March 2020

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and more…

FEATURED It’s been a pretty newsworthy topic in recent months, but the latest coronavirus pandemic has
raised an all-important question. How to protect yourself from a viral disease, when you’ve…


page 4 If there’s one thing I’ve learnt since we moved to our homestead, is the importance of staying
one step ahead. We’ve quickly become pretty self-reliant, but it’s been a steep learning curve…


page 5 If you read any article about getting mugged, they all lean towards the same generic advice. You
may have had a momentary distraction, from a phone call to something catching your eye…


page 6 By now I’m sure you’ve seen it plastered all over the news, and it presents a rather frightening
new reality. The coronavirus, also called the 2019-nCoV, is the latest plague to hit this planet…


page 8 Following a devastating bushfire season in Australia, with 18.6 million hectares burnt, 2,779
homes and 34 people losing their lives to the flames, it’s got me thinking about just how…


page 9 It’s been years since we were really ever worried about bombs falling from the sky, but that
doesn’t mean the threat has gone. There’re nations out there with more than enough…


page 10 With all the international press scrambling around the coronavirus outbreak, it’s plain as day that
we’re still not ready for a threat of the kind of magnitude that’s currently hitting China. But…


page 11 It’s no secret Americans are slowly being turned against guns. The general population is seeing
tragedy after tragedy, almost every time the 6 o’clock news is turned on, and they’re starting to…


page 13 There’s been a whole heap of talk about Trump’s Wall, but I see walls playing another important
role in our family’s survival, a little closer to home. When you’re trying to keep people from…



It’s been a pretty newsworthy topic in themselves quarantined after the DON’T TOUCH YOUR FACE
r e c e n t m o n t h s, b u t t h e l a t e s t Chinese government closed off first
coronavirus pandemic has raised an all- Wuhan, and then several other districts. Now, even if your hands are infected,
important question. the virus is going to need an entry
Getting home safely is paramount in a point into your body.
How to protect yourself from a viral crisis like this, and ensuring you don’t
disease, when you’ve got no choice but get infected yourself. If you can stop it gaining entry, you’re
to travel. going to stay healthy. That means no
Trouble is, confined spaces, like an touching of your face, your mouth,
Some of us have jobs that keep us on airplane or riding a bus or a train give your eyes, your nose or even your ears.
the road for weeks at a time, others are you a much higher chance of getting Try and make it a habit, and if you
frequently in and out of airports, locally infected. What you need to learn how must do (like you’re going to eat
and internationally, and it’s important to do, is safely navigate your travels something), make sure you sanitize your
you know how to keep yourself healthy, without getting sick yourself. hands first. If the virus can’t enter your
so you’re not bringing any particularly system, you won’t get sick.
nasties home with you to your family. KEEP YOUR HANDS CLEAN

Of course, the best defense against a With every surface you touch, your
viral pandemic like this is to limit your fingers are picking up different germs
exposure to the outside world. and bacteria. Even the common flu
virus can live on a surface for up to 24
If you’re not interacting or getting close hours. That means, if someone “Sometimes
to other people, the chances you’re coughing all over your tray table, and
going to get sick become almost zero. you’ve been resting your hands on it. you’ve got
There’s still a chance of course, but for
most of these cases, like coronavirus
Congratulations, your hands may now
be carrying the virus. no choice
and the H1N1 flu before it, the virus
spread through human to human What you need is an antibacterial but to
contact. sanitizer, a gel for your hands to keep

But sometimes, you’ve got no choice

them clean, and also some wipes to
sanitize anything you may touch, like
but to venture out in a pandemic, and
your only option is to travel. You may
the arm rests, tray table or even the
switches and vents above your head. out…”
have even found yourself stuck in a
particular destination when the walls Wipe it all down before you touch
came down, as many Americans found anything.




The surgical face masks lots of people

wear in Asia will block larger particles
in the air (like if someone coughs or
sneezes on you), however with
coronavirus in particular these types of
masks are giving you only a limited
amount of protection.

The virus particles are actually so small

they can pass through the masks. What
you need is to wear a N95 respirator,
these are a thicker and higher quality
mask, that when fitted properly will
remove 95% of all particles in the air.

Which means there’s very little chance a

virus will get through.


In an outbreak situation like this, I

would be taking steps to ensure my
entire body is as covered as possible.

You don’t need to be walking the

streets in a hazmat suit (though
depending on the crisis people may be),
but I would definitely recommend a
jacket with the hood up, gloves on your
hands, and some form of protection
over your eyes.

