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A. Read the following questions and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. All are examples of communicating verbally except...
A. gestures C. posture
B. voice D. touch
2. Communication is always a ________________ way process.
A. gestures C. posture
B. voice D. touch
3. These type of communication is peaking to teachers and students.
A. written C. oral
B. non verbal D. body language
4. Which of the following are rules of good listening?
A. stop talking C. removed distractions
B. put talker at ease D. all of the above
5. Which the following is not a verbal communication?
A. eye contact C. verbally talking
B. arms closed D. nail biting
6. Is Email a method of communication?
A. yes C. maybe
B. no D. I don’t know
7. Can a letter be a method of communication?
A. No C. Sometimes
B. Yes D. I don’t know
8. What is the primary purpose of communication?
A. To send messages between senders and receivers
B. To establish contact between senders and receivers
C. To use technology
D. To promote and sell products
9. Communication is a process of sending and receiving messages.
A. true C. maybe
B. false D. I can’t decide
10. Making eye contact is a form of body language.
A. true C. maybe
B. false D. I can’t decide
11. Which of these is a communication skill?
A. Talking clearly C. Looking bored
B. Chewing gum D. Buying cosmetic products
12. Which of the following is a communication skill?
A. Talking at the same time as someone else
B. listening to what people says
C. Putting your fingers in your ears
D. Shouting when you are hurt.
13. Which of these is not a communication skill?
A. running C. chatting to people
B. texting D. selling products


14. What body language shows you are listening?
A. Turning away from the speaker
B. Nodding and making eye contact
C. Looking out a window
D. Listening to good music through ear pods.
15. Which of these is not a communication skill?
A. true C. maybe
B. false D. I can’t decide
16. Which of these is a communication skill?
A. Laughing C. Asking questions
B. Swimming D. Reading book reviews.
17. Someone is telling you about an accident they’ve had. How would you react?
A. Look pleased C. Look concerned
B. Look behind you D. Look at that someone intently
18. If you don’t agree with someone else, what would you say?
A. You are wrong C. Stop talking rubbish
B. I don’t agree D. I can’t decide
19. Which of these is a communication skill?
A. Checking the weather forecast
B. Checking the time
C. Checking that you’ve understood someone
D. Checking the pictures on mobile phones.
20. Which of these is a communication skill?
A. Saying the same thing as over and over again.
B. Saying why you believe on something.
C. Saying what people want to hear
D. Saying what you feel.
21. If you have to ring the doctor’s surgery, what information might you need to have ready?
A. Your National Insurance Number C. Your name and date of birth
B. Your shoe size D. Your favourites
22. If you what to complain, what is the best way to behave?
A. stay comes but stick to your point C. get ready to cry
B. get very angry D. don’t bother at all

23. If you hear a tannoy at the rail way station, what information is likely to be announced?
A. who the station manager is C. the next train departure
B. where to get a coffee D. the time for last trip
24. What should be avoided for effective communication?
A. Tone of speech should be high C. Respect to audience
B. Personal remarks D. None of these

25. If you need to make a phone call for information what could you do before you call?
A. Prepare your questions C. Make a coffee
B. Brush your teeth D. Clear your voice
26. You have a discussion with a friend and politics. You don’t agree with them. What should you do?
A. Change the subject C. Get angry with your friend
B. Say what you believe D. Do not listen to your friend’s ideas.
27. Which of these is not a form of communication?
A. talking C. body language
B. running D. listening


28. When would you send a postcard?
A. When you want to go out with your friend.
B. When you can’t get to work
C. When you are on a holiday
D. When you want a doctor’s appointment
29. True or False and why : Monkeys have their own language system.
A. True, because monkeys understand each other through their own system of communication.
B. False, because language requires- sounds, rules and grammar.
C. True, because they can produce sounds and gestures.
D. False, because they can’t interpret human language.
30. Why is eye contact an important factor in communication?
A. Eye contact confirms to the speaking that you are actively listening.
B. Eye contact creates an individual connection.
C. Eye contact keeps you focused on the topic.
D. All of these.


Unit 1: Communication in the Global World
This module was designed and written to address the means of alternative learning delivery to attune into
the New Normal learning style at your own pace and time, to gain progression in coping up the lessons for mastery
and independency of effective learning process even at home from distant colleges or universities.

The scope of this module permits to utilize in various different learning situations. The language used
encompasses the diversity of learners’ vocabulary and learning capabilities. The lessons are arranged to follow the
standard sequence of the course syllabus.

This module: Communication in the Global World is divided into five (5) lessons, namely:

 Lesson 1-Describing the Nature and Concepts of Verbal and Non-verbal Communication
 Lesson 2- Visualizing the Process of Communication
 Lesson 3- Understanding the Principles and Ethics of Communication
 Lesson 4- Local and Global Communication in Multicultural Setting
 Lesson 5- Varieties and Registers of Spoken and Written Language

After going through this module, the students are expected to:

1. Define the elements of verbal and non-verbal communication in multicultural context.

2. Explain the process of communication.

3. Describe the function of elements in communication process.

4. Analyze the different principles of communication.

5. Perform a virtual five-minute act to show the ethics of communication.

6. Adopt cultural and local awareness and sensitivity in communication.

7. Write reviews using appropriate language register.

Nature and Concepts of Verbal


And Non-verbal Communication in Multicultural Setting


In this lesson, the students will deliberately understand the importance of learning the concepts of verbal and
non- verbal communication in multicultural contexts. Such significance will allow the students to have awareness on
meaningful interpersonal human interaction that promotes socio-cognitive learning that provides direct learning
progression on dealing verbal and non-verbal elements as to use as medium of communication.


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;

1. Identify verbal and non- verbal elements as mode of communication.

2. Understand the difference between verbal to non-verbal concepts in multicultural setting.

3. Construct sentences that promote significance of learning the concepts of verbal and non-verbal communications.

3. Illustrate the significance of verbal and non-verbal communication through a video- presentation.

Read the sentences below and choose the following scenario that you can realate to.
 When my mother ends her message with a smiley face, I know that she is not upset. But when she sends a
message like “Go home” or “Uwi ka na” without a smiley face, I get worried that she might be angry.( Bluebook
English, 2018)
 When my classmate acknowledges my answer with an OK and have a happy face, I know that my message was
accepted warmly. But if it is just OK, I wonder why if she understood what I said.(Bluebook English, 2018)
 Ending a response with an exclamation mark without a funny face emoticon might be misinterpreted as an
angry tone; the funny face emoticon makes the message sound light and funny. For example, texting NO!
Without funny face emoticon may sound like the sender is angry.(Bluebook English, 2018)
Notice that all these types of support come from personal experiences and observations. It is somehow related to
your daily life bases that may catch your attention to pause for a moment that you might conclude that how funny
it is.
Which of the following scenario that you can relate to? And why?
Can you share something related to your daily experiences that you can compare one of those scenario mentioned
above which is the most funniest or embarrassing moment of your life? How do you able to deal with that again if it
happens to you?
Write here on the space provided below about your unforgettable experience you can relate to. And tell something
how you can be able to manage it.


Thank you for sharing your worthwhile experiences!
The following will help you to understand the importance of communication either it is verbal or non-verbal.

Today, more than ever, we find ourselves navigating through different communities sharing common
spaces. Communication has never been so fascinating yet so complex as in today’s multicultural world.

In this lesson, you will learn how effective communication in multicultural world is relevant in facilitating
more purposeful and respectful understanding of each other regardless of gender, age, culture, and ethnicity.

In any human interaction, spoken words are not the only way to communicate. It is true that to
communicate is to express ones thoughts and emotions through verbal and non- verbal means that convey certain
meanings within and across communities, cultures, and platforms. Thus, communication is the essential human
activities that enable us to make connections, create meanings, and nurture understandings. In communicating,
people usually use body languages, facial expressions or even appearances just to convey message to anyone
they wanted to connect. And that response shows as non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication is
different from verbal communication hence; the latter can send messages without using spoken or written
languages. The person can able to receive messages without further ado and likewise send back to gain successful
feedback. Appreciating and understanding the different elements of communication may help people to initiate
and sustain more effective various purposes in connecting with others. For example, when you fold your hands in
front of your chest just to say your strong opinion about no racial discrimination which is currently a new trend of
facebook newsfeed about a three white cops killed undeniably the black American unarmed. Aside from the tone of
your voice being used to state you ideas how discrimination frustrate millions of people in the world, your body
language shows much more than your emotions and thoughts enough others to understand you such instance.

In addition, in multicultural context, you must pay special attention to what these nonverbal elements may
convey. Gestures, expressions, and tone of voice are not universal; neither are they absolute in their meanings.
What you wear, how you stand, the physical distance you maintain when talking to someone—these are some
ways of communication messages, whether intentional or not. Be aware that non-verbal elements may allow you to
use them in relevant way that generates favourable results.

Similarly, a purposeful awareness of the effective use of verbal elements of communication may lead to
more worthwhile adventures. Such awareness may impel of importance its elements as to avoid complications,
chaos and mishaps. Language use in terms of word choice is significant elements in making meaningful
connections and fostering harmonious understanding within each other. Since Culture plays a large role in the way
people understand in interpersonal way. In multicultural setting, how can a Chinese able to understand Filipinos in
dealing with businesses? How can a value of stock market to rise up? How can a customer able to complain such
problem arising during the purchase of the product? How can a manager able to hire a deserving applicant? By all
these questions, it addresses the means of using verbal languages with the appropriate language use.

To process verbal communication, the word choice may also include or exclude to a certain group of
people. A word in a language has its own meaning either in denotative way which definitions based from the
dictionary or connotative meaning based on the fluid of contexts used.


Specifically, some group of people who share common interest may use a kind of distinct slang or jargon.
Common to such gamers use such language to joke about and using languages which is very uncommon to some
folks. Words that exist as it appears like reduplication, coining or somehow eponyms and toponyms. Example, less
people learn to understand what ROLF and LOL mean. In Facebook trends, if something good happens you will
receive a Ding! or a Gratz from your acquaintances; or even try to say “chill ,TY” as a response. Indeed, to use slang
is a mark of belongingness and group preferences which share similarities on hobbies, sports, entertainment, or
any form of various lifestyles.
On the other hand, jargon refers to technical language used by professionals in a certain field. Where in the
medical doctors’ use jargon that different from other professionals who have doctoral degrees in linguistics.
Example, the term ad lib among medical doctors may understood differently from adlib by those working public
government relations.
Finally, euphemisms and doublespeak are choice in a language use that hides certain truths. The purpose of
using euphemism is to create more positive tone and view towards a particular idea, wherein to make a concept
more acceptable. Like, how do you able to comfort someone from grievance of his love ones death? How do you
able to help him go through and manage the lingering pain inside? And that is euphemism plays a significant role
but somehow there is a chance of misleading in other cases. Similarly to that, doublespeak may be more
misleading as it covers up the difficult reality issue. For example, the term “gap-year” may be actually skipping year
to students who earn much-needed money for tuition.

To sum up the ideas of non-verbal and verbal communication, aside from its essential part as significant in
human interaction, word choice is important in verbal element of communication. Wherein, people from different
cultures able to engage a meaningful conversation towards each other.

Types of Communication
Good communication is not just a process of transferring information from one entity to another. It’s an art
of first listening or reading the information, comprehending it, processing it and transferring it. There is a huge
amount of effort that goes into communication. Gestures, tone of voice, body language and spoken language are
some of the important aspects of communication. If the other person is unable to comprehend any of these factors,
then the process fails (
Communication comes in four basic types:

Verbal communication
This mode of communication relies on words to convey a message. This is the standard method of
communicating that most of us use on a day-to-day basis, though we rarely use it without augmenting it with one
of the other communication types. Verbal communication helps expressing thoughts, emotions, and sentiments.
Verbal communication is divided into four subcategories:

Intrapersonal Communication
This form of communications is extremely private and restricted to us. It includes the silent conversations
we have with ourselves, wherein we juggle roles between the sender and the receiver who are processing our
thoughts and actions. This process of communication when we analyzed can either be conveyed verbally to
someone or stay confined as thoughts.

Interpersonal communication
This form of communication takes place between two individuals and is thus a one-on –one conversation. Here, the
two individuals involved will swap their roles of sender and receiver in order to communicate in a clearer manner.

Small Group Communication

This type of communication can take place only when there are more than two people involved. Here the
number of people will be small enough to allow each participant to interact and converse with the rest. Like for
example, in the press conferences, board meetings, and team meetings.


Public Communication
This type of communication takes place when one individual addresses a large gathering of people. Election
campaigns and public speeches are example of this type of communication.

Non-Verbal Communication
It is a process of communication without using words or sounds. Non-verbal communication uses gestures,
body language, facial expressions, eye contact, clothing, tone of the voice, and other cues to convey a message. Like
verbal communication, this method is rarely used alone. Non- verbal communication could be considered like a
spice we use when communicating to add a little flavour. You might raise your eyebrows emphatically when
speaking to help make a point, or shake your finger at your child when you’re angry. These are all non-verbal cues
that help convey a message.

Written Communication
It is the medium through which the message of the sender is conveyed with the help of written words.
Letters, personal journals, e-mails, reports, articles, and memos are some forms of written communication; written
messages can be edited and rectified before they are sent to the receiver, thereby making written communication
an indispensable part of informal and formal communication. This form of communication are encapsulates
features of visual communication as well, especially when the messages are conveyed through electronic devices
such as laptops, phones, and visual presentations that involve the use of text words.

Visual Communication
This form of communication involves the visual display of information, wherein the message is understood
or expressed with the help of visual aids. For example, topography, photography, signs, symbols, maps, colors,
posters, banners and designs help the viewer understand the message visually. Movies and plays, television shows
video clip are all electronic form of visual communication. Visual communication are also involves the transfer of
information in the form of text, which is received through an electronic medium such as computer, phone, etc.
Icons and emoticons are forms of visual communication. When these icons are used in public place, phone and
computer, they instruct the user about their meaning and usage. One of the greatest examples of visual
communication is the internet, which communicates with the masses using a combination of text, design, links,
images, and color. All of these visual features require us to view the screen in order to understand the message
being conveyed.

The aforementioned four types of communication have played a vital role and continue to do so, in bridging the gap
between people, commerce, education, healthcare, an entertainment.



A. Direction: Read the following and tell whether it is verbal and non-verbal on the space provided.
1. Her shoulders raised and hunched when her mother asked where she put the coin purse.
2. Saying “Yo!” to John when Zoey sees him.
3. Her eyebrows meet upon seeing Beth.
4. “Don’t worry, Zack is happy wherever he is at now, he can now rest Amy”, says Diane at the
5. The applicant sent a resume on the internet jobs offered.
6. The Chinese investor of Metal Trading Company offers a great deal.
7. She folded her arms at her chest to show attention during the conversation.
8. Receiving a text “LOL” from someone you don’t know will gives you a frowning face.
9. She smiled widely upon receiving the news that she got the job online.
10. He calls “wicked” to the old woman who gave birth to him after all the sacrifices and hardships.
B. Direction: Use words from the listed below as well as any others you can think of to describe this picture.

Bored, uninterested, frightened, angry, sad, happy, annoyed, disgusted, joyful, pleased, elated,
excited surprised, welcoming, pleased.


Watch the following link shows video highlighting body language and facial expressions of some world leaders
during APEC summit.


1. Write an effective paragraph of 8-10 sentences that illustrates your relevant insights on the space provided
below. Be guided by the following questions to help you develop the main idea of your paragraph.
2. What is your response to what is shown in the video?
3. What is your view toward body language and facial expressions as non-verbal forms of communication?
4. What does the video raise about the complexity of communication in multicultural setting?
5. As you think about the video, why should we be mindful about how we communicate effectively in a
multicultural setting?
6. Write your paragraph here below: (Need extra sheet of paper)

A. Illustrate the significance of verbal and non-verbal communication through a five minute act with your family
through video presentation posted on the account of the teacher.


Submitted to: (instructor’s account)
The following are the rubrics to grade your video presentation.
Role play performance rubric
Criteria 10 8 6 4
Preparedness The actors Actors are Actors are Actors are extremely
are extremely extremely somewhat familiar with their role, and
familiar with familiar with familiar with provide no evidence to
their role and their role and their role, but support any
uses specific use some provide little statements/arguments they
evidence to evidence to or no evidence make.
support their support their to support
arguments. arguments. their
Participation All of the Most actors Some of the Actors do not participate in
actors actively actors actively simulated presentation.
actively participate in participate in
participate in simulated simulated
simulated presentation presentation
presentation on the assigned on the assigned
on the topic. topic.
Presentation/Performance All the actors Actors Actors Actors fail to demonstrate
demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate skills in presenting their
excellent very good skills good skills in role- play not being able to
skills in in presenting presenting show thoughtful responses
presenting the role play by their role-play and examples addressing
their role- providing by providing specific issue/topic.
play by thoughtful some Arguments and viewpoints
providing responses and responses and expressed fail the role
thoughtful examples examples played.
responses addressing addressing
and examples specific issue/ specific issue/
addressing topic. topic. Some
specific Arguments and arguments and
issue/topic. viewpoints viewpoints
Arguments expressed well expressed the
and the role played. role played.
expressed fit
role played.
Preciseness Actors have Actors have Actors have Actors have failed to show
clearly somewhat showed some the scene or situation being
showed the showed the scenes or required.
exact scene exact scene or situations
or situation situations being required.
being being required.

Title of Video Presentation:

Visualizing the Process of Communication

In this lesson, the students will purposely understand the significance of learning the components and process
of communication. The substantial of communication process will allow the students to fully comprehend how it
works. They will able to define its components as the best way to convey meaning and introduce barriers.


Understanding such loop and its key elements will enable the students to effectively communicate to have the ability of
critical skill. It motivates them to improve their communication skills by observing people who communicate
effectively, learning anew and practicing those skills. Thus, acquiring effective communication skills will help them to
become a better person as a student, family member, best worker or a dignified citizen.

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;
1. Identify the components and key elements of communication.
2. Comprehend the effective communication process.
3. Explain the internal and external barriers of communication.
4. Illustrate the value of effective communication and its various elements.
5. Promote effective communication at home and school

A. Examine the pictures below. Which of the following best describes your usual family meal time?

. A. B.

Which of the pictures that best describes your usual family meal time? How does it make sense towards your
family relationships? How it affects the communication between you and your family?

Technology Integration
B.Watch the following link below, it is about the videos of Lucky Me tv commercials that deals about usual
family meal time. Observe closely how the family members communicate with one another and answer the
questions that follows.


Discuss together with your classmates (at school) or (if at home) with your family members about the videos.
Which of the following video commercials that promote effective communication and family bond?why?

Which of the following Tv commercials that is ineffective of promoting family bond? Why?

What do you think is the problem of ineffective communication with one another?

Share your ideas or tips to promote effective communication and would strengthen the family bond.

How important is meal time together for every Filipino families ?

Communication is the process of sharing our ideas, thoughts, and feelings with other people and having those
ideas, thoughts and feelings understood by the people we are talking with. When we communicate, we speak,
listen, and observe.
The term communication process refers to the exchange of information between two or more people. For
communication to succeed, both participants must be able to exchange information and understood each other. If


the flow of information is blocked for some reason or the parties cannot make themselves understood, then
communication fails. When it happens there will be external or internal barriers as to fail the efficiency of
Components of Communication
Nordquist (2018) describes the components of communication a follows:

1. Sender.
The communication process begins with the sender, who is called the communicator or source. The sender has
some kind of information
a command, request, or idea- that he or she wants to share with others. In order for the message to be received, the
sender must first encode the message in a form that can be understood and then transmit it.

2. Receiver.
The person to whom a message is directed is called the receiver or the interpreter. In order to comprehend the
information from the sender, the receiver must first be able to receive the sender’s information and then decode or
interpret it.
3. Message.
The message or the content is the information that the sender wants to relay to the receiver. It is relayed between
parties. Put all three together and you have the communication process as its most basic.
4. Medium.
Also called the channel, the medium is the means by which message is transmitted. Text messages, for example, are
transmitted to the medium of cell phones.
5. Feedback.
The communication process reaches its final point when the message has been successfully transmitted, received,
and understood.
The receiver, in turn, responds to the sender, indicating comprehension. Feedback maybe directs, such as written
or verbal response, or it may take the form of an act or deed in response.
6. Noise.
This can be sort of interference that affects the message being sent, received, or understood. It can be literal as
static over a phone line or esoteric as misinterpreting a local custom.
7. Context.
This is the setting in which communication takes place. Like noise, context can have an impact on the successful
exchange of information. It may have a physical, social, or cultural aspect to it.


According to https://, communication is the fundamental to the existence and survival of
humans as well as to organization. It is a process of creating and sharing ideas, information, views, facts, feelings,
etc. among the people to reach a common understanding. Thus, it is a clear implication to human essence of
interacting within each other. Like for example, when the mother wants to warn her five year-old daughter away
from danger of drowning from the pool area. Or the pandemic issue, the President able to give orders and safety
platforms as to inform and warn the whole citizens to be aware and be safe from COVID 19. Visualizing such
manner of communication, not all messages are being transmitted to the receiver the way how it should be. Since
the process of communication is not always simple or smooth. There are other elements may affect how the
messages is transmitted, received and interpreted.

Figure1. Communication Process

The sender first develops an idea, which is composed into a message and then transmitted to the other party, who
interprets the message and receives the meaning. Information theorists have added somewhat more complicated
language. Developing a message is known as encoding. Interpreting the message is referred as to decoding.
Oh, I’m fine. I went to
Hello Alfred, how is your
Walter Mart and buy
foods for Anna.

How is your sister?

Oh, I’m fine. I went

to ...

The Sender The Receiver

Figure2. Barriers to the Communication Process
For example in figure 2, Ben asked Alfred about his sister Anna. But instead of answering the questions efficiently,
the receiver did not properly interpret the message. As the feedback is different from what the sender is asking
about towards the receiver. Due to that, the factor that may affect is the noise and context, the setting that takes
place in the communication process.
The other important feature in the communication process, then, is feedback cycle. When the two people interact,
rarely it is one- way only. When a person receives a message, she responds to it by giving a reply. The feedback
cycle is the same as the sender- receiver feedback noted in figure 1. Otherwise the sender can’t know whether the
other parties properly interpreted in the message or how they reacted to it (
The critical factor in measuring the effectiveness of communication is common understanding. Understanding
exists when all parties involved have a mutual agreement as to not only the information, but also the meaning of
the information. Effective communication, therefore, occurs when the intended message of the sender and the
interpreted message of the receiver are one and the same. Although this should be the goal in any communication,
is not always achieved (
How to achieve effective communication? Of course, when communicating with others, we often focus on what we
should say. However, effective communication is less about talking and more on listening. Listening well means not
just understanding the words or the information being communicated, but also understanding the emotions the
speaker is trying to convey (
The most efficient communication occurs at a minimum costs in terms of resources expended. Time, in a particular,
is an important resource in the communication process. For example, it would be virtually impossible for a teacher
to take the time to communicate individually with each student in a virtual class about specific topic covered. It
needs more time to let the student understand more the topic and let them process on learning. Even if it were
possible, it would be costly. That is why in some company, managers often leave voice mail messages and interact
by e-mail rather the visiting personally the subordinates. However, without opportunities to ask questions and
clarifications about the message, erroneous interpretations are possible. So it is likely leading poor choices of
communication method. And therefore a communication barrier is subjected that include noise and other physical
distractions, language problems, and failure to recognize non-verbal signals.

The communication barriers may prevent communication or carry incorrect meaning due to which
misunderstandings maybe created. Therefore, it is essential to identify such barrier and take appropriate measures
to overcome them (
There exist many barriers to communication and these may occur at any stage in communication process. Barriers
may lead messages become more distorted and therefore risk wasting both time and/or money by causing
confusion and misunderstanding. Effective communications overcome these barriers and conveying a clear and
concise message.
Some common barriers to effective communication include:
- The use of jargon. Overcomplicated and unfamiliar terms.
- Emotional barriers and taboos.
- Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance to the receiver.
- Differences in perceptions and viewpoint.
- Physical abilities such as hearing problems and speech difficulties.
- Physical barriers to non-verbal communication.
- Language differences and the difficulty in understanding unfamiliar accents.
- Expectations and prejudices which may lead to false assumptions or stereotyping. People often hear what
they expect to hear rather than what is actually said and jump to the incorrect conclusions.
- Cultural differences. The norms of social interaction vary greatly in different cultures, as do the way in
which emotions are expressed. For example, the concept of personal space varies between cultures and
between different social settings.

Communication Barriers by Category

1. Language Barriers
These are concerned with the problems and obstructions in the process of encoding and decoding of a message
into words or impressions. Normally, such barriers result due to use of wrong words, faulty translations, different
interpretation, etc.
2. Psychological Barriers
Emotional or psychological factors also act as barriers to communication. The state of mind of both sender and
receiver of communication reflects the effective communication. A worried person cannot communicate properly
and an angry recipient cannot understand the message properly.
Thus, at the time of communication, both the sender and the receiver need to be psychologically sound. Also, they
also trust each other. If they do not believe each other, they cannot understand each other’s message in original
3. Organizational Barriers
The factors related to organizational structure, rules and regulations authority relationships, etc. may sometimes
acts as barriers to effective communication. In an organization with a highly centralized pattern, people may not be
encouraged to have free communication. Also rigid rules and regulations and cumbersome procedures may also
become a hurdle to communication.
4. Personal Barriers
The personal factors of both sender and receiver may act as a barrier to effective communication. If a superior
thinks that a particular communication may adversely affect his authority, he may suppress such communication.
Also, if the superiors do not have the confidence in competency of their subordinates, they may not ask for their
advice. The subordinates may not be willing to offer useful suggestions in the absence of any reward or
appreciation of a good suggestion.


Most of the aforementioned barriers can be overcome by the skilled communicator. But obviously there is
an excellent way to overcome such and find the best way to communicate effectively that helps bridging the gaps in
multicultural setting and through disabilities.
Some tools that can be used to bridge barriers in everyday communication are the following:
Active listening
Active listening is a skill that can be acquired and developed with practice. It means of fully concentrating
on what is being said rather than just ‘hearing’ the message of the speaker. It involves listening with all the senses
as well as giving full attention to the speaker. By providing the feedback, the person speaking will usually feel more
at ease and therefore communicate more easily, openly and honestly. There are verbal and non-verbal cues that
convey active listening. Non-verbal signs include smiling (if appropriate), making eye contact, nodding at
appropriate times, and avoiding distractions. And offering verbal signs of active listening can be also useful.
Reflecting on something the speaker has said by asking a clarifying questions with a terrific way to do this.


Paraphrasing involves slightly different words to repeat the main idea of the speaker, and is also a great way to
show active listening.

Use Simple Language

Always remember the audience that you are speaking to and use language that can be easily understood.
Avoid using medical terminology or jargon when speaking to clients and their families. People are often intimated
by such language which lead to misunderstanding and be afraid to admit that they don’t understand the message
being delivered. An important tool to use is to pause occasionally and ask questions to ensure that the message is
being understood as intended.

Give Constructive Feedback

Remember that feedback was part of the communication chain. While the feedback that you give the
speaker/sender may occasionally be negative, it is important that it be constructive in nature. The intent of the
feedback should be to further the abilities of the speaker. This will strengthen the interpersonal relationship,
enhance future communication.


Name: Date: | Score:
Course/ Year/ Section: Instructor:

A. Examine the function of each element in the communication process below.

Noise Channel Noise

Encodes Transmits Transmits
Acquires Data Acquires Decodes feedbacks
Receiver Feedback Sender

Decodes Channel Encodes

Noise Barriers Barriers Noise

Physical Environment| Climate|Noise|Context

Communication Process
Answer the following questions below on a sheet of paper.

1. What are the elements of communication?

2. What are the barriers to communication?
3. Describe the process of communication illustrated above.(Tell each function of the elements)
4. How did the barriers affect the feedback?
5. Give your idea how to achieve the effective process of communication?


B. Do the following task below.

1. Examine the pictures illustrated above, when does miscommunication happens?

2. Compare the modern communication with the traditional face to face communication?


3. Summarize key insights on the table below.
Face to face communication Digital communication
Advantage At School: At School:

At home: At home:

Disadvantage At School: At School:

At home: At home:




As a final task for this lesson, you are challenged to create your own model of communication, accounting the novel
features of digital communication.
Draw you model here

By group you have to think your own model of communication and explain your output. You can
give a scenario to support the model.

You may create your model using power point presentation or other presentation applications/
software. And submit it to the instructor’s email add or messenger account.

Self Reflection
 How can you be able to promote effective communication at home and at school? Explain elaborately.

: Understanding the Principles and Ethics of Communication

In this lesson, the whole discussion focuses on moral principles to gain effective communication. It deals with
values relating to human conduct, respecting the right and wrong of a certain actions and motives of every individual.
Learning such principles that govern communication, the students will be able to recognize the appropriate behavior
in dealing some formal or informal conversations to achieve the understanding of right and wrong aspects, the moral
and immoral dimensions relevant to interpersonal communication that are called ethics of communication.

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;
1. Comprehend the four basic principles of interpersonal communication.
3. Demonstrate the ethics of effective communication.
4. Promote ethical interpersonal communication.

“Meanness Survey”
Put check (/) on the following space provided to answer the questions below.
1. Has anyone ever said or done something mean or crucial to
you online or face to face that you may feel bad?
If you answered Yes, how often was it serious problem to you?
2. Have you ever said or done something mean or crucial to
someone online or personally?

If you answered Yes, what did you do? (Check all that apply)

Called someone a name

Threatened to physically
hurt someone
Spread rumors
Posted or shared an
embarrassing photo or
video to someone else.
Harassed someone
sexually ( said or did
something sexual with the
person did not want you
Made fun of someone’s
race, religion, and


Harassed someone in
online game or social
3. If you answered Yes, why did you do it? ( Check all that apply)
I was just joking
The person said
something mean and
cruel about me first
The person said
something mean and
cruel about my friend first
I wanted to get even with
a person with another
My friends were doing it
I was bored
I was angry
I did not like the person
I don’t know
4. When someone has said something mean or cruel online to
someone else, have you ever done anything to help the person
who is being picked on?
5. Has anyone ever threatened online (for example, said things
like “I’m going to get you” or “you’re going to get it”)?
At least once a day
At least once a week
At least once a month
At least once a year
Less than once a year
6. If you answered At least once a day, At least once a week or At
least once a month, did you think it was a serious problem to
 In answering such questions, does it make sense to you? What comes to your mind knowing that you did
something mean? Or does it affect one’s individual personality and relationships? Why or why not?



In this lesson, you will understand the appropriate way of communicating. Valuing such effectiveness will assure
worthwhile conversations and sharing of ideas to someone and promote strong interpersonal communication
In, the following principles about nature of communication are discussed. The
principles discussed below speak about the nature of communication which if assimilated will facilitate our
communication and render it effective:
1. Communication is an interaction situation wherein the participants are affected by each one’s behavior.
Every message is simultaneously a stimulus to new behavior and a response to prior behavior of the receiver. No
message should be isolated from what has occurred before between the communicants if we really want to
understand the message. It should be understood in the totality of the situation.
2. One does communicate. We do communicate even when we are ignoring the message of another or
maintaining complete silence. An easy way to understand this would be to think what you would do if someone,
you did not want to interact with, passed a smile to you. Even by ignoring him, you would still be communicating, “I
do not want to relate to you”. Silence, posture and all non-verbal behaviors are the ways we communicate even
when we wish to deny doing so.
3. The message received is not necessarily the message sent: We usually relate to others as if there was only
one reality the way we perceive the world. We all live as separate individuals with different experiences and
different views of ‘reality’. How we interpret verbal and non-verbal messages may be quite different from the
meaning intended by the speaker (communicator). Even when several people are viewing the same behavior, each
interprets it differently. While talking or writing we are describing only those experiences that occur inside us and
they may not be the same for others because every person, because of his different background, is unique.
4. Communication occurs simultaneously at more than one level: We communicate on the level of the literal
content of the information being conveyed as well as on the relationship level. In other words, we do not convey
information to the receiver verbally only. By the context, in which the communication occurs, and by various
verbal and non-verbal cues, we are also telling the other person how we see our relationship with him, how we see
ourselves, and how he should interpret our messages.
This second level of communication is called ‘meta-communication’ and refers to any communication about
communication or any verbal or non-verbal cues about the literal content of the message sent. For example, I may
say to another person, “I’m very happy with you”, and be serious indicating that I do not mean what I say. I may also
verbally meta-communicate by adding, “I was only joking”, which tells the receiver how he should interpret my
original statement.
The context in which communication occurs is another important component of meta-communication. If I slap my
wife while travelling in the bus, I would be telling the world something quite different than if I were to do the same
thing in my own house.

Four Principles of Interpersonal Communication

These principles underlie the workings in real life of interpersonal communication. They are basic to
communication. We can't ignore them:
1. Interpersonal communication is inescapable
We cannot not communicate. The very attempt not to communicate communicates something. Through not only
words, but through tone of voice and through gesture, posture, facial expression, etc., we constantly communicate
to those around us. Through these channels, we constantly receive communication from others. Even when you
sleep, you communicate. Remember a basic principle of communication in general: people are not mind readers.
Another way to put this is: people judge you by your behavior, not your intent.
2. Interpersonal communication is irreversible
You can't really take back something once it has been said. The effect must inevitably remain. Despite the
instructions from a judge to a jury to "disregard that last statement the witness made," the lawyer knows that it
can't help but make an impression on the jury. A Russian proverb says, "Once a word goes out of your mouth, you
can never swallow it again."
3. Interpersonal communication is complicated
No form of communication is simple. Because of the number of variables involved, even simple requests are
extremely complex. Theorists note that whenever we communicate there are really at least six "people" involved:
1) who you think you are; 2) who you think the other person is; 30 who you think the other person thinks you are;


4) who the other person thinks /she is; 5) who the other person thinks you are; and 6) who the other person thinks
you think s/he is.
We don't actually swap ideas; we swap symbols that stand for ideas. This also complicates communication. Words
(symbols) do not have inherent meaning; we simply use them in certain ways, and no two people use the same
word exactly alike.

