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QUICK Rigues, Stringer on Equity Center podcast
By Tony Eierdam hauling the current inefficient Dr. Wayne Pierce, executive broaden the campaign’s reach.” “Thanks to the Equity Center
Getting the most The Community News school finance system that was director of the Equity Center organization and the Texas
out of your newspaper put in place in 2006. organization, said when the orga- Stringer sees the podcast and Association of School Boards, we
Aledo ISD trustees Bobby other networking as key tools to
Rigues and Stringer’s message nization looked into the ‘Make are now headed toward statewide
Rigues and Jay Stringer recently spread the message.
Telephone completed a trip to Austin where
is “to make education a priority,” Education a Priority’ letter cam- exposure,” Rigues said. “In the
817-441-7661 And on the short podcast both paign they immediately saw its end, the whole idea is to cre-
the duo was a guest of Equity “I was a unique experience,”
talked about the letter writing potential. ate public awareness – which we
Web Site Center Radio, a weekly podcast Stringer said. “It is my under-
campaign and the efforts to gain “Our organization extends are doing locally with our letter broadcast on the Equity Center
4,555 signatures on individual our podcast/Web site resource to standing that Equity Center had campaign.
Fax Web site. 600-700 members, and I would
letters that will hand-delivered to make sure every superintendent “But we would like other
817-441-5419 Equity Center was founded Austin with the message, “Make and school board trustees are assume that most of the mem-
districts to create some kind of
in 1982 by 55 school districts as a education a priority.” aware of the campaign’s objec- bers actively listen to the (week-
Mail response to inequities that exist-
public awareness campaign as
The pair informed listeners tives and resolution,” he said. “We ly) podcasts. I think quite a few
P.O. Box 1031 ed in Texas’ school finance sys-
well. The discretion should be
“by getting individuals and school believe in this important initia- superintendents across the state left locally as to what type of
Aledo, TX 76008 tem. Equity Center has become board members all across the tive. This can be very powerful had listened to it, and if anything campaign to implement. It can
Physical Address the largest research and advocacy state behind a common message when supported by our school maybe a little light bulb went be one of sending letters, town
203 Pecan Dr. organization of its kind in the to make education a priority we districts. Let’s make education a off to where they were thinking hall meetings, and phone calls,
Aledo, TX 76008 nation and the only education want to work with the legislature priority.” these people in Aledo are doing just to name a few examples. It
association in the state that exclu- and state leaders and influence Texas Association of School something about it that is unique can be any number of ways, much
sively represents the interests of
state policy.” Boards Governmental Relations and maybe we should consider like newspaper articles in local
children in school districts that Rigues and Stringer also associate executive director doing the same. papers.
are chronically under-funded by informed listeners that more on Jackie Lain issued a statement
the Texas school finance system. “Making the public aware is
the project can be found at www. commending the Aledo ISD “I think the podcast was
Share a story idea or so critical.
According to its Web site Board for its efforts in raising key, but more importantly Mr.
request event coverage “Another objective is to have
( Equity Center’s “The Equity Center and its awareness about issues affecting Rigues set up a Facebook page
We’re always on the lookout for school districts adopt a resolu-
first priority has always been, and members is the perfect platform school districts across the state. that already has close to 400
story ideas. To share one, call Randy tion. A resolution is simple in
will always be, to increase access to get the information out to “Their leadership has remind- followers. The way word spreads
Keck at 817-441-7661, ext. 207 or e- nature, and it would say that
to financial resources for member individual schools,” Rigues said. ed us all that, even in the face of through Facebook is exponen-
mail collectively as a school board and
school districts. “They asked us on the podcast an unprecedented state budget tial.”
Please leave the basic story informa- administration believes that edu-
tion as well as contact information On the podcast – which can what the ‘Make education a pri- deficit, we must make education
be archived from the site - Rigues ority’ initiative is all about. It our top priority,” Lain said. “The Rigues said he has had posi- cation needs to be a priority in
in the event that we have further 2011.
and Stringer revealed their grass- gave us an opportunity to explain TASB organization supports the tive feedback on the podcast and
roots efforts to reach out to the our efforts, and it gave us an ‘Make education a Priority’ let- the message delivered, including “Until it becomes a priority,
Purchase a photo reprint Aledo ISD community and the opportunity to tell them about ter campaign and looks forward from a Denton ISD school board real solutions to school finance
Upon request, we will upload any stated to gain support for over- the Web site.” to working with Aledo ISD to trustee. will never take place.”
staff photo published in the news-
paper for purchase. Call us with

