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• Evaluaciones
• Examen parcial - Semana 4

Examen parcial - Semana 4

• Fecha límite 11 de jun en 23:55

• Puntos 100

• Preguntas 4

• Disponible 8 de jun en 0:00-11 de jun en 23:55 4 días

• Tiempo límite 90 minutos

• Intentos permitidos 2

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Historial de intentos
Intento Tiempo

ÚLTIMO Intento 1 42 minutos

Las respuestas correctas estarán disponibles del 11 de jun en 23:59 al 12 de jun en 23:59.
Calificación para este intento: 97.5 de 100
Presentado 11 de jun en 20:27
Este intento tuvo una duración de 42 minutos.
ParcialPregunta 1
22.5 / 25 ptos.
Read the sentences and choose the best option to complete them.

1. Sue buys bread and cookies in the bakery that is ["", "",
""] next to Helen’s apartment; just a couple
of minutes away.
2. Jeff usually reserves a private table for dinner in the restaurant in front of his
office. That place ["", "", ""] the best
pies and sweets in the city.
3. In competitions as the Tour de France you can see the best and most
expensive ["", "", ""] that include
quite advanced tech in seat, pedals, gearing, handlebar, wheels and brakes.
4. The young girl was close to the window waiting for the ["", "",
""] of her birthday present from her parents.
It was a great and amazing surprise: an intelligent band.
5. Stamford Bridge ["", "", ""] is a
marvel of structural engineering. It is the home of Chelsea Football Club with a
capacity of 46310 spectators but they are planning to expanding it to 63.000.
6. Fifth Avenue is considered one of the most expensive and elegant ["", "",
""] in the world. It serves as the dividing line
for west-east in Manhattan.
7. The International Culinary Training Program in Bangkok suggests that the best
way to learn how to ["", "", ""] is to do
it yourself. With recipes in your hands your instructor first explains and
demonstrates each dish.
8. A policeman helped us at the airport. He gave us all the necessary ["",
"", ""] to get to the hotel.
9. Customer service is any person-to-person exchange between a ["", "",
""] and a customer. It’s the process of
adapting to customers’ personality, needs, and mood.
10. Some famous football players have their bodies full of phrases, designs,
animals and so on. Those are part of football ["", "",
""] .
11. Blackjack is one of the easiest ["", "",
""] to play in casinos that offers you one of
the strongest probabilities of winning. It is really popular in Las Vegas, Nevada.
12. If you’re ready to make cooking part of your everyday
routine,”kitchn” ["", "", ""] will teach
you how to make everything from a casserole to a delicious cake.
13. Some people prefer to have a safe box at home while others have bank
accounts to ["", "", ""] their money.
14. A: Can you tell me how to get to the closest bank, please?
B. Yes. You just go down the stairs here. Then, ["", "",
""] right. It’s next to the Italian restaurant.
15. My niece always has a big ["", "",
""] of coffee with some pie after lunch. She
loves sweets.
16. The grocery store near my house was ["", "",
""] so I had to come back next day to buy
the things I needed for my child’s cake.
17. Ironman is a long-distance triathlon ["", "",
""] that consists of swim, bicycle ride and
run. The sportsmen in this discipline do not have time for breaks to relax or get
back their energy.
18. The texture and the taste of some food can change when you ["", "",
""] it.
19. I’m lost! I’m going to call Susan to help me find the store. I couldn’t find it on
the ["", "", ""] .
20. Excuse me, sir. Could you give us a few more minutes to check the menu,
please? We’re not ready to ["", "",
""] yet.
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Respuesta 20:
Pregunta 2
25 / 25 ptos.
Choose the right verb form to complete the sentences below.
1. Mary was late to class because she ["", "",
""] the wrong bus this morning. She had to
talk to her teacher about a solution for her final exam.
2. Greg had time to buy his breakfast on his way to the office after he found the car
keys under his bed.
3. It was raining very hard when Sue and Mark ["", "",
""] home this morning. They decided to
come back to change their jackets.
4. Tom is very sad because he ["", "",
""] his flashback, (USB), in a public
bathroom. He needed it for his final project at school.
5. I downloaded a new app but I couldn’t open it. Luckily, my friend Helen came
home and ["", "", ""] me the
instructions to use it.
6. My sister was really mad at her pet because he ["", "",
""] her favorite vase when he jumped over
the table.
7. Some students got a really bad grade in their exam because they ["", "",
""] the wrong answers in the matching
exercises. They had the highest scores.
8. Last weekend my brother ["", "",
""] a delicious lunch at the new restaurant
near our home.
9. Ben had problems to ["", "",
""] early today because he was working late
last night.
10. Rose ["", "", ""] her closest
friends to her graduation. She only wanted to have an informal meeting with them.
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Respuesta 9:
get up

