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Module 1 – Topic 1: Introduction

Write your answers here. . .

Insert photo here

Hi! I am Vhince and I grew up in Basilan Province. I was raised by my grandfather and
grandmother who did everything they could to help me become the person I am now today.
When I was still young, they used to spoil me and give me everything that I wanted. And as a
child, I already learned to appreciate everything that they are doing to me. They taught me
indispensable values that I still use today. I would like to highlight my moment with my
grandfather and give him the recognition that he truly deserves.
Last July 26, 2020 he passed away and I admit, his loss greatly affected me and my
family. He was once strong and enthusiastic person. He loves to pet chickens and roosters.
Whenever we return to Zamboanga City, he always gives us his pabaon ‘boiled chicken eggs’
so that we have something to eat it during our trip. He is a thoughtful grandfather to all his
‘apo’. The left picture is photographed when I was still in grade 6, he was the one who
accompanied me to the stage and that time, I was very happy because they made effort to go to
Zamboanga City just for my graduation.
He always asks me how am I doing with my studies and I can see the happiness in his
face when I tell him that I am doing great. Last 2019, he complained of excruciating back pain
and during that time he could not walk. So he had to be rushed to Zamboanga to be examined. I
go to the hospital from time to time to check on him. The doctor said that he can no longer walk
because his spine is already weak due to osteoporosis. We decided to take care of him here in
our house in Zamboanga. I was one of his caregivers and I always make sure that he takes his
medications on time. I always monitor his blood pressure and changes his position.
He stayed alive for us for almost a year and we are thankful that he fought for us. The
picture on the left side was him and his siblings. It was his 80 th birthday that time and we
decided to give him the best birthday party of his life.
This essay is not enough for me to fully express how thankful I am that he became my
grandfather. Back when I was still young until I became a teenager, they were always there to
guide us and give us advice about life. They taught us about respect, honesty and contentment.
Even though he is already gone, we promised to take care of our grandmother for him. Truly,
our family and grandparents are our treasure and will always be the most valuable people in our
Module 1 – Topic 1: Introduction

Activity 1.2: Personal Reflection

Write your answers here. . .

As a young adult, I can say that I am not yet half way on my journey
towards living a meaningful life. Growing older and getting old is giving me
anxiety. To be honest, I am not an adventurous person and as a young adult
living his life in 20’s, I still want to experience a lot of things, feelings and I
want all my goals to happen before I become old. Aging for me is a natural
thing that happens to us every day. The wear and tear process that our body
undergoes are sign that we are aging and changing every single moment that we
breathe. It is not something to be afraid of, but for some, there’s a lot of aspects
that give them anxiety when they start to hear things about aging. Though it
may not be physically related but responsibility wise, it does.
Seeing geriatric patients on my duties on hospitals and home for the aged
makes me want to appreciate my life and enjoy things as long as I can. I think if
you had enough enjoyment during your youthful years you will not be dreadful
about you situation when you grow old. That is why in every decisions that I
make, I do make sure that it will give me happiness and satisfaction in the end.
Personally, I am still not sure if I’m looking forward to become old because the
stakes are high and the responsibilities are endless. At some point in our lives
we take up responsibilities, then we try our best to maintain it so that our lives
will not fall apart. I don’t know if I am ready to become old.
Right now, it feels like I am already being challenged to do things that
truly matters. My youthful years are meant for me to create good memories and
accomplishments so when the time comes and I need caring from other people,
I will not live in regret and despair. Every one of us wants to achieve self-
actualization so let us challenge ourselves to live with integrity and appreciate
our life.

Module 1 – Topic 1: Introduction

Critical Thinking Exercise
Directions:Listasmanyadjectivesasyoucanthinkof.Aftermakingyour list, identify how
many are negative and how many are positive descriptors. Think about where your
ideas came from as you did this exercise.

Complete this
Older people are. . .

Emotional Sensitive Affectionate

Messy Irritable


Desperate Irritable
Withered Lonely

Senile Wise

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