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For today's exercises:

1. Watch Genesis in Bible for Kids app

2. Refer content in the Bible in the book of Genesis .

3. Summarize Creation story

4. What lesson you can learn from the creation story which can be applied in your taken profession in
the future?


Plot Overview:

In the first part of the Noah story, God requests that Noah is to build an ark because a great flood will be
coming that will happen all over the Earth, but because Noah has been so faithful, loyal and true to God.
So, God decided spare him from being killed in the flood unlike all the other human beings on the Earth
that were sinful, evil and greedy. Thus, God requested for Noah to and his family to to build an ark to
save their own lives and all the animals on the Earth, as they were innocent and didn't deserve to die
while God will take care of the rest.

In the second part of the Noah story; being The Noahic Covenant in Genesis 9:1-17 god blesses Noah
and his Sons for obeying him, explains what he expects of Noah and his Sons to carry out on Earth and
what he demands of them. Then the covenant between God and Noah and his Sons with them agreeing
to the covenant was established. The important symbol of the rainbow was then created by God to
symbolize his covenant between Noah and his Sons.

Watch the book of Genesis and answer the questions that will po posted later in GC...answers will be
sent via email....

The lesson tha I learned from creation story is that whatever happen to our life ups and downs, we
should never forget to listen and to believe God who are always watching and guiding us, we may
suffer difficulties but we should always take it as a motivation in order have a successful life.

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