Respuesta 10:

Pregunta 3
25 / 25 ptos.
Young people and sports

A leading group of American doctors is warning against forcing young people to

become skilled in a single sport. It says young people who play just one sport face
additional physical or other demands from intense training and competition. It says
children involved in sports should be urged to take part in different activities and
develop many skills.

The doctors note that more and more children are skilled in one sport at an early
age. There are many media reports of young competitors in sports such as
gymnastics, figure skating and tennis.

Some of the most famous athletes first became active in a sport when they were
five years old. A few started even earlier. The committee noted that the successes
of young athletes can be a powerful influence for others to follow. It says children
wishing to compete at a high level require training that could be considered
extreme even for adults. It says the necessary desire and intensity of training raise
many concerns about the safety of high-level athletic activity for any young person.

The American Academy of Pediatrics says the health effects of intense training in
young athletes need to be fully investigated. Risks to young athletes include
injuries, delayed menstruation, eating disorders and emotional stress.

The committee of doctors offered some suggestions. It urged children to become

involved in sports at levels that meet their abilities and interests. It said doctors
should work with parents to make sure that someone knowledgeable is training the
child athlete. That person should know correct methods of training, equipment and
the physical and emotional health of young competitors.

The group said doctors should supervise the condition of child athletes involved in
intense training. It said doctors and trainers should work to prevent injuries that
result from too much physical activity. Doctors should make sure the children eat a
healthy, balanced diet. And doctors should watch for signs of too much training,
including weight loss and sleep problems.

Decide if the following sentences about the article are True or False.
1. A leading group of American doctors say young people who play just one sport
face additional physical or other demands from soft training and competition. F
2. The doctors observe that more and more children are skilled in one sport when
they are very young. T
3. Children who want to compete at a high level need an extreme training similar to
the one for adults. ["", ""]
4. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, it is not necessary to
investigate the health effects of intense training in young athletes. F
5. The person who is training the kid athletes doesn’t need to know right methods
of training, equipment and the physical and emotional health of those
competitors. F
6. Doctors should control the condition of very young athletes involved in intense
training and too much physical activity. ["",
7. Young athletes are responsible for paying attention to their weight loss and
sleep problems. F
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Respuesta 7:

Pregunta 4
25 / 25 ptos.
Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences with the missing word.

bow l
1. And could you bring some chips and a of ice cream?
2. They’re organizing a company basketball team and I’m thinking
about . What do you think?
3. Look. I just don’t want you having a attack running up and down the
4. So, what are you suggesting? Should I just the idea?
5. You ought to at least have a physical before you .
w atch
6. You need to your diet and cut back on the fatty foods.
7. And you should try eating more fresh fruits and .
8. Or perhaps try cycling to build up your cardiovascular ?
9. You need to go to bed instead of watching TV half the night.
10. You’re starting to sound like my personal instructor!
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Respuesta 8:
Respuesta 9:
Respuesta 10:

Calificación de la evaluación: 97.5 de 100

Información sobre el último intento:


97.5 de
Calificación actual:

se mantuvo la 97.5 de
calificación: 100

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