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Aguascalientes, Ags.

7th july2019

M.S Ángel de Jesús Jiménez Ochoa

Eduardo Raúl De Luna Luevano

Marisol Jiménez Gutiérrez
Víctor Javier Gonzales Ramírez
Erika González Reyes
José Manuel Salas Moyers
Alejandro Cortez Hernández

Practice 3 Active elements
Fundamentals of electronics engineering
M.S Ángel de Jesús Jiménez Ochoa
*E. De Luna *M. Jiménez *V. González *E. González *J. Salas *A. Cortez
Universidad politécnica de Aguascalientes
Aguascalientes, Ags
In this practice, Multisim is used to simulate the circuits that are carried out in class in digital form, seeing the
differences between the digital and the physical; as they were op-amp circuits, with the help of digital
oscilloscopes and measure the frequency, energy, voltages. It also highlights the change in frequencies that
can be obtained if you change the intensities, time, among other things.

In this report we’re going to present circuits that we take the simulations in Multisim to physical
implementations in a proto using OP-AMP, resistors, and transistors NPN and PNP, also we use a function
generator and oscilloscope, last two we used to measure the frequency to make us sure that the procedure and
the connections are in the correct form and to have the certainly we check the results with the simulations.

Ohm’s Law
Postulated by the German physicist and mathematician Georg Simon Ohm, is a basic law of electrical circuits.
It establishes that the potential difference V that we apply between the ends of a determined conductor is
proportional to the intensity of the current I that circulates through said conductor. Ohm completed the law by
introducing the notion of electrical resistance R; which is the proportionality factor that appears in the
relationship between V I: V = R * I [1]
Are linear devices that have all the properties required for nearly ideal DC amplification and are therefore
used extensively in signal conditioning, filtering or to perform mathematical operations such as add, subtract,
integration and differentiation. [2]
An Operational Amplifier is basically a three-terminal device which consists of two high impedance inputs.
One of the inputs is called the Inverting Input, marked with a negative or “minus” sign, (–). The other input is
called the Non-inverting Input, marked with a positive or “plus” sign (+). [ CITATION Ele4 \l 2058 ]
Op-amp Follower
A voltage follower (also called a unity-gain amplifier, a buffer amplifier, and an isolation amplifier) is an op-
amp circuit which has a voltage gain of 1
Vout / Vin = 1

Invert Op-amp.
In this Inverting Amplifier circuit, the operational amplifier is connected with feedback to produce a closed
loop operation. When dealing with operational amplifiers there are two very important rules to remember
about inverting amplifiers, these are: “No current flows into the input terminal” and that “V1 always equals
V2”. However, in real world op-amp circuits both of these rules are slightly broken. [ CITATION Ele4 \l 2058

No invert Op-amp
Feedback control of the non-inverting operational amplifier is achieved by applying a small part of the output
voltage signal back to the inverting ( – ) input terminal via a Rƒ – R2 voltage divider network, again
producing negative feedback.[ CITATION Ele4 \l 2058 ]

Adder Op-amp
The Summing Amplifier is another type of operational amplifier circuit configuration that is used to combine
the voltages present on two or more inputs into a single output voltage. [ CITATION Ele4 \l 2058 ]

Differential Amplifier
The Differential Amplifier circuit is a very useful op-amp circuit and by adding more resistors in parallel with
the input resistors R1 and R3, the resultant circuit can be made to either “Add” or “Subtract” the voltages
applied to their respective inputs.[ CITATION Ele4 \l 2058 ]

Electronic device in solid state, whose principle of operation is based on the physics of semiconductors. This
fulfills functions of amplifier, oscillator, commutator or rectifier. [6]
NPN transistor
An NPN transistor receives positive voltage at the collector terminal. This positive voltage to the collector
allows current to flow through the collector to the emitter, since there is enough current to turn on the
transistor.[ CITATION Ele4 \l 2058 ]

Figure 1 NPN representation.

PNP transistor
A PNP transistor receives positive voltage at the emitter terminal. The positive voltage to the emitter allows
the current to flow from the emitter to the collector, since there is a negative current to the base (current
flowing from the base to the ground).[ CITATION Ele4 \l 2058 ]

Figure 2 PNP representation.

A. NI Multisim Simulation
Follower Op-amp
In the implementation of the follower circuit there was no problem with the connections or with the
measurements and graphs that have to be output as a result in the oscilloscope. These connections do not have
difficulties, since it is easier to connect them in simulation than to connect them. in physical the simulation
circuit is compared to be able to assemble the circuit in physics.

Figure 3 follower representation

Inverter Op-amp
In the simulation to configure the Opa-amp we use the 741 and in the case of the inverter configuration we do
it as follows.

Two batteries were used and connected to each other to simulate 12 volts positive and two negatives this was
achieved by connecting the positive of one stack and the negative of the other to one ground. We continue to
connect the 12 volts positive to the number 7 and the 12 volts negative to the 4. The number 3 of the Opa-amp
was grounded, an alternating current of 5vrms and 1Hz was connected to a resistance of 1k and this to the
number 2, to finish with the configuration we connect another resistance of 1k from 6 to 2. We continue to
connect the oscilloscope channel 1 to the input (in the alternating current) and channel 2 to the output (in
number 6), the 2 channels were configured in 5volts per square and at 500ms to be able to see the signal

Figure 4 invert simulation.

