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August 27, 2020

In the Matter of

Scott J. Rickard

Paramedic License Number: 1588214

Case Number: 2000892
Docket Number: 20-016226

Emergency Order Suspending License

NOW COMES the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services, hereafter
Department, by Kathy Wahl, BS, MSN, RN, Director, Division of EMS and Trauma
to provide notice against Scott Rickard, Paramedic, hereafter Respondent, alleging
upon information and belief as follows:

1. Respondent has an active Paramedic license (1588214) with the State of


2. At all times during this incident, the Respondent was on duty as a Paramedic
with Southfield Fire/EMS Service.

3. Respondent has been placed on administrative leave by the Southfield Fire/EMS

Service due to this incident.

4. A Medical Control Authority provides oversight to emergency medical services

(EMS), as prescribed, adopted, and enforced through department-approved
protocols, within an EMS System.

5. At all times during this incident, the Oakland County Medical Control Authority
was the Medical Control Authority for the Respondent and the Southfield
Fire/EMS Service.

6. On August 23, 2020, Respondent, responded to MCL 15.243(1)(a) Southfield,

Michigan, for a priority 1, cardiac/respiratory arrest. The patient care report
(PCR) states that Respondent received the call at 07:27 hours and on scene at
07:34 hours. At 07:35 hours the patient’s rhythm, according to the provided
documentation was MCL however the monitor file does not correspond to
that interpretation. At 07:48 hours capnography read MCL 15.243(1)(a)
1001 Terminal Road, P.O. Box 30207
Lansing, Michigan 48909-0207
Scott Rickard- Paramedic Complaint-2000892
August 27, 2020

MCL 15.243(1)(a) At 07:54

capnography read MCL 15.243(1)(a)
MCL At 07:56, there was a monitor driven blood pressure taken, reading
MCL and at 07:58 a rhythm change to MCL 15.243(1)(a) was
documented. Respondent discontinued CPR at 08:03 hours, calling the patient
deceased prior to contacting the ER for permission to discontinue efforts. The
cardiac monitor data shows that CPR was discontinued at 08:04, with the patient
still having MCL 15.243(1)(a)
Permission to discontinue resuscitative efforts was not obtained until 08:09 hours
from Dr. M
at Ascension Providence Southfield, 6 minutes after the crew
discontinued CPR. At no point did the Respondent attempt to verify circulation or
respiration by auscultation. The CO2 level indicated respiration by the patient.

Cole Funeral home employees, MCL 15.243(1)(a) were later

sent to pick up the body from the patient’s home. Per the Southfield Police report,
MCL 15.243(1)(a) states that while they were picking up the body, they noticed
the patient’s chest moving. When they notified the family members, the family
advised MCL 15.243(1)(a) that they were told by the EMTs that the patient’s
chest may move again, but she is deceased.

When MCL 15.243(1)(a) arrived at Cole Funeral Home in Detroit, at

approximately 12:26 hours, MCL noticed that the patient’s chest was rising
and falling very fast and the patient gasped. They called 911 and then took her
vitals and determined that she was alive. Detroit Medic 9 transported the patient
to Sinai Grace where she is still alive.

The patient care report number 200009362 was completed and uploaded to the
Michigan EMS Information System (MIEMSIS) on August 23 at 21:04 hours.

7. Based on these factors, the Department has determined that the following State
and Oakland County Medical Control Authority (OCMCA) Protocols have been

1. Cardiac Arrest – General (5-1)

a. No documented presence of bilateral breath sounds (for airway
device or for presence of pneumothorax) – the only
documentation of auscultation is the absence of bilateral breath
sounds in the initial assessment in the PCR.
b. No documented fluid bolus – There is no mention of any fluid
given. The patient was in MCL 15.243(1)(a) both of which
call for treatment with intravenous fluid.
c. Emphasis was not placed on quality CPR. CPR was performed
on a bed, not a hard surface.
2. Termination of Resuscitation (7-21)
a. Per times noted in the PCR and from monitor data, resuscitation
was discontinued six minutes before an order was obtained
from the physician.

