (Ellesmere). ' business, carries olf the leading part in his clever comedy-drama, "Hay Fever," OTIiAW —4 Bales Cs, £2 10s ton. RHIND. 4654,

IN CONTINUOUS Lock: J. j, Buseh (North Canter- Tho two planting camps
tenay and West Melton were com-
at Cour- usual masterly style. Leila Hyams and to be performed on Saturday week.
which is
The 0 bales 10.3, £4 5s ton. Potatoes 6s suck.
Hay, 4
£715 PRICE. DEPOSIT, £l5O.
Sides: G. Thompson (Ellesmere), Topi pleted and the first batch of 102 men
Anita Page are also starred in this Melro-
Goldwyn-Mayor production. The other pio-
occasion will signalise the reappearance here
01 New Zealand's greatest actress, Miss Ethel
ao Stanmore road.
Sianaies, £>aw Spindles, Benches, Sawe,
413 17s 6d » pays off BRAND NEW THE
Funeral of the late Charles Henry
Kevern will leave his late residence,
BUNGALOW, Latest Design. JTour Rooms East Eyreton, To-morrow (Friday), at 2 pjn.,
RAIN. went out on June 29th. Rain and ture showing, "Ten Centa a Dance," stars Morrison, and J., C. Williamson's English Planers, llaiid Drilling -lincliincs, Vices, and Kitchenette. Close tram, Spreydon. for the Rangiora Presbyterian Cemetery. H.
Kobinson (Peninsula). but LarLara Stanwyck and Eicardo Coitez. Comedy Company, who are at present at*
snow made conditions very bad, trading large audiences in the North Island.
Anvils. Kit at. Asaph aueet. 331 From Owner direct. J. GULLIVER. 4648
Back-rankers: A. Carson (Peninsula), every
T. Shand (Hurunui). man attended, stated the Engi- fat. John Ervine, in 'The First Mrs | s Cardigans, Suits, Dressing Apply
neer's report, presented to yesterday s Jrascr,' wrote a critic recently, Uovvns, Coals, Sliawls, etc., ail reduced, 82616 H.A.P., "Press." rPHE Friends of Mr 0. R. Cooke are in-

■\\ ing-fonvard: Tom Robinson (Pen-
meeting of the River Trust. MAJESTIC THEATRE. cleverly shown the innate antagonism which ■lira tope, Ltd. 4545 JL formed that the funeral of his late
± continuous
rain fell on the occasion insula) (vice-captain). • The preparation of the ground would
exists between what the Americans call by
Slenderised taking
•wife will leave his residence, Ohoka, This
match between the N'orth- Emergencies: Backs, C. J. Mcintosh advanced permit naming youth' and sober
middle age. This Day (Thursday), at 2 p.m., for the Rangiora
the annual

(Peninsula), E. Gibb (North Canter- be

sufficiently < to recurrent Btrife is exemplified in the battle
Voutn-O-i) orm Capsules. 201b reduction
6 weeks. 6/6. Barnetts', Chemists.
TRADE PERSONALS. Presbyterian Cemetery. t H. J. GULLIVER.
Southern ,Sub-Unions, which to commence in a week's A. remarkable study of .character, as. well —l3
planting, between the first and the
#8 &nu bury); forwards, A. Barrett (Hurunui), time. The first lot of men was a very a3 a story full to the brim of murder mys- second Mrs Fraser,
played yesterday at Lancaster.

M. Evan (Ellesmere). willing one and the work was most tery, is offered by "Charlie Chan Carries
the latter completely self-contred,
gentle, kindly, and self-forgetful. the
The scenes
1 IUAUS, Oilskiu, troiu 23b tid; Waterproof
\J Canvas from 30s. Johnson and J£LEXEMA skin treatment.
rpHE_ Funeral of the late Lucy Alexander
fak in'tbe
presence of about 200 spee- satisfactory. The men had, by tetter, On," the picture showing at the Majestic between these two reach great heights of
emotional acting with an underlying current
Co'.izins, Ltd., Coat Uedressers and Kopairers,
Cashel street. J4057
The most Wonderful Skin Remedy
of the. day. Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne,
leave the residence of her
will son, Mr
A. Alesander. 134 Canon street, St. Albans,
The match resulted in a win expressed 'their thanks to the Trust Theatre thia week. As *n all good mystery of humour ■which effectively excludes any This Day (Thursday), July 9th, at 2 p.m.,
fyf lhe southern
representatives by 6 TOUR BY AUSTRALIAN and the staff for the treatment re- stories, the solution ia not disclosed until
shock to all.
suggestion of melodrama. After seeing
'The l>
before you eat ttie Bate, natural
way with Youth-O-i'orm Capsules. 6/6.
and Scalp Ailments Successfully
Treated. Health Restored. Dietetic for the Bromley Cemetery. J. LAMB and
game. A cold ceived, and their satisfaction at the the end, when it cornea entertaining as First Mrs Fraser' one can readily under- iiarnetta', Chemists. —l4
information. Scientific Treatment. SON. 4657
-gists to 3, after a hard messing arrangements; the messing In addition to the purely virtues stand why it has attracted Consultations Free.
blew throughout the match TEAM. of the film, there is a lesson in practical
would work out at less than the esti- psychology,
record audiences
London for over two years and, why it HOT Water Bags for nothing. If you spend
£1 at Minscms this wees. you choose a 'PHE Funeral of the late John Baker will
t week. übly delivered by a Scotland held audiences in Melbourne, despite the
a/11 bag, and get it free. MBSS4 KLEXEMA ROOMS,769 COLOMBO STREET leave his late residence, 118 Words-
very unpleasant for of 12s per man per
t iriaf conditions
mate and a bland Chinese detective. financial depression, for over ten weeks." CHRISTCHURCH.
For tho week ended July 4th the Yard man Contours melt away under in- worth street, on Friday, July
gpdttoTi. At the kick-off there were
Trust was employing the
following As the story develops tho mystery becomes Miss Ethel Morrison, the talented Now Zea-
land Actress, who will take the titlo role' CltiA'tKULiS
X liuonoe of Youth-O-lJ'orni. 20lb reduc-
10th, at 8.50 a.m., for the Catholic Cathedral:

ROSS NOW AVAILABLE. more and moio baffling, and it beema that
VERY Requiem Mass 9 a.m., and then to the
spectators on the embankment but men under the No. 5 Scheme: the detectives are faced witli a hopeless task.
ln 'The First Mrs Fraser," was greeted
with much enthusiasm when she made her
tion 6 weeks. Baraetts', Chemists. —ls
good cook who has used them
swears by Stevens's Cathedral Brand Linwood Cemetery. LAMB and HAYWARD.
were eoon reduced to one, who
jgjjJgon to his position until the inter- (rsou ova ows coßMsroxnisT.)
. Two day ...
reappearance in Sydney after having been
abroad for seven years. At the close of the

Slippers, Is
Council Chambers,
9d; Men's Loather
Culinary Essences as the purest, finest, and
most economical flavourings. Order a loz

Three day EVERYBODY'S THEATRE. performancu Miss Morrison- was inundated pers 6s 6d. 4382
or large economy bottle from your grocer GEORGE BARRE L L,
w&ea he departed for shelter-

to-day—you too will be convinced

SYDNEY, July 3." Tour day •••
* with floral tributes, not only from members of their FURNISHING UNDERTAKER,
suit the of the audience, but from tho A NA.KSILU condition rectified. Morliie superiority. 2 MOTOR HEARSES and CARRIAGES
TJje day was scarcely one to There is good news this week for
members of
the company, and in a delightful little speech Tablets revitalise and make blood. 6a FOR FUNERALS; ANY DISTANCE.
impossible for the Total 335
A 6tory of life in the Congo, 500 miles <kl Flask. McArtaurs', Chemists.
jlJeeton for it was
she thanked everybody for the wonderful —l3 your holidays—don't suffer from
Rugby enthusiasts on both sides of the •PHONE
to be seen at their best owing Tasman. Last week mention was made
towards the centre of the African jungle, is
unfolded in a gripping drama, "Vengeance,"
reception they accorded her. Mr J. B. Rowe,
too, who will be remembered for his bril- Mutton Bird 1
BODY-BUILDING Mytol Emulsion
rich in
sunburn—Usa Sydal and milk as a
—II 30-203

greasy state or" the turf and the of the doubt as to whether A. TV. liant acting with the Irene Vanbrugh-Bion iodine, and phosphates. Barnetts', Chemists. 221 DURHAM STREET, CHRISTCHURCH
I# tie
POUND SCHEME. which 13 allowing at Everybody's Theatre Foncicault Company, .was called upon for a (Established . 1876).
Frequently the players would this week. Jack Holt and Dorothy Kevier
jgfe tor several yards before being able
lloss, the greatest full-back Australia
has ever known, would be available to are the etars. A great deal of ho Buccess
oi the talkie depends on the production,
speech after the memorable first night of
"The First Mrs Fraeor." Miss Mary Mac-
Rresfor, the young Australian actress, has GIVING away Hot Water Bags at
this week. Spend £1 and choose
the best
proof of the pudding
is in tho
most delicious
the use
Stevens's Cathedral Brand Culinary Essences
and great difficulty take his place in the Australian team GEORGE DICKINSON,
to itop themselves, which has made no error in depicting tho achieved one of her bent successes in the have. It's yours, and gift.
ft —super-concentration makes them the most
by tho backs in at- that is to tour New Zealand, begin- of the plot. As a realistic portrayal role of Elsie (the second Mrs Fraser) and M6584 economical. All grocers sell' loz and large
ml txperienced ning next month. of the struggles of white men in the hoat others who have important parts to portray economy bottles. 10
tempting to pick up the ball from the It was definitely announced this week and discomfort of West Africa, tho picture
At the weekly meeting of the Rieli-a. is one of the beat that has been aeon in tho
are Leslie Victor, John Wood, Noel Boyd,
Roger Earry. and Eileen Morris. "The
builder, will
Barnettg', Chemißta.
Mytol, the mighty body-
give relief. Obtainable
GOLD in the Head I Inhale Comenthol,
Gives immediate relief. Prevents
Latest Motor Hearses and Carriages
or in flight. Xatur- that lie would be available for selection 14
lee* of tie forwards, Committee of the Citi- City for a considerable period. Mrs Fraser" will be stared for one week Fever] developments. Barnetts". Chemists. For Funeral to Any Part o! New Zealand.
(3iv, the backs were given few chances
and his prowess is so well recognised mond District
zens' Relief Association, Mr J. Stuart
only, nnd on Saturday, July " 18th, Nool
Coward's great comedy, "Hay Fever." will HAY Inhale
immediate relief.
Comenthol. Gives
Is (id, Barnetts', ALK EASY OINTMENT for
ioAflW their attacking form.
that his selection is a foregone
conclusion. Ho is head and slioul- presided over a good attendance.
occupy the boards for four niehts. Intend-
Chemists. X Tender Feet. Removes hard
callouses, etc.j works while you sleep;
skin, 33.554.
(Night or Day).

It wti essentially a day for the for- above other full-back THEATRE ROYAL. ing patroDg should secure tlreir seats early* OTHiNG to pay for a Water Bag!
excuse for limping. Tin posted
Reports were received from the col-

any to-day. Spend £1 in anything at Minsons this for Is 64.

playing; in Australia to-day and E. W. Hall, 117 . Armagh street, Christ-
muH *®d the selectors must liave b een as he is such a fin© eporfc h© ■is sure
; lectors. It was decided that as the week and you can choose a S-/11 bag your-
-52H: church. H6176 J OH N RHIND
jnHirunfrt with the performance of some district was now thoroughly organised, "Laughter" will be shown at the Theatre M6584
of big fellows from
the country. The
to be popular with New Zealand
crowds. Various New' Zealand teams the weekly general meeting be dis- Royal for the last time to-night. It is the
operations to be con-
WRESTLING. Tablets . will restore abundant
to weak, puny people. 6s 6d
Boots I
Colombo street, Manchester
with Mishko
your boys
Mishko Shoe Stores, 558 A - FUNERAL FURNISHER.
Bobinsons, Carson, and Ryan, in have had a taste of Ross, but strange continued, future story of a New York follies girl who marries riask. McArthurs', Chemists.
269 street.
14 Business Address—-
ducted by the collectors and depot for wealth when her poor but happy lover XpLABBY Flesh disappears and slenderness
Berth team, proved themselves to
to go from start
to say ho has never played on New Zea-
land soil. He is greatly looking forward
It was reported that the result ot
leaves lior to complete his musical studies
abroad. However, it is presented in a new
PINTO AND KARA PASHA and grace of youth harmlessly, natur-
ally, and permanently restored by Youth-O-
HAY Feverl Inhale Comenthol. Gives
immediate relief.
Is 6d, Barnetts',

b* |H>d forwards, able to the tour. It is recognised here and sparkling fashion, no that it appeals all MATCHED. Form. Barnetts', Chemists.
__l 'pe°NE

the first two weekly collections had —l6

rjIRUE to their flavours, purity guaranteed,
K iailfc, sod Buseh, Shand, and Meikle, that the Australian team would be been very satisfactory, all'material be- the more when a comparison is made with
j* fto other side, stood out for good much less formidabJo without Ross, ing of good quality and eminently
other stories on the screen which have boon GRAVEL and Stone banished by
Dr. Mackenzie's Menthoids, which
taking X and highly concentrated for greatest econ-
omy, Stevens's Cathedral Brand Culinary

gftrfr, Canterbury will need a reliable who is as safe a player as.