Osmo Wiio gives us some communication maxims similar to Murphy's law (Welin-Goos,1978; in
If communication can fail, it will.
If a message can be understood in different ways, it will be understood in just that way which does the most harm.
There is always somebody who knows better than you what you meant by your message.
The more communication there is, the more difficult it is for communication to succeed.
These tongue-in-cheek maxims are not real principles; they simply humorously remind us of the difficulty of
accurate communication.
4. Interpersonal communication is contextual.
In other words, communication does not happen in isolation. There is:
Psychological context, which is who you are and what you bring to the interaction. Your needs, desires, values,
personality, etc., all form the psychological context. ("You" here refers to both participants in the interaction.)
Relational context, which concerns your reactions to the other person--the "mix."
Situational context deals with the psycho-social "where" you are communicating. An interaction that takes place
in a classroom will be very different from one that takes place in a bar.
Environmental context deals with the physical "where" you are communicating. Furniture, location, noise level,
temperature, season, time of day, all are examples of factors in the environmental context.
Cultural context includes all the learned behaviors and rules that affect the interaction. If you come from a culture
(foreign or within your own country) where it is considered rude to make long, direct eye contact, you will out of
politeness avoid eye contact. If the other person comes from a culture where long, direct eye contact signals
trustworthiness, then we have in the cultural context a basis for misunderstanding.

Communication ethics is the notion that an individual’s group’s behavior is governed by their morals which in turn
affects communication. Generally speaking, communication, ethics deals with the moral good present in any form
of human communication. This includes interpersonal communication, mass mediated communication, and digital
communication (
Ethical communication is fundamental to responsible thinking, decision making, and the development of
relationships and communities within and across contexts, cultures, channels, and media. It also enhances human
worth and dignity by fostering truthfulness, fairness, responsibility, personal integrity, and respect for self and
Johnson(2015) developed the Ten Basics of ethical Communication using the principles learned in Straight Talk
and Nonviolent Communication as well as “best practices” for small group work in general — with a little common
sense added in:
Ten Basics of Ethical Communication
Seek to “elicit the best” in communications and interactions with other group members.
Listen when others speak.
Speak non-judgmentally.
Speak from your own experience and perspective, expressing your own thoughts, needs, and feelings.
Seek to understand others (rather than to be “right” or “more ethical than thou”).
Avoid speaking for others, for example by characterizing what others have said without checking your
understanding, or by universalizing your opinions, beliefs, values, and conclusions, assuming everyone shares
Manage your own personal boundaries: share only what you are comfortable sharing.
Respect the personal boundaries of others.
Avoid interrupting and side conversations.
Make sure that everyone has time to speak, that all members have relatively equal “air time” if they want it.


Name: Date: | Score:
Course/ Year/ Section: Instructor:
A. From the list of Ten Basics of Ethical Communication choose at least three points which you think are very
important to practice in successful communication. Provide examples or situations to support your answers.
Ethics # 1
Ethics # 2

Ethics # 3

B. Examine the pictures below. Tell each what does it illustrates according to the principles of interpersonal
communication you have understood.








Perform a short video blog showing ethics in communication for at least one minute. Think of a scene or situation
that shows the lack of ethics or highlights issues in communication then how to resolve it.
Rubrics of Video Blogging
10 9 7 5
Advanced Proficient Developing Beginning
Content quality Appropriate, Appropriate and Vlogs and comments Vlogs are not
engaging, reflective, respectful to others. done, but lacks engaging, are
and respectful to Vlogs have a purpose engagement, analysis irrelevant, or are
others. Vlogs are in- or main topic about or substantial difficult to follow
depth, analytical, and ethics of reflection, or may be meaning.
reflective, make a communication and off topic.
point and make is reflective.
connections beyond
the text.

Speech and Grammar Vlog has originality Speech is fluent. Vlog Vlog may contain Vlog may contain
and flair, may contain one or several errors in significant errors in
emphasizing two errors in grammar; errors may grammar; errors may
important points; grammar, error do impede viewer’s cause confusion to
contain no errors in not impede viewer’s understanding. the viewer. Speech is
grammar. understanding. Speech lack fluency. choppy without
complete sentences
or clear topic.

Creativity Viewer is left with a Viewer is left general Viewer mostly Presentation is
strong understanding understanding and understands the topic unclear on the topic
of the topic, will will remember the and might remember and unmemorable.
remember the video, video the video. Some
and feels like they introduced themes/
want to learn more topics may distract
from message.

Video Quality Video is well planned Video is well planned Video was somewhat Video is not well
with smooth with competent edits. planned. Transitions planned and has poor
transitions and edits. Sound is well and edits are edits. Sound is poor
Sound is expertly balanced and easy to rudimentary. Sound of quality. Many
balanced and easy to hear. Most sound and is reasonably sound and visual
hear. All sound and visual elements blend balanced. Some elements distract
visual elements with video’s message. sound and visual from the video’s
coincide with the elements are message.
video’s message distracting.

Think of a scene or situation that shows the lack of ethics or highlights issues in communication and how to resolve

You can work it by group and plan for some ideas how to make video presentation then send it the
instructor’s Gmail account or messenger.




In this lesson, the students will purposely understand the significance of cultural awareness and
understanding global issues that are particularly valued and equally important as learning a foreign
language nowadays. It helps them to know the trend of communication by local and international
businesses that have been part of it. They may be able to have the ability to think more globally competitive.


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;

1. Explain how cultural global issues affect communication;

2. Appreciate the impact of communication on society and the world;

3.. Determine culturally- appropriate terms, expressions and images;

4.. Adopt cultural awareness and sensitivity in communication and ideas.



Give at least 5 sentences that come up to your mind in visualizing what the picture is about.



How is the globalization related to communication? Well let’s know that the term communication has been in
existence since time immemorial, while the globalization is new to us. Lets us all know what is globalization?
According to, globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the
people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and
aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on
economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world.
Globalization is not really new. The globe has been globalized even before men coined the term globalization. For
example, huge corporations have been buying and selling lands on great distant areas, such as the famed Silk Road
across Central Asia that connected to China and Europe during Middle Ages.
In an article entitled The Impact of Globalization on Communication Skills Development, David Ingram said that
communication skills development has always been an important factor of success in business, but the influence of
globalization and cross- cultural interaction in recent decades has impacted the types of communication skills needed
in dramatic ways. No longer can entrepreneurs afford to simply communicate well within their own homogenous
1. Virtual Interactions. Globalization has introduced virtual communication and collaboration as a major part of
academic and workplace dynamics. We need to understand the strengths and limitations of different
communication media, and how to use each medium to maximum effect. (
2. Cultural Awareness Speech. The need for cultural awareness is a major impact of globalization on the required
skill set of effective communicators, resulting in the evolution of the communication skills development programs.
3. Cultural Awareness in Body Language. Awareness of cultural differences in the body language can be just as
important as nuances of speech. This is why the schools, students are taught to understand acceptable speaking
distances, conflict styles, eye contact and posture in different cultures, accepting that the physical expressions of
their own culture are not universally accepted. Students are also taught how to address these differences to
prepare them face –to- face meetings with foreign suppliers, customers or team members when they become
4. Time Differences. The advent of global collaboration introduces another new dynamic to communication skills-
the need to communicate and share information to people across several time zones. When people collaborate with
others on the other side of the globe, their counterparts are usually at home asleep while they are themselves are
at work. This is why school teach students to address the nuances overcoming this challenge by teaching them to
understand the information needs of their colleagues, according to their communication styles of different
countries or cultures. Being able to effectively share information between shifts can make or break the productivity
of a geographically dispersed team, making this an important issue for many companies. This skill is particularly
needed in call centers catering clients from countries of different time zones.
According to Danev (2017), the process of globalization has widely increased the availability of information for
people across the world. By the use of Internet and advanced mobile services, people are able to discuss business plans
and proposals of an international level as well as exchange of private data securely. Global communication services
have also contributed to the enlightenment and development of the political process in a number of states.
Danev (2017) also enumerates the three major impacts on globalization on global communication and identifies
the major problem, as follows:
1. Availability of Information. The availability of information is a major effect of the process of globalization. The
World Health Organization, in its works focused on the cultural dimensions of globalization, has expressed the
view that with the spread of businesses delivering Internet, satellite TV and mobile services, the costs of such


information technologies drop. The decreased price makes it easier for people across the world to make use of the
World Wide Web and the resources available.
2. Business Conduct. Globalization has influenced global communication by implementing new techniques for
business conduct among workers at international corporations. Long- distance travels are no longer necessary for
business people should they require a meeting with a partner overseas. Internet technology makes it possible to
exchange business information and conduct video conferences.
3. Social Awareness. The availability of information, which is a direct effect of the development of global
communication systems, has lead to increased social awareness of people across the world. Information
technology and networks enable them to share opinions, views, work on projects and research in different areas.
These are among the main reasons why the process of globalization is creating a sense of a global society. For
example, through the use of communication, many students from the developing countries enrol in the university
degrees in developed world.
4. The Problem. Despite its quick spread and continuous development, global communication has not reached the
majority of people on all continents. The World Health Organization indicates that at least 70% of all people in
Africa will never make a single phone call or use Internet. And this point out the need of more extensive application
in communication technologies that has been a part of the globalization process.




 Pretend that you just got home from travelling abroad. And you already knew that going abroad is not
simple as you think. It is very crucial as you are preparing to interact with different cultures.
 Let’s see how well you know some distinct manners and practices of different cultures. Write TRUE if the
statement expresses truth about the countries’ distinct practices, otherwise, write FALSE.

1. When greeting people from India hold their hands together in front of their chins in a
prayer- like position.
2. When greeting, most Middle Easterners, especially Muslims, avoid body contact with the
opposite sex, but men may embrace and kiss one another.
3. When greeting, most Americans, expect some body contact. Women kiss once on each
check and hug; men shake hands.
4. Avoid wishing “Merry Christmas” to Middle Easterners like the Muslims.
5. In Singapore, it is alright to eat in public transport.
6. In China, it is nice to give a clock and umbrella as a present.
7. In turkey, you don’t show OK gesture because it’s very offensive.
8. Waving at our friends is a normal and common gesture, when you are in Greece, it is
alright to you have the habit of waving.
9. In Thailand, if you are picking your nose while talking to other people then it is not
considered impolite at all but instead this act symbolizes good hygiene.
10. Do not order cappuccino in Italian restaurants after 11 am.
11. In Japan, it is not considered as offensive if you make loud slurping sound white eating
12. To avoid emotional upset for Korean children and parents, do not write students’
names in red- this has death connotations.
13. In Jamaica and other parts of the Caribbean, teachers are respected and revered and
rarely challenged.


14. Those from educational system outside the United States often consider informal, noisy
classrooms as places of play, not learning.
15. If an Asian student bows to you, nod your head in response


It is a great challenge to communicate effectively within the entire global environment. To have such skills,
even both parties speak the same language in order to avoid misunderstandings. No matter how the conversations
being brought up to, still ethnicity and cultural differences lead to confusions and ineffective communication. Like
for instance, Asian people have cultural diversity towards the Europeans. Although when both speak the same
language, their accents and various idealogies are different that may have the possibility of misunderstanding
arises. But no matter what the differences they may be in, if both have the ability to apprehend the cultural
awareness and sensitivity thus it leads to effective communication beyond globalization.

Over the last decade, there have been countless examples from the business sector that demonstrate how
poor communication can lead to poor organizational performance (public criticisms and outcry). Understanding
the impact of globalization on cross- culture communication is imperative for organizations seeking to create a
competitive advantage in the global market. Recent economic challenges further highlight the need for
organization to develop internal communication capacity to necessary to control and monitor external threats
(http:// www.

As a society becomes more globally connected, the ability to communicate across cultural boundaries has
gained increasing prominence. For example, business must understand how to communicate with employees and
customers from different cultures in order to fulfil the organization’s mission and build value for stakeholders.
Also, the use of technology has had a profound impact on how individuals, groups, organizations and institutions
communicate globally and market ideas. However, with the advancement of technology, individuals, groups,
organizations and institutions must sensitive to the cultural nuances that can potentially present as obstacles to
their intentions (

According to Genevieve Hilton (in, cultural proficiency doesn’t mean

memorizing every cultural nuance of every market. It’s knowing when to listen, when to ask for help, and when-
finally- to speak.

Parapak (1995) describes our world as a world of diversity. For many centuries, the people of the world
were separated by mountains and seas. They rarely saw each other; their lives were practically unrelated. They
developed and lived their own unique cultures. People in particular way of life, their own language, their religion
and thus became known as a tribe, and ethnic group of people who established a nation of their own.
The world, although one world, was and is inhabited by diverse populations, each with their own identity,
physical, spiritual and cultural uniqueness. Indeed this world has always been a world of diversity. There is no
reason to be ashamed or frightened of diversity. Indeed diversity can become a source of strength and enrichment.
The invention and development of new technologies have been and continue to instrumental in the changing way
we live, the way we communicate, the way we respond to our environment, the way we express our thoughts, our
ideas. In short technology has influenced the dynamic development of our cultural identities (Parapak, 1995).

During the early days of human civilization, direct, mainly verbal communication, using a particular
language was one of the elements of our cultural identity. The circle of influence was very limited, very much
dependent on the physical environment accessible by simple technology. This is still the case with some ethnic
groups in some undeveloped countries. The development of transportation and communication technologies
enlarges the circle of encounters, influence and independence.


Columbus discovered America. Cook sailed to Australia. New communities were established because of
new access through technology. The invention of radio and telephone technology just over 100 years ago made
possible intercultural communications through long distance. Radio and television broadcasting have reinforced
and globalized our intercultural encounters, communications, inter-influence, interdependence and
interrelationships. Now we are truly globalized. Through transportation, trade, tourism, and telecommunications,
we can access a market; we can meet with almost anyone on this planet earth; we have the facilities to instantly see
and follow any event around the world (Parapak, 1995).

In some ways technology has united the world and mankind, but technology has not eliminated our diversity.

The same maybe said about communicating locally- meaning here in the Philippines, and communicating
with other Filipinos. Like the globe, ours is a diverse country, but global communications have made our country a
small city of intelligence. Distance is no longer relevant to our way of life. We now obtain, process, store, transmit
and utilize information at the speed of light. With modern communications, we enhance our competitiveness, we
accelerate our national development, we modernize and integrate our economy and our society, we improve our
national efficiency and productivity, we strive for equitable distribution of our development, we eliminate isolation
of remote and rural areas, and we attract capital inflow for infrastructural development (Purposive
Communication, 2018).

However, the efforts to achieve global competitiveness and the sense of national identity has not eliminated
distinctive regional cultures, but rather aroused a sense of pride in the diversity which is a source of the rich
Philippine cultural heritage.

Philippines is an archipelagic country with 7, 641 islands, of which, about 2,000 are inhabited. More than
175 ethno-linguistic groups comprise our population. The majority of whose languages are Austronesian in origin.
More diverse than our country is Asian neighbour, Indonesia, with 17,508 islands, with more than 300 ethnic
groups, each with its own language, but much can be learned from the Indonesian experience. As Parapak (1995)
...Accepting diversity as strength, we are mindful of the vital role of communications in bonding the diverse
cultures, diverse ethnic groups, diverse languages, and diverse religious beliefs into one nation.
Through our experience we have also learned to accept that the world is so diverse with its more than 180
...Diversity is indeed a spice of life, a potential source of strength and character.
The challenge is: How do we use diversity for our benefit and for the enrichment of our lives?


More than fifty (50) years ago, McLuhan anticipated of the arrival of a global village where everyone on this
planet earth could feel himself a citizen of this village. McLuhan’s vision was inspired by tremendous development
of radio and television broadcasting. The development of global satellite transmission and broadcasting in some
ways realized the dream of McLuhan.
Technological development, however, has kept on accelerating, especially during the last twenty-five (25) years.
Now, through satellite, radio and cables, almost any part of the world is reachable by telephone. Or to put it in
another way, potentially everyone on this planet earth can access telephone, or if he has a computer and a modem,
he can access information stored in any computer around the globe. The experts and the leaders of the world are
talking about super highways of information infrastructure which could be creating a totally new world not a
global village, but a global intelligent community, a global brain (Parapak 2015).

The super highway of information or global network of intelligence, allows us now to globally share
information, communicate instantly and work together to develop robust and sustainable economic progress,
promote democracy suitable to our different societies, and improve our environment, healthcare and education
ultimately realize a prosperous and just world society.
Global high-tech communications facilities also help to work together as nations, exchange ideas and nurture
friendships which transcend the barriers of nations, mountains and seas.


Today, our globe is circled by superhighways of optical fiber cable systems providing almost a unlimited
bandwidth of information transmission. Most of our major offices and some homes are linked with optical fiber
systems giving us access to global multimedia services, visual intelligent and personal services

These facilities give an almost unlimited choice of information and entertainment to those who have access.
Our sky is loaded with programs and anyone with a receiving system has unlimited choice of programs. Yes,
through communications, the global world is now filled with information and entertainment that potentially have
an impact on our value systems, religious beliefs, business activities, taste in and choice of entertainment.


Cultural awareness is knowing that there are multiple different cultures- based on religion, ethnicity,
nationality and other factors- that have different attitudes and outlooks. Cultural sensitivity involves accepting
those differences without insisting you own culture is better, or that everyone should do it your way. Cultural-
sensitivity skills are sometimes called cultural competence, or the ability to work alongside people with different
cultural attitudes and behaviors and to do so effectively (Sherman, 2018).
Cultural sensitivity is being aware that cultural differences and similarities between people exist without
assigning them a value- positive or negative, better or worse, right or wrong. It simply means that you are aware
that people are not all the same and that you recognize that your culture. A challenge, if you ask the author, fro
members of dominant cultures (
According to Dabbah (2017), the idea behind cultural sensitivity is very straightforward. Cultural sensitivity
refers to a set of skills that allows you to learn about and understand people whose cultural background is not the
same as yours, but what does that really mean? Essentially, it means that, as you go about your daily life, you operate
with the awareness and cultural differences between yourself and the people you meet exist without assigning them a
value. You see our differences as a positive thing, and don’t consider one culture better or worse, right or wrong.

Of course, this often easier said than done. With increasingly diverse populations living together in the
same communities, it is not always possible to intimately understand the backgrounds of those we are interacting
with, but, having cultural sensitivity does not mean that you must be an expert in each culture ‘s values. It is simply
mean that you are honest to ask to ask questions, seek understanding, and demonstrate empathy rather than
judging those around you. It also means that, when you knowingly enter a space in which there will be cultural
differences at play, you do a bit of homework beforehand and avoid knee-jerk reactions or jumping to conclusions
(Dabbah, 2017).

Sherman (2018) observes that communicating in a diverse, multicultural environment can be awkward. For
example, someone might make a sweeping and inappropriate generalization to a co-worker about what his people
are like, causing discord. More subtle problems can involve the differences in how people from different cultures
A gesture that is acceptable in one culture might be meaningless or offensive in another. What is
considered the normal space between two people standing and talking in different in different societies? In some
cultures, criticizing or correcting your boss openly is much less acceptable than it is in the United States.

To help you exhibit cultural awareness and sensitivity in words and in deeds, keep in mind the following guidelines
adapted from
 View human difference as positive and a cause for celebration;
 Have a clear sense of your own ethnic, cultural, and racial identity;
 Be aware that in order to learn about others, you need to understand and be prepared to share your own
 Be aware of your own discomfort when you encounter differences in race, color, religion, sexual
orientation, language, and ethnicity;
 Be aware of the assumptions that you hold about of cultures different from you own;
 Be aware of your stereotypes as they arise and develop personal strategies fro reducing the harm that they
 Be aware of how your cultural perspective influences your judgements about what appropriate , normal,
or superior behaviors, values and communication styles are;
 Accept that in cross-cultural situations, there can be uncertainty, and that uncertainty can make you
anxious. It can also mean that you do not respond quickly and take the time needed to get more
 Take any opportunity to put yourself in places where you can learn about differences and create
relationships; and
Understand that you will likely be perceived as a person with power and racial privilege (or the opposite), and that
you may not be seen as unbiased or as an ally.

Gender sensitivity refers to the aim of understanding and taking account of the societal and cultural factors
involved in gender-based exclusion and discrimination in the most diverse spheres of public and private life. it
focuses mainly on instances of structural disadvantage in the positions and roles of women

Gender- sensitive language is the realization of gender equality in written and spoken language. Gender equality
in language is attained when women and men and those who do not conform to the binary gender system are made
visible and addressed in language as persons of equal value, dignity, integrity and respect (
Avoiding sex – and gender- based discrimination starts with language, as the systematic use of gender-based
terminology influences attitudes and expectations and could, in the mind of the reader and listener, relegate
women to the background or help perpetuate a stereotyped view of women’s and men’s roles. There are number of
different strategies that can be used to express gender relationships with accuracy, such as avoiding, to the
greatest possible extent, the use of language that refers explicitly or implicitly to only one gender, and ensuring,
through inclusionary alternatives and according to each langauge’s characteristics, the use of gender- sensitive and
inclusive language.
Examples of gender-neutral words that may be used are as follows:
Ancestors, forebears ( instead of forefathers)
Artificial, manufactured (instead of man- made)
Average/ ordinary person ( instead of common man)
Chair, chairperson, coordinator (instead of chairman)
Courteous, cultured (instead of ladylike)
First- year student (instead of freshman)
Flight attendant ( instead of steward, stewardess)
Human resources ( instead of manpower)
Legislator, representative ( instead of congressman)
Mail carrier, letter carrier, postal worker (instead of mailman, postman)
People, human beings (instead of mankind)
Person, individual ( instead of man)
Police officer ( instead of policeman)
Solidarity (instead of brotherhood)
To operate, to cover, to staff ( instead of to man)

The site advises the use of Ms. With women as sometimes their marital status is
vague or not known if not give special directives from the woman herself (unless the woman herself prefers the
courtesy title Mrs. or Miss). A woman’s marital status is very often irrelevant to the matter in hand. Also, say Mr.
and Mrs. Smith, or Mrs. Jane and Mr. John Smith instead of Mr. and Mrs John Smith. The salutation Dear Sir/ Madam
is also preferred if the gender of the recipient is unknown instead of using Dear Sir. Another thing which you must
avoid is stereotyping roles and attributes. Stereotyping roles mean when certain jobs are presumed to be
performed only by men or women, giving rise to gender- biased terms. Example: John and Mary both have full-time
jobs; he helps her with the housework. This sentence can be stated in other way which sounds more respectful and
gender neutral: John and Mary both have full-time jobs; they share the housework.


Attributes means usage of certain words which underline stereotypic gendered attributes. For instance:
Women are caretakers, gentle and emotional, while men are achievers, strong and logical.
Gender sensitive language is not simply terminology and rules which should be carried by a gender- sensitive
speaker or writer. It shows that a person respects all persons, favors social equality and equal opportunity and
helps avoid ambiguity. Communicating effectively requires respectful treatment of people, and regard for their
needs and individuality.
Proper communication brings proper achievements. Communication can be oral or written, but written
one is the most important as it is not just a set of word but a reflection of your reasoning, attitudes and knowledge.
It cannot be erased easily and the impression it gives to the reader can damage or advance your reputation.
Attention to gender–sensitivity in writing is one way to demonstrate relevance, erudition, and culture.
Thus, to ensure that you have used gender-sensitive language in a piece of writing, the following checklist for
gender revisions from may be of help:
Have you used man or men or words containing one of them to refer to people who may be female? If so, consider
substituting another word.
If you have mentioned someone’s gender, was it necessary to do so? If you identify someone as female
architect, for example, do you (or would you) refer to someone else as a male architect? And if you then note that
the woman is an attractive blonde mother of two, do you mention that the man is muscular, square jawed father of
three? Unless gender and related matters- looks, clothes, parenthood- are relevant to your point, leave them
Do you use any occupational stereotypes? Watch for the use of female pronouns fro nurses and male ones for
scientists, for example.
Do you use language that in any way shows a lack of respect for either sex?
Have you used he, him, his, or himself to refer to people who may be female?

The term political correctness is used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offense
or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society. Since the late 1980’s., the term has come to refer to
avoiding language or behavior that can be seen as excluding, marginalizing, or insulting groups of people
considered disadvantaged or discriminated against, especially groups defined by sex or race. In public discourse
and the media, it is generally used as pejorative, implying that these policies are excessive

Merriam-Webster defines politically correct as agreeing with the idea that people should be careful to use
language or behave in a way that could offend a particular group of people (Molloy, 2015).
Other dictionaries give similar definitions, but what it basically comes down to its political correctness means not
being a jerk to others. Political correctness is nothing more than treating others with respect. Being kind, being a
nice person. And yes, this means maybe not calling someone a racial slur and not making judgements or
assumptions based on stereotypes (Molloy, 2015).

Some words that maybe used for political correctness are as follows:
Academic dishonesty ( instead of cheating)
Aesthetically challenged (instead of ugly)
Black ( instead of negro)
Comb-free ( instead of bald)
Differently abled (instead of disabled)
Drug dependent ( instead of drug addict)
Dysfunctional family (instead of broken home)
Economically marginalized ( instead of poor)
Elderly, senior ( instead of old)
Ethically disoriented ( instead of dishonest)
Hearing impaired (instead of deaf)
Informal settlers ( instead of squatters)
Intellectual disability, intellectual developmental disorder (instead of mental retardation)


Intellectually impaired ( instead of stupid)
Little people ( instead of midget, dwarf)
Morally challenged ( instead of crook)
Nondiscretionary fragrance ( instead of body odor)
Outdoor urban dwellers (instead of homeless)
People of mass ( instead of fat)
Rape survivor ( instead of rape victim)
Sexually dysfunctional ( instead of perverted)
Socially misaligned ( instead of psychopath)
Technologically challenged ( instead of computer illiterate)
Vertically challenged ( instead of short)
Visually challenged ( instead of blind)

Name: Date: |Score:


Course/Year/ Section: Instructor:
Rate the following statements on a scale 1-4, with 1 being not comfortable at all to 4 being completely comfortable.
Then, compare your answers with your partner and discover how culturally diverse both of you. Encircle the
number of your chosen scale.
How culturally diverse I am!
1. You visit your grandparent at an 1 2 3 4
assisted living community.
2. A friend invites you to go a comedy 1 2 3 4
3. You go to the gay bar and a person 1 2 3 4
of the same sex asks you to dance.
4. A homeless man approaches you 1 2 3 4
and asks for a change.
5. Your room mate is a Muslim. 1 2 3 4
6. Fellow student hitch a ride on your 1 2 3 4
motorcycle is HIV positive.
7. A group of young Black men are 1 2 3 4
walking toward you on the street.
8. Your instructor speaks with a 1 2 3 4
pronounced Vietnamese accent.
9. Your assign lab partner is a 1 2 3 4
Fundamentalist Christian.
10. Your new roommate is Arab 1 2 3 4
11. Your sister invites her new 1 2 3 4
boyfriend home to dinner. He is a
female-to- male transsexual.
12. You arrive at church to discover 1 2 3 4
your new pastor
13. Your dentist is a HIV positive. 1 2 3 4
14. Your Language Studies instructor 1 2 3 4
is a Muslim woman who wears a
headscarf and full length robe.
15. The young sitting next to you on 1 2 3 4
the airplane is a Chinese.
16. Your assigned partner for a 1 2 3 4
project in Statistics has learning
17. If you are male, your room mate is 1 2 3 4
a gay. If you’re a female, your room
mate is a lesbian.
18. The woman sitting next to you on 1 2 3 4
a plane weighs 250 lbs.
19. Your new neighboor is a Black 1 2 3 4
20. Your Math tutor is a 70 year old 1 2 3 4
21. Your mother “cries out” to you. 1 2 3 4
22. Your foreign roommate practices 1 2 3 4
traditional forms of Native American


23. Your brother’s new girlfriend is a 1 2 3 4
single mother on welfare.
24. Your family buys a home in a 1 2 3 4
predominantly Black neighbourhood.
25. Your seatmate is a HIV positive. 1 2 3 4
26. Your partner in class group work 1 2 3 4
activity is a COVID- 19 survivor.
27. You discover that the cute young 1 2 3 4
man/woman that you are attracted to
is actually a trans woman/man.
28. One of your group members has a 1 2 3 4
speech impediment.
29. You are asked to prepare a 1 2 3 4
presentation on Diversity for your
30. You are assigned to have a speech 1 2 3 4
for visually impaired Aetas students.
Now complete the following statements:
1. From this activity I realized that...
2. I still wonder...
3. It is true that in local and global communication setting, one must...

4. Therefore I plan to...

5. I firmly believe that cultural awareness and sensitivity in communication is...



1. Write a scenario from your daily life that you can determine how to use culturally appropriate terms,
expressions, and images (in terms of sensitivity to gender, race, class, etc.)
2. Create a poster and slogan in adopting cultural awareness and sensitivity in communication.



In this lesson, students will be able to understand more the language organization. It helps them to improve
their knowledge especially on writing essays during exams and filling up the application forms that are usually
evaluated based on content. In that manner, they can focus on appropriate writing task using the appropriate
register. When writing essays and letters, there is a need to think carefully about the target reader with appropriate
style and tone.

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Identify the features of formal and informal language registers;
2. Analyze texts in terms of language use and style;
3. Name a situations when formal, informal and intimate registers are applicable; and
4. Write reviews using the appropriate language register.

Be sometimes a native English speaker. Figure out the slang words that match the definitions. Write the letter of
your chosen answer inside the box below. Once you perfected all of these, it means you have the potential to
become one.
1. dirty 7. very tired
2. nothing 8. very rich
3. steal 9. strange, crazy 10. all the time
5. fail (an exam or a course) 11. one thousand dollars
6. friend 12. barbeque
a) “I know nothing about the lessons because I did not attend classes so when Mrs. Cruz gave assessment last
day, I got zilch.” (American)
b) “He’s loaded. That’s why he can eat in expensive restaurants every night after a day shift at the company”. (
c) “It’s good tucker there, especially the fish. And quite cheap, too”. (Australian)
d) “She’s got a great job. Fifty grand a year and fifteen days’ paid vacation”. (American)
e) “You know what happened to John? He left his cell phone on a chair, and someone nicked it”. (British)
f) “She’s... different. Not really a bad person, just kind of kooky.” (American)
g) “I flunked my US VISA application, so I’m going to reprocess and take again.” (American)
h) “Their bedroom is so manky. I don’t they’ve cleaned it for about a month.” (British)
i) “I had four hours sleep last night and only about five the night before. I’m zonked.” (American)
j) “We’re having a barbie on Sunday if the weather’s good. Why don’t you come around?” (Australia)



The linking of our world through global communications is nearly completed. Our world is now circled by
superhighways of information. Our skies are loaded with satellites for broadcasting our communication.
Interconnectivity is now easy.
Does this mean that our world will become one world, integrated and united economically and politically
harmonized culturally? We do not believe this will be the case.

The observation of John Naisbitt in his book Megatrends 2000 says: [t]he more homogeneous our lifestyles
become, the more steadfastly become, the more steadfastly we cling to deeper values and religion, language, art
and literature as our outer worlds grow more similar, we will increasingly treasure the traditions that spring from
within (Parapak, 1996).
In some ways, we had been more and more globalized in our lifestyle, business, factories, music, fashion, fast food,
however the inner elements, the fundamentals of language, philosophy, religion, and value systems will remain
diverse and varied.
Speaking of language, not only does diversity remains specifically in it. Language varieties continue to exist.

In present-day linguistics, the term variety is used to refer any variant of language which can be sufficiently
delimited from another one. The ground for such differentiation maybe social, historical, spatial or a combination
of these (https://

Language variety simply refers to a distinguishable variant of a language. This means that there are a large
number of varieties of any given language. The sole criterion to be fulfilled by particular variety is delimitation vis
á vis other varieties. Dialects within variety frameworks are frequently referred to as regional varieties and
socialists as social varieties, though the level dialect can be retained if used objectively (
In, several varieties of language are identified and described a follows:

A pidgin is a new language which develops in situations where speakers of different languages need to
communicate but don’t share a common language. The vocabulary of a pidgin comes mainly from one particular
language (called the ‘lexifier’). An early pre- pidgin is quite restricted in use and variable in structure. But the later
stable pidgin develops its own grammatical rules which are quite different from those of the lexifier. Once a stable
pidgin was emerged, it is generally learned as a second language and used for communication among people who
speak different languages. Examples are Nigerian Pidgin and Bislama (spoken in Vanuatu).

When children start learning a pidgin as their first language and it becomes the mother tongue of a
community, it is called Creole. Like a pidgin, a creole is distinct language which has taken most of its vocabulary
from another language, the lexifier, but has its own unique grammatical rules. Unlike a pidgin, however, a creole is
not restricted in use, and is any other language in its full range of functions. Examples are Gullah, Jamaican Creole,
and Hawaii Creole English. Note that the words pidgin and creole are technical terms used by linguists, and not
necessarily by speakers of the language. For example, speakers of Jamaican Creole call their language Patwa (from
patois) and speakers of Hawaii Creole English call their Pidgin.

A regional dialect is not a distinct language but a variety of language spoken in a particular area of a
country. Some regional dialects have been given traditional name which mark them out as being significantly
different from standard varieties spoken in the same place. Some examples are Hillbilly English (from the
Appalachians in the USA) and Geordie (from Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK).
Sometimes members of a particular ethnic group have their own variety which they use as a marker of
identity, usually alongside a standard variety. This is called a minority dialect. Examples are African American
Vernacular English in the USA, London Jamaican in Britain, and Aboriginal English in Australia.
Indigenized Varieties are spoken mainly as second languages in ex-colonies in multilingual populations.
The differences from the standard variety maybe linked to English proficiency, or maybe part of the range of
varieties used to express identity. For example, Singlish (Spoken in Singapore) is a variety very different from the
standard English, and there are many other varieties of English used in India.


