Inglés - Prueba para Ingresar A II° Básico

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Name ____________________________ Class __________________ Date __________________ ORIGINAL VERSION

Test name: 8th Grade English Exam

Choose the correct answer.

1. I'm really glad that I bought a big dog after a strange man came into my house. I
_______________ now.
a. feel safer in my home
b. have to take it out for walks
c. inherit a lot of money

2. Many varieties of _______________ are grown in Asia.

a. rice
b. microchips
c. televisions

3. A: I don't have any cash.

B: That's OK. I brought my _______________.
a. ticket
b. guidebook
c. credit card

4. A shop near my house _______________ fresh bread every morning.

a. boils
b. bakes
c. barbecues

5. When people move away from their hometown, they often _______________.
a. feel jealous sometimes
b. feel safer in their home
c. lose touch with old friends

6. My grandfather has to quit his job. He's gotten sick, _______________.

a. coincidentally
b. luckily
c. unfortunately

7. _______________ are farmed under the water.

a. Sheep
b. Lobsters
c. Chickens

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8. A: I hate waiting. I can't even wait for one minute. I go crazy!

B: Wow. You're really _______________.
a. embarrassed
b. impatient
c. bored

9. When Lila's husband is very nervous, he always _______________ his nails.

a. bites
b. twirls
c. rolls

10. I have $300 in _______________ for the trip.

a. traveler's checks
b. passports
c. visas

11. Sandra is going to help me _______________ these photographs and put them on my
Web site.
a. type
b. scan
c. double-click on

12. I think that _______________ are farmed in Louisiana.

a. oysters
b. televisions
c. cars

13. A: Do you have a pet?

B: Not now, but I used to have a _______________.
a. rabbit
b. scrapbook
c. tree house

14. A: Clara works quickly and rarely makes a mistake.

B: Yes, I know. Everyone says she is the most _______________ employee in the
a. critical
b. level-headed
c. efficient

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15. I like to _______________. My favorites are Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman.
a. paint
b. play chess
c. collect comic books

Choose the correct answer.

16. In the old days, men used to work, and women _______________ of the children.
a. used to take care
b. were taking care
c. take care

17. I usually use the microwave oven _______________ up my lunch.

a. to heat
b. for heat
c. it heats

18. If you see a "No Fishing" sign beside a lake, then you _______________ fish there.
a. are allowed to
b. can't
c. have to

19. While my mother _______________, she saw some strange lights in the sky.
a. was driving
b. has driven
c. drove

20. A: You've been losing weight this year.

B: Yes, I have. _______________ less and I exercise more.
a. I did eat
b. I've been eating
c. I had eaten

21. I'm _______________ people who eat on the subway train.

a. disgusting
b. disgusting by
c. disgusted by

22. A: I love _______________ to rap music.

B: Oh, I don't.
a. for listening
b. listen
c. listening

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23. If Michael doesn't eat a good breakfast, he _______________ have enough energy
during the day.
a. won't
b. wouldn't
c. hasn't

24. My telephone bill _______________ my father.

a. was paid by
b. paid by
c. has paid by

25. Summer is _______________ my family always heads for the beach.

a. a season of
b. the season when
c. the season for

26. I'm trying to go to sleep, David. _______________ play your music softly.
a. Be sure to
b. Try to be
c. Making sure to

27. Original request: Don't chew gum in class.

Reported request: The teacher said _______________ gum in class.
a. not chew
b. not to chew
c. to chew

28. A: Did you enjoy the movie?

B: Yes, I did. It _______________ really good.
a. has been
b. was
c. had

29. _______________ to the rock concert last month?

a. Has your sister gone
b. Was your sister
c. Did your sister go

30. A: I enjoy _______________ out once a week.

B: So do I.
a. eating
b. eat
c. to eat

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31. A: I'm interested in learning a new language.

B: _______________. Let's take a class together!
a. So am I
b. So do I
c. Neither do I

32. A: My feet hurt in these hiking boots.

B: Well, _______________, then.
a. take off
b. take off them
c. take them off

33. The Johnsons have _______________ children as the Richardsons. Both families have
a. too many
b. just as many
c. just enough

34. Original request: Don't make too much noise.

Reported request: My mother told us _______________ too much noise.
a. make not
b. don't make
c. not to make

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35. I didn't know Oscar was angry. When I left, he _______________.

a. was smiling
b. has smiled
c. had smiled

Working dogs

Read and answer the questions.

