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A hybrid Jiles-Atherton/Armstrong

magnetization model considering uniaxial

anisotropy for magnetostrictive alloy rods
Cite as: AIP Advances 9, 035238 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5079803
Submitted: 03 November 2018 . Accepted: 05 February 2019 . Published Online: 19 March 2019

Yafang Li , Bowen Wang, Wenmei Huang, Ling Weng, and Yongjian Li


Paper published as part of the special topic on 2019 Joint MMM-Intermag Conference


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AIP Advances 9, 035238 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5079803 9, 035238

© 2019 Author(s).
AIP Advances ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/adv

A hybrid Jiles-Atherton/Armstrong magnetization

model considering uniaxial anisotropy
for magnetostrictive alloy rods
Cite as: AIP Advances 9, 035238 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5079803
Presented: 18 January 2019 • Submitted: 3 November 2018 •
Accepted: 5 February 2019 • Published Online: 19 March 2019

Yafang Li,1,2 Bowen Wang,1,2,a) Wenmei Huang,1,2 Ling Weng,1,2 and Yongjian Li1,2

State Key Laboratory of Reliability and Intelligence of Electrical Equipment, Hebei University of Technology,
Tianjin 300130, China
Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Field and Electrical Apparatus Reliability of Hebei Province,
School of Electrical Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130, China

Note: This paper was presented at the 2019 Joint MMM-Intermag Conference.
Corresponding Author is Bowen Wang. Electronic mail: bwwang@hebut.edu.cn.

A magnetization model for magnetostrictive alloy (Galfenol) rods with uniaxial anisotropy is established, based on the theory of the Jiles-
Atherton model and the Armstrong model. The magnetization under different magnetic fields and applied stresses at different directions has
been calculated by the constitutive model. The magnetic properties of a Galfenol rod were made and are consistent with the calculated results.
The proposed model accurately describes the relationship between the magnetization and applied magnetic field under different stresses for
Galfenol rods, in particular, and can be applied to general ferromagnetic materials with uniaxial anisotropy due to crystallography or shape.
© 2019 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5079803

I. INTRODUCTION The Jiles-Atherton (JA) model models hysteresis behavior

according to the theory of moment rotation and domain wall pin-
Iron-Gallium (Galfenol) alloys are a kind of magnetostrictive ning.4 It is the most effective model which represents the nonlinear
material which has moderate strain (350×10-6 ) at low applied mag- hysteresis of ferromagnetic materials. Initially, a modified Langevin
netic fields (8 kA/m), low hysteresis, and measurable ductility. These equation was employed to model the anhysteretic magnetization for
qualities have given Galfenol a wide application in precise control isotropic materials.5 Sablik and Jiles incorporated the effect of stress
and vibration control systems.1 Galfenol material is produced as on the magnetization by introducing the concept of a stress equiv-
a highly textured polycrystal. Due to crystalline symmetry, there alent field, which alters the effective field in the Langevin function,
are six <100> easy axes and eight <111> hard axes.2,3 The mag- but the direction of stress was not considered.6 Later, the effect of
netic moments of the domains are constrained by the crystalline anisotropy was incorporated into the JA model,7,8 but the stress was
anisotropy energy to align along the easy axis directions within the still introduced by the effective field and the direction of stress was
crystal. Here the axis direction of the Galfenol rod is along the <100> not considered. In that case, the Armstrong model can be applied.
direction, and it is easier to magnetize the Galfenol rod along the It was established according to an energy-based model including
rod axis than along the direction perpendicular to the rod axis. the magnetocrystalline, magnetoelastic and magnetic field energy
Since the anisotropy energy depends upon crystallography, geom- terms.9 The magnetoelastic term can describe the direction of stress.
etry, and applied stress, it is essential to establish a magnetization The modified Armstrong model has been used in the past to simu-
model taking into account all of these anisotropy energies for a late the magnetization of Galfenol,10 however, it does not describe
Galfenol rod. the hysteresis loop characteristics in the magnetization model.

