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Reynold’s Number Equipment

A project
Presented to the Department of Chemical Engineering
Cebu Institute of Technology – University
N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Course
ChE 523 – Equipment Design

Alferez, Jevica Mae
Emotin, Kent Evan
Go, James Nevin
Gorme, Cameron Kaye
Ralisay, Sherwin
Salahog, Joemalyn Joy
Seblos, Grethel Joy
Ybarley, Joanna Grace

March 2019

This project covers the design and fabrication of a Reynold’s Number Apparatus that

could be used for laboratory experiments for the identification of a fluid’s Reynold’s

Number. The project aims to design a functioning and more accurate Osborne-

Reynold’s Apparatus for the Chemical Engineering Department of the University.

In the identification of a fluid’s Reynold’s Number, the concept of fluid

mechanics is being applied. The Reynold’s Number is a number that indicates the

type of flow of a fluid, which could either be an absolutely steady flow or averagely

steady with small, unsteady changes. The modified apparatus is designed to

accurately determine the type of flow of the fluid through increasing the stability of

the fluid from the water container by using spherical marbles and a cylindrical

container rather than the usual rectangular tank.

The methods used in the project is to research on the information necessary

to design the apparatus and through studying the current Reynold’s Apparatus

present in the University. The Reynold’s Number Apparatus present in the Chemical

Engineering Department is dysfunctional due to the difficulty in cleaning the ink

container and needle. The purpose of this project is to design a functioning and more

accurate Reynold’s Apparatus with a detachable ink container and replaceable

needle to easily clean out the container from excess ink after performing the


Table of Contents

Summary 1

I. Introduction 4

 Description of the equipment 4

 Review of Literature 5

 Discussion 7

 Methodology

II. Final Recommended Design 10

 Sketch of Proposed Design 10

 Specifications 11

III. Conclusion 14

IV. Recommendation 15
V. References 16

VI. Appendices 17

I. Introduction

Description of the Equipment

A number that indicates whether the flow of a fluid is absolutely steady or

on the average steady with small, unsteady changes is the Reynolds’s number

(Colombo, 2013). The Reynolds number serves as a criterion of the type of fluid


In a pipe, for example, laminar flow exists at Reynolds number that is less

than 2100, and turbulent flow at Reynolds number above about 4000. The

laminar flow is characterized by fluid particles moving in the form of lamina sliding

over each other, such that at any instant the velocity at all the points in particular

lamina is the same. The lamina near the flow boundary moves at a slower rate as

compared to those near the center of the flow passage. The turbulent flow is

characterized by constant agitation and intermixing of fluid particles such that

their velocity changes from point to point and even at the same point from time to

time (Geankoplis, 2003).

The Osbourne Reynolds Apparatus is an equipment used to investigate

the characteristics of the flow of the liquid in the pipe which is also used to

determine the Reynolds number for each state of flow. The design of the

apparatus allowed studying the characteristics of the flow of the fluid in the pipe,

the behavior of the flow and also to calculate the range for the laminar and

turbulent flow where the calculation is used to prove the Reynolds number is

dimensionless by using the Reynolds number formula (Never, 2004).

Review of Literature

According to McCabe et. al (1993), Reynolds observed a difference

between laminar and turbulent flow using his classic experiment in 1883. A glass

tube held parallel to the ground was immersed in a glass walled-tank filled with

water. By opening a valve, a controlled flow of water could be drawn through the

tube. A small jet of dyed water was introduced into the center of flow in the larger

pipe. At the end of the pipe there was a flow control valve used to vary the water

velocity inside the tube. The findings in Reynolds experiment suggests that at low

flow rates, the behavior of the color band showed that the fluid flows straight. At

high flow rates reaching the critical velocity, the flow of the color band became

curvy until it disappeared as it scattered through the stream of water (McCabe,


Reynold’s studied the conditions under which one type of flow changes to

the other and found that the critical velocity, at which laminar flow changes into

turbulent flow, depends on four quantities: the diameter of the tube and the

viscosity, density and average linear velocity of the liquid. The grouping of

variables so found was

Additional observations showed that the transition from laminar to turbulent flow

actually may occur over a wide range of Reynolds numbers. In a pipe, flow is

always laminar at below 2100, but laminar flow can persist up to Reynolds

numbers of several thousand under special conditions of well-rounded tube

entrance and very quiet liquid in the tank.