the issue and page number of sioned this on the ballot in every “I think it’s possible that in said if we’re ever going to unite, in The Community News to be
the photograph and the image will city. I still think that’s the right 10 years, it’s not going to have a really the only time to do it is inaccurate.
be uploaded and available within thing to do,” Hawkins said. growth rate like the rest of the cit- while we are general law cities “The report in The
from page two
one week. “(Hudson Oaks, Annetta and ies are,” Hawkins said. “And that’s rather than home rule cities.” Community News did not cap-
“If we truly united the cities, Annetta North) are making stra- good in one respect, but if they get But all three mayors from ture, at all, the essence of that
Place an advertisement would reduce the overall staff- tegic connecting points between past five (thousand in population) the H.E.B area didn’t even know meeting,” Hawkins said. “There
Call 817-441-7661 ext. 203 for dis- ing requirements for the area by their cities, so they have a vision that’s not necessarily good.” the full details of Hawkins’ plan. were 15 people that came up
play advertising rates. The display a substantial number of people. of uniting, it may be that you’ll Next to that, all of the mayors (to me) afterwards, specifically,
advertising deadline is noon Friday You would see savings in equip- see a sequence of events.” said they’ve never spoken to expressing very strong support
for the following week’s paper. ment management we would Aledo, though, also has a plan. H.E.B mayors Hawkins. for this, a council member from
shut down some buildings that Their plan calls for a revitalized scratching their heads “I have never contacted him, Hudson Oaks that thanked me
Classified Advertising we don’t need so you have addi- downtown, a couplet bordering he has never contacted me,” for taking the lead and told me
At both of Hawkins’ pub-
Call 817-441-7661 ext. 201 or e- tional savings the second or third city hall and a widened and re- Euless Mayor Mary Lib Saleh that I had his complete support.”
lic meetings where the topic’s
mail classifiedlineads@community- year. routed FM-1187 among other said. That Hudson Oaks city coun-
been his united cities proposal, for classified advertis- “We have a tremendous ideas, but Hawkins remarked Jim Story, mayor of Bedford, cilman, Bill Young, said that’s not
the Willow Park mayor men-
ing. Classified ads are due by noon potential here, if we could just that Aledo’s plans don’t have any also said he has not communi- entirely true.
tioned that he has received sup-
Monday. step back and see what we’re benefit to the region. cated with Hawkins and does
port from the Dallas-Fort Worth Young said he agrees there
Subscribe staring at, we’ve really got fab- “I think the last city that will Metroplex cities of Hurst, Euless not support his six-city merger is a population boom coming
Call 817-441-7661 ext. 204 or e-mail ulous people, rich open lands, consider this is probably Aledo, and Bedford. for East Parker County. The only to East Parker County and that
subscriptions@community-news. plenty of water, there’s a lot of which is kind of the pulse that I “I had a call from Hurst, mayor that showed any acknowl- something needs to be done to
com with your name, address, a opportunity for us here.” get, and it’s unfortunate because Euless and Bedford, which is edgement to Hawkins’ proposal prepare for it before things get
contact phone number and the their name is their most valuable somewhat of a model of how cit- was Hurst Mayor Richard Ward. out of hand, but he does not
“Our cities supporting his
number of years you’d like to sub- Crying foul commodity and they really are ies work together for a number support a merger of the six East
scribe. We’ll send you a bill. land locked,” Hawkins said. “If of years,” Hawkins said at Los move is not true,” Ward said. “I’m Parker County cities.
The individual strategic plans
they’re not careful, really, all the Vaqueros. “They complimented not supporting it, but I think it’s Referring to Hawkins as a
a handful of the cities have in
Submissions growth will go right past them.” this plan hugely and they said a doggone good idea.” “Paul Revere” for the region,
East Parker County were also
All submissions can be e-mailed mentioned at Hawkins’ town hall “The phrase ‘stunned silence’ this is exactly what we (H.E.B) Young said other options need to
to, meeting Tuesday night. Hawkins comes to mind,” Marshall said. should have done because they Miscommunication be looked at outside of merging
mailed, faxed or brought in to our mentioned that Hudson Oaks “What does that mean, ‘if we’re are three separate cities and they Before he began explaining the six cities together.
physical location. Please include is working with Annetta and not careful’. have three separate management his proposal and took questions “I would say we miscommu-
contact information with any sub- Annetta North on a strategic plan “Aledo is not in a business in systems and three different types from the crowd at Los Vaqueros nicated a little,” Young said.
mission in case there are questions. for their cities future and said creating a comprehensive plan of infrastructure and they should Tuesday night, Hawkins made it Before the meeting concluded
Specifics on the types of submis- uniting the cities would allow the for other cities. Our plan was for have united so they had unifor- clear to those in attendance that about 20 citizens left the restau-
sion follow. region to be “poised to build a Aledo.” mity on how they manage their he found the report of the first rant. A majority of those remain-
community strategically.” It isn’t Aledo, however, that growth. public meeting held at the First ing supported Hawkins’ plan
An event in the Calendar or in
“When I wrote this, I envi- Hawkins sees growing. “The other dynamic that they Baptist Church of Willow Park after a show of hands.
Community Notes
For calendar events, submit the
important information ( , time,
place and a short description). For
community notes, write up a short
(no more than 70 words) article.
ALEDO FAMILY EYE CARE That flapping noise may be your
Events must be submitted by noon
Friday to be eligible for publication • Eye Exams advertising dollars flying out of state
in the following week’s paper. • Contact Lenses
A story or photo
• Laser Vision Consultation Advertise in