According to Nordquist (2018) in his article entitled what is Register in Linguistics, register is defined as
the way a speaker uses language differently in different circumstances. Think about the words you choose, you
tone of voice, even your body language. You probably behave very differently chatting with a friend than you
would at a formal dinner part of during a job interview. These variations in formality, also called stylistic variation,
are known as registers in linguistics.
Language register is the level and style of one’s writing. It should be appropriate fro the situation one is in
Registers are determined by such factors as social occasion, context, purpose and audience. They are
marked by a variety of specialized vocabulary and turns of phrases, colloquialisms and the use of jargon, and a
difference of intonation and pace. In the Study of Language, linguist George Yule describes the function of jargon as
helping to create and maintain connections among those who see themselves as insiders in some way and to
exclude outsiders (Nordquist, 2018).
The language register determines the vocabulary, structure, and some grammar in one’s writing
( and even in one’s oral discourse.
Registers are used in all forms of communication, including written, spoken, and signed. Depending on grammar,
syntax, and tone, the register maybe extremely rigid or very intimate. You don’t even need to use an actual word to
communicate effectively. A huff of exasperating during a debate or a grin while signing hello speaks volumes
(Nordquist, 2018).
Some linguists say there are just two types of register: formal and informal. This is not correct, but
Nordquist (2018) considers this is an oversimplification. Instead, most of who study language says there are five
distinct registers:
1. Frozen. This form is sometimes called the static register because it refers to historic language or
communication that is intended to remain unchanged. Like a constitution or prayer. Examples: The Bible,
The United States; Constitution, the Bhagavad Gita, and Romeo and Juliet.
2. Formal. Less rigid, but still constrained, the formal register is used in professional, academic or legal
settings where communication is expected to be respectful, uninterrupted, and restrained. Slang is never
used, contractions are rare.
Examples: a TED talk, a business presentation, the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and Gray’s Anatomy by Henry Gray.
3. Consultative. People used this register often in conversation when they are speaking with someone who
has specialized knowledge or who is offering advice. Tone is often respectful (use of courtesy titles), but
may more casual if the relationship is longstanding or friendly (family doctor). Slang is sometimes used.
People may also pause or interrupt one another. Examples: the local TV news broadcast, an annual physical
examination, a service provider like a plumber.
4. Casual. This is the register with people use when they are with friends, close acquaintances and co
workers, and family. It is probably the one you think of when you consider how you talk with other people.
Often in group setting. Use of slang, contractions, and vernacular grammar is all common, and people may
also use expletives or off-color language in some settings. Examples: a birthday party, a backyard BBQ.
5. Intimate. Linguists say this register is reserved for special occasions, usually between two people and
often in private. Intimate language maybe something as simple as an inside joke between two college
friends or a word whispered in a lover’s ear.
Meanwhile, in, language registers are classified as formal, informal and

The formal register is more appropriate for professional writing and letters to a boss or a stranger; while the
informal register (also called casual or intimate) is conversational and appropriate when writing to friends and
people you knew very well. Finally, the neutral register is non-emotional and sticks to facts. It is most appropriate
technical writings. In some instances, the formal and informal registers maybe mixed to a present the information
in an easy to understand and personal tone.
Using the discussions, let us look closely at the three most common
language registers used in the English language.

Formal Language Register.


Formal writing is the most difficult type writing. It is impersonal, meaning it is not written on specific person and is
written without emotion.
Some kinds of writing are always written in formal English. Formal writing includes:
 Business Letters,
 Letters of Complaint,
 Some essays,
 Reports,
 Official speeches,
 Announcements, and
 Professional emails
There are many rules for writing in formal writing. We will discuss some of the most common rules here:
Do not use contractions. Contractions are not usually used in formal writing, even though they are very common
in spoken English. In formal writing, you should spell out contractions.
Examples: cannot instead of can’t
Have not instead of haven’t
Is not instead of isn’t
Will not instead of won’t
Could not instead of couldn’t
Contractions CAN be used if you are quoting someone’s exacts word in your writing.
Two –thirds of my eight grade students can’t read at grade level, the professor stated.
Keep in mind that an apostrophe does not always make a contraction. Apostrophes are also added to nouns to show
ownership. These are used in all language registers, including formal.
Children’s classroom, professor’s report, elephant’s trunk
b) Spell out number less than one hundred.
Examples: nineteen, twenty-two, seventy-eight, six
c) Write in third person point of view. In formal writing, we usually do not use first person or second
person unless it is a quote. Thus, avoid using the following pronouns: I, You, We, and Us.
Examples: You can purchase a second-hand car for under PhP 100,000.
Formal: One can purchase a second-hand car for under PhP 100, 000.
A second-hand car can be purchased for under PhP 100,000.
Informal: You will probably see an elephant on an African safari.
Formal: One may see elephants on an African Safari.
Elephants are common sight on African safaris.
Informal: We decided to invest in the company.
Formal: The group decided to invest in the company.
d) Avoid using too much passive voice. In formal writing it is better to use an active voice.
The bone was eaten by the dog.
The research was completed by students in 2009.
The dog ate the bone.
The students completed the research in 2009.
In 2009, the students completed the research.
e) Avoid using slang, idioms, exaggeration (hyperbole) and clichés. Slang is common in informal
language and spoken English. Slang is particular to a certain region or area. Examples of slang are: awesome/cool,
check it out, okay/ok
A cliché is a phrase that is overused (said too often).
Few common clichés are:
- too much of a good for thing
- Don’t push you luck
- moment of truth
- Beauty is only skin deep
- Time is money.
f) Avoid abbreviations and acronyms. If you use an acronym or abbreviation, write it out the first time.
When using acronyms, write the entire name out the first time it appears, followed by the acronym. From then on,
you can use the acronym by itself.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT)
Department of Education (DepEd)
The National Teachers College (NTC)
For abbreviations, write the complete word the first time, then use the abbreviation.
Influenza  flu
United States of America  USA or U. S. A.
Tablespoon tbsp.
Philippine pesos  PhP

Also, do not use slang, abbreviations or symbols would use in friendly emails and texts.
LOL (laugh out loud)
Coz ( because)
Brb (be right back)
w/o ( without)
& ( and)
w/ ( with)
g) Do not start sentences with words like and, so, but, also.
Here are some good transition words and phrases to use in formal writing:
In addition
As a result of
h) Always write in complete sentences. This is self-explanatory.
i) Write longer, more complex sentences. This is also self- explanatory.
2. Informal Language Register. Informal writing is written in the way we talk to our friends and family. We use
informal writing when we are writing to someone we know very well.
Some kinds of writing can be written in an informal style. Informal writing includes:
a. personal e-mails,
b. phone texts,
c. short notes,
d. friendly letters,
e. most blogs, and
f. diaries and journals

There are no major rules to informal writing. With informal writing, you can include things such as:
a) Slang and clichés,
b) Figurative language,
c) Symbols and Abbreviations,
d) Acronyms,
e) Incomplete sentences,
f) Short sentences,


g) First person, second person, and third person.
h) Paragraphs and no paragraphs,
i) Jokes,
j) Personal opinions,
k) Extra punctuation (Ex: Hi Bob!!!!!!!!!!), and
l) Passive and Active voice.

3. Neutral Language Register. We use the neutral language with non- emotional topics and information. Neutral
writing is not necessary formal or informal. It is not usually positive or negative. A neutral register is used to
deliver facts.
Some writings are written in the neutral register. This means they are not specifically formal or informal.
Writing in the natural language register includes:
a) Reviews,
b) Articles,
c) Some letters,
d) some essays, and
e) Technical Writing

Knowing which register to use can be challenging for English students. Unlike Spanish and other languages, there is
no special from of a pronoun expressly for use in formal situations. Culture adds another layer of complication,
especially if you’re not familiar with how people are expected to behave in certain situations. There are two things
you can do that can improve your skills. Look for contextual clues such as vocabulary, use of examples, and
illustrations. Listen for tone of voice. Is the speaker is whispering or yelling? Are they using courtesy titles or
addressing people by name? Look how they’re standing and consider the words the choose (https://www.really-

Name: Date: |Score:
Course/Year/ Section: Instructor:


A. The following sentences are mixed formal and informal. Write F (formal) or I (informal) on the space provided.
1. The project will be completed next year.
2. I showed that his arguments didn’t hold water.
3. I wonder why he put up with those terrible conditions for so long.
4. Five more tests will be necessary before the experiment can be concluded.
5. It is possible to consider the results from different view point.
6. It has been proved that the arguments so far are without foundation.
7. He’ll have to do another five tests before he can stop the experiment.
8. It is not clear why such terrible conditions were tolerated for so long.
9. There are number of reasons why the questionnaire should be revised
10. We’ll finish the job next year.
B. Here are some phrases that belong to different communicative situations, such as “greeting”, ”complaint” and
“encouragement”. Write only the letter into the right category.
Frozen Formal Consultative Casual Intimate

a.) Thanks for following- up on b.) You’re so good. I’m crazy c.) Whoa, way to go! Nice work!
the Lazada Account. Great job! about you, Darling.
d.) I’m sick and tired of your e.) I offer You all my prayers, f.) How’s my little snuggy
crap! works, joys, and suffering of wuggy?
this day...
g.) Welcome to the Christian h.) Oh, Bob. Just a moment! i.) This is a complaint damages
Brothers Industrial Center. Listen, you know... well... what and injunctive relief arising out
Where tomorrow’s world was with that off-key comment of manipulative activities in the
meets today’s. Please last night? gold market from 2010 to the
remember that no flash present time...
photography is allowed during
this tour...
j.) Hey, Jack. What’s up? k.) Hello, Mr. Paul. How are you l.) Good morning. May I speak
this morning? to the manager, please?
m.) Thank you for applying for n.) Excuse me Ms Anderson. As o.) I hope you don’t mind my
this position. We’ll let you I understand the task, we need stating that the service is
know within a week if you have to focus on improving our unsatisfactory. I would like a
been chosen for an interview. delivery times rather than refund.
blaming our suppliers.

Write a written review about the recent online trends of “Mukbang”. You can feature the foods that you want to eat
that is available or the newly- opened local restaurant where you enjoyed the sumptuous menu and you would like
to encourage your adult friends to visit the place and enjoy the food.
Publish your review in any of your social media accounts. Attach necessary photos and links.
10 8 6 4
CONTENT Knowledgeable; Some knowledge of Limited knowledge of Shows little or no
substantive, thorough the subject; adequate the subject; minimal knowledge of the
development of the range of analysis and substance, analysis subject; lacking
thesis, including synthesis; limited and synthesis; poor analysis or synthesis
appropriate examples thematic thematic of the material and
development and use development, use of lacking good
of examples; mostly examples and critical examples; inadequate
relevant to the topic, interpretation of the quantity; or not
but lacks detail in material. enough to rate.
critical interpretation
of the material.
ORGANIZATION AND Clear statement of Main ideas clear but Ideas not well Ideas not
FORMAT ideas; clear loosely organized or connected; title too communicated; no
organization connected; title general; poor title; organization,
(beginning, middle, pertinent to the organization and sequencing and
and end) and smooth thesis; sequencing transitions; logical transitions lacking, or
transitions; logical but sequencing and not enough to rate.
introduction leads incomplete. developmental.
reader into topic;
conclusion effectively
summarizes main
findings and follows
logically from the
analysis presented,
logical and cohesive
sequencing both
between and within
GRAMMAR, Fluent expression; Adequate fluency; Low fluency; Lacks fluency; no
VOCABULARY AND accurate use of simple constructions significant mistakes mastery of simple
FLUENCY relatively complex used effectively; some in the use of complex sentence
structures; very few problems in use of constructions; construction; text
grammatical errors. complex frequent grammar dominated by errors;
Complex range of constructions; some and spelling errors, does not
vocabulary; accurate grammar and spelling lack of accuracy communicate
word/ idiom choice; errors. interferes with meaning, or not
mastery of word meaning. enough to rate.
forms and
appropriate level.

Name: Date: |Score:
Course/ year/ section: Instructor:
DIRECTION: Read the following questions and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What term that refers to the exchange of information between two or more people?
A. communication process C. Non-Verbal Communication


B. principles of communication D. Message
2. What serve as an airwaves or sound waves that shape the way in responding the message received?
A. symbols C. communication
B. messages D. channel
3. What distinct word choice usually used by gamers to joke about Newbs?
A. slang C. non-verbal
B. euphemism D. formal
4. In interpersonal communication, what context that concerns with your reactions to other person?
A. psychological context C. environmental context
B. relational context D. cultural context
5. Which of the following does not elicit the best practice?
A. Listen when others speak
B. Seek to understand others opinion.
C. You have always the right to interrupt the conversation.
D. Speak from your own experience and perspective through expressing your own thoughts.
6. Which of the following components of communication process that the message has been successfully
transmitted, received and understood?
A. receiver C. feedback
B. sender D. channel
7. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. relational context C. medium
B. sender D. channel
8. Which of the following is verbal communication?
A. hand gestures C. pleasing appearances
B. facial expressions D. written report
9. Which of the following is the essential verbal element in communication?
A. style C. diction
B. word choice D. attitude
10. What term in communication that is a concrete set of objectives.
A. audience C. context
B. purpose D. channel
11. Which of the following is cultural context in interpersonal communication?
A. A communication which includes all the learned behaviors and rules that affects interaction.
B. A communication which deals with the physical where you are communicating with.
C. A communication which concerns the reactions to other person.
D. A communication which deal psychosocial where you are communicating with.
12. What is ethics of communication?
A. It is barrier in communication process.
B. It is a notion of individual’s or group’s behavior governed by morals in communication.
C. It is concern with the feedback of the messages in the process of communication.
D. It is the manner of communicating with other people.

13. Which of the following are the impacts of globalization on communication?

A. Virtual interaction that strengthens the different forms of communication in a medium or maximum effect.
B. Availability of information that focused on cultural dimension.
C. Implementing new techniques of business conduct.
D. Pointing out the necessity of extensive technology application.
14. Which of the following statement is true?
A. A gesture in one culture is always acceptable hence it shows nonverbal communication.
B. Cultural awareness means recognizing all people are not the same.
C. Cultural sensitivity means of understanding and demonstrate empathy rather than judging people around.


D. Every person has the right to show his/her own feelings and emotions without considering cultural diversity.
15. Which of the following does not exhibit cultural awareness?
A. Acceptance of cross- cultural situations.
B. Understanding the every person’s racial privilege.
C. Taking opportunity to put yourself in places where you can learn differences.
D. Have an incomprehensible sense of your own ethnic, cultural, and racial identity.
16. What is the meaning of gender sensitivity?
A. It means of personal views of human differences.
B. It means of understanding discrimination in the most diverse spheres both public and private life.
C. It means of communicating effectively throughout the cultural dimension.
D. It means of knowing multiple differences of culture.
17. Which of the following is the appropriate gender-neutral word of police man?
A. cops C. police officer
B. chief D. law man
18. Which of the following is not the appropriate gender- neutral word of post man?
A. postal worker C. mail man
B. mail carrier D. messenger
19. Which of the following use the appropriate political correctness of the word ugly?
A. aesthetically challenged C. socially misaligned
B. vertically challenged D. visually challenged
20. Which of the following is uses formal language register?
A. Announcements C. Short notes
B. Articles D. Love letters
21. To convert a message into groups of words, symbols, gestures, or sounds that present ideas or concepts is
A. Encoding C. Message
B. Feedback D. noise
22. The content of communication is called.
A. Message C. Jargon
B. Feedback D. Noise
23. ____________________ is the casual and unofficial form of communication wherein the information is exchange
spontaneously between two or more persons.
A. Informal Communication C. Verbal Communication
B. Formal Communication D. Non- Verbal Communication
24. Allows his communicator to adjust his message and be more effective.
A. Effective Communication C. Speech
B. Message D. Feedback
25. Which is not important Characteristics of Communication?
A. It is a two way process.
B. Communication involves exchange of ideas, feelings, information, thoughts, and knowledge.
C. Communication does not involve mutuality of understanding between Sender and Receiver
D. Communication process happens between or among two or more parties (Sender and Receiver).
26. Letters, Emails, Video Presentations, Visual Aids, Conversation, Public Speaking, etc. are examples of.
A. Channel Mediums C. Written Communication
B. Oral Communication D. Visual Communication
27. Circumstance or environment in which communication takes place.
A. context C. concept
B. contact D. setting
28. Which of the following is an example of non verbal communication media?
A. time C. space
B. bulletin board D. time and space
29. A certain look or glance is an example of.
A. Verbal C. Written


B. Oral D. Non- Verbal
30. You communicate to inform, entertain, or to persuade.
A. Purpose C. Objective
B. Catching attention D. Knowing
31. Which is not a communication mode?
A. Face- to- face interaction mode C. Video mode
B. Audio mode D. Virtual mode
32. Process by which people and goods move easily across borders.
A. Globalization C. Technology
B. Revolution D. Reuters Investigation
33. Inner Circle: Native language; Expanding Circle:______________________.
A. Secondary Language C. Pidgin
B. Creole D. Foreign Language
34. A language that has developed from a mixture of two languages, to able to understand each other.
A. Pidgin C. Legalese
B. Creole D. Textese
35. Refers to the kind of language whose forms are definable social situations.
A. Register C. Field
B. Style D. Tenor

B. True or False
Direction: Read the following statement; write True if it is correct and False if it is not on the space

36. All globalization process is economic in nature.

37. Globalization began after the internet was invented
38. It is possible to communicate using the single way process.
39. All living creatures have the capacity for language.
40. Two persons who do not speak the same language will never be able to communicate with each other.
41. Not all languages have a grammar system.
42. Change happens to all languages.
43. Frozen is also a static register that is used for professional, academic or legal settings where
communication is expected.
44. The Language register determines the vocabulary, structure, and some grammar in one’s writing.
45. Communication is an interaction situation wherein participants are affected by each one’s behavior.
Direction: Answer the following questions below.
1. What is the process of communication meant for you? Explain elaborately.
2. What is the significance of understanding the barriers of communication? Why do you say so?
3. Can you give some examples showing appropriate conduct of communicating other people? What are those?
4. How far you have understood the terms of globalization and its impact on communication either local or
5. What do you mean by cultural awareness and gender sensitivity? Cite some examples to justify your answer.




 Bernales, Rolando et al (2018). Purposive Communication. Mutya Publishing House, Inc.
 Lim, Joana Marie et al (2019. A Course Module of Purposive Communication.
 Suarez, Cecelia et al (2018). Purposive Communication in English. Ateneo de Manila University Press

Internet Sources

 process
 http://www.
 https://www.

UNIT 2: Communication in the Digital Age

This module was designed and written to address the means of alternative learning delivery to attune
into the New Normal learning style at your own pace and time, to gain progression in coping up the
lessons for mastery and independency of effective learning process even at home from distant colleges or


The scope of this module permits to utilize in various different learning situations. The language used
encompasses the diversity of learners’ vocabulary and learning capabilities. The lessons are arranged to
follow the standard sequence of the course syllabus.

In this module helps the students to equip adequate knowledge and skills to become more critical in
dealing with multimodal texts. Give them an opportunity to decode texts in different communicative
situations in this multi- cultural world, leading them to the understanding of various cultural and values
differences with the aids and strategies of using technology as part of digital communication trends.

This module: Communication in the Digital Age is divided into two (2) lessons, namely:

 Lesson 1-Understanding and Evaluating of Multimodal Text and Images

 Lesson 2- Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology

After going through this module, the students are expected to:

1. Understand the different multimodal texts.

2. Analyze the meaning of the messages in multimodal texts.

3. Familiarize of the technological and online tools which can facilitate effective communication.

4. Adopt awareness of audience and contexts when communicate with others.

: Understanding and Evaluating of Multimodal Text

and Images



The 21st century is regarded as internet era hence the information perpetuated through online and social
media resources. The medium of communication goes hand in hand through the internet users. The rapid changes
from face-to-face communication into technological advancement have gone too far. Drastically, the changes bring
improvement and convenience of people’s daily lives but somehow cause misleading of information. Thus, in this
module it helps the students to have the textual knowledge in multimodal texts that requires new and diverse literacy
skills which is a necessity, extended beyond the realms of traditional print-based materials into other learning


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;

1. Understand the different modes of communication in enhancing the meaning of any message.

2. Evaluate multimodal texts to determine factuality of certain information.

3. Convey ideas through oral, audio-visual and/or web based presentation.

4. Adapt awareness of audience and context in presenting of ideas.


Activity 1.1

A. Direction: Give the meaning of the following symbols below




4 .


B. Direction: Multimodal texts are characterized by the combination of the five different modes of
communication which is listed below. Listed below are the elements and features that belong to the different
modes. Fill in the table to categorize these features to its corresponding mode.


1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5. 5. 5.

-Hand gestures -Word choice -Delivery of spoken or written text (tone)

-Body language -Coherence -Color
-Proximity between people and objects -Ambient noise/ sounds
-Arrangement -Organization into sentences, phrases and paragraphs
-Organization -Accent -Silence -Sound effects
-Perspective -Tone -Lay out and style, size
- Volume of sound - Music - Facial Expression



The linguistic mode refers to the written or spoken words. The mode includes word choice, the delivery
of written or spoken text, the organization of words into sentences and paragraphs and the development
and coherence of words and ideas. Linguistic is not always the most important mode; this depends on the
other modes at play in the text, what kind of text it is and other factors. Linguistic is probably the most
widely used mode, because it can be both read and heard, on both paper and audio. The linguistic mode is
the best way to express details and lists.

The visual mode refers to the images and characters that people see. This mode includes color, lay out,
style, size and perspective. The visual mode is used in order to instruct, persuade, entertain, represent
feelings or etc. The visual mode also does a good job of expressing details.


The aural mode is focused on sound including, but not limited to, music, sound effects, ambient noises,
silence, and tone of voice in spoken language, volume of sound, emphasis and accent. Audiences don’t
often pay attention to all of the sounds around them and how they signal information, such as feelings,
actions and responses. Every aural mode conveys a message. By pairing the aural mode with different
modes, say visual, a more detailed and creative message will be conveyed.

The spatial mode is about physical arrangement, organization and proximity of the text. One example of
this is often a brochure, and how it is fooled and organized. The spatial mode also can refer to the
navigation bar on a website, and how a user interprets and navigates the web. The designer is the one
who decides upon and designs a webpage spatially but the consumer is the one who decides how to use
that navigation.

The gestural mode refers to the way movement is interpreted. Facial expressions, hand gestures, body
language and interaction between people are all gestural modes. This has always been important in face-
to-face conversations and in theater, but it has come more apartments on the web lately with the wide
use of YouTube and other video players. The gestural mode works with linguistic, visual, aural and
sometimes even spatial in order to create more detail and convey it better to the consumer.


If the texts use more than one mode; these are referred as multimodal. Advertisements, newspaper,
reports, music videos and etc. are all multimodal. Multimodal texts do not have to be digital, whether a
text is created on a computer, paper or another type of technology it can enable a combination of words,
photos, charts, lay out and etc. in order to communicate a message and be categorized as multimodal.


Many texts are multimodal, where meaning is communicated through combinations of two or more
modes. Modes include written language, spoken language, and patterns of meaning that are visual, audio,
gestural, tactile and spatial. (

Multimodal texts
Multimodal texts combine two or more modes such as written language, spoken language, visual (still
and moving image), audio, gestural, and spatial meaning (The New London Group, 2000; Cope and
Kalantzis, 2009). Creating digital multimodal texts involves use of communication technologies, however,
multimodal texts can also be paper based, or live performances.

Multimodal texts include picture books, text books, graphic novels, comics, and posters, where meaning is
conveyed to the reader through varying combinations of visual (still image) written language, and spatial


Digital multimodal texts, such as film, animation, slide shows, e-posters, digital stories, and web pages,
convey meaning through combinations of written and spoken language, visual (still and moving image),
and audio, gestural and spatial modes.

Live multimodal texts, for example, dance, performance, and oral storytelling, convey meaning through
combinations of modes such as gestural, spatial, spoken language, and audio.

Each mode uses unique semiotic resources to create meaning (Kress, 2010). In a visual text, for example,
representation of people, objects, and places can be conveyed using choices of visual semiotic resources
such as line, shape, size, line and symbols, while written language would convey this meaning through
sentences using noun groups and adjectives (Callow, 2013) which are written or typed on paper or a

Why multimodal literacy is important

Young people need to be able to communicate effectively in an increasingly multimodal world. This
requires teaching children how to comprehend and compose meaning across diverse, rich, and
potentially complex, forms of multimodal text, and to do so using a range of different meaning modes.

As communication practices have become increasingly shaped by developments in information and

multimedia technologies, it is no longer possible for us to think about literacy solely as a linguistic
accomplishment (Jewitt, 2008, p. 241).

Creating multimodal texts is an increasingly common practice in contemporary classrooms. Easy to

produce multimodal texts include posters, storyboards, oral presentations, picture books, brochures,
slide shows (PowerPoint), blogs, and podcasts. More complex digital multimodal text productions include
web pages, digital stories, interactive stories, animation, and film.

Student authors need to be able to effectively create multimodal texts for different purposes and
audiences, with accuracy, fluency, and imagination. To do this, students need to know how meaning is
conveyed through the various modes used in the text, as well as how multiple modes work together in
different ways to convey the story or the information to be communicated.

Students need to know how to creatively and purposefully choose how different modes might convey
particular meaning at different times in their texts, and how to manipulate the various combinations of
different modes across the whole text to best tell their story (Jewitt, 2009). See: Modes.

Multimodal is the combination of two or more of these modes to create meaning.

Most of the texts that we use are multimodal, including picture books, text books, graphic novels, films, e-
posters, web pages, and oral storytelling as they require different modes to be used to make meaning.

Each individual mode uses unique semiotic resources to create meaning (Kress, 2010) and teaching of
these needs to be explicit.
Examples of texts to create

Below are examples of different forms of texts students might create in the classroom. The complexity of
creating texts increases proportionately with the number of modes involved and the relationships


between the various semiotic or meaning making, systems in a text, as well as use of more complicated
digital technologies.

Simple multimodal texts include comics/graphic novels, picture books, newspapers, brochures, print
advertisements, posters, storyboards, digital slide presentations (e.g. PowerPoint), e-posters, e-books,
and social media.

Meaning is conveyed to the reader through varying combinations of written language, visual, gestural,
and spatial modes.

Podcasts are also simple to produce, involving combinations of spoken language, and audio modes.

Live multimodal texts include dance, performance, oral storytelling, and presentations. Meaning is
conveyed through combinations of various modes such as gestural, spatial, audio, and oral language.

Complex digital multimodal texts include: live action films, animations, digital stories, web pages,
book trailers, documentaries, music videos. Meaning is conveyed through dynamic combinations of
various modes across written and spoken language, visual (still and moving image), audio, gesture
(acting), and spatial semiotic resources. Producing these texts also requires skills with more
sophisticated digital communication technologies.


As you might generalize, language is all around us- from the way we speak and communicate with one
another, to the books that we read, even when we use our body to give away signals for pleasure, pain
and excitement. And as our world transitions to the online age, when communication is no longer
personal, linguists still continue to study the emerging language mediums. The field of linguistic is
particularly interested with the use of language in everyday landscape in different contexts. Since
Internet is highly used and online content suggest defining context to the netizen, linguists consider
pictures, signs, and photos as having ideologies that talk to people exposed in these kinds of multilingual

As part of the online age, you have to be good in examining how signs communicate with you in the
context of the author and the reader/ recipient in the emerging linguistics landscapes.


When you find yourself lost in unfamiliar place, you first look around for signs that may tell you where
actually are. You would look for street names, billboards, signage, or even bills posted on walls and posts.
Those signs will help you familiarize yourself in the surrounding and may signal you about a familiar
thing that may make you identify your location. The things that you can actually see that do not
necessarily word to express a thought is called a linguistic language.

Wherever you are, the linguistic and semiotic materials may come in form of billboards, signage, street
names, traffic regulations or graffiti. These materials go unnoticed most of the time. Advertisements,


flyers and written notices are part of our everyday life. Memes, troll posts, and tweets are prevalent
online. All of these are part of linguistic landscapes.

Linguistics considers signs to express symbolic meaning and messages. It is both a language and a
medium of communication own its own. Researches tend to analyze the purpose of the author/ writer,
how these signs and symbols are produced, and to whom they are directed to. In some cases, signs can
usually be identified in the basis of form of the signage or symbol.

Official signs are produced with a top down discourse, while signs produced by an individual or a group,
but not officially recognized has bottom up discourse.

Knowing where to draw the line between top down and bottom up is not always easy. Ben-Rafael et al.
(2006; in Mooney and Evans, 2015) suggest that the signs on individual shops are bottom up as these
allow for personal choice in their composition and display. However, within the context of the shop itself,
they could be regarded as to down. Leeman & Modan (2009; in Mooney & Evans, 2015) argue that the
distinction of bottom up and top down signage practices is untenable in an era in which public-private
partnerships are the main vehicle of urban revitalization initiatives in urban centers in many parts of the
world, and when government policies constrain private sector signage practices. Nevertheless, Mooney &
Evans(2015) said, if the distinction is thought of as a continuum whose orientation points may shift in
different contexts, it is helpful in understanding how signs are constructed and consumed. Examine the
signage as follows:

The example above is a signage in Britain. The sign contains two languages, British and Welsh. This has a
top down approach because it is an official rule which you can attribute to the authority. It shows
authority in making a request. Now, examine the picture that follows:


The picture shown is a sign made by an elementary pupil. It is an example of a bottom up discourse
because it is a personal plea or request.

The kind of signage and symbols vary depending on culture environment has different reading practices.
Some language are written from left to right, top to bottom, or the semantics, context and structure of
language is different from one another.


Looking at particular sign, you may notice that the various elements used in have meaning, and elements
symbolic in the message they want to convey. Try to pay attention to the various features including color,
size, shape and where the sign is placed. They may be used in analyzing the symbol and contextual
meaning of signs. This is what linguistics call as geosemiotics. It is a mode of analyzing signs.

Geosemiotics is the study of the social meaning of the material placement of signs in the world. By signs
we mean to include any semiotic system including language and discourse (Scollon & Scollon, 2003; in
Mooney & Evans, 2015).

If you look at a sign more critically, you would likely understand the intention of the maker and his
purpose. This is why signs are replaced in the location that has relevance to the message it wants to
convey. Imagine a one- way sign in two- way street. Most drivers would surely get confused because it
does not relate to the place where it is supposed to be.

Note that the language and placement of signs are just two of semiotic systems. Other things, likely
typeface used, the color, images and so on, also create and communicate meaning. Because signs are so
varied across linguistic landscape, you need to pay attention to all these semiotic choices of the maker.

Having mentioned the images, the use of symbols and other features also support the message of the sign.
Imagine what would happen if the skull and bone sign on poisonous bottle is colored pink.

Now consider the signs that follow:

Analyze the sign. It is in the right place? What meaning does the sign is trying to convey?

Also, in evaluating signs, better ways of presenting the message must be explored. Consider this example



Although it is often assumed that signs only differ in features, signs divided into different kinds based on
the contextual meaning and discourse, thus, a sign may be:

Regulatory, if it includes authority and is official or legal prohibitions,

Infrastructural, if it labels things or directs for the maintenance of a building or any infrastructure,

Commercial, which advertises or promotes a product, an event, or a service in commerce, or,

Transgressive, if it violates (intentionally or accidentally) the conventional semiotics or is in wrong

place, like a graffiti (In English, graffiti is used both as a singular and plural noun. In Italian, though, the
singular form is grafitto).

Being all too common, it is easy to imagine the first three kinds of signs, hence, the emphasis on the
fourth one in this chapter.

Now, examine the sign that follows. Identify the linguistic contents (words, phrases) in the graffiti and
what each means. Also, identify the symbols used and what each tries to convey.

This is an example of graffiti, a transgreesive sign. We have defined a transgressive sign as one which
intentionally or accidentally violates the conventional semiotics at that place such as discarded snack
food wrapper or graffiti, or nay sign in wrong space ( Scollon & Scollon, 2003; in Mooney & Evans, 2015)

As already mentioned, graffiti are transgressive signs. Graffiti may have varied meanings. The idea of the
people is to have a medium of public voice is shown in the production of graffiti. The graffiti is an
unsanctioned urban text (Carrington, 2009; in Mooney and Evans, 2015). This kind of transgressive
discourse conveys power and control to the person or group behind the production of graffiti. Most of
these graffiti express a narrative outside the boundaries of the conventional language.

Carrington (2009; in Mooney & Evans, 2015) describes a graffiti as vernacular. We can also understand it
in relation to the bottom up scheme described above. As these signs are not top down, they allow the viewer
to see the contribution to other people to the built of the environment.

Graffiti is a way to disempowered people to make a visible mark, to disrupt the landscape that is
increasingly occupied by the increasingly power. As argued by the linguist, graffiti creates a narrative and
is a form of participatory culture. The people who live in the space provide evidence of their experiences,
views and actions. In this sense, it is a form of citizenship. It allows for the visibility of a hidden
community and permits this community to see itself in this environment.

Having said that, examine now the narrative in the graffiti that follows. What could be the story behind
the graffiti? How did the artist disrupt the landscape? Was the artist successful in communicating his
views, and in making the community to which he belongs is visible?


People who go online are called netizen- abstractions of the words Internet and citizen. Netizens are
metaphorically considered as the citizens of the virtual world.

We now lived in a time when almost everyone has at least one social media account .We communicate
now these virtual landscapes more than ever. The virtual space is also a language landscape. Looking at it
as landscape rather than language should prompt you to see the semiotic options in the context of social
spaces in this environment. Three of the many media in this landscape are the following:

1. YouTube. Although YouTube (be mindful as to how the word is spelled because it is a proper
noun) videos cannot be specifically considered as signs or symbols, YouTube video producers use
symbols and signs, generally inclusive in the language used, to convey the message they want to
express. It is difficult to generalize the use of YouTube whether for research, entertainment, or
extensive advertisement. As such, the YouTube videos are language landscapes that can be
analyzed in its context and features.

While there is certainly some similarities between television and YouTube, it is also be described as being
post- television (Lister, et al; Tolson, 2010; cited by Mooney & Evans, 20150). Some media researchers
believe that television differ from YouTube. Television tends to be filmed and recorded from a studio and
is centered, while YouTube videos may be recorded by people who have recording gadgets at home which
can be discentered.

Also television tends to be to have a hierarchy of discourse, with some channels and programs being more
prestigious than others. This may depend on the institutional voice of the channel or program or the kind
of people producing the content YouTube however, it is not hierarchical. While content is searchable and
ordered so that viewers can find material, none of it is presented by the platforms as more prestigious
than anything else. In addition to this, rather than having institutional voice, the voices on the YouTube
are the individual voices, with ordinary people becoming celebrities and experts. Finally, what a viewer
can watch is dictated by the television program schedule; while YouTube provides very little direction
what to watch when. Just as producers choose what to broadcast, viewers can choose what to watch and
when to watch it (Tolson, 2010; in Mooney & Evans, 2015)

2. Twitter. This virtual landscape is described by Monney & Evans (2015) as ubiquitous. What
this virtual landscapes looks like depends on the technology and on the choices the user makes. An
individual’s experience of Twitter, for example, depends on who he/ she is following, which hash
tags he/she is interested in, and so on. Moreover, the way people use Twitter can vary widely.


