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Design Concrete Pressure Calculation

Determining Concrete Pressure acting on formwork

K=(36/(T+16))2= For 5◦≤T≤30◦ T taken =20◦
C1=1.5 (Column Form) C2=0.45 (Mix w/retard), K= 0.771 (Assume lowest temperature for the max. design conc. Pressure)
Wi=0.6 Ai=Wi2 H = 2.4 m
3 3
R=4.5/A (Q=9/2= 4.5 m /h, 2 trucks of 4.5 m in two hours)
ρc= 25 KN/m
𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝜌𝑐 𝐶1 𝑅 + 𝐶2 𝐾 𝐻 − 𝐶1 𝑅 𝑜𝑟 𝜌𝑐 ℎ
whichever is the smaller (CIRIA Report 108)

Total Plan Rate of Hydros Design Elev.

Width Area Rise Pmax tatic Pressur above
D*h e bottom
h Wi Ai=10.0*Wi R Concrete Pressure Diagram
2 2 2 2
m m m m/h kN/m kN/m kN/m m 2.75
0.00 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 0.00 0.00 2.40
0.10 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 2.50 2.50 2.30 2.50
0.20 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 5.00 5.00 2.20 0.00
0.30 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 7.50 7.50 2.10 2.50
0.40 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 10.00 10.00 2.00 7.50
0.50 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 12.50 12.50 1.90 2.00 10.00
0.60 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 15.00 15.00 1.80 12.50
Elevation above bottom (m)
0.70 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 17.50 17.50 1.70 1.75
0.80 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 20.00 20.00 1.60 20.00
0.90 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 22.50 22.50 1.50 1.50 22.50
1.00 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 25.00 25.00 1.40 27.50
1.10 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 27.50 27.50 1.30 30.00
1.20 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 30.00 30.00 1.20 32.50
1.00 35.00
1.30 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 32.50 32.50 1.10 37.50
1.40 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 35.00 35.00 1.00 40.00
1.50 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 37.50 37.50 0.90 42.50
1.60 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 40.00 40.00 0.80 0.50 47.50
1.70 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 42.50 42.50 0.70 50.00
1.80 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 45.00 45.00 0.60 0.25
1.90 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 47.50 47.50 0.50 50.11
2.00 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 50.00 50.00 0.40 0.00 50.11
2.10 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 52.50 50.11 0.30 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00

2.20 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 55.00 50.11 0.20 Conc. Pressure (KN/m2)
2.30 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 57.50 50.11 0.10
2.40 0.600 6.000 0.750 50.11 60.00 50.11 0.00
P max 50.11 KN/m

Design Concrete Pressure

: kN/m2 throughout the height
Concrete Pressure Diagram
Design Information Design
Design Concrete Pressure 50.111 KN/m2 Concrete
Allowable Deflection not exceed 1/360 Span 0.0028 Pressure 2.50
Tie Rod Spacing not less than 0.6 m Diagram 2.25 2.50
Waling Wooden bead 2x2 Soldier 2x2 7.50

Elevation above bottom (m)


Hydrostatic Pressure,
Design Concrete Enevlope 12.50
1.75 15.00
Extreme Fiber Adjust Adjust 17.50
Adjust Size 20.00
Bending stress, Bending Section Moisture Use 1.50 22.50
Formwork Components Coefficient, 25.00
kN/m2 From Table Stiffness EI Modulus, S m3 Coefficient, Coefficien 1.25 27.50
2 γ 30.00
1a (kNm ) α t, β 32.50
1.00 35.00
19mm Plywood (0.6-m width) 41.895 0.0197 0.000000018339 1.00 1.25 1.00 37.50
0.75 40.00
Soldier 50mm X 50mm 41.895 0.0425 0.0011099505 1.00 1.25 1.00 42.50
Walling φ60.3mm MS Pipe 72039.654 330947.13 0.0000434314 1.00 1.25 1.00 0.50 47.50
Plywood width for Column/Wall 0.600 m 0.25 50.11
Thickness of plywood 19 mm 50.11
0.00 50.11
Elasticity of Plywood, E= 57456.000 KN/m2 0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00
Conc. Pressure (KN/m2)

UDL, ω (kN/m) Spacing (m) calculation Formulae Max.
Spacing = Spacing X
Formwork Component Permissible Check Tie Rod Spacing Criterion
Spacing to be Design Spacing due to Spacing due
Spacing due Spacing (m)
Used (m) Pressure Bending, m to Shear, m
to Defln, m
𝛼𝛽𝛾𝑆 𝐹𝑏 𝛼𝛽𝛾 1.69
3 𝛼𝐸𝐼