ever walked
on to a Rugby ground. His kicking serviceable.
concentrated on the same theine. The big wrestling boat between Stanley
Pinto and Kara Pasha, "The Terrible Turk,"
purify blood stream of poisons.
Boss, Chemists.
Cook and
sences are the first choice of all good cooks. Private Address—-
All grocers sell them in loz and large economy
frf| ftiif season for the representative is superb, and his tackling a treat to to take place on Monday night in the Civic HACKING Cough stopped by Mytol Mutton bottles. g
'PHONE 86-197.
mpaaUM Ahead of it and in Buseh watch. He will be a thorn in' the COMMITTEE DEFRAUDED. ST. JAMES' THEATRE. Theatre, is arousing interest in sporting ists-
Bird Oil and Emulsion. Barnetts', Chem- OYS' Strong School
12 s 11/9, I's and 2's
Boots 1 10's to ■ R97SI
13/9, 3'a to


' fffi* *®d the man required. He cer- sides of the New Zealanders. It is circles. Last, week Pasha beat Demetral, the 1 JAGGED Nerves soothed and re-energise<l s's 14/9. MishkoShoe Stores, 558 A Colom-
considered certain that Stegall, the famous Greek wrestler, by one straight fall; bo street, 269 Manchester street.

ftltn tbe bill in regard to build J

■«', with wonderful Morlife Tablets. 5s 6d J4073 LAM B and
Queensland full-back, will bo Ross's MASK." and last Monday Pinto back-slammed WA BJ>, LTD.,
#J hti itemisa. understudy. (WSXSS ABHOcrATIOSr TEL.EGEAH.) "THE YELLOW
Demetral in the fifth round of a sensational
Flask. McArthurs', Chemists. —ls CJNIFFLING ? Inhale Comenthol for that
cold in your head. Is 6d, Barnetts',
H OAKSENESS and Loss of Voice 1 Chew .
match in Wellington. Both Pinto and Kara Chemists. ■
s"Uilk wipeet to Mickle
the backs the 8 uth-
and Hoskin,
Unusual care is bein** taken in the
selection of the Australian team, and
Combined in "Tho Yellow Mask," the pic-
Pusha are undergoing special training for
Mc.nday'a bout. Pinto is one of the world's
_ Kapex
Cough Cubes. Antiseptic,
1/6. Cook and Ross, Chemists. /CHARWOMAN'S work made easy with
James Cootea pleaded guilty to a yJ I.X.L. Borax Washing Powder, 2d 292 CASHEL STREtJT, CITY/.
gUei *p to a severe test and came New Zealand can rest assured that it ture at St. James' Theatre this week, are greatest wrestlers, as a perusal of his record packet. AH grocers. V.
will not be composed of second-raters. charge of false pretences ancl was sen-,
V) AKEIIS' Troughs and Ferment Tubs; —3
will show. Pasha is also a great wrestler,

Hfengb vith Hying colours as defensive romance, musical comedy, and melodrama. Its J-» one quality washing Tubs, clean-heart pKOGANDRA painlessly removes the hard:
while they gained good 1
The selectors have already seen Queens- tenctid to a month's hard labour. producers have endeavoured to pack it with and a very cunning one. Pinto's first ap-
pearance in Now Zealand was in Auckland Kauri, "The Best." J. Sutherland and Son, ZT ost corn. Why suffer any longer! ■\
•SSufc—' Aground for their forwards. land and New South Wales in action, Accused had eecured the sum of £9 every known element of popularity,, but the some three weeks ago, when ho defeated 70 Tuam street West. 'Phone 36-786. 59764 Try it to-day—ls 6d. —1
the wing scored a good try
IviSgEigeyaji spell and generally did
but they have refrained from making 17s from tho Havelock Unemployment
any selections until the two States Committee by stating that, he' was
result , is a series of incidents, some of them
interesting and amusing, which do not bind
Higgins by back-slamming him after Pinto
had had penalty fall given against him.
/"I —BOYS' Arctic Cloth Slippers.
Leather soles. Mishko Shoe Stores,
/COATS, Costumes, Suits, Cleaned to stay
C-oiombo street.
Renovo. Dry Cleaners, 585

meet in a return match at Sydney this maintaining three children. He was together at all well. The best parts of the The police stated that Pinto was too rough SSBA Colombo street, 209 Manchester street.
1 jKjgpte ire* called on to do smartly,
'backs being quite tip to n»onth. The selectors have chosen two thus given work for four days a week film are those in which 'Lugino Lane plays a wrestler at that time, and ha was refused
BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Just Landed, Large "Assortment of Artificial
the fool in the role of Sam, the reporter.

flfjiFif**^' seen in these teams* to practise in New South Wales, under the unemployment schemo,
and already the weeding out process whereas he had no dependents and Hib antics- are bighly amusing, while hia
a permit to wrostle the following week. Pro-
tests from the authorities, however, secured URICaches
Acid in system disappears and
and pains banished by taking Dr.
Wreaths. Trade Supplied.

dancing—though there is not much of it- hiru a permit. All tickets and reserves are Mackenzie's Menthoids. Cook and Boss, OROYDON—Large Single, also Double
Korth backs were not so trust-
has begun. In order that no worth- was ontitlod only to two days' work a is original. now availab'o at Lange's, United Service Chemists. —l4 t Rooms, &Q&6Z6 rooms, and laundry "WILLIAM. LAMB, Managing-Director.
while player shall be overlooked, two week. The story 'concerns the recovery of ft building. Emulsion I The pleasant way of and facilities. 63 Armagh street, handy Sauare : ' : :

mdf u their forwards and suffered in of the selectors have gone to Melbourne Gardens.
Magistrate took a serious view famous jewel, stolen long ago from the taking Mutton Bird Oil. • Barnetts %
with their opponents. Gibbs, specially to watcli a trial game there. of The
lhe case. - hands of an idol in the Eastern Kingdom of Chemists. .
tHHtf, played well. As stated before Manchina, but now among the Crown Jewels HARTOUM (close to No. 2 Tram, J. LAMB and SO If,
Ifugby is not a strong pioint with Corers from 30s cash. Wonderful [/
iEtna Mt a day for backs; consequent- Victorians, who are given over to Aus- in the Tower of London. Li San, the ruler
of Manchina, comes •to London on purpose
Value; also Lined Cow Covers from Sunniest Position „
■ ' to Bcfaool Stop.)
on Cashmere Hills. Mag-
ly it TO the forwards who saw most tralian rules,* but ; there are half a 7s 6d. Johnson and Cousins, Ltd, Saddlers,
nificent View of Alps, Ocean, and Plains.
to get the jewel, and to this end employs an
03 Cashel street. J4057 Rccms with Sun . Balconies.
at the play. dozen clubs in containing ex officer of the Guards to impersonate the FUNERAL FURNISHERS,.
Tbe Teams.
some very promising players
It is the desire of the Australian
olEcor on duty. (IMESJ ASSOCIATION TILEGBASi.) CLOGGED-UP Head! Comenthol will clear
your head of cold. Is 6d, Barnetts', Paying
Visitors Received. WBlls , Established 187S.
Ufcemiats. .3
The team were as follows: Union that th# team for New Zealand

should be thoroughly representative, AVAIMAIRI. CRYSTAL PALACE. It is reported that there are sus- ■*-* Compound cuts the phlegm and eases CJ street, Sumner. Ideal Situation.7 Bunny Head
and it would not be surprising if at breathing. Separate TELEPHONE
(Bed tad. Black.; least two Victorians are included. Of The Waitnairl County Council
Thoso present wcrfii—Crs. W. J.
met last picious circumstances in connexion
with the disappearance of Phyllis Rene
1/6 and 2/6, All
Chemists and
9 nent Boarders.
Ba-Icony Rooms. Casual -and Perma-
Tariff according to room 34.59Q
course, New South Wales will supply evening. Cleland. Boots, boys' 2'» to S's 12/11; Special valescents.
arrangements for Families, and Con-
Walter (chairman), C. E. Cross, J. "THE CRIMINAL CODE." Symons, or Coates, aged 17, who has men's 13/11. Mishko Shoe Stores, Misses Huggins end Suckling. (DAY OR NIGHT).
JT. Let (Hurunui) the bulk of the team. Excellent form Scott, C. W. Moore, W, G. Chapman. been missing from her place of resi- 558 A Colombo street, 269 Manchester street. Disl 898; aek for 656K. H63T6
.1. XdMm (B.) C. <II.) has been shown jn club matches this P. S.
Hosking G. Gardiner, 3. Liggins, W. P. Spencer, and dence since about June 25th or 26th . J4073
B. Ormond (H.) 3*ear, and New Zealand will have' to Splendidly acted and with a plot that
t Gbb (Kth. C.)' P. McMillan (H.) bo at its best to win the Tests. T. O. JTewnham.
The electrical ensineer reported that nearly moves logically to a dramatic culminating were to-day engaged in digging on the
A number of detectives and police
I Quick and lasting relief
with Dr. Mackenzie's Menthoids, tho
K- Kortoa (H.) all supply authorities had now gone in for uric aoid eliminator. Cook and Ross, Chem- T/"AMELIA, Dressmakers, Costumiers, Al- Manager.
• »
soene, "The Criminal Code" will open on Town Belt in the vicinity of Kilbirnie. terations. Furs Remodelled, ReQned;
time-switch controls tor water-heaters. In —ls
(m a) J. Gibson (Nth. C.) at the Palace. It a con- satisfaction

J. Hardaker (Malvern)
BEBBINGTON SHIELD. the laot two years the Auckland City Coun- Saturday
vincing piece of drama.
Crystal is
'pXEUMONIA kept at bay by building con- posite Opera assured. : 191 Tuam street, op-

cil had installed 5000 time-switches to Wel- con- stitution with Morlifa Tablets. 5s 6d House (gpstairs).- ; ' 4380
:!f.Meikl«.(M.) A. Barrett (H.) Jt traces the unusual but credible set of
J. Buseh (Nth. C.)
trol this section of its power load.
lington and Dunedin had also gone iu for circumstances in the life of a country lad
SITUATIONS VACANT. Klaak. McArthura*. Chemists. ■ —l6
and Country Orders Promptly Attended
Made- at shortest notice from Choice Flowers.
7*- : Mouth 1 Chew Kapex- Cough QUICK DELIVERY.
(TRX33 A.BSQCUTIOS TTLEOBAIf.) extensively. it alone in" the city who is convicted of man-
T. Shand (EL) H. Watson. this class ot control quite Applicants Cubnti. Antiseptic and healing. To. •phone
•PAHIATUA, July 8.
Bash retained the Bebbington Shield, was no more
ot switch was
the right makesatisfactory employed, there slaughter, of which he is morally innocent.
method of keeping The box plans are at The Bristol.
whon applying {or situations
where references are asked for - should tin.
send copies (not original) of
Cook and Ross,. Chemists.
W8137 3
CASHEL ARCADE. 165 Casfcel St. 32-721.
water-heaters off the peak load, supply, "The Bacholor Father," tho picture at their

( , (Blue.)
beating Horowhenua by 9 points to 3. the
Steady rain fell, and the ground was water, were COO heaters
at present on the
the Crystal Palace this week, is a gay references, COLD
in the Head? Totty's Red Spruce
Compound clears passages of nose and FINANCIAL.
ERAS and CO.
-(W. 'A. Extuunuaon), , ■ V
logged. In the atrocious conditions suc- and it would bo safe to estimate that half modern comedy. throat. 1/6 and 2/6, All Chemists and . The Art Florists,
them were on the peak load. Xvelve Words, One Shilling pes Insertion;
*IL Stevens (Peninsula) cessful handling wag almost impossible. Tho o£ The matter was referred to s sub-commit- Tlirea InMitlona 2/0, Stores. —lO TO Invest. City Property, 60 261 HIGH STREET. .
Urgent Orders After Hours.
&r.lttwHleld (P.) C. J, Mcintosh (P.) forwards were well matched, with Bnsb the tee, comprising Crs. Cross, . Scott, Spencer, CIATICA Sufferers I Prompt relief se- per cent, margin. Principals
, L. Hayntan (Ellesmere) whenua more dangerous in the loose.
backs tried to open up the
The Horo-
game, but and Liggins. REGENT THEATRE. BOOKKEEPING TUITION. cured with Dr. Mackenzie's Menthoids, only.