AIP Advances 9, 035238 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5079803 9, 035238-1

© Author(s) 2019
AIP Advances ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/adv

The Stoner–Wohlfarth theory models the magnetization in three Where: Ea is the anisotropy energy, EH is the magnetic field
dimensions and is useful for materials exhibiting anisotropy, but energy, Eσ is the magnetoelastic energy, Ew is exchange energy and
it does not account for dynamic response and incremental energy ED is the demagnetization energy. The anisotropy energy can be
loss.11,12 Another approach to modeling Galfenol has been formu- expressed as
lated by Dapino.13,14 Based on free energy, a constitutive model was
Ea = K1 mathrmsin2 φ (4)
presented which quantifies the nonlinear magnetization of Galfenol.
The effects of external magnetic fields, stresses and stress annealing Where: K 1 is the anisotropy constant, and φ is the angle which
on the magnetization were modeled. the magnetization in a domain makes with the unique axis. When
In this paper, the magnetization of Galfenol is calculated based K 1 >0, the unique axis is the easy axis and when K 1 <0, the unique
on the JA model. A novel hybrid Jiles-Atherton/Armstrong mag- axis is the hard axis. For Galfenol, K 1 >0 and the easy axis is also the
netization model is proposed considering uniaxial anisotropy when <100> direction which is aligned along the rod.
Galfenol rods are subjected to an external magnetic field and stressed In Eq. (2), the energy E of all the moments pointing at an angle
along different directions. In the proposed model, the anisotropy θ with respect to the direction of the applied magnetic field are the
energy and magnetoelastic energy based on the Armstrong model same. For example, the energies of the moments m1 and m2 in Fig. 1a
are introduced into the JA model. are considered the same. However, in anisotropic materials, if the
magnetic field is applied at an angle ψ to the direction of the unique
axis, and the ψ goes from the unique axis all the way to the magnetic
II. HYBRID JILES-ATHERTON/ARMSTRONG field, the moments m1 and m2 have different anisotropy energies:
MAGNETIZATION MODEL FOR Ea (1) = K1 sin2 (ψ + θ), and Ea (2) = K1 sin2 (ψ − θ). Thus in gen-
MAGNETOSTRICTIVE RODS eral, we have two sets of domains. If we consider that any direction of
In the case of isotropic materials, the original JA model can be magnetization in a domain is equally likely, then we have to replace
acquired by calculating the anhysteretic magnetization M an , using the term 2π sin θ in the derivation of the Langevin equation for
the effective field H e , the magnetization M and the irreversible isotropic material with π sin θ in the case of anisotropy and con-
magnetization M irr , as shown in Eq. (1). sider the two semicircular arcs with domains pointing at an angle
θ to the direction of applied field separately.7,15 In such a case, the

⎪ He a anisotropy energy should be expressed as

⎪ Man = Ms f(He ), f(He ) = coth( ) − , He = H + αM

⎪ a He
⎨ (1) K1

⎪ dM Man − Mirr dMan Ea = (sin2 (ψ + θ) + sin2 (ψ − θ)) (5)