Most dogs have a simple life. They hang around outside, chase cats, eat, and sleep. Their
only job is to play with their owner. But some dogs work very hard. There are several kinds
of working dogs, and playing is not part of their job description. They are trained to use
signs and signals to communicate with their owners.

Guide dogs, or seeing-eye dogs, are the constant partners of the blind - people who can't
see. These dogs are trained to be the eyes of their owners, using physical signals to help
them cross the street, find their way, and avoid things in their path. Not just any dog can be
a seeing-eye dog. German shepherds and retrievers are the most suitable. These dogs have
the best traits for the job: intelligence, a good memory, and the ability to work long hours.

Police dogs have highly sensitive noses and are trained to smell things that humans can't.
They help find clues at a crime scene, people who are missing or lost, and illegal drugs in
people's luggage. They also use special signals to tell people where things are.

Working dogs are typically trained for several years before they start their jobs. Since
people's lives depend on them, they must be the best at what they do.

36. What do most dogs do that working dogs can't do?

a. cross the street
b. play with their owners
c. find people

37. What do seeing-eye dogs help their owners do?

a. chase cats
b. work long hours
c. avoid things in their path

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Name ____________________________ Class __________________ Date __________________ ORIGINAL VERSION

38. What do police dogs do?

a. help people find their way
b. find cats that are lost
c. smell things that humans can't smell

Learning while you travel

Read and answer the questions.

Learning vacations are becoming popular as travelers seek to do more than just relax while
on a trip. Travel Web sites promise relaxation as well as learning a skill, such as cooking, a
foreign language, or a local craft.

What should you know in order to plan a successful learning vacation? First, you should
decide what you'd like to learn. Then decide where you want to go. The two should be
related. For example, if you want to learn Italian cooking, you should look for trips to Italy.

Next, decide how much time you want to spend in class and how much time you want to
spend sightseeing. You don't want to spend all of your time in class and not see the place
you're visiting! Then look at the cost for different trips to see if you can find a match for
your budget.

A learning vacation is a great way to learn quickly about a culture while visiting it. Classes
are usually designed to teach a visitor about the history and customs of the country. So if
you're studying samba in Bahia, you'll probably learn about the history of that region, too.

39. What is a learning vacation?

a. a foreign language school
b. a trip to a cooking school
c. a trip on which you study a skill

40. Where should you go on a learning vacation?

a. somewhere that is related to the skill you want to learn
b. somewhere that is related to Italian cooking
c. somewhere where they have sightseeing tours

Interchange Third Edition • Student's Book 2 • Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 • Page 7
Name ____________________________ Class __________________ Date __________________ ORIGINAL VERSION

41. What should you look for in a successful learning vacation?

a. a trip that is within your budget
b. a trip that balances class time with sightseeing time
c. all of the above

An East/West success

Read and answer the questions.

Ang Lee is one of the most talented and influential film directors in the world. He was born
in 1954 in Taiwan, graduated from the National Taiwan College of Arts in 1975, and then
moved to the United States to study film production. When he was 38 years old, he won a
contest and directed his first feature film, Pushing Hands, about a Chinese Tai Chi teacher
who moves to the United States to live with his son in New York.

His most famous movie to date is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, a fascinating film set in
17th-century China that featured traditional Chinese martial arts. But Lee is not just famous
for his work in Chinese. The English-language movie Sense and Sensibility, adapted from
the classic book by Jane Austen, was widely praised by critics as an outstanding film. It
received seven Academy Award nominations. Many say that this movie won Lee the
respect of Hollywood as a director who could make any movie.

Today, Lee can choose his own film scripts. He is equally comfortable in Taiwan as he is in
Hollywood. He likes to challenge himself with different types of films, such as the movie
about the cartoon hero, The Hulk. When asked about the future, he says, "I can make
movies forever."

42. What film is Ang Lee best known for?

a. Hulk
b. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
c. Pushing Hands

43. What movie made Ang Lee a respected Hollywood director?

a. Hulk
b. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
c. Sense and Sensibility

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Name ____________________________ Class __________________ Date __________________ ORIGINAL VERSION

44. What type of movies does Ang Lee prefer to make?

a. movies adapted from books
b. Chinese movies
c. various types of movies


Read and answer the questions.