N.R.P., "Press." 4
The county -fclerk's report toshowedvarious the

which dissolve uric acid. Cook and Ross,

&Swnriß (E.) E. A. Mickle (P.) TUITION
by fully qualified and experienced

did not meet with much success under the credit July Ist standing the teacher. All tuition is personal through- Chemists. —l6 MOTOR SERVICE!
E. Hoskin (E.) conditions. Ritcheson scored for Bush in ridings asasat follows:— Styx £202, Marshland HOGS FOR SALS.

put. No class work. Course Soles last boys 0 to 12 months,

fcaJWWtaon (P.) the first spell and Reeves kicked a penalty.
W. Parata notched a try for Horowhenua. £1195,£1443. Avon £1303, Belfast £440, Hare-
Papanni £703, Wairarapa £l3lO.
MARIE DRESSLER AGAIN. in advance, or arrangements for
costs £6 6s cash
deferred MISHKO
against leather, 1 month! Mishko Shoe
Hansen <E.) £■ E. Bailey (P.) Tho challengers strove valiantly at the begin- wood
£fWW]/auu (E.) Toby Robinson (P.) ning of the second half, and were unlucky Fendalton
£IOOO, Middleton £I3OO.
wrote asking the Coun-
payment, £1 6s deposit, and eight monthly Stores, SSBA Colombo Btreet, 269 Manchester
payments of 12s 6d eacu. Examination passes street. PUREBRED Scotch Terriers, Sealyhams,
J4073 workingand Sydney Silkys; also Spaniels, good
The City Engineer guaranteed. strain. Males. Johnson's, 90 Mc-

not to add to their score. Gradually Bush That Itarie Dressier and Aforan Hot Water for
A. Outoa (P.)
L. Blomquist (P.) assumed superiority, and H. Holland scored cil to seal the intersection
M. Eyan (E.) a try in the last few minutes. and Shirley roads right across
of Stapleton
to the foot-
a Polly
a wonderful pair ol comediennes ia amply at-
109 Casbel street.. Telephone 87-906. the
sons give you one if you spend £1 in
Ehojj this week,
nothing. Min- Fadden's road, "phone-23-096. 858
way lines on either side to protect the road
tested in "Eoducing," which will'start on and you .choose a 8/11
Tbe Play. against tho action
which turn round at this Bite.
of, the trolley buses;
Saturday at the Regent.
Swath kicked off into the rain, and TEAMS FOR SATURDAY. Cr. Chapman said that the horse traffic "Eoducing" lampoons tho beauty parlours WANTED, WORKING MANAGER, MAR- f YAK Tubs for Planting Shrubs, all sizes.
should be taken into consideration .and to as "Caught Short" did Wall Street. The
PROPERTY. Apply— Ono quality, "The Best." J. Sutherland FOR LILY OF THE VALLEY ROOTS DUNEDIN.
ma attacking, but their passing across would be danger- the

seal the road right motivation of plot (and the picture, un- AND INVERCARGILL.

P.O. BOX 602, and Son, 70 Tuam street. 'Phone 36-786. IN "PRESS" ON JUNE 2nd, PLEASE Depart Christchurch:
Mfa down, and the North forwards like most comedies, has a strong story) starts 498 ■ Christchurch.
8.15 ajn., 2.80 j> .
to their opponents' territory. I Senior
foreman for
question was referred to the county when Mario with her whole family and rural
a report. mail carrier Lucien EPTIU Throat 1 Chew Kapex Cough Cubes.
2,45 pjn., 4 p.m.
Depart Timaru for Christahurch: > a.a.,
husband, Liftlefiold,
Wy Bohinton broke away, and opera- Howatson,A R.v. Flewellyn,
WW were removed to near halfway. Rowe, M. Collier, C. Oliver,
Unwood, at Bugby Park—-I.
A. Bulliraht, A. Park
'A-grant of £SO was made towards Burwood comes
Cr. Liggins said the park wasbeover to visit her sister, tho successful AN
Old-established Firm has Vacancies for
TWO KEEN SALESMEN, preferably 1/6 'Healing
vapours soothe . inflammation.
Cook and Ross, Chemists,
9.45 a.m., 2
(5.30 p.m. does not run on Saturdays.)'
G. Day, (Jr.
acres extent, and in time would one "Paulino Kochay," beauty parlour pro- with specialty selling experience. Apply by t-^-15 MOTOR SERVICES. SUNDAYS—-Depart Christchurch: 8.80 aaa.
20 in COVERS from 7s 6d, lined, Wonder-
Mi.Setl forwards were working hard, Rhodes, W. Croft's, G. Suckling, J. Kirklapd, of the finest playing areas in New Zealand prietress.
G. Langdale-fiant, G. Francis. P. Serra, K..
letter,- stating age and credentials, to MR
The audience is taken behind tho scenes YOUNG, C/o. Box 034, Christchurch. COW
ful Value; also UNLINED COW Depart; Timaru forChristchureh;- 3 p.m.
Mr C V. Quigley, on behalf of a land- 499
W tfclj found the Blue; backs able to Kearney,
Wfttw. A hot forward rush by the Walker, O. Rich.
R. Berry, L. Maginness, O. owner of Paparoa street, wrote, suggesting in an establishment wliera fat women be-
Machines tor Home or Busi-
COVERS 6b lid,
INS, LTD., 63 Cashel street.
cash. JOHNSON and COUZ-
All our.■ First*cla»g Service Cars arrive at
the extension of Green's road under No. 5 come thin and thin women fat. Marie and KNITTING ■ CHURCHTODAILY


«u stopped by Stevens, who lay Senior B v. North Canterbury, at Show SC Polly have gentle fun, with jeducing meth- ness. Cash or terms. Catalogue free. MONDAY and leave from our-sew. BUS-STATION, 250
as tte hall near tho posts, and from Grounds No. I—l. H. Brown, J. H. Simpson,
J. Maxwell, J. B. Simpson, F. Dohlberg, S. lt"was
decided to reply if those concerned ods and succeed in keeping their' admirers Saunders. Dominion Building. Wellington.
H 5299-2
COUGHING! Irritation of .throat relieved
with Totty's Bed Spruce Compound. aen 7.45 a.m., WaiJcari* 8 a.m.

DURHAM STREET (opp. Bridge of Remem-
brance), and from Lister's -Garage, 'Sefton
would supply the motal and channelling a a constant state of quaking mirth. '
peaalt/ kick awai-ded Hosking Hendry, J. Steele, G. King, E l Kelman, G. in 1/6 and 2/6, All Chemists and Stores. .—ll SUNDAY ONLY:Leaves- Hawarden 8.15 street, Timaru.
would be forwarded to the
COMMENCE Vapours of Kapex Cough Cubes a.m.; Leaves ■ Victoria
a machine Knitting business Waikari B.SO a.m.
Campbell, W. Duff, A. Bourne, A. Pedder, recommendation
Wei a goal. 'Compromising Daphne," tho picture at BOOKING AGENTS—AII "White- Star"
Unemployment Board. i the Regent Theatre, this.week, is a delight- in your own home. Catalogue free. QOOTHING painful coughing in 10 seconds.
square, Christchurch, MONDAY to
T. Rountree, R. May, T. Pickering, L. Saunders, Dominion Building, Wellington. relieve DAY, Offices,: Thomas Cook and Son,- Government
ful English comedy, full of amusing situa- 5 p.m.: SUNDAY ONLY, 6.30 p.m. Tourist-Bureaux,
3hnh s Dromgoole, G. Ebert. Secondary Highways.
tions. -
H5299-3 1/6. Cook and. Ross, Chemists. —l6
Fares 6s single, lis 6d return.
and "Slack and White"
Prices to- Suit All Pockets. Reo Garage, 108 St. Asaph street. Parcels, Sweet Shop, Cathedral square, Christchurck.
Second Grade v. Old Boys, at Barringtou

whether Travis road TTTANTED, Competent Driver for Suction


A discussion as to
tmtk o Street Park—J. Quane, R. Harrison, R. a secondary highway See our Windows. J. Doll Railway Telephones:


McFadgen, J. Hamer, R. Garrett, J. ABhby, should be declared Gas Plant; permanent position. H.P., aa. 'Phone 36-814. Christchurch: 38-052.
arose out of a letter received from the Can- "Press" Office. 4589 Hotel Buildings, Manchester street. D461 TV. D. DALZELL, Head Office, Timaru: 815.
feg-aad-take play followed until bad H. McKenzie, "W. Smith, A. Vivian, J. Rey- Progress League, proposing a con- PLAZA THEATRE. Coughs immediately relieved P3769
„ _

nolds, K. Hartland, G. Flower, O. King. 'C. terbury concerning secondary highways.
tbe part of the Blue backs Hooker, R. Orsborn, J. McMahon, T. Hill. ferenceChapman objected to Travis road beinc t CANTERBURY LABOUR EXCHANGE CO., CIHILDREN'S
with .
> Totty's Red Spruce Compound.
- - L5874

wHwfth in, but McMillan's kick went Third Grade v. New Brighton, at New Cr. secondary highway if that meant
LTD., has waiting engagement, House- 1/6 and 2/6, All Chemists and Stores. —l2
to Brighton—E. Nee, C. Rarrell, R. Raines, C. declared a a charge to the whole county. "THE SPORT OF KINGS." Parlourmaid, Cooks. (Hotel and < Private),
Iff /I 1 -—MEN'S Patent Oxford Shoes.
tt» line, and South were able it was to be Housemaids, Waitresses, General (prefers 14/JLJ. Worth . 27/91 Mishko Sho«
& force.
Tretho wan, H. Barker, S. Barker, W. Hur-
Uninteresting'play roll, T. .Harland, G. Le Brun, R. vart-ha, D. taken Or. Scott considered a tally road.
ot the traffic on Traviß
should be
The country position), Housekeepers, Young Gen-
erals. 'Phonn
Stores, 558 A Colombo street, 269 Manchester AARD NEWMAN BROS.
for a period, the Bed forwards Costello, P. Donovan, A. Oliver, J. Wenmoth, road served New Brighton on y, and the re-
31-484, The Matron, 173 street. - . J4073 LIMITED.
get those dainty dißhes bo delicious, ROLLINGS'
the better of the game, but los- C Briggs, A Reidford, A. Collins; T. Mar-
construction of the roadTramway would only benefit Comedies of the type of "The Sport of street. 1036 PARLOUR CAR, LTD.
|pr tta fruita of their work through son, L. Sclwood, T. Wray, H. Lawrence. .
Fifth Grade v. Linwood, at Merivale ground, dalton New Brighton and the
had gone to great expense
Board. Fon-
to have the
Kings," which is being shown at the Palza /CANTERBURY
Theatre, are always welcome. British through pices Canterbury
late McDonald's, undor the aus-
wise coolcs insist on Stevens's Cathe-
dral Brand Culinary Essences. You have but
#», jefanee
of the southern rearjguard. St, Albans Park: —D. G'Callaghan, R. Marks, roads there tar-sealed, and Bhould not b« and Sheepowners' Union. We to use them once to realise tbeir superiority. ' Leave Rink Taxis' Garage, - Christchurch, WHITE StAR SERVICES -

S. Spence, L. Evans, D. McCracken, D. Mur- through, "The Sport of Kings" can be RECOMMEND: 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. daily. Leave Bockaert's
"M fttabling by the Bed backs let ray. called upon to pay part or the expense of described as one hundred cent, fun. Married and Single Plough All grocers sell them in loz and large economy. at
H. Forbes, E. Selwood, W. Cox, Ij.
sealing Travis road. He had gone over per pure men, Married and Single Shepherds, Married bottles. —6
Garage, Timaru, 9.30 a.m. and 1.45 p.m. CHRISTCHURCH-KAIKOURA-
forwards away, and after fast Lightfoot, E. Margetts, S. Nicholla, H. Gray, the road: last Saturday, and realised that It will be screened for the last timo to- Couples, Tractor Drivers, Cowman and Cow Sundays: Leave Christchurch at 9 1 a.Si.,
Toby Bobinson fell over D. Weir, A. O'Rorke, R. Dryberg, T. Car- something would have to be done, but he morrow. boys, Potato • Diggers and Piokers, Crutchers,
MISHKOIThe Workers' Friend! Soles out- Timaru 2 p.m. The 0 a,m. car
Mishko boat train, and connects with cars meets the BLENHEIM.

The rodus, E. Hansen, W. Castles, C. Forsyth, N. thought that the City Council and the Tram- (machine or blade), Fencers, and Gardeners wear 6 to S leather soles I for Dune-
«H yith the ball under him.