Plywood, mm 19 𝜔 2𝑑 +
Design Concrete Pressure= 50KN/m2
Soldier UDL =0.3 x 50KN/m 0.300 15.03 11.572 0.512 0.324 0.324 Soldier Spacing OK
Walling UDL = 0.6 x 50 KN/m 0.600 30.07 70.696 14.955 0.719 0.719 Waling Spacing OK
Tie Rod UDL =0.6 x 50KN/m 0.550 27.56 7.310 33.644 0.572 0.572 Vertical Tie Rod Spacing OK
Max. Tension in each Tie Rod =50.111KN/m2 X0.6m X0.55m 16.54 kN
2 2
Steel Grade of Tie Rod= 500000 KN/m Shear Strength of Weld of Tie Rod= 186158.520 KN/m
Tie Rod Φ 10 mm Utlimate Pull Strength of Tie Rod= 32.491 KN based on Welding
Strength of Welding Rod= 60XX Utlimate Pull Strength of Tie Rod= 39.270 KN based on parent Metal
Welding Strength of Tie Rod 413685.6 KN/m FOS of material= 1.15
Service Load of Tie Rod @ 0.6 m X 0.55 m Spacing= 28.253 KN, Ok i.e.2.88 tons
Concrete Pressure Diagram
Design Information Design
Design Concrete Pressure 50.111 KN/m2 Concrete
Allowable Deflection not exceed 1/360 Span Pressure 2.50
Tie Rod Spacing not less than 0.6 m Diagram 2.25 2.50

Elevation above bottom (m)

2.00 10.00
Design Concrete Enevlope 12.50
1.75 15.00
Extreme Fiber Adjust Adjust 17.50
Bending Adjust Size 20.00
Bending stress, Section Moisture Use 1.50 22.50
Formwork Components Stiffness EI Modulus, S m3 Coefficient, Coefficient Coefficient, 25.00
kN/m2 From Table 1.25 27.50

γ 30.00
1a (kNm2) α ,β 32.50
1.00 35.00
19mm Plywood (0.6-m width) 41.895 0.020 0.000000018339 1.00 1.25 1.00 37.50
0.75 40.00
Soldier 50mm X 50mm 41.895 0.042515543 0.00110995 1.00 1.25 1.00 42.50
Walling φ60.3mm MS Pipe 72039.65443 330947.1341 4.34314E-05 1.00 1.25 1.00 0.50 47.50
Plywood width for Column/Wall 0.600 m 0.25 50.11
Thickness of plywood 19 mm 50.11
0.00 50.11
Elasticity of Plywood, E= 1200000.000 KN/m2 0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00
Conc. Pressure (KN/m2)

UDL, ω (kN/m) Spacing (m) calculation Formulae Max.
Spacing (to the = Spacing X
Formwork Component Spacing to be Design
Permissible Check Tie Rod Spacing Crtiterion
Spacing due to Spacing due
Spacing due Spacing (m)
Used (m) Pressure Bending, m to Shear, m
to Defln, m
𝐹𝑏 𝛼𝛽𝛾 3 𝛼𝐸𝐼
𝛼𝛽𝛾𝑆 2𝑑 + 1.69
Plywood, mm 19.000 10.95𝐹𝑏
𝜔 0.9𝜔 𝜔
Design Concrete Pressure= 50KN/m2
Soldier UDL =0.25 x 50KN/m 0.250 30.07 8.183 0.332 0.257 0.257 Soldier Spacing OK
H. Tie Rod UDL = 0.9 x 50 KN/m2 0.550 27.56 9.609 33.648 0.673 0.673 Horizontal Tie Rod Spacing OK
V. Tie Rod UDL =0.55 x 50KN/m 0.550 27.56 9.609 33.648 0.572 0.572 Vertical Tie Rod Spacing OK
Max. Tension in each Tie Rod =50.111KN/m2 X0.55m X0.55m 15.16 kN
Steel Grade of Tie Rod= 500000 KN/m2 Shear Strength of Weld of Tie Rod= 186158.520 KN/m