Non inverter Op-amp

In the simulation to configure the Op-amp we use the 741 and in the case of non-inverting configuration we
did it that way.

We use two batteries so that between them we get 12 volts as seen in the generator, 12 positive volts in the
number 7 and negative ones in the number 4.
Also, in the number 3 a ground and an alternating current of 3 volts and 1Hz were connected. In number 2 a
resistance of 1K and another earth.

We connect channel 1 and 2 of the oscilloscope. Channel 1 at the entrance at number 3 and channel 2 at the
exit at number 6.

Figure 5 Non invert simulation.

Adder Op-amp
Two batteries were used and connected to each other to simulate 12 volts positive V1 y V2 and booth this was
connected to one ground. We continue to connect the V1 to the number 7 and the V2 to the 4. The number 3
of the Op-amp was grounded, an alternating current of 3vrms and 1Hz was connected to a resistance 1 of 1k
and this to the number 2 and a ground in the negative of the alternative current in the other side of the
resistance we connected another resistance 2 of 1k and this one to another alternative current and also in the
negative side we put a ground, to finish with the configuration we connect another resistance 3 of 1k from 6 to
2. We continue to connect the oscilloscope channel 1 to the input (between resistance 1 and the alternative
current), channel 2 to the output (in number 6) and channel 3 in the middle of the other alternative current and
the resistance 2, the channels were configured in 5volts per square and at 500ms to be able to see the signal.

Figure 6 Adder simulation.

Subtractor Op-amp
In the simulation to configurated the op-amp we use in place analog the 741.
The first connection was to the number 6 we connected the resistances of 1.2K Ohm and then we
connected to the number 2 and we connected an AC power current of 3Vrms and 1 Hz that before
we connected to the firs connection there is a resistance of 1 K Ohm, then the second and third
connection that we did were the number 4 and 7 to a different DC power that had 12V then both DC
power were connected to a ground, the number 3 were connected in two ways the first it to a
resistance of 1 K Ohm and then to a AC current and finally to a ground, the other way was
connected to the first way but the resistance was of 1.2 K Ohm and then connected to a ground.

Figure 7 Subtractor Simulation.

PNP transistor
Ester circuit were connected simpler things and easier to decipher since the teacher's steps were
followed and the connections were not any problem at the time of running the program once it
worked connected different tables to give us the data and compare them at the time of putting them
approve in physical mode.

Figure 8 PNP simulation.

NPN transistor
In the implementation is easier to realize how is the circuit of transistor number 41 this is done and
we know if in the simulation or physical mode throws in more detailed data that is why a
comparison is made in the simulation and in the physical to see how much varies in the computer
and physical data was calculated correctly only varied because our LED was ultra-bright and
occupies more voltage.
Figure 9 NPN simulation.

B. Physical implementations
Follower Op-amp
the oscilloscope is calibrated and the voltage finite is lit on both terminals at 12 volts and the function of the
generator is calibrated with the oscilloscope. Once configured, the circuit begins to be assembled putting the
cockroach at each end enumerated. output 2 to output 6 and the other cable to the output on the left side is
loose and that output goes to the function generator on output 4 connects cable and the other output to the
negative side of the source on the output side 7 connects and on the other side connects the positive of the
output two of the source the wires in the middle of the source are connected to each other and we turn it on
and see how it works and the demonstration is seen in the image of the signal that throws the oscilloscope.

Figure 10 Follower implementation.

Inverter Op-amp
Two batteries were used and connected to each other to simulate 12 volts positive and two negatives this was
achieved by connecting the positive of one stack and the negative of the other to one earth. We continue to
connect the 12 volts positive to the number 7 and the 12 volts negative to the 4. the number 3 of the Opa-amp
was grounded, an alternating current of 5vrms and 1Hz was connected to a resistance of 1k and this to the
number 2, to finish with the configuration I connect another resistance of 1k from 6 to 2. We continue to
connect the oscilloscope channel 1 to the input (in the alternating current) and channel 2 to the output (in
number 6), the 2 channels were configured in 5volts per square and at 500ms to be able to see the signal. The
Opa-amp was connected to the proto and its data sheet was searched to find out where the numbers were and
connected exactly as in the configuration.

Figure 11 Inverter Implementation.

Non inverter Op-amp

In the circuit we use the 741 or also called scoop, we use two batteries and connect them to get the positive
and negative 12 volts. We got the positive volts because we connect them to a battery and the negative ones to
the ground.

We connected the positive volts in the number 7 and the negative volts in the number 4. In the number 3 to
ground and an alternating current of 3 volts and 1Hz were connected. In number 2 a resistance of 1K and
another earth.

We connect channels 1 and 2 of the oscilloscope. Channel 1 at the entrance at number 3 and channel 2 at the
exit at number 6.

All this we did in the breadboard, and we observed that the signal in the oscilloscope was the same as in the
simulation oscilloscope because we connected everything as it was marked in the simulation.