Airborne droplets from a cough or

sneeze can make their way into your
body if they hit your eyes. So your
clothing and even a pair of big
wraparound sunglasses becomes a
protective barrier, just remember to
wash it all thoroughly when you get


Now this isn’t always possible, but if CREATE YOUR BUBBLE Getting up to use the bathroom is to be
there’s any possible chance you can avoided at all costs, it’s one of the most
keep yourself as far from the other Finally, you need to create your own bacterial-infected areas on all public
people you’re travelling with, do it. little bubble and stay in it. transport. Make sure you go before you
There’s an “effective infection area” You’ve disinfected the area, but the last
around people with a virus like this, and thing you can do is to reach up and Being out in public during a pandemic
each time they cough or sneeze they turn all of the air vents on full blast, is a scary thing. You never know who
create a cloud of bacteria around them. aiming them at your face. you’re going to come in contact with,
and worst of all, whether or not they’re
You want to be at least 3 feet away E ve n t h o u g h t h e a i r i s l i ke l y even sick.
from anyone showing symptoms, and if recirculated on a plane, it is still being
you have a choice, 3 feet away from all filtered, and this breeze straight out of In the case of the coronavirus, you can
other people. the air system will create a little bubble go 14 days without showing any
of air flow around you. symptoms at all, while still being highly
It’s worth paying the upgrade for a contagious to everyone around you.
more expensive seat, or moving right to Helping to push any airborne nasties
the back. Oh, and try to score a away, so you’re breathing what’s If you do need to travel, take these
window seat too, this’ll help you to r e l a t ive l y c l e a n e r a i r. A n d I ’d precautions and ensure you’ll stay
keep a distance from anyone walking recommend staying in your seat too. healthy until you make it home.
the aisles.


My wife actually enjoys scouring

THE IMPORTANCE craigslist for the best deals, and we’ve
picked up everything from a barely used
OF BEING ONE sofa to a cheap-as-chips washing
STEP AHEAD machine that was a definite upgrade to
the one we had prior.

Even Black Friday deals offer some

If there’s one thing I’ve learnt since we amazing discounts if you know exactly
moved to our homestead, is the what you’re looking for. I’m surprised
importance of staying one step ahead. at just how many deals we’ve found,
and there’s been plenty more we’ve said
We’ve quickly become pretty self- “no” too because we simply don’t have
reliant, but it’s been a steep learning the space.
curve and I’ve definitely made my fair
share of mistakes as we learnt the ropes It’s amazing what people are almost
out here on our land. giving away for free.

But staying a step ahead is more than SAVES YOU DOING WITHOUT If I’m building something, it’s tough
having thousands of gallons of water enough to survive a SHTF event.
stored, or stockpiling 12 months’ worth I’ve got this rule when it comes to my
of rice and beans in your cupboards. gear, and it’s that two is one, and one is In fact, I think the chicken coop I built
none. It’s a motto from the military but is tougher than the shed, but that’s
Of course, these two would be quite on the homestead, it definitely applies. neither here nor there.
handing in a crisis, but putting yourself
in a position of always thinking ahead Things break, things go wrong, and Building things to last is like giving your
gives you a number of advantages, both often (like this past winter when we future self a break, as it takes a little
today and after the SHTF. were completely snowed in), you’re on longer yes, but you won’t have to circle
your own. back and fix it. Thinking ahead means
SAVES YOU A SECOND TRIP doing it right the first time.
If you’ve not got a backup plan, a
Now I didn’t realize it until I started contingency or whatever you want to SAVES RISKING YOUR NECK
checking this with my fitness band, but call it, you’re going to have to make do
I was spending a huge part of my day without unless you were smart enough Finally, and this is important too.
making trips to and from my home, my to plan ahead.
work shed, and our paddocks, which is Being a step ahead with your survival
about a mile and a half round trip We lost power for almost a week, but planning means you don’t need to risk
between them. were completely content as our solar your neck when things go wrong.
system picked up the slack, which was a
Getting a lot of steps in (and burning welcome relief to sitting in the dark the Because you’ve planned for the possible
fuel in the truck), but wasting one to entire time. outcomes, you’ve already stockpiled the
two hours a day because I wasn’t gear, equipment and food supplies you
planning ahead. That’s a definite improvement over the need. Because you’ve built your home
winter before, where we were cooking to last, augmenting all of your
This last winter I decided to change outside during snowstorms as our gas preparations with systems that enable
that, decking my work truck out with all went out and there was no other you to be entirely self-sufficient.
of the common bits of gear I was using option. Plan for things to go wrong,
to fix fences, bring down felled and when they do, it won’t be an We’ve gone months at a time without
branches and every other task along the inconvenience at all. seeing a single soul. It’s surreal at times,
way. So, when I noticed something but I see it as a definite advantage
wrong, I had the equipment with me to SAVES YOU SCREWING UP should there ever be a crisis in my local
fix it then and there, without needing to area. Because I know, we’ve got
make a second trip. This is a lesson my dad taught me, and everything we need to survive, already
while he’s never been the fastest in our home. We’ll never have to go out
I actually feel like I’m on top of things handyman around, the level of care he and risk our necks for a plate of food,
now as we start heading into summer. puts into his work is impressive. or a key piece of equipment that’s
broken and needs fixing. We’ve got our
SAVES YOU MONEY If you’re doing a job, always try to bases covered, and to me, that’s vital.
think two steps ahead. It’s more than
When you’ve got a good idea of the just having the right tools and I like to think of my whole survival
things you need to buy in the coming equipment on hand, my dad taught me mindset as being a step ahead.
months, planning ahead helps you keep that anything worth doing is worth
an eye out for the best deals that may doing right, and I still follow that rule But more than just surviving, when you
crop up. We’ve listed out all the jobs to this day. develop this kind of attitude in your
that need doing around our house, life, it’ll save you time, money, and give
from retiling the bathroom to fitting Do your jobs well, so you’re not ever you a distinct advantage should you
walls and furnishing our new guest going to have to re-do it. ever need it in a SHTF event.