Tie Rod Φ 12 mm Utlimate Pull Strength of Tie Rod= 46.787 KN based on Welding
Strength of Welding Rod= 60XX Utlimate Pull Strength of Tie Rod= 56.549 KN based on parent Metal
Welding Strength of Tie Rod 413685.6 KN/m FOS of material= 1.15
Service Load of Tie Rod @ 0.55 m X 0.55 m Spacing= 40.684 KN, Ok i.e.4.15 tons
Extreme Fiber Compression Compression Horizontal Modulus of Depth of Width of Effective Section
S. Shear, Fy
SPECIES & GRADE bending Stress, Perp. to Grain Prll. to Grain Elasticity, wooden bead wooden bead Modulus S
Fb, psf Perp. Fc , psf Prll. Fc , psf (prll to grain), psf E, psf D, mm B, mm mm3
1 No. 2, 2 in. thick, 2 in. and wider 2x2 875 625 1300 95 1,600,000 51 51 1,109,950
2 No. 4 in. thick, 3 in. wide 3X4 1000 625 1600 95 1,500,000 102 76 13,319,406
3 No. 2, 2 in. thick, 4 in. wider 2X4 825 520 1300 90 1,200,000 102 51 8,879,604
4 No.2 , 2in. thick, 6 in. wide 2X6 925 520 1550 90 1,200,000 152 51 29,968,663
5 No. 2, 6 in. thick, 6 in. wide 6X6 1500 565 1650 90 1,650,000 152 152 89,905,988
6 No. 2, 8 in. thick, 6 in. wide 6X8 1250 565 1650 90 1,650,000 203 152 213,110,490
7 No. 2, 6 in. thick, 4 in. wide 4X6 1200 565 1650 90 1,650,000 152 102 59,937,325
8 No.2, 4 in. thick, 4in. wide 4X4 1100 565 1650 100 1,500,000 102 102 17,759,207
9 No. 2, 6 in. thick, 3 in. wider 3X6 875 425 1100 70 1,400,000 152 76 44,952,994
10 No., 8 in. thick, 3 in. wide 3X8 975 425 1350 70 1,300,000 203 76 106,555,245
11 No. 2, 2-4 in. thick, 2 in. and wider 850 405 1250 75 1,300,000 102 51 8,879,604
12 Construction, 2-4 in. thick, 2-4in. wide 975 405 1500 75 1,300,000 102 102 17,759,207
13 No. 2, 8 in. thick, 8 in. wide 8X8 1545 210 n/a 57 1,500,000 203 204 285,266,010
12 inch width, used with Face Grain Perpendicular to Span
12 inch width, used with Grain Parallel to Span
Standard Plywood l / 360 1/16"
Spacing Spacing Rolling Extreme
Net- Effective Shear
Moment of Inertia Spacing due Deflection due to due to Shear Fiber
thickne Section Consta Bending
to Bending Coefficient Deflecti Deflection Coefficien bending
ss Modulus nt
on 1 2 t stress
4 3 2 2
mm mm mm mm Multiplyer inches Multiplyer inches Inches Multiplyer KN/m
1 6 5.486 1.829 5.19 1 134.54 1 10.30 14.90 1 41.895
2 10 25.400 5.080 6.48 1 224.24 1 17.17 21.86 1 41.895
3 13 55.804 8.585 9.3 1 291.51 1 22.32 26.61 1 41.895
4 16 104.038 13.005 12.2 1 358.79 1 27.47 31.09 1 41.895
5 19 174.219 18.339 13.7 1 426.06 1 32.62 35.37 1 41.895
6 22 270.459 24.587 15.2 1 493.33 1 37.77 39.48 1 41.895
7 25 396.875 31.750 17.8 1 560.60 1 42.92 43.46 1 41.895
8 29 619.481 42.723 20 1 650.30 1 49.79 48.57 1 41.895
Unit weight of Concrete = 26.00 KN/m Slab thickness= 0.30 m
Unit weight of Timber-Plywood= 1.65 KN/m Critical Span of Column= 2.40 m
thickness of plywood= 19 mm weight of 19mm plywood= 0.03 KN/m2
Dead load, ωD= 7.83 KN/m Live load, ωL= 0.75 KN/m2
2 2
Total UDL load; ωD+ωL= 10.86 KN/m Grade of steel= 250 N/mm
Spacing of MS Pipe= 600 mm c/c Total Service load= 10.9 KN/m FOS= 1.27 Passed MS Circular Pipe [Joist] Section = MS Pipe Medium Span 2.4m Φnb=65mm tw=3.65