Several studies were conducted on the existing Reynold’s number

apparatus and its performance. One of which is the “Retrofitting a Reynolds

Apparatus - An Undergraduate Thesis in Chemical Engineering” by Pasia which

tackles about the concerns of his Reynolds equipment, namely: the turbulence

due to the form of the original dye injector, clarity of the glass pipe, reproducibility

and variability of the data, and water consumption. He addressed this concern by

replacing the dye injection system with a glass tubing connected by copper metal

to provide more clear visual observation of liquid layers and using a catch basin,

placing it under the valve at the end of the transparent glass tube and pumping

back the water to the second reservoir to minimize the excessive consumption of

water. In addition, a baffle was installed to minimize the turbulence due to the

pumping of water.


The design is modeled from the old laboratory equipment for Reynold’s

Number. Improvements for the old equipment were applied to the new designed

equipment to have more efficient results during laboratory experiment. The

design can also help the students to clean the equipment easily. It has a total

height of about 90 cm, has a base of 35 cm wide, and a weight of 1kg or more

which is really reachable, convenient in storage, and handy. The dye and water

tanks are made of transparent cylindrical glass/acrylic, about 15 cm high and 4

cm and 11.50 cm in diameter, so that it could be easily cleaned. The viewing tube

is also made of transparent cylindrical glass/acrylic which has a diameter of 1 cm

and a height of 67.5 cm in order for the students to have a better view of the

results of the flow. The base and supports are made of steel which indicates that

the new designed equipment is sturdy.


1. Set up the Reynold’s Equipment. Ensure that the equipment is on a level

surface near a sink and faucet.

2. Record the ambient temperature. Determine the density of the operating fluid

(water) with a pycnometer. Confirm density readings with the literature data.

3. Open the globe valve (Point 4. Figure 1.) and place the outlet hose on the


4. Connect the hose (Point 3. Figure 1.) to the water source and fill the

apparatus until a steady state system is achieved.

5. Prepare 15% (w/v) potassium permanganate as the visual ink.

6. Fill the dye reservoir (Point 1. Figure 1.) with the prepared potassium

permanganate solution.

7. Control the globe valve (Point 4. Figure 1.) to allow the water to flow through

the viewing tube at a low speed.

8. Allow the dye to flow by opening the valve found in the dye reservoir (Point 1.

Figure 1.). The dye will flow like a streak in the channel. The nature of the

streak will indicate the flow regime. Take a picture of the viewing tube with the

actual flow.

9. Adjust the water velocity until the dye streak indicates the desired flow regime.

10. Record the volumetric flow rate of the flow by collecting the outlet volume in a

time interval.

11. Repeat for different volumetric flowrates.

12. After using, clean the ink reservoir with hot water to remove residual ink.

13. Continue the flow of water until the viewing tube becomes clear again.

14. Turn off the faucet and drain all water inside the water reservoir.

15. Determine the Reynold’s Number of the data observed and compare it with

the actual nature of the streak.

Specified Procedures for Cleaning Dye Container

1. Preheat 2L of distilled water to boiling.

2. Prepare two beakers filled with 250 mL of the distilled water in a beaker for
the needle.
3. Fully open the inlet valve and outlet valve. Introduce water to flash out
remaining dye present in the viewing tube.
4. Remove the dye container from the equipment by unscrewing the screws on
the dye container platform.
5. Remove the marbles and wash each of it with soap, pat dry. Make sure the
water container is dry. Return marbles into the water container.
6. Fully open the dye valve.
7. Set aside one beaker with the distilled water for the needle.
8. Pour the other beaker with the warm distilled water into the dye container. Let
it flow. Finish the remaining warm distilled water.
9. Dip the end of the ink needle into the remaining beaker with warm distilled
water for a few minutes.
10. Wash the ink container with room temperature distilled water to cool.