Msku goal missed. Henderson. way Board should bear part of the cost. He 113 Manchester street. 'Phones: Office, Shoe Stores, 558 A Colombo strcot, 269 Man- din and Invercargill. Fares: Timaru 12s Gd
Under 17 Grade v. Old Boys, at Malvern considered it was unfair for the Tramway "FOLLOW -THROUGH." 81-589; Residence 23-803. C3070 Chester street. J4073 Single, £1 Return. Dunedin, £1 8s 6d
Park, Innes road—A. Gray, G. Boanas, E. Board to nse the Toads, at- the expense of one quality, Single, £2 10s Return.
Turton, R. Polkinghorne. O. Rhodes,
J. Stammers, E. Hardaker, P. Hath-
the ratepayers, and expect the local
also to put down a road to stand
to the N 7 *.*
J- "The Best,"
A great Broadway 3tage success will be Majestic CHANGE, 126 Manchester street, anteed not to leaJt. J. Sutherland and Son, ment Tourist Office and ltink. Taxis. 'Phone
Clean-heart Kauri. Guar- All information and Bookings at Govern-
away, G. Reynolds, R. Wilson, O. Densen, T. troltey buses. seen in its screen form on Saturday nest at Chambers, First Floor. 'Phone 34-878, Christchurch. 58124
Roberts, H. Castles, W. Mnrphy, R. Clarke, Cr. Gardner also spake in support of the Hie Plaza. This is "Follow Through," a S7-908 Office, Private Residence 35-093. All 70 Tuam street West. 'Phone S6-786.59761

. »

SHI3N forwards again took charge, E*. Hahoney,

H. Marks, C. Malzard.
16 Grade v. Kaiapoi,
HNMtakbg piece of play transferred Ground No. 8, South Park —-D. Whittmgton, road'warranted at _ Polo
previous speakers.
Cr Newnham asked
if the traffic on
being declared a secondary
Travis comedy romance of the golf, links, which has Classes of Farm Workers Engaged, Mill Cooks,

been brought to tho screen by Paramount boys, apd Farm' Teamsters, Fencers, Married
Couples, Cow-
a few yards of the lino, a N. Kennedy. R. Gash, N. Forward, K. Grant, hj! with all its gorgeousness and gaiety, and J BEST HAT SALE IN TOWN
Tho*^chairman produced entirely in colour. The stage play '■
(Cr. W. J. Walter) said Tie To
llHlmil saving South. It was now Bates, J. Smith,' N. Ring, R. Light, L. West, J. 'NOW ON AT WILLIAMSON'S,

S Taylor, D. Norrie, L. Goodger, C. Would agree to Travis road being a charge ran over two years "on Broadway, and its Kilmore
tea to attack, and hard for- Mallard, I. Forgie, J. Bruce. asked the Council's song numbers ore already popular in this SITUATIONS WANTED. 808 COLOMBO ST., near St. W S I O 4 JTELSOK.
to the riding, but he WSIO4
t'-SWylajr Immght them to within strik- Under 15 Grade v. West Old Boyß, at road* warranted it being declared a secondary country. Amongst the numbers are "Button Zealand's most eminent authority on TOURIST SERVICES Zt ■ Cars leave our .white Star Garage, Glou-
of the Beds' line, only to Albion gronnd, No. 21 South
'jy.tttlf effort negatived by the Bed B. Brunton, M. Price, S.
Park —T. Reid, highway.
Boyd,, M. Hegarty,
There was a need for more and
more of such .highways.
Up Your Overcoat," "I Want to be Baa," OOUND, ENERGETIC MANAGER, with
The Council con- and many others. There is a strong list of 10 years' experience
cooking, Miss Trent, says "Stevens's
of property Cathedral Brand Culinary Essences are un- CHRISTCHURCH-DUNEDIN-INVER- cester etreet. Daily, at 8 a.m.,• Sundays
(J. a sum of favourites in the leading roles, and the pic- CARGILL EXPRESS MOTOR .

failed, Cormack, J. Murray, V. K.

P Lucas, C. Ferguson, Stevenson, tributed to the Highways Board management, could leave present employment doubtedly the best." Their concentrated
rj®* A DAoalty kick to South
•"W «jßalf-time thorne, C. Allen, M. Hore, L.
Loader, D. Fair-
£ls 000
R. eight years £84,000 .
per annum.
the last ture is notable for the fact that it brings to take up Partnership or other arrange-
contri- form also makes them the most economical. SERVICE,
the scores were:

Kelly, A. McNeill, R. Burke. The county's contri-

together , again the stars of "Abie's Irish ments with owners of land or investors Sold by all grocers in loz and large economy Daily (including Sunday). '
bated plus £25,000. made a total of Rose," Nancy Carroll and Buddy Rogers where fair remuneration for ability and bottles. —-1
*«tfe 3 . bution to the Highways Board i>o now comedians will be seen in Zelma capital would be offered. Advertiser experi- Via Lawrence and Roxburgh, Daily.
Out of that sum only £45,000
£109.000. O'Neal and Jack Haley, who belonged to enced with run country, growing of all crops,

'to the county. "i'IMARU-PEMBROKE-QUEENSTOWK, AKAROA akaroa
s OLD COLLEGIANS' CLUB. had been returned making provision m the
_ When
tho original play. There is «very reason to intensive grazing, and fattening of sheep, and ADIES! Via Palmerstcn and Eanfurly, -O-KAEOA AKAROA
the question of
beJievo that "Follow marketing of prdduce stock. i BEST HAT SALE IN. TOWN Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Only. NEWMAN BROS., LTD.
Second Grade v. Athletic, at Elmwood estimates for tha- sealing of Burnside road, vcr Through" will prove Apply in first instanco to NOW ON AT WILLIAMSON'S, .

of play the Blues Park, at 2.3o—Morris, ITiddleton, Beckett, Owen, Kew Brighton road» and toe construction of 7 popular, as the screen musicals have 803 COLOMBO ST., near Kilmore st. TEN DAYS' TOUR—CHRISTCHURCH CADILLAC LIMOUSINE SERVICE

to show up on attack, but Thomson, Rundle, Blufiden,Williams, Denham, yaldhurst road, also when
Cooper, the question of nn always attracted big houses in Christ-church. WBIO4 TO PEMBROKE, FOR £7 17s 6d (in- CHRISTCHURCH-AKAROA.
close to North's line thev Black, Aldridge, Flower, additional £SOO for Jforthnotroad deviation
470 C/o. "Press" Office.
cludes Accommodation at Pembroke). TIME-TABLE—Daily (Not Sundays).
Manson, Cox. Arneeon, Mcllwraith. _ fame ui>. the 'works could be carried out rpHOUSANDS of housewives use Stevens's WANAKA MOTORS, LTD., Ak&ioa depart, McCaughan Garage, 7.45
>ack. Tho Blues returned Fifth Grade v. Richmond, at Richmond through failure of the Highways Board to con- A Cathedral Brand Culinary Essence. 14-20 Stafford street, Dunedin.
t, and twice nearly got Park, at 2.3o—Talbot, Dunkley. Webb, Brinkman, tribute. • There was the need for some ar- FOUND DEAD. ex-farjier They know the magic of its drops—they un- Cars leave Newman's White Star Garage, a.m. and 3.80 p.m.
a.m. and 1.0 p.m. Christchurch. arrive 10.15
Hervey, McWilliam. Dawson, by which each district should re- Highly competent
offers his services as Farm Manager, name. failingly give delicious flavours true ■to their
resolute tackling keeping Glover, Clarkson, McFedries, Glover, Young, rangement ceive back a fair share of the money they Overseer. Shepherd, or Ploughman. Thorough- All grocers sell them in loz and 156 Gloucester street.
'Phones 33-553, 33-773, 38-052.
Chriatchuroh depart, Newman Bros.' Gar-
age, 8.80 and 8.0 pjn.
Toby Bobinson got posses- Buchanan, Thompson, Perkins. Emergencies: oontribute, and that can only be achieved by ly experienced large economy bottles. 'J -—1 Akaroa arrive
secondary highways.
(TIISSS ASSOCIATION rr.r.rr.nn:! in all farm work. Prize
11.0 cum. and 5.80
used to Hayman, who Maclean, Williams. putting down more
ploughman, good shearer, and expert stacker.
.said present the Tramway ADIES I
or four would-be tacklers I
Lfggins at Thorough knowledge of stock and all farm 1
Board were Ailing up the part where the old
A tragic discovery was made at the practice. Highest testimonials as to charac- i BEST HAT SALE IN TOWN NEWMAN" BROS., LTD'.

fctacnlar try at the north- tram lines ware, and putting a good crown ter, experience, industry, and ability. P.S.P., NOW ON AT WILLIAMSON'S, L. HARRIS, Manager.
Toby Robinson's kick vras RUGBY LEAGUE. on the road. He was satisfied that a good
Kaiti Freezing Works this morning, "Press,."- 487 803 COLOMBO ST., near Kilmore st.
Telephones: 37-779
t good enough to add the lob was being made,
when tiie body of an employee, George r WBIO4, 85483

Woman requires Position cook-

On the motion of Cr. Chapman it was de- CIAPABLE

■' After hours r 23-984

TEAMS FOR SATURDAY. cided to agree to Travis road being, declared Robert McKenzie, aged 59 years, was to elderly ing for men on station or Housekeeper
"Press." 476 Akaroa 'Phone: 78.
n secondary highway subject to it being a bachelor. F.S.P.,
charge upon the ridings concerned.
found hanging in the office doorway
of the preserver block. He had been Hand (married) wants Billet; under- T
I M B E R.
employed at the Kniti - _ take team, tractor, machine milking,
White Pine, Bos Quality and Clean; WHITE STAR TAXIS.
ADDINGTON CLUB. past 25 years, and was head of the
works for tho fencing, etc. M.8.P., "Press.' l 483 also Matai, Clean. Heart. Supplied jt/fOCKETT'S
Housekeeper, town or
WANTED, Position in Truck Lots.' iW- ROYAL MAIL CONTRACTORS.
was forced in turn, al- Seniors v. Riccarton, at H&gloy Park "West, London ar.d Lancashire both recorded preserving department. country; no objection to children;
2.45 p.m.—C. McGarry, B. O'Connell, At the inquest a verdict was re- good references. X.S.P., "Press."
idvantage was with the at 501

G. Falgar, J. Amoi, A. Campbell, A. Peddie, an

exceptionally high number of mar- Quotations on application to: CHRISTCHURCH, HANMER SPRINGS
of turned of suicide while in a state of "jVCARRIED Man, first-class worker, wants
greater part of the spelL F Flanagan,. E. Vard, L. Brownie, D. Crowe* riages in the final quarter last year. AND WAIAU.


iding stages of the game L Amos, R. Scott,Waimairl, Jordan, La^seq. There were 13,899 in London and 13,508
acute mental depression. i»X. gardening, labouring;. Is Sd hour. P.O. Box 338, Wintet Time-table.

Third Grade v. at Jerrold Btreet. X.R.P., "Press." 434 Invercargill REDUCED FARES.
ade strenuous efforts to at 2.45 p.m.—Petit. Codyre,. Codyre, Taylor, in Lancashire, compared with 10,000 in EWER Connexions Snd Work, Care leave Amuri Motors Durham street,
a Barbarel, Harnett, Dudley, Berch, Spiney, Yorkshire and 4504 in Middlesex.

ire unable to get past "Drat the wood!" cheapest rates. Crawford, Plumber, 14 9.30 a.m. daily, 8 p.m. oa Mondays, Tues-
>nce, and the game ended: Stewart, Cox, Roberts. say is that it is not our "Cut and Brittan street, Linwood. 8863 days, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Wed* WILL
nesdays, 5 p.m. RUN A 85-MINUTE BUS SBRVICIi
Sixth Grade, a bye. Bare you anything to sell—Do yon Dried" Kindling V fTILLING Young Woman of SI would like DAILY TO NORTH BBAOH.
Schoolboys v. Riccarton, at Wharenui it lights with tv Position Housework, town or country. —Milk-fed Ducklings, Goslings, Bookings. Hire Privately at Aoy Tiwe. Fee Bwi u

Sub-Unionß 6 wish to buyP If so, a small 'advertise- one match and no paper Full Bags S.S.P.,
POULTRY m 4 aS3f%

School, at 3.80 p.m.—Mahor, Kirwani O'Con- *'Press.'' 497 Spring Chicken, Boilers, dressed aud de Tourist Office. 'PHONES 82-493, or dial 808
nor, Smltls, Maher, Prebblo, Thain, Goldie, ment in the classified section of The 3s 6d to 2s 9d. 'Phone For better THos.
reduced from
HOUSEKEEPING livered, freeh off the farm. poul Cook and Sons.

3 or Cook-General, single, 56SR.

PiiKsa will be all you need. 12 words 33-313. G McClatchie and Co.. Ltd.,
Oouttie, Aitkea, Fowke, Grant, Hogg, Cam-
experienced; references, H.S.P., try, 'phone 81-207. Bromley Poultry I'arra. Amuri Motor*.
eron, Peterson, MacDpnald, MacDonald, Legs, Is, three insertions 2s 6d. —6 160 Hereford
Rhodes rei'creed. Slcyer, O'Ooanoi'j street. "Press,"-
~3 474 L'3o Dyer's road. Garage Dttduua atissk ■ 83351 , I. BUSSELL,. Uuuu.




