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Activities -Week 1

A. Let proposition p be T, proposition q be F and proposition r be T. Determine the Truth

value of the following:
1. p→p˅q
2. ¬p → p → q
3. ¬ p˅ q → q
4. ¬ ( p → q ) ↔q
5. (q→ r) ↔(p → r)

B. Translate the following expressions into propositional logic. Use the following
proposition letters:
p – “ Alex told the truth.”
q – “ The butcher did it.”
r – “ I will drink a cup of coffee.”
s – “ The house was built in stones.”
t – ‘If water is heated to 100°C, it turns to vapor.”
1. If Alex told the truth, then if The butcher did it, I will drink a cup of coffee.
2. If the butcher did it, then either Alex told the truth or the house was built in
stones, but not both.
3. It is not the case that both Alex told the truth and the house was built in stones
4. Alex did not tell the truth and the house was not built in stones, and I will drink a
cup of coffee.
5. Alex told the truth and If water is heated to 100°C, it turns to vapor.

C. Construct a Truth Table for each of the following compound statements:

1. q ˅ ¬ ( ¬ p ˄ q )
2. p ˄ ( ¬p → ( p ˅ ¬ q ))
3. ¬ ((¬p ˅ q ) ˅ ¬ ( p ˄ q))
Activities -Week 2

A. Determine if the given statements are logically equivalent.

1. q→s
2. (p→ r V s )Ʌ (q Ʌ r → s )
3. (s → q V r ) Ʌ (q Ʌ s → r )
4. (p V r V (s → p ) ) Ʌ ( p→ (s→ r))
5. (p V s V (q→ p)) Ʌ ( p →(q→ s))

Practice exercises

Activities -Week 3

Practice Exercises:

1. What rules of inference are used in this famous argument?

“All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore, Socrates is mortal.”
2. What rule of inference are used in these arguments?
a) No man is an island. Palawan is an island. Therefore, Palawan is not a man.
b) Paul is a mathematics major and a computer science major. Therefore, Paul is a mathematics
C) Rene is an excellent swimmer. If Rene is an excellent swimmer then he can work as a
lifeguard. Therefore, Rene can work as a lifeguard

3. Collaborate with a classmate. Show that the premises;

If you send me an e-mail message, then I will finish writing the program.

If you do not send me an e-mail message, then I will go to sleep early.

If I go to sleep early, then I will wake up feeling refreshed.

Lead to the conclusion: If I do not finish writing the program, then I will wake up feeling refreshed.

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Activities -Week 4

Group work
1. Find the output of each of these combinatorial circuit.

2. Construct a combinatorial circuit using inverters, OR gates, and AND gates that
produces the output (( ¬p V ¬r) Ʌ ¬q ) V ( ¬p Ʌ ( q V r ) from input bits p, q, and r.
Discussions on pear deck
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