It may be used for keeping up with developments in work and career, making sure the train is running
time, following favourite celebrities, or interacting friends.

Twitter (and other online platforms), provide opportunities (though always with limitations) and
resources for making choices in how we create a personalized linguistic and semiotic landscape. Gillen &
Merchant (2013; in Mooney & Evans, 2015) refer to these choices in terms of constructing a point of view.
Further, because of the user generated content on Twitter, users are changing the very landscape they
inhabit, even given the small amount of space allowed for each tweet (140 characters).

Therefore, in dealing with the thinking about linguistic landscape, we are no longer just thinking about
signs, posters, billboards, and notices ( Mooney & Evans, 2015).

3. Memes. One of the things that the World Wide Web make possible is the quick circulations of
memes. Memes are prevalent in social media, and if we ask a student no matter how if he/she
encountered one or two, it is most probably that he/ she has already.

To make the definition short, meme is a term given to any post, language and photo that has an uptake to
a social, moral, or political idea that most of the time seems funny.

Memes are contagious patterns of cultural information that get passed from mind to mind and directly
generate and shape the mindset and significance forms of behavior and actions of a social group. Memes
includes as things such as popular tones, catchphrases, clothing fashions, architectural styles, ways of doing
things, icons, jingles, and the like, said Knobel & Lankshear (20017; in Mooney & Evans, 2015)

Memes are striking example of extensive, bottom up activity that changes the linguistic landscape
(Mooney & Evans, 2015).

Memes do not become viral; it also imbeds a lasting impression to people who can relate to the meme.
Since meme are naturally comic in nature, replicability of memes is one of its best elements.

People who create memes tend to carefully consider the photo that will be used, the relevance of the
message it wants to convey and the relationship of the photo, the symbols used, the message, and the font
style and sized used.

The problem with this landscape is this: too many memes are cringe-worthy for their blundered
grammar and erroneous spelling and/or punctuation. Some are even culturally intensive, gender/class
insensitive, and/or politically incorrect. Yet, people like and share them. Remember: Memes like that
should never be patronized, especially by the educated and critical.



Name: Date: |Score:

Course/ year/ section: Instructor:
DIRECTION: Answer the crossword puzzle below.
1) 5)


7) 6)

9) 11)
10) 15)




1. The study of social meaning of material placement of signs.
3. Described as being post-television that has recorded videos.
6. Types of signs’ discourse produced by individual or group and are not officially recognized.
8. Modes of Communication that focuses on body language and hand gestures.
10. Where meaning of text that is communicated through combinations of two or more modes.
13. A person who actively uses the Internet in an online world.
2. Mode of the communication that is all about the written and spoken languages.
4. Mode of communication that is all about the tone and sound effects of spoken languages.
5. It expresses a symbolic meaning and messages.
7. Types of graffiti that violates the conventional semiotics or in the wrong place signs.
9. Mode of communication that focuses on perspective and proximity of lay outing, style and sizes of objects or
11. A virtual landscape used for keeping up the developments in work and career, following celebrities or
interacting with friends.
12. A term given to any posts, language or photo that is naturally comic in nature
14. Types of signs’ discourse produced that is official.
15. A picture or image that shows particular whole area or appearance.

Name: Date: |Score:
Course/ year/ section: Instructor:

By group or partner, analyze each text by answering the following questions below. Write your answer in a sheet of
paper and share it to the class via zoom or face-to-face.

Text #1


Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 22) — KidZania Manila,
an amusement facility owned by ABS-CBN Corporation, is also
closing down by end of August after months of shutdown due to
the COVID-19 pandemic.

“After 5 years of providing a learning experience for children, Play

Innovations, Inc. has decided to cease the operations of KidZania
Manila effective August 31, 2020,” the establishment announced in
a statement on Wednesday. Play Innovations, Inc. is a subsidiary of

The media giant earlier said a number of its workers will lose their
jobs on August 31 as the network stays off-air without a
congressional franchise.

KidZania explained that the ban on mass gathering and stay-at-

home rule for children gave them no choice but to “close the play
city’s doors permanently.”

The center assured that they will provide their employees with
severance pay as mandated by law as well as job placement

The management of the play space expressed gratitude for the

trust of its industry partners, schools and families over the last five

1. What is the message? What is the purpose?

2. Who is the target audience of the message?
3. What modes were used in presenting the message? Did it help build the credibility of the story?
4. Do you think the story is true? Why do you say so?
5. Is the URL legitimate?
6. Does the “new story” seem one-sided or based towards a particular point of view?

TEXT # 2
1. What is the message? What is the purpose?
2. Who is the target audience of the message?
3. What modes were used in presenting the message? Did it help build the credibility of the story?
4. Do you think the story is true? Why do you say so?
5. Is the URL legitimate?
6. Does the picture/headline seem one- sided or biased towards the particular point of view?




TEXT # 3

This graph shows every corona virus case in

June, grouped by age.
And it paints a picture that I think every
young person needs to see.
Younger Victorians are catching this virus
and spreading it at a higher rate than
anyone else.
I know some behavior might seem harmless
– a few friends over the limit, handshakes
and hugs, sharing a drink and ignoring the
You think you won't get it – you reckon
you'll be alright.
And I know you're probably sick of hearing
about it too - of reading about it, of talking
about it.
You're probably tired of posts like this from
people like me.
And I get it, I really do. But this isn't just
about you.
It's about your mum and your dad, your
nonna and yiayia – your housemates and
It's about doing your bit, and helping
protect those who aren't as fit and healthy
as you might be.
I know I say it a lot – but we all have a part
to play, and I really do mean that.
Talk to your friends, inform your family –
help stop this getting any worse.
I'm not trying to lecture you, or sound like
your dad either – and this isn't about
blaming young people.
But the fact is that this virus is infecting the
strong, and debilitating the vulnerable.
It's a global issue, it affects everyone - and
young Victorians have a unique opportunity
to do something about it.

So please – don't let this opportunity pass.

Call it out, do your bit – and stay apart.

1. What is the message? What is the purpose? 4. Do you think this post is true? Why do you so?
2. Who is the target audience of the message? 5. Is the URL legitimate?
3. What modes were used in presenting the message? 6. Does the post seem one-sided or biased towards a
Did it help build the credibility of the story? particular point of view?

Name: Date: |Score:


Course/ year/ section: Instructor:
Interpret each of the following images / cartoons and answer the following questions below.
Write your interpretation on a sheet of paper.

1. What
is the
1 3 event or

2 4
Image #:_______
2. Who or what is portrayed in the image? Explain.
3. Are there symbols in the image? What are they and what do they represent?
4. What is the cartoonist’s opinion about the topic portrayed in the image?
5. Do you agree or disagree with the cartoonist’s opinion? Why?

As a final task in this lesson, find any text that combines two or more modes (e.g. billboard, poster, Facebook, post,
advertisements, websites, photo, music, news material, visual art or film/ television clip) that you believe contains
misleading information.


Your performance task requires you to present in a power point presentation. Your analysis should answer the
following questions:
1. What is the message? What is the purpose?
2. Who is the target audience of the message?
3. What modes were used in presenting the message? Did the combination of the modes enhance the
message? BE detailed in explaining this part. What mode was the most dominant? How did it shape the
overall message?
4. Why do you believe that your text is misleading? What do you think is the motive behind the misleading
Criteria for Grading
Content/ quality of the analysis 20 %
Delivery 10 %
Quality of Power Point Presentation 20%

Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of




Technology has taken over the world in these past decades. Its rapid development has made a huge impact on
each aspect of life and also in communication. In fact, the fast changes of communication dealt a big hit on wave of
using Internet sources and social media accounts. Even selling and buying goods, technology is taking on high demand
value. Thus in this lesson, the students will learn more about the significant of the technological inventions and the
advent of Internet era communication. An eye opener to have an idea how to make presentation during class or at
work to be presentable that provokes the attention of the audience. And also gives them an idea how to use the
different strategies that enhances the self confidence in front of others.


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;

1. Identify the most appropriate media/medium in effective communication.

2. Familiarize the different technological/ online tools which can facilitate effective communication.
3. Evaluate the effective strategies in preparing and using media when communication.
4. Apply strategies in making digital slides or blogging.



A. List at least 5 the issues and events that wrapped up the year 2020 inside the box below.

Issues/ Events Significant Details






B. You had answered the activity 2.1 about the hot issues or remarkable events in this year 2020. Since the first
month of the year, more events have been dominating the people’s attention up to present. And until today, still the
world is suffering from the pandemic aftermath. From all those current events, how did you able to know or access
the information to be updated? Arrange the jumbled letters of the following below which is said to be the access of
information nowadays.



What is a Communication Aid?

A communication aid helps an individual to communicate more effectively with people around them.

Communication aids are also referred to as AAC devices. AAC refers to Augmentative and Alternative
Communication, which is defined as,
… a huge range of techniques which support or replace spoken communication. These include gesture, signing,
symbols, word boards, communication boards and books, as well as Voice Output Communication Aids (VOCAs).

There are two main types of AAC system: Unaided Communication and Aided Communication.
1. Unaided communication does not use additional equipment. Body language, gesture, vocalization, signing are
typically used.

2. Aided communication uses equipment, but this ranges from low-tech to high-tech methods, with pictures and
symbols often used instead of, or together with words and with alternative hardware options available to provide
access. Whilst a low-tech method of communication like a simple, laminated communication book to carry around
with a few pages of pictures or symbols would be a communication aid, the term ‘device’ would only describe a
more high-tech solution. An electronic communication aid can be a dedicated device built for that job, which does
nothing else, or it can be standard computer running specialist communication aid software as well – this includes
Apple tablets which are increasingly being used to help people communicate.

What Are Communication Strategies?

Communication is the exchange of information between a sender and a receiver. It used to be that you only had to
worry about the way you communicated face-to-face or on paper. Technology has changed this completely. It is
important for people to take into account every aspect of how they are relaying information. This is where
communication strategies come into play. Communication strategies are the blueprints for how this information
will be exchanged.

Types of Communication Strategies

Communication strategies can be verbal, nonverbal, or visual. Integrating all the strategies together will allow
you to see the most success. This allows a business to meet employee needs and increase workplace knowledge.

1. Verbal communication strategies can be broken down into the two categories of written and oral
communication. Written strategies consist of avenues such as e-mail, text, and chat. Examples that fall into the oral
category are phone calls, video chats, and face-to-face conversation.
2. Nonverbal communication strategies consist of mostly visual cues, such as body language, facial expressions,
physical distance between communicators, or the tone of your voice. These cues are typically not intended.
However, it is important to realize the message you are sending. Otherwise, you may be saying one thing, yet the
receiver is hearing another.
3. Visual communication strategies can be seen through signs, web pages, and illustrations. These strategies are
used in the workplace to draw attention and provide documentation. Human resources is required to post certain
visuals throughout the workplace to comply with safety laws.
6 Different Types of Online Communication Tools


There are several tools which can be easily and successfully utilized in an online setting to both collaborate and
communicate. Most of these online communication tools for business are only utilized in real-time settings. This is
why they heavily depend on various media such as auditory and visual, can be faced with numerous accessibility
barriers and might have complex interfaces.


There are several tools which can be easily and successfully utilized in an online setting to both collaborate and
communicate. This is why people heavily depend on various media such as auditory and visual, can be faced with
numerous accessibility barriers and might have complex interfaces.
1) Video conferencing
Video conferencing services have developed to become one of the top types of online communication tools.
Businesses benefit from video conferencing through meetings. This is because meetings allow for the discussion of
business progress and the collaboration of ideas. Video conferencing software such as ezTalks Cloud Meeting
allows for arrangement of meetings regardless of the physical location of a member thus good for emergency cases.
This means that video conferencing guarantees a speedy redress of business concerns and increased productivity.

Effective online communication tools for business like video conferencing have the following benefits:
●It enables immediate meetings and short notice meetings.
●It facilitates collaboration without an individual having to leave their office.
●It is very cost-effective.
●It allows for multi-point meetings based on various time zones.
●It allows for real-time concessions.
●It facilitates non-verbal communication.

Video conferencing software such as ezTalks Cloud Meeting only needs the user to have a camera and a
microphone so as to communicate online.

2) Chats
Chats can be described as online text conversations that happen in real-time. The 3 ways of conducting chats
include the following:
●Internet relay chat – Users of IRC employ an external program (a client) in order to create a connection with an
IRC server. This means that the accessibility of an IRC mainly relies on the client’s accessibility. This tool is mostly
used by a technical audience.
●Instant messenger – This is a downloadable messaging program that people use to communicate. Examples of
messenger include AOL Instant Messenger and MSN Messenger. Instant messaging has become a more reliable
online communication tools for students, especially with the latest generation. Instant messenger software usually
requires users to create a nickname and an account. Communicators are heavily used to facilitate private chats, this
is in different forms like phone services, file and video exchange and of course messaging.

●Web-based chat – These are online chats which are accessed via a normal browser. A good example is the chat
feature that Gmail has put in place. Usually, a portion of the screen or even the entire screen refreshes on a regular
basis. Web-based chats are very accessible today because the output is HTML.

3) Viber
Social media communication is more of a necessity nowadays. Anyone thinking about the convenience of online
communications should at least have a Viber app installed on their phone if not on the PC. Viber allows individuals
to make free calls. Additionally, it can also be used to make video calls. The best thing about this digital tool is that
it is free to install. As such, if you wish to enjoy free call or video chats at no cost, you need to have Viber.


4) Whiteboards
Interactive whiteboards are among the most recent types of online communication tools. Whiteboards are popular
online communication tools in education. They are beneficial as they allow users to write, draw and even
collaborate with the help of an interface which simulates an actual physical whiteboard.

Whiteboards require users to have a mouse in order to add some content. Most, if not all the content in an
electronic whiteboard is created in real-time and graphical. Whiteboards have become the top online
communication tools in education because of their features aid in learning.

5) Forums
There are several ways by which online forums are referred to as, these are discussion groups, discussion boards,
bulletin boards and just forums. They can be described as places where all users are allowed to post either
comments or post questions. Other users of the forums are permitted to post replies to posts so as to create a kind
of online discussion. The posts from the discussion are properly stored to be chronologically sorted out in a bid to
form threads.

These online forums are all keyboard accessible. Avatars, emoticons and images all require alt text that is
appropriate. Forums as online communication tools utilize inaccessible CAPTCHAs for registration, these functions
to keep out spammers and bots. Forums are insightful online communication tools in education as they contain a
lot of valuable information.

5) Voice over IP
Voice over IP also known as VoIP is a term that is used in reference to a voice conversation which is conducted
over an internet connection rather than over the traditional phone line. Various large organizations utilize VoIP in
place of the conventional phone line. It should be noted that it is very possible to make Voice over IP calls over a
computer but with either handsets or a USB headset. VoIP calls are purely audio-based. Some good example of
VoIP as an online communication tools for business are Skype, ezTalks, Whats App, etc.

6) Email
Electronic mail or email is among the old online communication tools. It allows users to transfer photographs, send
files and receive news from any part of the world. This online communication tool is broadly utilized for public
communication, particularly in mailing lists.

The list above is not exhaustive as there are other basic online communication tools such as websites, newsletters,
web 2.0 and even social networks.

The internet has availed a good number of new mainstream communication tools that has revolutionized things.
This is because the different types of online communication tools have greatly reduced the time spent in creating
and deli

Technology advancements have lots to offer. At this point, you cannot afford to overlook some of these innovations,
most of which have a direct impact on our lives. That said, this write-up highlights some essential digital tools that
are bound to have an effect on your life and how you go about your business (
7) Gmail
Apart from having Viber installed on your device, it is also vital to consider having a Gmail account and an app on
your smart phone. Gmail is used for both formal an informal communication. Syncing your Gmail will also allow
you to receive emails, with your preferred electronic gadget.

8) Linked In
This tool is primarily meant to bring professionals together. With this tool, you can be sure of enjoying several
benefits. To start with, It allows users to upload their curriculum vitae or access personal information using any


digital device. Additionally, with LinkedIn people can communicate with professionals of their choice and thus, it
allows for networking without having to meet such people physically. More to this, with LinkedIn you can share
your project or any other work or related report at your comfort.

9) Facebook
Like digital tools highlighted above, having a facebook account and using is free of change. Ideally, having a
facebook account helps you get in touch with new friends, meet others, and have real conversations without being
physically close to each other. If you have a business enterprise, sharing your product might also help you leverage
critical sales. Irrespective of what you do, you have no reason ignoring the need to have a facebook account.

All the above are free digital tools that are a must-have if you wish to maintain a close touch with your
acquaintances. Thus, it goes without saying that you ought to use these tools in moderation to ensure you do other
aspects of your life are not compromised.

Using Tools of Technology

Multimedia is content that uses a combination of different content forms such as text, audio, images, animations,
video and interactive content. Multimedia contrasts with media that use only rudimentary computer displays such
as text-only or traditional forms of printed or hand-produced material.

A transparency, also known variously as a view foil, foil, or view graph, is a thin sheet of transparent flexible
material, typically cellulose acetate, onto which figures can be drawn. These are then placed on an overhead
projector for display to an audience. Many companies and small organizations use a system of projectors and
transparencies in meetings and other groupings of people, though this system is being largely replaced by video
projectors and interactive whiteboards.

Video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying, playback, broadcasting, and display of moving visual

Sound recording and reproduction is an electrical, mechanical, electronic, or digital inscription and re-creation
of sound waves, such as spoken voice, singing, instrumental music, or sound effects.

Models is a copy of an object

Using Traditional Visual and Audio Media

 Hand outs – are sheet of paper containing relevant information that some speakers used in conjunction
with other presentation media.
 White board and Chalk board – these materials can also help you achieve the same outcome.
 Video – showing a video clip can elicit an emotional response from the audience.
 Document Camera – is a projector device.
 Overhead Transparencies – are clear acetate pages displayed by an overhead projector during a speech.
 Flip Chart –a large pad paper that rest on as easel allowing the speaker to record.
 Sound Recordings – sounds, like visual images can stimulate mental images triggering the imagination
and setting mood.
Using Computer Technology
 Digital Slides – Presentation software commonly using Power Point. It allows computer users to display
information in multimedia presentation.
 Real-Time Web Access – use to demonstrate how to do something special on the web such as researching
Strategies Using tools of Technology
1. Keep it simple


2. Emphasize your key ideas
3. Show what you can’t say
4. Use close up shots and other images
5. Keep the number of images you present manageable.
6. Combine variety with coherence
7. Use large lettering

Power Point Presentation Tips

1. Go for creativity- create your own design, try different combination and let your creativity flow.
2. Colors are nice- flat colors are beautiful and contrast is your friend.
3. Use good fonts- Comic Sans and Georgia will do.
4. Text is evil- use 10-20-30 rule; too many texts will catch the attention of the audience from you.
5. Images say more than a thousand words- make the images more powerful.
6. Big is beautiful- think big, think bold.
7. Info graphics are amazing – use simple info graphics
8. Get inspired- remember your ultimate goal.
Always remember this:
 10-20-30- 10 Slides, 20 Minutes,30 Font size
 1-6- 6 – 1 Main Idea, 6 Bullets point, 6 Words per Bullet.
 7- 7– 7 lines, 7 words.
 9 Ps- Prior Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance of the Person Putting on the

Tips in using Presentation Media

 Practice with your Media.
 Consider your room and audience.
 Speak to your audience not your media.
 Always remember this:
 10-20-30- 10 Slides, 20 Minutes,30 Font size
 1-6- 6 – 1 Main Idea, 6 Bullets point, 6 Words per Bullet.
 7- 7– 7 lines, 7 words.
 9 Ps- Prior Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance of the Person Putting on the Presentation
Multimedia is content that uses a combination of different content forms such as text, audio, images, animations,
video and interactive content. Multimedia contrasts with media that use only rudimentary computer displays such
as text-only or traditional forms of printed or hand-produced material.

Multimedia can be recorded and played, displayed, interacted with or accessed by information content processing
devices, such as computerized and electronic devices, but can also be part of a live performance. Multimedia
devices are electronic media devices used to store and experience multimedia content. Multimedia is distinguished
from mixed media in fine art; for example, by including audio it has a broader scope. In the early years of
multimedia the term "rich media" was synonymous with interactive multimedia, and "hypermedia" was an
application of multimedia. (

In common usage, multimedia refers to an electronically delivered combination of media including video, still
images, audio, and text in such a way that can be accessed interactively. Much of the content on the web today falls
within this definition as understood by millions. Some computers which were marketed in the 1990s were called
"multimedia" computers because they incorporated a CD-ROM drive, which allowed for the delivery of several
hundred megabytes of video, picture, and audio data. That era saw also a boost in the production of educational
multimedia CD-ROMs.


The term "video", if not used exclusively to describe motion photography, is ambiguous in multimedia terminology.
Video is often used to describe the file format, delivery format, or presentation format instead of "footage" which is
used to distinguish motion photography from "animation" of rendered motion imagery. Multiple forms of
information content are often not considered modern forms of presentation such as audio or video. Likewise,
single forms of information content with single methods of information processing (e.g. non-interactive audio) are
often called multimedia, perhaps to distinguish static media from active media. In the fine arts, for example, Leda
Luss Luyken's ModulArt brings two key elements of musical composition and film into the world of painting:
variation of a theme and movement of and within a picture, making ModulArt an interactive multimedia form of
art. Performing arts may also be considered multimedia considering that performers and props are multiple forms
of both content and media.

Multimedia Categories

Multimedia may be broadly divided into linear and non-linear categories:

Linear active content progresses often without any navigational control for the viewer such as a cinema
Non-linear uses interactivity to control progress as with a video game or self-paced computer-based training.
Hypermedia is an example of non-linear content.
Multimedia presentations can be live or recorded:

A recorded presentation may allow interactivity via a navigation system;

A live multimedia presentation may allow interactivity via an interaction with the presenter or performer.

Preparing Multimedia Presentation

 In this digital age, communication is mediated in technology.
 It is imperative to know how technology works- the purpose it can serve and efficiently and effectively.
Characteristics of Multimedia Presentations
1. Visually Oriented
 Means that one is stimulated and/or learns best by what one sees.
 In education, some people respond best to reading something in print, others to hearing someone
talk about a subject, others to hands- on type experience.
2. Using Different Modalities (Elements of Multimedia)
 Text – the main body of matter in a manuscript, book, newspaper, etc., as distinguished from notes,
appendixes, headings, illustrations, etc.
Text takes us back to how the internet started, as a means of sending written messages back and forth between
researchers. Actually, it takes us back quite a bit further, as pretty much every office memo ever written has mostly
consisted of text with perhaps a smidgen of other media types thrown in. Text is still a primary way to transmit
information, although nowadays, it is also used to augment other forms of communication, such as a text
description of a photograph.
 Graphics – a product of the graphic arts, as a drawing or print or computer based generated image.

 Photographs- a picture or likeness obtained by photography.

Illustrations are perhaps the oldest form of media, harking back at least as far as the prehistoric paintings on cave
walls found in various locations around the world. Gutenberg's printing press in the 1400's enabled mass
distribution of multimedia works containing both text and images. The growth of electronic communications has
meant that older text-only forms of communication could be enhanced with photographs and images as well. Small
images such as thumbnails or icons are often used as a visual "entry point" to larger images or more detailed


 Audio – of or relating to sound or its reproduction and especially high – fidelity reproduction.
Your website or presentation can add sound, from a musical background to a spoken explanation, by including
audio files. Even digital cameras, a quintessentially image-based technology, have been engineered these days to
record sound as well. Many sound files are compressed, which reduces the file size without greatly sacrificing
sound quality. Compressed files require less storage space and stream faster when sent over the internet or
transmitted to local systems.

 Animation- the preparation of animated cartoons.

Animated files occupy a middle ground between still images and video. GIFs, which is an abbreviation for graphic
image files, in particular, are small files that present a single image or rapidly display a sequence of a few images to
give the appearance of motion.

 Video- A digital recording of an image or set of images.

Video presents moving pictures and typically combines images and sound for a compelling multimedia experience.
Of course, videos can include text as well, which often appears as captioning for spoken words or as text in an
image, as in the case of a slide presentation. Video files are some of the most memory-intensive multimedia
applications, but clever streaming methods make their use practical in everyday use.

Special Features of Computer-based Presentations:

1) Custom navigation between slides, to other media to the Internet.
2) Can be made into hard copy printouts or transparencies.
3) Can be uploaded to the Web.

Eight (8) Steps in Making Effective Multimedia Presentations

Step 1: Know the purpose of presentation
Step 2: Know the audience
Step 3: Gather information
Step 4: Use variety of resources such as:
 Textbooks- a literary work relevant to the study of a subject
 Digital Resources- Databases, books, journals, newspapers, magazines, archives, theses, conference papers,
government papers, research papers, scripts, and monographs in a digital form.
A) Scan Images- to glance from point to point of often hastily, casually, or in search of a particular item.
B) Photographs- to appear as an image in photograph.

 Internet- an electronic communication network that connects computer networks and organizational
computer facilities around the world- used with the except when being used attributively.
Step 5: Do not forget to cite sources.
a) Write author’s name, title of the work and date of publication
b) Include the website or webpage address of the source.
c) In general, non-profit educational use of online materials for lecture qualifies as “fair-use” but it is better
to ask author’s permission to use such materials.
d) Always have a full bibliographic reference for all citations.
Step 6: Organize the information
A) List the main points
B) Have only one main idea per slide.
C) Place important information near the top.
Step 7: Check technical issues
 Dark text on light background


 White text on dark background
 Use only one design and color scheme throughout the slide presentation.
 Use large font size (minimum of 18 pts)
 Use fonts that are easy to read. Don’t use fancy fonts.
 Use no more than 3 to 4 bullets per slide
 Don’t use more than two types of fonts.
 Avoid clutter
 Avoid partnered or textured backgrounds.
Avoid too much text. Don’t use presentation as your notes.
Step 8: Be creative
a) Use transitions and animations to add interest.
b) Don’t overdo the transitions.


A web-based application is any program that is accessed over a network connection using HTTP, rather than
existing within a device’s memory. Web-based applications often run inside a web browser. However, web-based
applications also may be client-based, where a small part of the program is downloaded to a user’s desktop, but
processing is done over the internet on an external server.

Web-based applications are also known as web apps.

Techopedia explains Web-Based Application

There is a lot of confusion created by the use of terms like web-based, internet-based and cloud-based when
referring to applications. Web-based applications actually encompass all the applications that communicate with
the user via HTTP. This includes light applications like Flash games, online calculators, calendars and so on, as well
as more intensive applications such as web-based word processors and spreadsheet applications.

“The use of blogs has been engaging and effective way to promote writing skills of primary students, particularly
when students provide feedback to the blog” (Richardson, 2006)

According to, blog (a truncation of "weblog") is a discussion or informational website

published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (posts). Posts are
typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web
page. Until 2009, blogs were usually the work of a single individual, occasionally of a small group, and often
covered a single subject or topic. In the 2010s, "multi-author blogs" (MABs) emerged, featuring the writing of
multiple authors and sometimes professionally edited. MABs from newspapers, other media outlets, universities,
think tanks, advocacy groups, and similar institutions account for an increasing quantity of blog traffic. The rise of
Twitter and other "microblogging" systems helps integrate MABs and single-author blogs into the news media.
Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog. (

The emergence and growth of blogs in the late 1990s coincided with the advent of web publishing tools that
facilitated the posting of content by non-technical users who did not have much experience with HTML or
computer programming. Previously, knowledge of such technologies as HTML and File Transfer Protocol had been
required to publish content on the Web, and early Web users therefore tended to be hackers and computer
enthusiasts. In the 2010s, the majority is interactive Web 2.0 websites, allowing visitors to leave online comments,
and it is this interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites. In that sense, blogging can be seen as
a form of social networking service. Indeed, bloggers not only produce content to post on their blogs but also often


build social relations with their readers and other bloggers. However, there are high-readership blogs which do not
allow comments.

Many blogs provide commentary on a particular subject or topic, ranging from politics to sports. Others function as
more personal online diaries, and others function more as online brand advertising of a particular individual or
company. A typical blog combines text, digital images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related
to its topic. The ability of readers to leave publicly viewable comments, and interact with other commenters, is an
important contribution to the popularity of many blogs. However, blog owners or authors often moderate and filter
online comments to remove hate speech or other offensive content. Most blogs are primarily textual, although
some focus on art (art blogs), photographs (photoblogs), videos (video blogs or "vlogs"), music (MP3 blogs), and
audio (podcasts). In education, blogs can be used as instructional resources. These blogs are referred to as
edublogs. Microblogging is another type of blogging, featuring very short posts.

'Blog' and 'blogging' are now loosely used for content creation and sharing on social media, especially when the
content is long-form and one creates and shares content on regular basis. So, one could be maintaining a blog on
Facebook or blogging on Instagram.

On February 16, 2011, there were over 156 million public blogs in existence. On February 20, 2014, there were
around 172 million Tumblr and 75.8 million Word Press blogs in existence worldwide. According to critics and
other bloggers, Blogger is the most popular blogging service used today. However, Blogger does not offer public
statistics. Technorati lists 1.3 million blogs as of February 22, 2014. (


 Personal blogs
The personal blog is an ongoing online diary or commentary written by an individual, rather than a corporation or
organization. While the vast majority of personal blogs attract very few readers, other than the blogger's
immediate family and friends, a small number of personal blogs have become popular, to the point that they have
attracted lucrative advertising sponsorship. A tiny number of personal bloggers have become famous, both in the
online community and in the real world.
 Collaborative blogs or group blogs
A type of weblog posts are written and published by more than one author. The majority of high-profile
collaborative blogs are based around a single uniting theme, such as politics, technology or advocacy. In recent
years, the blogosphere has seen the emergence and growing popularity of more collaborative efforts, often set up
by already established bloggers wishing to pool time and resources, both to reduce the pressure of maintaining a
popular website and to attract a larger readership.

 Microblogging
Microblogging is the practice of posting small pieces of digital content—which could be text, pictures, links, short
videos, or other media—on the Internet. Microblogging offers a portable communication mode that feels organic
and spontaneous to many users. It has captured the public imagination, in part because the short posts are easy to
read on the go or when waiting. Friends use it to keep in touch, business associates use it to coordinate meetings or
share useful resources, and celebrities and politicians (or their publicists) microblog about concert dates, lectures,
book releases, or tour schedules. A wide and growing range of add-on tools enables sophisticated updates and
interaction with other applications. The resulting profusion of functionality is helping to define new possibilities
for this type of communication. Examples of these include Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and, by far the largest,

 Corporate and organizational blogs

A blog can be private, as in most cases, or it can be for business or not-for-profit organization or government
purposes. Blogs used internally, and only available to employees via an Intranet are called corporate blogs.
Companies use internal corporate blogs enhance the communication, culture and employee engagement in a


corporation. Internal corporate blogs can be used to communicate news about company policies or procedures,
build employee esprit de corps and improve morale. Companies and other organizations also use external, publicly
accessible blogs for marketing, branding, or public relations purposes. Some organizations have a blog authored by
their executive; in practice, many of these executive blog posts are penned by a ghostwriter, who makes posts in
the style of the credited author. Similar blogs for clubs and societies are called club blogs, group blogs, or by similar
names; typical use is to inform members and other interested parties of club and member activities.
 Aggregated blogs
Individuals or organization may aggregate selected feeds on specific topic, product or service and provide
combined view for its readers. This allows readers to concentrate on reading instead of searching for quality on-
topic content and managing subscriptions. Many such aggregation called planets from name of Planet (software)
that perform such aggregation, hosting sites usually have planet. subdomain in domain name
 By genre
Some blogs focus on a particular subject, such as political blogs, journalism blogs, health blogs, travel blogs (also
known as travelogs), gardening blogs, house blogs, Book Blogs,[33][34] fashion blogs, beauty blogs, lifestyle blogs,
party blogs, wedding blogs, photography blogs, project blogs, psychology blogs, sociology blogs, education blogs,
niche blogs, classical music blogs, quizzing blogs, legal blogs (often referred to as a blawgs), or dreamlogs. How-
to/Tutorial blogs are becoming increasing popular. Two common types of genre blogs are art blogs and music
blogs. A blog featuring discussions especially about home and family is not uncommonly called a mom blog and one
made popular is by Erica Diamond who created which is syndicated to over two million
readers monthly. While not a legitimate type of blog, one used for the sole purpose of spamming is known as a
 By media type
A blog comprising videos is called a vlog, one comprising links is called a linklog, a site containing a portfolio of
sketches is called a sketchblog or one comprising photos is called a photoblog. Blogs with shorter posts and mixed
media types are called tumblelogs. Blogs that are written on typewriters and then scanned are called typecast or
typecast blogs. A rare type of blog hosted on the Gopher Protocol is known as a phlog.
 By device
A blog can also be defined by which type of device is used to compose it. A blog written by a mobile device like a
mobile phone or PDA could be called a moblog. One early blog was Wearable Wireless Webcam, an online shared
diary of a person's personal life combining text, video, and pictures transmitted live from a wearable computer and
EyeTap device to a web site. This practice of semi-automated blogging with live video together with text was
referred to as sousveillance. Such journals have been used as evidence in legal matters.[citation needed]
 Reverse blog
A reverse blog is composed by its users rather than a single blogger. This system has the characteristics of a blog,
and the writing of several authors. These can be written by several contributing authors on a topic, or opened up
for anyone to write. There is typically some limit to the number of entries to keep it from operating like a web
forum. (


Name: Date: |Score:
Course/ year/ section: Instructor:

Below is a list of technological tools that can be used in communication, provide a sample from each online
communication tool and its benefits and disadvantages as a communication tool.


Online Communication Sample Benefits in
Tool Site/App/Software Communication Disadvantages





B. For your last activity, your task is to find one viral post about social issue that concerns everyone regardless of
the social background. Complete the organizer below following the instructions:
Describe the social issues discussed in the viral post.( 2pts)


If you are to post a comment of your personal In the post, find two or three comments of
stand on the issue, what would it be? Write a non-Filipinos. Write their comments here
brief paragraph here. (3pts) about the issue. (2pts each)

Compare and contrast your comment from the comments of non- Filipinos? What
accounts for the differences and similarities? (10 pts.)



Search on the internet about cross- cultural communication and how people able to communicate effectively
beyond the differences in communicating using the new norm of digital communication tools.
And present your ideas and understanding about cultural diversity amidst the advent of technological and Internet
era by creating a blog or digital slides in class via zoom or face-to-face set up.