II. Final Recommended Design

Sketch of Proposed Design

 Dimensions are in cm

Figure 1. Front View of Reynold's Number Apparatus

Figure 2. Isometric View of Reynold's Number Apparatus


 Water Tank (Glass):

V = 2200 mL
H = 19.4 cm
D = 12 cm
t = 0.25 cm

 Ink Reservoir (Stainless Steel):

V = 250 mL
H = 5 cm
D = 4 cm

 Glass Tubing (Viewing Tube):

H = 67.5 cm
D (inner diameter) = 1cm

 Water Tank Support Rods (4pcs) (Stainless Steel):

H = 53.7 cm
D = 2.5 cm

 Ink Reservoir Support Rods (4pcs) (Stainless Steel):

H = 7 cm
D = 1.5cm

 Base Platform (Stainless Steel):

L = 36.9 cm
W = 36.9 cm
H = 3 cm

 Water Tank Platform (Stainless Steel):

L = 18.45 cm
W = 18.45 cm
H = 3 cm
 Inlet Pipe (PVC):

H = 30 cm
D = 1 cm

 Outlet Pipe (PVC):

H = 67.5 cm
D = 1 cm

 Hose (Plastic):

D = 1.2 cm

 Globe Valve

D = 1 cm

 Ink Needle Gauge 18 (Surgical Steel):

D (Inner) = 0.838 mm
D (Outer) = 1.270 mm

Type of Qty
Part  Volume Diameter Length Width Height thickness
Material .
Transparent 2200 19.4
Water Tank 1 12 cm - - 0.25 cm
Glass mL cm
Ink Reservoir Stainless Steel 1 250 mL 4 cm - - 5 cm 0.125 cm
Transparent 67.5
Glass Tubing 1 - 1 cm - - -
Glass cm
Water 53.7
Stainless Steel 4 - 2.5 cm - - -
Support Rods cm
Ink Support
Stainless Steel 4 - 1.5 cm - - 7 cm -
Base 36.9
Stainless Steel 1 - - 36.9 cm 3 cm -
Platform cm
Water 18.45 18.45
Stainless Steel 1 - - 3 cm -
Platform cm cm
Inlet Pipe PVC 1 - 1 cm - - 30 cm -
Outlet Pipe PVC 1 - 1 cm - - -
Hose Plastic 2 - 1.2 cm - - - -
Globe Valve Bronze 1 - 1~1.2 cm - - - -
Ink Needle 0.838 5.08 0.432
Surgical Steel 1 - - -
Gauge 18 mm cm mm
Table 1. Specification of the Reynold’s Number Equipment

III. Conclusion

This project focused on the design and fabrication of a Reynold’s

Number Apparatus that could be used for laboratory experiments for the

identification of a fluid’s Reynold’s Number. The modified apparatus is

designed to accurately determine the type of flow of the fluid through

increasing the stability of the fluid from the water container by using spherical

marbles and a cylindrical container rather than the usual rectangular tank.

The purpose of the project is to design a functioning and more accurate

Reynold’s Apparatus with a detachable ink container and replaceable needle

to easily clean out the container from excess ink. Two needles attached to a

copper wire were fabricated for the purpose of needle replacement.

From the calculations of the Reynold’s number, only Trial 2 got a

different prediction. It can be inferred that the calculations coincide with the

observation made. It can also be seen that the water collected was very little

in reference with the other trials. Possible errors for trial two would be the

placement of the needle and the presence of bubbles in the viewing tube.

IV. Recommendations

Prior to the experiment, the viewing tube should be thoroughly cleaned

through the use of a burette brush and dishwashing liquid.

During the experiment, tap water should be gradually introduced to the

viewing tube by regulating the flow rate of the water in order to avoid the

formation of bubbles inside the viewing tube.

Since the fabricated equipment lacks the presence of an overflow tube,

the inflow and outflow of the water should be regulated prior to the experiment


V. References

(1) Geankoplis C.J. 2003.Principles of Transport Processes and

Separation Processes. Types of Fluid Flow and Reynolds Number, LPE. pp.
51-53. Pearson Education, Inc., U.S.A.

(2) Colombo P., Traini D., Buttini F. (2003). Inhalation Drug Delivery
Techniques and Products. Chapter 6.4. Wiley, 2013.

(3) MEEG331 Incompressible Fluids. Retrieved from

(4) McCabe, W.L., Smith, J.C. and Harriot, P. (1993). Unit Operations of
Chemical Engineering. 5Th edition. McGraw Hill Book Co. New York.