' _


SALE AT l£jig|

iitI DAY. 11 £.m. WEEKLY SALE.
Account TRUSTEE, in Estate WEonhave been instructed by Mil V. W.
BOAG to hold a Complete Clearing EVANS
and BULL will offer by Public
The national
N.Z., LTD. rfit
Consignment of Turkeys. Cockerels, Heavy COMPANY.
! Salo abovo date, of all his LIVE AND
Auction iu Messrs
Co.'s Land Salerooms,
Livingstone and
109 Hereford street:
principal entries
Sale will be

hold a SALE OP
structions from MB THna < J
Light Breeds of Hens and Pullets, Ducks, DEAD STOCK, comprising:— ACRES 1 ROOD *-3 PERCHES, Trucks E. Pino Timber, 8 x 3„8•4 x
° *

91 ana

j-jfeonß, Cajro Birds. WEDNESDAY, JULY 22nd, AT 12 NOON. ATED OXFOKD. FIRST-CLASS DAIRY Bxl, 4. xl, S x U, the Ca
structed Q!a gcJlool Building and
Commencing H a.m. ON PREMISES, GLOUCESTER STREET 11. MATSON and 00. report tho unlry to SHEEP— ,
OR MIXED "jfc'ARM, WITH GOOD SIX- oth r above
loO sq. do., ft to sell a*
rtenan t thereto: BRIDGE on the above date:-f-

J j
(Near Hays, Ltd.). comprise 2400, representing 34 lots. Very few 100 and P.M. Halfbrcd Ewes; B.L.
F. ROOMED HOUSE AND OTHER IM- c Sq. Galv. Tanks, 1 200 »PP
inter, Iron, oic., from demolished houses, PRINCIPAL LOTS. pens exceeded 100. The catalogue was an rams April 21st PROVEMENTS THEREON. 400 sq. Painted S.H. Tanks in good order,
1 the 5 Sections
>v gIMEg an d CO-,
Track's New Timber, 0.8.,, etc., Miscel- ,:!■

unattractive one. The sale opened 7 Two-shear Border Leicester Rains
Hepburn Circ. Boiler and DestruLt ,

' Auctioneer*. HOBSES—

Isneotif.; all Outside Lines in Yard. Linotype (English), model 2, com- with
small audience whicli increased as the sale
2 Corriedale Rams
Full particulars from
EVANS and BULL, garae 4027 '
Bay Gelding Johnny, Byrfcv'
PLETE, GOOD ORDER; TICKET drums suitable for incineratorß tor i

Account lies. Nursery: Consignment ROLL
of progressed. A good percentage o£ the ontry G3 Cathedral square, Bob, 6yrs; Bay Otlfeli
MACHINE (Waterlow use, Kapai Range and Tiled Back, AND CO.,
I'ruit Trees and Fancy
'j\-ce Ferns.
Shrubs, Quantity
Sous, No. 13(>), was passed at auction, as they were rough HORSES—
and were not wanted. Wher- C Draught Mares and Geldings, from 4 MESSRS UELMORE, VAN ASCII,
Garden Roller. ,
Platform Scales.
WRIGHT, SOTHENSON Bay Gelding Baldy, SjrjJ.i
Mac, 7yrs; Bay Geldii** J
.MOTOKh'. 1'J.15 p.m.—Bicycles and Tools. CHALLENGE PLATEN, (2) DOUBLE 1 Set of 6 cwt. Avery
FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, 1 P.M. DEMY WHaRFEDALE (Dawson and Son), ever an attldctive lot of breeding ewes jin yours upwards-' and WALTON, SO Prime Hams, Bacon, Honey in Bay Gelding roil e, Bjgj*
1 Spring Cart Gelding' Solicitors to the Mortgagee,

Very Large Consignments o£ ELECTRIC MOTOR 3 11.P., ELECTRIC lamb, or good ewo lambs or forward wethers canisters, 20 sacks Fowl Wheat, Jimmy, 6yrs; Bay
Furniture were on offex-, good prices were in evidence. 1 Yearling Draught Gelding, by Scot- S3 Hereford street.. IG-a Cheese, thoroughbred sale. 6yrs; Bay Gelding Pr_
front various owner.-. Full particulars To- MOTOR 2 II.1>„ WIRE STITOHER (Breh- land's Success Table Potatoes, Walnuts, 8 Dairy
uwrrow'* l'apers. «er), PERFORATED MACHINE, STONE, Reviewing tho sale as a whole, we consider Pig Meal. Many sundry lots. Gelding Punch,
that last week's basis of values was Harness and Covers for all horses sacks 4yr»; Grey Gelding
WANTED, o0 Healthy Rabbits; also 50 PROFF FILES, LEAD CUTTER, QUAN- the stables. '!

J'mconE. TITY CHASES, Largo Quantity Galloys, order of the day. Some of the best prices
| Roland Bull, George .T. Leech,
4633 HARRY SORENSEN, Auctioneer. trentham Gelding Sandy, 7yrs; :
Furniture, Riglets, Leads Cabinet, Linotype were as follows:—Ninety three-quarterbred ESTATE AGENTS and AUCTIONEERS P.M. Darkio, 4yrs; Bay QjL
•J'jJO H. C. -2 Dairy Cows., in profit, spring calvera
Metal, Remington Typewriter, Unwin's Cab owe hoggets lis 8(1, 161 owe hoggets with-
2 Yearling Ileifers
(Established J861), Bay Gelding Jerry, uSB?
inet of Type, Wood and Metal Type, Quan-
tity of Benches, Oflioe Tables, Number of
drawn at 10s Gd, 43 ditto 9s lOd, 140 half-
bred ewe hoggets 15s Id, good mixed hog- IMPLEMENTS,
WHARES, and Qaan&j
and Scaffolding Timber^
(Upstairs Government LiJ'o Itiauiunea
S7 tit. Asaph street
Chairs, Plain Tables, Pumico Powder, Quan-
tity 21b New Tin Canisters* Quantity Klensa
gets sold from 7s to 9s, other sorts from
5s to 6s. Breeding ewps: !l!) full and fail-
C. and D. 3-i'urrow Plough, Cambridge

Buildings. Opposite Post Otnce).

following catalogue'
Roller, Duncan Grubber, 5-leaf Har-
F.EKLV MORROW 7 at 11 A.M.
for scouring purposes, 4 Baths, Boiling Pans, ing-mouth halfbred owes mated
with Uyeland rows, Drummond Harrows, 3-leal 'PHONE 32-Ti'j. attention to the Quality of
Troughs, Sieve, Quantity Books, Book Shelves, rams with a bloom on them, sold at 12s Sid, GIBBONS,'ESQ., Mar ton: offered at this Sale. Mr Phi

Harrows, J-

I-iight lctft Broad ast- Account 3.

HOUSES. HARNESS. IMPLEMENTS, Cabinet Clock, Gas Rings, Paper Baskets, 64 Romney ewos, sound mouth, at 12s 6d; er, Farm Dray and Frame, Spring 1915, by Demosthenes noted lor keeping nothing faj
VEHICLES, and PRODUCE. Tools, and usual Sundries as used in Print- 140 Romney ewes, mated with Ronmey and WANTED IN RANCIOUA. SPECIAL OFFERINGS. X ORATRESS b.w., Concentrate, Clydesdale Horses, and &U#g
Cart, 5 Coils Cyclone, 6 Coils Sheep

dam of Oratrix, ■"


ing Office. English Leicester rams, withdrawn at 32s !>d; oil C-roomcd Modern Houso FOR WAIT- ted from 4yrs to Syra.
t'f the abovo are invited.
Euiripa Netting, 200 Stakes, 200 Standards, ( en d
A Demonstration given with all Machinery. In
60 sound-mouth halfbred ewes, 12s lid; 108 ING BUYER. Ppce about £IOOO. Will Any one on the lookout tifH

H. C. SMITH. Posts, 800 Empty Sacks, Wheelbarrow, Solvent, etc.

J-hono S-J-oUJ.
Inspection Arranged with Auctioneer. Romney ewes, failing mouths, 6s Bd. A num- Grindstone, 2 Tons Carbonate of Lime, sellers kindly communicate with lis at once. giro of Hard Words, ing Geldings, wo would ra
46U1 I am prepared to consider Offers for Plant
and Lease of Premises.
ber of the smaller pens were realising those
prices, but the greater bulk sold anywhere
Meat Safe, Farm Tools and Sundries.
WE are instructed to accept
for Second-claBS Red Pine linaberi .
b.m., 1921,
Equitas; dam of Martian
r tian
f ln attend this Sale. c^
i LOTION' SALE OF OPAW.I H. 0. SMITH, Auctioneer, from 3s 9d to Bs. 'MAIN SOUTH ROAD, NEAR now able to quote
RESIDENCE, Account D. LETHAM: DUNSANDEL. the West Coast, and are foal to Diacquenod*.
and TOOLS. The City Market, 550 Colombo street. Bay Draught Gelding, 2 years good lines at ridiculously low prices br.m.. 1922, Absurd—Ora- CO. OF N.Z., LTD,
'Phono 34-680. 4635 Bay Yearling Draught Gelding- n ()- DOWN. Price. .£175 only. GOOD ered to any station in Canterbury,

c&^D-. Hunting

IOR BKST RESULTS CONSIGN \'OUR d-KOOMED 'HOUSE' and -[-acre. minimum of 2000 ft. super, lengths of eB
sizes tress. la foal

to sir
Cry, etc. 4412
Oratorian, Pink Coot, Hunting
TUESDAY, JULY 14th, AT 1 P.M. ' ' ii STOCK TO 11. MATSON and CO, House insured for £025. Absentee owner. required to be supplied at random.

Account T. C. MAW:

Keys at our Money*—

ADDINGTON. HalX-Drauglit Gelding, all work; guaranteed Good district, for outside work br.m., 1926, Paper

McKENZIE AND WILLIS. 4. EQUITANT. good winner, now light


Account JAMES CLINTON: Ho«o work.

Saddle and Harness Haqk Wo can also give qnotations for 1928, Nigger
«ouct, DI&TRICT PUBLIC LONG GOVERNMENT LEASE. and Cow Covers of good quality at prices
a INTERLOCUTOR, br.e., and Twelve Words, One
TRUSTEE, in OtiA ACRES, rent ,£76 liylt half-yearly. Minstrel Equitas. A recent winner, Three Insertion*>'

of late GEORGE RUTHERFORD. BUY YOUR FURNITURE NOW OOu 37 acres IN WHEAT, 35 acres IN cult to beat anywhere: a moat promising colt, with Derby and
LUNCHEON PROVIDED. OATS, 40 acres TURNIPS, 20 acres for standards, other classic engagements. ROOMS and K'ette, Ga«/-tjjS
t'PAWA (Minute from Car).
IT. MATSON and CO. report that 2500
sheep represented the entry in this section. N.iJ. FARMERS' CO-OP, ASSN., LTD., Rape, 16 acres to go in wheat, and balance
Grass. CARRYING 330 ewes, 4 cows and
IXow about your next order for
P.O. Fencing Wires, Ties, etc.» CAN
aro right. Alwaya on sale, WE
Our Prices
HUNTING BAG, br.c., September,
Hunting Song*—Windbag.
Recently brok
BUNGALOW, 4 Rooms it
and 'Range, all couvjb'--®
465(5 Auctioneers, Ashburton.
BUY YOUR FURNITURE NOW Quite 25 per cent, of the pens "were un- 10 horses. PRACTICALLY NEW Five- MANY LINES Roofing Iron, Logs, Wire en in. With classic engagements. Gas Cooker. On tram -
BUY YOUR FURNITURE NOW occupied. THe sale opened at a sharp
rise on roomed House, bathroom, hot and cold, elcc- etc., ana 1929, BUNGALOW, 4 Rooms, all
-EVEN LARGE ROOMS, Doulton Bath and the previous week, and similar values were in Nails, Staples, Ridging, Spouting,
7 HUNTING LODGE, b.f., September, ences
Rjslo, all conveniences; wide return
and BUY YOUR FURNITURE NOW trio light and all conveniences; also (3-ntaH are out for all business that we can
Hunting Song*—Martiaoette. Recently
.. ~

evidence throughout. In our opinion the mar- FENDALTON BUNGALOW. Stable, cliaffhouse, implement ehed, garage,
BUNGALOW, 5 R., near Pantota
vorsndah; lr 2p l»nd; orchard, shrubs, etc.;
Garage, Workshop, Tool Shed, Small Glass- ket hardened up to 2s both for ewes and BOOTS—Manufactured in old broken in. With classic engagements. NEW BUNGALOW, .near
concreted cowbails, separator room, cowshed, MEN'S
house, and Other Buildings. ON* wethers, and in some cases exceeded this England, can be purchased at prices fay be- Equitas and her descendant* have von College, Garage
basis. 11. MATSON and CO. quote:—Exhibi- X'JOO GOVERNMENT MORTGAGE. etc. Three-quarter mile from station amh Zealand New /lea- HARRIS, LAWLO&J
tion wethers up to 24s Id, best wethers 19s PRICE, ,£1135. school. £ll6O THE LOT. Terms given. low local prices for Now products.
such races as the Champion Plate, Wellington
LOT 2—SECTION JOINING ABOVE, 2r PAYMENTS Wo invite enquiry. land Oup (twice), AucklandCCu t
TlWl'i Cup (twice), both St. fcegers, Thompson Han-
to 20s, prime 16s 6d to 18s, medium 14s to 0-23-5G* rpo Let, Furnished, Auci
-p, orchard end shrubs, deep wfll and wind- _

