Short Story Summative: Body Biography

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Short Story Summative ​Body Biography

Directions: ​Choose ONE of the short stories that we have read over the last few weeks (“Everyday
Use”, “All in a Summer Day”, or “The Lottery”), and choose ONE character from that story.​ ​Create a
portrait of that character’s body biography that explains the traits, values, thoughts,
conflicts/emotions, and power or lack of power of that character. Your body biography should reflect
the following body parts below. It should also reflect clothing appropriate to the time period that the
character would have worn.

How will I construct this assignment?​ You have a few options for how you can do this
assignment. If you are computer savvy, you may create a digital representation of the character and
type your text evidence and explanation. Or, if you are more artistic, you may draw your character and
write neatly or type and cut out your text evidence and explanations. There will be an assignment
folder for you to upload your work into. If you do it by hand, you will just take a picture and upload
the pictures of your finished product.

What does the project need to have in it? ​Citing evidence correctly from the text of the story you
have chosen, you will choose passages that reflect ​4​ out of the following, but you must choose either a
HANDS or a HEAD (which will be where you represent and explain the character’s power or lack

1. Hands​:​ ​What does s/he do? What is his/her work and/or main physical actions? Who or
what does s/he touch or carry? What are his/her actions, behaviors, and mannerisms? YOU
MUST HAVE SOMETHING FOR ​BOTH HANDS​. Find textual evidence and cite. ​(Explain
2. Shoulders​:​ ​What is a burden to him/her? What weighs heavily upon his/her shoulders? Or
what is something he/she figuratively carries? ​(Find a piece of textual evidence and cite; then
3. Head​: ​This is his/her mind. What does s/he think? What are his/her values, beliefs, and
personal philosophies? ​(Find a piece of textual evidence and cite; then explain.) *THIS
4. Heart​: ​What does s/he desire? Love? Hate? Fear? ​(Find a piece of textual evidence and cite;

then explain.)
5. Eyes​: ​What does s/he see? How does s/he look at the world? Eyes are often referred to as the

window to the soul. What can you infer about him/her? ​(Find a piece of textual evidence and
cite; then explain.)
6. Feet​: ​Where is s/he going: physically, mentally and emotionally? Find a piece of textual
evidence and cite; then explain. ​(Explain with detail).
Project requirements:

● On the back of your poster or on a separate slide or digital document, explain and
defend the quotes you have paired with each body part. This IS a portion of your
overall grade.
● The clothing does not have to be symbolic, but it does need to be accurate.
● Your body biography should be in color.
● Poster or half a poster board size. No bigger or smaller, please.
● Leave room at the top for your character’s name.
● See the examples of hand-completed projects that I have provided for you.
● See below for an example of a piece of evidence that has been correctly quoted, cited and
explained for a Body Biography on Mama from the story “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker – you
may not use this one. (HEART - What does she desire? Love? Hate? Fear? ):

Textual Evidence: “Sometimes I dream a dream in which Dee and I are suddenly brought
together… and Dee is embracing me with tears in her eyes. She pins on my dress a large
orchid…” (Walker 315).

Explanation: Mama desires to have the full love and recognition of her eldest daughter,
Dee. She loves both of her daughters, but she feels that she has become estranged
somewhat from Dee as Dee has grown into an adult.
Body Biography Rubric

Project Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 0 TOTAL

Body biography’s images and words

demonstrate a clear understanding of
the character’s appearance,
relationships with other characters,
motives, beliefs, and conflicts
[internal & external]. [x 5]

Body biography presents an accurate

portrayal of the character’s physical
appearance and the time period. [x2]

A minimum of four pieces of cited

evidence (for each) is used to reflect
an overall understanding of the
character. Evidence is correctly
cited. [x4]

ALL FOUR body parts are chosen

and analyzed. Body biography
demonstrates a clear understanding
of the character’s behaviors, desires,
personality, role in the plot, burdens,
etc. [x4]

Body biography is the student’s

BEST WORK. The student follows
the directions of the assignment, and
his/her work reflects an overall
understanding of the character’s role
in ​A Doll House.​ [x2]

Student is able to logically explain

and defend their choices and
analysis. [x3]

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