Self Reflection

1. What is the significance of technological tools in communication nowadays?

2. Why do you need to be culturally sensitive and aware in using such digital or online tools of communication?
3. How are these traits contributory to your pursuit of becoming a productive and responsible Filipino?

4. How will this promote positive change in society?

5. What is your stand being a Filipino in using such technologies to be aware culturally diverse?





A. Multiple Choices
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following is a linguistic modality in communication?
A. picture book C. Pod cast
B. Comics D. Digital Story telling
2. Which of the following is a linguistic mode in communication?
A. EBook C. Poster and cover design
B. Animations D. Sound recording
3. Which of the following is a false statement about multimodal?
A. It is a presentation of ideas using digital prints, videos and pictures.
B. It a variation of context in cultural based communication.
C. It is the integration of the different modes of text to create meaning and convey messages.
D. It is a helpful tool to understand the advent of technology amidst the cultural diversity of every people to gain
more effective communication.
4. Which of the following is a gestural mode of communication?
A. Online presentation C. Body Language
B. Animations D. Sound recording
5. Which of the following is not true about visual mode of communication?
A. it involves aspects of color and viewpoint.
B. it involves the still and moving images.
C. It involves of lay outing and organization of objects and shapes.
D. It involves the presentation of pictures.
6. Which of the following signs considers as bottom up discourse?
A. Keep Off the Grass!
C. No Id, No Entry
D. U-turn is prohibited
7. Which of the following signs is a top-down discourse?
A. No Noon Break C. No Fixers Allowed
B. Private Property/ Stay Away! D. U-turn is prohibited
8. Graffiti means of_____________________________________
A. Always been a transgressive signs.
B. Landscape signs to disempowered people to make visible mark.
C. Advertises and promotes products.
D. It labels things or directs maintenance of building.
9. Which of the following text is an intimate language registers?
A.” I love you Honey, thanks for waiting me.”
B. “Thank you for your kind consideration.”
C.“The Philippine K-12 Curriculum and accreditation agencies mandate schools to shift from teacher-centered to
D. “Good morning Sir, I am excited to work with you”.
10. Which of the following is true about memes?
A. It has comical message to make fun of.
B. It gives always an inspirational message to everyone.
C. Memes are always become viral in online media.
D. Memes are striking example of bottom up activity.
11. Which of the following online tools used for access network using HTTP?
A. Web Based C. Blog
B. Multimedia D. Email

12. Which visual aids uses inanimate or live objects that help capture a viewer’s attention?


A. Graphs C. Props/Models
B. Multimedia D. Flip Charts
13. Which visual aid is a combination of several forms of communication: audio, video, text, and animation?
A. Flip Chart C. Graph/Chart
B. Multimedia D. Model
14. Which of the following statement do you think is the online etiquette?
A. The correct and acceptable way of communicating or behaving on the Internet.
B. The rules others should follow when they interact with you on internet—rules you should hold them to.
C. Common sense about how to be kind to others.
D. None of the other answers are correct.
15. Which of the following is NOT an etiquette rule when writing an informal email to someone you know?
A. Use proper grammar
B. Break your message up into paragraphs
C. Avoid using all caps or too many exclamation points
D. Sign off with ‘yours sincerely’ or similar.
16. What is a term that is used in reference to a voice conversation which is conducted over an internet connection
rather than over the traditional phone line?
A. Internet C. Forum
B. Voice over Ip D. Instant Messenger
17. The following are guidelines and tips when designing slides for speech EXCEPT;
A. Avoid including too much information in a graphic the impact should be immediate and clear.
B. Make sure the graphic clearly illustrate key points or most important supporting data.
C. The downside of visual media is to reveal material you can't easily describe orally or with text (photograph,
drawings, simple charts and graphs can all accomplish this objective.)
D. Select and present photographs, video, and other images that will create real impact.
18. It is a web source displayed in evidence during a speech, found by using real-time web access or webpage
capture software.
A. web evidence
B. web access
C. web page
D. World Wide Web
19. ____________are clear acetate pages displayed by an overhead projector during a speech.
A. Overhead Transparencies
B. Monitor Transparencies
C. Light Transparencies
D. Side Transparencies
20. What resources are used in public speaking presentation today?
A. PowerPoint
B. Media Presentation
C. Projector
D. Audio Visual
21. Traditional visual and audio media used in public speaking, are the following except;
A. Models
B. document and camera
C. sound recordings
D. worksheets
22. It can elicit an emotional response from the audience and improve their recall of your speech. But it also
changes the mood of the speech and may disturb the relationship between speaker and audience.
A. PowerPoint Presentation
B. pictures
C. Video


D. document camera
23. _________are sheets of paper containing relevant information that some speakers use in conjunction with other
presentation media.
A. newspaper
B. handouts
C. magazine
D. tabloid
24.. Special features of computer-based presentations, are the following except;
A. Custom navigation
B. Made into hard copy printouts or transparencies
C. Can be uploaded to the Web
D. Used to avoid clutter
25. ________can use to demonstrate how to do something special on the web, such as researching an idea, checking
the current status of any topic, or displaying articles found on websites that support your purpose or argument.
A. digital slides
B. real time web access
C. World Wide Web
D. deep web
B. Essay
1. What is the significance of multimodal text in effective communication?
2. What challenges you usually encounter when conveying messages online?
3. How did the online communication tool help to convey messages?
4. What specific strategies did you use to make sure the communication succeeds? Cite examples to justify your
5. In general, how can you instil awareness in cultural diversity and sensitivity amidst the usage of online tools for
communication nowadays?



1. Bernales, Rolando et al (2018). Purposive Communication. Mutya Publishing House, Inc.


2. Lim, Joana Marie et al ( 2019. A Course Module of Purposive Communication.
3. Suarez, Cecelia et al (2018). Purposive Communication in English. Ateneo de Manila University Press

Internet Sources

 https://www.
 https://www.

Unit 3: Communication for Information and Persuasion Purposes


This module was designed and written to address the means of alternative learning delivery to attune
into the New Normal learning style at your own pace and time, to gain progression in coping up the
lessons for mastery and independency of effective learning process even at home from distant colleges or

The scope of this module permits to utilize in various different learning situations. The language used
encompasses the diversity of learners’ vocabulary and learning capabilities. The lessons are arranged to
follow the standard sequence of the course syllabus.

In this module helps the students to boost their self-confidence and be excellent in acquiring information
and persuasion in communication purposes. It develops their abilities interpersonally expected to
perform varied task in both written and spoken, which competitively enhances their skills and
competencies necessary to succeed in their academic journey.

This module: Communication for Information and Persuasion Purposes is divided into three (3) lessons,

 Lesson 1-The Different Purposes of Communication

 Lesson 2-Types of Speeches and Public Speaking
 Lesson 3- Other Purposes of Communication

After going through this module, the students are expected to:

1. Understand the different purposes of communication.

2. Determine the communication for information and persuasion.

3. Familiarize the different types of speeches.

4. Write a short meaningful speech or argument.

5. Present ideas clearly in appropriate language, tone and gestures.

6. Adopt awareness of the audience and context in presenting of ideas.




It takes a deal of effort to master the language efficiency in written and spoken languages. To achieve such
competencies and critical skills, they must be aware and knowledgeable in the different purposes of
communication. To successfully keep on track on the excellence of the academic journey, the students must
learn to understand and enhance their capabilities. Informing and persuading are essential communication
skills that the learners should possess to boost their self-confidence and to become competitive whatever
field or course they may be into at this present time. In this lesson, the students are expected to perform
varied tasks in developing their skills. They will engage in learning to use and deliver information in a
comprehensible and effective way.


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;

1. Distinguish different types of speeches according to purpose.

2. Present ideas clearly by using appropriate language, tone, and gestures in different purposes.
3. Write a short speech or argument which deals on a give topic.

With your partner, discuss the cartoon below. Examine the difference of the two comic strips and what messages
are trying to convey.

Comic # 1
Comic #2


1. What is the message of the comic strips?
Comic # 1:
Comic # 2:
2. What is the purpose of the message?
Comic # 1:
Comic # 2:
3. What is the difference of the two comic strips?
4. How does it relate to your daily life?

5. What lesson you can gain from the comic strip? Why do you say so? Elaborate your explanation.

Share your discussion and ideas in the class via zoom or face-to-face settings.





Part of becoming a more effective communicator requires that you are able to fully understand the
different purposes of communication. By knowing the reason why you are writing your speech will help
you bring your topic under control set a sense of goal and importance to your ideas to get organized and
allow you to reach the objectives for communicating a particular topic or issue.

Speeches may have several purpose- to inspire, to explain, to motivate, to introduce, or to raise concern,
and so on, but these three are the most common- to inform, to persuade, and to entertain.


The common ground of all types of communication is to inform. This is the most basic function why we all
participate in the process of communication. For instance, you are communicating to inform when you
explain something to other people, discuss something with your parents, teachers, or give information to
others. You are also communicating to inform when you share news through social media, forward
announcements and send message to others.

Your main concern in this kind of speech is to have your audience understand and remember new
information. You are in effect a teacher- not a preacher, salesperson, or a debater.

When you deliver an informative speech, your intent is to enlighten your audience- to increase
understanding or awareness and, perhaps, to create a new perspective.

Here are some of the topics for informative speeches:

 Traditional West African and Philippine drumming and dancing.

 Growing vegetables in an organic garden.
 Bad effects of pornography and other adult entertainment sites.
 Combining studies and vacation in other countries
 The benefits of reading.


Communicating to persuade is all about influence. We mentioned earlier that most of our communication
is intended to inform others, in effect we cannot successfully force them to accept the information we
give without making them believe in what we give. For instance, at school you are almost always
convincing your group mates to work on something or project or convincing your teachers to extend
deadline of submission for a course requirement, or to consider a concept or idea in debate. These are all
forms of persuasion.


In order to communicate with powerful persuasion, you must give good credits for the person you are
communicating with to do or believe what you intend. This is one good reason why it is critically
important to identify your purpose for communicating before sending a message or facing an audience. If
you believe you are only giving an information, you may not be able to provide the good reasons or
evidence necessary to persuade.

Your main goal in this kind of speech is to change and impel the behavior and perception of the audience.
You are trying to convince or persuade them that your point of view is best, and you want them to come
over on your position, to adopt your ideas or principle, and to bring about specific, desired action. You
want to change them in one or both of these ways:

a) Change in their minds. You try, for example, to convince them to support an idea, principle, and
certain views or beliefs.
b) Change their behavior. You try to get your listeners to either start doing something they do not
normally do such as (using seat belt), or to stop doing something they normally do (such
sprinkling too much salt on their food).

According to Conger (2010), there are four essential steps to effective persuasion.

a. Establish credibility. Credibility has two aspects: expertise and relationships. People are
considered to have high levels of expertise if they have a history of sound judgement or have
proven themselves knowledgeable and well informed about their proposals. On the relationship
side, people with high credibility have demonstrated over time that they can be trusted to listen
and to work in the best interest of others.
b. Frame for common ground. In order to strengthen the appeal of your proposal to others, you
must first identify its tangible benefits to the people you are trying to persuade. In order to
accomplish this task, you must thoroughly understand your audience and its needs and concerns.
c. Provide evidence. Effective persuader should use a variety of types of numerical-data, examples,
stories, metaphors, and analogies- to make their positions come alive.
d. Connect emotionally (convey good will). In our culture, we may like to believe that people make
decisions based upon reason; however, emotions always are at play. By being sincere and focused
about ideas you are conveying, you can win your audience’s side.

Here are some of the topics for persuasive speeches:

 Bloggers should be treated as journalists and punished for indiscretions.

 Natural disasters are the earth’s way of restoring balance.
 Quitting smoking or drug issue.
 Love is not defined or an excuse.
 Video games are considered sports.
 Teachers not to assign any homework.



Entertaining speech amuses the audience, but it can also be a tool to communicate a message. Although
entertaining speeches are light in tone and relaxing, they should be include four key considerations:
preparation, adaptation to the communication, adaptation to the audience, and mindfulness of the time.

While jokes are an obvious component of many entertaining speeches, you can amuse or divert your
audience just as easily with other types of materials: stories, anecdotes, quotations, examples and

Here are some of the topics for entertaining speeches.

 Rehabilitating an injured dog.

 The advantages of wearing braces.
 If I were the Lord of Misrule.
 Men and women have different ways of thinking.

The following are different ways to support your speech argument whether informative, persuasive or
entertaining speech.
1. Facts- a powerful means of convincing. Facts can come from your reading, observation, or
personal experience.
Note: do not confuse facts with truths. A “truth” is an idea believed by many people. It is a set of
principles that govern people.
2. Statistics. These can provide excellent support. Be sure your statistics come from responsible
sources. Always cite your sources. These are figures, percentages, graphs, etc.
3. Quotes. Direct quotes from leading experts that support your position are invaluable.
4. Examples. Examples enhance your meaning and make your ideas concrete. They are the proof
and can serve as evidence of what you are trying to communicate .





A. Fill in the gaps below by considering the types of speeches according to purpose.

The key to inform speaking is ______________________________. If your goal is to gain and expand
understanding, your speech is _______________________________. If, in the process, you also want your audience
to find your point of view to be _______________________________________, you may also be
_______________________________________. And if you want them to pay attention and recall key points later, a
little humour and ____________________________________ storytelling always helps.

B. Encircle the letter of the correct answer from the given choices.
1. Modern speakers generally describe the three general purposes of speaking as.
A. Entertain, persuade, and debate
B. Inform, persuade, and entertain
C. Persuade, inform, and perpetuate
D. Deliberate, epideictic, and forensic
2. “To persuade group of local residents to buy a car from “Subaru Car Dealership”
A. General D. Celebratory
B. Specific E. Supplemental
C. Systematic
3. Jerry wanted to speak on the elements of jazz music, but his instructor told the class that they could
only choose from a specific list of topics. This is an.
A. Constraints D. poor topic selection
B. A bad speech E. Topic shortage aversion
C. Poor narrowing
4. Which of the following would be a good scope for a speech that is five to seven minutes in length?
A. religions in Asia
B. the history of the Philippines
C. women in the battle for their rights
D. kinds of governance and leadership
E. military manoeuvres in the 19th century
5. Felix is speaking on the benefits of sleep, but does not include a call for action to get more sleep. Which
type of general purpose does Felix have?
A. to inform
B. to persuade
C. to entertain
D. to educate


B.Work with a partner and analyze the following numbers of text.


When you woke up this morning, did you think today would be the day you save a life? In
fact, it's quite easy to save a life and it only takes a little bit of your time. You don't even
need to be a paramedic or firefighter. All you have to do is set aside approximately one
hour to donate blood. This essay will explore how to donate blood, whom it benefits, and
how often you can contribute to these life-saving measures.

Child: Is it ok to pass gas.

The boy whisper on his dad.

The dad remembers that the child haven’t discharge for 2 days, he look around, he knew
the foulness very well, he imagines his boss and his boss wife, just right beside him, losing
their appetite.
It can be a disaster; this can break or make his promotion. He had prepared the turkey,
the salad and the salsa to perfection. He cannot lose this one.

Dad: Excuse yourself and go to the toilet.

The dad utters in silent.

The boy started to leave when the unwanted sound of gas escaping conquers the dining.

Dad: Ohh, I’m sorry it’s my ringtone, Iris, can you fetch the phone for me.

Not a second have passed when that awful smell had register to everyone around the
table. The dad had a short glance with his wife, with his colleagues, with his boss’s wife
and then with his boss. He taps his child, takes a deep breath and made an eye contact
with the innocent boy.

Dad: Passing of gas is a natural process; it is a byproduct of carbohydrate breaking down

in your stomach and intestines. Apparently, manners can be learned. You can hold it a
little bit longer and pass it in a place where you won’t bother people.

Child: Dad! It’s not me.

The boss stands up, walks away in the direction of the comfort room.



Learning how to travel solo successfully is an achievable feat. You can stay safe if you
remain knowledgeable on the area and choose your accommodations wisely. Beyond that,
you can experience true transformation through the simple act of carrying a tattered old
journal. What do you say? Will you explore solo travel? Choose wisely, for it just might
change your life forever.
And what do we the people say? Do we rise up and say, ‘I categorically refuse to buy any
article of clothing unless the person promoting it weighs more than she did when she wore
knee socks?’ Or at least, ‘Where do I send the check for the chicken nuggets?’ Actually, not
so much. Mostly, our responses range from ‘I wonder if that would look good on me?’ to ‘I
don’t know who that skinny-ass cow is, but I hate her already.’


Ireland is a country steeped in history. In fact, its history dates beyond 3,000 B.C, when the
megalithic tombs were constructed in Newgrange. Throughout the country's expansive
evolution, the Irish fought time and again to maintain their independence as a sovereign
nation. Evidence of the rich history is clearly visible through its many castles, including
Leighlinbridge Castle and Carlow Castle, two of Ireland's oldest establishments.


The process of donating blood is decidedly simple. Many folks carry out the process while
reading a chapter from a new book or watching an episode of their favorite TV show.
Indeed, the infinitesimal amount of time it takes to donate blood can transfer into a lifetime
of happiness for the recipient. Remember to bring juice or something sugary to keep your
glucose levels high at the end of the procedure. Then, hold your head up high, knowing
there's a life out there that's about to be saved by you.

 Questions in analyzing the text

1. What is the message of the essay/ text?

2. What is the purpose of the essay?
3. Do you think the essay achieve the purpose in conveying the message? What makes you say so?
4. Where you convinced the point of purpose? Justify your answer.
 Share your analysis in the class.




Think of a meaningful topic or current issues then write a speech or argument about it. Make sure that
the content show to either to inform, persuade or entertain.

Then present it to the class through 2- minute video presentation/ recording.

Criteria for Grading (VIDEO)

Criterion Description Point Score

Appeal to feelingsThe videos content appeals to the feelings of 10
the audience, making them feel that they want
to make that choice towards having a healthy
Credibility The video presents a credible or authoritative 5
source of information by presenting relevant
facts and evidences regarding the subject
Craft The video was done with the obvious care and 10
time. Ideas in the video are effective in
persuading viewers in a clear and interesting
Creativity and The overall feel of the video is fresh and 10
originality exciting. The idea behind the video is out- of-
the- box.
Applicability The message and idea of the video can be 5
executed or implemented today.
Total 40




The ability to communicate well sets up human apart from all living creatures. Same way with a
person who has the excellent ability to communicate effectively makes superior to others. There is no
question over all that having the skilful ability in speaking is so important to become successful in life. In
fact, the most successful and most powerful people over the centuries have mastered formalized language
system to communicate effectively that has been formally taught for thousand years. In this module will help
more the student to recognize the importance of having such skill and burning their desires to learn some
public speaking. Variety of activities will enhance the students to unleash their potentials and abilities.
Increase their self-esteem to have such competent knowledge in speech writing and delivering during class
via zoom or face-to-face set up.


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;

1. Explain the different type of public speaking.

2. Adopt awareness of audience and context in presenting of ideas.
3. Write clear, coherent and effective speeches.
4. Follow steps in writing different types of speech.
5. Demonstrate a typical public speech in class via video recording or face-to-face settin


Watch the following link in YouTube and analyze the video what is it all about.


Share your ideas in the class for discussion.

These are guide questions to help you understand more the video.
1. What is the video all about?
2. What is the purpose of the video?
3. Who is the person involved in the video?
4. What do you know about her?
5. What qualities, interests or value she can share with the audience?
6. How relevant is the topic she is sharing? Why?
7. Is her speech effective to the audience? Why?
8. Do you think her way of speaking affects you? How?
9. What is the overall impact of the video towards the audience and you?
10. Rate the quality of her speaking, what do you think the way she speaks towards the audience?




Public speaking is the art of designing and delivering in a message before an audience. Effective public
speaking requires understanding your audience, speaking objectives, choosing the best elements for the
speech that will engage your audience with your topic, and delivering your message practically.

Remember that public speaking is basically the same as a demonstration, EXCEPT that:

 It is just telling.
 It is just giving instructions.
 It requires careful planning and effective delivery with gestures, voice variety, and proper

The only way to learn good public Speaking skills is to give one, and you’ll get better the more you give.

A good speaker will also think about the delivery method, or the way in which his/her speech will be
conveyed to the audience. There are few ways in which this is done:


In reading from a manuscript speech, the speaker reads every word from pre written speech. Reading
directly from the pages of a script has its benefits. You will not miss a single word or important fact.
However, the downside of this kind of delivery can be boring to the audience. Without eye contact, voice
variety, gesture or movement on stage, the audience may become disinterested.


The advantage of reading from a manuscript is the exact and original words stated in the speech. In
reading one word at a time, in order, the only errors would typically be mispronunciation of a word or
stumbling over complex sentence structure.

This speech delivery can be affective through the following techniques:

1. Maintaining a conversational tone of voice and audience eye-to- eye contact.

2. Ensuring that content of the speech is already interesting to the audience.
3. Avoiding the use of more formal written language, the simpler the better.


Memorized speaking is about reciting the written message that the speaker composed. This type of
delivery is beneficial when the message needs to be exact and the speaker doesn’t want to be limited by

The good advantage of this speech delivery that it enables the speaker to establish and maintain powerful
eye contact with audience throughout the speech. Being free of notes gives you opportunity to move
freely around the stage and use your hands to make meaningful gestures; therefore, you can give more
attention to the audience.

Below are some ways to do when delivering a memorized speech:

1. When doing the speech, write as if you are speaking naturally, directly to the audience.
2. Have a short outline of the main point and the memorize it.
3. If delivering the same speech to the different audiences over time, memorize individual sections
and then combine the essential parts for each occasion.
4. If you tend to forget a word or phrase or a small portion of the speech, just something speaking.


Impromptu speeches often occur when someone is asked to “say a few words”, give a toast on a special
occasion or express an opinion about a topic. This is a speech that has no advanced planning or practice.
It is unprepared or unrehearsed.

The advantage of this kind of speech is that it’s spontaneous and responsive in an animated group
context. The disadvantage is that the speaker is given a little or no time to contemplate the central theme
of his or her message.

There are six basic steps to creating an impromptu speech:

1. Take a moment to collect your thoughts and plan the main point you want to make.
2. State the questions you are answering the purpose of your speech.
3. State the main point you want to make.
4. Support your main point with evidence or examples.


5. Keep your points brief and straightforward.
6. Summarize your main point and show how you’ve answered the question or fulfilled your


Extemporaneous speaking is a well-planned and well- rehearsed speech, delivered in conversational

manner using brief notes or guidelines. This kind of speech delivery allows more flexibility than just
reading from a manuscript because it is easier to adjust to meet the needs of an audience.

This type of speech delivery has some advantages. It shows that you, the speaker, will be perceived as
skilful, knowledgeable and credible. In addition, you audience will likely to listen and pay better attention
to the message because it is engaging both verbally and non-verbally. The challenge for this type of
speech delivery is that it requires a great deal of preparation for both the verbal and the nonverbal
components of speech.

Speakers delivering an extemporaneous speech prepare well ( with an outline) and practice in advance,
giving full attention to all the facets of the speech content, arrangement, and delivery.

There are several different ways to organize your thoughts to present them clearly when speaking
extemporaneously. Below are some of the following methods:

1. State your point of View and give the reason that you feel this way, giving examples of real life
experience to support your point of View.
2. Discuss the three important things that come to mind about the topic. Base your statements on the
existing facts or supporting proofs.
3. Consider the pros and cons of the issue, if applicable, and discuss those or talk about the two sides
of the issue.
4. Discuss how the topic affects you personally or how it affects the world in general.
5. End your statements by reviewing or summarizing the outlines you have presented and challenge
your audience with the attention getter you have introduced.


Look for the following video clips to see the different ways of delivering speeches.

Time to watch

Watch the following link of videos to learn more.






Summarize the content of the following videos below and write a reflection paper about it.




Planning your Speech

Write your speech using the following guides below. You may use 10 steps in writing a speech to help you
to write your own.

Chosen Topic:_________________________________________________________________________________________
INTRODUCTION (The speaker sells the idea to the audience so they’ll want to listen. The first few minutes
of a speech are very important.) 20%

A. Get audience’s attention

Share a brief story or example that directly relates the speech.
Mention a startling statement, statistic or fact.
Start with a question, quotation, or familiar saying that has to do with the topic of the speech.

B. State the Topic


C. Relate the audience

 People pay attention to the things that concern them.
 You might refer to a common experience, fear, or situation with which everyone is familiar.
 Challenge the audience with a question, invitation, or quiz.

D. Preview main points – Simply list the points in the order they will be presented.

(The body includes the main points of your message.) 60%
 Select three main points you want to emphasize.
 A point can be expressed in many different ways
 Repeat an important point before moving on to discuss another point.
 Use transitions to connect parts of the presentation. Transitions are words or phrases that allow
you to move smoothly from one point to another.
 Use stories, personal experience or humor to add interest and reinforce each point.


 Picture words help individual s visualize what you say and keep the listener interested.

Main Point 1 and details


Main Point 2 and details


Main point 3 and details


CONCLUSION (The speaker wraps up by summarizing the main point the audience needs to keep in mind.
Just as first impression re important, the same is true of final ones!) 20%
A. Signal the close of the speech by using a simple transition sentence that lets the audience know the
speech is nearly finished.
B. Reinforce the main points by reminding the audience about the most important things they have just
C. End strongly
 Use a brief story, example, or quotation.
 Or, encourage the audience to do something to follow up on what they have just heard.
 Sometimes it is helpful to mention where additional information can be obtained.




Present your speech in a class through video recording.

Criteria for Speech Grading

Criterion Description Point Score

Advocacy Present position in a clear, compelling, and 5
thoughtful way.
Support Advance advocacy with precise and relevant 5
Persuasive Uses five to seven appropriate persuasive 5
Techniques techniques.
Call to action Provides a meaningful call to action responsive 5
to the advocacy.
Tone or Focus Has a clear sense of audience and purpose. 5
Language and Few errors in grammar, uses appropriate 5
Convention language.
Total 30




Communication is essential to express ones feelings and desires. It continually changes the manner of speaking
and what to speak about over time. Each situation finds a slightly different method of conversing with other people.
Depends on the situation also, sometimes communication has faltered which results of misunderstanding due to
unexpected scenarios. Thus in this module, it helps the students to attain special training in preparation for public
speaking or similar tasks likely to happen such as reflecting and learning the experience. Build the awareness of how
to respond appropriately the different situations and accelerate the development of understanding the purposes of
communication exchanges by going in at the deep end.


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;

1. Identify different reasons why people communicate.

2. Discuss the functions of communication in a given context.
3. Write a various forms and functions of communication.


Activity 3.1


Examine and analyze the posts on facebook page below; determine what the purpose of the following is.

1. 2.


3. 4.

5. 6.


The genius scientist and essayist Francis Bacon once said that studies serve delight, for ornament, and for ability.
Their chief use for delight is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the
judgement and disposition of businesses. The function of communication serves for different purposes.
“Understanding” is the essence of communication while “expression” is the outcome of every message. This only
happens when there is an intention of understanding and being understood by those who are involved in a
communication situation. Communication is therefore not what it is said whether verbally, but what it understood.
Understanding is influenced by perceptions evolved over a period of time and colors our understanding. We all
have personal perceptions, and therefore understanding would need a conscious and deliberate effort by us and
cannot be left to chance, expecting it to happen by itself.
The purposes or functions of communication rely heavily on informing people or group of individuals about the
particular tasks, policies and procedures etc. we express our ideas in such a way that we want others to be
informed about our concerns, practices, and procedures. For instance, the circulating advertisements on social
media, news being reported on television or being aired on radios, invitation letters and memoranda are some of
the forms of this communication. Indeed, becoming informed or informing others is the main purpose of
The circulating advertisements on social media, on new being reported on television or being aired in radios,
invitation letters and memoranda are some of the forms of this communication. Indeed, becoming informed or
informing others is the main purpose of communication.
Effective communication gives a release of emotional expression of feelings and fulfilment of social needs, personal
fulfilment and self-expression. Have you ever written a special letter for a friend or someone you deeply admire?
Have you ever been at a movie and let out a bellowing laugh and snort only to realize no one else is laughing?
Emotions are clearly personal, as they often project what we’re feeling on the inside to those around us whether
we want it to show or not.
Our daily post on facebook, hash tags and tweets that evoke our emotions, our simple love notes, or letter of
complaints are some of the forms of this communication.
It said that one cannot survive without communication. Communication also helps in socializing. In today’s life the
presence of another individual fosters communication. A competent speaker chooses a language which is not only
functionally effective, but is also appropriate to the social situation he is in. He considers the purpose why he is
speaking and the means by which he can communicate his purpose to his audience.
When we communicate people around us, we choose the proper words and situations by which our means of
giving responses can be easily understood by the person or the group of people we are communicating with. The
choice of words, kind of jokes, tone of voice, and manner of feedback are very important aspects in order to
integrate ourselves in the complex process of communication.


Communication is necessary to issue directions from a sender to receiver. We can perform better when we are
directed well and receive proper communication, memorandum or simple message that inform us what to do or
how to accomplish a certain tasks. Directing others may be communicated either by orally or in writing. An order
may be common order, request order or implied order. Can you imagine a police officer or general army
commander giving directions o their subordinates? This is exactly what this form of communication is all about.


A police officer or general army commander giving directions to his subordinates.
Classroom situations
Manager and employees.
Have you ever tried convincing your friend to join a roller-coaster ride with you? Or have you experienced
persuading your classmates to support your advocacy or agree on your side in a public debate? Your convincing
power is highly important on those situations. A complete communication process is necessary in influencing
others or being influenced. The individual having a potential to influence others can easily persuade others. It
implies the provision of feedback which tells the effect of communication.
Effective communication acts as a controller to someone’s behavior in several ways. Communication has power,
but like any powerful tool it needs to be used effectively or it can cause self-inflicted harm misunderstanding, and
confusions. When we start giving an advice, writing a letter or recommendation, or expressing emotions or feelings
to stop someone from doing something are some of the forms of communications.
When start giving an advice, writing a letter of recommendation, evaluation or reaction, or expressing emotions or
feelings to stop someone from doing something, we are into using this kind of communication.

Answer the following questions below.
1. What are the different purposes of communication? Briefly explain any five of them.
2. Discuss the different situations when function of communication exists.
3. “Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions, and emotions by two or more persons.”
Explain the statement and discuss the role of feedback in communication.



A. Do the following tasks.

1. Research any official circulating announcements on social media about the upcoming face- to- face class
set up. Write a letter to your barangay official to initiate preparedness on health protocol and safety program.
Situation: You are a concerned citizen in your barangay who wants to initiate health and safety program in
cooperation with all the barangay officials. You will use some poster to promote the preparedness program.
Prompt: Write a letter to your barangay captain to convene all barangay officials and councilors to organize a
health and safety preparedness program. Be clear with your plans when you conduct the said activities and state
your objectives why there is a need to initiate this program in your barangay.
2. Research any editorial articles on the Google websites. Summarize the contents and analyze it. State its purpose
of conveying its ideas as a matter of communication towards the masses. And give its significance to you and to
other people.




Time to Voice Out
Write an editorial article about the current issues. Follow the given reminders below as your starting point to show
your stand or position on a certain topic you choose. Use a clean sheet of paper to write your essay.

Remember: Editorial is an article that states the newspaper’s stance on a particular issue. Basically, it is
persuasive essay that offers a solution to a problem. Editorials are meant to influence public opinion, promote
critical thinking, and sometimes cause people to take action on an issue. In essence, an editorial is an opinionated
news story.
Editorials have:
 Introduction, body, and conclusion like other news stories.
 An objective explanation of the issue, especially complex issues.
 A timely news angles.
 Opinions from the opposing viewpoint that refute directly the same issues the writer addresses.
 The opinions of the writer delivered in a professional manner. Good editorials engage issues, not
personalities and refrain from name-calling or other pretty tactics of persuasion.
 Alternative solutions to the problem or issue being criticized. Anyone can gripe about a problem, but a good
editorial should take a pro-active approach to making the situation better by using constructive criticism
and giving solutions.


A. Read the following and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is a purpose of communication to influence more the significant ideas to others.
A. To inform C. To persuade
B. To entertain D. To debate
2. Ben opens a topic about healthy lifestyle and its benefits. But he does not include a call for action to do such
healthy living. Which type of general purpose does Ben have?
A. To inform C. To persuade
B. To entertain D. To educate
3. It is a type of communication purpose that deals of sharing news through social media or an announcement.
A. To inform C. To persuade
B. To entertain D. To console
4. It is a type of communication purpose to convince in considering a concept or idea.
A. To inform C. To persuade
B. To entertain D. To educate
5. The purpose of communication is to amuse the audience in a light and relaxing tone of speeches.
A. To inform C. To persuade
B. To entertain D. To debate
6. Which of the following about communicating to entertain that does not belong to support speech argument?
A. Facts C. Moral lesson
B. Examples D. Quotes
7. What is the term for an art of designing and delivering a message before an audience?
A. Editorial C. News writing
B. Public Speaking D. Theatre Acting
8. What type of speech that is reciting a speaker’s written composition?
A. Reading Manuscript C. Impromptu Speech
B. Memorized Speech D. Extemporaneous Speech
9. It is a well-planned and well-rehearsed speech.
A. Reading Manuscript C. Impromptu Speech
B. Memorized Speech D. Extemporaneous Speech
10. Which of the following that the speaker reads every word from a prewritten speech?
A. Reading Manuscript C. Impromptu Speech
B. Memorized Speech D. Extemporaneous Speech
11. Which of the following is true about impromptu speech?
A. The advantage of this speech is reading the exact and original of the speech.
B. Enables the speaker to establish eye contact in reciting the written message.
C. It is unprepared and unrehearsed speech.
D. It is delivered in a conversational manner using a brief notes or guidelines.
12. Which of the following statement is not true?
A. Speakers in contemporaneous speech is preparing well and practicing in advance.
B. Ending the speech statements by reviewing or summarizing the outlines presented.
C. The keyword outline of extemporaneous speech is unabbreviated in a formal form.
D. In extemporaneous speech shows the speakers skilful, knowledgeable and credible ability in delivering the
13. Which of the statement below is true?
A. Learning is the essence of communication.
B. Man can live without the help of communication.


C. Only the media can provide the people in remote areas to be connected with others.
D. Understanding of the message needs a conscious and deliberate effort.
14. Which of the following purpose of communication examples shows control?
A. Letter of Recommendation C. Facebook Posts
B. Business Letter D. Classroom situations
15. Which of the following purpose of communication shows heavily relying on informing a particular tasks,
procedures and policies?
A. For Information C. For Integration
B. For Direction or Instruction D. For Emotional Expression
16. Which of the following statement is accurate regarding communication competence?
A. It is a situational
B. You either have it or you don’t.
C. For any situation, there is one ideal way to communicate.
D. Competence requires meeting one goal at the expense of another.

