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Republic of the Philippines


Cabanatuan City
Master of Arts in Teaching

Course Code: EM 211

Course Title: Foundation of Education Management
No. of Units: 3
Contact Hours: 54 Hours
Prerequisite: None
Course Description: The course centers on the concept that to be complete, education should aim toward the development of the total person.
It deals on the philosophical, sociological and psychological concepts and principles that influence the education of man. It
includes the philosophy of man, the sociological foundation of education, and the psychological concepts and principles
applied in the context of teaching and learning situations.
Vision  NEUST is a locally responsive and internationally relevant and recognized university of Science and
Mission  To develop new knowledge and technologies and transform human resources into productive citizenry to
bring about development impact to local and international communities.
Core Values and Strategy  N-Nationalism, E-Excellence, U-Unity, S-Spirituality, T-Transparency
Institutional Outcomes  Instruction.
1. To provide world-class quality education in all of its program offerings;
2. To promote competent and ethical leadership and professionalism among graduate students; and
3. To strengthen the moral, spiritual and ethical values of graduate students to attain a balanced
spiritual life amidst scientific program advancement.
 Research. To undertake productive and relevant researches that will contribute to quality instruction,
effective extension services, globally competitive technologies, good governance and curriculum
 Extension. To contribute significantly to the improvement of the quality of life of the people within
province and region, in particular, and the country, in general.
 Production. To lead in the production and packaging of globally competitive technologies responsive to
the demands and needs of the University, province, region and country.
Course Description The course centers on the concept that to be complete, education should aim toward the development of the
total person. It deals on the philosophical, sociological and psychological concepts and principles that influence
the education of man. It includes the philosophy of man, the sociological foundation of education, and the
psychological concepts and principles applied in the context of teaching and learning situations.

Program Outcomes  Clear and sound concept of education and its foundation in management of education.
 Clear and sound concept of sociological foundations of education and their implication to education
 Skills in evaluating present educational system in the country based on observation and in relation to
learned principles.
 Skills in application of learned theories and principles in planning or responsive curriculum.
 Leadership in instruction and curriculum enrichment.

III. Students Outcomes and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

Student Outcomes PEO
1 2 3 4 5
1. Become globally competitive with advanced and specialized knowledge and competencies in foundations of education.
2. Recommend ways on how can education help improve the sociologic condition of the people toward better way of life
for the nation;
3. Display leadership in education management via the application of principles learned concerning foundation of
4. Conduct relevant researches that will contribute to the improvement of the teaching-learning process, teaching
technologies and strategies, curriculum and materials development, educational assessment and evaluation and
educational planning, considering the foundations of education learned.
5. Establish linkages and partnership with various sectors of society for better quality of life of the educators.
IV. Course Outcomes and Relationship to Students Outcomes

Student Outcomes Student Outcomes

After completing the course, the students at a minimum must
1. Apply clear and sound concept of education and its foundation in management of education
2. Have clear and sound concept of sociological foundation of education and their implication to education.
3. Have skills in evaluating present educational system in the country based on observation and in relation to learned
4 Have skills in application of learned theories and principles in planning for responsive curriculum
5 Have leadership in instruction and curriculum enrichment

V. Course Coverage
Course Orientation – University’s vision, mission graduate school goals , program educational objectives, student ad course outcomes, course
requirements and grading system