Now it’s worth mentioning here that

this step is where things get tricky.
Criminals know you’ve probably got
more cash in your ATM cards than
your wallet, and may insist you to head
to a nearby ATM and withdraw more.
I’d recommend doing it. But I draw the
line at going further, like getting into a
car or driving to a second location. In
this scenario, your chances of being
shot and getting dumped in a ditch
skyrocket, especially if they’re taking
you out of the city and somewhere
remote. This is extremely risky.


If they’re insisting you come with them,

you’ve really got little choice but to
fight back. This is where having your
own concealed carry firearm is a smart
idea, as it helps to balance the scales.
Of course, the winner is going to be
the one who can get the short off first,
so I wouldn’t immediately go for your
WHAT TO DO WHEN A GUNS PULLED ON YOU weapon. Wait for the right moment,
where you can catch your attacker off
guard, perhaps they’ve been distracted
by a passing car, or another passerby,
If you read any article about getting You can’t outrun a bullet, and even if and get your weapon out to fire before
mugged, they all lean towards the same you’re in close quarters, trying a fancy they know what’s what.
generic advice. You may have had a move to disarm your opponent is most
momentary distraction, from a phone likely going to wind up with you getting FIGHT WITH ALL YOU’VE GOT
call to something catching your eye in a shot. I’ll say that again.
shop window and like that, you’re face Distractions here are critical, and use
to face with an opponent, intent on Just give the mugger what they want, as that lapse in concentration to attack
taking everything you have. most of the time, it’s going to be with everything you’ve got. The first
something easy. Your phone. Your objective is the gun, either slam it down
What do you do when they’ve got a gun wallet. But try to avoid getting too (or up) to change the trajectory, doing
pointed right at your face? close, and if you can, toss your your best to knock it from their grip.
belongings over, or slide them on the Then attack with speed targeting all the
SEE IF YOU’RE REALLY ALONE ground. If they grab you you’re going delicate areas, like the groin, eyes and
to find yourself in a lot more trouble. throat, and if possible, get control of
Most criminals are looking for an easy the gun once your opponent is out for
score, and that doesn’t involve killing STAY CALM WITH NO SUDDEN the count. This is highly dangerous and
their intended targets. They just want to MOVEMENTS should only ever be done as a last
rob you, and get back to their day. resort, because there’s every chance
You’re going to be frightened, sure, but they can take a shot before you get
Without drawing any unwanted don’t forget the racing set of emotions close. And that’s a risk you shouldn’t
attention on themselves. So, if you’ve going through your opponent. take unless you have no other option.
let your situational awareness slip and
someone has pulled a gun on you, They may be high or using drugs, which Finally, if you do manage to escape
check if you’re really alone. Other can make them overly suspicious, edgy unscathed it’s time to call the cops. Let
people in the nearby vicinity may be or even panicked. them know what happened, the
enough of a deterrent that you can description of your attacker (things like
walk away. Just quietly and calmly tell You need to stay calm, and make their height, eye colors and any
your opponent there are witnesses, and comforting controlled movements as distinguishing marks) to help track this
it doesn’t need to be like this. All we you follow their instructions. The last criminal down are all wor th
need to do is walk away and you can thing you want to do is freak out the remembering. Oh, and make sure you
pretend this all never happened. person with a gun pulled on you, and cancel your credit cards as fast as
get a bullet for your thanks. Most possible. And stay with a friend until
GIVE THEM WHAT THEY armed robberies you will escape you can get a locksmith in to change
WANT without injury, so long as you don’t do the locks on your home. You never
anything to further agitate your know what crazy ideas your attacker
If there’s no one around to help, my attacker. Be calm, and slowly give them may have when he knows where you
advice is to just do what you’re told. what they want. live, and has the keys to your home.



By now I’m sure you’ve seen it T H E I M PA C T O F T H E PROTECTION WITH A

plastered all over the news, and it CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC SURGICAL MASK
presents a rather frightening new reality.
The coronavirus, also called the 2019- Right now, there are several cities in Over the last decade these types of
nCoV, is the latest plague to hit this China on lock down, with quarantines masks have become popular in Asia.
planet. and strict border controls in place.
The crowds of people, especially on
We’ve seen pandemics before, and The virus is already international (and public transport, have made it a
they’re always a challenge because they this is different to many similar necessity to protect yourself against
throw a curve-ball at even the best-laid pandemics we’ve seen to this day), everything from colds and flus, to more
plans. Because you’re fighting a because coronavirus is contagious serious illnesses, and it’s quite common
microscopic enemy. before any symptoms present. to see people of all ages wearing
surgical masks (some companies now
It’s not people you have to keep at bay, That’s right, you can be infected, and even offer fashionable masks, with
but tiny particles hiding in the very air spreading the coronavirus for up to 14 certain styles and fancy prints to cater
we breathe. days before you get the first signs of to this demand).
any symptoms.
The good news (at least for us here in
the United States), is that there are still That’s how it spread so fast.
only a handful of cases, and the
chances of you contracting this People simply didn’t know they were
particular strain of the disease are still
quite low.
sick, so they acted normally. Infecting
more and more people.
So low in fact, the CDC doesn’t That’s why the local governments have simply
recommend taking any precautions at made it mandator y (in several
this stage, unless of course, you’ve jurisdictions) to wear face masks while didn’t
recently visited China. being out in public. Because it spreads