17. Analyze the following posts on facebook page above, what do you think is the purpose of communication?
A. For Information C. For Influencing
B. For Direction or Instruction D. For Emotional Expression

18. What do you think about the tweets on social media account mentioned above?
A. It is for the purpose of informing all people about the tragedy of Floyd’s death.
B. It is about the emotional expression of American President Donald Trump over George Floyd’s death.
C. It is for influencing other people not to commit crime and racial discrimination.
D. It is for controlling someone’s bad behavior and stop for doing something harmful.


19. What do you think is the purpose of the post about?
A. For Information C. For Control
B. For Direction or Instruction D. For Emotional Expression
20. What is the post all about?
A. It is about someone expressing emotions on being hacked his/her private account.
B. It is all about giving the information to all facebook users to give extra care on their private accounts.
C. It is for an awareness to control hackers to stop hacking some private accounts.
D. It is all for influencing others to do the same as to protect their social media account by knowing the punishable

B. Identify the following purposes of communication below either for Information, Integration, Direction/
Instruction, Influencing or for Control. Write your answer on the space provided.
21. Posts on facebook stating a great grievance of losing a pet.
22. Memoranda on a certain private school for upcoming foundation day.
23. A letter of complaint about delaying of product delivery.
24. A commander in a platoon giving orders to all his armies.
25. A circulating advertisements on television about Covid-19 safety protocol and
26. A letter of recommendation to promote no racial discrimination on public schools.
27. A post in facebook page about the new fashion wears of PPE.
28. A post on tweeter of Emma Watson to empower women rights.
29. A Classified ads posted on a Daily Inquirer Newspaper.
30. A Report on juvenile delinquent offence of a 16 year old boy on RMS Radio Broadcasting

C. Essay
1. How can you gain effective purposes of communication in terms of persuasion?
2. How can you adopt awareness of audience and presenting ideas in public speaking?
3. What is the significance of the different purposes of communication towards the lives of most Filipinos
nowadays? Cite examples to justify your answer.



Lim, Joana Marie et al (2019). A Course Module of Purposive Communication.

Suarez, Cecelia et al (2018). Purposive Communication in English. Ateneo de Manila University Press

Internet Sources process


UNIT 4: Communication for Various Work Purposes
This module was designed and written to address the means of alternative learning delivery to attune into the New
Normal learning style at your own pace and time, to gain progression in coping up the lessons for mastery and
independency of effective learning process even at home from distant colleges or universities.
The scope of this module permits to utilize in various different learning situations. The language used encompasses
the diversity of learners’ vocabulary and learning capabilities. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course syllabus.
In this module will help the students to understand the significance of effective communication in workplace. It
increases their potentials to work efficiently and be productive in the future employment fields at any chosen
companies they are applying for. They have the opportunity to express their ideas openly that is highly innovative
and dependent. Establish strong communication skills that ensure consistency in professional growth that can
easily delegate activities, manage conflicts, motivate and build good relationships at work.
It also helps them during their academic journey as a student by motivating themselves to equip excellent abilities
at school in terms of communication skills. Open them to an opportunity to create effective team building that
requires good communication and mutual cooperation. They will be dependent to communicate freely towards
their peers and their teachers, voicing out their thoughts and ideas without hesitation in an effective manner either
oral or in written way.
This module: Communication for Various Work Purposes is divided into three (4) lessons, namely:
Lesson 1-Importance of Good Workplace Communication
Lesson 2- Fundamentals of Effective Communication Workplace
Lesson 3- Communication Tools/Materials for Work
Lesson 4- Presentation Skills and Strategies

After going through this module, the students are expected to:
Understand the concept of effective communication used for work.
Identify significant tools and materials used for work.
Evaluate authentic communication materials and strategies to communicate effectively.
Explain the importance of effective communication in the workplace.
Construct good business writing letters.
Demonstrate effective oral presentations in workplace communication.
Promote awareness on effective communication used for various industries such as healthcare, education, business
and trade, law, media and science and technology.



Effective communication is critical in getting the job done, as well as building a sense of trust and increasing
the productivity in any employment fields. It is very crucial to unite activities at work and restrain from missed
deadline that could lead to negative effects and misunderstandings that may cause friction between people. Thus in
this module would help effectively the students to give more understanding how important to build good relationships
to others in terms of workplace communication. And it prevents barriers from forming among individuals that might
impede progress of the students in striving to reach the common goal.

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;
1. Understand the concept and importance of communication used for work.
2. Discover the functions of effective workplace communication.
3. Gain awareness on communication used various industries – healthcare, education, business and trade, law,
media, and science and technology.

A. Watch the link below on YouTube about Millenials on Workplace. List down all the negative attitudes on the
table provided and beside give the appropriate attitude should be in a workplace situation.

Negative attitude Positive attitude should be…





B. Complete the following phrases below to give your insights after watching the video on YouTube.
1. I learned that…


2. I believe the importance of workplace attitude is….
3. So now I would…

Lombardo (2018) defines communication workplace as the process of transmitting information between one
person or group and another person or group within an organization.
Communication is the key is the key in any type of work environment. It is the lifeblood of an organization and
without it, things will not get done (Conrad, 2014). Institutions and companies heavily rely on effective
communication to operate smoothly. Members of every organization depend on it to be productive and perform
Conrad further says that “without workplace communication, instructions could not be given; equipment and
supplies could not be ordered; progress could not be measured; and products and services could not be delivered
to customers.”


Lombardo (2018) notes that workplace communication is very relevant to companies because it helps to boost
their productivity and ability to operate effectively.
She says that workplace communication has the following advantages:

It improves worker productivity. Research shows that effective lateral and work group communication leads to
an improvement in overall company performance.

It increases employee job satisfaction. Employees feel happy when they are able to have both upward and
downward communication. They feel a sense of empowerment when there is a upward communication, which
means information flows upward within an organization and are able to openly talk to their bosses, who in turn
listen and respond to their concerns. Employees also become satisfied when there is downward communication,
which mean superiors or managers are sending a lot of information and feedback to their subordinates.
It can have a positive effect on absenteeism and turnover rates. Employees feel secure when there is excellent
communication flow within the organization. Truthful and updated information from their bosses is very
important to them. They feel more motivated when they are given the opportunity to share their ideas and
concerns with co-workers and direct superiors.


The workplace provides an ideal setting for communication s it brings together persons from diverse backgrounds
and experiences to build relationships and collaborate with one another. With this diversity, however, comes the
possibility of misunderstanding and communication barriers, which may negatively impact the organization (Guo,
Sanchez 7 Borkowski, 2009). Thus, good communication is essential; every member needs to be on the same page
to be able to perform better and contribute towards the success of the organization.


Effective communication is vital in all fields or industries. Whatever it is in health care, education, business and
trade, law, media, science, technology, and the environment, it is crucial to foster understanding, harmony and
cooperation among employees within the organization. Strong communication skills are needed in these fields to
manage policy, resolve conflict and maximize employee performance (Rittiman, 2015).

Communication affects every aspect of health care (Boynton, 2015). The dynamics among health professionals, the
quality of patient care, the use of hospital resources, and the like are all dependent on it. Proper communication
skills are required to facilitate the way doctors interact with their patients, how health care professionals exchange
medical information and the manner by which diagnosis and the risks of certain medical procedures is explained to
patients and the public.
Effective communication at hospitals and health system contributes to the development and sustainability of a
culture of safety (Gooch, 2016). Indeed, every healthcare provider needs to send clear and concise message across
his or her team to safeguard patient safety at all times.
Below are examples of relevant health topics:
The many benefits of breastfeeding versus formula feeding.
The facts and the misconceptions about AIDS and HIV.
What the public needs to know about the Anti- Cervical Cancer vaccine.

Fundamental to education and learning is communication. Whether it is teacher or student, student to student,
teacher to teacher, teacher to parent, teacher to admin or admin to parent, or vice versa, communication is needed
to make sure students are successful (Andrade, 2015).
Below are examples of relevant topics in education:
The advantages of K-12 Curriculum from the Basic Education Curriculum.
Utilizing online resources for academic research
Addressing students’ misbehaviours in the classroom.


In business, best practices in communication are at the core of every successful venture. Executives, managers and
rank-and- file employees must exchange information as clearly as possible to perform well and cooperate with one
another towards the same corporate objectives.
To achieve organizational success, Boone and Kurtz (2002) notes that all workers must be capable of sending and
receiving information quickly, clearly, effectively, and accurately.
Below are examples of relevant topics in business and trade:
How the ASEAN Integration may affect companies
The current trends in business process outsourcing industry
The contribution of millennial to today’s workplace.

4. LAW
Information on legal issues as well as peace and order topics also need to be properly conveyed to the public.
Government legislators who push for the creation of bills and laws must be able to articulate their thoughts clearly
to prevent confusion. Every word stipulated in law should be concise and direct to the point.
At the same time, lawyers must be skilled communicators to be able to win arguments and persuade effectively in
courtroom. Strong communication skills can also aid them in managing their relationship with clients.
Consider these examples of law topics:
Implementation of the nationwide Anti- smoking law.
The pros and cons of Federalism as a new system of government.
Addressing the drug trafficking problem in the community.


Mass media- print, TV, radio, online channels, and other forms of new communication technologies-have the
potential to shape and influence public opinion. It is crucial then for media practitioners to get the right message
across and prevent misinformation. Adapting best practices in communication and the proper messaging
techniques by professionals in the media industry can help achieve this.
Here are examples of media topics you can think about:
How social media has changed the landscape of communication
Journalists and bloggers covering the same new beats
How online influencers are shaping peoples’ mind set and their shopping behaviors.


What sets of communication in science apart is that it goes another step further from communication that is being
done in other fields. It is not just simply the omission of the technical jargon from the message to engage target
audience; it means clearly spelling out the conclusions of a scientific research and considering how relevant it is to
the society (Chappell, 2009). This kind of communication increases the public’s understanding and awareness of
science and technological advances and generates more support for further research.
Below are examples of relevant science, technology and environment topics:
Robotics as a must-learn technological tool for young people.
Technological that promote disaster resilience in communities
The Impact of genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in addressing the world’s crop production


Name: Date: |Score:
Course/ Year/ Section: Instructor:
A. Encircle the letter of the correct answer from the given choices.
1. Which of the following is not an advantage of workplace communication?
A. Improve Productivity
B. Increase job satisfaction
C. Ensure effective operation
D. Encourage dynamic workforce
E. Reduce absenteeism and turnover rates
2. Choose from among the items below is a good topic for communication used for science and technology?
A. Impact of climate change on food crops.
B. Proliferation of unreliable news websites.
C. Symptoms and causes of Alzheimer’s disease.
D. Effects of lower corporate taxes on Philippine economy.
E. Free tuition subsidy for students in the country’s state universities and colleges.
3. Julius, a young architect, is able to discuss with his senior manager issues of a building renovation project he is
working on. The senior manager, meanwhile, listens attentively and discusses the matter with him. What is such
process of information flow called?
A. Lateral communication
B. Upward communication
C. Downward communication
D. Intercultural communication
E. Work group communication
4. Rick, a graphic artist for an advertising agency, receives enough information and detailed directions from his
boss on the projects he wants him to work on. In case there are things he cannot understand, he talks to his boss
for clarification. What do you think will most likely happen to Rick?
A. He will work slowly.
B. He will work quickly and efficiently.
C. He will produce low-quality animation.
D. He won’t be able to finish the projects on time.
E. He will feel pressured to deliver the tasks at hand.
5. Dr. Therese Ang, a paediatrician, has endorsed to nurses the medicines to be administered to her child patient at
the hospital. She carefully details to them the dosage needed and the timing of the administration. The next day, Dr.
Therese checks on her patient and found him responding well to the medication. She then commends the nurses
for a job well done. What do you call this process of communication?
A. Improve Productivity
B. Increase job satisfaction
C. Ensure effective operation
D. Encourage dynamic workforce
E. Reduce absenteeism and turnover rates
B. Complete the missing words in the following texts.
Workplace communication is the process of exchanging ___________________________between a person and a
group or vice versa within an organization. It is essential to the organization as it increases
____________________________________and its ability to operate _________________________________. When there is excellent
communication, workers feel motivated to go to work and their tendency to take an absence from their jobs
________________________________. Consequently, employee retention increases and the turnover rate


Communication plays a vital role in various disciplines. In science and technology, it is used to disseminate
information about scientific __________________________________ and its relevance to the __________________________________. In
health, clarity of messages is of primary importance. It allows health practitioners to work harmoniously and
ensure the well- being and safety of ________________________________________. In business, communication skills are
essential. Every member of the organization must be able to express their thoughts and concerns to the team.

Name: Date: |Score:
Course/ Year/ Section: Instructor:


It is a virtual modified message relay. Since we are on a new trend of new normal set up, use emoji instead. The
class virtually grouped for at least two. The first member of the group receives a message from your teacher either
it is a phrase or sentence. Then he/she creates emoji and pass to the next one. The process goes on until the
message is received by the last member of the group who will write it down on a sheet of paper and submit to the
teacher. The first group who can submit the right message win.

Note: For face-to-face set up, play the Message Relay to achieve effective communication objective.

B. Answer the following questions below.

1. What did you learn from this activity?
2. Is good communication a significant factor in a group activity? Explain.
3. Compare the activity to real life. What factors hinder our communication with a group?
4. What do you think are the factors that allow for the message to be effectively passed on to the group?
5. How can we improve communication in our day-to-day activities?


Name: Date: |Score:
Course/ Year/ Section: Instructor:

Writing an Incident Report

Reports serve as someone’s proof and record of events, phenomena and so forth. Some reports are used to
compile information, support statistical findings, identify and solve problems in the society. Meanwhile, some
reports are made to call for action, resolution and changes.
An incident report needs to include all the essential information about the accident or near-miss. The report-
writing process begins with fact finding and ends with recommendations for preventing future accidents.

You may use a special incident reporting form, and it might be quite extensive. But writing any incident report
involves four basic steps, and those are the focus of today’s post.

1. Find the Facts

To prepare for writing an accident report, you have to gather and record all the facts. For example:

Date, time, and specific location of incident

Names, job titles, and department of employees involved and immediate supervisor(s)
Names and accounts of witnesses
Events leading up to incident
Exactly what employee was doing at the moment of the accident
Environmental conditions (e.g. slippery floor, inadequate lighting, noise, etc.)
Circumstances (including tasks, equipment, tools, materials, PPE, etc.)
Specific injuries (including part(s) of body injured and nature and extent of injuries)
Type of treatment for injuries
Damage to equipment, materials, etc.

2. Determine the Sequence

Based on the facts, you should be able to determine the sequence of events. In your report, describe this sequence
in detail, including:
Events leading up to the incident. Was the employee walking, running, bending over, squatting, climbing, lifting
operating machinery, pushing a broom, turning a valve, using a tool, handling hazardous materials, etc.?
Events involved in the incident. Was the employee struck by an object or caught in/on/between objects? Did the
worker fall on the same level or from a height? Did the employee inhale hazardous vapors or get splashed with a
hazardous chemical?
Events immediately following the incident. What did the employee do: Grab a knee? Start limping? Hold his/her
arm? Complain about back pain? Put a hand over a bleeding wound? Also, describe how other co-workers
responded. Did they call for help, administer first aid, shut down equipment, move the victim, etc.?
The incident should be described on the report in sufficient detail that any reader can clearly picture what
happened. You might consider creating a diagram to show, in a simple and visually effective manner, the sequence
of events related to the incident and include this in your incident report. You might also wish to include photos of
the accident scene, which may help readers follow the sequence of events.

3. Analyze
Your report should include an in-depth analysis of the causes of the accident. Causes include:


Primary cause (e.g., a spill on the floor that caused a slip and fall)
Secondary causes (e.g., employee not wearing appropriate work shoes or carrying a stack of material that blocked
Other contributing factors (e.g., burned out light bulb in the area).

4. Recommend
Recommendations for corrective action might include immediate corrective action as well as long-term corrective
actions such as:
Employee training on safe work practices
Preventive maintenance activities that keep equipment in good operating condition
Evaluation of job procedures with a recommendation for changes
Conducting a job hazard analysis to evaluate the task for any other hazards and then train employees on these
Engineering changes that make the task safer or administrative changes that might include changing the way the
task is performed

A. Write a letter of incident report on a separate sheet of paper.

Case Study: Ron and Mark
Ron parked his car at Gapan Walter mart in Gapan City. After checking his mirrors, Ron slowly reversed out of a
parking spot at the shops when he suddenly felt a bump. Ron had run into a car that was behind him, and he does not
have comprehensive car insurance. He tried to resolve the dispute with Mark, the owner of the other car and sent him
a letter of demand to pay for the cost of repairs to his car. Mark has to respond to the letter of demand.
Task to do:
Supposed that you are in Mark’s situation, how would you deal with the given problem? Write an incidental report to
the Gapan Police Station stating your position that you were not at fault during the incident. If you believe that you
were not at fault in the car accident, you should tell the other party why you deny their claim.
Remember that it is good idea to always be polite and courteous when communicating to the other party. Write your
letter on a separate paper.
B. Fill up the Incident Form below.
Incident Report Form
Full Name
( )Student ( )Employee ( ) Visitor ( ) Vendor
Phone Numbers Home: Cell: Work:


Date of Incident Time Police Notified ( ) Yes ( ) No
Location of Incident
Description of Incident (what happened, how it happened, factors leading to the event, etc.) Be as
specific as possible (attached additional sheets if necessary)


Were there any witnesses to the incident? ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, attach separate sheet with names,
addresses, and phone numbers.
Was the individual injured? If so, describe the injury (laceration, sprain, etc.), the part of body
injured, and any other information known about the resulting injury (ies).

Was medical treatment provided? ( ) Yes ( )No ( )Refused If yes, where was treatment provided:
( ) on site ( ) Urgent Care ( )Emergency Room ( ) Other

Individual Submitting Report (print name)
Date Report Completed

Report Received By _______________________________________ Date:__________________________

Document any follow-up action taken after receipt of the incident report.
Date Action Taken By Whom


: Fundamentals of Effective Communication Workplace

To create a positive and maintain work environment is to have an effective workplace communication. It is central
to all business goals to achieve high-performance culture. Exchanging information and ideas within an
organization brings success and happiness. Thus in this module, it helps the students to realize the best
fundamental practices to be committed and have productive workforce in the future.

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;
1. Learn the critical communication skills in the workplace
2. Find out the strategies or techniques for communicating more effectively in a work and environment.
3. Explain the importance of effective communication in the workplace
4. Adopt an awareness of your audience


Name: Date: |Score:

Course/ Year/ Section: Instructor:
A. Analyze the following pictures on activity 2.1 figure and explain what have you understood based on its
Write your insights and explanation below.


B. Provide an extra sheet of paper and share your list in the class for the discussion.
A. List all you can that you think are the positive traits to attain success in business goals and promote good
employment relationships.
B. List all you can do you think are the problem or barriers that cause a failure to achieve success business goals
and good employment relationships.


Collaborating with a group is not an easy task. Anyone who has had the experience of teaming up with a
group on a certain activity or assignment would know how challenging it is. Each person has his or her unique
ideas. Every individual within a group shares and receives information differently. To be able to successfully work
together on the assignment, it is essential for all to know how to communicate well with one another.

The same goes for communication that occurs in the workplace. Every member of the organization must be
able to exchange messages clearly and concisely as possible to encourage cooperation, commitment, and

To make this possible, people must have essential communication skills to begin with. These skills serve as
the foundation through which we begin conversations and create connections with others.
Rittman (2015) suggests five tips for developing critical communication skills in the workplace:
1. Listen- Communicating greatly involves listening to others. When listening, full attention needed to be able
to absorb what is being said. Avoid letting your biases control what you want to hear from the speaker.

2. Pay attention to your non verbal cues- this means making sure our non-verbal skills are in sync with we
want to express verbally. Facial expressions, gestures and posture can communicate a lot.
Examples of good non-verbal communication in the workplace are:
a) Making direct eye contact
b) Standing tall and avoiding slouching
c) Sitting up straight
d) Giving firm handshakes
e) Wearing proper uniform outfit

3. Know your audience- this means being able to tell what method of communication best suits your boss or
co-worker and gets you the best response. Does your boss respond quickly to your emails or does he
address your concern faster if you see him personally at his office? Does your colleague prefer receiving
files via emails than being handed down hard copies of these documents? Choosing the most appropriate
means of communication, thus, depends on your target audience.
4. Remember to clarify the message you received- Everyone receives and comprehend the message
differently. If ever you are uncertain with how you understand it, avoid making assumptions at the outset.
Clarify your concerns face-to-face to make sure you have gotten the message right. In this way, you don’t
waste time and efforts trying to make sense of efforts trying to make sense of something that is not the
matter at hand.
5. Get to the point- keep your messages brief, clear and direct as possible to avoid confusion among co-
workers. Avoid beating around the bush or making vague statements that may not be properly understood
by all.
6. Mastery of these communication skills is one thing. Knowing how to apply these in the workplace is
another. When interacting with co-workers, complementing you skills with communication strategies can
spell a big difference.


Consider these three strategies on how to improve communication in the workplace (North, n.d.):
To figure out how to communicate with others, evaluate your communication style. Assess if you are
someone who needs time to process and reflect on your thoughts or who thinks quickly, likes to be outspoken and
gets immediate feedback.
At the same time, assess the communication style of your co-workers. Different styles require different approaches.
Personality tests such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) may help determine if they fall under these two
1. “Thinkers”- they are guided by cause-and-effect reasoning. When engaging with thinkers, concentrate on
the facts and logic.
2. “Feelers”- they are guided more by personal values. When interacting with feelers, appeal to those values
and stress their impact on others.


Occasionally, conflicts will arise within the organization and when this happens, the team has to work together to
find a solution.
North suggests organizing a group discussion. To facilitate this, prepare and send out an agenda in advance,
express clearly the purpose of the meeting, frame the decision making with key questions, and clarify the

The following four steps could help during the meeting:

1. Identify the problem. Everyone in the team should be aware of the issue at hand.
2. Ventilate feelings. It is important that each person is given a chance to share how they feel about the
3. Describe the problem. Everyone should know its complexities.
4. Develop solutions. Discuss all the options and then narrow them done to the best one.
Ideally, the group discussion should arrive at a consensus, where everyone concurs to the proposed solution. But in
case this is not feasible, the people may decide on a majority vote, resort to a third- party option or even
temporarily suspend the discussion.

Example of the topics for group discussion:

 How to beef up security in the mall in the face of terror threats or possible attacks.
 Implementation of anti-dengue preventive measures in schools amidst disease outbreak.
 Marketing strategies to attract more restaurant customers and address the dip in sales.
 Employees’ proper usage of social media vis-á-vis the company’s code of ethics.
 Compliance to the government’s anti-smoking law for all establishments.

Giving and receiving criticism in the workplace is unavoidable yet oftentimes uncomfortable for the persons
involved. Nevertheless, managers and rank-and-file employees should learn to have a better approach to it.
Leaders and managers, for example, should choose to give their criticisms in private settings so that workers do
not feel threatened or embarrassed. They must work out a plan to address the concern so that both parties have
expectations that are both realistic and attainable. Meanwhile, those on the receiving end of the criticism should
avoid becoming defensive, admit they still have room for growth and ask how they can do their work better.
Making the conversation solution- oriented and collaborative can help managers and their staffs keep their
emotions in check and maintain their professionalism every time.
One-on –one conversation
Marketing Manager: “You created a very catchy and entertaining marketing campaign for our Christmas sale and I
would like to congratulate you for a job well done.”
Assistant: “Thank you Sir.”


Marketing Manager: “However, it has come to my attention that we faced some logistical issues during the campaign.
The collaterals we produced ran out so quickly that you needed to have more copies produced as soon as possible. This
has caused us to go beyond our approved budget for this campaign and make rush purchase orders.”
Assistant: “Yes sir, due to a greater demand and the need to cater to more communities, we had to produce more
Marketing Manager: “It’s all right. We can reallocate some of our funds to cover for those additional costs. But next
time, I would most appreciate if you could prepare a more comprehensive budget to accommodate additional costs as
contingency. In that way, we don’t have to cram and worry where to get our budget.”
Assistant: “Thank you sir, I will definitely do that next time.”

Name: Date: |Score:
Course/ Year/ Section: Instructor:
Encircle the letter of the correct answer from the given choices.
1. Which of these items is NOT a form of non-verbal communication?
A. Swaying
B. Sitting up straight
C. Donning a corporate suit
D. Making direct eye contact
E. Articulating loudly one’s opinion
2. If you are a manager, what is an effective way of giving criticism to your subordinate?
A. Expressing it an emotional level.
B. Stating the criticism in front of a group.
C. Working out a plan with very high expectations.
D. Initiating a conversation that is non- collaborative.
E. Giving it privately so that workers don’t feel embarrassed.
3. When does a person demonstrate a “thinker” communication style:
A. He/she is guided by emotions.
B. He/she likes to get immediate feedback.
C. Personal values affect his/her decisions.
D. The person takes any form of criticism as well.
E. Facts and logical reasoning matter most to him/her.
4. When organizing a group discussion, it is necessary to prepare this document in advance and distribute it to
meeting attendees:
A. Timeline
B. Meeting agenda
C. Meeting minutes
D. Memo announcement
E. PowerPoint presentation
5. The following are critical communication skills in the workplace according to Rittman except one:
A. Listening
B. Clarifying the message
C. Being direct to the point
D. Problem solving with a group
E. Knowing your target audience.


Name: Date: |Score:
Course/ Year/ Section: Instructor:

Watch the animated film “Finding Dory” (2016 release) then answer the questions below. Find out how
communication is shown in a light and amusing fashion in this movie.
1. What is the film about?
2. Did communication play a part in Dory’s search for her parents?
3. How did the main characters help Dory reunite with her parents? What communication skills did they
4. Based on the film, are communication skills important in Dory’s search?
5. What challenges did Dory and the other characters face when they were looking for the former’s parents?
6. What does the film tell you about effective workplace communication?



A. Submit online a video recording of a job interview. Do this task together with your partner; pretend you are
applying for a certain job. Apply the strategies and techniques in learning the fundamentals of effective
communication workplace.

B. Submit online a video recording of a normal set up during class hours or office works that shows effective
workplace communication.
Note: If face –to – face class set up is not yet available, you can ask your family members to help you in
accomplishing the task. Be sure to wear the appropriate attire to show the effectiveness of role playing.

1. What do you think is the important of effective communication in the workplace?
2. Why do you need to learn about it at this point in your life?
3. How do you think it will help you in the future?



In today’s competitive world, effective communication skills is one of the major determinants of a successful
and lasting career professionally or even in entrepreneurship. It is the foundation in which robust careers and strong
competencies are built. In this lesson, students will be introduced to the basic concepts of effective communication that
can lead to workplace success. They will learn more about the job search or become entrepreneurs themselves. Some
activities are designed to experience establishing social enterprise where they are able to write various
communicative purposes.

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;
1. Understand the various processes in creating business messages.
2. Analyze business messages in relation to different planning goals: Intended audience, idea development, and
message structure.
3. Plan and create business letters and circulars.
4. Adopt awareness of good practices in business writing and oral presentations.


We are hiring HOME-BASED ONLINE ENGLISH TUTOR for our Korean clients.
- No age limit
- Having an experience is not a must, but an advantage
- Must have excellent oral and written communication skills
- Must have at least 2 mbps internet connection speed (DSL)
- Wireless or any Wi-Fi connection is not acceptable
- Must be willing to work at home, a quite environment must be assured.


For interested applicants, please call at 0808-9123-432 or email us at

Note: To submit online the e-mail letters, send it to the instructor’s e-mail/g-mail account for checking.

Look at the job advertisement above and assume that you decided to give it a try. Now you need to send an email to
express your intent to apply for the job. But, you are given a double challenge. In the first e-mail template, you
write an e-mail to your friend who posted that ad above, which means your friend, is the one looking for a tutor. In
the second template, you will write an e-mail to a stranger whose tutorial ad appeared in your newsfeed.

Email Template:


E-mail 1: For your FB friend
Compose email

E-mail 2: For an Unknown Employer


Compose email


If you have internet access, send you email to yourself and to your teacher. Make sure to label which e-mail is
for your friend and which is for the unknown employer. Follow correct format of application letter writing.


To facilitate efficient sharing of information within an organization, plain English and various means of
communication are used in the workplace. Knowledge and awareness of how to use these tools can help every
person be understood clearly and quickly. This helps save time, efforts and resources and paves way for increased
productivity at work.

One common misconception is the need to use big words when communicating, most particularly when writing.
Some people think these would sound smart and help them express their thoughts or ideas better. However, the
key to effective communication is to keep the language as simple as possible.
What is plain English?
It refers to language that is simple and sharp. Sentences are organized concisely in a way that is easy to read and
understand. These should not contain needless words (Strunk Jr.& White, 2000). Clichés and jargon should be
omitted especially if the target reader is not keen to understand such complex terms.
According to Mackenzie, et al. (2009), plain English means the use of the following:
- Simple words
- Active verbs
- Short, simple sentences
- Conversational-style writing
- Pronouns like ‘he,’ ‘she’ and ‘we’
X Last year’s annual income will be reported by the hotel manager
 The hotel manager will report last year’s annual income.
 The tree planting project will be entered into a discussion by the environment committee tomorrow.
 The environment committee will discuss the tree planting project tomorrow.
X The policymakers have come to decision on the jeepney modernization.
 The policymakers have decided on the jeepney modernization program.


Wrench (2013) notes that there are three primary means of communication in the workplace: 1. Print; 2.
Electronic; and 3. Face-to- Face Communication.
Traditional print materials that have long been used in the workplace before the advent of digital technology are
still widely used and relevant today in any kind of industry. These include business letters, memos, newsletters,
cover letters, and curriculum vitae, among many others.
2. Business Letters. One of the most common means of communication used for work is the business letter.
It is a formal document that follows a specific format. Organizations often have a template format for
business letters, which are often used to communicate information or concerns with a third-party or a
recipient outside the organization. Business letters are usually printed using the company’s letterhead. But
if letterhead is not available, the sender’s address is indicated at the top of the letter.
An effective business letters has the following elements:
a) Simple font. Generally accepted font is Times New Roman with 12 pt. Size. Other fonts may be used as long
as they are easy to read.
b) Positive and polite tone. Your letter should sound engaging and courteous, not arrogant or forceful, to keep
your recipient interested with what you have written.
c) Clear, organized format. From salutation, body of the letter to the closing, the sentences and paragraphs
should go together.


d) Accurate information. Make sure that the recipient’s name, title and address as well as other information
mentioned in the letter are correct and updated. You don’t want to send out letter with the wrong
recipients’ name or title and have it returned to you because of that error. Sending a letter with incorrect
information may not sit well with your recipient and cast a negative feedback on your organization.
e) Proper Punctuation. Some people are not so keen on punctuation but knowing its proper usage says a great
deal when it comes to letters. Always use a colon after the salutation and a comma after the closing.
f) Consistent layout. This means using a chosen layout repeatedly throughout the letter. Types of layout are
the following:
Block. The whole letter is justified to the left with single spaces except for a double space between paragraphs.
Modified Block. All the texts in this letter are left-justified and single-spaced except for the date and closing which
are placed in the center.
Semi- block. Just like the full block format, all are left-justified except for the indention at the beginning of each
Here’s the sample of a business letter in block format:


123 Winner’s Road

New Employee Town, PA 12345

March 16, 2001

Ernie English
1234 Writing Lab Lane
Write City, IN 12345

Dear Mr. English:

The first paragraph of a typical business letter is used to state the main point of
the letter. Begin with a friendly opening; then quickly transition into the
purpose of your letter. Use a couple of sentences to explain the purpose, but do
not go into detail until the next paragraph.

Beginning with the second paragraph, state the supporting details to justify
your purpose. These may take the form of background information, statistics or
first-hand accounts. A few short paragraphs within the body of the letter
should be enough to support your reasoning.

Finally, in the closing paragraph, briefly restate your purpose and why it is
important. If the purpose of your letter is employment related, consider ending
your letter with your contact information. However, if the purpose is
informational, think about closing with gratitude for the reader’s time.


Lucy Letter



A memorandum or memo is a short document that is written to brief employees on policy changes, procedures,
important decisions, and outcomes and persuade them to take an action. It is also used to make requisitions such
as those concerning budget and purchase of supplies. Straightforward and easy-to-read, a memo is most effectively
used when sent to a small to moderate number of people to communicate company or job objectives (Perkins &
Brizee, 2013).
Memos follow this general format for the heading, which may be similar to email messages:
TO: (Reader’s names and job titles)
FROM: (your name and job title)
DATE: (Complete and current date)
SUBJECT: (Highlights what the memo is about)
After heading, the next parts of the memo are an opening paragraph, discussion part and a closing paragraph.
Include attachments if necessary to provide more information on your subject and indicate these at the bottom of
the page.

DATE: May 1, 2010

TO: All writing consultants and administrators

FROM: M.L. Dickinson, Executive Director [initial here, MLD]

SUBJECT: Mandatory Staff Meetings

CC: Vic Nabokov, Director of Student Services

Starting this fall, our weekly staff meetings will move to 8:15 Wednesday mornings and
will be held in our conference room. All staff members will be required to attend. I know 8:15 is
early for meeting, but this is the only date and time that doesn’t conflict with anyone’s class
schedule. If you have a conflict with this meeting time, you need to let ne know immediately.

Remember: your attendance at all staff meetings is crucial to your job performance. At these
meetings, you get updated information about changes to our policies and learn valuable
consulting techniques from your colleagues. We’ll send a schedule of meeting topics out to all
employees at the beginning of the semester.