Scott Rickard- Paramedic Complaint-2000892
August 27, 2020

b. Return of circulation resets a 30-minute clock for resuscitation

effort. While the rescuers may not have been able to palpate a
pulse, the presence of an ETCO2 reading above normal
indicates a return of circulation and respiration occurring.
3. End Tidal Carbon Dioxide Monitoring (7-24)
a. No note of using waveform capnography during the
resuscitation, even though there is a value noted on the PCR.
The waveform should have been captured, assessed, and
documented (number 6).
4. Determination of Death (8.9)
a. Respondent failed to confirm asystole in 3 leads. Asystole in 3
leads is a requirement for determination of death.


Respondent's conduct, as set forth above, evidences he is not performing in a

manner consistent with his education, licensure, or approved medical control authority
protocols in violation of Section 20958(1)(e) of the Public Health Code.


Respondent’s conduct, as set forth above, evidences he has knowingly violated,

or aided or abetted others in the violation of, this part or rules promulgated under this
part, which constitutes a violation of section 20958(1)(d) of the Public Health Code.

WHEREAS, after careful consideration of the documentation filed in said cause

and pursuant to Section 92 of the Administrative Procedures Act of 1969, 1969 PA 306,
as amended; MCL 24.201 et seq, the Department hereby finds that these deficiencies
may seriously affect the health, safety, and welfare of the individuals requiring care and
services from the Respondent and requires emergency action.

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, pending a hearing and final determination of the

within cause, that the Respondent’s license to practice as a Paramedic in the State of
Michigan is hereby SUSPENDED commencing the date this order is served.

RESPONDENT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED, pursuant to Section 92 of the

Administrative Procedures Act, 306 of 1969, a licensee shall be given an opportunity to
show compliance with all lawful requirements for retention of the license.

Scott Rickard- Paramedic Complaint-2000892
August 27, 2020

A formal administrative hearing has been scheduled as follows:

Hearing Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Hearing Time: 9:00 AM Eastern Time
Hearing Judge: ALJ Michael J. St. John
To participate in the telephone hearing, follow the instructions
You will be participating as a “guest”
Dial In: 877-820-7831
Access Code: MCL

Contact Lansing Hearing Office

Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules
Ottawa State Office Building
611 W. Ottawa Street
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 517-335-2484
Fax: 517-335-7535

This Order is made and dated on this 27th day of August 2020, in Lansing, Michigan.

Kathy Wahl, BS, MSN, RN
Division Director
Bureau of EMS, Trauma and Preparedness

Cc: Southfield Fire/EMS Service

Oakland County Medical Control Authority

Redaction Date: 9/1/2020 4:03:08 PM
Redaction Log

Total Number of Redactions in Document: 24

Redaction Reasons by Page

Page Reason Description Occurrences

1 1

(4)(a) Information of a personal nature if

public disclosure of the information
1 MCL 15.243(1)(a) 3
would constitute a clearly unwarranted
invasion of an individual's privacy

(4)(a) Information of a personal nature if

public disclosure of the information
2 MCL 15.243(1)(a) 15
would constitute a clearly unwarranted
invasion of an individual's privacy

(4)(a) Information of a personal nature if

public disclosure of the information
3 MCL 15.243(1)(a) 3
would constitute a clearly unwarranted
invasion of an individual's privacy

3 1

(4)(b)(i) Investigating records compiled for

law enforcement purposes, but only to the
4 MCL 15.243(1)(b) extent that disclosure as a public record 1
would interfere with law enforcement
Redaction Date: 9/1/2020 4:03:08 PM
Redaction Log

Redaction Reasons by Exemption

Reason Description (Count)


(4)(a) Information of a personal nature if 1(3)

public disclosure of the information would 2(15)
MCL 15.243(1)(a) constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of 3(3)
an individual's privacy

(4)(b)(i) Investigating records compiled for

law enforcement purposes, but only to the 4(1)
MCL 15.243(1)(b) extent that disclosure as a public record
would interfere with law enforcement

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