Across the ocean however, the situation

through us. When we cough, sneeze, or
simply breathe, we send tiny droplets
know they
has already become rather dire. of moisture into the air.
And it’s not hard to imagine if there Likewise, you breathe these in
were to be a breakout on American soil, whenever you take a breath. Wearing a sick…”
just how rapidly things can take a turn face mask then should be a form of
for the worse. It’s critical now (more protection, but how much do the masks
than ever) that you’re ready. actually offer?



Trouble is, surgical masks don’t really

do a heck of a lot.

In fact, they’re mostly designed to stop

large droplets from a surgeon’s mouth
or nose from infecting the person
they’re operating on.

But because they’re quite loose fitting,

and the coronavirus particles are
microscopically small, these masks do
very little to stop you breathing the
virus in. At least, that’s what the team
over at the CDC are saying, and I’m
inclined to trust the experts.

Where these masks do help is

preventing an infected person from
spreading the virus further.

Because you’re containing the droplets

and moisture that comes with every
cough them make, limiting the
exposure risk they present to everyone
around them.

When you, or someone in your party is

sick (even with just a respiratory
illness), it’s good common sense to get
them wearing a surgical mask as a
precaution against infecting everyone



What the CDC does recommend, is the

use of a N95 mask.

In fact, they’ve released guidelines for

any healthcare professional working
around patients who have coronavirus REMEMBER TO STOCK UP They’re the biggest producer yet even
to wear these specific respirators. EARLY with factories scaling up production,
back to back shifts and machines
Now they’re not perfect, but worn Now, we talk about this a lot when it working 24/7, they can’t simply
correctly, a N95 mask will filter out comes to prepping, but the best time to produce enough masks to protect their
95% of all particles in the air, which get your house and your stockpile in people. Even in the United States and
greatly reduces the chances you will order is before the SHTF. i n E u r o p e, s t o ck s a r e a l r e a d y
breathe in an airborne virus, like the disappearing from stores as people
coronavirus. It’s almost impossible to buy N95 stock up.
respirators in Asia at the moment, and
Of course, it’s not completely the price has skyrocketed from $10 for If you’ve not got respirators in your
foolproof, for these specific respirators a pack of 10, to anywhere from $6 to stockpile, it’s going to be worth looking
to work properly they need to have an $10 a piece. for these on your next supply run.
airtight fit around your nose and mouth
(doctors are actually trained every year You read that right, people are profiting You’ll never know how fast the stores
on the correct ways to fit these masks, from those who didn’t prepare, because will run out, and if the pandemic
that’s how important it is), and I can tell there simply isn’t enough supply to continues to gets worse, or the infected
you from my own personal experience, meet the demand. rates in the United States continue to
you don’t want to be wearing these for rise, having your own supply of masks
a long period of time. It’s harder to China (who manufacture the vast could very well be the thing that keeps
breathe, and it very quickly gets hot and majority of these masks) have even your family from getting sick.
sticky as you wear it. asked the international community to
donate more. It’s a must-have piece of gear in my
But it’s the best form of air protection eyes, and I highly recommend you sort
you can hope for in a pandemic. To me, that’s crazy. this out sooner (rather than later).




