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“Role Play Asuhan kepada Ibu dengan Kekurangan Energi Kronik”

Diajukan untuk Memenuhi Tugas English in Midwifery

Dosen Pengampu : Yulius Irham,S.Pd.,MM

Disusun Oleh :
1. Hafidhotul Ilmillah Parera (P17311181007)
2. Cahyani Widiya Hartanti (P17311181012)
3. Nafisah Anna H (P17311181026)
4. Dwi Yuliana Anggraeni (P17311181030)
5. Risma Anuril C (P17311181021)


1. Hafidhotul Ilmillah Parera (P17311181007) as Narrator
2. Cahyani Widiya Hartanti (P17311181012) as
3. Nafisah Anna H (P17311181026) as
4. Dwi Yuliana Anggraeni (P17311181030) as
5. Risma Anuril C (P17311181021) as
Antenatal Care is an important things for pregnant woman. Rotinously, it can prevent
unwanted dangerous cases for mother and the fetus. One of them are, mothers must fulfill
nutritional needs in pregnancy. Mothers are considered in Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED)
if they are malnourished. Chronic means, nutritional deficiency occurs for many years. It
cause relative or absollute health damage in nutritions. In physical examintaion, resulting as
Chronic Energy Deficiency risk if LiLA (Lingkar Lengan Atas) lower than 23,5 cm. Midwife
must give problem solving for mothers with Chronic Energy Deficiency. So here, we will
show you a performance with topic Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED). So please enjoy...
In a sunny morning, in an unpretentous house, there live couple talking in the terrace.
Mrs : “honey, i’m feeling bad lately, fatigue, weak, not appetite”
Mr : “SUP honey? are you get sick? How about call the doctor?”
Mrs : “i’m okay, i haven’t had my period for 3 months... maybe it makes me feel so bad”
Mr : “is it.. maybe you are pregnant. Go get testpack honey”
Mrs : “we don’t have it, honey please buy me one ya?”
In the middle of afternoon
Mrs : “i got positive, but i doubt it”
Mr : “hmmm let’s go to midwife to ensure your pregnancy”
At that time, Mr. Handoko with his wife, Mrs. Citra go to midwife.
Mr : “assalamualaikum..”
Assistant : “waalaikumsalam, please come into waiting room sir”
Mr : “thank you”
Assistant : “what can i help for you ma’am?”
Mrs : “i want to check my pregnancy. Lately i feel bad, weak, fatigue, not appetite.
This afternoon i have checked with testpack, positive result but not clear. So i just want to
ensure my pregnancy ma’am”
Assistant : “well, forgive me ma’am, we must know your identity, first with whom i am
Mrs : “i am Citra ma’am, and Mr. Handoko, my husband”
Assistant : “address ma’am?”
Mrs : “kenanga street number 15, Malang districts”
Assistant : (continuing asking couple to fulfill identity form)
Assistant : “well ma’am, do you remember the first day of your last period?”
Mrs : “for about June, 23th”
Assistant : “would you mind if we do pregnancy test again ma’am?”
Mrs : “fine, i don’t mind”
Assistant : “sure, follow me ma’am”
Mrs. Citra and Assistant do a retest to ensure pregnancy.
Midwife : “ma’am, it’s clear that you are pregnant. Congratulations... for now on,
Antenatal Care is needed, where do you want to do pregnancy check up?”
Mrs : “here, please ma’am. Not far from my house”
Midwife : “fine, i will give you some questions, it called anamnesis. Maybe take a long
time, because it is your first time here, and we need some datas before we go to physical
examinations. Would you mind ma’am?”
Mrs : “no, with my pleasure”
After anamnesis...
Midwife : “after this, we will measure weight, height, LiLA with my assistant”
Midwife : “miss Nana please measure Mrs. Citra’s weight, height, LiLA”
Assistant : “yes ma’am”
Assistant : “excuse me Mrs. Citra,” (doing pysical examinations)
Assistant : “weight 42, height 158, blood tension 110/70, LiLA 20,5 cm”
Assistant : “all was done, Mrs. Citra”
After receive the results, midwife give informations and educations to Mrs. Citra.
Midwife : “here ma’am, you are pregnant, on 15 weeks gestational age. Everything is
well, but, you’ve got lower LiLA result, 20,5 cm. Normal number is 23,5 cm”
Mr : “then what sould we do ma’am?”
Midwife : “yes sir, don’t worry, i have treatment for it. But, let me explain to you first.
So, Mrs. Citra got Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED). Malnutrition condition, or lack of
nutritions. Many factors can cause CED.”
Mrs : “what factors ma’am?”
Midwife : “firstly, total nutrition intake, and second workload or over activities”
Mr : “then what treatments can be done ma’am?”
Midwife : “firstly, improve food intake, pay attention to this picture. It called “isi
piringku”. It must be balanced and appropriate. For example, in a plate there must be contain
rice, fish, vegetables, fruit. Prioritize fresh food ma’am and sir”
Mrs : “i understand ma’am”
Midwife : “vegetabkes good for pregnancy they are carrots, tomatoes, and others green
leaves. Fuits also required, any fruits allowed, but reduced kind of sour fruit ma’am”
Mrs : “what kind of fruit ma’am?”
Midwife : “for example, apple, mango, avocado, and others”
Mr : “well, i understand enough ma’am. Later i will bring you some fruits honey”
Midwife : “good sir, then for total intake must be increased ya ma’am, it can follow up
by milk,”
Mrs : “yes ma’am i understand”
Midwife : “please reduce your activities ma’am. Don’t be workload, too much burden.
It can balance with light activities, like walking in the morning. You can do it with your
husband routinously”
Mr : “yes ma’am, we will”
Midwife : “alright sir, ma’am, all was enaough, any questions so far?”
Mrs : “nothing ma’am”
Midwife : “fine ma’am, to ensure, can you please explain again what i have said to
you? How to solve CED?”
Mrs : “i must increase total intake and reduce heavy activities”
Midwife : “that’s good ma’am. I think you are understand well”
Mrs : “thank you ma’am”
Midwife : “miss Nana please give me a cracker for pregnant mother”
Assistant : “yes ma’am”
Midwife : “so Mrs. Citra, it is a cracker, can improve nutritional intake”
Mrs : “thank yyou ma’am”
Midwife : “yes Mrs. Citra, get well soon and be happy”
Mrs : “thank you so much ma’am, assalamualaikum”
Midwife : “waalaikumsalam”
By increasing total intake, hopefully mrs citra can increase her weight, which can fulfill
normal number of lila. By reducing activities, little calories will spent, so, mrs citra will not
experience CED in the next Antenatal care. healthy mothers, there are healthy children.

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