Joseph Prince 08292020

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And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your

hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!” Therefore you are no longer a slave but a
son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.
Galatians 4:6–7

- AUGUST 29 -


Perhaps these questions have been popping into your head lately: “If You are a Christian,
why are you sick? If your heavenly Father is so wonderful, why do you have so many
problems? Doesn’t your God help you, His child?”

And if you have been tempted to ask, “God, I am Your child. Why is this happening to me?”
know that Jesus knows exactly how you feel because 2,000 years ago, the devil played the
same trick on Him—“If You are the Son of God…” (Matthew 4:3). You see, the devil’s
intention was to make Jesus doubt His Sonship, and the devil wants to do the same thing to
you today.

He wants to destroy the Spirit of sonship in you and in the body of believers. He knows that
once you really believe that you are a son of God, something happens—you begin to live
life as “an heir of God through Christ.”

As a son and an heir of God, you inherit all the blessings of God which Jesus died to give
you, including salvation, healing, provision, wholeness, favor, intimacy with God and
answered prayers. And Jesus rose from the dead to make sure that what He died to give
you, you get. He is alive today to enforce this rich, blood-bought inheritance in your life!

My friend, you are an heir of God through Christ. This means that you are joint heirs with
Jesus (see Romans 8:17). So His inheritance is your inheritance too!
What is provision when you are an heir of God? He owns every beast in the forest and the
cattle on a thousand hills (see Psalm 50:10). All the diamonds and gold came from
Him. What is healing when you are an heir of God? He is your Creator and the very breath
of your life.

Beloved, enjoy every bit of your inheritance in Christ, not because you deserve it, but
because it was paid for by Jesus’ blood!

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