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Nowadays advertising plays an important role in communicating people between each other, as

well as it seems to be a key factor in improving sales and convincing us to act or think in a certain
way. Television and social networks are the most known examples of how 21 st century human
beings are deeply connected, even more than we think; but how much importance do we give to
advertising in our lives?

Firstly, it is clear that we are constantly exposed to it. Different industries take advantage of this so
that we are almost forced to buy everything we see. This may turn quite annoying when we are
watching our favorite soup, and advertisements are always appearing in front of our eyes. As a
result, advertising stops being something useful to become a sort of nightmare. Our minds make
into a source of money to business people so that they can put their sells up. We don’t buy
merchandise anymore; we are the merchandise.

Although this may sound a bit disheartening, it is a fact that without it we won´t be able to know
which products are available and neither could we decide which ones buy.

It seems clear to me that advertising is very important in our lives, and we can´t avoid it. It
provides us the main information we actually need to survive in society, but it doesn’t mean that it
shouldn’t be restricted, so that we can enjoy and feel less under pressure.

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