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The Universal Writing Structure

For Task 02

Mohammad Hossain

Content creator: Mohammad Hossain, E-mail:, cell: +8801611362699 1|Page

IELTS Writing Task 02 Formation

§§ Coherence & Cohesion

1. Introduction ---
--Sentence 01- Simple Passive/Complex Passive
-Paraphrasing of the topic sentence
--Sentence 02- Complex Passive/Compound Passive
-Paraphrasing extension of the topic sentence
--Sentence 03- Simple+Interrogative
--Sentence 04- Compound/Simple/Passive
-Link forward
-Future tense
2. Body Paragraph 01 ---
--Sentence 01- Complex/Compound/Simple
-Logic 01/Reason/One View/Advantage 01
--Sentence 02- Conditional/Complex-Compound
-Evidence 01
--Sentence 03- Passive/Converted Exclamatory/Double Complex
-Illustration 01
--Sentence 04- Complex/Passive
-Link back 01
3. Body Paragraph 02 ---
--Sentence 01- Complex/Compound/Simple
- Logic 02/Solution/ Other View/Advantage 02
--Sentence 02- Conditional/Complex-Compound
-Evidence 02
--Sentence 03- Passive/Converted Exclamatory/Double Complex
-Illustration 02
--Sentence 04- Complex/Passive
-Link back 02

Content creator: Mohammad Hossain, E-mail:, cell: +8801611362699 2|Page

4. Conclusion ---
--Sentence 01- Simple Passive/Complex Passive/Compound Passive
-Concluding comment
-Present perfect tense
--Sentence 02- Complex/Double Complex/Double Compound
-Concluding link back

§§ Lexical

1. Smart Words
a. Synonym 10 words (at least 10)
b. Word paraphrasing (at least 10)
2. Smart Use
a. Use common words in smart ways (at least 10)

§§ Grammar Range

1. Use of various tense Continuous, perfect continuous, perfect, simple

2. Using of Phrasal verb instead of normal verb
3. Using of Phrasal preposition instead of normal preposition
4. Using of different parts of speech
5. Using of at least 7 sentence structures

Content creator: Mohammad Hossain, E-mail:, cell: +8801611362699 3|Page

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