TIME PAYMENTS 16s, light or plain 30s to 12s; exhibition BUNGALOW with every H. B. SORENSEN, dicap, C.J.C. Stewards' Handicap, etc. At X Gentleman's Residence,
jr.ill. This Section will Cut into Two Good TIME PAYMENTS ewes up to 20s 4d, best ewes 16s to 17s, modern convenience. Electric Cooking, glorious view; piano, telep 1
Q TO 5 ACRES WANTED FOR GEN- the National Sales Oratress yearlings have

Sections. TIME PAYMENTS prime ewes 14s to 15s, medium ewes lis to excellent Hot Water Service, eto. UINE BUYER, with four or five- SBll9 63 Lichfield street. realised 4500 guineas in (our years. den; electric throughout. 1
TIME PAYMENTS ISs, light or plain 8s to 10s, others 5s to

roomed House. Preferred handy to train street, Devonport;

bus. Will sellers pleaso communicate Dannevirke: Sumner, on-
Carpet Squire, Hearth Rugs, and a Quan-
tity Carpet Floor Coverings, Carpet Runner,
Soma of H. MATSON and CO.'s principal
CIRCUMSTANCES. vitb us. HOTELS. 8. SUNBPOT (10,) br.m., 1919, Feramorz
TO Lety
Bungalow, rail
garage. Av*ifc|
ANTIQUE'Warship. sales were as follows:-—On account of Mrs —Sundust*, by Sunstar;'dam of Australia,
Spanish Paintings and Pictures, FROM McKENZIE and WILLIS. M. Cogan (Darfield), wethers to 18s tOd, ewes LEASE AS GOING CONCERN. a short after 11l foal to Greyepear*, gire of Rapier, etc
tfer. Very reasonable rental
Tables. H.B. Chairs. 2 Carver Chairs, Set- FROM • McKENZIE and

to 17s 4d; Mr J. H. Ridge (Broadfleld), weth- Laud Department. OAfi ACRES, -Ji miles from Square, oplcn- stay at "Stonehurst," 241 Gloucester Sunspot is closely related tovMy Dear
tee. Roll-top Desk, Sideboard, Piano (Hoch FROM McKENZIE and WILLIS. ers to 17s Id. AiUU did farm. All buildings. Extremely City's favouiite Pri-
and Sons, Dresden), Piano Stool, Oval and Christchurch, the
street, winner of the Oaks, &nd dam of Caravel*
Occ. Tables, Quantity Glassware, Ornaments, low rent. Write or call fur full particulars. vate Hotel, realise that it has all the advan- sire FLATS TO-l
tages of an ideal home, with the added coin- 9. YEARLING FILLY, by Leijfhton*,
Jardinieres, Fancy Dishes, etc., Superior
Lino*, Firo Screen, Kerbs, Curtains, Chairs,
Owing; to the Depression,
YOUli rp O LE T—-
forts provided by an experienced hostessupanda
capable staff. This house h»B built

thi? season of the tworyear-old winners,'

Hunt the Slipper, Royal Academy, Royal rjpo Let, Self-contained SB
Oak Hall Seat, Hall Curtainß, 2 Wardrobes,
11. CO.,
'2J Acres and Modern Houso £2 weekly FARM SITE. splendid reputation by preating for its guest# Artist. High Comedy, Type, Chilliad, 'etc 1. Plats, 237 Gloucester it)
M Dnchesfres, Oak Bedroom Suite of 4 Pieces,
WILL NEVER BE CHEAPER Four rooms and convenience, City. £1 2s
*1 Oil ACRES with long Railway Frontage, a Homelike atmosphere of Comfort, Hospi* from Sunspot. Latimer square (just pa?t f
Oak Ex. Table, Glass Showcase, Office Table,
Od weekly TOi tality, and Goodwill. Special rates. En- Eurtl'er entries are invited. Catalogues are Gloucester street. Phone
X'evis Sewing Machine, Copper Kerbs, Carpet WILL NEVER BE CHEAPER just out of th« City. Buy land that 88006 now being prepared. only.
Sweeper (Ewbank), Double, and Single Beds, WILL NEVER BE CHEAPER Four Rooms and Iv., Fendalton, Garage, haf preafc prospective value. £B3O OH quiries solicited.
Crockery, Cutlery, WILL NEVER BE CHEAPER eto. £1 Ids weekly OFFER, and cany terms given. 125-32 /IHORAL Flats, every
Aluminium Saucepans, WEW BRIGHTON CAFE WRIGHT, STEPHENSON and CO., LTD., \j separate kitchenette, jj
Cooking Utensils, Splendid Collection of Car- i'AT LAMBS. St. Albans, Five-roomed House; Electric e.!., garage if regnired;
penter's, Garden, and Other Tools, Vice, than it is now. Cooker. £1 7s Gd weekly. A SNIP. (Private Hotel). Box 1520, Customhouse quay,
Wlr( Xettine, Rope, Sacks. Garden Seat, G. H. MATSON and CO. report tho catalogue Fendalton, Six-roomed Bungalow, garage, DOWN as a Koiris concern. 55 Come to the seaside during winter. Sev- Wellington. Gloucester street. , 'Phone
l!«ll«r, G. Hose, Pea Guards, Roofing Iron, in this section comprised 400. Owing to the etc. £2 10s weekly 2wOU" ACRES gooil Dairy and Cropping eral degrees warmer than City. Extra re- 4608
duction in tariff during' May School Holi-
Wheelbarrow, Mangle and Wringer, 2 Great
American Lawnmowers, Large Quantity Flower
smallness of the offering, competition was
keen, and last week's prices in'mauy in-
Farm. 10 cows, horse, dray, pigs, etc., IN-
CLUDED. 6-roomed cottago and good out- days. Special Tariff for Permanonts.
Pota various sires, Drums of Tar, and many stances were exceeded. Tho competition of TO CLOSE DECEASED ESTATE. buildings. 5 miles froin Kangiora and 10 Excellent Accommodation. Every conveni-
Bet, Shop in Colombo
SPECIAL ATTENTION is drawn to this
The Properties arc in an ideal situ-
"ORIOES are cut absolutely to tho bone. tha local tradesmen vei'sus the export buyer
Buy now from McKENZIE and WIL- was responsible for a certain amount of irregu-'
miles from Christcliurcli. close school. £I9OO
the lot, £3OO down OR OFFER. Must be
ence for Families, Close to Golf Course, Twelve Words, One Shilling .per Insertion
Tennis, a'ftd Bowling Greens. Three Intertions 2/6.
TO corner of St.
Best's, 601 .Colombo
Asaph stjis
£*!«. larity in the price* paid, as owing to
tho AAA in PROSPEROUS DISTRICT. For fuller particulars 'Phone 34-265, or „

ation, Itpve bees veil taken care of, and LIS', ami take advantage of their generous smallness of the entry many a pen was dis-
lends itself for subdivision.
ture !s cood, and Tools the best.
Boards Erected.
The Furni- system of Time Payments.
posed of at a priep out of comparison with
tha average values going, but undoubtedly com-
petition was spirited and vendors who were
BUILDINGS good and LAND suitable for "I
Aft ACRES flue Leaae-in-l'erpctuity (999

all Lumber. w
'E Buy Anything you don't require; also
'Phono 81-235 lor car.

DON'T WAIT A"" years' Government Lease) at 9* hotel Rubber-tyred Gig, |-shafter, about .Comfortably-furni|
Taie Xo. 13 Car to Terminus. DON'T WAIT
fortunate enough to havo consignments in to- Mixed Farming. Handy to Christchurcli.
day's market must be woll, satisfied with the
acre. A particularly good ALL-ROUND i'ARM
Would carry 40 cows; has grown 70 bushels
4ft wheel. 43 Wainoni road, Avon-
K? Peterborough
place, kitchenette) "pit
street. Pit;
H. O. SMITH, Auctioneer, DON'T WAIT results. H. MATSON and CO. quote: Exhibi- N.Z. FARMERS' CO-OP. ASSN., LTD. wheat and 15 .tons potatoes per acre. 4 mile High-clasa Licensed Hotel. Within easy side. , X4B
Tbo City Market, 550 Colombo street. DON'T WAIT
tion lambs to 23s 10d, best lambs 18s to
19st primo lambs 16s to 17s, modium 14s
to 15s. light 12s to 13a, plain Os to 10s.
Land Department. from station and school. Cream cart calls.
Situated in one of the best districts in
roach of all the principal theatres. Single
Bedroom from 10s 6d per parson; double
Becroom from £l, including; t>reakfast, light, "Press.' 1
to Buy, Milk Round, 15 g»UQ»s
upwards, WANTED
good locality. K.S.P.,
SUNNY' BackWest.
• private
magh street
entrance; telepl
AUCTION SALE ACCOUNT POST AND A REALLY CHEAP PROPERTY houso with conveniences (insurance £700) and attendance. Fixid basics with hot and \Yr ANTED Buy, bcalge, suitable butcher's
TELEGBAPn DEPARTMENT. for better tiroes—buy no\v —and secure the of H. MAT&ON and CO.'s principul and every outbuilding. Price £22 per acre: cola water, and telephones in bedrooms. VV shop. State price, where seen, to WA2CTBO 'TO
benefit of sales wero as follows:—On account of Mrs
terms, gay, £OOO down or offer. Live and Telegrams: Following, E'strand, London. L.S.P., "Press." 482
M. Oogan (Darfield), lambs to 18s lOd; Mr dead stock can be taken over IF WANTED, OXOSB Tons of fciecopd Grade Chaff, Quote
L. Giles (Kaiapoi), lambs to 23s lOd; Mr NOW £750 Wo very strongly recommend an inspection.

RANTED, by Refined
At the FARMERS' SALEYARDS, GOVERNMENT MORTGAGE price on truck or delivered to J.
GQOD QUALITY FURNITURE J. Petrie, sen. £Swannanoa), Jambs to 21s 7d. in return
CUTE-ROOMED BUNGALOW, with every See Evans
ST. ASAPH STREET WEST. and Bull for full details. 3<i3/55 CECIL, ■jlolloy, East Oxford. 477

GOOD QUALITY FURNITURE modern conveuifino. Large, airy E4089 Cor Manchester and Belfast streets. EFT-UFF CLOTHING, A3 VICTORIA
EVANS and BULL. iHij

WEDNESDAY, 15th JULY, AT 12 NOON. PRIVATE HQTISL that offers Superior 'Phone 30-680. Cash Buyers QMALL ' Cottage,no country,
FOB BEST RESULTS CONSIGN YOUR rooms. Section of »pp*oximately 82 perches,
family. i?J
Accommodation for both Casual and of all kinds of Ladies', Gentlemen's, and
GOOD QUALITY FURNITURE &TOOK TO 11. MATSON and CO., tastefully laid out. Homo to lunch Permanent Guests. ' Patrons are assured of Children's Clothing, Boots, Trunks, and

These cars can be recommended, and are GOOD QUALITY FURNITURE ADDINGTON.
«a)y being sold as they are surplus ears.
OWNER IS OUT TO SELL. PROPERTIES FOR BALE- every comfort, an excellent cuisine, ana Linen, Furniture, also 01d_ Gold, Silver, ..

Can bo inspected at P. ani T. Garage, Kil- courteous attention. Tariff, 10s 6d per day; Jewellery, Gramophones, and Records. SPOT FBUJT AtfP
iuur» street. at bedrock pricefc on easy terms of payment. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. HARM AN AND STEVIiNS. LTD 4 Permanents by arrangement. E. ;M. Mc- CASH. MRS M. WALKER, P71?4
Just a few shillings week out of your Clelland, Proprietress. 'Phone S4-174. Select Certified PakQtitS
1 FOBPotatoes. Hinton
-BROOK, 3638 Coiomoo street, CASH


salary will prove no embarrassment to you. i'AT CATTLK.' NG7GB
Land Department. A GENUINE BARGAIN.
Accommodation is also provided at 28 Glou-
cester street (West). M7697 I M
oi Ladies' agd Gentlemen's
1 TON FORD TRUCK Buy now—save money—and you ps,y for t*Q£iK—REDUCED FROM JUICO—PAPA- KEW AND Enquiries SECONP-fiAND CLOTHING- Potatoes, Auckland
*H. MATSON and CO. report there \ra> a
rORD LIGHT DELIVERY, suitable for your furniture easily—without effort—out of vvery small yarding in this section, only 2CU
tractive and
NUI, facing North, very at-
well-built bungalow of 4 The City's Premier Private Hotel in the
promptly attended to.
SEES Early Began ts, Dakot
Ipcted; also Pig potatoes,
J!sherman income. head' being forward. There wero very few FORD AND HADFIELD, LTD. Favoured West End. 82618 gelj
cattle of quality included in the entry, tha rooms and kitchenette, liuvj sleeping-out '
Halswell, 'phone E. Walt
FORD LIGHT DELIVERY, suitable ior poreli and sun-porch, lituutifully fitted "nTHE LODGE," 38 HEREFORD ST., pi
feature of the market being 48 black Polled 1 CHRISTCHUROH. WILLIS rpABLE Potatoes, 6s
milk delivery
body, open back; general purposes
Standard WILLIS'
Here are illustration* of iIcKENZIE and
and Hereford bullocks from the North Island,
which made the satisfactory average of £l4 J^XCHANOE
throughout, /every conceivably convenience, ou
OPPORTUNITIES. the sewer; 1-acre section, nicely laid out Combines every comfort and luxury «f
refined home with proximity to the centre of
Are Buyers Of
X i
Chief, Guaranta
Si? .Winter's road, Papanui.
in garden, brick fence in front, motor gar-
Tit* last six mentioned for Unreserved Sale. 6s. The balance of the entry was made up ago and workshop. House coot £075 built tbo City, the Botanic Gardens, Canterbury AND PIANOS.
FORD COACH, equipped with fall balloon of odd cows and fail ends, with one or two
Ccllege, and the River Avop Tariff, 12a A letter to us, or call, or "Phone 34-360,
tyres, tho<k absorbers, rucbsteel
EASY TIME-PAYMENT SYSTEM nice trucks of handy-weight steers. There
by day labour, lnsuruuce £9OO. Government
bring our Buyer to your door immedi- Chief,
Regents, - Dakot

(war-box, speedometer; mechanically right.

