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In reference to the TESDA issued Circular No. 38 series of

2017, “Implementing Guidelines for the Program Under
PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Pilot which aimed to scale up
technical education and address the need to further develop
the global competitiveness of the Filipino workers. Supportive
to the thrust for global competitiveness, the Diploma programs
covered by this Circular are described by the agreed and
developed seventeen (17) Program Learning Outcomes
(PLOs) that are adherent to the PQF Level 5 descriptors, and
the graduate attributes of the Sydney Accord (Engineering
Technologist) completed with the identified competencies of
the 21st Century Skills (such as collaboration and teamwork,
creativity and imagination, critical thinking, and problem-
solving), as well as subjects such as Mathematics, Physics and
Relative to this, a Procedures Manual in
the Evaluation of PQF Level 5
(Diploma) Programs was issued under
the TESDA Circular No. 086, s.2019 in
compliance to the pre-conditions for the
development of Diploma Programs and its
implication to the articulation and credit

Provisions on the TESDA Board Resolutions

on various Diploma programs promulgated
by the Board.
This Guidelines shall be the basis for
recognition of Diploma programs by the
Regional Offices of all public and private
TVET institutions intending to offer PQF
Level 5 (Diploma) programs. Likewise, this
shall serve as the quality assurance of PQF
Level 5 (Diploma) programs which shall be
deemed as promulgated by the TESDA Board
for inclusion in the Philippine Qualification
The Packaging Rules shall set the minimum
requirements: competency standards,
training arrangement, and assessment
and certification necessary to develop the
PQF Level 5 (Diploma) program. The
Procedures Manual for the Evaluation of
PQF Level 5 (Diploma) shall serve as a guide
in evaluating a Diploma Program.

The framework combines TVET qualifications

with academic courses. The figure below
illustrates how a combination of multiple
qualifications at different levels addresses the skill component of
the TVET program, while Academic courses support the acquisition of knowledge and values that reinforce the curriculum.
The diagram is composed of gray blocks representing the Training 21
Regulation (TR)-based qualifications related to the discipline/sector
and the technology component of the learning outcomes representing
learning outcomes for technologists of the discipline/sector aligned with
a specific destination Higher Education (HE) program based on the
Policies, Standards, and Guidelines (PSG) of the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED).
A. PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Program Framework
TC = Technology Component of
the LOs (e.g GMAW, SMAW, etc)

Legend: TC = Technology Component of the LOs (e.g GMAW, SMAW, etc)


All courses of the PQF Level 5

(Diploma) Programs shall be
purposefully chosen to contribute to the
attainment of all 17 PLOs. Each PLO is broken down into several Performance Indicators (PIs) that are more specific and narrower in scope, which renders easier and faster matching
of course outcomes
A PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Program shall be packaged towards 23
the attainment of the 17 PLOs whose context is illustrated

B. Adoption of the 17 Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)---

The list of the 17 PLOs with their corresponding PIs, each
of which has its function whether to Introduce (I), Enhance
(E), or Demonstrate(D) the PLO. A PI Introduces (I) the
PLO if it is input-focused or covers knowledge-based
contents that are contributory to the attainment of the
PLO. A PI Enhances (E) the attainment of the PLO if it is
meant to apply knowledge contents in the study/practice of
the technologies within the discipline (ex. Chemistry
concepts are used to explain how metals are welded
together using SMAW) and; a PI Demonstrates (D) the PLO
if it involves performance of skills in the technology of the
identified discipline. A PLO has at least one (1) of each PI
that functions to Introduce, Enhance, or Demonstrate.

A PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Program is anchored on

the 17 PLOs and their corresponding PIs;

The description of the courses identified specify

the scope of what the learner will be learning in
relation to the technology (psychomotor) contents
found in the competency standards;
The PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Program’s units of 27

competency are grouped and packaged into

meaningful workplace combinations reflecting
complete and recognizable job roles within the
PQF level 5 descriptors. These provide the
boundaries agreed by the industry as essential for
competent performance in an area of work;

TVET qualifications at Level 5 are at the interface

with higher education and are at the same level as
diplomas and associate degrees in higher
education. In ladderized programs, PQF Level 5
(Diploma) constitute the qualification for the next
stage in the ladder towards higher education
The PQF Level 5 (Diploma) programs are
integration of technical education and skills training
and are designed to facilitate credit transfer from
TVET to higher education through alignment of
Program and Course Outcomes of both levels of

PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs shall include

TR/qualifications up to the highest available level
within a sector and/or related to a discipline. The
TRs provides details of the units of competency that
must be achieved to award each
Qualification/National Certificate/Cluster of
The Program Title
Shall indicate the representative of the sector, the destination
course, and corresponding CHED Memorandum Order (CMO)
Number to ensure alignment with CHED and the level in the
Example: PQF Level 5 Diploma in Hotel and Restaurant
Technology leading to BS Hospitality Management.

Brief Description of the Program Provider

Provide a brief introduction of the provider, its vision, mission and goals and its course offerings. Information about partners, both industry and
Higher Education Institutions should be briefly described.
Program Description 39

Describes the competencies the learners are

expected to learn and to be able to perform.
The focus of the program, major skills and
tasks to be performed by its graduates.

Job Titles
Enumerate the possible job titles of graduates
of the PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Program. It
should include job titles from all qualifications
included and arranged from highest level to
the entry level job titles.

Program Learning Outcomes

TVET Institutions may adopt all 17
PLOs and their 82 PIs as prescribed in
the packaging rule or may indicate
their own PLOs and PIs depending on
the type of Diploma Program in order
satisfy the institutional outcomes.
These PLOs are expected to be
satisfied through the courses covered
by the program.
Program Duration 41

This states how long the program will be

conducted to attain the PLOs of the PQF Level 5
(Diploma) Program. The length of study should
includeOn-the-job/SupervisedIndus try
Learning training durations.

Program Framework
This is the diagram of included
TRs/Qualifications and courses aligned with the
PLOs and Pls. It should show the related
qualifications up to the highest qualification level
per subsector which are included in the
The Curriculum Outline should show a summary of courses
classified as follows and as it appears in Annex B for
template of the Curriculum Outline
a) Qualifications with Training Regulations - as
required in the Guidelines, there should be at 12 WTR
qualifications depending on the type of Diploma Program,
which are expected to be attained within the PQF Level 5
(Diploma) course. The general and specific objectives of
the program should be clearly stated.
b) General Education and other non-technical courses
- for the purpose of the diploma program, General
Education courses per CMO shall be minimum
requirements. Course outcomes may be enhanced by
revising its course outcomes to focus on the course of

c) Professional Courses - that are included in

the Diploma program, as referenced to the
PSG of the destination course, shall all be
enumerated in this section. If such are not
required, or no professional course is included,
this list may be excluded.

d) Mandatory Courses - courses required

through Laws such as NSTP.

e) Other Courses (Technical and/or Elective)

Course Specifications
This section gives details on all courses offered or
included in the program. This will include a detail on
how the qualifications will be taught, whether they
are taught as a full qualification or integrated in other

Program Curriculum Map

The Program Curriculum Map will match each course
outcomes with the PIs that are contributory to its
satisfaction. A PQF Level 5 (Diploma) program is
compliant if all PIs of each PLOs are correspondingly
satisfied through the course outcomes.

General Summary of Credits – list

of all units earned per course in the
Diploma Program. The summary
should contain the course code,
course title, lecture/laboratory hours
per week, and units earned in every
B. Institutional Assessment Tools

TVET INSTITUTION shall submit an

Institutional Assessment Tool per
course to ensure that each learning
outcome per course in the Diploma
program is appropriately measured.
C. Memorandum of Agreement

MOA between TVET Institution and Partner HEI indicative of

co-development of curriculum implementation of the
program and corresponding/agreed credit transfer scheme.