⎪ = (1 − c) +c 2
⎩ dH δk − α(Man − Mirr ) dH
The magnetic field energy and the exchange energy are deter-
Where: M s is the saturation magnetization, a characterizes mined by EH = −µ0 ⟨m⟩H cos θ and Ew = −µ0 ⟨m⟩(αM)cos θ.
the shape of the anhysteretic curve, H is the magnetic field, α is Where: µ0 is the permeability of vacuum, and ⟨m⟩ is the magnetic
the exchange coupling coefficient, c is the reversible component of moment of a typical domain given as ⟨m⟩ = µkT0 a . The parameters
domain wall motion, k is the average density of the pinning sites and
α and a are defined as Eq. (1). The exchange energy reflects the
δ takes the value 1 or -1 depending on whether the magnetic field is
coupling between magnetic domains.
increasing or decreasing.
In this case, the magnetoelastic energy is
From Eq. (1), we can find that modeling hysteresis with the JA
model includes two steps. First, anhysteretic magnetization M an is 3
calculated. Then, magnetization is calculated by an ordinary differ- Eσ = − σλs cos2 η (6)
ential equation. The Langevin function has been used to calculate
the anhysteretic magnetization for the case of isotropic materials. Where: λs is the saturation magnetostriction, σ is applied stress,
However, in the case of anisotropic materials, the Langevin func- and η is the angle between the direction of the magnetic moment
tion is not applicable because the anisotropy energy is different along and the direction of the stress. When the direction of stress is differ-
different directions. ent from that of the magnetic field, the angle is β, as also shown in
In anisotropic materials, the anhysteretic magnetization can be Fig. 1a. Then the magnetoelastic energy should be expressed as
calculated by the summation of the contribution to magnetization of
magnetic moments along the magnetic field direction,9 as shown in Eσ = − σλs (cos2 (β + θ) + cos2 (β − θ)) (7)
Eq. (2). 4
∑all moments e In the JA model, the anhysteretic magnetization is the value of
− kT
cos θ
Man = Ms E (2) magnetization in the material after a demagnetization process at zero
∑all moments e − kT
applied magnetic field,16 where H = 0 and M = 0, so the demagneti-
Where: E is the total energy, θ is the angle between the direction zation energy can be considered as zero. By Eq. (5) and Eq. (7), the
of the magnetic moment and the direction of the magnetic field, and total energy E is
kT represents the Boltzmann energy.
Based on the Armstrong model, the total energy E of any partic- E= (sin2 (ψ + θ) + sin2 (ψ − θ)) − µ0 ⟨m⟩H cos θ
ular magnetic moment is a sum of the individual free energies9,10,15 2
− µ0 ⟨m⟩(αM)cos θ − σλs (cos2 (β + θ) + cos2 (β − θ)) (8)
E = Ea + EH + Eσ + Ew + ED (3) 4

AIP Advances 9, 035238 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5079803 9, 035238-2

© Author(s) 2019
AIP Advances ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/adv

FIG. 1. (a) Structure of the Galfenol rod and schematic to

visualize anisotropy in Galfenol. (b) Magnetization model

Therefore, for anisotropic materials, the hybrid Jiles-Atherton/ A/m, α = 1×10-4 , c = 0.2, k = 300 A/m, K 1 = 1.75×104 J/m3 and
Armstrong magnetization model can be written as Eq. (9), where E λs = 2.7×10-4 .17
is calculated by Eq. (8).


⎪ ∫0 e kT sin θ cos θdθ

⎪ M an = Ms The magnetization curves are calculated by using Eq. (9) and

π −E
∫0 e kT sin θdθ
⎨ (9) shown in Fig. 2a. When ψ=0○ and 90○ , based on the magnetiza-

⎪ dM Man − Mirr dMan tion model algorithm as shown in Fig. 1b, the anisotropy and the

⎪ = (1 − c) +c direction of the stress are considered. When ψ=0○ , the magnetic
⎩ dH δk − α(M an − M irr ) dH
field is applied along the direction of easy axis. When ψ=90○ , the
The proposed model accurately describes the relationship applied magnetic field is perpendicular to the direction of easy axis.
between the magnetization and applied magnetic field under differ- The magnetization curves are found to be strongly dependent on
ent stresses, and can be applied to general ferromagnetic materials the direction of the applied magnetic field relative to the easy axis.
with uniaxial anisotropy due to crystallography or shape. By using When the magnetic field is applied along the direction of the easy
Eq. (9), the magnetization can be calculated for Galfenol (Fe83 Ga17 ) axis, it becomes easier to magnetize along the direction of the applied
rods. The implementation of this algorithm is made in MATLAB, as magnetic field. The reason is that the probability that a moment will
depicted in Fig. 1b. It includes two parts: numerical integration of point along the easy axis is greater when the magnetic field is applied
the function for anhysteretic magnetization in an anisotropic mate- along the direction of the easy axis. The anhysteretic magnetization
rial; and solving of the ordinary differential equation to calculate M an is also calculated by the Langevin function without consider-
dM/dH. The initial value of magnetization, M 0 , is set to zero at the ing anisotropy (K 1 =0). We can see that it is harder to magnetize the
beginning. The parameter values are M s = 1.4×106 A/m, a = 4.2×103 Galfenol rod along the easy axis of the Galfenol without anisotropy