VI. Appendices
VI.1 Raw and Computed Data of the Reynold’s Number Experiment


Q m =volume of collected water
( ) Q̇ (s)
=volumetric flowrate of water

m kg
v ( )
s m( )
=velocity of water ρwater 3 =density of water at specific temperature

μwater (Pa∙ s )=viscosity of water at specific temperature D ( m )=wetted diameter of the flow
t ( s ) =time of collection

Raw Data obtained:

Volume Collected Temperature Flow Regime

Trial Time Interval (s)
(mL) (°C) (Observation)

1 185 10 28 Turbulent

2 125 10 28 Turbulent

3 200 10 28.5 Turbulent

4 163 10 28.5 Laminar

5 100 10 28 Laminar
Table 2. Raw Data from the Reynold's Number Experiment

Specifications of the Reynold’s Equipment:

Viscosity (Pa·s) Density (kg/m3) Temperature (°C) Wetted Diameter

8.39E-04 996.31 28
8.39E-04 996.17 28.5
Table 3. Specifications Needed

VI.2 Sample Calculations for Trial 1 at 28°C:
Determining the Velocity of the Fluid:

10−6 m3
t∗π 2 v=
185 mL∗ (
mL )
v=1.46 x 10−1
D s∗π 2 s
4 10 ( 0.0127 m)

Determining the Reynold’s Number:

kg m
ρ ( T )∗v∗D ρ ( 28 ℃ )∗v∗D 996.31 3 ∗1.46 x 10−1 ∗0.0127 m
N ℜ= N ℜ= m s N ℜ=2203.42
μ (T ) μ ( 28 ℃ ) N ℜ=
8.39E-04 Pa∙ s
The flow has a Reynold’s number greater than 2200, it is in turbulent regime.

Same calculations were done in the other trials and tabulated in Table 4 below.

Volume Time Flow

Tria Temperature Velocity Flow Regime
Collected Interval NRe Regime
l (°C) (m/s) (Observations)
(mL) (s) (Calculated)

1 185 10 28 1.46E-01 Turbulent 2203.41 Turbulent

2 125 10 28 9.87E-02 Turbulent 1488.79 Laminar

3 200 10 28.5 1.58E-01 Turbulent 2382.07 Turbulent

4 163 10 28.5 1.29E-01 Laminar 1941.39 Laminar

5 100 10 28 7.89E-02 Laminar 1191.03 Laminar

Table 4. Calculated Data and Observations

VI.3 Original Laboratory Data


ChE 402
Experiment No.

Name: _________________ Course and Year: _____________

Group: _________________ Date: ______________________



 To visually demonstrate differences between laminar, transition, and

turbulent flow types.
 To compare visually identified flow types with its Reynold's number and
determine if it is within the acceptable range.


The type of flow occurring in a fluid in a channel is important in

hydraulics and fluid dynamics problems. For example, the nature of flow over
an aircraft wing affects the drag and hence determines the power required to
propel the aircraft afterwards. So, when fluids move through a closed channel
of any cross section, either of two distinct types of flow can be observed,
according to the conditions present. These two types of flow can commonly
be seen in a flowing open stream or river. When the velocity of flow is slow,
the flow patterns are smooth. On the other hand, when the velocity is quite
high, an unstable pattern is observed, in which eddies or small packets of fluid
particles are present, moving in all directions and at all angles to the normal
line of flow of flow (Geankoplis, 2014).
The first type of flow, where at low velocities the layers move smoothly
over one another without eddies or swirls is called Laminar flow. The second
type on the other hand, in which if the velocities are increased, small
disturbances cause eddies which mix-up the layers of the fluid producing a
different kind of flow is termed as Turbulent flow. The existence of laminar and
turbulent flow was most easily understood and visualized by the experiments
of Reynolds. Osborne Reynolds (23 August 1832 – 21 February 1912) a
British physicist, was a prominent innovator in the understanding of fluid

dynamics and mechanics. He conducted an experiment for observation and
determination of these regimes of flow. He first identified the variables
controlling the flow and a rational means of predicting the nature of flow. This
was done by introducing a fine filament of dye in to the flow of water through
the glass tube. At its entrance he studied the different types of flow. At low
velocities the dye filament appeared as straight line through the length of the
tube and parallel to its axis, characterizing laminar flow. As the velocity is
increased the dye filament becomes wavy throughout indicating transition
flow. On further increasing the velocity the filament breaks up and diffuses
completely in the water in the glass tube producing an erratic pattern which
indicates the turbulent flow (Falkovich, 2011). The velocity at which the flow
changes from laminar flow to transitional flow or from transitional to turbulent
flow is known as the critical velocity.
The critical velocity averaged over the cross section is believed to be a
function primarily of the pipe diameter, fluid density and the fluid dynamic
viscosity. These variables are combined which led to the definition of a
dimensionless parameter now called, Reynolds number, expressed
mathematically as:

NRe = Dvp / u (Eq. 1) (Geankoplis, 2014)

NRe is the Reynolds number;
D is the diameter (m);
p is the fluid density (kg/m3);
u is the fluid dynamic viscosity (Pa-s);
v is the fluid's average velocity (m/s)
In Equation 1, the average velocity v is defined as the volumetric flow
rate divided by the cross-sectional area of the pipe. Here, Reynolds showed
that the behavior depends on the balance between inertia and viscous forces
in the fluid. In fact, the Reynolds number expresses the ratio of the inertial
(destabilizing) or kinetic forces to the viscous damping or stabilizing force. The
inertial forces are proportional to pv2and the viscous forces to uv/D, and the
ratio pv2/(uv/D) is the Reynolds number shown in Equation 1.
Analyzing further the relationship between the variables considered in
the Reynolds number: as NRe increases, the inertial forces grow relatively
larger and the flow gets destabilized into full-blown turbulence. Consequently,
as the NRe decreases, the viscous forces increase relatively and the flow
stabilized into a laminar flow.
In other words, the Reynolds number can be used to identify the
conditions under which the flow changes from laminar to turbulent. By

experiment it was found that the change always occurred at a similar value of
Reynolds number irrespective of the fluid and the size of the pipe. It also
determined the critical Reynolds number at which laminar flow becomes
transitional, and transitional flow becomes turbulent. According to Geankoplis
(2014), for a straight circular pipe with a diameter D at steady-state flow, when
the value of the Reynolds number is less than 2100 (N Re < 2100), the flow is
always laminar. When the value is over 4000 (N Re > 4000), the flow will be
turbulent. In between 2100 and 4000 – called the transition region – the flow
can be viscous or turbulent depending upon the apparatus details.
Generally, the pipe flow of fluids can be identified as laminar,
transitional or turbulent by the behavior of the fluid flow which is characterized
by being smooth or erratic. But to precisely identify its type of flow, several
variables are determined and the corresponding Reynolds number is


 Reynolds Number Apparatus

 Dye (KMnO4)
 Thermometer
 Graduated Cylinder
 Pail
 Stopwatch

Experiment Proper

1. Fill the tank with water and leave it for some time as the water in the
tank should come to rest.
2. Fill the reservoir with dye (the weight density of dye should be same as
that of water).
3. Slowly fill the head tank with water to the overflow level. Record the
temperature of the water. Open and close flow control valve to admit
water to the flow outlet valve of the glass tube. Allow the apparatus to
stand at least five minutes before proceeding.
4. When the flow is stable, open the inlet valve of dye injector and allow
the colored fluid to flow through the glass tube.
5. Observe the appearance of dye filament in the glass tube and note
down the type of flow obtained for that particular discharge.
6. Record the volume of water collected in measuring for certain interval
of time.

7. Repeat the above procedure for different discharge rates and calculate
Reynolds’s number for each type of flow.

Post-Experiment Procedures (Cleaning the Apparatus)

11. Preheat 2L of distilled water to boiling.
12. Prepare two beakers filled with 250 mL of the distilled water in a beaker
for the needle.
13. Fully open the inlet valve (3) and outlet valve (5). Introduce water to
flash out remaining dye present in the viewing tube.
14. Remove the dye container (1) from the equipment by unscrewing the
screws on the dye container platform.
15. Remove the marbles and wash each of it with soap, pat dry. Make sure
the water container (2) is dry. Return marbles into the water container
16. Fully open the dye valve (A).
17. Set aside one beaker with the distilled water for the needle.
18. Pour the other beaker with the warm distilled water into the dye
container (1). Let it flow. Finish the remaining warm distilled water.
19. Dip the end of the ink needle (C) into the remaining beaker with warm
distilled water for a few minutes.
20. Wash the ink container with room temperature distilled water to cool.

Figure A. Reynold’s Apparatus

Figure B. Dye Container and Needle



Trial Volume of Collection Volumetric Reynolds Type
No. water Time flow rate Q, Number Re Of
collected (sec) (m3/s) (dimensionless Flow
(mL) )

1. Which type of fluid flow is smooth, and predictable? Explain it briefly.


2. What are the probable sources of errors?




(1) MEEG331 Incompressible Fluids. Retrieved from

(2) Geankoplis, C.M. (2003). Transport Processes and Separation Principles. 4th

Ed. New Jersey: Pearsons.


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