Following a devastating bushfire season of the first things to go in a fire, but PROTECT YOUR VALUABLES
in Australia, with 18.6 million hectares that’s neither here nor there. We’ve
burnt, 2,779 homes and 34 people taken steps to keep our home as flame- We’ve actually invested in a fireproof
losing their lives to the flames, it’s got proof as possible, opting to build it safe, it’s much smaller and designed for
me thinking about just how prepared from a steel frame and brick instead of documents only, and we keep that
my home is to battle a fire. Of course, a cheaper timber frame and boards, and inside our normal safe. I think of it as
there’s not much you can do when the installing flame-resistant roofing tiles. the double-walls of protection, but it
winds are sending giant walls of Every external door is metal, and we’ve helps set my mind at ease that if a fire
bushfires burning towards your home, even got steel shutters to fortify our were to take our home, all of our
but there’s a few things you can do to windows. Not only does it make our important documents, passports, and
protect your valuable assets from a fire. home more secure against other the few family heirlooms we have
disasters, we’ve done our best to ensure would be safe from the flames inside.
P R E PA R E F I R E - F I G H T I N G it doesn’t go up in flames during a fire.
For starters, it’s a good idea to have Finally, it’s important to consider your
basic fire-fighting supplies on hand. With the surrounding areas burning, last resort. How you plan to get out of
Things like fire blankets should be kept you’re going to be inhaling smoky air dodge should the fire take a turn for
in close proximity to danger areas (like which can cause a whole host of the worse and start heading directly to
the hotplates in your kitchen), because problems, especially if you’ve younger your house. Leaving it too late to leave
for most people, this is where a fire is children. Keep all of your windows can be a death sentence, as the heat and
most likely to start. We’ve also got two closed, doors shut, and ensure any the smoke can be almost impossible to
different kinds of extinguisher, both in cracks are sealed to stop the smoky air survive in a bushfire, so make sure
the kitchen and in the garage in my getting in. Keeping an air conditioner you’re monitoring the situation
workshop, to help contain any small- running is a good idea (if you’ve got carefully, and you know exactly where
blaze that may start. It’s not much, but the grid capacity to power it), just you’ll be headed.
being able to stop a fire from spreading remember to block off the intake
further could make all the difference in valves so it’s not pulling in smoky air, We use a pre-packed crate system to
keeping your house from burning. just recycling the clean air you’ve got speed up our bug outs, but in a high-
inside. Oh, and we’ve got an air purifier risk fire scenario like this, you can bet
CLEAR THE AREA AROUND too that we can run, just in case. It my car will be packed and ready to go
YOUR HOME doesn’t get used much, but it works at a moment’s notice, should we ever
wonders when there’s smoke in the air. need to evacuate. Fighting to protect
Now, we’ve actually done this for two your home is not a smart idea, if you
reasons. It gives the kids plenty of UNDERSTAND YOUR ABILITY lose your life in the process.
room to play around out property TO FIGHT
(we’re out in the boondocks so there’s Protecting your valuable assets in a fire
no shortage of space), but it’s also for We’ve drilled a well on our property is all about forward thinking.
security. There’s no way to approach and also have a large dam we use for
our home unseen, it’ll all get caught on both water storage and irrigation, and Having the means to fight back against
the spotlights (at night), or trigger our as part of our desire to go “off-grid” a smaller fire that may present, keeping
cameras and alarms during the day. But we’ve installed a pump house in our your valuables in a fireproof safe, and
for bushfire prevention this is a good back shed that brings this water up to taking steps to ensure you’ve got the
practice to follow, as there are no trees our home for use. So, there’s plenty of best possible chances to survive.
or other material (except for our actual water, and last summer I picked up a
home) that could add fuel to the fire. rolling sprinkler system designed for Sometimes that may mean you do need
the cornfields. It makes watering our to evacuate, and if that’s the case, don’t
FLAME-PROOF YOUR HOME meager crops a breeze, but it also gives hesitate to do so. The most important
us the ability to spray a ridiculous asset you need to protect, is your life.
Obviously, our bug out cabin that’s amount of water on and above our So be careful with it.
built out of pine logs is going to be one home as a last line of defense.



Using just 0.3% of the world’s nuclear

arsenal could destroy 50% of the
world’s ozone layer, making even basic
farming an incredible challenge as the
harsher beams from the sun burn all of
the crops growing underneath. It’s a
dangerous cycle once it starts.


Without the ability to grow crops, we

can expect the vast majority of the
population to starve as there will simply
not be enough food to go around.
Yields will drop as the punishing UV
radiation kills good farming lands, and
the lower temperatures shorten the
growing seasons. Even the oceans
would suffer, as fish are contaminated
and become dangerous to eat.