AIP Advances 9, 035238 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5079803 9, 035238-3

© Author(s) 2019
AIP Advances ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/adv

FIG. 2. (a) Calculated magnetization

curves of a Galfenol rod (the applied
magnetic field is in the axial or basal
plane directions). (b) Calculated magne-
tization curves of a Galfenol rod under
different applied tensile and compres-
sive stresses. (c) Computational and
experimental magnetization curves of
a Galfenol rod. (d) Computational and
experimental magnetization curves of a
Galfenol rod with different compressive

than with anisotropy. It means that the anisotropy should be consid- tensile stress is applied to the Galfenol rod along the rod axis direc-
ered as a fundamental component of the magnetization model for a tion. The magnetization increases from 1.1×106 A/m to 1.2×106
uniaxial anisotropy Galfenol material. A/m at the magnetic field of 1×104 A/m, when the tensile stress
Fig. 2b shows the magnetization curves of the Galfenol rod increases from 0 MPa to 10 MPa.
under compressive and tensile stress. The magnetization curve of In order to verify the proposed model, the hysteresis and
the Galfenol rod under tensile stress was calculated with angle magnetostriction versus magnetic field measurements of a Galfenol
ψ = 0○ and β = 0○ . When the Galfenol rod is under compressive (Fe83 Ga17 ) uniaxial anisotropy rod 10 mm in diameter and 40 mm in
stress, the angle ψ=0○ , β =180○ . From the curves, we can see that the length were made by an automatic measurement system, as shown in
effect of stress on the magnetization is quite large. The magnetiza- Fig. 3. The excitation module includes a signal generator and power
tion decreases when increasing the compressive stress at a constant amplifier. The main part consists of two coils, iron yoke, hand wheel
magnetic field. When the compressive stress increases from 0 MPa to and force sensor. The signal measurement and acquisition mod-
20 MPa, the magnetization decreases from 1.1×106 A/m to 0.85×106 ule includes a PC, tesla meter, hall probe, fluxmeter, static strain
A/m at a magnetic field of 1×104 A/m. That is, the compressive gauge, dynamic strain gauge and signal acquisition device. Applied
stress makes the magnetization of Galfenol more difficult.18,19 How- magnetic field was generated using driving coils. Each coil has 525
ever, the magnetization of the Galfenol rod becomes easier when the turns, with a wire diameter of 0.912 mm. In order to reduce the flux

FIG. 3. A schematic of the automatic measurement system.

AIP Advances 9, 035238 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5079803 9, 035238-4

© Author(s) 2019
AIP Advances ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/adv

leakage, the iron yoke is made up of 40 silicon steel sheets with a The magnetization model can be used to calculate the magnetization
thickness of 0.5 mm. The main module is placed on a 769YP-24B and to predict the magnetic properties for Galfenol rods, in par-
hydraulic tablet press, which was used to apply stress to the Galfenol ticular, and can be applied to general ferromagnetic materials with
rod by adjusting the hand wheel. The stress was measured by a uniaxial anisotropy due to crystallography or shape. It can also pro-
JLBU-5 T force sensor. Our experimental platform can only apply vide theoretical guidance for the design and precise controlling of
compressive stress to the Galfenol rod. An Allegro A1321LUA hall magnetostrictive devices.
probe was used to measure the AC magnetic field. A tesla meter was
used to measure the DC magnetic field. A Lake Shore 480 fluxmeter
was used to measure the flux. All measurements were recorded by ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
a Tektronix DPO3014 oscilloscope. The dynamic strain gauge and This work was supported by the National Natural Science
static strain gauge were used to measure the magnetostriction of the Foundation of China (Grant No. 51777053), the Natural Sci-
material. ence Foundation of Hebei Province (Grant No. E2016202034, and
Fig. 2c shows the calculated magnetization curves considering E2017202035).
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AIP Advances 9, 035238 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5079803 9, 035238-5

© Author(s) 2019

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