4-speed EASY TIME-PAYMENT SYSTEM was a fair demand for primo quality, and FENDALTON —-Corner Section, fine 8-room 2- pioitgage Owner wants money, so has Gd per day Permanent Guests special rates. will ately, and we are always prepared to pay sacks, delivered. . Special .
HOPMOBILE TOURER, reliable and sturdy EASY TIME-PAYMENT SYSTEM this class showed an increu, e in value of storey Bungalow, a most up-to-date reduced price for a quick sale. MRS M. F GUNN, Proprietress, Market Va|u? of the Goods W» P, Kelly, Halrweli. 'Phon
G5626 the True
model E-4. newly painted grey, new hood, 5 EASY TIME-PAYMENT SYSTEM anything from 80s to £2 per lioad. Plttin homo. Owner will exchange for l-storey MORTGAGEE'S SALE. Telephones 33-870; Private, 33-87}
EASY TIME-PAYMENT SYSTEM and iinfinished cattle sold irregularly, but Uosidence in or Papunui road. I AAA ACRES (about). One of the SPOT CASH.
wire wheels, good tyres; excellent mechanical McKENZIEj and WILLIS, 4a 6d, 6a 6d; WoiseleyqJ


order. •


tha sale generally was a
petition, was well distributed.
good one, and com-
CITY—2-Storey Bungalow, Garage, a
home, 8-10 minutes' walk into
fine bury,
town. and school;
befit farms
iu North
Cashel street West—Superior Accommo
dation, Excellent Tnhle, Special Home Coii}-
120 Hereford street
(L*te Queen's Picture Theatre Buildings).
livered. - 'Phone Xfttgiilton, ,sJj
road, Papanui.
stery, newly fainted two tone fawn and will carry 1£ owes to the
black, sun \Uor. etc. •
SWIFT TOURER, good tyres, real leather
11. MATSON and CO. quote tho fallowing
prices per 1001b:—STEERS—Heavy 26s to
Owner requires larger Bungalow with acre; about 200 acres splendid flat cropping
J to 2 acres of ground. land, balance easy do\yns, all ploughable,
fqi'ls. Near Centro of City, EJotania Gar-
dens. Large Sun Vorandalis, Garden Sur-
roundings Cheerful. Casual G«eeta 8a per HIGHEST PRICES Geptlpmen'a gpd STURMERS
and Delicious,
rail paid. Clarke, 488 !"

28s 6d, prime 28s to 30s, plain qnd unfin- vory well fenced and watered. Buildings com
Ladies' fu*d Harewood.
upholstery, new Jwod, finished in brown, E.L.

to 265, HEIFERS—Extra prima AVONSIDK—LoveIy 5-room Bungalow, Gar- prise superior homestead 8 rooms, every con- day. Permanent Guests special arrangements
and 8.8.: Kood mechanical order. ished 24sprime Cars accommodated. 'Phone 34-2GI.
Children's Wearing Apparel, Hcww.
ISIRS hold Linepp, APPLES.
CITROEN TOURING CAR, equipped with to 80s, 24s to 275, plain nnd unfiu. ago, Sun-porch, in perfect order inside venience, septic tank, telephone, etc., upito- Curtains, Carpets, Ruga,
islied to 21s. COW9—Extra, prime to 28s, nnd out. High section facing north. Large date C-stall stable, shearing shed, loose box, W. J. HENHY, H4150 Write or, <;iill. YyOLPELEYS, Delicious,,*?
disa wheels; an economical and tenable -car,
in excellent mechanical prime 21s to 235, others down 15s. Govt, mortgage. Ownor will exchange his Implement shed, 3-rooio cottage, man's whare. otyfc? wd'
Goods. Saleable.
Pears, B|.' ,

40ib' cqse;
condition. to
AMBASSADORS (Chriatchurch's lira Denley, 584 Colombo street
64 Slh ti (next Lajig- ,*»

CHJSV. TOURER, in fair ' condition,

The last six mentioned sold on terms of 11. MATSON ai}d CO. quote tho following
equity for up-to-date Bungalow with largo yards, dip, etc. Altogether a lirst-rate farm.
living room in Jlerivalo, Papanui. Fen- Cost over £2O per acre. Offer considered about HOTELPrivate Hotel de Luxe) has ©very 3768 New HONEY.
riin's). New 'Phone, 41-08?.
Orchard, 25 Winter's roa4» -
one-third deposit, balance arranged. Cars prices per iteadSTEERS —-Extra heavy to dalton, fairly close in. two-thirds that amount. Easy ingoing, balance modern appointment . Excellent cuisiria. LUCAS, m COLOMBO street. 23-416.
tan bo inspected Tuesday and morning of sale.
Mc K fTN %J E and WI LLI S,
£JK 17s 6d, heavy £l2 10s to £l3 15s, prima
£IQ 10s ta £ll ss, medium £7 5s to £8 15s, FENDALTOX —6-room Bungalow in
long term at low rate of interest.
Telegrams and loiters promptly attended to.
Garage handy TariS • Caaaale 12a Gd per 'Phone gs.iii.
Opp. Sydenham Piiblio School.
&»4'# >«t."
at ?«u
others down to £5 ss.
Attentat MR lf4WKE|t; 3-Seater AiLEN McKESiiIE and WILLIS, HEIFERS—Extr.i order, and all modern conveniences.
£IOO PROFIT FOR SOMEONE. day. Permanent by arrangement. Man CASH efYER of. Lafhgp-, Gentleman's, gijpin* es,

CA&, for unresemd sals. heavy to £9 12s fid, prime £6 5s to £7 lSjs, Owner is desirous of procuring a similar
ALBANS—OnIy £'6S5 or near offer. cluster street Railway Station). "Phone and Children's Second-hand CJothing, House- Stutter 6s M,
A r*a| opportunity tc> aeqmr* pars for the medium £4 5s to £4 17s 6d.
heavy to £l2 12s 6d, prime £5 15s to £7
COWS—Extra homo, preferably 6n Mount Pleasant. ST.
Near Warrington street. Solidly-built SO-3&2.
59284 T J. SLEEMAN, Proprietor.
hold' Linens, Blankets.. etc.
< ,
Stewing, Pears, large, 121bn
Ring or write. S. Pavies,
•wning spring, sale 21 changed hands. IDs, medium £4 10s to £5 ss, others down CITY—-Modern 6-room Bungalow, tastefully Bungalow of 4 nice rooms and
large sun road, P»gai?gl<
120 HEREFORD ST., CHRISTOHURCH verandah, high foundations, plastered and L3593 Bishop's
H. C. SMITH, Prop, and Auctioneer. to £2 ss. decorated Inside, and in perfect order, papered, all conveniences, sower, etc. This
Pbine 8?-808. *
4083 (Late Queen's Picture Theatre, Next Barlow'a Every convenience. Owner will exchange property
only wants a little spent on it to M3BCI
for 8-storey (preferred) Bungalow, some-
where handy to Boys' High School or ar.d command a much higher price. -Owner left,
must sell.
21s Gallon. N.Z. manufac- WE ARE CASH -BUYERS OF


CO., Merivale. . ETC.,

FORD and HADFIELD, LTD., - IjtENDALTON— £1150 or offer. Very at- 56709 SMITH and SMITH, LIMITED Herein Mgbly-compi
LIVE 4ND D|JAP STOCK; JONES, McCKOSTIB CP LTD. Auctioneers and Bear Estate Agouti, tractive Bungalow 5 large rooms and jir J. Mcdonald,

141 Madras/street, harsjhjos, pan, beaefleial

131-133 Worcester street. kitchenette, glassed-in sun porch, double hot Vinculin Literatvisa to
THURSDAY, JULY 16th, AT 13 NOON. water service, replete with aT? latest con- DENTISTS. Near Station. 'Phone '25-262.
JUST OVER BEALEY AVENUE. CALVES. veniences, sewer; etc. Splondid section, well M6767 PISF£NSAS¥. 11?
Account MR O. F. HANSEN. laid out, concrete paths and motor drive.
Hi MATSON and CO. report that the ontry Garage. Govcrpitient mortgago £750. A N'OTHEft thing taTrsjpe

of vealers
was the smallest yarded for many
■EXCHANGE FOR HOUSE. FORfulArtistic WALLPAPERS Sea Wondar 4% pr. large- «dono|ny. o
IIFTEEN MJNUTES' WALK FROM The totf|l yarding represented 80, ACRES, situated best part of tfENDAL- QUICK DENTAL REPAIR SERVICE. Value at Otpiedrtl Bnii oultaary
*}*y COWS, duo in epring, inclifd-
-6 ««4 Mrni »11 we squad and CATHEDRAL SQUARE. of which H. MATRON and CO. S qucta was
36. The quality throughout was very poor; CLOSE TO CARLTOJf MILL ROAD. G
TON. stream frontage, can be sub-
divided into over 20 secfioiia with great SMITH SMITH, LTD.,

pro*? for yf
of the flavoum

<teiat; food eoß4'Uon#d, and principally Brd tho shortness of the entry, however, was Next Hall's, Herbalist, and
prospective value. This' is an ideul block 56769 Showrooms, tf%am mad Higk eta. eased .in 10 seconds!
culm*, yltfc testa .to 7.
responsible for the rise of 4s to 6s a hoad HANDY JO TOWN. COLLEGES, PARK, AND
on all prices. TRAMS.
for glasshouses or market gardening, and will
pay to hold. Equity about, £7OO. Will ex-
IXS Arpiasb
Hours: 8.30 to 6,30.
street. COLDthql, Give} .swift
spring. GENTLEMAN'S CHARMING RESIDENTIAL r change for Bungalow or modern hoiise. 'Phone 34-460. After hours ring 86-022.
netts*. Chemists.
13 YEARLING HEIFERS from plqked cows. PROPERTY. H. MATSON and CO. quote tho following WANTED SHOWS. Cleaned stay dean.>
of G Rooms, plastered 06541
3 Aged Working Draughts,
broken all range of prices calves 18s to 245, and
medium 25s to 325, good 34s to 455, best ing every possible modern convenience, in-
artistically papered,' and includ-
81 Hereford street,

to mAer dust. "B
Ory Cleaners, pBS
D. r. Plough, S.P. Plough, (both P. and 4Gs to 52s 6d, modium runners 52s 6d to cluding el., gras, Doulton bath, and basin,
'Phones 32-494 and 32-495. RAPID DENTAL. REPAIR SERVICE. TOBACqO
is deadly to health and St, Asaph: street).

i-'-h Pet (-leif New Harrows, Set Diso Har-

r<rp-8 (B. McD.), 13-Coulter
TWO-STOREY SEMKEJUNGALOW, 8 57s fld, good £3
Drill, M.Bf. spacious Roo®b and Kitchenette, Large Sleep- to £O.
to £3 7s 6d, best up Bower, etc. Garage.
' H4121
DLATES Repaired within 3 Hours, at mod-
crate cost. BMOKING
"4NTI-BAC0" stops
manently. Get Free Booklet",
craving; per-
V- ifor.
(good). Grass (W. A. Wood) Jlpwer, McCpr- ing Balcony, xapipjg North. FRANK PARRIS AND 00. is? Hereford street.