There’s a reason we tell people to

stockpile food, and even during a
nuclear apocalypse your supplies should
LIFE IN THE FALLOUT OF NUCLEAR WAR remain fit to eat. If it’s tinned, bottled,
in jars or has been effectively sealed in
tight packages will mean it’s generally
It’s been years since we were really ever Considering tests have shown this to safe to eat, even in the aftermath.
worried about bombs falling from the reach devices up to 1,000 miles away,
sky, but that doesn’t mean the threat even one blast would have a far- THE RADIATION KILLS
has gone. There’re nations out there reaching effect, as computer systems,
with more than enough capabilities to refrigerators, it all goes dark. In the Anyone not immediately killed by the
launch an attack on U.S. soil, and in my movies they call devices that do this an bombs will face a far scarier disease, as
opinion, one topic that never really gets EMP, and it’s a phenomenon that cancer rates skyrocket amongst the
enough play is what life would look like occurs with every nuclear device that survives. All of the radioactive particles
in the aftermath of such a disaster. goes off. It’ll send anything in the blast released from the explosions will enter
radius back to the stone age. the atmosphere, falling all over the
Here’s what you can expect in the earth. If you breathe or consume these
aftermath of a nuclear attack. THE FIRES WILL START particles, there’s a good chance you will
get bone cancer, and any second
THE RAIN TURNS BLACK The amount of energy hitting the blast generations will have a whole host of
area is enough to cause almost different birth defects and shorter life
As the ash from the nukes hits the everything inside to burst into flames. spans. It’s not an immediate killer, but
atmosphere, it’ll darken the rain that Homes, forests and everything else will it’s also not a good outcome for us
begins to fall, turning everything a nasty be incinerated, sending up huge clouds humans either.
shade of black. It’s radioactive fallout, of toxic smoke into the atmosphere.
and once it starts falling it’s highly With each blast creating a thick black THE PEOPLE SURVIVE
radioactive, contaminating everything it cloud almost 10 miles wide, the
touches, from the plants in the ground combined effect will temporarily black In the aftermath of a nuclear war we
to the people it falls on. It’s like a sticky, out the sun. Launch enough nukes, and can expect billions to die. They simply
black mess, that ultimately leads to the combined smoke will send the aren’t prepared enough, haven’t had the
radiation poisoning, in all of the areas it entire country dark. foresight to plan ahead, and lack the
falls. And these clouds can travel supplies, skills and ability to survive in
hundreds of miles before releasing their THE WORLD GETS COLD the new world we’ve created for
payloads on the unsuspecting people ourselves. If we can make it 20 to 30
below. In a total nuclear holocaust, with years, the temperatures should start
multiple nuclear attacks launched, the returning to normal, and life will begin
THE GRID GOES DOWN combination of the thick clouds that again. But it won’t ever be the same,
block the sun will quickly start and neither will the survivors. But there
The pulse of electromagnetic radiation dropping temperatures. It’s been is hope, because even the experts
that shoots out from the blast of a estimated the global temperatures could expect small core pockets of humanity
nuke has another devastating effect, drop as much as 36 degrees in a to survive. The question, is whether or
working to fry the circuits of any worldwide nuclear apocalypse, turning not you’ll be one of them. Isn’t it time
electrical device in the blast radius. our prime growing seasons into winter. you started getting prepared?


SURVIVE A GLOBAL In addition to a couple of months’
worth of food and water (at a
DISASTER minimum), it’s a smart idea to have
plans in place should you be facing a
disaster that goes on longer than this.
With all the international press Eventually, even if you’ve got a year’s
scrambling around the coronavirus supply of food, this will run out if
outbreak, it’s plain as day that we’re still you’ve got no way to replenish what
not ready for a threat of the kind of you’re consuming. Small things, like rain
magnitude that’s currently hitting catchment systems, gardens and even
China. But that doesn’t mean you don’t raising animals like rabbits for food can
have to be. In fact, there’s a few things help you to be more self-sufficient.
you can cater to in your plan to help And that’s before we even talk about
your family survive a real-life pandemic. the grid. For the vast majority of us we
rely on the city grids for power, water,
STOCK UP ON CRITICAL and even sewage disposal. In a crisis, Once a crisis hits it’ll be too late to
SUPPLIES there’s no guarantee these services will prepare, and if you’ve not got the
continue to run, especially if all the weapons you need to keep your family
It’s a no brainer, but a particular subject maintenance workers have left to go safe, you’ll struggle finding them at all
that far too many people fail to take care of their families. Put plans in when a disaster strikes.
implement in their day-to-day lives. If place to ensure your home is
there was an announcement, right this completely self-sufficient, so that no DON’T RE-INFECT OTHER
very minute, that a virus was spreading matter what, you’ve got lights, heat, and PEOPLE
and from 6pm tonight every person will a means to stay sanitary.
be under a strict curfew to stay in their Right now there’s a growing list of
homes. What do you think would AVOID CROWDS OF PEOPLE countries which are restricting entrants
happen? Absolute pandemonium as for any visitors who have been in China
people rush out to buy “just a few more Depending on what’s happened, within the last 14 days. And for good
things” before the shops close. Right? probably the scariest element you will reason, the coronavirus can infect
We see it almost every time there is a face is other people. In a pandemic like p e o p l e a n d l e ave t h e m h i g h l y
disaster or a localized emergency. coronavirus, there are people right now, contagious, during the initial 14 day
going around trying to infect others. incubation period. In a pandemic like
Your job is to prepare in advance, Coughing, spitting and infecting every this, you need to be ready to create your
stocking up on the supplies you need public surface they can. It’s disgusting own quarantines.
now, before the SHTF. So that if the to watch, but it highlights a particularly
worst does happen, you’re not fighting scary fact. People are your worst enemy, We’ve got an ample supply of medical
the crowds or facing empty and in a crisis, other people should be equipment, but also the plastic sheeting,
supermarket shelves. You can simply avoided at all costs. You never know and procedures in place that can quickly
head straight home and take care of what they’re planning. That’s why I turn our garage into a “quarantine
your family. The last thing you want is want you to be stocked up on supplies, zone,” on the off-chance someone in
to be one of the tens of thousands of and be as self-sufficient as you can in our family does get sick, we can still
people in a complete panic, because your own home. Because in a crisis you keep them close to care for them,
you’ve not got enough food to survive. can simply hunker down inside, riding without putting the rest of the family at
out whatever pandemic you are facing risk. For a pandemic like coronavirus,
without needing to venture out into the this is a very smart strategy, because
world. Other people are your worst when you run the numbers, it’s been
enemies in a crisis like this. family members of those infected who
have been given the virus. I for one,
GET READY TO FIGHT BACK would never want my kids to suffer like
“Other Once a few days have passed this is
this, and it’s critical you’re not re-
infecting other people.
people are when things will get particularly
dangerous, as that’s when everyone who Of course, surviving a global pandemic
hadn’t made plans will start getting very,
your worst very hungry. They’ll be looking to
like this does have an element of luck.
For all of the people who were
scavenge and steal whatever they need unfortunate enough to be in Wuhan
enemies in to keep their own families fed, and you
ultimately are going to have to make a
when coronavirus broke, it is indeed an
unfortunate turn of events. But
a crisis like call. You’ll need to be ready to fight
back to keep your family safe. Now is
following these guidelines, minimizing
your contact with the outside world
the time to start preparing your while living off your stockpiled
this…” weapons stockpile, getting the firearms, supplies, is going to be your best
ammunition and all of the other tactical chance to surviving a disaster like this,
gear that will give you any advantage if you find yourself in the epicenter of
you can. the dead zone.