Figure 12 Non inverter implementation.

Adder Op-amp
We use a power supply to get the 12 volts we need and in this also we used to make a ground. We continue to
connect the positive to the input. The Op-amp was grounded, of 3vrms and 1Hz was connected to a resistance
1 of 1k and in the other side of the resistance we connected another resistance of 1k, to finish with the
configuration we connect another resistance of 1k. We continue to connect the oscilloscope channel 1 to the
input, channel 2 to the output, the channels were configured in 5 volts per square and at 500ms to be able to
see the signal.

Figure 13 Adder Implementation.

Subtractor Op-amp
In the implementation were no too easy because is the first that time that all the team do this circuit. We used
two batteries to simulate 12 volts that each battery was connected to the number 4 and 7, the number 3 were
grounded in two ways in by an AC current with the configuration 5 Vrms and 1 Hz and before that was
connected to a resistance of 1K Ohm. To finish the circuit, we connected the number 6 with the 2 and a
resistance of 1.2 K ohm. The configuration of the oscilloscopic were in the CH1 5V, in the CH2 5, A
frequency of M 500ms. The Opa-am was connected to the proto to get the signal and save each signal.

Figure 14 Subtractor Implementation.

PNP transistor
In this circuit having the transistor connected, the output number three is connected to the output of
the positive led, two resistors of one thousand are used for the output one and another for the output
two on the other end of the output resistor one another resistance is added a thousand and the cable
is added so that the voltage from the other side of the negative output is added another cable from
the led and passed in line with the cable that came out of the resistance and we give voltage to work

f s
Resistor 100 4.1 3.94
Resistor 100 4.1 3.94
Resistor 220 8.8 8.462
led 3.2 3.50
Table 1 PNP configuration compare table.

NPN transistor
The ordered inputs of the transistor are searched the one is base the two connects and the three
emits the resistor is connected on the same line as the output 1 and the side is connected in line with
the output two another resistance is connected at the output 3 in The other end of the positive output
of the fed is connected to a conductor cable and the other part of the bridge is connected to the
output of the first resistor and two cables are added so that once the voltage enters, everything
connected turns the LED on and on.

f s
Resistor 100 2.165 2.79
Resistor 220 2.26 1.66
led 2.78 3.33
Table 2 NPN configuration table.

C. Information table about of Mathematical process, NI Multisim Simulation and

Physical implementation.
Follower Op-amp
Inverter Op-amp
Non inverter Op-amp
Adder Op-amp
Subtractor Op-amp
PNP transistor
NPN transistor
In the implementation the values of the function generator were changed by orders of the teacher to 3vrms
and 1Hz and to be able to calculate the 3vrms in the oscilloscope multiplied by the root of 2 to obtain the
exact number.

There was a circuit in which we did not work although we changed the breadboard, and other elements, the
fact that the oscilloscope gave us a frequency in the simulation helped us a lot in the implementation since we
could compare results and it was not difficult for us.

The only thing that changed between the simulation and the implementation was the values of the function
generator, 3Vrms and 1Hz to 3Vrms.

Víctor Javier González Ramírez. With the help of the practice the functioning of the active elements was
understood by recreating the simulations that were previously elaborated and to confirm how these elements
work, in addition to reinforcing previously acquired knowledge of the use of the oscilloscope and the function
generator. There was a lot of emphasis in the Opa-amp because it was explained to us that are the simplest
operations in electronics from that more complicated configurations arise

Alejandro Cortez Hernández. In conclusion this practice help me to have a complete knowledge about all
the circuits that we saw in the classroom and I learn how to use the oscilloscopic and this topic help me to
understand new things about electronic, that in the company that I´m working we used, this topic is very
important because the electronic is in every place.

José Manuel Salas Moyers.

Erika González Reyes. This practice at first was something traded because we had to calibrate the different
machines that we occupied, but in the second class we shared roles so that time would give us a little more, as
we had the circuits in the simulations it was easy just to make them in the breadboard. Although it has not
been clear to me in its entirety due to the connections that are made, I understand the function in each Op-

Marisol Jiménez Gutiérrez. In this practice we learn how to use the op-amp in the circuits it was a little
difficult because if you don’t make the correct connections the circuit doesn’t works and maybe we could
damage something like the resistance or the electronic devices we are using.

Eduardo Raúl De Luna Luevano. I think that the operational amplifiers are too important because is used
every day in everywhere.


[1] ElectronicsTutorials, "ElectronicsTutorials," 2015 5 4. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 6 7 2019].

[2] Fluke, "Fluke," Fluke, [Online]. Available:

practices/measurement-basics/electricity. [Accessed 29 June 2019].

[3] E. tutorials, "Electronics tutorials," Electronics tutorials, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 29 June 2019].

[4] EcuRed, "EcuRed," EcuRed, [Online]. Available:

[Accessed 29 June 2019].

Figure NI Multisim Follower.

Figure NI Multisim Inverter.

Figure Non-Invert NI Multisim Simulation.

Figure NI Multisim Simulation Adder.

Figure NI Multisim Simulation Subtractor.

Figure PNP NI Multisim simulation.

Figure NPN NI Multisim Simulation.

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