Likewise, an agreement between a TVET Institution and a

partner Industry or Enterprise shall be carried out for the
conduct of the SIL/OJT as well possible employment for
qualified graduates of the program. A Training Plan,
collaboratively designed and implemented by the TVET
Institution Trainer, Industry coordinator of the TVET
Institution and industry trainer/ supervisor shall be
required as part of the MOA between the TVET Institution
and partner enterprise.
D. Policies, Standards and Guidelines for 48

the destination HE Program

Courses offered in the program based on the list
specified in an existing CHED approved/accredited
program or PSG.

E. Proof of Industry Consultation

PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Program is a product of
industry consultation based on the availability of jobs
requiring the competencies of the Diploma Program
graduates.TVET Institutions shall consider to
include the contents/ competencies as required by
industry and were captured through Minutes of the
Meeting with Industry Partners or through Validation
Survey Instruments.

Graduate of K to 12, regardless of

Senior High School Track.

The teaching faculty for PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Qualification

is a combination of trainers and instructors in Technology
and General Education to deliver contents that address the
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains of learning.

The faculty that will teach the general education and

theoretical courses must have a bachelor’s degree or major
in the course, and, if possible, must have an NC for the

In the event that the faculty teaching the course with the
laboratory doesn't have an NC, the provision
complementation agreements maybe done to allow NC
holders from a partner institution to teach the course.

Preference would be given to a Master's degree

holder in Education, or graduate of B.S. in
Engineering, Hotel and Restaurant Management,
ICT, Industrial Education, Technical Teacher
Education, Secondary Education, etc.

A TVET Institutions could ink a deal with

instructors/teachers/lecturers from HEls to cover
also the General Education and/or Theoretical
courses. The partnerships should follow the credit
arrangement scheme as agreed upon in the

a) National Competency Assessment The

mandatory assessment shall apply for
Qualifications/programs covered by Training
Regulations, whether integrated or offered

b) Institutional Competency Assessment

Each program provider shall administer, per
course, an institutional assessment as appropriate
and shall submit a Progress Chart to the
Provincial/District Office at the end of every term
as applicable.
Institutional Competency Assessment shall be conducted prior
to the completion PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs wherein
Portfolio Assessment will be the method of Assessment. The
following documents shall be assessed:

i.Formative Assessment
Evidences of the course outcomes per term as reflected in the
Course Specifications (syllabus)

ii. Summative Assessment

1. National Certificates (per PTCACS on relevant
National Competency Assessment on courses with
technology contents)
2. Training Certificate per technology program/TR completed
3. Technology Research (Thesis/ Project)
4. OJT/SIL/Immersion Certificates
5. NSTP Certificate

For existing registered Diploma programs classified

as No Training Regulations (NTR) and those PQF
Level 5 (Diploma) Programs recognized under TESDA
Circular No. 38 s. 2017 are required to align to the
PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Program packaging
requirements within one (1) year upon issuance of
this Guidelines and comply with the provisions set
forth herein.

All PQF Level 5 (Diploma) programs that shall be

recognized shall adhere to this guideline for inclusion
in the PhQuaR.

All TVET Institutions that will

implement the Diploma Programs will
be issued the Certificate of Program

The Regional and Provincial Offices

(ROPO) shall have a Compendium of
PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs

The NITESD shall oversee the monitoring

and conduct evaluation of PQF Level 5
(Diploma) Programs.

The Regional Offices shall submit a

quarterly status monitoring report of PQF
Level 5 Diploma Programs being
implemented in their respective region.
The ROPO shall require the TVET Institutions to report in
the T2MIS and monitor and submit the Monitoring Sheet for
PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs to the RO/POs containing
the following data:
a. List of enrolled learners;
b. List of learners assessed and certified;
c. List of learners that exited the semester;
d. List of learners who proceeded to the next term;
e. List of learners who completed the PQF Level 5
(Diploma) Programs; and
f. List of learners who proceeded to higher education

An Impact Evaluation Study (IES) shall be conducted by the

Planning Office one year after graduation of first batch of
graduates of the PQF Level 5 (Diploma) programs.

This Circular shall take effect as

indicated and shall supersede
TESDA Circular No. 38, s. 2017 on
the Implementing Guidelines for
the Program Under PQF Level 5
(Diploma) Pilot.


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