It’s no secret Americans are slowly (hint: it’s not going to be any good for Most firearms in the United States can
being turned against guns. you at all, or me either for that matter). accommodate large capacity magazines,
even law enforcement officers have 15
The general population is seeing But I can tell you this, now’s the time to or 17 round magazines in their duty
tragedy after tragedy, almost every time start stocking up on the firearms you sidearms.
the 6 o’clock news is turned on, and actually need.
they’re starting to demand something The new laws would make these
be done, and be done quickly. AR-15S AND OTHER SEMI- magazines illegal.
This tide is being felt in politics, and
while there are groups of us pushing It’s quite clear the AR-15 is one of the
back, like the thousands of us who most popular rifles in the United States
marched in Virginia at the end of and for good reason.
January, there’s no question times are a “The AR-15
changing. And it’s because of this shift, It’s easily modifiable and simple to
that I’m writing this article today. maintain, and despite what they tell
you, they’re hardly ever used in
is one of
Because I know, when the SHTF we’re
going to be left on our own.
homicides (handguns are more easily
concealed, and what most criminals the most
choose). Now is the time to buy the
We’re going to be the ones who need to
defend ourselves when the police, the
rifles you need for your weapons
army, and the general population are
hungry, and demanding what’s rightfully LARGE CAPACITY MAGAZINES
rifles in the
ours. And without a means to fight
back, well, you can quickly imagine Another item on the chopping block is USA…”
what this is going to look like for the the magazine size.
people who can’t defend themselves.



In an attempt to curb mass shootings, or at least, limit the amount of damage one person can inflict
on a crowd, the politicians are trying to push through some quite draconian changes to our gun laws
(and they’re moving ahead quite fast in Virginia).
Primarily, a total ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. Trouble is, they’re looking to
overturn decisions made decades ago. Today, since AR-style automatic weapons first came on the
market back in the 60’s, there’s been an estimated 8-million of these bad boys sold. In the market, in
the hands of the general population, just waiting to be used.
And even if the laws change, making it harder to buy the ammunition or even the assault rifles, I
won’t bet the safety of my family on the fact the guys who will actually use these weapons of war to
do terrible things – that they’ll just give their assault rifles back. The ones who are going to get
screwed with all this are the guys like you and me, who want to abide by the laws. We’re disarmed (at
least as far as the boys in blue know). This is the crux of the issue, the changes they’re proposing will
make us felons for having guns and accessories that are commonly available today.
With that in mind, and assuming the tides of change don’t swing in our favor, there’s a few different
firearms and accessories that may be worth sourcing now, before they’re impossible to buy if these
changes go ahead.

so I’d recommend equipping yourself Now, I don’t know about you, but these
Now I don’t know about you, but in a with at least one of these as well, just in are some pretty draconian limitations
firefight, every time I reload is an case. that are being planned, and while they
opportunity for my opponent to gain may not all make it to law, you can bet
the upper hand. Of course, just buying these three is there will be changes coming.
just the starts. Policymakers are also
I do not want to be reloading more trying to tack on a bunch of other We’ve seen it already…
than necessary, so I will be getting all restrictive laws to this rising trend, that
of the magazines I need now, before are going to make it much more Remember the bump stocks? I
you can no longer buy them. difficult to buy the firearms you need to
keep your family safe. f you don’t know what these are, it’s a
SILENCERS AND SOUND replacement for the standard stock on
SUPPRESSORS Like making background checks on all your rifle, allowing you to use the recoil
firearm transactions a requirement from a shot to rapidly accelerate your
I n a s i m i l a r l i n e o f th i n k i n g , (which makes person-to-person deals firing rate. Effectively turning a semi-
suppressors are being targeted because far harder), and the reinstatement of a automatic weapon into one that fires
they have the potential to quiet law previously thrown out, where we like a machine gun.
gunshots and give someone with bad could only buy one handgun a month.
intentions a better ability to go Perfect if you need to defend yourself
unnoticed. These kinds of checks are not going to against a group of people, but as of
stop the determined, or the criminals. It now, owning one puts you at risk of
But if you’ve ever shot with a simply makes it harder for working breaking the federal gun laws. What’s
suppressor you know you can’t really class people like us to arm and protect going to be taken away from us next?
silence a gun. The sound is our families.
unmistakable, and these particular My advice, stock up on the firearms
devices are already heavily regulated Oh, and there’s also the one giving law you need to keep your family safe now,
and quite difficult to obtain already. But enforcement officers the ability to take before it’s too late.
in a disaster, being able to go hunting your guns away if “they believe” you’re
without your shots ringing clear over an an immediate threat to yourself, or
entire valley is definitely a good thing, others.