We welcome story and photo sub- • Foreign Body Removal
missions of local events for publica- • Treatment of Minor Eye Disease
tion consideration. Digital pictures • Diagnosis of Glaucoma,
should be a minimum of 4 1⁄2 Cataracts, Diabetic Retinopathy Parker County’s only locally-owned newspaper
inches wide at 200 dpi to repro- and Macular Degeneration
duce well in the paper. Other photo- Dr. Marcus H. Gleaton
Therapeutic Optometrist
graphs may be brought by the office
or mailed to the office. We will keep
submitted photographs on hand for
119 South Ranch House Road, Suite 200
Aledo, Texas
30 days.

Letter to the editor

Monday - Friday 9:00am-5:00pm (817) 441-0010 817-441-7661
The Community News welcomes
letters from readers on topics of
local interest. Letters should be
signed with the author’s name and
city of residence, should include a
telephone number for verification of
authorship, and should be limited
“Your Complete Landscape Materials”
to approximately 300 words. No let-
ters on any topic will be published
Serving Parker & Surrounding Counties Since 1986
in the issue immediately preceding
any local election. The deadline for Topsoil-Custom 7- Various Types
submission of letters is noon on Soil Blends of Mulches
Monday for that week’s paper. Bedding Soil Organic Compost
Potting Mix Mushroom
Wedding, engagement or birth Sand, Gravel, Compost
announcement Natural Bldg. Decomposed
The Community News does not Stone Granite
charge for timely wedding, engage- Railroad Ties Expanded Shale
ment and birth announcements pro-
vided they are of reasonable length.
Lengthy announcements will either WELCOME TO BEARCAT COUNTRY Brent A. Gough Gregg Davis, AAMS
313 FM 1187 North 108 S. Ranch House Rd.
be edited to a reasonable length or, at
Pick-Ups Welcome Delivery Available Aledo, TX 76008 Suite 300 - Willow Park
the discretion of the person submit-
817-441-9011 817-441-6612
ting the announcement, be charged

a fee. The deadline for submitting
announcements is noon Friday for ALEDO, TX 76088
the following week’s paper. Monday - Friday 8:00am-5:00pm • Saturday 8:00am-2:00pm • Weather Permitting

The Community News does not charge
for the publication of local interest
The Community News (USPS 005-341) is published each week by Community Ventures Inc., at 203 Pecan
obituaries. Obituaries must be sub-
Dr., Aledo, TX 76008. Periodical rate postage paid at Aledo, Texas 76008.
mitted by noon Friday to be eligible for
publication in the next week’s paper. Serving Eastern Parker County, Texas: Aledo · the Annettas · Hudson Oaks · Willow Park POSTMASTER: Send address changes to : The Community News, P.O. Box 1031, Aledo, Texas 76008

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