If you have a conflict or any questions about the staff meetings, contact me at my extension, 555-
Weekly Team Meeting
Date: 12 October 20XX
Time: 8:30- 10: 00 am
Place: Conference Room, 1st Floor
Attendees: Alfred Woo (Chair), Tina Chan, Jack Cheung, Sue Clark, Alex Lam, Sophie
Minutes: Jack Cheung

Welcome and introduce new member Tina Chan AW 5 minutes
Business Arising AW 20 minutes
Office Renovation- recommendations for new furniture NS 15 minutes
Conference Planning- report from committee AL 20 minutes
GAPAN Committee- problem with
CITY COLLEGEPage event late-corners
MODULE10 minutes
Charity Drive- report on donations AS 5 minutes
AOB (15 minutes)
Meeting Agenda. An agenda refers to a written plan, which shows the order of topics to be discussed at a meeting.
This aims to give team members a quick overview of what meeting is all about so that no company time is wasted.
Meeting Minutes. This communication material provides a record of discussions and decisions taken at a meeting
(McKenzie, et. al, 2009). A vital workplace document, it contains the most important points tackled – the actions
taken, the issues covered, and the outcomes agreed upon by the attendees. A good set of minutes stands as a lasting
record, which the group can consult in the future if there are any questions about what decisions had been made in
the past (Adler, Elmhorst, & Lucas, 2013). Therefore, proper taking and writing down the minutes is an important
communication skill. When preparing this, always remember to include the following:
- Date, time, and venue
- Attendees and absentees
- Agenda items and key outcomes


Palawan Tour Operators Council Meeting

Date: 22 February 2017

Time: 3:00- 5:00 pm

Place: Villa Marina Conference Room

Chair: David Ramos

Minutes: Alyssa Lima

Attendees: Rudolph de Castro, Lauren Santos, Arizona Jacob, Siena Baristo, Eleanor Sy

Absentees (with apologies): Sean dela Merced, Maja Kintanar


CV/ Resume. When searching for a job at any kind of workplace, the most important thing you will need is a CV,
also called a resume. Coined from the Latin words ‘curriculum vitae,’ a CV contains a summary of a person’s
background, skills and qualifications.

Your resume serves as your first step towards getting hired. If you have a good resume, it can get you an interview,
which can eventually give you a fighting chance to land that job.

A potential employer gets first impression of you from your resume. As such, this document needs to be carefully
written, systematically presented and kept up-to-date every time you apply for a new position.

According to Adler, Elmhorst, and Lucas (2013), a resume should contain the following basic information:
a) Name and contact information
b) Objective or summary of qualifications
c) Educations
d) Experience
e) Special interest and Aptitudes
f) Memberships
g) Certifications
h) Reference List
Cover letter. A cover letter, which comes with your CV or resume, is also important factor to getting hired. It
should complement your resume, and interpret the details presented in the CV. Adding a personal touch to your
application, a cover letter should explain or describe the reason why you are interested in the position and the
workplace. To write a cover letter, follow the standard format of a business letter.
This refers to business e-mail, telephone, SMS, intranet, and internet sites, video and audio materials delivered
online or on disc and social media applications. In this section, we’ll just tackle the two most commonly used-
business e-mail and telephone communication.

Ms. Rhonda West
Customer Service Manager
Acme Inc.
123 Corporate Blvd.
Sometown, CO 50802

Re: Customer Service Representative Opening (Ref. ID: CS300- Denver)

Dear Mrs. West:

I was excited to see your opening for a customer service rep, and I hope to be invited for an interview.
My background includes serving a customer service associate within both call-center and retail environments. Most recently, I
worked on the customer service desk for Discount – Mart, where my responsibilities included handling customer merchandise returns,
issuing refunds/store credits, flagging damaged merchandise for shipment back to vendors and providing back up cashiering during busy
Previously, I worked within two high-volume customer-support call centers for a major telecommunications carrier and a
satellite television services provider. In these positions, I demonstrated the ability to resolve a variety of issues and complaints (such as
billing disputes, service interruptions or cut offs, repair technician delays/ no-shows and equipment malfunctions). I consistently met my
call-volume goals, handling an average of 56 to 60 calls per day.
In addition to this experience, I gained considerable customer service skills during my part-time employment as a waitress and
restaurant hostess while in high school.
I also bring to the table strong computer proficiencies in MS Word, MS Excel and CRM database applications and a year of college
(business major). Please see the accompanying resume for details of my experience and education.
I am confident that I can offer you the customer service, communication and problem-solving skills you are seeking. Feel free to
call me at 5555-555-555 (home) or 5555-555-5555 (cell) to arrange an interview. Thank you for your time- I look forward to learning
more about this opportunity!

Sue Ling
Enclosure: Resume


Business E-mail
Communication via e-mail is probably one of the most commonly used means in today’s workplace. Less formal
than a business letter, it is a fast, easy and cost- effective way of sending messages to co-workers. Since it can be
read by the recipient anytime and anywhere, an e-mail message is usually used for concerns that do not require an
urgent response.
The format of a business e-mail is just like a business letter but kept short and straight to the point. It is usually
written in a tone that is personal yet business-like especially when you aim to create good customer relations.
Telephone/ Mobile Phone Communication
When making the first point of contact of the customer or when attending to a very urgent concern, telephone or
mobile phone communication is still widely used. It is important to observe good telephone etiquette when calling
someone. Be polite and smile when you call as this would positively affect the tone of your voice. Make sure you
speak clearly and correctly to be able to communicate your message well and listen carefully to the other person so
you would know what to reply to him.

What is regarded the best method of communication is done face-to –face. It fosters interpersonal rapport and
trust (Wrench, 2013).
In the workplace, face-to- face communication is through one- on- one conversations, group meetings, and training
or workshops sessions, town hall-style group meetings. Virtual applications such as Skype video conferences are
also considered under this means of communication.
Wrench enumerates the following advantages of face-to-face communication:
1. Allows employees to hear information directly from management.
2. Verbal and nonverbal cues reinforce messages
3. Immediate interactivity feedback
4. Best method of communication that appeals to one’s emotions
5. Promotes teamwork and trust
6. Requires focused attention by all parties involved.
With face-to-face communication, however, you only get one shot in making an appeal or impression so you have
to do it well the first time around. Some people also make judgements based on their personality of the
speaker/presenter. Such judgement can negatively affect their perception of a message, regardless if it is well-
crafted or not.


Your choice of communication medium for work will depend on what your audience needs and prefers. With the
wide variety of means and tools available, it should be the one that will help you to get the message across most
clearly and effectively to your target audience. This medium should be the most appealing to employees and keep
them motivated and engaged with their workplace.


A. Analyze the following business letter and answer the questions that follow.

1. Who is the sender of the letter?

2. To whom the letter is addressed for?
3. What is the letter all about?
4. What type of letter format is used by the sender?
5. Think about the content of the letter, does it follows all the effective elements in business writing? Why? Justify
your answer.



A. Work by group. Analyze and evaluate the following cover letters using the rubric that follows. Be prepared
to provide explanations/ proofs of your rating.
Cover Letter 1

May 20, 2020

Human Resource Department

St. Scholastica’s College, Manila
2560 Leon Guinto St., Malate, Manila

To whom it may concern:

I read your ad for the assistant position and would like to apply. As my resume shows you, I
have a lot of great experience that you can use. And, IMHO, this job is exactly what I want!!!

Please review my resume and call me soon to schedule an interview. I am so eager to meet you.
Hope to CU soon!!!


Debbie Jobhunter


Cover letter 2


(3pts.) (2pts.) (1pt.) (3pts.) (2pts.) (1pt.)
The letter follows the format of a
business letter.
It also contains the key elements like
date, address of the recipient, etc.
The letter is written in grammatical,
clear and concise way. It is also free of
spelling and punctuation errors.
The introductory paragraph stated the
position being sought and the reason for
the applicant’s interest in the position.
The main paragraph clearly stated the
applicant’s qualifications and his
contribution or value that he can offer to
the employer.
The applicant expressed his gratitude to
the reader for taking time to read the
letter. It also stated the applicant’s polite
request for a follow up action.

Write your justification for your rating here:



B. Complete the basic information about writing cover letters below.

What is the purpose of a cover letter?

What are the basic parts of a cover letter and list down what should be included in each part?


DO’s of Writing Cover Letters DON’TS of Writing Cover Letters


Business Writing Exercise
A. Resume and Cover Letter Writing
Write a cover letter and a resume responding to a job opening. Refer to the job listing below.

Job Description
Are you ready to experience how Accenture innovators are empowered to succeed? Apply to be our next Service
Desk Voice Support in Manila. Send your application online, our recruiter will reach out to you for the remote
processing of your application.
Provide technical support for resolution of customers’ IT problems, incidents, issues, requests and queries
Liaise with other support teams as necessary to resolve customer requests or incidents
Ensure proper documentation, notification, escalation, and tracking and follow up of all incidents
Graduate of any Bachelor’s degree
Undergraduates with 2 years of college education plus 6 months of relevant work experience are welcome to apply
With good knowledge and skills in IT
Interest in providing technical support and assistance to clients and end-users via call, chat and email
Excellent written and verbal English communication skills
What we offer:
• Health Insurance (HMO) & Life Insurance coverage from day 1 of employment
• Expanded maternity leave up to 120 days*
• Expanded paternity leave up to 30 days*
• Employee Stock Purchase Plan
• Loyalty and Christmas Gift
• Inclusion and Diversity Benefits
• Night Differential
• Allowances
• Car and Housing Plan
• Company-sponsored trainings, up skilling, and certification
• Flexible Working Arrangements
• Healthy and Encouraging Work Environment

*Terms and conditions apply

Additional Information
Career Level


Less than 1 Year Experienced Employee
Bachelors/College Degree
Job Type
Job Specializations
Services, Customer Service
Company Overview
Accenture is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions in
strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. We help organizations maximize their performance and
achieve their vision. We develop and implement technology solutions to improve our clients’ productivity and
efficiency — and may run parts of their operations on their behalf. Ultimately, we enable our clients to become
high-performance businesses and governments. With approximately 442,000 people serving clients in more than
120 countries, Accenture drives innovation to improve the way the world works and lives.
Career Centers
· 4F Gateway Tower 2, General Malvar Street, Cubao, Quezon City
Monday - Friday | 9AM-5PM

If you would like to consider for employment opportunity with Accenture, please call us at 0917-545-9341
or send us an email at

B. Memo Writing
Write memos based on the information given:

1. You work for Keith Pharmaceuticals as a Human Resources Manager. Write a memo to all employees announcing
the forthcoming company outing. The event will be held Friday, November 10, 2020 at Samal Island. You have a
free- hand in deciding what activities or games to include. The memo body should have at most two full paragraphs
and be direct to the point.

2. Suppose you are Dr.____________ (College President, Gapan City College). Write a memo from you to all parents
regarding the enforcement of a new, more advanced ID system for 2020-2021 school year. You will have to decide
on the details of the ID system, which aims to strengthen the security of students on campus. Address the memo to
parents in a specific but creative approach. Explain clearly the reason why this is needed and include the

C. Meeting Minutes Writing

Conduct a mock meeting wherein each of your classmates in a group of five members acts as a member of
organization. Think of a situation that your company are working for at the verge of introducing a new product.
The committee task is to define the product’s value proposition and decide how to sell in the market. Discuss and
share with the group some strategies that could utilize in promoting the said product. Assign one member to take
down the meeting minutes, which will be submitted to the teacher.



It’s a great opportunity to reach the final lesson in this unit. It enhances the students’ capability in developing
oral presentation skills. Wherein, these skills cover a variety of areas such as structure of the presentation, the designs
of the slides, the tone of the voice and the body language to convey. Thus, in this unit’s final lesson will provide the
students to develop verbal language proficiency skills through oral presentation and learning the strategies in
workplace communication.

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;
1. Understand the importance of effective oral communication skills in the workplace.
2. Know how to tailor presentation with target audience and the purpose in mind.
3. Determine the characteristics of an effective presentation.
4. Develop and prepare presentation of effective workplace communication.
5. Promote effective presentation skills toward workplace communication.

Watch the following link below on YouTube and give your insights and analysis after.

After watching the videos, prepare at least five questions each and exchange it towards your partner. Then,
both of you answer the exchanged questions. Share your analysis base from the answered questions in the class for
further discussion of the new lesson.




Speaking to an audience is inevitable when it come to the workplace. Whatever your field or nature of your job, you
will need to give a speech or presentation to share your ideas at work. Account executives and sales
representatives often deliver presentation to persuade potential clients to buy their products. Human resource
professionals brief employees on employment terms, company policies, and procedures. Health care workers
inform the public on pressing health issues in the community.
Even when you communicate through written or memo or report, there will be time when you need to present
your ideas personally. Oral presentation gives you the opportunity to answer questions, explain your ideas, and
offer immediate feedback. Also they are often more persuasive as speaker’s knowledge, enthusiasm, and apparent
confidence an influence people to accept or reject an idea in a way that a written document cannot (Adler,
Elmhorst, & Lucas, 2013).


It is significant to make sure whom you want to appeal to when you develop your presentation. Before you begin
with in creating some, it is important that you first identify and analyze your audience. Hence, sometimes a
presentation you have prepared for a group of officers may not be suitable for a group of entry-level employees.
You should identify the key members of the audience who will decide who will decide on your appeal. If you are
presenting before executives and managers, most often than not the power to decide rests on those leaders in
higher positions. In this case, appeal to the executives who can approve or reject the ideas you have shared with


The presentation should also fit the occasion. It should be appropriate to the circumstances such as the venue, the
time of the day, the duration or length of time you have to speak, and the context such as the current events that
may affect the views of the audience.


- When preparing your presentation use this checklist as a guide (McKenzie et. al., 2013)
- Who are you speaking to? Formal or informal situation?
- What do you want to say? What should they know when you are finished?
- Why is it important for your audience to listen to you? Why should they listen?
- How are you going to deliver the talk? Which words, gestures, and visual aids will you use?
- When will each part of your speech be given? Schedule the talking/ activities.
- Where will the presentation take place? Room arrangement and seating plan?


To boost speaker credibility and increase audience comprehension, presentations must be clearly developed and
The most important points to establish the beginning are the goal statement and the thesis statement, also called
as the central or key idea. The goal statement describes what you want to accomplish with your audience.
Meanwhile, the thesis statement conveys to your audience your main idea. To distinguish these two statements,
take a look at these examples:
Goal Thesis
I want these clients to adapt our software for Adapting our software will help speed up your
their businesses. business processes.
I want co-workers to understand the Observing sustainable practices in the


importance of sustainable practices to protect workplace contributes to environmental
the environment. protection and energy conservation.
I want these hotel executives to be advertised on There will be an increase in the number of hotel
our magazine. guests and sales when you advertise in our

Once you have established your goal and the thesis statements, you can now refer to these when writing and
organizing your presentation.

According to Adler, Elmhorst, & Lucas (2013), the standard fromat fro presentation goes like this:
This is usually includes a catchy remark to grab the attention of the audience, the thesis statement, and preview of
the main points you will be discussing for the rest of the presentation.

The body of the presentation consists of two to five main points to support your central idea. It can follow any of
the following organizational patterns:
Chronological – arranging points based on their sequence in time.
Spatial- organizing material according to how it is put together or where it is physically located.
Topical- providing a list of points around some logical themes in your subject.
Cause- effect- showing how certain events will happen due to certain circumstances.

End your presentation by returning to what you have stated in your opening statement. Consider adding a unique
point, challenging your audience to take action, or concluding with a fascinating story that they will be remember.


To be able to present well, consider the following parts:
1. Practice. Rehearse your presentation many times. The more you practice, the more you become familiar
with your material and the more you become natural with the delivery. Practice lets you imagine the
possible scenario when you are actually presenting to an audience. it builds your confidence, establishes
the tone of your delivery, and makes you more comfortable with the visual aids you will be using during
your speech.
2. Voice- your voice is a versatile and essential tool for your presentation. Play around with its volume, pace
and pitch to engage with your audience (University of Leicester, 2009).
3. Volume- your voice must be loud enough for your audience to hear your words clearly.
4. Pace- the speed of your delivery should not be too quick or slow. It should be as easy to follow.
5. Pitch- Vary your pitch when you want to make a point or emphasize something to keep your presentation
6. Eye contact- Establish a connection with the audience by making eye contact with them. this allows you to
convey your message at a personal level and the audience will feel more engaged with what you are saying.
7. Gestures – be conscious in your gestures when presenting as these are non-verbal cues that can positively
or negatively affect your verbal messages. Open gestures, such as arms extended out to the audience or
away from your body, make you look more welcoming to your audience. Uses only enough gestures as too
many of which may make you look nervous or awkward.
8. Posture – your posture speaks volumes about your confidence. When presenting, match your posture with
the mood you want your audience to feel. A very upright posture will create a very formal atmosphere. If
you sway or rock back and forth, you will appear nervous or unfocused. Your goal is to have a comfortable
stance yet maintain authority throughout your presentation. This is ideal posture that will put your
audience at ease while drawing their attention to your presentation.


9. Personal Appearance Grooming – make sure your first impression is a powerful one. Look well-groomed
for the presentation. This means turning up at the venue with hair tidied up and your face clean. If you are a
woman, wearing just the right amount of make-up will make you look more presentable. In addition to
grooming, your choices of clothes also have an impact on your audience’s first impression of you. The key is
to dress appropriately for the occasion and target audience. Wear business attire when you are speaking to
a group of bank professionals. Sport a casual or laid-back ensemble if you are speaking at a fun team-
building activity.
Using visual aids is a good strategy for making your presentations more effective. It reinforces and strengthens the
persuasiveness of the message you want to convey.
Choose from a wide variety of visual aids to support your presentation:
a) Hand- outs. On the day your presentation, give a copy of the hand- out to every member of the audience. A
hand-out can help your audience understand or retain ideas from your presentation.
b) Flip Chart- This type of visual aid is applicable to small audiences. Draw graphs or charts on the flip chart
to underscore key ideas.
c) Whiteboard- If you are speaking to a small group of people makes use of a whiteboard. List down legibly
the main points to guide your audience with the flow of your presentation.
d) Video/ Audio- A video footage or an audio clip is sometimes necessary to communicate a very powerful
e) Slides – A slide presentation is perhaps the most commonly used visual aid in today’s workplace. Catering
to both small and large groups, it is usually in the form of Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple Keynote slides,
which can serve as memory aids and hand outs for the audience.

For further learning, watch the following link of video below:


A. FILL IN THE BLANKS: Complete the missing points from the sentences below.

1. When you provide a list of points around logical theme, this organizational pattern is described as
2. The _____________________________________ tells your audience the central idea while the
3. ______________________________describes what you want to achieve with your audience.
4. The presentation should be appropriate to the _____________________________, which means it should match the
venue, time and day, and the context by which it will be given.
5. A type of visual aid that makes use of graphs or charts to highlight key ideas is called
6. The ___________________________consists of the thesis statement and the preview of the main points you will be
7. An upright posture will create a ________________________________atmosphere.
8. _______________________________builds one’s confidence and let’s him/her imagine the possible scenario of the actual
9. _______________________________ gestures make you look more welcoming and engaging to the audience.
10. The slowness or quickness of vocal delivery is called ________________________________.
11. Organizing points based on where it is physically located in the relation to a key idea refers to a
12. Utilizing ____________________________________ offers a good way to make your presentation more effective and
reinforce the message you want to deliver to your audience.
13. A _____________________________________ provides a person the opportunity to explain ideas, answer questions and
give immediate feedback.
14. The ________________________________ is composed of two to five main points to support your central idea.
15. Proper _______________________________ is the key to making a powerful impression.
1. Explain the importance of knowing one’s audience first before making a presentation? Cite examples.
2. View the presentation titled “Giving presentations worth listening to” by Gordon Kangas of TEDxEMU. Refer to
this link: What does it say about effective presentations? Summarize the
points noted by Kangas.
3. Watch the presentation of Amy Cuddy titled, “Your body language shapes who you are”.


Work with your partner and do the following task assigned by the teacher.
1. Let’s say you are the City Tourism officer and you are tasked to give a glimpse of the history of your hometown
to a group of tourists. Come up with a brief outline of your presentation with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
For the body, use a chronological pattern to organize your thoughts.
2. Suppose you are a company nurse to give a presentation on “Covid- 19 Health Protocol and Safety Measures”.
Your aim is to encourage all employees to protect themselves from this deadly disease. Write a short presentation
following simple format of introduction, body, and conclusion.
3. Assume that you are the Public Relations Manager of a restaurant. Write a short presentation of the media
campaign you could do to increase publicity of the restaurant’s products and offerings. Make sure you have clearly
stated your introduction, body, and conclusion.
CRITERIA 5 pts 10 pts 15pts 20pts
Subject matter Does not have grasp of Is comfortable with Is comfortable with Full knowledge of
knowledge information, cannot information and can information, answers information, able to
answer audience only answer the basic questions briefly. elaborate easily and
questions questions. provide thorough
Structure Difficult to follow, no Difficult to follow as Information presented Information presented
obvious sequence of skips around the topic logically, easy to follow. logically, in a fresh and
information and loses thread. interesting way, easy to
Non-verbal Minimal eye contact, Eye contact some of the Audience engaged but Good rapport, including
communication reading from time/some of the not fully relaxed or all audience, eye contact,
notes/visual aid, audience, turns back, absorbed. welcoming questions.
audience switched off. read notes
Verbal communication Mumbles, uses jargon, Difficult to hear some of Most audience can hear Can be clearly heard and
difficult to hear, the time, only some and understand understood by all
hesitates. jargon explained. audience.
Use of Visual Aids, No supporting visual Visual Aids, Graphics or Relevant and timely use Confident use of quality
Graphics and Support aids, graphics or support support material do not of visual aids, graphics visual aids, graphics and
Material material to increase increase audience and support material;, support material,
audience understanding understanding. increasing audience furthering audience
understanding. understanding
Accuracy Multiple mistakes, such 3 mistakes, such as mis- No obvious mistakes. Potential audience mis-
as misspelling, incorrect spelling, incorrect understandings clarified
explanation, mis-use of explanation, mis-use of or explained up front.
terminology. terminology.
Team collaboration Participants do not Less participants create Few of the participants All participants create
create and support a and support a teamwork create and support a and support a teamwork
teamwork environment. environment teamwork environment environment.
. .


Each student will be tasked to give a presentation on any topic. You may come up with a unique topic or choose
from among the selection below.
a) Pandemic: Covid-19 updates and its aftermath as global status.
B)Gay Marriage. Legalization of same sex marriage in the Philippines.
c) Death Penalty. Do you support the death penalty in the Philippines?
d)Abortion. Your stance on abortion.
e)Religion. Different religious settings and places of worships have bonds that bring their followers together.
f)Gender Identity. How can we identify ourselves makes a huge social difference in the way we interact with
one another.
g)War on Drugs. Significant effect on people’s lives and emotional issues.
h) New Normal set up of classes. Its advantages and disadvantages.
i) Suicide and social media. Social media has been one of the major causes of suicidal thoughts.
j)The issue of pornography that affects how people interact with each other.
k) Isolation of living people infected with Covid-19 or other diseases such as HIV/AIDS. Determine whether
people are accepting or disapproving others in social circles.
l)Illiteracy in the digital age and its effect on family’s emotional aspect.
m)Rape culture on society.
n) Society’s perception on domestic violence towards men.
o) Obesity and social life. Body shaming as an issue that affects how people interact in a social setting.

Deliver your presentation using any type or a combination of visual aids (Handouts, flip chart, white board,
video/audio, or slide presentation) of your choice. Select the one the most appropriate for your topic.


Record your presentation and upload it on your social media accounts for the wider audience who can listen to
your insights about effective communication workplace.
Send you presentation also to you teacher’s Email account.
CRITERIA 5 pts 10 pts 15pts 20pts
Presentation content Workplace evaluation Presentation contains Presentation contains Presentation contains all
process is incomplete. one example of how to two examples of how to examples of how to
Framework of the evaluate and solve a evaluate and solve a evaluate and solve a
presentation contains workplace issues. workplace issues. workplace issues.
no key components. Framework of Framework of Framework of
presentation contains presentation contains presentation contains all
one of the following two of the following three of the following
essential components: essential components: essential components:
A) Foster a story line. B) A) Foster a story line. B) A) Foster a story line. B)
Evaluate examples. C) Evaluate examples. C) Evaluate examples. C)
Create solutions. Create solutions. Create solutions.
Structure Difficult to follow, no Difficult to follow as Information presented Information presented
obvious sequence of skips around the topic logically, easy to follow. logically, in a fresh and
information and loses thread. interesting way, easy to
Work quality and Work is done with a Work is done with fair Work was done with The work done exceeds
effort little effort; quality is effort; quality is still not good effort shows that expectations and shows
not what the students what the students are the students are capable that the students are
are capable of. It is capable of. It is evident of. It is evident that the proud of their work.
evident that the work that the work was work out effort into the Workplace
was rushed and a little rushed. Workplace presentation. Workplace presentations were
time was spent on the presentations were presentations were thoroughly presented.
final product. Workplace partially presented. thoroughly presented.
presentations were
Use of Visual Aids, No supporting visual Visual Aids, Graphics or Relevant and timely use Confident use of quality
Graphics and Support aids, graphics or support support material do not of visual aids, graphics visual aids, graphics and
Material material to increase increase audience and support material;, support material,
audience understanding understanding. increasing audience furthering audience
understanding. understanding
Style Mechanics The presentation lacks a The presentation lacks The presentation is clear The presentation has
clear understanding of style and creativity, but and logical and contains great creativity and
the subject matter and presents adequate facts, but lacks some style.
has many errors or information. creativity or clarity. Video/ presentation has
leaves out vital Technical and/or editing Technical or editing no editing or technical
information. errors distract from the problems do not distract problems
Technical and editing message. from message.
errors make the video
Accuracy Multiple mistakes, such 3 mistakes, such as mis- No obvious mistakes. Potential audience mis-
as misspelling, incorrect spelling, incorrect understandings clarified
explanation, mis-use of explanation, mis-use of or explained up front.
terminology. terminology.


A. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Oral communications skills are used by managers to ___________________.
A. Give clear instructions
B. Motivate their staffs
C. Persuade other people
D. Do all of these
2. The three basic principles of good business writing include which of the following?
A. Write using a sophisticated style as you can.
B. Always use a formal tone, regardless of whether you are writing an email or a business document.
C. Proofread the document.
D. All of these are the principles of good business writing.
3. After listening to a 10 –minute oral presentation, the average listener has heard, comprehended accurately
evaluated, and retained about______________________ of what was said.
A. 25 percent
B. 40 percent
C. 50 percent
D. 90 percent
4. “Understanding the audience” means________________________________.
A. Understanding what the audience already know.
B. Understanding what the audience doesn’t want to know.
C. Recognizing the problems of the audience.
D. Understanding what the audience –members’ individual viewpoints.
5. Which of the following is not an advantage that managers were told e-mail would have?
A. it saves time
B. it makes communication harder
C. it eliminates wasted effort
D. it provides written records.
6. Companies that appeared top scores in employee communication appeared to:
A. Focus on the customer
B. Engage employees in business
C. Improve managerial communication
D. All of these.
7. Verbal communication is the most appropriate for ______________________________.
A. communicating routine information
B. communicating changes in company policies.
C. dismissing an employee
D. communicating changes in staff positions
8. Written communication is the most appropriate for ______________________________.
A. dismissing an employee
B. reprimanding a staff member
C. discussing sensitive information
D. communicating changes in company policies.
9. To be effective, business messages should _______________________.
A. generate a specific response from a specific audience
B. adopt an informal tone
C. use abstracts words that lend themselves to interpretation


D. does not make arguments or recommendations
10. Letters, Emails, Video Presentations, Visual Aids, Conversation Public Speaking etc. are examples of.
A. Channel Mediums
B. Oral Communication
C. Written Communication
D. Visual Communication
11. Which of these sentences makes best use of plain English?
A. The council will meet tomorrow to talk about ASEAN proceedings.
B. This year’s publicity plan will be presented for discussion by the Vice President on Wednesday.
C. It has come to our attention that the President will be announcing drastic policy changes in the meeting next
D. In relation to the unfortunate events last week, the Chairman has agreed that security must take precedence
over the other matters and that budget will be allocated to purchasing equipment that will ensure the safety of
each employee.
E. An enticing tourism campaign is being heavily promoted by the Department of Tourism to attract more foreign
tourist to visit the Philippines.
12. An effective business letter has the following characteristics EXCEPT for one:
A. Block layout
B. Positive tone
C. Organized format
D. Proper punctuation
E. Complex font type
13. This communication material provides a record of discussions and decisions taken at a meeting:
A. Memo
B. E-mail
C. Minutes
D. Cover Letter
E. Business Letters
14. What is the best method of communication?
A. Electronic
B. Print
C. Face-to-face
D. Mobile Phone
E Social Media
15. A cover letter includes the following information EXCEPT for one:
A. Salutation
B. Introduction
C. Detailed employment background
D. Statement requesting for an interview
E. Brief description of one’s accomplishments
16. Which of the following is including in formal oral communication?
A. face-to-face conversation
B. telephone conversation
C. classroom lectures
D. discussion that takes place at business meeting
17. Which of the following include informal workplace oral communication?
A. job interviews
B. telephone conversation
C. speech
D. presentation at business meeting
18. Choose the correct example of informal phrase.


A. please do not hesitate to contact me immediately
B. hi there all
C. good morning, madam
D. I am pleased to inform you of our upcoming event
19. What is the important of communication skill?
A. to understand the basic communication pattern at workplace
B. to ignore what is said by others
C. to pay less attention to the person’s responds
D. to ignore nonverbal cues
20. The following are types of communication at the workplace, except
A. employer-employee
B. colleagues
C. stakeholders
D. customer-friend
21. Which of the following is not the way to communicate better with your colleagues at work?
A. listens actively
B. speak with distraction
C. constructs criticism
D. builds and earns trust
22. Which one is not the correct way of spoken and written workplace communication?
A. short
B. irrelevant
C. simple
D. direct
23. E-mail has made some managers less effective because.
A. they spend too much time reading and responding to e-mail
B. they use e-mail to disseminate technical information
C. they send email messages as a way of avoiding direct contact with people
D. all of the above.
24. What is effective communication in the workplace?
A. it is when managers communicate task
B. one-way information sharing that is effective in the business environment by helping employees understand
complete tasks and become successful.
C. It is when listening is preferred to speaking
D. two-way information sharing that is effective in the business environment by helping employees understand
complete tasks and become successful.
25. Why are harmony and trust so important in communication workplace?
A. They provide the ability for workers to socialize during work hours.
B. They eliminate the need for directions from managers.
C. They provide secure employment.
D. They provide good working relationships and productivity.
26. How can individual communicate clearly in the workplace?
A. gives specific examples
B. uses double speak and corporate jargon
C. sends e-mails
D. uses texts to communicate
27. External communication does all of the following except:
A. Communicate sales contestants
B. Announce company events
C. Inform public about new services and products
D. Brand building


28. An example of a type of internal communication would be?
A. press release
B. e-mails
C. social media and television ad
D. public relation events
29. Which of the following is a characteristic of the PASSIVE communication style?
A. Intolerant
B. Agreeable
C. Offensive
D. Egotistical
30. Which of the following tips is not an effective oral presentation?
A. Make sure your personal appearance is well-groomed and powerful one.
B. Match your posture with the mood you want your audience to feel.
C. Rehearse well in front of your audience about the presentations.
D. Establish connection with the audience by making eye contact with them.



Bernales, Rolando et al (2018). Purposive Communication. Mutya Publishing House, Inc.
Lim, Joana Marie et al (2019). A Course Module of Purposive Communication.

Internet Sources


Unit 5: Communication for Academic Purposes
This module was designed and written to address the means of alternative learning delivery to attune into the New
Normal learning style at your own pace and time, to gain progression in coping up the lessons for mastery and
independency of effective learning process even at home from distant colleges or universities.

The scope of this module permits to utilize in various different learning situations. The language used encompasses
the diversity of learners’ vocabulary and learning capabilities. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course syllabus.

In this module provides the students to understand more about rhetorical differences and English language
proficiency that served for writing term papers and other scholarly materials needed for satisfying requirements of
their courses

This module: Communication for Academic Purposes is divided into three (3) lessons, namely:

 Lesson 1-Analyzing the Academic Writing

 Lesson 2-Understanding the Structure of Academic Writing
 Lesson 3-Types of Academic Writing

After going through this module, the students are expected to:

1. Understand the significance of academic writing purposes in communication.

2. Determine the characteristics of academic writing in terms of purpose, audience, and language use and data

3. Analyze sample text in terms of purpose, audience, and language use and data presentation.

4. Write and present academic paper using appropriate tone, styles and conventions.

5. Present ideas clearly in appropriate language, tone and gestures.

6. Promote awareness of the audience and context in presenting of ideas.




The academic success of the students depends heavily on the ability to communicate well. They have to be able
to quickly understand the structure and core ideas of a certain text, and to reproduce it concisely in their own words.
Concise representation of academic text will enable the reader to determine the basic rules that govern the optimum
purpose of understanding. Thus in this module lesson, it is expected that the learners will go through the learn ability
of academic writing. It gives them the opportunity to practice their communication skills and receive extensive
feedback to both teachers and peers. Develop their sense of responsibility in using the language, integrity in
synthesizing knowledge and zeal in contributing of ideas well in the respective disciplines.


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;

1. Understand the academic writing purposes.

2. Analyze the content of the text of an academic writing.
3. Adopt awareness of the audience and context in analysis of presented ideas.


A. Match the term in column A to its description in column B

a) Uses outside information to
1. Literary Analysis support a thesis or make an
b) Essay examines, evaluates,
2. Research Paper
and makes an argument about
literary works
3. Dissertation c) Is a document submitted at
the conclusion of a Ph.D.
4. Essay program.
d) A book in which you write
5. Journals down personal experiences and
e) Short piece of writing that


B. Analyze the post on facebook page below and write a short essay about it.






Academic writing is a writing done in the academic setting. For the professionals, it serves for preparing lecture
materials for delivery before a group of colleagues or a presentation in meetings and conferences. For the students,
it served for writing term papers and other scholarly materials needed for satisfying requirements of their courses.

Academic in writing is formal in nature and unlike in other forms for writing, it is basically informative; its
foremost aim is to educate, and when really good and effectively written, may also be entertaining and persuasive
in the end.

Why academic writing is important to students?

