Wilson O. Alo III Reflection of The Lesson Plan

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Wilson O.

Reflection of the Lesson Plan

When I about to start doing my plan I ask myself are you ready for this? Because
I realize five years from now I will be a Salesian but I am well equipped in this aspect,
especially in family life that I know for myself I am lacking. As I finish my plan I was able
to encourage myself to be closer to my family because how can I teach these young
people if I not doing what I am teaching. So for me, I need to execute it on my own
family to better teach. Experience is the best teacher of all when I about to share my
input in my lesson plan slowly it became cleary to me that this vocation that I have is a
give from God and a gift from my family because they didn’t restrain from it. They give
me the freedom that helps me to grow in this vocation.
To become a good Salesian educator especially along the lines of youth and
family ministry I must acquire this three: First, self-knowledge to be a good educator I
must know myself like what are the things that make me happy, sad or even my
impulses by that it helps me to attune myself to these young people. “Being a good
example is the best form of service”. Second is having the value of sacrifice because if I
will just think about myself there is wrong on my values system. Teaching young people
is not a joke because an educator we are part of shaping their values. We are their
guide we form them to be a good Christian and honest citizen that we believe later on
they will pass it to other generations. The third is the skill of dialogue we all know that
many of us here are hard to find to dialogue with each other especially in the part of the
student to their parents. So if I acquire the skill of dialogue like Kuya john Villapania
these young people may share casually to me. By this, I can help them to open it also to
their parent because what is the use of teaching if it is not done with the family. Without
applying this kind of lesson it might end it up as a piece of information. My student will
just go to my class and going out without anything that can help them to have a better
family. All my teaching will be useless even how good, beautiful, and creative.
I like how I learn in this class I know that I was not able to grasp all that we are
learning but I know to myself that it changed my life. As well as my value system is
slowly forming and my skill to dialogue with young people. Now that I experience how to
do a lesson plan. I was able to appreciate more my teachers form the time I enter the
school. They have been part of my whole personality, values, and philosophy. That I
believe it made me be a better person

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