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Take five minutes to reflect on each of the following questions, and record your answers in the
boxes below.

What have I learned so far about myself as a leader? What are my strengths
and weaknesses? (Please be as specific as possible.)

Inspiring, engaging and well-respected. – I do create a value process for my team members
Can lift those around them to perform at a high level., I believe in motivating my team members
to achieve their highest potential and also let them make decisions.

Tend not to be hands on with the day-to-day business management. This is one area where I
need to create a focal point and get more involved with the team members. Also probably guide
and direct team members
Achieving success relies upon near universal approval from their team.

What steps should I take to develop myself as a leader in order to grow my

business? (For example: “I need to find a coach” or “I need to practice how to give

I need to get a coach who can guide me on how I can manage a team in a balanced manner
and also to help me be focused on my goals.
What assumptions do I hold which could restrict growth, and how will I
challenge these assumptions? (Please include two or three assumptions.)

The assumptions that I hold are that individual are self motivated, I have realized not all are like
that, and I need to sit with each team member regularly to guide them on their path.

What are my goals as I develop as a leader?

My Goals are that I need to be a more involved leader, and maintain a balance in controlling

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