Elastic modulus of steel 200000 N/mm Nos of MS-pipe per meter= 2
Section Permissible bending stress subject to bending Minimum of Member
al Maximu following [IS800-2007-11.4.1] subject to
Bore Thick m bending
Unit of MS For For Laterally
Diamet ness Total Permissi For [IS800-2007
Oute weigh weight Total Pipe Plastic
er, Medi UDL ble Semi- unsupported Cl 11.5.3]
Total r Inner t per of MS Dead and
S. Ønb,m um load; Design Compa beam subject
MS Circular Pipe [Joist] description Length Dia, Dia,Φi meter pipe load, f bc =Mmax/Ze Compac to major axis
No. m Pipe, ωD+ωL Bending ct fabc/fabt,
,m Φo, , mm , Joist per ωD, m3 t bending
, Moment, c Section f =0.6M /Z
kN/m meter, KN/m2 f =M /Z Sections abc max e KN/m2
KN/m 2 M max, bt max et s f abc /
KN/m fabc/ c 𝑓𝑏𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑏𝑡𝑧
KNm = 𝑍𝑒𝑐 𝑜𝑟 𝑍𝑒𝑡 fabt=0.6f fabt=0.6Mmax/Z +
f abt =0.66 𝑓 𝑓
ωl 2/12 𝜋 ∅4𝑜 − ∅4𝑖 y
𝑎𝑏𝑡𝑦 𝑎𝑏𝑡𝑧
= fy et ≤ 1.0
1 MS Pipe Medium Span 2.4m Φnb=6mm tw=2.35 2.40 6 13.49 2.35 8.79 0.004 0.007 7.838 10.864 5.215 0.000000 21687161.254 165000 150000 13012296.752 150000.000 1.667
2 MS Pipe Medium Span 2.4m Φnb=10mm tw=2.35 2.40 10 17.1 2.35 12.4 0.008 0.014 7.845 10.873 5.215 0.000000 10641858.676 165000 150000 6385115.205 150000.000 1.667
3 MS Pipe Medium Span 2.4m Φnb=15mm tw=2.65 2.40 15 21.43 2.65 16.13 0.011 0.018 7.850 10.879 5.215 0.000001 5403730.727 165000 150000 3242238.436 150000.000 1.667
4 MS Pipe Medium Span 2.4m Φnb=20mm tw=2.65 2.40 20 27.2 2.65 21.9 0.015 0.026 7.857 10.888 5.215 0.000002 2641788.961 165000 150000 1585073.376 150000.000 1.667
5 MS Pipe Medium Span 2.4m Φnb=25mm tw=3.25 2.40 25 33.8 3.25 27.3 0.024 0.040 7.871 10.906 5.215 0.000004 1376328.472 165000 150000 825797.083 150000.000 1.667
6 MS Pipe Medium Span 2.4m Φnb=32mm tw=3.25 2.40 32 42.9 3.25 36.4 0.031 0.051 7.883 10.920 5.215 0.000008 673011.015 165000 150000 403806.609 150000.000 1.667
7 MS Pipe Medium Span 2.4m Φnb=40mm tw=3.25 2.40 40 48.4 3.25 41.9 0.035 0.059 7.890 10.930 5.215 0.000011 468626.677 165000 150000 281176.006 150000.000 1.667
8 MS Pipe Medium Span 2.4m Φnb=50mm tw=3.65 2.40 50 60.3 3.65 53 0.036 0.060 7.891 10.931 5.215 0.000022 242306.171 165000 150000 145383.702 145383.702 1.469
9 MS Pipe Medium Span 2.4m Φnb=65mm tw=3.65 2.40 65 76.2 3.65 68.9 0.036 0.060 7.891 10.931 5.215 0.000043 120066.091 165000 150000 72039.654 72039.654 0.728
10 MS Pipe Medium Span 2.4m Φnb=80mm tw=4.05 2.40 80 88.9 4.05 80.8 0.040 0.066 7.898 10.939 5.215 0.000069 75607.389 165000 150000 45364.434 45364.434 0.458
11 MS Pipe Medium Span 2.4m Φnb=100mm tw=4.5 2.40 100 114.3 4.50 105.3 0.044 0.074 7.905 10.948 5.215 0.000147 35572.440 165000 150000 21343.464 21343.464 0.216
12 MS Pipe Medium Span 2.4m Φnb=125mm tw=4.85 2.40 125 139.7 4.85 130 0.048 0.079 7.911 10.956 5.215 0.000268 19482.926 165000 150000 11689.756 11689.756 0.118
13 MS Pipe Medium Span 2.4m Φnb=150mm tw=4.85 2.40 150 165.1 4.85 155.4 0.048 0.079 7.911 10.956 5.215 0.000442 11803.126 165000 150000 7081.875 7081.875 0.072

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