Can you earn a college degree without ever going to a class? Online universities are
becoming popular as more and more people want to earn degrees while working, staying
home with children, or living far from a traditional university. With a computer and an
Internet connection, you can earn a degree from anywhere.

Online programs are fairly similar to regular programs. There are online lectures,
homework, tests, and even a scheduled class time. But you don't have to be there. You
simply log on when it fits your schedule. As long as you do the assignments, e-mail them on
time to the instructor, and pass your tests, you can succeed in an online environment.

One drawback is that some employers don't take online degrees seriously. In one survey,
only 26 percent of employers said that online degrees were as good as traditional degrees.
The field that is most accepting of online degrees is Internet/new media, at 70 percent. The
fields least likely to accept an online degree are medicine (32 percent) and law (44 percent).
Other drawbacks include a lack of face-to-face contact with classmates and instructors.
However, as online degrees become more common, many employers say they will become
more comfortable with them.

45. What kind of person might want to earn an online degree?

a. someone with children in college
b. someone with a traditional college degree
c. someone who works full-time

46. How are online programs similar to traditional programs?

a. You e-mail your assignments.
b. You log onto a computer.
c. You have homework and tests.

Interchange Third Edition • Student's Book 2 • Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 • Page 9
Name ____________________________ Class __________________ Date __________________ ORIGINAL VERSION

47. Do most employers take online degrees seriously?

a. No, they don't. Only 26 percent accept them.
b. No, they don't. Only 32 percent accept them.
c. Yes, they do. Forty-four percent accept them.

Finding the right career

Read and answer the questions.

Whether you're looking for your first job, unhappy in your present job, sure about what job
you want, or unsure about your choices, a career counselor can help. A career counselor can
help you decide which career path to choose, which jobs you should look for to get on that
path, and how your skills or personality traits fit with certain careers.

The field of career counseling developed in the 1940s in the U.S. A researcher saw that
people's desire for personal and career development were connected as they made career
choices. In other words, a job isn't just a job - people want to be happy and fulfilled in their

Today, career counseling is a huge field, and counselors have many tools to help you find a
career that's right for you. Personality tests, surveys of your interests, and skill evaluations
are just a few of these tools. Knowing what you're good at and what your personality traits
say about you can be helpful as you search for a job. And counselors can have many
contacts in many fields. These important contacts can help you find the job you want. Who
knows? Maybe you'll even become a career counselor!

48. How did the field of career counseling start?

a. A researcher found that people wanted to be happy in their jobs.
b. A researcher saw that people wanted to look for jobs.
c. A researcher found that personality tests made people happy.

49. What tools do counselors have to help you find the right career?
a. interest surveys and personality traits
b. skill evaluations and personality tests
c. job contacts and field testing

50. What is one way a counselor can help you find the job you want?
a. helping you find want ads in the newspaper
b. helping you make contacts in the field you choose
c. giving your job contacts a personality test

Interchange Third Edition • Student's Book 2 • Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 • Page 10
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Student's Book 2, Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Test Answer Key

1. a (Unit 9)
2. a (Unit 11)
3. c (Unit 5)
4. b (Unit 4)
5. c (Unit 9)
6. c (Unit 12)
7. b (Unit 11)
8. b (Unit 14)
9. a (Unit 14)
10. a (Unit 5)
11. b (Unit 7)
12. a (Unit 11)
13. a (Unit 1)
14. c (Unit 10)
15. c (Unit 1)
16. a (Unit 9)
17. a (Unit 7)
18. b (Unit 14)
19. a (Unit 12)
20. b (Unit 12)
21. c (Unit 13)
22. c (Unit 10)
23. a (Unit 9)
24. a (Unit 11)
25. b (Unit 8)
26. a (Unit 7)
27. b (Unit 16)
28. b (Unit 4)
29. c (Unit 4)
30. a (Unit 10)
31. a (Unit 10)
32. c (Unit 6)
33. b (Unit 3)
34. c (Unit 16)
35. a (Unit 12)
36. b (Unit 14)
37. c (Unit 14)
38. c (Unit 14)
39. c (Unit 5)
40. a (Unit 5)
41. c (Unit 5)
42. b (Unit 13)
43. c (Unit 13)
44. c (Unit 13)
45. c (Unit 7)
46. c (Unit 7)
47. a (Unit 7)

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48. a (Unit 10)

49. b (Unit 10)
50. b (Unit 10)

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