mlck Binder (good), Ransom Gultivatoi-

NOTE—This is a fine little property, and
would be Very suitable for anyone wishing to Same building as Mt Cook Tourist Co., Ltd.
Bps 65§F,
nettsy ChemUts.
n<good), 2 P. ana D. Tlprdfays (good order), .BH44AROS ROOM, panel- :
FULL-SIZED JSOR BEST RESULTS CONSIGN YOUR live near the City Colleges, 'Phone 38-022. V416?
la utterly
Cart, 2 Pny |»44i?!» and Breechinea, in cedar, parquet floor, hfamqd ceiling, BT'OOK TO H. MATSON and CO., in Merjvsle, the'most sought forand situated FOR SALE,
?tody economy
ets Collars, : Hames, and Winkers, "go Stone fireplace) bevelled glass doors ADftINGTON.
l'Uragh Chains, Cow and Horse Covers, 45- o reception hall; spaciqus sitting-room with Christchurch.
locality in
, '
B.D.S. They are üßadulteratdd and. highly pofecen- Brand
yen kflpp BarTaploagS!)
IPfy ft -r=Ja 6d.f
Culinary Essanaet
®a!to* Vega Separator (guaranteed), 2, 3, tiled s}ab grate, artistically papered: large
•»<1 *H. Twei, Dairy Utensils, Wheelbar- dipiagrroom ■ nfith jlqor
row, Ladders, Grindstone, Set 4-Horae facing north. . Kitchenette' with electric
to sin Verandah FORD and HADFIELD, LTD.,
Auctioneers and Real Estate Agents,
131-133 Worcester street.
O (Late of Wellington),
tyated. True to their deljcipus flavours their
onsui-es pleasing results. - All grocers tiTely.
log aqd largeeconomy bottles. Is 6d.
* w-'
ng pagjsagM
c ns,
XOockik 3 Tons Oat Sheaf Chaff, Best of Stove, destructor in chimney reces?, scullery OR'WILL LEASE FOR A TERM. •Phone 30-893 H4Q4B sell
Oat Sheaves, Empty Sacks, 2 Cords Firewood with gas etova.
in Sis Blocks, $ Pair Pullets, 12 Fair Fowls,

H. MATSON and' CO. report:—There was

F4172 People should take HaU's AniTFgt
Pills. They reduce aqd ensure pasy ens ■ skin.
the danee, bats_.
.Wasliinf Powder. (JlMl BEFORE
Vara Tools, and usual Sundries. spacious bedrooms, Guaranteed
OTEELXTE GREEN-r-rthe only Paint that <s breathing. purely Verbal.
The Cattle lire a Good Lot, the majority glassed-in sleeping balcony facing North, a very limited entry ofvalues
»J Implements in Good Order. The Property study, tiled bathroom with porcelain' bath with much ijnproved
fat pigs, which mat
oa late rates. FOR
a .Permanent Roof Paint
M Guaranteed tq Stay Twenty days* treatment lor ftve •hilling*
from E. W. Hall',' Herbalist, cooks out of ten afr*
fe on the Main road, close to Oxford Township. and pedestal basin, standmp shower with The
({ass door, fama flooring, tiled lavatory.
market opened well, i&&
prices until the laßt few pens.
its Bive and Non-Poiipnous. N.Z, manufacture.
Values 56769 SMITH and SMITH. LIMITED
28s Gallon.'
117 Armagh .
Stevens's Cathedral •
street, Christchurch. H6I7S NINE
Essences - are the finest flat
ragged aa follows:—Porkers
Laundry with copper and tubs, coal and heavy porkers 38s 6d. to 45s 6d. average
33s to 37a,
ACHES o£ Good Dairy and Cropping
Land. Situate iu North Canterbury, JL
are no failures in flavqurijig when
Stevens's Cathedral Brapd Culinary
most economical procurable
sells theni -in los and large W»j
wood shed, t'oolshed, double garage, concrete .price per lb 5Jd to 6jd, choppers £3 to £4
PROPERTIES FOB SA&E. Essences »tb used, . Their parity i; guaran-
H. C. SMITH, Prop, and Auctioneer, yard. 17s 6d, baconers £2 7s Gd to £2 12s 6d, PROFESSIONAL NOTICES. teed and their Wgjilf cfincentrjited form makes OMENTHOL Vapow IBM
The City Market, SSQ Oolombo street. heavy, baconers £2 16s 6d to £3 4s, extra handy to good township. Comfortable 6- Ifj
"Phone 84-680, 4634 HILLARY AND BAXTER, them th? most economical. At all groeers relief to cplds.
CHAMPIONSHIP ASPHALT heavy up to £3 15s 6d, average price per In loa and large economy bottles.' '--J} Clhemists.
roomed Dwelling and all necessary outbuild- PATENT ATTORNEYS
1J) 5d to 5 id.
t WALES, T ADIESI ATE "300 I.X.L. Wrap!

JLj Silk Hose. Superbgi i

H. SMITH. Tjje grounds are charmingly laid out in ings. M.I.Hee.E., M.0.1.P.A (London), best hat sale ih town
lawns *pd garden, choice ornamental trees
and shrubs.
in sunshine.
Tjia >fcqle Bjopejrty is bathe*} £950. Consulting Mechanical Engineer.
Godfrey- and Franklin, District Managers.
803 (3QLQMBO Jieor Kilmore st PAINTIMO AND PAfSI
Exceptionally high and dry. Owner will either 'sell or lease to a suit- 130! ; Hereford street, Christchurch.
dairy and cropping land; 21 aeres in
- Close 'to
tram and all schools. STORE PIGS.
able man.
P.O. BOX 323. 'Phona 83-613. TNSTANT ' Relief for colds in the fce»d- IN TIN Q
r Donald,
and Papejl

wheat, 26 in oats, IS acres going in linseed, PATENTS-DESIGNS-TRADE J. inhale Comenthol. is 6d, Barnetts', S2 Gamhlios
balance grass. 11. MATSON and CO. report there was a PAPANUI. MARKS. Unemtstß. ■
tins. Estimates Free
House 5 rooms and conveni-
ences. Cowsheds (concrete floor), stables, very small yarding forward this week, the
For full particulars apply to OOOT and Shoe Repairs—Take youra" io
teed an 3 done under
rhaffhonse. and other outbuildings, all well
ebeltered. watered, and fenoea in good order;
£3OOO. entry consisting niostly of slips qnd small
stores, only a. few weaners offering. Prices PATENT AGENTS,
a Specialist—J. Dollan, Shoe Store
Railway Hptel Buildings, Manchester street. House from your £l(j
together with all lire and dead ptock, name-
ly: 10 first'Claa* cowb, 1 bull, a store pigs,
showed a slight improvement on lato ratee.
Values ranged as follows :-t—Small weaners
J. P A R K and SO N.

QORP Threat? Inhale Comenthpl for heal-
1)461 PAINT
of Best
guaranteed: town or
J »QWS with litters, 1 boar, fowls, harness 12s to iss 6d, good weavers 16s to 20s,

for all bom*. 4»ljersa team, hqrfe carers, d.f. ■The House alone could not be built for (small. stores iGs to 18s, medium 10s to 225, Christchuich Manages?; 11, M. QHRYSTALL, .goothlng relief; Is 6d, Bar- P.Q, Box 1133.
Consulting Engineer. netts Chemists.
good stores up to 265. No large stores offer- Cashel Arcade, 3 rSashcl street.
FAINT your' House" from

plough, blocks. chains, and trees, 4-leaf bar- (he price asked. This is without <|iiestioq , *
Sows in pig up to £4 7s. M.N.Z.Soo C.E. A.M. Am. Soo. C.E. CWOWY (Slothes withbut "effort. Use I.X.L of Be»t Bsglish
rowi, caUlrator, cart saddles and breedings, one of the finest residential properties on ing.
I* Jun., dray sod frame, clod crusher, binder, the market. ROOM 3, DALGETY'S BUILDINGS. M Rpra* Washing Powder,
Sd rpacket. Ali |J}ip su^raivte^d:
town Pt S

Al(a-Lava) 90-gqllan separator, oil engine, 'Phone 51?633. groeers.

stack hay. 2 stacks first-class oatsheaves, all FOR BEST RESULTS CONSIGN YOUR For Advice and Registration.
cream calls, and other utensils,
Property ia elosa to Railway and Town-
1 00 Bpplication 10 the
ROOMS, Kitchenette and Glassed-in Sun-
porch. This is a very sunny place, and is G3141
ThroatJ. Inhale Comenthol for beal-
Patents, Copyrights. Trade Mark*.
eoothiag reh?f ls 6d' BayneV,

ship. and rant la only a mere bagatelle, am) BHAW>

Via price asked. -£BSO, walk in, and the whole
yaar'* work is done. Now, dream of the
Cor CasheJ and Manchester Etreets.
St. W. 1753.
well arranged in all particulars.
and breakfast-room are panelled.
The hall
625~ Nmv BUNGALOW 3 '

TTRIC Aoid in the blood causes; Sciatica. to Radio

1981 Radio Catalogue -jn* FREE
cheque ta come from this snug holding and
J4143 appointed bathropm witll dual hot water ser- rooms and kitchenette, fitted with "| USTRUSS" PAINTS, Ready Mixed, the Um SO, euma ,^sm and Gout. Ltd., Bps 471. Aucktan^


act at oace.
vice. The kitchenette has electric range, Perfect House Paint. Remember, 81VeS lrwi r6lief =3 6d and

4s 6d

DAIRY CATTLE. plenty o£ cupboards, bins, drawers, etc. all the latest appointments, including sewer neglect means decay amd expense.
TO LEASE. Knitting
20 Acres, Leasehold Dairy Farm, close to
Town; 9 cowa and all equipment; milk sold
BUSINESS NQTiqES. If, MATSON and CO. report there was an
average yarding of 43 head, of which
Everything is under cover.
H. connexion..
Main sewer 3nd clectria stove. Small section of land. 56769 SMITH and SMITH, LIMITED. X,
tHo "ead! InhWe
G} immediate relief.
nettf', Chemists.
is 6d. Bar-
ar logue
business. Pull instructit«W
free. Saunders,
■ °* "
Rate. Walk in, walk ont, £160.„ Owner SAW D OCT O R. MATSON and CO. handled 23/ Tho quality Handy to tram and City. 7 Wellington.
leering for North Island.
H. O. BMITH, Auctioneer,
eaue 8q
Saw doctor n
was vary mediocre, the top price of tho day
being £ll 10s for a very fine Shorthorn cow,
27 rcrches.
garage., etc.
Coucrete paths. Motor
The market was dull through-

Uad Agaat «ad Valuator, 171 GLOUCESTER'ST. (Est 18S2). just cajved. R9519 \I7HEN
J"h« City Market, 56p .Colombo street. SEE out, ajid, if anything, showed a slight de- Easy (eras, i'oU dspuiii awl 'J'Ji (id TNHALE CarnenthoU
W to re, Use Varnolis®
'P!**e 94-689. ' 88678 FTt.
feefQfe Buying a Oirqujat
cline on last week's figures. There v were THIS PROPERTY t{AS DEFINITELY GOT
Telephone 81*452, P.O. Box 660. indVwift remedy SSV69 SMITH and
very few heiferp forward. week. 1
l«ww«a, Giifrte?, or fob gtiai- TO BE SOLD, AND WE WANT Ui.

•nUfid, All |<<jfed TO9U of all PeseripUons

Wet-stone Ground H. MATSON and CO. quote the following
Called foj range
of' values Extra good second and OPTICIAN, tag Co. &v.pertius ?acjtr
■5 i,^ De!k!Bßi HILLARY and BAXTER, .

third calvers to £ll io"s, good £8 to £lO, printed Ipmcn:s ; E.

STREET. medintp £3 10s to £7 10s, aged and inferior P4173 Estate Agents, FRANK PARRIS and CO., eellor street,
otja. 178 Manchester street. 61 CATHEDRAL SQUARE (corner Chancery for that
£2 10s to £4 15s, good heifers £8 to £9, F4050 Oashel Arcade, 165 Cashel street. lane).

fVITq aad «HtV& WIHTI® » 0 B medium £6 to £7, others £2 to £5.

«T6f Vri f
A V 0 B.
A FPUCANTb are nmtndao '.that/ ..wfieij JL Description, Memorial Tahletp, Brass at the rr.'risterea on"*.,. yf-
wplyica to Advertiaem«it« cara p| Plates, Raised Letter Plates. Stencili, Steel STOCK CO., | USTRUSS READY-MIXED PAINT on- oornsr of

TO 11. MATSON sui<i ,«tvect," (! i rtc 11'1v'.U.-

to enaqre prompt delivery Stamps, Brand*. W. R. BARRETT <ten ADEINGTON. Inhale Comenthol. Clears 170R Leaky Roofs Use MASTACK. NISVEft S^, ftn,f KDon
cntml'ad for covering capacity, durabil- ("IATARRH! ?^ 4
Frtae,' over
ZMUn abould be Addresasd Carefully and vears with 'Mollti; and Young), 269 A BUR- MCoIO ity, nppe&rance, and economy. Qli Gallon. J breath ins; passages quirkly nurl pfTrc- PAILS. Handy siz.e lins sold Hani- Zealand-
Clearly, HAM STREET, BSGI4 tU7O-j, fSMJXR »wa, SAIT£H. tivcly... 1 3 Cd,» BarnelU', Chemists. —ls \v»r» SU.OO

Siimi and SMITH, LIMITED. Tiicnsp-vv, J

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