There’s been a whole heap of talk thickets, obscuring the view so it almost surprisingly effective.
about Trump’s Wall, but I see walls looks like it’s simply thick forest behind.
playing another important role in our We’ve got another internal gate with a
family’s survival, a little closer to home. Exactly what we want a passer-by to remote sensor (it opens with a click
think. Five years on this is doing a button), but as you drive in there’s a
When you’re trying to keep people remarkable job, and it really just looks rather large hole covered by steel grates.
from accessing your property, a wall is like a thicker patch of forest within the
one of the best deterrents you can surrounding woods. I didn’t imagine This is effectively one of our foxholes,
have. But it also presents a challenge, this would be so perfect. as the cover can be easily removed to
because to a scavenger looking for their stop cars being able to drive in (should
next meal, a large, defensive wall could BUILDING THE ENTRANCE they make it through), and we could
be an indication there’s something of GATE also position ourselves in there under
value on the other side. cover to fire at anyone approaching.
Our entrance to the property has been
So, the challenge then becomes, how do designed at an angle, and currently
you build your own walls, to keep your there’s a gate that we keep latched, set
family safe during a crisis. In our back from the road so it’s almost too
survival planning we’ve got a few easy to be missed.
different strategies in place, to keep us
secure but without raising undue We lose mail all the time because of
attention. this, so we started using a post-box in
the next town over instead.
“keep us
Let me tell you how we’ve done it.
Its practical for us now, but it is very secure
BUILDING THE OUTER WALLS easily barricaded in a SHTF event as all
it would take to cut the road access without
My goal here was to basically be a completely would be to fell a few of the
deterrent, shielding our property from
view from the road, without making it
trees along the drive. With this down,
there’s no possible way for a car to
p a i n f u l l y o bv i o u s t h e r e wa s a
flourishing homestead in behind. The
approach our property, so anyone
intent on closing in would need to be undue
key to doing this well, has been fast on foot.
growing pines.
But instead of planting these in
obvious rows along the fence line, Now this was actually a design I had
we’ve intentionally created large seen when I travelled Australia and it’s


cont. In an ideal world we’d have a clear line Plus, it gives us a whole heap of
of sight to this fence, but as I see it additional privacy when we’re sitting
This connects to the inner fence line, that’s not a must-have right now. around in our yard, while giving us
which runs off into the trees on either Should the SHTF hit, we would plenty of space as well.
side and is completely out of view (if definitely take the tractor and clear it
you haven’t realized it yet, we do have out so we’ve a direct line of sight. But I know, I know, my plans are always a
quite a bit of land we’re working with, I’d rather not look at this out of my little overkill but even with all of the
but it was cheap as it was out in the windows unless I have to. fortifications we put in, I’ve made it
sticks). work while being relatively cost
BUILDING THE INNER FENCE As we cleared the area around our
home we shifted quite a bit of dirt, Plus, by choosing natural solutions over
Our inner fence presented a challenge, which I’ve used to create what I call the man-made, we’ve ultimately generated a
because we wanted something that “home fence” – or in other words, a similar result, without feeling like we’re
wouldn’t look too industrial, but would natural little bit of a lip that forms living in a place like Guantanamo Bay.
provide a level of security from an around about 70 percent of our home.
approach on foot from all sides. And I’m confident we’ll not only have
We’ve left the view down to our pond plenty of advance warning against
We ended up clearing a large path that unobstructed, because, it’s an excellent anyone trying to sneak up, that they’re
runs around the entire perimeter of our view and highly unlikely we’re more than likely going to give up and
“inner land” as we like to call it, which approached from that direction. But the go find an easier target when they see
is about the width of two cars wide. rest is a combination of earthworks and all of the walls we’ve built.
patio bricks stacked up almost three
The fence running through here is feet high, creating another sheltered What about you, what walls have you
topped with razor wire, but obscured area around our home. built to keep the bad guys at bad?
through the trees so you don’t see it.
If it ever comes to it I’m a tad
It’s also electrified, and there’s alarms concerned the approaching enemy
on it so we know if anyone approaches. would have slightly higher ground as we
make a last stand, but at the same time,
So far, it’s alerted us to two deer, and these works as almost perfect natural
that’s been it. Nothing crazy (at elast fortifications we can use to hold off
not yet, but I like to be prepared). any attackers at bay.


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