Course Learning Unit / Topic Time Intended Learning Outcomes Teaching Learning Activities Assessment
Outcome Allotment Tool
CO 1 LU – 1 Philosophical Foundations: Clear and sound concepts related to
- Educational, Philosophy, and education philosophy and philosophy
Philosophy of Education
- Branches of Philosophy and Clear and sound concept of branches Teachers lecture Quiz
Philosophies of Education of philosophy and Philosophies of
- Educational Philosophies of education Power point presentation Reaction
Frontier thinkers of paper
- Education 8-9 hours Clear comparison of different Discourse on different
- Educational Philosophies of philosophies of education philosophies of education Critique
- Educators Reading for Distinctive features of Filipino school Rubric
discussion and interaction of thoughts
- The philosophical enterprise
- The Phenomenological Insights on different philosophical
method concepts
- Elements of inter-human
- The way to freedom
- The phenomenology of truth
and love
CO2 LU 2 - Sociological Foundation Knowledge of the concept of
- Sociology, Sociology of sociology, and sociology of education
- Educational Sociology Clear definition of educational Reporting Quiz
- Scope of Sociological sociology
Foundation Open forum Rubric
- Social Stratification Clear understanding of social
- School of Social System 14-15 stratification and of the role of school Facilitation Critique
- Institutional Groups and hours as a social system
Leadership Discourse
- Readings for discussion and Knowledge of the existence of
interaction institutional groups and the role of
- The Philippines Cultural leadership
Context, Social Problem and
the Youth Evaluative insights on the effects if
- Social Change: Its Effect on sociological factors in educational
the Youth development
- The Mis-education of the
LU 3 – The Psychological Clear and sound understanding of the
Foundation: psychological basis of education
- The Psychological basis of
Education Understanding individuals and their Rubric
- The Learner, his uniqueness as prospects for
Temperament, and 14-15 education Case study
Personality hours
- The Learning Process Clear understanding of the learning Reporting, Open forum & Reflection
CO3 - Classroom Management; process and its important Facilitation paper
Motivation; Discipline and considerations
Psychology Applied to Philippine Knowledge on the role of motivation.
Setting Discipline and guidance in effective
classroom management

Evaluation insights on the psychology

of the Filipinos
CO4 LU4 Case Analyses
- Considering philosophical,
sociological and psychological 5-6 hours Develop critical thinking skills Critique Rubric
foundations in Philippine and
foreign setting
LU5 Application of Principles
- Development of Proposed
Curriculum Enrichment /
Revision plans with the 9 hours Development synthesizing skills Paper presentation Rubric
integration of the foundations
of educations discussed
VI. Learning Resources

Banson, P.T. (2000). Fundamental Philosophy of Education, Philippines, National Bookstore

Bustos, A. S. et al. (2000) Psychological, Anthropological, and Sociological Foundations of Education. Rev. Ed. Katha Publishing Co. Inc. Philippines
Calderon, Jose F. (2003) Foundations of Education. Rex Printing Press, Philippines
Sallis, E. (2002) Total Quality Management in Education. 3rd Editin. KOgan Page

VII. Evaluation Criteria

Description Midterm Final

Quizzes 20 20
Classroom discourse 20 20
Critique / Reaction Paper 30 30
Final Examination 30 30
Total 100 100

Prepared by:




At the end of unit, the students will be
able to:
a. Define and understand the
meaning of research and other Unit 1  Lecture-Discussion Method  Recitation
terminologies related to the Introduction to the  Visual presentation  Quiz
subject. Field of Research  Group Learning
1. Research Designs and Research
2. Qualitative and Quantitative
Unit 2 Discussion of Characters
1 to 2 (From
Introduction to
b. Determine the importance and Statistical Treatment
significance of doing research. of Data)
CHAPTER 1. THE PROBLEM AND REVIEW  Internet/ Library Research
OF RELATED LITERATURE  Power point Presentation
Introduction  Lecture-Discussion Method  Assignment
Statement of the problem Hypothesis  Visual Presentation  Recitation
c. Conduct defend and submit a Theoretical/Conceptual Framework  Group Learning  Examination
research proposal; Scope and Delimitation of the study  Debate
Significance of the study
Definition of Terms


Method of Research
Samples of Research Samples and
Sampling Procedure
Research Locale
Research Instrument Validity and
Reliability of the Research Instrument
Data Gathering Procedure Statistical
Treatment of Data

Bibliography Appendices Curriculum


Grading System:
Quizzes/ Recitation/Assignment 20%
Exam 20%
Attendance/Assignment 10%
Requirement 50%

Calderon, J. (1993). Methods of Research and Thesis Writing. National Bookstore. 125 Pioneer Street., Mandaluyong City.
Grundy, S. (1998). Research partnership: Principles and possibilities. In B. Atweh, S. Kemmis & P. Weeks (Eds.), Action research in practice, pp.37-46.
McMillian, J. & S. Schumancher. (1993). Research in Education. A Conceptual Introduction. R.R Donnelly & Sons Company. U.S.A.
Patten, M. (2002). Understanding Research Methods. An Overview of the Essentials. Publishing. U.S.A.
Scott, D. & Weeks, P. (1998). Action research as Reflective collaboration. In B. Atweh, S. Kemmis, &P. Weeks (Eds.), Action Research in Practice, pp.241-
249. London: Routledge.
Prepared by:


Noted: Approved:


Department Head Dean, Graduate School

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