1. Academic writing allows the development of analytic and thinking among the students. Since this type of
writing would sometimes require a review of other people’s work, the students will be forced to form an
informed opinion on the material reviewed. They will have to think and analyze instead of simply describe,
or enumerate facts in what they reviewed.
2. It teaches the students to clearly convey complicate ideas concisely and in well-structures format because
academic writing is about just that: writing complex ideas in as concise and as structured format as
3. It teaches the students to express what they know. It is difficult for any students to explain and share what
they know if they have difficulty in academic writing. Writing academic papers like essays or technical
report trains them to explain what they know by using appropriate terms, following the rules of grammar,
and abiding the principles of formal writing.
4. It prepares the students to write with ease and style. Writing real effective academic materials uses styles
and techniques on how to best convey ideas. The course in academic writing trains the students to write
confidently with ease and style enough for them to successfully go through college and beyond.
5. It helps ensure surviving college life. College requires writing a lot. To those know how to write academic
paper effectively surely has edge over a multiple writing tasks that the school requires. Francis Bacon
would not have written this without basis: “Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing
an exact man.”
6. It increases the chance of being hired immediately after college. Companies generally look for people who
have good communication skills and academic writing as a subject helps develop that skill among students.


1. It is well organized. It is analytical and therefore needs planning and outlining to ensure that pertinent
information shall be included in the paper.
2. It is written in the third person. It is objective and therefore detaches itself from the writer by using the
third person point of view where the writer places itself as an observer not an active participant in the
paper discussion. The writer addresses everything as if he or she is a third person observing, that is why,
there is no use of pronouns, “I”, “me”, “we”, “us”, or “you”. For example, he would have to say “the writer
feels that...” when he means to say “I feel that”...


3. It maintains professional tone. It is formal and intended for the professionals or the learned and therefore
avoids slang words, jargon, abbreviations, and clichés. It also avoids contractions, never uses jejemon, and
totally disregards the application of any shortened texting styles.
4. It is always written with a purpose. Academic writing always has a purpose. The purpose could be
exploratory (to explore), descriptive (to describe), or casual (to determine cause). Whatever the purpose of
the paper, it should be made clear to the readers early on the paper; it should be made clear to the readers
early on the paper. There must be a specific portion in the paper that tells what the purpose of the paper is.
5. Adheres to a prescribed referencing style. It is the academic freedom of the college or a university to
prescribe writing format and referencing style. The format and style may be APA, MLA, Chicago or Harvard
style. Different academic field requires a different style and format and the writer has only abide.
6. Uses flawless grammar and sturdy writing. It requires language precision for clarity of ideas and therefore
the writer should be careful with the words to use. Always, a thesaurus is necessary tool to ensure that just
the right words are used.





B. Analyze the following texts below and answer the questions that follow.

Text 1


I thought that I was living a happy, merry, exciting and fascinating life, but it’s nothing
when compared with the life when you’re in love. One day I realized that my life was
black and white and only love was embellishing it with striking colors. What is more,
every new day brings new colors, surprising me by their multiformity. It’s like I found
myself in a new world, the world just of two persons, where we will live eternally.

In this world I can’t imagine myself apart from him, because we are like only two pieces
of the puzzle, which finally met, fit together perfectly, and will never separate. It’s a very
exciting feeling for me to see that the farther away; the more we merge to a single whole.
We even have the same thoughts and desires, as I just can think about something and he
will do the same, without any words. We feel each other and sometimes we don’t need
words to express our thoughts, as our eyes can tell everything. Moreover, it’s impossible
to describe such miraculous feelings in words.

We cannot entirely enjoy each other and we delight this, as every new day brings us a
new ocean of incredible emotions, where we bathe and flounder about like little kids, for
whom the best amusement is just to be together.

What about my dreams? It’s like the most cherished of them has come true and this is the
most important thing in my life. Fate gave me the most precious feeling, which can only
exist, and I cannot imagine what more can I dream about. Any material value lost its
worth for me, as the world of love is filled only with incorporeal values.

Love makes it…


Text 2


Biodiversity loss, deforestation and mass extinction are global issues.

Despite the Asian elephant being endangered, they are still treated unethically in some
situations. In an ideal world, all animals would be able to live in their natural habitats.
However we understand that some animal facilities play an important role in conservation.
This is why GVI supports an ethical elephant sanctuary in Thailand where these animals can
be protected in their forest habitat.

And forests are key to producing the air we breathe, yet these are being depleted at a rate of
26 million hectares every year.

Extinctions are happening at what scientists estimate to be about 1,000 times the normal
pace. Not only are we losing flora and fauna, we are also damaging our ecosystems, and
throwing them out of balance – the effects of which we cannot anticipate due to the intricate
and complex nature of these systems.

Many organizations have been working to protect local ecosystems for years. This includes
the UN, which has set up specific objectives under UN SDG 15: Life on Land.

You can join us at GVI as we further these objectives, through volunteering on one of our
wildlife conservation programs. On each of these programs, you will gather data, which will
help to inform local wildlife park or sanctuary managers.

Data will also be used to present policies to other organizations and governments in order to
preserve habitats around the world. Volunteer to help protect jaguars or turtles in Costa Rica,
elephants in Thailand, or cheetahs in South Africa.


Text 3

Work with a partner, analyze the texts and fill out the table with your answers. Be guided by the questions

Purpose What is the intention or purpose of the writer/s

for writing the text?
Audience For whom the text addressed/written?

Language Use Is the language formal/informal?

Vague or specific/technical? Personal or
Date presentation Does the text have a clearly expressed topic or
one or more research questions? Are the
argument and claims supported by evidence
such as research results and references?
Medium What is means used in transmitting information:
print, audio, or digital?
Mode What is the means used to represent meanings:
words, symbols, pictures?
Genre What is the particular form of the text: poetry,
play, and essay?


Purpose Audience Language Data Medium Mode Genre
Use Presentatio

Text 1

Text 2

Text 3

1. How would you classify each text?

2. Which text would you consider as academic?
3. Why?
4. What do you think shapes academic writing?




Structure is an important feature of an academic writing. A well-structured text enables the reader to follow the
argument and navigate the text. In academic writing a clear structure and a logical flow are imperative to a cohesive
text. Thus in this lesson of the module gives the opportunity towards the students to understand the various purposes
of college writing wherein it calls for a different types of texts, including case studies, concept papers, reaction papers,
reviews, literary criticisms, seminar and even tutorial papers. These written outputs are enabling them to recognize
that it is usually referred to as essays that to be written well will involve some degree of analysis and evaluation.


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;

1. Understand the structure of academic writing.

2. Identify the three basic sections of the academic paper.
3. Analyze essay questions into component parts.
4. Write and present an academic paper using appropriate tone, styles and conventions
5. Adopt awareness of the audience and context in presenting of ideas.



Diary Entry of a Future Self

Write a conventional type of journal writing about yourself in the future. Make an outline first before writing and
present it in class.





An academic paper has three basic sections- the introduction, body and conclusion except for thesis and
dissertation. Schools may be prescribed a different format for these papers.

The introduction of any academic paper must be interesting enough to catch the reader’s attention. It must also
state the purpose of the paper wished to answer. The common and effective ways of starting off a paper, aside from
asking stimulating question, can be a quotation, interesting information, or a definition of an important related

The body is the main part of the paper. It where the “substance” of the paper is discussed clearly written
paragraphs. To be clear, ideas or information must be arranged and presented with unity, emphasis, and cohesion.
Unity can be achieved by seeing to it all the sentences in each paragraph are in support of the topics sentence and
that all the paragraphs are in support of the topic. Emphasis can be achieved through repetition, definition, and use
of synonyms to clarify important terms or stress out important points. Cohesion on the other hand can be achieved
by ensuring that sentences and paragraphs relate with another with the use of transitional words like, therefore,
such as, in the long run, for example, etc.

The conclusion presents the synthesis of the paper and is an embodiment of the writers insights based on the facts
and figures presented on the paper. Except for the thesis and the dissertations, Introduction consists of one
paragraph. Thesis and dissertations can have more, depending on the number of research questions. In such case
there should be many conclusions as there are research questions.

Here is an example of what academic paper typically looks like. Using standard fonts, margins, and indentions
helps your paper gain credibility with an academic audience; readers who are comfortable with your paper’s
format can pay close attention to the ideas you’re communication.


Write your
Papers are typically name, the
in 12 point Times course, the
New Roman font
name, and
with double spacing the date

Writer’s Name
WRIT 1201
Some papers include Professor’s Name
a title that suggests September 20, 2020
the topic Writing an Organized Paper

Every papers
paragraph The ability to write a well- organized and insightful paper is very important in order to be successful often
begins at the University of Minnesota. Most classes require at least one written assignment. And professors include a
with an expect a level of writing skill. A good paper generally includes a thesis, paragraphs that support it, and thesis in
indentatio a strong conclusion. the first
n of five paragraph
spaces A good thesis is integral to any academic paper and should work a general summary of the
(created argument or main point of the paper. The thesis need to be clear, and it should outline the main points
with the to be discussed. Sometimes just making a list of the basic things you plan to write about and then
“tab” or compiling them into a sentence is enough. The rest of the paper should follow the plan lead out by the In
“return/en thesis.
ter” key) general,
In order for the readers to be able to follow the logic of the papers, each paragraph should be
related to what was introduced in the thesis. A good way to start is by making a topic sentence to
Note how the begin each paragraph. The topic sentence is often and extended or elaborated version of some part of h should
ends and the the thesis statement. For example, this paper’s thesis mentions “paragraphs that follow [the thesis].” start with
beginnings of And the topic sentence for this paragraph expands on that idea. The rest of the paragraph should a topic
paragraphs include evidence to explain or support the topic sentence. sentence
work to
create a Once readers have been led through the paragraphs that support you main point, they will
transition expect to find a solid conclusion that discusses the significance of what they have just read. If the
between thesis predicts the main point of the paper, then the conclusion emphasizes the importance of your
main point in some large context. In the case of this paper, a conclusion might point out that following
the general guidelines for presenting your ideas in academic setting allows your papers to make an
impact on readers. Readers appreciate your presenting a paper in a way that’s familiar to them: in
turn, they open likely to be open to your unique perspective.


Below is a visual representation of academic essay structure that follows a typical format for an academic paper.

Paper Idea Diagram



Subtopics – supporting arguments


O_______________ O________________ O________________ O________________

O_______________ O________________ O________________ O________________
O_______________ O________________ O________________ O________________
O_______________ O________________ O________________ O________________





Read the essay sample below and carefully analyze the introduction, body, and conclusion. Then, on a clean sheet
of paper write your comments about its contents and structures. Be ready to present your work in the class.

Youth Depression is Not a Disease

Sadness is the way we react to disappointment or loss. Being blue for a week or so and then
getting over it is natural; even you can’t pinpoint the source of your bad mood.

However, if you don’t allow yourself to feel what you feel and put on a pretend smile, you could
have a mood disorder known as depression. It does not happen on adults only. Depression –
happens to Youth. According to the National Mental Health Association, as many as one in five
teens are depressed. Left untreated, depression can lead to falling grades, drug abuse and even
attempts at suicide.

Although depression may lead to such fatal result, it is not a disease. Disease is a pathological
condition of a part, organ, or system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as
infection and genetic defect, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms. As
depression cannot spread to others and does not contain genetic defection, it is obvious that
depression is not a disease.

Actually, depression is only a reaction towards stress. Pain, a kind of feeling, is the reaction
towards a particular kind of stimulation that harms our body. Is it a disease? Similarly,
depression is just a signal that reminds us when we are under too much pressure, or when we
are in an extremely bad mood. It will not harm our health unless it is left unaware. So depression
is definitely not a disease.

In fact, depression can be a symptom of some diseases. The life-threatening disease, anorexia
nervosa, is one of the examples. It is an eating disorder that will lead to extreme thinness. The
major symptoms include depression. We should be clear that depression is not the cause of
anorexia nervosa, but excess pressure.

Another thing that can distinguish depression from disease is that drugs cannot really help to
cure it. If truth were told, drugs can only relieve the seriousness of depression. But most of the
diseases can be cured by taking drugs for a period of time. After you have recovered, you don’t
need to take drugs anymore. On the other hand, after you have taken the drugs for relieving
depression, you will only feel better, but it is still there, not cured at all. Some people may even
need to take drugs for the whole life. Therefore depression is not a disease.

After we have looked into depression in different points of view, we know that depression is not
a disease but it can lead to diseases. As a result we cannot look down on it. We should take good
care of those who are suffering from depression, especially the youngsters. As they have less
experience in dealing with pressure, they may easily get lost in depression and choose to end up
their lives by committing suicide.
Although depression is not a disease, sometimes, it is more terrible than diseases. So we should
not look down on it.




Below is another composition written by a columnist in Daily Inquirer. Read and analyze the arguments presented
in his essay and compare its structure and contents to the other essay. Then write a comparative analysis of the
two essays. Use a Venn diagram to illustrate your answer

Pandemics and Sustainable Development

Clearly, something is wrong with our planet. There are always those who doubt the alarm
bells being sounded about the deterioration of the environment and loss of natural ecosystems. They
brand conservation advocates as radicals who care more for plants and animals than for economic

The outbreak of COVID-19 is a rude wake-up call. An expanding body of research and
anecdotal evidence from the field reveal the interconnectedness of what we do with our natural
ecosystems and the rise of pandemics. For instance, Lorentzen and coworkers (2020), in an article
for the Danish Medical Journal, observed that pandemics and epidemics are becoming more frequent
since the 1960s. They attribute this trend to the “complex connections between virology,
biodiversity, climate changes, poverty, food safety and population growth.”

As humans destroy forests and other natural ecosystems, we are upsetting the natural
balance that keeps extreme events from occurring. When we untangle the intricate web of
interrelationships in nature, things go awry. For example, in our country, the loss of forests in our
watersheds leads to erratic water supply and flooding in downstream areas.

On a broader scale, the rise of pandemics, coupled with planetary-scale changes, could
disrupt our aspiration to attain sustainable development. Di Marco and coauthors (2020), in their
paper published at the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, highlighted how pandemics
and environmental change are putting at risk our pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals. The
Asian Development Bank estimates that the global economy could lose up to $9 trillion because of
the pandemic. The Philippine economy could contract by 4 percent this year. Whatever the exact
numbers turn out to be, the pandemic will torpedo developmental targets this year and possibly

At the same time, as we seek to control and recover from the pandemic, there is an ample
opportunity to do so in a way that addresses vulnerabilities to other environmental risks. Since
planetary systems are interconnected, investments in COVID-19 response must take into account
overall resilience to different environmental challenges. For example, lifestyle changes must consider
greater adaptation to climate risks and greenhouse gas mitigation as well.

COVID-19 has brought humanity to its knees. I am hopeful that a cure will eventually be
found by the world’s leading scientists. In the meantime, we should reflect on the broader lessons it
is teaching us. Failure to do so may become an even greater tragedy.

By: Rodel D. Lasco - @inquirerdotnet

Philippine Daily Inquirer / 05:10 AM August 02, 2020


Working Part-time Jobs

Part-time jobs are very common nowadays. I, myself, work part time since I have to go to
school part-time as well. I think a lot of people opt for working part time because of time flexibility
and we would still be able to attend to other things that are important in our day to day living.

A clear advantage of having several part –time jobs is for people to be developed in
different areas where they are working. If one has several jobs, he or she will be able to meet
several people and supervisors that will expose them to different challenges and leanings. Another
advantage of having several part-time jobs, is an opportunity to find out what you really want as
occupation in life. This may be a stepping stone for you to be able to discover yourself more in
terms of your abilities and skills. Lastly, I think having several jobs will make you earn more money
than having a full-time job. This is because in a full-time job, you are only entitled for a specific
number of hours at work and sometimes, employees don’t give overtime pays.

The disadvantage on the other hand, is that most of the part-time do not offer benefits to
its employees. Also, you have to adjust with your workmates from one place to another. It will also
be difficult if you have two or three jobs in a day a you don’t have your own car. Commuting from
one place to another can be very exhausting.

In conclusion, I would say that I’m in favour of having several part-time jobs rather than
one full-time job. My decision is mainly in line with my current situation. I need to go to school at
the same time, work for my family. Having part-time jobs will be very beneficial for me since I can
arrange my schedule with my employer. Also, based on my experience, I enjoy meeting and
working with people from different walks of life. I was able to gain friends which I think is very
essential to be able to adapt easily in a country that is different from yours




It’s Time to Write!

Develop an essay that has good introduction, meaningful body and effective conclusion.

Choose 2 topics to develop from the options below. Write your essay on a clean sheet of paper.

1. Describe an experience that forever changed your life and your outlook on life.

2. Describe an experience where you were unsuccessful in achieving your goal. What lessons did you learn from
this experience?

3. If you were given the ability to change one moment in your life, would you do so? Why or why not? If so, what
moment would you change and why?

4. If you had the chance to have a 30-minute conversation with any person in human history (either living or
deceased), who would be the person you choose? Why? What topics would you discuss with this person?

5. What movie, poem, musical composition, or novel has most influenced your life and the way that you view the
world? Why?

Note: Your essay will be graded based on the following contents:

1. Structure

2. Grammar/Mechanics

3. Language

4. Content/ Information




In this final part of the module lesson, the students will learn about the different types of academic writing to
enhance their skills and learn more about the significant of doing a research project as final requirements to complete
this subject.


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;

1. Understand the nature and feature of academic writing.

2. Adopt a literary perspective in reading and analyzing some academic writing texts.
3. Examine thesis presentation in terms of content, delivery and usefulness of research.
4. Plan for and perform a research.
5. Report findings and results of a research project.



1. Essay. Essay is an argumentative writing that is usually short. Its structure contains the title page, date,
course, instructor’s name and student’s name.

Its introduction may consist of background of the argument, content of essay, theoretical perspectives used
definition of terms, line of argument and organization of essay.

The body presents a support to the thesis statement; it contains developing sentences that extend topic
sentences, gives evidence to support topic sentence, and provides concluding sentences.

The conclusion restates the line of argument, summarizes the points that support the thesis, and suggest
further research.

References. Sources cited in the paper listed alphabetically.


1. Narration. An account of something that happened; a story

Narration has the following elements:
 Situation- the background; the who, what, when and where of the account.


 Conflict – the problem, friction, or issue at the heart of the story.
 Struggle- what happened? The struggle adds action and develops the plot.
 Outcome – result of the struggle; the resolution.
 Meaning- lesson learned; the” moral of the story.”


 Description techniques
 Dialogue (What people said, in quotation marks, using quotation indicators like He said, She said, etc.)
 Transitional words like Then, Soon, Later, On the other hand, For example, etc.
 But, avoid: I did this; then I did that. Then, we did this. Then we did that. Next, we did this.
 Too boring!

Verb tense

- Should usually be the past tense, even when recounting something that happened to you and telling the
story as though the reader is with you at the time. Pick a tense and stick with it!

Point of View (POV)

- Will often be the first person (I did this; then I did that; it was my problem), but the writer may be also
being writing about someone else: (My father drove away; then he called my mother; she answered.)
- May be third person if the writer is telling the story from a distance, fro example, writing a biographical
narrative about someone else.
2. Description: Specific detail and imagery making reader feel present in the moment.
 Description should be present in any type of writing, from narration to the others covered here.
 Think about the dominant impression you want to give; don’t attempt to describe every single
 Use imagery to put you reader right there for you.
 Order events in time and space in such a way that the reader can imagine the location and the time
 Be specific
Instead of: I got home and put my books down on the couch. Then I ate some food.
Try: After throwing my dog-eared books on the dusty sofa, I settled down to a snack of crisp, yellow
corn chips accompanied by spicy tomato salsa spilling over the top of an earthen-ware bowl.
 Be interesting
Instead of: After my mom yelled at me, I was sad and mad. I wanted to yell back, but I knew I’d get in
bad trouble.
So I hid in my closet and cried.
Try: “Get the hell out of here, you brat!” my mother would yell. I felt hollow inside, like a pumpkin with
the seeds scooped out, and as mad as a raging bull. I wanted so badly to yell back at her, but, knowing
the consequences would be unspeakable, I curled up in the corner of my dark, quiet closet and cried.
 Avoid sweeping generalization. Use examples that you can back up- or write in moderation.
 Avoid being judgemental. Provide specific examples and details instead; let readers draw their own
 Use adjectives and adverbs


Instead of: It was hot. In the afternoon, we rested on a log before hiking further into the woods.
Try: Once the afternoon sun began to blaze down upon us, exhaustion set in, and we collapsed on a
nearby moss-covered log, groaning under the weight of its ancient branches. Our hike into the heart of
the forest would soon resume
3. Cause and effect: for discussing relationship, reasons, and how one thing led to another. Use this
approach of indicating the situation and identifying the causes and effects; the develop all three:
4. Compare and contrast: for comparing two or more subjects, concepts, ideas, etc.
Use the Four P’s:
- Purpose: Identify the points you are going to compare the two subjects across. Use prewriting (like
clustering) for this. For example, when comparing the two subject’s sorbet and ice cream, you may
want to compare them across these points: texture, caloric content, richness, flavour options,
fullness of taste, cost, etc.
- Pattern: you can compare two items on a point-by-point basis or you can compare the items on a
subject- by- subject basis.
- Presentation: the pattern you decide upon determines upon how you outline will be set up. For
example, the subject- by-subject outline might look like this (one point is broken down into further
details as an example of a detailed outline):
I. Sorbet
A. Texture
B. Caloric
C. Richness
D. Flavor options
1. Fruits
A. Berries
i. strawberry
ii. Blueberry
E. Fullness of taste
F. Cost
II. Ice Cream
A. Texture
B. Caloric Content
C. Richness
D. Flavor options
1. fruits
a. berries
i. strawberries
ii. blueberries
E. Fullness of taste
F. Cost
5. The Argumentative or Persuasive Essay. For arguing and supporting your options
Essay Parts:
1. Background: historical & social context of a controversial issue
2. Proposition: your thesis statement; what you will argue, including a roadmap of how you will argue it.
3. Qualifications: any limitations to your argument; for example, you may be opposed to abortion, except in
cases of rape or health of the mother.


4. Refutation: identification of the opposing position and its flaws (Provide evidence!)
5. Support: you’re reasoning, facts, examples, statistics, opinions of authorities, and other evidence to make
your case.
6. Conclusion: come full circle, with a conclusion that restates your thesis and shows how you have made your
case, summarizing the most important points you made.

Thesis Statement in Argumentative Essays

 The argumentative thesis takes a side of an issue; frequently it proposes an approach of an action which is
often expressed with the modal should.
 In the argument concerning the nuclear power plant, the thesis for a paper on this topic might be:
“Government should ban further construction under nuclear power plants.”
 Someone else might argue:
“The U.S should continue building nuclear power plants.”

The Useful tips for Argumentative Essays:

To write well developed paragraphs:

 Avoid strong feelings ( don’t say: nobody does this, or it is impossible to disagree with me)
 Use generalizations (e.g. people say/ believe/ consider)
 Do not use generalization (e.g. everybody believes that...)
 Do not use strong personal expressions (e.g. I think...)
 Use linking words (e.g. therefore, although, however etc.)
 Use sequencing (e.g. firstly, secondly, lastly)
 Make reference to other sources (e.g. the government claims that...)
 Give examples- not personal thoughts (e.g. products such as sprayer can destroy the environment)
 Give up banal introductions. Write something more original ( don’t write: this topic has been important
since ancient times. When? Too vague= unclear)

Style Tips:

 Make sure your writing flows. Once you have written a draft of your essay, check that the paragraphs
are ordered in a logical way. Read over the topic sentences: do they follow a logical sequence?
 Always write in a third person. Do NOT use: I, my, we, our, us, or you.
 Do NOT start paragraphs with quotations. Write topic sentences.
 Always use gender neutral language: he/she, their, the author, the researcher, and so on.
 Use formal language: do NOT use words such as “things”! Be specific






Thesis Statement

A. Study the following thesis statements. Put “A” in the blank if the statement is argumentative. Be careful! A
statement having “should” as part of the verb is not automatically argumentative.
1. The earthquake in Golcuk, Turkey, was one of the most destructive in history.
2. Prospective* parents should be required to get licenses in order to have children.
3. The building codes in Las Vegas, Nevada, are inadequate*. (Inadequate: not enough)
4. Some of the Americans I have met are quite hospitable.
5. Student should have a say in the hiring and firing of teachers.
6. Pornographic books ought to be banned from the library.
7. State University should not have a football team.
8. The citizens of this state should be allowed to carry guns.
9. The United States ought to allow more immigrants into this country.
10. Technology is highly evolved over time and everybody has some sort of machine at hand.
B. Choose one opinion (a or b) from each of the following pairs of thesis statements.
1. a) It is good idea for the students to work part time while they are going to school.
b) Students should not work while they are going to school.
2. a) Young people should not move away from home after they finish their education.
b) Young people should not move away from home after they finish their education.
3, a) Wars are always wrong.
b) Wars are not always wrong.
4. a) Exams are not useful.
b) Exams do not check students’ knowledge
Medical Marijuana Should Be Legal
Medical scientists and doctors in some countries have recently discovered that marijuana, an illegal drug. It is
an effective medicine for severely ill patients who cannot get relief from their usual prescription drugs. In my opinion,
marijuana should be legal for medical uses because it can improve the quality of life for some people will serious

First of all marijuana can help cancer patients who must use chemotherapy or take anti-cancer drugs that
causes serious side effects. It can also help AIDS patients to regain their appetite and therefore to gain weight.
Moreover, it might effectively stop the spread of glaucoma, which can cause blindness, and it can relieve joint pain and
relax muscles in certain other illnesses. Unfortunately, because marijuana is an illegal drug, it cannot be purchased
even with the doctor’s prescription at a pharmacy.

In brief, smoking marijuana is effective enough to help seriously ill people who enjoy a meal or live without
constant pain. Therefore, marijuana for medical purposes should be legal.

C .Read the essay above and do the following task :

a) Underline the thesis statement
b) Transitions
c) Modals




Match the first paragraph in column A with the last paragraph in column B. Write a title for each topic
Note: To write a good argumentative essay, your approach to the topic must be logical from the beginning. A logical
argument is the sign of a clear thinker.
A. First Paragraph B. Last Paragraph
1. When the students are having discipline problem a) To include, it seems that the only way to improve
at school, I strongly believe that the parents are to the quality of our surroundings is to work together to
blame. Children who are not well-disciplined at home protect the environment. Unless, this is done, many
do not behave properly at school. cities and towns will have become uninhabitable
within the next fifty years.
2. What can be done to protect our cities from
environmental pollution? Over the past decade our b) In conclusion, the best solution to the problem is
cities and towns have become more polluted than to inform parents about the situation and offer them
ever and this is a trend that looks set to continue. suggestions on disciplining their children at home.
Thus, the child’s behavior will eventually improve at
3. There can be no doubt that televise on is sole/ only school as well.
cause of the breakdown/ failure of modern society
and that it has absolutely no beneficial effect upon a c) The negative role that television plays in the
child’s development. development of a child can be summed up with a
quotation from George Mikes, who said “Television is
a great educational value. It teaches you while still
young how to kill, rob, embezzle, shoot, or poison.




The main purpose of the research is to inform action, to prove theory and contribute to developing knowledge in field
or study. It has become an important means to understand various issues and increase public awareness and an
avenue to love reading, writing, analyzing and sharing valuable information.

A. Research in Google websites about Research Report and how to write a research paper. Then write all the
important information in a sheet of paper. And make it as your reference as you go along the next activities.

B. Watch a video that talks about research work. As you watch the video, complete the questions that follow.
1. What is the topic of research?
2. What is the purpose of research?
3. Describe the methodology used.
4. What are findings/ results?


5. What are conclusion/ recommendations?
6. How did the speaker manage to discuss all essential elements in limited time?

C. Your task for this activity is to find an example of a research report about environment. Bring them to the class
and with a partner, analyze the report by answering these questions.
1. What is the topic of research?
2. What is the purpose of research?
3. Describe the methodology used.
4. What are findings/ results?
5. What are conclusion/ recommendations?
6. How did the speaker manage to discuss all essential elements in limited time?




Research in Google websites and find any research works. Select at least five completed researches. Copy the
research abstracts and complete the matrix below. Use extra sheets.

Do a Research Project
A. Plan for a project proposal. Think of any topics and its title for your research project. Send it to your teacher for
the checking and approval.

B. You will now convert to a four-to-five page research report as of your output in this final lesson. Follow the parts
below as the content of your research project.

Parts of a Research Report

1. Title
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Literature Review
5. Methodology
6. Results and Discussion
7. Conclusion, Summary, Recommendation

Part 1 – Preliminaries
I. Topic/ Study
II. Title of the Study


III. Date and Year Conducted
IV. Name/s of Research/s
Part 2- Research Content
1. What are the problems stated in the research study/thesis?
2. Who or what are the respondents or persons involved in the study? Discuss how they have been chosen or
3. Describe each material or tool used in gathering data. How much materials helped in data gathering?
4. Discuss how the researcher/s got the answer for their thesis problem.
5. Are the solutions made in the research based on real experimentation or observation? Explain and support
your answers with the findings of the study.
6. Enumerate five (5) information you have discovered or found out in the study. Do you consider them
valuable or important to life? In what sense?
Part 3- Recommendation and Reflections
1. What recommendations are made from the findings of the study?
2. Reflections: Based on the research paper you have critiqued, what are the roles of a researcher have you
figured out? How do you see yourself now as an aspiring researcher?
3. What topic or problem are you interested and inspired to explore? Enumerate at least three research topics
you want to pursue and include in each topic your reason for doing such. Reason out well.



A. MULTIPLE CHOICES. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is academic writing?
A. The process of breaking down ideas.
B. About what you think and what evidence has contributed to that thinking
C. All the answers are correct.
D. Using deductive reasoning, formal voice, and third person point-of-view.
2. Academic writing uses:
A. Deductive reasoning
B. Formal Voice
C. Third person point-of-view
D. All of the answers are correct.
3. In order to actively participate in academic discourse, you must:
A. Know, accept, and use the terms, values, and rules of academic discourse.
B. Know how to change the terms, values, and rules of academic discourse.
C. Know how to create and use the terms, values, and rules of academic discourse.
D. All of the answers are correct.
4. What is a purpose of closing sentence?
A. It reminds the reader of the topic, and keeps them thinking.


B. It re-states the introduction
C. It gives us details about the topic.
D. It lets us know what the paragraph is going to be about.
5. A good topic sentence should always be…
A. Boring
B. Detailed
C. Interesting
D. Long
6. The best time to write an introduction is often:
A. First
B. Last
C. After writing the body
D. None of the above.
7. Which of the following description is an academic writing?
A. A technique to write balanced, accurate and professional assignments.
B. An old fashion way of writing.
C. How university professors write.
D. The writing you find in textbooks.
8. Choose three words to describe academic writing.
A. Talented, stylish, inspiring
B. Precise, clear, objective
C. Decisive, divisive, derisive
D. Subjective, obscure, vague
9. What is an analysis?
A. a statement used to support or prove the thesis.
B. quotations from a source
C. the explanation of the meaning of evidence
D. a sentence that grabs your reader’s attention
10. Which of the following is true about introductory paragraph?
A. ends with the thesis
B. introduces the big idea of the easy
C. starts with a hook
D. all of these
11. A thesis stamen is NOT…
A. the main point of the essay
B. the main argument of the essay
C. a summary
D. opinions + reasons
12. What order do essays go in?
A. Introduction, Body Paragraph, Body Paragraph, Conclusion
B. Body Paragraph, Introduction, Conclusion, Body Paragraph
C. Introduction, Body Paragraph, Conclusion, Body Paragraph
D. Conclusion, Introduction, Body Paragraph, Body Paragraph
13. When do you use formal language?
A. in an academic essay
B. when you talk to a friend
C. when you write a text message
D. when making valid excuses
14. What does it mean to write academically?
A. To write in order to pass the final exams
B. To write the paper for scholars


C. To write using proper English language
D. To avoid copy pasting from the Internet
15. Why is it important to choose relevant topic?
A. So that the topic will gain the interest of the academic community
B. To pass Research, Writing and Drafting module
C. To write something useful for the lecturer
D. So that the students can express what they feel
16. What are the purposes of doing an academic writing?
A. To settle, to negotiate and to inform
B. To defend, to challenge and to question
C. To inform, to persuade and to argue a specific point
D. To guess, to hypothesize and to make conclusions
17. Which of the following statements is true about paragraph?
A. Paragraph always contain six or more sentences
B. Paragraph always contain an example
C. Paragraph has a topic sentence
D. Paragraph has its interesting closing sentences.
18. Which of the following statement is not true about the importance of academic for students?
A. It helps ensure surviving college life
B. It increases the chance of being hired after college
C. It prepares the students to write with ease and style.
D. It teaches the students to be clear in emphasizing some reasons and rational topics to discuss about.
19. Which of the following parts of the essay serves as the “substance” of the paper?
A. Body
B. Introduction
C. Conclusion
D. Examples and Sub topics
20. It is part of essay that is historical and social context of controversial issues.
A. Background
B. Preposition
C. Conclusion
D. Refutation
B. IDENTIFICATION. Read each item carefully and write the correct and appropriate answer on the space
1. It is kind of writing is formal in nature and is informative.
2. It is an argumentative writing that is usually short.
3. It is part of the academic paper wherein sources are cited in the paper listed alphabetically.
4. It is part of the essay that consists of the background of the argument.
5. It is a type of report that is systematic, articulate, and orderly presentation research work in
written form.
6. Type of narration essay that discusses about relationship, reasons, and how things related to
7. It is for comparing of two or more subjects and concepts in narration essay.
8. It is part of essay support the thesis stamen.
9. It is the main idea or the topic sentence of the paragraph.
10. In this part of the essay restates the line of argument and summarizes the points that support
the thesis.
C. TRUE OR FALSE. Identify the following sentences if it is True or False.
1. The thesis statement tells the purpose and objective of the paper.
2. Citation from credible source must be included in various academic texts.
3. Topic sentence discusses a topic which is related to the thesis statement.


4. You are summarizing when you write incoherent and irrelevant ideas.
5. Writing critique is similar when writing a summary.
6. Rephrasing is to express ideas in an alternate way for the purpose of clarification.
7. Sentence outline provides a quick overview of topics to be included in an essay.
8. The thesis statement of the text should be in question form.
9. The main idea is always located in the first part of the paragraph.
10. Introduction of the academic paper must be catchy to the readers.
D. Essay:

1. What is the relevance of learning the academic writing towards the field of communication?

2. How importance is academic writing towards your life today?

3. Make an outline in writing an effective essay about euthanasia.

4. Formulate your outline into essay writing in which the topic mentioned above.



4. Bernales, Rolando et al (2018). Purposive Communication. Mutya Publishing House, Inc.

5. Lim, Joana Marie et al (2019). A Course Module of Purposive Communication.

Internet Sources

 https://www.




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